Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 11, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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KL B$pf4
ToLM. Xe.llL Entered ut PUtsburc l'otofflce.
2f orember 14, 1&S7, a tecuud-clatt matter.
i Business Office Q7and09FlftbAvenue.
Hews Booms and Publishing1 House 75,
jr 77 and 79 Diamond Street
SXastern Advertising Office, ltoom 48, Tribune
Building, hew York.
. Average net drcnlatlon of the dally edition of
IXHXDlsrATcn for six months ending June 30, 1S89,
Copies per Issue.
Average net clrcnlstlon of the bunday edition of
ETSX Dispatch for three montlis ending June SO,
peoples per Issue.
DAH.T Dispatch, Onelear i t 8 00
: Daily DrsrATCH. One Month 70
lV4.lT.-r IIispatcw. lneludlnfrknndav. 1 rear. 10 00
AJAH.YDisrATCli.lncludlueSunday.Sra'tlis. 8 50
teDAlLYDisrATCiMncludingSunaay.l month so
bCNDAT Dispatch, One! ear 2 60
i "WrxKLT Dispatch, One Year l 25
i' Tmh Tt ,w llei.a"j'rTr fc (.Itrorpil hv rnrrlprfiat
' ilS cents per week, or Including bunday edition, at
f ;wcents per week.
Senator Donald Cameron, upon his retnrn
rwrom jsurope, lates occasion 10 state mat
wfhe report of his withdrawal from politics
ay . i : a v 1.1m Tl... aw.a.
was unaumuriseu uy liiui. xiw .cjju.h
harmed no one, howeTer, as all who are ac
quainted with the Cameron principles were
quite well aware that it is not in accordance
with them to give anything up that can be
held to.
"We have had something of a superabun
dance of that sort of reports ot late years, and
It' ''the public has naturally come to estimate
k them at their true value. After the inde
W pendent upheaval of 1882 the public was
Pn gravely informed that machine politics in
r Pennsylvania were a thing of the past and
the machine has, upon several occasions,
proved its vitality. Prior to Senator Cam
eron's last election some remarks were heard
about his lack of desire to remain in the
' Senate, but after the Legislature which was
-to choose a Senator was chosen, Senator
Cameron's re-election found no obstacles,
either in his own unwillingness or in the ob
jections of the legislators.
Itissaretor'',t " ' , n-
,'.. acuei '" : .(.in
: VI
" -v d : i ot Jnie T. letter, c
' lu . ... tn i 'w n. r third .iil in
; - i i v p" -1 uau recovered
' aarge damages from the traction company
for the loss of a limb on its road, is a some
what significant warning to the corpora
tions that their mainstay of getting heavy
damages cut down by the Courts as exces
sive, can very easily be overtaxed to the
point of entirely giving away. In this
case, the jury first gave the plaiutiff a ver
dict of $18,000, and the Court exercised the
rather arbitrary power of cutting it down to
$12,000. Not content with this, the com
pany obtained a new trial, and upon that
trial the jury increased the damages to
S20,000. An application for another trial
having been made, Judge Finletter refused
it, with some rather pertinent remarks upon
the arbitrary -discretion exercised by Courts
in cutting down the awards made by juries.
' Indeed, he tended very strongly to the view
that a Court has no such authority, and
that the verdict of the jury should stand
unless based upon some erroneous construc
tion of the law.
This is a novel but not wholly unsatisfac
tory departure from the practiceof Courts of
cutting down whatever verdicts may seem
to be rather severe, regardless of the fact
that if a verdict should happen to give
inadequate damages, or should refuse dam
ages altogether in a case where they aro
plainly justified, no Court has ever taken
the trouble to set aside such a verdict.' The
ruling has still to undergo the review of the
Supreme Court, where it may receive the
reverse of favorable consideration; but if it
stands it will require the adoption on the
part of corporations of very decided meas
ures to prevent accidents which may bring
them into the courts as defendants in suits
for damages.
From the horror of some people over a re
cent event in Brooklyn it almost appears
that a shadow has been cast upon the title
of Mr. Harrison as President of these United
States. A frightful doubt appears to have
been thrown upon this matter by the extraor
dinary behavior of the officer in charge of
the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The President
of the United States and commander in chief
of the army and navy that is, Benjamin
Harrison was on board the United States
steamer Dispatch, bound up the sound. The
big blue flag which denotes the President's
presence hung from the peak, taffrail, jib
boom, or some other appropriate part of
the vessel, as the Dispatch steamed by the
Brooklyn Navy Yard. The enly man who
saw it was a new watchman. The big blue
flag caught his eye and he ran with com
mendable swiftness to the oommander of the
yard. The latter knew the President was
passing, and ordered the salute of 21 guns
to be fired, although the Dispatch was then
out of sight. But after one gun had been
fired he ordered the gunners to stop firing!
What did he mean? He did not blow out
bis brains with a blunderbuss: he did not
order every tenth man in the yard to be shot;
in fact, he did nothing heroic to expiate.the
awful offense. Then he deliberately al
lowed common sense to interfere with the
strict letter of naval etiquette. When one
gun had been fired he ordered the salute
stopped, because the ship Dispatch had
passed. We suppose he will be court
martialed and condemned to live in Brook
lyn forever.
In the meanwhile, if Benjamin Harrison
can travel between Brooklyn and New York
without being saluted at least a dozen times,
it is worthy of mention that it will result in
a considerable economy of gunpowder and
The inquiries of organized charity In vari
ous cities seem to leave no doubt that the
tenement houses, which form such a blot
upon the fame ot the majority of the largest
cities, arc leading causes of intemperance,
and the even worse vices which flourish in
their midst. The experiences of Miss Octavia
Hill and her coadjutors in reforming the
tenements of Loudon prove that the im
provement of their dwellings has frequently
effected a marked reform in the charactcrand
habits of the inhabitants. This evidence is
corroborated by the report of the Associated
Charities of Boston.which declares that "the
foul condition of many of the dwellings of
our poorest people is the potent cause of
their physical and moral degradation. It Is
vicious economy for anyone, no matter how
poor, to live in a tenement, however low the
rent, where the health of father, mother or
child is injured; disease is contracted and
morals are lost."
This is undoubtedly the correct yiew; but
still it fails to afford a perfect solution of the
problem. Although the removal of the
conditions which make tenements the nurs
ery oi physical and moral vice may create a
new class of inhabitants for the improved
houses, the class which can afford to pay for
the old tenements and nothing better, must
still find its habitation somewhere. A few
of the people whose means will only afford
the pittance required to pay for shelter in
the rookeries may be reformed by the re
form of the tenement, but the vast majority
of them will simply change their place of
location. So long as there are people who
can only afford to pay for the worst tene
ment, so long the tenements themselves will
exist, however vigorously the reform of their
conditions may be pushed. It is the class
whose means can only pay ior the tenement
that create those rookeries, and cot the tene
ments that create the class.
The work of pushing the reform of the
tenement is a great one, but it is necessary
to perceive that it is not and cannot be com
plete until we remove the causes that rrowd
our cities with underpaid laborers, and
reform the conditions that create the demand
for the tenement houses and must have
them in one locality or another.
