Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 10, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Great Activity in Canned Meats,
While Bicycles Are Booming.
Uncle Sam's Custom House Keeps Up Its
Usual Bright Record.
Orncie op Pittsburg DrsrATcn, J
Tuesday, July 9. 1889. (
Tradesmen who can are preparing to flit
to the mountains or seaside,and the situation
in most commercial lines Is that of suspend
ed animation.
A week ago the general prayer among
trades people was that rains would cease.
Uow the cry is for rain to come and cool
the atmosphere.
It is a pleasure to find that in some
branches of trade there is great activity,
notwithstanding the intensely hot weather.
A representative of the canned meats in
dustry said to-day: "Our trade was never
as large at this season of the year as it is
now. Since April 1 there has
been a growing demand lor our
poods, and this and next month promise to
be the best we have known. So far this
season our trade has been fully SO
per cent larger than for the cor
responding period of last year, with
the best two months yet to bear from. Oar
sales for last week amounted to 21,000 pounds of
Muff, the bulk of which was canned corn beef.
The trade in large 14-pound cans, which fell off
lor two or three jears, is coming back. Ten
ears ago the amount of canned meats bandied
by joobers was not one-tenth what is bandied
to-day. The rainy June, which had the effect of
staviugoff picnics and outing parties, no donbt
lessened demand for our products to some ex
tent, but there is ample time left to make up
for Ibis, and July and August will without a
doubt eclipse all corresponding months in years
gone by. Whatever the' results may be. we are
already assured of 50 per cent larger volume of
trade this year than last."
Fourth of July Good,
One of oar leading dealers in Fourth of July
and sporting goods reports an unusual activity
lor his trade. Tho patriotism of Pittsburg
never drew as heavily on pyrotechnic andnoise
roaking goods as this year. Dealers who laid
in heavy supplies, having had large faith in
Pittsburg patriotism, did not trust in rain.
Ktocks of fire-crackers and rockets are seldom
as well cleaned up after the Fourth as tbey are
now. The interview with this dealer developed
the fact that bicycles and tricycles were never
in sneb active demand as in the past month or
two. It is impossible to fill orders for bovs'
bicycles. Some orders have been on the books
for two or three weeks and the factories are
unable to respond. Said the above dealer:
"We have been writing andtelegraphlngto the
bicjele factories almost dally for weeks to
hurry up stock, but it seems to do little good,
and all we can do is to possess our souls in
patience and wait. It is very plain that the
calculations of bicycle makers were entirely
too modest, in view of the inability to meet
orders. It will, at the very least, bo a few
weeks before our firm can catch up to orders.
You may say for oar firm that Fourth of July
week brought an unusually satisfactory trade
all along the lines of our goods, and that we
never bandied as much stuff in the same time."
TJncle fonnVs Warehouse.
The first half of 1S39 has made a record at
Uncle Sam's warehouse, Penn avenue and
Garrison alley, about equal to the correspond
ing period of 1S88, which was one of the
good years for trade in imported goods.
The books of the Custom House show that
April of this year was the best month on
record and May was very little behind. June
was d ' ., owing to floods which kept back
stuff. I. the last week of June, when the rail
road blockade was lifted, there was a rush for a
few das, but business has again quieted down,
baid Secretary Keating to a Dispatch re
porter: "There has rot been as much business
done in imported liquors and iron through the
Custom House this year as last. In 1S83 there
were very large importOf iron rods, billets
and bars. This has materially declined. The
efforts to evade tho whisky tax by keeping
stock in foreign seaports wbete storage was
cheap has not proved so remunerative as was
supposed a few years ago. Tbe loss in proof
and quantity has in many instances spoiled
great expectations of profit. The only import
goods that bold up and keeps crowing in
volume all the time are cigars. The Havana
cigar holds its own and mure. Its constituency
Is steadily on the increase, if our books are a
fair criterion. Tbe warehouse is unnsnlly
bare. Bv the 1st of August goods will be piling
in for fall trade."
Condition of the Market nt the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Cattle Receipts, 160 head; shipments. 120
bead; market slow at about yesterday's prices;
no cattle shipped to New York to day.
Hogs Receipts. COO nead: shipments, 300
bead; market fairly good: lisht hogs,J4 70g4 SO:
Philadelphia bogs, $4 G04 65; heavy bogs, (1 40
4 50; no bogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipt. 4,200 head; shipments. 2,200
head; market slow, 10 to 15 cents off from yes
terday's prices.
Br Telesrrnoh.
Kansas Cttt Cattle Receipts. 4.782 head:
shipments.3,033 head; bulk of supply Texas and
Indian, which were slow, weak and a shade
lower; cows steady; stockers and f eeoine steers
dull; Rood to choice cornfed steers, S3 70Q3 90;
common to medium. $2 906350; stockers and
feeding steers, S2 00ff3 10; cow SI 502 75;
gras range steers, $1 763 10. Hoe Receipts,
10,829 head; shipments. 333 head; opened on
lights strong to 2c higher; heavy and mixed
steady, closing weak and a shade lower on all
classes: good to choice light, SI 304 35; heavv
and mixed, J4 054 25. feheep Receipts, 1,093
head; no shipments; stead; (rood to choice
muttons, S3 403 80; lambs. S3 504 00.
New York Beeves Receipts 500 head, in
cluding 19 carloads for exportation and 11 car
Mids for city slaughterers direct; no trading in
beeves; firmer for dreaed beet at 67c for
common to prime native sides, with a little
choice sold at 7c. Exports to-day 4.400 quar
ters or beef. Calves Receipts. 200 head:
BteadvatS4 255 50 per 100 pounds for veals,
and S2 503 00 tor buttermilk calves. Sheep
Receipts, 5,200 head: firmer for sheen and
lambs S4 254J5 50 per 100 pounds; lambs at S6 00
7 J., witu one carioaa at ui; dressed nut
ton firmat910Kcpcr pound: dressed lambs,
10J12c Hogs Receipts. 3.400 head: none
offered alive: nominally steady at 4 5085 00
per 100 pounds.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 4,900 head: ship
ments, none; market steady: choice heavy
native steers, S3 75 I 30; fair to good do,
53 1003 10; stockers and feeders, fair to good,
2 203 15: rangers,corn-fed, S2 753 50; grass
led. SI 'J02 85. Hogs Receipts, 4.200 head;
shipments, 200 head; market a shade higher;
choice heavy and butchers' selection', S4 33ft!
4 45: packing, medium to prime, S4 2504 40;
light grades, ordinary to best, S4 4004 65.
Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; shipments, 1,100
head; market strong; fair to choice. S3 0034 75.
CniCAGO Cattle Kecelnts,9,000head; ship
ments, 3,500 bead; market steadv and lower;
choice beeves, S4 09 4 25: steers. S3 4U
4 20; stockers and feeders, 22 203 35; cows,
bulls and mixed. SI S03 30: Texas cattle. S2 42
3 4a Hogs Receipts. 14,000 head: shipments,
3.500 head; market opened -610c higher and
closed weak; mixed, $4 304 65; heavy. S4 25
4 50; liebt, S4 354 65; skips, S3 604 65.
Bbeeo Receipts, 4,000 head; shipments. 500
head: market strong: natives, S3 755 00:
Westerns. S3 404 00;Texans, S2 304 20; Iambs,
54 906 00.
Buffalo Cattle No fresh receipts; feeling
steady. Stieep and lambs Receipts. 20 loads
through; none on sale: market steady and un
changed. Hogs Receipts, 4 loads through;
3 loads on sale; market steady and unchanged.
Cincinnati Hogs higher; common and
light, S3 754 30; packing and butchers, 4 S0
4 60; receipts, 1,470 head; shipments. 780 head.
Drvgoods Market.
"New York, July 9. Plain cottons, prints,
ginghams, damasks and clothing woolens re
ceived the principal attention. Tbe market
was unchanged, but tbe tone continued strong,
and there is a tendency to shorten the terms
and dating on prints. Jobbers here will not
open new prints until next week.
Wool Markets.
Philadelphia The market is quiet, and
prices unchanged.
St. Louis Receipts, 209,790 fts.; the market
is quiet and easy.
New York Wool in fair demand and firm;
domestic fleece, 3239c; pulled, 23640c; Texas,
Metal Markets.
New York Pig iron steady and quiet. Cop
per dull and steady; O. M. B., (S 90. Lead ir
regular at S3 97K. Tin quiet and easier:
Btralts, 119 60.
Plate's Chlorides, a true disinfectant.
An odorless liquid, yt cheap and efficient
The Wheat rit Active, and Prices Stronger
All Round-Corn Higher nnd Oats
Easy Hoc Products Dnll,
but Close Steady.
Chicago Trading In wheat was act
ive to-day, and the market was stronger. There
was some investment buying, and shorts cov
ered freely. July advanced 2c, and closed
about lc higher than yesterday, August
opened lAc higher, declined c then ad
vanced IJic and closed IKc higher, September
closed ljfc higher. December, which is at
tracting the principal attention, opened o
higher, declined Jjjc, then -advanced lKc, and
closed ifi higher than yesterday. The feeling
was unsettled early in tbe session, but devel
oped into a rather bullish tendency later.
The very strong tenor of foreign advices was
the principal influence on the market. English
markets evidently are being affected some by
dry weather. Domestic markets were all higher.
There was some buying, no doubt. In expecta
tion that the Government report will make a
poorer showing, some look for a tailing off in
winter wheat, and some lor a possible increase.
It was generally rumored that the report would
pat the condition of wheat in Dakota at 70,
against S3 last month.
A moderate business was transacted In corn,
with the bulk of the trading at slightly higher
prices, a firmer feeling prevailing. The better
tone was due largely to tbe active demand for
cash property. The market opened at yester
day's closing prices, advanced He, fluctuated
frequently within a narrow ranee and closed
lie better than yesterday.
Oats developed more activity, but it was at a
lower range of prices. The demand was light,
and the execution of outside selling orders
coupled with liberal offerings, produced a de
cline of ic At inside figures fair pur
chases were made to cover shorts, but the mar
ket closed quiet and easy.
A fairly active trade was reported in mess
pork, and almost exclusively in August and
September deliveries. Opening sale were
made at 5c advance, but a weaker feeling was
developed later, and prices receded 1012c
Toward the close the feeling was stroncer and
prices rallied 7l0c but settled back again
67C and closed steady.
A moderate business was transacted in tbe
lard market. Tbe feeling was somewhat un
settled and prices ruled irregular and aver
aged lower. Opening sales were made at yes
terday's closing figures, but a weak feeling
was quickly developed and a reduction of 6
7c was submitted to. Toward the close the
feellug was steadier and prices advanced 2Q
6c and closed steady.
Tbe market for short rib sides was fairly
active, and prices exhibited very little change.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
(Wheat No.2 July, 83H8583Q84?ic: Au-
&ust, 8081!a79Jj;81Wc: September, 79K6
79ii80c; December. S1J.82$d1
CORN No. 2 August, 353503535c;
September. 35K36H35K36ic; October. 3b
Oats No. 2 August, 22222222c: Sep-
temDer. &,erxt&a.ytt(gziyBc.
10 50.
Lard, per 100 fts. August, S632S 32K
6 32H3 &K; September, So 456 46 4
6 4a
Short Ribs, per 100 fts. Aurust, S5 850
5 855 S0o 80; September. S5 905 905 85
5 85; October. $5 8095 805 755 75.
Cash quotations were as follow: Flour un
changed. No. 2 spring wheat, 84c; No, 8
spring wheat, nominal; No. 2 red, 83c No. 2
corn, 36c. No. 2 oats, 22Xc No. 2 rye. 42e. No.
2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. II S3. Prime
timothy seed, SI 45. Mew pork, per barrel,
511 50. Lard, per 100 pounds, $6 3a Short ribs,
sides (loose), S3 8a Dry salted shoulders
(boxed), S5255 37K. Short clear sides (boxed),
S6 126 25. Sugars, unchanged. Receipts
Flour, 12.000 barrels: wheat, 10,000 bushels:
corn, 311.000 bushels; oats. 136,000 bushels;
rye. 5,000 bushels; barley, 1,000 bushels. Ship
ments Floor. 16,000 barrels; wheat, 68.000 bush
els; corn. 42,000 bushels: oats, 41,000 bushels;
rye. 4,003 busnels; barley, none.
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the bntter
market was quiet; fancy creamery, 1516c:
fine, lJX15c: finest dairies, 1213c; fine, 10
12c. Eggs Demand ligbt at 12c.
New York Flour very firm, fairly active
and 510c higher, demand chiefly home trade.
Corn meal steadv and In moderate demand; yel
low Western, $2 452 75. Wheat Spot dull,
K3c higher and firm; options dull, X($gc
higher and strong; shorts covering, moderate
buying by exporters. Barley malt, quiet;
Canada. 90cfi!l 05 for old and new. Corn
Spot active, Jfc higher and firm: options active
and stronger. Oats Spot dull and weaker;
ontions fairly active, lower and steady.
Hay steady and quiet. Hops steady and qniet.
Coffee, 25 points up: August. IS 7013 90: Sep
tember, 13 8fl14 00; October, 13 8514 10: No
vember.13 9014 15: December.13 90&14 20: Janu
ary. 14 10; February. 13 95014.25; March. 13.959
14.25: April 14.05; May,13.95 14.25; spot Rio stead
ier: fair cargoe, IbJc. bugar Raw qniet and
strong: fair refining, 7lc bid; centrifugal 96
test, 8Jc: sales of 18.600 bags beet exported to
Europe, refined dull and firm. Molasses For
eign strong 60 test, S0c; New Orleans quiet.
Rice steady. Cottonseed oil quiet. Tallow
quiet. Rosin quiet and steady. Turpentine
steady and more active at 37J38Vc. Eggs
active and higber: western prime, I414Jc:
receipts, 7.624 packages. Pork steady and
ouiet; mess, S13 00 13 25: extra prime. $11 60
11 75. Cutmeats strong; pickled bellies. 12
pounds,7c;do 10 pound,Jc;pickled hams,llc;
pickled shoulders, 5Vc .Middles slow; short
clear, 6 40. Lard firm and more active; sales
of western steam at $6 70 and S6 656 75 to ar
rive, closing at S6 70; city, S6 20; Aucust. S6 72
6-6 76, closing at S6 75; September. J6 796 83,
closing at $6 81; October. 6 81S 82, closing
at S6 81. Butter dnll and weak; western dairy,
1013c: do creamery, 1216Kc; do factory,
813c Cheese, more doing and steady; western,
St. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged.
Wheat Cash higher, but not much trading;
options higher, though receipts were lanren
offerings were small; after fluctuating in a !4
He range there was a buying flurry that rushed
prices up, and the close was strong at lJClJc
above yes'.erday; No. 2 red, cash, eOasiKc:
July, 75&77ic closed at 77c; August, 74
76c closed at 7tc; September, 76Ji677c
closed at 77c: December. 79Vi81c, closed at
80c asked. Corn higher; No. 2 mixed, cash, 32
32J-,c: July. 32c closed at 32o bid: August.
3-32c, closed at 32c; September, 33K
33$c closed at 33c; May, 3c. Oats quiet;
No. 2 cash, 24c bid: July, 22c; August. 21Kc:
May. 2o?ic. Rye No. 2. 40c bid. Flaxseed,
SI 15. Provisions quiet and steady.
Philadelphia Flour Demand moderate,
but prices firm. Wheat Cash scarce and firm,
and No. 2 red advanced Ko; options advanced
6Ko unuer light offerings and stronger re
ports from other marke's, but little or no
speculation: No. 2 red in elevator. 97c; No. 2red
July. 8687c; August, 84V84c; September,
Mli&toKc; October, S4Kes5c. Corn nrm, but
quiet; No. 2 mixed in grain depot. 44c; Jlo. 2 yel
low in grain depot, 44244c: No. 2 yellow on
track, 44c: No. 2 red Julv. 4244c; August.
42JJlSic; September, 4343K October. 43K
&Uc Oats Car lots firm, but. demand Hcht;
No. 3 whit;, 32J33c: jjo. 2 white, 31c; futures
dull; No. 2 white July, 33Ke33Jic: August, 32
32c: September, SOc. Ecgs weak and irregu
lar; Pennsylvania fancy, 15c
Cincinnati Flour strong. Wheat In fair
demand; No. 2 red, 8588c: new, 81c; receipts.
