MURDEROUS RIOTERS. A Dozen Mad Italian Demons Attack a Railroad Foreman. JUMPED ON AND HIT WITH A PICK. in Excitin? Cbase, With Shots From Ambushed Fncitiyes. TWO AEEESTS, AXD OTHERS TO FOLLOW A large number of Italian laborers en gaged in a riot yesterday afternoon at Cork's Run, and Lawrence O'Toole, fore man of the Ohio Connecting Company, was very seTerely injured. O'Toole had the supervision of a new railroad being laid at Cork's Bun, and employed about 19 Italians. At 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon O'Toole told one Italian, known as "Big Dan," that he had no further use for him, and he might consider himself discharged. The Italian was impudent, and then, be coming enraged, sprang at O'Toole and struck him on the head with a shovel. Nine of the other Italian laborers answered the call of "Big Dan," and made an attack on O'Toole. The latter was trampled, and a large pick was run into his leg. Some citizens at Cork's Bun interfered and sent word to Sergeant McCurry, of the Thirty sixth ward station, that a man bad been killed and that the Italians were rioting. Officers Shaffer, O'Donnell. Boy er and Miller responded. The Italians took to the woods upon the approach of the police, but were pur sued by the officers and a number of citizens. The rioters fired over a dozen shots from their covering of trees; bnt no one was wounded. Frank Gill and Donnto Mingo were arrested, after much opposition. The patrol wagon was called, and the arrested men, with O'Toole, wore taken to the Thirty-sixth ward station. Sergeaut McCurry dressed O'Toole's wounds and sent him in a carnage to the-Twenty-eighth ward station, where information was made against Gill, Mingo, Joseph Farren, Lam Koss Daniel Foslacb, P. Moty, M. Bavi, Josenh Schewing, C Mczzitt, Henry Wahrr and Pat rick Himer, charging tbem'with felonious as salt and battery witn intent to kill. O'Toole was then removed to the Homeo pathic Hospital. He is married, 23 years old and resides at No. 42 MrCluro avenue. Woods Hun. The condition of O'Toole is very serious. His rich t arm is broken, and his head beaten and cut in a fearfnl way. The cut on his lee Inflicted by a pick is two inches deep and four Inches in length. Inspector McKelvoy and Captain Stewart went to Cork's Hun to arrest the other accused men. KO IMMEDIATE FEAR OF IT. Dr. John Dickson Says There Nerd be Little Apprehension of an Epidemic. Dr. John Dickbon is qnoted as having said that the present run of typhoid fever in Pitts burg and Allegheny is not at all alarming not so bad as we have had in years past when the hot season reached its climax. He also thinks the danger in the disease germs that infect ice used in drinking water is very remote. He thinks the exceptional run ol fever in Alle gheny is due to local causes rather than to gen erally bad sanitation or drinking water to bad cellars, dirty gutters, etc, for example. The Pittsburg hospitals have no typhoid patients now they are all in Allegheny. In this connection there is proof in the fol lowing communication that "doctors still dis agree, for Dr. L. H. Harris, of the West Penn Hospital Executive Committee, writes: To the Editor of The Dispatch: DEAR bin In one of the evening papers of to day 1 note the startling head lines, -Typhoid Terrors." I bare nut read the article as 3 et. but urgently ask, '-Cannot the city press more per sistently arge upon the people the absolute neces sity for more hospital accommodations)"' We have not In the city any reasonable accommoda tions lor the slightest special emergency. There Is to-day scarcely standing room In the Western Pennsjlvanla Hospital. There are 218 patients aud but 17u regular beds. The entire door space is utilized at night for temporary eots. 'ibis Is an alarming state uf aflalrs for thlseason of the year. The walls or this Institution have been hitherto very clastic, but are now stretched to their utmost tension. Of these 218 pitients 13S arecharlty Is there nobelp? It is bard to refuse charity patients, but what ran be done? Patients come to us dally stating that they have been re fund admission to other Institutions, and bence I take It for granted the others are la lite condi tion. I write advisedly. In the absence of the Super intendent 1 am at the hospital twice dally, two hours In the morning and the same In the evening, and assure yuu this is no draft ou the imagination. Very respectfully. L. H. Hjlbbis. FITTSBDT.G, July 10, 1889. AN 1NSAXE WEEPER. The Fate a Hun Who Impersonated Two or More Orphan. An undersized, homclv Hungarian called at Inspector McAleese's office yesterday after noon, weeping and walling as if bis heart woold break. Upon being questioned he produced a letter, written in a plain round hand, which was addressed to the public, and said: "This poor man lost his good wife and his two pre cious children, besides all his property and per sonal effects, by the Johnstown flood," con cluding by urging that he be financially as sisted. The letter was signed P. Skenidge. The man conld not talk English intelligibly, and the Inspector took him to Consul Scham berg's office. Mr. Schamberg questioned the fellow closely for a few minutes, and then pro nounced him a fraud. McAleese then told the man to get out of town and left him; but, instead of doing so. ho took up a position on the steps in front of City Hall, cr)ing and sobbing in such a manner that in a few moments a crowd ot nearly 100 people gathered about him. Controller's Clerk Wil liam Heed, who has just returned from a month spent up in the flooded district, went to the weeping Individual, and soon got enough from hiin to prove clearly that he was a fraud. Mr. Reed ordered the fellow away, and threatened to have him arrested; but when he left the hall he went to Central station and pre sented bis letter to Sergeant Gray. The latter recognized him as a man who came to the sta tion drunk about a week ago with the same story. The Sergeant at once locked him up. He gave bis name as Peter Skenidge, the same as that signed to the letter. The fellow is evi dently Insane, for he kept np bis weeping and moaning all afternoon and evening. Protect your children from the suffering and distress caused by worms by using Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. It thoroughly destroys these vanishes, and by its tonic properties builds up the system. There is no better medicine for the general debility or dyspepsia of cither young or old. CLARET WINES. Imported Brnndenbnrc Frcres. Medoc, St. Emilion, St. Estepha, St. Julien, JIargeaux, Pontet Canet, St. Pierrie, Chateau Leoville,, Chateau la Kosa, Chateau Monton, Grand Yin Chateau Wargeaux, Grand Yin Chateau Lafitte, by the case or bottle. G. W. ScnaiiDT, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city, The Most Wholesome Beverage Is the Wiener Standard or Culbacher beer made by the Baeuerlein Brewing Company. For a summer drink it stands without a rival. Sold in bottles or kegs. Send orders by mail to Bennnett, Pa., P. O., or via tele phone 1018; prompt attention given in cither instance. ttssu Id the Salt Boom Summer Suits and Blouse Waists. Largest variety here, and the "mark down" prices self them lively. Come in and see these summer bargains. JOS. HORNE & CO. '8 Penn Avenue Stores. California Wines. Old Sherry, full quarts Extra Old Sherrv fnll nnartji- .50c ,.75c OldPort. full quarts COc Ex tra Old Port, lull quarU 75c Eieslng, full quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts 50c Muscatel, full quart. 50c Tokay, full quarts 80c ForsalebyG. "W. Schmidt, Xos. 95 and 97 Filth ave. PitubarcRecr Hade by Frauenheim & Viliack is a de lightful summer beverage. , ttssu A, GREAT FIREMAN GONE. A Sketch of the Late Chief James E. Crow, of Allegheny Tho Leader Among Veter ans lu Uis Line of Daly. Chief Crow, of the Allegheny Fire Depart ment, died at 1027 o'clock yesterday morning, while in an unconscious state, at his home, 203 Jackson street, Allegheny. His family were aronnd his bedside, and notwithstanding the fact that the doctors had said there was no chance for recovery, still hoped that his robust constitution would pull him through. 27ie Late Chief From One of Six Latt Pho tooTciphu James E. Crow was born in the little town of Findlay. O., July 11. 