Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 10, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Wlje BiMtcft.
VoLH 0.153. -Entered at ltttsburg 1'ostoffice,
November 14, 1837, second-class matter.
Business Office 97 and G9 Fifth Avenue.
News Rooms and Publishing House75,
77 and 78 Diamond Street
Xastern Advertising Office, Hoom 48, Tribune
llnildlng. New York.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
The Disi'ATcnforslx months ending June 30, 1SS9,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of the bunday edition of
Tax Dispatch for three months ending June 30,
Copies per lssne.
DAILY Dispatch, One Yesr t 8 00
DILY DI6FATCH, Per Quarter 2 00
Daily Dispatch. One Month "0
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, lyear. 10 00
Daily Dispatch. Including gunday.Sm'ths. : SO
Daily Dispatch, Including bunday.l month so
fcUJiDAY DI6PATCH, One Year 2 SO
"Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1
The Daily Dispatch is delivered br carrierant
15 cents per week, or including Bunday edition, at
20 cents per week.
The work of connecting the suburbs of
Pittsburg with the central part of the city
by cable roads and electric lines, is rising to
the dimensions of a boom. Besides the
Squirrel Hill, Pleasant Valley and Central
Traction lines, now nnder construction, the
recently announced projects comprise a
Southside cable line, electric road down the
Brighton turnpike, and one connecting
Wilkinsburg with the city by the route of
the Morningside read and Stanton avenue.
Six years ago The Dispatch pointed
out the success of motor roads in other cities,
and their adaptability to Pittsburg. The
benefit of bringing the open country within
naif an hour oi the center ot the city was
shown, and the prosecution of such enter
prise was urged. Although Pittsburg has
shown its customary deliberation in adopt
ing new ideas, the outcome is at last justi
fying the views which this paper urged, be
fore a single cable company was formed.
One of the advantages which will result
from the multiplication of transit is the im
mense addition of territory available for
residences. There are indications of the
opinion tlint these new projects will enable
distant suburbs to realize city prices for
their land. That they will enhance the
market value of land which has heretofore
been available only for market gardening is
a matter of course; but it should be remem
bered that when all these lines are com
pleted the supply of quarter-acre lots within
40 minutes ol the Fosioffice will be practi
cally unlimited, and the public will have
the right to expect from these extensions
the legitimate result oi cheap houses.
The new projects will make fair returns
both in traffic and the enhancement of prop
erty, but it is well to remember that extrava
gance in expectations may defeat the pur
pose of the new lines, and that the surest
way of earning success is to cheapen both
the cost of homes and the cost of transit to
the public
At a time when the Amalgamated Asso
ciation has the gratification of seeing its
scale so promptly and so generally signed
by the principal mills of the district, it is to
be regretted that the situation at Home
stead looks like a serious split. The course
of the Carnegie firm in declaring the places
open to new comers, and treating negotiations
with the old hands as at an end, is one which
the public hoped would be avoided through
conference and compromise. Though the
situation seems decidedly strained just now
it is still to be hoped that the mutual in
terests of the parties may suggest some
basis of settlement other than a lockout.
"With the exception of the question at
Homestead, both labor and capital are to
be congratulated on the amicable and
speedy agreement arrived at in this district
as to the basis of wages for the current year.
As to the Homestead matter, the point will
strikingly suggest itself whether more satis
factory results in the end might not be
reached by exhausting every means of
amicable and fair settlement with the old
employes before undertaking the difficult
task of securing and organizing a corps of
new ones.
General B. F. Butler's idea of an alliance
between the Anglo-Saxon countries of the
world, to dominate international politics,
contains a great deal that is attractive and
interesting. There is no doubt that a coali
tion of England, the United States and the
Anglo-Saxon colonies could wield an in
fluence upon the fate of the world that would
be greater than almost any other alliance.
But it is a vital question what the pur
poses of that alliance would be, and what
influences in each of the countries would
form a controlling power of the alliance
"Would the United States ally itself with the
Tory influences of Great Brltian, and leave
Ireland to its fate; or would it notify En
gland, as a conditioned precedent of the al
liance, that it must give Ireland home rule
before coalition commenced its work?
"Would the alliance represent the trust and
plutocratic influences of both countries, for
the sake of monopolizing commerce; or
would it be the union ot tho popular inter
ests in both nations for the sake of preserv
ing popular rights and popular interests the
world over?
These are somewhat important and at the
came time doubtful points. Until they are
satisfactorily solved, the wisest course will
be to observe Washington's advice of avoid
ing entangling foreign alliances.
The news is reported to the American pub
lic by the New York Herald's cable dis
patches that Mr. Abbey has made arrange
ments for an operatic tour of the United
States by a company which is headed by
Adelina Patti and Signor Tanago, the new
and famous tenor, the terms of the latter be
ing announced at Patti's old figure of $4,000
for each performance. It is not specifically
announced that this will be Madame Patti's
farewell Jtour, but it is to be presumed
that the somewhat familiar method of ex
citing the public interest will be resorted to
in due time. At present notification maybe
'taken as having due regard for the fact that
the silvery-voiced singers will require a
more than proportionate amount of silver
from those who wish to enjoy their perform
ances. The music-loving publis has five
months in which to save up its money for
the purpose of hearing these famous artists;
and the intention is obvious that they will
take all that ordinary people can save up in
that time.
Since the wearing of flannel shirts in the
cummer mouths has been deemed worthy of
discussion at a Cabinet meeting in "Wash
ington, we may be pardoned for devoting a
little space to the question here. It was Sec
re taryBuik, the guardian angel of the farmer
in fancy, and the boss patron of the Publio
Printer in fact, who startled the President
and the attendant Cabinet Ministers with
the proposal that they should all take to
wearing flannel shirts. The Hon. Jerry
Busk is the very uian the flannel shirt
would pick out as its champion if it had a
voice. Stout, hearty and a free persnirer,
the flannel shirt appears an absolute
necessity in his case. The whole Cabinet
ought to have fallen in with the proposal of
this able special pleader. It didn't, how
ever, and the reason why is not known.
Some say that two or three members of
the Cabinet were suspicious that Secretary
Busk was trying to work off a job lot of
shop-worn shirts at the instance of the Post
master General. This was a very unfair
and silly suspicion. Mr. Wanamaker
would only be too glad to give every one of
his colleagues in the Cabinet a flannel
shirt, even two such articles, we are sure.
Think of the advertisement to be obtained
from the transaction! Shirts similar to
those worn by President Harrison and all
his secretaries would not have to be sold at
a great sacrifice, second counter, Broad
street entrance, only a few left They
would sell at sight anywhere at fancy prices.
And they would be well worth the money,
No; we think that the Cabinet would do
well to adopt the flannel shirt and such
other cool and comfortable garments as are
offered at once. A statesman is of no use
unless he keeps cool.
Perhaps the prise fight, in which one
gentleman obliged another by lying down
whenever he was desired to, would not have
carried the American people off its base, as
it were, had not the dull, dead dog days
been upon us. These are the days when a
mad dog is a godsend in a suburban village,
when the heart of the exchange editor is
heavy, and only flies and pinchbugs are en
tirely contented.
