Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 09, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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JUJiT 9, 1889. 1 7 4
Leading Features of Monday's Mar
kets at Herr's Island.
Cattle Higher West, but Slow Here at Last
Week's Prices.
Monday, JqIv 8, 18S9.
"Western drovers report cost of cattle 10c
to 15c higher than last Meek. They were,
however, unable to persuade buyers here
that they should have an advance on last
week's rates. In fact, markets were slow at
last Monday's prices. The grade that best
meets the demands of our trade are smooth,
tidy steers weighing from 1,250 to 1,300
pounds. There were a few cattle in tlio supplies
which weighed from 1,500 to 1.G00, but their
beftiness was against them. The time has
passed -a hen prime heavy steers are wanted for
our averaco local trade.
A Diamond market batcher said to-day: "I
find little profit of late in buying catUemuch
above 1,300 pounds. The stock I boucht this
week consited of nine steers, weighing from
1,300 to 1.500. and the ranee of prices was M 25
to S4 35." For 1 500 to 1,600 Western cattle the
price asked was H 75 to $4 85. but that this
this price was realized is exceedingly dubious.
Medium weicbts. 1,200 to 1,400 pounds, were
held at H W to $4 65: prime light weights, U00 to
1,100 pounds, at (3 90 to H.
Country cattle were in better supply than
last week, and demand ai good. Dry cows,
bulls aud stags sold at 12Jf 3c per pound.
Calves were very scarce and higher, with a
range of prices from 45Kc per pound.
Fresh cows were slow on a range of iJO 009
45 00. Kcceipts from Chicago: 1. Zeigler, 06
head; L. Geron, 07. A. Fromm, 77: Winter &
Dellenbach, 16s: It nhschild A Co.. 95: Traner
man Brothers, 39; E. Wolf. 10. From PennsI
vania: A. Lockart, 17: liiiishatu Co., 11;
various owners, 5. Total, !1; last week, 54b;
previous weok. 5S8. A leading drover thus
summed up the cattle trade situation for the
week: "We paid more for our stock and re
ceived less than we did last Monday. The
drover who was fortunate enough to buy his
stock at Chicago before Wednesday ot last
week will come out all right. But on Wednes
day and Thursday prices went up at Chicago,
and those who made their purchases In the
latter part of the week w:ll have all they can
do to come out even."
blieep nnd Lambi.
Supplies were fully 500 head less than last
week, aud demand was above supply, particu
larly for choice grades. Good spring lambs
were at a premium. Many more sheep and
lambs than were on the market would have
found ready sale at outside rate. Prices were
from 25c to 50c per cw; higher than last Mon
day, and at the advance markets closed strong,
with everything cleaned up. Prime Western
and native wethers sold at 54 505 25: medium
to good. SI 00ffi4 25; common to lair, $3 o03 75;
yearlings $4 2oo 25; lambs, 56Kc per pound,
itoeipts fioin Chicago Winter Dellenbach,
209 head; Tranermtn Bros., 79 brad. From
Ohio J Langdon, 32 head; A. Williamson, 95
head. From Pennsylvania F. Cruikshank, 79
head: Bingham A Co., 124 bead; J. ilcNeese, 171
head; J. Ackerman. 137 head; G. Flinner, 124
bead: A. Green wait, 125 bead: A. Williamson,
Ho head; total, 1,156 head: last week, 1,651 bead;
previous week, 1.CM bead.
The season is now here when fat hogs are
wanted by butchers, and pork packers go else
where than Herr's Island for their materials.
Chicago has proved a better market than Pitts
burg both for buying and selling hog products
all the past season. The price of tops at Chi
cago to-day is $4 55. Prices established at
Herr's Island by actual sales ranged from S4 25
to $4 75. Receipts from Ohio: J. Langden, 17
bead; .Neeay d.hmith.7h; total 95. Last week,
156. Previous week, 162.
Condition of the Market nt the East Liberty
tock Ynrtlsu
Monday. July 8, 18S9. (
Cattle Receipts, L5U0 head; shipment. 8S0
bead; market fair and a shade higher than last
week's prices; 10 cars of cattle shipped to New
York to day.
Hogs Receipts. 3,400 nead: shipments, 2,800
head; market fairly active: Yorkers, S4 704 75;
mixed and light Philadelphia, S4 604 65; heavy
grades II 30i 50; Scars of hogs shipped to
Is ew i ork to-day.
Sheep Receipt'. 3,400 head; shipments, 2,800
bead; market active aud a shade higher than
last week's closing prices.
Br Telecrapn.
New York Beeves Receipts for to-day,
4.370 head, making 12.100 head for the week;
market active. Arm and higher: poor to prime
steers, all natives, sold at f3 704 70 per 100
pounds: bulls and dry cows at 2 i5S3 10, with
selected extra bulls at S3 zt)3 40; exports
since Saturdav Lot," beeves: forihe week. 3,300
beeves. 170 sheep and 8.700 quarters of beef.
alve Receipts, 3,600 head, making 7.700 bead
for the week: steaih at 54 00550 per 100 pounds
for veals and $2 503 75 for buttermilk calves
and odd lot, sheep Receipts, 12,700 bead,
making 35500 for the week: market about
etcadv for si cep a trifle easier for lambs and
not all sold: common to prime sheep sold at
from J4 (KV5 50 per 100 pounds; common to
prime Iambs at 6 257 60. Hogs Receipts,
12,100 head, makirg 26.100 for the week: nearlv
nominal for live hogs, but rated steady at SI 60
65 00 per 110 pounds.
St. Loui "attle Receipts, 2,500 bead: ship
ments, 4,C0i had: market strong; choice heavy
native steem, $3 b04 20; lair to good do,
fi 10S CO, stockersand feeders, fair to good,
tl 003 15: ringers, corn-fed, $2 753 60; grass
fed. SI 9003 10. Hogs Receipts. 2,000 head;
shipments, 6,000 head: market strong; choice
heavy and butchers' selections. !4 304 40: pack
ing, medium to prime. Si 2084 35: light
grades, ordinary to best, H 3034 45. Sheep
Receipts 1,400 bead; shipments. 4.300 head;
market stronger; fair to choice, S3 254 75.
CHICAGO Cattle Receipts, 12,000 head; ship
ments. 4,500 head: market stead i and fairlv
active: choice beeves. S4 00g4 25: steers. S3 4uffi
4 10. stockers and feeders, 32 103 15; cows,
bulls and mixed. SI 753 25: Texas cattle. $2 00
3 45. Hogs Receipts. 18,500 head; shipments.
6,000 head; market strong; mixed, S4 254 45:
heavy, H 2034 45; light, S4 304 CO; skips, $3 60
?4 o& Sheen Receipts, 4,000 head; shipments
lOOhead: market strong: native. $3 754 90:
Wet-terns. S3 404 00.Texans,C350l 20; lambs,
S4 7565 90.
Cincinnati Hogs strong; common and light,
S3 75J4 65; packing and butchers. Si 304 45;
receipts, 3,500 head; shipments. 1,200 head.
A Firm Mny Not Huve Exclusive Right to n.
Switch Track.
The Committee on Corporations yesterday
afternoon settled the matter ot granting Rei
A Co. the right to lay a switch track on Green
ough street to connect their warehouse with
the B. A O. and Panhandle railroads. The
committee was willing to grant the right, bnt
Lud & Co.. who have a rolling mill at the foot
of Greenougu street, objected, as the grant
.,,,11 ,- than, ,fT nf anv rliinrn tn i,af , ,1m. I
would cut them off of any chance to get a film
liar convenience if tbey desired it. It was ar
ranged that any and all firms may have the use
of this switch.
The committee recommended to Councils a
supplement to the ordinance granting street
privileges to the Pittsburg, Knoxvlllo and St.
Clair Railway, the object being to permit the
company to erect poles, wooden or iron, along
South Thirteenth street,, between Breed and
Carson streets, a distance of 800 feet, upon
which the company will place overhead wires
and do away with their present wires under
ground. -
Sberlrrivrrpp, oOIcrcer, Call Oat a Com
pany to Check Tiirlr Depredations.