1S36, and If he lived until to-day would have been exactly 53 years of age. When he was only 1 year old his mother moved to Blairsville, Pa, and after residing there six years moved to a farm in Butler county. At the age of 14 he came to Allegheny, where he attended the public schools until ho was 17 years of age. He then engaged as an appren tice with McKlrdy A McGinnis, and learned the carpenter trade. In 1856 he Joined the Washington Hose Company, and was made foreman when the salary of foreman was 8 a a month, house rent and coal free. He held the position until the company was dis banded in 1S6G and the Friendship company was formed. He was made a fireman of the new company. It was at this time the com panies of the fire department got np a fireman's association and asked Conncils to givo them an appropriation. The representatives of the different companies then elected Mr. Crow Chief. The city decided to take charge of the department and create the office of Chief Engi neer. Mr. Crow was chosen in March, 1808. by Councils to fill that position at a salarv of 900 per year. He held the position from that time until his death. The salary was increased to $1,200. then to 11.600, again to $1,800 and at pres ent the salary is $2,500 a year. Mr. Crow was married to Miss Mary E. Pal mer in 1839. In IBM be recruited a company for the 100-day service and was made captain of It, It was Company G, 133d regiment of Pennsyl vania volunteers. Mr. Crow made the Allegheny Fire Depart ment what it is to-day and It ranks with the best in the world. It will be impossible to se lect another person as competent to fill the po sition. He was held In high esteem by all tho men, who will regret his death as they would a brother's. He never lost bis presence of mind at a fire, and if there were any danger would prefer to go himself rather than send any of the men. He never sent a man to a place in a fire where he woold not go himself. His orders to the men at a fire were more in the. form of requests tban commands. He was one of the most popular men in Alle gheny City, and his many friends repeatedly urged him to permit the use of bis name as a candidate for Mayor, guaranteeing his election, but he always declined, saying his place was with the tire department. The deceased leaves a wife and two daugh ters, Mrs. David Hunter and Miss Clara Crow. His mother, who is 82 years of age, his two brothers, H. J. Crow, of Los Angeles, Cat, and Samuel Crow, of the Allegheny Water Department, and one sister, Mrs. John Logan, are still living. A CLOSE CALL FOE BOTH. Alderman Hclnrlch and aa Aged and Portly Citizen Upet. Alderman Hcinrich, of the Thirty-first ward, and Mr. William B. Taylor, a resident of the same ward, were driving np Maple street yes terday afternoon. As they reached a very steep ascent one of the traces broke, and, the horse becoming unmanageable, the buggy was upset. Both men were thrown underneath, but the Alderman held on to the lines and prevented a runaway. When affairs were righted the men found that they had been se verely bruised and their clothes badly torn, but neither had been seriously hurt. Mr. Taylor's escape is noticeable, as he Is 89 years of age and very stout. THEY DIDK'T SPEAK EAST. Men Who Merely Assisted In Selling Unli censed Beer Don't Count. Isaac Dickson and John Daedord, two of the men charged by Constable Best with selling liquor without license on the Fourth of July, at the Soutbslde Driving Park, were given a bearing last evening by Alderman Helnnch. It was shown that the men were merely em ployed about the place and only assisted at the oar, and tbey were discharged. The cases of Charles Hardy, charged with selling liquor without license, and John Mc Kee, charged with gambling, were continued until Monday, July 22. John Monds. charged wltb gambling, will also be given a hearing at that time. Two Mighty Continents, North and Sonth America, beside Guatemala, the West Indies, Australia, and even Europe. are the fields of usefulness in which Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has demonstrated its value as an antidote to malaria, and as a remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, neuralgia, biliousness, nervonsness, and loss of appetite and sleep. Tbe inhabitants, the medical men of these countries, have spoken in no uncertain tone concerning the efficacy of the great house hold remedy. The Johnstown People Select WIselr. The Hiss Dix Trust has arranged for a representative to supply sewing machines to the seamstresses at that place who suffered by the flood. Tho seamstresses had their own selection of the different makes of machines on the market, and in every instance chose the late Improved Singer as being the best adapted for all classes of work. The order was accordingly given the Singer Manufacturing Company No. 8 Sixth street for tbe entire number required. ttssu Orangemen's Picnlo At Hulton, Allegheny Yalley Railroad, Friday, July 12. Trains leave Union sta tion at 8:45. 10:10, 11:00 A. M.; 12.05, IKK), 2:00, 3:00, 4:00. 5:00, SSOp. M. Horae Market Notice. Eereaiter the horse market will be held in the Eed Lion yard every Wednesday and Saturday at 10 A. m., commencing next Sat urday, July 13. A. J. Montgomery, Proprietor. McNamie & Fitzimmons, Auctioneers. 100 New Leather Traveling Bags. Grain leather, 52 00 and up; alligator, $4 00 and up. Large assortment. Black and natural color. Jos. Horne & Co.'s, Penn Avenue Stores. California Claret. Coleman's Flag Brand, G. W. S. Flag Brand, Zinfandel Claret, By the ease or bottle. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenup, city. Cabinet photographs, $1 a dozen. Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st Allegheny. Single Dress Pattern In Fine India Silks. No two alike. Finest goods imported at reduced prices to-day. JOS. HOBNE& Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. SMOKE the best. La Perla del Fumar clear Havana Key West cigars. Sold 3 for 25c by G. "W. Schmidt, If os. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Another Disaster. Cabinet photos 89s per dozen for one week only; bring the family at once. Lies' popular gallery, 10 and-12 Sixth et. . , X-WStt EFFECTIVE CHARITY. The Ladies' Relief Committee Wind ing Dp a Good Work. THE EXPOSITION TO BE VACATED. Thousands of Garments and Other Goods Sent to Johnstown. TAEDI DISTRIBUTION AT THAT POIKT On Tuesday the ladies of the Johnstown Belief Committee supplied 145 people with 2,000 pieces of clothing, .50 pieces of bed ding, 10 barrels aud 13 sacks of flour, aud 15 cases of canned goods, yesterday they filled 55 orders, sending away 700 pieces of clothing, 30 pieces of bedding, ryid 20 sacks of flour. During the day 30 ladies were at work on the sewing machines in the Expo sition building, making sheeting;, towels and table linen. Another man was furnished with a cork leg yesterday. This is the second one re corded that was ruined in the Johnstown disaster. The man brought his leg along with him, and it was almost fiat, having been crushed between two houses. These legs cost $100 tjeb. A large number of letters of thanks were received from people who had been sup plied. In msny cases the boxes were shipped to them several weeks ago and were not re ceived until Monday. Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. McCreery and Mrs. Kelly were the ladies in charge yesterday. Mrs. Kelly said she went out toEbensburg. but had to come back to assist Mrs. Campbell. While in Ebensburg she found 18 families of 75 persons who had suffered from the flood and had received no aid. They were in destitute circumstances, and she sent them snpplies yesterday. She willjspend the summer there, and intends to take care of them. Most of the supplies sent lately were consigned to Brad dock, where abont 1,200 survivors of the dis aster are staying with friends. The Belief Committee will close business on Saturday. Mr. Kelly "said that Mr. 8. 