The expenditures for removing obstruc
tions and cleaning up the debris at Johns
town up to Tuesday are reported at f 172,000.
Of course there is understood to be consid
erable work yet ahead, but if the State au
thorities can complete the job short of a
quarter of a million, candor will compel
those who thought the Governor unwise in
not calling an extra session of the Legisla
ture to revise the opinion. The estimate
originally sent ont was that 51,000,000
wonld be required. If the State authorities
get through lor one-quarter of that, raise
the money on their own responsibility, and
present satisfactory accounts of the expendi
tures, they will be entitled to the frank ad
mission that their course was the wiser
one. Of course it is too early to judge yet.
It will continue so until the final settlement
is had; but in the midst of the frequent and
continued criticism of the Governor's ac
tion respecting Johnstown, we cheerfully
note the returns so far as indicating that he
mar have been better posted as to the actual
u. nsions of the task than some of those
v i u differed from his views and his esti
uaiei. If. the ultimate exhibit show the cost so
very much less than the figures originally
tpok-n of, the Governor will have credit for
an agreeable surprise to be shared, of
ours), by General Hastings, to whose con
stant presence and vigorous oversight much
of the expedition in the labor will justly
have to be recognized as due.
A specimen of a widely prevalent, if not
predominant, class of opinion is furnished
by the complaint of a Democratic organ
concerning another Democratic paper's
criticism of the election of Calvin S. Brice
to the position of National Democratic
Chairman as an evidence of the plutocratio
influences which are to be found in the
Democratic as well as in the Republican or
ganization. The complaining organ takes
the ground that to criticise whatever its
party may do is fractious, if not presump
tuous. After the Democratic committee has
elected a Chairman, according to this view,
it is not consistent with the duty of a Demo
cratic newspaper to say anything about the
fact that the big bank account of the Chair
man furnished his chief recommendation for
the position.
This is the stereotyped view In the organ
type of journalism. Those who think the
official action of a party is the ultimate
measure of what Is right or wrong for all
who belong to that party are impervious to
argument over the question. Nevertheless,
the great mass of people, even among those
who are accustomed to regulate their po
litical actions by mere partisanship, will
have a good deal more faith in the expres
sions of the jonrnal which is outspoken
enough to point out false tendencies in its
own party than In the paper which follows
the stereotyped rule of the great majority of
party organs in swearing blindly to what
ever the party may do.
As to this particular case, there is no
doubt that the outspoken Democratic paper
is correct, The Democratic party claims in
its platforms to be opposed to the plutocratic
tendencies of the day, and when it puts into
a leading position a man whose only recom
mendation In politics is his superabundance
of money, and whose financial greatness has
been created by the practice of the worst
corporate abuses, it is both just and perti
nent in a public point of view to point out
the fact that it is not true to its professions,
and that it is abandoning the principles
which iorm its greatest claim upon the pub
lic support.
Both the criticism and the complaint will,
however, have a decided public use in call
ing the attention of the people to the fact
that as long as blind partisanship forms the
leading political motive, and big bank
accounts are the principal factors in politi
cal campaigns, one party organization will
be just about as susceptible to the influences
of plutocracy as another.
The New York World, which cannot be
accused by anyone of being addicted to the
bloody shirt, has recently sent a careful in
vestigator to Arkansas to report on tho con
dition of'thincs in connection with the as
sassination of John M. Clayton. His report
is a practical arraignment of the civilization
of Arkansas. It shows that a political
murder having been committed in the first
place, the people of that State have made
themselves, morally at least, accessories after
the fact. Instead of nniting to secure the
detection and punishment of the assassins,
there is a greater disposition to shield them
from discovery. Detectives in disguise
seeking to trace up the crime have been
warned to leave as soon as their errand was
suspected; and after the lapse of nearly a
year, it is certain that the murderers will
not be punished.
This is strong corroboration from an im
partial source of the charges wnich Repub
lican papers have made in connection with
the Clayton affair. Bnt the case does not
contain any especial political capital. The
Republicans long ago abandoned the idea
that the General Government could exercise
permanent supervision over the detection
and punishment of capital crimes In the
States; and with a Republican administra
tion in power, it is powerless to take any
steps for the punishment of Clayton's mur
derers. The most salient lesson from the
impartial statement of the facts concerning
that crime is that emigrants who wish to
settle in a locality where their political free
dom will be respected, and their lives pro
tected, will find Arkansas a good State to
stay away from. ,
When we find the London edition of the
New York Herald presenting the argument
that it was very wrong for the Englishmen
to object to voting money for the support ot
the Queen's descendants to the third genera
tion, because Americans have to spend con
siderable money in electing their representa
tive rulers, it may be taken as an example of
how a certain class of New York opinion,
when transplanted to England, comes to the
conclusion that money spent by the Ameri
cans in governing themselves is money
thrown away.
It should be suggested to Prof. John L.
Sullivan, that because he has been success
ful in vanquishing his late antagonist, it is
not wise for him to resume his old and long
unsuccessful attempt to conquer the cham
pion that has beaten him so many times,
namely, Mr. John Barleycorn.
Bismaeck's disposition to suppress
Switzerland because the little republic per
sists in its traditional policy of affording a
sanctuary for political refugees, even in
cluding the Socialists, is peculiarly Bis
marckian. Nevertheless, the Iron Chan
cellor should remember the fact that what
feudal tyrants were unable to do in the way
of oppressing a free nation, absolutist states
men are likely to find an unduly large job
in the nineteenth century.
The experience of a Missouri man who
was bitten by a mad dog, and despite 13 ap
plications of a famous madstone died of hy
drophobia last week, will strengthen the
popular conviction that the only sure pre
ventive of hydrophobia is to avoid the
society of mad dogs.
The suit over thejroperty of the Oneida
Community has a strong resemblance in
many points to the questions that have been
raised as to the ultimate disposition of the
wealth of the Economites. , But the form of
acquisition is so different in the two eases
that the strongest point of resemblance is
the proof which both communities show of
what united effort and abstinence from the
common dissipations of life can effect in the
creation of wealth.
A MAN has been discovered in Virginia
who expresses the belief that General
Mahone will be the next President of tbe
United States. He must be one of the
millennial prophets, having figured out
that the millennium of the spoilsmen is
These is a conflict of authority between
the Treasury Department and the Navy De
partment as to the number of stars in the
flag. The Navy thinks we have 42 stars
now, and the Treasury is of the opinion
that we must wait until next year for them.
There is no need of quarreling over the
matter, but common sense would seem to
indicate that the stars cannot rise until the
States come into the Union.
Ax English writer Is out with a story en
titled "I Mark the King." The name war
rants the warning that in some parts of this
glorious country if he tries to play the king
after marking it, he is likely to get himself
marked with a bullet hole in his body.
The Hon. Edward J. Phelps, late Min
ister to England, has expressed the opinion
that this country has no settled foreign
policy. Mr. Phelps does not seem to have
paid sufficient attention to the fact that tbe
settled foreign policy of the last adminis
tration was to do nothing that foreign
nations could object to, except to make a
good deal of bluster in the last year, for the
sake of campaign purposes.
