,!- -MmssA-st sffismegTag fPpipE 12L ffo pfl$ta SHREWD HEM IX BUSINESS Can reach the best class of Investors throuph THE DIS PATCH. The best men in business can also be reached thrown THE DIS PATCH. A RICH HARVEST x: Will ha reined by all who advertise In Thk Dispatch. It reaches every home ami Is read by everybody. It you are in business let tho ublio know it through This iispatch. rORTT-FOTJETH YEAH. PITTSBURG, WEDKESDAT, JULY 10, 1889. CQJEREE CENTS mpmlth A GENEROUSVICTOR. Sullivan Expresses Great Sym pathy for Kilrain, and Hopes He Isn't Hurt. JAKE HASN'T HAD ENOUGH. He Declares He'll Challenge John L. for Another Go for $40,000. THE BIG FIGHT MUCH TALKED ABOUT. XUIrnln Leaves for tbe North by Wny of Texas Salllvan lo Go Home by sea In Order to Keep Sober The Costly licit to be Given n a Prlzn for a Bowery Boot blacks Sparring Contest AKew Reason Given for Kllrnla's Sickly Appearance In the Ring Sarcasm Hung Wholesale at tho Two Governors Who Didn't Pre vent tbe Mill. Although the championship of the pugil istic world was very decidedly settled in fa vor of John L. Sullivan, of Boston, in a 21 foot ring in Mississippi Monday afternoon, there is considerable left to talk about. Sulli van leaves New Orleans to-day by steamer, to avoid arrest, and probably temptation to dissipate, also. Kilrain has left for Balti more, feeling as if he had been badly trained and anxious to meet Sullivan some time when he feels better. The Fox belt Sullivan intends to offer as a prize for a Bowery bootblacks' sparring contest. rtrECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCn.1 New Obieans, July 9. New Orleans Las quieted down from its prize-fight ex citement, but the affair is still being talked over, and many incidents not previously mentioned are coming out. Most of the sporting men here have left, and the visit ing journalists took their departure this evening. All the best authorities agree that it was a grand fight, and that it was a pitty that Kilrain was not in better condition. He was not in good shape in many respects, but even in the best shape would not have been a match for Sullivan. The champion leaves to-morrow by the steamer Hudson for New York. He has been compelled to abandon the public reception tendered him here by some of his friends and admirers, for TI-9 bituntlon Is a Little Crltlcnl lis to an arrest, as Governor Lowry, of Mississippi, who is furious over the way in which his troops were tricked yesterday, swears thai he will arrest thc'jugilists and their seconds. A voyage by sea will prevent any arrest oi Sullivan on the way home, and his friends think further that a sea trip will do him good and prevent any chance of dissipation. So many persons are greeting Sullivan now that it requires great strength of mind to re sist the many invitations pouring in on him. The champion has got rid of the marks of the fight. Both his hands and his cheek are slightly swollen and discolored, which would not be the case but for the bad man agement on the railroad yesterday. There was no water on the train, and it was im possible to bathe the wounds. Sullivan's Parents Congratulate Him. Congratulations have poured into Sulli van from every portion of the United States. Among those a telegram from his father, Michael Sullivan, seemed to affect him most. He telegraphed as follows: Dear John I have waited all day at the office for news of the fight. I knew you would win. Yonr mother sends love and congratula tions. Come straight home, and don't drink until you get here. Michael Sullivan. 1 After what Sullivan has said about Fox's dog collar, it was natural to suppose he would not keep it. Now that the fight is over, Sullivan said: "I feel sorry for Kil rain, and while I am of course naturally glad I won, I feel kindly toward Kilrain, and I hope sincerely that he is not badly punished and will be himself again in a few days. Kilrain is a good man, and made a plucky fight, and he gave me the only hard thumping I ever got in the ring. I don't care to fight any more. As to the belt we fought for, I don't want that I've got rep utation enough without taking anything from Mr. Fox. I would not wear the belt, and I wouldn't even put it on my bulldog." The Happiest Man In New Orleans. Charley Johnson is the happiest man in town. He said that it was a good fight, and he, of course, was satisfied. He said Sulli van's hand was not grievously injured. He hurt the knuckles in striking Kilrain, and they were swollen some, but would be back to their normal condition in a few days. Sullivan offered Johnson the belt, but he declined it, and it is understood that Sulli van will offer it as a prize for a sparring contest between Bowery bootblacks. Tbe colors worn by Sullivan in this fight, which are the same as be wore in his maiden fight and in his battle with Byan, will go to Leonard Tracy. The impression is very strong here that Mitchell did not care to have Kilrain win, and even Kilrain is disposed to complain of the Englishman. He said to-day, in the presence of Stevenson and half a dozen others, that Mitchell had not put a towel on him in ten days, and that he had Nothing- Ont Water to Drink for 40 hours before the fight Mitchell's neglect of him on the train has been the Eubject of general comment Mitchell rode with Kilrain from Bichburg to New Orleans, and never went near him during the entire trip, nor displayed the slightest interest in his condition. So general have been the unfavorable comments that Mitchell has felt called on to deny the statement that he did not want Kilrain to live. He said! "These reports are all lies. Kilrain was carefully trained, and before the fight I would have staked my life on him, so confident was I that he would win. The battle was fairly fought and Jake was not a match for Sullivan. He was beaten on his merits." He called at tention to the fact that he and his father-in-law had put up their money on Kilrain. "X never r-ally meant to fight again," said Mitchell, "and Jt was my idea that Jake would be chacmion, and that I would fettle down, Now, hoHeyer, that Sullivan , has won, I have another challenge for him myself Somethlnc Interesting; to Came. Mike Donovan would not say much, but he intimates that some interesting points would come out in a few days. He said Kilrain would be all right in two or three days. Donovan did not seem satisfied with the