"" " DOUBLE BOMBER. T '" " ' ffijjj ' FORTY-FOURTH TEAB. THE SUM TIRED, His Majesty, the Lord of the Lion and Sun, Suffering From Ennui. HE CANNOT KEEP AWAKE, And Finds Amusement Only in the Society of His Mascot. OTHER TROUBLES OP BRITISH MATRONS. An Attempt to Close the Indian Matrimonial Mmket to the Anslo-baxon Robert Hrownins's llnd Break In Blank Vene on a blunderer of His Wife's Memory All Classes of People In England Grum blingnt Paying for Uojnl Matrimonial rirasurcs Koulanger Stumbles Into Ills L'snal Lack England With Another of Its Continual Little Wars on Hand A City Mouso Tamed by a Frisoner. The Shalt of Persia, although engaged in a very expensive tour, is apparently not en joying himself as well as he might. He goes to sleep at the most unexpected times, and none of England's lair daughters seem to have any fascinations for him. The Briton matron has another cause for com plaint, an attempt having been made by Sir William Moore to close the Indian mat rimonial market against English maidens. IBT CAI1LE TO TIIE DISPATCH 1 Lojtdox, July 13. Copyright. The Shah's stay in London appears to have made that worthy potentate very tired, in the proper and not the slangy meaning of the word. Since he started out in the coun try he has been two hours late, on an aver age, for every apppomtment, and has shown an unusual fondness for going to sleep at unexpected moments, when his people dare cot wake him. The fact that His Majesty takes about with him a very pleasing young woman in boy's costume is being commented upon and has riled the British matron considerably. As a matter of fact, the British matron ought to be rather grateful to His Majesty for having brought only one yonng person from his harem, instead of half dozen, which would have been very moderate, according to his point of view, and for keeping this young woman so much in the background as he does. A Beautiful Circassian Girl. The Shah's temporary favorite, who is very rarely seeD, is a remarkably good looking young girl of Circassian birth, not in the least resembling the ordinary Circas sian girl of commerce, as exhibited in American dime museums. She Jias short hair, ery fine eyes, and, in fact, the class ical combination which goes to make up Oriental beauty. Someb&ly, since the Shah's arrival, has been amusing himself by calculating His Majesty's expenses on this trip. Although nearly everything is paTd for by the various Governments, towns, Lord Mayors and pri- ate individuals with whom His Shahship comes in contact, it seems that Ills Own Expense Account will easily go up beyond 51,500,000 before he gets home, on account of the presents which he gives and the size of his suite, which numbers over GO, and probably uses up a great deal of pocket money. "We are going to ha e another royalty here, but one who will not' create so much interest as the dusky gentleman from Persia namely, Kins Milan. That man who di vorced himself so handily is coming here on a house-hunting expedition. As soon as he has finished with the Paris Exhibi tion he means to take up his residence per manently in Scotland or in England, and will travel under the name of Count Takovo. Another Benson for Grumbling. The unmarried British female has a fresh cause of complaint. It is not enough to have her natural future Englishman marry an American, but now an Englishman, Sir "William Moore, is trying to close against her the Indian matrimonial market, which was fast becoming her only hope. Sir "William, who is a Surgeon General, recom mends Anglo-Indians to stop niarrying English girls and get along with native wive. These, he declares, are just as good cs the Anglo-Saxon female, pretty and hardy, with plenty of strength, and bear children. They can live in the Indian cli-J mate, and do not necessitate the frequent trips to Europe which characterize the En glish girl married in India. Sir "William, by his article in the Asiatic Qaartrrlif Keucio, has made himself almost as much disliked as the average American mother, who on this tide is credited with devoting her life solely to making spinsters of English girls. TIIE KICKEES KICKING. People of AH Clnsscs In England Grumblo nt Faying Matrimonini Hills for I ho Prince of U'nlcs Family A Coming; Grrnt Brent. ir.V CABLE TO Till" DISrATCII.J London, Julv 13. The coming wedding of thai fortunate joung woman, 1'rincess Louise, granddaughter of the Queen, con tinues to concentrate upon itself a large amount of interest. Ordinary people are grumbling violently because they have got to pay the bills, which will be very consid erable; aud the idle class, called the upper, are in a great state of palpitation about being invited to show the wondering whether they may be presumed to send presents, what sort of coronets to have engraved on the presents, if they do send them, etc. The Shah of Persia has already in Bond street a very stunning present to give to the young woman whose father and mother have been so polite to him. N. M. Roths child & Sons have gone in for a diainond-and-ruby necklace, worth 520,000, which they arc going to give, but the Shah's gilt will probably outshine every other. Makes the Prince of Wales Mad. The Prince of "Wales is full of unfeigned indignation, rather amusingly in fact, at the hesitancy of the English people to pro vide liberally for his daughter, and also for his eldest son, and considers it an outrage that there should be any question at all. He will probably be still more shocked when he learns what Cunninghame Graham is meditating in the way of a blow to his feelings. This very sound Radical, when the question of royal grants comes up in thefc House, intends to propose that whatever is granted shall be for the life of the Queen only, and' that afterward England and the territory belonging to her shall be run economically as a republic. The Earl of Fife, who is to be honored by marrying the young royal person, appears to be rather a good sort of individual. He treats his tenants liberally, having reduced their rents, and then, in kind terms, Itefuscs to Accept n Present from them while in an actual state of agri cultural depression. He doesn't appear at all overcome by the big match that he has made, but considers himself quite equal to the German family who happens to have a throne, and, in short, has behaved pretty decently all around. The chapel in which tho wedding is to tate place was formerly a conservatory, having been changed, not very long ago, into its present state. It