Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 13, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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Fruits and Vegetables of All Kinds
Plenty and Cheap."
Spring Chickens Approach the Average
orriCE or Pittsburg Dispatch, 1
Friday, July 12, lbS8. J
At the Diamond market fruit and vegeta
ble stalls reports were that everything in
season is in over-supply and prices lower
than at any time this season. Baspberrics
and blackberries, new apples and potatoes
are abundant and at their lowest point.
Black currants are coming in freely and are
cheaper than they have been for a number
of seasons. There is a decided improve
ment of late in quality ot egg plant, and those
selling at 23c are cheaper than what we bare
been having for alewn eeks past at 10c to 15c,
as size and quality have so much improved. A
erv delicious hot house crape is on the stalls
at Si per pound. Of these there are tnree differ
ent varieties, namelv. black Hamburg, white
Muscat and Chaseles Pittsburgers have
not yet caught on to summer grapes
bicb in other large cities of the land sell read
ily at 15c per pound. The commercial editor of
The Dispatch was permitted to sample a
bunch at a Diamond market stall, and can tes
tify that be never tasted better.
The first home-grown tomatoes of the season
put in their appearance this week, Southern
tomatoes are slow, and quality is not the best,
liutter and eggs are practically unchanged
from prices of last Saturday. Country butter
was never plentier at this time of year, and lar
more is offered than the wants of trade de
mand. A leading jobber says he has no trouble
getting all the country butter be wants of a
good quality at lOcperpound. Spring chickens
are coming to market in good quantity and
shape at prices much lower than a week ago.
A reasonably ripe pair ought to be had at 50c to
Cue ...
Florists report quietness all along the line.
Home gardens are now at their best, and sea
sonable showers bae brought these gardens to
an unusual state of perfection. Society events
have been slow the past week, and demands on
florists are now at their lowest ebb. In the
next week or two orders from mountain and
seashore will be coming in. At present the
trade in floral lines is at its quietest. Products
of lake and ocean are in the same boat as those
of garden and conservatory. The restaurant
demand for fish always slackens up at this time
of the year, as patrons are seeking cool retreats
where mountain or ocean breezes blow. Lake
fUh are scarcely in supply up to demand, but
ocean fish is plenty enough, and trade is quiet.
Folio in" are latest retail prices of Saturday's
market basket material as furnished by lead-'
ing dealers:
The prices called for at the Diamond Markets
remain unchanged. Tho best cuts of tender
loin steak range from 20 to 25c, with last figure
for ery fancy, which are very often no bettor
than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, from 18
to 20c; standing rib roast, from 15 to 20c; chuck
loast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c; boiling
beef, 5 to Sc; sweet breads, 20 to 50c per pair:
beef kidneys. 10c apiece; beef liver. 5c a pound;
calf livers. 25c apiece; corned beef from 5 to 10c
per pound. Veal for steuinc commands 10c;
roast. 12J to 15c; cuJets, 20c per pound: spring
lamDS, tore quarter, 15 to 20c; bind quarters, 20
to 25c. A leg of mutton, bind quarter, of
prime quality, brines 12Jc: fore quarter, 8c;
loin of mutton, 15c; giblets, 5c per pound.
Vegetables nnd Fruit.
New white potatoes. 15 to 20c per half peck;
egg plants, 10 to 25c; hothonse grapes. SI 00 per
pound; tomatoes, 20c, home-grown, 30c per
quart box; new cabbage, 5 to 15c; bananas, 20 to
3oc a dozen: new home-grown carrots, 5c a
bunch; California peaches 25c per quart box;
lemons, 25 to 50c per dozen; oranges, 50c; lettuce,
5c per Imncli, 6 lor 25c: radices, 5c per bunch;
cucumbers. 5c apiece: new beets, 5c a bunch:
cauliflowers, 15 to 25c a bead; home-grown
string beans, 20c a half peck; bome-gro n golden
wax beans, 20c a half peck: new Southern
onions, 2uc a quarter peck: home-grown
squashes, 5 to 10c; bome-grown potatoes, 15c a
half peck; home-grown peas, 20c per half peck;
sweet and sour cherries, 15c per quart. 2 for 25c;
gooseberries, 10c per quart: black currants, 15c
per quart; currants, 10c per quart; watermelons,
35 to 50c; cantaloups. 15 to 50c; red raspberries,
10 to 15c a quart ; black raspberries, 10c; huckle
berries, 15c a quart.
Duller, Eaen nnd Poultry.
Choice creamery butter, 25c Good country
butter. 20c Fancy pound rolls, 30c
The ruling retail prire for eggs is 20c
The range for dressed chickens is 90c to
SI 25 per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound. Sprinjj
chickens, 50 to 75c per pair: ducks, SI to SI 2o
per iair; geese, 50 to 75c each.
Fish in Pennon.
Following are the articles in this line on
the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali
fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12Jc; her
ring, 4 pounds for 25c; Spanish mackerel. 30c
to 35c a pound: sea salmon, 40c a pound:
blue fish, 25 to 30c; perch. 10c: halibut, 2ac;
rock bass, 30c: black bass, 20c: lake trout, 12c:
lobsters, 25c: green sea turtle, 2Sc; mackerel,
20c small, 40c large. Oysters: N. Y. counts,
Jl 75 per gallon; clams. SI 25 per gallon; scol
lops. 50c a quart: frogs. S2 00 to $2 00 per dosen;
suit shell crabs, 75c per dozen; devil crabs, fe5c
per dozen.
La France roses, SI 001 50 per dozen; Bnde
roses, SI 00 per dozen; l'crles, SI 00 per dozen;
Nipbetos SI 00 per dozen; Bennetts, SI 00
per dozen; American Beauty, 25c apiece; Mer
mets, jl 00 per aozen; carnations Sac a dozen;
Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda
Easter lilies. S3 00 per dozen; Jacqueminot
roses, 75c to SI 50 a dozen; pennies, SI 00a nozen;
moss roses SI 00 a dozen; June roses, SI 00 a
dozen; forgetmenots. 25c a dozen; water lilies,
60c a dozen.
Condition of the Market nt the East Liberty
Slock Yards.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch.
Friday. July 12. 1883. f
Cattle Receipts 510 bead; shipments 720
head; market nothing doing all through con
signments; no cattle shipped to New York to
day. HOGS Receipts 1.500 nead: shipments, 1.200
head; market firm: Yorkers, SI 754 85; Pbila
delphias S4 654 70: heavy grades, J4 50
4 60; 3 cars of bogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 2,900 head: shipments 2,400
head; market slow at yesterday's prices.
Br Telegraph.
Sew York Beeves Receipts 3,400 head, in
cluding 84 carloads for exportation, 67 carloads
for city slaughterers direct and 50 carloads for
the market; dull, weak and lower; ordinary to
prime steers sold at S3 75J 35 per 100 pounds;
bulls and stags at S2 20ffi3 25. Calves Receipts,
800 head: market dull and lower at SI 005 2j
per ICO pounds for veals, and at S2 253 75 for
buttermilk calves and mixed lots Sheep Re
ccipts.C.lOO head,and 2.000 head were carried over
yestci day; the market was weak and closed
heavy and lower; sheep ranged from 3J5Vc
per ponnd; lambs from 5J7c Hogs Re
ceipts 2,000 head; all for slaughterers direct;
no trading in live hogs; nominally a fraction
loweratS4 504 85.
Kansas Citv Cattle Receipts 3,421 head;
shipments, 2.7U0 head; supply light and market
more active and strongenveal calves 5075c per
bead higher; good to choice cornfed steers.S370
63 90; common to medium, $2 903 40; stockers
and feeders, S2 00g3 10; cows, $1 C02 75; grass
range steers SI 753 00. Hogs Receipts,
7,412 head; shipments, 1,624 head; market
opened steady to strong, closing a shade
weaker; good to choice light, $4 22J4 27K:
heavy and mixed, S4 104 20. Sheep Receipts,
1,122 head; shipments. 493 head; market strong;
good to choice muttons, S3 503 90; lambs. S3 00
5 00.