5,0"0 bushels; shipments, 1,000 bushels. Corn
strong and higher; No. 2 mixed, 39Wc. Oats
Demand moderate; No. 2 mixed, 2S326c
Rye dull: No. 2, 48c. Pork Demand quiet
at 112. Lard quiet at 56 la BulkmeaU and
bacon steady. Butter weaker. Sugar stronger.
Eggs heavy. Cheese steady.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
firm; cash. 80c; July, blank; September, 793c
Corn firm; No. 3, 3bc. Oats firm; No. 2 white,
2S28Kc. Rye firm; No. L 43Kc Barley firm;
No. 2, September. 58c Provisions firm. Pork,
Sll 45. Lard, 56 3a Cheese unchanged; Ched
dars, 8SJa
Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady.
Butter quiet; creamery. 16c. Eggs easy at 12c.
Coffee nominal; Rio, 16c.
Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash. Si 50; Octo
ber 00.
Mlnlnc Stocks.
New York. July 9. Caledonia, 295; Dead
wood, T 145; Eureka Consolidated, 175; El
Cristo, 125; Father de Smet. 25: Hale A Nor
cross, 295: Homestake. 800: Iron Silver, 170;
Mexican. 310: Mutual, 140; North Belle Isle, 115;
Ontario. 340; Savage, 170: Sierra Nevada, 225;
Union Consolidated, 30.
Smoke the best, La Perla del Fumar
clear Havana Key West cigars. Bold 3 for
25c by G. "W. Schmidt, Kos. 95 and 97 Fifth
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
" , ,v-SATEBNS,
For largest assortment and lowest pricea call
and see us. -"-
le22-rS3- -
A Fine Allegheny Residence Bought
by a Prominent Merchant.
A Philadelphia Gentleman Falls in love
With Pittsburg Suburbs,
Squirrel Hill and Oakland, it is now cer
tain, will before long enjoy the luxury oi
rapid transit. Those wanting to establish
homes in either place should hurry up the
cakes before the inevitable boom takes effect.
Tbe most important transaction in real
estate in Allegheny for a long time au
thentically reported was closed up yester
day by Samuel "W. Black & Co. B. E.
Boggs, of Boggs & Buhl, purchased the
residence property 13G North avenue, lot 110
by 170, with a large two-story brick build
ing, for which he paid $65,000 cash. The
lot is about twice the size of the one adjoin
ing, which was sold by Mr. Boggs a month
or so ago.
An Allegheny gentleman who lives near
said the old building would probably be
torn down and a much finer one erected. Con
sidering the location, the price paid is thought
to be quite reasonable.
Fragment of a conversation on a railroad
car between two unknown gentlemen yester
day: First speaker Well, how are you getting
along with ;ctir real estate speculation ?
Second speaker Very well. The ground
cost us Mi000. and we have already sold about
90,000 worth of lots.
I do not know to what he referred. Later on
be added: "I could have bought tbe Hampton
place for 50,000 a few months ago."
As often remarked, there is a great deal
more doing in real estate than appears upon
the surface.
All that is needed to develop tbe beantifnl
country around Pittsburg is rapid transit, and
that want bld fair soon to bo supplied in the
fullest measure. Tbe assurance of one or more
electric roads down the Sewicklev Valley has
given quite a boom to property in that dis
trict, and their construction will double or
treble the demand.
Land so delightfully situated, and so conven
ient to the city, will not long lie fallow. Rapid
transit would soon place it on a par with the
best sections of the East End.
Mr. Charles Holt, a prominent business man
of Philadelphia, was visiting friends in the
East End last week. On the Fourth he was
driven to the city by way of Oakland. He was
charmed by tbe country, and said it was the
most beautiful of any he had seen in America
or Europe.
This is a high, but not undeserved, recorn
mendation. The suburbs of Pittsburg, from
whatever direction viewed, will bear compari
son with those of any other city in the Union,
and come out ahead every time.
This being true, it Is no wonder they are rap
idly filling up with a good class of people.
The Chicago farmer' Review estimates the
probable winter wheat crop of 1889 at 313,313,000
bushels, and the yield of rye at 28.951,000 bush
els, the largest crop since 1884. The pork crop
is said, also, to be unusually large. There is no
danger, therefore, of a scarcity of bog and
The mathematical lunatic has again escaped
from the asylum and Is making public his
theories to account for tbe alleged increase of
storms and floods in these latter years. He
says there are more than 10,000 locomotives in
uso in North America, and that tbe vapor from
these sent ont into the atmosphere each week
will measure more than 50,00d,000,000 cubic
yards, which must be returned as ram. or 7,000.
000,000 cubic yards a day quite enough to pro
duce rainfall every 24 hours.
Other non-condensing steam engines add
eight times as much more, so that the total
mass of vapor discharged into tbe atmosphere
must be each weekmore than 470.000,000,000 cubic
yards. As a result ol this state of affairs be
predicts that the American race will finally be
drowned out, but be neglects to fix a date for
that awful cataclysm.-
Tbe sale of 44 lots at Marion station in one
week Is an event of sufficient importance to at
tract wide attention. At this rate all the lots
for sale there will soon be closed out. Marlon
possesses special advantages for workingmen,
being closely connected with Pittsburg, Brad
dock and McKeesport.
That they appreciate the opportunity which
it offers of acquiring homes at a moderate
cost the rapid sale of lots sufficiently testifies.
Tery Little movement In Local Stocks, but
Triers Well maintained.
The stock market yesterday was of the same
kind as that of the day before dull and gener
ally steady. Only two securities were handled.
Philadelphia Gas and Electric, and they sold
to tbe extent of only 1C0 shares. Both were
fractionally weaker, the former sailing at 37
and the latter at 51. Philadelphia was ex-dividend,
as the books close to-day.
On the strength of presumably good news L&
Nora was stronc at 2, with 1 bid. Manufact
urers' Oas could have been sold at 26, but none
was offered at that fizure. Citizens' Traction
was firm but dull. For Central 31 was vainly
offered for 100 shares.
Considering tbe dullness, values are well sus
tained. This leads operators to hope for a re
vival in the near future. Bids, offers and sales
are appended:
Pld. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Pitts. Pet. S. AM. Ex 810
Keystone Bank of Vg BZH
Kld.Title ATrust Co... 127
German Mat. Bank.... 3i:ji
Keystone Bank, fltts 60.!
First Nat. Banc. Ay... 136
GtrmanMat.Ut,All'T. IS)
Freehold Hank 62)4
Work'man's Savings 70 ....
BrldEewaterUas 45
ManufacturersGasCo. 26
Nat. Gas Co. or W. Va. ei 63 67 65
People's N.G. P. Co. 17)i 18 17J IS
PennsTlvanlaGas Co.. 15 .... IS ....
Philadelphia Co 36M 37 37 37!
Wheeling Gas Co 29 30
Washington Oil Co.... 721
Citizens' Traction teli 63) CSV &H
Central Traction - 3i 31jJ
Pleasant Valley 190 200 190 200
Charlotte Mining Co.- .... 1
La Norla Mining Co... IK 2 IK t
Westlnghoute Eiectrlo (1 5i; Sou SlW
U. switch A Slenal Co. .... Hfi .... 22X
PlttsbcrgPlate Glass.. 186 200
At the morning call 15 shares of Electric sold
at &! In tbe atternoon 195 shares of Electric
went at 51, and 50 of Philadelphia Gas at 37.
J. F. Stark sold 100 shares of Philadelphia Gas
at 36 ex-dividend.
Tbe total sales stocks at New York yesterday
were 147,253 shares including: Atchison, 15,774;
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 10,700;
Lake Shore. 4,250: New Jersey Central, ai50;
Northern Pacific preferred. 6,900; Reading,
13,540; St. Paul. 19,220; Union Pacific, 6,600.
A North Avenue. .Allegheny, Ketldence
Changes Hands Other Transactions.
Samuel W. Black fc "Co., 99 Fourth avenue
sold to B. H. Boggs, of Boggs & Buhl, the resi
dence property. No. 136 North avenue, Alle
gheny, lot 110x170. with a large two-story brick
residence, for J65.000 cash.
Wr. A. Herron & Sons sold a new frame
bouse on Claybourne avenue, Shadyside, six
rooms and finished attic, with all modern con
veniences, lot 30x130, for (4.000. They also sold
a lot on tbe Duncan plan, 20x85, on McCandless
avenue. Eighteenth ward, city, for $325.
C. Barringer 4 Son. No. 103 Fourth avenue,
sola a vacant lot at jSmswortfa, 60x150 feet, for
$500 cash, to James K. Piper, who will at once
put up a nice dwelling house. Tbey also sold
a vacant lot near Gallagher street, Allegheny,
24x110 feet, for $200, to Johanna Colford.
Black A Balrd. No. 85 Fourth avenue, sold
for Patrick Boyle to Mrs. Louisa Craven, tbe
residence property No. 712 Bellefonta street.
Twentieth ward, containing eight rooms, with
lot 60x100 feet to a 20-foot alley, for 2,400.
James W. Drape & Co. placed a mortgage of
$5,600, at 5 per cent, on residence property in
Allegheny. They also closed mortgage of
$2,600 at 6 tier cent on two houses and 1"U In
the East End: also three mortgages of $6,900 on
bouses and lots In McKeesport and in the
suburbs at 6 per cent.
J. B, cooper & Co., 107 Fourth avenue, sold to
Jas. Slampftl, for James Moone, No. 129 Wylio
avenue, for $2,800.
Tbe agency of J. H. Stevenson A Co.. 100
Fifth avenue, effected an exchange of a fruit
farm in Delaware for a property at Castle
Shannon, John Stovey being owner of tbe
Castle Shannon place and J. W. Crooks, a
riverman, being owner of the Delaware farm,
the consideration being $3,000 for the farm and
$1,000 for the other property. This firm has
been appointed agents for the creat English
syndicate, with a capital of about $12,000,000,
which Is developing some 60,000 acres of min
eral lands in Southeastern Kentucky, in the
region of Cumberland Gap. A great city is
laid out there and speculators are flocking to
invest in lot.
Local Bankers Say Everything la la Ex
cellent Shape Money Plenty.
Tbere was no special movement in local
monetary matters yesterday, but an average
volume of business was transacted. Very little
f-esh paper was made, but considerable old was
renewed. There was no change In rates, and
no disturbance ot tbe close relations between
currency and exchange. Bankers think busi
ness has touched low.water mark for the sea
son. Many of tbe leading spirits In financial
circles are off on their vacations, bnt will be
back in time to take a hand in the fall move
ment. There are no longer fears of a money
stringency. Shipments to Europe being no
longer profitable, the drain in that direction has
ceased. Here the supply is abundant and
promises to be maintained tho rest of tbe sea
son. Tbe clearings yesterday were $1,965,529 37
and the balances $429,059 43. This is largely
ahead of the same day last year.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at 3 to 3 per cent, last loan 3; closed
offered at 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper,
4K6j. Sterling exchange more active and
steady at 4S8 for 60-day bills and 437 f or de
mand. Closing Bond Quotations.
U. 8. 4s,reg 128H
M. K. AT. Gen. 55 . C7
Mutual Union 6s... .103
N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .111
Northern Pac UU..116X
Northern Pac. 2dJ..115)
Northw't'n consols.!)
Northw'n deben's..H4!4
u. . 48. coup rat
U. 8. 4XS, reir lOMi
U. S. 4MS. conp 106),
Pacific 6s of '95. US
Louisiana stamped 4s. 89M
Missouri 6s 100)4
Tenn. new set. 6s 106
Orecon A Trans. 6S.105
St-I.. AI.M. Uen. 6 86
St. I..AS.K. Gen.M.118
St. Panl consols ....127
St.Pl. Chi A Pclsu.117
Tx., Pc.UB.Tr lta.89
Tx.,Pc.K.G.Tr.Kcts S5ft
Tenn. new set. 5....102!
lenn. new sex. as.... 3t
Canada So. 2ii 99
Cen. Paclflclsts 1M,S
Den. Alt. G.. Uts...l20
Pen. &K. G. 4s 7VH
D.AR.G.West,lsts. 100ft
Erie, Ids 101H
U. X. A T. Gen. 6s.. 62)4
union rac. isib.....ii
West Shore 107
Government and State bonds ars dull and
New Yose Clearings, $142,410,513; balances,
Boston Clearings, $16,360,008; balances,
$2,224,466. Money 5 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, $12,376,560; bal
ances, 1,979,025.
Baltimokz Clearings, $2,129,620; balances,
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from tbe Bank of England on balance to-day
is 272,000.
Paris Three per cent rentes 83f 42c for
tbe account.
Berlin The statement of the Imperial
Bank of Germany shows a decrease of 10,420,000
Chicago Money on call, 4K5Ji per cent;
time loans, 57 per cent. Bank clearings,
St. Louis Clearings, $3,853,368; balances,
Oil Still In the Damps, but Closes at the
Top Notch.
Although business was probably no greater
than on Monday, the feeling in tbe oil market
yesterday was better, and hope revived of bet
ter times coming. The fact that the market
closed at the highest point of tbe day was en
couraging. A dealer said: "That's what we
want. If we can boost prices sufficiently to in
terest outsiders that will be drawn in and busi
ness will pick up."
There was a sluggish opening at 91c an ad
vance to 91c, a drop to 91c, the lowest point
reached, and a rally at tbe close to tbe opening
figure. Cash oil ruled about the came as Au
gust. No one seemed willing to touch the Sep
tember option. Monday's clearings were 182,
000. Tbe monthly pipe line report is expected to
day. If it should be as bullish as anticipated.
It will no doubt stimulate the market.
Features ol the market.
Corrected dally by. John. IS. Oaxiey A Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petrc-'
leum Exchange.
Opened 91!4Lowest 1U
Blithest 91 Closed siK
Average rnns 47,117
Average shipments 71,015
Average charters 64.031
Kefined, Her York. 7.28c.
Keflnei, London, OVd
Refined, Antwerp, 11 HI.
Kefined. Liverpool, 6 3-16d.
A. B. McGrew fc Co. quote: Puts, 91c;
calls, 92c
Other OH Mrfrketo.
TrrcsYiLLE, Julv 9. National transit cer
tificates opened. 91c: highest, 92Uc; lowest,
91Jc; closed, 91c.
Bradford, July 9. National transit cer
tificates opened. 91c; closed, DlKc; highest,
91c; lowest, 81Jc. Clearances, 252,000 barrels.
Oil Crrr. July 9. National transit cer
tificates opened, 91c: highest, 91c; lowest,
91c: cloed. 91Jc Sales, 58,000 barrels; clear
ances. 256,000 barrels; charters, 41,230 barrels;
shipments, 7,938,9S9 barrels; runs, 6,731.687
New York, July 9. Stock Exchanee Open
ing, 90c: highest. 9Hc; lowest, 90c clos
ing at Sljic. Consolidated Exchanee July
opened at 91c; highest, 91c; lowest. 91c, clos
ineat91Kc August opened at 91kc; highest,
91c; lowest, 91c. closing at 91&& Total
sales, 328,000 barrels.
Business Notes.
Fifty dwelling houses and two stores are in
process of construction at Wilkinsbnrg.
Teller Clare, of the Farmers' Deposit
National Bank, is enjoying his vacation at
Henry M. Long has gone to Duluth to look
after some real estate which he purchased be
fore the war.
Ex-Mayor Henry A. Weaver Is himself
again, having entirely recovered from bis re
cent indisposition.
There will be a meeting of the stockholders
of tbe Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Pas
senger Railway on Friday, July 12.
All real estate men are not proud If they
are Iron. One of the wealthiest ot them
bought a $13 suit of clothes yesterday.
A Broker remarked yesterday evening:
"Look out for a boom in La Norla,'' It was
very firm at both stock calls yesterday.
Mr. N. F. Sloan, favorably known In con
nection with tbe oil trade bas started an in
surance agency at 96 Fourth avenue. He is all
Mb. Georoe H. TnuRSTON yesterday re
ceived Information that tbe mine of the Pitts
burg and Mexican Tin Mining Company
Is doing better than expected. Some ot
the ore bas been expressed to Pittsburg.
The vacancy in the Board of Directors of the
Philadelphia company cansed by, (he resigna
tion of Mr. E. Groetzinger. bas been filled by
tbe election of Mr. 11. Sellers McKecThe latter
goes into fte board as an additional represen
tative of the Cbartlers Valley Gas company.
Stocks Dull and Weak nt the Opening, but
Kally nnd Score Small Gains at the
Close Strong nnd Weak Spot.
New York, July 9. The stock market
seemed to have lost its animation to-day, and
tbe trading was only abont half of that of yes
terday, though the most confident feeling
which became so noticeable last evening con
tinued throughout the day, and the general
drift of prices was upward, though the opera
tions of the bears and traders mado a feverish
and irregular market during most of the time.
The shorts did not like the aspect of affairs,
and tbere was considerable bidding for stocks
at the opening, and first prices this morning,
aided by higher figures in London, were from
H to X per cent better than last evening's final
figures. The disposition was evidently to await
tbe action of tbe Presidents' meeting, however,
and the demand for tbe time was entirely from
the shorts and Dears made a demonstration
against the list which in the first few minutes
forced prices off to something below last night's
Tbe heaviest drive was made at Burlington,
and it lost Vyi per cent. The short Interest in
this and Rock. Island is becoming un wield v, and
Burlington commanded a premium of l-64th of
1 per cent, and Rock Island loaned at 1 per cent
for carrying. The raid was soon over, bow
ever, and the market thereafter gave evidence
of good supporting orders and though tbere
was Utile buying outside of the shorts and tbe
foreigners, the market rallied, and by noon waa
materially higher than the opening figures. It
became known that the Alton was not repre
sented at the meetiag jla CUeago, and the pro
fessional sold some stocks after noon, which
again sagged tbe list off, and the list, which had
been remarkably firm up to that time. Denver
and Rio Grande preferred and St. Paul pre
ferred, were specially weak.
The weakest point in tbe market was the
trusts, especially sugar, which was sold on the
expectation that tbe general term wonld con
firm tbe opinion of Judge Barrett,and the stock
at one time was about 3 per cent lower than
last evening. The coal stocks were all stronc,
and Jersey Central especially, though' it weak
ened somewhat toward delivery hour with the
rest ot the list. During most of tbe day tbe
general list presented little or no feature, and
the market finally closed dull and firm at
something better than tbe opening figures.
There were a larger number of railroad bonds
traded in to-day, but like the dealings in shares
they were for small amounts, and tbe aggre
gate of the business done is smaller than yes
terday, reaching only $1,092,000. There wss
only one active bond, the Reading 4s, which
furnished $134,000 to tbe total. The general
tone of tho market was firm, but many Issues
developed considerable weakness and the Im
portant changes are about equally divided be
tween gains and losses. Denver and Rio
Grande 4s lost 2K, at 79K, and Denver and
South Park 2, at&OK-
Tbe following table shows the prices of active
stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit
ney A Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue:
High Low- lnie
lnr. rL est. Bids.
Am. Cotton Oft &X UH MS U4
Atcb.. lop. A . T.... 33 xsH tlH 38 1
CanaaUn Pacific MS MM "X "H
Canada Southern. V Mi 5IH SiH
Central orNew Jersey.lUJ" 114)2 113 114
CentratPaelflu K
Chesapeake A Ohio.... 20 S0! 20 19ft
C. Bar. A Oalbcv S8!4 83T 97 SSJi
a. Mil. A Bt. Paul.... 67 S 67 66 67M
a, iin.Ast. p., pr....i07 107 ins loo
C. St. L. A Pitts 1!I
C, St. L. A Pitts, pf. U
C St. P..M. AO .... 32
C. St. P..M.AO.. pr. ft
C. A Northwestern.... 106 106H 1U5K 106
CA Northwestern, pf. 133H
UO.U41 70
Vol. Coal A iron 29J 30 2S4 H
Col. A Hocking Val .. IS IS 15 15H
Del.. L. AW 144K 145M IWi Mh
Del. A Hudson m
DenverAKloG is
Denver A Klo G.. nt... 46X 6'4 45 45)4"
E.T.. Va.AUa 10
e. r.,va, AUa. 1st pr. Tiyi
K.T.. Va. AGa.Zdpf. 23
Illinois Central Ill
Lake Erie A Western.. 14 lt3 16U 17
Lake Erie A WeiL nr.. 5a 6SH MM UH
Lake 8h ore AM. S 1013a VSH 101H I02H
Louisville A Nashville. 68 CSX 68i 63V
Michigan central 89 89 89 sss
Mobile A Ohio 14U ltw U 12
Missouri Pacific 68 S' tSH 68 68H
N. Y.. L. E. A W 25k 26.H 25K 26 H
N.Y.. L E.AW.. pref 63
N. Y.. C. AHt. L.:.... IS IS MX 16H
N. Y.. C. A St. L. pr. 68
N.Y.. C. ASt.L.2dnf U
N.YAN. E 49 60 49M 49
N. Y.. O. A W 17 11X H
Norfolk Western 14
Norfolk Western. pf. M.S MX 60 DO
Northern Pacific 27 27 26 27
Nortnern Pacific nref. 63X W 63H 63 K
Ohio A Mississippi..... 21M 21 21,H 21K
Oregon Improvement. 64
PaclficMali. 33 13 31V "H
Peo. Dec A Evans. 21K
Phlladel. A Keadlng .. ii 45
Pullman palace Car... 185H 186 165 1SS
Klchmona A W. P. T.. 23;,' Z3X 2Z)i ZV4
ItlchmondAW.P.T.pf 79
St. P., Minn. A Man... CSX 98 S" M 98 S
St-L. A Ban Fran 29 29 29V 263(
St. L. A San Jrran pr.. 66 66 66 65H
St.L. A San y.lst pf. 110
Texas Pacific '.... I9W 14 it's 19X
Union Paoino Sli S2h X S1H
Wabasn lih, ISH 15k 15H
Wabuh preferred 28 29 28i 29K
Western Union. Soft &SS 85!4 S5H
Wheeling A L. -.... 67 H 67)4 6754 67)2
Sugar Trust 114 112
National Lead Trait.. 32 ilV
Chicago Gas Trust 5S4 58 M 58H
Ateh.AToc..lst7s. US
.. 71i
.. 57
.. 9
.. 1
.. 9
.. t
- SO
.. en
.. 95
.. 27
Atcb. ATop. B. K. .. 3&H
wis. central, com.
Wla l.nrMl .r
Doston x Aioany...zis
Boston A Maine. ....191
Calumet A Hecla.
C. J).u. 9854
unn. Ban. as uieve. 24
Eastern R. K SS
Pewablo (new)....
Bell Telephone...
Eastern K. B. 6s ....ViH
ruBiarerea, nra. w
K.C.St. J.A C.B. 7.ra
Little K. A ft. B. 7s. 106
Mexican Cen. com.. 15H
Mex.C.lstmtg.bds. 66X
N. X. ANewEng... 43
mOD uaa. ......
1 1 .mr fnww
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. SM. Asked.
Pennrrlvanla Kallroad 51 H SIX
Keadlng 23 231-16
Lehigh Valler ttii ....
Lehigh Navigation 63 ....
Northern Pacific 27 27.14
Northern Pacific preferred 63 63
Beechax's Pills cure sick headache.
Peaks' Moap.the purest and best ever made.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When shehadChildren,she gave them Castoria
A Remarkable Experience.
Mr. H. Robertson, a native of Scotland, but
who has been a resident of this country for sev
eral years, has been a victim of kidney disease
wltb the following symptoms: Be had a heavy
dragging pain across the small of his back, ex
tending from one side to the other, and a bloat
ed, dropsical condition of the bowels, high col
ored urine, and he noticed that sometimes it
contained a reddish, brick-colored sediment,
and at other times the sediment was of a light
ish color. He noticed that be felt very tired In
the morning, and as he gradually grew weaker,
his stomach became affected. His appetite
became poor, and be was constantly annoyed
with sour eructations of gas from bis stomach
after eating, and on account of the kidneys not
performing their function properly, his blood
became charged with rheumatic poison, so that
he bad much pain about his shoulders and dif
ferent parts of his body. As he became more
emaciated he began to cough, and be felt much
tightness and weight across bis lungs. In
speaking of the matter one day, he said:
"I doctored with tbe best doctors I could hear
of, but was fast getting worse. L became mel
ancholy and thought 1 could not live. Finally
I began treatment with tbe physicians of tbe
Polypathic Medical Institute, who are special
ists for chronic diseases, and although confined
to the bed when I commenced their treatment,
my Improvement was very rapid, and I bave
been entirely cured by these physicians, and I
gladly sign my name. H. Robertson."
Anyone wlsbine to call upon Mr. Robertson,
or write him with reference to bis case, can
have his full address by calling at THE POLY
PATHIC INSTITUTE, 420 Penn ave. Office
hours, 10 to 11:30 A. .. 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 r. M.
Sundays, 1 to 4 P. Jf. Consultation free. je24-r
Chartiers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offloea,
Telephone 1420,
Factories throughout Western
For prioes see market quotations.
Wholesale exolushrely.
f v
t. , ,fAi-'i
Iott Grade Berries From Maryland
Too Plenty for Demand.
Flour Strontr aud Tendine Upwarrl-Corn
and Oats Scarce.
O jticx of PrrTSBUuo dispatch,
Tuesday. July B. 18S9. J
Country Prcxluce Jobblaa; Prices.
Fruits and vegetables in season are in boun
tiful supply, and movement Is active at low
figures. Dealers complain that multitudes of
Maryland berries are coming to market in bad
shape. Good blackberries are In demand at
outside quotations, but lots of poor stock goes
begging at less than one-halt The new crop of
apples is showing up well for the season and
prices are drifting down. New domestic
Sweitzer cheese comes in slowly. There is
still abundance of the old stock on hand which
receives tbe preference over new. Large quan
tities of Florida tomatoes have been thrown on
markets within a day or two. which move very
slowly because of quality. Tbe volume of
Monday and Tuesday's produce trade was
large. The principal trouble of markets is tbe
abundance of everything, and all signs point to
the fact that this will continue all this season.
Bdttbe Creamery, Elgin, 1920c; Ohio do,
17lSc; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; country
rolls. 102 lie
Beans SI 73l 00.
Bexswaz 2S30c V S for choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, $6 S07 50; common,
S3 604 00; crab cider, SS 00QS 60 f) barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c ft gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, 8$c; New York, 10
lOKc; Limburger, 89ci domestic Sweitzer
cheese, 9K12?c; Imported Sweitzer, 22c. .
Califoknia Fruits California peaches,
tt 0O4 50 fl box; cherries, S3 00: apricots, H 00
4 GO: plums. $4 004 50.
Egos 1516c ft dozen for strictly fresh;
goose eggs, 30c V dozen.
Fruits Apples. S3 003 60 ?! barrel; pine
apples, SI 00125 91 dozen: red raspberries, 10
12c a quart; black raspberries, &aSc a quart;
whortleberries, SI 25 a pall; blackberries, 78c
) quart: wild goose plums, 12 60 a crate; cur
rants, S5 a 2-busbel stand; watermelons, S20
25 per hundred.
Feathers Extra live geese, 6060c;No.l,
do. 4045c; mixed lots, Su35c V S.
New Potatoes SI 60O1 75 a barrel.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c V &; drawn, 14
15c ?t ft.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, S5 60
ft bushel; clover, large English, 62 Its. $8 DO;
clover, Aliske, SS 50; clover, white. SO 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 ft. SI 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 fts, 99c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts. SI 65; red top. 14 fts. SI 25;
millet, 60 fts, SI 00: German millet, 50 fts,
51 50; Hungarian grass. 60 fts. SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 60 per bushel
of 14 fts.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, 6
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, $4 600
5 50 V box: Messina oranges. So 005 50 H box;
rodi, ti 506 00: California oranges, S4 504 75 ft
box; bananas, S3 00. firsts; S2 OU, good seconds,
ft buncb; cocoanuts, S4 0O4 50 ft hundred:
new figs, e9c ft pound; dates, 6;6c ft
Vegetables Tomatoes, Mississlppis, four
basket cases.ll 651 75: beans, round wax fancy.
52 50 a crate; beans, round wax medium. J2 00
a crate: beans, round green, 12 252 60; new
beets, 2025c ft dozen; cucumbers, 75cSl 0U
ft bushel box: radishes, large white and gray,
30335c ft dozen; cabbage, two-barrel crates,
Louisville and St. Louis. SI 602 00; Eastern,
single-barrel crates, SI 001 25; new celery, 600
60c a dozen.
Tbere Is no let-up to the firmness of sugar
markets and a rise in the near future Is about
sure. Coffee options ars a shads stronger in
the East. Packages are unchanged. a
Greek Coffie Fancy Rio, 2122c; choice
Rio, 18H20c; prime Rio, 18c; fair Rio, 17Q18c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 27628c; Santos, 1922c; Caracas
coffee, 20H22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
guavra. 21022c.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,21c;
high grades, S3Q25Kc; old Government Java,
Dulk, 3030c; Maracaibo, 2526c; Santos,
18K21Hc: peaberry ,24c; peaberry. choice Rio,
23c; prime Rio, 20&: good Rio, 20c; ordinary,
Spices (whole) Cloves. 21025c: allspice, 9c;
cassia, Settc; pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 7DS0c.
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio. 120. 8Kc; headlight. lHP. 8Kc; water
white, 10Kc: globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
HKc; royallne, 14c
SYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
zyrup. S3S8c; prime sugar syrup. 3033c:
strictly prime. 3335c; new maple syrup, 90c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c
SODA Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bicarb in K.
6c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal-
soua in Kegs, ic; ao granuiatra, zc
Candles Star, full weight, 9:; st
; stearlne.per
set. 8Kc: parafflne. 11012a
Rice Head.-Carolina, 77c: choice, 6V
7c; prime, 66Kc; Louisiana, 666kc
Starch Pearl. 3c; cornstarch, 57c; gloss
starch. 5i27a
FOREIGN Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers, S3 10; California London layers,S2 50;
Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels, SI so;
Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, TKGSc;
sultana, 8c: currants, new, 45c: Turkey
runes, new, 4oc; French prunes, 813c;
alouica prunes,ln 2-ft packages. 8c; cocoanuts,
?er 100, SO 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do
vica. 19c; do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap., 12
15c: Sicily Alberta, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12lttc:
new dates, 66c: Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans,
U16c: citron, per ft, 21022c; lemon peel, per ft,
1314c: orange peel, 12Kc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c
apples, evaporated, 6J46Kc; apricots. Califor
nia, evaporated, 154318c: peaches, evaporated,
oared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpaired, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 2123c;
cherries, unpltted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c: huckle
berries. 10sD12c-
Suoars Cubes, 10K10c; powdered, 10VX
standard A. 9Kc: soft whites, 9VS9Vc: yellow,
choice. 83ieKc;yeIIow,good.8X8ic;yellowf
fair. 8c: yellow, dark, 7Kc
Pickles Medium, bbis (1,200), S4 60; medi
ums, half bbis (6U0),S2 io.
Salt No. 1 ft bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. ft bbl, SI 05;
dairy, ft bbl, SI 20: coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20;
Hlggins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S2 80; Higgins'
Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets. S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. SI 30(9
1 90; 2ds. SI 301 35; extra peaches. SI 501 90;
pis peaches, 90c: finest corn, Sll 60; Bid. Co.
corn. 7090c; red cherries, 90cfl: Lima beans,
SI 10; soaked do. 85c: string do do, 7585c: mar
rowfat peas, 1 101 15; soaked peas, 70075c;
pineapples, SI 401 50: Bahama do, S2 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums,
S2; California pears. $2 oO; do greengages, S2: do
egg plums, S2; extra wbite cherries, S2 90;red
cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 401 60;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries. SI S01 40;
tomatoes. 8292c: salmon, 1-ft. SI 752 10;
blackberrier, SOc; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked.
99c; do green, 2 fts. SI 251 60; corn beef. 2-ft
cans. SI 75: 14-ft cans, S13 60; baked beans, SI 45
1 60; lobster, 1 ft, SI 7501 SO; mackerel. 1-ft
cans, brniled, SI GO; sardines, domestics. A,
S4 154 60: sardines, domestic, Ks, S8 25S60:
sardines, imported, Sll 50012 50: sardines,
lmported,Ks,S18; sardlnes,mustard, S4; sardines,
spiced, S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. S33ft
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36: No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
Sollock, 4c ft ft; do medlnm, George's cod,
:; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6K7c Herring
Round shore,. S5 00 ft bbl: split, S7 00; lake,
J2 60 ft 100-ft. half bbL White flsb. 17 CO 100
ft. half bbl. Lake trout, S5 60 ft half bbl.
Finnan haddock, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft ft. Pickerel. K barrel, 12 00: U barrel. SI 10;
Potomac herring, $5 00 ft barrel, S2 60 ft
Buckwheat Flour 2023o ft ft.
OATUKAL-H 306 60 ft bbl.
Miners' Oil No, 1 winter strained, SS60c
ft gallon. Lard oil. 75c
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 19 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 2 cars of oats, 4 ot flour, 1 of middlings,
1 of bran. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 4
cars of rye, 1 of flour, 1 of feed. By Pittsburg,
Cincinnati and St. Louis, 2 cars of oats, 1 of
wheat, 2 of corn. There were no sales on call.
Oats and corn are still scarce and readily bring
outside quotations. Hay is dull. For new No.
2 red wheat. July delivery. 85c was bid, 95o
asked. Flour la on the upwardiurn. The cost
of laying down fancy spring patents is 70c above
the lowest point touched in June. The flour
situation is no loncer. as it has been for a few
months past, in buyers' favor. Jobbers who.
stocicea up at lowest ngures, are reaping tneir
harvest now.
WHXAT-Jobbtng prices No. 2 red. 9293c;
No. 3 red, 8788c
Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 4646Kc: high mixed
ear. 4545Kc; No. 2 yellow, shelled 4243c;
high mixed, shelled, 40043:; mixed shelled.
Oats No. 2 white.
'c; extra. Not 1
3333Kc: No. 8 white,
JKc: No
; no,; mixed
Ryx No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 61052c;
No. 1 Western, 48049a
Flour Jobbing prices Fancv winter and
spring patents, S3 7506 25: winter straight,
$5 0005 25; clear winter, S4 755 00; straight
XXXX bakers', S4 2504 oU. Rye -flour, S3 600
4 OU.
MrLLTEED Middlings, fine white, S15'OO0
15 50 ft ton: brown middlings, til 50012 50;
winter wheat bran, S12 25012 50; chop feed,
115 00016 GO.
HAY Baled timothy, choice. S14 00; No. 1
do. S13 00013 50: No. 2 do. Sll 50012 50; loose,
from wagon, S14 00015 00; No. 1 upland prairie.
S10 60011 00; No. 2. S7 6008 00; packing do, S5 60
6 50.
Straw Oats, S7 50; wheat and rye straw
S7 0007 5008 0a
Sugar-cured hams, large. HKC! sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c; sugar-cured bams, small,
12c: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7Kc: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar
cured dried beef sets. 10c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 12Kc; bacon shoulders. 7c; bacon
clear sides, 8)c: bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry
salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides. 7Ka
Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family,
S14 50. Lard Refined in tierces, 6c; half
barrels. 7c: 60-ft tubs. 7Kc: 20-ft patls,7Kc: 50
ft tin cans, 6c; 3-fi tin palls, 7c; 5-ft tin pails,
1c; 10-ft tin pails. 7a Smoked sausage,long,
6c: large.lSc. Fresh pork links, 9a Boneless
ham, 10c. Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter
barrel, S2 00.
Dressed Bleat.
Armour A Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 lbs,
6Kc: 650 to 650 fts, 6Vc; 650 to 750 fts, 6Ka Sheep.
8c ft ft. Lambs, 10c ft ft. Hogs, Cfic Fresh
pork loins, 8Kc
The Orlda aud Cause of tbe Famous Church
Trouble Brombt Oat In Court An Old
Colored Couple's Claim.
The account of J. M. Courtney.adminlstrator
of the estate of Dr. Joseph Courtney, late of
Emswortb, came up yesterday in the Orphans'
Court for audit. Exceptions to the account
bad been filed by Billy Roberts and wife, col
ored people who had nursed the old gentleman,
and had taken care of him in his last illness,
from November L 1887. until January 12, 1888,
when he died from a complication of diseases.
The fact that this claim was the origin and
cause of tbe famous Emsworth Church trouble
gave considerable importance to the matter,
and the citizens of that place await the Court's
decree with interest.
The witnesses for Roberts were George
Taylor, the blacksmith down there, and John
P. Dean and his son. The testimony showed
that Dr. Courtney bad tried to borrow $300
with which to pay these old colored people:
that later ho bad showed Tayloralot of ground
worth $600, which he intended giving them,
and still later that he had gotten
young Dean to draw up articles
of agreement to tbe effect that if tbe
Roberts wonld remain with him until he died
he gave them tbe house they were all living In
at tbe time and a large lot, both worth 51,600.
It was also brought out that, beyond calling on
him, his relations paid no attention to him;
that he was peculiar and a very independent
old gentleman, and that he felt very grateful
to the old colored people who attended him.
Mr. Roberts' case was bandied by John D,
Watson, Esq., and the administrator was rep
resented by John C. Haymaker, Assistant Dis
trict Attorney.
Had it been known tbe hearing was to bave
been held, Emswortb would have been numer
ously represented. As it was. the attorneys
and others who happened to be present were
very much amused at tbe quiet sallies and
"passages at tarms" between the two lawyers
engaged in tbe case. The impression made by
tbe old colored people was certainly a very
favorable ona
He Esters Salt Asalnit Unfriendly Neigh
bors for Prosecution.
James W. Breen yesterday entered suit
against Andrew Brethauer and Henry Eindllne
for 510,000 damages. Breen owns a farm In
Ross township. To obtain an outlet to the main
road he rented some ground from Jacob Rine
walt, Sr., for a private road. Brethauer
and Kindline. for the purpose of injuring
Breen, induced Rlnewalt not to renew the lease
of the ground to Breen and to plow It up.
Breen then applied to the Quarter Sessions
Court for the purpose of having a road opened.
While the proceedings were pending. It Is
claimed, the defendants approached Frederick
Dietrich, one of the viewers in tbe case, and
tried to Induce him to report to court against
the opening -of tbe road. Breen finally, to
escape this persecution, advertised his property
for same. The defendants loitered about and
turned away, possible purchasers by running
down the property.
Eastern Lawyers Here.
An argument was heard by Judge McKennan
in the United States District Court, yesterday,
in the case of the Mexican Ore Company
against the Mexican Guadulupe Mining Com
pany and others. The suit 'is brought in the
United States Court of New Jersey. The argu
ment was on a motion for an injunction to re
strain the defendants from selling their ores to
any other than the plaintiffs, on account of an
agreement to that effect. Attorneys Ordway,
of New York, and McCarter. of Newark, N. J.,
appeared for tbe plaintiffs, and attorneys Dase,
of Camden, and Page, ot Philadelphia, for the
Salts and Cross Salts.
In the Criminal Court James L. Orr, an Alle
gheny real estate agent, is on trial before Judge
Slagle on the charge of perjury. Tbe prose
cutor in the case is B. F. Crowe. Orr lodged a
charge of perjury against Crowe, who was tried
and acquitted. He then sued Orr for perjury.
A second suit was also brought against Crowe
yesterday for damages by Peter Fortman. Orr,
as the agent for Portman, states that Crowe,
when he was tbe agent for Portman, collected
S140 rent due Portman which be failed to turn
over. ,
The Late Samuel Palmer.
Tbe Allegheny County Bar Association held
a meeting at 10 o'clocs. yesterday morning to
pay a last tribute to Samuel Palmer, Esq.,
deceased. Judge Ewing presided, and the
Vice-Presidents were Judge Stowe, Hon.
Thomas Mellon, Judge Hawkins, Judge Over,
D. D. Bruce, J. W. Kirker and 8. H.
Gever. Esqs. A suitable minute was adopted,
and short addresses were made by some ox the
members present.
William M. Lyon's Will.
Tbe will of William M. Lyon was filed for
probate yesterday. He leaves his Mt. Wash
ington property to John L. Awl; also $5,000 In
cash. The three children of Mrs. Mary Low
rey, deceased, were given $10,000; the children
of Margaret Hamill, deceased, $10,000: the
children of J. Patton Lyon, deceased, $10,000:
tbe children of Sarah Porter, deceased, $10,000;
Jane Ayers, $10,000: Samuel S. Lyon, George
W. Lyon and T. S. Lyon, $10,000 each.
Legal Tender.
John Schutd yesterday filed a bill In equity
against David Shaw. Both parties are owners
of lots in the same plan in Stowe township, and
it is claimed that Shaw had fenced in for his
own ufe, portions of streets through the plan.
Schmld asks that he bo ordered to remove the
fences, and leave the streets open for tho
Thomas Murray yesterday entered suit
against the City of Pittsburg for $1,000 dam
ages. He claims for the past six years tbe
sewer on Fifth avenue and Middle alley, has
emptied its contents close to his property on
Forbes street. Fourteenth ward, and seriously
damaged his place.
Judge AcmsoN, in the United States Cir
cuit Court yesterday filed an opinion In the
case of Riddle Dean A Co.. against the New
York. Lake Erie A Western Railway, on a
motion to set aside service of summons. The
suit was brought under the inter-State com
merce act. The court odered the defendant to
answer the bill.
Transact a General BanMi Ensiness.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
of Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all salts of the world. Alio issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
On mortgages on Improved real estate In sums
of $1,090 and upward. Apply at
sasa-ss - - -- no.ua rouna
A Good Appetite Is essential to good health '
but at this season the blood may be Impure,
that tired feeling predominant and the appe
tite lost. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is a wonderful
medicine for creating an appetite, toning the
digestion and giving strength to tbe nerves
and health to the whole system.
Bo Sure to Get Hood's Sarsaparllla. Sold by
all druggists. Prepared only by C L HOOD s
CO.. Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass.
This is now conceded to be the best In the ,
market, u witnessed by the fact that we have 1
just secured the DIPLOMA FOR-EXCEL- '
LENCE at the Pure Food Exposition, pow be
ing held In Philadelphia. ' j
And with the bright appetizing flavor of fresh -
ly roasted beef. '
jy5-19-Mwr i
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexelfO
Morgan A Co., New York. Passports procured. ,
ap28-l " "
614-515 Hamilton Building.
mvlO-70-D Plttsbure: Pa, "
raws, jruuji rir-K i kueiu uvras.
Servia, Jnly 13. 5:30 A X PUmbrla, Aug. 3, 10 AV .
Etrcrls. JnlTta, noon. Servia. August 10. P Jt
Auranla. JolyU, SAM I Bothnia, Au jr. 14, 7:30a X
Gallia. July 31. 7 A X IEtruna.Aofc.17.100 AX
Cabin passage. (60. SO and tlOO: Intermediate,
35. steerage tickets to and from all parts ox -tnrope
at very low rates.
VERNON H. BKOTV.N A CO., General Agents.
4 Rowling Green. New York.
Fourth ave. and Smlthdeld St., Pittsburgh
Atlintio Express Service:
Steamship "CITY OK ROME," from New YorV)!' JK
WEDNESDAY. Julv :4.Auc.zl. Sent.18LOct.ls. 'SJH
Saloon passage. 60 to 1100: secona-claas, $33. , sJd
Steamers every Saturday from New York to , 'jl
Cabin nassaae to Glasgow. Londonderry. Liver - .A
pool, $50 and 890. Second-class. S30. Jl
Steerace nassare. either service. 130. . "KM
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Hs
Travelers' circular letters or credit and draft g
no urattSu
rates. - ..
ion, ,. 1
N.V.. or ',?
iU BUT .1UUUU. UC14 ... luna, .iimu. 1.1CM
jToroooasor tonrs, uciceis or inionn&uon.
J. X.lfcCO K.MICK. Fourth and Smlthdeld: A. D.
SCORER ft SON. 41S Smlthdeld St., Pittsburg: W.
UEMPLE, Jr., 165 Federal St., Allegheny.
JeS-MWr ,
JjWIN U WON UJliHiLit X , -s
Passenger Accommodation Unexcelled. V
PrcDaid Intermediate. SXX. Steerage. J1SL -" 1
Pasaemrers bv this route are saved the ex ia
Eense itnd inconvenience attending transfer to 13
Iverpool or from New York. trvaj
U. J. .U bVUniU tV. Ul A. J. fcl va. jx u. .4-a,, '
rittsuurg. my-sv-oi-Mwr
Rt.t.f T inf
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool. - '
Cabin nassaa-e f35 to J30. according to locatlo'bi
M nt&iprnnTn. l.xrnrilfinKitnzn.
bteerage to and from Europe at Lowest Rates.
AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO.. General Agents,
H Broadway, New York.
J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. P:
As old residents know ana back files of Pitt, r
Tnr. v,-na- nv fa th nlHt tJkhlft.ff B
anil mnitnrnminAntnhniH&n in the citT. (inl
voting special attentionto all chronic diseases, I '
nomrBpon.fjr.LMH I' IIWLlt
stble perionsHUrCCUl I ILOUULVL
MCDlnl ICand mental diseases, pttvslcal 11
IlLII V VUOaecay.nervousdsbilltyJlaccor
nrv dlnnrdarpd ai?ht. self distrust-bashfulneasL ' ' .
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions; lm- i
nivArlvhAd blnod fAllinp nover!LnmnlR wrfak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,soclety and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. I
nmnn A kin CfIM diseases in allif
DL.UUU rtllU Orlls stages,' eruptions,
blotches, falling balr. bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth-throat, I ' J
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood 1 Vj
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system, ft -J
iiuiriaiv '"uj uu u1" wMj;w
UnilMrtn I 1 ments, weak- back; gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment, I
prompt rcuei sou rcai cuica.
VT. wnituera iiic-iorg; cjtieiuiTo upernr -sn
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment r .'
on common-sense principles. Consultatlool - fJ
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated! . -X
as if here. Office hours 9A. M. to 8 P. X. Bun . h
day, 10 A. M. to 1 p. M. only. DR. WHITTIEE,Xl",3q3
814 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. -jS'
jy9-40K-Muwk tm
loss or memory:
If all particulars In pamphlet J t'J
sent free. The genuine Gray' 'J
Specific sold by druggists only In '' "
yeuow wrapper, rrice, 91 per 1
naekire. or six ror S. or bv mill
on receint of nrlce. bv address i
. rmr nmr . triti.il uv .1.. ur.iA xi
Sold in Plttibnrir bv B. S. HULLA.N IX corner .'
Smlthflrld and Liberty sts. apl3-a9 ,
HPFPT AT TSTCI In all rumm.
quiring scientific and eonfldea-'i
tiai tieatmenti ur. a. iv. Ataxe,!
M B.r.P.R lathn nldat anA'i
'most ATtierlenced sneclalist ia.ii
the city. Consultation free and,
at-H.tlv ntlflAntlAI IITTIffAl
1,MHa(nliii1Ttfi Hv w.HnnH&T.2to4p.j
3f.Consult them personally, orwrlte. DOCTOSJ
IjAKE, duo renn are., x-ituuurg, jt.
.'S Oottoix Hooh
a - PnttAvi "nxni Tbtmv .L&r
PennTTOTal a recent disooTMT Drai
!, kUlan J rtLttSaMfltllil 4JX
F. C rWutnal THtk 1 !!!
ealeL Ladies, ask your onusisv iorj uoot m
Cotton Boot Oompoond and take do rabitttete,&!
or toclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. A4- s
dress POND latY COMPANY. No. 3 FUJl:
J10Ck laU nooawmu bycascuvik ausoiv
. a ni I i.'I.IjMI 1,11 j from errors
ADUri! JCjXX CjXV youth, wasttsrl
weaEness, lost vigor, etc.. wasresiorea to neain
In inch a remarkable mannerafter all else baAl
railed that he will send the mode of cure FKEEtal
all fellow sufferers. Address L. O. MITCHELL.!