Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 12, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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V ' ' 'jf; '.THE PCTTSBlTCx, 33ISPATOH,' PBIDAY,; JTILT 12, 1889.7"' ' 7 j
The Week's Transactions in Live
Stock at East Liberty.
Country Trodnce of Erery Kind Promises
to be Abundant
Ornci of Pittsbubo Dispatch,
Thursday. July II, 18S8L J
The run of heavy cattle this week was ex
ceptionally large, and in this grade markets
were slow. The supply of light, smooth
butcher stock was below the average, and
prices advanced 1020c per 100 pounds.
The salvation of markets this week was the
light run, which was little above half that of
last week. The same amount of stock as last
week would have knocked the bottom out of
It has been a marked characteristic of live
stock trade all this season that heavy cattle and
hogs have moved slowly, ana markets were
uniformly in favor of buyers. Licht, smooth
hogs were active to-day at 4 804 90. while
heavy weights were slow at 40 to 50c below this
As will be seen by our quotations, receipts of
sheep are considerably larger than for some
weeks past. Notwithstanding liberal receipts,
prices of last 'n eek were more than maintained.
Choice wethers brought tho best price of the
season, and there has been an advance of 10 to
15c over last week's prices on all grades.
Following is report of the week's transactions
at East Liberty yards:
Thro'. Local.
Thursday 6W .... 5,175 1,713
Fridav 640 .... 2,025 1.640
Saturday 40 600 I.oO
fcunday HO 1,030 8,450 ;g
Monday 20 70 750 1,430
Tuesday 13) .... 1,125 3,300
Wednesday 60 10 Lfc0 1,930
Total 1.KS0 1,150 11,775 14,520
Last week 2,240 l,85o 18,030 13,510
Prcvlousweek.. 2,610 1,430 11,150 9,790
Thursday 21 752 ....
Irldav 5 1,080 593
Saturday 514 1.661
Monday 963 3,136 3,286
Tuesday 154 256 3,452
Mednesdar 5 422 540
Total 1,148 6,260 9,532
Lastweck 1,7781 10,206 9,735
Prevlousweek 1.427 7,697 8,574
Country Produce.
An interview to-day with a peddler, whose
beat for a dozen or more years has covered the
Panhandle region about New Cumberland, de
veloped some facts concerning country produce
which will no doubt be of interest to readers of
The Dispatch. Said he: "The extra fine
pasturage of this season has resulted In a a
superabundance of country butter. My reg
ular customers are offering me fully one-third
more butter than usual, and I am forced to re
fuse any amount that is offered. Eggs, too, are
unusually plenty for this season of the ear,
and, in fact, everything I am accustomed to
handle is plenty, too plenty. The outlook for
vegetables, particularly potatoes, was never
better. The crop of apples in this section will
not be quite up to last year, but will he above
the averace. Last year's crop was one of the
largest on record. As an illustration of the
condition of pasturage this season, 1 have a lot
of five acres, near Clinton, where I have pas
tured four horses all season, and I expect to get
one ton of bay to the acre irom this lot beside.
Last year there was not enough pasture on the
came lot for two horses more than half the
time. Last season there was not a meadow in
the neighborhood of Clinton that yielded more
hay to the acre than I will get from mv lot
after feeding four horses all summer.
The only cron that is not promising on my
beat is corn. In the early spring there was such
constant wet weather that corn bad a long
struggle to get a fair start. But there is still
time enough to recover lost ground if the
weather prophet will only be propitious. While
nature will hardly be as prolific as she was last
year, she promises to go beyond her average in
my section, and the present outlook is for an
abundance ot everything in the line of fruit
and vegetables in the region from here to New
Cumberland. A second season of great abund
ance in all garden and farm products, is now an
assured fact in the region for 100 miles west
and south of Pittsburg.
Br Teletraoh.
Kansas Cttt Cattle Receipts. 4.380 head:
shipments, 29S bead; bulk of supply Texas and
Indian; dull, except for cows and veal calves;
native and ranger steers weak and 10c lower;
calves strong at S3 2506 00 per head; good to
choice cornfed steers, S3 703 E5; common to
medium. T2 853 SO; Mockers and feeding
steers, $2 003 15; cows, $1 502 75; grass
range steers, 51 753 00. Hogs Receipts,
5,251 bead; shipments, 275 head: about steady:
good to choice light, 3 004 50; heavy and
mixed. H 054 15. bheep Receipts, 860 head;
no shipments; strong; good to choice muttons,
S3 503 80: lambs, 3 255 00.
New Yokk Beeves Receipts, 9 carloads;
none put on sale; dull feeling; dressed beef
easier at 5Ji?6Jc with a little choice up to 7c;
exports, 530 beeves and 1,500 quarters of beef.
Liverpool cable advices quote American re
frigerator beef steady at 8Jc per pound.
Calves Receipts, 800 head; steady at 4l45c
per pound for veals, and IMg4c for buttermilk
and "fed" calves. Sheep Receipts, 8.300 head;
quiet and steady for sheen: dull and lower for
lambs; sheep sold at 54 005 75 ter 100 ponnds;
lambs at 55 507 25, mainly 'at 55 807 00.
Hogs Receipts. 2.800 bead; reported steady
for live hoc at fl 604 90 per 100 pounds; for
pigs, $5 O0G5 10.
Chicago The Zrovert' Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head; shipments, 6,500
head: market slow and 510c lower; beeves,
S3 25ffil 25; stackers and feeders, 52 2583 10;
cows.bulls and mixed. 51 753 10; bulk. 52 30
2 60: Texas cattle. 51 803 60. Hogs Receipts.
19,000 bead: shipments, 5. U00 head; market slower
and 5c lower: mixed. 54 254 45; heavy. 54 20
64 40; light, 54 304 GO; skips, S3 G04 45.
bheep Receipts, 4,000 head; shipments, 300
head: market steady: natives, 53 255 10:
westerns. 53 404 OOiTexans, 53 003 90; lambs,
54906 00.
St.Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,600 head; ship
ments. 2.400; market steady; choice heaw native
steers. S3 804 30: fair to eod do, 53 1004 00:
stockers and feeders, fair to good. 52 10S3 00;
rangers, corn fed, 52 7003 50; grass fed. 51 90
2 9a Hogs Receipts. 2,400 head: shipments,
2.400 bead; market slow; choice heaw and
butchers' selections. 54 304 40; packing, me
dium to prime. 54 20?4 3o; light grades, ordi
nary to best, 54 3o4 45. febeep Receipts,
1,600 head; shipments, 400 head; market strong;
iair 10 cuoice, w wgi u.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 52 carloads
through; 4 loads on sale; market steadv and
unchanged. Sheep Receipts. 22 carloads
through; 4 loads on sale: market active and
a shade higher. Hogs Receipts, 3 carloads
through; 10 loads on sale; market slow; me
diums, 54 5024 70; Yorkers, 54 754 80; pigs,
54 SOL
Baltimore Beef cattle Market only mod
atrl v active and prices a shade off; best beeves.
4OOjC; generally rated first quality, 2
4'4c; medium, 3S3c; ordinary. 23ic; most
of the sales were from 34 25c: receipts,
GOO head: sales. 516 head. The arrivals of sheep
and lambs numbered 7,243 head; quotations,
34c; lambs. 46c.
Cincinnati Hogs firmer; common and light,
53 7534 65; packing and butchers, 54 354 50;
receipts, 1,430 bead; shipments, 1,300 head.
A Mat of the Patents I.sued In This Vicinity
Thl. Week.
The following is the list of patents issued to
Western Pennsylvania. Eastern Ohio and West
Virginia inventors on July 9, 1889, as furnished
by O. D. Levis, Patent Attorney, No. 131 Fifth
avenue, Pittsburg:
Thomas B. Attcrbury, Pittsburg, ornamenting
open ended glassware: Thomas B. Attcrbury, ap-
Iiaratusrorornanietitlncr open ended e'assware;
tobert A. Carter, Plttsbnrtr, rolling mill: Isaac
'lurch, loleilo. expansion bolt: Isaac Church.