St.Louis Cattle Receipts 1.400 head; ship
ments 1,700; marketsteady; choice beavv native
steers. S3 7031 20: fair to cHd do. S3 0C3 90:
stockers and feeders fair to good. S2 1043 15;
rangers corn fed, S2 7003 40; grass fed. S2 00
3 00. Hogs Receipts 2,200 bead: shipments
2.000 head: market lower; choice heavy and
butchers' selections. S4 204 30; packing, me
dium to prime, S4 1004 25; light grades ordi
nary to best, S4 304 4a Sheep Receipts
900 head; shipments 2.b00 head; market strong;
fair to choice, S3 204 7a
CniCAOO Cattle Receipts, 7,300 head; ship
ments 3,000 head: market steady: beeves
$3 30Q1 25; stockers and feeders, S2 25JJ3 30;
cows bulls and mixed, SI 753 10: Texas cattle,
SI 753 CO. Hogs Receipts 18,000 head; ship
ments, 7,000 head; market slow and 5c lower:
mixed. S4 204 40: heavy, S4 104 35: light,
S4 25Q4 CO; skips Si4 40. Sheep Receipts
4,000 head: shipments, 1.000 head: market
steady: natives, $3 755 10: westerns, $3 30
4 00:Texans,S3 254 15; lambs lower at H50
6 00.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts 115 carloads
through; 13 loads on sale: market steadr and
unchanged. Sheep and lambs Receipts 25
carloads through; 7 load son sale: market active;
good to best sheep, S4 755 00; fair to good,
S4 504 75; common, S4 0U4 60. Hogs Re
ceipts, 31 carloads through; 25 loads on sale;
marketsteady: mediums S4 65Q4 70; Yorkers.
$4 75; pigs S4 7501 80.
Cincinnati Hogs in moderate demand and
lower; common and light, S3 754 CO; packing
and hatchers $4 30i 15; receipt, 1,960 head;
inipnunts, 520 .head.
Wheat More Active on lbs Speculative Ac
count July Ilieher, bnt All ibe Lnter
Options Lose Rronnri BenrUh
News From the Old World. '
Chicago In the aggregate a good specula.
tivo business was transacted in wheat to-day.
The opening was weak and prices declined
Jlc for the various deliveries below the clos
ing figures of yesterdayrthen reacted, advanc
ing JiGlc. ruled easy and closed Jic higher for
July, c lower for August, e lower for Sep
tember and He lower for December than the
closing of yesterday. The early decline was a
continuation of the weakness developed yester
day, more or less long wheat again coming on
the market, and for a while there was not much
demand. But later the market began to rule
steadier under a better demand, and a recov
ery of part of the decline resulted.
One reason assigned for the advance was that
private cables represented the Russian crop
worse than bad been heretofore mentioned:
that the damage bad been greater than re
ported. Reports also state that the Hungary
Austrian crop of wheat was damaged consider
ably by the drought and hot weather, and that
the acreage was smaller than last year. Liver-
Eool was quiet. N o. 2 red was quoted a trifle
igher. but California and India wheat was
lower. However, the advance noted would
probably have occurred anyway, as a natural
reaction might be expected after the break of
the last two days It was probably more to a
disposition on the part of shorts to cover, and a
little more inquiry from other sources to buy,
that the temporary reaction was attributed.
Only a moderate- business was transacted in
corn. Fluctuations covered a narrow range,
and most of the trading was confined to local
operators The feeling on the whole was a
little firmer, though prices did not show
material change from yesterday's closing quo
tations lu oats trading was large, especially during
the early part of the day. and a lower range ot
prices was recorded. Declines were not so
great as on yesterday and the range of prices
Considerable interest was manifested for
mess pork. Opening sales were made at 587c
decline and a further reduction of 20c was sub
mitted to. Later the feeling was steadier and
prices rallied 23c and closed rather firm.
Rather more doing in the lard market and
the feeling rather weak. Prices receded 2K
5c and the market closed steady at medium
Quite an active business was transacted in
short rib sides. Prices ruled irregular, and de
clined 1015c, but rallied 57c and closed
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 July, 78S077K78Vc;
August. 7tr77a767bJc; September, 7ff
K7(S7bc; December, 797978
Corn No. 2 August, 3&.Q!S;imi$&Ac
September, 35Vi3535)$e3oc; October. 3o
Oats-No. 2, August, 21S21Ji2121c;
September. 21Ji21J215621Kc.
Mess Pork, per bbl. August, Jll 12V11 17K
11 10411 27J; September, Sll 27K&11 80
11 2511 30.
Laud, per 100 Us August, S6 276 27K
6 226 27; September. $6 356 356 30
6 35; October, S6 326 356 306 35.
Short Ribs, per 100 Sis August, S5 75
5 75g5 62MS5 72 September, S5 77K5 77K
5 C7KS5 7o; October. So 67K5 65 6j
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 7SJ79c;
No. 3 spring wheat, 78c; No. 2 red, 7e&
79c No. 2corn.35"c,No.2oats22Kc- No. 2
rye. 43c No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed.
Si 33. Prime timothy seed, SI 421 43. Mess pork,
per barrel, Sll 25. Lard, per 100 pounds SS .
Short ribs, sides (loose), S5 65. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). So 255 37. Short clear
sides (boxed), S6 0006 12 Sugars unchanged.
Receipts Flour,7.0U0 ban els: wheat.11,000 bush
els: corn. 23S.0UO bushels: oats, 99,000 bushels;
rye. 1,000 bushels; barley, none. Ship
ments Flonr. 7,000 barrels; wheat. IG.000 bush
els; corn. 346.000 bushels: oats, 161,000 bushels;
rye. 2,000 busnels barley, 3,000 bushels
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was quiet: fancy creamerv, 1515Jc;
fine, 14M15c: finest dairies 11J4612J4C; line, 10
12c Eggs quiet at 11M 12c t
New York Flour quiet; medium and low
grades weaker, in instanres 510c lower.
Wheat Spot dull and Jifcjlc lower, with a mod
erate milling and export demand; options dull,
K6Jic lower and weak on realizing. Rye
steady. Western, 50J51c Barley malt quiet.
Corn Spot quiet, VKc lower and weak; op
tions dull; July a and August Ytc lower:
other months steady. Oats Spot more active
and weak; options active, lower and heavy.
Ilav quiet and steady. Hops quiet and steady.
Coffee Options opened steady at 2030 points
up and closed steady at 1520 points up: sales
78.500 bags,incliiding July. 11.40c; August, 14.45
11.00c; September, 14.6014.80c; Octo
ber. 14.6014.b5?; November. 11.70
14.75c; December, ll.6514.90c January,
14.C514.85c; February. 14 7514.90c; March.
I4.7514.85; April. 14.S5li.9Uc: May. 11.76
1180c: spot Itlo stronger, lair cargoes 17c
Sugar Raw weak and nominal: refined steady
and quiet Molasses Foreign dull: New Or
leans quiet. Rice steady and quiet. Cottonseed
oil dull. Tallow strong: city iS2 for packages)
1 5-16c Kosin steady and quiet. Turpentine
quiet and steady at 3S3SJc Eggs dull and
weaker; western, 14J4UXc: receipts 2.847
packages Pork dull. .Mess. S13 00 13 25: ex
tra prime. Sll 25 11 5a Cutmeats firm: sales.
pickled bellies 12 pounds average. 7c; pickled
hams, 115.1c; pickled shoulders, SJic Lard
lower and dull; western steam, to 60: city,
6 15; August.S6626 63, closingat$662bid: Sep
tember. S6 706 73, closing at $6 71 bid; Octo
ber, S6 7a Butter in moderate demand and
weak; western dairv. 1013c: do creamery, 12
16c; do factory, 813c Cheese easier and fair
demand, western, bi7Jic
St. Louis Flour quiet ana weak; XXX.
