Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 15, 1889, Image 1

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Who has a good article to sell, and who adver
tlses rigorously and liberally. Advertising Is
truly the life of trade. All enterprising and
Judicious advertisers succeed.
Advice to Summer Tourists.'
Don't fall to notify The Dispatch offica
of your change of. location, and your paper
will be forwarded to you without extra charge.
And the Great Homestead Steel
Mill Will be Starts
at Once, V
The Terms of Settlement and Memo
randum of Agreement.
The Cnrnccics and the Workers Hold
Another Conference, Mnke Concessions,
Arrange c Fair frcale and Fart Pleased
Operations to be Ilenumrd nt Once
All the Old Men to be Retained The New
Ones Will be Disposed of In Some Way
A BleVletory for the Amalgamated Asso
ciationThe New Scale to Ron for Three
Tears Tho People at Homestead Be
Jolcine A Biff Demonstration.
The great labor trouble at Homestead is
ended. A settlement vas reached last even
ing. Both the firm and the workers are
well pleased over the result. No change is
made in the scale for the converting, bloom
ing, armor-plate and basic departments.
Some reductions are made in the 23, 33 and
119-inch mills. All the old foot notes and
extras stricken from the sliding scale are
reinserted in the new one. It will be based
on the selling price of billets. The workers
believe they have won a great victory.
They are rejoicing as they never have before.
The great Homestead steel strike is ended,
a satisfactory settlement to both sides hav
ing been reached at 8 o'clock last evening,
after a conference having lasted all day.
An agreement was practically arrived at on
Saturday nicht, as stated in this paper yes
terday, but some details yet remained for
discussion and a bitch might have occurred.
The settlement is undoubtedly a victory lor
the Amalgamated Association, and this is
the first time in the history oi the great
Carnegie firm that they have receded from
their determination to do anything. Over
4,000 men are directly affected by the agree
ment. The firm's action, however, may be at
tributed to the serious outlook and indica
tions of murder and bloodshed it they con
tinued to carry out their plans. Pinkerton
men and depnty sheriffs would have been
useless against so large and perfectly organ
ized a body of
Determined Wogeworkers.
Nothing short of several regiments of well
drilled soldiers conld do anything with the
strikers if the mill had been started. The
firm, it is understood, had already secured
enough men to operate the works at their
scale and they were ready to come to the
city as soon as they were notified that the
company was ready to resume operations.
The conference that brought about this
happy termination of what promised to be
one of the greatest labor difficulties in the
country was held in the office of Carnegie,
Phipps & Co., on Fifth avenue. There
were present Chairman William L. Abbott,
Superintendent Schwab, C. H. M. Curry,
representing the firm, President Weihe,
Secretaty Martin and Trustee James H.
, Nutt National Lodge officers of the Amal
gamated Association, and the following
committee oi Homestead workers: John
Elias Jones (chairman), J. B. Partington,
John Hulse, John Miller, J. 31. Colgan,
W. J. Abbott, Oscar Colflesh, Isaao J.
Jury, A. K. Hunt, J. H. Dodge, David
Lynch, Harry Gingher and L. E. Peltry.
About 2 o'clock the conference adjourned
to the dining room of the firm, where they
enjoyed a splendid lunch and continued the
work until 8 o'clock, when all the details
were completed.
Dotli Sides Flensed.
The workers' representatives came out of
the conference room with bright smiles on
their countenances, while the members of
the firm did not seem at all displeased.
Chairman Abbott said to a Dispatch re
porter: "Everything is settled satisfactorily
to both sides and we will begin work
in the morning. The repairs will be pushed
forward as rapidly as possible, and we ex
pect to have the mill on double turn before
many days. Both sides made concessions,
and we are satisfied. The new scale con
tains some very material reductions,-but
these are only in wages of high-priced men.
The wages of the laborers are not dis
turbed." "Have yon received any cablegrams from
Andrew Carnegie?" was asked.
Comedo Did Not Interfere.
"No, we were not in communication with
him at all. "When he departed for Europe
he left the entire management of affairs in
our hands."
Mr. Abbott then made a rush for the
, depot, saying he had had nothing to eat all
The memorandum of agreement which
was drawn up yesterday, and will be signed
by the firm and conference committee of
the workers to-day, is appended:
Terms of the Settlement.
Memorandum of agreement between Car
negie, Phipps & Co., limited, and tho Amalga
mated Association oflron and Steel Workers,
covering the Homestead Steel Works, made
this 15th day July, A. D., 18S9:
Mrst The period of time agreed fo is for the
coming three years from July 1, 1SS9. to July 1,
Second The rates when agieed to obtain for
six months from July 1. 1(A9, to January 1, 1S90,
and the avenge selling price of said
six months to be the basis upon which wages
shall be paid for the next three months, the
rate to change every three months thereafter,
based upon the average selling price of tho
preceding three months.
The standard grade 4x4 Bessemer billets to be
the basis of price. Acommittee to be appointed,
consisting of three members of the Amalga
mated Association National Lodge officers and
three members of the firm, to determine the
average felling price for each period, and in
the event of these six men not agreeing, a
seventh disinterested party to be chosen by
them, whose decision shall be final.
All day labor, except common labor, to be
pild the same rates as were paid prior to July
J, 18S9, and not to be included in the sliding
scale. The followinc classes of labor to be in
cluded In the three years' agreement at exist
ing wages for tho whole term: All engineers,
water tenders, pressure pump men, traveling
cranes, narrow guage locomotive engineers,
river pnmp men, millwrights, gas beaters,
stocking gang for blooming mill.
The wages scales for the different depart
ments having been considered and agreed
upon, copies of the same are furnished here
with to each party.
The foot notes on last year's scales are to be
appended to the new scales.
Prepnrlno; the Scale.