will hold very few people beyond the crowd of religious and royal dignitaries who must be there, and there are going to be a great many wounded feelings when the time comes for the dis tribution of the tickets. The Empress Frederick is coming without fail, and so is the Kingof Denmark and the King of Greece. The Queen will come from Osborne, although she is still suffering severely from rheumatism and lumbago, which compels her to walk about with a stick, and be very good natured. The only unpleasant thing about the Queen's future grandson-in-law is the fact that his father died of drink, but there is not anything to show that he has inherited his father's failing as yet. BE0WSIXG hOT AT HIS BEST. Fnry In Verso Not One of the Poet's Strongest Holds. tBV CABLE TO THE DISPATCH London, July 13. Robert Browning is not a great success when 1 e tries to be furious in verse, as bis most ardent admirers will admit on reading the attempt that follows. Aldis "Wright has published an edition of the life and letters of Edward Fitzgerald, and Browning, looking through it, found a passage which may be twisted so as to express thankfulness'to God for Mrs. Browning's death, so there would be no more "Aurora Leighs" written. Browning has thought to vindicate her memory by perpetrating these verses, which appear in this week's At henautn. To Edward Fitzgerald: I chanced upon a new book to-day. I opened it, and where my finger lay, 'Twixt page and uncut page, these words I read; Some six or seven at the most. And learned thereby that, you, Fitzgerald, Whom by ear and eye she never knew. Thanked God my wife was dead. Ay. dead, and were yourself alive, good Fltz. How to return yonr thanks would task my wits. Kicking yon seems the common lot of cars. While more appropriate greeting lendd you grace. Surely, to spit there glones your face. Spitting from lips once sanctified by hers. July 8. 1889. Robekt Bbowmic o. "What Fitzgerald really wrote was not as bad as Browning would make it, and is cal culated to irritate the strong-minded female even more than the poet. It was in a letter to Dr. "W. H. Thompson: Mrs. Browning's death is rather a relief to me. I must say. Wo more "Aurora Leigh's." thank God. A woman of real -irenius I know, but what is the upshot of it allr She and ber sex bad better mind the kitchen aud their chil dren, and nerhapa the poor. Exceptinsuch things as little novels, they only devote them seh es to what men do much better, leaving that which men do worse or not at ail. The wife of a foreign ambassador whom I met at Mrs. Robert Lincoln's to-day in formed me, by the way, that Browning had been asked by the Shah of Persia for a set of his works. "What on earth the Lord of the Lion and Sun intends to do with Brown ing it is difficult to imagine. Even the poet appeared to appreciate the situation, for he told the ambassador's wife that he had sent his works to the Shah in the most gorgeous binding that he could possibly get. KEVER SETTLED FOR GOOD. England With Another of Her Periodical Little Wars en lland. IBT CABLE TO THE DISrATCH.l London, July 13. England has spent the latter part of the week waking up to the fact that she has got another one of her little wars with savages on her hands. The wretched dervishes, dying from hunger and thirst, with British bayonets forcing them back from the Kile waters, have continued to push on northward through the desert sands with marvelous pluck, have out stripped the Egyptian forces, reached the coveted Nile, and having drunk their fill of water, are, as may be imagined, in a fine state of thirst for blood, and are getting as much of it as they conveniently can. The English, instead of getting out of Egypt or thrashing their enemies there once and for all, are adopting their usual tactics of sending out a few regiments to put down the disturbance temporarily, fighting the Khedive's battles on a small scale, only to begin all over again next year. The amazing thing in this little fight, and which alone makes it worth talking about, is the marvel ous pluck of the undisciplined Arab fighters, who have gone through sufferings such as no English troops could be found to cudure. The organization, on so small a scale, of English killing projects, is not due to tmy sentimentality. On the contrary, there it a cordial desire in the "War Office to have the greatest posstble nnmber of Arabs die of thirst and hunger, and, while waiting for troops to arrive, notice has been sent that whoever gives way, either to the enemy, or helps him in any way, will be killed as soon as the English can reach and convict him. ' BODLAKGER'S USUAL GOOD LUCK. One of His Bitterest Enemies Gets Himself In a Bad Scrape. a fBT CABLE TO THE DISrATCH.l London, July 13. Boulanger and his friends, very much unheard of recently, are celebrating to-night at Alexandria Palace. Any one can go for 5 shillings and a penny, including railway fare, dinners and fire works. A fortunate thing for the lig ht weighfr pretender is the disgrace which threatens Monsieur Constans, the latest victim of the systematic hunting-down of French Cabinet Ministers that has been go ing on of late. Constans, who is one of Boulanger's bit tercst enemies, is a very clever man, but his rcputa tion of being the most unscrupulous statesman in Europe seems to be deserved. He had been for some vears Governor Gen eral of Tonkin, whence he returned richer than he went. His successor, M. Richaut, being charged by the Government with making investigations as to Constans con duct, died under very mysterious circum stances on his return journey, and with him disappeared the report he had made about Constans' behavior. The document has just cropved up and contains unpleasant evi dence against the Minister. .It appears that not only did his way of life throw real discredit on France, but that he sold his in fluence in a shameless way, among other things allowing a king named Norodom to create illicit gambling resorts in exchange lor a wonderful belt valued at 1,000,000 francs. This and many other things of a scanda lous character bing alleged against Con stans in the official report, may possibly lead to a change of ministry. ACCOMPLISHED QUITE A FEAT. An English Prisoner at Last Succeeds in Taming; a City Mouse. fBT CABLE TO THE DISrATCH.l London, July 13. Mr. "William Shrinip-t ton, who is just now figuring as a criminal out on leave and breaking regulations, has attracted attention by his prowess in taming the city mouse. This, it