iV iUS M?B rf ; vr 8 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH,' SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1889. BfSlS ft V POLITICS IS B0KIN&. Even the Hot Weather in England is Unable to Compete With It. CHDECHILL, CONTRARY AS EYER, Is Determined to Run for the House of Commons in Birmingham. CHAliEEELAIN IX A TEEEIELE STATE. Emith Barry's New Scheme Terrifies Because cf Its Lejilltj. Hot weather can't knock out the activity in English politics. Randolph Churchill's obstinacy in determining to stand for the House of Commons has aroused the opposi tion to renewed activity, and the Govern ment's attempts to head off Smith Barry's Sew scheme are also quite interesting. IBY CABLI TO TUB DISrATCH 1 LOKDON, July 13. Copyright. Poli tics are active, in spite of the hot weather, the Shah and the rush of social functions generally. Lord Randolph Churchill's natural cussedncss has come out in his pro fessed intention to run for the House of Commons in Central Birmingham, and Hr. Turncoat Chamberlain, who feels that Birmingham belongs to him, and who is hated by Churchill, is in a very terrible state of emotion. He wants the Tory lead ers, who depend on the votes of himself and other disloyal Glidstonians, to coax or force Churchill to change his mind. But Churchill has been snubbed all around. He feels badly, is not loving any body, and just wants to make himself disa agreeable, so that it will probably be hard to influence him. Brother Chamberlain is Hot alone in his grief, his Tory friends are nil in about as pleasant a state of irritation as so many teething babes, for the Irish leaders have developed a new plan lo thwart the echmes of the Irish landlords. SMITH BAKKY'S SCHEME. Last week I wrote of Landlord Smith Barry's efforts to form a syndicate, of rent rsckers, these to disconracre all proposals for arbitration and by united action, to force the tenants to such terms as even the law courts would not impose upon them. "William O'Brien, the real workingman of the Irish party, had already thought over n combination of tenants to defeat that of the landlords when I wrote last week, and now has his plan in working order. Sexton is nor drafting resolutions concerning the new plan, which will be discussed, and be vond all doubt adopted by I'arnell and the leading Irishmen on Monday. The great dancer to the Tories lies in the Terfect legality of the proposed combina tion, even from an English standpoint,andin the fact that, unlike the plan ot campaign, it will be a national affair, and have the unanimous support of the Irish party. Fol- .loivmir arp piirnpis nr inn sr:tTimnT. I . f ami dn i tlt Kai.A trnn. Wade bv William O'Brien in Dublin, which j and sleeping car accommodations at once. give an luea 01 ins most important aeveiop- will never mention a word of arbitration until the British electors can have an op portunity of acting as arbitrators. can't see its -weight. In spite of the landlords and their coer cionist backers, the Government has not failed to appreciate the dangerous character of this latest Irish move. The Tories are already hinting at martial law, and the landlords are assured that Balfour will never desert them if they will band together and fight. Similar hints were given and promises made when the plan of campaign was started, and some landlords. Lord Clan ricarde among the number, put on a bold front, only to find themselves deserted in the hour of need. The same thing will oc cur again. The public opinion of England, to which Balfour, like others, must surrender, will not tolerate absolute martial law in Ireland, and without that new popular uprising can not be effectively opposed. This week's development in the I'arnell Commission, which bids fair to sit on for ever, is rather startling, as it involves the possible withdrawal pt Mr. Farnell and his counsel from the case. Kot content with do ing things by halves, Sir Charles Russell, on Parnell's behalf, was proceeding to-day to show that the entire "Parnellisni and Crime" series in the Times was part of a general conspiracy. FOUNDED ON riGGOTT'S LIES, bought by Houston with Times' money, when to every one's amazement the Judges declined to order the production