Between artesian wells in the parks and
the extension of its water system up the
Allegheny river, Allegheny City may hope
for pnre water and a corresponding relief
from fevers some time in the future.
Herbert Spehceb says that it costs the
English railways 1250,000 a year "to protect
their interests in Parliament." That is
nothing in this country. It should not re
quire a great effort of the memory to re
member that a single line of subsidized rail
way in this country reported an expendi
ture of about the same amount for the same
purpose when it was after some legislation
for its benefit.
Italians who murderously assault their
superintendent with pickaxes and other tools
intended for peaceful use, may not prove as
cheap labor in the long run as they were al
leged to be in the index.
Crriii Sebyice Commissioner Roose
velt is quoted as saying that "there is no
inspiration in beer." This wonld be likely
to create'the impassion that all Mr. Roose
velt's studies of the motive power of New
York politics had been futile, if he did not
insert the saving clause that there is inspira
tion in whisky.
Mrs. James A. Garfield, widow of the
late President, Is making preparations to spend
next winter In Washington.
Prince Bisjiabck and Const von Moltke
have become honorary members of the com
mittee for the institution of a Beethoven
Honsoat Bonn. Herr Joachim is honorary
President of it.
F. H. Winston, of Chicago, who served as
United States Minister to Persia, thinks there
are only about a dozen Persians in this country,
and a like number ot Americans in Persia,
mostly missionaries.
Sib Julian Pauncetote. the British Min
ister, was one of the guests present at the com
mencement of the Georgetown Convent one
of the historic schools ot tbe country, where
General Scott's daughters, Mrs. Harriet Lane
Johnson, Mrs. Fred Grant and many women of
national distinction, wero educated.
William Haydew Edwards, who has been
appointed Consul General at Berlin, was a per
sonal friend of the Grant family, having been
reared with them in Brown county. He was at
one time engaged to marry Nellie Grant, now
Mrs. Sartorls, but the cause of their broken
engagement has never been known, but the
romance of It has made Edwards a bachelor.
The oldest printer in California is Jose de la
Rosa, who now lives at Ban Diego. He will be
100 years of age next January. He was sent by
General Santa Anna to Alta California in
1833, to publish a newspaper, and selected Mon
terey for the place of publication. He has a
wonderful memory, and is In control ot all his
faculties. He i said to have in 'manuscript a
life ot Santa Anna and a history of California
from 1830 to 1KS0. He spends most of bis time
at present smoking cigarettes and conversing
upon tho interesting episodes ot bis long and
adventurous life.
Mr. J. R. Werner, who used to be an officer
of the Congo Free State, says that when he vis
ited Tippoo Tib that African magnate was al
ways very polite. "But," says Mr. Werner,
"from the first moment of seeing him X felt a
certain distrust of him, which I have never got
over. One thing I noticed in particular noth
ing escaped bis quick restless eyes, and I was
very much amused when, a tem days later at
Yambuya camp, he sentAn interpreter to me
with a request that I would come and see him,
I found that all be wanted to know was the
meaning ot the numbers and designs on the
brass buttons of two Belgian officers who were
In uniform."
John Chinaman In nurture He Learnt tbe
Lesson ofPoker Young Minnie Palmer's
Plans Sninmer Hotels Near at Hand.
Tun Chinese who reside in Pittsburg are al
ready noted for their general good behavior.
Tne Mongolian eolony In the two cities number
several hundred, almost ail ot whom are in the
laundry business. A great many of them have
shown a liking for ordinary American attire
On Snnday last, on Smlthfleld street, in the
short distance between tho really visible prom
ise of a postofdee and the Monongahela House,
I encountered no less than half a dozen young
Chinamen rigged out in regulation cutaway
coats, wide light-toned trousers, gray derbies,
high standing collars, cuffs and canes. Very
neat and clean they looked, too, and decidedly
superior in their behavior to the majority of
young Americans on that populous street.
As two of these Americanized Celestials were
passing a Chinese laundry, the proprietor of
which, m the silk blouse and baggy pantaloons
of his native land, was standing at his door, a
couple of Southside shop girls going in the op
posite direction smiled at them. Tbe laundry
man shouted something in Chinese to bis
dudish compatriots, which made them turn and
look after the girls. It was evident that tbe
laundryman was joking them about the im
pression they had made upon the "Mel lean
girlee." But flirtation translated Into Chinese
has not an appetizing appearance,
Longfellow has immortalized the truth
that impressions taken upon the mind in youth
are the strongest and last the longest. He
never wrote a grander, or truer, or more touch
ing poem than "The Bong of My Lost Youth."
Somehow I was reminded of Longfellow's
lines tbe other day when a middle-aged man,
who has seen a very active life, said to me:
"You were surprised Just nowbecause I refused
to take a band in a game of poker. Naturally.
I have played all sorts of games of chance but
the national game, as they sometimes term
.poker. I've tried my luck against many a faro
bank; played horses to a pretty load tune, and
I've never been averse to making a little bet to
oblige a friend on any sort of subject. But I
don't play poser never have played poker and
never shall. WhyT I'll tell you.
"When I was a boy I traveled a good deal
with my.father. and though be did not play, I
used to see a friend of his a very rich man
constantly playing poker. He lost money in
almost every game I saw him play and the
games he played were for big money. It became
Impressed upon my mind that poker playing
was a very sure way to lose money, and the
final ruin of ray father's friend only made the
impression stronger. I resolved never to play
poker then, and I have lived np to that re
solve." .
The general public does not know very much
about John R. Rogers, who signs himself
"Yours merrily," and is the husband of money
making Minnie Palmer. Bnt dramatic editors
and tbe theatrical profession know that he has
played a pretty big part in tbe success of bis
pleasant but not overwhelmingly brilliant wife.
Mr. Rogers has given up his life entirely to ad
vertising and pushing Minnie Palmer for the
past ten years. He has kept her before tho
public In some way or other all the time. When
Minnie Palmer was touring in England the
American papers bristled with stories of her
astounding social as well ashlstrionlc triumphs.
Baronets and even bigger British bugs battled
for her smiles under tbe management of
"Yours merrily. John R. Rogers." When she
was in America her husband-manager kept sur
prising the publlo through the theatrical news
columns of the papers with odd accidents and
incidents of fortune good and bad. In short.
Minnie Palmer has been magnificently adver
tised wherever she has gone. Probably she has
considerably more money than she needs, as a
result of this advertising. Bhe owes her suc
cessa real success in England to it. In En
gland Lotta was comparatively a failure for the
lack of it. Lotta, a real dramatic sunbeam,
Well, the strange news Is that in future Miss
Minnie Palmer Is not to be managed by "tier's
merrily, John R. Rogers." He makes the an
nouncement that he tas abdicated In favor of
some other fellow not named. Mr. Rogers
says his wife and star has accumulated enongh
money to live comfortably, and they mean to
take life easily together. Minnie Palmer will
play a short season at places she likes, and
somebody not ber husband will toot the horn
and placard the papers and tbe walls for ber.