seems, has not been done before, though country mice have often been tamed. Shrimpton caught a mouse in prison, and concluded to tame it, for which end he cut off its tail, close to the root. This 'process, in Mr. Shrimpton's own words, is an infallible remedy. The mouse, having no hope of ever again being persona grata in the mouse world, is obliged to take up with whoever should cut her tail off, and get along the best she can. The tail so impressed the magistrate at Bow street, that he promised he would get the authorities to allow Shrimpton to take his mouse, thus violently tamed, into any prison he might happen to be sent to. BLOOD OF STKIKEES ' Shed by a Shorlu" on Gunrd nt the Braid -rood MInesWnrrnnts Out for the Arrest of the Official "Who Did the Shooting. ! SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCn.1 Bracevilxe, III., July 13. The first blood incident to the present strike was tshed this morning. A largely attended meeting of striking miners was held in Braidwood last night, in which it was re solved that all present should go to Godley at Daylight and induce the miners there to refrain from going to work peaceably if they could, forcibly if they must, A Bo hemian woman conveyed the news to the authorities at Godley shaft, where Sheriff Huston and 25 deputies, together with six Pinkerton men, were on dutv. At G o'clock this morning the intimidators were on hand, expostulating with the work iugmen and frightening some of them so that they returned to their homes. An Italian named Albert Poiney, in broken English said that they had clubs, and that he wouldn't attempt to work for any money. Deputy Sheriff Graves met two of the gangs and asked them to disperse, which they finally did for the time being. There were three different crowds, one from Braceville, one from Braidwood, and one from Eureka, making altogether about 200 men. The latter crowd -advanced on the road dividing Will and Grundy counties. When opposite the shaft the Sheriff warned them repeatedly that they could trespass no further. They answered him with insulting taunts and jeers, and when the Sheriff flourished a bugev whip they snatched it from him. He pulled bis revol ver and fired twice, as he supposed in the air, and then ordered his squad of 14 men, including two police, to charge and use the butt of their pistols as clubs. They did so, inflicting many heavy blows, under which the crowd, numbering over 100, ran and dispersed on the Grundy county side of the line. Dan Lillis was found to have received a very severe scalp wound from a pistol ball, and a striker named Lawless was also shot. It is said that the wounded man went to Morris and got warrants for the arrest of Sheriff Hutsou. TAKING THE BULL BI THE HORNS. The Heading Railroad Determined to Enter Philadelphia at Any Hazard. rcr-ECIAL TXLXOBA1I TO THE DISPATCH. Philadelphia, July 13. After having tried unsuccessfully for two years to get permission from the city authorities to extend its lines into tLe heart of the city by means of elevated tracks, the Reading Railroad Company has determined that it has all the authority under the branching powers granted by its charter ard legislative sup plements thereto, and is going ahead with out leave of the city authorities. A big legal battle is in pros pect The company pursued its work of tearing down the buildings on the line of the proposed elevated road, notwith standing an announcement from Mayor Fitler that any attempt on the part of the company to cross the streets would be re sisted. The Mayor is in communication with the City Solicitor as to the Reading's right to cross the streets without the permission of the city authorities, and he has given the company to understand that it shall not cross a single street without the consent of the courts, to which the mat ter will.be taken upon the company's first encroa'chment upon the city's domain." The Reading officials received the Mayor's an nouncement with complacency. One of their counsel said that the determination of the matter in the courts was just what the com pany desired, and that, in the most friendly spirit, it would open the issue as soon as possible. The aggressive attitude of the company will be maintained, and unless there is a change in the policy already marked out, the streets intersecting the route above Cald well Hill street will be entered upon before City Councils meet, and the fight will be taken into the local courts. THREE CHILDREN BLOWN TO ATOMS. Terrible Result ofPlaylng With a Lot of Old Bombshells. rtPECIAL TELEOBAM TO TnE DISPATCTt.J Evansville, Ind., July 13. A passen ger of the steamship City of Dallas, which arrived at New Orleans Thursday, reports that while between Livingston and Belize, Harry Mahler, a prominent and wealthy merchant of San Pedro, jumped overboard in a fit of delirium tremens. Mahler had been married but a few days, and was mak ing a wedding trip to Belize. He had 510,000 in bank notes in his pocket. From the same'authority it is learned that upon the day of the departure of the vessel from Puerto Cortez, Honduras, a horrible accident occurred at Omoa, in which three children were blown to atoms by the burst ing of an old bomb. The Omoa fortress was bombarded bf the English in 1873, and many of the shells thrown never exploded. It was one of these with which a number of children were playing, and one ot them placed a lighted cigarette in the fuse hole, with dreadlul results. Only small pieces of the children could be found. THEY ARE NOT FOR CAMPBELL. A Buckeye Democratic Delegation That Is Not Instructed for Him. rsrrciAL teleobam to the dispatch.! Steubenville, July 13. The Jefferson County Democratic Convention met here to-day. John Murphy, of Fernwood, was nominated for Representative; John Mc Kee, of Steubenville, for Sheriff; John Xocum, of Island Creek, for Commissioner; A. a Noble, of Smithfield, for Infirmary Director, and Charles B. Martin, of Steu benville, for Coroner. N For delegates to the Democratic State Convention nt Dayton, Plummer Lewis, George Moore, J. A. McCune, J. W. Col lins, Win. M. Trainer, J. C. R. AVbite and John Mulchey, with as many alternates, were selected. Thirty-three Senatorial delegates were also appointed. A resolu tion to instriict the State delegates for James E. Campbell" for Governor was defeated. wmm PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1889. THE FIGUBES FOR IT, Governor Beaver's Estimate of the Relief Given to Johnstown and ELSEWHERE THROUGH