3 r B8?BBMBBWffviPHiBB lssssssCsssfsWsrTimssss i trwffiP''ffjTvrT' w,awr BRtWf f1'"' " Tjaf : -. - "" I ' . v ' .X ,r LOCAL LITE STOCK. The Enn of Cattle at Liberty Only Half That of Last Week. i SMOOTH LIGHT BEEVES ADVAKCED. 1 i HeaTy Weights Drag-Sheep and Lambs Scarce and Higher. EDS OP HOGS LIGHT, DE3IASD ACTIVE OFFICE OF PlTTSBUnO DlSrATCII, I Wednesday. July 10. 18S9. J The supply of cattle this week was little above one-half that of last week. Keceipts on Monday were CO cars, to which about 4 loads have been added since. Receipts last week were close to 120 car loads.- In the supplies of this week were an unusually large number of prime heavy-weight cattle. One load received averaged 1,738 pounds, and a number of others ranged from 1.400 to 1,600. For a number of months past shippers of heavy-weight cattle have given the Liberty yards the go-by, as demand for this grade has been light. A large proportion of the heavy cattle re ceived this week were from Licking county, Ohio, the county of which Newark is tho seat. Said a leading stockman: "It has been a long time since wo have had a run of cat tle as high in quality as we had this week. The trouble with markets is that heavyweights are not in demand here." This grade was slow atr last week's prices. Light, smooth cattle, not weighing much above 1.300 pounds, were 10 to 20c higher than a week ago. and a few very choice ones brought as much as 80c more. . .. Retailers complain that this has been the worst week or the year for them, said a lead ing retailers"! have not seen, as doll a Tuesaay these many months as jesterday. The ex tremely hot weather bas evidently very much curtailed the consumption of meat. Unless we have a light run of cattle next week markets will be demoralized. The salvation of trade this week has been the scarcity of such stock as our market calls for. If we had had a rue this week equal to last the bottom would have dropped oui of trade." The outside price paid for prime heavy weight steers, welching from L7(X) to 1,750, was U 40. The range of 1,400 to 1,000 pound cattle was 84 20 to S4 35. These heavyweichts were mostly bought for New York, ana markets nere well cleaned up this morning. febeep and Lambs. A choice article was strong at last week's prices. A few very choice wethers sold at So 20, which was the best price reached for a long time past. The general range was $4 50 to $5 for wethers weighing from 83 to 100 pounds. Good spring lambs were not in sufficient supply for the demands of the trade. The run of sheep and lambs was light for the week and everything of good quality I oundveady sale at the outside market prices. Said a leading dealer: "Old corn fed sheep are now pretty much out of the market. Last ear everybody who raised sheep wanted to get rid of them as quickly as possible, because of the low price ot wook Now since wool has ad vanced and sheep arc relatively better stock to hold than cattle, there is a general disposition on the part of farmers to hold back their sheep. TtiR is the reason for short snpolics of late and not as many held because of any scarcity throughout the country. The advance In wool adds 60c to the value of every head of sbeep, and as feed is cheap and plenty, thrifty farmers are shrewd enough to keep stock out of market at present." IlOEK. The run was light and demand good for light weights. Heay hogs, weighin? from 275 to 825 pounds, are no longer wanted at Liberty yaids, and can only be disposed of by liberal concessions. The best prico that could be ob tained for extreme heavy-weight hogs was $4 15 &l 40. Medium heavy hogs sold at a range of 14 4C4 5a Yorkers and light weights, M U5 4 SO. Tbe outside price of light packing hogs at Chicago to-day is 4 00 with a firm tone to mar kets, bald a leading Liberty dealer to-day: "I wish the shippers to this market could get to understand that there is a very poor aenund here this season for heavy-weight bogs. Light weicbis are easy enough to sell, but heavy it eights are a drug all the time." aicCall & Co.' Review. The supply of cattle was light and the mar ket active and 15 to 25c per cwt, higher on common to medium grades, while good heavy was vcy dull at last week's prices. We give the following as ruling prices: Prime, 1,300 to 1,600 its, U 004 25; good. 1,200 to 1,400 Its, S3 90 64 00; rough fat, 1.100 to 1.300 Its. $3 503 75; cood butcher grades, WX) to 1.100 lbs, $3 25 63 75; common to fair, 800 to 1,010 Us, S3 00 J 40: bulls and fat cows. SI fi02 75: fresh cows and springers, S20 00Q40 00 per bead. The receipts of hogs were light and the mar ketactive on light and slowon heavy. We quote: Ileavv. 84 S0g4 CO; Yorkers, 84 7U4 80; roughs, $2 7563 50. The supply of sheep this week has been light and the market active at an advance of 10015c over last week's prices. We quote as follows: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120 lis, H 755 15: good, 90 to 100 9.3, II 404 65; fair to good mixed, 75 to 80 fts. SI 004 25; good yearlings. 75 to 80 lbs, 50 5 00; common to fair. 50 to CO Us. 1 C04 40; veal calves, 110 to 120 lbs, U 505 25. LITE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Market iu the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch. J Wednesday, July 10, 1889. ( CATTLE Keceipts, 00 head; shipments, 100 head; market closed slow; prime, 84 254 S5; fair to good. $3 6004 00; common, 81 603 SO; no cattle shipped to New York to day. Hogs Keceipts, 900 ncad; shipments, 800 head; market active: Heht grades, $4 704 SO; Philadelphia, 84 C04 65; heavy grades, 84 40 01 50; no hogs shipped to New 1 ork to-day. Sheep Keceipts. 1,400 head; shipments. L400 head; market active; prime, 81 8005 20; fair to good; 84 254 65; common, 82 5003 60; lambs, M006 2i Br Telecrann. New York Beeves Receipts, 3.500 head. In cluding 08 carloads for tbe market, 109 car loads for exportation and 31 carloads for city slaughterers direct: tbe market opened with a fairly firm feeling, but long before the finish an easier feeling prevailed, and tbe market closed dull and firmer; poorest to best native steers sold at S3 601 Go per 100 ponnds; bulls and dry cosatS225325. CalVe Receipts, 3.500 bead: barely steadvatd 25 5 50 per 100 pounds for veals. 3 504 00 for mixed lots, and 82 303 00 for buttermilk calves! tSheep Receipts, 10,600 head, and 1.000 were carried over yesterday; lieenrnled firmer and, higher: lambs weaker and lower: sheep sold at S3 604J5 C2U. with a few selections at 85 75: lambs at 86 00&7 25, with three carloads up to 87 6J. Hogs Receipts. 7,000 lieid: none offered alive; nominally firmer at 84 705 la St. Louis, Mo.. Jnly 10. Cattle, receipts. 2,400: shipments. 1,300. Market steady; choice beaw native steers, 83 80g4 20; fair to good do, 83 15fl8 90: stockers and feeders, fair to good. S3 20ft 8 15: rangers, com fed, 82 7503 60; grass fed. 82 002 90. Hogs Receipts. 4,600: ship ments, 600. Market steady; choice heavy and butcher's selections. 84 204 40; packing, me dium to prime, 84 S04 40; light grades, ordi nary to best, 84 40ffi4 50. bheep Receipts, 2.400; shipments. 700. Market dull, fair to choice, S3 403 70. Chicago Cattle Receipts, 14,000 head; ship ments, 5,000 bead: market slow; Texans, 10c hither; beeves, S3 4004 25: stockers and feeders, 82 25(23 SO; cows, bulls and mixed, 81 90&3 20; bulk. 82 402 75: Texas cattle. 81 903 SO. Hogs Receipts, 17, 000 head; shipments, 6,600 head; market slow and 5c lower: mixed. 84 254 60; heavy. 84 25 64 45; lieht, 84 304 CO; pigs, 83 604 45. Sheen Receipts, 5,000 head: shipments, 1,000 head; market strong: natives, 83 60&5 10: itenerns,$3S5S390:Texans,S3 004 20; lambs, 85006 25. Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 160 carloads through; 2 loads on sale: demand fair at ud cliangea prices. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 13 carloads throngh; 7 loads on sale: good de mand; good to best 84 755; fair to good, 81 50 4 75: common, S4 254 50; lambs, good to best. 86 507: fair to good, SC 256 60; common, tJ 0 25. Hogs Receipts, 14 loads throngh; 10 loads on sale; 6010c higher on pigs and Yorkers; mediums, 84 65; Yorkers and pigs, 84 S0Q4 85. Cincinnati Hogs easier; common and light, $3 754 65: packing and butchers, 84 35 t 45; receipts, 8,000 head; shipments, 460 head. Drvcoods Market. New Yoke, July 10. Pattern fabrics re ceived fair attention, but many of them have already bad good first sales. The market con tinued firm in tone, although print cloths were a little off throngh offerings at second hands. Metal Markets. Nsw Yohk Pig Iron steady and quiet. Cop per weak: lake, July, 811 75. Lead easier; do mestic 83 90. Tin dull, and steady; Straits, fl9 60. Wool Market. Br. Louis Wool it quiet, easier and na changed. MABKETSBY TOE. Wheat Opens Well but Loses Its Grip To ward tbe Close All the Options Seek a Lower Level Hoc Products Active and btendy. Chicago There was active trading In wheat to-day, and the feeling was unsettled, being decidedly strong at tbe start but quickly weakened and ruled lower. The various de liveries opened from Ha to Jc higher than yes terday's closing, but soon developed weakness, and prices declined lKQ2c, closing Jfe lower for Jnly, l$c lower for August; l$c lower for September, and lc lower for December than closing figures of yesterday. Tho public cables were decidedly strong and higher all round, but private cables quoted tbe market as lower, with the weather more favorable for the grow ing crop. While this intelligence had much to do with the weakness, there no doubt was a disposition on tbe part of some ot the largo longs to sell, and the offerings would have come on the mar ket any way. Fears that the Government re port might be favorable helped to influence the selling. The market no doubt was a long one, tbe shorts having covered freely on the recent cp-turn. Some of tho large longs realized, fol lowed by some of the smaller traders, and at tbe decline the market ruled weak and closed rather easy. A quiet, steady feeling prevailed in corn. Fluctuations kept within narrow limits, and trading was mainly of a local character. Oats were fairly active and unsettled. The opening was easy, and remained So for some time. An advance in corn produced fair buy ing, a better feeling and an advance of HQMc Later in thesession offerings increased, and all tbe advance disappeared, and the mamot closed quiet and easy at a shade below the prices ot yesterday. Trading was quito active in mess pork. Tbe feeling was weak during the greater portion of the session. Prices declined 3032Xc but to ward the close rallied 7S?10c, and the market closed steady. A fair trade was reported in the lard market, and the feeling was easy. Prices ruled about 2Kc lower, ana the market closed rather tame. Quite a brisk business was transacted in the market for short rib sides, mainly for Septem ber delivery. Prices ruled 2J45c higher early, but a reduction of oQ'Kcwas submitted to later, and the market closed quiet and steady. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No.2 Julv, 8aS583HS83Mc: Au gust, 81K81M879K79J4c; September. 80 81K79K79c; December, 8282S0& 82ic. Cokn No. 2 August, 35e3635Ke35c: September. S6J0V3636Hc; October, 3t 63&5g63S636Kc Oats .No. 2, August, 22K22K2222c; Sep tember, eerec. MessPokk. per bbh August, 8U451160 11 25U 32: September. 811 6511 67K 11 22K&U 35; October, 810 37KQ10 S710 85 10S7K. Laud, per 100 lbs. August, S632KT6 85 6 3O0 SO; September. 86 426 45t6 40 6 40: October, Sd 426 456 40t 4a Short Ribs, per 100 Sis. August. 85 82K 6 S55 77K65 77K; September. S5 855 87 6 62HS5 82; October, 85 805 805 72X& 6 72. Cash quotations were as follows- Flour un changed. No. 2 pring wheat, 8SJ684Jfc; No. S spring wheat,7683c; No. 2 red,83kS4Mc No. 2 corn. 36Kc N o. 2 oats, 2222c N o. 2 rye, 4Sc No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 81 S3. Prime timothy seed, 81 45. Mess pork, per barrel, 11 37 Gil 60. Lard, per 100 pounds, 86 27. Short ribs, sides (loose), 85 75. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 85 255 37. Short clear sides (boxed), 86 126 25. Sugars, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 12000 barrels: wheat, 7,000 bushels: corn. 404.000 bushels: oats. 121,000 bushels; rye. 3.000 bushels; barley, 1.000 bushels. Ship mentsFlour. 14,000 barrels; wheat, 48.000 bush els; corn. 189,000 bushels; oats, 117,000 bushels; rye. 1,003 busnels; barley, none. On tho Produce exchange to-day tbe bntter market was quiet; fancy creamery. 1515c; fine. 1415c: finest dairies, U12c; tine, 10 lie. Eggs dull at ll12o. New Yoek Flour firm, fairly active. Wheat Spot lower, weak and moderately active; de mand chiefly milling: options fairly aotive. irregular and early lc higher; declined 1K lc, and closed heavy and c under yesterday: loncs selling. Rye firm and quiet; western, 6051c Barley malt quiet; Cauada, 90c 81 US ler old and new. Corn Spot moder ately active and easier; options less active and easier. Oats Spot moderately active andJiQ c lower; options quit and weaker. Hay quiet and steady. Hops quiet and steady. Coffee opened firm and 1520 points up: closed barely steady at 15020 points better; sales, 81,600 bags Including Julv. 14.05c; August, 14.1014.20c; September, 14.2514.35c; October, 14.30f14.40c: November, 14.30I4.45c: December. 14.3014.50c: January, 14.4014.50c: February. 1145c; March. I4.S5 H.,0c: April. 114514.50c; May, 114014.60c; spot Rio strong: fair cargoes, 17c Suir Raw quiet and unsettled: fair refining, 7c; cen trifugals, W test, 88;c; refined firm -and quiet. M olasses Foreign dull and unsettled; New Orleans dull. Kice quiet and stead v. Cottonseed oil dull. Tallow steady; city, 20 for packings, 4c Kosin steady and quiet. Turpentine quiet at 37JJ3SJc Eggs firmer; western, 14Jj15c; receipts, 6.795 packages. Pork quiet and steady. Cutmeats firm; sales, pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7c; pickled shoul ders, 5.c. Lard less active, opened firm and closed ueak; sales, western steam at 86 70 spot, closing at 86 70. and 86 GJSO 70 to arrive; city, 86 20; August. 86 7S6 76, closing at 86 73; September. 86 7936 82, closing at 86 79; Octo ber. 86 7S6 83, closing at 86 81. Butter quiet and weak; western dairv. 1013e: do creamery, 1216c; do factory, 813c Cheese stronger, western, 6Ji7Jic Pnn.ADEi.PHlA Flonr Prices very firmly held, but buyers operating only for immediate wants. Wheat Options opened KSJic higher, but subsequently lost the advance and closed barely steady: spot lots quiet, but very firm; No. 2 white Julv. 8687c; August, 8185c: September, 84S5c; October. 858je. Corn Option market quiet, but Kc bighcr; car lots tor local'trade scarce ana nrm, though 2ulet: No. 2 mixed in Tw entieth street elevator, 1c; No. 2 yellow in grain depot, 44Vic; No. 2 mixed Julv. 42J43c; August, 43lJc; Sep tember, 4344c: October, 4344c. Oats Car lots c higher, but the advance restricted business: No. 3 white. 33c: No. 2 white, 31c; speculations tame and fntnres beyond .this month iir lower; No. 2 white Julv. 3334c; August. SlKQXMc; September. 80Ji31c: Octo ber, 313lj4C Eggs steady for fancy stock; Pennsylvania firsts, 15c St. Louis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat lower; options opened Kc lower, but at once rallied and advanced &c on firm and higher cables: a relapse followed and the feeling was somewhat steadier,butllJSc below yesterday; No. 2 red. cash. 7777c: Julv. 75l77Jic closed at 75Kc bid: August, 75J76c, closed at7575Jcbid; September, u78c closed at7Cc: December. 7981Jic closed at 79JjJc Corn Near-by months firm and July advanced He; No. 2 mixed, cash. 32Vc; July, 32c closed at S2c: August. 3232c, closed at 32c bid; September. 33Ji33c, closed at 3SVc asked; year, 32c, closed atSzc Oats No. 2 cash, 23c bid, firm: August. 21Jc bid; May. 26c bid. Kye No. 2. 40c bid. Barley Nothing doing. Provisions dull. Baltimore Wheat Western easy; No. 2 winter red. spot, 8Rc; July, 86Jic; August, 84 8JVc; September, 8484JJc; December, 87 87?c Corn Western firm; mixed, spot, 43c; July. 43c bid: August, 42425c: September, 4343Jic; stsamer, 41c Oars firm; western white, S334c; do, mixed. 3031c Rye steady at 4950c. Hay dull: prime to choice timothy. 