ESS THEY ASSUME FORM. The Spiritualists of This City Get a Charter ior a Church. THEIE AIMS, OBJECTS, ETC., GIVEN. 'o Creed, but a Declaration of Quite Elastic Uiiitarianism. AIM AND OBJECTS UNOBJECTIONABLE In CommonPleas Court No. 1 yesterdayja charter was granted to Messrs. John II. Me llror, C. L. Stevens, John II. Lohmcr, J. A. Gordon, Melchoir Varner and others for an incorporation to be called the "First Church of Spiritualists of Pittsburg," ior the support of public worship according to the faith, doctrines and usages of the Spir itualist etc The application was made by D. T. "Watson, Esq. As there are many people who have but a shadowy knowledge of Spiritualism, the definition of American Spiritualism by a Frenchman who investigated it maybe in order. He says: "Properly speaking, spiritualism is the opposite of materialism. "Whoever believes he has within him something distinguished from, matter, is a spiritualist; but it may not fol low that he believes in the existence of spirits, or in their communications with the visible world." A very general impression prevails that the system is largely maintained by a set of charlatans for money making purposes, but some of the skeptical would be astonished to find if they investigated thst some of the most intellectual, honest and earnest people in the country are firm believers in it and its manifestations. WHAT IS I'KOrOSED HERE. A conversation was had with Sir. C. L. Stevens, of Sixth street, one of the incorpo rators. Mr. Stevens said the object of the incorporation was manifold. In the first place the members of his belief in this sec tion had labored under adverse circum stances and conditions, and they had de cided to organize so as to be in a position to challenge all assaults on their respectabil ity and to be able to do business as a church which they could not do as isolated indi viduals; to be able to buy and hold property and do such other business as cau only be done bv corporations. He said the object oi spiritualism is the ennobling of the race. He bad been very skeptical, and so remained lor sonic time aitcr he began investigating, but was fin-illy furnished with irrelragable proofs, and had received much happiness from the consequences of bis conviction. Said Mr. Stevens: "We believe in God, an all-wise Creator and over-ruliug power as firmly as any people belonging to other denominations. Some Spiritualists believe in the divinity of Christ, and others do nol; it is not obligatory to believe in His divin ity, but all believe the teachings of Christ. "We also believe that the spirits of our an cestors and our friends are our guardian angels, watching over and controlling our actions for good, if we heed them. In my own experience I have felt their restraining aud salutary influence. Our rdyrion TENDS TO HAKMONY, and our teaching is the same as that of Je sus, and it makes no difference whether a man believes or disbelieves that Christ was divine, so long as the precepts he inculcated are the guide of life and conduct. They are grand and beneficent beyond all other. " AVe have no creed, strictly speaking, but a declaration of principles, and we judge men , more by their deeds than their professions. ' "We do not approve of people joining us through motives of curiosity." Mr. Stevens further referred to the declar ation of Christ that greater things than what His disciples saw should they do, and said Spiritualists believe there is still nec essity, iu fact, as much as at any time pre viously, for convincing exhibitions of supernatural power, both in the churches and out of them, where infidelity stalks boldly. Spiritualists stand ready to do good whenever they can, aud have lately proven it by their contributions to the re lief of the Johnstown people. The number of members on the church roll at present in this vicinity is about 200, but Mr. Stevens states that there are thou- I sands of people who are nith them in every- J thing but in name, as it requires some cour- age to brave adverse public opinion, and SpiritualiMn has not yet become popular. The cougregation will build, but cannot say jufct when, as nothing definite could be done until after a charter was gotten. AS TOrULAK FAUCY PAINTS IT. It will be patent to thousands of people that this picture of Spiritualism is very different from that they have conceived, as the popular impression in most orthodox localities is that spiritnalistic services con sist solely in legerdemain, wheu some drowsy medium half hnman and half satyr arises from stygian pool peeping and mut tering like the witches and wizards that were the abomination of the Jewish seers of old. Mr. Stevens says that he has often noted the astonisment of strangers who attended Spiritualistic services for the first time. Instead of seeing ghosts stamping about and hearing the clanking of invisible chains fettering the limbs of unhappr damned tpirits, they would hear the choir sing, perhaps, "Nearer My God to Thee," etc., and the song wonld be followed by an invo cation that for purity, eloquence and nobleness of sentiment could not' be excelled anywhere. Another thing that will strike some people forcibly in thhj con nection is the growth of toleration in the last 41 years, not to say 300. If in 1848, when the Fox sisters, of Hvdeville. "Wayne county, N. Y., astonished the religious and scientific world by alleged spiritual mani festations which no tests could trace to mundane agency, anyone had proposed to found a church on the basis of those mani festations, the world wonld have been aston ished; but in this age of heterogenity and differentiation it passes