Work on preparing the scale, the base of
if nuicu iias uccu ugrceu upon, win uc tuw
jtoenced at once. Secretary Martin, in com-
nieQiting on the settlement, said the Amal
gamated people were perfectly satisfied
with te result, although the wages of some
of the nVcn were reduced, but not as much
as at firstVontemplatcd by the firm.
"The wag.s are based on $26 50 per ton
on the price of billets," said Mr. Martin,
"and the minim um price is $25. There can,
therefore, only b$ a reduction of$l 50 in
the selling price atypresent and wages can
not be reduced at atty rate until January 1.
The wages in the converting. blooming,
armor, plate and basics mills are not dis
turbed. They will, therefore. tbA jsanir.
as are paid by Jones & Langhlins, Junction
Steel Company and other concerns who
operate the same kind of mills and who have
signed our scale.
Where Reductions Were Made.
"Seductions were made in the scales for
the 23, 33 and 119-inch mills, but this will
not affect any other firms, as there ore no
mills like these in the country. The firm
made a concession when they agreed to In
sert the foot notes that appear in our scale,
but Were not placed in theirs. This is very
important to the workers. When the matter
of determining the average selling price on
which to base the wages for the ensuing
quarter was discussed, Chairman Abbott
magnanimously offered to leave it to any one
of the Amalgamated Association officers,
but we did not care to shoulder the respon
sibility, and the plan mentioned in the
agreement was decided upon.
All the Old Illen Retained.
"It was also agreed that all the men who
were in the employ of the firm when the
mill closed, whether members of the asso
ciation or not, should be given their old
places. If the firm can find work for the
men they engaged during the trouble with
out crowding out any of the old ones, we
will not raise any objections. It was a hard
fight, and we are glad it is settled."
The members of the Amalgamated Asso
ciation cannot say too much in praise of
the Sheriff lor the able manner in which he
handled the affairs during the strike and
his efforts to bring about 'a settlement The
Sheriff was one of the happiest men in the
county when be learned that everything
had been arranged.
The Recently Sbnt-In Town Overran by Vis
itors The Gnnrd Kept Dp, Itlght
Through the Rain, to the Last
Moment What the Men
Would Hars Re
pudiated Thousands of people visited Homestead
yesterday to view the scene of the conflict
between Carnegie, Phipps & Co. and their
employes. Every train on the Pittsburg,
Virginia and Charleston, the "Pemicky"
and'the Baltimore and Ohio ro&ds brought
hundreds of people to the town. Some of
them came from as far away as the Shenan
go and Mahoning Valleys. These people were
mill men who had formerly worked in
Homestead, and who, now bejng idle pend
ing the cltrnicg of the scale in their mills,
came to cheer up their old associates and
assure them of both financial and moral
Nothing occurred during the day to mar
the former Sabbath quietude of the place.
The strikers still patrolled the ontside of
the works, ever watchful of any advantage
that might be taken of tbem by people who
wanted to go to work. They carefully
watched all the railroad stations in the hope
of catching anybody who went to the place
in answer to the advertisement placed by
the firm in 40 leading newspapers.
Their vigilance was unrewarded, how
ever, as nobody appeared who wanted work.
Those questioned said they were merely
sight-seers and were allowed to roam at will
and gaze at the idle works over the top of
the high board fence. Whenever too many
congregated in any one spot they were told
to "get a move on," and they generally
moved without any parleying.
They Still Guarded.
At 9 o'clock last evening it was raining
very hard in the town; but the guards, who
had been out nearly every night last week,
stuck to their posts. These men were
drenched to the skin Saturday night, but
turned up as enthusiastic and as determined
as ever last evening. Some of these men
have not had a dozen hours' sleep for nearly
a week, and-how they manage to keep up
nobody knows.
As on the preceding day, the conference
was the one topic of conversation in the
town yesterday. The publication in The
Dispatch, yesterday, of the details of the
conference arranged on Friday, excited
considerable comment among the strikers.
The wise course of acceding to
the request of the officials of
the Amalgamated Association, that
the news be not published until after the
conference had been arranged, was said to
be, by many of the leaders in the strike, the
fairest treatment they have so far received
from any newspaper in the city. The result
of the conference was eagerly looked for by
everybody concerned.
President Hugh O'Donnell, of the Acme
Lodge, paced up and down the station plat
form, awaiting the arrival of the train to
bring either good or bad news. Some of the
strikers tried to get communication with the
city over the one telephone in the town, hut
could not do so. It was expected that the
nine members of the conference committee
who came to the city would return on the
10 o'clock train, and hundreds gathered
around the station to receive them. Upon
Half Fearing a Bitch.
. The report was a matter of speculation
among the strikers, and the question arose
whether it would be accepted or not. It
was generally acceded that there "was a
possibility that the conference might re
sult in a settlement which would not be
agreed to by the men. One man
stated that, in the event of the conference
resulting in the adoption of a scale, the
Amalgamated msn would be called to-day
to consider the proposition. The committee
conferring with the representatives of the
firm was composed of nine men besides the
executive officers of the association. They
had been given full power to act in the
matter, but they would not sign any scale
but their own without first presenting it to
the striking employes.
Word reached Homestead last night from
one of the Conference Committee that the
Carnegie sliding scale had not been consid
ered at all at the conference. The trouble
would be amicably adjusted by a rearrange
ment of the present v$5 50 Amalgamated
scale. The committee, it was stated, were
perfectly satisfied to allow a sliding scale to
run for three years, provided it was made
on a fair basis. The minimum basis of the
present scale is $25 for the selling price of
billets. .
The whole scale was considered seriatim
and every point almost fought for, by both
parties. In cases where, by. the sliding
scale, a certain employe's wages were re
duced 75 per cent, this has been changed to
23 per cent. Upon this basis the men,
it is said, are willing to accept the scale,
provided steady work be given them for
three years.