referee. Denny Butler said Kilrain had not been trained properly, and was in no condition to fight Sullivan yesterday. He was handled poorly, and was far from his best Kilrain is not satisfied with the fight, and believes that he was not fit He says he wants another go at Sullivan, and will issue another challenge to ficht him for $20,000 a side in a month. He finds no fault with his treatment in New Orleans, and wants to fight down this way again. Mitchell has an offer of $300 from a Yicks burg gentleman to appear in that city one day. Governor Lowry, of Mississippi, is furious over the fight, and threatens to ar rest all the persons implicated in it Colonel Merrill, of the State militia, who was in command at Nicholson, where the pugilists crossed the State line, throws The Whole Responsibility and Blame on Sheriff Cazeneuve, of Hancock county, who refused to interfere and arrest the pugi lists, and without his order the troops could do nothing. The Governor thought he had the men bottled up. At Meriden, the northern end or the line, the Sheriff of Lauderdale county had summoned a large posse and had tbe railroad track obstructed. If the same thing had been done at Nichol son, on the southern end of the line, it would have been impossible for the pugilists to have got out of Mississippi by railroad. Sheriff Cazeneuve, however, left the door open for them. They have escaped, but Governor Lowry has issued a fourth proclamation, in which he announces that he will make out a requi sition for them in any State in which he nears they are. Sullivan leaves to-morrow morning, to avoid any requisition here, and both men will receive the timely warning of any legal movements against them. A Great Deal of Indignation has bubbled out to-day over the shabby treatment by the railroad company of the passengers on the excursion train, and both Sullivan and Mnldoon, who were on it, complained loudly. It was eight hours making the trip from Bichburg to New Orleans, not reaching the city until 9:30 o'clock. There was not a drop of water to be had, and the swelling on Sullivan's face is due to the fact that Mnldoon could not bathe it There was no way of getting a morsel of food; the train was nnlighted, and had 2,503 people aboard, whereas there were accommodations for only 1,200. The result was the greatest possible discomfort, and growling was universal. The train was side-tracked near Purvis for several hours. While there, an engine came darting down on it, and the hundred or so tramps who were on top stealing a ride became alarmed, and, crying "collision," jumped down from the roofs of the cars. This created a decided panic. People jumped from doors and windows, and even the great John L. himself was half way out of a side window before it was discov ered that it was a false alarm. A number of people were bruised, but no one hurt by the panic. - FALE AKD SQUABE. Bad Renand Talks About the Management of tbe mill Complimented oa Every Side for Ills Shrewdness Sullivan Celebrating;. rSrECULL TELEOBJLK TO TBS DISPATCH.! New Obleans, July 9. Your reporter this evening interviewed Bud Benaud, who managed the fight so admirably. As to the financial result, he said, that after paying all expenses there were $8,000 to divide between the principals. This money was paid up, and all the accounts settled to-day, $4,000 being paid to Johnson, Sullivan's backer, and $4,000 to Stevcuson, representing the Kil rain side. Mr. Benaud said that he had been com plimented by nearly every person at the ring, all of whom said that it was the best managed prize fight they had ever seen. He makes a statement in effect as follows: First of all, perfect order was preserved. There was not tbe least difficulty going ont to disturbance of any kind. The grounds and me ring or at me ring sine, not a quarrel or trains were perfectly policed, and any hood lums or tougns wno were present were over awed and kept in order. Everyone Could See the Fight. Again, it was a prize fight at which everyone who was present conld see tbe ring and see every blow struck and received. At most other fights, where the crowd are all standing In a line. It Is difficult for all of them to see the battlcbnt on this occasion, where they had rows of benches rising one above tbe other, everyone could see. Mitchell, when he entered the ring, said it was the finest he had ever entered, at home or abroad. Mr. Renand had intended to erect a hand some amphitheater, but the secrecy required lor the fight prevented him from doing so, and he had to be content with tbe rows, of benches rising one above the other. He takes the position that New Orleans ought to be pleased with the fight as it has been of great advantage to tbe city. It brought a large number of people here, more than ever were seen at tms time of tbe year, and the hotels boasted of more patrons than during tbe heretofore winter season, and they ucro generally visitors of an excellent class, who spent their money liberally. The tight had given New Orleans some life during the dull summer season and dropped a great deal of money here. Couldn't Have Been Prevented. As for interference, that had been fully pro vided against. Even If the Mississipi troops had come upon the scene, Renand would have been prepared to resist them, and the fight would have come off. Mr. Renand thought it best to have no telegraphic communications with tbe grounds, both on account of possible interference and because the wires wonld not have been able to take all tbe bnsiness given them. By tbe absence of telegraphic communication at the grounds, and the fact that the corre spondents had to go to New Orleans and went together, placed all the papers on terms of perfect eqnality. Hefeltproud of tbe fight, and bad been told by hundreds that It was the grandest ever fonght in this country. Bud Benaud and John Fitzpatrick raised $510 on the train coming from the ring yes terday, as a gift to Mrs, Kilrain. Sullivan is in perfect condition to-night He spent a portion of the evening at the Young Men's Gymnastic Club, and after ward went ont to the lake. He has been the recipient of many congratulations, and has been celebrating his victory to-day in a somewhat too enthusiastic manner. His friends want to get him home again without the frequent interruptions, welcomes and receptions he is likely to meet with should he go by rail. It was for this reason that they applied for a room on the steamer Hudson, but it was too late, as every room was taken. MRS. KILRAIN PUZZLED. She Cannot Understand Where Her Jake Did Any Fighting;. BAlrraoEE. July 9. Mrs. Kilrain said to-night: I cannot understand by tbe accounts of the fight by rounds where 7oun(as she calls her bus band) did any fighting at all. It was simply running away and falling down nearly all the .time. John was not himself, be was a dummy Continued en Sixth Fas i.