Toledo, expansion bolt device: James K. Cluxon.
nla. compound Tor the scrubbing surfaces of
washboards: John M. Crlchlow. Beaver Falls,
." a.Vj'ruor of one-half to E. T. I'.oberts, of
TIluSTille. l'a apparatus Jor the manu
facture of gas: John Crowtber. Elmwood,
O., cable guide pulley; John Krey
V?', UTton, o.. measuring vessel:
John J. Hopper,, bprlnglleld, O., feed water heat
er: Clement A. Ktllor. East Liverpool, o.. mow
?,f.n'1lne,'ni'e rrlnder: Joln 1). Loppcntlen,
1 i-taburg. viulln: Vwillam U.Kankln, l'lttsburr,
chicle aliaft coupling; John K. lddenour. Heel
lor. o.. signal light: Frank hllllman, Jr., and W.
11. Condey, assignors to 8. K. Harris, Ashtabula,
O.. fork bl;nk:John K. bmlth. Doylestown. Pa .
blast or exhaust apparatus: William H. Sunday,
fccranton. Pa., bung: Albert Bchmld. assignor to
Westtnrhouke Electric Company. Pittsburg. Pa
laminated case for electrical apparatus: Albert
hchmid, Allegheny, assignor to csttnghuuse
Electric Company. PltUburg. Pa., forming cores
for electrical apparatus: Albert (Scrim Id. assignor
to est!nghouse Electric Company. PltUburg.
Pa., armature for electric machines: Edward
Bmlth, Plymouth, Pa., fastening for mining drill
Intensified Weakness In the Wheat Pit
Good Weather and Government Crop
Report Cnnse Valnes Co Let
Go All Alone the Line.
Chicago The weakness In wheat which set
in yesterday was followed with a further ma
terial shrinkage to-day, and a heavy, weak
feeling existed most of the session. From the
highest point reached yesterday prices de
clined 6c for July. 4c for Atigust and 3c
for December, closing 5c lower for July, 2o
lower for August and lo lower for December
than closing figures of yesterday. The short
interest, assisted by the bear element; took
courage at the weakness and sold freely. They
hammered the market by selling large lots, and
this brought out large lines of long wheat
which had been bought at the higher prices.
They were encouraged in their action by the
unfavorable tenor of European market advices,
improved weather here, and the prospects of a
freer movement of wheat. The weather was
fine in the West, with light rains reported in
the Northwest and the South. Samples of some
2S carloads of new winter wheat were shown, of
which the wheat is here and will be shown in
the inspection blank tc-morrow. Nearly all of
tho new wheat was of good quality And in
spected No. 2 red, and this was made the most
Important weakening feature on the market.
It was reported that a Chicago firm had bought
150 cars at Indianapolis to arrive here next
Operators scarcely knew whether to accept
the Government crop report as a weakening or
strengthening feature. It is calculated
that the yield from percentages' ot con
dition furnished would be from 475,
000,000 to 493.000,000 bushels, or a reduc
tion of about 30,000,000 bushels as compared
with the June report. The market no doubt
had been bulled on the expectation of a still
larger reduction in the anticipated yield than
the figures represent, and this may have In
duced some selling.
Corn ruled moderately active, with the feel
ing easier. There was only a moderate local
demand, most of the purchasing being done by
a prominent local trader, whose operations had
a sustaining influence early in the day. As the
session advanced, however, offerings became
quite liberal, considerable long property being
sold, and the market ruled easier, due largely to
the weaker tone ot wheat. The market opened
at yesterday's closing quotations, was steady
for a time, then declined c, became quite ac
tive, closing a lower than yesterday.
Oats 'were falrlv active, but weaker, and
prices declined iyic The declines were
chiefly attributable to fine weather for harvest
ing and good crop reports.
Trading was moderately active in the market
for mess pork, and the feeling was compara
tively steady. Early prices ruled 57c lower.
Later the market was steadier and prices im
proved 5g7Kc and closed quiet.
An easier teeling prevailed in the market for
lard. Prices ruled 25c lower, and the mar
ket closed quiet at medium figures.
Rather less doing in short rib sides and the
feeling easier. Prices declined 25c early in
the day, but rallied again and closed steady at
about medium figures.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
WHEAT No. 2 JulS3KS3i78S78Ke:
August, 7J79J4ffl7777c; toepteniber, 795$
7977ii7V,c; December, ao81H78Jaf
CORN No. 2 August: 3SKtlS5!i3&i(2:
September. 363c35c; October.
rio. 2,
11 25U 30; September, 511 32KU 3,'
11 2711 32; October, 510 8010 4010 30
10 40.
Labd, per 100 Iks. August, 56 3066 S0
6 276 27K; September, K 406 406 35
6 37H; October, 56 406 4Ugd 3S6 35.
Short Ribs, per 100 fis. August. 55 TTiiQ
5 7765 7585 75; September. 15 82K5 S2)S
5 77X65 80; October. 55 72H5 TJK.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm
and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 78K79c;
No. 3 spring wheat, nominal; No. 2 red, 7SX
79c No. 2 corn. 35c No. 2 oats, 22c No. 2
rye. 43c No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed,
5133. Prime timothy seed, 51 42. Mess pork, per
barrel, 511 30011 35. Lard, per 100 pounds, 56 25.
Short ribs, sides (loose). 55 75. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), 55 255 37. Short clear
sides (boxed), 56 1225. Sugars, unchanged.
Receipts Flour. 7.OU0 barrels: wheat. 9.000 bash
els: corn, 222.000 bushels; oats, 114,000 bushels;
rye, 4,000 bushels: barley, 3,000 bushels. Ship
ments Flonr. 5,000 barrels; wheat. 4L000 bush
els; corn. 282,000 bushels: oats, 175,000 bushels;
rye, 4,uuu ousneis; Daney. none.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was quiet and unchanged. Eggs quiet
at 11K012C j
New Yobe Flour less active; high grades
steady; low grades easy. Cornmeal quiet; yel
low Western, 52 452 7a. Wheat Spot moder
ately active; export .-rd ml'.llne lJ-iglKc lower;
options more active and IKQlJic lower on ac
count of larger receipts of new crop at the
West and expectations that supplies will be
sufficient for all contract needs: closed heavy.
Barley malt dull: Canada. S0c51 05 for
old and new. Corn Spot moderately active
and weaker: options dull, "lower and weak.
Oats Spot moderately active and KQlc lower;
options dull and weaker. Hay 'steady and
quiet. Coffee Options opened barely steady
at 1020 points down and closed steady
at2030 points up: better cables, moderate
business; sales, 74,500 bags. Including
July. 13.90c; August, 14.O014. 40c; September,
ll.10I4.55c; October, I4.1514.5Uc; Novem
ber. 14.1514.55c; December and January,
14 2014 60c; February. 14 25c; March. 14.25
1160c: May. li.50Q14.60c: spot Rio stronger:
fair cargoes, 17c Sugar Raw easy and
nominal: fair refining, 7 3-16c; centrifugals, 96
test, By-MBc; rennea quiet and steady. Mo
lasses t oreign quiet; New Orleans quiet. Rice
steady and quiet. Cottonseed oil dull. Tallow
firmer. Rosin quiet and steady. Turpentine
firmer and In fair demand at 3838c Eggs
in fair demand and firm: western. 1415c;
receipts. 3.999 packages. Pork auiet. Mess,
512 0013 25; extra prime. 511 2511 GO. Cut
meats strong; sales, pickled bellies. 12 pounds,
7c; pickled hams, HJic; pickled shoulders, 5Vc
Lard lower and dull; western steam, 56 65;
sales at $6 62 c and f.; city, 56 20; August.