The next most important thing at the con
ference was the matter of compelling each
man in the mill to sign the scale as
an individual. In the sliding scale the firm
reserved the right to assign any man they
chose to any position in the mill. They
also wanted everyone to sign the scale, but
had no objection to the Mill Committee
.signing it, in case they wished to do so as a
majter.of form. The Amalgamated officials
claimed theywould resist this at any cost,
as it would disrupt their organization,
which was, to tafir minds, the thing aimed
At 10 o'clock lat night an honr and a
half before the receipt of the news word
was received by President O Donnell from
the outposts that everything was quiet along
the line, and there w no Indication qf
danger. The Pinkertonhugs or deputies
did not put in an appearaffce, and are never
expected now,
G. B. Tenant, one of the Superintendents
of the yard, was hooted andViissed at yes
terday while on his way dowqkto the Mun-
hall postoffice.
It is claimed that Mr. TenantTtried to re
duce the wages of the repairmen lbper cent
upon his own responsibility,
News of the Settlement of the Strike R
cclTcd With Great Enthusiasm Tho
Victory to bo Celebrated at
Braddock To-Day.
The news that the great strike had been
amicably settled was received at Home
stead about 1125 v. 21. The entire town
was out waiting for the report, and when it
came it was the signal for the wildest ex
citement and enthusiasm. The delighted
workmen went wild and cheer after cheer
rent the air. A brace of cannon were fired
off in honor of tho joyous news.
Homestead is itself again, and the people
kept up the celebration all night.
At 1 o'clock to-day the local lodges will
meet to ratify the action of the Amalga
mated officials. The workmen are so de
lighted with the mdden turn in affairs
for the better that a grand celebration will
be held in Braddock to-day. All the work
men will go, and their brethren in the latter
place will help them to properly observe the
event ,
Hugh O'Donnell, President of Acme
Loage, was greatly pleased with the out
come. He says It is a decided victory of
organized labor over capital.
The Catholic Clergyman la Homestead Was
Very Merlons.
Bev. Father Bullion, pastor of St Mary
Magdalen's Church and head of the only
Catholic congregation in Homestead, de
livered a few words of .warning
yesterday morning to the strikers. The
reverend gentleman is very well-known in
Pittsburg, having been assistant pastor of
of St Peter's Pro-Cathedral in Allegheny
for two years. His address was not in the
nature of a sermon, but consisted of a plain,
practical talk after the sermon had been
delivered and the church announcements
read. His talk was listened to with great
interest by his parishioners, with whom he
is a great favorite. In the course of his
remarks he said:
In view of the impending trouble which is
now going on in our midst and In which many
of yon are interested, I wonld like to give you
a few words of warning. Let me ask of you,
be cool. Do not become excited and
allow your enthusiasm to run away
with your better judgment Every man
of you hold np your heads, and do not even
suggest anything that would be considered
likely to lead to a breach of the peace. Do not
become hot-tempered while treating with your
employers and the strangers who come into the
town, but deal with them fairly and Justly.
From what I can cow see of the trouble, I
think it will be ended in a few days. Matters
are much brighter for a fair settlement this
morning than they ever were before, and the
scenes we witnessed last week will not likely
be repeated. By the ending of the conference
I think we will see the dawn of a continued
era of prosperity and plenty. If you keop
sober and your wits about you, everything will
come out all right
Let me also advise the women and children
to keep off the streets. What business have
you congregating on the street corners among
a crowd of men, anyway? Last week I saw
mothers with babes in their arms crowding the
men and encouraging them to violence. What
good does a woman in a case of this kind?
They make the poorest fighters in the world
nnder any circumstances, and are entirely out
of place in the present trouble. Last week I
saw one woman smash an umbrella on the
neck of a man. What good did this do herr It
may have given her considerable satisfaction,
but it did not hurt the man any.
While these women with their children are
gathered in crowds with the men, the latter
may be incited to violence and the women may
get hurt In a riot a man has no time to look
out for bis wife and children, but must take
care of himself. In a rush the women and
children would be knocked down and trampled
upon. If they stand within the shadowof their
own doorways they will learn Just as much
about the trouble, and will not be exposed to
danger. Let the men take charge of the
trouble and they will settle it without your
Those Lodge Meeting's Conld Do Nothing
trending a Conference.
Nothing could possibly come of those
lodge meetings Saturday night, unless the
Amalgamated truce had been broken. A
prominent official of one of the Union Mill
lodges, who was seen last night, was very
guarded, however, in speaking about the
consequence which might have ensued in
the Twenty-ninth and Thirty-third street
mills by reason of the trouble at Homestead,
though this paper has already published
what those lodges were to have done, if.
trouble continued.
"A meeting of the committees," said the
gentleman referred to, "appointed by the
various lodges in the Pittsburg Carnegie
mills was held on Saturday evening, but
nothing could be done, and I am really not
at liberty to divulge what matters were dis
enssed at the meeting. Decision was ar
rived at upon a certain matter, and an ad
journment was made to await particulars
from the conference.
"Of course, if the Homestead trouble con-
Continued on Sixth Pagt,
The Defeated Pugilist Out of the
Woods and Beading East.
Has Been His Principal Occupation Daring
the Last Few Days.
The Balance of the Sports Are Holding a Eenaion at
the Metropolis.
Kilrain arrived in Chicago yesterday
morning, and in company with Mitchell
left in the afternoon for the East The party
had a very hard time of It in dodging the
Indiana officers who wanted to get the re
ward. The big champion is still in seclusion
in Chicago. The Nashville Judge has
issued a card assuming all the responsibility
lor Sullivan's release.
Chicago, July 14. Jake Kilrain ar
rived in Chicago to-day at 650 A. M., at the
Polk 'street depot, having boarded a train
at a small station near Indianapolis about
10 o'clock Saturday night He was ac
companied by Johnny Murphy, his botlle
holder at the recent fight with Sullivan.
