Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 13, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 10, Image 10

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to entering the bedroom of the deceased
with Dr. Arrowsmith, and to the examina
tion he had made of it. There he had found
the jewel box opened, Us contents ab
stracted, and the watch gone. He could
find nothing else disarranged in the room,
or any trace whatever that would give a
clew as to the identity of the murderer. He
then looked out of the window with Dr.
Arrowsmith and saw by a few leaves lying
on the ground, and by marks upon ihe
hark of the ivy, that someone had got up or
Dr. Arrowsmith had suggested that he
should take up his post there, and not allow
anyone to approach, as a careful search
might show footsteps or other marks that
would be obliterated were people allowed Jo
approach the window. When Captain
Hendricks came they examined the ground
together. They could find no signs of foot
steps, but at a distance of some ten yards,
at the loot of the wall, they found a torn
glove, and this he produced.
"You have no reason in connecting this
with the case in any way, I suppose, Con
stable?" the Coroner asked, as the glove was
laid on the table before him." "It might
have been lying there some time, I sup
pose?" "It might, sir."
It was a dogskin glove stitched with red,
with three lines of black and red stitching
down the back. "While the glove was pro
duced and examined by the jury, Ronald
Mervyn was talking in whispers to some
ineiifls standing round him.
"I wish to draw your attention," Lieuten
ant Gulston said in a low tone to Captain
Hendricks, "that Captain Mervvn is at this
moment holding in his hand a glove that in
point of color exactly matches that on the
table; they are both a lighter color than
usual." The Chief Constable glanced at
the gloves and then whispered to the Cor
oner. The latter started, and then said,
"Captain Mervyn, would you kindly hand
me the glove you have in your hand. It is
suggested to me that its color closely resem
bles that of the glove on the table." Mer
vvn, who had not been listening to the last
part of the Constable's evidence, turned
round upon being spoken to.
"My glove, yes, here it is if you want it
What do you want it for?" The Coroner
took the glove and laid it by the other.
Color and stitching matched exactly; there
could be no doubt but that they were a pair.
A smothered exclamation broke lroni almost
everv man in the room.
"What is it?" Ronald Mervyn asked.
"The Constable has just testified, Captain
Mervyn, that he found this glove a few feet
from "the window of the deceased. No
doubt yon can account for its being there,
but until the matter is explained it has, of
course, a somewhat serious aspect, coupled
with the evidence of Lieutenant Gulston."
Again Eonald Mervyn whitened to the
"Do I understand, sir," he said, in a low
voice, "that I am accused of the murder of
my cousin?"
"No one is at present accused," the Cor
oner said, quietly. "We ae only taking
the evidence of all who know anything
about this matter. I have no doubt what
ever that you will be able to explain the
matter perfectly, and to prove that it was
phvsically impossible that you could have
bad anv connection whatever with it."
Ronald Mervyn passed his hand across
his forehead.
"Perhaps,"J the Coroner continued, "it
you have the fellow of the glove now handed
to me in your pocket, you will kindly pro
duce it, as that will, of course, put an end
to this part of the subject."
"I cannot." Eonald Mervyn answered.
"I found as I was starting to come out this
morning that one of my gloves was missing,
ad I may say at once that I have no doubt
that the other glove is the one I lost; though
how it can have got near the place where it
was found I cannot explain."
The men standing near fell back a little.
The evidence given by Mr. Gulston had
surprised them, but had scarcely affected
their opinion of their neighbor, but this
strong piece of confirmatory evidence gave
a terrible shock to their confidence in him.
Mr. Carne was next called. He testified
to being summoned while dressing by the
cries of the servants, and to having found
his sister lying doad.
"Xow, Mr. Carne," the Coroner said,
"you have heard the evidence of Lieuten
ant GuUton as to a quarrel that appears to
have taken place on theafternoon before this
sad event between your sister and Captain
Mervyn. It seems from what he said that
you also overheard a portion of it."
"I beg to state that I attach no impor
tance to this," Reginald Carne said, "and I
absolutely refute to give any credence to
the supposition that my cousin. Captain
Mervyn, was in any wav instrumental in
the death of mr sister."
"We all think that, Mr. Carne, but at the
game time I mu&t beg you to say what you
know about the matter."
"I know very little about it," Reginald
Carne said, quietly. "I was about to enter
the drawing room, where I knew my cousin
and my sister were, and I certainly heard
his voice raised loudly. I opened the door
quietly, as is my way, and. was about to
enter, when I heard words that showed me
that the quarrel was somewhat serious. I
felt that I had better leave them alone, and
therefore quietly closed the door again. A
few seconds later Lieutenant Gulston rushed
in from the front door, and was about to
enter when I stopped him. Seeing that it
was a mere lamily wrangle, it was better
that no third person should interfere in it,
especially as I myself was at hand, ready to
do so if necessary, which I was sure it was
"But what were the words that vou over
heard, Mr. Carne?"
Reginald Carne hesitated. "I do not
think" tbey were of any consequence,' he
said. "I am sure they were spoken on the
heat of the moment, and meant nothing."
"That is for us to judge, Mr. Carne. I
must thank you to give them to as as nearly
as you can recollect."
"He said then," Reginald Carne said, re
luctantly, " 'I swear you shall never marry
this sailor or anyone else, whatever I may
have to do to prevent it.' That was all I
"Do you suppose the allusion was to
Lientenant Gulston?"
"I thought so at the time, and that was
one of the reasons why I did not wish him
to enter. I thought by my cousin's tone
that did Lieutenant Gulston enter at that
'moment an assault might take place."
"What happened ater the Lieutenant,
in compliance with your request, left you?"
"I waited a minute or two and then went
in. My sister was alone. She was nat
urally much vexed, at what had taken
"Will you tell me exactly what she said?"
Again Reginald Carne hesitated.
