Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 14, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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p pFfS . 'Ifl'IV PtJW ! I ' ill i- m
Switzerland Kefnses to Agree to Ger
many's Arrogant Demands.
The Emperor Does Not IpproTe of the
Chancellor's Flans,
The Sister or the Minister to Washington Pnts an End
to Her life
Switzerland has made a defiant reply to
the demands of Bismarck. The Chancellor
has been forced to modify his plans. He is
endeavoring to retaliate on the little repub
lic in other wave. The Empress Augusta
has joined the Catholic Church. The
Ke.chstag trill meet in the near future.
Beblix, July 13. The reply of the Swiss
Bundesrath was receiTed at the Foreign
Office yesterday evening. Though civil in
tone, it is none the less defiant, and is
throughout a vindication of the rights of
refugees and of Swiss action toward German
police agents.
The note persists that the arrest and ex
pulsion of "Wohlgemuth were fully justified,
and says:
"The Bundesrath must fnrther adhere to
its interpretation of article second ot the set
tlement treaty of 1876, which in no wise re
stricts the right of the two Governments to
receive in their respective territories anyone
they deem fit. The Bundesrath must insist
all the more upon its rights being respected
as firmly determined to fulfil its interna
tional obligations."
The tenor of the reply was communicated
to the German Minister at Berne early in
the week. The communication was the
Mgnal for the adoption of stringent measures
for the scrutiny of travelers crossing the
Swiss frontier, baggage being mercilessly
overhauled and goods wantonly searched
and delayed.
To-day's Xational Zeitung denies that
these regulations are reprisals and declares
that they are due to directions from the Im
perial customs officials uninfluenced by the
Government. The Swiss Cantonal authori
ties, believing otherwise, direct travelers to
proceed through Austrian territory, via
Bregenz. The attitude of the Swiss Gov
ernment is probably strengthened by the
knowledge that Prince Bismarck's menaces
to Swiss neutrality occasions dissatisfaction.
The Emperor was not consulted concern
ing the dispatches. His Majesty has ad
vised Prince Bismarck to modify his tone
and thus avoid aggravating the difficulty.
As a result, the semi-oflicial papers are
moderate in their expressions of hostility
lowara awuzeriana.
The North German Gazette to-night, com.
menting on the situation, contains no sug
gestion assailing Swiss neutrality, nor even
a (.enunciation of the "settlement" treaty.
The Gazette explains that the dispatch of
June 5 was the outcome of an understand
ing with l'.ussia, and proceeds to show that
its object was, by giving it the tone and
tenor of an identical Itussian note, pre
sented at the same time, to accentuate the
impression it was intended to produce.
Its purpose so far has been attained, the
Swiss authorities giving due consideration
to the Itussian representations, and it is ex
pected that they will ultimately recognize
the Germari claims, though in a less friendly
and less expeditious manner. The diplo
matic action of Germany is aimed at the
Social democracy of Switzerland. Against
Switzerland itself this policy is directed
only in so far as elements hostile to the Ger
man Empire are protected and promoted
To combat these elements is the task of
the imperial policy, and the fight will not
be abandoned until the task is fulfilled.
This is an obvious check to theBismarckian
"bounce, "over which the opposition journals
will rejoice.
It is expected that the autumn session of
the Reichstag will begin about the middle
of October. It will be the last session of the
present Reichstag. The Bundesrath will
resume business at the end of September,
dealing first with the press regulations and
avtisiuf; mc oucimjM law. Auring xne .em
peror's sojourn in England, the Empress
will go to Monza to meet the Queen of
Advices from Munich announce the sui
cide of Lady Acton, the sister of the Ger
man Minister at Washington. She was re
Biding with the family of Count Drachsel,
in a villa adjacent to Tegernsees. Yettcr
day she took a small boat and went rowing
alone on the lake, and when she was some
distance from shore
She had previously shown symptoms of
mental disorder. Her husband died recent
ly. Court circles are talking abont the con
version of the Empress Augusta Victoria to
the Catholic Chuich.
She made a profession of faith before
Abbe Radijeweki, who is attached to the
household of Prince Radziwill. Count Res
selucll, the Empress Grand Marshal, him
self a Catholic, witnessed the ceremony in
company with Prince Radziwill. The Em
peror had previously been apprised of her
The Catholic Electoral Congress at Mu
nich has been postponed until September
15. Prince Loewenstein-Wertheim will
preside. Local committees are being formed
;" wy Tiuage inrouguout the south, giv
ing promise of the most vigorous and best
organized campaign that the Center partv
has ever known.
The Berlin press is absorbed in a dispute
over the relative positions of Prince Bis
marck and Count von "Waldcrsee. The
forth German Gazette, in which Count von
AV alacrsee was attacked as trving to influ
ence the German foreign poller, finds it
necessary to announce that the ' article in
question was not officially inspired.
Severe thunder storms prevailed through
out Central Germany yesterdav, sweeping
over Westphalia and Thuringia, doingf
-..U.U uouiagc a numucr ox Duildings
were struck by lightning.
The poet Hamerling has died at Grat.