-: ..l- -jeVTHkAWUL ..4-.. ., wbAJS5 i -rr ,r,MrmiThgSrIarTrTKrnifdhft'rTfrifsT lf-TKgKT- '-r amKKmmmnmrmmmMtmBmKmtKBmmtttKKKmSmKiamtAtmtmn rsMTmJasli JOHNSTOWN, N.Y., TOO. A Flood Sweeps the Empire State Name sake of Cambria County's Devastated City Dams and a Bridge With People Washed Away. rsracuL telegram" to thb dibfatcb.i Teot, N. Y., July 9. There are reports here that three big dams were washed away near Johnstown, and that crowds of people got on a bridge to watch the flood and it was carried away and several people were drowned. Johnstown, N. Y., is situated in Fulton county, on the Cayadutta creek, a tributary of the Mohawk river. It is a thriving town of 6,000 to 7,000 people, its principal industry being the manufacture of kid and buck gloves and mittens, though Glovers ville, four miles to the northward, usurped supremacy in that line some years since, and has now double or treble as many glove factories as Johnstown. Excepting the localities of the State's chief interior cities Bochester, Syra cuse, TTtica and Albany the com munity of which Johnstown is the center is one of the most thriving and populous in the Empire State, outside of New York and Buffalo. Indeed, the towns of Amsterdam, Johns town, Gloversville, Forda and Kingsboro are not only full of life and thrift, but so close one to the other that they must all unite some day to form a great city. The dams at the glove factories and tan neries were quite formidable bodies of water, with a very narrow but deep gorge below them. The old reservoir of Johns town, fed by the Cayadutta creek, was a rather insignificant affair, and, although not far from the heart of the town, could only have been made danger ous by a very feat rising of its tributary stream. This, from the above advices, has evidently taken place, though just how serious its results may have been can only be conjectured. A telephone from Johnstown says: The town is in total darkness and nine bridges were washed away. The elec tric light plant has been washed away; also three skin mills at Mayersville. One body has been recovered. The water is three feet deep in the town of Fonda. A New York dispatch says: "Efforts to communicate with any point within the localities of Johnstown, N. Y., and Amsterdam, where rumors wonld lead to the impression that there has been a disaster of no small proportions, are unavailing on account ot the fact that the telegraph wires throughout the section have been destroyed. Some reports have reached here that a cyclone caused the disaster, while a more serious charac ter is given to the story by indefi nite, and as yet, unconfirmed rumors that there has been considerable loss of life. At 12 o'clock to-night rain is falling in torrents in Johnstown, and the flood is assuming a terrible aspect Mills and sheds are baing carried rapidly away. It is beginning to rain here (Troy), and looks to be a heavy storm. The west-bound limited and two other express trains which left here about 8 o'clock in the afternoon came back here between 7 and 8 o'clock and were sent "West over the "West Shore road. Some of the trains hurrying to make up lost time narrowly escaped the cloudburst, but all did escape. Four hundred miles of track are washed out at Aiken, and there are no trains west of Amsterdam. Communication Cot OfG Teot, N. Y., July 102 a. jr. The long-distance telephone wires went down. Nothing more to-night A late special from Schenectady tells of the washing away of three bridges at Johns town. The rumors of loss of lite, the corre spondent says, are without foundation. MAELB0B0UGH IS SATED. The nammcrsly Will Is Sustained and His Wife's Income Is All His. (srzciAL telegram to the dispatch. 1 New Yobk, July 9. The general term of the Supreme Court to-day handed down a decision in the case of Henry Mason against George G. "Williams, which was an appeal from a decree of the Surrogate's Court admitting to probate the will of the late Louis C. Hammersly. By the will the tes tator gave the income of his property to his wife (now the Duchess of Marlborough) for life, and at her death to his own issue, if any, and in default of such issue to the issue of his cousin, J. Hooker Hammersly, and in detault to such charitable institutions as his wife by her will might designate. iThe probate was contested on the grounds that the will differed from a holographic will written by tbe testator some time previous ly, but which he was prevented from exe cuting; that Louis C. Hammersly was of weak mind, and that he was unduly in fluenced by his wife. The Judges who heard the appeal were Van Brunt, Brady and Macomber. The opinion was by Judge Van Brunt It says: The evidence shows that the testator was not of weak mind, but that he was a man of stubborn will. Tho due execution of the will was proven. The objection that the will was different from the holographic will was not sustained by the evidence. No un due influence on the part of the wife was established. The wife has the right to con sult and advise with her husband in such cases. To overthrow the decision of the Surrogate there must be grave doubts as to whether it was the will of the testator. There is nothing on which to base a claim that it was not. It is sufficient to sum up the whole matter, to say that there was no evidence of undue influence on the part of Mrs. Hammersley, and tha necessary con clusion is that the will was duly executed, the testator having full knowledge of its contents. The decree of the Surrogate is affirmed with costs. Judge Macomber gave a dis senting opinion on some points ot evidence. MONEY FOE MORE SHIPS. France Is Evidently Going to Have Some thing ot a Navy. PABIS, July 9. In the Chamber ef Deputies to-da7 Admiral Krantz, Minister of Marine, declared that there was need of several new war ships, the cost, of which would be about 58,000,000 francs. M. Sallis urged