If she does not want to make any more money
she has gone a good way about it. -
Some remarks made in this column the other
day about the beauty of the scenery back of
Sewlckley, and the splendid site for a hotel
that exists among the hills of the McKean
tract, have been Interpreted by a gentleman re
siding in another direction entirely as a reflec
tion upon the scenery about him. and a hotel
which everyone knows fills the wants of Pitts
burgers in that region completely.
It is needless for me to say that in talking of
one place I did not refer to another. There is
a very good hotel in Sewlckley itself, but the
lack of one in tho picturesque hills two or three
miles away can be alluded to without injury to
Mr. McKelvey's excellent house. In other
neighborhoods there are other hotels which
serve certain purposes admirably. At Idle
wood, for Instance. Mr. Jackson has a first-class
honse, and many Pittsburgers know what a de
lightful refuge from thn city heat and turmoil
is to be fonnd there. And it Is pleasant to
know that Mr. Jackson finds It does pay to
keep a first-class hotel in a summer resort as
nearto Pittsburg as Idlewood is.
There is no necessity for a Plttsburger to
rush a thousand miles to find rest and rural
Another Lady of the Whlto Honse Enters
tbe Dark Volley.
Richmond, Va.. July 10. Mrs. ex-President
John Tyler died at tbe Exchange Hotel this
evening from a congestive chill. Mrs. Tyler
bad only been at tbe hotel f lnco Snnday even
ing, having come from a visit to her
son, Lyon G Tyler, at Williams
burg, and was to have left here Monday
on a visit to another son, on the James river,
but, feeling unwell, she kept her room. Tues
day at 11 o'clock she was taken with a chill.
Medical skill proved of no avail, and she died
at 6 J5 o'clock thU afternoon. Mrs. Tylerleaves
four children Lyon C Tyler, President of
William and Mary College, Virginia; Gardiner
C. Tyler, who lives In Charles City county. Vir
ginia: Dr. Lacklan Tyler, of Washington City,
and Mrs. Win. FIllls, of Montgomery county.
Julia Gardiner Tyler, second wife of John
Tyler, tenth President of the United Stater,
was born on Gardiner's Island, near East
Hampton, N. Y., in 182U. She was educated in
Cbegary Institute. New York City, and after a
short time spent in travel through Europe, she
came to Washington with her father in ISM.
A few weeks after their arrival they
accepted an invitation from President
Tyler to attend a pleasure excursion down tbe
river on tbe war steamer Princeton. The fes
tivities on this occasion were sadly marred by
tbe explosion ot a gun on the vessel, causing
loss of life. Among those killed was Miss
Gardiner's father. His body was taken
to the White House and Miss Gar
diner was thrown a great deal into the
society of the President President Ty'er's
first wife baa died shortly after be entered the
White House, and the President paid Miss
Gardiner marked attention, which resulted In
their marriage in New York City, June 28, l&U.
For the succeeding eight months of President
Tyler's term she presided over tbe White
House with tact, grace and dignity. After the
4th of March. 184a, Mrs. Tyler retired with her
bnsband to tbe seclusion of theirconntry place,
"Sherwood Forest." on tbe banks of the James
river, Virginia, She remained in Virginia until
after the Civil War, her husband having died
abont the beginning ot the strife, and then"
went to reside at ber mother's residence on
Castleton Hill, Staten Island. After several
yean' residence there she removed to Rich
mond, Va., where sbe died. Mrs. Tyler was a
Roman Catholic in religion.
A Printer Gets Married.
E. J. Murray, formerly a compositor of The
Despatch, and Miss Lydla Brindley, a young
ladyof Wheatland, Mercer county, were mar
ried yesterday by Rev. Father Gallagher.of St.
Mary's Catholic Church, at New Castle.
This Settles It.
from the Chicago News.:
That stupendous Institution, the North
American bustle, has practically become ex
tinct in Chicago. This great advance in civili
zation Is a matter for sincere rejoicing.
Miss Kale Agnes Wlnkcl.
Miss Kate Ames Winkel, daughter ot Mr. Hen
ry AVlnkel, of the Union rianlngHlU Company,
died yesterday at her home, No. ziOOtildney street,
Sonthslde. Miss Winkel was an active worker In
the Bandar school of the Herman Lutheran Church
on fcouth Eighteenth street. The funeral services
will be held on Jfrlday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
,Tb Snperintendent of the Census Will Ap
point HI Own Clerks.
Special Teleirram to The Dispatch.
Washington, J uly la It looks very much as
if Robert P. Porter, the Snperintendent of the
Census, bas beaten the Civil Service Commis
sion in the contest between them for tbe privi
lege of appointing the army ot clerks that will
be employed In the work of ascertaining the
results of tbe tenth census. The strugzle be
tween Porter, backed by the Secretary of tbe
Interior, First Assistant Postmaster General
Clarkson and other anti-Mugwumps on the one
band and the Civil Service Commissioners on
the other has been going on all summer. Por
ter contended that there was nothing in tbe
law organizing the Census Bnreau giving con.
trol of tbe appointments to tbe Civil Service
Commissioners, and be did not mean to let
them have them. The patronage be claimed
for himself. He said that the work of collect
ing census statistics was of a technical charac
ter, and as he was to be responsible for the
work he desired to name his own men.
Tbe President found himself between tbe
two horns of a dilemma in settling tho matter.
He desired to admit tbe justice of tbe claims
set up by Superintendent Porter and bis friends,
and yet be felt that his repeated profession of
civil service reform demanded that he should
put as many Government employes as possible
under the protection of competitive examina
tion. His friends, the Civil Service Commis
sioners, are becoming rapacious. Having
swallowed up the 5,000 employes of the Rail
way Mall service, tbelr appetite wouldn't be ap
peased until the census otnploycs were given
them also. Bnt they have been disappointed.
Tbe President has escaped bis predicament by
a sort of compromise. The census clerks will
be named by the Secretary of the Interior on
the recommendation of Mr. Porter, of course,
and appointed after being subjected to an ex
amlnation held by the men whom Mr. Porter
shall select for tbe work. This is just what the
Superintendent wants. Under this arrange
ment he will not only have tae privilege of
earning his men, but will see to it that they
possess the qualifications necessary for tbe
proper performance of their duties. Among
department people here who fully appreciate
the difficulty of getting competent clerks for
technical work general satisfaction is expressed
at tbe arrangements made for tbe appointment
of the census force
A Republican Ex-Slntc Chairman Gets tbe
.Balk of nil Estate.
Special Teleirram to Tbe Dispatch.
Philadelphia, July 10. Colonel Frank C.
Hooten, of Westchester, at one time Chairman
of the Republican State Central Committee,
has received, according to the terms of a will
just filed in the Register of Wills' office, a leg
acy of abont t70,0U) from the estate ot James
Neely, who died a week ago at Fifteenth and
Spring Garden streets. Neely was not a rela
tive of Colonel Hooten and the friendship
between the two men bad existed a short time,
but when Neely made Colonel Hooten bis
executor be willed to him the bulk ot bis large
estate. Tbe singular disposition ot the estate
has caused considerable talk. Small legacies
were left to the Episcopal Church in West
chester and to tbe Westchester Library, and
$5,000 to relatives. A young woman ot Neely's
acquaintance received J2,5W.