Not a friendly face was visible at the
depot when they arrived, and the rain
poured down in torrents as they looked
about them for a carriage. They had sep
arated from Charlie Mitchell 24 hours be
fore with the understanding that they would
meet him at Parson Davies' place, in Chi
cago, as soon as possible.
This they did to throw the Indiana sleuths
off their track, the party eing so large as to
attract the attention of scores of reward
seeking Hoosiers and deputy sheriff). They
first drove to the Pardon's saloon on Clark
street, but found it,eiosed. They then re
paired to his residence, 274 Huron street
t was then about 7 o clock.
The amiable Parson was still in the land
oIuMoa, arejunmg pernaps oi now ne nau
saved $1,000 by not betting on his friend,
-..ttn.lia ms times Via 1 tsktrofl AAnlrl H
John, L. After repeated tugs at the door
bell the pair were admitted, and for the first
time for nearly a week were safe from ar
TheirVfaces fairly beamed with joy at the
bare ideat meeting a lriend. Their sub
sequent movements are best told in the Par
son's own Words: "They were a sorry look
ing pair wfea they arrived faces un
shaven and boots heavy with Indiana mud.
Their clothes) too, were far from attractive.
They needed o good Samaritan, that's me .
Well, I took the boys in and fixed them up."
off fob the east.
They wished o leave for the Hast as soon
as possible, so arranged to get them off
during the afternoon. Mitohell had arrived
Saturday night and! the three agreed to again
risk their liberty bW traveling together.. I
houeht tickets fort them and they left for
theEast ojerjihe Pennsylvania road -siAJKu
X. M. 1
The Parson also related, incidentally,
that the party was "Broke." He said he
loaned Kilrain $100. V'Jake has got plenty
of stuff," said the Parson, "but he did not
happen to have it withv him. It's very un
handv, you know, to be Vtraveling about the
country broke. It's hard work beside."
"Do you thine tney wim reacn me .cast
without further trouble?'
"Thev will that. I've mxed everything.
It is not generally known bv what route
they left"
"Did Kilrain say what had become of his
backer, Pony Moore?"
"He said Pony was still imthe woods, but
he expected him to reach the East within a
dav or two."
Notwithstanding many conflicting ru
mors, John L. Sullivan was in Unicago all
The champion pugilist of the world
visited the disreputable quartea Known as
the Levee to-dav, and for a timk held him.
self erect, but Levee whisky isstoo much
even for the great tionn x. Mr. fsuiiivan
however, before he grew tired. IBs arrived
at Tom Curler's saloon about 10 A M., and
promptly took a drink, which was I followed
by a good many more, the number inyreasing
as the crowd of sports in the salodh grew
larger. The negro giant, Peter Jackson, of
Australia, came iu after awhile vnith the
celebrated Caucasian slugger, "Sailor'
In the course of the discussion whlich en
cued, Mr. Brown called Mr. Sullivan! a liar.
Mr. Sullivan promptly "swiped'fl Mr.
Brown on the nose and Mr. Brown sud
denly fell in a heap on the floor.U One
"Prof." Conley attempted to interfere ap
parently for the purpose ot dividing the
notoriety wim jsxr. xruwu. j.uq vrnr
fessor" was denied the honor of
knocked out bv the champion.
Keeper Curley disposed of Mr. Conie
a tair imitation oi one ouonnjj,
ble rieht handers.
Any chance there might have b
n of
Mr. Jackson coming in pugilistic c
with Mr. Sullivan was spoiled by the
ton man being hustled by mends i
back room, where the best Levee rv
o a
brought forth with great liberality to si
Mr. Sullivan's lacerated feelings.
' 3
r. M. the world beater had been thoroul
calmed. As a matter of fact he was w
unconscious of his surroundings, an
mained so until 5r, M. At that hou:
victor of Blchburg emerged from the s;
with Mr. Curlev. and takinc a bueey.
lied out presumably for a night full of
Tho Jodse Who Beleased eialllvaa Is i it
With a Card.
Nashville, July 14. The followinc a
a card from Judge McAlister, of the Circ it
Court, whose decision set John L. Sulllv n
at liberty last Thursday:
I desire to state to the public that in delii r-
lnc my judgment In the case of John L. Si il-
van I did not mention the name of Cover or
Robert L. Taylor, nor did I ever refer to ue
practice of the Executive Department of io
Estate ot .Lennessee ra reiuawK to exirauue, or
misdemeanor, i Dasea my judgment w
urvon mr own construction of the Constiti
of the United States and the statutes o
State of Tennessee. The reports of the p
so far ajthev attemntto divide the resoi
bility of my judgment between myself and
uovernor oi las ouic, are wnouy wi
If there was any error or wronir In the
charge of John L. Snlllran, I desire the pefple
of Tennessee to know i assume the whole) re
sponsibility. Governor Taylor was not in the
city of Nashville at the time. I discbarged
John L. Sullivan because there was no requisi
tion from the Governor of Mississippi, nor any
warrants of extradition from the Governor of
Tennessee. The question of extradition for
misdemeanors cats no figura whatever in my
luagmeni. william ji.. jacALLiytsn.
Kllrnla on the Ft. Wayne.
COLTTMBD3, July 14. Foraker Mas re
ceived no information about the movements
of Kilrain and he thinkshehas gonJby way
oitnet, w syne roaa east.
new yoek seoets
Are Anxloaslr Awaiting the Arrival of the
Big Champion Charley Johnson Tells
His Story- Kllrklo Said to be
In Financial Difficulties.
rsrrciAL tslzokam to thx distx.tcu.1
New Yobk, July 14. The sporting
men, whose glory at present lies chiefly in
the fact that they shook the hands that
shook the hand of champion John L. Sulli
van after his great fight, were as conspicu
ous abont the Yanderbilt Hotel , to-day,
when the coming of the great fighter was
enveloped in thick mystery as it
was on the Saturday when a hundred
rumors assured the public that bis arrival
was momentarily expected. Billy Mul
doon, the most disinterested and by far the
most manly of Sullivan's intimate friends,
spent his time at the seaside, leaving Jack
Barnett to bear the brunt of looking wise
and making bets that the champion's safety
was in his hands.