8. Mar vin told tbe ladies tbey could use the Exposi tion building until July 15. He has not notified them to vacate, but they consider it only just to do so. Besides that, tho ladles are almost worn ont with th exacting labor. A meeting of the Executive Committee will be held Sat urday, at which the committee will probably disband. The good clothing, consisting of about 40 large boxes, has been stored away, and will be held subject to the orders of the Johns town Commissary. The remainder, which is not worth much, will be distributed among the various charity institutions of tbe city for tho inmates to sew into carpet rags. When these are ready the Relief Committee will have tbem woven into carpet, which will be distributed among the Johnstown people who have again taken up housekeeping. Yesterday's contributions to the Johnstown relief fund) received by Treasurer Thompson amounted to $26,413 OS, making tbe total 753 S13 55. Tbe items were as follows: Citizens of Jackson's Center.Pa., S62 59; citizens of Mercer (additional), $3: citizens of Smlthtleld, O., $80; Union Sunday school of Rnseland, X. J., J20 CO: Troy, N. Y. (additional). $1,1R) 37; citizens of AVarrensburg. N. Y., $32 45; citizens ot Shaf. field. 111., 79 57; Railroaders' Dramatic Club of Moberly, Ma, $15 50; by Mayor Pearson (ad ditional), $10; Chicago Board of Trade, $25,000. A SAD ESCAPADE. The Disappearance of a SUndyslde Young Man Under Suspicion. Excitement has been caused in Shadyside over tbe arrest of E. W. Dunn, a clerk in the grocery of Y. P.T. J ope, corner of Roup street and Fifth avenue. An information was made against him before Alderman Hyndman Tues day evening, and he was lodged in the Nine teenth ward station house. He was charged with pernicious activity toward several girls. The charges were entered by Mrs. Wefllng, one of the mothers of the girls, but tbe hearing was postponed indefinitely through the plead ing of Dunn's friends, on a promise that he would leave the city immediately, and he was released. It Is said that D. B. Maxwell, at one time an attorney here, one ot wbose sisters. It is alleged, was assaulted by Dunn, met tbe latter while he was driving about tbe city early Tues day evening, jumped into tbe vehicle and gave him a Rood body beating, and then had him arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct. Dunn left a deposit of $30 for his appearance and returned to his home to And Captain Mercer in waiting to arrest him on a more serious charge. ANOTHER EFFORT MADE. County Commissioners Try Again to Sell tho Old Court House. The County Commissioners are once more making an effort to dispose of the old Court House and other county buildings on Diamond street, and this time they hope to reach their object throngh tbe court. Steven H. Geyer, Esq.. Connty Solicitor, has drawn up a petition to the court, in wbich he sets forth the advisa bility of disposing of the buildings as soon as possible. This petition is to be presented to the court to-day. County Commissioner Mercer was asked yes terday what would be done with the buildings if tbe court should grant permission to sell. "I am not able to say anything about the mat ter at present," he said. "We must wait and see what the court says about the petition. The buildings are utterly useless at present, and while unoccupied tbey suffer. I suppose, though, that tbe buildings will be publicly sold as soon as we get permission to do so." ALL-WOOL SATISFACTION la What a Samlisider Claims to Have Thumped Ont of a Constable. Joseph Armitage, a wire-worker, yesterday lodged an information before Alderman Hein rich, charging James Lowry, Constable of Beltzhoorer borough, with assault and bat tery. The men bad had a dispute on the street, and, it was charged, Lowry assaulted Ar mitage. Immed'ately after the suit had been entered, the two men met again. They decided to settle the matter between them, and, it is claimed, adjourned to Beltzhoover borough, where a ring was formed. Four rounds were fought according to Marquis of Queensberry, and the men quit satisfied. Armitage held that he had had the best of it, and was contented, and, returning to the Alderman's office, be wanted to withdraw the suit and pay the costs. He was informed that there must be a bcanng,and was not allowed to withdraw the case. JUST $200,000 NEEDED. Chairman Bindley Shows What Will be Necessary for tho Exposition. Chairman Bindley, of the Exposition Finance Committee, said yesterday: "To complete tho buildings and equip tnem for a successful opening, we must double tbe force of men now working; we must have plenty of cash. We must raise the $200,000. and have it where we can use it at once. We appreciate the magni tude of the work to be done, but we propose to show the people we are equal to the emer gency, and we will be." Denying the Allegation. In reply to tbe statement credited to County Liquor Detective McCall regarding the "evil of the social club system," the officers and several of the privates in the County Democracy Club answer, and with some heat, that there has never been a class of beer or liquor sold in its rooms Since their establishment. Imported Sherry. 1828, Imperial Amontillado Sherry, full quarts $3 00 1828, Imported Brown Sherry, fnll qnarts 3 00 Pemartin Sherry, full quarts. 2 00 Choice Old Brown Sherry, full quarts. 2 00 Harmony Sherry, full quarts 1 60 Fine Old Topaz Sherry, lull quarts.... 1 00 For sale by G. "VY. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Baeuerlein Beer Absolutely Pare. The Baeuerlein Brewing Company at Bennett, Pa., use nothing but the best and purest materials, together with artesian well water, in the manufacture ol their beer. Send orders either for bottles or kegs to Bennett P. O., or by telephone 1018. ttssu Over One Thousand Tarda Yesterday Silk Department Never f busy before this time of year. Come now. Jos. Hoene &.Co.'a Penn Avenue Store. JACOB'S WELE OUTDONE. Three Nice Ones In Allegheny Parks One of Tbem Finished at a Depth of 120 Feet-Eighty-Five Feet of Wafer In It. There will soon be an abundance of pure, cool well-water In tbe Allegheny Parks, and the residents who have been silently sipping under the notion that they were drinking a Johnstown decoction, will be enabled to dis cover what uncontamlnated water tastes like. Tho well wbich has been donated to the city of Allegheny by George W. Snamen was com pleted yesterday. It is situated in the West Park, near tho foot bridge below tho artificial lake. In speaking of it yesterday Park Superintendent William Hamilton said that a generally erroneous im pression as to the natnre of the wells was abroad among the people. They have been termed artesian wells, while in fact they are not. The name artesian means a flowing well. The new wells in tho park are to be bored; but they will not flow, and pumps will be put Into them to raise the water. The well put down by Mr. Snamen is 120 teet deep. In boring, the drill pierced 2 feet of soil. 38 feet of sand and aDout 15 feet of slate stratum, and entered an excellent water sandstone a depth of 65 eet- O. A .. . XiYesterday afternoon there was 85 feet of water in the well. This morning the iron pnmp will be put in and the handle will be at tached to the steam drilling machine. This will be kept in operation about six hours, to see if the water can be exhausted. In case it is, the well will be sunk deeper. In tbe con tract the driller agreed to get a sufficient sup ply of water, of which Mr. Hamilton is to he the judge. About noon yesterday work was begun on the new well donated by Mrs. J. M. Qnsky. It is sitnated just below tho band stand, near the plantbonse. It is expected to be com pleted by Monday, as the drillers work dayjind night. A good supply of water is expected in this well, as Commodore Kountz bad a private one completed on Tuesday, abont 900 feet distant, at which the steam pump worked all day and night without exhausting the water. The well donated by Strasberger & Joseph is to be located In the Second ward park, opposite Race street, midway between Arch and Fed eral streets. SHOT HIS FRIEND. John Hurley, of Wllklnsburr, Bndlr Wonudi Cbarlea Llmegrover. John Hurley, a young teamster of Wilklns hurg, yesterday shot his roommate, Charles LImcgrover, and it was at first feared the man would die; but last night he was better, with Erospects of recovery. The two are said to avo been fast friends, and the only reason alleged to have caused Hurley to shoot is that he must have beenTlntoxicated. Hurley was taken to jail and will have a bearing before Justice Creelman, of Wilklnsburg, Saturday. Fine Whiskies. XXX. 1855, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts ?2 00 I860, McKim's Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 3 00 Monogram, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Bye Whisky, lull quarts 1 CO Gibson's, 1879, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 2 00 Gibson's Pure Eye Whisky, fnll quarts 1 50 Guckenbeimer Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 Guckenheimer Export.Pure Eye Whis ky, full quarts 1 50 Moss Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1879 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1880 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, fnll quarts 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. White Toablko Japanese Silks, Extra wide and fine; another lot in stock to-day. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. If you have not smoked the La Perla del Fumaf Key West cigar you have lost a treat Sold 3 for 25e. G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. MEETINGS. -VnmCE THU ANNUAL MEETING OP 1I the stockholders of tbe Pennsylvania Manufacturing, Mining and Supply Company will be held at tbeir ofilce. No. 1004 Penn ave nue, Pittsburg. Pa., on WEDNESDAY, July 17, 18S9, at 11 o'clock A. M. D. A STEVENSON, Secretary. PlTTSBUBO. July 1L 18S9. jyll-16-D SIR KNIGHTS I ATTENTION 1-THE officers and members of Star of the West Castle No. 93, K. G. E., are hereby requested to assemble at their Castle Hall, corner of Grant and Second avenue, at 12 o'clock noon, FRI DAY, July 12, to attend in a body the funeral of Rev. Win. Dorman, to bo held at the resi dence of George W. Scott. Banksville Pa. By order, E. T. WHITE, N. C; SAMUEL HACK WELDER, M. of R. jyll-40 LEGAL NOTICES. ESTATE OF CHARLES L. CALDWELL, deceased. Notice is hereby given that let ters of administration on tho estate of Charles L. Caldwell, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay. GEORGE P. HAMILTON, Administrator, 149 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. jelJ-45-Th OFFICE OF ALBERT "x ORK SMITH. TESTATE OF GETER a 8HIDLE DE Jll CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on tbe estate of Geter C. Sbidle, deceased, late of Pittsburg, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make tnem Known witnout ueiay. ANNIE R.SHIDLE. 403 Smithfleld St je20-78-Th PROPOSAL). -yrOTICE TO FIRE ESCAPE CONTRAC JL TORS Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals for tbe erection of a fire escape to the Etna public school building will be re ceived np until MONDAY, July 29, 1889. For further information call on or address GEO. A. CHALFANT and H. W. OCHSE, Com mittee, Etna, Pa. jy9-67-TT3. -VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED IX proposals for the grading and paving of bberman street between Grant and Lincoln avennes, Millvale borough, will be received by the Burcess and Town Council until the 13th day of July, 1889. at 5 o'clock P. it. Plans and specifications can be ser i at No. 43 Grant ave nue, Millvale boroueh. Proposals to be ad dressed to Samnel Eades, Bennett P. O., Pa. Tbe Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. BREWER SCOTT, Burgess. lyS47 Natural Gas Fitters ana Kalsominers. Sealed proposals will be received until MON DAY, July 15, for tbe fitting up with natural gas the Hancock sub-districtFifth ward public school. Workmanship and material ot the best quality. Also to kalsomlne said public school old kalsomlne to bo washed off. AH bids to be left with janitor -at tbe school build ins, .who will furnish any information required. JAMES CAULFIELD, Jrrx,Y 1, 18S9. Secretary Pro Tern. jy2-95-&6.11 EDUCATIONAL. NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY. Cornwall-OD-Hudson. Courses of study in civil enirineerlng, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful oulldincs, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. 8., A M, Supt; BELDlSN F. HYATT. Comd't ot Cadets. jel4-D CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ Pa. Unexcelled location and surround injrs. .New school equipment Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. For circular, et(, address J. CALVIN RICE, A. M., Principal. je28-53 Pennsylvania Female College, Situated In a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau, in the suburbs of Pittsburg, away from city noise and dust. Unsnrrassed for baauty and healtbfulness. .Excellent facilities for study of .Natural Sciences, Classics and Mathematlcs-ln short, every department well equipped. Tbe completion of Dllwortb Hall, comcrlsine new cbapel, commodious class rooms and additional dormitories, bas Increased capacity and furnishes faculties for tboroucb educational work of the blshest order. Season opens September 11, 1889. Karly application is desirable. For catalogues and further information apply to MISS HELEN E. PEL.LETBEAU. President Pittsburg (Last End), Fa. Jrs-94-ms TWENTY ACRES. HAZELWOOD, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. 11,000 per acre. Terms reasonable. Would divide nicely into lots. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. S9 Fourth avenue. jy4-97-4,5,C,9,ll,13 J. A. JACOBS, ARCHITECT, 98 Fourth avenue. jyll-SSl-XTS Pittsburg, Pa. MSfDisplay ad-certUemcnls one OoUar per iuaref for one interiUni. Clatsified advertite mentt on Oil page tvph at Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc, ten cento per tine for each inter Uon, and none taken for Uti than fifty cent. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of tho public, Branch Offices havo been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning:: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tax Dls TJlICO. PITTSBUEO. THOMAS McCAFFKKY, J&,9 Butler street. FJ1IL O. STUCKEY. Zith street and Penn ave. E. G.tmJCKEY&ca.Wylleave. and Fulton st N. STOKEliY, Fifth Avenue Market House. XAST END. J. W. "WALLACE; iVZX l'cnn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & 8HE1BLEK, 5th av. &Alwoodst BOtrrnsiDE. JACOB SPOHN, So. 2 Carson street. H. A. DONALDSON. 1707 Carson strett ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street H. J. HcllItlUE, Federal and Ohio streets, FBED H. EGOEltS. 172 Oblo street. F. H. EGOEKS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut stt. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jacksoa streets. THOMAS MCHENUY, Western ana Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsvlvanlaand Braver aves. PERRYM.OLE1M. Hebecot and Allcglieny aves. WANTED. alalo Ilcln. WANTED-TINNEES-aDIAMOND SQR. Jyll-15 W ANTED-GOOD BAltBEB APPLY FKEO ECKEHT, S549 Butler St. Jyll-41 TTANTED TINNEK FOK HHEET-1KON VV render work. Apply to PITTSBUKG BK ASS CO. Jy7-27 WANTED-STONECBTTEK-APPLY BOOM NO. 8, Allegheny Yalley Ballroad office, cor. Pike and Eleventh sts. Jyll-U WANTED-DOLLY CHAIN MAKEKS AND helpers. BAKER CHAIN AND WAGON IUON MFG. CO., Allegheny. Pa. Jyll-33 WANTED-FOOK STEEL HOLDERS: GOOD wages to first-class men. Apply SHARON STEEL CASTING CO.j Sharon. Pa. jylO-17 ANTE D TINNER IMMEDIATELY steady job to the right man. TKJIAY & KLINOENSMITH. Lecchborg, Pa. Jyll-14 ANTED-ACOMPOSITOItTWO-TIlIKDEK one accustomed to Job work. Inquire at PrrrSIIUBG LABEL CO., 169 Second ave. Jyll-23 WANTED-TWO MEN TO TAKE ORDERS from sample: commissions paid dallr. Ap ply to J. a. CUTTER, 1030 Penn ave., room 2. Jy-3s ' WANTED A GOOD GALVANIZKR CAN find stead v employment at THE KELLY & JONES CO., I First ave., Pittsburg, or Greens burg. Pa. JyS-67 WANTED-FIKST-CLASS BRASS MOLDER can find permanent employment at the KELLY & JONES CO., 113 First ave., Psr., or Greensburg, Pa. Jeia-3S WANTED-GLASS AND CHINA PACKER; must be sober and Industrious and willing to make himself useful about the store. F. G. CRAIGHEAD, SIS Smithfleld st. JyIl-2) WANTED-I HAVE A POSITION OPEN which will pay a good canvasser 115 a week; apply between S and 10 a. M. at room 7, No. 97 lourthave. W. G. BECUTER, Assb Sopt Jyll-93 fTTANTED-AN ENERGET1H ENTERPK1S VV 1NG man, situated outside Pittsburg, to represent our house in his State: salary 70: refer ences given