The history of the young man was as singular
as the disposition of his estate. He was the
son of Robert Neely, of Westchester. Robert
Neely was a director of the National Bank of
Chester County. He had devoted bis wbole life
to the accumulation of wealth. He amassed a
fortune of more than 150,000. Upon Robert
Neely's death this estate wentto his son James,
who entered upon possession last year. The
father bad married since tbe death of his first
wife, the mother of James, and his last wife
had entered into an ante-nuptial agreement by
which she promised not to apply for or to ac
cept any part of the estate. After Robert
Neely's death his widow charged that ber sig
nature to tbe agreement bad been obtained by
fraud, and suit was entered in the courts, which
has not yet been determined. Young James
Neely, after coming into possession of bis
fathers estate, entered upon a career which so
rapidly reduced tbe property that upon his
death not much more than 875,000 was left, and
tbe bulk of the fortune, which had taken the
father so many years to amass, went to a
Doctors Conld Provide a Simple Metbod of
Poisoning; to be Given In Sleep.
from the Electrical Engineer.
The Electrical Engineer does not share the
feeling expressed by some electricians that the
employment of the electric current in capital
punishment would disgrace or stigmatize their
vocation. We take the liberty, however, to
point out the following paragraph from the
report of the commission:
"Your commissioners are firmly convinced
that if the criminal could be put to death In a
certain and efficacious manner tbe purpose of
the law would be achieved equally well as if
the terrors of death were enhanced by the in
fliction of prolonged physical torture before
the end was finally accomplished. Various
suggestions have been made as to tbe means
of accomplishing such a result. One has been
the injection of a violent and sudden poison,
such as prussic acid, by means of the hypoder
mic needle, into the body of the condemned,
which is open to the very serious objection
that tho use of the instrument is so associated
with tbe practice of medicine and as a legiti
mate means of alleviating human suffering
that It is hardly deemed advisable to urge its
application for the purpose of legal execu
tions against the almost unanimous protest of
tbe medical profession."
We are not told when and how the medrcal
profession was polled on the question, bqt the
above paragraph clearly implies that the sug
gestion of poison was satisfactory but for tbe
feelings of tbe doctors.
It bas always seemed to us that tbe question
of simpler and more bnmane executions could
be best met by physicians. There is no doubt
tbat they could provide a simple method of
polsonlnc. whlrh conld be applied witb no ex
pectant attention on the part of the condemned
-.unawares, say in sleep, if desirable, as we
think It is and which would be nearer certain
to inflict no conscious physical suffering than
any other means hitherto suggested.
And Yet He Didn't Win.
Fiom the Detroit Free Fress.l
Kilraln was born one month before Sullivan
and has had just so much more opportunity to
BUI. wee wrote his finest novel In full dress.
Luther, when studying, always had his dog
,at his feet.
Tasso wrote his finest places in tbe lucid in
tervals of madness.
Flint read 2,000 volumes in the composition
of bis Natural History.
Cxsab composed bis famous commentaries,
It Is said, on horseback.
PASCAL wrote his thoughts on small scraps
of paper at his by-moments.
Bacoit knelt down before composing his
great work, and prayed for light from heaven.
Rousseau had the greatest difficulty in com
posing his works, being extremely defective In
the gift of memory.
ICtrvTEB never recopled what be had once
written. He composed with great rapidity, cor
rectness and precision.
La Fontatkb wrote his "Fables" chiefly
under the shade of a tree, and sometimes by
the side of Racine and Boilean.
Rousseau wrote his works early in the morn
ing; LeSage, at midday; Byron, at midnight.
Aristotle awoke early, and worked until he
CoitNXlLLE, In his lofty flights, was often
brought to a standstill for tbe want of a word,
which was commonly supplied by bis brother
Demosthenes passed three months in a
cavern by the seaside in laboring to overcome
the defects of his voice. There he read, studied
and declaimed.
' Calvin studied in his bed. Every morning
at 6 or 6 o'clock he had books, manuscripts and
papers carried to him there, and be worked on
for bonrs together. I
Buffon, in writing bis books, used pages
divided into five distinct columns. In the first
column he wrote out the first draft; in the sec
ond he corrected and improved, and so on to
the fifth.
Richelieu amused himself, in the intervals
of bis labor, with a squadron of cats, ot which
he was very fond. He used to retire at 11.
and, after sleeping three hours, rise and write
or work.
Voltaire was a most impatient writer, and
usually bad the first half of a work set up in
type before the second half was written. He
always had several works in the course of com
position at tho same time.
Milton was of the opinion that the verses
composed by him between the autumnal and
spring equinoxes were always the best, while
Alfierl, on the contrary, said that the equinoc
tial winds produced a state of almost "complete
stupidity" la bio.
It Is a Kara Thing Bow Mouths Are
Spoiled Some Snsssstlons of How to
Improve Its Appearance Care of Teeth
and Gam.
From Harper's Bazar.
Being the most expressive feature of the
face, the month has much to do with produc
ing the effect of beauty or its opposite. While
a large mouth gives an impression of coarse
ness, particularly in a woman, too small a one
is almost equally objectionable, and bas been
not Inaptly compared to a buttonhole.
Cupid's bo w is tbe standard pattern for a per
fect month, which bas clearly defined edges,
while the under lip Is short and full, as if, to
quote the old poet,
"Some bee had stung it newly."
The color sbonld be a vivid red, with no need
of biting the lips to give them a look of glow
ing freshness.
There are few things so charming as a lovely
mouth, and few so rarely seen. There will be
fine eyeB and beautif nl bair in profusion, but a
perfect mouth is bard to find. It Is not a feat
ure that engages the attention of unrefined or
uncultivated people, wbo are invariably at
tracted by brlgnt eves and a sbowy complexion,
but to the reader of human nature, the mouth
is an interesting study.
The finely of the Month.
Thus, thin straight lips indicate bad temper,
while those tbat are too full proclaim a sensual
nature; a mouth with blunt corners is charm
ingly expressive; corners tbat turn upward be
long to a merry disposition, wh lie those that
droop downward denote a hard, cruel nature.
Dimples at the corners of tbe mouth give a
look of creat sweetness, and the soft flexible
curves of the upper lip are also very expres
sive. When these curves are sharply denned,
and tbe space between them and the nose is
very short, it gives character to the profile.
A babit of sucking and biting tbe lips is ruin
ous to their shape, and Mine, do Pompadour
confesses that her very pretty mouth was
spoiled in this way before sbe was 30. Chil
dren's mouths are often stretched out of pro
portion by thelfpropeuslty from babyhood for
stuffing all sorts of miscellaneous articles Into
this convenient receptacle.
Biting the lips frequently makes them sore,
and for bard, dry lips a little pure glycerine,
lightly rubbed on at nicht, is often beneficial.