THE STATE. Total Amount of Cash Received by the Executive is $1,100,000. CONTRIBUTIONS STILL COMING IN Great rrozrtss aide in the Work of Cleaning Up the Stricken City. Governor Beaver has made an estimate of the amount of money expended for the relief of the flood sufferers. His calculation shows that an aggregate of 2,500,000 has been applied to this purpose. His cash fund reached nearly 51,100,000, of which over 5700,000 has been used. A large contribu tion has been received from Germany, and other points are still being heard from. The work of cleaning up Johnstown is now mak ing rapid progress. rSPECIAL TSLEQBAM TO THE DISPATCH. I Habbisbubo, July 13. Governor Beaver to-day made an estimate of the amount expended for the relief of the suffer ers by the bursting of the South Fork dam, and the amount directed to be distributed on account of the disaster. The Relief Commission a few days ago issued a circu lar showing that about 52,200,000 had been applied for the relief of the sufferers and the abatement ot nuisances, -but the Gov ernor's calculation shows that the amount appropriated for the indicated purposes aggregates about $2,500,000. There has been received by the Governor through various sources nearly fl,100,000. Of this amount, about 5680,000 has been used in the Conemaugh Valley, and be tween 550,000 and 500.000 in other portions of the State which sustained losses by the flood, leaving in the hands of the Governor about 5350,000 for distribution. This fund is used exclusively in providing food, shel ter and clothing for the sufferers and in sup plying them with money to give them a new start in lire. In addition, the Gov ernor has expended 5225,000 in abating nuisances in Johnstown and vicinity. A SEPARATE FUND. The fund applied to the latter purpose does not come from any of the contributions, but has been loaned for the purpose for put tins the various flood-visited localities in a good sanitary condition. It was estimated at first that $1,000,000 would be required to accomplish this result, but not much more than one-third of this amount will be needed to meet the liabilities incurred by this par ticular demand on the State. Out of the Governor's fund, made up from all the States in the Union, with the fund loaned to him to abate nuisances caused by the flood, there have been expended in the Conemaugh valley 5905,000. In addition the following amounts have been expended: ByPittdbunr. 5250,000; by Philadelphia, 5200,000; Johns town iund distributed by the local comm: tee, 5250,000; contracts lor the construction of houses, 5150,000; transportation expenses, $100,000; military expenses, 531,000; Chlcago houses, 514,000; value of food, clothing and other articles contributed not included-in above indicated expenses, 5600,0001; total, 51,G9500p. Adding the foregoing ambulit to the 5905,000 received and expended by the Gov ernor for the relief of floodsufferers and the abatement of nuisancesthe entire amount expended and directed Ao be expended in Johnstown and viciniiy reaches 52,500,000. STILL QSfrlEB AID. This sum docs not include contributions by various secret societies and through other agencies not credited to cities or towns that have made contributions for relief of sufferers. The Odd Fellows a few days ago distributed about Slfi.OOO to members of the order who sustained losses by the Johns town disaster, and two New "York papers eaehgave 510,000, which amounts are not inclnded in the Go1 xrnor's estimate. The Governor hajS kept a record of all the moneys he has rcdeived, with the names ot the towns, institutions or individuals donat ing them, and thd Secretary of the Belief Commission is havfing a statement prepared to show the amounfts contributed by each of the States to tht relief of the sufferers, which will be published at the proper time. The contributions vre continuing to flow into the hands of theGovernor. Yesterday he received 511.000, oSf which 58,000 came from Germany. To-day between 52,000 and 53,000 were added to the Governor's fund. MR. ROSE EXPLAINS. Why Johnstown Has ro Representative on the Relief C'ominrw8on. Johnstown, July ,13. Ak the investiga tion meeting to-day W. Hor: ce Rose, Esq., said that the first notice he ad of his ap- pointment on the flood com: ission was on ttend a meet- July 6, when he was asked to ing of the commission n July 9. He immediately replied t! at he was physically unable to attend, an Johnstown had no representative on the He produced letters and tel Governor Beaver, showing that that functionary knew th :ommission. ;rams from onclusively e would be no representative from Johns commission. wn on the He said that there should ha' citizens from this place 0 been more the com- ere else, had no mission than from any and behold the town representative. Mr. Rose exp: ised a will- ingness to do what he could fo he people, but it was phvsicaily imposstb. for him to do anything, and Uovernor B .ver knew this when he appointed him. Captain Kuhn, who has large of the commissaries, said i looked to him as 11 the c wanted to credit themselves .amission 'ith the full value of the goods distribi rid when nine-tenths of them were direct tions with which the flood commi mtribu on have nothing to do. Mr. Kuhn made tl further cent of statement that it took fully 25 pi the value of all goods distributee! t expenses of the commissaries unde: jay the he sys- tern of management inaugurated. AN ITEMIZED ACCOUNT! That Is What the Johnstown Cltlz is Want From Governor Beaver, j Johnstown, July 13. At the lose of the meeting this afternoon an Jitional ie State resolution was passed, requesting Commission to furnish an itemize state er the ment of expenditures to date. Ai meeting was over there was a dct expression of opinion everywhere i rmined insist ething on the Johnstown people having so to say auoufc tne uimriuuuon 01 u j renei lund. Judge Cummin announced that he will proceed according to his original 11 tention and begin paying off claims on first having them certified by his onday, otanes. Hard on the Operators. Johnstown, July 13. Every onje of the men in the "Western Union telegraph office here is on the sick list, which is attributa ble no doubt to the dampness of thnlr Quar ters, and the foul smells in the vicinl ty. SOMETHINGJF A KICK. Citizens or Johnstown Want to Distribute the Money Themselves Beaver's State ments Are Questioned Somt Rather Radical Resolutions. iBrECIAL TELEORAK TO THE DISrATCH.l Johnstown, July 13. The Presbyterian