as a matter of course. KINDLY ALDERMAN CARLISLE. Ho biippreHCa Spcak-Kanr Men's Nnmn to Lrt Them Reform. Alderman Carlisle held a hearing at his office, No. 4714 Fifth avenue, at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, at which 12 or 15 Law and Order caees were disposed of. A. J. Kacrcher, the druggist, was fined ?25 and costs for selling so'la water on Sunday. The total is only $31 50, however, and Kaercher says he will keep right on. The other cases were for illegal liquor selling. Alderman Carlisle refused to say how many lie had found "guilty and fined. He also refused to give the names of the defendants in the suits. The reasons he cave for withholding the names were that publication would render the people liable to a fine of $300 and "nine months' imprisonment under the Brooks law, and that they had promised him not to violate the law again. DISSATISFIED MEN. More Clerk Realen on the rittabnrc and Western Itond. There seems to be considerable dissatisfac tion among the employes on the Pittsburg and "Western road. Many are stepping down and out,, and their places are filled by "Western men. Mr. Gunning, Chief Clerk to Master Mechanic J. H. Agnew, resigned last week. The new position of master car builder was created and given to a Mr. An derson, of the Big Four road. Another new man, Paul Didder, was appointed road master. THAT G. A. It. RATE. The II. fc O. Propanrd n Cent n. Mile, but the Other Roads Objected The First Ex cnrslon to Atlantic CltT. General Passenger Agent C. O. Scull, of the Baltimore and Ohio road, is in the city. Mr. Scull stated that as soon as the theatri cal season opened he would introduce a res olution in the Trunk Line Association to restore what is known as the party rate. If the association decline to pass the "reso lution the Baltimore and Ohio will restore the rates on their lines. Jr. Scull is con vinced'that the rate is not a violation of the interstate commerce law, and is in every sense legal. He has decided, in any in stance, to introduce such rates until he is stopped by law. Speaking of the refusaVof the railroads to grant a rate of 1 cent a mile to the G. A. R. encampment, Mr. Scull said: "Last May I introduced a resolution in the Trunk Line and Central Traffic Associations to make a rate of 1 cent The Chairman declined to entertain the motion on the ground that the managers and vice presidents of the roads bad decided that one fare lor the round trip should be the established excursion rates, but this was only a pretext. The roads do issue rates even less than a cent per mile, and they have done it since the managers' rule was made. The proceedings of that meeting were referred to the managers, and the Baltimore and Ohio Vice President voted for the 1 cent per mile rate. I don't think the roads will reconsider, and the result will be that very few outside of the delegates will go to the encampment," Mr. Scull said further that this had been so far an excellent year for excursions. The rush of people to the Eastern watering places is enormous, and if the hot weather continues the Baltimore and Ohio will have all it can do to handle the people. Division Passenger Agent Smith has arranged for the first excursion of the season to Atlantic City next Thursday. The train will consist of at least ten cars, and three parlor cars will be put on. Mr. Smith will accompany the excursionists to see that they are well cared for on the road. The passengers will be allowed to stop off at "Washington on the return trip. Mr. Smith said yesterday that he was kept busy booking people, and the prospects for a big crowd were never better. A PROMLNENT GERMAN'S CAREER. He Had Held Hleb Positions In the Em plre Prior to 1SG4. The remains of J. L. Daub, who died Thursday from a paralytic stroke sustained immediatelr after leaving the German Lu theran Church, "West End, last Sunday, will be interred in the cemetery of the chnrch this afternoon. The deceased was born in Germany in 1823. He held various official positions in the German Empire until he came to this countrv iu 18C4. He then settled in the AVest End, where he resided until his death. Mr. Daub was prominently connected in business in that locality, and was a staunch Republican. He leaves a wife and six grown children. His funeral will be at tended by the "William Tell Lodge of Odd Fellows, of which he was a member. ROBBED OX THE BOAT. Tbe Fnte of an Unfortunate Woman and Her Family En Roiiid Home. Yesterday afternoon a woman named Mrs. Fannie Kosenbaum appeared at the office of the Department of Charities with seven children, the oldest about 12 years of age. She asked for a ticket to New York for her self and children. She explained that her husband had deserted her at Memphis, Tenn., where they had gone wmie lour months aso. Her friends live in New York, and she resolved to return to them. At Cincinnati she took the boat to this city, and on the way here someone stole her pocketbook, containing $30, all the money she had. She was directed to the depart ment, and Chief Elliott furnished her with transportation for herself and childron. A Queer Case of Drowning?. The remains of John Garland, a South side glassblower, were brought home yes terday morning from Geneva, where he had been camping out. He had been in bathing and, while standing in the water, which is not much more than waist deep, said to his friends on shore, ""Well, here I go," and disappeared under the water. He failed to reappear within a reasonable time, and a search resulted in finding his drowned re mains about 10 minutes after. The young man's death is considered entirely acci