A Member of tho French Chamber
Deputies Forced to Lenve.
f Paris, July 13. In the Chamber
Xieputies to-day M. Vietts introduced a
bill providing that no one shall be allowed
to contest more than one seat
at the same time. M. Cluseeret
moved the previous question. The motion
was rejected by a vote of 331 to 201, and ur
gency was granted for the bill. At this
point M. 1'Herisse ascended the tribune
and insisted upon speaking. For this ac
tion he was censured by the President of the
Chamber, who also ordered his temporarv
exclusion from the House. The Chamber
then took a short recess. Upon rcsumiii",
M. l'Hcrhse was still in the tribune.
The captain of the Guard of the Palais
Bourbon, with a detachment of soldiers,
thereupon entered the House and requested
M. 1'Herisse to descend from the tribune.
M. 1'Herisse replied that he was there by
virtue of the mandate of the electors and
would yield only to force. The captain
then placed his hand upon M. l'Herisse's
shoulder and quietly conducted him outside
the House. M. Vietts' measure afterward
passed by a vote oi 304 to 229.
One Snicide Followed by Another.
Berlin, July 13. A sensation has been
caused by the suicide of Count Waldemar
von Blumenthal, the Prussian military
attache at Munich. It is believed that he
was engaged to Lady Acton, who committed
snicide yesterday, and that he had quarreled
with her. The Count shot himself with a
Another Cbnrce Acnlint Bnulanacr.
Paris, July 13. The Journal des Debatt
says that General Boulauger, besides being
indicted for a felony against the State, is
charged with embezzling the sum of 252,000
francs. The same paper says that the Pro
cureur General reserves the right to pros
ecute General Boulanger for other pecula
tions after the latter's trial by the Senate.
The rnrncll Commission.
London, July 13. In the event of the
withdrawal of Messrs. Russell and Asquith
from the conduct of Mr. Parnell's case,
Messrs. Lockwood and Reid will remain to
represent the other Parnellites before the
Someone Stole 81,600 From a Safe In the
Sfcfet. James Hold The Whole Affair Is
Wrapped In Mrstery.
One of the neatest and at the same time
most successful robberies that has taken
place in the city for a long time occurred
early yesterday morning.
At 10 o'clock on Saturday morning Mr.
James K. Lanahan, proprietor of the St.
James Hotel, on Liberty street, oppo
site the Union depot, placed in his
safe $1,200 in money and a check
for WOO. When he got up at
9 o'clock and went to the safe the money
and check, as well as a bankbook on T.
Mellon & Sons' bank, were missing. This
money had been placed in a large safe that
occupies a portion of the storeroom of the
hotel, just in the rear of the sitting room.
The sale is an old-fashioned one, not having
anv combination lock, as the storeroom was
thought to be a safe place the outside door
of the safe was never locked.
Mr. Lanahan states that money is seldom
kept in that sate, but as yesterday was pay
day on the P. R. R., he drew the money
from bank in order to cash the checks of the
P. R. R. employes, as is his custom every
month. Previous to retiring last night the
money was counted by him, and placed in
the safe. He closed the window and
locked the door of the store room.
When he went in yesterday morning he
found the window open; the safe was also
open and the contents of the cash drawer
gone. Ingress to the room could easily have
been obtained from the wash room.
The impression is that the robbery was
perpetrated by some one who is thoroughly
conversant with the hotel and its surround
ings. At present the entire affair is wrapped
in mystery. The lock on the money drawer
was not forced, neither was the window
through which the thief made his escape.
The matter has been placed in the hands of
the police authorities.
A Black Diamond Special Officer Thinks lie
Has the Right Mnn.
Edward Armstrong, a special officer for
the Black Diamond Steel Works, entered a
charge of larceny against Thomas Whitley
before Alderman Doughty yesterday.
For a long time since considerable brass
has been missed from the mill, and very few
of the thieves have been caught. Officer
Armstrong was appointed for the sole pur
pose of apprehending all persons connected
with this systematic robbery.
Yesterday he alleges he gained informa
tion that Whitley had stolen $5 worth of
brass, and that other parties are also impli
cated. A warrant for Whitley's arrest was
rnrnde far the Junior O. IT. A. IT, In Har
rlibnrs on Tuesday.
The State parade by the Junior O. TJ. A.
M., at Harrisburg on Tuesday, will be an
imposing affair. The State Council will
meet in Harrisburg that morning, and the
demonstration is in its honor. A special
train leaves the Union depot at 10 o'clock
A. M. sharp, to-morrow and will carry about
1,000 members from this district Stephen
Collins is marshal of the Western district.
It is expected that 10,000 men will be in
line, beside the National Council and other
State Councils.
The fare for the round trip is 1 95 and
tickets are good for s".x days.
While Looking nt Watches lie Grabs Two
nnd Makes Ills Escape.
About 10 o'clock last night an unknown
colored man went into the jewelry store of
J. C. Marks, at 104 Ohio street, Allegheny
and asked to see some gold watches, inti
mating that be wished to buy one. Four
were shown him, and after looking over them
for a short time he picked. up two of them
and dashed out of the door. The street was
crowded, and although Mr. Marks followed
after him and called to the crowd to catch
him, he eluded capture in the crowd, and
ran into West allev, where he disappeared.