Charley Johnson, who had decided, it was
said, to cling to Sullivan until he was safely
home, arrived in Brooklyn about 7:30 o'clock
this morning. His blue suit was travel
stained, and he looked weary and out of
sorts. He appeared later in the day clad in
a dazzling suit of light material and a big
diamond. In answer to questions regarding
the whereabouts of Sullivan, he said that he
was in Canada, and that he would remain
there for a week longer if his friends thought
it necessary.
"This pursuit of him has cost the big fel
low a lot of money," said Johnson,?"aird he
wants to stop giving his hard-earned money
away, as well as to avoid the annoyance of
beinc bothered bv persons who only care. for
what money they can get from him." Mr.
'.TAnniAn war i-altrtant in vmtlt-fnrp TlA VAtlA
by which he came on and his intentions
concerning Sullivan. He was loquacious
about the fight, and waxed indignant at the
alleged foul war in which Sullivan man
aged his end of the battle.
"Kilrain," he said, "committed as many
as 40 touls by falling without being struck",
striking foully and spiking the big fellow.
I was near him after one of his most glaring
fouls, and at the eud of the round, while he
was in his corner, I asked him what he meant
by fighting that way, and told him that I
took him for too much of a man to fight
foul. I assured bim that unless he mended
his ways and fought on the level I'd make
trouble for him. Kilrain apologized and
said that he had forgotten himself.
"Every time Jake committed a foul the
big fellow's friends would yell for a decis
ion in his favor. John wouldn't have this,
and he frequently raised bis hands and
asked his friends to remain silent Sullivan
could easily have
in half the time, but he wanted to show the
people he was a stayer as well
as a lightning fighter. It is fool
ish for Kilrain's friends to say
that Jake was not in good condition, for no
man who was not in first-class shape could
possibly have stood up-in that horrible heat
and fought for 2J hours. If Jake was not
in good shape his friends should have been
ashamed of themselves, for they certainly
had plenty ot time to get him in first-class
A well-known sporting man who has a
reputation as a successful trainer, and whose
word in sporting circles is always believed,
stirred up a littlebreeze yesterday by stating
that Charlie Mitchell was bound to make
trouble for Kilrain. According to this
authority Kilrain, instead of being in a
comfortable financial condition, as many of
his friends believed, is over head and ears
in debt The most pressing of the these
debts is one of $2,000 which is said to be due
to Mitchell himself.
It is said that Mitchell loaned Kilrain
-money while he was abroad with him and
that he bore a large part of Jake a training
expenses. Mitchell, so the story goes, has
been clamoring loudly for his money and
is so determined to get it that he has fully
made up his mind to attach Kilrain's share
of the
which amounts to something like S4.000.
This money has not yet been paid over,!
and if Jlilrain is deprived of his
share byany such act on the part of Mitchell
at a time when Jake is unable to personally
present his claim, it will raise a great howl.
To-morrow was the time for paying over to
the victor the 520,000 stake money. Al
Cridge is the stakeholder and he will proba
bly relinquish it to Sullivan or his repre
sentative as soon as he receives a formal
statement from Keferee Eitzpatrick that
Sullivan won the fight
It is not likely Sullivan will be in any
hurry to draw this money, for, like all con
querors, he has hosts ot friends who are
only too glad to oblige financially so great a
man. There were the usual number of
rumors afloat yesterday, everyone of them
alleged to be based on the straightest
kind otniormation. The most interesting
of the batch was one that located Sullivan
in Brooklyn under the protecting wing of
Charley Johnson. This rumor is probably
as true as the one Saturday, which located
Sullivan in the same room in the Vander
bilt Hotel which was occupied by Muldoon,
Barnett, McKenna, Moran and the Dis
patch reporter.
The Kilrain Pnrty Separate la Order to Get
Oat of Indiana.
Indianapolis, July 14. It is learned
from Noblcsville. a town 20 miles north,
that Kilrain, Murphy and Ashton, all of
Baltimore, reached that place last night,
having driven from Edinburg. The party
have been on the alert ever since leaving
Columbus, and all their ingenuity was
brought into play in avoiding the officers.
They left Pony Moore at a station a few
miles north of Indianapolis, where he
boarded a Lake Erie and Western train,
and when the train reached Noblesville he
was joined by Kilrain and Murphy. '
Stone was left at Noblesville to care for
and return the team. It is supposed the
others have gone to Detroit. Kilrain has
written to his wife at Baltimore to send him
f2,000 to.Toronto, where the party expect to
The Brake Wonld Not Work, and the Crowd
Jumped for Safety.
Cincinnati. July 14. On the Vine
street hill at Clifton, this afternoon, a grip
man got off the car at the power house in
Corryville and put his train of two
cars in the hands of a conductor for
the trip to Clifton. Both cars were
full, and at Eishler's Garden, on the
borders of Clifton, the conductor's grip
released the cable and tried to stop. The
car rushed down the steep grade with ac
celerated speed. He tried his brake and it
was broken. Then he tried his grip, but it
refused to grasp the cable. Just then-some-one
shouted: "Jump." Both cars were
full. Women began to ecream and jump
People jumped on each other. Mrs.
Julia Eilgheder, of this city, had her neck
broken and died immediately. Thomas F.
Conby, of Cincinnati, had an arm broken
and was otherwise dangerously hurt. Six
others were hurt, some of them quite badly.
They uniformly refused to give their names.
The company has several physicians to
night employed trying to hunt them up.
There would have been none hurt had all
remained on the car, as it was stopped within
CO yards by a cable car in front of it
673,000 Worth of Oi! Burned.