dental. SUMMER BARGAINS In Fine Pianos nnd Organs. It is seldom one sees such a fine display of pianos and organs during the summer .mouths as is now on exhibition at Mellor & Hoene's Palace of Music. Such well-known makes as the Hardman, .Krakauer, Harrington and Kimball pianos, and the Palace, Chase, Chicago Cottage and Kimball organs are represented by this 'house. All of the above instruments are stand ard makes and will be furnished during the summer months at greatly reduced rates. Don't wait until fall to make your pur chase, but make it now and save money by so doing. You cannot do as well elsewhere, we assure you, for our prices simply cannot be equaled. A number of good second-hand pianos, both upright and square; also some fine second-hand organs at very low fiznres. The wonderful JEolian organs are sold at the Palace of Music See these; you will be astonished. On examination of the instruments at the Palace of Music, you will find that it will not be necessary to go elsewhere than to Mellor & Hoene, 77 Fifth avenne, Pitts burg. One Thousand Miles of Transportation and One Week's Board for $12 00. The Pittsburg And Cincinnati packet line. Steamers leaving Pittsburg as follows: Steamer Katie Stockdale, Thomas S. Cal houn, Master.Ieaves everv Monday at 4 p.m. Steamer Hudson, J. F. Ellison, Master, leaves every "Wednesday at 4 P. M. Steamer Scotia, G. "W. Eowley, Master, leaves ever Friday at 4 p. M. First-class fare to Cincinnati and return, $12 00, meals and stateroom included; or, down by river and return by rail, $12 00. Tickets good until used. For further information apply to James A. Henderson, Superintendent, 94 Water street. . su Grand Hotel. This pleasant hotel, located at Point Chautauqua, N. Y., opposite May villi, near the head ot Lake Chautauqua, has now 400 rooms and every modern equipment for the comfort of its guests. Its beautiiul croquet lawns, play grounds, charming views, are unequalcd elsewhere. Ithasreadingrooms, bowling alley, skating rink and good music. Table service unexcelled. The kitchen is supplied with pure spring water. For terms address Horace Fox, who is well known as manager of the Hotel Cooper, Dayton, O., at Grand Hotel, Point Chau tauqua, N. Y. su The Johnstown People Select Wlselr. The Miss Dix Trust has arranged for a representative to supply sewing machines to the seamstresses at that place who suffered by the flood. The seamstresses had their own selection of the different makes of machines on the market, and in every instance chose the late Improved Singer as being the best adapted for all classes of work. The order was accordingly given the Singer Manufacturing Company No. 8 Sixth street for the entire number required. ttssu For a finely cut, neat-fitting suit leave your order with "Walter Anderson, 700 Smithfield street, whose stock of English suitings and Scotch tweeds is the finest in the market; imported exclusively for his trade. su THE HOUSES OF THE DEAD.4 A Project to Erect Larse Public Mausoleums in the Cities, THE BODIES TO BE DRIED BY AIE. A Plan of Burying Them That Would Do Away With Cemeteries. A STRIKING EXAMPLE IS EXPLAINED A number of doctors, undertakers, cem etery officials and others in the two cities are now considering the merits of a new plan of burial to supplant the use of cem eteries and furnish an acceptable medium between the burial in the ground and cre mation. It is no less than a plan of erect ing mammoth mausoleums to hold thou sands of bodies, and, by a system of air draughts, dry the bodies up, as the Indians on the plains leave their dead on scaffolds to be dried and preserved by the, wind, leaving the bones, muscles and fibers in tact, with the skin over them, but the fatty substance underneath wasted, vaporized and carried off by the draught of a furnace, which will consume the odors. The process is now in the hands of a rich company in the East, that proposes to in troduce its plan of burial into every city in the country. The company has issued neat catalogues with plates and descriptions of its plans. The mausoleum will be built of stone or other durable material. Concrete is the preferable material fancied, perhaps, ior purposes of ornamentation, with vitri fied brick, granite or other time-defying stones. OP ANCIENT DESIGN. The designs will be after Greek, Boman and other styles ot architecture, and, from the concrete foundations, the thousands of sepulchers and of the arched walls and cor ridors will go up with the outer walls, form ing one immense casting without seam or joint. The interior plan will resemble that of a well-appointed library, with its main cor ridors and diverging halls leading to the different sections. The sepulchres, of solid concrete, four inches thick, without seam or joint, of the proper size to receive caskets, are arranged in tiers of six upou either side of the hallways. The opening into each sepulchre is pro vided with two doors. The innei door of plate glass will be hermetically sealed as soon as the space is occupied. The outer door may be of highly wrought gold, silver, bronze, or ornate stone,and may be decorated with sculptures or inscriptions, or adorned in other ways in accordance with the desires of surviving friends. A 'portion of the mausoleum will be set apart for family com partments. The sepulchers will be numbered nnd a deed given the purchaser, and records of those interred, including data of their life, etc., will be kept on tile. For those who wish it, electrical appara tus is to be provided, so arranged and ad justed to the body that tbe sightest move ment in the casket will start an alarm and warn the