The watches he secured were valued at $50
and $75 each.
Snssell Errett lias Drain Trouble With
Symptoms of Paralysis.
Mr. James S. McKean received a telegram
yesterday from Joseph Speer to -the effect
that Rnssell Errett's condition is serious.
He has brain trouble with strong symptoms
of paralysis. His pulse is very weak. Mr.
Speer added that he would telegraph
again as soon as he had held a consultation
with the doctors.
Killed nis Wlfo and Himself1.
Boston, July 13. Dr. William P.
White, aged CO years, who did business as
an electric physician in this citv, quarreled
with his wite this afternoon and stabbed
and killed her. He then committed suicide
by shooting.
Tiro Blighty Continents,
North and South America, beside Guatemala,
the West Indies. Australia, and even Europe,
are the fields of usef ulnessin which Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters has demonstrated its value as
an antidote to malaria, and as a rcmeav for
dvKDcpsia, constipation, rheumatism, neuralgia,
biliousness, nervousness, and loss of appetite
and sleep. The inhabitants, the medical men
of these countries, have spoken in no uncertain
tone concerning the efficacy of the great house
hold remedy.
Something Worth Going Wild Over
Three thousand extra fine flannel and
French silk stripe shirts have just been
closed out from the manufacturers at 70c on
the dollar by Kaufruanus, who will ofler
them to their patrons at away below their
regular prices.
Rend What E.
The FiTth avenue
l Roberts it Sons,
jewelers, nave In spe-
cialties for the summer new, bright, pretty
Giyies inexpensive useiui.
100 styies gold stick pins.... $1 00 to $3 00
Gipsy riugs, soliJ gold 1 50 to 250
Hairpins, silver and roll pold. . 35to 099
Solid silver cuffbuttons, pair. . CO to 1 00
Solid gold collar buttons, ejch. 1 00
Solid gold studs, each goto 150
Solid gold cuff pins, pair 100 to 2 00
Gents' silver knot rings 100 to 150
Also, our three large stores are filled
with all the novelties of the season in more
expensive jewelry, silverware, pottery and
fancy goods. Our stores are cool and pleas
ant to shop in. wsu
Something Worth (Joint Wild Over.
Three thousand extra fine flannel' and
French silk stripe shirts have just been
closed ont from the manufacturers at 70c on
the dollar by Kaufmanns, who will offer
them to their patrons at away below their
regular prices. , -
The Smallest of GacUrnhelnier'a Distilleries
Burned to the Ground The Work
Kecessnry to Save tho Gov
ernment Wnrebonse Aid
From Allegheny,
Fbeeport, July 13. Guckenheimer's
smallest distillery at Freeport was burned
to the ground this evening. It 3 located on
the Butler county side of Buffalo creek.
The firm's largest distillery is a mile distant
on the Armstrong county side. To each
establishment there is connected a
bonded warehouse. Close beside the
building which was burned is
a warehouse containing $500,000 worth of
whisky. In round numbers it amounts to
13,300 barrels. It was the imminent danger
of this vast reservoir of liquor that caused
the telegram to be sent to Acting Chief
Jones, of the Allegheny Fire Department,
at 7:15 o'clock asking for aid. The fire
broke out shortly before 7. Chief Jones
did remarkably quick work in loading the
Columbia engine and a wagon full of nose
upon a gondola car at Madison avenue.
A car was added to carry Councilman
Emanuel Wertheimer and Isaac Gucken
heimer, two members of the firm, and The
Dispatch correspondent A start was
made at 8:3d and Freeport was reached in
exactly 40 minutes. It is a distance of 23
The distillery, which is known as the
Montrose building, was a three-story frame
structure 75 feet long and 40 wide. Its de
struction was complete in an hour and a
half. The great fight was to save the big
Government warehouse. Only a 20-foot
alley divided it from the distillery. Robert
O'Brien was the" first man to come to the aid
of the night watchman. They quickly broke
open the hose house, but it was full of flame,
and they fonnd the hose already melted and
the chemical fire extinguisher ruined.
A small line of hose was borrowed from
the railroad and an inch stream thrown on
the blazing distillery. That of course
was of no consequence. A bucket
brigade formed a line down to the
creek, and in this way the front
of the warehouse was kept- wet. Still its
cornices and wooden window frames were
charred. Citizens generally tnrned in to
prevent such a monstrous conflagration as
would have resulted had the 13,000 barrels
of whisky taken fire, and they were only
sure they had accomplished it
trine arrived from Allegheny.
when the en
The loss is estimated at $35,000. Patter
son & Travis, insurance agents of Freeport,
had placed in six Eastern and home com-
Eanies $30,000 insurance on the burned
uilding. There will be very little salvage.