"I really don't think," he said, after a
panse, "that my sister meant what she said.
She was indignant and excited, and I don't
think that her words could be taken as evi-
"The jury will make all allowances, Mr.
Carne. I have to ask you to tell them the
"I cannot tell you the precise words," he
said, "for she spoke for some little time.
She began by saying that she had been
grossly insulted by her cousin, and that she
must insist that he did not enter the house
again, for if he did she would certainly
leave it. She said he was mad with pas
sion; that he was in such a state that she did
not leel her life was safe with him. I am
sure, gentlemen, she did npt at all mean
what she said, but she was in a passion her
self and would, I am sure, when she was
cool, have spoken verv differently."
There was a deep silence in the room. At
last the Coroner said:
"Just two more questions, Mr. Carne, and
then we have done. Captain Mervyn, you
say, had left the room when you entered it.
Isthere any other door'to the drawins room
than that at which you were standing?"
"No, sir, there is no other door; tne win
dow was wide open, and as it is only three
feet from the ground, I have no doubt he
went out that way. I heaid him gallop off
a minute or two later, so tnat ne must nave
run straight round to the stables."
"In going from the drawing-room window
to the stables, would he pass under the win
dow of vour sister's room?"
"No," Reginald replied. "That is quite
the other side ot the house."
"Then, in fact, the glove that was found
there could not hare been accidentally
dropped on his way from the drawing room
to the stable?"
"It could not," Reginald Carne admitted,
"Thank yon; if none of the jury wish to
ask you any question, that is all we shall
require at present."
The jury shook their heads. They were
altogether too horrified at the turn matters
were taking to think of any questions to the
point. The Chief Constable then called the
gardener, who testified that he had swept
the lawn on the afternoon of the day the
murder was committed, and that had a
glove been lying at that time on the spot
where it was discovered he must have no
ticed it.
When the man had done, Captain Hen
dricks intimated that that was all the evi
dence that he had at present to call.
"Now, Captain Mervyn," the Coroner
said, "you will have an opportunity of ex
plaining this matter, and, no doubt, will be
able to tell us where you were at the time
Miss Carne met her death, and to produce
witnesses who will at once set this mysteri
ous affair, as far as you are concerned, at
Eonald Mervyn made a step forward. He
was still verr pale, but the look of anger
with which he had first heard the evidence
against him had passed, and his face was
grave and quiet
"I admit, sir, he began in a steady voice,
"the whole facts that tiave been testified. I
acknowledge that on that afternoon I had a
serious quarrel with my cousin, Margaret
Carne. The subject is a painful one to touch
upon, but I am compelled to do so. I had
almost from boyhood regarded her as my
future wife. There was a boy and eirl un
derstanding between us to that effect, and
although no formal engagement had taken
place, she had never said anything to lead
me to believe that she had changed her
mind on the subject; and I think I may say
that in both of our families it was consid
ered probable that at some time or other we
should be married.
"On that afternoon I spoke sharply to her
I admit that as to her receiving the at
tentions of another man; and upon her deny
ing altogether my right to speak to heron
such a subject, and repudiating the idea ot
any engagement between us, I certainly, I
admit it with the greatest grief, lost my
temper. Unfortunately I had been from a
child given to occasional fits of passion. It
is long since I have done so, but upon this
occasion the suddenness of the shock, and
the bitterness of my disappointment, carried
me beyond myself, and I admit that I used
the words that Lieutenant Gulston has re
peated to you. But I declare that I had no
idea whatever, even at that moment, of
making any personal threat against her.
What was in my mind was to endeavor in
some way or otlicr to prevent her marrying
another man."
Here he paused for a minute. So far the
effect of his words had been most favorable,
and as he stopped, his friends breathed more
easily, and the jury furtively nodded to
each other with an air of relief.
"As to the glove," Ronald Mervyn went
on, deliberately, "I cannot account for its
being in the place where it was found. I
certainly had both gloves on when I rode
over here, how I lost it, or where I lost it, I
am wholly unable to say. I may also add
that I admit that I went direct lrom the
drawing room to the stable, and did not pass
round the side of the house where the glove
was found." He again paused. "As to
where I was between 1 o'clock and 2.30 the
next mornintr, I can give you no evidence
whatever." A gasp of dismay broke from
almost every one in the room.
"It was becoming dark when I mounted
my horse," he said, "and I rode straight
away; it is my custom, as my fellow-officers
will tell you, when I am out of spirits, or
anything has upset me, to ride awav for
hours until the fit has left me, and I Lave
sometimes been out all night It was so on
thisoccasion. I mounted and fbde away. I
cannot say which road I took, for when I
ride upon such occasions, I am absorbed in
my thoughts and my horse goes where he
will. Ot myself, I do not know exactly at
what hour I got home, but I asked the
stable man, who took my horse, next morn
ing, and he said the clock over the stable
gate bad just struck 3:30 when 1 rode in. I
do not know that I have auj thing more to
The silence whs almost oppressive for a
minute or two after he had finished, and
then the Coroner said: "The room will no w
be cleared of all except the jury."
The public trooped out in silence. Each
man looked in his neighbor's face to see
what he thought, but no one ventured upon
a word until tbey had gone through the hall
and out into the garden. Then they broke
up in little knots, and began in low tones to
discuss the scene in the dining room. The
shock: given by the news of the murder of
Miss Carne was scarcely greater than that
which bad now been caused by tne proceed
ings before the Coroner. A greater part of
those present at the inquest were personal
friends of the Carnes, together with three or
four farmers having large holdings under
them. Very few of the villagers were pres
ent, it being felt that although, no doubt,
every one had a right to admission to the
inquest, it was not for folks at Camesford
to thrust themselves into the afiairs of the
family at the Hold.