watchman. The sepulchers are constructed with con duits so arranged as to bring fresh dry air into them, and conduct it through the casket space by forced draughts to a central furuace in the sub-cellar, remote from the spaces devoted to the dead. To that furnace the gases and vaporized fluids of the body are thus borne and there consumed, and the escape into the atmosphere of any noxious matter is prevented. The air current is sufficiently rapid to make an entire change in the contents of the casket space every second. TO HE perfectly ventilated. The ends and upper portions of the cas kets will be removed, the lower part of the caskets being so constructed, and the cloth ing so adjusted, as to permit the freest cir culation of air about every portion of the body. By this treatment it is claimed that the remains will beenme naturally des'i cated, or dried up. the fluids whiebconsti tute three-fourths of the hulk ot the human body passing off to the furnace and being consumed, leaving the bones"and fibers in tact with the skin still drawn over them, giving the outline and features ot the body as parchment is stretched over a mold. Dr. Snively, ex-phvsician of the Board of Health of Pittsburg, was seen by a Dis patch reporter, and said: "It is a good plan; yes, it is an excellent plan. "We all know of the contamination of water, the propagation of disease germs and the other objections to the usual modes of burial in the ground; but no remedy has heretofore been offered. The people can never be educated to cremation. It 'covers up all traces of foul plav, is contrary to the re ligious views of the people, and can never become popular. The proposed method is perfectly natural; no chemicals or other foreign means are needed to dispose of the body. The fatty substance merelv wastes away in a natural way, the only differeuce beine that the decomposed gases and vapor are carried away and con sumed, instead of being confined and at last bursting their bounds and permeating the soil and the air of our cities with the breath of death. a process quite natubai "The method cannot be offensive or re roltintr. There is nothing to make it so. The body goes through the changes by a natural method and the tissue is" vaporized by the air, the breath of God. It is much less revolting, indeed, to think of the body lying in the grave rotting and often burst ing with the decomposed gases." The doctor here paused in the conversa tion, and going to a closet brought and handed to the reporter a human arm all shriveled up. "That," he said, "is the arm of a girl who died ten years ago. I was dissecting the body vhen" I was at col lege. I bad taken the cuticle off the arm and separated the veins and arteries, and then laid it aside on the table and turned to other work. It lay there tor some time neg lected. At last I'happened to notice that no offensive odor came from it and that it was dried up. The girl had died of con sumption and was very much emaciated, and there was hardly any flesh on the arm; but what was left was dried up, teaving the bones, ten- uons, niuscies, nans, uneries, etc, intact, and if the skin had been left on, tbe arm would now have no appearance of death, except that the skin would be like parch ment, and the shape would be perfectly pre served. "The arm, as you see, has no odor. The tendons are still moist, as though they had been oiled, and this has probably kept the arm from molding." other doctoes peaise it. Dr. McKelvy also thought the plan a good one. He said that tbe high prices paid for lots in cemeteries ought to pay the ex pense of burial in a mausoleum, and the large surplus in the treasury of the Alle gheny Cemetery Company, and its large capitalization, proves such an undertaking (o be feasible, though it would, of course, require immense capital. Dr. McCann did not have time to give the reporter a chat, but said the plan was a good one. However, he is an advocate of cremation. Dr. English had not studied the matter up, but thought that it was feasible in some cases, but not in others. Dr. Hayes thought the scheme an excel lent one and far better than cremation, but said he would like to see it tried before he gave final expression as to its merits. FrjBNITUKE mending, repairing and up bolstering, send to Haugh & Keenan,33and 34 Water st. 'Phone 102C. t '. (' PITTSBTJRG DISPATCH,, A h,bodhd bargain. Jadg-o Over Decides That tbe 81.000 Paid Down by J. B. Hill to nn Estate Goes BncklnE Oat is No Excuse. Judge Over, in the Orphans' Court yester day, handed down a decision relusiug to al low the claim of Robert Paul agaiost the estate of the late .Joseph B. Hill. The case is a rather odd one. The estate of Hill con sisted of a homestead in Edgewood, the grounds about which were supposed to con tain about two acres. Paul desired to buy if, and offered $16,000 for it to Mrs. Hill, the administratrix. She applied to the Or phans' Conrt for leave to sell; bat the court re fused to agree to a private sale of the property. An agreement was then made with Paul to bid S16.000 for the place at public sale. As a guar antee of good faith, he paid $1,000 In advance. Permission was next obtained from tbe Conrt for a public sale, and the property was put up at auction. Paul, bowever, in tbe meantime was knocked down to another bidder at SU.I Mrs. Hill refused to pay back the H.OOO to Paul, holding that be had forfeited it by break ing his agreement. When she filed her ac count for the distribution of tbe proceeds, in cluding tbe 1 1,000 received from Paul, tbe latter filed a claim against the estate to recover tbe mouey. He maintained that the amount of gound bad been misrepresented to him. Mrs. ill asserted that, while they thought there were two acres, they bad not represented that to PauL Judge Over dismissed the claim. Iilnes From Lcnnl Quarters. In the United States Circuit Court yesterday T. B. Alcorn, Esq., was appointed andltor to re port the distribution of funds arising from tbe gale of tbe Carbondale and Jermyn Street Railroad, sold recently by tbe United States Marshal. In the United States Circuit Court, yester day, George N. Brisblne filed a bill in equity against the Electrical Mining Machine Com pany. He asked for an injunction to restrain the company from transferrins a one-tenth interest in three patents, and from disposing of certain shares in tbe company's stock. A hearing was fixed for July 19. In the suits of Mary Osborn and Nancy It. Collins for damages against tbe Chartiers Gas Company, for spoiling their wells by causing a flow of salt water into them, Jndge Ewing yes terday rendered an opinion on which a motion for a new trial is refused, on the ground that the plaintiffs continue keeping up tbe damage after a lull notice ot its effects. Mrs. Jennie Peterson yesterday sued for a divorce from Henry Peterson, alleging de sertion. Mrs. Kate. M. Merriman asked for a divorce from "William B. Merriman on tbe cround of infidelltv. Suits for divorce, on the ground ot indignities to the person, were also entered by Annie L. Byers against Alexander Byers; Mary E. Maurer against Fred Maurer. and Annie Way against Wesley Way. A divorce was granted yesterday in the case of Mrs. Annctta W. Alexander asralnst Lee II. Alexander. From the testimony taken before H. B. Herron, Esq.. commissioner, it was shown that the couple were married in 1887, and lived together but 14 weeks. Sirs. Alexander stated tbat ber husband neglected her. stopped giving her money, and tbat he beat his children by a former wife terribly and refused to pay his bills. The qncstion of the transfer of license for H. J. Busch, of McKeesport,wbo wanted to re move to another place, was argued before Judge Stowe yesterday. B. C. Christy, Esq., made a long argument against tbe transfer. He. bowever, acknowledged the Court's right to do so, but tbat it was a speculative scheme in licenses, and was only done to make money. Judge Stowe was very emphatic in his remarks about speculating in licenses. His Honor will consider the case. OUT FOIl AN AIRING, And Then Sent Back to Jail tar Final Dis position Next Wednesday Tbat is Rev. Mr. Flrmon's Fix. The habeas corpus case of Bev. E. F. Flemon, alias Yeldell, was brought to Judge Ewing's attention yesterday. Clar ence Burleigh, Esq., counsel, presented a telegram to the Chief of Police, signed James A. Beaver, stating that requisition papers were on the way and Yeldell should be held until they arrived. Judge Ewing seemed to regard the tele gram as a fake, as he said Governor Beaver was a lawyer and should know that unless proper evidence was presented as to the identity of Flemon, alias Yeldell, he could not be held on a telegram. Mr. Burleigh then asked that the case be continued until next "Wednesday, stating that it sufficient evidence to hold could not be had by that time no further objection to release would be urged, and the prisoner's counsel had agreed to a continuance, if the Bev. Flemon be permitted to preach in the county jail to-day. Mr. McKcnua said while he might not strenuously object to a continuance, yet his man stood on his legal right. If the Judge felt that the telegram was sufficient on which to hold Flemon they submitted, but with the suggestion that Flemon denied that he was Yeldell, and there was no evidence to show that Governor Beaver sent the mes sage, which fact should have gravity. Judge Ewing finally decided to hold the accused until "Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, stating that if at that time the South Carolina people could not show that he was Yeldell he would be discharged, and the prisoner was locked up again. The Central station officers say that they can learn nothing ot tbe case, as the prisoner doesn't yield under any kind of pressure. SUB-COMMITTEES APPOINTED. A Meeting; of the Connty Republican Lead ers Yesterday. A meeting of the Republican County Committee was held yesterday afternoon to hear the report of the Boll Committee. This committee, through its Chairman, John N. Xeeb, handed in a report showing each dis trict to have been cared for. The names will be advertised shortly. Chairman Porter announced the follow ing sub-committees: Campaign Committee S. D. Connor, Chair man; James Bradley, John W. Walker, Thomas M. Bayne. William H. McCIeary, William Flinn, A. C. Robertson, Thomas Pascoe, Wal ter Lyon. Finance Committee N. P. Reed, Chairman: II. I. Gourley. Wilson McCandless, C. L. Ma eee, Emanuel Wertheimer, William HU1, David Shaw, James H. McKean, John W. Chal fant, Henry W. Oliver. Dr. R. S. Black, Will iam Knoderer. William B. Kirker, Leon J. Long, Samuel Warmcastle. J. N. Neeb moved that when the meeting adjourned, it would be to meet again on August 3 to designate the number of con ventions next June and the offices to be filled, and that the secretary notify all mem bers to be present The motion caused some debate. 'Squire Schafer wanted the meet ing on Friday, August 2, but he was voted down, and the original motion carried. It was decided to have printed 2,000 books containing the County Committee rules. TravellnE Auditors Iu the CItv. TV. E. Thompson, Jr., of the Pennsylva nia Itailroad; James E. Lane, of the Alle gheny Valley; P. B. O'Dell. of the Pitts burg, Fort "Wayne and Chicago, and T. B. Stokes, of the Panhandle roads, have been engaged during the past week making ex amination of the accounts of the various roads at the Union station and Fifth ave nue offices. A Well-Known Citizen III. Thomas H. Frost, the well-known scrap iron dealer, is lying in a very critical con dition at his home, 116 Bluff street. The family have yery little hope of his re covery. Kemodellna; Sale! For a few days only, greatest bargains in onyx, fine French and American clocks, silverware, etc. Rather than remove them while making extensive repairs to our store, will sell at cost and less than cost. No mis representation. Call at once for big bargains at J. P. 3teinurann's, 107 Federal st-, Alle gheny, Pa. . ttssu Picnickers. Attention. , Parties desiring the use of Aliquippa Grove for Friday, July 19, can have same by applying at the office of the General Ticket Agent of the P. & L. E. B. B., No., 77 Fourth are. ,&M&&;-'1. 1 SUNDAY, JULY 14 OLD MONONGAHELA. SOME JTLEASAKT MEMORIES ASSO CIATED WITH THE NAME. Points f Interest About a Product That Comts Down From George Wnshlniton's DnT-jOIerit rins Its Own Reward. On th same principle that a man never knows Lpw many household gods he owns until hejbegins to move, Pennsylvania hns not realized the value and extent' of her whisky frade until its very existence has been assailed. "What jolly old connoisseur, as he tips his amber glass, stops to think through what a succession of developments the quality of that exquisite nip has come? Liie s too short, he look down into the glass and study its dancing depths. It is the effect, not the cause, he seeks. But let the reader, just for the oddity of it, pour out a glass ol rich old Monongahela Bye and, poising itnicelybetween forefinger and thumb, contemplate it there a bit. "Without the aid of dogma or divining rod, one can read a charming history there. The storv dates back to the year 1796, when one of George "Washington s most valiant sol diers, by name John Large, wandered into the then wild western regions of Pennsylva nia. He had left a pleasant home in New Jersey, but, being of an ambitious and ven turesome turn of mind, he concluded to try his fortune among the undeveloped valleys of the upper Ohio. The vicinity of Pitts burg struck his fancy, and he settled here. Finding a demand for better and more whisky than was being provided by pack saddle' and caravansary, he established a distillery on Mount "Washington. There, overlooking the waters of the Monongahela, the first whisky made in Pennsylvania was produced. Its qual ity was such that its fame soon spread, and the demand grew beyond mere local limits. Six years later, when the little distillery could not do its work fast enough to supply the market, land was purchased and a new plant erected iu the vicinity ot the village of "West Elisabeth, 22 miles up the Monongahela river. Although many years have passed since then, and competi tion of every kind has sprung up, the enterprise then established has grown steadily. John Large was laid in his grave, but from father to son, and then .to grandson, the business descended, each striving to maintain the fair fame of his father's product. Mr. Henry Large, the third in line of descent, is a distiller of inherent skill, and is actuated by family pride, if nothing else, to keep up the repu tation of the famous old brand his fathers made. It has stood the test of public opinion for a century and more. He will t-ee to it there is no blemish on its fair fame now. Mr. Large, of the Large DistiHing Com pany, is by instinct and inheritance a scien tific distiller. There are no blind, hit-and-miss methods employed in their business. There is only one wav to make Mononga hela rye. and it is always made that way. The best of grain, carelully assorted, and water used that is known to be free from all impurities. The equipments of the distillery are ol the best are perfection, in tact. Science and ingenuity have gone hand in hand to place the system of manufacture upon the highest possible plane. Careful attention to the details of tbe company's business and the wants of its patrons has enabled Mr. Large to keep fully abreast of the times and to offer the best brand of whisky on the market to-day. This may seem a broad statement, but not in the face of facts at hand. Some of the most fashionable salons in Paris sell nothing else but "the exquisite Mononga hela Bye," as the admiring Frank puts it. There is also a growing demand for it in London, and several ol tbe leading import ers there write strong letters of commenda tion of this best of American whiskies. In fact, Monongahela Bye has shown the Old "World what America can do when she goes down into the hecrt of a thing Tbe suc cess oi Mr. Large and his fathers has been that they kept working away, even after their whisky was acknowledged to be the best made in the land, trying to make it even better. Purity, that great essential, has been attained in the fullest degree after vears of painstaking investigation. Analyt ical chemists pronounce it the safest liquor for medicinal use, and the best hospitals employ no other. The leading physicians of Pittsburg and Allegheny, having made fair and thorough tests, have arrived at the conclusion that it is their duty to specific ally prescribe this brand of whisky. They recognize the fact that while bad whisky is a dangerous thing to put in a man's stomach, good.whisky is the elixir of life itself under certain circumstances. They therefore pre scribe the Monongahela Bye for use in the sick room. But Monongahela Bye made as this is is mellcv to the taste as it is strengthening to the wasted form. Not only is it a boon to the sick, but a delight to the hale. The best clnbs in Pittsburg have it in their buffets, and there is scarcely a sideboard in the ranks of the upper ten where this rare old liquor does not sparkle. You see it in the house of the millionaire, but just as surely in the cottage of the workingman, for he, too, knows the smack of the correct article and is willing to pay for it. All things considered, Largc's Monongahela rye is the cheapest liquor on the market to-day. The product ol the Large Distilling Com pany is handled by the following well known wholesale dealers, and is to be had, ot course, in all first-class retail establish ments: G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue. "William J. Friday, 633 Smithfield street. George H. Bennett & Bro., 135 First avenue. Schuetz, Benziehausen & Co., 100 and 102 Market street. Albert Bertalott. 1015 Libertv street. John Z. T. Bobitzer, 717 Liberty street. Frederick Mugele, 495 Fifth avenue. John McCullough, 523 Liberty street. Thomas E. Pollard, 1044 aud 1046 Penn avenue. Joseph Fuhrer & Sons, 3701 Butler street. CHANGE IN MAKE-UP. CLASSIFIED ::: ADVERTISEMENTS That heretofore appeared on this page of THE DISPATCH will be found on the Eleventh Page, in the Second Part of this issue. The Wants, For Sales, To Lets, Business Chances, Auc tion Sales, eta, are placed under their usual headings on the Eleventh Page. Adver tisements handed in too late for Classification will be found on the Sixth Page. SCOTT &KENNEWEG Manufacturers of Ornamental Iron Fencing, Ratlin? iJ and Cresting:. - 34 8AMPSOIT.ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. BDecially Adapted for Cemetery Lots. JelS-8-Thsu 1 ifhfflJffi'iiT-'";--; ' '-s- && NEW ADTERTISEMENTS. AT THE Homestead Steel Works, Near Pittsburg, Pa. . Our former Employes-haying refused to accept the revised schedule ot wages offered them, based upon a sliding scale, their posi tions are now open to others. The rates we offer are as follows: COXTIItTIHG MILL. New Scale. Earnings , . under new S S scale on S a-" bails of Position. 2 May ton- S ."ng nsge. : " : ?amo'th.ll3Uy Cupola. mn .'... ?Tw P tiMoo fsoi Vcsfclman 170 1 75 13! 00 5 04 roarer 15 3 50 117 SO 71 liloirrr 1 MM 4 38 Splcgelmtn '. I 3 3 00 10O73 4 03 rumen l x z(0 10O75 4 r Stopper tetter. , IS 2 75 92 60 3 70 Ladle man lit 2 60 87 40 3 49 Cupola belpers , 114 2 50 84 45 3 38 Bottom maters :. H 2 50 84 45 3 38 First re gulafors 109 2 40 80 75 3 23 Crane shineri 109 2 40 80 75 3 2S Vem'lra'a first helper....'. 109 2 40 80 75 3 23 Clndennan 109 2 40 80 75 3 23 Vess'lm'a second helper.. 102 2 25 75 53 3 02 Hot. mltrs. helpers v.100 2 20 74 10 2 on Mould sanders 1 00 2 20 74 10 2 36 Cinder tapper 95 2 10 70 40 2 81 Kaelmanf.. 95 2 10 70 40 2 81 Iron crane man 95 2 10 70 40 2 81 Ingot extractor 95 2 10 70-40 2 81 Stopper maker 95 2 10 70 40 2 81 Metal wheelers...., 91 2 00 67 40 2 70 Cinder snappers 91 2 0067 40 2 70 Ladleman's helper 91 2 00 67 40 2 70 Ingot extnic helper 91 2 00 67 40 2 70 Coke wheelers , 8S 190 (3 70 2 55 Second regulators 85 190 6.170 2 55 Mould washer 86 1 90 63 70 2 55 Steel craneman , 86 190 6370 255 23-INC1I BLOp&'lXQ MILL. Screwman .... "6 00 IT50 00 J6 M Heater 3 10 4 80 118 00 4 72 Kougher 2 59 3 75 93 59 3 94 1'olnt-ln-hOOk 190 2 75 72 25 2 89 Shearman 190 2 75 72 25 2 Kt Turn-up-hook ISO 2 75 7i23 2 89 Bottom men 179 2 60 ex 10 2 72 Hookers 172 2 50 63 4C 2 2 Kurnacemen 155 2 25 58 95 2 OS Tongraan 155 2 25 58 95 2 36 Shearman's helper 152 2 20 57 80 2 31 Dragout 152 2 20 57 80 2 31 Butt wheeler 138 2 09 52 50 2 10 full around 1 38 2 10 52 50 2 10 Micarpnlplt 12V 175 46 00 184 l'ulplt man 121 175 46 00 1M Cover men 1 14 1 65 43 35 1 73 23-INCII MILL. . ICollcr 1100 per month and.(3 10 $00 flw 00 fiGO Heater. 6 92 4 50 89 25 W Catcher 5 77 3 73 74 43 2 98 Koughcr down. 5 38 3 50 69 40 2 78 Kougherup 4 62 3 00 59 60 2 38 btlcierln.. 4 23 2 75 54 60 2 18 Stralghtener 4 23 2 75 54 60 2 18 Heifer's Cist helper .'.... 400 260 51 60 2 06 Hookers...". 3 69 2 41 47 60 190 Hotstralghteners 3 46 2 25 44 60 178 Buggyraan 3 46 2 25 44 60 178 Heater's second helpers.. 3 23 2 10 41 65 1 67 Chargers and drawers 3 23 2 10 41 65 1 67 53-LNCII COOQING MILL. Holler 1100 per month 4...M 50 t5 85 J1C6 25 t 65 Heater 8 49 4 50 160 70 6 43 Tableman 6 13 3 25 116 00 4 64 Shearman 5 19 2 75 SS 24 3 93 Bottom men 4 91 2 60 92 94 3 72 Chargers 4 91 2 60 92 94 3 72 Doorman 4 91 2 60 92 94 3 72 Shearman's helper 4 15 2 20 78 55 3 14 Back tableman 3 77 2 00 7135 2 85 1'ull around 3 58 190 67 75 2 71 Crane engineer. 4 25 2 25 80 45 122 Shear craneboy 1 GO 85 30 30 1 21 Hydraulic boys 142 75 26 85 1 W 33-ISCH BEAM MILL. Holier 8100 per month A. ft CO $5 80 I66 30 K 65 Heaters 1100 4 50 182 40 7 29 Catcher 8 89 4 00 147 40 5 90 Hougher down 7 78 3 SO 129 CO 5 16 Koujtherup ..7 22 3 25 119 70 4 79 Stralghteners 6 67 3 00 11160 4 42 Hookers (front) 6 11 2 73 10130 4 05 Stlcker-ln 6 11 2 75 10130 4 05 Heater's first helpers 5 78 2 60 95 80 3 83 Chargers 5 55 2 40 92 00 3 68 Hookers (back) 5 55 2 50 92 00 3 6$ Buggyman 5 UO 2 25 82 90 3 31 Heater's second helpers.. 467 2 10 7740 309 Hnggyman's helper 4 67 2 10 77 40 3 09 Hot-bed men 4 67 2 10 77 40 3 09 Sawman 4 67 2 10 77 40 3 09 Kackman 4 44 2 OP 73 60 2 94 Stralghtener's helper 4 44 200 7360 294 Hydraulic telegraph 3 78 170 6265 250 OPIX-UZAKTH rCltXACZS. Melters, per day 96 00 K00 150 00 (6 00 Melter's first helper 8 87 2 75 68 73 2 75 Ladlemen 8 07 2 50 62 55 2 50 Pitman 7 74 2 40 60 00 2 40 Melter's second helper.... 7 28 225 5625 225 Chargers 7 26 23 56 25 2 25 ntman's first helper 7 26 2 25 56 25 2 25 ntman's second helper... 