The wormtubis believed to be about the only
part of the costly apparatus not ruined. New
"doublers" were only recently erected in
the distillery. The still was an old frame
work, however, but the mill was more val
uable. Some new mash tubs were also put
in only lately. There was no liquor in the
distillery at the time. The piping, boilers
and engine arewrecked. Theoriginofthefire
cannot be stated. It was in the lower end
of the building, where carpenters had been
at work during the afternoon. A spark
from a locomotive might have fired the
shavings. It was an exciting and danger
ous fire, but nobody was hurt. The build
ing will be replaced at once.
A Monument for Roscoo Conkling.
Utica, K. Y., July 13. The monument
erected at the crave of Roscoe Conkling, in
Forest Hill Cemetery, this city, was com
pleted to-day. It stands on the family
plot just north of the monument to Horatio
Seymour. The monument is ofQuincy
granite, and in the form of a sarcophagus.
Did It Ever Strike Yon
That the best time to buy is when we want
to sell? We want to clear out the balance
of our stock of imported woolens, and as we
are bound to keep our tailors and cutters
busy, anyhow, we have concluded to take'
your measures for them for suits and panta
loons at jnst two-thirds the usual prices.
This offering includes our very finest piece
.goods. Come early. Take elevator third
floor. KAUFMANN8'
Custom Tailoring Department.
Marriage Licenses Granted Yesterday.
Ktroe. Keildenea.
I Howard Alexander Pittsburg
1 Bert Dorsey Pittsburg
Frank Penn .Snownen township
1 Annie L. Chestnut.,
....Bnowuen township
J Giovanni Cattal West Newton
IDomcrnlcaSottovla Vest Newton
t AirredTraber Allegheny
I Mens Kemer Allegheny
( NlekolasDonkols. Pittsburg
Elizabeth Mink Pittsburg
J Charles Steyer Pittsburg
1 Ellese Jolie Pittsburg
Griffith 'Williams Allegheny
J Elizabeth Sautters Levchburg
( Kaclmerz Wajcrt Pittsburg
I l'etronella Toulciak Pittsburg
J John A. Neel McKeesport
(LlnnleA. Simmons McKeesport
George Senega Braddock
(Annal'latgo ..Braddock
j August JanVe. Pittsburg
1 Augusta Karl Allegheny
(Max Harscb Sharpsburg
J Maggie Huebert Pittsburg
Its superior excellence proven in millions of
homes for more than a quarter of a century.
It is used by the United States Government
Indorsed by the beads of the great universities
as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not
contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only
Advice to the Aged.
Age brines infirmities, such as sluggish
bowels, weak kidneys and bladder and torpid
Tutt's Pills
have a specific effect on these organs, stimu
lating the boaels, giving natural discharges
without straining or griping, and
to the kidnevs, bladder and liver. They are
adapted-to old or young.
Sold Everywhere.
311 Smithfleld street.
Gold fillings .- SI 00 and up
White alloy fillings 1 00
Silver fillings 75
Amalgam fillings 0
Extracting teeth 25
Administering gas 50
Teeth, 5 and JS. Best teeth only $10.
Fine gold filling and gold crown work a
. Jylttt
CONNOUS-On Friday, July U 1S8. at I WW
p. M., John, son of John Connors, aged 8 yea n.
Funeral from the family residence. Lant
street. Fourteenth ward, on Suwdat at 2 P. it.
Friends of tho family are respectfully Invited
to attend.
DAUB-On Thursday. July II. 1889, at 3 P. at..
j. LiUDWio uaub, agea to years.
Funeral from his late residence. No. 231 Main
street. West End, on Sunday, July 14. at 2
p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend.
FRANZ-On Saturday, July 13. " 18S9, at 8:45
p. M., Elizabeth, wife of Adam Franz, far.,
In her 63d year.
Notice of funeral in dally papers.
GOLDING On Saturday, July 13, 188S,at8:I5
A. St., William Leo, son of Patrick J. and
Mary J. Golding, aged i year and 6 months.
Funeral from the residence of his parents, 18
East Carson street, Southside. on Scndat,
July li, atl o'clock p. M. Friends of the family
are respectfully Invited to attend.
GARDNER On Saturday. July 13, 1889. at
4:45 P. M., Nettie, youngest daughter of
Frederick and Lyda Gardner, aged 6 years, at
the parents' residence. Homestead, Pa.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
GILNER On Saturday, July 13, 18S9. at 10 P.
m., Catherine Gilneb, aged 54 years.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
OERLACH Suddenly on Friday. Jnly 12.
18S9. at Sp.h., John Oeblach, aged 24 years,
2 months and 2 days.
Funeral from his late residence, 13 JTJnlon
alley. Southside. on Sunday, at 2 p. m. Friends
and Iron City Council, No. 171, Jr. O. U. A. JL,
are respectfully invited to attend.
HOLMES At Toledo, O., onFriday morning.
July 12. 1889. SARAH D. MURPHY, relict of the
late ttoDert ioimes, oi tue ouroucu m uu
mingham, Allegheny county, Pa., In the 87th
year of her age.
Funeral at Toledo, 0 Sunday, July 14, at 9
A. M.
IMorgantown, W. Va., papers please copy.
KILGALLEN-On Thursday. July 11, 1889, at
1130 p. Jr., Patrick; Kiloallen. at his resi
dence, Bismarck street. Thirteenth ward.