Si. Joseph, Mo., July 14. The tanks of
the Consolidated Oil Company In this city
were struck by lightning early this morning
and destroyed by the resulting fire. Loss,
175,000; insured.
Rumors of His Coming Resignation,
as Usual, Prove to be Untrue
Minister Palmer's Important Work to
Knock Out the Big Sugar Trust.
If He Finds Be Hide a Mlitale Be Will Gracefully
Acknowledge It
Nobody in Washington believes the story
jnst printed again that Mr. Blaine means to
resign as Secretary of State. He is now re
ported not as ill as he looks. Minister Pal
mer is said to be hard at work in Spain on
a treaty that will be a sad blow to .the Sugar
Trust if adopted. Postmaster General
Wanamaker will take the back track grace
fully if he has to retract at all.
Washington, July 14. The regular
monthly story about James G. Blaine and
his forthcoming resignation of the office of
Secretary of State Is out to-day, but nobody
here believes it Blaine may be ill, but he
Is not ill enough 40 resign a good thing.
This latest rumor failed to excite the slight
est interest in Washington. Assistant Sec
retary of State Wharton pronounces it a
fine and simple fake, without the most mi
nute foundation.
A Cabinet officer who is nearer to Har
rison than any one of the eight advisers,
but who will not allow his name to be used,
read the item to-day and promptly said it
could be authoritatively stated that the
whole thine was bosh.
The best evidence that Blaine has no in
tention of leaving Washington permanently
is the fact that' the work of transforming
the old Seward mansion into a residence
worthy of the premier of tho administration
is being pushed ahead as rapidly as possible.
One particular reason why Walker Blaine
is spending the entire summer in Washing
ton is that he may superintend the alter
ations to the house. Every morning, about
10 o'clock, he is on hand talking to the
workmen as his father was when in the
"Blaine is coming back in the fall to
occupy that house," said an intimate friend
of his to-day, "and will have a lively
foreign policy to be sprung upon the coun
try .ready for the cool weather. He is not
as sick as he looks, and has no thought of
Speaking of the rumored resignation, Sec
retary Busk said; "It is witheut the slight
est foundation. Mr. Blaine has never
thought of resigning. Of course, if he
should get sick, so as to be unable to attend
to the duties of the place he would doubt-
Jess resign, but Mr. Blaine is not sick. He
was in Detier neaitn wnen ne leit nere on
his vacation than he had been at any time
since the administration. There cpnld be
no other reason for his resigning, for his re
lations with the Preiident'have been of the
most cordial character. You can safely say
there is no trnth in the rumor."
Attorney. General Miller stated that there
was no truth in the rumors of Mr. Blaine's
resignation. He says that Mr. Blaine's
health was good, and that the relations be
tween Mr. Harrison and his Secretary of
State were most cordial.
Subordinate officials in the State Depart
ment also deny that there is any ground for
the rumor, and say it is only another of the
periodical scares about Mr. Blaine's health.
Minister Palmer Hard at Work Against One
of tho Bis Trusts.
Washington, July 14. The policy of
the Sugar Trust in forcing the retail price
of sugar from $ to 10J cents per pound
within a year, is likely to be followed by
executive action which will be extremely
detrimental to the interests of those gentle
men. Minister Palmer, with his credentials
to the Court of Spain, received instructions
to negotiate with the Spanish authorities
for a treaty which, while admitting Ameri
can products to Cuba without the payment
of import duty, will also admit to ports of
the United States the products of Cnban
plantations without export duty in Cuba or
import duty in this country.
Although Mr. Palmer has been at his
post but a very short time, it is learned that
he has been busily at work upon the pre
liminaries of the proposed convention,
which will be based upon that negotiated
by Minister Poster during .President Ar
thur's administration, which failed of rati
fication in the Senate. There is reason to
believe that Mr. Palmer will succeed so
well that the treaty will be ready to sub
mit to the Senate early in the winter, and
the greed of the Sugar Trust is likely to
materially aid in securing its ratification.
Although negotiations are understood to
be pending between the Government and
Great Britain for a better understanding
between this country and Canada, the work
of ex-Senator Palmer is considered by far
the most important diplomatic measure now
pending, and just before he sailed Mr.
Blaine said to him: "We consider, Sena
tor, that yonr mission is far more important
just now than that confided to either Mr.
Lincoln or Mr. Beed."
If He Ha to Take tho Back Track Ho Will
Do So Gracefully.
Washington, July 14. A high official,
who is a warm personal friend of Postmaster
General Wanamaker, says of the latter's
notable order in regard to telegraph rates:
"Ihe.Postmaster General will undoubtedly
be forced to recede from his position. He
acted hastily but sincerely, believing that
jnstice was on his side. He had what he
thought was entirely reliable information
that certain great corporations and
a few newspapers had been given
a rate as low as one mill
per word, and naturally he thought the
Government should have a rate at least as
liberal. I thiak he was deceived, and that
he will find that If anyone has been granted
such a rate there are other things in the
form of reciprocity that would equalize
"I know that Mr. Wanamaker feels keenly
the harsh and in some cases malignant and
insulting comments of the public press, but
that will not affect his position if he is as
sured he is right He will carefully in
vestigate rates given by telegraph companies,
and if he has made a mistake he will cheer
fully acknowledge it and take the back
.Irlardered for His Money.
New Oble ans, July 14. Ed ward Meyer,
a 'longshoreman, aged 30, was shot and killed
about 3 o'clock this morning, on Seventh
street near Magazine, by George Kleyle, a
gambler. Kleyle was accompanied by two
other men, and one theory is that tbey
robbed Meyer and then killed hini. The
murderer was arrested, but his two. com
panions are still at large.
The Cbarlestoa Ministerial DnlohA, Q vea
his, crimes-Prencher. Tk-
""e HomlLdrG" V
to Church. N&
Chableston. 8. C, July 14. To-day
was a field day in the Charleston pulpits.
