Hlffl - T" t -t r .. -A 1 THE ' PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, TOTJSDAY, JULY 9, 1889. . w mMummmmu ww'ujjjatwiMBMwwwwwrare IX. " . T31HW,.fV , B ' J LINES AEE CAST OFF And Monongahela Shantyboats Mast Set Sail for Other Climes BY ORDER OF THE WHARFHASTEB. A Wild Friffht Among the" HHndred Water Squatters is the Result. STEAMBOATS MUST HAVE SOME CHAKCE In obedience to orders issued by "Wharf master. Crawford nine shanty-boat owners have cast loose from their moorings on the Mononcahela wharf and flitted to a more hospitable mooring ground, either up or down the river. There was no chance for protest or explanation. The city wanted the wharf unencumbered, and the Western Pennsylvania imitations of the Venetian gondolier had to more, and more quickly. Several of the nine offered to pay wharfage, but the city evidentlr desired their room and not their company. The news that city officials had ordered the summary removal of shantyboats spread jz Some of the llama That Had to Go. like wildfire among the hundred odd "water squatters," and caused a small panic among the owners and tenants of the shanty-boats that line the banks of the three rivers. It was r upposed tbat the order to remove would have general application, and the scare was so In fections that tbe very boats themselves trem bled with emotion. Inquiry, however, de veloped the fact that tbe officials meant the order of removal to apply only to those sbanty boatcrs who were attached like barnacles to the Monongabela wharf. The new B. A O. de pot Is at last completed, and the wharf is to be put in shape for use by steamboats. Wharfmaster Crawford was seen yesterday in regard to the removal of shanty boats, and said: "The city is going to clean the wharf up for use, and it became necessary to remove the shanty boats. No. there was no trouble at all, although several sbantyboaters requested to be allowed to remain and pay rent at tbe usual rate of $2 SO a month. Beside the fact that the boats were in the way, several of them were iLIXc v A Life of Luxury, After a Fashion. filled with bard citizens of both sexes. Not a week ago tbe patrol wagon scooped in a highly miscellaneous collection of drnnks from one of the boats we ordered to move, and one or two are supposed to do a little speak-easy business. "No, tbe city does not derive any consider able income from this source. From tbe Bal timore and Ohio new trestle clear around to tbe foot of Eleventh street on tbe Allegheny river there are now only two shantyboats, both of whicn pay rent at the rate of 25 a year. The two bathhouses at tbe Sixth street bridge are allowed their position by ordinance. Oh, no! Ido not suppose tbat shantyboats having po sitions at portions of the rivers where no city wharf exists will be molested in any way. They are not an obstruction to business, and in many Instances are tenanted by decent and respect able people. There are. of coarse, some tbantyboals which shelter tough classes, but the position occupied by tbe majority of the boats is easily accessible to the police.'' The boats which were compelled to move nearly all went up stream a little way, and cast anchor below the Panhandle bridge. The boats presented a very motley appearance as they swung against the bank, with the placid Monongahela lapping their bulls. Borne of them are very narrow, with doors and windows Shanty Boat Washday All the Week much resembling loop boles, and have the rusty, weather-beaten appearance which long ignorance of paint entails. Others are smartly trimmed in various shades of paint, and one sports the unusail luxury of green outside window shutters. Tbe roofs are invariably of tarred paper, and the character of the tenant is i plainly indicated by the presence or absence of rubbish fin the ronf. Another singular feature of shantvboat life is me evident ract tbat every day is washday. There are always garments bung out to dry and tbe predominance of cardinal red is truly remarkable. Tbe inmates are of all rtages of cleanliness In most harmonious accord with tbe external appearance of the boat. Une of the" most palatial shantyboats of those officially removed was towed np stream a few hundred feet until it sprung a leak, when a miniature pump was forthwith rigged up and the tenant ol tbe boat, in all the dignity of a white shirt, worked valiantly in the hot sun, pumping out tbe water. Most of the craft met with no inopportune misfortune in the task of acquiring a new site to commence a life on the river brink without danger of being disturbed. The most efficacious stimulant to exoite the appetite are AngostnraJBitters. rJKS; -rfEKmMlwM wlHnjiSTp READY FOR DISTRIBUTION, The Assignees of the Defunct Hootbslde Dank BInke m. Statement Tbe Grnfl", Dennett & Co. Failure Recalled AldrlcU Convleteo General Court News. J. H. Lory, H. J. Berg and L. S. Cunning ham, assignees of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of tbe Southside, yesterday filed their first and partial acconnt of the affairs of the bank. They show the assets of the bank, in cluding the appraisement of J189.477, to be S195.336. Deducting money paid out. Judg ments against the banE, etc there is left for distribution fS8,SS6. Among the items of ex pense was one of $4,551, the commission of the assignees at 5 per cent. John H. Bailey, Eq, assignee of Graff. Bennett 4 Co., yesterday, filed his final ac count. He shows a balance for distribution of $185,161 Settling the Hostetter Estate. An argument was heard before Jndge Over in the Orphans' Court yesterday In tre case of the contested claim of the executors of the Hostetter estate for commission. Attorney Clarkappeared for theHdstetterheirsand John S. Lanibie and J. C. Shbemaker for Cooper and tbe heirs of Smith, the other executor. The executors claimed 5 per cent commission for executing tbe will of Dr. Hostetter, which would amountito $31,000. The Hostetter heirs opposed this, holding that 2K per cent wonld be sufficient commission for tbe work per formed. The Conn reserved its decision. Impersonating an Officer William Bailey was tried yesterday on the charge of impersonating an officer, on oath of Constable Cblsholm. It was alleged that Bailey entered suit before Alderman Carlisle against Sirs. McCarthy, of McKee's Rocks, for illegal liquor selling. She was lined under the act of 1855. and Bailey received half the fine. In prosecuting the case, it is claimed, Bailey represented himself to be an officer of the Lawrence Detective Agency. Constable Ohls holm learning of this, brought the suit against Bailey. The jury is out Aldrlch Convicted. In the Criminal Court yesterday the Jury in the case of Frank Aldrlch, tried for "bunkoing" J. K. Lemon out of $10,000 last September, returned a verdict of guilty. Al drlch was remanded to jail for sentence. His counsel, it is stated, will move for a new trial. Legal Tender. Miss Callie B. Graham yesterday entered suit against Sophia Huston for $5,000 damages for slander. Tbe second trial of Joseph Dixney for the murder of Officer Miller, of Allegheny, was to have been commenced yesterday. It was post poned at the request of Dlmey'a counsel, wbo claimed that tbey were not ready to go. on with tbe case. J. Chabx.es Dickes yesterday filed a bill in equity against Robert B. and Thomas C. Car son. It is claimed tbat in 1857 tbe Sheriff sold lot No. 15 of the Davis plan, on Led lie street, Second ward, Allegheny. It was purchased by George Lindsay and is now owned by tbe de fendants. It is held tbat the deed for the lot was made out wrong and that the lot Intended to bave been sold was lot No. 18. which was tho lot taken possession of by Lindsay. The trial list in the Criminal Court is as fol io va: Commonwealth vs Patrick Conway 2, John L. Workman, James L. Orr, W. H. McClusky, Jacob Keefer. William Smith et al 2, Henry Langlitz 2, Andrew Gillespie, Henry Hacklander, Joseph Reilly, William Gleason, Fred Goldstrum, John Plants, Nick Castle. Samuel Dally. Dennis Connote et al, Frank Chester. Peter Grogan. Susan Byrne, Alexan der McGrcw. H. Jameison 2, E. Peters, Pat rick Lamb, George Findley and Maggie Boyle, Win. Scott, Christ Haberstock, Max Selber stein, Jnbn Larmer, Adam Gastard, John P. Smith. Franz Klllner, Daniel Dougherty, David Laskin. LA PERLA DEL FC3IAR, Celebrated Clear Havana Key West Cigars. For sale in Pittsburg at Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson. St. Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel. Union Depot Restaurant. John Lauler, 3799 Fifth ave. Peter A. Ganster, 35 Frankstown ave. John F. Ganster, 27 Frankstown ave. Peter Weber, 76 Wylie ave. John C. StrouD, 25 Union st. E. W. Hagan," 609 Smitbfield St. Neville Baylev, 405 Smithfield at. J. K. Derr, 400 Market st, P. C. Dufly. M0 Grant st. E. F. Ruscb, 3716 Forbes st. Linhart, Bald & Co., 411 Smithfield st Charles Eble, 6009 Penn ave. C. F. Kirkendale, Mnuongahela House. Theo. E. Ehrig, 3610 Fifth ave. John Gamble, 1119 Bingham st. Emil J. Stuckev, 1701 Penn ave. W. P. Phelan. 539 Smithfield st. G. W. Schmidt. 95 and 97 Fifth. Are. ALLEGHENY, PA. W. F. McDonald, 91 Bnena Vista, "W. A. Blackstock, 12 Ohio st. BEAYEB FALLS, FA. B. B. Todd. F. V. Beisel. m'keespobt, pa. Hotel "White, Luke Lynch. PENNSYLVANIA. G. M. Miller, Burgettstown. Hugo Andriessen, Beaver. J. A. Donaldson, Evans City. Harry Reynolds, Kittanning. E. M. Sloan, Clarion. D. H. Wuller. Butler. R, M. Allen & Son, New Castle, CANTON, OHIO. Bechel Dumoulin & Co. John A. Brobst AKEON, OHIO. Pflug & Harrier. STEUBENVT.LLE, OHIO, Evans & Turner. ' New McConville Hotel. Jl. L. Miller & Son. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. Geo. A. Hellawell. J. G. Donovan. J. G. Goetz. EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO. A. H. Fleming. A. H. Metz. BELLAXRE, OHIO. Husbands & Inskcep. J. E. Blackburn. , The Most Wholesome Beverage Is tbe Wiener Standard or Culbacher beer made by the Baeuerlein Brewing Company. For a summer drink it stands without a rival. Sold in bottles or kegs. Send orders bv mail to Bennnett, Pa., P. O., or via tele- puouc iuxoj prompt attention given in either instance. ttssu Fine Underwear The Finer to Finest Sorts In English and French balbriggan French lisle thread Allen Sollv & Co. 'a pure lambs' wool and fine silk and wool; also gauze and gossamer pure silk underwear we import those goods direct and hence undersell ether dealers. 1 Jos. Horne & Cos Penn Avenue Stores. iF.you haTe not smoked the La Perla del Fumar Key "West cigar you have lost a treat Sold 3 for 25c G. "w. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Cabinet photographs, 51 a dozen. .Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny. Come Early Store Closes at 5 O'clock These days we want to accommodate every, body and expect to sell just as manv goods, if we have an hour less. Jos. Hobne & Co. 's, Penn Avenue Stores. Do Yon Wont to Keep Cool Then use plenty of Marvin's ginger-suaps tbey act as counter-irritants and positively keep out the heat Try them. mtts S. S. Mabvijt & Co. French Satlnes, Were 30 Cents, Now Iff Cents. This is the place to bur satlnes, sure. JOS. HOKNK & CO. '5 Penn Avenue Stores. Have Your Bnby Photographed This week by Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Allegheny, Cabinets, 1 a dozen. Jrwr t- i . ... . .. .a. .'- .,' Si ,.7- ,v -. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Beady Readlnc Chief Biqelow went to New York last evening to see Mr. C L. Magee off to Europe. Mrs. A. UcNisn and her son George, of Robinson street Allegheny, go to Franrf ort Springs to-day. Superintendent Pitcairn, of the Pitts burg division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, went East yesterday. William Thaw and Chas. J. Clarke left last night for New York. They will sail for Europe to-morrow on an extended tour. The May report of th Pittsburg and West ern road shows an increase in earnings of tU4,3S2 for the entire system over last year. - Superintendent Cowan, of the West Penn Hospital, went to Alliance, O.. yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. Cowan, for a two weeks' visit. The body of Dr. William Robinson, of Al toona. was cremated at Samson's yesterday. The Mayor of Al toona and a number of friends accompanied the body. Rev. J. D. Knox, tbe banker of Topeka, Kas., was in Pittsburg yesterday. He is on bis way East He is well known in this city, hav ing resided here many years. Chief Clerk: W. H. Crosbt, of the Ander son, will leave for tbe St Clair Springs this morning to spend a month. Mr. Crosby is a great sufferer from rheumatic gout Mr. T. E. Evans, the potter, returned from Europe yesterday. He says the foreign potters are making a strong bid for American trade, and are prepared to break tbe prices. William Smith, employed in tbe mills of Lindsay, McCutcbeon & Co.. Allegheny, had his right arm crushed severely yesterday after noon by having it caught in some machinery. Frank Warbinoton had a hearing before Alderman McKenna yesterday on a charge of mayhem preferred by William Sprout Tbe defendant was alleged to have bitten tbe prose cutor on the lip. A MAN named Laner. 82 years of age, whose home is on Carson street dear South Nine teenth, fell while getting off a street car yes terday, and was injured so that fears for his life were entertained. The Society for tbe Improvement of the Poor distributed in tbe past two weeks 552 loaves of bread, 251 bars of soap, 238 grocery orders, S75 bushels of coal and 322 garments. Four hundred and twenty-two families were visited. Mrs. Sarah Grahax, widow of James Graham, of the Eighth ward, died night before last She was born in 1811, on Smithfield street near Strawberry alley. Her husband died two months ago. They were born on the some day. Detective McSweeney and Deputy Mar shal Chambers captured John Ross, charged in the United States Court with counterfeiting, at his borne in Manifold, Butler county, on Hun day. Ross is said to bave been a member of tbe Bob Montgomery gang. The Wylie avenue traction line will not be in operation as soon as expected, but it is ex pected to be in operation by the time the Ex position opens. The track will likely be fin ished in two weeks, and work has been com menced on the power house. John Rissel, engineer, and a man named Boetler, fireman, the former 50 and the latter 23 years old and residents of Allegheny City, were killed by the wreck on the Pittsburg and Western Railway near Canton Snnday. The cause of tbe wreck was a broken axle. Peter Baliff says he was struck by his son William, who also threatened to make mince meat of his progenitor, according to the old i man's allegations before Alderman Hartman. A warrant was issued for William's arrest. Tbe Baliff family lire in West Elizabeth. John Hughes, prominent In Masonic circles.,was brongbt dead to his late home, 1820 Sidney avenue. Twenty-sixth ward, from Uniontown yesterday. His death was the re sult of a paralytic stroke and occurred at the residence of his son-in-law. Captain Sam Brown. An engineer on a heavy freight train that could not be checked on the down grade through Monongahela City, crawled down onto tbe cow catcher of his train on 8nnday and caught a little child of William Roy, which was on the track, and held it out of harm's way until tbe train cculd be stopped, some 0 rods further along. Edward Veely, who lives at 1810 Larkins alley, Southside, took his baby in a perambu lator to the foot of South Eighteenth street and while there fell into a doze and was awak ened by tbe child screaming. He found the child with its bead bathed in blood and a piece of pot shell with blood on it lying beside tbe child. It is supposed to bare been thrown by some boy. The baby Is expected to die from the injury. It Is said that tbe cost of digging ditches, procuring of carpets, bed clothing, etc., to cover tanks, to prevent the spread of tbe flames at the time tne 36,000-barrel oil tank at Johnston station, Chartlers Valley Railroad, was struck by lightning. 