GrtHEN-viLLE, July 8. For two weeks a gang
of 22 tramps bave been camping near the roll
ing mill, one mile below town. They broke
into people's cellars, and on the night of the
Fourth broke open the jail and released one of
their number and several other prisoners. Last
night they broke into several buildings at She
nango and terrorized the people generally.
To-day bberlff Krepps came up and took down
Company K and a large Sheriffs posse. The
place where tho tramps have been staying was
surrounded, but evidently ihev bad been
warned, as none could be found anywhere in
the neighborhood.
Peotect yonr children from the suffering
and distress cansed by worms by using Dr.
Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. It thoroughly
destroys these oarasites, and by its tonio
properties builds np the system. There is
no better medicine lor the general debility
or dyspepsia of either young or old.
LrxrjRiAitT hair, with Its youthful color, as
sured by using Parker's Hair Balsam.
Parker's Ginger Tonic the best cough cure.
Cerenla Badlr Demoralised by Bearish
Weather Report! nt noma nnd
Abroad Hog Product Quiet
nnd ome of Them
Chicago There was good trading In wheat
to-day and the market ruled firm and higher,
July closed c higher. The more deferred fut
ures were advanced llKc, and closed lj-c
higher for August, Jc higher for September
and lic higher for December than closing fig
ures Saturday. Foreign markets were quoted
firm and private cables mentioned a lack of
rain In England, which was having some effect
cm values, though the public report said
weather showery.
Rain was reported in the Northwest, but ad
vices from there stated that the hot weather of
the last few days bad done further damage to
the crop. Tnere was very good buying most ot
the session, and It was hinted that a prominent
local trader on the short side was the principal
taker. The offerings were not large, and nnder
the steady buying the advance was gradual and
well sustained.
But little interes;was manifested in corn,
trading being light and limited to the opera
tions of local traders. There was no new fea
ture of importance that had any apparent in
fluence on the market, which was dull and fea
tureless the entire session, fluctuations being
confined within a narrow range, and prices did
not vary materially from Saturday.
Oats were quiet and easy, and prices declined
Trading was only moderately active in the
market for mess pork. At the opening feeling
was firmer and prices were advanced 57c
Later the feeling was easier and prices receded
12Kl5c Toward the close more steadiness
prevailed, and prices rallied 7K10c and closed
Rather a light trade was reported In the lard
market. Prices exhibited little change from
those current Saturday. Prices were advanced
25c early, then receded again and closed
steady at medium figures.
A moderate business was transacted in short
rib sides and prices averaged lower. Prices
ruled 25c lower, and closed steady at abont
medium figures.
The leading futures ranged as"follows:
Wheat No.2 Julv, 858383S83Kc: Au
gust. 78Ji79Ma7879J.; September. 78K
9KS"tJM&79?s-; December. 8081808lUc
COKN No. 2 August, 35KaoA)JieS55ic;
September. 3535J363jJJc; October. 36
Oat-o. 2 August. 22K2222K22Jic:
September. 2Zi22K22tiliXc
Mess Pork, per bid. August, Sll S2U011 Wi
611 47KU 50; beptercber. Sll 87kll 654$
11 00611 00; October. 510 2510 4010 Z610 4a
Lard, per 100 As August, SO 32Uh6 35
6 32Ko ffi; Beptember, S6 4266 45g6 40
Short Ribs, per 100 Us. August, S5 82
5 S2M5 78tim 80; September. $5 S7K05 sfg
5 82S5 S?X; October. $5 7095 72j5 702!
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm;
dealers asking higher prices. No. 2 spring
wheat, 8384c; No. 3 spring wheat, nominal;
No. 3 red. oJ?i6S4c. No. 2corn.35Jic No.
2 oats, 22Jc: No. 2 rye. 42JJC No. 2 barley nom
inaL N. 1 flaxseed. SI 3a Prime Mmothv seed,
SI 4oil 46. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 50011 55.
Lard, per 100 pounds. S 30&6 32k. Short ribs.
sides (loose), S3 805 85. Dry salted shoulders
(boxed). S3 255 37& Short clear sides (boxed),
S6 12K6 25. Sugars, cut loaf unchanged.
Receipts Flour, 12000 barrels: wheat, 6,000
bushels: corn, 313.000 bushels; oats, 158,000
bushels; rye, 1.000 bushels; barley. 2,000 bushels.
Shipments Flour. 12,000 barrels; wheat, 52.000
bushels; corn. 452,000 Zbusbels; oats, 366,000
bushels; rye, 8,000 busncls; barley, 1,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was quiet and unchanged. Eggs in fair
demand at 1212c
New York Flour stronger, held higher and
less active. Corn meal quiet and steady; yel
low Western, S2 452 75. Wheat Spot quiet,
?lc higher and firm: options slow; July c
higher on light deliveries ot new crop; shorts
covering; other months were Kc up, clos
ing strong. Rye steady; Western '5051Kc.
Barley dull; Canada. 90cSl 05 lor old
and new. Com Spot active and firm; options
firm and quiet. Oats Spot dull aud weaker;
ontions moderately active, lower and weak.
Hay quiet aud steady. Hopsquietacd steadv.
Coffee Options opened steady and 610
points down, closing steady and 10
015 points up; sales, 40,750 bags,
including Julv, 13. 4o13.50: August, 13.4513.65:
September, 13.55li80; October, 13.G5fB13.S5:
November. 13.7001180: December. 14.65&
13.95; January, 13 7513.95; February, 13.90
1&95: March, 13.75U.OO; April 11.05; May,
l&SigKOO: spot Rio dull; lair cargoes, 16a
Sugar Raw in better demand and firm; sales
of 8,410 bags and 525 tons Marion at 6Jc; 555
uags moiasscs, ov ieit as 074c; 4.011 nogsneaas
and 2,221 bags English Islands, 87 test, at 7c;
700 hogsheads Barbadbes, 89 test, at TJc: re
fined in fair demand and firm. Molasses firm;
fair New Orleans quiets Rloe quiet and
steady. Tallow barely steady; Rosin steady
and quiet. Turpentine qniet and steady. E?gs
in good demand and firmer: western prime, 13
14Jc: do poor to good, 1218Kc; receipts,
5,522 packages. Pork quiet. Cntmeats firm;
sales of pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 7c; 10
pounds, pickled hams, llc; pickled shoulders,
bic Middles quiet. Lard easier and quiet;
western steam, S6 70; Jnly, S6 70 asked. Au
gust. S6 73 bid; September. S6 e06 82, clring
at S6 82 asked; October. S6 65 asited; Jaruary,
S6 536 55. Butter in moderate demand and
weak; western dairy. 1013Kc: do cicamery,
12617c; do factory. 813c Cheese dull and
easy; western, G7Jc.
Philadelphia Flour firm but quiet; Ohio
and other Western clear.S4254 60; do straight,
654 90; winter patent, fair to choice, S5 00
5 50: Minnesota clear. S3 50i 25, -do straight,
S4 505 40: do patent, S3 7508 25. Wheat July
uvauL-m 1 veu.; luiurrs Deyona mis month
dull; cash No. 2 red scarce and linn; ungraded
on track and in grain deiior, 82c:No. 2 red July.
85HS86C; August, 840S4Jic; September. 81
64c; October, M685c. Corn Fair demand for
car lots; prices firm; export demand light and
speculation qniet; prices of options ruled
steady; No. 2 mixed In Twentieth street ele
vator. 43c; No. 2 yellow In grain
depot, 44c: do on track, 41Jc; No. 2
mixed July, 42K4Sc; August, 43
43K September, 434SKcr October, 43?i
41c Oats Carlots quiet but firm; No. 8 mixed
in Twentieth street elevator. 33c; No. 3 white
3232Vc; No. 2 white. 33iJ5c; futures dull
and barely steady; No. 2 white, July, 33Ji
33Jic: August. 3232c; September, 31K32c;
October, 31032!c. Provisions steady and in
good jobbing demand. Pork Mess, new.