At the meeting of the Ministerial Union
held on Monday last, a series of resolutions
were adopted denouncing the crimes of in
fidelity and murder, both of which Dr. Mc
Dow, the murderer of Captain Dawson, had
confessed himself guilty and of the latter of
which he was acquitted by a packed jury. It
was understood this action of the union was
taken in consequence of the publication in
several newspapers that the verdict in the Mc
Dow case had been approved by the best ele
ments in the community. It was generally
known that a number of the leading clergy
men of the city would preach to-day on the
line set out by the resolution, and hence the
attendance at the churches was unusually
The Eev. W. T. Thompson, pastor of the
Scotch Presbyterian Church, preached from
the text, "Fools Make a Mock at Sin."
The church is attended bv Judge Magrath,
McDow's counsel, and Dr. John Forrest,
his intimate friend, who, to save McDow's
life, testified on the trial that Dawson was
a bully and a braggart, and that McDow
had a wound on his scalp the day after the
murder. Dr. Thompson, who was an officer
in the Confederate army, has been outspoken
in bis denunciation of the crime, and it
had even come to his ears that McDow or
some of his friends intended to go gunning
for him. Following are some 'extracts from
ua aciUiUUi
Sin debanches honesty and truth and jo
tice, corrupts our halls of legislationrenders
corporations conscienceless, bartless things.
It necessitates oar bars and bolts and locKs our
massive safes, our penal laws, oar jails, our
houses of correctlop. make us fearful, dis
trustful, suspicious of our fellows. It has bil
lowed out earth with graves and filled our days
with mourning. Believe me, brethren, I do not
deal In false alarms; there is real dancer. True
to my convictions, faitbfal to my Lord and to
the lives men bold by the tenure of His mercy.
I must announce this the darker counsel ot
His word, however unpleasant to myself or ob
lectional to modern mawkish sentimental
Ism; he warned in time. Sin is not empty
name: it has a sting: it is armed with tremen
dous power: it is fraught with endless ruin.
Have nothing to do with it Expel it from
yonr hearts; be not a mocker yourself ; give
no countenance to mockers, for it is written,
"A companion of fools shall be destroyed."
"Coma out from among tbem and be ye separ
ate and touch not the unclean." I beseech you,
by act and speech, in all lawful ways bear your
testimony against the deeds of violence that
pollute our land with blood, and the lasts that
ravage homes and despoil purity, that Ood's
anger may be averted.
The Bev. B. N. Wells, of Trinity Meth
odist Church, and several other prominent
clergymen delivered sermons on the same
McDow attended divine worship at St
John's Lutheran Church, his usual place of
worship. The pastor is not a member of the
Ministerial Union.
Edison Has a New Invention forthe Separa
tion of Iron Orr.
Beading, July 14. The famous in
ventor, Thomas A. Edison, "the Wizard of
Menlo Park," has been at Bechteisville,
this' county, for nearly a week, looking after
the experiments of his patent iron ore sepa
rator, which is expected to work a revolu
tion in ore mining. Mr. Edison is accom
panied by a nnmber of New Yprk capital
ists. He is at the head of a company which
has purchased and leased extensive ore
lands near Bechteisville, on which large
buildings have been erected. The experi
ments have now been carried on about four
months, work was continued almost night
and day, and the entire success jf Mr. Edi
son's invention is now assured.
The working of Mr. Edison's invention is
explained in this way: The rock containing
the ore, after passing through the crusher
and being broken to about the size of an
eeg, is conveyed in small buckets and
dumped into a large hopper. From here it
drops ont in a small stream down an incline
and passes within a few inches of a power
ful magnet This is so heavily charged as
to draw the iron ore from its course into one
channel, and the rock and other foreign ele
ments contained in the ore ase permitted to
pass through another channel to the refuse
pile. The invention being patented, there
is no secret about its working.
So Says Hon. Joseph Cannon, One of the
Candidates for Speaker.
Chicago, July 14. "1 do not think there
will be an extra session of Congress," said
Hon. Joseph G. Cannon, in response to the
query of a reporter this evfenlng. "In the
first place, we would want the representa
tives of the coming new States fo be present
when we meet, and that would necessitate a
certain delay. Then the several States
holding fnll elections would be another dis
traction'; and so we could hardly get to
gether for business before some time In No
vember. Thus, there would be an economy
of only 20 or 25 days, and the expense of an
extra 'session is so enormous that I doubt
that the President will think it worth while
to call one."
"What are Joe Cannon's chances for the
Speakership?" the prominentlllinoisan was
"Very good, very good," replied Mr. Can
non, smiling. "I'm not losing any'sleep over
the matter, bnt it is only because I know it
would not do any good. I think my chances
are very good, but, of course, the fight is a
long way off vet"
In answer to other questions, Mr. Cannon
said the administration suited him and, in
fact, is suiting almost eyerybody. As to
the result of the election in the new States
he thought the greatest thing the Republi
cans have to fear is over-confidence.
French Besldents of New York Celebrate the
Centennial Anniversary.
New York, July 14. The French citi
zens of New Xotk and vicinity to-day began
the one hundredth anniversary of the fall of
the Bastile with a gran,d reception and con
cert at Washington Park. The large hall
of the park had been specially decorated
with a profusion ot tri-colored flags and
banners. The exercises opened with an
official reception to Consul General
Bruwaert, in which M. Henry Maillard,
President of the French Centennial Com
mittee, made the address of welcome. Let
ters of regret were read from President Car
not, Ferdinand de Lesseps, Fr. Condert,
Mayor Grant, Governor Hill, Grover Cleve
land, President Harrison and Vice Presi
dent Morton.
Ex- President Cleveland wrote: "I send
the following sentiment: The friendship
which has so long existed between the
United States and France is made more sa
cred and binding by their common devo
tions to the doctrine of the popular rule and
by the mission they have undertaken to
demonstrate the fitness of mankind for self
government" t
Harrlsbnrg In Holiday Attire.