S2 502 65: famih-. S2 752 85; choice, S3 05
3 15; fancy, S3 503 80: extra fancy. SI 101 20;
patents $4 C04 o5. Wheat lower; the receipts
of nearly 135,000 bushels were farteyond expec
tations, and with all other markets lower and
early cables weak, there was such a pressure to
sell that the prices broke oil sharply early. A
reaction followed and considerable firmness
shown for some time. The depression in cash,
however, weighed July down and August and
September let down some later. The close was
steady, with July and August Jjc; September
56c and December c below esterday. No. 2
red. cash, 72c asked: July, 72T2c closing
at72c: August, 72K73c, closing at 72Mc bid;
September, 73J74iic, closing at 74c: Decem
ber. 77J77Kc closing at 77Jc Corn dull,
with very light trading; No2 mixed, cash, 33
335ic; August. 32c, closing at 32a asked:
September, 3333Jnc, closing at 33c; May, 35
3514c, closing at 35c Oats weak; No. 2 cash.
24c bid; July. 21Jc; Augnit, 21c hid; May 25c
bid. Rye neglected at 4041c Flaxseed New
crop for this and next month's delivery has
SI 15 bid and spot salable at same. Provisions
very dull.
Cincinnati Flour quiet Wheat easier;
No. 2 red,83c; new.79S0c: receiptsl2,7D0 bush
els; shipments, 2.900 bushels Corn strong;
No. 2 mixed, 39c Oats firm: No. 2 mixed.
2626c Rye quiet and firm; No. 2, 4ScePork
easier at Sll 7a. Lard lower at S6 056 10.
Uulkmeats and bacon quiet and unchanged.
Butter quiet. Sugar firm. Eggs heavy.
Cheese steady.
Baltimore Provisions a shade lower;
mess pork, $13: new. S13 50. Butter dull; west
ern packed, 810c: creamery, 1617c Eggs
steady at 12c CoiTee Rio, cargoes, fair, 16jic
Receipts Flour, 3,000 barrels; wheat, 26,000
bushels; corn. 12.000 bushels: oats 2.000 bushels.
No shipments. Sales wheat, 252,080 bushels;
corn, 26,000 bushels.
Milwaukee Flour Inactive. Wheat
steady: cash, 78c; September, 76-Vc. Corn
firm; No. 3, 36c Oats quiet; No. 2 white,
28c Rye firm; No. 1, 44Kc Barley firm; No. 2,
September, 68Kc Provisions easy. Pork,
Sll 20. 1-ird, S6 2a Cheese unchanged; Ched
dars, 78c
Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash. S4 50; Octo
ber, S4 60 bid.
Wool Mnrkcts.
Philadelphia The wool market is quiet
and prices unchanged.
, St. Louis Receipts 160,318 pounds; market
quiet and unchanged.
Metal Mnrkcts.
New Y'ork Pig iron is quiet and steady.
London Pig tin Irregular market, and
business moderate; Straits, 88 7s6d for spot;
futures (3 months), 85 15i Od. Copper Trade
continues moderate and market Irregular;
Chili bars are now quoted "at 40 15s for spot,
1010s0d for future delivery; best'selected En
glish, 46 Os Lead Dull market and prices
rather weak; Spanish quoted at 12 5s Od.
Spelter Market continues active and strong:
ordinary Silesian quoted at 19 9s Tin plate
More demand and prices firmer.
Minlns: eHocks.
New York. July 12. Amador. 100; Bodle, 110;
Caledonia ii. II.. 225; Consolidated California
and Virginia, 725; Deadwood Territory. 125;
Eureka Consolidated, 150: El Cristo, 130; Gould
and Curry. 2S0: Homestake. 800; Mexican. 290;
Mutual. 140; North Belle Isle, 120; Ontario,
34,00; Sierra Nevada, 220; Union Consolidated,
Drygoods Market.
New York, July 12. There was a good force
of buyers in the market, but there was no spe
cial animation or activity. Business as yet con
tinues moderate, but the preliminary memor
anda Indicate Increased trade in the near fu
ture. There are no new features to the market
for cotton goods but some prominent woolens
as the Riverside and Oswego -worsteds were
opened at a tmall advance in some Styles, with
good Initial orders.
On mortgages on improved real estate In sums
of S1.000 and upward. Apply at
ruhl-34-B No. 121 Fourth avenue.
Some Big Mortgascs Placed, Indi
cating Confidence in Realty.
Alter Many Moons the Work of .Repairing
the B. k 0. Building Begun.
Twenty-eight mortgages were recorded yes
terday, several of them for large amounts One
was for 20,000, one for $10,000, one for $7,000,
one for S5.0U0 and six for S2.0WJ and upward.
This business is absorbing a large amount of
Pittsburg capital, which would otherwise go
into less secure investments
In the present condition of the local real es
tate market, there is no better or safer recep
tacle for money.
The authoritative statement in The Dis
patch that 1,000 shares of Plttsbnrg Plate
, Glass stock had been sold at 150, and that more
of it could be had at the same price, caused
considerable talk among brokers on 'Change
yesterday, where it was offered at 185; but it is
a significant fact that there were no bids at
anything like that figure. There is very little
of the stock on the market, and what there is is
in small lots and there is said to te an under
standing among several brokers who liandlo
the most of it by which Exchange quotations
are kept up. A bidder is rarely confronted by
a seller. This makes it safe to offer almost any
The statement that dividends amounting to
17 per cent have been paid this year, is correct
enough, but it should be added for the in
formation of the public that they were not en
tirely out of the earnings of this year, but in
clude those cf the last quarter of 1888. The
plant is mortgaged for 950,000, or nearly half
its value, and the probability is that until this
indebtedness is wiped out, dividends will be
few and far between. Under these conditions
150 or thereabouts seems to be a pretty good
price for the stock.
Workmen are erecting scaffolding around
the Baltimore and Ohio building, corner of
Fifth avenue and Wood street, preparatory to
a general overhauling of the premises in ac
cordance with the decision of the Board of
Arbitrators last spring. Inspector Frank had
condemned the building and ordered its
demolition, but the arbitrators after thorough
inspection, came to the conclusion that It could
he repaired so as to make it perfectly safe. The
scaffolding will probably be finished to-day,
and work on the interior commenced early
next week.
The repairs will be extensive and thorough.
All of the old timbers will be removed and new
ones substituted. New floors will be laid and
parts of the old walls rebuilt. They will be or
namented with large and handsome cornices
The entire building will then be painted in the
prevailing style. These improvements will
cost about $4,000. and will transform the dingy
old place into a thing of beauty. Tho work is
to be completed in 60 days.
A new plan of lots, called Swlssvale place, at
Swissvalo station, eight miles from the city,
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, has just been
placed on the market by Samuel W. Black &.
Co., which affords a rare opportunity for in
vestors either for homes or speculation, to turn
an honest penny. It contains about 150 lots
most of which are unusually large. Many of
them have a width of GO feet.
The surroundings are excellent and the
scenery delightful. Among those living nearby
are Senator Newmeyer, Alexander Gordon,
one of Pittsburg's retired merchant princes,
and Messrs Moffatt, Craighead, Sailor and
others, all prominent in Pittsburg professional
and mercantile circles. There are 60 trains
daily. The "Place" will soon be supplied with
an abundance of pure water from Wilkins
burg. It is announced that the first few pur
chasers to build houses will be allowojd a very
liberal discount as a means of introducing the
property to the publl;.