Funeral from the residence on Sunday at 2
p. K. Friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend. 2
LEWIS Saturday, July 13, 1889, of diph
theria, Jean Hunter, daughter of Joseph E.
and Sophia Eccles Lewis, aged 7 years 2
Funeral services at the residence of her aunt,
Mary J. Eccles. No. 97 Fremont street, Alle
gheny, at 10 A. M., Monday, 15th Inst. Inter
ment private. 2
LETZKUS-On Friday evening, July 12, at
10:40 o'clock, A3IELIA T.. danghter of John and
Cecilia Letzkns, aged 31 years 11 months and 22
Funeral from the residence of her parents,
No. 15 Ravine street, Troy Hill, Allegheny, on
Sunday afternoon at2 o'clock to proceed to
St. Pnilomena's Cemetery. Interment private.
MCECKEL On Thursday evening, July 1L
18S9. at 9:35 o'clock, Frank "W. Mcsckel, Jr..
aged 3U vears. 6 months and 28 days, son of
Margaret and the late Frank W. Moockel. Sr.
Funeral from his late residence, 69 Liberty
street, Allegheny, Sunday afternoon, at 2
o'clock. Friends of the family are respect
fully Invited to attend.
McCLURG On Thursday, July 1L 1889, at
4:15 p. M., James McClurq, in his 61st year.
Friends of the family are respectfully Invited
to attend the funeral, from his late residence.
No. 191 Rebecca street, Allegheny, on Monday
July 15, at 2.30 p. M.
NELSON-On Saturday, July 13. 1SS3. Alex
ander C, infant son of Alex, and Jennie Nel
son, aged 4 months and 10 days.
Funeral from the residence of his parents.
Stanton avenue, on Sunday. July 14, at 2
o'clock, to proceed to the Allegheny Ceme
tery. Friends of the family are respectfully In
vited to attend.
ROWAN-On Fridav, July 12. 1S89, at 8:40
o'clock p. m., Peter Rowan, aeed 59 years.
Funeral from his late residence. No. 126 Grace
street. Thirty-second ward, on 8unday, July
14, at 2 p. it. Friends of the family are respect
fully invited to attend.
Scranton arid Wilkesbarre papers please copy.
SCOTT At his residence. No. 9 Hazel street,
at 1120 P. M. Friday, July 12, 1889, THOMAS
Scott, Sr., aged 78 years.
Funeral services at 2 o'clock this (Sunday)
afternoon. Interment private at Allegheny
STANLON On Saturday, Jnly 13, 1889, at
7:30 p. x., John, son of Patrick and Winifred
Stanlon, aged 8 years and 10 months.
Funeral from the parents' residence, Epang's
estate, Etna borongh, on Monday at 2 p. M.
Friends of the famll are respectfully invited
to attend. , 2
TRINKLE On Thursday, July 11, at 830 P.
m.. Walter William, son of William and
Jane Trinkle. in the 6th year of his age.
Funeral from the residence of his grandfather,
294 .Locust st., Sunday, at 330 p. v. Friends
of the family are respectfully invited to at
tend. 2
WATTERSON On Saturday morning. July
13, 1889, at 3:40 o'clock, of congestion of the
brain. Alfred, infant son of A. V. D. and
Grace Wattenon, aged 5 months and 9 days.
Funeral from residence of parents. No. 523
Lincoln avenue. East End, this (Sunday)
afternoon, July 14, at 3 o'clock.
WIEDERICH On Friday. July 12. 1889, at 8
p. m., jurs. uharlotte, relict oi tho late jonn
Wiedericb, aged 68 years.
Funeral from her late residence, 5338 Fifth
avenue,&ast End.on Sunday at 2 p.m. Friends
of the family are respectfully Invited to&ttend.
(Successor to Meyer, Arnold fc Co., Urn.,)
Office and residence, 1131 Penn avenne. Tele
phone connection. mylO-09-Mwrsu
No. 6 Seventh Street.
Telephone 1153.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Livery
and Boarding Stables. Nos. 378 and SS0
Beaver axe. Residence. 681 Preble
ave., Allegheny City.
Telephone 3416. mh23-UThsn
Undertakers and Embalmers and Livery Stables,
At the old stand fine carriages for ihopplne or
parties or opera at the most reasonable prices.
Telephone 221. inhfs-Ug-wsa
Hosiery, Gloyes and Underwear !
Come and see the quality of goods we are
offering: the low prices will astonish you.
STAINLESS 'Joe, sizes 6 to 8K-
Cotton, 19c, worth 35c; 29c worth 50c
LISLE; Boot Patterns, 35c formerly 50c; 40c
formerly 50c; 44c formerly 75c; 65c formerly 85c;
78c formerly SI.
SILK, 75c formerly (1; SI formerly SI 50; also
Boot Patterns, 75c, 90c, tl 25 worth 25 percent
VESTS. 24c and 29c formerly 50c: Lisle, 50c
and 75c formerly 75c and SI; Silk. 75c and SI,
formerly 85c and SI 25. These are low neck, no
SI 59; Cheviot, SI 69; Flannel. $2 60: Silk, S4 25.