The whole world seems to be in a stupor.
The United States have just come out of a
convulsion of interest in a second-rate battle
between the bruisers, and they have Jittle
in the immediate present to promise a relief
from ennui. England is enjoying her silly
season, too, with the disreputable
old Shah of Persia for a popular play
thing. France has her Exposition, but she
probably gets less fun out of that than the
foreign visitors. Her pet toy, General
Boulanger, is hanging on by his eyelids to
the rim ot fashionable society in London,
and enjoys calling his life his own so much
that he is not likely to break the European
peace crockery for some time yet.
In short, the whole world is half asleep
or pretending to be, because it is not the
thing to appear wakelul in the season of
summer siesta. The workers are awake be
cause it is an uncomfortable condition of
labor that it cannot be done sleeping. Still
the world is not for the workers, is it? so
what matters if they are not able to snooze
in calm and coolness by sea or wooded hill,
or star-reflecting lake?
The sensational stage to which the com
petition for the possession of Millet's
"Angelus" has reached, warrants a halt,
to indulge in a little serious consideration
concerning the significance of the affair.
"While it is being decided whether the
United States shall have the priviledge of
paying $113,000 for that picture, or whether
it shall remain in the state galleries oi
France, it may be well for the publio of
both countries to reflect upon the fact that
such extravagant figures represent, not a
sober artistic valuation, but merely the
length to which artistic as well as popular
craze can go.
It hardly needs much argnment to de
monstrate the fact that there is no such real
artistic value in that painting as to even
approximate the price paid for it Millet
himself regarded ten thousand dollars as a
sensational figure for it And while its
great value as the leading work of one of
the masters of the present era, might justify
the smaller price, there is no doubt that the
multiplication of that value by fourteen is
wholly without reason in the values of true
art The fact is that the prices bid on the
painting at the recent sale, are only a repe
tition of the crazes, which lead unexam
pled pricesfor uuiqne vasesor books without
especial literary value or extraordinary
beautiful workmanship, simply because
they are the only specimens of their kind.
The same sum which it is proposed to
put into a single painting of Millet's,
might, if judiciously expended, produce
many examples of the best work of great
painters, both classical and modern, and re
sult in addition to American art treasurers
of a valuable gallery. No equivalent for
that possibility is presented by the posses
sion of this single work. The effort to ob
tain it is not inspired by a love of art but
by the love of notoriety and the'desireto ob
tain the name of spending money lavishly
to obtain a painting, the possession of which
all justly desire, but which in sound value,
contains no justification for the sum named.
It is interesting to observe that t he "Wall
Street JVetc, in an article on the manifold
sins which the Michigan Legislature has
committed in the way of trying to make the
corporations oi that State behave themsel
ves, includes among them the fact that
"the House has passed a bill reducing
sleeping car rates from 25 to 40 per cent,
which means, according to the allegation of
the Jfews, the withdrawal of sleeping cars
from many lines on which they are now
used." It is rather singular that the organ
of the stock speculating interests, cannot
find any more recent arguments against
legislative regulations than this one which
was worn threadbare in the granger period.
It was declared that granger legislation
would stop the building of new ronds in
the "West; but after due allowance for the
bursting of the railway bubble of watered
stocks in 1873, the contrary was proved by
experience to be the case. As sleeping cat
charges are double those for good hotel
accommodations, it may be relied upon that
a reduction of 25 to 40 per cent will leave
such a profit in the business that the sleep
ing car companies will send their cars where
ever there is money to be made by it Mr.
Pullman will continue to take Michigan's
money as readily as the money of other
States, notwithstanding the obnoxious law..
The proposal to purchase a territory some
where lor the establishment of an experi
mental Irish Bepublic, is a novel one, and
notwithstanding its unique features has prac
tical features that cannot be sneered at It
would give the Irish an opportunity to de
monstrate their capacity for self govern
ment, and would permit the Irish cause
even its most extreme forms of organization
to escape from the abuses which seem to Vc
inevitable in secret societies like the Clan-na-Gael.
If the funds of the latter organization
had been put into seme such investment aa
this, it would certainly have done more for
the Irish race than it has in the hands of
the grain gamblers. Some South Ameri
can country rich in are but a poor in
cash would have gladly yielded up a stretch
of territory for a sum on which these funds
could have made the first payment. There
the Irish could have founded a government
free from landlords and demonstrated their
ability to make themselves an independent
Such a project would enable the experi
ni cnt to be tried under more favorable con
dition than have prevailed in that other
Irish Bepublic known as New York City.
The disappointed lover who killed the
woman he wished to marry, her sister and
then himself should have reversed the order
of his slaughter. If people who are impelled
by love to murder will commence the butch
ery by killing themselves they will estab
lish a reform of the usual order that is much
to be desired.
In Mr. "W. H. Ballou's book, "A Bide
on a Cyclone," the charge is made that three
men, prominent in politics and finance, are
behind an organized gang of salaried cattle
thieves, alleged to exist in the "West This
sounds like a very serious charge, but as the
description ot the men indicates rather
plainly that their rank in politics and
finance was gained by the tactics of organ
ized robbery, the application of the same
principles to the cattle business seems to be
no more than the product oi a deep respect
for consistency.
Obituabt notices of Simon Cameron are
very generally repeating bis famous remark,
that he attributed his success in life to the
lactthat he started poor. This may have been
very well for Simon; but it wholly fails to ac
count for the millions of others who started
in lite poor and remained poor all their
A GOOD deal of comment is produced by
the statement ot Private Dalzell that his ex
penses in the canvass for the nomination lor
Lieutenant Governor in Ohio amounted to
only two dollars and seventy-five cents, or
some such ridiculous sum. This looks like
an encouraging departure from the usual
large expense account ol political canvasses:
but the usual precedents of politics are pre
served by one slight fact, which deprives it
of its exceptional character. The other man
was nominated.
After all the talk of the officials of Missis
sippi, Louisiana, Alabama and even Texas,
with regard to the sternness with which they
were going to suppress the prize fighters, the
outcome indicates that the only danger the
pugilists underwentwasthat of being'.lodged
in jail if they failed to fight
The news that Lord Randolph Churchill
will stand as a candidate for member of
Parliament from Central Birmingham, and
that Mr. Joseph Chamberlain is conse
quently sharpening his knife, promises
lively times in English politics. -There is
hardly room for both Chamberlain and
Churcbill in all England, and when it
comes to putting them in the same city, a
game of stabbing in the back becomes ine
vitable. After the wetness of the spring and
early summer the recent burst of the dog
star upon us is felt with especial severity.
Eighteen hundred eighty-nine seems deter
mined to keep up its reputation of dispens
ing its weather in very sudden and heroic
Some criticism has been made upon the
manner in which the President brings his
posterity, the Hon. Baby McBZee, into
notice upon various publio occasions.
Nevertheless, it is no more than fair to ob
serve that Baby McKee is a very inoffensive
personage. It is the President's fondness
for the other members of the family in his
official acts, that affords more room for crit
icism. And now we hear a report that the Eng
lish Trust people are trying to get possession
of the restaurants of tbis country. The
English are behind the time. A trust com
bination got possession of the restaurants
long ago in the persons of the cooks and
It is now stated that New York has a
law providing punishment tor the act ot
proparing for a prize fight within its limits.
The law seems to be about as valuable as
the law against prize fighting. As is the
case with some other evils, if prize fighting
is to be abolished, the people and not the
statute books must be reformed.
The wreck at Wilmerding station seems
likely to confirm the officers of the Penn
sylvania Baiiroad in the theory of an epi
demic in railway casualties.
The movement of Allegheny City for
taking its water supply from a point in the
river above the workhouse is one that
should be urged to realization. To draw a
water supply for a modern city below the
outlets of sewers resembles a satire on civil
ization which tbe Northsiders should not
continue longer than necessary.
Prof. Mather, of Amherst College, has
been in the service of that Institution for 30
Commissioner or Pensions Tanner has
returned to Washington from an extended trip
West He was at the Pension Office yesterday.
Sarah Bernhardt has developed a great
liking for Americans. She seeks their society.
Invites them to her entertainments, and openly
asserts that they are the wittiest people In the
Secretary Rusk is rapidly coming to the
front as tbe most popular Cabinet officer
among the Washington newspaper men. Tbe
correspondents regret that he Is going to leave
his hotel and keep house.
Sats Emlle Zola: "Ten years ago I gave up
tobacco at the instance of my doctor. I do not
believe, however, tbat the intelligence and the
creative strength of man are injured by
smoking. Perfection is so stupiouthat I am
often sorry I ceased smokin g." '
Colonel Robert U.Inqersoll is accepted
by those who know as one of the best cooks in
New York. He is said to be a gourmet of the
highest altitude, and his friends say he pre
pares with his own hands the biggest part of
the menu at tho private dinners he gives at
bis borne.
Speaking of the sensitive Hadje Hassein
Gbooly Khan, a writer says: "Owing, perhaps,
to his lack of familiarity with our usages, it is
related tbat he became interested in the society
of women who do not lire In the fashionable
northwest, and that, having obtained a stock of
expressions current with them as festive
politeness, he took the liberty ot tweaking by
the nose a lady whom he met at a reception
and remarking upon the dimensions of tbe
bugle' sho had "got On her.' In his playful
Persian way he is cIbo said to hare greeted
some of the surprised ladies of Washington so
ciety by prodding them in the ribs with his
thumb and by greeting them with a squeak
that usually accompanies that prank of a
clown in a pantomime."
A Terr Mean Man Why Shopping
umn So Itlnch Time A Query.
He is a very mean man who tries to cheat a
On Monday afternoon, In an Allegheny street
car, I encountered a man of immense mean
ness. He was stout and tall, beefy as to com
plexion: small, watery blue eves under dilapi
dated eyebrows looked ont beside a nose of tho
crushed strawberry color and form, and his
beard was of the neutral-tlntea, straggling
character that so often indicates a mean dispo
sition. His cuffs were in mourning, and bis
collar was wilted into & three-told wreck. He
had big, puffy hands which were nearly all the
time pawing bis knees.
From the whole appearance of the man I
judged that the only generosity he ever bad
been guilty of involved himself as beneficiary.
There were many signs in his face and cloth
ing which indicated that he drank beer to ex
cess. I will bo bound he buys his beer by the
keg and drinks it alone in bis back yard.
A newsboy entered the car with a bundle of
afternoon papers under his arm. "All about
the big prize tight P bo cried. The man
described above said : "Gimme a paper."
The boy banded him the last edition of the
Chronicle Telegraph. The man took it un
folded it, held it up, and read all the news of
the right the paper contained. This took two
minutes at least Then he banded it back to
the newsboy with the remark: "I guess this
isn't the last edition they'll be issuing an extra
later on I don't want this."
The newsboy was a quiet inoffensive little
fellow: but as he replaced the paper in his
bundle, he said: "I guess you're a fraud, I
And the boy was about right In the opinion
of tho dozen or so of men and women who saw
the affair.
You- hear men Jeer at women often about
the time the latter consume shopping. Till
yesterday I thought there were grounds
enough for the jokes at our sisters', sweet
hearts', wives' and mothers' expense on this
It chanced that I was commissioned yester
day to purchase three spools of silk thread
three little spools tbat would occupy the space
of a fair-sized watch in one's pocket
At ten minutes to ten in the morning I en
tered erne of the largest drygoods stores in the
two cities. As I had expected, I was directed
from one counter to another until I bad con
versed with two floor-walkers and six sales
women. This did not surprise or annoy me.
Stores are so big these days that it Is absnrd
for anyone not a dally visitor to them to expect
to reach the desired goal without many di
rections. .
At last the right counter loomed up with tbe
right girl behind it She found tbe spools of
thread in no time, wrapped them up and asked
for 10 cents. I gave hor a quarter. She put tbe
coin in a wooden ball and sent it to the cashier's
desk by the ingenious system ot railroads now
so generally in use in city stores. Then I
waited. Then I waited some more. Then I
kept on waiting for ten minutes or so. Then
the ball came back. The bill and tbe quarter
were in it The yonng woman said that the
cashier refused to take tbe quarter because it
was mutilated. Tbe quarter was not muti
lated. It had an indentation upon it near tbe
rim tbe size of a pin's head that could not pos
sibly prevent the passage of the com anywhere
else. But I handed over another qnarter, per
fect to the last degree. Ten minutes more
elapsed and the change came back.
At 1025 1 left the store. Amount of purchase:
Three spools of thread at 10 cents. Time con
sumed, 35 minutes. When one thinks of the
multitude of articles a woman has to buy at
the stores the wonder is that she ever gets ont
of them.
Ir the elixir of life has really been discovered
by Dr. Brown-Sequard, and it is put within the
reach of all men to obtain it will not the
neglect to use It practically amount to sulcidet
What is suicide bat a refnsal of tbe individ
ual human being to live? He who fails to pre
serve his life commits suicide. If the key to
eternal life upon this earth is put at our dis
posal, shall we be justified in rejecting it. The
question is too large for discussion here. I
merely suggest it as a quaint consequence of
the alleged discovery by Dr. Brown-Sequard.
IN a popular restaurant the other day I
noticed a very promment merchant of tbis city
fanning himself rigorously with a cheap Jap
anese fan. Suddenly I observed that he
paused, looked intently at the fan, his face
grew red, and he mattered something under
his breath. He threw the fan to the other side
of the table with a contemptuous air.
Then I took up a fan and read on it the name
of a mercantile rival of the gentleman I had
Pittsburg Bid Too High, Bat Will Hnve One
More Chance to Win.
Washington, July 9. Secretary Tracy will
issue in a few days proposals for the purchase
of 681 tons of steel plates for use in the battle
ship Texas, now being constructed at the Navy
Yard, Norfolk. These bids will be opened at
the Nary Department on September 4. Tbe
specifications provide tbat 21s (long) tons of
these plates are Intended for use in the lower
layer of protective deck plating and the re
maining 415 tons are for the lower and middle
layers of protective deck plating, and for the
upper and lower layers of tops of redoubt and
protective side plating.
The delivery ot these steel plates is to be
commenced within SO days after the contract
is signed and completed within 60 days. All
bids for the supplying of these plates to the
Government must be accompanied by a certi
fied check for one fifth the amount, which
will be held as a guarantee against the success
ful bidder for tbe prompt delivery of the
plates, after tbe contract Is signed, within tho
specified time. The successful bidder will be
compelled to deliver these plates at the Nor
folk Navy Yard free of all expense to the Gov
ernment and at such points as the commandant
may decide.
Bids were opened at the Navy Department
this afternoon for the purchase of 423 tons of
steel plates for the belted cruiser Maine, now
building at the navy yard. New York. There
were only two bids received from the Linden
Steel Works and Carnegie, Phlpps & Co., of
Pittsburg. Tbe bin of the Linden Company,
$41,193 60, was the lower and the contract will
be awarded to them. The bid ot Carnegie.
Phlpps A Co, was 138,291.
She la Not Destitute, bat In Very Comfort
able Circumstances.
A correspondent of the New York Sun says:
In stating that tbe widow of the painter J. F.
Millet is living in great poverty, your Paris cor
respondent gives currency to a belief which,
though quite generally prevalent, is, I believe,
without foundation in fact While In Barbizon,
in August last 'I frequently met Mine. Millet
and the members of her family, and If "outward
and risible" signs may be taken as an indica
tion of their condition, it would appear that
they were In very comfortable circumstances.
The Millet home. Instead of being a dilapi
dated hovel, as many would hare it Is one of
the most substantial in the little village, and
has about it every appearance of comfort and
cheer. The fact that Mme. Millet retains In
her possession a number of the drawings and
sketches of the painter of the "Angelus,"
which would doubtless realize a small fortune
If offered for sale, is sufficient proof that her
needs are not very pressing.
Admiral Ammen'a Residence to Become a
Religious Retreat.
Baltimore, July 9. Tbe Christian Brothers
ot tbe Province of Baltimore, which embraces
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia
and the District ot Columbla,have made another
important acquisition to their already largo
property holdings. Brother Qnlntlnlau, Provin
cial of the order, has purchased from Admiral
Ammen the large residence and ten acres of
land just south of andadioining the Normal
School of the order ot Ammcndale, near Wash
ington, where tbe Christian Brothers receive
then: training for future work as teachers.
Tbe new property has been christened "La
Salle Villa," in honor of blessed de La Salle,
the fonnder of tbe order. The residence con
tains 23 rooms. It Is to be used as a retreat for
sick and Invalid brothers ot all tbe communi
ties In the province. Many of the brothers will
rest here, too, during tbe season of vacation
between July 1 and September L
An Explanation of the Cronln Cone.
From the London Globcl
Eucndean explanation of the Cronin case:
That the "triangle's" behavior towards the
, other "centers" and "circles' was rery far from
annarftJ' -.
A 83,000,000 Suit to Wind Up theBessemer
Consolidated Company.
Cleveland l'lalndealer.2
The litigation begun In tho Wisconsin courts
for the winding up of the affairs of theBesse
mer Consolidated Iron Company has now as
sumed definite shape. They involve 5,000,000
of mining property which has fared badly since
the Gogebic troubles commenced. One suit
was brought by Adolph Doctor on behalf of
himself and any of the other stockholders who
may elect to come In against the Bessemer
Consolidated Iron Company, 8. H. Martin, E.
C. Hoffman, H. A. Bushra, R. M. Lee and 8. H.
Needs, for the appointment of a receiver for
the company. Mr. Doctor alleges tbat the
company was organized in 1SS7 with a capital
stock of $7,500,000 divided. Into 75,000 shares of
$100 each, of which he owns 23 shares. On tbe
10th day of June, 1889, he asserts, the company
became unable to meet certain liabilities and
had past due debts amounting to
$300,000, be Is informed. That on that
day the Board of Directors of the company;
E. W. Oglebay.whowas President; J. J. Gill.
Secretary; W. D. Rees and J. W. Gill, met in
Cleveland and "contriving and intending to
wreck, ruin and utterly destroy said corpora
tion," resigned their positions and had elected
in their places fire men who are said to be only
clerks. The new directors are the defendants
in the suit Tbe old directors, it is asserted,
were large stockholders and men of money,
while the new men are not financially responsi
ble and are "wholly unfit and unqualified to
manage the affairs of tbe corporation. It is
further alleged that prior to May 1, 1883. the
then officers of tbe corporation issned certain
bonds secured by mortgages on all the property
of tbe corporation, which were sold for the
snm of 75 cents on the dollar, and for which
?S9,300 in cash were received and 8137,700 were
allowed upon pretended debt':" that the offi
cers ot the company also pledged $300,000 worth
of bonds at 0 cents on the dollar for a loan of
5150.000, "and that for all of said moneys so re
ceived by said officers of said corporation said
officers have made no account whatever."
Since tbe resignation of its officers, Mr.
Doctor alleges, the working of its mines has
ceased, attachments to the amount of 30,000
have been levied and there is danger of tho
loss of tbe entire property. He therefore prays
for an Injnnctlonal order restraining the de
fendants from selling or transferring the stock
and for tbe appointment of a receiver. The
second suit is brought in the Interest of the
bondholders. Tbe same allegations are made
and the appointment of a receiver is asked for.
It is understood tbat similar suits hare also
been brought in the Michigan courts. Both
cases in Wisconsin bave been taken to tbe
Circuit Court for trial and set for Wednesday.
W. C T. r. Will Hold Appropriate
Services Upon Sunday, July 28.
Chicago. July 23. The following address to
the Christian Temperance Women cf the world
is issued here:
To all Officers and Members of the W. C. T. U. :
Beloved SlSTins Jo woman ever lived who
did so mnch to discountenance tbe social nse of in
toxicants as that royal and lamented Christian
matron, Mrs. ex-President Hayes. She struck a
keynote tbat lings to-day In ten thousand homes
of wealth and fashion, and re-echoes In tbe grate
ful memory of millions who, against a desperate
appetite, hare formed a holy resolution. Her
heart was with us In tbe great crusade of 1871.
Her husband gave the weight of his vast Influence
to sustain his wire in her noble purpose of purify
ing social customs by placing before the world the
wlnelcss dinner table or the White House. Mrs.
Hayes belonged to no one nation, but to humani
ty, and 1 am confluent that the White Klbboners
of Great Britain ana Canada, indeed, of every
land, will, with chastened sympathy, unite with
us in the public declaration of onr loyalty and
love. For such a woman and patriot, for such a
wife and mother, we cannot do too much to mani
fest oir interest and onr reverence. America had
not her peer. 'd never suffered sadder loss than
In losing Lucy Vebb Hayes.
Then let meiaorlal services beheld by every lo
cal union on Sunday, July 23. Tell the story of
this woman's sacrad lile to
rad lile to your children; and by
every means possible Impress the lesson of this
great life upon all whom you can reach. The last
chapter or Proverbs, delineating a perfect wom
an's character. Is suggested as the most fitting
Sortrayal of our honored sister's lire andcharac
r. Ti oars In bereavement, but though sorrow
ful, yet always rejoicing over the record of her
who so gloriously 'all-red to brighter worlds and
led the way. Francis e. Willabd.
A London Paper Criticise Mr. Andrew
CarnccWs View of It.
from the London Globe..
In one of the magazines of this month Mr.
'Andrew Carnegie- pnts a striking question:
"why should men leave great fortunes to their
children!" Some enterprising Mr. Knowles
should collect the opinion of heirs and younger
sons upon tbis question. This seems to be one
of those airy popular suggestions which "tri
umphant democrats" are fond of making. It
seems so simple. A man's fortune is his own.
He can endow a leper hospital or a black beetle
museum with it, as seems to him good. And,
besides, tbe prospect of fortune is undeniably
corruptive. It makes young plungers plunge,
and young loo-players "take miss." It is in the
abstract much better that a child should start
"king of two bands" and do his part by tbe
energy of bis own talents and the sweat of his
own brow.
So far this is all plausible platitude, and
might be very suitable as the condition of a
childless man. But what view does pater
familias taker He has brought up his children
in a certain practice of luxury, from which the
descent is almost as fatal as the rapid ascent
ofthenonveauriche. They have they cannot
help having great expectations. Then, will
even triumphant democrats tell us th:t blood
is no thicker, say, tban a taste for theology?
Shall a son be disinherited that a perfect col
lection of paleozoic flora and fanna may be
presented to the giggling nursemaids and flirt
ing lovers? We do not think Mr. Carnegie will
persuade people to this view any more than be
will convert them to bis other fond belief that
only under a republic Is everything couleur de
rose. So do not let the museums be too hasty
In rejoicings. Let them only rejoice moder
ately at finding that the world still contains an
occasional "crank" who Is a demagogue first
and a parent last of all.
Popular Game on the Jersey Coast.
From tbe Chicago Isews.J
The favorite amusement at the New Jersey
summer resorts consists in matching mosquito
And Others Know Baseball Cranks.
From the .New York World.)
Some men are born sick and some eat picnic
ice cream.
A Russian nobleman has recently paid 1,200
roubles ($000) for a pair of nightingales that
are said to render delightfully various national
Tux success of tbe Wild West Snow In
Paris, far from decreasing, grows greater day
by day. Thousands are unable to obtain ad
mission at the Sunday performances.
It Is now stated that Parisians will hare
nearly everything in a "bull fight" except tbe
death of the bull at the corridas about to take
place In the Plaza de Toros of the exhibition.
The ring is in the Ruo de la Federation, by tho
Champs de Mars.
The Municipal Council at Athens has deter
mined to erect in the middle ot the principal
publio square an exact reproduction of the
Eiffel tower, only with slightly diminished pro
portions. There will be an electric light on
tbe summit somewhat after the fashion of our
statue of Liberty.
Rarblt has tbe supply of strawberries been
so abundant in Paris as at the present moment.
The refreshing fralses are piled In colossal
heaps In tbe markets and in the shops of fruit
erers all over the city, and pottles of straw
berries are sold at such an Infinitesimal rate
that the poorest of the working citizens in the
Faubourg St Antoine can afford a dessert
almost as luscious as that of Dives and Crcosus
In the Champs Elysees.
Freedom of tbe press is not as yet very
firmly established in Japan. A newspaper
called the Tonchikyokwai Zatthi, published an
illustration recently representing the promul
gation of tbe new constitution. In this picture
the imperial throne was occupied by a skeleton.
The editor and two printers were forthwith ar
rested, and the former condemned to a fine of
50, with three years imprisonment while the
latter were incarcerated for ten months with
30 to pay.
Dinah Salifou, the black King of Rio
Nunez, in Benegal. is now In Paris with his
Queen and suite. Dinah is 62 years old, tall
and intelligent He wears a white bonbon, or
mantle, and a velvet skullcap. The Queen is
almost a girl, her name being Phlllls, and her
age 18. She now wears a'slmplo colored petti
coat and a "caftan," but will probably return
to Rio Nunez in a Parisian costume, as since
her arrival she has evinced a womanly Interest
in the wonderful millinery of France. The
King's suite numbers about 35 persons, in
cluding the young princelings, who, are with
tbe dusky sovereign as hostages, .
German Statisticians Claim It Is Their
Mistake in Considering Only Europe and
America Place That Are. Compara
tively Speaking, Uninhabited.
From the Louisville Courier-Journal. 1
Tho Germans have long had a monopoly in
the compilation ot population statistics, and
some of them are now engaged in discussing
the rather difficult problem of tbe precise ra
pidity with which the human inhabitants of
tbe world are increasing in number. A few
even go further and are endeavoring by mathe
matical reasoning to calculate when the popu
lation will grow too dense for the habitable
land of the globe. The latter of tbese ques
tions takes us far into futurity, and while we
do not oonsider either ot them ot importance
to the majority, we will not fall behind the
Germans, but will make a few speculations on
our own acconnt
While It cannot be doubted tbat the more
highly civilized nations are increasing their
population very rapidly, yet there is nothing to
indicate that the total of tbe world's numbers
has any alarming growth. While some peoples
are doubling and tripling every century others
are decaying and growing less numerous each
decade. It is simply another illustration of tbe
survival of the fittest While the population is
growing In Western Europe and the United
States, for all we know it is declining in Asia
and Africa. That it is doing sq in the latter
can hardly bo disputed. The stronger races
flourish and multiply; the weaker droop and die
Where They Make Their Mistake.
In all our calculations concerning population
we are prone to refer to America andKurope
alone, and to draw our conclusions from tbe
rnles of Increase or decrease "prevailing in
them, forgetting that the two combined do not
represent one-tbird of tbe earth's habitable
surface, or one-third of its people. So far as
they are concerned it is not difficult to make
the necessary computations, for there are
enough figures obtainable to make all the
mathematical deductions we wish. But it is
altogether different with Africa and Asia,
where in a few cases meager facts are fur
nished, and in most none at all.
Nearly half tho world's population is In Asia,
and there is good reasod to believe that 1,800 or
2,000 years ago it contained as many or more
people than it now does. It is true that China
and India have immense numbers at the pres
ent day, but as far back as history or legend
goes, when Europe was a wilderness, both were
thronging with inhabitants. There is no doubt
that Western and Central Asia, which are now
bnt sparsely peopled, onco contained very great
cities and a vast population. The mighty em
pires which have risen and fallen where at this
day only ruins and wanderings shepherds re
main are sufficient proof of tbat
Africa's Population Decreasing.
The population of Africa is undoubtedly de
clining. Tbe tribal wars cut down their cum
bers, and tbe slave trade which is now carried
on there, in a systematic manner, by the Arabs
to an extent hitherto unknown, Is making
more serious inroads. The number of slaves
taken out of Africa would not make much of a
figure in itself, but those whose attention has
been especially directed to tbe subject calcu
late tbat for every slave exported at least ten
persons perish. Thousands are killed when
their villages are attacked, and many more die
on the march to the coast, so that only the
picked men, the strongest and the most
patient, survive.
As for tbe population of the world growing
too numerous, we may remark for the benefit
of our German friends that there is a good
deal of practically unoccupied land left on this
sphere. Two-thirds of all the people live In
China, India and Western Europe. On the map
of the world, these countries look very small
compared with the extent exclusive of them.
There's Room tor All.
Most of the domain of the Russian Empire
is, comparatively speaking, uninhabited. Here
in the United States the bulk of our popula
tion is centered in a group of States east of the
Mississippi; the soil has hardly been touched
in Canada, Mexico and South America; only
a small strip of sea coast in Australia has been
settled, and behind it is a wilderness as 1 arge as
the United States; in Asia there is a
region nearly as extensire as North
and South America combined but slightly
sprinkled with people; the great East Indian
islands, with a combined area more tban half
as great as Russia in Europe, have fewer in
habitants than Great Britain and over 60 per
cent of them are in the one island of Java, not
one-fourth larcer than Kentucky. In Africa
there is nothing but savage people, whose num
bers no one can compute. We do not think it
is yet quite time to bother ourselves about
over population.
A Most Remarkable Run of Bad Luck for
tho Craft nnd Her Crew.
Philadelphia Record.:
When the schooner George B. McFarland,
which was lost recently between Fernandlna,
Fla., and this port, was launched a medium in
Portland, Me., claimed that he bad received a
communication from the other world an
nouncing that the restless spint ot Captain
KIdd would take possession of the vessel. It
was further asserted by this medinm tbat no
vessel of which the piratical spirit assumed
command would ever be lucky. This prophecy
made a remarkable impression upon the su
perstitious sailors, who for years have imag
ined strange sights and sounds within and
about the vessel. The McFarland stuck on tbe
ways, and was never water-tight after she was
launched. Her first commander. Captain
btrong, gave her up after two or three voyages
as a hopelessly unlucky vessel. Captain Strong's
brother tben took command of the ship,and lost
money steadily for three voyages, when he
abandoned her in mid-ocean, tbe crew being
landed in Europe.
Tbe McFarland was found adrift at sea by
a steamship and towed to a European port,
where she was refitted and placed in charge of
a new master. Two days after she sailed from
port the new Captain was knocked down in a
squall and his leg was broken. A month ago
she was again aoandoned at sea, and last week
she was met and set afire as a dangerous dere
lict by tbe steamship Orinoco.
Sailors who shipped on the McFarland said
that ebostly carpenters haunted tbe vessel and
were always at work, the sound of their sawing
and planing away down in the hold being heard
at night as they tried to cut the keel asunder
and sink tbe ship. On many occasions the men
all rushed out of the forecastle shouting tbat
strangoand unknown hands had thrust them
out of their bunks; and they are said to hare
shown bruises and cuts to prove their stories.
On more than one occasion the entire crew of.
tbe schooner jumped overboard and swa
ashore, while the vessel was in port, to escaj
irom tne evu spirits mat tueir auperstiti
minus piciurea, xnere was always great
cuity in securing a crew lor the vessel, as non
who served a single voyage and learned of 'her
ill luck noTer returned to her for a second
trip. y
Combination Clothespin and Eyeglass.
From the Chicago Mews.!
"I've made my fortune at last," exclaimed the
Inventor, joyously. "I've invented a combina
tion eyeglass and clothespin, ana I'll sell 1,000,
000 of 'em right here in Chicago."
"What in the world will anyone want with
such a contrivance as that?" asked his skep
tical wife.
"Why, the Chicago river is still manufactur
ing smells, isn't it? And there are 1,000.000
people in Chicago, aren't there. Well, my in
vention fills a long-felt want, and that's all
there is about it."
I've read so much of Ohooly Khan
As I the papers dally scan
For news, that fame of Sal-U-van
Eclipsed will be by Per-sl-an
Who never an Am-er-I-ean
Could bring to time, like Kil-11-an
Was broncht by John, whose flst did fan
His race and ribs, while blood It ran
Beneath tbe sun, who fierce did tan
Their hides. KowlflnTe-he-ran
There lives an able royal Khan
Who thinks he Is as good a man
As John, why he can trr the plan
Within tbe ring and there be can
Resent the 'front this pinched and wan
Faced dirty, rude bar-bar-1-an
Bays be has had, as to his clan.
He goes ont of the frying pan
To fire of wit, wben he began
His trunks to pack for land of Ban
Berlt lore, where, 'cross the watery span
He has to go In ship that bran
New, bears the smell ot Ohooly Khan
Unto his home In Te-he-ran.
A. Mobtox.
Morris King Grahara.
Morris King Graham died yesterday after a sick
cess of bat a few days. He was tbe oldest son of
the County Recorder. He went to Ohio to spend a
Bart of his vacation with relatives, and while
lere was taken with typhoid fever of the most
malignant rorm. He came home on Friday. He
was a pupil in the Allegnenr.Klgh School, was ac
tive among the young workers at the First Chris
tian Churth, Allegheny, and had a large acquaint
ance in Doia ciue.
Thought He Was John L. Sullivan.
New Yobk, July 9. In almost every police
court this morning there were prisoners who
would not have been there if Sullivan had not
whipped Kilraln. John Fitzpatrick got so in
toxicated over the result of the fight that he
imagined himself the victor, and went on a
hunt through West Nineteenth street looking
for Kilraimtes to whip. He struck several
citizens that he happened to pass. Finally be
tackled John Druinm. Fitzpatrick knocked
Drumm down and kicked him about the bead.
His face presented a fcarfnl sight this morn
ing. When a young man in tho neighborhood
washed the Mood from Drumm's head Fitzpat
rick struck him for so doing. While yet in tbe
flush of victory Fitzpatrick tried to knock out
Policeman Boyle. The officer was too much
for him. John Hurley told Justice Duffy be
got drunk because he lost money on Kilraln.
He was discharged. Henry Kohn said he got
drunk because be won flOO on Sullivan. He
was fined 10. John Fitzpatrick paid S5 fine be-cause-he
celebrated Sullivan's victory by firing
off a revolver in tho street Several other men
who shouted too loudly for Sullivan or got
drunk In honor of Sullivan were fined small
Three More to Try Electrlcnl Deaths.
John Lewis, James Nolan and Patrick Pack
enham, convicted murderers, were to-day sen
tenced in the Court of General Sessions to be
hanged on next August 23. Lewis, a young
colored man, who shot down his sweetheart,
Ann Jackson, before her house one year ago,
listened unmoved to his sentence. Nolan, who
killed his sweetheart Emma Buck, last Novem
ber, turned white even to bis lips as the Jndge
condemned him. Packenbam, who is over 60
years old, was so frightened that he could
hardly stand, and groaned heavily wben the
Jndge named the date for his death. Packen
ham's crime was tbe cutting of his wife's throat
with a razor because she refused to give him 10
cents for whisky.
Electricity as an Executioner.
Harold P. Brown, an electrical engineer, con
tinued his testimony to-day in the case of
William Kemmler, the murderer condemned to
be killed by electricity. He was examined by
Bonrke Cockran, who is trying to prove that
execution by electricity is unconstitutional.
Mr. Brown showed a list of 91 persons who had
been killed accidentally by electricity, and said
tbat in every case, within his knowledge and
experience, a full current of full pressure bad
been followed by instant death. He told how
be had slaughtered by electricity CO dogs, 10
calves, 2 horses and a foxhound. He described
tbe almost Instantaneous death of a 1,300
pound horse under a current of the force ot
700 volts. In conclusion, Mr. Brown said he
was sure that the electrical apparatus pro
vided by tbe State for the execution of crim
inals would kill without delay or pain.
Mnst Hnve Tired of His Bargain.
Bernard Cohen, a prosperous young clothier,
engaged himself to Cecilia Rlskinoff six
months ago. He gave her an engagement ring
and a gold watch. To-day was the day set for
tbe wedding. Two weeks ago young Cohen
took his fiance's ring for the ostensible purpose
of having "Cecilia" engraved upon it Two
days later he sent that gold watch he bad given
her to a jeweler's to be cleaned. From tbat
time till this morning she saw neither Cohen,
the ring nor the watch. Miss Rlskinoff had
Cohen up in court to-dav, to answer the charge
of larceny. He was held for further examina
tion. She will also sue him for bieachof
Some Interesting- Items of Cost.
Tbe full and official report of Stuyresant
Fish, Chairman of tbe Centennial Sub-Committee
on Entertainment has jnst been com
pleted. Some ot its smaller Items are Interest
ing. One of Mr. Fish's first disbursements was
115 to repurchase ball ticket No. 25, which bore
the name of Ward McAllister. L. G. Dodworth
received $200 for teaching tho leaders of the
famous opening quadrille bow to dance it The
bouquets for the ladies who danced this quad
rille cost f 197. Hartwell P. Heath caused the
committee 30 expense by paying for three ball
tickets with a bad check. The expenses of the
Presidental party were 999.
Dlarrlago of Edward 8. Giles and
Miss Rase Dnnlevy.
Edward S. Giles, business manager of the
Catholic, and Miss Rose A. Dunlevy were mar
ried in St Paul's Cathedral at 5.30 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. The bride is the oldest
daughter of Mr. Jeremiah Dunlevy, of Walker
& Dunlevy Bros. The ibrldemalds were Miss
Alary McCullougb, her cousin, and Miss Mary
Dnnlevy, her sister. The ushers were Frank
Pollock. Cbarles McNally, Frank Neeb and
Freeman Brady. Joseph McCombs and Paul
Dunlevy were the best men.
The bride Was dressed in heavy silk, finished
in an elaborate train, a veil of extreme length,
and, mingling in the folds of the veil, an orange
blossom wreath. The bridemaids wore surah,
made very simple, and carried pink roses. Rev.
Fathers Wall, Healv and Murphy officiated.
For the nuptials 200 invitations had been
issued, but at the festivities at the house only
the immediate relatives of the Dunlevy and
Giles families were present
The Chinese of Philadelphia, though civil
ized in other respects, don't seem to grasp base
ball. A picnic party that went out from Lima, O.,
to enjoy an afternoon in tbe woods, had a parlor
organ In the wagon to dance oy.
Philadelphia has an old lady who keeps a
fruit stand on Market street who utilizes a
batch of old Board ot Health circulars to wrap
peaches in.
A Philadelphia barber has grown rich
abstaining from mentioning his hair tonic to
bald-topped patrons.
A KEirsEf GTOir, Fa., dentist propped a pa
tient's mouth open to fill a tooth, and then, to
divert bis mind, told a joke from one of the
funny papers so vividly that the patient gave a
snort of laughter that blew bis filling clear out
ot the window.
A flock of goats was browsing along in
North Dallas, wben they suddenly scattered in
commotion. An old goat which had been hi
the rear at onco went to the frcnt and struck
tho ground in an odd way with his fore feet at
the same time shaking bis head. Then he
backed off and made a long running jump,
alighting with his legs bunched, and immedi
ately on hitting the ground made a second
jump far out to one side. A gentleman, led by
curiosity, approached the scene, and found a
big rattlesnake cut nearly in two.
Several boys recently stole 7 from the sav
ings bank of Elmer, son of Dr. Hersch. of East
Greenville, near Doylestown, Pa., and spent it
all for ice cream and cakes, to which Elmer
was treated freely, unconscious that the money
was his own.
Justice GiFrnr, of Canonsburg, Pa., while
working in his cornfield the other day hung bis
vest to a fence stake. An hour later he found
it had been chewed into ribbons by a
calf, which had consumed a pocketbook left
in it
Mn. George Hippey, ot Columbia, Pa is
doctoring a large blister on his side, having
been struck with a ball from a Roman candle,
which burned Its way through his clothing to
the flesh.
As the steamer Wllkesbarre was nearing
Plymouth, Pa., a couple of days ago. one of the
crew engaged in a friendly spar with William
Hefferman. They chanced to be near an open
guard rail, through which Hefferman fell into
tbe river. The paddle-wheel knocked him un
der, ye t he was rescued, his only damages being
a scratch on the nose from the paddle,
which likewise knocked the heel off one of his
A little girl in Piedmont, W. Va-, who was
given a drink of fizzing midiral water the other
day, took a alp of It and then exclaimed: "It
taste like your foot's asleep!"
A cdriocs walking match took place at
Portsmouth, O., tbe other morning between a
merchant, formerly of Cincinnati, and a clerk.
It was to decide which would wed a fair young
lady,-to whom both gentlemen had been paying
attentioiu.-Tneywalked-fivo' miles, the mer
chant winning by 50 feet
It will require 60,000 cars to haul off
the Kansas wheat
Topeka is going to try vitrified brick
on one of its streets.
Eighty highway robbers were executed
at Pekin on April 2C
Woolen mills at Bennington.Vt, which
cost IS00.000, were sold last week for 68,000.
A petrified tree was recently unearthed
at Farmlngton, N. J., 16 feet below the sur
face. Tbe great sheep-raiser, Mr. Mitchell, of
Elko, Nev., will have a wool-clip of 50,000
pounds this season.
Prof. E. M. Shelton, of the Kansas Ag
ricultural College, has produced a variety of
wheat which yields 47 bushels to the acre,
When the spire at the First Baptiit
Church, at Waldeboro, Me., was taken down,
a few days ago, a chew of sprnce gum. covered
by a copper cent, was found stuck to the top of
the vane.
The huge cantalever bridge over tho
Frith of Forth has been completed, all but the
bridging of the 350-foot gap between tbe sec
tions. Tbe connectln g gird er will be 50 feet In
depth, and will weigh 00 tons.
J. M. Ball, of. Pierce county, Georgia,
killed a rattlesnake near his wood rack the
other evening. Mr. Ball shot it four times with
his Winchester, and wben killed it was found
that it had just swallowed two large rabbits.
The end-gate of a wagon came out at
Leavenworth tbe other day, spilling 400 beer
bottles on the ground, and then, when the
crowd which rushed to pick them up found
that they were empty. It looked for a moment
as if they would lynch the driver.
A short while since a negro woman near
Centerville. Wilkes county, Ga-, named Har
riet Evans, having her young baby in her lap
at cbnrch, got to shouting and pounding her
child. She beat It so severely that several of
Its ribs were broken and the child died in a few
days from the Injuries.
Brooklyn at present is becoming over
crowded with young dentists who are trying
each one to beat tbe other in building up im
mense practices. A few years ago tbe Brook
lynlte bad to pay SI to bave a tooth extracted,
but now the rates bave been so cut, owing to
tbe spring graduations of tho dental colleges,
that the price has been changed to 15 cents a
tooth, or two for 25 cents.
The occupants of a street car in Louis
ville had an unpleasant experience the other
afternoon about 2 o'clock, when they encoun
tered a swarm of bees. The insects first lit on
the mules, which evinced their displeasure by
kicking and attempting to run away with the
car. Five or six people were in the car at the
time, and they soon vacated it Some person
threw some dust into a tree and the bees set
tled there. They were finally hired.
A few days ago an ambitious Maine
rooster undertook to lunch on some bees, and
called the hens to take part The bees gath
ered round and one stung him on the wattles.
He jumped In the air and vigorously attacked
the hive. Tbe whole swarm descended upon
him in an instant and the proud fowl was soon
streaking around the corner with an angry
crowd of bees In f nil chase. He won't under
take to gobble up those files again.
Frogs covered the streets in the neigh
borhood of Twenty-first and Bank streets in
Louisville the other morning during the hard
rain. They came down with the rain, and an
area of about four squares was strewn with
them. The frog shower lasted about half an
hour, and. as some of the superstitions people
were unable to account for the presenco of tbe
reptiles, for a time considerable alarm pre
vailed in that locality. A creat many of Louis
ville's hard drinkers thought they
"had" 'em.
Much scientifio interest, if not commer
cial value, attaches to the recent production
of chemical sugar in the laboratory of the
University of Wurzburg. Glycerine was used
as the starting point in the experiments. After
decomposition and treatment with various re
agents, a colorless syrup was obtained, which,
unlike saccharins, appears to be a gunulne
sugar, acting in every respect like ordinary
natural sugar, except in being incapable of ro
tating a beam of polarized light The discov
erers, Fischer and Tafel, are now continuing
their experiments with a view to giving tbe
lacking optical activity to the new product,
which they have named acrose.
A steamer which arrived at Colombo
recently from Bombay, via coast ports, reports
tbat at Cannanore, where she lay two miles
from the shore, a large swarm of bees, number
ing some tens of thousands, settled on her fore
yard, forming a cluster about three feet long by
18 inches In depth. It was considered inadvisa
ble to attempt to dislodge them before the ar
rival of the vessel at Colombo, as at each of the
coast ports she lay some miles from the shore.
But several nights after the third officer, en
veloped in a blanket and armed with a hose,
climbed the mast and gare tbe dangerous vis
itors a dose of salt water. The Infuriated bees
flew about the ship all night in search of their
disturber, but not finding him in the morning
concluded to quit They were last see making
a bee-line for the northern suburb ot Colombo.
A blacksnake in an up-country town in
Queensland was owned by a doctor, who kept
it chiefly In order tbat it might eat the flies
which infested his establishment flies being
according to tnis veracious authority the
favorite food of this species of serpent Un
fortunately in cold weatLer. when flies ran
short, his snakeshlp was wont to invade the
henhouse, and eat the eggs a bad habit which
eventually led to his ruin. One day he exhib
ited symptoms of indigestion. His master
treated him, but without avail; and after a
fortnight's terrible agony the poor reptile suc
cumbed. Then the truth came out In one of
his forays upon the fowl yard the misguided
creatnre had swallowed the glazed china egg
by which the hens were decoyed Into perform
ing their maternal duties.
Two negroes, named Gabe and Frank,
were draining a barrel that had contained
spirituous liquor, at Brunswick, Ga., the other
day. As the last drop came out Gabe's curi
osity got the better if him, and he con laded
to see if dregs had not formed in tbe bang
hole and stopped the whisky Irom flowing.
The barrel was sitting on top of another, and
while Gabe lit a match Frank held the cup
containing about half a pint 'of tbe fluid. Aa
Gabe stuck the matcn to tbe bung-bole a
terrific explosion occurred, which blewout tbe
head of the barrel, and sent all tumbling down
upon Frank, prostrating him to the floor. As
he fell he gave one whoop that startled the)
neighborhood, but strange to say, when the
crowd gathered It was noticed that he held on
to the whisky with an air of grim determina
tion. Gabe. in the meantime, managed to hide
himself behind a pile of boxes, and emerged
later more scared tban hurt It is needless to
say that be will not attempt to examine an
empty whisky barrel with a lighted match
There is nothing like being all broken up
to make a man see tbe necessity of mending his
wsys. Burlington Frit Frets.
"Well," said Wright Field, as he took
his overcoat to tbe pawnbroker, "here goes for
three balls and a batl" Xale Becord.
Jones Going home on your vacation this
year. Smith!
Smith, affectionately Guess so, Jones. It's tbe
only place I can go where I don't have to pay
quadruple rates. Philadelphia Jnpiirtr. f
"I wish the night would hurrr up scwe
can send off our fireworks, said Johnny.
Welt let's go out doors and play," said
Willie. 'That always makes the dark come quick
enough.' Chicago Tribune.
The Two Babies Mrs. Fangle Baby
McKee Is a grandchild of the President, I believer
Mr. Jfangle Tes.
"I thought so. Now what relation to the Pres
ident is Baby Anson?" Sew Xort Sun.
Wibble I wonder why ministers always
wear long-tailed coatsr
Wabble If you were a country minister with a
S300 salary and a large family yoa wouldn't ask
such a fool question as that. Terrs Haute .
prtei. ,
He What made you start so?
She I didn't hear you coming. Twas wrapped
In thongbt
He-Well, that ought to make a pretty comfort,
able costume these hot days. Xerrt Haute Kp
prest. Knew What He Wanted "Is there any
thing I can do for you?" asked Airs. Cumso, ten
derly, when her husband was suffering from sea-,
sickness. "What do you want?" '
I want the earth," gasped Cumso, as he again
leaned over the rail. i'eu Xort Sua. -f -
First Citixen Why don't you get'Dr.
Brownstono for your son? Be must be a good
physician, for he has a large practice among the
four Hundred.
Beeond Citizen O, he wouldn't do at aU.
want a brain specialist Au Xork Weekly.
"The atmosphere of this car is oppressive,
Maria," complained Mr. Blllus. ''I'll Justgo out
on tbe platform and get some fresh air."
And he went out met an old acquaintance, and
they adjourned to the smoktng car, where Mr.
Blllus spent the next two hours in an atmosphere
of thick tobacco smoke and- Buislan emigrants.
vmcaao xnsunc. .'.
itS ttu. .J. .