and exacted. MANUFACTURER, Lock Box 1610, N. Y oc7-t3-Th WANTED AT ONCE A GOOD TINNER that can do all kinds of outside work; steady employment and good wages to the light Sartj: man with family preferred. Address U. E. MlTH, Clarion, Fa. Jyll-U WANTED-AGENTSTOSELLTEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or millmtn can make money in their spare time. YAMASHIKO TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. J28-SC-TTS TTTANTED GENTLEMAN OF MATURED TV character and business training, one suited to make calls on theleadlngfamllles: no peddling; no obnoxious samples. Address PROFITABLE .BUSINESS, Dispatch office. JylI-28 WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS CAKE BAKER, with experience, capable or doing all kinds of cake baking: alto a second banded bread baker. Apply to KOBERTS & STEELE, 1027 Liberty St., McKeeiport, Pa., at 3 o'clock to-day. lyll-M WANTED-A YOUNG MAN 15 OB IS YEABS of age to work In nfflce, make ont bills, etc ; iust live at home and give first-class reference: a good opening for a young man who Is willing to work his way np. Address, la own handwriting. BOX 697, city. Jyll-f WANTED-BAU WRITERS AT SMART'S Eclectic Shorthand and Business College, 4 Sixth street. I'ltUburg. Studenu (both sexes) qualified for positions from one to three months; Civil Service exercises. College open day and evening through summer. Je29-TT8Su WANTED-BY AN OLD-TIME INSURANCE Co.. a special or supervisory man for Penn sylvania; also an active, energetic man as general agent In Allegheny Co.: liberal arrangements will be made with the right men. Apply 11 to 12 or 4 to 6. GEO. F. HADLEY, Hotel Anderson. Ivll-U WANTED-SALESMEN WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade; on salary; largest manufacturers la our line: Inclose 2c stamp; wages S3 per day; permanent position; money advanced for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL M'F'G. CO., Cincinnati. O. Je29-l-TTSSu VTrANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF VV our safes; size 28x18x18 Inches; weight 500 lbs. : retail price (35; otbersizesln proportion; rare chance to create permanent business at borne; these safes meet demand never before supplied by otbersafe companies, as we are not governed by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati. O. Je20-4-D TT7"ANTED-AGENT3 TO HAN DLETHE NEW VV patent chemical ink erasing pencil: great est novelty ever produced; erases Ink In two sec onds; no abrasion or paper; 2)0 to wo per cent Sroflt; one agent's sales amounted to t&oin six ays; another (32 In two hours: territory absolute ly free; salarv to good men; no ladles need answer; sample 3 cents. For terms and full particulars, address the .manufacturers, J. W. SKINNER & CO.. Onalaska. Wis. Jy9-5 Female Help. T7ANTED-1'AUY 0Ir REFINEMENT. AND VV with business qualities, suited for calling on customers. ELITE GALLERY, 516 Market. JyU-27 WANTED-EXPEBIENCED GIRL BOOK folders: none but experienced need apply. NATIONAL BLANK BOOK MFG. CO., 77 Dia mond st. Jyll-23 WANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOB GENERAL housework; one who can cook, wash and Iron: small family: guod wages. NO. IS LIBERTY STREET. Allegheny. Jyll-4 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SALES LADY, one thoroughly acquainted with ladles' and children's furnishings. Apply be tween 9 and 10 A. It. A. G. CAMPBELL Jt SON 3, 710 Penn ave. yll-97 -Trr ANTED-A FIRST-CLAB3 MILLINER FOR TV the city : must come well recommended and be a good maker and trimmer. Address P.O. BOX 888, stating salary expected; work ten months In the year. )yll-M WANTED EXPERIENCED TEACHEltS for tbe schools of Robinson township; term 8 montbs; wages f50 per month: election at Bem Ington P. O.. July at 1S89, at o'clock p. M. J. M. MOOBE, Sec Jylt-92 Stale and Female flelo. YTTANTED-AN ENERGETIC WOMAN, OR V V man and wife, as partners In a large board ing house in the city; 1800 cash required. Ad dress PKINCIPAL, Dispatch office. Jyll-35 WANTED-A MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT family to keep horses, milk and keep lawn flowers In order; good place to right man and wire. Apply at once at HAMILTON'S, 91 Filth ave., city. Jyll-24 WAN1-ED-HEAD LAUUDRESS, f5 PER week: cooks, dining room girls, chamber maids, nurses, bouse girls, German and colored girls, white and colored waiters, farm bands. MRS. E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant St. Jy7-MTh TTTANTED A PRINCIPAL FOR THE PAR. VV NASSUS Public School; term nine months;! to a competent person a ralr salary win he paid: election Thursday. July 18, 18S9. Address, wltb reference, REV. J. P. KENNEDY, President, Parnassus, Pa. JylO-22 VTr AN TED AT ON CE-nOTEL PORTER AN D , VV waiter, man to drive laundry wagon, 109 laborers, 0 farm bands, 200 bouse girls. 60 for summer resorts, dining room girls and chamber maids, dishwashers and laundry girls; 60 cooks. MEEHAN'S, 845 Grant st Jys-D WANTED -S25 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female. In every community; goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean Jut what we say. Addressat once STANDABD SILVERWARE CO., Voston. Mass. Jel4-70-D Situations. WANTED-arnjATION BY A MALE COOK In private family or hotel In the city or out Adaress 19 FIRST STREET, Allegheny. Jyl0-71 -rTT-ANTED-A POSITION AS BOOKKEEFOt ,.vV by a roung man of experience, who would like to Invest about ttson in tbe business. Address C. P. Q., Dispatch office Jyll-25 WANTED-BY YOUNG MAN OF EX PERIENCE and ability, position of trust; can loan employer ft 000. or would Invest in safe business. Address FAITHFUL, Dispatch of flce. ' JylI- Boarders and Lodcerr. WANTED-SUMMER BOARDERS AT OHIO Pyle; pleasant situation; terms reasonable. Address M. W., box 30, Ohio Pyle, Peazuu. . JjU-fiO . ; ' . . V. ,.i. wasted; Financial. i WANTED MORTGAGES, LAHGE AND small. ED WITT1S1I, 410 Grant st.. Pitts burg. JelS-32 WANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTOLOAN In sums to suit at , 5 and 6 per cent ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth' ave. Tel. 167. apl9-14-TTSSu WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PEOP ERTY. over M.O00; 4K per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., 2 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D WANTED-TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES, KOO toK00,000at4V Sand 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Tele phone 373. Jy9-83-MTTS -TT ANTED MOIiTGAGES IN ANY VV amounts: 4 to 6 per cent: cltv and country: no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. Ja3K-iiTlis WANTED-MORTGAOES-StOOCCCOTOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4M, 5 and 6 per cent, free of State tax; no delay. HEED B. COYLE& CO.. 131 Fourth ave. my21-60 TJANTED-MOBTGAGES IN LARGE AND VV small amounts; we have a large amonntot money to loan at 5 per cent W. A. HERKUN i. SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. J fcJO-72-1, 16, 0,11,13, 18,1?, 20,23,2127.30 WANTED-TO LOAN (500,000. IN AMOUNTS off. 000 and npward, on city and suburban property, on 4K percent, free or tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d28-D -rTTASTED MORTGAGES 11,000, OOOTO LOAN V V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand 6 per cent and on larms la Allegheny ana aqja ecnt counties at 6 per cent. 1. At FENNOC1C & bON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-fll WANTKD-TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MORT GAGES: SIM and upward at 6 per cent; (SOD, COO at 4K per cent on residences or business IiropertT; also In adjoining counties. S. H. 'KEN CH, 125 Fourth avenne. oc31-e$4-D miscellcncona. WANTEDHORSE DESIRE USE OF GOOD saddler for the summer. Address S. S., Dis patch office. Jyl(M8 -TTTANTED YOU TO GET A BAKER'S VV doicn (13) of Stewart Co. 's fine cabinet photos for St at 90 and 92 FEDERAL KT.. Alle gheny. my23-50-TTSn TTT-ANTED-LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH ft VV Kecnan repair, reflnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In tbe best possible man ner. S3 AND if WATER ST. 