Remember these are the best coods made and
all specially made to our own Ideas.
SHIRTS, new and handsome designs, $1 60 to
co or, j& wiuuay tuu 10 see mis line.
TENNIS BLAZERS. S2 85; Caps. 45c; Belts,
silk, 40 and 00c. All onr goods to the very finest
are more or less greatly reduced.
. 710 PENN AVENUE. 710
Between Seventh and Eighth sts.
JL young lady who wisely called upon Miss
Landers before going to the seashore and pro
viaed herself with those beautiful, all natural
hair bangs and curls. Latest stvlet. La Tosca,
Hading, Little Paris and others. Be sure and
call on MISS MARIE LANDERS, Hugus fc
Ha.cka Iinildinfr. nnstaim. TaItm HnArh?H Ma.
Tatos JJiVjraii
i f Tffnii
BRAIDS'. 3x66. ft 829.
IRON, Brass T W mined, ' 3x6-6, at 59 75.
Any a 18 on order.
P. C. Scfroeneck,
At the last moment it strikes
me not to leave home with
out a pair of
They come' in Canvas or in
the many shades of Tampico
leather, and a trip without
them would break the pleas
ures of the trip materially.
every department is full
of bright; goods.
Saves you time and money.
Market St.; Entrance 430-436.
Near Wheeling, W. Va., '
A school of more than national reputation,
offers exceptional advantages for thorough ed
ucation of young ladies In all departments. Li
brary of 6,000 volumes. Fine philosophical,
chemical and astronomical apparatus.
Musical department specially noted. Corps
of piano teachers trained by a leadingprofessor
from Conservatory of Stutgart. Vocal culture
according to the method of the old Italian mas
ters. Location unsurpassed for beauty and health.
Ten acres of pleasure grounds. Board excel
lent. For catalogues and references to patrons in
all the principal cities, address
TEETH, $5, $8, $10.
Gold fillings from $1 up. Amalgam, 50c;
silver, 75c; white alloy, 11.
Oold Crowns a specialty.
Corner Smithfleld and Fourth avenue.
Take the Elevator to Our Cloak Room and Examine
the following Goods, all nicely arranged.
Table JVo. 1, all at $1 75.
100 Jersevs for ladies, plain and braided, new design ot trimming and shape, all-wool
and new goods, reduced from $2 50.
Table No. 2, all at $2 So.
75 Children's Blbnses, plain and trimmed in braid; colors, Navy, Garnet and Cardi
nal and 65 plain, finest Cashmere Wool Jerseys for ladles in Black, Brown, Navy and
Garnet, all reduced from $3 and $3 0.
Table Ho. 3, all at $2 GO.
30 dozen ladies' Light Flannel Blouses, pretty and neat patterns, in stripes and
checks, all reduced from $3 50. x '
Table 2fo. 4, all at $3 OO.
110 ladies' Blouses and Jerseys, only in Solid Cream, Navy, Black, Cardinal, Garnet
and New Blue, all of the very finest quality, and the most stylish and newest patterns,
some with coat back effects, blouse front, all reduced from $4 and tl 50.
The above aro Best Bargains in Best Goods we have ever Offered.
Lot lib. 1, noio $3 OO, were $& OO.
75 Long Silver Etched Handles, 26-inch Gloria Umbrellas.
Lot No. 2, noio $2 30, were $3 GO.
100 26-inch Oxidized Silver, Gold Handles, German Gloria Umbrellas.
Lot No. 3, notv $2 OO, were $2 GO.
100 Gloria, 26-inch Umbrellas, with Silver Rings and Crooks, and very handy to carry.
Lot No. 4, noio $1 GO, were $2 GO.
275 Silk and Gloria, 26-Inch Umbrellas, Gold and Natural Wood Handles, all very
Lot No. G, now $G OO, made to Sell at $6 GO.
A lot of gents' 28-inch fine Silk Umbrellas, with Sterling Silver Handles. They are
a big bargain.
Ask to see onr guaranteed Silk Umbrellas.
If you want a Bargain in PARASOLS see ours.
Large Choice and Immense Reduction.
510, 512, 514 -MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE.
Please help us to make the Early Closing Movement a success, and do
your Shopping in the Morning if you can. Store Closes at 5P.M.
Daily, except on Saturday, jyn-rrsau
Too much Light Weight and Hot
"Weather .Clothing on our tablea
We have determined to get rid of
it before the season closes, and if
selling it depends on low prices, it
is bound to go. Quality as good as
ever fashioning the best and new
est, but prices ono-fourth to one
third less now than a month ago.
All sizes included in this sale.
Lowest prices on the newest
styles of Light-colored Derbys and
Straw Bate.
Tailors, Clolliiers and Hatters,
161, 163 Federal St., Allegheny.
406and 408Wood Street.
Grand'' Opening of Dolls.
We are now'openlng the largest assortment
ot Dolls ever itiefure seen in Pittsourg, and at
prices below thie cost of importation.
China-limb doll, IS Inches long, only Ec
China-limb doll, i'7 inches long, only 10c.