Eonald Mervyn bad, like the rest, left the
room when it was cleared. As he went out
into the garden, two or three of his friends
were about to speak to him, hut he turned
off with a wave of the hand, and paced up
and down the front of the house, walking
slowly; with his head bent
"This is a horribly awkward business for
Mervyn," one of the young men, who would
have spoken to him, said "Of course Mer
vyn is innocent; still it is most unfortunate
tbnt he can't prove where he was."
"Most unfortunate." another repeated.
"Then there's that affair of the glove and
the quarrel. Things look very awkward, I
must say. Of course, I don't believe for a
moment Mervyn did it, because we know
him, but I don't know what view a jury of
strangers might take of it.
Two or three of the others were silent
There was present in their minds the story
of the Hold, and the admitted fact of in
sanity in the family of Eonald Mervyn,
which was in close connection with the
Carnes. Had it been anyone else they, too,
would have disbelieved the possibility of
Eonald Mervyn having murdered Margaret
Carne. As it was, they doubted; there had
been other murders in the history of the
Carnes. But no one gave utterance to these
thoughts; tbey were all friends or acquaint
ances of the Mervyn family. Eonald might
yet be able to clearhimselt completely. At
any rate, at present no one was inclined to
admit that there could De any doubt of his
"Well.what do yon think, Doctor, now?"
Lieutenant Gulston asked his friend, as,
separated from the rest, they strolled across
the garden.
"I don't quite know what to think," Dr.
Mackenzie said, after a pause.
"No?" Gulston said, in surprise; "why it
seems to me as clear as the sun at noon-day.
What I heard seemed very conclusive. Now
there is the confirmation of the,finding or
the glove, and this cock 'and bull story of
bis riding abont lor hours and not'Knowing
where he was."
"Yes, I give due weight to these things,"
the doctor said, after another pause, "and
admit that they constitute formidable cir
cumstantial evidence. I can't account for
the glove being found there. I admit that
is certainly an awkward fact to get
over. The ride I regard as unfortunate
rather than damnatory, especially if, as he
says, his fellow officers can prove that at
times, when upset, he was in the habit of
going off for hours on horseback."
"But who else could have done it, Mac
kenzie? You see the evidence of the doctor
went to show that she was murdered when
asleep; no common burglar would have
taken life needlessly, and have' run The risk
of hanging; but the whole thing points to
the fact that it was done out ot revenge or
out of ill leeling of some tort, and has it
not been shown that there is notasoulin
the world except Mervyn who had a shadow
of ill feeling against her?"
"No, that has not been shown," the doc
tor said, quietly. "No one was her enemy,
so far as the witnesses who were asked,
knew; but that is a very different thing; it's
a very difficult thing to prove that anyone
in the world has no enemies. Miss Carne
may have had some; some servant may
have been discharged upon her complaint,
she may have given deep offense to some
one or other. "Xhere is never any saying."
"Of course that is possible," said the
Lieutenant again, "but the evidence all goes
against cno man, who is known to have an
enmitv against her, and who has, to say the
least of it, a taint of insanity in his blood.
What are the grounds on which you
"Principally his own statement, Gulston.
I watched him narrowly from the time that
you gave your evidence, and I own that my
impression is that he is innocent I give
every weight to your evidence and that af
forded by the glove, and to his being unable
to prove where he was; and yet, alike from
his face, his manner, and the tone of his
voice, I do not think that he is capable of
No other words were spoken for some
time, then the Lieutenant asked:
"Do you think that an insane person
could commit a crime of this kind and
have no memory ot it in their saner mo
ments?" "That is a difficult question, Gulston. I
do believe that a person in a sudden parox
ysm ot madness misht commit a murder and
upon his recovery be perfectly unconscious
ot it; but I do not for a moment believe that
-a madman sufficiently sane to act with the
cunning here shown in the mode or obtain
ing access, by the quiet stealthiness in which
the victim was killed while in her sleep, and
by the attempt to divert suspicion by the
abstraction of the trinkets, would lose all
memory of his action afterward. If Captain
Mervyn did this thing, I am sure he would
be conscious ot it, and I am convinced, as I
said, that he is not conscious."
"What will the jury think?" the Lieu
tenant asked, after a long pause.
"I think they are sure to return a verdict
against him. A Coroner's jury are not sup
posed to go into the reason of the thing;
they are simply to declare whether there is
prima facie evidence connecting anyone
with a crime; such evidence as is sufficient
to justify them in coming to a conclusion
that it should at any rate be further ex
amined into. It's a very different thing
with a jury at a trial; they have the whole
ot the evidence that can be obtained before
them. They have all the light that can be
thrown on the question by the counsel on
both sides, and the assistance of the sum
ming up of the Judge, and have then to
decide if the guilt of the man is absolutely
proven A Coroner's jury is not supposed
to go into the whole merits oi the case, and
their finding means no more than the de
cision of a magistrate to commit a prisoner
for trial. I think the Coroner will tell the
jury that in this case such evidence as there
is before them points to the fact that Cap
tain Mervyn committed this murder, and
that it will be their duty to find such a
verdict as will insure the case being further
gone into."
"Most of the jury are tenants of the
Carnes'," Gulston said; "two or three of
them I know are, for I met them at the inn
when I was over here fishing. They will
scarcely like to find against a, relation of
the family."
"I don't suppose they 'will," the doctor
argued, "but at the same time the Coroner
will not improbably point out to them that
their verdict will simply lead to further in
vestigation of the case, and that even for
Captain Mervyn's own sake it is desirable
that this should take place, for that the
matter could not possiblv rest here. Were
they to acquit him, I imagine the chief
constable would at once arrest him and
bring him before a magistrate, who, upon
hearing a repetition of the. evidence given
to-day, would have no choice but to commit
him for trial."
'I suppose they would do that, anyhow?"
Lieutenant Gulston said.