'Phone 1623. my9-S2 WANTED TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a fine gold watch ror each one In the club at SI 09 per week. Address P. O. BOX 501, and I will call and suow you tbe watcb. Jy3- WANTED BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at fl 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. , mhl3-63 WANTED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YORK Cutting School: Urllng's actual measure ment taught In all Its branches: the only true system fitting anyand all shapes; no trying on: Instructions, 10 A. u. to 4 r. w.; evening. 7 to 9 p. M.; call or write for circular. 514 WOOD ST., Pittsburg. Pa. Jy9-Q FOB SALE IMPHOVED HEAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOR SALE-WYLIE AVE -BEST PART OF street short distance from Court House, two story and mansard brick house: 9 rooms, ball, storeroom with plate glass windows: rented to good tenant at (720 per year: lot 23x90 to alley. AMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jy9-4-TTS FOR SALE COR. FORTIETH AND MIFFLIN sts., lot 35x101, with new 2-story building, size 32x101 ft., that could easllv be tnrned into 7 dwelling houses of 4 rooms each, that would pay handsomely on tbe Investment: price ft, 00; half or all cash. THUS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Jy-100 FOR 8ALE-6 CHOICE HOUSES ON SIDNEY street, abqve Twenty-third, the best and pleasantest location on the Southslde: Sidney street being wide, newly paved and well lm- roved; houses, to be finished by August 1st ave pressed brick and stone ornamental fronts, and contain eight rooms, with Dath, laundry and every other convenience; city waUr, gas and natural gas on each floor, and good plumbing leading to city sewers makes dwellings first class In every respect; Smithfleld and Carson street cars E ass within one square; terms, ItOCO cash, with alance navable as arranged to suit nurehaser. Apply to BAKEWELL PHILLIPS. Dispatch office. Fifth ave., city. Je27-S3-TTSn East End Residences. -TTHJR SALE-THE PBOPERTY OF THE LATE JP Thomas English, near Colfax'schoolhouse, two minutes' walk from tbe new Squirrel Hill road. MARY ENGLISH. JylO-39 FOR SALE OAKLAND AVENUE, NEAR Forbes st., a new 8-room brick dwelling, vestibule, halt bath, etc.. water, nat, and art. gas. Inside shatters and w. c, laundry wltb sta tionary tubs: electric bells, front and rear porches, nice lawn and vard: terms reasonable. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jy9-S5-TTS FOR SALE 11 PER CENT INVESTMENT 14 eat 2-story mansard brick dwelling, S rooms, lanndry. gas and water, inside shutters, complete sewerage, good street 10 minutes Irom post office and 1 square from Fifth ave. cable: good tenant; pays eJUOper year rent; easy terms: must be sold. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. lyll-29 FOR SALE-ONLY" A FEW NOW REMAIN unsold of the very desirable eight-room dwell ings on Oakland square. The rapidity with which sales have been made show the estimation in which they are held: durably built and handsome ly finished, supplied with every modern con venience: standing on large lots and facing a handsome park planted with oeautlful shade trees, these dwellings have the notable advantage of be ing but 15 to 20 minutes from the postoffico by tbe Pittsburg Traction road: a cable loop, for which an ordinance Is now in Councils, will pass within 100 feet of the square: prices JO, 500 and (6,750; terms, moderate cash payment and long time on balance. Apply to S.W. BLACK ft CO., 89 Fourth avenue. Je23-67 Altesheny Residences. FOR SALE-ON STOCKTON AVE., NEAR Arch st.. very desirable residence property, lot 28HX240 feet to Park way. with large dwelling. 14 rooms. W. A. HEKKON ft SON, N o. 80 Fou rtb are. Jy3-6-3,8,ll,13.16,20 FOR SALE-CHEAP OBSERVATORY HILL, near electric road, good 6-room frame bouse. In good repair; city water, nat. gas; good cellar: lot 33x130 feet; street front and rear; two lots if desired; easy terms. Inquire STEVENSON'S DRUGSTORE, 232 Arch St., Allegheny. JyU-46-ThSSu Suburban Residences. FOR SALE HOMEWOOD A 2-STOBr frame dwelling ot 5 rooms, front and back porch, good pump: this nice property only 2,500, and on terms. BLACK ft BAIRD, 94 Fourth ave. (3-A-133.) JylO-29 FOR SALE LOTS. Cltv Lots. FORSALE CITY LOT5-10LOTSONLIBERTY ave., between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sts., Pittsburg, Pa.: low and on long time. H. FORBES, Wheeling, W. Va. Je2S-3S FOR SALE-CAKSON ST.. 8. S., "CORNER Twenty-first., fine building lots, 22x120, only St, 600 each; also on Sldnev St., corner Twenty-first St., lots 22x100, only (2.750 eacb: terms reasonable. SA31UEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 93 Fourth ave. Jy7-45-TTS East End Lota. FOR SALK-lt40O WILL BUY TWO VERY fine lots on jL'arver street 20 and 22x100 feet to 20-rt. alley: sefcer paid. Apply to F. O. VAN GOKDER, 6014 Penn avenue,EastEnd.Jc27-C7-TTS FORSALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUGHER, 43 N. Diamond St. mb7-93-D TTlOR SALE NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE J a choice building lot for a borne; 60-foot streets: no city taxes: Bank of Commerce addi tion and Villa place plan, Brushton station. Se cure colored pUn from JOHN F. BAXTtK. Agt., 612 Smithfleld street Jy7-53-iiThs TJIOK SALE A GOOD SHADYSIDE LOT D cheap: 45x130 feet and covered with grape vines and fruit trees: No. 1 location; convenient to station and other city conveniences: only S3 Eer foot front: this Is a bargain. BLACK ft AIKD, 95 Fourth ave. OA-21.) J y 10-29 FOB SALE-ON THE EASIEST TERMS AND at prices much lower than any In the sur rounding neighborhood, lots 40 and 60 feet front age and 100 to 150 feet In depth. In that best or all locations, Baum Grove. MELLON BROS.. E. E., r JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent M2 Smithfleld street Jy7-53-MThs FOR SALE-MAKION PLACE; MUST GO; now Is your chance to buy a good lot cheap and on easy terms: 44 lots sold in one week; third auction sale Saturday. July 13, at 2 P. M. ; lots will be sold to tbe highest bidder; terms to suit. For plans and particulars call on or address REED B. COYLE ft CO., 131 Fourth avenue. Jy9-79 Atlexhcnv Lota. FOR SALE-LOVELY BUILDING LOT. 50x200 feet Marshall avenue, near electric road; ex cellent neighborhoods; beautirul view: large for est trees; light taxes. MARSHALL H. RENO, 412 Grant at Jyll-N Suburban Lota. FOR SALE WIL51EEDING LOTS IN THE Watklns Place plan ; cheap and on easy terms. For plans and particulars call on KBED B. COYLE ft CO., IB Fourth ave. Telephone No 1503. JylO-63 FOKSALE-5 ACRES. 10 ACRES AND 20 acres for suburban residence sites, on line of Allegheny Valley Railroad, between Parnassus and Valley Camp, over a half mile of railroad front, fine groves, forest trees, full supply or pure water, natural gas: one of tbe prettiest sections for suburban homes on any railroad entering either city. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. JylO-61-MWTb8 Mlncellanronm FOR SALE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.-HOTELS, boarding bouses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or ror sale by I. G. ADAMS ft CO., real estate agents, R. Est. ft Law Bdg., Atlantic City. N. J. Je20-3-D TTHIR SALE-THREE TRACTS OF FINE Jj mineral and timber' land on and near the C. ft O. B. R., In Virginia: the best of iron ore and timber: tract No. I 30,000, No. 2 4,100, No.l 24.0U) acres; price $4 SOper acre: also. 6,000 selected pop lar and white oak trees that will average l,20Qreet each, near railroad, S3 75 per tree. J. B. BRIS TOB.Surtlnsburg, V. Va, JybMa FOB BATE LOTS. rarms. T7OR SALE FARM 156 ACRES-2-STOBY T. JD house, 7 rooms, well finished: 2 large bank barns; every Improvement required on first-class farm; line orchard, large vineyard, springs, coal and gas; near station. ED. W1TT1SH, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa. Jy-P Fu IOR BALE THREE GOOD FARMS. 18, 55 and 70 irrfi rcsnectlvtlv: 1 miles from Hamiarvllle, W. P. ft- R.. 12 miles from Alle gheny City: all well Improved; good buildings, nrH.arrl. etr terms to suit. JOSEPH BAR TON. Harmaiville, Pa.: W. J. BARTON. No. I Wylle ave. Jy7-16 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnslueaa Chances. -rjKR SALE-GOOD SHOE STORE-123 TAG Jj GART ST., Pleasant Valley, opposite car stables, Allegheny City, Pa. JylO-26 FOR SALE-3 BARBERS' CHAIRS AN D LOOK ING glasses; good as new. Apply at 2G2 SPRING GARDEN AVE., Allegheny. Jyll-OS TJKJR SALE-HARNESS SHOP. STOCK. FIX X! TUBES, lease: first-class city and country trade. Address HARNESS, Dispatch office. Je30-ll-TTS FOR SALE-STOCK. AND FIXTURES OF grocery store, doing good business, in good locality: also horse and wagon. Address STOKE, Dispatch office. Jyll-3 F IOR SALE-TWENTY-FIVE GALLON'MILK route, horse and wagon, cans, churn, har ness, etc; will sell reasonable. Apply at 77 CHARLES ST., Allegheny. ysttl-TT F OR SALE-nAZKLWOOO BARBER SHOP, clearlnsr from HQOtoSllOamonth: noonnosl- tlon: furnished first class; owner going West. Address or inquire at A. C. bCUNEIDER'S, Hazelwood. Jyll-9J FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A GOOD PAY ING drygoods store In Beaver Falls: cen trally located: reason for selling, other bnsluess. For further particulars address W. L. WOODS, 1018 Seventh avenue. Beaver Falls, Pa. Jyll-1 FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS DRUGSTORE AT Murrysvllle, Pa.: the only one in tbe town; a large country trade: well established and doing a large prescription business. For full informa tion address W. L. STEWART, Murrysvllle. Pa., Box 42. JylO-40 FOR SALE-FURNITURE, LICENSE, GOOD wlll, bar fixtures and leasehold for 4 yean at (50 per month of a hotel In Youngstown. O., of 20 rooms, doing a good bustness: reasons for selling, ill health: price. (2,000 for all. If sold at once. THUS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Jy4-96-TT8Su T7IOR SALE AN OLD ESTABLISHED GRO JJ CERY business In oneot the thoroughfares In Allegheny; tbe business Is In fnll running condi tion and maWlng money; bad health the only reason for selling; this Is an old stand and Is a first class opening: the stock Is nice and clean and all saleable. Parttcnlars confidentially from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. JylO-l T7tt)R SALE-iOO GROCERY. DRYGOODS. Jj drug, china and notion stores: light manu facturing business, paying well; feed store, ex tenstve and profitable bakery, ice cream and con fectionery business; cigar stores and confection ery stores, all sizes and prices; fine restaurantand dining rooms, printing office, butcher shop, milk depots, upholstery business, shoe stored, etc. Free particulars. SHEPARD ft CO., 54 Fifth ave. Jyr Manufacturing sites. T7H)R SALE MANUFACTURING SITE J? River avenue, Allegheny, between P. ft W. and W. P. R. K., opposite new Thirtieth street bridge; lot 250x125; one of the best locations for manufacturing purposes in the two cities. If not sold this property will be offered at public sale Monday. July 15, at 10 o'clock. For particulars call on or address JOHN J, HO WLEY, 127 Fourth ave. Je30-62 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. nones. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc -rrnmsALE-TWiiGooD buggy noRSEs on X1 account of extended absence In Europe party wishes to sell one thoroughbred roadster, dark soi rel. 15 hands 2 Inches, perfectly sound and con siderable speed: also, one fine bay family horse; both fine looking and excellent drivers. Apply ROG31 307, Penn Building. Jyll-3 FOR SALE-ONE FAMILY BAROUCHE, IN good order, worth (150, will be sold for (100; also one pbeaton buggy in good order: also one small pony, cart and harness, to be sold at a bar gain; he is quiet and children can drive blm; one sorrel horse 16 bands high, and racks under sad dle and good worker: he Is worth (300. but be scares at cable ears and tbe owner will take (150. Any person In need of the above articles will call Immediately, as owner Is leaving city. Inquire of A. JACKMAN ft SON, 530 to 536 Penn ave. Jyl0-49 Machinery ana Metals. FOR SALE-A VERY FINE FOUE-HORSE power engine and boiler as good as new; cost 1275: will be sold at a bargain. Address ENGINE, Dispatch office. Jyll-39 FIR SALE-ONE SECOND-HAND TURN1NO machine, 2surfacers and 1 shaper, and new and second-band engines and boilers, lard ket tles, tar tanks. Sti'men valves, castings, etc. VELTE ft MCDONALD, Thirty-second st and Penn ave. Jy2-91-TT8 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-THOMAS POWELL, FRANCE, business affairs about arranged; relatives and friends beseech you to write. Jy9-58-TT8 PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKSI BOOKS! New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scler.tlfic30,300 vol umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, 900 Liberty st, my3-28 PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean lug your old clothes, when it can be donefora trifle by DICKsON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st,. second floor? Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits made to order: spring styles now ready, leleohone 1558. mh9 FOUND. POUND-ON WILK1NS AVE.. EAST END. A pocketbook containing valuables; owner can have by proving property aud paying for this notice at tu9 Woodst. Jyll-98 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION BALE FRIDAY MORNING. July 12, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms. No. 311 Market st Chamber snlts in all grades and qualities, in plushes, tapestries, silks, reps, brocatelle and bair cloth bed lounges, folding beds, cribs, cots, bedsteads, chamber suits, chiffoniers, wardrobes, bureaus, washs'ands, looking glasses, cabinets, lamps, clocks, bed ding, stoves, refrigerators, coolers, rugs, cur tains, toilet ware, tea and dinner sets. linoleum, Brussels and ingrain carpets, willow rockers, hall racks, bookcases, 2 office safes, desks, chairs, center tables, sideboards, buffet sew ing baskets, pictures, mattresses, springs, no tions, groceries, Turkish carpet cost 2163; solid mahogany sideboard, costESO: extension tables, china closets, pillows and bolsters, window shades, eta, etc.etc HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM.. Auctioneers. jyll-31 PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE OP furniture, carpets, pianos; school furniture and household goods at the Select School and residence of Miss Fuller. No. 35 Stockton ave., Allegheny. THURSDAY MORNINU. July 11. at 10 o'clock. The entire fumishmentembractng two superior rosewood pianof upright, the other square grand, both first-class instru ments in excellent condition, parlor furniture, L e., suit and odd piece?, sofa, easy chairs, tables, pictures, easels,music cabinets, portiers, cornices and lambrequins, chamber furniture, folding bedsteads with mirror front bureaus, dressing cases, wardrobes, bedsteads, wash stands, toilet sets, mattresses, springs and bed ding, lounges, very haudsome three-section bookcase, extension table, china, glass, crock ery and silverware, lanndry and kitchen uten sils, tine large refrigerator, water filter, su perior body brussels and other carpets and lino leums, etc., etc All the above goods are first class and in prime order. House open for inspection at S o'clock on morning of sale. Every article to be sold without reserve for cash. Owner leaving for Europe. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., Auctioneers. jjT-53 DIVIDENDS. Manufacturers a Merchants Ins. Co., ) Office. 417 Wood street Pittsburg, Pa, July 9. 1889. ) DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS of this company have this day de clared a dividend of (1 60 PKR SHARE, pay able on demand, WM. T. ADAIR, jyll-19 Secretary. Tre Ben Frankxin Insurance Co., ) Of the City or Allegheny, Pa, Alleoueny, July 10, 1889. ) DIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS companv have this day declared a dlvl dend of THREE PER CENT (SI 60 per share), payable on demand. WM. A. FORD, jyU-10-D Secretary. Office of Pittsburg Traction Co., 1 N o. 310 Fifth avenue. BIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have declared a dividend of E DOLLAR per share ont of the earnings of tbe past six months, payable July 15. at Alle gheny National Bank. Transfer books will be closed from July 12 to 15, inclusive. W. Mc CANDLESS, Treasurer. Jyl036-D Union Bridge Company, J Pittsburg, Jnly 2, 18S9. mHE DIRECTORS OF THIS COMPANY I have this day declared a dividend of TWO PER CENT, payable on and after July 10, 1SS9, at Iron City National Bank. jylO-64 JOSEPH FORD, Secretary. Office Western Insurance Co- J Pittsburg, J uly 9, 1E89. ( DIVIDEND NO. 74-THE BOARD OF DI RECTORS have this day declared a divi dend of THREE PER CENT or ONE DOL LAR AND FIFTY CENTS upon each share of the capital stock. Pavablo on and after the 11th inst WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. JylO-28-D The Teutonia Insurance company, ) No. 200 Ohio street, AlXSGIIENY, PA., July 3. 