oi papers necessary to prove these facts. Alter ordering bank books, private let ters and every conceivable document in the possession of I'arnellite members or National Leagne officers to be produced to please the Times' lawyers, the so-called impartial judges decline to do as much for Parnell, on the flimsy ground that the duty of the Court was to ascertain whether the Times' documents were true not where they came trom or who paid for them. It is in the face of this unfair treatment that Parnell has decided to withdraw his counsel and abandon the attempt to obtain justice from such a one-sided tribunal. There seems to be no doubt that this deter mination will be adhered to, unless the judges reconsider their unjust decision. Without RuFsell and Parnell as active factors, the tFarnell Commission would be come a much drearier larce even than it is now. UORSFORD'S ACID pnosniATE. It Too Are Nervoni, And cannot sleep, try It. Imported Fort. 1S28 Imperial Oporto Port, full quarts.?3 00 1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 50 Fine Old "White Port, full quarts 2 00 London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00 Burgundy Port, full quarts 1 50 Pine Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00 For sale by G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. For the Lttllo Ones. Marvin's dollar cakes sell at the uniform price of one cent each. They are just what the little ones want. You can get them from your grocer. ' ttssu Excursion to theOcenn. The B. & O. R. R. will sell excursion tickets to Atlantic City next Thursdav, July 18. Rate flO for the round trip, tickets good for 10 days. Trains leave depot at 8 M. and Ui'O P. M. Secure your parlor merit in the policy of the Irish leaders: A STBONG COMBINATION. Rich Irish landlords and English aristo- erats have clubbed together to overwhelm, by force of money and coercion, the body of tenants, upon the justice of whose claims they dare not take the judgment of any dis passionate tribunal. Smith Barry and Colonel Sanndcrson have claimed that every Irish landlord has the right to combine with everv other landlord for that purpose. All that the new organization claims is that the tenantry shall exercise the same right of combination, to prevent the extermination , of tenants whose cliims the landlords dare pot submit to arbitration. "Whet is terrifying the landlords and" (.oercionists most is the absolute legality of the new movement Its chief feature will be the raising of a vast national lund to pre vent the evicted tenant from being driven , into the workhouse. The issues raised are precisely similar to those of trades unionism here. On tne Ponsonby estate, for instance, the people to whom the law has given a joint property in their holdings, who have themselves built their houses and reclaimed their fields, have a dispute with their land lords. BOUND TO TEEVENT SETTLEMENT. Just as the contending parties were on the point of settlement, there steps in this body of wealthy landlords, most of whom lire complete strangers to this country, and deliberately wrecks that settlement, in the hope of terrifying Irish tenants from ever combining again. The tenants have alwavs been willing, and are still willing, to leave their disputes to arbitration, as they are on every State on which the strngcle is pro ceeding. The landlords, on the other hand, have shirked arbitration. In point of fact, on every campaign State for the last 18 months it has not been a question ot the justice of the tenants' claims, but of a vindictive attempt ot the landlords and Government to ruin these tenants because they wrung the land act of 1887 from the Torv Government, and because the coercion Oct ha tailed to crush them. In the one case in which arbitration was accepted, Colonel Vandeleuris' estate, the landlords have practically both the land lord and Conservative members of Parlia ment who agreed to it. Every overture for settlement from the tenants' side has been floated over as a sign of weakness. "We S3 OO lo Kane nnd Return. Excursion tickets, good until September 30, are on sale at the Pittsbure and "Western depot, Allegheny. Rate, 55 00. Train leaves at 82:0 A. m. city time, daily, except