56 676 72, closing at 56 67; September, 56 76
6 77, closing at 56 75 bid; October. 56 67, closin"
at 56 76; January. 56 396 45. Butter moder
ate and demand weak; western dairr, 10013c;
do creamery, 1216c; do factory, 813c
Cheese strong and fairly active, western, b
St. Lotus Flour quiet and weak. Wheat
lower; the market opened very weak and grew
worse, as nothing turned up to sustain values;
the Government report was considered as a
bearish influence; foreign markets were de
clining, receipts Increasing, and with every
other market depressed, there were finally de
clines of l2c, and the close was ar the bot
tom: No. 2 red, cash, 74c bid: Julv, 73J75Jjfc,
cloed at 73c: August, 73JJQ75c closed
at73c bid; September, 74Ji&76Jc, closed at
78c asked. Corn The near options were firm,
influenced by an advance in cash and July;
No. 2 mixed, cash. 33c: July, 3232Kc closed
at 32Jc: August, 32Kc; September, 33Wc, closed
at 33&c asked; year, 3I&C; Mty. 3434Kc
closed at 34!c asked. Oats No trading, and
May offered c lower, at 25J$c with 25c bid,
R) e neglected: No. 2 nominal at 41c Flaxseed,
51 15 bid. Provisions quiet.
PhIIuA.dm.phia Flour quiet, but prices
firm. Wheat Options weak, and closed jJc
lower; spot lots quiet but firm: ungraded red.
choice on track. 92c; No. 2 red Julv. 8686Kc;
August, 8381c: September, 83?i84c; Octo
ber, 8485c Corn Spot lots firm; futures dull
and He lower; steamer No. 2 low mixed in
Twentieth street elevator, 43c; No. 2 low mixed
in do,43?c; No. 2 mixed, on track and in
T enticth street elevator. 44c; No. 2 yellow, in
grain depot, 44c; No. 2 mixed. Julv. 42H13c;
August. 425ita:; September, 43Ki3?ic: Octo
ber, 43ji44ic Oats-Car lots firm: No. 3
white. 33c; No. 2 white, 34c; futures dull and
weak: No. 2 white, July. S!KS33ic: August,
31?i32c: September, 30-K30c: October, 30
Silic. Eggs dull and irregular; Pennsylvania
firsts, 14X15c
ClNCISNATl Flour firm. "Wheat In good
demand; No. 2 red, 85c; new, 81c: receipts,
6,700 bushels; shipments. 3.500 bushels. Corn
strong; No. 2 mixed, 39c Oats firm: No.
2 mixed, 26c. Rye firm at 48c Pork quiet at
512. Lard nominal at 56 la Bulkmeats easier;
short rib, 55 95. Bacon steady. Butter quiet.
Sugar firm. Eggs heavy. Cheese steady.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
easy; cash. 78Kc: September, i6c Corn
firm; No. 3, 3tfHc Oats steady; No. 2 white,
28c Rye firm: No. 1, 4IJic Barley firm; No. 2,
September, 68Kc Provisions steady. Pork.
51125. Lard. 56 25.
Indiakapolis Wheat strong: new No. 2
red, 78c bid. Corn stiong: No. 2 mixed, 35c
bid. Oats steady: No. 2 mixed, 24c bid.
Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash. 54 50; Octo
ber, 51 60.
Fine Whiskies. '
XXX. 1855, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts (2 00
1800, ilcli-ims ure Jiye Whisky,
fall quarts 3 00
Monogram, Pure Eye "Wnisky, full
quarts 1 75
Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Eye "Whisky,
lull quarts 1 50
Gibson's, 1879, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts 2 00
Gibson's Pure Eye Whisky, full
(ju&ru ... 1 50
Guckenheimer Pure Bye Whisky, full
Guckenheimer Zxport,Pure Eye Whis
ky, full quarts 1 50
Moss Export, Pure Eye Whisky, Tnll
1879 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full
QUBrl8 a a a J X 2d
1880 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, fnll
quarts i.. ...... ... 100
For sale by G. W. Bchmldi, Kos. 95 and
97FifthaTe. . ",
A Large Bundle of It Sold Away
Under Exchange Quotations.
Electricity to Supply Oakland and Squirrel
Hill With Bapld Transit
One of the largest transactions in local
stocks of recent date has just been closed up.
J. B. Ford sold to C. B. McLain, President
of the Masonic Bank, 1,000 shares of Pitts
burg Plate Glass 'stock at (150 per share,
cash, a check for $150,000 being handed over
and delivered for the certificates.
More of it can be had at the same price.
This Is 37 points below Exchange quotations
yesterday, and is probably the fair value of t$e
" jf
The proposition to divide the Exchange sur
plus of 59,000 pro rata among the members was
nipped In the bud in the most summary manner
yesterday. President Arter called the meeting
to order and stated the question. It was imme
diately moved and seconded that the proposi
tion be laid on the table. This was carried
with only three votes In the negative. This was
instantly followed by a motion to adjourn,
which was carried by the same vote. '
The meeting was over in less than two min
utes o quickly, indeed, that it caused one to
wonder that if so soon done for what it was
begun for. The brevityof the meeting was like
the effort of the Western orator some years ago.
He said: "Mr. President, I rise to sit down."
He had forgotten what be wanted to say. The
surplus, therefore, remains In the treasury, to
be used as exigencies may require.
It was whispered about yesterday that the
much-talked-of "loup" which is to give Oak
land the benefit of rapid transit will be oper
ated by electricity and not by cable It is
understood that the contract for building it
has been let. It was farther whispered that
the "loup" will form a connecting link between
the Fifth avenue cable road and the proposed
electric road to Squirrel Hill, and will start
from about the corner of Sylvan avenue and
Boquet street and run out Into the Twenty
third ward, passing through the proposed
Schenley Park, and continuing along Green
field avenue
This will open up one of the largest tracts of
unimproved land within the corporate limits
of Pittsburg, and greatly facilitate the settle
ment of a district that is unrivaled in Its at
tractions and advantages for homes for the
Mount Washington and Allentown are set
tling up very fast. A large number of resi
dences are going up, and a score or two have
lately been completed and occupied. They
range in cost from 51,500 to 53,000. Good lots
within ten minutes of Smithfleld street are
offered as low as 5250. on easy payments. The
Allentown Electric Railroad Company is build
ing a branch to take in the Mount. The horse
car line has designs on the same territory.
The competition between them for right of way
is quite animated. The electric road people
will doubtless secure the plum. The new in
cline of the Castle Shannon Railroad will be
finished in 60 days. This will open another
avenue to the Mount and increase its desir
ability as a place of residence
Among its many attractions are pure air and
water, cleanliness and magnificent views of a
largo area of the surrounding country. On
one side the observer has a panoramic pros
pect of the entire valley in which Pittsburg is
situated; on the other his eye ranges over a
wide extent of green fields and tree-crowned
uplands, finally resting on the misty mountain
tops in Washington county. There are few
places so convenient to Pittsburg that possess
equal inducements to men of moderate means.
The sale of 2,000 tons of Bessemer Dig at 515 75
Is conclusive evidence there has beennoadvance
in prices in this market. Concerning the situa
tion and prospect, an iron broker said 'yester
day: "Prices, although without perceptible
change, are firmer than they were a week ago.
The practical settlement of the wage question
has bad a good effect. The demand for all de
scriptions of Iron is good, and is steadily in
creasing. Some think there will be no change
in prices, but I look for an advance. Stocks
are small. I think nearly all the mills will
soon complete repairs and start up with orders
enough to keep them running all through the
fall and winter."
He thought the result of the contest at Jones
& Laughlins' would settle the dispute over the
steel scale. Whatever was agreed upon there
would probably be accepted by the other firms.
While of the opinion that the 10 per cent ad
vance demanded by the men was unfair, as It
was easief to roll steel than iron, be was of the
opinion tne nrm would nnauy yield, as they
had some big orders that wouldn't keep.
" " a
Those who think that land is "dirt cheap" in
the far West are badly mistaken. A gentle
man told roe yesterday that a lot situated next
to a hotel in Manilou, Col., and having a front
age of 150 feet, recently sold for 55,000, or some
thing over 530 a foot Purchasers can do better
than this In some parts of Pittsburg.
Stock Brokers Rally Around the Board to
Kill Time.
The stock market was bead over heels in the
soup yesterday. La Noria and Philadelphia
Gas were the only securities that showed any
animation, and they were handled very spar
ingly. The total sales ot both were 225 shares.