that the Government demand a supplementary vote for this purpose. Premier Tirard replied that the Govern ment was bound to consider the financial side of the question. They sought to raise the necessary funds without recourse to an extra budget, but failing in this, they would not hesitate to appeal to the patriotism of the Chamber for the required amount. i&lX THOUSAND DELEGATES To be In Attendance at the Meeting of the Society of Christian Endeavor. Philadelphia, July 9. The eighth national convention of the Christian En deavor Society began in the First Begiment Armory Hall to-day. Nearly 5,000 dele gates are here, and more are expected to morrow. The convention was formally opened at 4 p. SI., when Bev. F. M. Clark, of Boston, was elected President It is expected that when all arrive nearly 0,000 delegates from every State and Terri tory, representing' a membership '0t over iw,wu4,wiu db in. auenaauoji NOT TOO LATE YET To Do a Great Deal of Good Judicious Use of Money by a AMONG CONEMAUGH SUFFERERS.. The State Belief Commission Meets Cresson. and Decides That at' HALF A MILLION CAN NOW BE SPARED From th Fund Ihit Ess Been Swelled t Millions In. Beren Weeks. After almost seven weeks of continual collections of money from all parts of the world for the sufferers by the Johnstown flood, a portion ot the fund is to be dis tributed among the needy. The State Conr mission appointed by Governor Beaver met at Cresson yesterday, and decided to appro priate $500,000 for the Conemaugh Valley sufferers for immediate distribution accord ing to their needs. Williamsport people get $50,000, and other Eastern sufferers $50, 000. 'FROM A STAir COBRESFONDENT.l Cbesson Spbinos, July 9. Governor Beaver and the members of his State Be lief Commission, who, it was popularly supposed, were organized into a public spirited body for the purpose of distributing relief to the homeless people in the flooded Conemaugh Valley, arrived at this place to-day, where they held another star cham ber conference in the forenoon, and alter dinner immediately retired to hold another executive session. "Why these meetings are secret probably no one but the Governor himself knows. The people of Johnstown, some of whom have grown tired of the red tape surround ing the disposition ot the money intended for their wants, have asked this qnestioD a number of times, but nobody has answered it The work of Jhe Conemaugh is supposed to be open to the public, in order to let the people know what is being done with their funds. NO BEPOKTEBS ALLOWED ENTBANCE. The newspaper correspondents, when asked to be admitted, were met with a firm refusal. The commission sat in session all day and part of the evening. At the conclusion of the conference, a re port was furnished by the secretary of the body. It was in substance that the commis sion had appropriated $500,000 for the sufferers in Johnstown. The amount is to be distributed bv check, according to tbe plan recommended by the Board ot Inquiry, and approved by Judge Cummin. The lat ter will have charge of the fund, and will order its distribution. Bepresentatives of the Chicago Belief Commission were present and stated that they would be perfectly satisfied with thn arrangements. A check for $25,000 was de posited with the Pittsburg committee, and the balance they said will be turned over in a few days. Judge Cummin submitted a form of blank which he had prepared for the distribution of the money, and the board adopted it, and will mail a copy to each applicant for relief and each applicant will be SWOBH BX A NOTARY PUBJ5K't and askei to fill out the blank and this will be a statement of his business, his employ ment, wages earned, whether or not he owns any real estate, to what extent he has suf fered loss, whether he contracted any debts, what his family consists of, how many were lost in the flood, what aid he has received since the flood, etc. When the blanks have been filled they must be returned in person to Judge Cum min, who will go from place to place dis tributing money according to the plan adopted to-day. Those applying for relief will be divided into six classes. The first class will com- Erise the most needy, generally women who ave lost their support and are left with a large family and no property. A few men who cannot earn a living on account of a physical disability will also be assigned to this class. The second class will embrace those who lost some of their family and saved a little of their property. Class three is the class to which the committee assigned the next most needy, those families who had recov ered bomething from the flood, but to whom a small amount of money will be OF GBEAT BENEFIT AT PBESENT. Class 4 will take in small families in which one will be able to work and either had no property saved' from the flood or very little. In some cases the families owned a lot which has no present value, but upon which they could possibly borrow a little money to help them erect a building, and soon be in shape to be self-supporting. In Class 5 will be assigned the parties re quiring assistance immediately, but in smaller amounts, generally in a case where a man was employed and had lost heavily, having a smaller family to depend upon him than in the other classes, and to whom a small amount of money would result in great present good in providing tbe family with some of the necessaries of life. In Class 6 will be assigned all other cases, no matter how heavy their losses were, but who were not considered objectsot immediate chauty. This class contains a great many who should be considered and assisted after tbe first five classes have been provided for. These are considered the wealthy people, and it is not at all likely that they will get any of the money. ONLY A POBTION ON ACCOUNT. The $500,000 will be distributed on account, pro rata, according to the following plan: Two hundred and five cases in class 1, at $1,000, $205,000; 737 cases in class 2, at $600, $142,200; 372 cases in class 3, at $400, $148, 800; 1,163 cases in class 4, at $300, $350,400; 1,698 cases in class 5, at $200, $339,600. The total number of applications in the five classes will aggregate $1,186,000. After the first payment on account has been made the commission will meet again and au thorize tbe distribution of more money. The money will be payable by check on a Pittsburg