Sunday. Bedford Springs. M. train on the Pennsvlvania close connections for Bedford The 1 r. R. R. makes Springs. Stylish Suits, a good-fitting suit go to Pitcairn's. For No. 434 "Wood street. F. it T.'a Pilsner Beer. Call for this celebrated beer. It is to be found on draught at all first-class bars. TTSSU Childhen's cabinet photos $1 per dozen, at Aafrecht's Elite gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg, Use elevator. POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never Taries. A marvel of pur lty, strength and wholesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude oJ ow est. short weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold only m cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. 108 Wall St, N. Y. ocml6-MWTSU WASHBURN ALL EIGHT. A Friend Blakes nn Antbentic Statement That He is Financially Sound He Wan Scmewhnt Embarrassed, but Han Palled Tkroach. NewYobk, July 13. Stories which have been widely published over the country in reference to the financial embarrassments of Senator W. D. "Washburn, of Minnesota, are made the subject of an authoritative statement here to-day by Thomas Lowry, of Minneapolis, who has been his business as sociate. Senator "Washburn sailed for Europe on "Wednesday, before the publica tion of the stories affecting his credit. Answering an inquiry about the alleged sale of Senator "Washburn's house to him for 840,000, which the Senator was said to require to pay interest on his debts, Mr. Lowry said: "There is no truth whatever in the statement. Senator Washburn's house is not deeded to me and never has been. I never loaned him $40,000 to pay interest on his loans, and never was advised that he was in need of that amount for such a pur pose. As to buying the Senator's house, I can frankly say that it is about all I can do to support the one I now live in." "What is there about Senator "Washburn's trouble?" "It has all passed. A few months ago he was somewhat embarrassed, owing to the fact that his time was occupied in politics instead of payingclosg attention to his various business interests. He, however, promptly converted securities which be had in hand, and paid all maturing obligations. Senator "Washburn is financially sound, and his moral and personal integrity is such that he would sacrifice the last dollar he possessed to pay a hundred cents on the dollar." The Sponge is Mightier than the Brash. sBaicr 3Ei Mi " ;,. lUj 'efin THROW AWAY THE SHOE BRDSH and use a Sponge and water, which will keep your SHOES BRIGHT and CLEAN if you use Woiff'sAGMEBIacking The -women know a good thing and trill hate it, and the men ought to. Itpreserves the leather and gives a bril liant polish. Waterandsnowslipoffitas turelv as off a duck's back. Men's shoes require dressing ONCE A WEEK women's once a month, that's all. Worth trying, isn't itt It is also the best dreis- ing for harness, on which it lasts THREE MONTHS. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. Philadelphia MWFSU L. D. Beet, the well-known crayon artist, is now at 68 Federal street, Allegheny, with Hendricks & Co., popular photographers. Mr. Bert is a first-class artist and invites all his former pupils, as well as all others who desire to take advantage of this opportunity for a life size crayon, to his new stndio. He is now forming a new class. Those who desire to do crayon work should call. Terms, $1 a lessonf only four lessons neces sary to complete a crayon, when it is yours. Call at gallery for further particulars. Something new for the children this week at Hendricks & Co.'s new photo par lors, 68 Federal street, Allegheny. Cabi nets $1 a dozen. ttssu Smoke the best, La Perla del Fumar clear Havana Key "West cigars. Sold 3 for 25c by Q. "W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. I WILL GIVE J. DIAMOND, Optician, 22 Slxtli Street, Plttstourcr. Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted to every defect of sight. Field and Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers, Thermometers, etc. ARTIFICIAL EYES made to order and warranted. Always on hand a large and complete stock, Jaff-TTSSU Barometers, Thermometers and Hydrometers, Medical Batteries, Photographic Cameras. The largest stock of Artificial Eyes. Everv stylo nf American and European Patented Eve-Glass and Spectacle Frames. Lenses of superior quality perfectly adjusted to the sight at KORN BLUM'S OPTICAL ESTABLISHMENT. 