Swissvale is famous for having been for
many years the home of the late Jane Grey
Swisshelm, who was a lineal descendant of
Lady Jane Grey, for ten days Queen of En
gland. It was she who prevented the nomina
tion of Daniel Webster for the Presldenoy in
1848. Next to Margaret Fuller, she was the
greatest woman that America has produced.
The works of the Switch and Signal Company,
one of Mr. George Westinghouse's great enter
prises are located at Swissvale.
The Pottery and Glasrwarc Reporter of the
current week says: "By the end of the present
month it is generally expected that the crock
ery and glassware business will begin to assume
a degree of activity not experienced for
months Many indications point to a good fall
trade and, while it is always possible that an
opposite condition of things mav prove the
reality, few dealers anticipate dull or unprofit
able times in August, September and Octo
ber. Reliable accounts from all directions de
scribe retailers throughout the country as hav
ing little earthenware or glassware on hand.
There must therefore exist among dealers a
need for this line ot goods, and the only cir
cumstance that can occur to prevent traders
from ordering liberal supplies is a lack of
money or its equivalent. But the agricultural
prospects are reported as favorable, and if the
farmers should be fortunate enough to gather
in a good harvest there will be resources
enough at the command of country dealers to
justify them in making large purchases"
Stock Brokers Indisposed to Rush Business
Philadelphia nnd Electric Wenk.
There was nothing done at the morning stock
call yesterday except placing figures upon the
blackboard. For Pittsburg Plate Glass 185 was
bid, in spite of the fact that President Ford is
offering it at 15a But it is safe to bid high
when the bidder knows that the stuff will not
be forthcoming That is the regulation way to
boom stocks. That there is an understanding
to this effect among holders of Plate Glass is
Eretty generally believed. The whole trouble
inges upon a war of factions, one trying to
depress and the other to sustain the stock.
The Westinghouse consolidation had tbe im
mediate eflect to weaken the stock, which was
offered at 51J, with 49 bid. There was no other
particular change in quotations, but tbe feel
ing was rather bearish.
There were five sales In the afternoon,
amounting to 200 shares, of which Philadelphia
Gas contributed 175 and Electric 25. The
former sold down to 36 and the latter to 49.
Both were freely offered. . The rest of the list
was featureless as well as neglected. Bids
offers and sales were:
mohninc. aftebnook.
Bid. Aeked. itld. Asked.
ritts. Pet. S. &M. Ex.. 4-0
Bank of 1'ltuburg....
Freehold Bank
Herman Nat. Hank...
Keystone Bank of Vg .... 63
Aler. &Mfrs. Nat. B'K 60
Union National Bank. 3tf
(ieriuanNat.Uk.AUT. 350
K. K. L. and Trust Co. 80
Citizens Traction. 5s. 103 109
Allemannla las. Co.... 40
Pennsvlvanlalns a
AIlCKbenyUasCo., 111. 38
Consolidated G.Co., Ill W
Nat. Has Co. orW. Va. (S7 63 67 68
People's N.O.iP. Co. 17M ... 17J ....
PennsvlvaniaGas Co.. 35
Philadelphia Co SB!i 36i 364 36
Wlieellnr Uas Co a afi ax '
Tuna Oil Co
Central Traction. 31 3IH 31
Cltlicns'Traction 6si 63,V ....
Pitts.. Y. 4 Ash. K. R. 30S
P. W. It. K. Co 12i ua ....
V. & W. K. U. pref.... . 19H ao ....
Iji Norla Mining Co... Hi 1? lfi
IVestlnirnonM; JJectrlc 49 siu ....
U. Switch ASienalCo. .... ay 3) ji$
Pittsbcm Plate OI41J..
U.S. ASIC. .u. i,u... .... -JU
The morning call resulted in a goose egg. In
the afternoon 100 shares of Philadelphia Gas
sold at 36 75 at 36 50 Electric at 50, and 15 at
Total sales of stocks at New York yesterday
were 243.368 shares including: Atchison, 32,645;
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 3,900:
Lake Shore, 7,520: Louisville and Nashville,
8,570; Missouri Pacific. 9.059; Northwestern.
4.470; Northern Pacific preferred. 5,235; Read
ing, 22,400; St. Paul. 56,721; Union Pacific,
Nearly Ml of the City Bnnks Report Plenty
of Cnsb.
The local money market was moderately act
ive yesterday active In some lines and quiet in
others Checking was heavy, depositing fair
an&dicountiD2 dull. Currency was reported
In good supply. Rates 'were steady and un
changed. All of the city banks but three or four are
well supplied with funds, ready for employment
when the fall trade opens There' are no fears
of a stringency, but money may loan up. Tbe
Clearing House report was one of the best of
the week, tbe exchanges belag $2,081,543 01 and
tbe balances $400,543 07.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at 263K per cent, last loan at 3 per
cent, closed at a per cent. Prime mercantile
paper, 4K6. Sterling exchange quiet but
steady, at 4S3 for 60-day bills and 4S7 for de
mand. Closing Bond Quotations.
U. S. 4s,reg KSH
Jl.K. AT. Gen.Ss . 57S
Mutual Union 6s... .102
N. J. C. Inc. Cert.. .113
Nortuern Pac. lsts..H!
Northern Pac. Sds..H5Jj
Northw't'n consols. H6S
Northw'n deben's..!14M
Oregon A Trans. Cs.105
u. &. 4S. coup JZ3
U.S. 4,4 , re 10M
tl. S. 4$s coup 106
Paciflcesofso. i2t
Missouri 6s 100
Tenn. new set. 6s.. ..305
Tenn. new set. 5S....102W
Tenn. uewset.Ss.... 71 M
Canada So. Ms ff'M
Cen. Pacificists 114
Den.AllG., Ists...l21
Den. AK. O, 4s 7f
D.AK.a.Weat,lsts. 1003
Kris 2ds 102
U.K.. AT. Gen. 6s.. 63
St. I, AI.M. lien. 5s 86
St. Utb.t'. lien.il.118
St. Paul consols ...,K6)i
St.PL ClilAPe.lsla.U8
Tx., Pe.UG.Tr K6.8S
Tx..Pc.lCO.Tr.licts 3i
Union l'ae. Ills 117M
West Shore lOSJa
Yesterday's bond offers aggregated 149,700,
as follows: Registered 4s. $2,700 at 128: reen
tered 4KS $41,000 at 108, coupon 4X. W
New York Clearings, $120,741,787; balances,
Boston Clearing. $17,779,318; balances,
$2,268,161. Money 33 per cent.
PHlL.tDKi.pniA Clearings, $10,097,051; bal
ances $1,749,833.
Baltimore Clearings. $2,033,278; balances,
London" The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day
is 15,000. .
Paris Three per cent rentes 83f SOc for
the account.
Chicago Money firm; call loans 5 Per
cent and above: time loans range up to 7 per
cent. Bank clearings $10,078,000.
St. Louis Clearings, $2,875,687; balances,
New York. J uly 12. Stock Exchange Open
ing, 92Kc: highest. 92Jc; lowest, 91Je. clos
ing at SlJjC Consolidated Exchange August
openlne at 82c; highest, 92Kc: lowest, 91a'c,
closing at 91c Total sales 257,000 barrels
Oil Opens a Little Bullish, bnt Loaes It
Grip Later On.
Tbe oil market yesterday differed in no ma
terial respect from that of the day before.
Trading was light and the fluctuations very
narrow, indicating universal lethargy in tbe
trade. Tbe opening was a little bullish, but
tbe feeling gradually toned down during the
day, and tbe close was very much mixed as to
what might be expected to-day, but it is rea
sonably safe to say there will be no particular
The limited supply and good demand for oil
ou ht to advance tbe price, but there is a power
behind the throne that negatives every move
ment in an upward direction. The outside in
terest still refuses the bait which was thrown
to it by tbe adoption of tbe new rule.