Both were fractionally weaker, bur it was
noticeable that every attempt to depress La
Noria below a certain point was quickly met
by a counter movement. Weakness extended
to nearly everything on the list. This was
shown in the feeling rather more than In the
There-are plenty of orders abovo and below
the market, but very few at the market. From
this it Is evident that concessions must be made
to stimulate business. Bids, offers and sales
Hid. Asked.
460 ....
3 ....
Bid. Asked
PltU. Pet.S.AM.Kx
Herman Nat. Hank....
Marine Nat. Bank....
Enterprise Savings, A.
German Mat.Bk. All'y.
It E. I, and Trust Co.
Wort'mm's Bavlnrs..
Allegheny Gas Co., 111.
Pitts. Oas Co
Sonthslde Gas Co
Chanters Val. Oas Co.
Nat. Gas Co. of W. Va.
People's M. U. A P.Co.
Philadelphia Co
Wheeling Gas Co
Central Traction, -
CI tl tens' Traction.. ..
Plttsbnrg 'fraction
Pleasant Valley
P.'.&Conn'lsvllleK. K.
80 .
Sff z
atSt.L R. R...
W. K. K. CO.
P. & W. It. K. nref....
K.Y. & CGas Coal Co.
La Morla Mining Co...
btlrerton MlnlnirCo...
ankee Girl M'ng. Co.
estlnchonsc Electric
U. Switch & Signal Co.
U. 8. tblg. Co. pld...
Pitts. CycloramaCo...
Pllt,hr,.PItl, !!
Sales at the morning call were 25 shares of
Philadelphia Gas at 36 In the afternoon 200
shares of La Noria sold at IK.
Total sales of stocks at Mew York yesterday
were 217,334 shares, including: Atchison, 17,210;
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 8,750;
Lake Shore, 15,650: Missouri Pacific, 6.650;
Northwestern. 10,175; Northern Pacific pre
ferred. 6.KS; Reading, 17,610; St. Paul, 48,330;
Union Pacific, 6,970.
Local Financial Aflalra In Good Shape For
the Season,
There was nothing at the banks yesterday to
demand extended notice. Everything was re
ported comfortable and In good shape for the
season. Routine business was about np to the
average, with a moderate demand for dis
counts. A supply of currency had been received from
the EastjBufiicIent for all requirements, and ex
change was dull. July settlements were re
ported well under way. and so far entirely
satisfactory. The exchanges were 51,948,671 60
and the balances 5322.723 98.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at S$ per cent, closed offered at 8 per
cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4K6. Sterling
exchange more active and steady, at 488 for 60
day bills and 4S7J for demand.
Closing nonri Quotations,
TJ. S. 4s,reg
U. S. 4a. cojp ,
V. S. 4Xs,reg
U.K. AT. Gen. W . eH
Mutual Union 6s.... 1M
N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .113
Northern Pac.1sts..H7
Northern Pac. 2ds..U3 ,
Northw't'n consols. 146H
Northw'n deben's.-lHX
Orcron A Trans. 6s. 105
u. s. V43. coup.,
Of'95. IIS
Lonlilanastamned U.S9
Missouri 6s j. IOCS
lenn. new net. 6s 103
Tenn. new set. M....KES'
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 7W
St. I,. &I.M. Gen. U 86
St. I-AS.K Gen.M.117
Si. Panl consols ....12K
St.PL Chi APe.lsU.in
Tx., PC.L.G.TT Bl.89$;
Tx.,PcK.G.TT.Kcts MX
Canada bo. zus wa
Cen. PaclnAlsts ilt'A
Den. K. ., lsts,..120M
Den. A R. G. 4s 7H
D.4K.O.West,liU. 100,1
Krle. Ids 102
union rac. jsts...-"' .
West Shore MM
ai. a.ii'. uen. es.. ux,
6s.. 63U
Government and State bonds are firm and
Phtladelpiiia Clearings, 111,748,358.
Baltimore Clearings. 52,550,764; balances,
New YORK-Clearlngs, 5126,715,663; balances,
Boston Clearines. 515,698,152; balances,
52,078.038. Monoy 3)fi per cent.
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is
OT,000. The bullion in the Bank of England
decreased 726,000 during the past week. The
iroportion of the Bank of England'seserve to
lability is now. 39.05 per cent.
Paris Three per cent rentes 83f 35c for
the account. The weekly statement of the
Bank of Franc rhows an increase in gold of
22,950,000 francs gold, and a decrease of 3,600,
000 francs silver.
Chicago Money strong; on call, 56 per
cent; time loans, 5K7 per cent. Bank clear
ings; 510.134,000.
St. Louis Clearings, 53,411,156; balances,
New York. J uly 1L Stock Exchange Open
ing, 82ic: highest. 9c; lowest, 92c. clos
ing at ftiJic. Consolidated Exchange August
opened at 92Jc: highest, 92Jc; lowest, 92sC,
closing at 92Jic. No transactions in any other
option. Total sales, 865,000 barrels.
Petroleum Distressingly Doll, but the Bancs
orPrlces Higher.
Yesterday was another uneventful day at the
headquarters of the petroleum trade Busi
ness, however, was larger than on Wednesday,
when the clearings were 262,000 barrels, and the
range of prices was somewhat higher.
The opening price was 92. the highest 92,
the lowest 92, and the close 92 Several of the
operators expressed confidence in the success
of the new deal, and thought it would prove a
success if given a fairtriaL Others, however,
spoke in favor of its repeal.
One thing can be said without fear of con
tradictionthe condition of the market is not
satisfactory to either side; nor will it be so long
as the outside interest holds back. How to
interest It and bring it in is what Is bothering
the "boys."
The indications for the development of a
large oil field in West Virginia are very en
couraging. Several wealthy Pennsylvanians
and West Virginians have leased several thou
sands of acres of oil land on Buffalo creek, W.
Va. Very little territory that is considered
good remains unleased in that region, and it Is
expected that operations will soon commence
to develop It.
Features of the Unrket-
Corrected dally by John M. Oaxiey A Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange
Opened KX Lowest fOi
Blithest 92 I Closed ttH
Keflned, New Yore, 7.29c
Kefine London, 5Kd.
ReBned, Antwerp, VIVt.
Keflned. Liverpool, 6 3-163.
A. B. McGrew t Co. quote: Puts, 819
SIKc; calls, 92c.
Other Oil Markets.
TmrsYTLLE, Julv 1L National transit cer
tificates opened, 92c; highest, 92c; lowest,
92c: closed, 92c.
Bradford, July 1L National transit cer
tificates opened. 92c: highest. 92c; lowest,
92c; closed. V2c Clearances, 482,000 barrels.
Oil City, July 1L National transit cer
tificates opened at 92jc: highest, 92c; low.
est. 92c: closed. 92e Sales, 06,000 barrels;
clearances, 638,000 barrels; charters, 79,603 bar
rels; shipments, 108,779 barrels; runs, 67,191 bar
It Continues to Change Hands Sale In City
and Conntry.
J. R. Cooper & Co., 107 Fourth avenue, sold
lot No. 7 in the McNeil plan to James Duffy
for 5500, and placed a mortgage on Eleventh
ward property for 56,000 at 5 3-10 per cent.
Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to A. P. Stephenson lots Nos. 71 and 72 in the
Marion place plan, at Marion station, Balti
more and Ohio Railroad, for 5700.
Samuel W. Black 4 Co. sold to B. a
Schwartzwelder, for 5350, lot 25x150 feet, on
the east side of Jfannar street, Denny's
Twenty-eighth street plan. Thirteenth ward. '
James W. Drape A Co. placed a mortgage of
58,000. at 4 per cent, on a residence in the
Eat End.
Black 4 Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold
for Messrs. Preston & Humphreys to K. L.
Brown, a lot on Walllngford street, near
Neville, Shadyside, 60x180 feet, for 52,935.
The Lead Trust Gives War nnd Give Stocks
a Slliht Shock A Good Rallr at the
Close Rumors of a Glsjantlc
Railroad Combine.
New Yore, July It The stock market was
quiet to-day, but decidedly strong almost
throuebout, and except the bad break in the
Lead Trust there was no setback of importance;
everything traded in closing materially higher
than last evening. The London prices this,
morning were again materially higher than our
figures of last evening, and the advices from
that center led to tbelmpression that there was
some news afloat In London of a favorable na
ture in regard to the pending railroad nego
tiations. There was some buying for foreign
account, and other outside Interests were pur
chasers during the day, Chicago being espe
cially conspicuous.