"Not necessarily. I fancy a man can be
tried upon the finding of a Coroner's jury
as well as upon that of a magistrate. Per
haps, however, if the Coroner's jury finds
against him he may be formally brought
up before the magistrate, and a portion of
the evidence heard, sufficient to justify them
in committing him for trial. See, people
are going into the bouse again. Probably
they have thrown the door open, and the
jury are going to give their finding. I don't
think we need go in."
To be Continued A'eit Saturday.)
It is Intended to Prevent Incandescent
From Banting.
A patent has just been issued to Thomas
A. Edison, of Llewellyn Park, N. J., for
the construction of incandescent electric
lamps, wherein the transportation of carbon
particles from the filament to the glass will
be entirely prevented. This is accomplished
by coating the inner surface of the globe
with a conducting material, that is, a thin,
transparent, adhesive semi-liquid conduct
ing film. The substance with which the
glass is coated is melted phosphoric anhy
dride, containing just enough water to make
it run over the glass. This is a transparent,
gummy substance and does not give off its
water or any gases at the temperature to
which the globe is raised in the use of the
A piece of glass inclosing apiece of iron
is placed in the globe, together with a piece
of phosphoric anhydride, and the proper
amount of water added to the latter by
means of a narrow'glass tube passed through
the exhaust tube of the lamp. This patent
is said to be a very valuable one, and the
invention is entirely new.
Celebrated Clear Havana Key West Clears.
For sale in Pittsburg at
Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson.
St. Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel.
Union Depot Restaurant.
John Lauler, 3799 Fifth ave.
Peter A. Ganster, 35 Frankitown ave.
John F. Ganster, 27 Frankstown ave.
Peter Weber, 76 Wylie ave.
John C. StrouD, 25 Union st
E. W. Hagan,' 609 Smithfield st
Neville JJayley, 405 Smithfield st
J. K. Derr, 400 Market st.
P. C. Dufly. 540 Grant st
E. F. Rusch. 3716 Forbes st
Linhart, Bald & Co., 411 Smithfield st
Charles Eble, 6009 Penn ave.
C. F. Kirkendale, Mouongahela House.
Theo. E. Ehrig, 3610 Fifth ave.
John Gamble, 1119 Bingham st
Emil J. Stuckev, 1701 Penn ave.
W. P. Phelan. 539 Smithfield st
G. W. Schmidt 95 and 97 Fifth ave.
Second-Hand Upright Piano at Great
We have on hand two very fine upright
pianos, only slightly used. These we will
close out at very low figures, $200 and $225.
Ifyonwantan excellent upright at a very
low figure now is your opportunity. Come
soon, as they will certainly be disposed of
in a day or two. Mellou & Hoene,
77 Fifth avenue.
Celebrated Budweiser beer at Max
Klein's. itws
Give It n Trial.
During the contamination of our river
water people should drink Baeuerlein beer;
it is wholesome, nutritious and ordered for
invalids. Delivered in wood or glass to all
parts of the two cities. Telephone 1018.
Brlns Baby Before Too Late
To Aufrecht's Elite gallery, 516 Market
street, Pittsburg. Cabinets $1 per dozen.
California Winei.
Old Sherry, full quarts 50c
Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75o
Old Port full quarts 50c
Extra Old Port, lull quarts 75c
Riesling, full quarts '..40c
Angelica full quarts 50c
Muscatel, full quarts. 50c
Tokay, full quarts 50c
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and
97 Fifth ave.
Send for complete catalogue and price
list to Max Klein. mws
Dead Man's Vengeance.'' will be published
complete in kHmorroto's Dispatch. Be sur
to read it.
Scarred by Adversity and Tortured
on the Eve of Triumph.
And, Half Mad, With His Dead Wife in His
Arms, Fame Comes to Him.
The recent purchase by the French Gov
ernment oi Millet's famous work, "The
Angelus," at the enormous price of $110,000
and the consequent prominence thereby
given to the artist, makes any information
of his early life and struggles of undoubted
The "Angelus," from which the famous
painting takes its name, is a prayer to the
Virgin instituted by Pope Urban II. To
begin with the words, "Angelus Domini
numtravit Maria" ("The angel of the Lord
announced to Mary"). Then follows the
salutation of Gabriel, "Ava Maria," etc.
The prayer contains three verses and is re
cited three times a day, at 6 a. si., 12 M.
and 6 p. 31. at the sound ofa bell called the
Longfellow thus refers to it in his ex
quisite poem of "Evangeline:"
"Sweetly over the village the bell of the An
gelus sounded."
Jean Francois Millet was born October 4,
1814, in the "hamlet of Gruchy, near Gre
ville, France, of humble parentage. As a
painter of French peasant life' he stands
without a peer, and it is a question if France
ever produced an artist of greater merit in
any line. As a boy, Millet worked in his
father's fields, a tarm laborer. His first
inspiration was through the Bible, an old
illustrated copy of which by some means
fell into his hands, and his leisure
moments were passed in reproducing his
favorite pictures on the barn walls, the floor
ot his garref, or on the sandy roads of the
country as be passed to and from his work.
His father, like the majority ot the peasan
try of the day, was bitterly opposed to his
son deviating from the beaten track.
A farmer he had been born and a farmer
he wanted him to remain. In consequence
he did all in his power to discourace the
boy's taste for drawing. It was only through
the earnest intercession of the village cure
that he permitted Millet to go to Paris and
study what he termed "infernal nonsense."
The boy's holiday was A brief one. He had
scarcely settled down to his work: when his
father died, and through a sense of duty he
relinquished his loved studies and returned
to the fjrm.
After some time, however, he returned to
Paris and married a sweet woman on whom
he lavished all the love of his artist nature.
She was his idol, his inspiration, his life.