814 6o15 00. Provisions quiet and steady. Butter quiet: western packed, 1012c; cream ery, 15l7c Ecgseasyatl2c Coffee nominal; fair, 16c Receipts Flour, 7,000 barrels; wheat. 12,000 bushels: corn. 9,000 bushels: oats, 2.000 bushels. Shipments None Sales Wheat, 177,000 bushels; corn. 25,000 bushels. Cincinnati Flour in fair demand. Wheat easier; No. 2 red, new, 8081c: old, 8586c: re ceipts, 2,900 bushels; shipments, 100 bushels. Corn quiet; No. 2 mixed, 393Kc- Oats scarce and stronger: No. 2 mixed. 2Kia26c. Rye dull; No.2,4Sc Pork easier at 812. Lard dull at 88 10. Uulkmeats and bacon steady. Butter weak. Sugar firm. Eggs heavy. Cheese quiet. Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat easy; cash. 79c: September, 7Ra BCorn firm; No. 8, Sbc Oats firm; No. 2 white. 252Je. Rye firm; No. 1. 4W41c Barley firm; No. 2, September, 5858c Provisions easy. Pork. 811 2a Lard, 86 25. Cheese lower; Cheddars, TJiGSc, Toledo Cloverseed quiet; cash, 1 60; Octo ber, 81 CO. Whisky Market. Finished goods continue In good demand at 8102. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LLTL, 401 Smlthfleld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $48,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. txs Imported Port. 1828 Imperial Oporto Port, fall quarts.$3 00 1809 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 60 Pine Old White Port, full quarts 2 00 London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00 Burgundy Port, full quarts 1 60 Pine Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00 For sale by G. V. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Plfthave. The Water I Dangerous to Drink. Take instead Baeuerlein beer. It is chem ically pure and most invigorating. Orders bv mail to Bennett, Pa., P. O., or telephone 1018. TTSSU IP yon have not smoked tbe La Perla del Pntnar Key West cigar you bave lost a treat Bold 3 for 25c G. W. Schmidt, Kos. 05 and 87 Pifth are. THE A GRAND FLOUBISH At Boulevard flace, Dallas, Where Everything is on the Jump. THE EXCHANGE AND ITS SDEPLCS. Pig Iron Transported to the Philadelphia Market on Pack Horses. OLD SOL KIPS A EEAL ESTATE DEAL Boulevard place, Dallas station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, is experiencing quite a boom. Harry Brown will soon com mence the erection there of two fine stone residences. Another stone residence facing the circle will be put up this season. Mre. John B. Gloninger will soon begin a build ing on the corner of Fifth avenue and Thomas street J. B. Dunlap's fine resi dence is completed, and be will move into it in a few days. He is Secretary of the Calu met Coke Company. Charles H. Howe, Treas urer of the Braddock Wire Company, will occupy his new house in a day or two. The asphalt pavement is a great attraction to cyclists, 15 of whom gathered there at one time a few evenings ago. Real estate was quiet yesterday, more on ac count of tbe weather than anything else. Still, several transactions were closed up and a num ber of new ones initiated. An Important trans fer was postponed until to-day on the plea of the purchaser that the weather was too hot to sign checks. No conclusion has been reached In regard to the disposition of tbe Exchange surplus, amounting to about (8,000. Tbe total amount is 815,000, but only tho former sum is available for distribution or such use as the Exchange may see proper. Tho matter was discussed at length yesterday before, during and after busi ness hours. Some opposed a pro rata division among members, as that would render It liable to be taxed as dividends. Some favored Its re tention, to be used in possible improvements. If a large building be erected on the lot on tbe lower side, it will be necessary to put a glass roof on tbe Exchange Others were in favor of using it to buy up Exchange stock when offered at a low figure, and afterward retiring it. This, they thought would make the remaining shares more valu able The latter plan soemed to be the most popular, and It will probably be adopted at the meeting to be held this afternoon. The Ex chance Is necessary to the business Interests of Pittsburg, and anything that promises to In crease iu standing and influence will receive public approval. The chartering of a traction company for the Southside Is in line with the suggestions ot The Dispatch a few weeks ago, that that was one of the best openings for rapid transit In either city. The population Is large enough to support such a road in magnificent style, and there is no doubt that It would be profitable from the beginning. Rapid Jtranslt Is doing a good work for Pittsburg. Thirty mortgaces were filed for record yes terday, representing about 864,000. The larg est was for 813.800, and the next largest for 85,000. Seven were for over 82,000. The abund ance of home money and tbe dullness of the speculative interest are favorable to this busi ness, which is rapidly growing in Importance. Pittsburg real estate offers larger returns and has fewer risks than any other investment A gentleman who came in from the East End on an accommodation train yesterday re lated tbe following incident concerning iron transportation In the ante-canal ana railroad days. Said he: "My father lived in the Juni ata country, and when I was a little shaver he used to tell me of seeing pig iron shipped to Philadelphia on pack horses. The iron was bent in the form of the letter 'V,' so as to fit tbe back ot the horse He conld tell a pack horse train at a long distance by the jingling of tho metal. When the canal was opened, iron makers thought millennium bad come, Jand they were certain ot it when the railroad was completed." Pittsburg iron kings know very little of Ve difficulties and hardships encountered by the pioneers in the business. "The world do move" Workmen are putting the finishing touches to the Fidelity building on Fourth avenue, and it will be ready for occupancy in a month or six weeks. It is one of the principal ornaments ot the avenne. This building contains the largest vault in the United States, except one in New York. It cost 876,000. Tho census year began June 1.1SS9, and will end May SI, 18901 The census enumerator will make his house to house visit during the month of June, 1890. We urge our farmer friends to respond to tbe Superintendent's ap peal for statistics, and to begin now and keep accurate accounts of their business for the census year, and be ready to furnish correct figures to the census enumerator next June And it will be an immense advantage to them to keep on doing so for themselves year after year. Here is a nut for Pennsylvania farmers to crack: England, Scotland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward island, send us potatoes, and, strange as it may seem, they can be freighted from these countries tor a less price than they can be freighted from parts of cur own. And tbe different lines running from these coun tries are so numerous and move with such clock-like regularity, that more dependence can be placed on their arrivals than some of our own transportation companies. The trans portation companies should rise and explain. PAEALIZED BI OLD SOL Stockbrokera Too Mpch Affected by Heat lo Do Business. Both of the stock calls yesterday were con spicuously tame and productive of small re sults. Only two securities were" handled Natural Gas of West Virginia and Philadel phia Gas and they only to the extent of 35 shares. Exchange stock was offered freely at 475 and La Noria at 1, a fractional decline The rest of the list showed no particular change, but the undertone was steady. Brokers attributed a large share of the dullness to the intense heat. Prices, offers and sales were: VOBKINO. ATTTnxctmr. IUd. Asked. Hid. Asked. Pitts. Pet.S. &M.EX.. Cltliens at. llanc... Herman Nat. Bank.... Brldpew&ter Oas NaUUajOo.ofW. Va. People's N.U. 4 P.Co. Pennsvlvanla Gas Co.. Philadelphia Co Wheellnr Uas Co Central Traction. Cltizeni' Traction...... Pittsburg Traction Pleasant Valley P. W.lt. K. Co P. W. K. K. pref.... La Noria tllnlnir Co... 'VYestlnfcboute JJectrlc U. Switch ft BUnal Co. U. 8. &Blg. Co. pfd... Westlng'seA. U. Co... I S00 4o0 47S 3. !"" 