A harmless application for tbe same purposo is
made of a quarter of an ounce of wblte wax,
with one teaspoonful each of glycerine and
mutton suet. The wax and suet are melted
separately, and then the whole mass is well
mixed, and turned into a mold to cooL
Borne persons are greatly troubled with
chapped Ifps for which the above recipe will
be found beneficial and a cbapped. dry-looking
mouth is anytbine but attractive. Mungo
Park, during bis much quoted travels In Africa,
was the subject of frequent criticisms among
the negro belles, and among tbe decisions at
which they arrived was tbe impossibility of
finding a woman anywhere who wonld be will
ing to kiss such a thin, shriveled mouth as his,
lrom the African standpoint.
Don't Slake Faces.
A man's month should be large rather than
small, as tbe latter characteristic gives a con
tracted and effeminate look to tbe whole face,
and it is expressive of an entire lack of manly
qualities. Any mouth to be fully satisfactory
requires a reasonable amount of room; and the
"perfect rosebud of a mouth." which the
writers of a past generation were fond of be
stowing on their heroines, was appropriate
only for a child.
"Making faces" and excessive smiling are
both injurious to the shape of the mouth, and
the former, which seems as natural a propen
sity ot childhood as stuffing things into tbe
mouth, requires constant watchfulness. This
.ugly babit sometimes clings for life, and it
seems impossiDie tor tne victim to talk witnout
grimacing. Superfluous smiling is almost
equally unpleasant, and to be, as it were, on
the verge of smiling, without really doing it, is
more attractive and dignified. When smiles
are too profuse they lose their value, like other
things, but the charm of a thoroughly sweet
smile, when not too often repeated, is quite ir
resistible. Lessons in the art ot smiling have been re
corded of ancient times, and as an elegant ac
complishment, tbe art of smiling gracefully, in
just tbe right degree, deserves consideration.
Many persons open the mouth too widely, and
the process recommended by a writer on beauty
is "a sweet and geptle smile, where the month
hardly opens, the cheek dimples slightly, and
tbe lower lip just conceals the ends of tbe upper
Catching; Files.
A mouth half open the rustic's look of won
der gives a vacant expression to the face, and
produces the unpleasant result of a dark line at
tbe base ot the teeth. This is very disfiguring,
and It always suggests"a lack of personal clean
liness. Avery Important part of the mouth
now comes Into view, and one on which the
beauty of its smile depends. It makes all the
difference in tbe world whether tbe parted lips
disclose two pearly rows of teeth or gold fill
ings and discoloration. Good teeth will make
an ordinary mouth attractive, but fresh, whole-some-looking
eums must be Included.
These need brushing as much as the teeth,
and tooth powders are bad for botb. Those
which are put up so attractively in tasteful
boxes, and represented as "infallible for whiten
ing and preserving tbe teeth," usually contain
powerful arids or gritty substances, both of
which are sure to injure the delicate enamel.
Rubbing the teeth and gums with a piece lemon,
although often recommended for whitening the
teeth and giving firmness to the gums, is as de
structive as the use of other acids.
A ripe strawberry crushed around the teeth
before retiring, and left there until morning, is
said to give a Insurious hue to the enamel and
a rich, fruity aroma to tbe breath, but there s
the same objection to tbe acid.
Charcoal Sweetens the Drenth.
A bad breath is certainly repulsive, and very
properly so, not only because it is 'so unpleas
ant in Itself, but because it can always be rem
edied with proper care. If it proceeds from de
cayed teeth a dentist should be consulted; if
from a disordered stomach it is a case for the
physician. Two drachms of chlorate of potash
mixed with six ounces of rose water will make
a purifying wash to rinse the mouth with every
few hours.
Charcoal Is a great sweetener of the breath,
and besides this it "strengthens and whitens the
teeth, removes the tartar, prevents toothache
and gives the gums and lips an attractivo red
color." About as much as can be placed on tho
point of a knife xbould be rubbed gently into
the interstices of the teeth on going to bed, to
be rinsed ont thoroughly in tbe morning;
The objection to charcoal is its grittmess, and
it must be reduced as nearly as possible to an
impalpable powder. Its purifying qualities are
invaluable, and, it is said. If taken inwardly. It
will cure indigestion.
"Pearly" teeth are considered especially
beautiful, and this rare charm if accompanied,
as Is apt to be, by a space between the t o
front teeth, gives a peculiarly sweet, arch look
to tbe wbole face. Sound teeth, thanks to tbe
Improvements in byztene and dentistry durins
the last 20 years, are not uncommon now, but
beautifully shaped teeth witb a pearly luster
Trying; Weather for Them, ,
From the Mew York Tribune.!
This is trying weather for tho people wbo
keep their doors and windows hermetically
closed In order to give the impression that they
are out of town.
Chicago's New Industry.
From tbe Detroit Free Press.
Chicago's recent annexation bas given promi
nence to a new Industry within the city limits
the raising of bay.
College days are over now,
I'm at last a graduate, or
Bo they tell me; anyhow
I am done with Alma Mater. ,
Lessons were an awful bore;
' Wonder how la all creation
I survived 'em, what Is more.
Howl passed examination!
Wonder what I learned? WhylotsI
All the books of whist and euchre;
How to desiccate Jack pots,
How to spend no end or lucre.
Then I learned to pull an oar.
Though I never took to training.
Voted it a beastly bore;
HUliards proved more entertaining.
Baseball for a time I played,
Though my blistered hands grow sorer;
1 scored all the runs we made.
When 1 was appointed scorer.
Football was too awful rude,
Such a game I can't survive. A
Suit In tatters 1 I'm no duds;
Neither am I a Godiva.
Lessons I found very dry,
Vet I studied 'era, at random:
Learned 'em, too, yet Somehow I
Couldn't ever understand 'em.
Modern languages all flow
From my lips like well, like nectar;
As for the dead ones, well, you know
No one gossips with a specter.
Like the other graduates
I received this, my diploma.
If it means all Webster states,
I surmise it's a misnomer.
It's all Greek, or some such ituiT,
Sol hardly think I'U need it;
Still 1 wish I knew enough, "
Now I've got tbe thing, to read It
i - Atto xork San.
Dudley's Blocks of Five.
New Yore. July 10. The general term of
the Supreme Court, in an opinion by Justice
Daniels and concurred In by Presiding Justice
Van Brunt and Justice Brady, has affirmed the
decision made by Justice Patterson some time
aco, denying a motion to vacate an order for
the examination of Colonel W. W. Dudley as a
witness before trial In his suit for libel against
the. irbrlcf. Colonel Dudley, it now appears,
will eventually be obliged to explain what he
meant by getting the Indiana "floaters" into
"blocks of five."
8b o Escnped by Death.
In a Brooklyn police court this morning
Julia Clarkson, 40 years old, was sentenced to
29 days in jail for vagrancy. As she turned
from the desk she said: "lam glad It Is so
long." and dropped dead on the floor. Court
proceedings were suspended till the body was
Mr. Brice Never Heard or It.
Calvin S. Brice, Chairman ot the Democratic
National Committee, was asked to-day what he
had to say in reply to the charges made by
General H. V. Boynton in the Commercial
Gazette, of Cincinnati, reflecting severely on
Mr. Brice among others. They are to tbe
effect that the late administration took sides
with HIppolyte, tbe Haytian insurgent com
mander, and protected blockade runners carry
ing contraband goods and troops between In
surgent ports in the interest of firms In Now
York and Boston, because Democrats of
high position, such as Mr. Calvin S. Brice,
Chairman of tho National Committee, were in
terested in their ventures.