For her he labored night and dayto win
that fame that came too late. The first
years of his married life were fraught with
the most wretched poverty and continual
sacrifice, to which the death of his wife,
under the most pathetic circumstances was
a fitting climax. His pictures, probably
some of the best he ever executed, would
not sell. What they were will never be
known, as being short of canvas he painted
out one subject to make room for anotner
continually. For a while he painted por
traits for 10 francs ($2), but one
day even this miserable labor was denied
him. Another painter had been found, so
wretched that he would do the work for halt
thesum. In hisdesperation Millet engaged
with the railroad company as a common
porter. At this he labored for weeks, ris
ing at daylight he painted during the early
hours on the now famous "Milkmaid," a
place for which had been promised him in
the Salon of that year, and on the sale of
which he had placed all his hopes. At last
the picture was finished and hung. His
wife, who had been slowly but surely sink
ing, now tailed entirely, and the last franc
Lwas paid to a physician who, alter ordering
jmpossiuiuues, uepari;u wiiauui one
thought of the misery he left behind him.
The unhappy artist now sold his easel,
his brushes and his only coat for a few
francs, which he expended for medicine and
food for his wife. For three days he scarce
ly tasted lood, and left his bedside only to
go to the salon in the hope that the picture
had been sold and he might secure a small
sum on account.
In vain, however. Picture after picture
of other artists were decorated with that
magic talisman, "Sold;" but still his re
mained unmarked,, nnbid for.
He heard his work praised time and time
again. The connoisseurs of Europe pointed
out its excellences to each other, and com
mented favorably thereon, but still no one
bought and the starving artist counted the
days until the close of the exhibition, when
his last hope would be gone. At last
the fatal day arrived. His wife was sinking
fast and Millet himself could scarcely stand
with hunger and exhaustion. Every sala
ble article had been disposed of. Not a
mouthful of food 'remained for the sick
woman. Staggering down stairs. Millet
went to the nearest street corner, and with
hat in hand, stood, and actually
begged from the passers-by. Again and
again was he refused.'and still he did not
forsake his post, until finally one brute
struck him, called him a drunkard and
threatened to have him arrested. Fearing
that if he was imprisoned his wife would
die alone, he returned to his wretched lodg
ing, and holding the emaciated form of her
he loved best on earth in his arms, he, with
burning eyes,
and knew that he could do nothing to aid
or relieve her. Again and again in his
agony he kissed the precious eyes and lips
that smiled so lovingly at his caresses,
until finally, with a faint pres
sure of the hand and a murmur
Ed, "Goodby, Sweetheart" she settled
back and be knew that the woman who had
brightened his home and shared his poverty
without a sigh had ceased to suffer and he
was alone. Closer he pressed her to his
breast and for hours he sat there uncon
scious of his surroundings, until visitors
and neighbors, alarmed that their repeated
knocking had received no answer, broke in
the door and found him in that position.
The "Milkmaid" had been sold and a
delegate from the Salon dispatched with a
v500 franc note on account. The messenger
shook him by the shoulder, whispered his
good luck and pressed the note into his
For a moment he did not seem to compre
hend; then, with an imprecation, be sprang
to bis feet, tore the note into shreds and
stamped upon .them with insane rage and
cursed them all. Then, with a groan of
agony, as tired nature gave away, ne leil
senseless across the body of bis wife.
Millet was conveyed to a hospital, where
for weeks he hovered between life and
death, but finally life conquered and he was
discharged cured. And although he after
ward married again, he never forgot the
sweet woman who shared his south, and not
one of his former pictures but what bears in
.some way a resemblance of her loved per
sonality. " Morton.
Loss ofa Valuable Basket.
A lady coming up from Chartiers yester
day left her basket, by mistake, on board the
ferry boat William Thaw. The basket had
in it, besides a basket's ordinary contents,
the lady's cocketbook, containing $80.
When she missed the Valued basket and re
turned to the ferry to seek it, it was not
there. The lady notified Chief Brown of
her loss.
Beeciiam's Pills euro bilious and nervous ills
Fears' Soap secures a beautiful complexion
TDTG1T 17 AIDS with their humors and
lBl&U DAlJlOj pathos, form the subject
of a Utter to The ' Sunday Dispatch
from Edgar L. Wakeman, our traveling com
missioner. k -
JULY" 13, 1889.
Railway Projected and Street Being
Widened and Beautified Another Black
smith Shop Comlnff.
It begins to look as though the saints in
Beaver will not much longer enjoy their
rest The spirit of progress has been
hovering over the place for some years
seeking a foothold, and at last it seems to
havegotten it, and the people who a few
years ago protested against the establish
ment of a second blacksmith shop, as un
necessary and calculated to smoke the
town, must cither get out of the way or be
run over.
Mr. Charles Somers and others lately
conceived the idea that it was possible to
cover the beautiful plateau below the town
with houses, and in less than a month they
disposed of 78 lots. They are large, and for
years, at least, there will be no crowding,
and the prospect afforded is one of the finest
conceivable. A natural park of ten acres,
Well wooded, is reserved for a breathing
That section is already an important rail
way center, and promises to become a
greater one soon, and its development is of
as much importance to this city as to the
towns around the mouth of the Beaver. It
is said that Senator Quay has promised to
turn over every stone in the search for ad
vantages in the way of river improvement,
and the people are confident that he can
accomplish all he proposes.
A company has a charter for a railway to
connect Rochester with the Pittsburg and
Western Railway. It is called the
Rochester, Beaver Falls and Western Rail
way Company, and is supposed.to be under
the wing of tne Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road. It is to start at Rochester and con
nect with the Pittsburg and Western a short
distance back of Rock Point. There is also
a charter for a railway from Beaver Falls
to Vanport, the village just below Beavei,
and one for a road from Wheeling to Van
port, which is also supposed to he a Balti
more and Ohio enterprise and intended as a
link in a trunk line. An electric railway
is also under consideration to connect Van
port with the terminus of the horse railway
now running between New Brighton and
Beaver Falls. The horse road has proven a
paving venture, and it is thought that
electric power will pay still better.
Heretofore the people of Beaver have
seemed to think that "beauty unadorned"
could not be improved upon; but now it is
proposed, and the proposition is being car
ried into effect, to have the 100-foot-wide
streets converted into parks. . A roadway
40 feet wide is to be left in the center, and
on each side of it a paved footway of 12 feet
This leaves a strip on each side of the side
walks of 18 feet, which is to be planted with
trees and otherwise embellished. In a
short time, it is said, there will be no fences
in the town to mar the effect of the adorn
ment, and in most places lots will be graded
to conform to the new order of things.
Nowhere in the country is the project for
digging the canal to Lake Erie received
with more favor than in the State of Beaver;
but its importance extends equally to all
the district of which this city is the center.
nieasr. Scott and Miller Explain What the
81.700,000 Includes It Cpvers Expend
ilnre and Appropriations.
The rather indefinite statement coming
from the State Flood Commission that about
$1,700,000 had already been expended for re
lief in Johnstown and vicinity was con
sidered somewhat startling by many people.
Messrs. Scott, Marvin and Miller, of the
commission, soon explained to a reporter
what the statement meant. Mr. Scott said:
"No official report of the commission has
yet been made. I cannot, therefore, speak
exactly, but I think this amount covers both
the expenditures and appropriations made
for the flood sufferers in this State. 1 make
up the sum approximately in this manner:
expenditures in Pittsburg, $250,000; expen
ditures in Philadelphia, $200,000; from the
State, $500,000; appropriation to the Cone
maugh valley by the State, $500,000, mak
ing $1,700,000 altogether. I overheard Gov
ernor Beaver make such an estimate, but it
was a mere guess and not official.
"The executive work of the commission
is done at Harrisburg, by Mr. Kramer, a
mot competent accountant Mayor Fitler
and Mr. Marvin are the purchasing agents
for the sections of the State In which they
live. All bills are carefully audited and
approved by the Commission before thy
are paid. So far as I know vouchers are
kept of all the expenditures, and none of
the funds have gone astray.
The depositories are Drexel& Co., a bank
ing house in Harrisburg and W. R. 'XhcAnp
son & Co.
"Philadelphia a few days ago handed over
to the commission $500,000, and Pittsburg
has promised to do the same with her con;
Mr. Reuben Miller said: "I have no
doubt that every dollar can be properly ac
counted for. All the commission asks is
for the people to bave a little patience.
My impression is that the $1,700,000 covers
what has been expended in the State for re
lief since the flood. In Pittsburg $762,000
have been collected up to date; $240,000 have
been expended for various items, leaving a
balance of $522,000 for distribution among
the sufferers. We expect to receive back
$127,000 from the State, which was spent in
buying tools and removing debris. It is
impossible now to give a full and detailed
statement of expenditures."
Mr. Marvin was angry that only portions
of the statement were published. If the
full report had been made public no such
false impression could have been started.
He thought there was a disposition on the
part of certain people to slap the Governor's
face on every occas on. The money, he
said, was all right, and would be properly
The Fond Raised In Australia for the Johns
town Sufferers.
The following letter, which is self-explanatory,
has been received at this office:
United States Consulate, )
Brisbane, Queej.si.and.
Australia, June 10. 1889. )
It is with extreme gratification that I am
able to send you a report of a monster Cather
ine held in this city last night, the occasion be
ing a lecture delivered by the Rev. O. D. Bu
chanan, presently the minister of the Wick
ham Terrace Presbyterian Church, of this city,
and a graduate of the Western Theological
Seminary, of Allegheny City. His subject was
"The Great American Disaster, with Reminls
cences of Johnstown and the Conemaugh Val
ley." It was the largest gathering of the kind
ever held in our citv, and the expression of
sympathy for tbe sufferers was most marked.
A collection was taken in aid of the fnnd which
has been initiated for tbe survivors. Tbe first
day has amounted to nearly 51,000.
I trnstlmay be aole to remit a much larger
amount by the next month. The Fisk Jubilee
Sinners at present on a visit to Brisbane will
ingly rendered their services at the meeting.
Will vou kindlr let tbe neoDle of tbe United
h-States know through the colums of your jour
nal tnat tne people or tms coiony nave tne
deepest sympathy fori the sufferers through
this awful disaster, which sympathy I shall De
able to express by next mail in a practical and
substantial manner.
Meantime, I nave the honor to be,
Your obedient servant.
GEortQE Harris,
United States Consular Agent
Incident ofa Day In Two Cities Condensed
far Ready Rcadlns.
John Neoley was knocked down by a run
away team corner of State alley and Fifth ave
nue yesterday. His collar bone was broken.
Thomas Lowby, Justice of tbe Peace at
Braddock, yesterday committed Dennis Sulli
van to jail without bail, for a hearing. He is
charged by Peter Barnett with burglary.
Two watches of gold and silver were stolen
from Mrs. Ditmer's residence, No. 905 Penn
avenue, at 10 o'clock Thursday night. The lady
was sitting on the door step at the time.
Yesterday John Lamb, William Patton,
John Qulnn and Eugeno Carroll were com
mitted tolail In default of S3d0bail each, by
Alderman McKenna, for trial at court, charged
with larceny from Daniel Koohne,
The Kew Philadelphia Collector
ConldGet Them in Dozens.
Sat the Law Will Not Have it and the
Honors Are Divided.
Philadelphia, July 12. Senator
Cooper qualified as Collector of the Port ot
Phila'delphia at 11 A. M. yesterday, just
after sending his resignation as Senator to
Governor Beaver. A large company of
politicians witnessed the brief ceremony and
the taking of the oath. Among them were
Senator Penrose, President pro tern of the
Senate, and Bevenuc Collector Martin.