Habbisbubo, July 14. The principal
portions of this city have been elaborately
decorated with bright colors in honor of the
parade on Tuesday by the Junior Order of
United American Mechanics, who are ex
pected to turn ont between 7,000 and 8,000
n Attempt to Rob the Grave of an
Canadian TIHagers More Than Ever 0on
Tinced Tha.t the Deceased Was
Someone Stems to Enow Who lbs Dead 3Ian Was, u4
Wants It Kept Quiet
An attempt to steal the body of an tin
known suicide at Drummondville, Ont,
has caused the inhabitants of that quiet lit
tle place a great deal of anxiety. They are
now certain that the deceased, had something
to do with the Cronin murder, and killed
himself because he was conscience-stricken.
Niagara Falls, July 14. The usual
Sunday quiet of the village of Drummond
ville. Ont- w.ia rilstnrbed at a verv earlr
Lhonr i, moinins; ia a manner that only
seems to deepen the mystery surrounding
the letter found on the Third Sister Island,
July 7, and the body of a man found in the
whirlpool, June 27. It will be remembered
that there seemed to exist an undoubted
connection between the writer of the letter
and the body found, in that, in the letter,
the writer stated that he intended to commit
suicide alter removing everything from him
by which he could be identified, and when
found the body was nude, with the excep
tion of a black checked necktie. The
writer also intimated that he had aided in
the murder of Dr. Cronin, and, in fact it
seems as though the letter had been written
by a conscience-stricken coward.
deepens the mystery. It was about mid
night last night when William Wright, a
prominent citizen of Drummondville, left
his home to go to the drugstore for medi
cine for his sick wife. On his way he was
forced to pass the Drummond Hill ceme
tery, and it was while hurrying along by
the lonesome place that he heard a noise as
though someone was at work within the
graveyard. Carefully scanning the ground,
he was able to see a man some little way off,
hard at work digging into a grave.
The thought of ghouls entered Mr.
Wright's head, and he started to run. He
had not gone far when he met his neighbor,
Parnell Wvbra, homeward bound, and he
told him what he bad seen. Together they
picked their way back, but their coming
had been announced, for they were just In
time to see a man of large frame running
Vway. They went at once and aroused
Wiliam Dalton, the sexton, who armed
himself, and together they made an exam
Their investigation revealed the startling m
fact that the grave an effort had been made
to enter was that containing the body found
in the whirlpool. Close beside the grave
lay a new shovel and an extremely iarge?
sack. The use it was intended to put this
latter article to is only too apparent
A Buffalo paper to-day prints a lac-simile
of the letter found, and the occurrence of
last night has aroused greater interest in
the matter, for it is very evident that some
one is desirous to bring the body some place
else, or else put it farther out of the way,
fearing that it will be exhumed.
Never before, probably, has such wide
spread attention been' called to a body
found at Niagara, but notwithstanding this
fact, only one inquiry ,nas been made, and
that by telegraph froth Sheboygan, Mich.,
by John C. Loucks. It would seem that
this alone establishes the fact that someone
knows who the dead man is and is desirous
of keeping it quiet The man mayormay not
have been connected with the Cronin mur
der, but there is nothing improbable about
the letter. Possibly he has been put out of
the way as was Dr. Cronin, but the fact that
someone wanted to steal the body only
deepens the mystery.
Philadelphia Journeyman Barbers Orsaalzo
a Sabbath Closing: Movement.
Philadelphia, July 14. Most ot the
men who sought their customary Sunday
morning shave and shampoo to-day met
with disappointment Few of the barber
shops in the city were not sealed. The re
sult in the community was startling. There
was an extraordinary demand for Sunday
newspapers on the part of stubbly-faced
adults. The male contingent of the morn
ing congregations at the chnrches presented
features adorned with sprouting whiskers.
The unexpected locking of doors behind
striped poles was due to the wholesale move
ment on the part of the journeymen barbers
of the city to enforce a Sunday repose for
brush and razor. To this end the journey
men had threatened to invoke the law,
which provides fines for work on Sunday.
The apprehension of the boss barbers was
well-timed, for the journeymen in hnndreds
collected to-dav and organized a formidable
union call "The Barbers Sunday Closing
Association." Officers were elected and a
committee was appointed to prosecute all
bosses who keep open on Sunday.
No Side Door Racket to be Worked oa Sun
day at Kansas Cliy.
Kansas City, Mo., July 14. Last Fri
day the City Attorney rendered an opinion
to the Police Commissioners to the effect
that the city ordinance prohibiting the keep
ing of open saloons was ineffective, for toe
reason it did not prevent the saloons from
keeping half open or admitting 'customers
through the side or alley doors. Many of
the saloon men therefore determined to keep
open to-day.
This afternoon and to-night, by order of
the Police Commissioners, three arrests
were made under the State or Downing law,
which not only prohibits the sale of liquor
on Sunday, but makes it obligatory upon
the trial Judge to order the license of every
person convicted to he revoked. The com
rnissioners are determined that the saloons
shall be closed on Sunday.
A Conplo of Women, One Yonnjr and One
Older, Suicide at Wheeling.
Wheeling, July 14. Miss Annie
Danebardt, aged 21 years, made a des
perate attempt to take, her life this even
ing which will likely result successfully.
Some time during the afternoon she took:
half an ounce of paris green, and,
that not having the desired re
sult, . she crawled to the kitchen,
secure'd a butcher knife and made -six
terrible gashes in her left arm, severing
the tendons to the bone. When found by
her mother at 5 o'clock, she was almostdead
from the combined effects of the poison and
loss of blood. She can hardly recover.
. Sadie Beed, aged 51 years, committed
suicide by hanging at 6 o'clock this morn
ing. She attached a piece of rope to a hook
on the window casing of her room, and was
swinging with her feet a lew inches from
the floor when fo and.
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