"Never heard of it," said Mr. Brice.
"Do you mean tbat there is no truth in the
charges?" was asked.
"Never beard ot it," said Mr. Brice again.
"Never knew ot anybody that was Interested
In it"
"Then there is no truth in the charges!"
"No truth in tbe charges."
And tbat is all Mr. Brice wonld say.
No Beer. No Celebration.
Herr Most and bis followers will celebrate
the centennial of the storming ot the Bastile
at Pbcenlx Park next Saturday. They were
going to hare their orgy on Sunday, but on
learning that beer would not then be forth
coming, decided to hold it on Saturday. Most
will deliver tbe oration of the day. Leo Hart
man, tbe Nihilist; one Carside, of Baltimore,
and a few other extreme folks will assist Most
to snpply the necessary amount of brag and
bluster. During the day a "business meeting
will be held in order to devise means of edu
cating the masses and carrying on the work."
Bhe I Proud of John L.
Mrs. Johanna Connor, of 157 West Twenty
seventh street, who is nearly or quite tbe oldest
woman in tbe city, is also the happiest over the
victory of her great grandnephew, John L.
Sullivan. Mrs. Connor is in her 96th year, and
says she Is an CSulllvan O'Kelly on her
father's and mother's side. Bhe belongs to a
family of fighters, and says the Sullivans al
ways showed superiority over others in physi
cal prowess.
Gone to See Eiffel's Tower.
Stuyvesant Fish. Mrs. Fish and three young
Fishes, Edwin Gould and Mrs. Gould, J.Pierre
pont Morgan, Jr., Senator W. D. Washburn
and Mrs. Washburn, George W. Roosevelt,
United States Consul at Brussels; Albert Fink
Railway Commissioner, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Btrakosch sailed for Europe to-day.
Horace Band Recovers His Father's Body
From an Undertaker Who Held It.
A son suing for possession of his father's
corpse was the unusual lawsuit beard in Nash
ville to-day, says a special to the Louisville
Courier-Journal. Saturday Stephen Bond, an
aged negro, died suddenly in North Nashville,
and Theodore Kramer, Deputy Coroner and
undertaker, was notified. After the inquest
was concluded no one appeared to claim the
remains, and Mr. Kramer took them to his
establishment, embalmed them and prepared
them for burial.
Yesterday Horace Bond went to Kramer's
and identified the body as that of his father.
Later In the day Bond went to Priest & Dough
erty's and arranged with that firm to bury bis
father's body. Priest & Dougherty sent to
Kramer for the remains, bnt Kramer refused
to give them up until a charge of 85 for em
balming was paid. Horace Bond claimed that
he did not authorize this expense, but Kramer
contended that at the time be embalmed the
body it bad not been l(lentified,aDd this service
was performed to preserve it until friends
could identify it. Bond cot ont a replevin writ,
and to-day Justice Everett said tbat be knew
of no law tbat gave an undertaker a lien on tbe
body of a dead man for burial expenses. He
said if the dead man had any estate he could
collect it out of this, and if the son had
promised to pay tbe amount Mr. Kramer could
recover it by judgment. The son or nearest
relative of the deceased was entitled to the
possession of the body, however, and could di
rect the funeral without hindrance.
He Can't Train 6nlllvan's Month.
From the Chicago Tribune. l
Muldoon has done marvels In his training of
Suillran, but he will be powerless to hold his
mouth in check now.
In Philadelphia the dam-juice fad bas faded.
A ORBAT many people down In Ohio used
strawberries as a dentifrice. It is said to be
elegant for the teeth, as the sand takes off the
A regular customer in a Philadelphia res
taurant poors mayonnaise dressing over bis
boiled cabbage, which he eats for lunch every
A deaf and dumb life insurance agent
down in West Virginia is running all the other
agents out of the country. Men know a good
thing when they see it.
Somebody put a lighted fire-cracker in a
letter box m Allentown, Pa., on tbe rth.
It was found by the postman on his rouuds, but
luckily the fuse was imperfect and it failed to
A HAH down In Markam, W. Va nearly
died of thirst the other day. He will drink
nothing but rain water, and, as they had a dry
spell, his supply gave out. He could not be
persuaded to drink anything for a week, but
his neichbors got tired ot his foolishness and
held him down and poured water down his
throat. Ho was pretty far gone, but is getting
along nicely now.
An Infirmary for dumb animals covering 100
acres was recently opened at Bustleton, Pa.
Tbe patients will be principally horses and dogs.
THE vicinity ot Stroudsburg, Pa., is one of
the most honest sections in tho country. In
proof of it, George Rheinfels has an umbrella
he. has carried for over 40 years.
The only cross-eyed cow in the country Is
owned by George Williams, of Comley, O.
While Pete Woodall was lying in the grass
back of bis borne in Kunzville, O., in a drunken
stupor, a rooster picked quite a large hole in
his cheek. The doctors fear ha will die of
blood poisoning.
A familt In Lancaster county, Pennsylvania,
was poisoned by eating fish which had been
Ignorantly rolled in cornmeal tbat had been
mixed with rat poison. All will recover.
One of the inmates of Altoona, Pa., jail night
before last proved to be a musical cenlus. He
took off bis shoes and, with one of them in
each band, proceeded to render "Call Me Back
Again," with the latest variations, on tho iron
bars of bi3 cell.
THE family of W. F. Strouse, of Shamokin,
Pa., bare odd luck in birthdays. His wife was
born on ChrMmas, his second daughter on St.
Valentine's Day, his third on tho Fourth of
July and his only son on Thanksgiving Day.
C A. Bell, a dime museum manager In
Wilkesbarre, was washing two rattlesnakes In
a bathtub the othor day, haying been assured
that they were fangless, when one ot them bit,
him on the hand. A doctor cut the bitten part
A han who lives nVar Lima, Ov, wears his
long beard in plaits.
California will have the largest grape
crop this year ever grqwn. and Spain reports
the same prospects,
Chinese commissioners are examining
American systems of electric fire and police)
alarms with a view of introducing them In
Chinese cities.
It is said that Cullman county, Ala.,
is the only level, arable and fertile tract of
land in tbe Southern States in which there are
virtually no negroes. In a census population
of more than 15,000, including an area of over
1,500 square miles, there are only 14 negroes.
A big fire cracker was dropped into the
water at Devil's Lake, Mich., by the side of a
sailboat loaded with people, and when the
cracker went off it blewsuch a hole into tbe boat
tbat it sank. The occupants of tbe boat were
all saved, ringing wet and bopping mad.
A man named Cole fell asleep while
sitting In a cart in Alcona county, Michigan,
the other day, and when he awoke both his
jaws were broken. His head, while he slept,
rested upon the side of the cart, and the borss
walked under a chute, which caught tbe man
on tbe jaws.