Patent-head doll, .tLowing hair, 22 inches long,
Jointed doll, bisquw head, flowing hair, 13
inches long, 19c ,.,..,
Indestructible head -doll. 22 Inches long, only
Jointed doll, bisque .head, flowing hair, 18
inches long, 31c ,..,,, ,.
Kid-body doll, bisque' head, flowing hair,
hnm nnd ntnclrlm-. IS in'ches lone, only 31 C.
Beautifully-dressed dol7. bisque head, with
flowing hair, with hat. 12 i uches long, 2ac
Patent-head doll, flow! VR hair, shoes and
stockings, 25 inches long, o liySOc
Jointed doll, bisque hea d, flowine hair, 22
inches long, cheap at $2 00. i y.l 00.
Rubber dolls, all kinds, fro in 10c to tl 00.
All-china babes only 5c
Doll beads, china. Indestructible, bisqne. In
all sizes, from 5c to $1 25.
Doll bodies. In doth and kid, TOc to SI 5a
Ten thousand vases In all st les from 5s to
2 50 each.
A new line of statues In 100 dii Terent styles,
which we shall sell from 10c to 3 t V.
Croquet sets, a few left at 75c
Mexican hammocks only tl 25.
If you want any kind of a traveling bag don't
fail to examine our stock. We have all kinds
and sixes from 50c to II 50; also, u fn 11 line of
tinware, crockery ware, wooden ware, and the
greatest bargains ever offered on our 5cand 10c
& CO..
Acid, Crude Carbolic $ 18
Balm, Ely's Cream 35
Balm, Hagan's Magnoli 50
Balsam, Wistar's, of "Wild Cherry. ... 43
Bitters, Burdock's Blood 70
Bitters, Hostetter's 70
Bitters, "Walker's Vinegar 70
Brilliantine, Condray's 35
Bronchial Troches, Brown's 18
Bitters, Dr. Kauffman's Sulphur 83
Balsam, Hyatt's Life 80
Beef, Iron and "Wine; Liebig's 48
Bloom of Youth, Laird's 50
Bromo Caffeine 60
Carboline, Kennedy's 75
Castoria, Pitcher's 30
Cherry Malt Phosphites 75
Chloride, Piatt's 40
Compound, Pinkham's Vegetable.... 70
Cream, Cold Vaseline 14
Cure, Himrod's Asthma 70
Cure, Kendal's Spavin 70
Cure, Kendal's Spavin 42
Cure, Piso's Consumption 18
Cure, Warner's SafeKidneyandLiver. 90
Cuticura Salye 40
Clam Juice 50
Cream, Mrs. Ayer's , 1 00
Cure, Kidney ,... 72
Charcoal Tablets, Murray's .. 19
Dentrifice, Sheffield's Cream 18
Drops, Hamburg 40
Drops, Pike's 17
Drops, Thayer's Toothache 10
Emulsion, Scott's 70
Expectorant, Jayne's 65
Extract of Beef, Liebig's 40
Extractof Beef, Liebig's 80
Extractor, Dalley's Pain 18
Elixir, Ferrated of Cinchona 90
Extract, Pond's 33.
Extract, Pond's 69
Extract, Pond's 1 39
Food, Imperial Granum 55
Food, Mellin's small 35
Food, Mellin's large 55
Food, Nestle's Milk 40
Food, Murdock's Liquid 48
Ginger, Brown's Ess. of Jamaica.... 40
Ginger, Sanlord's Jamaica... 40
Hair Renewer, Hall's 65
Hair Restorer, Mrs. Allen's 90
Hair Vigor, Avers' CO
Hydroline " 70
Honey, Hale's Horehound and Tar... 20
Honey, Hale's Horehound and Tar... 40
Horehound, Speer's 21
Honey, Ubert's Syrup Tar ., 21
Hair, Revivium Restorer .' 43
Hair Dressing, J. H. Sackett's 35
Hair Wash, Belle Chamber's Golden. 75
Herbanium Hair Wash, Dollard's.... 75
Ink, Payson's Indelible 25
Katharion, Lyon's 40
Kidney Wort, Liquid 75
Kurakoff. 43
Liniment, Family Centaur 21
Liniment, Mexican Mnstang 18
Liniment, Tobias' Venetian 20
Liniment, Tobias' Venetian Horse. ... 45
Lotion, Palmer's 39
Lozenges, Licorice 4
Lime Fruit Juice 35
Magnesia, Husband's Calcined 23
Magnesia, Phillips' Milk 40
Maltine, Plain 70
Maltine, with Cod Liver Oil 75
Maltine, Ferrated 75
Malt, Loflund's Extract 60
Malt, Trommer's Extract 88
Malt, Johann HofTs 33
Malt, John Wyeth's Liquid 30
Mint, Soda 10
Mint, Italian 20
Moxie 40
Monell's Teething Cordial 19
Nervine, Warner's Safe 42
Nervura, Dr. Green's 85
Oil, Moeller's Cod Liver 64
Oil, St. Jacob's 40
Ointment, Hood's Olive 18
Ointment, Trask's Magnetic 18
Oil, Phillips' Palatable Cod Liver.... 42
Oil, Phillips' Palatable Cod Liver. ... 75
Oil, Thayer's Pure Cod Liver 65
Pectoral," Ayer's Cherry 65
We are just receiving: our Importations of China Dinner
and Tea Seta A full line of Imported and Domestic, Plain
and Decorated Iron Stone China. Also Mason Jars and
Jelly Tumblera
Would be drifting frotm boarding house to boarding house, without a home, habitation or
name. Among the varied attractions that address the housekeepers' attention there aro
none that can compare with the old established Tenth street and Penn avenue Cash or
Credit Establishment. 23ie line of Parlor, Chamber and Dining Boom Furniture, tho
vast stock of Carpets and other floor coverings, are ample to meet every demand. The ex
traordinary variety of Baby Carriages and Refrigerators is indeed grand In the extreme.