There were rumors again of a gigantic rail
road trust to be formed in the West and it took
a somewhat more plausible form than the
previous stories in that connection, and before
the opening of the market induced a more bull
ish feeling than had obtained yesterday, which
resulted in a decidedly strong opening with an
active business. The opening gains extended
to J per cent and in the first half hour's trad
ing further gains of from Yto. per cent were
scored in tho general .list, while Sugar Trust
and the Chesapeake and Ohio stocks moved up
over 1 per cent each. At the high figures there
was a disposition manifested amongthesmaller
traders to take profits, and as the demand fell
away prices receded, but afterward moved up
, Toward noon the market received a shaking
up from the sudden activity and rapid decline
in National Lead Trust, which responded to
the stories of a further capitalization of the
trust, and it fell away over 2 per cent, while the
stock changed bands in large blocks. The ru
mors were promptly contradicted, however, and
the slump was soon over, the stock rallying over
1 per cent. In the meantime the advices from
the West and the meeting of the trunk officials
were such as to again stimulate the bullish
feeling, and on the rebound the stocks of the
regular list were carried un to the highest
point of the day. The news that something was
really being done to bring the Burlington and
Northern to terms was most powerful in bring
ing about this result.
There were the usual realizations in the last
hour, and the market saggedaway slightly from
the best prices, but there was no weakness any
where in the list, and the close, while quiet to
dull, was still firm to strong at but a shade un
der the highest figures of the day. As was to
be expected, the Grangers were the leaders in
the last rise, but were joined by Lake Shore
Everything on the active list is higher, and
Chesapeake and Ohio first preferred rose 1J,
Lase ouore anu nc i-aui iys eacn, Turlington
and Union Pacific i each. New England and
St. Paul preferred each. Northwestern,
Canada Southern, Missouri Pacific, Northern
Pacific preferred and Southern Pacific lner
cent each, and others fractional amounts. Na
tional Lead U .down 1 but it is the only de
cline. Railroad bonds were more widely traded In,
and the aggregate dealings were materially
larger than usual of late
The following table showstbe prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange
Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit
ney de Stephenson, members of New York.
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
Hlgh- Low- tag
est. est. Bids.
m it vm
40)4 U S9
64)4 HjJ M
114)2 HIM ni
20)4 20)4 20),
101), - tii 101)4
70 68), 70
109X 10 106M
ih'h luTJi 108V
to" esji 70
.. .... sow
u is hh
145V 1X MM,
146?, Its 1S)
Am. Cotton OH S6H
AtCh lop. A B. V.... S9H
Canada Southern u
Central orNew Jersey. 114
Central Pacific
CbetaoeakeA Ohio.... 20)4
C, Bar. garner.. ...lOOfc
C Mil. A St. Paul.... 68-bl
C MU.ASt, p., pr,...los
C, KocaL AP wx
C. 9t. P..M. AO a
C st. P..M. ao.. pr. ....
C. A Northwestern. ... 107 4
C A Northwestern, pr. ....
C. C. C Al 70X
Col. Coat A Iron....,
Col. A BocklBK Val ., IS ,
Uel.. L. AW lsy
Del. A Hudson us
Denver A 10 U ,-...
DenvSrABloG.. pr... 46K
E. T., Va. AUa ltK
E.T..Va,.AGa.lst pr. .. .
E. T.. Va. AGa. Zdpf. S
Illinois OenunL 11JH
Lake Krio A Western.. 17
Lake Ele A West. pr.. Wt
Lake Shore A M.- 8.. ...103
Louisville A Nashville. 69J,
Michigan r-entrai MM'
Mobile A Ohio
Mo., X. ATexas
Mlisonti Paeltle 69
. N ew York Central 106
N. V.. C. A St. L IU4
N. ., C. A St. L. pr.
N.Y.. a ABt.L.Sd of .. .
n. v.. o. a w nx
Norfolk Western
Norfolk A Western, pf. MV
Northern Pacific...... 274
Nortnern Pacific nrer. M!
OhloA Mississippi..... 21
Oregon Improvement. .. .
Orecon Transcon 33)4
Pacific Mall kw
Peo. Dec. A Evans 22
Phlladel. A Beading.. ,H
Pullman Palace Car.
Richmond A W. P. 1.. 23
St. L. A San Fran .
St. L. A San irran pf.. 57
St.L. A Han P. 1st pf.. ...
Texas Paclfio Hf
Union Pacific M
Wabasn 154
Wabash pnrerred 29
Western Onion S5V
Whrtlinc A L. 6S
Burar Trnst IIS
National Lead Trust.. 31J4
Chicago Gas Trnst sax
ii4 nag
17 17
69, Wh
wa m)i
69l tO'A
89H S9
69K 69H
10SS 106
ivk "Ji
iov bom
27K 27i
64!? 64W
22H 2lS
3H 33!,
32! 32
22 2IK
47 46
23X 23
si" si"
iili i
MX . 7S
29K 29),
S3 S3),
69 69
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing qnotatlons or Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. If o. 67
fourth avenue Members New York Block Ex--chanfe
um. Asked
Pennsylvania Railroad
23 4-16
LehlKh Valley 33
Lenigh Jtavlratlon st
Northern Pacific Z7H
Northern Pacific preferred MX
Boston Stocks.
Old Colony. 174
Kntland preferred.. 39
Wla.centrat.com... 23)4
Wis. Central pt... 60
AllouezalkCo(new). 70
Calamet A Hecla....207
Huron s
Osceola. 8)4
Pewable (new) 2
Qnlney 50
Bell Telephone 231
Boston Land 6)4
Water Power 6
Tamarack 93)4
San Diego zs
Mlnlnsj Stocks.
NxwYoiuc July 11. Amador. 100: Caledonia
B. H., 295; Chollar, 150; Crown Point, 200; Con
solidated California and Virginia, 170; Dunkln,
100; Veadwood. 140: Eureka Consolidated, 175;
El Cristo, 125"; Gould and Curry, 175; Hale &
Norcross, 285; Homestake 850: Iron Silver,
170; Mexican. 270: Mutual. 140; Ophir. 425;
Savage, l&O: Union Consolidated, 290; Sierra
Nevada, 220; Yellow Jacket, 275.
The Amerlcns Clnb and Railroad Men Still
Helping Sufferer.
Yesterday the Amerlcus Republican Clnb
made another shipment of goods to the suffer
ers at Johnstown. . On Tuesday Captain A. J.
Lyon and Mr. J. D. Littell were sent up as a
committee to investigate. After looking over
the ground and visiting a number of houses,
they decided to send up household furniture.
The shipment last night consisted of 35 bed
steads, 35 tables, 12 dozen chairs. 35 mattresses.
35 spring beds, 70 pillows, 70 sheets, 70 pillow
slips, 4 dozen tubs. 3 dozen wash boilers, 5 dozen
tin buckets, 2 dozen wash boilers, 3 dozen
brooms and 3 dozen scrubbing brushes.
The goods are Intended for 35 families. Tbey
were sent to Alexander Wilson, of Morrcll
ville, who will attend to the distribution.
Treasurer Thompson, received $3,342 93 for
the Johnstown fund yesterday from the follow
ing contributors: Citizens of ML Chestnut,
Pa., 10; Trinity Lutheran Bible class of Alle
gheny, 1; cash, 11: Steffen Bazllla, Trotter, Pa.,
Jl: citizens of Owosso, Mich., additional $3;
Ray Allen. Alden, N. Y., S5: collected by Com
mercial Gazette, additional, J4S4 43; proceeds
of sale of 1.600 barrels ot flour contributed by
Minneapolis. 17.837 50.
The total to date is J7B2.156 63.
The employes of the Pennsylvania road have
contributed about 120,000 for Use benefit of
their fellows who suffered losses In the Cone
maugh Valley. General Manager McCrea
Issued a circular to bis men, calling attention
to what had been done and asking them if they
desired to contribute. The funds are placed In
the hands of Superintendent Pitcalrn.