60 Fifth ave., near Wood st. Telephone No. 1GS6. y!4-DSu 8500 to Anyone Not Using The True Tailor System If they will cut as perfect a fitting garment of any kind and give such exquisite graco and ucuiijr iu lud iuiui us x win wun my system, using only a tailor's square and tape measure which is every tailor's outfit and should be yours. In regard to the claims of theso-called "tailor systems" I will simply remark that any method which does not use a tailor's sanare and tape measure independent of pieces br pasteboard or graded scales cannot properly be called a tailor system. , So do not be deluded or persuaded into buy ing or using a set of "graded scales," charts, models or machines called "tailor systems." Perfect Fitting Patterns cut to order and system taught. The True Tailor System, PT O. PERKINS, Inventor, 445 Wood st., 3d door from Fifth ave. . jy!4-su HERBERT WALKER, ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER, 65NJNTH ST. je30-75-Su SPECIAL TRAIH Will leave Lake Erie Depot, end of SmithSeld street Bridge, at 9 a. m., city time, THURSDAY, July 18, and will arrive at Beaver at 9:30. Carriages at Depot and a drive through the handsome streets and attractive roadways to GKrOiEL.A.IsnD, Where a Lunch will be provided in the Cool Shade of the Forest Trees. Prepare to come and see this, the handsomest, most ac cessible, healthful and desirable residence Property in the Market. LAEGE, LEYEL, SHADED. LOTS on wide streets in view of river on main street of Beaver, con venient to three railroads. To be sold at AUCTION on JULY 18. Call on ire for Excursion Tickets and learn all particulars. CHARLES SOMERS, 313 "WOOD ST. Jyll-80 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Finzer's Old Honesty. The Chewers of OLD HONESTY TOBACCO will soon find that it lasts longer, tastes sweeter than other tobacco", and will please you. Ask your dealer for it and insist on getting it. Genuine has a red H tin tag on every plug. NEW ADVEKTISE3IEXT3. mh2-35-S3n SUMMER LUNCHES. PRICES NEVER SO LOW. Chipped beef 12c and 23c per can Corned beef 12c and 18c per can Potted meats 1 comprising chicken, turkey. Deviled meats Vduck, ham. lobster, tongue Sandwich meats ) at 20c,25c, 30c and 35c per can Roast turkey and chicken 30c per can Boneless turkey and chicken 50c per can Lunch tongue 30c and 50c per can Pickled lambs tongue 15c per Jar Pickled lobster 45c per jar Bonelcss'pigsfeet 30c per can Truffled liver sausage 65c per can Chicken sausage 35cp-rcan Vienna sausage 15c and 25c per can Imported Frankfort sausages 7ocpercan Fresh clams 12c and ISc per can Imported sardines 12c and 20c per can Imported boneless sardines 25c. 33c 45c can Fresh salmon 17c, 20c, 25c and 45c per can Spiced salmon 30c per can Pickled oysters 40c and 75c per jar COOL DRINKS. Lemon juice EOc per bottle Fruit syrups (all kinds).. .25c and 50c per bottle Raspberry vinegar 45c and 75c per bottle Gingerale, imported II 00 per dozen Ginger ale. domestic 90c per dozen Silurian mineral spring ginger al, ta. 52 7o per dozen Root beer, extract 25c per dozen Birch beer $1 50 per dozen Grape sherbet 50c per bottle Send for the Housekeepers" Guide. Maued free. Ml.lffl & ji miuuiiuu u uuiii 18 DIAMOND, Market Square, 1 PITTSBURG. je30 NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. $10 OUR ANNUAL $1Q m dollar siu:. "We are a little late this season in starting', but it is only because the rush of a busy season has been continually pre venting it You will find among the articles mentioned be low just tho thing to make your home complete. $10 a $10 $10 For a Good Bed Lounge. $10 $10 For a Substantial "Wardrobe. $10 $10 For a Marble Top Bureau. $10 $10 For a Handsome Plush Rocker. $10 $10 For a Nobby, Stylish Dresser. $10 $10 For a Glass Door Cupboard. $10 $10 For 25 Yards fine Ingrain Carpet. $10 $1 0 .:. $1 0 $4 ZDCTWUST, $l Per Week for Balance. HOUSEHOLDCREDITCO. 