The opening and highest price was 92; the
lowest and closing was 91. The weakness at
the finish was occasioned mainly by tbe big oil
strike near Morgantown, W. Va. The demand
for puts and calls was very moderate. Thurs
day's clearings were 222,000 barrels.
A special from Morgantown, W. Va., says:
The oil excitement in this vicinity is at fever
heat, and new leases are being taken up almost
hourly. The boom received the Impetus from
the Core well No. L It came in yesterday, and
has been flowing at the rate of 500 barrels a
day. The Core well No. 2 is now doing 60 bar
rels a day. The indications all point to an ex
tension of the field farther south Into Marion
The drilling of oil wells on land adjacent to
tbe borough of Washington, Pa., is bringing
about such a state of affairs that many persons
believe unlesn operations are stopped that a
great conflagration will be the result, together
with loss of life. In a few Instances Burgess
Allison has notified owners of wells to ceae
operations and Imposed fines upon them, at the
same time ordering them to abate the nuisance.
In most of the cases tbey have appealed to the
A report of operations In the Lima (O.) oil
field during June shows the following wells
completed: Lima district, 16; Findlay district,
6; North Baltimore district, 51; St. Mary's dis
trict, I; Gibsonburg district, 0; total, 74. Wells
drilling June 30, 1889: Lima district. 8; Findlay
district,4; North Baltimore, 41; St. Marys dis
trict, 1; Gibsonburg district, 2; total, 60. Rigs
up June SO, 1889: Lima district, 10; Findlay dis
trict. 7; North Baltimore district, 34; St. Marys
district, 1; Gibsonburg district, 1; total, 53.
Wells abandoned in June, 1889: Lima district,
5: Findlay district, 0: North Baltimore district,
3; St. Marys district, 0; Gibsonburg district, 0;
Total, 8.
From tbe National Transit Company's
Works, at OU City, was recently shipped the
third of their largest sized oil pumps to the
Ohio field. This one went to Green Springs a
station on tbe line between Cygnet and Coal
Grove, to be used in pumping fuel oil to Balti
more, Philadelphia and other Eastern points
It is a triple expansion duplex, the steam cyl
inder beinc 20x30 and 52 inches, with a 8-foot
stroke, while tbe oil plunger is 10 inches Tbe
pump weighs 85 tons, and is intended to work
against a pressure of 800 pounds to the square
Inch. Its capacity is 10,000 barrels of oil per
day, the largest ever manufactured.
Features of the Mnrket.
Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened KHI Lowest 8 Hi
Highest SCSI Closed 91
Average runs 67,191
Average shipments 10S79
Average charters 79,603
Iteflned, New York, 7.20c.
Kefine. London, 5V1.
Refined, Antwerp, 17 f.
Iteflned, Liverpool, 1 3-16d.
Other Oil Mnrheti.
On, Citt. July 12. National transit cer
tificates opened at 92c: highest, 92c; low
est. 91c; closed, 91c Sales, 86,000 barrels;
clearances 154,000 barrels: charters 80,793 bar
rels: shipments 72,017 barrels; runs 55,634 bar
rels. TrruSYXXAii, July 1Z National transit cer
tificates opened. 92c; highest, 92c; lowest,
91c; dosed, 91c
Latest Transactions in City and Snburbs
Preporlne n New Plan.
Ewing & Byers sold a $3,000 mortgage for two
years at 6 per cent on Second ward property.
Black & Baird. No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Mrs John R. Gloninger a vacant lot on the
northeast corner of Fifth avenue and Thomas
street. Boulevard Place, East End. 54x190 feet,
for $4,320, or $80 per foot front. Mrs Gloninger
has let tbe contract for the erection of a resi
dence on the lot. They also placed a mortgage
ot $1,600 for three years at 6 per cent on a prop
erty at Mr. Washlnston.
Cf. H. love. No. 93 Fourth avenue, sold for
Mr. May berry a property on Forty-f ourtb street,
.Seventeenth ward, lot 24x100 feet with a six
rocmed brick house, for $3,500, the purchaser
being A. J. McKenna.
W. A. Herron fc Sons are preparing to put in
the market the property of tbe Aspinwall Land
Company, situate at Aspinwall station, v. p.
R. R.. being a part of the well-known Ross
estate. .
L M. Pennock & Son have closed the sale
for Mrs E. J. Hill, of Washington. Pa., of lot
7 in Love's plan, Thirteenth ward, to R. H.
Coleman, consideration $500: afco for the estate
of M. Hay. deceased, lot 23x123 feet, on Bed
ford avenue, to R. Maclav. Price $1,300. They
also sold and settled a mortgage for $5,000, at
five years, on property in Homestead; one of
$4,000, five years on property In the Eighteenth
ward, city, both at 5 3-10 per cent; one 01 2,000,
three years, on property In the Twenty-third
ward, and one on McKeesport property for
$2,000, three years, both at 6 per cent.
Samuel W. Black & Co.. 99 Fourth avenue,
placed amortgageol $6,000 for three years at 5
per cent, free of State tax, on property in the
Fifth ward, Allegheny. This firm reports
money as very plenty at these figures and 5 3-10
per cent, and home capital at that, notwith
standing the large number of mortgages placed
this year.
James W. Drape & Co. sold a large business
property in a manufacturing town near the city
for $17,000, and placed a mortgage of $3,000 on
houses and lots in Stowe township, near Duff's
station, at 6 per cent; also a mortgage of $10,000
on business property in the city at special
rates; also a mortgage of $1,000 on a farm In
Fayette county, at 6 per cent.
Reed, B. Coyle fc Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
for Catherine Morris, to A. C. Waggoner, lot
No. 13 in James Douglass' plan, on Albert
street. Thirty-second ward, for 225 cash. They
also sold to Sarah J. Mcintosh lot No. 70 in
Marion Place plan, for $350 cash.
Business Note.
The Allemannia Fire Insurance Company
has declared a semi-annual dividend of 3 per
The Monongahela Navigation Company an
nounces a semi-annual dividend of $3 per
The Central District Printing and Teleeraph
Company has declared its usual 3 per cent
quarterly dividend.
The factory of Conrad F. Kessler 4 Sons
bat manufacturers Reading, has been levied
on by the Sheriff on executions aggregating
over $8,000.
Gold to the amount of $1,600,000 lias been
JOLT 13, 1889.
ordered for shipment to Europe, but it has no
significance as an exchange transaction, as it
goes to Paris
James E. Bates 4 Co., New York, tele
graphed Whitney & Stephenson yesterday: We
think Lead Trust was broken this morning by
insiders and that the indications favor a re
action. If lead does not react we expect a bet
ter general market.
They Undergo a Change That More Than
Wipes Out Recent Gains A Break
In Lead Trnst Demoralizes
Ibe Entire List.
New York, July 12. The temper of the
stock market underwent a sudden change to
day from buoyancy to depression, and the re
sult of the operations Is to leave everything
lower than last evening, and even to wipe out
all the gains of yesterday with something to
pare. The advices in regard to the action of
Inter-State Association were regarded as
favorable, and the foreign houses were buyers'
of stocks in tbis market at the opening this
morning, while London prices were materially
higher than our figures of last evening. Tbe
market started off well, but quickly,struck a
snag, and a marked decline was inaugurated
over the entire list. Tbe sudden chance be
gan with Lead Trust, and it appears that while
there has really been no increase in the out
standing certificates of the trust the amount
is actually $83,000,000, as stated yesterday, and
the surprise over the announcementled to free
sales for both sides of the account.