15 S6JC 2) 31M "ivi 37 82 an 13K a six u S8 J7 CSX 68X CO SI Si) ntf At the morning call 10 shares of Natural Uas of West Virginia sold at 67W. In the afternoon 25 shares of Philadelphia das went at 37. Total sales of stocks at New York yesterday were 237,029 shares including: Atchison, 25,500; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 9,600; Lake Shore, 11.300: Louisville and Nashville, 5,300; Missouri Pacific. 5.600; Northwest. 16,900; New Jersey Central, a000: Northern Pacific preferred, 7.860: Reading, 17,600; St Paul.S9.100; Union Pacific, 10,700. A PABMEE'S IDEA, Taxation of MorlBes and Ibe Property Cpon Which Ther Are Based. A writer in -Farm and Firetlde has this to say upon a subject of general importance: "After reading tbe pros and cons regarding taxation of mortgages, and also the property tbey are based on, and never having seen a plan devised that salts me fully, I would ,llke to suggest one Taxing both has a tendency, as you say, to increase thB rate of interest, and I find its injustice offers an excuse to a large ma- iority for concealment; and when the mortgage i concealed. It Is a good pecuniary Investment for the holder that the mortgagor pays in a roundabout way which he hardly sees through. I would suggest as a remedy for concealment tbe taxation of realty only, at its full value making the holder ot the realty pay the whole tax levied thereon, and the enactment of a statute enabling him to indorse oa the mortgage note such a proportion of the whole PITTSBURG DISPATCH, tax paid on such realty as the amount of the mortgage note is to tbe appraised value of the realtr. "This also would do a needed act of justice in the newer States and Territories, where a large proportion of Eastern capital finds in vestment, and drains the Individuals of those localities to buildup Eastern States, Instead of paying that increased rate of interest or the tax on the borrowed capital to build up their own." MONEY AND BUSINESS. The Former In Good Shape and the Latter Holding- Ila Own. Checking wis active at the local banks yes terday, and discounting was better than for some time Depositing was moderate Cur rency was rather scarce, bnt there was no fam ine. The outlook continues good for the em ployment of all the Idle money to move the tall trade ..,, Business of nearly all descriptions Is holding up remarkably well for the summer, as tne Clearing House reports from day to day show. The exchanges vestcrday were 82,130,231 10, and the balances 8727,951 40. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 2f to 3M per cent, last loan2Kl closed offered at 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4J4K. Sterling exchange quiet but steady, at 483 for 60-day bills and 4S7Ji for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U. S. 4,reg IKK M.K. &T.Gen.5s . 68 Mutual Union SS....HB N. J. c. Int. Cert...lK Northern Pae lsts..U7 Northern Pae. 2ds..ll5H Northw't'n consols.148 Northw'n deben's..Jl4M nrocron Jt Trans. 6s 104M u. a. -u. coup i:bh U. 8. 4J4S, ren .10M4 U. 8. 4Hs. eonp 106X PAelfleSa of 'B&...... 118 Loultlsnastamped is. 89 xuissoun os..... iwi 'lenn. uevcet Cs 106 lenn. new set. M....102U Ht.I&I.M.Uen.6s8 bt. U&S.F.Gen.31.1H tit. Paul consols .127 Tenn. new set. 23.... HH Canada Ho. 2ds 9M Cen. Pacificists S Den. &K.U., lsts.,.120 Pen. AH. (. 7H D.AB.O.West,lit3. 100 st. ru urn trciiinu rx.. Pc-L. G.1T KS. 89 Tx..Pc.lt.O.Tr.Kcts as union rac. isis...." West Shore .1OT trie, las iui M K T n.n Aa K Government and State bonds are quiet and steady. New Toek Clearings, 8116,660,057; balances, 85,631,612. Boston Clearincs. 817,407.824; balances, 82,133,806. Money 3KS per cent. Pnn.ADEi.pniA Clearings, 812.500,801; bal ances, 81,972,074. Baltimoee Clearings, 82,101,791; balances, 8411,163. London The amount of bullion gone Into the Bank of England lonl balance to-day is 10,000. Paris Three per cent rentes 83f 40c for tbe account. Chicago Money firm and unchanged. Clearings, 89,64S,U0O. BULLISH OIL NEWS Causes n Spurt In Price, bnt Falls to Help Business. There was a small boom in values at the Oil Exchange yesterday, caused by tbe receipt of the pipe line reports, which.were decidedly bull ish. The figures presented by the National Transit and the Tide Water lines showed a de creased production during June of about 800, 000 barrels. Other small lines may reduce this somewhat, but not enough to make any mate rial difference. Angust oil opened at 91, where the market held until the reports came In, when It jumped to 92, but it soon descended from its high perch to 9 from which, in tbe last few minutes, there was a slight rally to 92, at which the market closed. Reports from other ex changes reported business very slow. Here It amounted to about 200.000 barrels. Owing to the near approach of July deliveries cash oil is entirely neglected. September is hardly thought of. Tuesday's clearings were 234,000 barrels. Features of the Market. Corrected dally by John M. Oaciey & Co., 45 Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange Opened 81 XI Lowest Wi Highest 9iMUosed V. Barrels. Average rnns 49,81$ Average shipments 72,052 Average charters 48,443 Refined, New York, 7.58c Keflne, London. Mfd. , Refined, Antwerp. 17 Hf. Refined, Liverpool, s s-ldd. Other Oil Markets. TrrusvnAE, Julv 10. National transit cer tificates opened, 91fc; highest, 92c; lowest, 91Jc: closed, 92e Bradford, July 10. National transit cer tificates opened, 91c; highest. 92c; lowest 91c; closed. U2c Clearances, 884,000 barrels. On, crrr. Julv, 10. Petroleum opened at 91'c: highest, 92&c; lowest, 91Kc: closed, 92c. Sales, 2S5.000 barrels; clearances, 64,000 barrels; runs, 60,162 barrels: shipments, 88.852 barrels; charters, 61,220 barrels. PB0PEETY CHANGES HANDS. Hot Weather Fails to Knock Oat the Real Estate Business. Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold for P. Gallagher to George W. Acklin, No. 63 Marlon street, second bouse from Locust street, a nice brick dwelling of six rooms and improvements, lot 24x103 feet for 83,760 cash. W. A. Herron & Sons sold lots Nos. 15 and 16 in Annie R. Asplnwall plan, Homewood, 29x150 and 15x150, for 81,250. Black ABaird, No. 95 Fourth avenne, sold for Andrew McClean to Robert M. Barbin, a lot on Ward street Oakland, in size 25x165 feet; for 81,000 cah. Reed B. Coyle & Co., 134 Fourth avenue sold to H. T. Grover for A. C. and E. H. Watkins. lots Nos. 47 and 4S in the Watkins place plan at Wflmerding. forSSOO. C. IL Love, No. 93 Fourth avenue, sold for R. B. Eoerner to Mrs. James Little a fine resi dence property on Federal street extension, near Linden avenue. Second ward, Allegheny, lot 35x160 feet, with two-story modern framo bouse, price 86,000. Samuel W. Black & Co.. 99 Fourth avenue, sold two lots on the Blair estate. Twenty-third ward, having a front of 60 feet on Second ave nue and extending back about 160 feet to a 20 foot alley, for 81,800. This plan of lots is on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and the Second Avenue Electric Street Railway now building, and only ten minutes' ride from Smlthfleld street; and tbe price paid for them is considered very reasonable W. A. Herron fc Sons sold to Dr. B. Franklin, of tbe jEtna Life Insurance Company, a new frame house on Claybourn avenue, Sbadyside, six rooms and finished attic, with all modern conveniences, lot 50x130, for 84,000. Reed B. Coyle & Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold to Mr. Bond for E. M. Laveen, a house and lot on Sheridan avenue. East End, for 84,400. Business Notes. The directors of the Pittsburg Traction Com pany announce a 2 per cent semi-annual divi dend. The Humboldt Insurance Company, of AUe- fheny, has .declared a semi-annual dividend of per cent. Pittsbobo Plato Glass is remargably strong for a stock whereon dividends are extremely problematical. There were hints yesterday of a coming boom in La Noria. Several brokers are watch ing the stock very closely. There are no surface indications of an im- ?rovement in Philadelphia Gas, Electric or the tactions very soon. It is as much as tbey can do to hold their own. Captain Barbour gave tbe stock brokers plenty of rope yesterday, but they failed to im prove the opportunity. The orders were few and below the market. There was very little business gossip on Fourth avenue yesterday. 