Out of the many who offered to go on the
bond, Collector Cooper selected six, four of
whom are residents of his own county of
Delaware, one Philadelphia and one of
Mauch Chunk, Carbon county. They arc:
Samuel A. Crozer, the millionaire manu
facturer of Upland, Delaware county; Gen
eral William Lilly, the millionaire banker
of Mauch Chunk; Captain Isaac Johnson,
W. Y. Hoopes and Samuel V. Hawley, all
of Collector Cooper's own town of Media,
and ex-City Treasurer Joseph J. Martin, of
The amount of the bond under the law is
$100,000, but the bondsmen are required to
justify in twice that amount. General Lilly
offered to go on the collector's bond for the
entire amount of $200,000, but the law re
quiring more than one bondsman, the ster
ling .Republican from Mauch Chunk could
not have his wish gratified. He signed,
therefore, for 5100,000, and Samuel A. Crozer
for $100,000. The other four were permitted
to sign the bond for an amount in excess of
what was required of $140,000, making the
total amount $340,000. Among those who
were present, willing to go on the bond,
were Charles A. Porter, Dr. L. S. Filbert.
Thomas B. McAvoy and John W. Wood
side. A dinner to his bondsmen.
After Collector Cooper had qualified he
took his bondsmen and a few Iriends, in
cluding' Senator Penrose, Representative
Johu M. Scott, Charles A. Porter and
Thomas B. McAvoy, Special Deputy
Ingham and Commissioner Bell to the
Lafayette Hotel, where a dinner had been
prepared for them at the new Collector's in
structions in one of the private parlors. The
Collector had previously made his arrange
ments to go to Washington on the 4 o'clock
train to see tbe Secretary of the Treasury
and file his bond. He arrived at the
Lafayette with his party aboutl2:30 o'clock,
where they were met by Mr. Maltby and
Superintendent Baker, and the new
official warmly congratulated. They
sat down to dinner about 1 o'clock.
They were not long alone. The word
having got ont that Collector Cooper was at
the Latayette his friends soon began stream
ing in, to congratulate him. Among tbe first
arrivals were Congressmen Harmer and
OMSeill, Hamilton Disston, Internal Reve
nue Collector Martin, David H. Lane and
Magistrate South.
All the local leaders who called on the
Collector expect to get their share of the
appointments under him. It is not likely
that the Delaware countv leader's new posi
tion as the dispcnserf Government patron
age in this city will have the effect of adding
to the factional warfare that has already
begun in the local party organization. Col
lector Cooper goes into the Custom House in
a conciliatory spirit. He has no old scores
to settle He believes in strengthening the
party and not in disrupting it.
He was asked yesterday if he would make
any anti-McManCs appointments. The Col
lector gave his questiouer a looK and said,
with emphasis: "There will be no appoint
ments made by me against Mr. McManes or
against anybody else. I do not recognize
any anti-McManes or anti-anybody else in
the recommendation or application of per
sons for places. What X expect to do is to
give as good service as is possible in the
Custom House, and as a party man I hope
to see the Republican party harmonious and
united. We all have the common good of
the party at heart-"
"Then," persisted the questioner, "you
will not join in the factional fight against
James McManes?"
"Mr. McManes' friends are my friends,"
said Collector Cooper, "and vice versa. I
do not see any reason why there should be
any factional fighting, and I know of no
anti-McManes movement."
The Collector returned from Washington
this afternoon. Mr. Ingham, his special
deputy, spent some time at the Custom
House yesterday familiarizing himself with
the duties of the place. The Collector's
private secretary, Representative C. Wesley
Thomas, came to the city to-day from the
seashore and met Mr. Ingham, and the two
were at the Custom House together for some
"After a careful and Impartial test of
I am convinced thatit is the CHOICEST,
PUREST and BEST Cocoa In the market.
I can conscientiously recommend it to
all Physicians In preferenco to any
other." MRS. S. T. RORER,
Principal Phila. Cookingr School.
MADE INSTANTLY with boiling: water
Sold bv George K. .Stevenson & Co. and all
leading grocers and drngsists at SI per lb. tin;
Sic per Kilt tin.
A Remarkable Experience.
Mr. H. Robertson, a native of Scotland, but
who has been a resident of this country for sev
eral years, has been a victim of kidney disease
with tbo following symptoms: He bad a heavy
dragging pain across the small of his hick, ex.
tending from one side to the other, and a bloat
ed, dropsical condition of tbe bowels, high col
ored urine, and be noticed that sometimes it
contained a reddish, brick-colored sediment,
and at other times the sediment was of a light
ish color. He noticed tbat be felt very tired in
tbo morning, and as he gradually grew weaker,
his stamach became affected. His appetite
became poor, and he was constantly annoyed
with sour eructations of gas from bis stomach
after eating, and on account of the kidneys not
performing their function properly, bl blood
became charged with rbenmatic poison, so that
he had mucb pain about his shoulders and dif
ferent parts of his body. As be became more
emaciated. he began to congh.and he felt much
tightness and weight across his lnngs. In
speaking of tbe matter one day, he said:.
"I doctored with tile, best doctors I could hear
of, but was fast getting worse. I became mel
ancholy and tnonght 1 could not lire. Finally
I began treatment with the pbjsirians of tbe
Polypathic Medical Institute, who are special
ists for chronic diseases, and although confined
to the bed when I commenced their treatment,
my improvement was very rapid, and I bave
been entirely enred by, these physicians, and I
gladly sign my name. H. Robektson."
Anyone wishinc to call upon Mr. Robertson,
or write him with reference to his case, can
bave his full addrea by calling at THE POLY
PATHIC INSTITUTE, 420 Penn ave. Office
bonis, 10 to 11:30 a. M.. 1 to and 8 to 8 P. ST.