The whole apparatus of the new electro
pneumatic signal balloon.Includlne the machine
for making tbe gas. weighs only 52 pounds and
can be conveniently carried by one man. Ths
balloon Is held captive by two wires connected
with two electro-magnets acting on a cylinder
of compressed air which works a set of signal
An English paper says: Another case
bas occurred ot a premiere danseuse's dress
catching fire. Happily tbe lady Is said to have
been only "slightly burnt," but even if that bo
so, tbe fright occasioned must have been seri
ous. When will our ballerine make up their
minds to abandon tbe dangerous stiff skirts
which have disfigured tbem so long? Witb tbo
clinging skirts of the more modern danseuse
there is much less likelihood of accident.
The metric system is slowly, but surely,
becoming established throughout tbe civilized
world. The English-speaking countries, how
ever, are slower In adopting it than these of
other lands, and in our own country there is as
yet comparatively little use of the system ex
cepting in scientific circles. Tbat it is extend
ing, however. Is shown by figures presented ac
a recent meeting of tbe French Academy of
Science. Countries representing 802.000.000 of
people bave adopted it a gain of 53,000,000 in
ten years.
Green Dodd, of Atlanta, Ga., believes
in luck. He is having a foundation constructed
in tbe part of -bis building which is to be used
as a bank. A few days ago he placed a sliver
quarter nnder a stone for luck. Next day bo
overheard one of the negro workmen say tn the
other: "I tell you dat was a good find, picking
up dat quarter from under dat rock. How
does yer reckon It got Uere?" Mr. Dodd said
nothing about tbe quarter to the workmen, but
banded one of them a nickel It was as much
as he cared to go on a second turn and said:
"Put this nickel under a stone for luck." And
he stayed there and saw it sealed away under
tbe masonry.
The conductors on the Third and Sixth
avenue surface lines, in New York, tell of tbe
curious clientage they have every evening
from 8 o'clock until midnight sometimes. On
the open cars during these hours, and espe
cially on the Third avenue line, whole families
ride up and down the avenue for an airing.
They take the babies with them. After a while
the babies go to sleep stretched out on the
mother's lap. It costs 20 cents for husband and
wife for a good long ride. Tbe time consumed is
two hours and 40 minutes. "It is much better
than being shut up in an Easulde tenement
these hot nights," said the conductor the other
An Italian peddler, called Americus
Vespuclus, ana his basket of counterfeit dogs
is one of the street figures of Atlanta, Ga. The
dogs are so fearfully and wonderfully made
tbat they almost growl at each other. CatSare
frightened into epileptic fits by these dogs of
clay. An impounding officer was only kept
from putting tbem into the doe wagon because
tbe shrewd Italian had painted a collar and tag
on each one of their necks. Batnrday Ameri
cus Vespuclus finds a larger sale than on other
days, and last Saturday he filled his basket
witb big does, little dogs and dogs three sizes,
ana started up street, smiling and happy. An
ugly-looking bull-dog that was not well siebted
the fictitious dog tbat Americus carried in his
hand, and there was trouble. The bull, witb a
growl and a snarl, made at the vender, and the,
latter tried to defend himself. The emente
attracted tho attention of all the other dogs in
the block, and by tbe time the trouble was
ended tbe dogs had all slunk off, leaving tbe
bull master of tbe situation. Americus had
fled, leaving his basket and toe remains of a
dozen counterfeit dogs, assorted sizes, scattered
along the pavement.
George M. Fleming and wite went to
the country near Smyrna, Ga., the other day in
a buggy. The top was up and they were driv
ing leisurely along. Behind tbem. some dis
tance off they thought, tbey heard a cow belL
It rang as persistently as the locomotive bell
rings when tbe engineer wants you to clear tbe
track. Mr. Fleming was conversing with his
wite as pleasantly as one could, when suddenly
he fonnd that the rear end ot the bucsy was
being lifted into the air, and then suddenly it
dropped back again while the top ot the buggy
was torn off. Amazed and dumbtounded he
looked to see the cause of this creat disturb
ance, when be found that bis vehicle bad been
telescoped by a cow. Fastened on ber bead, in
front of her eyes, was a large board, while
around ber neck was the bell that was ringingr,
at a fearful rate. The board bad prevented
her from seeing objects ahead, and sbe unin
tentionally run Into tbe rear of tbe buggy: ber
horns beim; fastened under the top of the
buggy, sbe was determined to extricate herself
at all hazards, and she did so in a vigorous
way. Save the top of the bucgy beiug demol
ished, and the scare it gave Sir. Fleming and
wife, no other damage occurred.
A good resolution is a fine starting point,
bnt as a terminus It bas no valoe. Scranton
What a glorious world this would be if
people lived up to the epitaphs on their tomb
stones I JJuteMman '.Kan.) Atwt.
Luck seeks success, fails and regrets it.
lHuck falls, but tries spain and gets It.
Philadelphia Pruj.
A skull unearthed appears to grin
To such a horrible extent.
Because it sees what virtues you
Have graved upon Its monument.
-Philadelphia Prttt.
Likely to Remain at Home. Ella, where
will yon pass the summer? Are you going into
the country?
Bella I don't knov, I'm sure. Papa said
something about bis going into Insolvency, and.
If be says so, I suppose we shall bave to go there.
Bolton ilernld.
Mr. Popinjay My dear, I have invited
Mr. Forlnland. tbe distinguished explorer, totes
to-morrow. Mrs. Popinjay "Whatever put It Into
your head to do thatr Mr. Popinjay I want to
tee If he can find that collar-button IlostlastMon
day. Burlington trte Prttt.
Turn About FairPlay. A So he kicked
you, did he?
JJ-ves. he did tbat very thing.
And yon didn't kick him back?"
"No, Indeed, in had then It wonld have been
his tarn again. Texat Sifting l.
Squibley I am writing a book 'about
the barnstorming actor. Don'i yon think that
"iiefore the Footlights" would be a good name
forlt? Makeshift (who has been there) 'Before ,
the Headlights" wonld be more appropriate It
seems to me. Lawrence American. .
The ragman dreamed . .-
A garment seemed
This statement to hare made;
"Ot when I'm new
I don't dreal you.
But when I'm old I'm Traycd. " .
rhlladetpMa Frtit.
The urchin now released from school aits on
the wharf all day.
And with a bended pin and worm .brings out the
finny prey. i
He catches Hippies" by the score, enjoys the
. summer air.
And catches something from his pa when home he
doth repair. .
Alast how often in the life of every little boy.
Tbe bitter lesson he must learn, that sorrow waits
onjoyl Botton Courier.
"Air. Smith," said the electric light man
ager toUfs foreman, "we want som men to testi
fy to tbe absolute harmlessness of the electric
light current as used By us. You might send Rob
erts '
Foreman He was killed while fixing a wire last
night, sir.
"Well, Jackson will do then."
"He accidentally grounded a wrong wire last
week, and Is scarcely expected to live, sir."
"Such awkwardness I Send Williams."
Sorry, sir, but he was paralysed while fixing
an electric lamp on Thursday."
Beslly? Ifs most annoying. Employ somenew
men at Ones and send them to testify to the com
jnlttee berore they have time, to get theaselvw
killed -Ai Tort Hmu """"
killed. "-Orae lort Herald,
ru .US: