r 'W'iBWf i THOTSBKd1 iff-l ;a review of sports ; Opinions Regarding the Snlli- yan-Kilrain Battle. ;rlSIILEAIN A GAME MAN? &.' His Tactics lSTot Those of PreTious Heroes of the King. SMITH'S CHALLENGE TO SULLIVAN. Tfhj the Champion May Sot Accept the Englishman's Offer. FEATURES OF LEAGUE PENNANT EACE The echos of the great battle of Monday last have not. died away yet by any means; indeed, the public seems almost as eager now to discuss the merits and demerits of the principals as ever. I venture to say that there was a prize that received more recognition by the public press than that ot Sulliran and Kilrain. If all that has been written abont the battle and the men was pat into book form, there would be sufficient Tolnmes to stock a good sized library. Despite the fact, however, of the numerous opinions and statements that have been published regarding the affair, I intend to gbre an estimate of the battle. The morn ing after the fight I stated that it would not go down to history as one of the best that Has been fought. Kow that we have had time to more fully consider the features of the contest, I think nobody , will for a moment dispute that assertion. Certainly Sulliran was the victor, and as such is the lion of tbe day. He deserves all tbe credit be can pet, because be won an honest battle, even if it was not one of the Lest there bas been. However, after reading all the leading accounts of the battle I cannot avoid tlve conviction that neither of tbe prin cipals' added very considerably to their pres tige as pugilists. Of course, 1 am aware in say ing this and other things that I intend to say ray opinions will not be in harmony with those of many people. I do not write to please every body; the true and logical features of any sub ject under attention are what concerns me, and when I state those, like everything else that goes before the world, they must take their chances. One thing 1 wish to be under stood, viz.: that I have reasons tor any opinion that 1 may offer. About the Battle. In talkinr about tbe fight it will be best, I think, to be as frank as possible, and if we ex ercise this spirit I think we'll find that tbe bat tle was f raught with features that very few people, if any. expected to see. To begin with, who expected to see or hear of the battle last- M ing more than two hours and Sullivan be bailed tbe winner? I know of nobody; I am free to admit that I did not, nor did any of Sullivan's . most ardent admirers, as far as I know. How ever, why this result took place can be satisfac torily explained, and I think the explanation i will show that virtually thf t-ittlo was over in I a very short time. Those uO read what I bad r to say last Sunday on this subject will remem ber that I stated Sullivan was liable at any stage to get borne one of his terrific right-hand blows, and if. he did the jig would soon be up. This is really what did occur. In the third round Sullivan struck just below tbe heart with a force that undoubt edly knocked SO per cent of Kilrain's fichting abilities out of him. It may be that Kilrain will never recover from the effects of that blow; at any rate it is clear that the blow in qnestion enabled Sullivan to have such a comparatively easy time of it and last so well. He was to a great extent fighting a defeated man fornearly two hours. Every successive round fonnd Kil rain in greater difficulties in his breathing, be cause of that blow. I, therefore, argue that it was owing more to the disabled condition of Kilrain than to the alleged first-class condition of Sullivan that enabled the latter to last so well. There is nothing to show that Sullivan was in much -better condition, if any better at all, on -Monday than when be met Mitchell in France. That he was not in anything like first class condition is proven by tbe fact of bis vom iting in tbe ring But circumstances under which Sullivan was placed in France v. hen be fought Mitchell were much more trying than those on iionday. In both battles it was a case of who could run around thennglongesLbut in France tbe ring was ankle deep in mud, and a distress lng and chilly rain was falling. Even under these circumstances Sullivan lasted more than three hours, and in front of a well-trained, , trick v and active man. Now the conditions on JloDday were infinitely more favorable to Sulli van than those just referred to. The turf was dry, the weather fine and Kilrain Injured in the most vital part of bis body. With these facts before us, then nobody can say that there Is any proof that Sullivan was in any better condition on Monday than he was when he met Mitchell; indeed. I am inclined to think that if tbe difficulties had been so creat on Mondar as they were in France Sullivan would have made another draw. Fentnrea of the Fight. My main contention is that if Kilrain had not been struck so heavily near the heart the battle would have lasted longer than it did, and the great probability Is that a draw would have ensued, not because of any terrific fighting that would have taken place, but because of the ex tremely cautions movements of tbe principals. I predicted last week that Sullivan would show that he had learned something in his fight with Mitchell and this prediction was true. Kilrain, to some extent, adopted Mitchell's "running away" tactics, but Sullivan wasn't to be de coyed this time, and he saved his strength. In this connection, however, it is not unfair to say that Sullivan ought to have been able to knock Kilrain clean out long before two hours bad ex pired: as it was. he did not knock him out at alL Kilrain was close enough numerous times, because be was continually bitting Sulli van. This really ought to show that in a 21 foot ring Sullivan is not tbe terror that we have been led to believe he is. Kilrain, undoubtedly. Is an excellent boxer, and had he less of tbe stagey attitnde he mieht have protected his ribs from that awful blow; and a tricky man who can avoid for 30 or 40 minutes Sullivan's tremendous blows goes a long way toward ex ploding the big fellow. How ever, Ijua inclined to think that Kilrain did not fight a game bat tle: he acted from tbe early part of the fight until the close as if be was thoroughly atraid of Sullivan. His tactics of running in and hit ting his opponent lightly and dropping down is a system of prize ring fichting unworthy of admiration, buch characters of the prize ringas Sick Hall made it obnoxious, and both Kilrain and Mitchell have reverted to it. To say tbe least it is cowardly of a man who lays claim to the title of pugilistic championship to drop down rather than face an opponent. A man like Dempsey, Mace and others, who can hit an opponent and ret away without Ivine down is to be admired. There is art in that becanse an opponent may be deco) ed to follow, when tbe decoyer will have another opportunity to . turn suddenly and do more damage. This was the way, chiefly, in which Sayers beat the big Tipton Slasher." Who ever "beard of Sayers, Heenan, Dempsey or men of this class lying down? It may be true tbat Kilrain knew he was settled when he received that blow on the side, but had he been a thorough going game man this fact would have prompted him to go for chances at once. A cbance blow has turned defeat Into victory many a time. but to prolong a battle over two hours is indicative tbat a man dare not go for bold and brave chances. When Tom King fought Mace in 1863 King soon discovered that he bad met his mas ter. But be did not slink away; be went iu for chances, and to hafre tbe matter ended as soon as possible. A chance blow favored bim, and he knocked Mace out. Had Kilrain been plucky and gone in to see if a lucky hit would turn tbe tide. It would have been more to bis credit. It may not be unsafe to say tbat Kilrain bas fought his last prominent fiebt in tbe prize ring. Defeat Is extremely costly to prize fight ers nowadays when the show business is so costly. On the other hand, it Is likely tbatSnl livan will make everything possible out of his victory. That he will profit largely by it finan cially is certain, andlf it were possible forSulli ian to do himself permanent good with what his present popularity realizes. It would be well for him. Jem Smllh'a Challenge. Jem Smith, the Englishman, is apparently anxious to meet Sullivan for a very big stake suid allow the big man 11,000 expenses to fight In Europe. It Is hardly likely tbat' this offer will be accepted, not because Sullivan would refuse to fight Smith, but because of tbe fact that Sullivan bas already been in Europe nd Smith has never been In this country. It cer tainly does seem that Smith bas as much right to take a turn In traveling as anybody else. The chances for a fight and lair play are Just as favorable in this continent as on that in the East. We are sure to bear considerable talk about Smith's challenge, but I fail to see why anybody should for a moment think tbat Sulli van, alter defeating Kilrain, should be afraid to meet Smith, who fought a draw with the Baltimore man. Sullivan's victory suggests many other things which for lack of space cannot deal with at nresent, Little Murnhy's defeat of Griffin on Friday evening at Frisco settles the feather-weight championship pretentions of Griffin. The lat ter is a cam o little pugilist, but he has never shown that he is in tbe champion class. Mur phy's readiness to meet Griffin is a creat con trast to that white-feather individual. Tommy Warren. The latter bas invariably an excuse to escape meeting a good game man. Baseball Affair. As I have already intimated,space is at a pre mium in this week's Dispatch and my limits are very narrow. I, therefore, have little room left to talk about baseball affairs. One thing, however, I note with some amount of pride, viz: That the New York team is grad ually getting nearer the top of the list. It has finally touched second place ana is a very good second at tbat. From the beginning of the season 1 have argued that the New York team is tbe best in tbe country. I am more convinced of this tnail ever, and providing each team in the League was to play its very best during tbe balance of the season, the Giants would be easy winners. However, accidents will happen, and tbat makes matters very uncertain. Our local club is once more in a sea of difficulties, tbe leading players of tbe team being on tbe sick list. Of course these are misfortunes that nobody can avoid, and it would be ungenerous for any of us at this stage to say an unkind word about the team and its misfortunes. It is only fair to say that the directors have met tbe difficulties in a plucky manner. Tbe season, indeed, has been an unfortunate one for tbe borne club. There is every proof that if everythinc had cone right tbe Pittsburg team would have been among the leaders. Once or twice tbe team has been in good condition for a day or two and then victory was ours However, it is a long Une tbat hat no turning, and there is yet plenty of time for the club to get into good tihape and finish in a better position than it did last year. Boston bas been a luckv club this year if any club has. Tne Beaneaters have invariably met opposing teams when the latter were at their worst. If the records were searched I think it would be found tbat many of Boston's victories are due to tbe cause named. Cleveland is losing its grip, but not because it is weakening, as many people seem to think. The Babies are being brought to a standstill only becanse the other teams are playing better ball than they have been doing. Cleveland, however, will not drop much fur ther down. The other teams are going along in their usual way. Bnncrolt'a Renlcnnllon. The resignation of Frank Bancroft from the management of tbe Indianapolis team is proba bly more significant than many of us believe. It seems to mean tbat the Indianapolis team is in a very shaky condition, and that in turn sug gests tbat tbe Hoosiers may not be with us next year. With Indianapolis out and the Cin cinnati club in the League, I imagine it would be better for ever body concerned. This may be the result. Pbiqle. THE SULTAN'S BALLET. A Strance Attraction nt the Paris Exposi tion The Java Tillage Little Dane ins Girls GlItterinK Dia dems nnd bnbers. 1C0BBESP0M)KCE OF THE DISPATCH.! Paris, July 2. On the Esplanade des Invalides is a large inclosure surrounded by a bamboo palisade, on the entrance door way ol which is this inscription: "Kampong Javanese." This Java village consists of 0 houses and contains some 60 inhabitants, men, women and children, whose occupa tions, language, food and dwellings are exj actly and faithfully reproduced just as they ex ist so many thousands of miles away. The kampocg is surrounded by a palisade of straw, and the entrance doorway is flanked by two thatched towers. On passing through this opening one of tbe first things noticed were two bas reliefs in stone which have been brought from tbe ruins of an ancient temple in the island, and which recall the antique culture of the Javanese people. One of these sculp tures represents the God of Wisdom. Ganesa or Bitara-Gana. a fat creature sitting cross legged, and having an elephant's head on his shoulders. The other personates tbe Goddess Loro-Djongrang seated on a bull: this deity has eight arms, one holding a buffalo's tall, tbe sec ond a sword, tbe third and fourth mysterious symbols, tbe fifth tbe moon, tbeslxth a buckler, the seventh a standard, ana with the eighth she lifts Mahikassour or Vice personified by tbe hair of the bead. Tbe villagers of Java in Paris are a curious type, with yellow faces, largo flat noses and brilliant teeth between thick red-black lips. The men wear trousers and ablouse of colored muslin stuff, the women petticoats and loose bodices, and both sexes go about barefoot. Tbe men come from Batavia. in the most west ern portion of the island; the musician (their instruments consist of bamboo lyres) are from the empire of Sourakarta and the dancers from Djokjakarta. THE SULTAN'S BALLET. The art of dancing, as practiced at Bjogja karta,is in great lavor. The Sultan has CO "ballet girls" and men in his "kampong," or lortress. They form a ballet especially attached to the palace, for in Java dancers are consid ered mistical, almost sacred beings, and not, as in Barman or Japan, a meansof enjoyment and 1 usury. The art is transmitted from mother to daughter, just as among the Jews the Leviti cal priesthood descended Irom rather to son, and these women form a sort ot priesthood, too, for tbey are all virtuous and vowed to chastity, when a dancer marries and she may only marry a man of Djokjakarta she re tires from tbe profession to devote herself to household duties and tbe training of ber girls in tbe terpsichorean art. There are four or five dancers, and thev are among tbe great attractions of the Exposition. They are lent for the occasion by the Sultan of the Javanese town with the unpronounceable name to the organizer of the Dutch section, and will ret am to their native land in Novem ber. Thamina. tbe eldest, is 16 years old; Sarr Mem, Soukia and Meriem are respectively 12, 13 and II years of age. Sarrkiem and Soukia are sisters. They are evidently of Hindoo ex traction originally, and tbey are nrobablv Mus sulmans: but tbey are firmly persuaded of their descent from"Vlshnu. The' face is of pure oval sbaoe, eyes large and rather far apart, eye brows painted so as to form two decided arches, nose thin, mouth somewhat thick but prettily shaped, showing when they smile a row of nicely-set white teeth not too close together, but they seldom smile, tbe usual expression be ing grave and mystical. Tbe black lustrous hair is much ornamented, two of tbe girls had on cold diadems across the forehead, which Jiassed under the ears, and ended in tbe hair n a sort of wing of chased gold, and in tbe chignon was fixed a gold fish holding a red net. The other damsels carried each a saber, and wore a sort of screen of black feathers as a headdress. A WEIRD DANCE. They sat In curious attitudes, sometimes looking more like little bronze toys than any thing else, until, presently on the first sound of the gamelung, or orchestra arranged at the back of the stage, they all fell into curious po sitions. A violin with a single cord begins with a monotonous chant, gradually increasing in speed toward tbe end of the dance. Drums, wooden harmonicas and a row of bronze vases placed upside down are beaten as an accompan iment. Tbe four dancers rise and begin their steps.a long series of rythmical movements and strange poses; tbe feet slide and the legs are moved gently and qnietly, while the bust rises and falls in time with the music: the head is silently tnrown back and the face kent nnltn Immobile. Everything is in the slow move ments of the arms, now thrown nut and now raised; the wrists are turned to and fro with in imitable grace, and the bands take their part, are always extended and move about rythmi cally. They told me this was a warrior or martial dance, but I must say it did not convey any such idea to my uninitiated mind. It was very odd. though, to watch Jhese four little yellow idols, moving slowly to and fro. now advancing and now retreating with unintelligible ges tures. Tbe mummy-like figures moved rvth mically to and f ro, as if tbey were somnambu lists, with never a smile on their faces. Tney sway the body backward and forward, but their bands seem to be playing the most important part. Occasionally, it is true, the dancerscome to life, their eyelids move, and their lips tremble as if puckering for a smile, but almost immediately tbe fringed lids fall again, the mouth becomes immobile, and slowly and ryth mical, in a strange, monotonous way, tbe girls move backward and forward, making one thinK of negro songs and cradle rocking, of dreamy reveries, traversed by confused souve nirs of intangible reminiscences of a primitive state of belag. And with their yellow faces made more so by tbe rubbing In of saffron, which makes a sort of aureole around their heads, their slight limbs and gliding move ments, now coming forward and now retreat ing, tbey had at once tbe charm and welrdness of a phantom dance.and the horror of a night mare. Henet HATXEE. LUCK AGAINST THEM. Dame Fortune Deals -Harshly With Our Players and BOSTON BEATS THEM AGAIN. Jocko Fields Makes a'Home Eon, hat it Was Ko Good. EESULTS OF OTHER INTERESTING GAMES rSrXCIAt. TXXXORAK TO THE DlgrATCH.l Boston, July 13. The Bostons took an other game from the lads from Pittsburg to-dey, but they did so because everything went their way. Luck was against the vis itors, and every time they did make a break in fielding it resulted in a run for Bostons. The Pittsburgs batted freely and fielded brilliantly at times, but although tbey appeared to have struck a winning gait, they did not get there. Little Miller was again behind the bat, and he put up one of the finest games ever seen here. He is a prime favorite in Boston, and the crowd cheered him repeatedly. The game was full of good plays, as tbe description by innings will show. As usual.Captain Kelly's sluggers first tested the quality of the ball, but they could not find a spot not inhabited by a Pittsburger. but the visitors fared no better in their half of the Inn ing, so honors were even. In the s-cond Inning the Beaneaters scored their first run. Hardie Richardson lined the ball to left field for a sin gle, and Jon nston and Quinn sent bim to third on sacrific es. Ganzel was cheered as he stepped, to tbe plate, and he showed his appreciation of the reception by placing tha ball in centerfleld for one base, Richardson scoring. MILLER NABBED HIM. Ganzel started for second and Miller made a splendid throw, tbe result being disastrous to danzel, but Umpire Powers got some dust in his eyes just then and aid not see the out. Madden made a desperate lunge at the ball and sent it travelluc toward Smith in a hurry. It bounded erratically, and Madden was safe on first and Ganzel on third. Madden started leisurely for second, thinking that Ganzel would run in it the ball were thrown, but Gan zel hugged his base and the kid was thrown out. For Pittsburg, after Deacon White had ineffectually agitated the air. Dun lap walked to the plate and received a handsome basket of roses, and tben he sent an easy one to Brouthers. Fields closed the Inning by giving Johnston a fly. Mike Kelly tried one of his old tricks in tbe third inning, but it did not work. With Brown out, Kelly gave Fields a fly, which be dropped. Kelly made two bases on the error and stole third. Then Nash popped np a fly, which Fields captured after a hard run. Kelly left the base before the ball was caught, and when Miller threw it to Pop Smith Umpire Powers said "out." THE I1TNTNQ OPENED "WELL. The Pittsburg, halt of tbe third inning opened well for the visitors and closed brill iantly for tbe home team. Smith opened with a clean hit to center andStaley got another safe one to left. Hanlon bunted tbe ball along the third base line and tbe bases were filled, with none out. Thenthe Bean Eaters hustled. Miller lifted tbe ball iuto5 ohnston's hands and it was returned like a shot in season to retire Smith at the plate. Then Nash made a difficult stop of Howe's bit and the side was retired without a run. The fourth inning was red-bot for both sides. For Boston, Brouthers was an eisv victim. Smith to White. Rich ardson sent up a deceptive fly which Smitb failed to reach and Richardson reached second on tbo hit. Smith was rattled and threw the ball wildly and Har die reached third. Johnston got a rattling bit to left, and Richardson scored. Jobnston stole second and Qulnn's slng'e to center sent him home. Quinn played off too far and was caught off first when the ball was returned. Ganzel was out on a bounder to Smith and Boston went into tbe field with two runs to ber credit. Then the visitors had a strange mix ture of good and bad luck. Five batsmen made five successive hits, but only one run was corraled. Kuebne, after hitting safely, was struck by a hot one from White's bat. Dun lap, Fields and Smith followed with singles and White scored. Dnnlap tried to do the same, but a beautiful throw by Ganzel NATXED HIM AT THE PLATE. While Staley was atthebatSmlth was thrown out while attempting to steal second. It looked bad for Boston and there was a great sigh of relief when tbe third man was out. The fifth inning saw some more good playing by both sides. With Madden out. Brown sent a canAon ball boundinc to center field, Dunlap made a phenomenal stop but spoiled It by throwing wildly before he had recovered his balance. Brown cot to 8-cond on tbe error, went to third on Kellv's sacrifice and scored on Nash's single. Brouthers was called upon fora home run and he made a great effort to re spond, but Hanlon jumped high in the air after running hard and intercepted the ball in its flight amid creat applause. Staley opened for Pittsburg with a neat single to right. Hanlon tried for a similar bit, and it looked as though he be had succeeded, but Ganzel made a great sprint, caught the ball and fielded it to Brouthers in time to retire Staley. Miller couldn't get the ball beyond Quinn. The sixth inning was opened for the Bostons by Klchard son with a rattling three-bagger to lelt center, bst he would not bave scored had not Miller permitted a ball to slip through his fingers. The other Beaneaters were easily retired. The Pittsburgs were retired in succession. FIELDS' HOME BUN. In tbe seventh for Boston Brown popped up a fly, which dropped in the diamond between Staley and Dunlap. and then scored on a steal and two sacrifices. Fields made a home run for Pittsbure in the last half of tbe seventh, tbe ball going over the left garden wall. Smith gave Johnston a fly which the latter muffed. Smith went to second on a passed ball, but thought tbe umpire said "foul." and walked back to first only to be touched out br Madden. The eighth saw the Beaneaters retired with out a rnn, but the visitors added two to their score. Errors by Brouthers and Nash, aided by a neat hit bv Kuebne. sent Hanlon and Miller around the basex. Knehne was caught off first or the result might bave been better lor Pittsburg. The ninth inning was nnproductive of runs to either side, tbe only feature being a hit by Kelly, which struck the foul post behind third base and bounded hack into the field. Kelly thought it was -a home run, and was sauntering lazily along the base line. When he saw Dunlap confronting bim with the ball Kelly doubted, but was declared out. BOSTOXR. K B ! A ElriTTSBUKQ H B F A X jlrown,l.... Kelly, c... Nash. 3..... Srouth'rs.1 Kich'son, 2 lohnst'n,m Unlnn.s.... Gauzel.r... Madden, p. 1 1 1 4 1 1 0 12 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 OIHanlon. m.. 0,.IIIler, c C ttowe. s 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 111 1 4 2 2 2 2 D'Knehre. r.. White. 1 1 Dnnlap, 2... 0 Fields. I 1 Smith, 3 0 staley, p. ... 0 lotals . 61128 17 s Totals . 4 12 27 IS t Knehne hit by batted ball. Bostons 0 10 2 1110 0- Plttsburgs 0 001001204 Karned runs Kostons, : Plttsburgs, 3. Two-base hit Richardson. Three-base hit Klchardson. Home run b (elds. Sacrifice bits Kelly, 2; bash, Johnston, Qulnn, Stolen bases Brown. Kellr. Nash, Ganzet. Tnhnston ITftnlnn. Hmllh. Double plays Johnston and Kelly; Ganzel and Brouthersr Fields, Miller and Smith. First base on balls Nash. Ganzel, 2. Hit by pitched ball-Kowe. Struck out Kuehue, Dnnlap. Pasted balls-Kelly. 1; Miller, 1. x irsi oase on errors Bostons, a; rittsourgs, Z. Time or game One hour and 48 minutes. Umpire 1'owers. How Tory bland. The following table shows how the National League clubs stand in the pennant race, and also how tbey stand one compared with an other as far as Individual conttts are con cerned. The table is an interesting one, and shows that New York is coming to the front. Following is the table: : - r S : r a 3 g : I::?!: " 2 ' Boston Ii (110 I 40 Tt New York (73576 6 '38 , 833 Cleveland 4467076 40.606 Philadelphia 332-7397 31 M0 Cltlesrot 1343557 30.469 PltUbcrt; 0336554 26.411 Indianapolis 4242237 24.371 Washington 1214324 17.283 Oanje loit SOP 262934363842248 THE GIANTS AGAIK. For the Third Time They Down tbe I Babies. Netv Yobk. July 13. The New Yorks won the third consecutive game from the Cleve lands at the new Polo Grounds to-day. The at tendance was 6,000, and would have been greater but tbegates were shut down at 4 T. M., owing to tbe uncompleted condition of tbe stands. The Giants won by making their hits well together. A rain storm stopped the match in tbe eighth Inning. Tebeau was presented with J100 for his home run drive over the cen ter field fence. Score: CLEVELA'DSKB P A E NEW YOKKS. K B r A r Strieker. 2. 0 3 3 2 10 12 2 0 10 1 10 o 12 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 3 Gore, m 2 Tirrnau.r... 3 Ewlng. c... 1 (.onnor. 1... 1 Klch'rd'B,Z. 0 Wants 1 O'K'rke, 1.. 0 Whitney. 3. 2 Welch, p..., 1 McAlecr, m una, s. ... lwltchelLl. Kaatz, 1 .... Itadtord. r. Tebeau. 3... Ztmraer, jc 0Urien,pT. Totals ... t 911 9 1 Totals 11 8 21 8 1 New Yorks 0 0 3 0 2 0-11 Cleveland 0 0 0 2 0 2 2-t Earned runs-New Yorks, 4: Cleveland, 5. Two-base hlt-Ewing. Three-base hits-Gore, Ewlng, Connor, McAleer, Gllks, Radford. Home run -Tebeau. stolen bases Tieraan. 2: Connor. O'Bourke. ' Ward. DouDleplays-Strlckerandiraatz, warn, aucn- ardson and Oonnor. . Hrst base on balls-Off Welch. 3: off O'Brien, . Hit by pitched ball-Gore, Tlernan. Gllks. Sacrifice hlts-u'ltourke, Twitcliell. 'lebeau. Pissed balls-By Welch 2. bv O'Brien 2, W lid pitches-O'Brien, S: Welch, 2. First base by errors Cleveland, 1. Time of frameOne hour and 40 minutes. Umpire Mr. Qulnn. ATA3IE AFFAIR. The Senators Beat the Ilooiler Nine In Slow Game. Washington, July 13. To-day's game be tween the Washington and Indianapolis clubs was poorly played, and little or no interest was manifested in it until tbe last inning, when both teams made a spurt and batted heavily. The home team, while they made more errors than their opponents, played a sharper fielding game, which gave them victory, Wilmot's batting was tbe feature. Score: wAsn'Tox b b r a x moiAN'r's it b r a x II o m..... 2 0 0 0 lSeery. L 0 10 10 WllTdot. 1... 3 3 3 0 1 Glasscock, s 1 2 0 3 1 Dally, c... 3 2 4 2 1 Denny, 3...., 12 13 0 Wise, 2 1 1 1 6 0 lllues, 1 1 2 14 0 1 Irwin. 1 2 S 3 1 Dally, c 1 0 10 0 Carney. 1.... 1 2 11 0 J Myers.ni.... 116 1- Uack, r..... 0 0 2 0 0 MiGeae'v, r. 12 3 10 Sweeny. 3... 10 12 1 Uassett. 2... 1 1 3 S 1 Haddock, p. 0 0 0 2 0 Boyle, p 0 0 0 2 0 Total 12 10 27 15 S Totals. ... 7 11 27 18 5 Washington 3 10 0 0 0 2 0 12 Indianapolis 0 0200000& 7 Earned runs-Washington. 3: Indianapolis, a. Two-base hits Wltmot, Carney, Bassett. Three-base hits llmot, 2. Sacrifice hits Ferson. ?. stolen bases Hoy, Wllmot, Daly, Glasscock, Hlnes. 2. Double plars Wise, Clark and Carney; Mc Ueachy and Hlnes. First base on balls Off Ferso-. 1: off Kusle, 8. Struck out By Ferson. 0; bv Kusle. 2. Time of same One hour and 45 minutes. Umpire Lynch. IS TEN INNINGS. Tbe Colonels Defent the Columbus la a Good Gnme. Lotnsvrxi.E, Jnly 13. Louisville defeated Columbus to-day in a ten-inning game. The batteries were well matched till tbe tenth, when three hits and a base on Johnson's error in succession gave Loulsvilles the victory. Tbe Loulsvilles' infield, especially Raymond and Shannon, did notably good work. Marr's errors were all costly. Score: Columous 0 0200100003 Loulsvilles 0 0210000025 Base bits Columbus, 9: Loulsvilles, 9. Errors Columbus, S: Loulsvilles, 2. Karned runs Columbus, 1. Two-base hits Marr, KappeL Shannon, Bay mond, Ewlnz. struck out-By Ewlng, 4; by Wldncr, 2. lldpltch-Kwln-r. ' Umpire Goldsmith. LONG'S BAD ERRORS. His Mistakes Gave tbe Athletics Game nt Knnini City. Kansas Cttt. July 13. Four costly errors by Long at short, twice when the bases were full, cave the Athletics the game to-dav. Man ning's circus catches in left, and Welch's in center were the features. Score Kansas City. 3 3 0 0 0 0 5 0 011 Athletic 2 12 0 00 5 5 'IS Base hits Kansas Cltys. 11; Athletics, 14. Errors Kanaas Cltys. 6: AfhUtlcs. X Earned runs Kansas Cltys, 5: Athletics. 5. Three-base hits storeys Larkln. Fennelly. Struck out Hy Conway, 2; by Seward, 5. 1'assed ball Donahue. Wild pltches-By Conway, 1; by Seward. 1. Umpire Gaffhey. BY GREAT BATTING. The Brooklyns Use the Slick to Win nt Cin cinnati. CINCINNATI. July la The Brooklyn? won to day's game by their superior work with the stick. Both Duryea and Smith were batted about at will. Tbe second base playing' of McPhee and the batting of George Smitb, of the Brooklyns. were the features of the game. Score: Cincinnati 0 010000135 Brooklyns 3 3 0 0 112 3 215 Base hlts-Clncinnatls. S: Brooklyns, 20. Errors Cincinnati. 5: Brooklyn. 3. Karned rnns-Clnclnnatls, 2; Brooklyn. 7. Three-blsc hlt-HollIday. Struck out-By Smltn, 2; by Caruthers, 1. V lid pitch-Smith. Umpire Ferguson. The Wnsblnctoni Won. The Mount Washington Athletics defeated the bhadyslde Athletics, yesterday afternoon, in a hotly contested game. The fine fielding of the former club, and the timely bitting of Enscoe and Jessop, were the features oi the game. Tbe Shadysides hit the ball rretty hard, but the hits, were kept well scattered by Stevens. Followlnc is the score: MLWash'ton Athletics ..2 1000001' 4 bhadTSlde Athletic 0 030000003 Batteries-Jit. Washlngtons, Steven andjes sod; Shady-ides, Ward and Stewart. Bas bits Mt. Washington. 5: Shadysides, 12. Errors Mt. Washlngtons, 3:bhadysldes,5, Dent Castle ohnnuon. The Westinehouse Electrics defeated the Castle Shannon Athletics yesterday by tbe fol lowing score: Westlnghonse Electrics..! 4 14 1113 '-IB Castle bhannon 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 0-10 An Application. White How'd yo like de sermon on "Charity," deacon ? Hardscrapple Dat was 'r werry fouchin' sarmon. , "Kin yo' lend me 'r dollar ? Judge. Escuksion via the B. & O. R. E. to Atlantic Citv next Thursdav. .Tnlv 1ft-,. 510 for the round trip; tickets good for 10 days. Trains leave depot at 8 a. ir. and asu p. m. 1 If you have not smoked tbe La Perla del Funiar Key West cigar you have lost a treat. Sold 3 for 25c G. "V7. Schmidt, Jfos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. A Dollar for a Cent. The greatest thing out, Marvin's dollar cakes, a cent each. All grocers keep them, and they are just what the children have been crying for all summer. Don't let the little darlings suffer any longer. ttssu Chilsben's cabinet photos $1 per dozen, at Aulrecht's Elite gallery, 516 Market st, Pittsburg. Use elevator. Remember, Next Thursday Is the date of the excursion via the B. & O. B. B. to Atlautio City. Bate, $10 for the rouna trip; tickets eood for 10 days. Trains leave at 8 a. m. and 9-20 p. m. Secure your parlor and sleeping car accommodations at onbe. . LEAGUE AVERAGES. flow the flayers and Clubs Stand In the Bace. BEODTHEES THE BIG BATTEB'. Pittsbnrg Second In Fielding Int Weak in Hittlnpr Power. BECKLET LEADS THE HOME PIATEES The League averages here given present many interesting features. Contrary to ex pectation, the Boston club does not lead the batting. In fact, there are three clubs that excel the Bean Eaters in tbat respect New York, Indianapolis and Chicago. The Bos tons, however, have stolen the most bases, and the Philadelphia club is secoud in that line. The Washington club winds up the procession in both batting and fielding, but the Chicagos are last in base running. Brouthers leads the batting, with the phenomenal average of .416. Chicago's highest man is Darling; New York's is Gore; Indianapolis, Denny; Washington, Wilmot; Philadelphia, Delehanty; Pitts burg, Beckley; Cleveland, McKean. New York has seven men with batting averages over .300; Boston has 2; Chicago, 4; Indian apolis, 5; Pittsburg, 4; Washington, 2; Philadelphia, 2; Cleveland, 2. Bennett, of Boston, leads the catchers; Brouthers the first basemen, Dunlap the second basemen, Nash the third basemen, Hallman the short stops, Wllmot the left fielders, Hlnes the center fielders. Maul the right fielders. Tim Keefe leads the pitchers, in both percentage oi first base hits to times at bat by oppo nents and average earned runs per game. No record is given for less than ten games. b a h s i b s j o tr e tr f! b -BbSSbO" o 0 : CLUB 2" o g 3- : BATTING. 3 Z 3 Z - Zr : ? f :a s s P- :. : '"J":-.,, LJii : : rr 1 New York.. 56 2024 387 561 111 "isi 277 2 Indianapolis. ....... 58 2117 336 593 136 193.276 3 Sphlcaito 612152 410 580 89 196.269 ' 'Boston. 57 2000 393 5.18 123 139 .269 i 125,TeL'?1. S-2135' sa 5W 1" 117.253 5 Philadelphia, 60 2151 349 533 154 138.249 J J!!ttb.ur 59 SOW 309 508 109 150.246 7 Washington 55 1872 234 457 115 398.244 K t; s e i P S S 3 S B ." O ! : : o S 5 : : : 5 B . . :::::: . . . I at 62 1619 934 171 104 2754 59 1546, 801 182 113 2aS9 5SU5JD- 849 13 IU5 2581 67il5SJ 774 178 147 2155 53I1420I 772 181 116 2373 1)0.1591 8.4 208 1S2 26 3 8lllfl.Hl U41 249 89 2829 M 1407 1 741 235 95 2383 CLTTBX1ELDINQ. Cleveland I'lttsburir.... Indianapolis. Boston , ew York...., .930 .K3 .923 .924 .922 .910 .901 Philadelphia., Chicago , Washington . a n a ? I a 5 ? g S I S S E r r & , n t . BATTING. PUzvert- Clubs. 1- O Brouthers. Boston, DarliUfr. Chicago. More. New York.. .416 .394 .371 ..157 .353 .2a0 .345 .332 .329 3?3 .E4 .324 .323 321 .321 315 Tlernan, Sew York.. Connor, New York.., Crane, fcew York..., DenaT. Indlananolla Glasscock. Ind'apolis. Wllmot. wasmngton Ewlng, New York I Delehanty. Phlla... Beckley. Pittsburg.. Melds. Pittsburg JO'Kourke, N. V.... .Van Haltren. Cbro. Carroll, Pittsburg aiciaean, cieve I Clements, Phlla t Whltner. Indian.... .314 ,313 ,313 .310 309 ,3C9 307 Ztnimer, Cleveland... seerr, Indianapolis. Dallr. Wash Hlnes, Indianapolis.. .ilaul. ritiSDurg Rad bourne. Boston.. .305 .305 Duffy, Chicago Kyan, Chicago Thompson, Phtla Buckler. Indian an .301 299 298 297 bulllvan, Indianapolis Anson, uuicago Klchardson. Boston... Kelly, Boston Madden. Boston. .296 .295 ,294 ,293 Hov. Washington Haddock, Wash ( Andrews. Pblla (Qulnn, Bostou Dallv. Indian .291 290 .282 ,282 .278 .273 Mulvev. Phlla Twltchell, Cleveland.. Uumbert, Chicago.... .272 271 270 268 Slyer, pnua. a wasn Klchardson. JS.Y ( Brown, Boston, .263 1 FarrelL Chicago... .203 t Strieker, Cleveland, J Miller. Pittsburg... Farrar, Phlla , Ward. Mew jork Kuehne. Pit sburg. . Hallman. Phlla , ,261 .261 ,281 ,260 255 .254 253 Johnston, Boston f'lcDeau. uieeiano. ood. Philadelphia .252 .251 iaicucacuy, ino Faatz, Cleveland... 5 Hhocb, Washington. iKbrlght. Wash riiadrord. Cleveland. 251 ,250 ,250 4 .244 .244 .244 .244 .243 .243 .243 .242 .242 .241 .240 .240 ! Hcalr, Washington. 1 1 suuoay, 1'iitaourg.. 2 I ICUCl, lU.l.U....( c Boyle, Indianapolis. Ganzell. Boston.... I Wise, Wasblngton. 11 1 5 11 jiuiciunsou, ni'go, Clark. Washington. 3 0 Tener. Chicago 1 t uuniap, 1'lusDurg.. 18 13 16 10 3 16 macK. wasmuglon. Nasb. Boston .237 .236 B'irns, Chicago 1 Jveeie, wasmngton. ItogartT. Phlla 235 B0 earner. Washlnsrton. 14 bhocneck, Indlanap's 0 5 13 .2 irwin, rim a w asli. .. ,225 224 .224 1 McAicer. Cleveland. 1 Clarkson. Boston 1 uaineia icv lorn... 7 3 2 0 12 .218 J Welch. New York., i Flint. Chicago 14 .214 Sommera, Chicago .... 213 I iianion, Pittsburg.. Jbuyder, Cleveland.. .209 I 4 6 13 13 3 2 13 30 8 6 209 208 208 204 Wnmanir IVasKtn et (Jleason.Pr.il. ...".". 65 Baasett. Indianapolis. whirney, mew xork. .199 .198 67 O'Brien. Cleveland.. Jnieiiue. -jiereiana. Smith. Pittsburg.... Bennett. Boston .196 196 196 194 69 damn, Pittsburg 7U Getzeln, Indianapolis 71 Caser, Philadelphia.. 72 br, river. Philadelphia ) Morrill, Washington 'i J Myers, Indianapolis 74Brown, New York.... 75 btaley.Plttsburg 76l!uffington. Pblla 77 Sanders, Philadelphia 78 Keefe, Mew York 79 Bakeler. Cleveland.. 80 Dwyer, Chicago 81Basttan, Chicago 82 Ferson, Washington. 83 Decker, Philadelphia. 84iBeatln, Cleveland... .192 1SS 182 181 7 10 3 .181 4 1 11 17S .161 .159 .152 4 1 1 143 125 3.122 3.082 3.074 3.U71 0.051 57 223 61 60 52 209 36 55 62 2(H 39 69 44 176 39 46 63 22 33 58 40 173 33 45 55 216 23 55 51) 181 24 45 57 233 40 59 62 2oo 29 63 57 238 45 60 55 223 31 M 82 239 33 60 30 108 13 27 16 60 7 16 62 209 41 55 13 4 e 11 48 197 49 48 61 234 45 57 20 70 8 17 29 HI 13 27 50 189 29 46 18 62 12 15 IB II 2 8 17 68 4 14 69 229 U 55 41 154 20 37 64 100 34 45 53 231 28 53 12 34 4 8 69 226 66 53 28 113 11 26 18 IS 3 14 24 169 22 S3 62 203 40 69 29 107 17 24 26 101 20 22 19 70 8 15 14 66 8 12 12 47 5 10 65 216 43 45 17 67 4 14 37 67 9 31 15 63 10 11 68 235 48 46 54 201 30 40 23 91 10 18 14 61 6 10 57 199 21 39 33 102 19 20 17 62 2 12 23 71 10 14 ' 12 43 1 8 21 77 7 14 44 149 19 27 29 105 17 19 18 68 4 12 25 93 7 15 25 88 7 14 12 46 7 7 16 66 6 8 20 64 5 8 14 49 3 6 22 73 7 6 16 64 1 4 10 28 3 2 12 37 3 2 a e s - P g 5 3 e 5 ' c s : : cf f r - s g : i g ? : : : - FIELDING. CATCBIBS. Player Club. Bennett, Boston Schrlver, Phlla Darling, Phlla Snyder, Cleveland .. Zimmer, Cleveland. Kwlng. Mew York .. sutclltre, Cleveland. Ganzell, Boston 230 105 66 .965 .1)62 .MS .942 .941 .932 104 135 235 119 .924 .920 .918 .908 88 73 76 126 275 87 187 212 133 208 129 65 Myers. Ind. run nt. Chicago........ ( uanv, ina (Clements. Pblla...., Dally. U ashlngton.... ) FarrelL Chicago.... i Miller. Pittsburg.... 905 905 .897 .882 Buckley, Ind Mack, Washington... Brown, Mew York ... Sommers. Chicago..., Fields. Pittsburg First Basemen. Brouthers. Boston.... Anson. Chicago....... 861 837 .818 64 613 707 567 -815 .985 .983 Connor, Mew York..., Beckley, PltUburg... .981 6561.980 181 .978 416 .978 6801.975 I scnoenecK.-ma MorrllL Washington Faatz. Cleveland Farrar, Pblla Hlnes, Ind Carnev, Wash Second Basemen 693;.968 428.965 wl i Dunlap, PltUburg.. 33 192 301 16 68 33 10 43 10 17 72 26 31 120 54 35 167 52 14 75 25 15 64 17 12 48 21 J4 67 12 23 96 18 41 203 46 U 65 -23 28 122 43 36 145 42 24 91 26 29 128 61 18 89 19 10 40 8 10 27 17 M 677 27 61 660 35 65 644 12 61 623 17 16 165 12 40 37 20 04 635 28 69 651 23 33 391 20 12 94 4 58 185 132 Ml 1631 .MS jrieuer, unicago D. Klchardson. N. Y. aincaer, ueveiano. .. Bassett, Indianapolis. H. Klchardson, Boston Licienanty. I'nna.... Hallman. Phlla. i Mra Eatrmm. 1 Nasb, Boston , 2 Tebean, Cleveland... 3 Knehne, Pittsburg.., 4 Dennv. lndlananolls 118 IV 129 110 132 119 132 25 .919 .907 .002 897 t Mnlver. Philadelphia. .893 6 Whitney, Mew York. 891 860 i nurcs, unicago.... 8 Wise. WashlnVtun .810 9 Sweeney, Washington Short titbps. B.7 .761 ' 1 iiaiiman, rnuadel.. 2 McKean, Cleveland. 3 Basttan, Chicago..., . Smith, l'lttshuri- 117 186 73 170 218 98 60 103 148 109 68 29 5 in 7 5 .935 910 890 1 1 Glasscock. Indian' a irwin, rniia. & w asn. 834 880 xiaineiu. iew York, 7 Ward. New York , 8 Qulnn, Boston , 9 Kyan, Chicago , 10 Wise, Washington..., 11 Duffy, Chicago , LtfiFitULcrt. 1 Wilmot, Washl'ton... 2 ManL Pittsburg 3 Brown, Boston 4 o'ltourke. N York.... 6 Wood. Phllada , 6 Twltchell, Cleve'd.... 7 CarrolL Pittsburg...., 8 Seery. Indianapolis... 9 Schock, Washington.. 10 VanHaltren. Chicago. Center Ptclder: 1 Hlnes. Indianapolis. 2 Kogarty. Phlla.. 3 McAleer, Cleveland.. 4 Karrell, Chicago 6 Hanlon. Pittsburg.... 6 VanHaltreuf Chlcatfo, 7 ballivin. Ind'apolis.. 8 Johnston. Boston...- 9 Hoy, Washington 10'Gore, Mew lorfc 11 Kyan. Chicago 12 Myers, Indianapolis.. RiqM lleiatrt. 1 Maul, Pittsburg 2 Radford. Cleveland., 3 McUeachy, Ind 4 Ganzel, Boston 5Sunday, Pittsburg..., 6Shoch, Wasu 7 Tlernan, Mew York.., 8 Duffy. Chicago 9 Kelly. Boston. 10 Thompson, Phlla 11 Carney, Wash 12 Wise. Wash .870 .845 tut 830 .800 951 .934 913 .891 4 ,890 386 ,885 .884 882 845 971 6 0 12 a 9 .9d4 .9b0 .946 .9-15 .930 924 .921 .902 860 .851 8oO .955 .946 .942 941 .933 931 .904 897 .882 .793 769 2Mvers, Wash, ft Phils V B? CI S3 PITCHERS' AVEEAGE3. s Player Club. a Keefe. N. Y.. Ferson. Wash ,! 5 g P " s s a & 2 - O B -i !T er t. ' s O" 4 t3 4 o o : S m . '86 118 28 19 73 133 36 19 95 174 43 30 91 177 38 27 103 216 46 46 91 151 29 36 61 83 22 21 103 203 48 48 61 101 17 26 96 107 16 24 57 112 26 21 61 119 9 27 73 119 21 25 65 95 25 26 92 164 60 39 93 128 30 38 97 165 44 52 62 103 17 33 139 210 60 65 115 190 41 57 80 107 29 37 111 143 31 39 79 129 28 40 85 131 22 42 .211,1.19 ,2691.27 .234 1.31 269 1.42 .221 1 64 3 O'Brien, Clevl'nd siuaaeiey, t leve.. 5iClarkson. Boston neicn. Mew York Crane, Mew York. (Bnfflngton. I'hlla .229 1.89 ,23) .240 230 1.91 2.00 ZOO 2.18 2.18 2.25 I uumoerc. enrgo I Keefe, Wash.... 1 Casey, Phlla Dwrer. Chlcatro... .287 273 .252 Tener. Chicago.. 27S 244 2.27 Jieaiin. ueveiana 2.3S 2.44 i'fi 2 75 l.alvln. Pittsburg .276 iiuicmnson, t;ni.. Boyle. Ind Kadbourne. Boss.. 251 256 .215 Staley. Pittsburg.. Getzeln, Ind 265 295 279 .247 3.0U 3.08 3.25 3.33 3.50 Madden. Boston.. Healr. Wash 302 Sanders, Phlla.... Gleason, Phlla.... 23S .303 A TOTJE IN PALESTINE. Recollections of an Ezcnralon From Zlon to Bethlehem Some Interesting Facta Concerning Solomon's Summer Home The City of Hebron. WRITTEN FOB TUX DISPATCH. 3 The tourist who visits Jerusalem never fails to take the excursion to the Yale of Eschol, some 25 miles to the south and near the southern border of Holy Land. "Many a year is In its crave" since the writer formed one ot a party of six Americans and English men who took that trip southward from the Holy City; but as chanzes are few in that land, the tourist of to-day will, no doubt, meet with precisely similar scenes and objects. The bright May morning when our steeds were brought to the front of the Mediterranean Hotel in the city of David and Solomon is still fresh In nieraorv. Passing over Mt. Zion, the western portion of Jerusalem, out tbe Jaffa gate, we pass down tbe Valley ot Hoinnom, by tbe hospital newly built, which was lounded by tbe Ameri can Israelites for tbe benefit of poor Hebrews, who gather to Jerusalem from all quarters of the globe. Sir Moses Monteflore and a representative of the estate of Jndab Touro. of New Orleans. who had bequeathed a handsome sum to the hosultal. were there at tbe time of our visit. looking after the interests of tbe institution. A mile or two out from the city we leave the Taller and are on the high table lands, which, as far as to Bethlehem, six miles sontheast from Jerusalem, give no sign of human habita tion. Tbe country is entirely open. No fields, fences or dwellings appear, though tbe time has been when this region must have supported a vast population. An hour's ride from Jeru salem brings our party to a small dome crowned structure which onr guide tells us Is Rachel's tomb. It stands in tbe midst of a burying ground. A few yards awav was an open cave on the floor of which were piled a number of human skeletons. As we look: at the pretty tomb which marks the spot of Rachel's burial, and then at tbe loathsome sight within this uncovered cave, one of our party recalls the comparison of tbe Qreat Teacher who said of tne hypocrites of bis day: "They are like whited sepulchres, beautiful without, but full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness." AH HISTOEIC SPOT. Rachel's tomb, without a doubt, marks the spot where Israel laid the remains of his be loved wife to their last resting place. There is the record as given in Bible history: "And they journeyed from Bethel, and tbere was but a little way to come to Enroth. And Rachel died and was buried in the way to Epratb, which is Bethlehem, and Jacob set a pillar upon her grave; that is tbe pillar of Rachel's grave unto this day," And in the after years, when tbe aged Israel was giving his parting counsels to tbe sons of Joseph in the land of the Fharoahs, he makes tender mention ot that creat sorrow which had come to him near Bethlehem, in these words: "Rachel died by me in the land ot Canaan in tbe way; when there was but a little way to come unto Epratb. and I buried her there, in the way of Eprath; the same is Bethlehem." A 15 minutes' ride from Rachel's tomb brings us to Bethlehem, tbe most conspicuous object of which is tbe Cbnrcb of the Nativity, built