The quality of the goods is such as to insure every purchaser full and true value! Tho
liberality of the credit systt.11 and the well-known reputation of the house for just and
honest dealing, qnclls the repugnance of purchasing on credit when the name Pickering
is mentioned. Old residentervof our city need no invitations, as they regard our place
as the only home where their wants can be supplied satisfactorily. We permit no house
to undersell us; we take care th at none are more courteous a.nd obliging; that our terms aro
the easiest. Come and see ui; you're welcome whether you purchase or not.
Corner Tenth Street
. t fc. -t
Pepsin, Baudault's f 83
Phosphate, Horsford's Acid ., 37
Peruna, Dr. Hartman's 70
Pills, Ayer's Cathartic 15
Pills, Brandeth's 15
Pills, Carter's Iron 39
Pills, Carter's Little Nerve 15
Pills, Graefenberg's . 15
Pills, Hood's Veeetable 15
Pills, Hooper's American 15
Pills, Jayne's Sanative 17
Pills, McLane's Liver 15
Pills, Purgative Pellet 1X
Pills. Radway's 15
Pills, Schenck's Mandrake 15
PiJIs, Warner's Safe Cure 15
Pilla, Wright's Indian Vegetable.... 15
Pills, Wyeth's Peptonic (small) 35
Pills, Castor Oil 21
Plasters, Allcock's Porous 10
Plasters, Allcock's Corn 8
Plasters, Belladonna, plain and porous 15
Plasters, Benson's Capcine...'. 17
Plasters, Cuticura IS
Plasters, Bunion 9
Powder, Lubin's Violet, for infants.. 18
Powder, Oakley's Infant IS
Powder, Saunders'Bruneble, pink and
white 25
Powder, Cashmere Bouquet 13
Powder, Tetlow's Gossamer 17
Plaster, Perfect Mustard, per box.... 23
Pills, Dr. Cooper's.................. 45
Pills, Cathartic 8
Pills, Liver 10
Powder, Mrs. Ayer's, pink and
white 85
Pierce's (Dr.) Medical Discovery..... 70
Pierce's (Dr.) Favorite Prescription.. 80
Potash, Chlorate 10
Relief. Radway's Ready 37
Remedy. Sage's 35
I Resolvent, Cuticura 75
Salve, Pettit's Eye 17
Sarsaparilla, Thayer's 65
Sarsaparilla, Ayer's 70
Sarsaparilla, Hood's 70
Sarsaparilla, Radway's 75
Sea Salt, Ditman's 18
Seven Barks 40
Specific, Swift's 75
Svrup, Boschee's German 50
Syrup, Dr. Bull's Cough 20
Syrup, Fellows', of HypophosDhites.. 1 00
Syrnp, McArthurs Hypophosphites.. 80
Syrup, Stringer's Pulmonic 18
Syrup, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 17
Syrup, Mother Siegel's 45
Sozodont 50
Syrup, Spruce Cough 15
Syrup, Soothing 15
Syringe, Household 75
Seidlitz Powders, per box 20
Salve, Cuticura 40
Swansdown, Tetlow's 13
Tonic, Schenck's Sea Weed 73
Tooth Paste. Jewsbury & Brown's.... 42
Tonic, Dr. Green's Nerve 85
Tippecanoe 88
Tonic, Javne's Alterative 88
Tonique, Vin Mariani 1 25
Troches, Brown's Bronchial 18
Tooth Liquid 23
Vaseline Pomade. 8
Vermifu.ee, Jayne's Tonic 35
Vita Nnova, Ayer's 88
Water, Congress (pints) 19
Water, Friedricbshall Bitter 25
Water, Hathorn 19
Water, Hunyardi-Sanos 23
Water, Thompson's Eye 18
Wine, Coca Mariani 1 25
Witch Hazel 21
Witch Hazel 18
Apollinaris Water, per bottle 17
Eagle Condensed Milk
Worm Lozenges
Dyspepsia Lozenges
Charcoal Lozenges 1
Thayer's Liniment li
Paine's Celery Compound 80
Bnrnett's Cocaine 75
Barry's Trocopherous 40
Syrup of Figs 39
Ditman's Sea Salt 9
Ditman's Sea Salt 33
and Penn Avenue.