1SS9. ) DIVIDEND NO. -THE DIRECTORS OF this company have tbl dav declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT (f2per share) out of the earnings of the past six months, payable on demand. CHA& W. GERWIG. . Jj7-M . Secretary. TO LET. Allegheny Residences. m mo LET NO. 10 MARKET STREET, ALL& JL GHENY, new brick house of S rooms, bait water In house: rent 120 per month, W. A. HER. RON ft SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Jy9-59-TT T LET-MAGNOLIA ST.. NEAR SFZNCB st, Allegheny, new brick bouse of S rooms, water In bouse, inside w. c. ; rent til per month. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jy9-59-TTS Apartments. TO LET VERYDESIRABLESECOND-STORT front room, well furnished, with board. Ap ply at N o. 94J Penn ave. JyH- Offices. Dek Room. iJfcc mO LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLT JL painted: elevator, janitor service auu at modern conveniences. Apply to GERMAN1A 1 SAl'tNIIKKHK WnflrpL 1C2S-C8-D ' )e2S-8-D TO LET-OFFICE ROOMS OR SUITES FOR general business purposes In the new DIS PATCH BUILDING. 7 77 and 79 Diamond st.t-. situation most central in the city: eleetilc light included in rents, which are moderate. Apply between 11 A. M. and 5 P. M. Je27-A TO LET-PESN BUILDING. PENN AVE.. near Seventh st., offices single or en suite. In this elegant 8-story building: 2 Crane elevators, beat and janitor services; rents exceptionally low; floor plans at our ofilce: we have also de sirable offices in other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO.. 99 Fourth ave. Je29-3S-D Business Stands. rPO LET-BOARDING HOUSE IS ROOMS; EX 1 CELLENT location. 121 WEBSTER AVE NUE. JvjM OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Pittsburg, Pa, June 27. 18S9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the opening of. Charles street from Center avenue to Ruch street; Klrkpatrick street, from Center avenue) to Reed street and John street from, Mahon street to Soho street have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless aa appeal is filed In the Court of Common Plea within ten (10) days from data. E. M. BIGELOW, je30S3-D Chief of Depr. of PubUc Works. Pittsburg, Pa June 27. 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Lang street, from Penn avenue to Kelley street; Meadow street from Lincoln avenne to Larimer avenne; Bond and Sheridan streets,! rom Hiland avenue to Hoeveler street, and Negley avenne and Roup street from Hampton street to Two Mile Run sewer, havo been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. je0O82-D Chief of Dept of Public Works. Office of Controller or ) ALLEGHENY COUNTY. PA. V Pittsburg, July 8, 1S89. ) j "VTOTICE TO PRINTERS. BINDERS AND ' LM stationers Sealed proposals will bo re ceived at this ofilce until 4 o'clock r. Jt, Friday, July 12, lo9, for the binding and fur nishing 183 assessors' blotters. 145 office duplicates. 110 school duplicates. 115 treasurers' or collectors' books containing 75.000 leaves more or less. 200 stenographers' books. Also, for printing and furnishing blanks for , county offices for the ensuing year. Also for furnishing stationery for the use of county offices for the ensuing year. Samples of books: blanks and stationery, and all information rusting to same can be ob tained at the office '.f the Countv Commis sioners. JOSIAHSPEER, jy8-32 Connty Controller. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will be received at the office of City Controller until WEDNESDAY, the 17th day of July, A.D. 18S9. at 2 p. st, lor the fol lowing, viz: REPAVTNG. Forbes street from Brady street to Boyd street Cherry alley, from Third avenue to Water street State alley, from Wjlie avenue to Fifth avenne. Scott alley, from Penn avenue to Duquesua way. Church alley, from Sixth avenuo to Straw, berry alley. Slocnm alley, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Strawberry alley, from Smithfleld street to. Liberty avenue. PAVING AND CURBING. Corday alley, from Pearl street to Cedar street The paving of the above street and alleys to he either of Standard Sheet Asphalt with" bituminous base or Vulcanite Asphalt GRADING. Keystone street, from Fifty-fourth street to" Fit ty-dftb street PAVING AND CURBING. , Keystone street from Stanton avenue to Fifty-second street, GRADING AND PAVING. Dresden alley, from Fifty-second street to Aicuanoiess street. Dresden alley, from Stanton avenue to Fifty second street, GRADING, PAVING AND CURBING. . Sonth Twenty-eighth street from East Car son street to Jane street Mawhlnney street from south side of Forbes) street to a point 67 feet more or less, south wardly. Allen street from Lillian street to Washing ton avenne. Larkins alley, from South Twenty-fourth; street to South Twenty-fifth street The paving of the above named streets and alleys to be either of Standard Sheet Asphalt with bituminous base. Vulcanite Asphalt Block Stone, Irregular Block Stone or Cobble) Stone, and bids will be received for each kind of pavement SEWERS. Miller street from Center avenue to Reed street; 15-Inch pipe. Twenty-second? street from south side of Railroad street to Allegheny riven IS-lnctx Through and over private properties of Margaret Hardie et al. and crossing Brooks. Bates and Zulema streets, from Ward street to a connection with Cunliff e run sewer; 13-inch pipe. Harcum's alley, from Sonth Twenty-third street to south Twenty-fourth street; 15-inca pipe. Fox street from South Twenty-fourta street to South Twenty-third street; 15-inca Wallingford street from Bidwell street to Ttartrm Ktrppt" 1.1-lnrh ntnp Penn avenue and Braddock avenue, front; Linden avenne to Susquehanna streetria, io,, 20 and 21-inch nine. Plans and specifications can be seen and t Dianksior Diaaing can do obtained at ims. omce. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the) . right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. NOTICES. OHIO COUNTY BONDSNOTICE IS ' hereby given that the Board of Commis sioners ot the county of Ohio, State of West Virginia, will offer for sale 1200.000 4K per cent ten-thirty bonds, dated July I, ISsy. interest Eayabie annually July 1. 50,000 of which will o delivered July 15, lSii), $50,000 October 1, 1SS9, S5O.00O December 1, 188), and $50,000 Feb : ruary 1, 1S90. accrued interest to be added. Sealed bids for said bonds will be received (In-' dorsed "Proposals for Bonds") at the office ot the Board ot Commissioners of tbe county ot Ohio until MONDAY, July 15. 1S8V. at 1 o'clock A. 3f. No bids will be received at leas than par. The right is reerved to reject any or all bids. P. B. DOBBINS. President CHARLES C WOODS. Clerk. je2KJ-25.2).jylL15 DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearing anoareL such as dresess. tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad- J ras ana poruer cutMiiu, lauiuruuuius, muib covers, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other t ex-., tsrvrrr Avvrwniz twe rxfmtva ". o. . " -" , j M. MAY SONS & Co. ' 66 SIXTH AVE. Goods called for and delivered. jell-TTS -pvR. BURGOON, Tho Specialist of 47 Ohio street Allegheny,? defies competition in tbe cure of all chrome troubles. Ho does not point to fictitious tes-J timonlais. COME AND SEE THE ORIGINALS. '3 At his office, uf vour neighbors who have beeal cured In Pittsburg and Allegheny. Consulta-g tion iree. jezx - plANOS, ORGANS. fl S. HAMILTON. Bl AND S3 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-7-B p A.BALPB, ' BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 11 Seventh avenue. Pittsburg. Pa, . Telephone 131. se5-n60-rrsj TTTATCHES- Ciocks. jewelry, silverware. Fine watehvaa4" ciocK repairing a specialty. va wixson. a fourth: avenue.: J ' .'. -"?iyU-a-l 1 4 fl S Ti.-. .SAA c&tzM-Mia&ssasimKi pwjjf1 EaSKSSS fcMIIII IP II Wi2BS3i ;vi! ; - t-,,j.jt,Si