over tbe supposed site of the cave where Jesus was bom. As this church bas recently been described in tbe columns of The Dispatch, we pass it by, and proceed on our journey to Hebron and tbe Vale of Eschol. An hour's ride from Bethle hem and we eome to a narrow valley containing three large ancient reservoirs, called the Fools ot Solomon. These reservoirs are connected with Jerusalem by an aqueduct by which water is conveyed to tbat city. Tbe aqueduct was projected by Solomon and completed by Pontius Pilate. When Solomon as in all his glory In this now desolate valley was bis retreat from tbe cares of state in the palace on Mt. Zlon. Here be tried to make an earthly paradise. In his late years, after he had drained dry every spring of earthly de light, be said: "I made me gardens and or chards and I planted trees In them of all kinds of fruits: I made me pool: ot water to water therewith the wood that bringcth f ortb trees; I gat me men singers and women singers and my deligbjs were with tbe sons of men. Then I looked on all tbe works that my hands had la bored to do, and there was no profit under tbe sun. Behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit." SOLOMON'S PARADISE. As our party rests for an hour or two in this quiet valley, it Is bard to conceive that here in the ages long gone the greatest of ancient kings had on this very spot attempted to make a naradlse. Hither he daily came on his char iot from old Jerusalem, and here amid tbe beanteous scenes of nature had tried to dismiss the cares of state and'revel In sensual delights. But it was all In vain. He had built the mst splendid temple the world ever saw; tbe fame of bis wisdom had gone forth to other lands, so tbat from afar tbe Queen of Sbeba came with her offerings, and when she saw the splendors of Jerusalem said, "the half had not been told." The worldling's paradise was Solomon's, and yet there were aching voids within the heart of tbat glorious king that pleasure, fame and glory could not H1L When the fash on ot tbat bright world In which Solomon lived for a few years, passed away, when desire bad failed, "All was vanity and vexation of spirit and there was no profit under tbe sun." "A greater than Solomon," who was cradled In a manger but a few miles away from this summer palace, and who, on earth, had nor where to lay his head, looking on the lilies of these Judean vales, said: "Solomon in all bis glory was not arrayed like one of these." But we must proceed on onr way to tbe Vale of Eschol. For three hours or more south ot the Pools ot Solomon our route is through an open country with scarce a sign of life. After a long, weary ride of three hours, unbroken by Incident of any importance, we reach a valley of vineyards. The vineyards are enclosed by high stone walls, and iu a half hour or so our tent is pitched on the plain ot Manire. as Abra ham's was 4,000 years ago. In this vallev. alone the eastern slopes,! the ancient city of Hebron, probably tbe oldest inhabited city of the world. In Bible story it is always mentioned as tbe cities of Hebron. We could well understand uiis wuea we reacuea it, ior, opposite our tent. 16 558 15 495 23 745 19 619 28 977 19 658 11 378 24 845 13 404 11 379 11 411 12 436 11 428 11 389 19 595 15 541 19 645 12 420 22 792 19 680 12 433 12 464 12 542 12 432 'uuur, wo wuia trace tnreo aisuncs towns, sepa ta j rated by open flelds, ? ouxo. CLARA BELLE'S CffAT. i n Comic Opera Singers Are Now a De cidedly Independent Lot AN INCIDENT ON THE ELEYATED. The Troubles of a Young Woman Trying to Catch the Train. SUNDAY AFTERNOON IN CENTRAL PAEK tCOHRISPONDESCX or the DisrATcn.. New Yobk, July 13. That our stout and popular comic opera singers are crowing independent as the seasons roll by, I bad proved to me the other day. A friend, was calling on one of the best known performers in this city, when the card, of a dramatic agent was sent up. The opera singer di rected the servant to show him into her presence, and when he arrived he made her a formal offer to go to Boston and sing two songs at the Sunday night concert in Music Hall. Besides all expenses she was to re ceive $250. After bearing the offer, the singer said in a very tired voice that she did not care to accept. The agent made the figures $300. This was also refused by the actress, who, at last, said it would be quite impossible to accept the offer as she had promised to dine that Sunday evening with a friezd. The agent withdrew, and the actress went on talking to her visitor about herself. Less than ten years ago this same woman who re fused to sing two songs for $300, was run ning about the back room of a shop in a calico wrapper, while herparents toiled like slaves ior money enough to buy her a decent meal. AS ELEVATED INCIDENT. I call myself an average young woman, yet this is what I did the other day trying to take a Sixth avenue elevated train for up town. I am an old traveler, too, con sidering my years. I had just one lone sol itary 6-cent piece and a $10 bill. You know bow it is yourself, gentle reader, about holding up your dress when you run upstairs. Not having four or five hands and yet being in a hurry, I put the nickel in my mouth, grabbed up my skirt and scooted up tbe steps. At the top I stumbled and swallowed the nickel half way. Ofconrse, there are 1,000,000 men tlways ready to slap you on the back and shake you when you swallow a coin and I had my life and tbe 5-centplece banged out of me at the same time. All this made me lose a good deal of my temper, and all of tbe train which I might have caught. As it was, I bought my ticket, deposited It, got out on the platform, was seized just as I started to board tbe train with an idea that I was on tbe down town side, shrieked a distracted inquiry at whosoever it might concern, was informed tbat my conjec ture was correct, and amid tbe execrations of all present, was dragged back from tbe car. I had no time to lose. I bolted, grabbed my skirt again by tbe second steel iu tbe back, plunged down, stairs, crossed the street and tore up the other side. While I fumbled for my pocketbook before approaching tbe win dow. I glared at the ticket taker, who seemed to be feeling undue interest in my proceedings. Whereat he grinned a horrible familiarity in my surroundings struck me and the ticket taker chuckled. SOMETHING OF A SITUATION. "Guess you ain't done it quite, yet." he said. Fool, dolt, idiotl I bad crossed Twenty-third street instead of Sixth avenue, and had simply come up by the other stairway to tbe same platform I bad just left. Cold drops ran down my back. It is bad enough to prove to yourself that you are a fool, but it is worse to bave a ticket taker see you do it. With great dignity I started back. As soon as I was out of the wretched man's sight I took my bearings down stairs, crossed the avenue, and mounted breath less but triumphant on the oiher side. Of course I was prepared to have tbe man at the window look black over the 310 bill, and tbe people behind me fret and swear, but it all seemed more than hard, depressed as I already was. Then, too, I missed a couple of trains. It Is so bard to clutch up a lot of silver when your gloves are tight, and tha shelf to the window is high, and you have a parasol under your arm. Oht men don't know all we go tbrougbl It al most seemed as if I must lose tbe third train, and when at last I gut my change crowded into one risi, ana my ucicer sate in tne otner, i Had abont half a minute's grace left. I ducked my bead as a woman does wben she is bound to get there, obeyed the ticket taker's injunction by emptying my fistful of change into tbe box, and firmly grasping my ticket, my eyes aglow and my lips murmunne eureka, prepared to bolt through the car gate just as it was being closed. I don t know just what happened. Somebody behind me yelled to somebody that I was an escaped lunatic I think, and I was pushed back and dragged back, "hollered" at and scowled over till I turned blind. It was some time before all the officials attending, as sisted by yells from those across tbe way. could get it through me what I had done. Then I was given a stool in a retired corner and a palm leaf fan, whil somebody telephoned down to the main office to see what could be done about it. I felt very weary and LIFE SEEMED ESfPTT. I thought of mother as I sat on the stool, scalding tears dripping on the palm leaf, and I wished I had never left home to become a traveler and a woman of the world. But the hardest of all was when my old enemy, the gatekeeper on the other side, yelled to my new enemy, tbe gatekeeper on mvslde: "Are you going to the ball this evening?" and my new enemy, tbe gatekeeper on my sidVe, yelled to my old enemy, tbe gatekeeper on the other side: "Not this evenlngn What a New York there is in Central Park of a Sunday! Such a swarm of smartly dressed "middle class" girls, as English folks would call them; such a procession of second rate chappies, and such a picnic of children! From before 1 o'clock. till about 5.30 the mall is one summer colored chaos of creatures. The band keeps them moving to some sort of time and holds their combined chatter to a kind of ryth mic cadence. There is a great school girl ele ment and cash girl contingent that you will find nowhere else. The girs who cbewgum also tie ribbon around their throats in natty bows nndertheear, and then above tbe ribbon crowd on a string of pearl beads. They wear round sailor bats on the backs of their beads. They bave mitts instead of gloves, and tbey usually carry tbe mitts. They are Inclined to slouch and laueh a good deal, especially if vou see them about 4 o'clock. They are tired then, having been In the park all day. They go in parties of from three to five. and are saucy w:tn tne Doys, Deing at tnat age when they "just bate fellows." A LOVING COUPLE. The cow-eyed couple back there are abl contrast. Swedes,'and only over a tew months. She bas a placid and rather sweet, stnpid face, low forehead, level brows, pale eyes, a pleasant sort of form, and walks in a solid, fiat-footed way. He is about her age, 18 or 20, shambling and a bit soggy. 'Ibey wander along hold ing hands and, except for a sort of inane radiance about their faces, apparently unaware1 of each other's existence. Ah, these blessed foreign lovers, what a sprinkling of them is up town. Thev ride here in the cars, and she goes to sleep with her head on his shoulder and they are both as placid as a pair of patient Jer seys drouslng knee-deep in a summer stream. We don't wish to go home with tbetrj, how ever, and so back to the park. It is a great place for discontented yonng mothers. They sit in a listless condition of Iasttude along the benches, and wonder why tbey did it. Johnnie is a bit bow-legged, and when sho jumps up and slaps him be usually falls over. 1 bese are bis periods of inaction. It takes a bow-legged child a long time to regain his footing, and his mother pursues her envious study of tbe gay throng helore her between slapping times. Tben tbere are mothers who bold Johnnie on their knee. Johunie this time is only a few months old, and lie is sore on life already. lie scowls gloomily on passersby with a -wbat-did-you-bring-me-here-for-anvwavt" air. which really seems to depress his mother. Probably she feels as anery about it as he does. Here is an offset to that picture. Take one of tbe swan boats. Along tbe sloping banks ot the lake under tbe trees and half up the hill you will see a different class of park people. Ood bless tbemt There's a group of three a little woman, a big man and a baby carriage. Johnnie is abont two years old, too, and he and papa and mamma and the lunch basket are really having their Sunday out in tbe park, bhame on you, cynic Mamma is the HOMELIEST LITTLE WOMAN In the world, and the man is bound to be papa, for he has his coat off and is sprawling about .the grass to amuse Johnnie. Right back of the tree at their side Is a real, genuine, senti mental two., Ood bless them, too. Tbe swish of the boat startled them, and she is picking at tbo grass beside her, while be stares into his hat; out you know it is all right, for all tbat. You do tbe decent thing by the young folks and when tbe boat passes you don't look back. Heavens is there a tragedy side to itT A few yards further down stream sits a lone damsel digging the end ot her parasol In the sod. Ah, well, life is hard isn't ltr. Ai your boat pastes under the bridge you look at the crowd. Funny how when two per sons lean aver the rallingof a bridge, tbey feel so beautifully alone and together, even though their backs are in plain view of the great pub lic passing over tbe bridge. He puts bis arm about her, and they whisper soft somethings, and think how sweet solitude is anyhow. If you wish a look at tbe children yon must go over to the big common. Ab, it makes cold hearts warm and old ones young. The great green field looks as If a bright growth of blos soms bad slipped root and run riot. And tha voices! For a chorus to ring in the further most quiet of ones heart ana bit It with music, let me hear tbe babble of babies' tongues wben tbey scramble among green grass and dasies and toss their child tones in a musical medley out on tbe warm air. Well, well! we were all that way once. Come, come; brace up! Let's go before we see anything lesr pleasant. Clara Bells. Beecitam's Pills cure sick headache. Peaks' Soap, the purest and best ever made. BICYCLE BARGAINS 10 SIXTH -ST. SAFETY BICYCLES Just received, from 312 nn to SISi. Just think,' bran new BALtrBEARINQ SAFETIES 'at 175, SSo. $90 and 100, full size and warranted. Don't fail to see them. Baby Carriage", Children's Tricycles. Veloci pedes and Express Wagons, cheaper than you can buy anywhere else. Big reduction in prices on our Second-hand Wheels. The only first-class repair shop in the city. Wheels for hire by the day, week or month. Uifi jyl6 HABRIS' TBEATER. COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY 15. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, STREETS OF NEW YORK. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, -the- CREOLE, ARTICLE 47. jy" A PERFECT uwm A purely Vegetable Compound that expels all bad humors from the system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. a D2-5S MEDICAL. 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IIRIMARV kidney ana bladder derange U M 1 1 1 M II I j rnents, weak back, giavel. ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittiers life lore, extensive experi ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment on common senso principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 AM. to 8 P. M. Sun day. 10 A. 31. to 1 p. M. only. IJR. WHITTIER, 811Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. jyiMOX-DSuwk ASclentincand Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa the Errors of Youth, Premature Decline.Kervoua and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood, mmiMzm i.SF'iaiisj Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Overtaxation. Enervating and nnStticg tbe victim for Work, Business, the If arr'ed or Social Relation. Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains S0O pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful binding, embossed, full gilt. 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