Church, with a seating capacity of 1,200, was filled this afternoon with a thoroughly representative body of citizens, and Burgess Horrell was called to the chair, and in a brie speech outlined the object of the meeting. He said that the people of this valley should themselves have the disburse ment of the contributions intended for them, as the State Commission had shown their incapacity for the work. A committee on resolutions was appointed, who presented the following report: That the citizens ot Johnstown and vicinity respectfully, yet earnestly, request that the fund contributed, for the relief of the sufferers by the disastrous flood, which devastated the Conemaugh valley, be as speedily as possible distributed in money directly to people to whose benefit it was donated, and that all purchases, contracts, and all expenses to be paid out of this fnnd immediately cease. That any hoarding up of this fund to meet problematical future wants, will materially diminish its usefulness and only result in de laying to a more distant time the BESTOBATION OF HOMES, of business, of 'industry and of confidence. It will do more good in the hands of the people now than at any time hereafter. That we repudiate as insulting to the man hood and intelligence of our citizens, now that the avenues of trade are opened up, the impu tation that they cannot and will not wisely and economically disburse any funds placed in their hands, and because of this imputation, the arrogant assumption that guardians must supervise our expenditures, control our dis bursements, purchase oar supplies and make our contracts. Resolved, That if the statements imputed to Qis Excellency, Governor Beaver, that "a mil lion and a half dollars has already been ex pended in Johnstown and; vicinity," has any foundation in fact, it is the strongest possible argument that I expending relief funds in contracting fori buildings, .quar termaster and commissary supplies, is not a wise, judicious or economical way of dis bursing such funds, when tha ordinary sources of supply are opened up. lOnly by gross ex travagance and carelessness ilould such a sum have been used here, and tub people have re ceived no adequate return f oritho expenditure pf so large an amount. Resolved. That the di'Dnrserient of the fund subscribed for relief directly q the sufferers by the flood will STIMULATE BUSINESS, will provide work for our builders and trado for our merchants, will provide libor for our artisans and will tend to restore Confidence In the community, and will thus dilectly and in directly help those for whom the fiund was in- tended. While any other course at this day savors oi 30 us, reocunas to tne Denent 01 non resident contractors and business men having no interest in this community, ana unjustly discriminates against our own citizens. Resolved, That it is unfair and -unjust to exact an oath as to private income and relief before the bounteous charity of our country men can be distributed to its beneficiaries. Resolved, That we hereby appeal to the cus todians ot funds at Philade' piiia. New York, Pittsburg and other localitiei to transmit tho funds in their hands intended for Conemaugh Valley sufferers direct Xo our local Finance Commltteo to he distributed by that committee immediately in cash upon requisitions of the Hoard of Inquiry,, -upon such fair equitable basis as may be adopted, and we invite the co operation of such custodians in making such distribution. Jlcsolied, Tht this meeting express Its pro found gratitude to the many thousands of poo pie in our oTCn and other lands who have so spontaneously and generously contributed to the relief of oar people, and duly now venture on this (ipresslon of opinion because those hero .Assembled believe they are in this way but expressing the sentiments of tho generous do- Lcrars of so bounteous a fund, as they are sure T tfiAv ornroca thnsn nt thn lntnnriAri tlAnAfl. they express those of the intended benefi- claries. RAPID PROGRESS MADE. The Work of Cleaning Up the Town Is Pro ceeding Finely. Jpwjtstown, July 13. An examination 'of the work done on the streets shows that great progress has been made during the week. Chief Engineer Hamilton has everything systematized and the contractors are pushing the work with vigor. One body, that of an unknown woman, was found in a cellar to-day. Companies F and I left for their homes to-day. Judge Cummin spent the greater part of the day in the town, and had a conference with the Finance Committee. The ?10-a-head committee has completed its labors, and the result of the distribution of this money has given trade quite a boom. The State Board of Health issued a notice forbidding the use of articles ot food that were in the flood in hermetically sealed packages. Chicago Money to be Sent On. Chicago, July 13. The committee of Chicago citizens sent to Johnstown to inves tigate the condition of affairs there returned to-day. Their report is that harmony pre vails in the disbursement of money, and that the work of relief is proceeding in a business-like manner. The balance of the money held by Mayor Creiger, it is an nounced, will now he sent to Pittsburg at once. DIED LIKE A HERO. A Young Dlnn Meets a Singular Death While Saving a Young Lady's Life. ISriCIAL TELXQBAU TO TIIE PISFATCH.l Chablottb, N. C, July 13. To-day "Willis Henderson was horseback riding in Stanley county, with a young lady, when her horse took fright and dashed off at a furious rate. Young Henderson lashed his horse and was in a moment at the heels of the flying horse. He leaned over to one side, to rescue the vouug lady from her perilous position, when Henderson's head struck with terrific force against a tree, knocking him from his horse and crushing his skull. Hewas picked up dead. The young ladjr fell from her horse, but aside from a terrible fright she was not seriously injured. WIND AND HAIL CAUSE HAY0C. A, Couple of Virginia Counties Saner From a Sudden and Severe Storm. ISrECIAL TEEEOKAH TO THE DISFATClt.1 Peteksbtjbo, VA.,.July 13. A wiud storm which assumed almost the proportions of a cyclone passed over Dlnwiddic county, in the vicinity of DarviUs district, this afternoon, which did an immense amount of damage. Trees were uprooted and barns and fences leveled .to the ground. The storm was accompanied by a heavy fall of rain and hail, and the crops suffered terri bly, especially from the hail, which cut to pieces oats, 'wheat, corn and vegetation. The storm was also very severe in Sussex county, in the neighborhood of "Waverly station, on the Nortolk and Western Rail road, where one boy was killed and another probably fatally injured by a falling tree. The oat crop was literally ruined. MEETING AT CAPE MAI. Our Chnrltnbleand Correctional Institutions Examined nt Long Range. ErECIAL TELEOBAM TO TIIE DISPATCn. Philadelphia, July 13. The Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Pennsylvania, appointed during the last session of the Legislature, consisting of Sen ator John E. Reyburn, Chairman, Senators Mylin, ot Lancaster, and McAleer, of Philadelphia; Representatives Graham, of Alleghenv; Clay, of Elk; Walk and Dear den, of Philadelphia, who were appointed to Inquire into the management of the charitable and correctional institutiens of the State, held a preliminary meeting at Cape May this evening. The meeting was devoted to the formulation of a plan of .procedure. ltipatt!) PUGILISTS IN HIDING. The Exact Location, of the Prize Fighters is Still a Secret. SULLIVAN IS YET IN CHICAGO, Although One Report Says He Has Gone East by Way of Canada. A NUMBER OP RUM0R3 ABOUT KILEAIS. Ibe Gwernor of Mississippi Has by no Means Giien Cp the Contest, Sullivan and Kilraln have evidently no intention of falling into the hands of Gov ernor Lowry if they can help it. Every effort is being made to conceal their present whereabouts. The champion is believed to still be in Chicago. There is trouble ahead for the railroad which assisted so largely in the fight. rSFECIAL TELIORAH TO TIES DISPATCTI.1 Chicago, July 13. It is general talk among the sports that John L. Sullivan has left for Canada. The bartender employed by Tom Curley, in whose saloon Sullivan hid last night, tells a different story, how ever. He says that the big .slugger arose early this morning, and went with Curley to Eddie Marsh's place in South Chicago. It is his intention to remain there for a day or so and then catch the Baltimore and Ohio train for Washington, where he is to meet a number of sports who are on the Committee of Celebration and Reception. One or the Chicago sports, who was close at the ringside during the big fight, tells of some conversation carried on between Sulli van and Kilrain. The latter, he says, asked Sullivan twice to make the fight a' draw. The champion replied each time that he was not fighting Kilrain, but that he was fighting Fox and intended to lick him well. Parson Davies, who came up part way on Kilrain's train, says .that the defeated fighter was badly frightened all the way up. The rest of the party devised a scheme by which to divert the attention of the policemen who peered into the car windows at every station. Jimmy Connelly was patched up with court plasters and had his face smeared with blood. Two of the party sat over him with fans and whisky bottles, while Kilrain rode in the other'end of the car without attract ing any notice. Kilrain's hiding place is almost a mys tery. The following "was received from Co lumbus, Ind.: A person who arrived in this city to-day from Blue River, 20 miles northeast of here, reports that Jake Kil rain, Charley Mitchell, Pony Moore and Johnnv Murphy are still sojourning in that locality. Mitchell and Kilrain spent sev eral weeks in that neighborhood two years ago, and have many friends there who are taking good care of the defeated pugilist. The baggage of Kilrain was to-day for warded by express from this city to Balti more. A sometvhat different story is told in this telegram from Indianapolis. Kilrain's whereabouts is not known definitely, but it is likely he is near Detroit. He and his party spent Friday on the farm of Henry Torlorne, on the line of the Big Four Rail road, about 20 miles east of this city. Late last night Kilrain, Moore and Murphy re sumed their journey in a carriage. This forenoon they passed Irvington, four miles east of Indianapolis, headed for Bright wood, where they are presumed to have boarded a train for Detroit. Mitchell has left the party and started for Baltimore. WAITING FOE HIM. A Disappointed Crowd Looks for Sullivan at the Metropolis Muldoon Makes "a Statement He Says it Cost tho Champion $1,000 to Get Oat of Nashville. tETECIAL TELEOBAM TO IDE DISPATCH. 3 New YonK, July 13. A crowd of men and boys hung about the Vanderbilt Hotel until nearly 12 o'clock to-night, patiently awaiting the expected arrival of Champion John L. Sullivan. The first rumor was that he would arrive at 6 o'clock, and when this hour passed without his appearance the time was set for every hour up to 11 o'clock, when the discouraging statement was made that he might not come until to-morrow, and maybe not then. Proprietor Clune was ready with a band to play, "See tha Con quering Hero Comes," a lot of fire works and big repast. All sorts of conflicting statements regard ing the whereabouts ot the great fighter were made, but none of them were credited until nearly midnight, when Billy Muldoon, in answer to a number ot passing questions from the reporters, said: "Sullivan will not arrive in town to-uight, and will not come here until he is sent for. He will not be sent for until it is certain that there is no fear of his being ar rested. He is within 12 hours of New Yo'rk and is located in a perfectly safe place. This pursuit of him has developed into a case of 'bleed.' What money John has he worked mighty hard for, and he will not squander it or give it away if his friends can help it. It cost him $1,000 to get out of Nashville. He will not come to this city unless he can come In a perfectly open and free manner. When he does come all the newspaper men will be permitted to see him. "Will he be in town to-morrow? Not unless I send for him, which is hardly likely. I am as much in danger of arrest as Sullivan, although I am not well known, and the penalty in my case is not so severe," Restaurant Keeper Stroub, half-brother to Pony Moore, the father-in-law of Charley Mitchell, said that he had no word from the Kilrain people since the fight, and that he hadn't the slightest idea where the de feated fighter was. I0WRT MEANS BUSINESS. The Governor Will Make It Very Warm for That Railroad. Jackson, Miss., July 13. Arrange ments for the prosecution of all persons and corporations connected in any way with the late Sullivan-Kilrain fight are progressing, and a big affair it will prove to be. Sheriff Cowart, who' witnessed the fight, and Mr. Bicn, of Richburg, are likely to be partici pators, as well as other prominent parties in New Orleans and elsewhere. The Governor does not doubt that he will eventually get the principals, Sullivan and Kilrain, to gether witn the gan?s, or some of them. The Queen and Crescent is beginning to show fight, but the Governor says they will rue the day when they took legal advisers and were parties to the late slugging match in Mississippi. Governor Lowry is an old lawyer, has also served in both branches of the Legislature, and very probably his opinion is deserving of more credit than the Queen and Crescent officers are disposed to grant. Other eminent lawyers agree with him that forfeiture of tho charter cannot be prevented. STILL AN0TI1KR ST0RT. Mitchell's Tale of tho Troubles of the KIN rnla Party In Indlnnn. CniCAQO, July 13. Charley Mitchell left Chicago to-night at 10 o'clock for Balti more or Washington. He arrived in this city at a late hour to-night, and At onre'i?i for Parson Davies. Mitchell was dfei& pnised in an old straw, clav pipe, and pair of pants very defective in the rear. He tells a sensational story oi Deing cuaaeu throngh the wilds or Indiana by the Hoosier officers, and how he left his party near Brady's station. Pony Moore, Jake Kilrain and little Johnny Murphy are still in hiding. , A QUAY CONFEBENCE At Which tho Silent Senntor Was Mainly Conspicuous by His Abscnre He Is No: Feeling Well There May be a Meeting To. Day. rSrXCIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCIM Atlantic Citv, N. J., July 13. A delegation of Philadelphia politicians waited for three hours on Senator Quay at the United States Hotel, but adjourned the confab in despair at a late hour when the hotel clerk read to them a private message from Quay stating that he would not leave Brigantine Beach until Monday morning, and asking that the party await his coming in order that a conference may be held. A visit to the beach at Brigantine revealed the fact that the Senator is a little under the weather, and not a rush of business but an indisposed condition prevented his ap" pearance at the conference this evening. He has hinted to a friend that, if feeling well, he will be in Atlantic City to hold a secret session with the Philadelphia bosses to-morrow morning. Senator Cooper, the new Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, David Martin, Philadelphia's Internal Revenue Collector, Allen B. Rorke, Chair man of the City Committee, Senator Boise Penrose and ex-Legislator Charles Porter, the largest public contractor of Philadel phia, were among those who took part in the consultation this evening. One of the gentlemen in the delegation said to-night that while the present conference is ostensi bly for the purpose of settling the distribu tion of patronage so far as Quay is con cerned, the secret of the meeting is to de vise means by which to execute the Sena tor's scheme to close out Leeds aud deliver the final death blow to McManes. The fight for the Superintendence of the Philadelphia Mint will also he discussed, which will end with an arrangement to have Fox appointed, leaving Bosby Shell in the soup. The conferees will also make a move iu the matter of the postmastership. Wanamaker has sent word that he must have this atipointment himself, that Harrity must serve out his term aud that John Fields shall be named as his successor on the latter's return from Europe. General Hastings will also be here Monday to confer with Quay on the Gubernatorial fizht, in which he expects te lead, although Quay is now said to favor Reyburn's nomination" ARCHIBALD'S MISSION A PUZZLE. A Number of Shrewd Guesses nt It Dlade In New York. rSPECIAL TELEOBAX TO THE BEPVTCn.1 New Yobk, July 13. James P. Archi bald, Master Workman of the Painters and Paper Hangers' District Assembly, 210, of the Knights of Labor, went to Europe the other day, and since his departure there has been much speculation about the purpose of his visit. Archibald was born in Dublin 40 years ago, and has revisited his birth place many times. When he put George in nomination tor Mayor of this city he was not tyet an American citizen. Con sequently he did not vote for George. It is surmised that since Master Workman Powderly has announced his intention of not attending the Inter national Workingmen's Congress at Paris, as a representative of the Knights of Labor, Archibald has undertaken the job on bis own hook, and will try to prevent the Continental Anarchists and Socialists from convicfingTowderly of having got the Chicago Anarchists hanged. Another guess as to Archibald's mission is that he has been intrusted by certain free traders with the job of securing the passage of a resolution in the Paris Working men's Congress approving of free trade. Edward King.of the Type Founders' Union, says that from advices he has had, the Paris Congress of Workingmen, which should open to-morrow, will be divided into three bodies. The trades unionists and the advanced Socialists will meet to gether, and the Karl Marx and Edward Aveling Socialists will flock to them selves. The Anarchists will have noth ing to do with the other two, except to denounce Powderly and the Knights of Labor. Some of the delegates who have left this country have credentials to all three "only original" w6rkingmen's con gresses. A SYNDICATE OP BLACKGUARDS. That's What Bonn Piatt Says Constitutes tho Arthur Richmond Syndicate. rsrrciAL teleobam to the ntspATcn.i . New Yobk, July 13. Donn Piatt tele graphs an afternoon paper as follows: "Since the secret is out.I have no objection to telling you that the name of 'Arthur Richmond' covered a syndicate of blackguards or ganized by the late Thorndike Rice. I was, as near as I could make out, one-sixth of 'Arthur Richmond.' I learned that I was part of a corpus made up of Hurlbert, Abi gail Dodge, Albion Tourgee, et al., not in cluding the late Cazauran, nor the imme diate Hawthorne. "We all pelted away without knowing whom the others were vituperating. Thorn dike, with great impartiality, selected the victims. I learned that Ben Butler was selected to join us, but declined on the ground that when he vituperated he did so over his own name." HARRISON'S OUTING. It Rained, and the President Uad a Quiet Dny nt Deer Park. Deer Park, Md., July 13. Rain has fallen at intervals nearly all day. The President has remained in his cottage, but this afternoon the family, accompanied by Senator Davis and Mr. Elkins, drove out toward Oakland. It is .believed the Pres ident will not return to Washington on Wednesday as expected, but will remain until the first of the following week. Secretary Windom and Private Secretary Halford return to Washington Tuesday. The day has been quietly spent. RUINED BI HEAVY RAINFALL. Much Damage to Growing Crops In a Largo Section of Indiana. ISPECIAL TELXCBAU TO TUB DISPATCH.! Evansville, Ind., July 13. Much damage is reported to-day from the lower Ohio, on account of the copious rainfalls since Thursday afternfon. The water came down in torrents, and it is asserted that within two hours there was a three-inch fall during this morning. Growing crops were necessarily damaged, and in some places immense oats and tobacco fields were completely submerged and the crops en tirely ruined. The stricken section extends from Cairo to Smithland, upon both sides of the river. THE G. A. B. ENCAMPMENT. It Is Asserted That There Will be a Good Attendance After All. Kansas City, July 13. Commander in Chief Warner has issued a general circular to all G. A. R. posts urging the members to attend the National Encampment at Mil waukee despite the refusal of the railroads to grant the 1 cent a mile rate. It is the general belief at General War ner's headquarters here that the attendance will be quite as large as if the dispute with the railroads had never occurred. " SIXTEEN PAGES. s FIVE CENTS ll E IS AT -Vh 7 . The &fa Conference Regard ing Hunestead Lasts Long Into the Night, YIELDING GLAD PROMISES. The Essentials of the Scale Are Al ready Fully Determined. H0y THE GREAT TRUCE CAMB ABOUT Portentous Preparations Were Made for tha Mont Stupendous Strugglo of the Age Carnegie's Union Mills Were to Join It Their Rollers Refused to Touch a Pound of Iron for Homestead Why Great News Was Suppressed Sherlfl McCand Icss Moving All the Powers of Ofilce and Eloqnenco for Peace A General Report ot the Conference Testerday What Was Said, Done and Believed at ' Homestead. Peace spreads her wings o'er Homestead The truce that stayed the battle royal holds good. The Amalgamated Association's conference with the Carnegie firm lasted Ion g into the night. It was not finished. Tha essentials of a scale were fully agreed upon, however. The conference, looking toward complete harmony and resumption, con tinues to-morrow. With or without Car. negie's cabled consent, it promises success. How it all came about is an interesting story. TnE Dispatch gives all the details. There will be no further trouble at Home stead. This statement can be made almost positively, as the report of the conference held yesterday and last night between tha Amalgamated Association officials aud the firm will indicate. The conference convened in the office of Carnegie, Phipps & Co., on Fifth avenue, at 2:30, and continued until about 11 o'clock. Business was suspended for a short time only, and that was when the members of the conference were dis posing of a magnificent lunch served in the office by the Duquesne Club caterer. At the close of the meeting it was de cided to keep the proceedings quiet, and every person present was pledged not to give a word away for publication. A stenographer was present and took down every word that was said from the time tho conference began until it closed. A com plete report Would Fill a Pago of this paper; but this is the official an nouncement of the stenographer's notes very cleverly condensed by the members of the firm and the members of the Amalgamated Association who were present: The result of the conference is that certain essential points have been agreed to. Other matters of importance remain for discussion. The conference will continue next week. This is considered a very significant statement, and indicates that the firm is anxious to settle the trouble. Although they have issued what was termed an ulti matum, it has been withdrawn. This action has been caused by the serious outbreak be fore thm, and they have evidently dis covered that a fight with the powerful Amalgamated Association means a fight in every sense of the word, and that they can not have as smooth sailing as they had with , the workmen at the Edgar Thomson mill. The Crisis Was Reached on Friday, and Sheriff McCandless realized the fact that something had to be done and that very quickly. The members of the Carnegie firm also realized this fact and agreed to make some concessions rather than have murder and bloodshed, but did not admit, and will not yet admit, that the scale of wages they have offered to their men, or any men who are willing to enter their employ, is unfair. In order to avoid serious trouble they have consented to a further discussion on the wage question, brought about by the intercession ol Sheriff McCandless, who ex plained the fearful results that might fol low an adherence to the original proposition. The proceedings were conducted very quiet ly, but it was learned that, Before Going Any Further, the men whom Andrew Carnegie had Isft in charge of the business affairs of the great steel concern decided to consult with the head of the firm. Mr. Carnegie is in Paris, and several cablegrams werj forwarded to him durine the day and night explaining the situation and asking: for advice. No reply came, when the conference adjourned until some day this week. "Until a reply it received from Mr. Carnegie nothing definite will likely be done. President Weihe, Secretary Martin, Chairman Abbott, Mr, H. M. Curry and others who attended the conference were seen after adjournment, but all declined to talk. They intimated that the truce would be continued and that everything was satis factory at present. HOW IT HAPPENED. Dispatch Revelations Held for a Dny A Mighty Earnest Sheriffs-Inception of the Trues The Union Mills Were Ready to Quit Ma Ilomestead Work for Them. Now that a general truce has been de clared at Homestead for a settlement of one of the greatest, if not the greatest, conflict ' between labor and capital, TllE DISPATCH feels at liberty to publish a part of the in formation obtained on Friday night, but suppressed at the urgent request ot Sheriff McCandless and the officials of the Amalga mated Association. They claimed that the publication ot what hod occurred, and what was likely to occur at the conference ar- ' ranged for, might precipitate a riot and cause bloodshed and the loss of many lives. Sheriff McCandless and the Amalga mated officers realized on Friday night tfce importance of the affair, and the serkas trouble that would occur unless something could be done immediately to avt it. Hoi HAND . M.- .--. ,.Afcjt?y -xilV-Av ?rr Jk.jJ.Xf i ,1