'The weatber Is too hot to think," said a leading real estate dealer. A peripatetic dealer in fans did a rushing busi ness. a'happyHmily. Wall Street Feels Certain That the Railroad President Will Patch Vd a Trace ' Stocks Strong on This Baals Tbe Bulla la Clover. New York. July 10. The stock market to day reflected the growing confidence that the Presidents in session at Chicago will be able to cope with all the difficulties which may come up before them for adjustment, and that har mony in the Northwest is only a matter ot time. The market was strong at most all the way outand not only was there a liberal cover ing ot shorts, but tbe buying for the long ac count was of the best quality, the foreigners responding liberally to the encouraging ad vices cabled over last evening and this morn ing. The leading bears are reported to have bought a line ot stocks equaling 25.000 shares, though this may be an exaggeration. The feeling on the street that the harmony displayed at the meeting of the Presidents yesterday was a valid bull argument was very strong this morning, and the strength which characterised the later dealings yesterday was still prominent at the opening of business, which, although London prices were not quite up to ours of last evening, was sufficient to open most of tbe leading shares from to K Per cent higher than they closed last night Rumors of an important scheme to secure harmony la the future were circulated and took the shape that tbere was to be a syndicate which would purchase the control of the Chi cago, Burlington and Northern, and so take it out of the way as a disturber of rates Is the "THTJBSDAT, JTO3T " 11, Northwest. This afterward was changed to that tbe Chicago, Burlington and Qnlncy was to put In its 30 per cent of the stock and the other roads were to supply the capital to pur chase the remainder of enough stock to secure control. The story had a stimulating effect upon the speculation, and there was not only a marked Increase in the amount of business done, but prices-advanced rapidl;, with Burlington, Atchison, St. Paul and New England in tbe lead. Sugar Trust also became quite a feature and felt tbe stimulus of the recent decision, moving up per cent New England was strong on the lease of tbe Derby Railroad to tbe Housatonlc. Chicago and Alton, however, began to feel the effects of its policy, and sold to-day at 125, a loss of 9 per cent from Its last recorded sale. In the after noon the market again settled down, and real izing sagged the list off from the best figures, butthe closn was dull and steadv, with mate rial gains for most of the list. The active list is higher this evening, and St. Paul preferred is up 2. the common IK. Wheeling and Lake Erie preferred 1, Chicago, Burlington and Qjuincy Northwest IVi and others smaller amounts. Railroad bonds were dull, the sales reaching $1,005,000, while the only feature of the deal ings was Texas Pacific, second increase, which furnished 1137,000. Tbe market was steady to firm, but the fluctuations were made within narrow limits, though there were a few marked changes among the Inactive bonds. Chicago, Sc Panl and Minneapolis rose 3 to 127. Tbe following table shows the prlcesof active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney A Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue; Open in?. Am. Cotton Oil 5)j Atcn.. lop. & U.K.... 38 Canada Southern. W Central orNew Jersey.114 Centralfaelfli. UH Chesapeake & Ohio.... 20 V., Bnr.A Onn.er..... CSX C, Mil. a Bt. Paul.... an c, mil i at. p pr....ic8 C KoctL AP Wi C,aUL.& Pitts C, St. 1. & Pitts, pf.. ss C St. P.. M. & 0 32X C. st. P-M. o pr. .... C. & North western... .10014 C& .Northwestern, pf. .... CO. O. Jfcl 70 Col. Coal A Iron., 30 Col. & UocklnK Val Del., h. AW. H4JS Del. A Hudson U5M Denver A ItloCJ .... Deliver A ItloU.. pt... 48 E.T., Va. AGs -. 10K E. 1.. Va. A Ga. 2d pf. 23JJ Illinois Central.. US Lake Shore A M. S 102 Louisville A Nashville. 635 Michigan i.entrai Mobile A Ohio Mo., K. ATexas llluonri Pacific 60 su, 1137a 34W 33 100 103 3H 13V KH 2X M 107X 140 70($ 30 K'4 UZH Hi IS 4S 1014 23 j 113 J02V 63 SSH 13 Vi 10 10?H 1U6M 70 3() 70 30 lS IU " 10K 113 102 143V is" 10K IIS 102V Wi eon iooh 28 .new xora cenirai iu-114 105V 2o H. T.. L. E. A vv.. ,Wi a. Y.. C. A8U L n.&a. k orfolk Western.... .Norfolk Western, pf, Northern Pacific Nortnern Paciflo rjref. 49V W 49V .sou 27)J , S3 8 J3', 33 46 w ii'i ss 29H 86 67M S0 63 21K 33 H 21$ 45V S3 SO ObloA MlJlslppl... 21H ureiron improvement. .... Oregon Transcon 33 H Pacific Mall 3l 1'eo. Dec. A Evans 21. S Phlladcl. A Reading.. tSM Pnllman Palace Car Richmond A W. P. r.. 23 H' Richmond A W.P.T.pf SO I St. !. 4 San Fran St.ti. A San JT.lst pf. Texas Pacific. ID Union Pactfio S7K Wabasti Wabash preferred 29 Western Union SSH Wheeling A L. 67 H Sugar Trust 113 National Lead Trust.. 3IK Chicago Gas Trust MM 18V S7V 29" MX 67X 60 58V Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. (7 Fourth avenue. Members New Vork stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Kallroad SIM simj Keadlnjr.. 23 2J 1-0 Lehlsh Valley 53JJ S3V Lehlirb. Navigation S2! -H S3 Si 27V 64 Northern Pacific 27H northern Pacific preferred saft Boston Atch. ATop. B. B. .. 39K Boston A Albany.. .216 Boston A Maine... ..191 C B. At). 100 Clnn. San. A Cleve. 24 Kattern R. K S9X Eastern R. R. 6s ....126 FllntAPereM. pfd. 96 Mexican Cen. com.. 1SH Mex.C 1st mtg. bda. er, N. V. ANewKnr... G9H N.Y. AN.E.7S....128J4 Old Coionj- 174H Stocks. Rutland, com , 2 22 : 87 . so 209 so ,230V v is. central, com... Wis. Central pf...; s.llouezMgCo(new). Calumet A Hecla.... Franum Osceola. Pewablc (new) Quinev Bell Telephone... .. Uoaton Land , tater Power Tamarack Mlnlna Stocks. New Yoke. July 10. Amador, 1C0; Bodle. 115; Caledonia B. II., 203; Consolidated California and Virginia. 270; Dunkin, 100: Deadwood Ter.. 140; Eureka Consolidated, 200; El Crista 120; Hale & Norcross, 280: Homestake. 850: Iron Silver, 175; Mexican. 2b0: Mutual, 140: North Belle Isle. 110; Ontario, 34.00; Savage. 1C0; Sierra Nevada, 210; Union Consolidated, 275. TV'TH THE KNIGHTS. The Potters Decide to Stay Inside of That Orsanlznllon. tsrXCtAt. TXLEQBAM TO TUB SISPATCa.1 Steubentiile, Jnly 10. The National Union Potters' Convention was in secret session all day. President O'Neil, how ever, stated to the correspondent that a com mittee ot three quietly waited upon Mana ger Donaldson, of the Steubenville Pottery, to see if the strike conld not be amicably settled, but that he would listen to no com nromise. nor recognize their wishes or union. I As a result at to-day's meeting a boycott upon the product of the pottery was de clared. The officers said it would be en forced through the national organization and locals here and in Canada. Previous to the adjournment on Friday, however, every effort will be made to come to an am icable settlement. This is not probable, as both sides are firm. The question of leaving the Knights of Labor came up lor discussion to-day, out the movement was defeated two to one. A measure of importance to the West particu larly was passed, extending greater powers to the Executive Board west of the Alle ghenies, giving it more enlarged powers over their local and home matters than fnrmprlv- nnrl less acconntabilitv to the Central Board at Trenton. The election of officers will probably take place to-morrow, and the convention finally adjourn on Fri day. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. The President has appointed William B. Ellis postmaster at Franklin, Ind., in place of P. P. Brown, removed. John Kelly, convicted of thetmurder of Eleanor O'Shea, near Geneva, N. Y, November 6, 1888, was hanged at Canandalgua at noon yesterday. Robert Hedberry, aged 18 years, and Wlllio Wise, aged 17 years, were drowned Monday night while bathing in tbe river at Alton, 111. Tbe father of young Wise met with a similar fate about a week ago. Yesterday's bond offerings aggregated 8270.300, as follows: Registered 4f, 8300 at 128; 830,000 at 128K: coupon 4s, 85,000 at 128: regis tered 4Ks. 8135,000 at 106; registered 4s, 8100.000 at 106. The following were accepted: Registered 4s. 8335,000 at 100; registered 4s, 8300 at 812S. The north-bound train for Montreal on the Central Vermont Railroad was ditched by a washout a mile north of Brandon, Vt., early yesterday morning. Abont a dozen passengers are Injured, but none seriously. The train hands all escaped. The engine and five cars were badly wrecked. At Basco, a little town south of Carthage, 11L. Monday night, Mrs. Henry K. Qronewald, wife of a German farmer, became suddenly de ranged, and seizing an ax, cut her two little girls in a horrible manner and then beat tbem over the head with a log chain. Tho woman then threw herself into a well, but was rescued by tbe neighbors. It is feared the children will die. A dispatch has been received at the Navy Department from Admiral Gherardi, at Port-au-Prince, saying tbat affairs at Hayti are quiet and that there is no fighting of moment. He also reported that there bad been no change in the political situation since his last report. Legitime holds Port-au-Prince and Hippolyte remains outside of tbe town. The Osslpee has now been at Hayti longer than was intended, and the department will relieve her as soon as another vessel can be fitted out. The provisions of the United States stat utes against the importation of contract labor ers are tolerably well understood throughout Europe by this time, and circulars have been dispatched by the steamship lines to emigra tion agents in the interior, to instruct prospec tive passengers as to tbe answers they must make to important questions propounded by the authorities on their arrival at American ports. It Is safe to say tbat the law will be suc cessfully evaded henceforth. The lines run ning to Canadian ports anticipate a largely in creased business in the future, and many who were refused a landing at New York and Boston have taken this indirect route to the States. The principal Increase to their traffic will, however, come from assisted emigration, which is assuming serious proportions. Tbe undesirable classes sent away from Ireland and England by poor law guardians and the socie ties formed for that purpose are directed to Quebec, and thence across the line, thus evad iig any Inquiry as to their status. nos-Hljrn- Low lne tn est. l)!i. 5.1 &5.H S6K D? S3 39 Mk S3 lWi 114 SO 39 iooh snii 6SU 67H los4 106 rfH an SbVi ss" 1889, j DOMESTIC IMKETS. An Oversupply of Blackberries and Whortleberries. POTATOES ACTIYE, BUT DIET CHEAP Johnstown Making Terr Heavy Demands on Lumber Trade. FAX01" ELOUB CONTIHUES STEOSG Ottice op PmsBtmo Dispatch, Wednesday-, July 10, 1SS9. J Country Frodnee Jobbing Prices. Blackberries and whortleberries are in over supply and prices are drifting downward. Tbe same is true of apples, which are coming in freely from the South. The movement of pota toes is very active, but there has been no ad vance in prices. A Liberty street commission man reports the largest sales of potatoes on record yesterday. Tbe total was 800 barrels, and an average of 600 barrels dally this week. The speculator who bought potatoes is a loser tbe past week. A loss ot 60c per barrel Is re ported in some instances. A Liberty street commission merchant who has just returned from New York reports that everything in produce lines at the metropolis is in over supply. The stock of lemons coming to port ot late is In poor shape, and choice grades are tending higher. Bottee Creamery, Elgin, 19320c; Ohio do, 1718c; fresh dairy packed, 12013c; country rolls. lOQU'c BeansSI 76Q1 9a Beeswax 2f 30c $ ft for choice; low grade, 18Q20C Cideb Sand refined, 86 07 50; common, 83 504 00; crab cider, SS OOfeS 50 V barrel; elder vinegar, 1012c V gallon. Cheese Ohio cbeee,8c; New York. 10 10c; Limburger, 89c: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 9X12Hc; imported Sweitzer, 22c California Fruits California peaches, 84 004 50 fl box: cherries, 83 00; apricots, 84 00 4 50; plums, S4 0004 50. E0Q3 15M16c V dozen for strictly fresh; goose eges, SOc-IS dozen. Fruits Apples, 81 602 GO ? barrel; pine apples, 81 00I 25 dozen; red raspberries, 10 lie a quart; Mack raspberries, 5&8o a quart; whortleberries, 81 001 10 a pail; blackberries, 5Q8c ft quart; wild goose plums, 82 50 a crate; currants, 85 a 2-bushel stand; watermelons, 82025 per hundred. tEATHEKS Extra live geese, 60660c; No.L do. 404oc; mixed lots, S035c 9 &. New Potatoes 81 5U01 75 a barrel. Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c V ; drawn, 14 15c $ ft. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, 85 60 $ bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts. 88 00; clover. Allske, 88 50; clover, white. & 00; timo thy, choice, 44 fts. SI 65; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, 81 00; orchard grass, 14 fts. JI65; red top, 14 fts. 8125; millet, 0 fts. 81 CO: German millet, 50 fts. grass, mixture of fine grasses, 82 60 per bushel of 14 fts. Tallow Country, 4K65c; city rendered, 5 Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, 84 50 6 60 ft box: Messina oranges, 85 005 50 f? box; rodi, 83 754 50; California oranges, 84 504 75 ) box; bananas, S3 00. firsts; 82 OU, cood seconds. ff bunch; cocoanuts, 84 0004 60 ft hnndrcd: new figs, e9c ft pound; dates, &K6Kc V pound. Vegetables Tomatoes, Mississippi, four basket cases.51 651 75: beans, round wax fancy. 82 50 a crate; beans, round wax medlnm, 82 00 a crate: beans, round green, 82 252 60; new beets, 2025c $) dozen; cucumbers, 75c81 00 W bushel box; radishes, large white and gray, 3035c $) dozen; cabbage, two-barrel crates, Louisville and St, Louis, 81 602 00; Eastern, single-barrel crates, 81 001 25; new celery, 60 60c a dozen. Groceries. f Green coffee is on tho rise in New York, having advanced lie yesterday. One of our leading jobbers expresses the opinion there will bo no' advance in packages, as hot weather uniformly diminishes consumption. Sugars lose nothing of their firmness. Green Coftee Fancy Rio, 2122c; choice Rio, 18K20c; prime Rio. 18c; fair Rio, 17Ql8c; old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha. 2728c; Santos, 1922c; Caracas coffee, 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 21ffi23c; La guavra, 2U$22c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands.21Mc; high grades, 2325Kc; old Government Java, bulk. 3030c; Maracaibo, 2526c; Santos, 19KQ21K'-; peaberry,24c;peaberry,cholce Bio, 23c; prime Rio, 20& good Rio, 20c; ordinary, 19Kc Spices (whole) Cloves, 21025c: allspice, 9c; cassia, Q9c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120. 8Kc; headlight, 15CP, 8K0; water white, 10c: globe, 12c; elaine. 15c; carnadlne, llc; royaline, 14c syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, S033c; strictly prime, S335c; new maple syrup, 90c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c. Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 8K4c; bi-carb in K". 5JJc; bi-carb, assorted packages, 5Ji66c; sal soda in kegs, lfic; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearincper set, 8Kc; paraffine, 11012a RlCi. Head, Carolina, 77Jc: choice, 6i 7c; prime, 6i06Mc: Louisiana, 66Xc. Starch Pearl, Sc; cornstarch, 67c; gloss starch, 67c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 82 65; Lon don layers, 83 10; California London layers, 82 60; Muscatels, 82 25; California Muscatels, 81 80; Valencla,new, 67c;Ocdara Valencia, 7Kffl8c; sultana, 8Kc; currants, new, 4K5c: Turkey prunes, new, 45cs French prunes, 8K13c; Salonica prunesju 2-ft packages. 8c; cocoanuts. per 100, 80 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivies. 