6 77 2 10 52 45 2 10 Ladleman'i helper 6 45 2 00 50 00 2 00 Craneman 5 65 175 43 80 175 119-IXCU PLATE MILL. Roller tlOO per month .-300 "6 80 18150 t72S Screwman 6 93 5 CO 145 65 5 83 Shearman 8 93 5 00 145 65 5 83 Tableman 8 04 4 50 13110 5 24 Heaters 8 04 4 50 13110 5 24 Second shearman.... 5 80 ,3 25 94 60 3 78 Hooks 5 36 3 00 87 40 3 50 Heater's helpers 4 64 2 60 75 70 3 03 Sweepers 4 02 2 25 65 60 2 62 First leader 4 02 2 25 65 60 2-62 Second leader ...3 63 2 20 64 10 2 56 Shearman's belpers 3 75 2 10 61 20 2 45 Craneman 6 35 3 00 87 40 3 SO Craneman's belpers .4 02 2 25 65 60 2 62 Earnings under New Scale on basis of May Tonnage are given to show tbat workmen do make what is estimated and more, too. All common labor fourteen (14) cents per bour; not affected by tbe slldlne: scale. Ferm&nentposltions, steady employment and ample protection guaranteed to all competent men who enter oar employ. Printed tables of wages showing earnings under sliding scale, based on average monthly selling prices of steel blooms furnished on ap plication. Address, or apply in person, to CARNEGIE, PHIPPS&Cfc.Llm., 48 FIFTH AVEHTJE, Pittsburg, Pa. OB TO OUR AGENTS: J. Ogden Hoffman, 333 Walnut St.. Philadel phia. Pa. Geo. H. Wlgbtman, Mason Build., Boston, Mass. Chas. TV. Baker, 101 St. Clair st, Cleveland, O. Frank C. Price, Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn. W. H. D. Totten, Jr., Mitchell Block, Cincin nati, O. H. L. Waterman, Mills Building, New York City. T. Gmlford Smitb, Cbapln Block, Buffalo, N.Y. ' John C. Fleming. Home Ins. Build., Chicago, A. W. Dreves, Bant of Commerce Build., St. Lonis, Mo. N. D. Carpenter, Grand Rapids, Mich. jylW0-wTSu DESKS A SPECIALTY. The Most Complete Stock In the city. BED BOCK PRICES. We also manufacture this wonderful combination Easy Clinlr. STEVENS CHAIR CO. No. 3 SIXTH ST, mimsu PITTSBURG.PA PHOTOGRAPHER. 18 SIXTH 8TREET. A fine, large crayon portrait S3 90: see them before ordering eluewbere. Cabinets, ti and 12 60 per dozen.' PROMPT CEUYERY. apu-ie-xvrrsu (., -rlaiJtWAr '!lr j2 NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. A GENTLE DON'T BLAME US 0OOO40404O0XXXXX XXXX0X44XM GUSKY'S 444444444444444444444444X44444444 -AT -AEE MEWS SUMMER SUITS -AT- $8, $10 and $12, Worth every cent of $12, $15 and $18. All the past week there's been a big rush for them and this week there's bound to be a huge crowd of nuuuut 'Aa5g&iluu iuc giauub saying a great deal. REMEMBER FIRST COME GETS FIRST PICK. SUMMEE CLOTHnsra OF ALL SORTS HERE. The art of taking life easy, so far as clothes go, is little more than picking the best in a good store. The hot weather has set the thinnest clothing selling quick. We believe we should sell twice as. quick and twice as much of it, at least, if everybody knew what we had. YOU PAY ACCORDING to YOUR LIKING Whatever the length of your purse we can suit it a coat suitable for office or house wear for 19c, or at any intermediate price up to the finest Coat and Vest in our house for $8. But remember whatever you determine on buying you can get at a price guaranteed to be at least 25 CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR EXPENDED LESS MONEY THAN YOU'D PAY elsewhere: $2 50 $3 00 $3 50 $4 00 $3 50 $4 00 $5 OO $6 OO THOUSANDS OF ODD PANTS Short Pants 29c up. STILiL FURTHER REDUCED PRICES -ur- Straw and Light Colored Hats. Your choice of 100 dozen of Boys' White Straw Hats, with assorted colored bands, at 24c only. Your choice of 100 dozen of Men's elegant Straw Hats, in the pop ular Yacht style, at 44c only. Your choice of 50 dozen of Men's fine Stiff Hats, in all the latest and most fashionable of light colors and shapes at $1 24 only. THESE ARE BARGAINS BEYOND COMPARE. IFICIETIC PRICES SUMMER FURNISHING GOODS. WE OFFER THIS WEEK: Men's fancy stripe Balbriggan Drawers, former price $1 24, at 49c only. Men's Gauze Shirts and Drawers, plain and fancy colors, regular 48c goods, at 24c only. Boys' iancy stripe Shirts and Drawers reduced from 49c to 34c. Finest all-silk Shirts, regular $4 50 goods, will go at $3 24. French Flannel Shirts reduced from $2 50 to $1 74 and $1 99. Ladies' Blouse Waists reduced from S3 to $2 24. Men's elegant summer Silk Scarfs cut from 50c to 39a Fine French Balbriggan Socks, regular 25c goods, three for 50c Boys' standing collar "Star" Percale Shirt Waists, usual price $1, for 63 c only. Boys' "Star" Percale Waists, regular Si 5 goods, for S3C only. Hundreds of Swimming Tights, 24c per pair only. Super weight Merino Shirts and Drawers, just the thing for an ocean voyage or seashore, 89c only. ALSO PHENOMENAL BARGAINS -IX- Summer Footwear, Trunks, Traveling Bags,&c. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ) - GUSKY'S -,,1V, .frTfiifaiifc , ,u'. & 8 REMINDER! IF YOU GET LEFT THEIR - SELLINO - eager purchasers. These Suits are uaigAiua cvci uucicu vy uj nuu. vuat . Boys' Knee-Pant Suits, WORTH EVERY CENT OF S4, $5, S6, S7. Mothers, it's like throwing dollars over your shoul ders to pass us by this week. We've got these goods to dispose of and we're marching 'em out to the tune of lowest prices. Boys' Long-Pant Suits, WORTH EVERY CENT OF o, o, o, 9B9. You may be sure that whether you pay us $3 50 or $6, or in fact any price at which our Boys' Suits are plainly marked, you will in all cases get goods which will equal in quality and be better in fit than what would cost you at least 25 CENTS on every dollar more elsewhere. ) for BOYS BIG and LITTLE Long Pants 65c up. ( GRAND BARGAIN STORE, to 400 Market street, Jjll-TTSSm msmssz ajptCTTAicaTglL-'H'r UMPMBIiMHPMMlBarJKlfiMJE.TggM mmm BWTi