2d inst, was $2,500. F. M. Lowry, agent of the Western and Atlantic Pipeline Company, was forced to hire laborers at 1 an hour and hash. The loss on tank and contents was $45,000, with $25,000 insurance. Superintendent Dean, of the S. P. C. A visited St Francis Hospital yesterday to make inquiry In regard to a charge tbat Margaret Bracken was confined in the Insane department at the instance of her relatives, and tbat sbe was not insane. Tbe Mother Superior, how ever, thought there was sufficient in tbe girl's behavior to warrant confinement though the insanity was of mild tvpe. A certificate was Srodnced from Drs. H. H. Clark and W. C. uvinger that tbe girl was insane. Two nilshly Continents, North and South America, besido Guatemala, the West Indies. Australia, and even Europe, are the fields of usefulness In which Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters has demonstrated its value as an antidote to malaria, ana as a remedy for dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, neuralgia, biliousness, nervousness, and loss of appetite and sleep. Tbe inhabitants, tbe medical men of these countries, have spoken In no uncertain tone concerning the efficacy of the great house hold remedy. McCORMICK'S Excursion to the I-nUes None Better for Best. To Cleveland, $3; Detroit, $6; Mackinac, (10. Bound trip, July 11. Trains leave Pittsburg and Lake Erie depot at 2:35 and 5:10 P. M., city time. Tickets and bents at McCormick's, 401 Smithfield street. Too Hot to Stay Here. I am going on the seashore excursion over the Pennsylvania Railroad July 11. "Train leaves Union station at 8:55 a. Jl., arrives at Philadelphia 70 p. 21. We can stay there over night, going down to either Cape May, Atlantic City, Sea Isle or Ocean City next morning. Fare is only fen dol lars and gives us ten days vacation from this heat Baeuerlein Deer Absolutely Pare. The Baeuerlein Brewing Com'pary at Bennett, Pa.( use nothing but the best and purest materials, together with artesian well water, in the mahulacture ol their beer. Send orders either for bottles or kegs to Bennett P. O., or by telephone 1018. ttssu French Satlne. Were 30 Cents, Now IS J Cents. to buv satines, sure. Jos. lORNE & Co.'s ' Penn Avenue Stores. Smoke the best. La Perla del Fumar clear Havana Key "West cigars. Sold 3 for 25c by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Filth ave. Pilsner Beer Is on draft at all first-class bars. ttssu .Frauenheim- & Vilsack. Men's Flannel Shirts and Boy's Flannel Waists Are here in greatest variety, especially the "better to best" kinds. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avecue Stores. For the Family. Ginger-snaps, in family packages, air- ngni, just tne proper size 10 for family use. Don't fail to try them, MTTS 8. S. Mabtot & Co. Smoke the best L Perla del Fumar clear Havana Key West cigars. i8ld3for 25c by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. S3 and 97 Fifth Tennis Blazers, the Best, H3. Tennis caps, 25 cents; largest variety of tennis belts, sashes; shirts in silk, flan, nel and English cheviot, in our furnish ing department . Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. gf-DUplay advertUementt one dollar per tquare for one imertion. Classified advertise tnenfi on Vii page such at Wanted, For Sale, To Let, eta, ten cent per line for each inser tion, and none taken for leu than fifty eentt. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of tho public, Branch Offices bave been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to G P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisement are to be prepaid except where advertisers already bave accounts with Tub DIS PATCH, r PrJTSBUBG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S509 Butler street. FJHIL O. bTDCKEY, Z4th street and Penn ave. K. O. BTDCKEY A CO.. WTlle ave. and Fulton st N. bTOKKLY. Fifth Avenue Market House. east end. 3. W. WALLACE. Bin Tenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & SHElBLEK,5thaT. AAlwOOdlt. soinnsrox. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEU, 69 Federal street. 11. 3. McBRIDE. Federal and Ohio streets. FkEO H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. lLjEUOElM A SOS, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS JlcHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. U. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver-aves. FEKKYM QtEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Olnle Ucln. TTTANTED 8 FARM HANDS. K1HK. 67 Y V East Diamond. Allegheny, JJ1M WANTF.D-A GOOD IIARKEK. APPLY AT 2S3 Fifth ave. J. bCHUESSLEK, Jj-9-5 WANTED FIKST-CLASS BABBEB AT Hotel Anderson barber shop. B. GLASSES. jy-98 WANTKD-150 MEN KOK STEEL WORKS at 640 Grant street. AUG. a OEISEIt, Gen eral Agent. Jy9-83 WA.STED-URUG CLERK-A REGISTERED pharmacist for night duty. Address OPIt Dispatch office. Jy9-92 -VTTANTED-S1NGLK MAJN TO DO GENERAL Y work abon? place. Inquire at JOS. LOUOH REY A SON'S, 413 Wood St. Jy-82 TTTANTEU-A FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINTER. VV reference required. MATCHETT PAPER BOX CO., 23 Seventh avenne. Jy9-61 WANTED- GOOD TINNERS TO WORK on milk cans and onulde work; steady work. DUFFY & CLARK, S18 Grant St. Jy-63 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BARBER; GOOD wages to right man. Apply to JOHN It ElDEIlOKE, 62 "Washington St., Pittsburg. J79-32 fTT-ANTED A GOOD GALVANIZEB CAN V V nnd steady employment at THE KELLY JONES CO., its First arc, l'UUD urg, or Greens- burg. Pa. jyxa WANTED-TO LOAN ON MOICTGAGES, S500 to SMO. 000 at 4W. Sand 6 per cent. JAS. v. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg, Tele phone S7S. Jy-88-MTTS WANTED-STUDENT TO LEARN DENT ISTRY: mast pay a Tec. Inquire between, hoars or 9 and 5, SPENCEB'S DENTAL ROOMS, 802 Penn ave. JT9-80 WANTED -A GOOD BAKBER GET TO work any time between this and Friday evening, at GEOBUE FLAUS',C12Markett,.Mc Keesport, Pa. JyS-1 WANTED-FIRST-CLAS3 BRASS HOLDER can nnd permanent employment at tbe KELLY A JONES CO., 143 First ave., Pg., or tireensbcrg, p. Je29-3S WANTED-LADY, ABOUT 25: MUST BE well educated t school teacher preferred. Applicants seen after 10 a. ic to-day. H. A. SCHKOEDER, 5 Seventh ave. Jy-62 WANTED-SALESMEN FOR CITY AND suburbs to handle a line of men's medium grade shoes on commission. Inquire between 6 and 8 P.M., for two days, ST. CHARLES HOTEL. JylWO WANTED BOOKKEEPER IN GENERAL store: must be thoroughly competent and experienced: one wbo sneaks Herman preferred; references required. Address JUDSON McCOUB, Natrona, Pa. Jy9-66 -TTT-ANTED-SALESMAN, ONE WHO IS AC YY QUAINTED with the drug or wholesale tobacco trades preferred: only bright, active men need' apply, reference required. Addresa o. P., Dispatch office. Jy9-93 WANTED AGENTS TO SELL TEA. BAKING powder and pure spices: gifts with goods: coke workers, miners or miUnum can makemoney In their spare time. YAMASH1KO TEA CO., Si Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja26-S6-TTS WANTKD-A .YOUNG ,MAN FOR ASSIST ANT bookkeeper: must be a good penman, quick In flgnres and have a good knowledge of acc-unts. Give reference and address In own handwriting, CAKl'El'S, Dispatch office. Jy6-4-D WANTED rlRST-CLASS MAN WHO CAN drive team, take care stable; one who Is not afraid of work; steady and good employment to the right man. Address by malt stating where previously employed, and wages wanted, BOX 753, city. JyM WANTED AGENTS "THE JOHNSTOWN Horroi; or, the Valley of Death." In eon sequence of its unprecedented sale will be pub lished In German: same price as In English. Ap- ply to P. J. FLEMING t CO., 77 Diamond St., ma st. jy2-!7 xitiBuurfr, a. WANTED-BAD WRITERS AT SMART'S Eclectic Shorthand and Business College. 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg. Students (both sexes) qualified for positions from one to three months: Civil Service exercises. College open day and evening through summer. JeCS-TTSSn WANTED-SALESilEN-WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to tbe wholesale and retail trade; on salary: largest manufacturers in ourllne: Inclose 2c stamp: wages (3 per day: permanent position; money aavan.ed for wages, advertising, etc. CENTENNIAL M'F'O. CO.. Cincinnati, O. Je29-l-TT8Su T7--NTEU MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF TV our safes: size 28x18x18 lacbes: weight 500 lbs.: retail price 835;otherslzes In proportion: rare chance to create permanent business at home; these safes meet demand never before supplied by otbersafe companies, as we are not governed by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati. O. Je20-4-D WANTED AGENTS TO HANDLETHE NEW patent chemical ink erasing pencil; great est novelty ever produced; erases Ink In two sec onds; no abrasion of paper; MO to 500 per cent Sroflt: one agent's sales amounted to t&oin six ays: another S32 In two hours: territory absolute ly free; salarr to good men;noladles need answer; sample 35 cents. For terms and roll particulars, address the msnufacturersJ. W. SKINNER CO.. Onalasxa. Wis. Jy-5 male and Pemnlo nolo. TTTANTED ATONCE-HOTEL PORTER AND vt waiter, man to drive laundry wagon, 100 laborers, 40 farm bands, 200 house girls. 60 fur summer resorts, dining room girls and chamber maids, dishwashers and laundry girls; 60 cooks. MEEHAN'S. 645 Grant st Jy8-V WANTED - S25 WEEKLT-REPRESENTA-TrvE. male or female. In every community; goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean J uit what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. Jel4-70-D Situations. WANTED-POSITION IN WHOLESALE OB retail grocery: have had i years' experi ence; can give good reference. Address M. D., Dispatch office. JyS-51 Partners. WANTED-A SILENT PARTNER IN THE steel business with Si. 000; good prospects. Address BtV Dispatch office. JY9-95 WANTED-PABTNERIN A CITY BUSINESS; It, 000 required : business . suitable for a young man. STEVENSON'S AGENCY, 100 Fifth ave. Jya-43 Booms. Uoores. Etc WANTED-COTTAGE FOB TWO MONTHS on line or P., V. A C B. B. Address BOX 244. Pittsburg. Pa. iyg-81 Flnnnrml. WANTED MORTGAGES, LARGE AND small. ED W1TT1SU, 410 Grant St., Pitts burg. Jel8-32 WANTED-MORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN In sums to suit at !f, i and S per cent. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth are. Tel. IS7. api-14-TTSSU WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over S4.O00: 4 per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAViUtACO.. 82 Fourth avenue. mh2a22-D i Tjn-ANTED-MORTGAGES-S1.000,OOOTOLOAN TV in Tier cent. larceand small amounts at 4U. Sindi er cent, free of State tax; no delay. REED 1). COYLE A CO.. 131 Fourth ave. myzi-eo WANTED MORTGAGES WE HAVE A large amount of money to loan st S per cent on Improved city property. W. A. HEBUON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Jy3--J,6,9,13,18.20,23,S7.M WANTED RENTS TO COLLECT AND houses to rent In all parts of both cities aud suburbs: established 1863. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. JyJ-8-3, 6. 8, IS, 18,20.23,27, SO WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LABOE AND small amounts: we have a Urge amount or money to loan at s per cent W. A. HEBRON A BONS, 80 Fourth avenue. ' "" je30-72-L.8,B,ll,l,18,18,a0,a;2,g. TJl7AM.TJRrT0..L0AM woiooa in amounts TV of 3,000 snd upward, on city and suburban property, on t)i per cent, free or tax; also smaller amounts at t and s per cent. BLACK A BAIBU 95 Fourth avenue. re21-d2iM w ANTED-TO LOAN (980,000 ON MORT- uAuu; fiw ana apwara at c per cent; I5rn,000at 4K per cent on residences of business EE"Zt ' In aujoinini FRENCH. 1-.4 fourth arenue! iroperty; also In adjoining counties. 8. H. wirinTcnne. ocAi-es4-T WANTED. Financial. exhenvand auli cent counties at 8 per cent. bON, 105 Fourth avenue. M. PEN NOCK A sp7-f4I Miscellaneous. WANTED-YOU TO GET A BAKER'S doron (13) of Stewart A CO. 's tine cabinet photos for 81, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. mr2S-eo-Trsa WANTED-LADIES TO KNOWHAUGH A Keenan repair, rennlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible m an ner. 33AND34 WATERST. 'Phonel26. my9-82 TTTANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM- ii. BEES to secure a line gold watch for each one In the rlub at fl 00 per week. Address P. O. BOX I0L and I will call and snow you tbe watch. Jys- TT7-ANTED-EVKBYBODY TO KNOW THAT ii they can get a first-class photograph oranyslzeatthe lowest price; also 4 large tin types for 25c. at CAMPBELL'S, Photographer, No. 4325 Butler st. Call early. JyS-7 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 88 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making tine cabinets at It SO per doien; photos dcltvered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-3 WANTED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YORK Cutting School; Urllng's actnal measure ment taught In all Its branches; the only true system fitting any and all shapes; no trying on: Instructions. 10 a. M. to 4 r. iw evening. 7 to 9 P. M.; call or write for circular. l514 WOOD bT., Pittsburg. Pa. . Jy9-49 FOB SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. FOB SALE NO. 23 SHINGISS ST.. ONE square from Court House, fine brick house, of rooms, ball, vestibule, both gases, all modern Improvements; lot 21x121, to Boyd St.: can. be bought at a bargain. ALLES & BAILEY. No. 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 1M. Jy7--TFSU FOR SALE WYLIE AVE. -BEST PART OF street, short distance from Court House, two story and mansard brick bonse: 9 rooms, ball, storeroom with plate glass windows: rented to good tenant at 720per year: lot 23x90 to aUey. AMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jy9-S4-TTS FOB SALE-CO R. FORTIETH AND MIFFLIN sts lot 35x101. with new 2-story building, size 32X101 ft, tbat could easily be turned Into 7 dwelling houses of 4 rooms each, that would pay handsomely on the Investment: price St. 00; half or all cash. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. Jy-lC0 "ITKJR SALE-6 CHOICK HOUSES ON SIDNEY A1 street, above Twenty-third, the best and pleasantest location on the Southside: Sidney street being wide, newly paved and well lm proved; houses, to be finished by Augnst 1st, have pressed brick and stone ornamental fronts, and contain elgnt rooms, witn bath, laundry and every other convenience: city water, gas and natural gas on each floor, and good plumbing leading to city sewers makes dwellings first class In every respect; Smithfield ant Carson streetcars pass within one square; terms, 81,000 cash, with balance payable as arranged to suit purchaser. Apply to BAKEWELL- PHILLIPS. Dispatch office. Fifth ave., city. Je27-8S-rrsu Host End Residences. FOR SALlv-FOK tA300-ON EASY PAY MENTS, a new and complete Oakland resi dence. 9 rooms; only 15 minutes from P. O. via cable line. For full particulars see W. A. HEB RON A SONS, 80 Fourth ale. Je30-eS-2,8,9,12,18 FOR SALE-OAKLAND AVENUE, NEAR Forbes st., a new 8-room brick dwelling, vestibule, hall. bath. etc. water, nat, and art. gas. Inside sbutters and w. c, laundry with sta tionary tubs: electric bells, front and rear Eorches. nice lawn and yard: terms reasonable. AMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jy9-85-TTS F 'OR SALE-ONLY A FEW NOW REMAIN unsold of the Terr desirable elffht-room dwell ings on Oakland square. Tbe rapidity with which sales nave Deen made show the estimation In which they are held: durably built and handsome ly finished, supplied with every modern con venience; standing on large lots and facing a handsome park planted with beautiful shade trees, these dwellings have the notable advantage of be in but 15 to 0 minutes from thepostofflco by the Pittsburg Traction road: a cable loop, for which an ordinance Is now In Councils, will pass within 100 feet or tbe square: prices 88,500 and 18,750; terms, moderate cashpayroent and long time on balance. Apply toS.W. BLACK A CO., W Fourth avenne. Je2-67 Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE all conveniences and large lot, choice loci, tion, Bldwell street, Allegheny: low price easy terms. JNO. H. M'CBEERY, 95 Fifth ave. ap9-4S-TTS TTIOR SALE ON TUNNEL ST.. NEAR X: Fifth ave., property now renting to pay 7 per cent net on the price asked, with future en hancement almost certain. Full Information from W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth are. Jt3-7-3,B,9,12,18,20 Suburban Residences. T7IOB.8ALE A FINE SUBURBAN RESI Jl . DEM CE, with modern conveniences and fine, large lot with abundance ol fruit and sbade trees, near railroad station: a nice place for a borne: wortb at least S3. 000. but will be sold for about half Its value. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., JT9 Fourth avenne. Pittsburg. Jy89 F lOR SALE-A FINE RESIDENCE AND grounds near Sewlckley. at Fair Oaks station, . Ft. W. AC. B. R-: orer 4U acres of around , II W..I .1 . t ..... . . ....... P - abundance: 2 acres of lawn, an excellent dwelling house of 11 rooms. Inside sbutters and marble mantels throughout, natural gas, furnace, wash room. Ice bouse, large carriage bouse, stables, Soultry house and other needed outbuildings: the welling and outbuildings and lawn lighted with gas: delicious water supplied bv reservoir 50 feet higher than the building, affording facilities for stationary wsshstands, lavatorv. etc., etc.; board walk from the station to the property: location unsurpassed ror beauty and bealthrulness; only 5 minutes' walk from the station and second station below Sewlckley; as the owner Intends to so South he has resolved to offer the property at public sale on TUESDAY. July 23. at 3 o'clock, on the 5 remises; terms to mlt. Further particulars from . M. STONER. 110 Diamond street, or on the PREMISES, or JAS. W. DRAPE A CO, Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. )y9-89 FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. TTIOB SALE-81,400 WILL BUY TWO VERY JU line lots on Can er street. 20 and 2100 feet to 20-ft. alley: sewer paid. Apply to F. O. VAN GOKDEB, 8014 Penn avenue. East End.Je27-7-TTS T7IORSALE CITY LOTS 10LOTSONLIBERTY A? ave., between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sts., Pittsburg, Pa.: low and on long time. H. FORBES. Wheeling. TV. Va. Je2 FOR SALE-CARSON ST.. 8. B., CORNER Twenty-first, fine building lots, 22x120, only K 500 each; also on Sldner St., corner Twenty-first St., lots 22x100, only riTSO each: terms reasonable. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.. 99 Fourth ave. Jy8-4S-TT8 East End Lots. FOB BALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUGHER, 43 N. Diamonds;. mll7-98-D FOR SALE-LOTS WHICH WILL GIVE YOU a handsome profit, or make you a fine home; 140 and 850 per foot for lotslnllaum Grove Is as secure an Investment as can be round. MELLON BROS, East End. or JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512Mnlthfieldst. Jy7-3-TUF FOR SALE-BANK OF COMMERCE ADDI TION plan leads them all; no city taxes and city conveniences; Intending purchasers will fur ther their own Interest bv Investigating this plan before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN F. BAX TElt, Agent, 512 Smithfield St. 1y7-55-Tur FOB SALE-MARION PLACE: MUST GO: nowlsyonr chance to buy a good lot cheap and on easy terms: 44 lots sold In one week; third auction sale Saturday, July 13, at 2 r. M. ; lota will be Sold to the highest hlddpr trrmi tn unit Va plans and particulars call on or address BEED Bj COYLE A CO., 131 Fourth avenue. Jy9-79 L Alleghenv Lots. FOR BALK-CHEAP. YET DESIRABLE AL LEGHENY building lots, as low -as 8350, on er.Pyment,t '" or send for plans. W. A. HEKftON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Je30-70-3, 8, 9, 13,18.20,23,27,30 TJWK SALE-CHOICE BUILDING LOTS IN A. second ward, Allegheny; convenient to street cars: prices (too to 8850, on easy terms: these lots are beyond qnestlon tbe cheapest ever offered : etll and examine plans. W. W. MCNEILL A BBO, 105 Fourth ave. Jy7-22 sarins. . FOR SALE FARM 100 ACRES. IN WEST MORELAND Co, coaL limestone; orchard: new frame bouse; bank Darn; sprlnghouse; chicken house: corncrlb: on two lines of rail roads. ED. W1TT1SH. 410 Grant st, Plttsbnrg, P: Jye-D FOB SALE THREE GOOD FARMS, IS, 8 and 70 acres resDeetlvelr? 1U mll. from Harmarvllle, W. P. K. B, i2 miles from Alle- chenv Cltv: all well lmnrored? acnA hitlMln.. orchards, etc: terms to suit. JOSEPH BAR TON. Harmafllle, Pa.: AV. J. BARTON, No. I Wylie ave. Jy7-i8 FOR SALE-FARMS-EASY PAYMENTS OH exchange 35 acres, news-room bouse, barn, rilenty fruit: nice home IK miles from Bearer s ta lon: 83,300; also, 225 acres. 1 mile from Statlou. Fort Wayne railroad, S-room house. 2 orchards. 2 (tarns, etc, onry10,000. bend for Farm and Ex change List N. F. HURST, Beal Estate Agent, Bocnester. Pa. Je29-77-TTS Miscellaneous. TTIOR S ALE-ATLANTIC CITY.N. J.-HOTELS, A? boarding houses, cottages, lots aud bath houses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS A CO, real estate agents, K. Est. A Law Bdg., Atlantic Cltv. N. J. Jc20-3-p FOR SALE BUSINESS. Easiness Caoar.es. W BAXX-HABNESS SHOP, STOCK. 1TX J7 . TUBES, lease; first-class city and country trade. Address HAKNE8S. Dispatch office. JeSO-ll-TTB TWE SALE-STOCK AND FIXTURES OF 5: grocery store, doing good business. In good locality: also horse and wagon. Address STORE, Dispatch office. Jy9-43 FIB SALE-TWENTY-FIVE GALLON MILK route, horse and wagon, cans, charn, har ness, etc; will sell reasonable. Apply at 77 CHARGES ST., Allegheny. 3yi44-TT FOR BALK BUSINESS. Basin ess Chances. IPOB 8ALE-BAKEKYANDC0NFECTI0NE-? BYatCWyllearc., city, Pittsburg. Jy9-t5 FOKSALE-A SPLENDIUCONFECTIONEKY, news, stationery, tobacco and cigars and no tions stand: business runs handsome and sure, and growing every day: situated before a public place; price very low, only 11,800, including stock. Address at once. BOX A. B, Dispatch office. JJ-6-63-TUSSU FOB SALE-FURNITURE. LICENSE, GOOD wlll, bar fixtures and leasehold for 4 years at SSOper month of a hotel In Youngstown. 0, or 20 rooms, doing a good business: reasons for selling, 111 health: price. 82,000 for all. if sold at once. THOS. LIGGETT, 114 Fourth ave, Pittsburg. Jy4-96-TTSSU jpo R BALE lOO GROCERY. miYflOODH. drur. china and riotlan starts; llrht mann- iKiuiuiK uusicesa, paying wen; leeu store, ex tensive and profitable bakery. Ice cream and con fectionery business; cigar stores and confection ery stores, all sizes and prices; fine restaurant and dining rooms, printing office, butcher shop, milk depots, upholstery business, shoe stores, etc. Free particulars. SHEPARD A CO, 54 Fifth are. " in mannfaetnrlnar Sites. FOR .SALE MANUFACTURING SITE River avenue, Allegheny, between P. A W. and W. P. R. R, opposite new Thirtieth street bridge; lot 250x125: one of tbe best locations for manufacturing purposes In the two cities. If not sold this property will be offered at public sale Monday. July 15, at 10 o'clock. For particulars call on or address JOHN J, HOWLEY, 127 Fourth are. je30-e2 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, tfce. FOB SALE-BAROUCUK 'AND HAENES3 and English doctor boggvand harness; nearly new: sold cheap for want of use. Address DRIVER, Dispatch office. Jy7-12 FORSALE AVERx-HANDSOMEBAYMABE, 18 hands high: would make an excellent fam ily driver: perfectly safe for anyone to drive: 8 years old. Can be seen 215 FIRST AVE., above Grant St. . y9-57 TTIOB SALE-MORRILL PATENT JUMP SEAT J rockaways, the best Jump seat made, are light, comfortable, roomy, easy shifted and pos sesses features not found In any other. CWEST A CO, Carriage Makers. 420Dnqnesne way. Jy3-17 FOB SALE A STANDABD BRED. 7-YEAR-old driving horse, bright bay. 15M hands, a free and fearless driver, kind disposition and rare lntelllsence. beautiful style and action, trots fast and would single foot to saddle: was not broken till past 4 years old; has had no abuse, and will be guaranteed sound and a drst-class horse in every respect; price, 8500. B. 3, Dispatch office. Jy9-58 Machinery ana Metal. FOB 8ALE-ONB SECOND-HAND TUBNING machine, 2surfacersand 1 sbaper, and new and second-hsnd engines and boilers, lard ket tles, tar tanks. Slcmen valves, castings, etc VELTE A MCDONALD, Thirty-second st. and Penn ave. Jy3-9l-TTS Miscellaneous. T70B SALE-FURNITURE AT RESIDENCE X of Dr. Brown, Sherman are., Bellevne, at auction, Wednesday. July 10, at 2 o'clock; train at 12:43, city time, from Federal st.: car from railway station, Bellevne, to door; there are par lor plush suit, marble-top center table, marble top dressing bureaus and cases, sota. bedsteads, bookcase, easy chair, dining table, sideboard, refrigerator, toilet set, ball and stair carpets, portable range, chairs, dishes, utensils, etc.; also a good rockaway. A, LtGGATE A SON, Auctioneers. Jyt-19 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-THOMAS POWELL. FRANCE. business affairs about arranged: relatives and friends beseech you to write. Jy9-58-TT8 PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS I New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific 00,'JOOvol umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty St. my3-2S "PERSONAL-WHY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, XT mother or daushters In renatrlns: and dean-' lug your old clothes, when It can be done ror a trifle by DICKSON, tbe Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st, second floorr Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order; spring styles now ready, 'telephone 1558. mhs LOST. T OST-ON SIXTH AVE.. SO"NDAY NIGHT, JJ diamond ring. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning same to A. B. SPENCEK, 54 Fifth ave. Jy9-90 LOST-JULY 4, LARUE FAWN-COLORED mastiff: answers to name of Dlxey. Suitable reward wilt be paid for bis return to JOS. R. DILWORTH. Bldwell St.. ahadyslde. Jy9-48 L OST-ON SATURDAY NIGHT, BROWN leather satchel, on Breckenrldge avenue. Mlnersvllle, city, containing clothing, papers and other articles; liberal reward will be paid for Its return and uo questions asked. Apply to No. 7 WHITNEY TERRACE, Breckenrldge avenue. Jy9-4 DIVIDENDS. Thz Tbtttonta Insurance Company, ) no. 208 ohio street, ALLEGHENY, Pa.. July 3, 1889. S DIVIDEND NO. 33 THE DIRECTORS OF this company bave this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT (12 per share) out of the earnings of the past six months, payable on demand. CHAS. W. GEBWIG, jy7-M Secretary. German American Ins. Co. of Pa, 7 Office No. ill Fourth avenue. Pittsburg, July 3. 1839. DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS? OF THIS company have this day declared a divi dend of FOUR PERCENT (12 per share) out of tho profits of the last six months, pavable on demand. W. J. PATTERSON, jy4-a Secretary. German Savings and Deposit Bane of Birminouau, Carson and Fourteenth streets. KklVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS t bank bave this day declared a dividend of VE(5)PER CENT out of the earnings of tne past six montns, payaoie on demand, j. b. ERNEY, Cashier. jy4-8 Office Mononoahxxa Insurance Co, i PittsbUro.Pa JnlyS.1889. DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS HAVE this jay declared a dividend of (3 per cent) OHE AND A HALF DOLLARS per share. Payable oa and after th inst. JOHN H. CLANEY. Secretary. rjyf-75-D Office of the Philadelphia Compa-j ny. No. 820 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, July fi. 1889. J ErVTDEND-FORTY-THlRD DIVIDEND. The Board or Directors of this company this day declared a dividend of TWO PER CENT oat of the profits of tbe last three months, payable on the 20tb inst. to the stock holders of record. Transfer books will bo. closed from 10th to 20th inst, both inclusive. Checks will be mailed to stockholders. JOHN CALDWELL, y9-54 Treasurer. AMUSEMENTS. PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from the city, situated on the bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, flue dancing platform, etc. Tbe use of the grove will be given free to Snnday schools, societies, lodges. G. A.R. posts, private fetes, etc, the only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A. CLANEY on tbe grounds. mvll-15-D LEGAL NOTICES. E8TATE OF MARGARET J. CHOML1SH, deceased Letters testamentary upon tbe above estate having been granted to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims against tbe same present them to NANCY C.ALKER. Hazelwood avenne, or her attorney, MARSHALL BROWN, 157 Fourth avenue. jy9-71-Tu SSIGNEES" NOTICE COURT OF COM MON Pleas No. L No. 4S2. December term, 1888. In re voluntary assignment of tbe Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, of East Bir mingham, to J. H. Sore. L. S. Cunningham and H. J. Berg. Jr. Notice is bereby given tbat tbe assignees have died their account In tha above entitled matter, and that the same will teal lowed by tbe Court on WEDNESDAY, July 31, 18S9, and confirmed nisi, nnless exceptions are filed thereto. D. T. W Al 80N. jj9-Tu Attorney Znz the Assignees. J. J. 8IBENECKrAtfy, No. 1 Wylie ave ESTATE OF OTTO HELMOLD, DE CEASED Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given tbat letters testamentary on the estate of Otto Helmold, late of the city of Pittsburg, in the county of Allegheny, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to thaunderslgned, to whom all persons indebted to sail estate, are re quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to CHAR LOTTE HKLMOLD. CONSTANTINB W. HELMOLD, Executors of the last will of Otto Helmold, dee'd. No. 612 Smltblleld st. Pittsburg, June 4, 18S9.. jel-75-Tu VTOTICE-IN THE CODRT OF QUARTER L( Sessions of tbe, Peace of Allegheny, In re application of Leonard Rauwolf, of Eleventh ward, Pittsburg, for transfer of wholesale liquor dealerr' license to George Gotthart. No. 12M March sessions, 1S89, Notice is hereby given that the Court has fixed the 20th. day of JULY. 1888, at 10 o'clock A. M. as the time for bearing the application made by Leonard Rauwolf for the transfer of his wholesale liquor dealer's license for the house No. 487 Fifth avenue. Eleventh ward, Pittsburg, to George Gotthart (wbo resides at No. HI Jackson street. Allegheny City), at which time all persons opposing said transfer, as wall as all parties la interest wUl appear. . .. ' t MCGDNNEGLE, Jj5o Clerk of Courts. - t TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO L"ET-NO. 171 SECOND AVE.. BRICK dwelling: ball and 9 rooms; possession lm mediately. J.AI.STONEB, 22 Bakewell Build ing. Je22-98 Allegheny Residences. mo LET NO. 10 MARKET STBEET, ALLE X. GHENY. new brick house off rooms, ball, water In bonse: rent f20 per month. V. A. HER RON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Jy9-J9-rrs TO LET-MAGNOLIA 8T, NEAR BPENCE st, Allegheny, new brick bouse of 8 rooms, water In house. Inside w. c. : rent 817 per month. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. JV9-59-TTS Ofllces. Desk Room, etc mO LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY J. painted: elevator, janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GERMAN1A SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. Je3-8-D TO LET-OFFICE ROOMS OK SUHES FOR general bnslness purposes In the new DIS PATCH BUILDING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond St.: situation most central In the city: electric light Included In rents, which are moderate. Apply rTH LET-PENN BUILDING. PENN AVE,, .A. near Seventh St., offices single or en suite. In this elegant 8-story building; 2 Crane elevators, heat and Janitor services; rents exceptionally low: floor plans at our office: we bave also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO, 99 Fourth ave. Je29-32-D Business Ktanris. TO LET-BOARDING HOUSE 18 ROOMS; EX CELLENT location. 121 WEBSTER AVE N UE. Jy9-48 TO LET-GRAND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A largt. first-class business room In the best part of the business street ot the thriving city or Mansfield, suitable fur any first-class mer chant: a good location for a general store, bazaar, a No. I drug and fancy goods establishment, etc.; healthy, growing city with all modern con veniences. Apply to DR. J. A.JONES, Mans fleld. O. . r Jy9-7 FOUND. T70UND-CHAMFI0N OF THEWORLD TA V Va-ZOM Remedies cure when all other agencies have failed, no matter how bad or how long standing the disease. These medicines pos itively restore to health men. women snd chil dren. Indorsed by the leading people ot India. Europe and America for 34 years. See genuine home testimonials at DR. GRIFFITH DRUG CO, 301. 303. 305. 307 Graut st, corner Third ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Bring this notice with you. AUCTION SALES. A UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, TUESDAY. JULY 9. 1889, at 3 o'clock, on the premises, S9 Chartlers street. Allegheny, tbat very desirable two-story brick dwelling, containiugelght rooms and attic, with largo lot. having a front of 12S feet on Cbartiers street. Terms, one-half cash, balance In one or three years. For further particulars inquire of GEO. JOHNSTON, Auctioneer, jy8-30 62 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. ORAND MIDSUMMER AUCTION SALE VT of everything in the rooms, for tbe pur pose of clearing away goods for fall consign ments TUESDAY, JULY 9, at 10 A.M,No. 311 Market St.; walnut, oak. mahogany and cherry chamber suits, chiffoniers, wardrobes, folding beds, lounges, dressers, bedsteads, wasbstands, bookcases, hall racks, desks, tables, chairs, rockers, sideboards, Cheval glasses, pier mirrors, cabinets, bronzes, pic tures, clocks, curtains, lambrequins, window shades, decorated dinner, tea and toilet sets, pillows and bolsters, elegant group parlor suits in all styles of upholstering, rugs, matting, lin oleum, sewing stands, extension tables, hair aud hnsk mattresses, lamps, dishes and glass ware, velvet, Moquet, body Brussels, tapestry and ingrain haU, room and stair carpets, stoves, sewing machines, refrigerators, groceries, no tions, etc, etc HENRY AUCTION CO, LTM, Auctioneers. JJ7-51 ADJOURNED ASSIGNEES' SALE THE glassworks at tho head of South Four teenth st, Twenty-eightli ward, Pittsburg, in cluding 8 building lots, on which the works are erected, will be offered for sale, on the premi ses, at public auction, by the undersigned as signees of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, of East Birmingham, on THURSDAY, August L 1889, at 9 o'clock A. M. The same will be offered as a whole, and if not sold then, in such Earcels as will suit purchasers present. The ulldings. machinery, steam boiler and other materials on the said premises wilL in tbe latter event, be sold, to be removed from tbe said lots within 30 days from the day of sale. Terms of sale: 10 per cent of all purchase money on day ot sale, one-third when deed is delivered, in two equal annual payments, with interest payable annually from date of deed and seenred by tight bonds and mortgage on the premises sold. The balance of purchase money on materials and machinery within 20 days from day of sale. J. H. 80RG. H. L BERG. JR, L. a CUNINOHAM, Assignees of the Farmers and Mech. Bank. jy9-72-Tu PEREMPTORY AUCTION SALE OF furniture, carpets, pianos, school furniture and household goods at the Select School and residence of Miss Fuller. No. 35 Stockton are., Allegheny. THURSDAY MORNING. July 11. at 10 o'clock. The entire f nrnlshment,embracing two superior rosewood pianofortes, one upright, tbe other square grand, both first-class instru ments In excellent condition, parlor furniture, L e, suit and odd pieces, sofa, easy chairs, tables, pictures, easels,mus!c cabinets, portiers, cornices and lambrequins, chamber furniture, folding bedsteads wltb mirror front bureaus, dressing cases, wardrobes, bedsteads, wash stands, toilet se(s, mattresses, springs and bed ding, lounges, very haudsome three-section bookcase, extension table, china, glass, crock ery and silverware, lanndry and kitchen uten sils, fine large refrigerator, water filter, su perior body brussels and other carpets andlino leunis, etc., etc All tbe above goods are first class and in prime order. House open for Inspection at 8 o'clock on morning of sale. Every article to be sold without reserve for cash. Owner leaving for Europe. HENRY AUCTION CO, LLM, Auctioneers, Jy7-fi2 NOTICES. NOTICE ALL PERSONS HAVING ANY claims against tbe late Edwin G. Tyler, or who may be Indebted to bim, will much oblige by addressing the nndersigned by maU. MASON C. TYLER, Mensuds ave. 1t6-15 Albany. N. Y. PROPOSAL. -VrOTTCE TO FTRE ESCAPE CONTRAC JLN TORS Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals for tbe erection of a fire escape to tbe Etna public school building will be re ceived np until MONDAY, July 29. 1889. For further information call on or address GEO. A. CHALFANT and H. W. OCH8E, Com mittee. Etna, Pa. jy9-TTS. -VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED Xi proposals for tbe grading and paving of Sherman street, between Grant and Lincoln avenues, Miilvale borongb, will be received by tbe Burgess and Town Council until the 13th day of July, 1E&9. at 5 o'clock p. M. Plans and specifications can be seen at No. 43 Grant are nne. Miilvale borongb. Proposals to be ad dressed to Samnel Eades, Bennett P. O, Pa. Tbe Council reserves tbe right to reject any or all proposals. BREWER SCOTT, Burgess. I Jys-P EDUCATIONAL. NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hndson. Courses ot study In civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful buildings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT. B. 8., A. M, Supt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. JeM-D CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ Pa. Unexcelled location and surround lngs. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. For circular, etc, address J. CALVIN RICE, A. M, Principal. J 628-53 KEBLE SCHOOL. 8YRACUSE.N. x. Boarding School for Girls. Under the su pervision of the lit. Rev. F. D. Huntington, S. T. D. The nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 11, 1889. References Rr. Rev. H.C. Potter. D.D..N.Y. Rev. Wm. R. Huntington. D. D, Grace Church, N. Y. City. Pres. E. N. Potttr, D. D, Geneva. N. Y. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. Y. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal, jel4-72-TuF Pennsylvania Female College. Situated In a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau. In the suburbs of Pittsburg, away from city noise and dust. Unsurpassed ror beauty and healtbfulness. Excellent facilities for stndy of Natural Sciences. Classics and Mathematlcs-ln short, every department well equipped- Tbe completion of Dllworth Hall, comorlslng new chapel, commodious class rooms and additional dormitories, has Increased capacity and furnishes faculties for thoroturh educational work of the highest order. Season opens September 11, 1889. Early application Is desirable. For catalogues and further Information apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETBEAU, President, Pittsburg (East End j. Pa. 1r8-94-TU8 PERSONAL WILSON. 61 FOURTH AVENUE, Sella fine watches, jewelry, clocks, silverware, spectacles, etc' Watch, clock and iewelry re pairing a specialty. Je25-75Vrrs 0 A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTBACTOJL. u Baveeu avenne. . Pittsburg. Fa. Telephone 1341. se4-no-rrs OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. PrrrsBURO, PA, June 27. 1889. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE It reports of Viewers on the opening of Charles street, from Center avenue to Ruch street: Klrkpatrick street, from Center avenue to Reed street, and JohD street, from Mahon street to Soho street, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal Is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E.MBIGELOW. je3a83-D Chief of Dept. of Public Works. Pittsburg, Pa, June 27. 1SS9. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JJ reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Lang street, from Penn avenne to Kelley street; Meadow street, from Lincoln avenue to Larimer avenue; Bond and Sheridan.-' streets, rom Hiland avenue to Hoeveler street, and Negley avenne and Roup street, irom Hampton street to Two Mile Run sewer, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW. Je3CW52-D Chief of Dept. of Public Works. Office of Controller of ) "ALLionENr County. Pa. Pittsburo, July 6. 1889. -VTOTICE TO PRINTERS. BCJDERS AND J( stationers Scaled proposals will be re ceived at this office until 4 o'clock p. x, Friday, July 12, 1889, for tha binding and fur nishing 183 assessors' blotters. 143 office duplicates. 110 school duplicates. 145 treasurers' or collectors' books containing 75.000 leaves more or less. 200 stenographers' books. Also, for printing and furnishing blanks for county offices for the ensuing year. Also for furnishing stationery for the nse of county offices for the ensuing year. Samples of books, blanks and stationery, and all Information relating to same can be ob tained at the office of the County Commis sioners. JOSIAH SPEER, Jy8-32 County Controller. County Controller's Office, 1 Pittsburo, July 6, 1SS9. i TYROPOSALS for BRIDGE SUPERSTRUCTURE AND MASONRY. Sealed proposals will be received at this of. flee until 4 o'clock P. X. Wednesday, July 10, 1889, for rebuilding wooden bridge over Street's Run, at Rlsber's Mill, and for repairing mason ry on same. Present superstructure to be removed by and to become the property of tbe contractor for superstructure; this to be removed as soon as notice is given by the masonry contractor tbat he is ready to proceed with his work. Contractors must visit bridge to ascertain its peculiarities, etc, before bidding. Bid for superstructure to be in lump sum for work complete, in place. Bid for masonry to be by the cubic yard. Bids must be addressed to the County Com missioners, and be indorsed "Proposal for Bridge Superstructure," or "Bridge Masonry," as tbe case may be, each proposal to be accom panied by a bidder's bond with two sufficient sureties, in the sum ot not less than the amount of the bid. " Tbe right to reject any or all bids is re served. The party to whom the contract is awarded shall give bond, with two sufficient sureties, in double the amonnt of the contract, for the faithful performance ot said contract. Specifications and forms of bond can be ob tained at tbe office of Charles Davis. Esq, County Engineer, after Monday, July 8. 1SS9. jy8-S3 County Controller. OTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED proposals will be received at the office of City Controller until WEDNESDAY, tbe 17th . day of July, A. D. 1889, at 2 P. X, for the fol lowing, viz: REPAVTNG. Forbes street, from Brady street to Boyd street. Cherry alley, from Third avenua to Water street. State alley, from Wylie avenue to Fifth avenue. Scott alley, from Penn avenue to Duquesne way. Church alley, from Sixth avenue to Straw berry alley. Slocum alley, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue. Strawberry alley, from Smithfield street to Liberty avenue. PAVING AND CURBING. Corday alley, from Pearl street to Cedar street. The paving of the above street and alleys to be either of Standard Sheet Asphalt with bituminous base or Vulcanite Asphalt. GRADING. Keystone street, from Fifty-fourth street to Fifty-fifth street. PAVING AND CURBING. Keystone street, from Stanton avenne to Fifty-second street. GRADING AND PAVING. Dresden alley, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street. Dresden alley, from Stanton avenue to Fifty second street. GRADING. PAVING AND CURBING. South Twenty-eighth street, from East Car son street to Jane street. Mawbinney street, from sonth side of Forbes street to a point 67 feet, more or less, south wardly. Allen street, from Lillian street to WasL -g-ton avenue. Larkins alley, from South Twenty-foirCi street to Sonth Twenty-fifth street. The paving of the above named streets and alleys to be either of Standard Sbeet Asphalt with bituminous base. Vulcanite Asphalt, Block Stone, Irregular Block Stone or Cobble) Stone, and bids will be received for each kind ot pavement. BEWERS. Miller street, from Center avenue to Reed street; 15-Inch pipe. Twenty-second street, from sonth side of Railroad street to Allegheny river; 13-inch , Through and over private properties of Margaret Hardie et al. and crossing Brooks, Bates and Zulema streets, from Ward street to a connection with Cunliffe run sewer; IS-lnch, pipe. Harcum's alley, from South Twenty-third street to south Twenty-fourth street; 15-lnch Fox street, from Sonth Twenty-fourth, street to South Twenty-third street; 15-lnch Walllngford street, from Bldwell street to Barton street: 15-lnch pipe. Penn avenue and Braddock avenue, from Linden avenue to Susquehanna street; 15, IS, 20 and 24-inch pipe. Plans and specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at this office. Each proposal must be accompanied by s bond probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works, jy6-2 WOOD MANTKL8. CELUNGa AND WAIN8COTTING, INTERIOR DECORATORS, ,?- Manufacturers and Importers of Fine Furni ture, Curtains and Ornaments. Designs and estimates submitted for complete House Furnishings. TRYMBY. HUNT A CO, 1219 and 1221 Market St, Jy9-76-TUF Philadelphia, Pa. DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearing apparel, such as dresess, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad ras and portler curtains, lambrequins, table covers, mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tex tile fabrics dry cleaned at tbe SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & Co. 58 SIXTH AVE. Goods called for and delivered. jeU-rrs BR. BURGOON, i Specialist, of 47 Ohio street, Allegheny, defies competition in tha cure of all cnronlo troubles. He does not point to fictitious tes timonials. COME AND SEE THE ORIGINALS, At his office, of your neighbors who have been cured in Pittsburg and Allegheny. Consults-' tlon free je21 piANOS, ORGANS. a HAMILTON, H AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-B WALTXBJ.OSBOUBXK. KICIIABDBAAEOWA. B ARROWS fc OSBOURNE JOB PRINTERS, W Diamond street Telephone No. 813 seS-kSrVTTMs TWENTY ACRES, HAZELWOOD, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. 11,000 per acre. Terms reasonable. Wontd vi divide nieelv Into lots. SAIIIJEI. w bt.ipv u & CO, 89 Fourth avenue. Jr4W-t5flL9JLlS l . .-. r .- , zl", u4"i, JHt -' . . titg 'ISaVifcflifelsssssssssg H si A ' -Lit, j-'Bijtef'jMSitAif JSssfsWsstliHliwiiJsP 'SlBHPassssMHsssBWsWIsSSsSBMWnwagB -- '-ls"ii,a"1,,,,a,,B''g'''ssasisBsssBssssssBBf sSrgSS