405 "Wood. S-b:r?ee-b- i'i ACKNOWLEDGED CHAMPIONS OF LOW PRICES $10 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS To Toung Couples Starting Housekeeping. $10 jj EFFEi KJMl CTU41 AW ss SO'VutTfU Sm ""ia :P? toUIW BQX For Billons and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain In the Stomach, Stele Headache, Giddiness, Fulness, and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite,' Shortness of Breath. Costlveness, Scarry, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Breams, and all Xerrona andTrembUng Sensations, &-c THE FIltST DOSE WIIX GIVE BEUKF IN XWKNTTf MINUTES. This is no Action. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Fills, andtheif teill be acknowledged tooea Wonderful JUedleine. "Worth a guinea abox." BEECHAATS FILLS, taken 03 directed, will quick? restore females to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; they ACT LIKE 3IAOI0: o w cfote will work wonders upon the Vital Organs, Strength ening the muscular System; restoring long-lost Complexion; bringing back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH the tchole physical energy of tho human frame. These are " facts " admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of tho best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is that BSXCEUTS FILLS HAVE 122 L1S3Z2S SIU 07 iSI SISSST U2SXSIH2 IS THE 70SL9. Full directions with each Box. Prepared only by TIIOS. BEECBTAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. ' Sold by Urugglsta generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 365 and 367 Canal St., New York , Solo Agentsfor the United States, trAo (Inquire first), if your druggist does not keep them, WILL MAIL BEECHAH'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, 25 CENTS A BOX. THERE IS NO QUESTION KEECH' ability to serve purchasers of Furniture better than any other house in this section of the country. It stands to reason that it should be so. Buying in such large quantities as only a trade as big as enjoyed byKeech warrants, and paying Sl'OT CASH for everything, it easily enables him to undersell all competitors in the field. Now, then, if you have any inten tions at all of buying any Furniture whether for the parlor, the cliamber, the dining room, the sitting room or the library you will but consult your otvn interest in visiting Keech's before investing any money elsewhere. And now a few words about Keech's handsome and spac ious, bright and cheerful Carpet Jtoom. It makes no differ ence wliellier your purse be lean or fat, or whether you fancy light or dark, loud or genteel designs, you can here be suited to a "X." Body and Tapestry Brussels, Moquctlcs, Velvets, Ingrains, Chinese Mattings, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Bugs, Mats, etc. All of these goods in the greatest variety and at prices that will make the mosi persistent bargain seekers smile. It may be getting monotonous lo speak of Befrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Fillers, Coolers, etc., but, as the fever heat continues, it is timely arid appropriate to be sure. Well, as we have told you before, we have all sizes, kinds and de scriptions of ice-saving Bcfrigerators, and do you suppose for one moment that we would sell as many as we do if our prices were not right? Don't forget our DTouse Furnishing Goods department, containing a complete stock of Queensware, Crocliery, Tin ware, Woodenware, Lamps, etc. No home, without a baby; no baby, without a Carriage. Don't say you can't afford buying a Baby Carriage until you have learned Keech's prices. They are witliiti the reach of thepoorest. We haven't said much lately about our Dry Goods and Clothing departments. Didn't have to. TJie big bargains wc are offering here quite suffice to make things lively. GroocLs old. For Cash, Or On Credit. -$ s iKiimiEioiar 923 and 925 Perm ave.,. ZLSTeaz? ZLSTi -n ln. Staree-fc- ESTOpen Saturday Nights till 10 o'clock. Jyl4-Su "We tako this method of bringing to vonr no tice the Neatest. BeU Proportioned, Finest Finished and Cheapest Buckwagon ever put on the market. PKICE J75, COMPLETE WITH SHAFTS. i. GLESENKAMP & SON, Nos, 318 and 320 Penn Ave. (No connection with any other carriase house.) jeSJ-wrsu "OH, FOR A THOUSAND TONGUES TO TELL" of the great, glorious, matchless, unapproachable bargains' in Men's Fine Suits offered at Kaufmanns' this week. Think of it, reader! The same Suits, the same fine imported tailor-made Suits which we sold last week at $14, a price that even the closest buyers considered low beyond comparison, will go this week at $12. Of course, the assortment is not quite as large any more, but it is yet extensive enough to afford a pleasing selec tion to the most careful, stylish and particular dressers. We have our reasons for this ruthless sacrifice, and we would print them here, if by so doing you would be benefited. But you wouldn't What care you for the reasons that prompt us to sell these suits below cost? The only thing that interests and concerns you is the fact that you can walk into our Men's clothing department any day this week and get a fine Dress Suit for about half its actual value. dpNone of these Suits will be charged or sent on approval. Cash only will buy them. u .QrjLL -u-w.Aiy ofcyv "OH, FOR A THOUSAND PENS TO WRITE" of the superior quality, the excellent make, the perfect fit, the pronounced style and the custom-like appearance of the Men's fine spring and summer Suits we shall offer choice from this week at the nominal price of $12. They include scores of the latest light, medium and dark patterns, and are carved out in the most popular sack and frock shapes. You can't gain an idea of the value of these Suits until you have found the prices at which the corresponding qualities are sold for by other clothing houses. They will ask anywhere from $18 to $22 for them, without a blush. We invite you to step in any day this week and make your selection at $12. Don't do so, however, unless you are fully convinced of the big saving you make. Now, then, let the fun commence! You can't come too early, if you wish to participate in this unusual bargain harvest To avoid mistakes or delays be sure and ask for the $12 Suit counters as soon as you enter the store. ENone of these Suits will be charged or sent on approval. Cash only will buy them. .'. Reductions in Boys' Clothing. . We have gone all over our Boys' department and cut down prices without mercy. Nobby Linen Kilt Suits from 50c to $1 50. Boys' good Short-Pant Suits at Si 39, Si 75 and $1 98. Boys' strictly all-wool Short-Pant Suits at $3. Our fine light-colored Suits have suffered the most $4 and $4 50 are now the prices for our former $6 and $7 lines. Equally great bargains in Boys' Long-Pant Suits, Single Pants and Shirt Waists. Come now, while the stock is complete. Reductions in Thin Coats and Vests. We won't salt away a single summer garment this season, if big reductions will prevent it All must go, and go quickly! Alpacas, Seersuckers, Flannels, MoAirs, Brilliantines, Pongees, Cashmeres, Drap d'Etes, etc Remember, the hot weather has only begun, and, if you want a light, cool Coat or Vest, now is 'the time to buy it. We have several show cases full of White and Fancy Dress Vests. They'll be sold at reductions. Reductions in Summer Underwear. We have just placed on sale 300 dozen of Men's first-class Balbriggan Undershirts and Drawers to be closed out at 39c. They come in plain shades and fancy stripes, and cannot be obtained elsewhere below 75c. How about summer Scarfs? Do you need any? Our handsome flowing end English Scarfs at 35c still have the call. Better come around quickly, before the assortment will be exhausted. Calico and P. K. Scarfs in great variety--at bottom prices. .'. Reductions in Low Cut Shoes. .". We will continue during this week our special sale of Ladies' tan and russet colored Oxfords and patent leather tipped Dongola Oxfords at ONE DOLLAR A PAIR. We also will place on sale about 1,500 pairs Men's Oxfordsat 1 25t $1 50 and $2, regular shoe store prices being $2, $2 50 and $3. We carry the largest assortment in -the city of Misses', Boys and Children's tan and russet Shoes and guarantee you a saving on every pair. Headquarters for Base Ball and Lawn Tennis Shoes. CUT JLTTE3STJ3 OTTIR, SPECIAL SALE TO-MOBROW OP1 IMIIEISPS ELAlsTiTEL JkJSTJD SILK STBIPE SZECLETS. KAUFMANNS KAUFMANNS fifth: aveilsttj-ie SnCITHEIELID STREET. ; .....' . . 1 , ,. r , . y i - BWmwBBIiHBnBBBBHBMBBBB '.... J ijBP'''l' lfti&- - i -n. -.. - .. - tar . .- . s. . . f - - J 1 1 &