Holders of lead trusts became demoralized
and they were thrown over rapidly, over 75.000
shares changing bands in tbe first hour of
business Tbe price quickly dropped from
30c last evening to 26c, and afterward got
down to 25c at tbe close. The demoralization
spread to the-other trusts later in the day, and
sugar dropped from $1 15 to $1 08. though
it rallied slightly from tbe lowest figure, and
cotton oil broke from 56c to 53c Tbe weak
ness soon spread to the regular list, tbe im
S el ling cause being tbe announcement that the
rand Trunk had reduced grain rates from
Chicago, and tbis did away for tbe time with
all the good effects of the recent advices from
the Trunk Line Association and the inter-State
Tbe Grangers were leaders in the decline and
St. Paul, Atchison, Missouri Pacific and others
rapidly declined and the losses in the regular
list ranced up to 3 per cent. To add to the gen
eral demoralization a million and a half of gold
was ordered for export by to-morrow's steam
ers and the banks raised tbe rates for loans on
the trust stocks. The liquidations in all de
partments of the list were very large to-jiay,
but there were heavy sales for the short ac
count and both bear and bull brokers were
conspicnous sellers all day long. Tbe first sales
were made for Chicago account on the action
of the Grand Trunk and the Granger stock
jumped immediately into the lead both in point
of activity and weakness The decline met
with no setback of importance thoucn there
were periods of comparative dullness when the
selling was suspended and prices halted in the
downward path. The close, however, was
fairly active and decidedly weak at the lowest
prices of the day.
The most important declines were: Lead 4.
Sugar 5, St. Paul preferred 3, tbe common
24, Cotton Oil 2, Missouri Pacific 2, Chesa
peake and Ohio preferred New England 2,
Burlington 1, Chicago Gas 1, Northwestern
1. Atchison 2, Union Pacific and Lake Shore
1, Jersey Central, Canada Southern and Lou
isville and Nashville 1. Rock Island, North
ern Pacific preferred and Southern Pacific 1
per cent.
Railroad bonds did not respond to the excite
ment in shares, either to sbow more business
or more Important movements, but on tbe con
trary were dull all the way out, all issues aggre
gating onlv $809,000, with no special feature in
the list. The advances include Chicago, St.
Paul and Minneapolis firsts, 1 to 1102, and
Illinois and South Iowa receipts, 1 to 102.
The declines were: Houston and Texas second
receipts, 1 at 120, and Ohio River firsts 2 at 100.
Tbe following tableshowsthe prices of active
stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue;
High- Low Ing
In. est. est. Bids.
Am. Cotton OU 55V
Atcn.. Top. Aa.F.... K; T.H
Canadian Pacific S.i'i
Canada Southern MM HH 53 H 52!,
Central of Mew Jersey. 114 1U 112, li:S
CentralPaclfiu !
Chesapeake A Ohio.... 20.S VH 2'4 204
C, Bur. A Ouli.47 101 H 101K Wi 99H
C, Mil. A St. Paul.... J0X ion 67H 67
C, Mll.ASt. P.. pr...,109H 109K MGH 106
C St. L. A Pitts 14
C, St. L. A Pitts, pf. 5s
C. St. P..M.AO 33ii 33S 32 32"i
C. St. P..M. tO., pf. 94)i 9J"i 81 re.s
C. A Northwestern.... 108 108 H lvbX 106H
C.A Northwestern, pr. 140
U.C. C.A1 70 69
Del.. L. AW H3,"i 1K UIH ,144
Del. A Hudson 114)4
Denver A KloU - 18J
Denver A Bio G.. pr 4.1 S
E.T., Va.AGa 10)4
E.T.,Va. AOa.lst pr. 73
E.T.. Vl.iOa.Mpf. 2l!i
Illinois Central 113
Lake Erie ,t Western.. IS 17 )
Lake Erie A West. or. SHU
Late Shore A M. S...104i 1MX lra 103
Louisville A Nashville. 70 79 68 63i
Michigan central 90 SS
Mo., X. A Texas 11
Missouri Pacific 70), 70)4 67X 67
New York Central 106i 105.',
N. Y.. L. E. A V 2SH 26
N.T.. L, E.AW.. pref to'A
N.Y.. C. AHt.L.2d Of 35H
N. tiH. E 51 S 43
N. Y.. O. AW 17Ji 17K 37X 17
Norfolk A Western H
NorfolkA Western. cf va
Northern Pacific 27H 27K 27K 27!i
Nortnern Pacific nref. 64 64JS 63V 6314
Ohio A Mississippi.... 22M
Oregon Improvement. S7
Oregon Transcon 33H 33K 3ZH 3Zii
Pacific Mall 32V 32V 3-' 32
Pblladel. A Heading.. 47 47 43t 46
Pullman Pataee Car 131
Richmond A W. P. T.. 23X 23V !3 23X
KlchmondA W.P.T.pf 79
it, Paul A Dnluth 2A
St. Paul A Dnluth pr. ,. 82
St. P., Jlinn.lt Man 99
St. L. A San Fran 26
St. L. A San Ifran pf. 6
St.L,. A San IT. 1st pf. 110
Texas Pacific I3S 19K 19 JST
Union Pacific Ws 57H
Wabasn MH
Wabash preferred 29V 29V 28 2S
Western Union S5V 84V
Sugar Trust 115)4 109
National Lead Trust.. 29 2.V
ChlcafO Gas Trust 5a SS C'V S!ji
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson,, brokers No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad MX SIX
Reading 23 23 1-18
Lehigh Valley S3i S.1J4
Lehigh Navigation S2V S3i
Philadelphia and .Erie 28 ....
Allegheny Valley bonds 112 ....
U. Co. "s New Jersey 238 ....
Boston Stocks.
Atcb.AToc..lt7s. 116
A.AT. LandGrt7s. 108)4
Atch. ATop. U. B... 37
Boston A Albany.. .216
Boston A Maine.. ...10.5
C. B. A (J myi
Eastern R. it 99H
VMntAPereM. nfd. 06
Mexican Cen. com.. bi
Mex.C.lstmtg. bda. 66)4
N. Y. A New Eng... 49H
N. Y. AN. E.7S....128V
Old Colony. 174
ttutland preferred.. 40
Wls.Central.com... 23
Wis. Central pr.... 62
AllouezMgCo(new). to
Calumet A HeCla....2C8
Franctin SV
Huron V
Pewable (new)
Bell Telephone,
. m
. 2
. 43
. 6X
Dosujn Laaa
Water Power
San Diego 77
The Market Generally Active and Prices
Firm to Strong.
London. Julv 1L
Scotch Pig This market continues firm with
good business.
No. 1 Coltness 55s Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Summerlee 51s Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Gartsherrie 52s Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Langloan 53s 9d. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Carnbroe ...47s. 3d. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. IShotts 53s Od. Lo. b. Glasgow
No. lGlengarnock 51s 6d. at Ardrossan.
No. 1 Dalmelliugton ...45s. Od. at Ardrossan.
NclEglinton 44s Od. at Ardrossan.
.Bessemer Pig Active trade and prices firm.
West Coast brands quoted at 39s 3d. for Nos
1, 2. 3, f. o. b. shipping point.
Middlesbrouch Pig Firm market and prices
strung. Good brands quoted- at 39s 3d. for
No. 3. f. o. b.
Spiegeleisen Active market and prices
strung. English 20 per cent quoted at 80s Od. f.
o. b. at works
Steel Wire Rods Market firm, demand
fair. Mild steel. No. 6, quoted at 6 17s
6d. f. ob. shipping port.
Steel Rails Continue active' and market
strong. Standard sections quoted at 4 17s
6d. f. o. b. shipping point.
Steel Blooms This market is held firmly
with good business Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4
7s. 6L f . o. b. shipping point.
Steel Billets .Market firm on a good de
mand. Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted at 4
12s 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. '
Steel Slabs No material cbange since last
week. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 12s 6d. f. 0.
b. shipping point.
Crop Ends Strong market, but demand mod
erate. Run of the mill quoted at 2 15s Od. f. o.
b. shipping point.