Father Sheedy has sent $2,000 this week to
President Day, of the Total Abstinence Society
of Johnstown, to be distributed as Mr. Day
thinks best. The money was contributed by
the Total Abstinence Society of which Father
Sheedy is Vice President.
BInJer Krrett'a Illness.
Major Joseph T. Speer, who has been at Ber
lin, has gone to the aid of Hon. Russell Errett,
who is at Frankfort-on-the-Maln suffering from
a second paralytic stroke within, six months,
and W. R. Errett, Esq., a son.Ieaves for Europe
to-morrow. Mr. James S. McKean thinks Mr.
Errett is not any worse or he (McKean) would
have received another cablegram.
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
far Ready Reading.
The Erie road will meet the B. & O. cut in
grain rates from Chicago to-day.
Twenty-nine glass firms are represented at
the semi-annual exposition at the Monongahelar
The first excursion of the season to Atlantic
City and Cape May, on the Pennsylvania road,
was run yesterday.
Lucr McQall charges Emma Punt! before
Alderman Bell with selling liquor without li
cense at No. 75 Center avenue Emma will
have a hearing to-day.
Mbs. Kate McOeary, one the principals in
the celebrated McOear will case, had William
O. Robinson arrested yesterday on a charge of
disorderly conduct. Mayor Pearson fined the
man (25 and costs.
Street Commissioner Modx, of Allegheny,
yesterday brought suit against Captain James
Boyd, of No. 19 Union avenue for not comply
ing with the ordinance compelling him to make
sewer connections.
Thomas Jones, city editor of the Harrisburg
Telegrapti, shook hands with his many friends
In Pittsburg yesterday. He has just returned
from the annual outing of the State Editorial
Association, of which be is one of the officers.
A t-iece of cornice fell from the bouse of Mr.
and Mrs. Hardy, on Independence street,South
side, night before last, striking a 6-montb-old
infant, which was in Mrs. Hardy's arms, and in
jured it so badly that It is not expected to re
cover. Henrt K. Wheeler, Supreme President
of the Order of Tontf in Philadelphia, has
Issued a circular, assuring members of the
order that it is sound financially and has lost
nothing except what was taken by the late
8upreme Treasurer.
Adam Cuthuebt, a baggage master on the
Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston Railroad,
died at tbe West Penn Hospital yesterday, the
result of a fall from' a car at Ormsby station.
Cuthbert was 34 years old, and leaves a wife and
two children on flit. Washington.
The contract for the building of the new
Castle Shannon incline plane has been awarded
and the plane is expected to be comnleted by
October. The cost will be 1150.000; 90,000 for
work on tbe river side of the bill, JW.OOO for tbe
other side, and 20.000 for tbe right of way.
Charles Lweqbover, shot by Jack Hur
ley, at McQuiston's boarding house, Wilkins
burg. on Wednesday nfbrning. was still living
last evening, but tbe wound showed symptoms
of inflammation, and the case was considered
critical. Hurley was still in jail awaiting the
Lawrence O'Toole who was "done np" by
Italians at Cork's Run on Wednesday, Is badly
injured, but not fatally. Magistrate Brokaw
committed Dorats Migsand Frank Kill, said to
De two or tne assaulting party, lor a hearing on
tbe 18th inst., O'Toole not being able to appear
against them.
The Ft. Wayne shops of the Pennsylvania
Company are building 100 dairy refrigerator
cars, 33 for the Jefferson, Madison and Indian
apolis Railway, and 67 for the Chicago, St.
LouU and Pittsburg Railway. Tbe cars are to
be used in shipping vegetables from St. Louis
and Louisville to the East.
Glenwood Is enjoying revival, street
grades being fixed, boardwalks made, lots sell
ing and people building bouses and more pre
paring to do so. Tbe Baltimore and Ohio and
the new electric railway will afford facilities
for reaching the place at pleasure, and this
fact adds much to the inducements offered by
pleasant location.
Captain Fbed Freeland, of Allegheny,
went to Canton, O., the other day, to get the
body of Engineer Rlssell, who was killed at
Akron. A woman had taken the body to New
ton, claiming that tbe deceased was her hus
band, and though she admitted that she bad no
marriage certificate, Freeland was forced to
leave the body. Rlssell's family deny that tbe
woman had any connection with the deceased.
A. C. Rowans, President of the East End
Electric Light Company, came near being
killed In a runaway night before last. In turn
ing off the track on Shady avenue bridge tbe
carriage wheel slipped into the eable slot and
tbe horses took fright. Tbe double tree gave
way and: Mr. Rowand was drawn over the
dashboard and dragged for some distance The
horses were captured on Penn avenue by a
small boy.
Plait's Chlorides is the cheapest disinfect
ant Its germ-destroying power Is wonderful.
Too-Hachnesar the Weak Factor of
Fruit andTTegetable Trade.
Spot Grain StroBg, Futures Weak Wheat
and Flour Steady.
office or PrrrsBUBO Dispatch, l
Thursday. July 11. 1889.
Country Produce Jobblnsr Prices.
Creamery butter was reduced c at Elgin on
Monday, a drop' of 1c In the past week. The
cash customer will have little trouble getting
the best creamery going at 18c in job lota.
Eggs are flnnat quotations. Cheese is un
changed, with active demand. Whortleberries
and blackberries are in full supply, with droop
ing tendencies. The same is true of apples and'
melons. A good week's trade Is reported by
produce men, but the abundance of all kinds of
stuff forces prices to such figures that margins
of profit are well nigh wiped out. The amount
of stuff handled, by commission men is large,
but producers receive little for their work and
time In alL lines of country produce supplies
are more than ample for all demands. The
weak point of markets, this year an last. Is too
muchness of everything in tbe line of fruits
and vegetables.
Bctteb Creamery, Elgin, 1819c; Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; country
rolls. lOffllic
Beans-U 751 90.
Beeswax 2830c $1 & for choice; lowgrade,
1820c- ,
Cider Sand refined, $6 607 60; common,
S3 604 00; crab' cider. $8 00&S 60 fl barrel;
cider vinegar, J012o fl gallon.
CHEESE Ohio cheese, 8c; New York, 10
lOKc; Limburger, &9c: domestic Sweitzer
cheese, 9K12Kc; imported Sweitzer, 22c.
California Fruits California peaches,
$4 0004 &0f1 box; cherries, (3 00; apricots, H 00
4 SO: plums; 4 0034 60
Eoos 15K16o dozen for strictly fresh;
goose eggs, SOc V dozen.
Fruits Apples,' 12 003 00 fl barrel; pine
apples, tl 00I 26 IP dozen; red raspberries, 100
12c a quart; black raspberries, 68c a quart;
whortleberries, 73cU 00 a pail; blackberries,
538c Vt quart; wild goose plums, (2 60 a crate:
currants, $5 a 2-busnel stand; watermelons,
32025 per hundred. ,
Ikathers Extra live geese, 5060c;No.L
do. 4043c; mixed lots, 30035c ft ft.
New Potatoes tl 25431 60 a barrel.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c ) ft; drawn, 14
15c 1 ft. , .