Sundays, 1 to -4 p. m. Consultation free. je24-D
Pears5 Soap
(Scented and Unaccrued)1
A Pittsburg Player Who Played in
Southern Teams.
Among baseball players and the enthusi
astic readers of baseball columns, Mr. Louis .
Kensinger's name is a familiar one. A suc
cessful amateur player in Pittsburg, his
first professional engagements as pitcher
were in the Southern League, where his
"curve" was effective and his work more
than satisfactory. Obliged to give up ball
playing, he returned to his home in Pitts
burg, and has since been living at 3912
Woolslayer, near the corner of Thirty-ninth
street and Penn avenue. It was here that
the writer found him.
"Yes," said Mr. Kensinger, in reply io a
question. "It had been a number of years.
I can't say just how long. It came on so
steadily and gradually that I couldn't say
when it began. My nostrils would clog up
and I noticed I was more than usually
liable to what seemed to be slight colds. I
began to have headaches continually, and
it seemed as if I had cold all the time. A
dry, hacking cough set in, and my throat
got into a raw, inflamed state. There
would be a dropping back of matter from
my head into my throat, and I was all the
time hawking and raising and trying to
clear it.
"This condition of things lasted some
time without getting much worse or much
better, and it has only been within the last
year or two that I realized that the trouble
had extended until I was really in a
serious condition. My nights became rest
less. I would wake up feeling as if I were
choking. My throat would get filled up.
My breathing was labored and difficult.
There was something like a weight on my
chest, pressing down.
Mr. Louis Kensinger, 3313 Woolslayer street.
"Such nights a3 these would leave me en
tirely unfit for work the next day. And as
if that were not enough, there would be
sharp, shooting pains, stabbing like a
knife, that would run through me, so severe
that they would take my breath away.
"When I would get up in the morning I
would feel weak and miserable. Usually
there would be a dizzy spell when I would
first get up, and I would stagcer in trying
to walk. I couldn't eat. I didn't seem to
have any relish for food at all. My sense
of taste was almost gone. My hearing and
sight were both affected. The ringing and
buzzing sounds in my ears had been fol
lowed by a partial deafness in one ot them,
and my eyes were so dim and blurred I could
hardly see to read.
"In the last year I could see that the
trouble was extending faster and that I was
getting worse more rapidly than ever. The
slightest exertion would put me out of
breath. My heart would beat hard and
fast. Then" the. palpitation would be fol
lowed by slow, irregular beating and faint
ness. I'tricd various remedies and physi- '
cians. In fact, did everything that I was
advised to do, but I got no help. Some
time ago I went to Drs. Copeland & Blair.
Their charges were reasonable, such as I
could afford, and I placed myself under
their care. It was notvery long before I
could see that my trouble was leaving me.
My head and heart became clear. I began
to sleep soundly and well, to eat heartily
and to relish what I did cat. I had no more
trouble with my hearing or with my eyes.
"No more couch and no more pains in tho
chest or abont tbe heart. X was soon able to go
to work regularly. 1 haven't lost a day since
on account of my health. I feel strong and
well now. and it is only what is due to the
doctors tbat I should make this statement."
Mr. Kensinger lives at the address given,
which Is in tbat section of the city known as
Lawronceville. He is engaged at Nichols'
Bridge Works, on Thirty-sixth street, below
liutler street. The statement can easily be
verified. Mr. Kensinger is also well known in
connection with his singing, his bass voice
forming one of tbe attractions of a quartet
frequently heard in public He states that his
catarrhal trouble made it bad, and sometimes
almost impossible for him tn sing, bnt that
during tbe treatment he found that the vocal
trouble was passing away and that now his
voice is clear even in the lower notes; tbat it
does not seem to become tired and strained as
before, and that be has had no more difficulty
with it,
Showing the Outline ofa Route Which Is Of.
ten Followed.
"When a person with a delicate constitu
tion has a tendency to catarrh or consump
tion whether this tendency is inherited or
results from taking cold easily it is no
ticeable that that person invariably loses
flesh and loses strength, showing that the
nutrition is interfered with.
In such a case the sufferer should at once
be placed under influences that will restore
the defective nutrition and tend to invigo
rate the constitution.
It is to be remembered in every case the
Sresence of catarrh is an evidence of pre
ispositiou to consumption, and no matter
how slight the attack may be, it should be
treated with the greatest care and the treat
ment should be continued until all traces of
tbe catarrh have disappeared.
It the catarrh is allowed to reach the smallest
tubes in tbe lungs which condition is indi
cated by the spitting up of a yellow material
then immediate attention to tbe malady is de
manded, or serious lung trouble will result.
Catarrh is, nine times out of ten, tbe causa
that produces consumption, and bence no one
can afford to neglect a case of catarrh, however
slight. It is easily cured, if taken in time and
treated regularly and correctl by a specialist.
If left to itself it is rarely cured without a
change of climate, but with each new cold It
gets more and more troublesome, extending al
ways a little deeper into tbe lungs until a cure
becomes difficult and sometimes impossible.
"I should like to be treated," a lady re
marked the other day, "but I would not
like to have my name in the paper." Let
it be stated that Drs. Copeland and Blair
never publish a name or statement without
the fnll and free consent of the patient, nor
do tbey publish one. hundredth part of the
testimonials, letters and statements received
by them from grateful patients. As observed,
the statements given are entirely voluntary,
and are given by tbe patients for publication.
Drs. Copeland and Blair would never publish
the most emphatic testimonial unless the pa
tient givlne it understood tbat it was to be
printed and gave willing consent.
Are located permanently at
Where they treat with success all curable
Office hours S to 11 A. St.; 2 to S P.M.; 7 to 9
P.M. (Sunday included.)
Specialties CATARRH, and AIL IMS"
Consultation. XI 00. Address all mall to
jjU-Ssu WSUttM5.Pittabuxz,F, '