bank, through one of the local banking houses here. After the meeting Chairman McMillin, of the Finance Committee, said: We are now perfectly satisfied with the work of the commission, and the people of our stricken valley will now know that something is being done for them. Tbe distribution of the $500,000 will infuse new life into them, and there will be a decided change in their condition. The distribution of the $150,000 by tbe local committee raised them out of the sea of de spondency and MADE A OBEAT CHANGS in their condition. No doubt seven-tenths of the money they get will be put Into new houses. The committee will continue distributing the temporary bouses that are now in course of erection. A great many, of course, will not be provided with housed like those they wonld like to get and as soon as they receive the money they will begin to build. They will then be laced upon their feet, and the town win soon e again what it was. Mr. McMillin was really instrumental In having the plan adopted. Several of the members of the commission did not want to distribute the money. They advocated building houses for the people and supply ing them with furniture, etc. They stated that if the people were given money some of them would move away and the money would do the town no good. The members of the local committee scouted this idea.' and after .considerable wrangling carried i their point t ' n A committee oleitizwu fromr"WilliBa.. port was also at 'the meeting. They pre sented an appeal for funds, stating that the actual damage done by toe noons in tneir vicinity was underestimated, and THE TBDE SITUATION had never been told. They presented new facts showing a great increase in the reports of the damage tfiere. After more talk on these statistics the commission decided to appropriate $100,000 for the people east of me mountains, if my thousand dollars will be assigned to 'Williamsport, partly on ac count of the large country district sur rounding the town. The other $50,000 will be used in other localities. Qnartertermastcr Hill, who bashad charge of all vouchers and accounts expended, made his report of contracted debts' and dis bursements. The report shows that the total amount of money expended for the relief ot the sufferers was "$74,173 84. The disbursements for the work of reopening the Conemaugh river and highways through the town was $172,209 33. This makes a grand total of $246,443 17. This does not include what has been expended outside the town by different relief committees. The $74,173 84 expended for the relief of the sufferers was taken from the contribu tions now in the hands of Governor Beaver. The $172,269 33,for the reopening of the Con emaugh and streets, was taken from the fund raised by the Governor to prosecute that work. PAID OUT FOB BELIEF. The disbursements for relief were divided as follows: Commissary Department S 23,397 93 Bnreau of Information 637 88 Adjutant General's office 262 00 Medical Department 1,033 67 Department of Public Safety 8,168 80 Quartermaster's Department 36,133 21 Department of Valuables 537 30 The money expended for work was di vided as follows: Quartermaster's Department 155.525 33 Adjutant General's office 2,518 02 Accounting Department 1.219 65 Department of Public Safety 178 50 State Board of Health 7,220 70 Medical Department 5,607 IS The following bills are yet dne on account of work: Thomas Carlin & Sons, hoisting engines, approved, $1,893 50; Jos. H. Jones, generai foreman, $150; James McKnight, contractor, $7,820 56; W. K. Gillespie, subsistence of Fourteenth Begiment, $232 14; Swank, Holden & Co., padlocks, 65 cents; E. E. Eldridge, laborer, $41 85. Total, $10,137 70. The latter amount will be added to the $74, 173 84, and includes every cent paid for work up to and including yesterday. Thomas Carlin & Sons' bill is for $4,087 83, and will be contested. The amounts paid to each contractor for State work since June 12 are as follows: B, O'Donnell f 1.47564 McLaln tCo 84,637 10 Patrick Ridge 9.368 47 Cobnrn 4 Co 25,745 43 James McKnlght 41.91149 Charles Snppes, for cleaning cellars... 2,067 23 J.H.Benford 243 10 McSwiaAN. THE BB00KS LAW As It Is Understood and May be Copied In the State of Rhode Island An Im aginary Jary or 12 Citizens to Act Upon Applications. IEFECIAI. TELEQRAlt TO TOT DISPATCH.! Peovidence, July 9. The voters of the smallest State in the Union are so anxious to be freed from the effects of the "dry" season which they have suffered the past three years that their legislative representa tives met to-day, pursuant to a proclama tion by Governor Ladd, for tbe purpose of framing a liquor license law to take the place of constitutional prohibition, repealed at the special election held June 20, There was a very full attendance ot both branches, and a disposition was manifested to push the bill through with all possible expedition. Before the Legislature was convened a bill was framed to be offered as a starter to get tbe sense of the members, which included many features of a desirable character, especially those requiring that no liquor dealer should go on the bond of an illicit seller when arrested, and that to sell to another who had no licence vitiated the license ot the wholesaler. The best features of the Brooks, of Penn sylvania, will be urged, but not the feature which provides for a jury of 12 residents of a ward to act upon and favor an applicant's petition. A joint committee was appointed which will consider the bills offered for a liquor law, and report the same at to morrow's session. LOOKING AFTER- TEUSTS. Montana Is Already Preparing; Some Re striction In This Line. Helena, Mont., July 9. The conven tion assembled at 10 o'clock to-day. The following resolution was offered by Hersh field as a preamble to the Constitution: We, the people of Montana, grateful to Almighty God for onr own freedom, in order to seenro its blessings and a more independent and perfect government, establish justice, in sure tranquility, provide for tbe common de fense, promote tbe general welfare and seenro tbe blessings of liberty to onrselves, and our posterity, do order, ordain and establish this Constitution for tbe State of Montana. Delegate Joy offered the following: We, the people of the State of Montana, grateful to Almighty God for affording us an opportunity so to do, hereby ordain ana estab lish this