S14 CO; do prime mess, S13 50: do family, $14 50
015 50; hams, smoked. I314c Lard Western
steam, SO 8707 00. Butter dnll andweak; Penn
sylvania creamery, extra, lG16i.Cc; do prints,
extra, 2225c Eggs unsettled; Pennsylvania
firsts, 14515c Cheese dull; part skims, 607c,
Receipts Flour, 1.600 barrels; wheat. 700 bush
els; corn, 71.200 bushels; oats. 7,800 bushels.
Shipments Wheat, 1.400 bnshelsr corn, 109,100
bushels: oats, 7,400 bushels.
Ciscisnati Flour, in fair demand; family.
S3 3003 60. heat unsettled and lower; No. i
red, fc6c: new, 80082c Corn scarce: No. 2
mixed, 3Syic Oats firm; No. 2 mixed. 25!
2oc Rye quiet: easier: No. 'i, 48c. Pork
barely steady atSI2. Lard in fair demand at
S6 106 12K. Bulkmeats qutet and easier;
short rib, S5 S7JJ. Bacon easy; short clear, S7.
Butter quiet; laucy creamery, 1820c; choice
dairy, StflOc Linseed oil steady at 60062c.
Sugar firm; refined, 9KQ9Kc; New Orleans, 7k
iKc. Eggs dull. Cheese firm.
Baltimore Wheat Western firm; No. 2
winter red, spot, SSJc: July, 87Jc; August, 83
S3Jc; September, 83g83c Corn Western
firm: mixed, spot, 43c bid: Jnly. 42kTc; August,
42K43c; September. 4243c; steamer. 40c
bm. Oats unchanged. Rye and hay unchanged.
Provisions quiet and steady. Butter quiet.
Eggs easv at 12c Coffee nominal. Receipts
-,((! u,vui- uaweis; wueat, .iaa; ousneis; corn,
1.090 bushels: oats, 5,000 bushels; rye, 1,000
bushels. Shipments None. Sales Wheat.
158,000 bushels: corn, 180.000 bushels.
K,. TTTra VTnn,H..l...uj i M.
St. LOUIS Flournnchane-ed but firm. tVht
Cash steady; options higher; No. 2 red, cash,
77c:July cloed at 75c; August, 75c asked:
September, 76Jfc; December. TBc bid. Corn
firm; No. 2 mixed, cash, 3132c; July closed at
32c: August. 32c asked; beptember, 33c bid.
Oats weak: No. 2 cash. 2iic bid; August, 21Vi'c:
Jnly, 22c bid; May. 2oo bid; September, Sdtc
bid. Kye No. 2, 40c bid. Provisions quiet.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
firm; cash, 79c: September, 78)ic. Corn firm;
No. a 36c oats firm; No. 1 white. 48c
Rye.435ic Barley easy; NrT2, September, 58c
Provisions easy.
Toledo Clovcrseed dull; cash, S4 50; Octo
ber, $460.
Grain InSli'bt.
Chicago. July & The visible supply of
grain, as reported by the Board of Trade, is as
follows: Wheat, 13,950.000 bushels: decrease,
1,345,000 bushels. Corn, 9,093,000 bushels; de
crease, .$6,000 bushels. Oats, 5,687,000 bushels;
increase, 437,000 bushels. Rye. 06.000 bushels;
decrease, 111,000 bushels. Barley, 376. 000 bush
els; Increase. 41.000 bushels.
Tli- Wool Markets.
Nstr Yonit New lines of woolens were
opened aud salesmen dispatched with samples
todittact markets. Prices will be those of
two years ag, as a role, rates being restored on
goods that broke 5 per cent last year. A firm
tone pervades cotton goods.
Metal Markets.
New York Fig iron quiet. Copper neglect
ed and nominal. Lead dull and heavy; do
mestic, S3 9a Tin unsettled and Inactive;
straits, (19 7a
Wool Markets.
St. Louis Wool receipts, 191,171 fts.; market
quiet and steady.
i - -
Deals in Realty and a Pointer Shpw
ing That There is Money in It.
Postponement of a Marriage on Account of
Dullness in the Oil Fit.
There was a good inquiry for real estate
yesterdar, and a number of dickers were
made. Black & Baird sold a fine residence
at EJewickley, bnt declined to give particu
lars, as they were not in shape for publica
tion. Another agency on the same avenne
reported an important deal, bnt refused to give
place or price until to-day.
A large number ot the applicants were work
lngmen. Tbis is a good indication that Pitts
burg's great industries are in a healthy con
dition. ...
The dullness ot the oil market is aff&cting
one of tho moat vital Interests of the country
that of matrimony. About a year ago, a
gentleman whose face is familiar on 'Change,
became engaged to a young lady living in the
East End, and every preparation was made for
the nuptials, which were to take place at a
prominent church, with all of its impressive
About the time fixed tpr the happy event the
craze for trading in futures set in and business
dropped off so much that the young man in
formed bis fiance that it would be necessary to
postpone the wedding for a short time, until
he could find employment at which to earn a
living, as he could no longer do so la the oil
She acquiesced, and thus these two young
people have been temporarily deprived of hap
pinesscompletely knocked out, as it were by
the change In the system of trading In petro
leum. Twenty-six mortgages were filed for record
yesterday. One was for 515,000, one for S1L00O
and three for (10,000. Several others were
placed, bnt not settled. This is agrowingbusi
ness in Pittsburg, whero real estate is fast ris
ing in the estimation ot capitalists as a good
and safe investment,
The Wilkinsburg gas well, about which so
much was said and so much expected a few
months ago, has apparently gone, in the lan
guage of the late James Flsk, where the wood
bine climeth, and the find, that was to rival
Mnrraysville, given over to cattle. The Turtle
creek venture seems to be in about the same
condition, as nothing smelling of gas or oil has
been struck there yet. Puttingmoney in a hole
In the ground is a risky business.
Less than six months ago a gentleman named
George Brown bought a house and lot In
Brnshton for which he paid 12.800. Last Satur
day he sold the property to an Allegheny man
for S3, 000. This shows that there Is money in
real estate.
In regard to the apprehensions of an unusual
amount of sickness in Pittsburg this season
there are two opinions. A leading physician
said yesterday:
"I do not anticipate anything like an epi
demic here tbis summer. The indications, so
far as I can see, are not favorable for it. The
scare that was caused soon after the Johns
town disaster had the good effect ot causing
citizens to clean up their premises. The city
has also done good work on the streets and al
leys, which are in excellent condition. A great
deal has been said abont the water, but it is as
good as usual, and we nre used to It. There is
no special sickness now, nearly all of it being
such as Is incident to hot weather. In my
opinion there is no cause for alarm. Still, I
would advise people to be cautious in regard to
their habits, avoiding all extremes, and the
city authorities should see to it that the streets
and sewers are kept clean. I think proper
care in these matters will bring us ont ail
Tbis Is good advice by a high authority, and
it should be scrupulously followed. An epi
demic at the beginning of fall would be as dis
astrous to business as to life.
The prize fight led in point of Interest on
Fourth avenue yesterday. Bankers, brokers,
real estate dealers and curbstone operators all
had something to say about it, and, while con
demning it as a brutal exhibition, admired the
pluck of the pugilists. Sullivan had the most
friends, and bis victory was regarded with
quiet gratification by many staid citizens who
usually would not be snspected of knowing of
bis existence. Now that this disturbing ele
ment Is ont of the way, it Is to be hoped there
will be no fnrther interruption to business
until turkey-day next November.
McKeo's Woods, near Edgewood, until the
last few years tho largest body of timber con
venient to Pittsburg, is disappearing so fast
that by the end of summer not enough of it
will be left to make a shade The land has
been sold off in lots, and buildings are going
up at a rapid rate. It will soon be a good point
for the extension of rapid transit.
Local Stocks Well Held and Ready for a
When the stock brokers came together yes
terday it was evident that they were bullishly
inclined, of which further evidence was fur
nished by the figures which covered the black
board. All the favorites were strong, and as
concessions were refused trading was nipped in
the bud. i
Philadelphia Gas was the only thing handled,
and of it only two small lots were let go. It
was strong at Saturday's closing prices. It was
thought the strike in the Bellvernon field
would give it something of a boom in the after
noon, but such was not the case Electric was
steady at 51 bid and 51 asked. There was a
private sale at 51. Neither Philadelphia Gas
nor Electric was extensively offered. La Nona
maintained its advance of last week, and an
office sale of 60 shares was reported at SX There
Is said to be more in this stock than appears
npon the surface. Tho tractions were barely
steady and neglected. .
All the favorites are in good shape, and it
would take but trifling concessions to make
business. Bids, offers and sales were:
tud. Asked.
Bid. Asked.
Pitts. Pet. S. AM. Ex.
Keystone Bank of Pg
ler. JtMfrs. Nat. B'k
Allegheny Ins. Co
AUmsnnlalns. Co.... ....
Boatman's Insurance. 23
Citizens' Ina .. 33
Mononealiela Ins 37
Pennsylvania Ins 29
llrldrewaterbas 42
Chanters Val. Has Co. ....
Manufacturers Gas Co. 26
at. Gas Co. or W. Vs, 67K
Ohio Valley Gas.
People's N.O. 4 P.Co. 175
Pennsylvania Gas Co.. 1IU
Philadelphia Co 37J
Wheeling Gas Uu 29 j
Columbia Oil Co 2
aslllntrton Oil Co.... 72
Central Traction.
Citizens' Traction 69J,
l'lcasant Valley
I-a .Norla Mining Co... 1U
Westlnphouse Electric 1134
U. Switch AMirnal Co. ....
U.S. Able. Co pfd
Pittsbcrg Plate Glass.. 1S5
27 ....
SIH 63
AO Jfft ....
IS ....
!8 Z7 Zt
30 29 30
71f ....
a aix 3i5f
70 tax to
205 191 200
g$ .. gg
Sales at the first call were 30 shares of Phila
delphia Gas at 37 and 3 at 88. J.IF. Stark sold
50 shares of Electric at 51
The total sales stocks at New York yesterday
were 282,988 shares including: Atchison, 23,590;
Delaware, Lackawinna and Western, 14,420;
Lake Shore, 13,780: Louisville and Nash
ville. 4,625; Missouri Pacific, 10,(170: North
western, 9.720; New Jersey Central. 6,000;
Northern Pacific preferred. 10,250; Reading.
82.195; St. PauL 66,010; Union Pacific, 22,76a
Bank Commence the Week With a Large
Volume of Basic ess.
The movement In the local money market
yesterday was good as to checking and deposit
ing, but rather slow as to discounting. The
small demand for money is nothing unusual
for this season of tbe year, when there U
scarcely any expansion of bnsiness. In about
six weeks the fall trade will set in, when it is
expected there will be employment for all tbe
surplus capital of the country, especially If
there should be a revival of the speculative In
terest, as is anticipated.
Rates were steady at 6 0 6 per cent. Cur
rency was in good supply. The Clearing House
report was favorable, the exchanges footing op
$2,462,097 05 aud the baUnce 461,510 56. Large
speculative dealings in grain at Baltimore once
more give her precedence over Pittsburg in the
volume ot exchanges.
Money on call at New York yesterday wa
easy at 2 to 8 per cent, last loan 3; closed
offered at 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper,
4K66K. Sterling exchange dnll but steady at
486 forCO-day bills and 437 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U.S. 4s,reg- IVU.K.ftT. Gen.Ss
U.S. 4 coun 128!
Mutual union es.. ..iuz
N.J. C. Int. Cert. ..Ill
Nortuern Pac UU..H7
Northern Pac zds.-USX
Northw't'n consols.)
Northw'n deben's.JHJ
Oreron Trans. fia.lW!4
U.S.4Xs,refc losx
D. S. 4H. conp 106M
Paclnc6sor'S5. lis
ioulslanastamped ts.SSV
jmssoan os.......,...iw;4
lenn. new set. 6s. ...109
lenn. new set, Ss....loo4
SI.L. 4I.&L Uen. 5 86
St. US.r.Gen.31.1lS
Si. Paul consols ....118
St.PL Chl4Pc.lsU.117
Tx., PcL. U.Tr Ka. 89K
Tx..PcK.G.Tr.Kcts 3Sij
lenn. new set. 39....
Canada Bo. 2ds 95
Cen. Pacificists 1I4!4
Den. A K. (4., UU...WJ
Den. Alt. . 4s 7S
D.&K.Q. West, lsts. 100
r!e.2ds 101S
U.K.. AT. Gen. 6s.. K
Union t'ae. ists in
West Shore O07
Government and State bonds were firm and
Nkw Tobe Clearings, 169,541,275; balances,
Boston Clearings. $16,290,376; balances,
0,880,582. Money 506 per cent.
Baltimoke Clearings, (2,342,987; balances,
Philadelphia Clearings, 113,132,352; bal
ances, $1,008,296.
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England on balance to-day is
Paius Three per cent rentes 83X 40c, for the
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings. siao5i,ooa
New Yoek. Julys. Stock Exchange Open
ing, 90Kc: highest, 91Kc; lowest, OOc, clos
ing at Sojfc Consolidated Exchange July
opened at 90c; highest, DOKc; lowest, Wic,
closing at 9Gc August opened at 91c; highest,
91c; lowest, 90c, closing at 91c Total
sales, 471,000 barrels.
OH Dealers Loslnc Heart and Talk Favor
ably of the Old Plan.
The oil market yesterday was so dull as to be
hardly worth mentioning: Before the gong
sounded there was considerable discussion orer
the new deal, and a majority of those present
favored a retnrn to the old plan.
One ot the original advocates of the system
of trading in futures said: "The present dull
ness should not be attributed to the change In
the methodof the dealing. The market would be
dull under any system. There Is no business.
Outsiders have lost all taste for oil speculation,
and so long as they remain ont there will be no
revival. Traders can't do bnsiuess among
themselves forever. You might as well try to
restore a dead man to life as to make bnsiness
where there Is none. If you go back to the old
plan you will find that the same state ct affairs
will prevail."
Notwithstanding this and other arguments
in favor of futures, the impression was quite
general that the Exchange would soon return
to the cash system.
The market opened tame at 91, declined
JJc and closed at the opening figure. There
were no transactions in cash or July options.
Trading was slow both East and west, and
there was no news of importance, Saturday's
clearings were $59,000.
Features of the Market.
Corrected daily by John M. Oasiey A Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened IlHILowest....
Highest SU4Closed
. Si, in
74, SB
. 60,031
Average runs...... ....
Average shipments
Average charters. ........ ....
Refined, ewYork, 7.3c
Kefine, London, SVd.
Beflned, Antwerp. 17Hf.
Keflned, Liverpool, 6 6-1M.
A. B. McGrew & Co. quote:
calls, 91c
Puts, 9090Jc;
Other Oil Markets.
On, Cmr. July & National transit cer
tificates opened, 9Hc; highest, 91c; lowest,
90?fic; closed, 9ytc
Bradford, Jnly 8. National transit cer
tificates opened. 9IKc; closed. VIKc; highest,
91&c; ; lowest, 90Jc
Tit us villi, Jnly 8. National transit cer
tificates opened, 9llc; highest, fllKc; lowest,
90c; closed, 91K& '
Sole of a Batch of Twenty Lota at Marlon
Thomas McCaffrey, 85119 Butler street, sold
for. Mrs. A. L. Phillips to J. S. ilcClosky. prop
erty No. 4502 Peun avenue; lot 21x100, with
frame dwelling, for J1.500 cash.
Ewing A Brers placed a mortgage of $800 for
two years at 6 per cent on property out East
street extension.
Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for
Charles Wilson two small frame houses, on
Filbert street, with a lot 50x108 feet, being in
the McFarland Grove plan, for $3,500.
Reed B. Coyle &. Co.. No. 131 Fourth avenue,
sold at auction on Saturday, Jnly 6, 20 lots in
the Marion Place plan ot lots at Marlon station,
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at an average
price of $249 each. This makes 44 lots sold In
tbis plan in one week. They will have another
auction sale on Saturday, July IS, with Major
A. J. Pentecost as auctioneer.
W. A. Herron & Sons sold a lot 100x181 feet,
on Wallingrdrd street. Twentieth ward, near
Neville street, for $5,500. spot cash. The pur
chaser intends improving the same at once.
The Conditions Promise a Two Weeks'
Earlier Start Than Usual.
Henry B. Clews A. Co., New York, predict
that the fall trade will start two weeks earlier
than usual. Concerning stocks and business
generally, they say:
"In outside conditions the developments on
the Stock Exchange have been favorable,
rather than otherwise. Crop accounts con
tinue encouraging, the advanced conditions
promising to give the fall trade a start two
weeks earlier than usual. An early trado
usually being a good one, and merchants being
relieved of the uncertainty of any disturbing
tariff changes for some time to come, a more
hope f ul feeling than usual prevails in business
circles. The demand for both coal and iron is
increasing, and tbis Indicates growing indus
trial activity. The monetary situation is with
out marked change. Under the influence of
liberal Government disbursements rates are
growing somewhat easier. The bank reserves,
however, are very low, the bulk being held by
four banks; and tbe interior demands, which
are likely to begin earlier than usual, are al
ready being reflected In westward currency
"Gold exports have practically ceased, and
no further Important drain of our resources
from this quarter need be expected. The In
dustrials' or Trnst certificates acted independ
ently of stocks, forming a market of them
selves. So far as concerns the stock market
proper, the outlook is uncertain, owing to the
railroad troubles referred to above. Should
there be difficulties or celay in patching np the
disputes between the Grangers and among the
Trunk lines as seems not improbable, there
may follow a still lower range of prices; and
until the prospects in tbis direction are more
favorable, we advise sales on all rallies and
purchases only on pronounced breaks."
Bolness Note.
Robert J. Stoney. Jr., of Whitney A
Stevenson, is oft on his vacation.
Electric and Philadelphia Gas were the
strongest stocks on the list yesterday. It
would take very little to boom them.
A. J. HabbaUGH, President of the Con-
slgneeGold Mining Company, left for Califor
nia on oaturuay w 1001 alter tne interests of
the company.
Mb. Geokqe H. Thurston, of the Pitts
burg and Mexican Tin Mining Company, is in
receipt of very encouraging news from tbe
company's property In ,the btate of Durance
G. B. Mabkle, Ja, Vfce President of the
Oregon National Bank, of Portland, visited the
Clearing House yesterday and was well pleased
with the system in use there for transacting
Members of tbe Oil Exchange held a meet
ing yesterday to consider the propriety of re
turning to the old system of trading: but ad
journed without taking definite action. Tbe
matter will come np again In a short time.
Western Railroads Dominate the Stock
Market Tbe Grangers Pqoerzed
Sberta Frisbtenrd and Knsb
to Covet A Spurt in tbe
Sugar Trust.
jNswYobjc Jnly 8, The stoek market was
again tinder tbe influence of tbe Western rail
roads to-day, and declines extending to 2J4J per
cent were brought abont, though there was
afterward & substantial recovery from the loir-
est prices. The news o'f the -day was not of
special value, but there was Bote el a disquV
etlng nature persistently circulated, especially
during the forenoon, and almost every member
of the Interstate Association was reported as
ready to withdraw. This was supplemented by
heavy sale for the short account, and tbe oper
ations of the day resulted in a marked increase
In the number of outstanding short contracts.
The borrowing demand for the leading shares,
especially the Grangers, is now large, ranging
from fiat to 5 per cent.
The pressure was specially severe against
Union Pacific, St. Paul, Atchison and the other
grangers, but the rest of tbe list were not for
gotten and everything traded in felt the pres
sure more or less. A dividend was declared
npon Jersey Central of IK per cent quarterly,
tbe first one for a long term of years, and thus
started that stock up, and it bad soon gained
its forenoon's decline, and later something in
addition. There was more buying for the long
account In the afternoon, and tbe shorts be
coming frightened, covered liberally for time,
while tbe general feeling in the Western situa
tion became more hopeful, the assertion being
made that tbe bankers would take a hand di
rectly at the coming meeting to bring abont
harmony among tbe competing lines. The im
pression that tbe selling movement had been
largely overdone gained ground rapidly and
the tone of the dealings became at times posi
tively strong, although tbe losses of the fore
noon were not made up.
Louisville and Nashville was pressed for sale
jHcsuinaoiy inr loreign account, and tne weak
ness in Atchison extended to the Missouri Pa
cific and the Northern Pacific group. New
England was very firmly held during the first
decline, but afterward gave way and retired to
below its opening price, but all of its loss was
made np at tbe close Toward 2 o'clock prices
rallied quite sharply, and in tbe last hour there
was a most decided upward movement in Sugar
Trust, when it reached the highest point of tbe
day. The general market closed dull, being at
the time steady to firm at something better
than lowest figures. Tbe trusts outside of Lead
were quietiexcept the spurt of activity inS ugar
in tbe last hour, but their movements, with the
single exception mentioned, were small and
Railroad bonds were more active than of late,
but sympathized with the weakness in stocks,
and of the important changes this evening a
large majority are losses. The Increased aui
matlon, however, is in great measure due to
the activity In tbe Chesapeake and Ohio rives,
which contributed $278,000, and tbe West Shore
fours, which furnished $129,000 to the total.
The following table shows tbe prices of active
stocks on the New York Btock Exchange.
Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue;
Hljrn Low 1ns;
est. eat. Dlds.
5J SZii S2
112 111 112
a!4 a 20'i
9H 7X 98K
107), 1H 106
n n rk
i&x ltiii im
70 70 70
29 29 2J
14 UK 14
14IH 1418 Ui'A
ltoH 1UH Ul'4
10 10 10
iriii liiw in
1H 1W 17
lOltf 10014 101
&X 61H tzv
63W 68H 63 X
105l 105 105S4
28 28 2o5(
81 84 83K
18) 16K 1H
43H 49 43
27H 27 ZIH
Wi X S3
H 33 321)
33 32V UH
ieli iii 4V.
1S5 1SS 133
Z3 I3J4 25K
78 79 79
KX tX 97
lii.S ill no
19!i 13V 19X
.... , .... 15),
28H 23 23!
80S K 85l
672 67 67
SO 9X 69),
in. Am. Cotton OU fW
Atcn.. lop. & a. jr.... 3n
Canada Southern. 52'
Central or .New Jersey. 112
Chesapeake & Ohio ... I0JJ
C Bur. Qulier 88
C. Mil. St. Paul.... S7K
C, Mil. St. p pr....lC7H
C. KockL a P. KH
C St. L. ft PltU
c., St. L. ft puts. pr.
C. ft Northwestern. ...IUH
C ft .northwestern, pr, ....
U.O. Cftl. 70
Col. Coal ft Iron 29
Col. ft Hocking Val .. UH
Del.. L. ft W l
Del. ft Hudson 14S
Denver ft KloU . ....
DenverftKloU.. pi
E.T., Va. ftGa , 10
E.T..Va. ftGa. 1st pf. ....
E. T Va. ftGa. 2d pr. ....
Illinois Cemral.. . ....1IS
Lake Kiiftft Western.. IH
Lake Erie ft West. pr.. inn
Lake Shore ft M. S 101 X
Louisville ft Nashville. 68
Michigan central
Mobile Ohio
Mo., K. ftTexas
talsaonrl Pacific 89 H
Slew York Central rH
I. Y.. L. E.ft IV 2t
N.Y., L .ftW pref 4
H. Y.. C ftSt.L 16K
. t., c. ft st. L. pr.
N.Y.. C. JtBt.L. Id of .. .
N. YftW. E 49X
Norfolk A Western
Norfolkft Western, pf. SOX
Northern Pacific 27f
Nortnern Pacific oref. 04
UMoft Mississippi..... ....
Oregon improvement, ....
Orejon Transcon 33K
Pacific Mall 33
Peo. Dec. ft Evans
Phlladel. ft Beading.. 6
Pullman palace Car...lM
Richmond ft XV. p. r.. 23J
Itlchmond ft W.P.T.pf 79
St. r., Minn. A Man... tSJt
St. L. ft San Fran
St. L. ft San Jrran pr.. ...
St.l,. ft San f.lit pr..lll
Texas Pacific Wf
Wabash preferred 23K
Western Union ss
Wheeling ft L. E 67
Sugar Trust 114V
Iiatlonal Lead Trnst.. 32
Chicago Gas Trnst &H
Philadelphia Blocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. BUI.
rennsvlvanla Railroad tl!
Readme 22
Bnffalo, Pittsburg ft Western 10
Lenten Valler S3
Lehleb Navigation M
Northern Pacific 27
Northern Paeifle preferred 63X
22 15-18
Boston Stocks.
Atch.Too..lst7s. 117
Wis. central, com... 21H
.UonezMgCo(new). 90
Calumet ft ilecla....208
rranaiin 9
A.ftT. LandGr't7c.l08X
Atch. ft Top. E. K... 37 H
Boston Aioanv...iis
Boston ft aialne....,190
U. U. ftU. 98
Clnn. San. ft Cleve. 24
Eastern B. it 95
Flint ft Pereal. pfd. 08
Mexican Cen. corn . 15ft
Mex.C.lst mte. bds. 66!
N. X. ft New Ens... 49H
Old ooionr. 17(M
Kntlsnd preferred.. 39
Pewablc (new)
Bell Telephone... ,
Boston Ldnd
Mater Power
, 49
. t
, ex
. 98
. 27X
San Diego
A Remarkable Experience.
Mr. H. Robertson, a native nf Scotland, hnt
1 who has been a resident of this country for sev
eral years, nas oeen a victim 01 Kianey disease
with tbe following symptoms: He had a heavy
dragging pain across the small of his back, ex
tending from one side to the other, and a bloat
ed, dropsical condition of the bowels, high col
ored urine, and he noticed that sometimes it
contained a reddish, brick-colored sediment,
and at other times the sediment was of a light-
i3u uuiur. xxe noucea mas ne .xeu very urea in
the morning, and as he gradually grew weaker,
his stomach became affected. His appetite
became poor, and he was constantly annoyed
with sour eructations of gas from bis stomach
after eating, and on account of the kidneys not
performing their function properly, his blood
became charged with rhenmatic poison, so that
he bad much pain about his shoulders and dif
ferent parts of his body. As be became more
emaciated he began to cough, and he felt much
tightness and weight across his lungs. In
speaking of the matter one day, he said:
"I doctored with the best doctors I could hear
of, but was fast getting worse. I became mel
ancholy and thought 1 could not live. Finally
I began treatment with tbe physicians of tbe
Polypathic Medical Institute, who are special
ists for chronic diseases, and although confined
to the bed when I commenced their treatment,
my improvement was very rapid, and I have
beep entirelv cured bv these nhvslciana. and I
gladly sign my name. II. Robertson."
Anyone wishing to call upon ,Mr. Robertson,
or write him with reference tb bis cae. can
have his full address by calling at THE POLY
PATHIC INSTITUTE, 420 Penn ave. Office
hours, 10 to 11.30 A. St.. 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 F. H.
Sundays, 1 to 4 p.m. Consultation free. je24-D
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sis.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and Unrest prices call
and see us.
JAS. D. CALLERY President
Capital and surplus. 1125,060.
Transacts a General Banking Basin.
Monday Produce Trade Has Les3 of
Bine Cast Tban Usual.
Corn and; Oats Drifting Upward on Account
of Scarcity.
Monday. Jnly 8. 188&
Country Produce Jobblosr Prices.
The week is ,too young to furnish any new
facts in lines of country produce. Monday's
Dlueness, however, is not so marked as usual.
New "potatoes have apparently touched bed
rock, and prices are a shade steadier than at
the close of tbe week. Tnere is a fair inquiry
for choice creamery butter, but the movement
of dairy and conntry butter is very slow.
Eggs are steady at quotations. Cheese Is un
changed. All berries in season are in full sup
ply at low rates. The best of raspberries and
blackberries are selling at 8c to 10c per quart as
the outside figures. Whortleberries are also in
abundant supply. All signs point to an abund
ance. Butter Creamery, Eleln, 1920c; Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; country
rolls. lOSl-'c.
Beaks-U 751 90.
Beeswax 28830c 91 & for choice: lowgrade,
Cideb Sand refined, $6 S07 50; common,
$3 G04 00; crab cider, S3 00&S 50 V barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c fl gallon.
CHEESE Ohio cheese, 8c: New York, 10
10c; LImburger, 8&9c; domestic Bweitzer
cheese, K12c.
California Fruits California peaches,
$4 004 SO p box: cherries, 53 00; apricots, (4 CO
64 50: plums, 54 0034 50
Eoos 15K8l6c V dozen for strictly fresh:
goose eggs, SOc ft dozen.
Fruits Apples, S3 5094 50 barrel; pine
apples, S100I25fidozen;red raspberries, 9
luc a quart: black raspberries, 58c a quart;
whortleberries, 1 1 25 a pall; blackberries, 8c jl
quart; wild goose plums, 12 50 a crate; cur
rants, $3 a 2-bushel stand; watermelons, $20
23 per hundred.
Feathers Extra live geese, 6060c: No.L
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c f) &.
New Potatoes II 6oai 75 a barrel.
Poultrt Live chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c drawn, 14
15c V ft-
Heeds Clover; choice, 62 Bs to bushel. $5 60
9 bushel: clover, laree Enirllsh. 62 ftn Xfi t
clover, Allske, $8 50; clover, white. 9 00; timo
thy, choice, 46 tts, U 65; biue grass, extra
clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fits, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 Ss. II 65; red top. 14 as. 11 25;
millet, 50 Its. 31 00: German millet, 60 As,
II 60; Hungarian grass, 60 fts, Jl 00: lawn
grass, mixture of One grasses, 12 50 per bushel
of 14 lis.
TAM.ow-Countrv, 45c; city rendered. 5
Tbopicai. Fruits Lemons, fancy, S4 50
5 60 H box: Messina oranges, $i 00S 50 box;
rodi, (5 506 00: California oranges, 14 504 75 ft
box; bananas, S3 00. firsts; S2 OU, good seconds,
IP bunch; cocoanuts, J4 0O4 50 1 hundred:
new figs, 89c f? pound; dates, 56c V
Vegetables Tomatoes, Mississippi, four
tiiket cases.ll 6ol 75: beans, round wax fancy.
$250 a crate; beans, round wax medium, S2 00
a crate: beans, round green, 12 2502 50; new
beets, 2025c Jt dozen; cucumbers, 2o30c ft
dozen, 'I1752 00 a crate; radishes, large
white and gray, 30Q35c dozen: cabbage,
two-barrel crates, Louisville and St. Louis,Sl 50
Q2 00; Eastern, single-barrel crates, SI 001 25;
new celery, 50g60c a dozen.
Sugars have advanced a shade in New York
and a rise here is due almost any day. We do
not advance our quotations, but expect to do
so within a day or two. Coffee is a mighty un
certain quantity at tbis date. The last foreign
advices were bullish, but no mortal can tell
what a day may bring forth in coffee.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2122c; choice
Rio, 1820c; prime Rio, lc; fair Rio, 17Q18c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 272Sc; Santos, 1922c; Caracas
coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
guavra, 21e22c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,21c;
high grades, 23KQ25Kc; old Government Java,
bulk. 303tc; Maracaibo, 2526c; Santos,
19X21Kc: peaberry,24Kc;peaberry.cholce Rio,
23c; prune Rio, 20; good Rio, 20c; ordinary,
bpicxs (whole) Cloves. 21625c: allspice, 8c;
cassia, 8fdc; pepper, 19c; nutmeg. 7080c
PETROLEUJtCjob'jers' prices) 110 test, 7c:
Ohio, 120". 8c; headlight. 1KP. 8e; water
white, 10c: globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne,
llXc; royalioe, 14c.
SYRUPS Corn syrups, 629c; choice sugar
syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
Strictly prime, 333Sc; new maple sjrup. Sue.
n. u. molasses rancy, 4c; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c: mixed, 40642c.
Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 34c; bl-carb in K.
5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, SGc; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c.
Candles Star, full weight, 9c: stearine.per
set, 8c; parafflne. UI2c
Rice Head, Carolina, 77Kc: choice, A
7c; prime, 566Vc: Louisiana, &6c
Stabch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, SK7c: gloss
starch, 5KQ7C -., ,
Fobeiqn Fruits Layer raisins, 65; Lon
don layers, J3 10; California London layers, f2 50;
Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels, f 1 80;
Valencla,new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7K08c;
sultana, 8c: currants, new, 45 Turkey
urunes. new. srKvoc: frencn nrunesL8K:tEix"
Salonlca prnnes,in2-lB packages. 8c; cocoanuts,
fer 100, tO 00; almonds. Lan., per B, 20c; do
vlca.l9c;do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap.. L
15c: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12l&c:
new dates, 5KQ6c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans,
ll15c: citron, per ft, 21022c; lemon peel, peril,
1314c: orange peek 12Xc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c;
apples, evaporated, &&i apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1518c: peaches, evaporated,
pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpaired. 1012fc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, nnpitted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 78c: huckle
berries. 10012c
Suoabs Cubes, 10J10Jb"c: powdered. lOVf
standard A, 9K oft whites, 99ic: yellow,
choice, 869Jc;yeIIow,good,8i8cl
fair. KJic: yellow, dark, 7c
Pickles Medium, bbis CL'OOi. S4 50: mnHl.
urns, half libls (U0),r2 to.
Salt-No. L. W bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, bbL Jl 05;
dairy, ft bbl. Si 20; coarse crystal, bbl. tl 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-a sacks, J2 80; Higgins'
mc. avis to puc&eiia. o w.
Cakked Goods Standard peaches, tl 30a
1 90; 2ds. SI 3031 35; extra peaches. 31 6001 90;
pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, Jll 60; Hid. Co.
corn. 7090c; red cherries, 90ctl; Lima beans,
tl 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do, 7585c: mar
rowfat peas, 41 1001 lfi; soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, $1 401 50: Bahama do, ti 75; dam
son 1 plums, 95c; greengages, II 25; egg plums.
$2; California pears. 2 oO; do greengages, 12: do
egg plums, 2; extra white cherries, S2 90;red
cherries, 2 fts. 00c; raspberries, tl 401 60;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries, SI 3ul 40;
tomatoes. 82K92c: salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10;
blackberrier, 80c; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked.
99c; do green, 2 fts. tl 251 60; corn beef. 2-ft
cans. SI 75: 14-11 cans, 313 50: baked beans, SI 45
1 50; lobster, 1 ft, SI 751 SO; mackerel, '-ft
cans, broiled, 31 60: sardines, domestics, s,
S4 154 50; Sardines, domestic. Vs, S3 258 SO;
sardines, imported, Us, Sll 60l2 60; sardines,
lmported,Ks,318; sardines,mustard, 34; sardines,
spiced, (4 25,
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 336 M
bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess. $40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, 124. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ft ft; do medlnm, -George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6467Kc. Herring
Round shore, S5 00 W bbl: split, 37 00: lake.
S2 60Tll0O-ft.halfbbl. White fisb. 37 00 W 100l
ft. half bbL Lake trout, $5 50 ft half bbL
Finnan haddock, 10c V ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft ft. Pickerel, K barrel, 32 00; 54 barreL 31 10;
Potomac herring, Jo 1)0 t) barrel, 82 50 K
Buckwheat Floub 225c a ft.
Oatmeal S6 306 60 -rf bbl.
MrsEBS' Oil No, 1 winter strained, 58Q60o
ft gallon. Lard oil. 75c
Graln,'Flonr and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 31 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 1 car of oats.1 of e. com, 1 of hay, 1 of
malt, lot middlings, lot wheat, lot feed, 9 oft
sour, tij iriiuourg, Cincinnati ana at. ixiuis,
2 cars of oats, 1 of bran, 1 of com, 1 of bay.
Bv Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 car of hay, 1
of rye, 1 ot flour. Sales on call, 1 car Na 'i
mixed oats, 28c 10 days; 1 car No. 2 white
oats, 33c, July delivery, Pennsylvania
lines. Corn and oats are scarce and
steadily drifting upward. There was a bid
of 49Jo for 2 yellow ear corn at the Exchange
to-day. A sale of No. 2 white oats was effected
outside at 34Wc. Hay is steady at quotations and
flour is firm. There is no longer any cutting on
flour rates. The situation, which was In buy
er's favor for se ret al months past," was forthe
past week in favor of tbe holder, and prices
are likely to take an upward torn any day.
Some dealers report that they will not sell
fancy spring patent at our quotations, as they
could not replace their stock Jit these figures.
Whbat Jobbing prices- No. 2 red. 91892c;
No. 3 red, 86gS7a-
Corh No. '1 vellow ear. 4tBHBMc: hlzh mixed
cr. isvmc; no. a yeuow, sneiu
,KA.r,-. -.. m .i. t-.l-" -..T
mica nuxeo, sseueo, vsc;
Oats No. 2 white, S4eiVe; extra. No. 3. 1
Mta.MKc: no. a wnite, aujaic; jn a 1 mixed
oats, 288280.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5152c;
No. 1 Western. 4S49c
Flour Jobbing prices Winter patents,
S5 50o 75: spring patents, $5 75S 00: winter
straight, $4 7505 00; clear winter. 4 504 75;
straight XXXX bakers', S4CO04 2a. Kye flour,
S3 5003 75.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, S15 00
15 50 V ton; brown middlings, Sll 5012 60:
winter wheat bran, (12 2512 50; chop feed.
S15 00018 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. S14 00; No. 1
do, 113 00313 50: No. 2 do. Sll 6012 50; loose,
from wagon, S14 00015 00; No. 1 npland prairie.
110 50 11 00; No. 2. J7 508 00: packing do, S5 50
66 50.
Straw Oats, S7 50: wheat and rye straw
S7 0007 5063 00.
Sugar-cured bams, large, llKc; sugar-cured
bams, medium. 12c: snear-cured hams, smalt,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7c: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sngar-cured California hams,
8Xc; sugar-cured dried beef fiats. 9c: sugar
cured drind beef sets. 10Kc; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds. lZKc: bacon shoulders. 7c: bacon
clear sides, (jjc: bacon clear bellies. 8&c; dry
salt shoulders. 6Jic; dry salt clear sides. 7c
Mess pork, heavy, S14 00; mess pork, family,
114 5a Lard Refined m tierces, 6ie; half
barrels. 7c: 60-B tubs. 7Vic: 20-B pails, 7Jc: 50
& tin cans, 6c: 3-B tin palls, 7Xc; 5-ft tin pails,
Tc: 10-E tin pails. "!c Smoked sausage,long,
5c: large,'5c Fresh pork links, 9c. Boneless
bam, 10c. Pigs feet, half barret, S3 50; quarter
barrel, S2 00.
Dressed Bleat.
Armour t Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 460 to 550 lbs.
5c: 550 to 650 s, 6Mc: C50 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep,
8c ft-
iamDS, vc b. nogs, leic. n resn
pork loins. 9c
The cases of catarrh treated and cured by
the physicians of tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia
Institute at 323 Penn avenue are usually those
of the most advanced stages, and who bave
spent years of time and much money treating
elsewhere, nntll by some friend or in reading
tbe papers tbey learn of the Catarrh and Dys
pepsia Institute, and that others have been
cured of diseases similar to their own. The
physicians of this institute refer with pride to
tbe many testimonials already published and
hundreds of others on file at their office, re
ceived from patients whom they
bave enred of simple catarrh, ulcerative ca
tarrh and some cases where the lungs were
badly diseased. Dyspepsia, including ulcera
tion of the stomach and diseases of women.
Tbe words ot comment and praise received
concerning tneirtreatment and cure of diseases
Eeculiar to women are very encouraging. Mrs.
r. Crossley is always present dnring office
hours to consult with ladies. "You will not
publish my picture or name in the paper, will
yonr' is often asked. The portraits of patients
are never displayed in the papers, and no testi
monial or name of any patient is published in
the papers without tbe full consent or wish of
the patient.
"When is the best time to cure catarrh?" is
asked. In the summer, by all means, as in
cold weather witb s4)den changes of temper
ature, the patient is much more liable to colds,
thus retarding the progress of the treatment.
Many children are badly afflicted with catarrh,
frequently developing into consumption at a
very early age. The crowds of men, women and
children that dally assemble at tbe parlors of
tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute is the best
evidence of the standing of these physicians
and their success in making cures. Remember
tbe place. 323 Penn avenue. Consultation free
to alL Office hours. 10 A. M.. to 4 p. It, and 6
to 8 P. 3L. Bundaj s 12 to 4 P. M. jy-9
A pure dry Soap In powdered form. The great
labor saver and quick cleanser, without Injury io
hands or fabric. Economical, pure and good.
Beats the world for cleaning glasses, windows,
houses, dishes, milk palls, milk cant, clothes, &c.
Keeps moths out of carpets, bureaus. 4c. See
that you get BELL'S SOAPONA-Red Packages.
R. W.BELL MFG. CO., Buffalo, N.Y.
It can be mado a substitute for nearly
every purpose for which vrire Is used,
and is far more durable and cheaper.
It is much superior to wire work in
every way. It is solid at all points of
Bend for Illustrated Circulars and
Central Expanded Metal Co.,
116 "Water street, Pittsburg, Pa.
liillU'l-l H
A purely Vegetable
1 Compound that expels
jail bad humors from the
I system. Removes blotch
es and pimples, and
makes pure, rich blood.
ezeJBBv Itchy, Sealr, Skin Torture.
The Implt application, f "bvati Onrntm" wltbo-il
any taterail mdtclt. -ill cur anr cue of Titter, Salt
EHraa Ringworm. TOm. InB, Borf, PtmplM, grrtlpeua. ai
wTn4 8o,rLlladelptf.rft. AXrwinisintor
SW. (lffi'9ssV vflrtlli'S'JssV
m Purifier.
matter Jww txtloato r Irag ataadlar && J 4rml"ta,
ssp arat fe-r mall fat SA etsu 1 Bain. fLU. Arfdnta. D.
Swift's Specific bas cured me of
a malignant breaking out on my leg.
which caused Intolerable pain. It was
called Eczema by the doctors tour ot
whom treated me with no relief. I
candidly confess thatlowemy present,
good health to 8. 8. 8. which ln-my
estimation is invaluable as a blood
remedy. Miss Julia DEWrrr,
2227 N. Tenth St., St Louis, Mo.
Our baby when two months old was
attacked with Scrofula, which for a
long time destroyed her eyesight en
tirely, aud cansed us to despair other
life. The doctors filled to relieve her.
and we gave Swift's Specific, which,
soon cured bor entirely, and she is now
hale and hearty. V. Delk;
Will's Point. Texas.
srS'nd for book giving history of
Ulood Diseases and ad vice to sufferers, -mailed
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
Is now admitted by the medical authorities to
be a deficiency or undue waste of Oxldizabla
Phosphorus normally existing in the human
economy. The remedv consists in the admin
istration of a preparation of Phosphorus being
at once assimilable ana oxiuizau.e. w inun ta
aration of Phosphorus which combines tbeso
characteristics in tbe highest degree. For
Consumption, Bronchitis. Coughs, Night
Sweats, and Nervous Diseases, it is unequaletL
Recommended by Physicians. Sold by Drug
gists. 31 per bottle. Send for circular.
WINCHESTER fe CO.. Chemists.
my31-24-TTswk 162 William St N. Y.
By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and
nutrition, and and by a careful application of the
fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps
has provided our breakfast tables with a deli
cately flavored beverage which may save us
many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious
use of such articles ot diet that a constitution
may be gradually built up until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack wherever there Is a weak point. Wo
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Mold
only in half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus:
JaS.EppS &C0. rfonMSSo Entfandl
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. DrexeL,
Morgan A Co., New York. Passports procured.
514-515 Hamilton Building.
myl0-70-D Pittsburg, Pa.
Members Chicago Board of Trade and
Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange.
45 SLXTH ST., Pittsburg.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician In the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
UrnwrtiiQand mental diseases, physical
1 1 C. n V U U O aecay.nervous debility, lack ot
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrnst,basbf ulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, falling powers,organlc weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for bnsiness-society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
tarrbal discbarges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-lopg. extensive experi
ence, insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 jl. m. to 8 p. jr. Sun
day. 10 A. It to 1 P. if. only. DR. WHITTIER,
8MPenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ,
si.a-JTEi gsw ? sarTigsrurt 3T"
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Truest oa
the Errors 01 loam, rrematurejjecime.nervona
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance. Excesses ot
Overtaxation. Enervating and unfitting tbe victim '
for Work, Bnsiness, the Married or Social Relation. v
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains SOO pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only JLCO by
mail, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. The
distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, If. D, re. ,
from tho National Medical Association. 1
FHYSICALDEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corns -of
Assistant Physicians may be consulted, eono. -dentlally,
by mail or in person, at the efflceof
No.4 Bui finch St., ltoston. Mas., to whom all
orders for books or letters for advice should bo ,
directed as above.
JalS-Tuirsuwtc "J
SPECIALISTS in all cases re- .
Suirinf: scientific and conflden
al treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake.
m. iwur.o, is me oldest ana
most experienced specialist In
tbe city. Consultation free and
stvictlv confidential. riffle .
hanrs 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.t Sundava. 2 to 4 v.
Sf.Consnlt them personallr. orwrite. DOCTOBS
Lake. 808 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
For LOST or rallies; i
oiAit uuui. 1. ervons 7 1
ness, w eaaness ot
BodrftMlnd. Lack of Strength. Vlror and De
velopment, cansed by Errors, Excesses, Ac Book,
ItODB or BK1V-TBIU.TMKXT. and Proofs mailed
i sealed) free. Address KlUil MEDICAL CO
luitalo. N. Y. de25-S7-rrsAwk ,
For menl Checks the worst cases in three "j
aays, ana cures in nve days. Price SI 00. at
ja5-Z9-rrssa 412 Market street.
's Ootto-ix BO(rt
loosed of Cotton Boot. Taarv as4 :
Pennvroval & recent discoverr Bv s
'old nhvsiclan. It sueceasfuBu uiil!
montAlir-fiafe. Effectual. Pries tL by mail, .
seaiea. Laaies, ask your aruegist tor uoocs
JOKon ttoot fjompouna anaiaxe no saeastnta,
or Inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad
dress POND LILT COMPACT, No. 8 FUher
Blook, 181 Woodward ave-, Detroit, Mich.
vsauvt iuat iikui. ctu nasTcilOtTa IO DOsUCQ Jf
Bicu m icuaiuuie nanneraiier mil ewe o&djk
LsfssV saBsBw
t.v mil
I s
- r - a