19c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap., 12 15c: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12loc: new dates, 66c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, 1314c: orange peel, 12&C Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 60 apples, evaporated, &48ici apneots, Califor nia, evaporated, 15l8c: peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpaired, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 6Cc; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424kc; blackberries, 7K8c: huckle berries, wmic Sugars Cubes, 10K10c; powdered, 10V 10c;granulated,9&c;coufectiners'A,9X9c; standard A, 9Kc: soft whites, 9lAmc: yellow, choice, 89Hc; yellow, good. 8Ji8c; yellow, fair. 8Jgc; yellow, dark. 7c. Pickles Medium, bbis (JU200), 84 60; modi- U1U3, UMl UUU UWJ,d fUb Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets. S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI SMt 1 90; 2ds. 81 301 35; extra peaches. 81 601 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, 811 60; Hf d. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90cil; Lima beans, 81 10; soaked do. 85c: suing 40 do, 7585c: mar rowfat peas, 81 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, 81 40l 60: Bahama do, 82 75; dam son, plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums, 82; California pears, 82 oO; do greengages, 82; do egg plums, 82; extra white cherries, 82 90; red cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, 81 401 60; strawberries SI 10; gooseberries, 81 301 40; tomatoes. 82K92c: salmon, 1-ft, 81 752 10; blackberrier , 80c; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c; do green, 2 fts, 81 25Q1 SO; corn beef, 2-ft cans, 81 75: 14-ft cans, 813 50; baked beans. 81 45 1 60; lobster, 1 ft, 81 751 SO; mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled. Si 50; sardines, domestics, s, 81 154 60: sardines, domestic. Vs. 83 258 50; sardines, imported, s, 811 5012 60; sardines. Imported, K8,81S;sardlnes,masurd, 4; sardines, spiced, 84 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 838 bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, 840: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 832; extra No. 1 do, messed, 836; No. 2 shore mackerel, 824. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c ft ft; do medlnm, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6H7Kc. Herring Round shore, 85 00 W bbl: split, 87 00; lake. 82 60 V 100-ft. half bbt White fish. 87 00 ft lOrf E., bait bbl. Lake trout, 85 60 ft half bbl. Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft. Pickerel. H barrel, 82 00; i barrel. 81 10; Potomac herring, 85 00 ft barrel, 82 60 ft it barrel. Buckwheat Flour 223c-fl ft. Oatmeal 83 sos 60 W bbl. Miners' Oil No, 1 winter strained, 6S60o ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c Graln, Flour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 18 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 1 car of hay, 1 of feed, 7 of oats, 1 of flour, 1 of corn and oats, 2 of bran, 1 of corn. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Bt. Louis, 2 cars of oats. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of oats Sales on call, 1 car No. 2 white oats, 34Kc, spot 1 car No. 2 white oats, 84c, 6 days. The cost ot laying down Minnesota spring patent flour Is 80c above tbe lowest point touched last month. At our quotations tbere is very little profit to dealers who are not stocked ahead. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red. 9293c; No. 3 red, 878Sc Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 4646Kc; high mixed ear. 4545kc; No. 2 yellow, shelled 4243c; high mixed, shelled, 4042c; mixed' shelled, 4041c. Oats No. 2 white. 8434Kc; extra, No. 3, 8333Kc: No. 3 white, 80jg61c; No-2 mixed oats,2S2SKc Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 61g6Bc; No. 1 Western, 649c. 1 Flour JocolDg prices Fancy winter and spring patents, S6 7Sfl26; winter straight. 85 0095 25; clear winter. 84 755 00; straicbt XXXX bakers', 84 254oa Bye flour, S3 60 4 oa MlLLTEED Middlings, fine white. 815 00 15 50 ft ton; brown middlings, 811 60012 50; winter wheat bran, 812 2512 60; chop feed, 815 00616 00. , MM , Hay Baled timothy, choice, 814 00; No. 1 do, S13 0OQ13 60: No. 2 do. 811 6012 60; loose, from wagon, 814 0015 00;No. 1 upland prairie. 810 60011 00; No. 2. 87 608 W. packing do, 80 50 66 6a , Straw Oats, J7 60; wheat and rye straw 87 007 508 Oa Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, HJc; sugar-cured hams, medium. 12c: sugar-cured hams, small, 12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 7K sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams, SHci sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9Kc; sugar cured dried beef sets. 10K sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12Kc; bacon sbenlders, 7c; bacon clear sides, 8Xc;bacon clear bellies. 8Kc; dry salt shoulders. 6Kc; dry salt clear sides, inc. Mess pork, heavy, 814 00; mess pork, family. 814 5a Lard Refined in tierces, 6ic: half barrels. 7c: 60-ft tubs. 7Jic: 20-ft pails, 7c: 50 ft tin cans, 6c; 3-ft tin pails, 1C; 6-ft tin palls, 7Jc; 10-ft tin pails. 7Jic Smoked sausace,iong, 6c: large, 6c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless bam, 10c Pigs feet, half barrel, 83 60; quarter barrel, 82 0a Dressed Bleat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on drested meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 lbs, 5Vc; 550 to 650 fts, 6Vc: 650 to 750 fts. 6Kc Sheep. 8c ft ft. Lambs, lOo ft ft. Hogs, Cjic Fresh pork loins, 8c Lumber. An order for 17 carloads of pine shingles from Johnstown was placed with Pittsburg firms this week, and other lumber In propor tion. A leading dealer is of the opinion that there buildingof Johnstown will add fully 20 per cent to the volume ot our city's lumber trade this season. When It is remembered that pros pects were good Tor an extra trade before the great cata strophe, it is plain that this year will beat all former records In lumber lines. PINE UNPLANID YARD QCOTATIOXS. Clear boards, per M S32 0QSt 00 beleet common boards, per M. 80 00 Common boards per M SO 00 Bheathinc 18 00 Pine frame lumber per M 22 00027 00 Shingles, No. 1, 18 In. perM 600 Bh Ingles, No. I, IS In. per M S7S Lata...?. .V. . 00 PLANED. Clear boards, per M. I 6000 Surface boards 30 00 35 00 Clear, K-lnch beaded celling 26 00 Partition boards, peril 3500 Flooring, No. 1 30 00 Flooring, No.2. 25 00 Yellow pine flooring 3O0O4O0O Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 1.... 30 00 Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... 25 to Weather-boarding. M-lnch 30 00 HARD WOODS YARD QUOTATIONS. Ash, I to 4 in 840 00355 00 Klsck walnut, green, log run ooaso 00 Bl ek walnut, dry, log run 60 00(3175 CO Cherry 40 ooffiso 03 Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In MOOrSMOO Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 22 OOrMSOO Dry white oak boards, lin 20 00325 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 20 0003 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1H Inch 25 OOrSWO 00 West Va. yellow poplar, Htolln 19 00325 00 Hickory, IXtoJfn 13 00(325 00 Hemlock building lumber, peril MOO Bank rails 14 00 Boat studding 14 00 Coalcarplank It 00 HARD WOODS JOBBQiG PRICES. Ash 130 00345 00 Walnut logrun, green 25 00V&J5 00 Walnut log run. dry 35 OOtcfcO 00 W bite oak plank, preen... 18 00022 00 White osk plank, dry 13 00325 00 White oak boards, dry 18 00(33 00 West Va. yellow pine. I In 20 00325 00 WestVa. yellow pine, ltf In 20 0025oo Yellow poplar. 20 0U&34 OO Hickory, lX to S in IS 00ffii on Hemlock 11S01JM Bunk rails. 14 00 Boat stnddlng. 14 00 Coal ear plank 18 00 A Remarkable Experience. MR. H. ROBERTSON SAVED FROM AN UNTIMELY DEATH. Mr. H. Robertson, a native of Scotland, but who has been a resident of this country for sev eral year, has been a victim of kidney disease with tho following symptoms: He had a heavy dragging pain across the small of his back, ex tending from one side to the other, and a bloat ed, dropsical condition of tbe bowels, high col ored urine, and he noticed that sometimes it contained a reddish, brick-colored sediment, and at other times tbe sediment was of a ligbt isn color. He noticed tbat be felt very tired in the morning, and as he gradually grew weaker, his stomach became affected. His appetite became poor, and he was constantly annoyed with sour eructations of gas from bis stomach after eating, and on account of the kidneys not performing their function properly, bis blood became charged with rheumatic poison, so that he had much Daln about his shoulders and dif ferent parts of his body. As be became more emaciated he began to cough, and be felt much tightness and weight across bis lungs. In speaking of the matter one day, he said: "I doctored with the best doctors I could hear of, but was fast getting worse. I became mel ancholy and tnonght 1 could not live. Finally I began treatment with tbe physicians of the Polypatbic Medical Institute, who are special ists for chronic diseases, and although confined to the bed when I commenced their treatment, my Improvement was very rapid, and I bave been entirely cared by these physicians, and I gladly sign my name. H. Robertson." Anyone wishing to call upon Mr. Robertson, or write him with reference to bis case, can have bis full address by calling at THE POLY PATHIC INSTITUTE. 420 Penn ave. Office hours, 10 to 11:30 A. M.. 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. x. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. x. Consultation free. je24-D Why toil and slave forever P Life was meant for living', not eternal slaving. Cease this weary drudg ery. SOAPONA does your wort itself, and neither Injures hand nor wort fanric. Then why do It you? lis nonsense, very nonsense. Awake, Ladies, Awake I Your health and life are at stake. TJse SOAFOKA everywhere. It cleans like magic WASHING- P0WD BELL'S BUFFALO SOAP-Beit Soap Made. R.W. BELL MF6. CO., Buffalo, N.Y, myl5-5-TT M ONEY TO LOAN On mortgages on Improved real estate in sums of $1,000 and upward. Applyat ifOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. mh4-34-l No. 124 Fourth avenue. DILES: mv irwa MtstJ. v latest Itching ana tucinei mmiiii llfiill wine i crmxcBinc. it tamorm form na I ITCHING PILE5.fiaWTSK I Vw-o-Ls Terr . SWANK'S OIAT. MEM the Itehlneilbledls;. heals leeittM,MdlnmotewiOTYe.let. mm. 8wimOwnrel.UljclruiUu,ormUeitt any addnu oa reerfpt ot orioo, SO eta, a box ; S ooias tl . Xiirw Uttera, OR. SWA VNB A SO V. rtitl."Mj.bla. Ta. THE CAUSE OP CONSUMPTION is now admitted by the medical authorities to be a deficiency or undue waste of Ozldizable Phosphorus normally existing In the human economy. The remedv consists In the admin istration of a preparation of Phosphorus being at once assimilable and oxldlzable. WINCHES TER'S HYPOPHOSPHITESlsthe only prep aration of Phosphcrus which combines tbese characteristics In the highest degree. For Consumption, Brmeh'tts. Coughs, Night Sweats, and Nervous Dlssssss, It Is unequaled. Recommended by Physicians. Sold by Drug gists. II per bottle. Send for circular. WINCHESTER A CO Chemists. my31-24-TTSWk 162 William St. N. Y. isJflsVlsaHtp A PERFEC1 IBlUliiiaV9 "VYiTZfal HI'W A purely Vegetable I Compound that expels tall bad humors from the KZS37V3 I system. Removes blotch 'es and pimples, and Bakes pure, rich blood. iiuumn apxV6S r SwTJT's Spectfio has cured me of a malignant breaking out on my leg. which caused intolerable pain. Itwa called Eczema by the doctors four of whom treated me with no relief. A candldlycunfessthatlowe my present good health to a S. 8 which in my estimation Is invaluable as a blood remedy. Miss JUIXA DeWitt, 2227 N. Tenth st, St. Louis, Ma Our baby when two months old was attacked with Scrofula, which for a long time destroyed ber eyesight en tirely, and caused ns to despair of her life. The doctors f iled to relieve her, and we gave Swijt'S SPRaC,whlcn soon cured her entirely, and she is now hale and hearty. E. V. Vslk. WBl's Point, Texas. 43-Send for book giving history of Ulood Diseasesandadvice to sufferers, mailed free. Tmt Swrrr Specific Co.. fel-7-TTS Drawer 3. Atlanta, Oa. SOMETHING NEW FOR FENCES. STRONG NEAT.CHEAP METAL MADE FROM STEEL PLATES FOR LAWN OR FARM FENCES, WINDOW GUARDS, TRELLISES, LATHING FOR BUILDINGS, Etc. It can be made a substitute for nearly every purpose for which wire is used, and is far more durable and cheaper. It is much superior to wire work In every way. It Is solid at all points of intersection. Send for illustrated Circulars and Prices. Central Expanded Metal Co., (CHESS, COOK & CO.) 116 "Water street, Pittsburgr, Pa. my2-55-TTS WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO.. Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and GHEVTOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-r83.p JAS. D. CALLERY President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier . CITY SAVINGS BAJSTK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital and surplus. $123,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Jt8-tt3 UltOKJE US FINANCIAL. TTTH1TNEY 4 8TEPHENS0K, a FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits througb Messrs. DrexeL Morgan t Co., New York. Passports procured. ap23-l GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. CM-SIS Hamilton Building, PlttsburcFa. mvIO-70-s JOHN H. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKER& Members Chicago Board of Trade and Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. 15 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. RIALTO BUILDING, Chicago. mv28-8-lTTSu MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENS AVENUE, PITTsBDttG, PA.. As old residents know ana back flies of Pitts burg capers prove. Is the oldest established and most prominent physician In the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. SffSSSNOFEEUNTILCURED M C D n 1 1 C anl mental diseases, physical ll Cn V UUO aecay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope. Impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self distrust,basbf ulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions. Im poverished blood, failing powers,organio weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person for business,society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKINSsAS blotches falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoronghly eradicated from the system. IIRIMARV kidney ana bladder aerange U II I ll f fl I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittlers life-Iopg, extensive experi ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hours 9 A. K. to 8 P. Jf. Sun day, 10 A. Jt. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, (SllPenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jy9-10X-ISUWlc DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re- S airing scientific and confident al treatmentt Dr. S. K. Lake. M. K. u. f. a is tne oldest ana most experienced specialist in tne city, consultation iree ana stvictlr confidential Office Tinnrs tn 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.: Sundavs. 2 to 4 P. M.Consult them personally orwrlte. DOCTOBS Lake. 908 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa, jelZ-to-DWK -a OiMtiTt "PiOOTt COMPOUND inosed of Cotton Root. Tansr aad Pennvroval a recent discovery by an Wii nhvalrlATi- Is KilMfMfvJlu used t-8afa. Effectual. Price SL bv P1H. . sealed. Ladies, ask your drozglst lor uoox'si tfnttnn Knot Oomtncnd and taafi no substltate. or inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. A drasa POND JULY COMPANY. No. 3 FiaaBC ' - Block, 131 woodwara ave Detroit. itic MEN ONLY a positive curat Va- 1JWT ap falltn 1 MANUOOD.NerToaa-'J new. veaKness 01 Bodr AAflnd. Irtof strenrth. Vlror and De velopment, caused br Errors, Excesses, Ac Boot., J Hope of seup-Tseatxest. and Proofs maMein (sealed tree. Address KlUK MEDICAL CUr3 Bunalo. N. Y. deS-57-TTSWk jl HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks tbe worst cases la tares days, and cures in five days. Price 31 00. at J. FLEM1NU-S DRUGSTORE, js5-29-TTSSu 412 Market street A SUFFERER & ?Z, weakness, lostvlfror. etc. wasrestored to heak In sacb a remarkable mannerafler all else 6 ad I failed tbat be will send tbe mode of cure fliBC M J au reuow sunerers. Aaoress I, u. MrrcHBU! sast luaaam, uoaa. x myw-st-Bsawkj fcgftj J y m ESssasMfcEEaSH