Old Rails A moderate amount of business
holds the market steady. Tees quoted at 3 7s
6d. and double heads at 3 15s Od. c L f. New
Scrap Iron This market is held steady, but
the demand Is still moderate. Heavy wrought
quoted at 2 5s L o. b. shipping points
Manufactured Iron Continues firm with
good business
tafford. ord. marked bars(Lo.b.L'pool)8 2s6d
' common bars..., ..0 0s OdQ 6 OsOd
- blk. sheet singles 0 0 Od0 8-6s0d
Welsh bars f. o. b. Wales... 5 15s 0d 0 Os Od
Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York,
2s6d. Liverpool to Kew York, food,
A Fair Friday's Trade in Produce
Lines Country Butter
Wheat Takes a Big Tnmble Flour is Steady
at Quotations,
Office or pittsbijeg dispatch,
Fbidat. July 12, 1889. J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
A fair Friday's trade is reported by Liberty
street commission men. New potatoes are a
shade firmer. All berries in season are abun
dant and tending downward. Apples alsoTare in
full supply at lower rates. Country butter u a
drug on tbe market. Pasturage was never bet
ter in this section and cows are cetting in an
extra quantity of cream. Atleadlng jobber re
ports that country butter is cheaper this season
than for many a year. Large quantities of fair
butter are offered to dealers as low as 10c per
pound. The egg and cheese trade Is fairly
active and better than usual for this time of
the year, with no change in prices Poultry is
in better supply at reduced rates
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; country
rolls 1012c
Beaks tl 7531 9a
Beeswax 2830c V & for choice; Iowgrade,
Cider Sand refined, 16 507 50; common,
$3 504 00; crab cider. JS 00&'S 50 V barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c V ga'lon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, 8c; New York, 10
10c: Limburger, 89c; domestic Sweitzer
cheese, 912Xc; imported Sweitzer, 22c
California Fruits California peaches,
$1 001 50$) box; cherries S3 00; apricots, 34 00
4 60: plums H 0004 50.
Eoos 15K16c V dozen for strictly fresh;
goose eges, 30c V dozen-
Fruits Apples t2 003 00 9 barrel: pine
apples il 001 25 t! dozen: red raspberries 10
12c a quart: black raspberries otjSc a quart;
whortleberries 75cSl 00 a pail; blackberries
58cV quart; wild goose plums, 12 50 a crate;
currants tS a 2-bushel stand; watermelons
S2025 per handred.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5O60c; No.L
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3U35c V B.
New Potatoes Jl 2501 75 a barrel.
Poultry Live chickens, 5o60c perpairj
undrawn chickens, 1012c S; drawn, 14
15c V . S
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 As to bushel. $5 60
$1 bushel; clover, large English, 62 lis. 56" 00;
clover, Allske, SS 50; clover, white. 19 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 Os tl 65; blue grass extra
clean, 14 Bs, 99c; bine grass fancy, 14 As; tl 00;
orchard grass M lbs II 65; red top. 14 lbs. 3125;
millet, 50 lbs tl 00: German millet, 60 Ss
tl 50; Hungarian grass 60 lis tl 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses 52 0 per bushel
of 14 fts
Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered, 5
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. 84 50
6 50 V box: Messina oranges w 005 50 ift box;
rodi, 3 754 0: California orances, U 504 75 ft
box; bananas S3 00. firsts; t2 00, cood seconds.
$ bunch; cocoanuts f4 004 50 H hundred:
new figs, 89c HI pound; dates &K6c p
Vegetables Tomatoes, Mississippis four
basket casestl 651 75: beans round wax fancy,
t2 50 a crate; beans, round wax medium, $2 00
a crate: beans round green, S2 252 50; new
beets 2025c f dozen; cucumbers, 75ctl OU
$1 bushel box: radishes, large white and gray,
3035c $1 dozen; cabbage, two-barrel crates,
Louisville and St. Louis tl 50Q2 00; Eastern,
single-barrel crates $1 001 25; new celery, 50
60c a dozen.
Coffee options advanced another c In New
York yesterday. Tbe only effect on packages
is firmer markets. The upward turn is viewed
by jobbers here as lareely speculative, having
no solid basis -on which to rest. Sugars are
firm, and no signs of reaction from late ad
vances are in sight.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 21022c; choice
Rio, 1820c; prime Rio, 18c; fair Rio, 17lSc;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 2728c; Santos 1922c; Caracas
coffee, 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c;-La-guavra,
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands21c;
high grades, 23K25Kc; old Government Java,
bulk. 3030c; Maracaibo, 2526c; Santos
19K21Kc: peaberry,24$c;neaberry,choice Rio,
23c; prime Rio, 20; good Rio, 20c; ordinary,
Spices (whole) Cloves 2125c; allspice, 9c;
cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) llu test, 7c;
Ohio. 120. 8Kc: headlieht ISO3. 8Kc: water
white, 10Kc: globe, 126; elaine, 15c; carnadine,'
llKc; royaline, 14c
STRUP8 Corn syrups 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, 3338c; .prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 9oc
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 4Sc; choice, 46c; me
dium. 43c: mixed, 4042c
SODA Bi-carb in kegs 3K0c; bi-carb in s
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages 6c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c: stearincper
set. 8c; parafflne, ll12c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77c: choice, 6K
7c; prime, 5Ke6Vc: Louisiana, ti6c
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5K7c; gloss
starch, 5e7c
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, t2 65; Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layersf2 60;
Muscatels t2 25; California Mn.-catels, tl 85;
Valencia, new, d7c;Ondara Valencia, 708c;
sultana, 8c: currants, new, 45c: Turkey
prunes new, 4Ji5c; French prunes 813c;
Salomca pruneslu 2-B packages. 8c; cocoanuts,
per 100, tS 00; almouds. Lan., per ft, 20c; do
Ivica. 19c; do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap.. 12
15c: Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 1216c:
new dates 66c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans
ll15c: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft,
1314c; orange peel, 12Xc
Dries Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 6c
apples evaporated, 66c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15618c: peaches, evaporated,
oared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpaired, 1012c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2421.Uc; blackberries 78c: huckle
Derries. 10012c.
Sugars Cubes, 1010c; powdered, 10Jf
10Jc;granulated,9Jic; confectioners A,9K9J8c;
standard A. 9Kc: soft whites 9!4c: yellow,
choice. 8K9kc; yellow good. 8JiCEKc; yellow,
fair. 8c: yellow, dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbis (1,200), $4 60; medi
ums, half nbls (6u0),2 io.
Salt No. L $ bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. bbl, tl 05;
dairy, )t bbl, tl 20; coarse crystal, $ bbl, tl 20;
Higgins Eureka, 4-bu sacks $2 80; Himrins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets J3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, tl 30
1 90; 2ds tl 30(21 35; extra peaches tl 501 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn. tll 50; Hfd. Co.
corn. 7090c; red cherries 90cSl: Lima beans,
tl 10; soaked do. 85c: Btrinc do do, 75S5c: mar
rowfat peas tl 101 15; soaked peas, 70075c;
pineapples tl 40l 50: Bahama do, S2,75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, tl 25; ecg plums
12; California pears S2 aO; do greengages, t2; do
egg plums t2; extra white cherries t2 90; red
cherries 2 &s SOc; raspberries SI 401 50:
strawberries, tl 10; gooseberries tl 301 40;
tomatoes 8292c: salmon, 1-ft. tl 752 10;
blackberrief, 80c; succotash. 2-ft cans soaked,
99c; do green, 2 lbs tl 251 60; corn beef. 2-ft
cans tl 75: 14-ft cans, tl3 50; baked beans tl 45
1 50; lobster, 1 ft, tl 751 SO; mackerel, 1-ft
cans broiled, tl 50; sardines domestics, his,
$1 154 60: sardines domestic Ks 8 2S8 oO:
sardines imported, Us 511 S012 SO: sardines,
imported,Kstl8, sardinesmustard, H: sardines
spiced, f4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. t36
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 132; extra No. 1 do, messed,
$38; No. 2 shore mackerel, t24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c V ft; do medinm, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips 6c; do
George's cod in blocks 67c Herring
Round shore, 15 00 M bbl: split, 57 00: lake,
S3 60 100-ft. half bbl. White fish. t7 00 V 100
&, balf bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 V half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c $1 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
V ft. Pickerel. K barrel, t2 00: i barrel, tl 10;
Potomac herring; to 00 V barrel, 52 50:PK
Buckwheat Flour 2Q2$jc W ft.