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lbs to bushel, $5 60
ft bushel: clover, large English, 62 Us. t6 00;
clover. Alls ke, $8 60; clover, white 9 00; timo
thy, choice, 46 tts, tl 65; biue grass, extra
clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 As, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts. tI65;red top, 14 &S.S125;
millet, 60 fts, tl 00: German millet, 60 fts,
tl 60; Hungarian grass. 60 lbs, $1 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, 12 60 per bushel
Tallow Country, 4Joc; city rendered, S
Tbofical Fbutts Lemons, fancy, $4 50
6 60 V box: Messina oranges. $5 005 60 H box;
rodl, 3 754 50; California oranges, 4 504 75 ft
box; bananas. t3 00. firsts; t2 00, good seconds,
?4 bunch; cocoannts, S4 CO4 50 Vt hundred;
new figs, 8JJ690 pound; dates, oa 6c J)
Vegetables Tomatoes, Mississippi!, four
basket cases.tl 651 7S: beans, round wax fancy,
t2 60 a crate; beans, round wax medium, 52 00
a crate: beans, round green, 12 2&2 60: new
beets, 2025c V dozen; cucumbers, 75cSl 00
W bushel box; radishes, large white and gray,
S0Q36O dozen; cabbage, two-barrel crates,
Louisville and St. Louis, tl 60Q2 00; Eastern,
single-barrel crates, tl 001 25; new celery, 50
60o a dozen.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 21022c; choice
Rio, 1820c; prime Rio, 18c; fair Rio, 1718c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 2728c; Santos, 1922Kc; Caracas
coffee, 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
guavra, 21(s22c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brand3,21c;
high grades, 2325c; old Government Java,
hulk. 3030c; Maracaibo, 2626c; Santos,
19K21Kc; peaberry,24c;peaberry,cholce ri0
23c; prime Rid, 2D$; good Rio, 20c; ordinary,
19Jc. i "
Spices (whole) Cloves, 21Q25c: allspice. Be;
cassia, 839c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c
PETROLEtJJC (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio. 120. 8Ke; headlight, 1P, 8Jc; water
white, 10ct globe, 12c; elaine. 15c; carnadine,
HKc; royaire,T4tr"
SybupS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, ooiaooc; prime sugar syrup, jsutssic;
strictly prime, 834335c: new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium. 43c: mixed, 40g42c
Soda Bl-carbin kegs, 34c; bi-carb in Jfa,
6c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearineper
set, 8c; parafflne, ll12c.
Rice Head. Carolina, 77K choice, 6V
7c; prime 6Vc: Louisiana, 64f6Ke
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 6X7c: gloss
starch, 5Kffi7c. ,
Foreign Fanrrs Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, J3 10; California London layers, tl 60;
Muscatels, 52 26; California Muscatels, tl 85;
Valencla,new. d7c; Ocdara Valencia, 7VQ8c;
sultana, 8Kc; currants, new,4J5c; Turkey
S runes, new, 43f5c; French prunes, 8K13c;
alonica prnnes.ln 2-ft packages. 8c; cocoanuts,
?er 100, 56 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c: do
vica, 19c; do shelled. 40c; walnuts, nap., 12K
15c: Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 12lbc:
new dates, 6CS6c: Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans,
Il15c: citron, per ft, 21022c; lemon peel, per ft,
13014c: orange peel, UHc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 6c
apples, evaporated. 6K6c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1518c: peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches. California, evaporated,
unpaired, IOQlSKc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries; unpitted. 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 244J24fec: 'Dlackberries, 7K8c: huckle
cerries. 1012c
Suoabs Cubes, 10K10Kc; powdered, 104
standard A, 9Kc; soft whites, 99Vc: yellow,
choloe, 4e9Hc: yellow, good. 8!c;yellow,
fair. SJfo yellow, dark. 7c.
Pickles Medium, bbts (1,200), S4 50; medi
ums, nan uuis uw)iW6 to.
Salt-Noj 1, Tfi bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. bbl, tl 05;
dairy, fl bbl, tl !):. coarse crystal, W bbl, tl 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, t2 80; Higgtns'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets. 53 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, tl 300
1 90; 2ds. tl 3001 35; extra peaches, tl 5001 90;
pis peaches, 90c: finest corn, Jlgl 60; Hf d. Co.
corn, 70390c; red cherries, 90ctl: Lima beans,
tl 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do) 75S5c; mar
rowfat peas, tl 10I 15: soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, tl 40l 60: Bahama do, 52 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, tl 25; egg plums,
52; California pears. 52 oO; do greengages, 52; do
egg plums, 52; extra white cherries, 2 90; red
cherries, 2 lbs. SOo; raspberries, tl 401 60;
strawberries, tl 10;. gooseberries, tl 301 40;
tomatoes, 8292c: salmon, 1-ft, tl 75 2 10;
blackberrief , 80c; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked.
99c; do green, 2 fts. tl 251 50; com beef. 2-ft
cans, tl 75: 14-ft cans, 513 60; baked beans, tl 45
1 60; lobster, 1 ft, tl 751 SO; mackerel. 1-ft
cans, broiled, tl 60: sardines, domestics, Js,
14 1&4 50: sardines, domestic lis, 58 258 60;
sardines, imported, Us, til 6012 60; sardines,
lmported,Ks,?lS;sardlnes,mustard, H; sardines,
spiced, H 2a. ,
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 536 w
bbl.; extra No. 1 do. mess. 540: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 532: extra No. 1 do, messed,
536; No. 2 shore mackerel. 524. Codfish Whole
4. 6071
Round shore. 55 00 W bbl: snlit. S7 00: lake.
12 60 V 100-ft. half bbl. White fish, 57 00 100
&. half bbl. Lake trout. 15 50 W half bbl.
Rinnan haddock, 10c y? ft. Iceland halibut. 13c
jd. jricKerei, oarrei, k w: Darrei. si iu:
Potomac herring, 55 CO barrel, t2 50f
Buckwheat Flour 22Jc m ft.
Oatmeal-56 S0436- CO bbl.
Miners' Oil No, 1 winter strained, 6843600
ip gallon. Lard oil. 75c
Grata, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 34 care By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 10 cars of oats, 1 of bran, 4 of hay, 1 of
flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis,
4 cars of oats, 3 of hay,' 1 of corn. By Pittsburg
and Lake Erie, 2 cars Of wheat, 3 of rye, 6 of
flour. Sales on calf, 1 car'No. 2y. e corn, 43c,
10 days. Pennsylvania lines; 1 car extra No. 3 w.
oats, Pennsylvania lines, 33c; 1 car No. 2 w.
oats, July delivery, 33c, Pennsylvania lines.
Demand for spot grain is strong. Futures are
weak. Oats are scarce and firm. Choice bay
is steady, notwithstanding good pasturage
Wheat and flour are strong at quotations.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 9293c;
No. 3 red, 87688a '
Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 4646c; high mixed
ear. 45453c; No. 2 yellow, shelled 4243c:
high mixed, shelled, 4042c; mixed shelled,
40041 e
Oats No. 2 white, 8434Kc; extra. No. 3,
8333Kc: No. 8 white, 3031c; No. 2 mixed
oats, 2828I'c.
Rye No. l Pennsylvania and Ohio, 61052c;
No. 1 Western, 48846c.
Floub Jobbing prices Fanev winter and
spring patents, 56 7598 23: winter straight.
to 0085 25: clear winter, 54 755 00; straight
XXXX bakers', 542504 00, Rye flour, 58 60
Mtllfexd Middlings, fine white, tI5 000
15 60 fl ton; brown Siddllngi, ID. 60012 :
a - ni:-
winter wheat bran, 512 2S012 60: chop feed,
fI6 00016 GO.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. 514 00; No. 1
do. t!3 00313 50:. No. 2 do. tU 60012 50; loose,
from wagon, 514 00015 00; No. 1 upland prairie
tlO 50011 00; No. 2. 57 508 00; packing do, 55 50
Straw Oats, 57 50; wheat and rye straw
17 0007 6008 00.
" Provisions.
Sugar-cured hams, large, HKc: sugar-cured
hams, medium. 12c; sugar-cured hams; small,
12J4c: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders. 7K sugar-cured boneless
shoulders. 9c: sugar-cured California hams,
84e; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9Jc; sugar
cured dried beef sets. 10c: sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. 12Xc; bacon shoulders. 7c; bacon
clear sides. 8c:"bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry
salt shoulders. 6Kc; dry salt clear sides. TKc.
Mess pork, heavy, 514 00; mess pork, family,
tit 60. Lard Refined in tierces. 6ej half
barrels. 7c: 60-ft tube 7Sc: 20-ft palls, 7Jc: 50
ft tin cans, 6c: 3-ft tin palls. 7c; 5-ft tin pails,
7c; 10-ft tin pails. TKc Smoked sansage,long,
6c: large,15c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless
ham, 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, 53 60; quarter
barrel, 52 00.
Dressed Meat
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 460 to 650 lbs,
5Xc;550 to 650 fts, 6Vc: 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep.
8c V ft. Lambs, 10c ? ft. Hogs, CJc. Fresh
pork loins. 8Kc r
Edison's patent for incandescent lighting
In Canada was canceled some time ago on the
ground of failure to manufacture the articles in
the Dominion. The Inventor has given notice
of appeal from tbe decision on the ground that
tbe Commissioner of Patents had no authority
to try tbe case
The' Grand Lodge of Benevolent and Pro
tective Order or Elks concluded their session
at New York yesterday. The business done
was the reception of reports of various com
mittees and the Installation of its officers
elected yesterday. The convention adjourned
to meet next year in Cleveland.
The acting secretary of tbe Illinois State
Board of Health was notified yesterday bv A.
J. Crewe President of tbe Town Board of New
Canton, Pike county, that a disease resembling
dysentery has been prevalent there the last
two weeks and has now become epidemic, re
sulting in great fatality among children. Seven
deaths are already reported and a large num
ber are in a dangerous state. Tbe board will
make an Investigation into the matter at once
George Whitmore, of Rochester, N. Y.,
has complainedto the police that be was robbed
of 51,075 by Ada Knapp, also of Rochester.
Tbe parties were to have been married at Bof-
laio. wmimore naa urawn si.iuu trom the
bank.and on tbe way to Buffalo Ada persuaded
btmtolether have all but 525 of the money,
which he did. They were accompanied by two
mutual friends, named William Wolfe and
Charles Boyle Whitmore went to get a min
ister to tie tho knot, when Ada skipped with
Wolfe and Boyle, taking the cash with her.
The Mavor of Cincinnati has directed tha
police to enforce the law against performing
common labor on Sunday by arresting all gro
cers, tobacconists, ice cream and soda water
stand proprietors, barbers, etc. The order does
not contemplate Interference with street car
drivers, nor newspaper work, as the Mayor re
gards these as works of necessity. This action
is taken at the request of an organization
which is hostile to the movement which has
caused the closing of saloons on Sunday, and is
thought to be In tbe Interest of a repeal of tbe
Sunday laws.
Some days ago the State officials of New
Jersey notified Secretary Rusk of their Inten
tion to raise the quarantine against pleuro
pneumonia. To this tbe Secretary has made a
vigorous protest, appealing to the State officials
to aid the department in protecting tbe export
cattle trade of tbe country against the ravages
of tbe disease, which is now confined to the
territory in the immediate vicinity of Jersey
City. In case tbe local quarantine is raised,
however, the Secretary gives notice that be
will at once establish and enforce national regu
lations to effect the desired end.
A case that is likely to bring out a lively
contest arose yesterday when constables at
Des Moines, Iowa, seized a carload of beer con
signed from Qnincy, Bl., to Fremont, Neb. The
car was brought by tbe Chicago, Burlington
and Qnincy road and switched off with tbe ex
planation that it was to be sent on to Nebraska
over tbe Northwestern road. The local con
stables were suspicious that it was to be un
loaded, and so swore out a warrant and seized
the car in the face of tbe waybill, which
showed that It was destined for another State.
The great strike of the miners in tbe Braid
wood, lib. region is about to be broken. The
Sheriff has been called upon to protect some 75
miners who have affixed their names to an
agreement to resume work at tbe Godley mine
of the Chicago, Wilmington and Vermilion Coal
Company, at the prices set by the operators. 85
cents per ton. The Sheriff summoned a posse
ot 25 deputies and left for Godley, all being
armed with rifles, which had been forwarded
by the Governor. Tnls first break in the ranks
of tbe miners does not meet witb approval
among the majority of the Godley miners, and
trouble is feared when the signers attempt to
enter the mine
Metal Markets.
New York Copper dull and steady: lake,
July, til 85. Lead unchanged; domestic, $3 87.
Tin quiet and irregular; Straits, 519 65.
Wool Market.
ST. Loins Receipts, 225,377 pounds; market
quiet but steady; choice bright wools In good
inquiry and light receipt.
Smoke the best. La Perla del Eumar
clear Havana Key West cigars. Sold 3 for
25c by G. W. Schmidt, N"os. 95 and 97 Filth
When baby was sick, We gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children,she gave them Castorla
R. G. Dun & Co.,
Germanla Bank Building. 423 Wood street, cor
ner of Diamond, Pittsburg, Pa.
This establishment supplies all necessary
information as to the standing, responsibility,
etc, of business men throughout North Amer
ica. It is the oldest and by far the most com
plete and extensive system ever organized for
the accommodation of Banking and Mercantile
Interests and the General Promotion and Pro
tection of Trade
Debts Collected and Legal Business Attended
to throughout the North American Continent.
a a
Chartiers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 1424.
Factories throughout Western
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
MONEY TO LOAN -uortgages
on Improved real estate la sums
of (1,060 and upward. Applv at
ah4-3t.. . , No. 134 Fourth aTftaa.
tor. Wood and Liberty Sts..
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see ua,
Transact a General BanMi Business..
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits, .
Available In all pat ts of the world. Also Issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
This is now conceded to be the best in the
market, u witnessed bv tbe fact that we have
just secured the DIPLOMA FOR EXCEL
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, now be
ing held in Philadelphia.
And with the bright appetizing flavor ot fresh
ly roasted beef.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
514-515 Hamilton Building.
Pittsburc Pa.
As old residents know and back tiles of Pitts
burg papers prove. Is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
M C D fl 1 1 C and mental diseases, physical
1 1 L. n V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and bone, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,bashf ulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions, im
poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 Ql ft Any kidney and bladder oerange
U It 1 1 1 rt n I meats, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's Ufe-lorg, extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable, treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated .
as if here. Office hours 9 A.M. tohr. M. Sun-,
day, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER,
814Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
sa7Trvtmsi op
A Scientific and B tandard Popular Medical Treatise oa
the Errors or X ou th, rremature uecune, n ervous
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance. Excesses or
Orertaxatlon.EnervattngaDd unfitting tbe victim,
for Work, Business, the Marked or Social Relation
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8ro. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1.00 by
mall, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Tho
distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker. M. D., re
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physldans may be consulted, confi
dentially, by mall or In person, at the office of
No. 4 Bnlflnch St., Boston. Mass., to whom all
orders for books or letters for advice should be
directed as above,
t Jalo-Tuvsuwk
io3fi'S Oottoax Boot
iposed of Cotton Root. Tansr and '
Pennyroyal a recent discovery bv an
bid physician. Is fuecarfullu it Med
monttUuSale. Effectual. Price SL by mall,
sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's.
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute.
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fl&oer'
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit. Mlcb v
lRW luss ui- MtMOHY.
f mi particulars in pamphlet
u .tec. Alio Kcanius ursv'S
"-s ' - on receipt or nrlce. bv address
Sold In Pittsburg byS. S. HOLLAND, corner
Smithfleld and Liberty sts. apI2-&3
SPECIALISTS In all cases re ,
a airing scientific and conflden-v
al treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. 8., is the oldest and ,
most experienced specialist in
tbe city. Consultation free and
strictly confldentiaL Office
hours to 4 and 7 to 8P.M.J Sundays. 2 to 4 P.
m. Consult them personally, orwrite. Doctors
Lake. 000 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa, L
Bed Cross Diamond Brand.
Th. ml, KlUM. BUI tor nto. gaffe ul
nrc. Ladles, uk Drajcxlst tar U. BU. i
Mend Brand, I 14 wtUI , stalal
wtthtalMrtbtea- T&kanaathen Scad4c.
llll. 1I.IMI -
r.tamn.1 Ifar n.rtl.mlsr tdd Mlull.f Iat
-""( Ladle,' Utur, j mall. l-mwt Ptim.
Olehester Cmesalcal Ca, Madlaam 8 PalU4a, Psv
A SUFFEREB &&. Zt4 '
weakness, lost Tlsror, etc.. ws restored to healtb
in such a remarkable mannerafter all else had
failed that he will send the mode of cure i"KEE to
all fellow sufferers. Address L.G MITCHELL.
Asstnaao.m, tvna utl-4i-jjsbW , t
xiM-Ui Brrmnvcrra oi" -t.t-h-t
l s L
M iH
" i if