constitution. Both were referred to the Committee on Preamble. Motion for appointment of an additional Committee ou Irrigation, was referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Member Goddar, from Yellowstone, offered a resolution in relation to county officers that they may hold office and draw salary until the end of tbe term for which they were elected, and that their bond be in lull force for the same period. Properly re ferred. This is an important question, as the terms of the present officers do not ex pire until 1890. A resolution was intro duced by Watson in regard to trusts and combinations that may raise or control the prices of necessaries of life, that laws be enacted that may keep these trusts or com binations nnder State control. THOSE 0BPHAN SCHOOLS. It Is Fosstble That More Than Four Will be Dispensed With. (ErXCIAX. TELEOEAJJ TO THE D1SFATC1M TJniontown, July 9. C. C. Kaufman and Thomas G. Sample, of Pittsburg; A. C. Boenoehl, of Lancaster; John Gricr, of Butler, and Senator Gobin, of Lebanon, ar rived here at noon to-day, and proceed to Jumonville to inspect tho school buildings and conveniences there under their duties as members of the Inspection Committee of Soldiers Orphans' Schools. "While here Senator Gobin said that the school at Butler was, of all so far examined, the best fitted in all respects to meet the requirements of such schools, although all the buildings ex amined would require more or less altera tions. Ha estimated that it might be possible that even more than four may be wiped out, 'but gave no indications what ones they proposed to dispense with. Andrews Among the Faithful. nrSCLAXj TE1EQBAM TO TUX DISFATCH.1 Meadville, Pa., July 9. The Be publican County Committee met in this city to-day pursuant to call, and fixed Thursday, August 1, for primaries to choose delegates to the State Convention. State Chairman Andrews was present, and was called upon to preside. He arrived in the elty last evening, and during his stay his rooms were crowded with the political lead ers oi urawiorn, wnose greetings were oi tho Most cordial characters', - a s-ta,..4 aBJ-v.L DEATH WAS 100 COY. A Doctor Who Wooed it With Mor phine and Cocaine, and Then HAD TO FINISH WITH A PISTOL. He Leaves a Complete Journal of His Pro longed Suicide, F0EM1NG A PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS Of the Various Sensations Caused Powerful Drnxs. by Taking the The suicide of Dr. Joseph N. "Waters, of New York, is most remarkable. Discouraged by financial failure, he deliberately took his life. For 40 hours he experimented with various means for accomplishing this end, finally using a revolver. He left a journal describing his progress through the dark valley from a medical point of view. New Yobk, July 9. Dr. Joseph' W. Waters, the physician who shot and killed himself in his attic room in Mrs. Catharine Beeker's lodging house, 30 College place, left two letters addressed to Dr. G. W. Wells, Medical examiner of the Mutual Life Insurance Company. One of them is a sort of journal of his suicide, beginning with an attempt to kill himself by taking morphine and cocaine. It was only when both these failed that he resorted to the re volver. He says of his reason for trying the drugs: "The revolver would be perhaps the best, but I have a strong prejudice against using it Besides, it wonld alarm the house. I want to make my exit quietly, if possible." He took the morphine first, he says, wish ing to study out for the benefit of the medi cal profession all the symptoms attending his death. He was inclined to think that cocaine would act too quickly for his pur pose. He took his first dose of morphine at 10 o'clock at night He says: COMMENCING ON MOBMIINE. "As near as I can estimate I took 58 grains ot morphine between 10 and 12 o'clock. It required nearly that number of injections, as my syringe only holds half a drachm. The actual number of injections was 54. I drank 3 drachms of the solu tion, indicating that the quantity was rather larger than estimated. ''At 2 A. M. I feel the morphine strongly. No soporific effect is yet manifest My skin has been covered with an itcninc prickly rash, very fugitive in character, disappear ing quickly, or passing from one place to appear elsewhere, extending, shifting, blending and disappearing, so that I could not follow its changes. My hand shakes so that I can scarcely write. This is copied at 8:30 o'clock on Saturday night, my former scrawl being illegible to any one else." He went on giving his physical condition, his feelings, and his thoughts for 24 hours. His thoughts wondered from one method of killing himself to the other. At one time he was inclined to think that the injections of morphine would do the business for him. At another he inclined toward cocaine, and wrote this: "Some time ago I read of a victim of the cocaine habit, who took an overdose and died after a protracted and horrible agony. I must try it, however, before lean use the revolver." At 4:20 A. M. Saturday Dr. Waters wrote: a tedious task. "I presume no one ever had so tedious an exit I am at a loss to understand it Of course I knew that I could take a large dose of morphine without danger." At 9 r. si., just 23 hours after taking the first of the morphine, he took five drops of cocaine. Half an hour afterward he wrote that it had an "agonizing effect" Toward midnight it dawned upon him that he could not die by cocaine either. He wrote this then: "It seems that misfortune and failure at tend mv efforts even in ending my exist ence. How, if the cocaine tails, why may not the revolver, also? The cartridges are ten years old. Yet they have always been well wrapped in the original box, and may be good yet The revolver never has been fired. I havo only eight hours in which to effect my purpose before I shall be dis turbed. Wonder if any amount of mor phine conld kill me?" At 8 o'clock in the morning he was not dead. He was very thirsty, as a result of violent perspiration. "What would I not give for a soul-throbbing glass of brandy or champagne?' he wrote. He added this. "lam a tough one, it seems. I wonder if a bullet through the heart or one through the brain would really kill me? I must try it, for I cannot endure the suffering I have at present It is now 8:50 A. M. I am no nearer death than I was at 8 o'clock." NO MOBE FOOLING-. "It is now 9 o'clock. I will not fool with death any longer. I will try the revolver. I shall aim for the heart just below the fifth rib. One thing I forgot A symptom not mentioned heretofore was my inability to judge of distances. Everything appears nearer to me than it actually is. In taking up anything was it taking up the pistol that reminded him of it? I reach beyond it. This is modified bythe quantity of morphine I take." At 8:50 A. M. Dr. Waters wrote that he was ready to fire the revolver, but it would not work, owing to his nervousness. He added: "Will use it surely at 10 o'clock. I have not eaten anything for 48 hours. My ner vous system is in a complete state of col lapse." Mrs. Beker found him dead ct 6 P. M. One shot had been fired into his breast from the revolver. In the letter addressed to James M. Tully, 247 Broadway, Dr. Waters wrote that he had no farther reason for liv ing, and, in fact, had not the means to keep body and soul together. He desired that his body be buried in Pottersfield. He asked th'at the reporters be not permitted to see this letter. Dr. Waters had lost all his money, and found himself unable to begin life over again at 65. AGAINST WANAMAKEB. He Will Have to Put on a Little More for Customs Duties. New Yobk, July 9. The Board of Ap praisers met to-day at the appraisers' stores. Marvelle W. Cooper, of New York, was Chairman. The other appraisers present were George C. Jotlin, Boston; J. G. Leech, Philadelphia; Thaddeus S. Sharretts, Balti more; J. S. Haynes, Chicago; James F. Griffen, New Orleans, and J. M. Poe, of Cleveland. The object of the gathering was to arrange, if posible,a uniform schedule of charges which should apply t) every port in the Union. There were as well severalques tions which the Secretary of the Treasury desired the board to answer in cases where an appeal had been made to him. In one case before the board, a wicker work basket, one of many imported by Post master General Wanamaker, was appraised by the Philadelphia official under tbe head of boxes, and assessed at 35 per cent ad valorem. Mr. Wanamaker appealed, de claring it was a basket, and, therefore, only dutiable at 30 per cent The board held with the Philadelphia appraiser, and Mr. Wanamaker will have to pay the high ratex xne worK ot tbe board will tatcc at least two weeks, and many vexed questions will prob- ablj W settled HASTINGS' DEPASTURE.. The Military Men Lenve Johnstown to Look Oat for Herself The Adjutant Gen eral Holds a Levee at the Depot Farewell Notes. rntOlI A STAFF COnEESPONDZXT.3 Johnstown, July 9. The officers about Johnstown headquarters were up early this morning. They began packing their grips and trunks, and before breakfast all hands were ready to start for home. General Wiley and Major Greenland, who have been in charge of the Department of Publio Safety, and have rendered excellent services, went home on an early train. General Hastings and a number of the other officers started to take the day express to Cresson. At the station General" Hastings held a sort oflevee. Those who accompanied General Hastings to Cresson were Quartermaster-General Hill, Assistant Commissary General Spangler, Colonel B. Prank Eshelman, Colonel Paxson, Major Horn, Major Heidekoper, Major Evans, Colonel Gray and Major James Hastings. The members of the local Pinance Committee also went down to Cresson to meet the commission. The men and women crowded about him to shake his hand and bid him good-by, and one man presented him with with a small bouquet, in which was a card saying: "To General Hastings, for kind words, from the workingmen on Prospect Hill," and this man presented the General with a floral wreath. Not a few of the men and women wiped tears from their eyes as they shook the General's hand and told him they were sorry he was going to leave. CAMERON NOT A CA5DIDATE. At Least He Says Ue Has Never Has Been in the Common Every Day Fashion. tSPECIAL TELEOItAM TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Habbisbubo, July 9. Senator Cameron returned to this city this afternoon and re paired to his beautiful home at Lochielsoon after his arrival. The Senator had in tended to remain in Scotland three months, but the death of his father cut short his stay a month. His return voyage across the ocean was not tempestuous, but the weather dnring a portion of it was decidedly disagreeable. The Senator is in excellent health, and seems to have profited greatly by his trip. It is exceedingly diffi cult to tempt Senator Cameron to talk on political matters, and when his own in terests are concerned in a discussion he manifests a decided disinclination to unbosom himself. The Dispatch cor respondent this evening, while taking in the magnificent view which unfolds itself in front of the mansion at Lochiel, delicately approached tbe subject of the alleged retirement of the Senator as a candidate for re-election. When told of the report that the Senator had determined not to make a contest for the office he has so long filled, he said the papers mutt have something to talk about and keep them occupied. He would not commit himself, but remarked that the election was away off. He had never been a candidate for the Scnatorship In the sense of some aspirants for office. He had not worried himself about the position, and cer tainly had lost no sleep on account of it. This was all he could be induced to say on the subject of the United States Senator ship. As to the change tn appointments made by the President, he thought there had been very few since his departure for Europe, but he mentioned the selection of General Cooper as Collector of the Port of Philadelphia with evident satisfaction. The President, he said, seemed to be permitting the incumbents to serve out their terms. Senator Cameron will remain at Lochiel during the summer. - ONE OP THE NEW STATES. The Sonth Dakota Constitutional Conven tion Slay Adopt the Australian System. Sioux Palls, Dak., July 9. The Con stitutional Convention of South Dakota was in session to-day less than an hour. President Edgerton announced the member ship of 32 standing committees averaging ten members each. The Committees on ap portionment and submission of the Consti tution number 25 each. The purpose is to do the chief work of the convention in the committees. The Submission Committee will provide the details of the October election, and is determined to erect every possible safeguard about it; some even sug gesting tbe adoption of the Australian bal lot system. The Constitution of 1885 will be read to-morrow and referred in detail to appropriate committees. A petition was received to-day from the naturalized Bussian Mennonite residents asking the insertion in the Constitution of a provision exempting them from military service.asthey left the old country to escape such service. A memorial was presented asking the President to suspend all cash mineral entry on school lands, until the State is prepared to contest the claims of parties making the same. AN APPEAL TO BLAINE. The Case of the Amerlenn Journalist Who Was Bounced from Guatemala. rsrECIAL TXLXOBAH TO TUB DISPATCH.! New York, July 9. Mr. J. A. Hol lander, the American publishing a news paper in Guatemala, who was recently ex pelled from that country on the indefinite charge of being a "pernicious foreigner," went to Washington last night in the inter est of his case, which is now in the hands of Secretary Blaine. His tronbles arose, he said, through reliable information that United States Minister Henry C. Hall was not worthily involved with certain officials of the Guatemalan Government The Guatemalan Government owed cer tain Americans the sum of $150,000 for a contract on a railroad. An issue of bonds was decided upon for this payment, but the bonds aggregated $SO,000 more than was re quired, $20 000 of which, it is alleged, fell to Mr. Hail for his share in the transaction. A CHANGE IN BATES. After July 15 rig; Iron Will Go West SIoVo Cheaply. Philadelphia, July 9. A prominent officer of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Com pany said to-day that on and after July 15 the rates on iron from the seaboard to the West will be put on the same basis as now charged from the West to the East At present the rate to the West for less than a carload is 30 cents per hundred weight, and for a carload or more, 25 cents, while the rate from tbe West to the East is 25 and 20 cents, respectively. These low rates apply only to pig iron and articles covered by the special iron traffic, which will expire on August 31, 1889. AGAINST THE TRUST. The Decision on the NorthRlTerSogur Com pany Is Sustained. New Yobk, July 9. A decision was ren dered in the General Term of the Supreme Court to-day, in the matter of the dissolution of the North Biver Sugar Befining Company, which came before the court on an appeal from an order denying the application for a stay of proceedings pending an appeal. The court affirmed the order, the three Judges concurring. The Judges declare the order placing the concern in the bands of a receiver as lenient as could be made under the circumstances. A Nlne-Year-Old Horse Thief. Habbisbubo, July 9. David Shanb, aged 9 years, who during the past few months has stolen four horses belonging to farmers attead(ng the Harriiburg market, was ordered to oe sent to" the House of lEefuge, . "S.fs-iBi; ;aa; . .il i fe ,Y TRAGEDY, rm Cruel Dou.der and Sui cide C$&Ved on Arthiiafet A NEGRO'S TERRIBLE DEED. Eichard Lewis Shoots His Love, Her Sister and Himself DETAILS OF THE UNUSUAL H0BB0B A Deed That Baffles Retributive Justice and Shocks tho Community Screnms Be tween the Shots Deadly Execution Fol lowed by an Awfal Silence Romance Behind the Black Trasedy The San sulnary Scenes at the House Stories' Told by tbe Horrified Zye-Wltnessea. Eichard Lewis, a colored man old enough to be cooler, shot and killed Mrs. Elmira Mosby, Emeline Morgan, and finally him self, at No. 5 Arthur street, yesterday alter noon. He was madly in love; his jealousy was stirred, and be removed all the obstacles. The story of romance behind the tragedy, and the narratives of the witnesses of the cruel crime are all drawn out The hand of the law drops nervelessly in the face of such a tragedy as that of yester day on Arthur street the colored quarter of Pittsburg. The authorities are robbed of their legitimate prey, for Bichard Lewis was not content with his slaughter of two innocent women, but his thirst for human blood was not appeased until he had turned the muzzle of his reeking revolver upon his own templo and sped his soul unannounced into the presence of his Maker. The Mosaic and human law are baffled, and the Cor- Interior View, Ajler Two Bodies Were Laid Out. oner the dreaded representative of law could only come, see and go away just the same as any bystander, although the for mality of an inquest will be gone through with this morning. The elements of human passions in the triple tragedy are seemingjy distorted. Given a man of mature age who has weathered once the vicissitudes of matri mony, a woman with a similar experience of life, and a prosaic acquaintanceship of over ten years, and who could expect that the crucible of human nature could concoct such a wotul tragedy as the frenzied sacrifice of both lives arid the direction of a murderous instinct against a third life. Such a case upsets previous precedents and makes the on-looker reflect in awe upon tbe composi tion of the human mind and the distortion of which it is capable. IN AN IMPETUOUS WAT. At a little before 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon Ellen Lavett, living across tbe way trom No. 5 Arthur street, saw Bichard Lewis enter the small gate at the side of the Exterior Pi'eur at (Ae Tragic Spot house, carrying in his hand a brown-paper parcel. Lewis slammed the gate behind , him with angry emphasis, and went into - the house, ascending to the room he has oc- a cupied ou the third floor for over seven? yearsr-Ten minutes later a pistol shot sounded in the back of the bouse, quickly followed by another. Childish exclamations of horror were heard at the rear of the house, - and Robert azed 12, and George, aged 1G. sons of Mrs. Elmira Mosby, who with her unmarried sister. Emmellne (Morgan, owned tbe honse, rnsbed ont of the gate with tbe live liest horror depicted on their faces. Just then Vj one more shot was beard and then the oratnoos silence of death fell upon the scene. A rush was' made the for narrow alleyway, and at a door way lay Lewis in a pool of blood, quite dead. Near him lav Mrs. Mosby. stul breatfchig, and. f . ."-reJiLa-iEir aV - fi ii yiPiP & -1 i i 4 fcff-j'v-ti-4sJtijMfcM3tjgffjis1BBsBHiFfciBaaB3BMsBMffl jgjjjMgjjjsnaarjgssaas ,!ssM.-..p- mimunn.Knn.mmMMfffi.1