Oatmeal 56 306 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 5860c
ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 25 cars 'By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 4 cars of oats 9 of flour, 1 of bran, 1 Of
wheat, 3 of hay. By Pittsburg, Ciucinnati and
St. Louis 2 cars of oats 1 of hay. By Pittsburg
and Lake Erie, 1 car of hay, 1 of wheat, 1 of
flour. By Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of flour.
Sales on call. 2 cars of white oats, 30c August
delivery. Wheat bad a tumble of 5c yesterday.
Flour jobbers here are of tbe opinion that tbe
drop is caused by a speculative movement of,
bears and that prices will again turn to the old
level. Certain it is that floufcannot be laid
down here from Minnesota at prices that, will
ename wnoiesaie dealers to undersell our
quotations If the wheat drop is anything
more than speculative a day or two will sbow.
In the meantime prices continne as before.
Oats and corn, are scarcely as strong as for a
week past, bnt prices stand unchanged.
Wheat Jobblne prices Nc 2 red. 92093c:
No. 3 red, 8788c
uoki-im o. yellow ear. loej-ioc; nign mixed
ear. 4545Xc; No. 2 yellow, shelled 4243c;
high mixed, shelled, 40042c; mixed' shelled,
40 41c
Oats No. 3 whits 3434Kc; extra. No. 3,
S3.33Kc: No. 3 white, 303lc; No. 2 mixed
RTE No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5152c;
No. 1 Western, 4849c
Flour Jobbing prices Fancv winter and?
sprine patents. So 756 25: winter stralcht,
S.) 0005 25; clear winter. U 755 COT straight
XXXX bakers', t4254 00. Rye flour, 53 50a
4 0OV
Millfeed Middlings, lino white. tl5 00
15 50 W ton; brown middlings til 6012 50;
winter wheat bran, 512 25012 50: chop feed.
S15 00316 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. fl4 00; No. L
do, 113 00313 50: No. 2 do. Jll 5012 50; loose,
from wagon, tl4 00015 00; No. 1 upland prairie.
J10 50 U 00; No. 2. i7 508 00; packing do, $550
66 50. ,
Straw Oats J7 50; wheat and rye straw
t7 007 508 CO.
Sugar-cured bams large. Uc; sugar-cured
hams medium. 12c: sugar-cured hams, small,
12c: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders 7c: susrar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c: snear-cured California hams
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats 9c: sugar
cured dried beef sets. 10c; sugar-cured dried,
beef rounds. l"Kc: bacon shoulders, 7c: bacon,
clear sides SKcfbacon clear bellies, 8&c: dry
cis .A. uaiu neuneu in uerces, 074c; uaii.
barrels 7c: C0-E tubs 7Kc: 20-ft palls, 7c: 50
ft tin cans, 6c; 3-fc tin palls, 7c; 5-ft tin palls
7c; 10-ft tin pails. c Smoked sausage.long;
6c: large5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless
ham, 10c. Pigs feet, half barrel, 53 50; quartet
barrel, 52 00.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on.
dresed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 lbs.
Cc;550 to 650 fts, 6c; 650 to 750 fts, 6c Sheepv
8c W ft. Lambs, 10c ft. Hogs,CJic Fresh,
pork loins 8Kc
Swift's Specific has cured me ot
a malignant breaking out on my leg;'
which caused intolerable pain. It was
called Eczema by the doctors four of
whom treated me with no relief. Z
candidly confess thatl owe my present
good health to S.S.S., which in my
estimation is invaluable as a blood,
remedy. Miss Julia DEWrrr,
2227 N. Tenth St., St. Louis Mo.
Our baby when two months old was
attacked with Scrofula, which for a.
long time destroyed her eyesight en
tirely, and caused us to despair of her
life. The doctors f 'lied to relieve her.
and we gave Swift's Specific, which,
soon cured her entirely, and she is now
bale and hearty. E. V. Delk,
Will's Point. Texas
Air-Send for book giving history of
Blood Diseases and ad vice to sufferers,
mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co..
f el-7-TTS Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
JAS. V. CALLERY President'
Capital and surplus 5125,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business
jyS-TTS i
A. purely Veiretablo
.Compound that expels'
Sail bad humors from the.
(system. Removes blotch
es ana pimnies, anai
makes pure, rich blood.
Bezema,v Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures..
The simple application of "Swirm Oiyratirr without'
any Internal medicine, win cure anj eate of Tetter. Salt
Kheum, Rinrworm, PUes. Itch, Sorei.PinipIe.ErTtipgi. U
no muter bow obnlaste or loog Btmading. sold by druggtsu,
or i-nt It mall for 50 eta. 3 Bom. tlSi. Addrest. Pb.
8wrs4So.FbildeIpble,F- AUmiinaiunitt
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sta,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la '
and CHEVIOTa '
For largest assortment and lowest prices call)
and see us
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs Drexel,.
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
ap2S-l .
514-515 Hamilton Building,
revlO-70-P Pittsburg;. Pa.
As old residents know anu back flies of Pitts,
burg papers prove, is the oldest established.'
and most prominent physician In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases
irn f IP and mental diseases physical
Il C 11 V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack oC
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,bashfulness
dizziness, sleeplessness pimples emotions im
poverished blood, failing powers.organlc weak
ness dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting tbe person for business.society and mar.
riage. permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth. throat,
ulcers old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from tbe system. '
II DIM A QV kidney ana bladder derange- ,
Unll'inM 1 1 inents, weak back, gravel. ca- '
tarrbal discharges inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-lorg, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. Jl. to 8 P. Jr. Sun
day, 10 A. M. to 1 r. jr. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa,
SPECIALISTS in all cases re-.
quiring scientific and confiden
tiaf treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake,
M. R. C. P. S is the oldest and
most experienced specialist In
tbe city. Consultation free and
stvictlv confidential. Office)
hours to i and 7 to 8p.ll.; Sundays 2 to i P.
M.Cousnlt them personally, orwrlte. DOCTOES
Lake. 90B Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
ioIs's Cotton. 2Root
.Composed of Cotton Root, Tansy and
Pennvroval a recent discovery by art
'nlri nhvsiclan. Is successful!!! used
montAiu Safe. Effectual. Price $L by mail,
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute,
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, Miclu
For LOST or Kalllns
Weakness of
HoiiT Ic. Mind. Lack of Strength. Vizor and De
velopment, caused bv Errors, Excesses &c Book.
MOPE of SELr-TREATMENT. and froofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address ciuis air.uiL.AL. ju
Uaaalo. N. Y.
For menl Checks the worst cases in three;
days and cures In five days Price SI 00. at
Ja5-2D-TTS8u 112 Market street.
ACI I IT lil H I J IA L Trom errors of
O U C J HlXV HlJtt youth, wasting
weakness, lost vlicor, etc., was restored to health.
In such a remarkable mannerafter all else bad
failed that he will send tbe mode or cure KKEE to.
all fellow sufferers. Address L. O. MITCHELL.
EaitKaUdam, Conn, my:i-3rpsuwk
Blood Purifier.: