Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 09, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    B' 2
a. .
Enormity of Trying to Pro
Tide for Butchers' Enn.
As the Host Feasible Scheme let, at
Cost of $100,000.
And the Host Marreloas Municipal Water
shed Discussed.
Yesterday afternoon an important inspec
tion of the Spring Garden district vrai made
by the Allegheny Councilmanio Committee
on Streets and Sewers. The memory of the
awful flood several years ago in that region
makes any movement for improvement there
of interest to everyone. The expedition yes
terday was for the purpose of deciding on a
proper method of carrying away tie large
volumes of water which inundate that dis
trict so frequently. Councilmen J. P. Ober,
Charles "W. Neebe, Charles H. Hartman,
Robert McAfee, J. H. Smith, Charles A.
Mnehbronner, Anton Roehlhlein, Henry
Stockman, J. R. Wolfe and City Engineer
Ehlers left City Hall at 2:30 r. M. on the
Concord, Madison, Chestnnt, O'Hara,
Center and "Vinal streets and also Spring
Garden avenne and Church alley were vis
ited. These streets are all very peculiar,
geographically, forming really a naif circle;
that is by being high at both ends and having a
Tall of several feet In the center, thns giving
the water no chance whatever to ran off. Tho
corner of Center and Vinal streets and Spring
Garden avenue Is the worst part of the dis
trict. It is there that the water accumulates
In its greatest volume, causing it to be known
as the basin."
To give an idea of the formation of the terri
tory for the streets of that section as to their
elevation and grade. It might be mentioned
that Basin street stands 67 feet above "city
datum," and Hill street is only CO feet, or 17
feet lower. In the case of Spring Garden ave
sue to Center street there is a fall of 24 feet.
At No. 16 Spring Garden avenue a sign has
been placed on the wall about 12 feet above the
street, stating that that mark was the depth
the water attained on July 26, 1871, when nearly
200 lives were lost.
Several plans were talked over by the com
mittee. One that for a time seemed to meet
the favor of all was to raise Church alley.
Spring Garden avenue, Williams, Ohio, Con
cord, Madison, Chestnut and O'Hara streets
several feet, but as this would cause property
to be damaged to the extent of from 200,000 to
300,000, it was decided to remedy the evil in
some other way. After much discussion it was
decided to recommend to the Street Commis
sion the need of
or street. In this case it would only be used to
carry off the surplus water which could not be
carried off through the old sewer. It was also
decided that the new water way would not be
erected according to the old plan, but would
follow the old water course of Spring Garden
run. By doing so it would go under the follow
ing named streets: Perry, Ohio and Main
streets and River avenue, and pass by the cor
ner of William street. It will also go under the
West Penn Railroad and the Pittsburg and
Western Railroad. It will in this way follow
Church alley a considerable distance. It was
also suggested to widen the came alley to make
the water way more complete, bnt this did not
meet with the approval of all the committee.
If the above plan is followed oat the two water
ways, one coming from the East street-car sta
bios aod the other from the Spring Garden
avenue car stables, will meet at the corner of
Center street and Spring Garden avenue.
Should the improvement be made it will
give thn Allegheny public much satisfaction,
as safety basieen wanted by Allegheny people
ever since the Butchers' run flood in 1871.
Of the two sewers that are now used one was
completed in 1S73, just before the flood. The
other was not completed nntil one year after.
These sewers are 6 feet in diameter at their be
ginning and Byi feet at the mouth. They were
not big enough to carry off all the water, and,
as a natural consequence, the sewers could not
carry oif all the water that collected around
them. As they are all located in the hollow or
fall in tbe street, the water had no chance to
run off in tho gutters.
City Engineer Ehlers stated to the commit
teemen that it was his opinion that the old
sewers would cave in some day, as they are now
positively flat on the top. In fact, he expected
to hear of it after every heavy rain.
Should the waterway be made it will a'so be
necessary to fill in several streets. It will be
about 12 feet in diameter and will probably cost
about $100,000.
The Street Committee also viewed the hill
side on Spring Garden road, which is cracked
and threatens to fall or slide at any moment.
Something will be done concerning it.
Outhtvalte Think ForakerWIU be Knocked
Sky IUcb.
Congressman Outhwaite and family, of Co
lumbus, passed through the city last night,
bound for the Jersey coast to spend the sum
mer. In a short chat about Ohio politics, be said:
"The Democratic candidate for Governor will
either be Campbell or Neel, of Cincinnati,
The honors are equally divided between them,
bnt Cline. of Cleveland, is a strong third. If
either of these men are put up we can beat
Foraker. It cannot be denied that there
is a wide breach between tbe For
aker and Sherman people. It cannot be
healed up to give victory to the party. Usually
after a victorious national campaign tbe
chances of winning belong to the opposite
garty, and we have great hopes of carrying the
tate. The fight will be made on a home-rule
and tariff-reform platform. The cities in tbe
State are now governed by commissioners ap
pointed by the Governor, and tbe people don't
like It. They want to rule themselves."
Why Application Is Made far a New Ball
way Cbnrter.
The Pittsbure and Wllkinsburg Railway
Company will apply to the Governor August 1,
for a charter for the privilege of operating
either an electric or a cable road between the
East End and Wilkinsburg.
It was reported that the Citizens' Traction
Company had secured the right of way from
tbe city over four years ago to operate a street
car line or other passenger conveyance over
the same route, and would therefore oppose
the granting of the charter. Mr. Murray
Verner was seen concerning the report, and
said: We never applied to toe citT for a right
of way for a street car line to Wllkinsburg.
"Tho application which is to be made is prob
ably that of the company who recently laid
street car tracks between those two points, and
are now applying for a charter Under the new
law, that they may be well protected."
Til Celestial Simplicity All Tangled Up In
SlUalnc Shirt.
Tee Hi, a Chinese lanndryman, who does
business on Carson, near South Twenty-second
street, was arrested last night en a warrant
issed by Alderman Flach charging him with
larceny by bailee. Mrs. Thresa Kampmeyer is
the prosecutrix, and she alleges that the do-
fendent retained a number of shirts she bad
given him to wash, and refuses to give them
up. Yee Hi furnished bail for a hearing this
Not Very Well Known.
A moraine paper yesterday published a state
ment alleged to have been made by a prisoner
in the Camden City jail, tbat his name was V.
C Ginther. and that he was about to die and
wanted his body sent to the family residence,
1315 Carson street, Southside. People living
at tbat number and in tbe vicinity say they
know no such person.
A Grlpman Telia Bow Jerks May be Avoided
Two Line Compared Sixteen Miles
aa Door Talked of la Enit End.
For some time past there has been complaint
made by the patrons of tbe Citizens' Traction
Company as to the manner In which cars are
started and stopped. They say tbat uponVn
tertng' the car it is started so suddenly that
passengers are nearly thrown off their feet, or
are. at least, after getting half way up the isle
compelled to walk backward to keep from fall
ing. On leaving the car, when it Is stopped
suddenly, they are forced also acalnst their
will to run the length of the car. stopping by
running against the door frame.
Tbe complainants say this is not tbe case on
the Fifth avenue line, and ask why. A crip
man on the Fifth avenue line was asked for an
explanation. He said the trouble could very
easily be avoided by the sudden loosening of
tbe crip the least bit when the car showed any
signs of making a rapid start. He also gave it
as bis opinion that tbe Pennsylvania avenue
road would not last half as long as tbe Fifth
avenue line. He thinks there will be cave-Ins
all along tbe road. Wben asked why tbe Pitts
burg Traction Company's cars run much
smoother than the others, he said it is because
the roadbed on Penn avenue was not built as
solidly as tbe other.
He further stated that the downtown cable
would bo rnn at a greater speed if it were not
for the small loop on Liberty street. At pres
ent the downtown cable is running at the rate
of six miles an hour, and the other two at 11
miles an hour. The grlpman also said that a
15, or even a 20-mile speed, could be run in the
East End without danger, and that there is
some talk of increasing the rate of speed to 16
miles an hour.
A Primary School of tbe Little Fish Get
Aronnd the Point Did They Corao From
South Fork Lake.
Whether or not it was caused by the Cone
maugh flood, the fact is that there is a shoal and
a school of fresh-water herring at Councilman
Cavanaugh's landing. On Sunday several boys
caught over a hundred, and yesterday Matt
himself captured 23 of those fish fit for a fry.
Prior to 1863, when the snrface of the Alle
gheny began to be spotted with oil, herring was
easily to be caught from the Allegheny river
steamboat landing with a floating line in July,
August or September even during mosquito
time. This insect is not due here until August,
most years not until the end of that month.
Then there is a water mosquito, without any
sting, which, with apparent Innocence, drops
down to the snrface of the river and is promptly
captured by the cute herring.
The bablts of this fish have not been studied
since oil surfaced tbe Allegheny. Last Sunday,
however, the school of herring put in their ap
pearance just around the Point, and at once
played about there as though they bad escaped
from tbe South Fork Fishlnc Club's lake down
tbe Conemaugh and iClsklmlnetas. Certain it
is that If there were berrinc in that lake they
wonld not, when reaching tbe Allegheny, go
up stream, because of the obnoxious oil, which
has, since 1863, driven them almost totally out
of that stream, and few of them flourish in the
Allegheny's tributaries above Freeport.
The fact that they have taken a place of ref
use in the Monongahela, even a few feet from
the Point, where the waters meet, is proof posi
tive that they prefer the one to the other.
Reason Given for Fallore to Act In the
Bcandretl-Hodfleld Case.
Explanations are afloat as to the failure of
the grand jury to act on the cases of Richard
Scandrett and William H. Hadfleld, for alleged
bribery in the Allegheny Councilmanic contest.
District Attorney Porter and Assistant District
Attorney Haymaker say they had nothing to
do in tbe matter and turn inquirers loose on
Grand Jury Clerk Pagan.
Mr. Fagan said: "Ex-Chief Murphy, of Alle
gneny, was the officer in charge of the case. On
the day of tbe Bar Association picnic. Officer
Murphy asked Mr. Haymaker when the case
could gotothe grand jury, and Mr. Haymaker
answered that it would be the next day. Now
I am In tbe'hablt of fixine the time for hear
ings, and as I was not present at the time of
tie conversation and had not yet drawn the
indictment the hearing could not nroceed. On
the 20th, however. Officer Murphy brought over
from Allegheny tbe following witnesses: De
tective McClure, Councilman J. 8. Ebert, Will
iam Foster, Mayor Pearson, Chief of Police
Korscbler. Councilman James Hunter and
Health Officer Bradley.
"They v. ere told tbat hearing was postponed
and to come back on the 26th. Mayor Pearson
said he would be back from the seashore to tes
tify, but wben the day came not one of them
Putin an appearance. They probably know
why the case went no f urther.'f
Detective Murphy states tbat the grand
Jury had adjourned before the second day set
for a bearing, but tbat the case would be heard
by the next grand jury.
The Members of a Clinrch In Hnzelwood are
J Given a Reception.
At Hassell Hill, the elegant residence of
HillBurgwln. Esq., Hazelwood, a reception
was given last night by that gentleman to the
members of the Church of the Good Shepherd
of Hazelwood. Apart from the enjoyable
social intercourse which the gathering afforded
the guests present, the reception had been
tendered for a special object. This was to
give the members of the church an opportunity
of socially meeting the Rev. A. D. Heffern. the
newlv chosen rta&tor of thn Church nf thn ftnnri
"Shepherd, and bis worthy wife.
HuiieanumDeroiine cburcn members re
sponded to tbe invitation, and the evening was
spent in a very delightful manner. Rev. A D.
Heffern preached at the Church of the Good
Shepherd for the first time last Sunday.
And Morgan I Said to be the Name of the
Man Who Played It.
On Saturday night last Inspector McKelvy
arrested a man named Charles Morgan and
locked him up in the Twenty-eighth wird sta
tion as a suspicious character. The arrest was
kept quiet for the reason tbat several persons
were wanted to identify Morgan.
These witnesses were secured yesterday, and
they recognized tbe prisoner as tbe man who
had worked tbe "flim-flam" act on them. Mor
ean has, it is alleged, been working this old
scheme for some time on the Southside in a
small but successful way. An information
will be lodged against him this morning.
A Delegation of Booster Examine Pitts
bars' w Court Boon.
The County Commissioners of Wayne county,
Ind., hailing from Richmond, were in Pitts
burg yesterday examining tbe new court bouse.
Like all other commissioners who have seen
the structure, the Hooslers were very much
pleased, and will likely adopt tbe good points
in buildlne their own palace of justice. Mr.
Rupe. a prominent lawyer of Richmond, stated
that they had a jail, but they needed a court
house badly, and intended to build one.
In the party were H. C. Fox, Ben Myrlck. J.
L. Rupe and D. H. Zeller.
Ford Fall to Report, Bat Mr. Kohler
Thinks the Clab I All Rlslit.
Mr. Kohler expected Mr. Ford, of the Com
mercial Travelers' Clnb, to make a report yes
terday afternoon, but he failed to put in his
appearance. Mr. Kohler thinks the clnb is all
right, but he has no desire to be custodian of
the funds. He held a short conference with
Lewis Godfrey, who is working up the scheme.
Mr. Godfrey said the club rooms would be lo
cated on Sixth avenue, and they Here going
ahead with the canvass. The picnic and excur
sion will be held to-day.
Mrs. ToakI and Adam Chelbeo Appeared
Before the Mas;Wtrate.
Mrs. Voski. a resident of the Twelfth ward,
lodged an information before Alderman War
ner against James Rosinski for assault and
battery. The parties are neighbors and quar
reled. Rosinski was rrrested, and, in deiault
of bail, committed to jail for a bearing.
Alderman Doughty yesterday issued a war
rant for tbe arrest for Anthony Kloskuski on a
charge of assault and battery, preferred by
Adam Chelbeo. It was claimed by Chelbeo that
Kloskuski abused his child.
Tbe Pittsburg Fond for Johnstown's Relief
Reaches 8727,084.
Treasurer Thompson reports the relief fund
to have reached 1727.084. The contributions
yesterday were: Citizens of Grand Rapids,
Mien., (add.) 162; citizens of Owasso, Mich,
(add.) S6; citizens of Mason City. I1L, (218 20:
A Louth er, Weston, W. "Vs., II F0; F. Slan
aker. Oder, O., J2: Republic Lodge No. in. A.A
L fc a W- S7; L. Dyer. 15.
Beechak's Pills cure bilious and nervous ills I Colonel TV. H. Rend, of Chicago, while com
Pjcabs' Soap secures a beautiful complexion j ing through the(Clty yesterdsy.spoke about tbe '
Greatest Gathering of Window Glass
Workers for Tears.
Of What is Likely to Coma Before the Rich
Union for Action.
The delegates to the "Window Glass "Work
ers' Convention had all arrived last night,
and from the
spirit which man
ifested itself
among the men
during -yesterday
afternoon the
prospects are that
the fifth annual
convention will
be thO most suc
cessful in the his-
Pretident James Campbell, tory of the organ
ization. Take it all in all, the association
is now in a better standing all aronnd than
ever it was before. Owing to the harmony
which has been existing between the work
ers and manufacturers of late years, the or
ganization is in a better financial standing
at present than it has ever been before.
Numerically, the union is also mnch stronger
than in any previous year, and with the excep
tion of about ten men every window glass
blower in the country belongs to the organiza
tion. , Am.
There are 109 delegates present, ana mo
Southside people have made every prepara
tion to insure
their guests good
acco m m odations
during tbe time
they stay in' the
city. These dele
gates represent 17
States, S3 Con
gressional dis
tricts and 3,661
workingmen. The
hall where the
convention will
be held has been
gorgeously deco
rated with floral
emblems of all
kinds. Potted Secretary George Z Cake.
plants have been placed around the walls in
great profusion, and over the door a beautiful
floral sign of double white lettering has been
put up bidding "Welcome" to all delegates.
From a business point of view, the present
convention embodies many more Important
points than any convention previously held.
The introduction of the tank system will ab
sorb a great deal of the discnsslons to be in
dulged in. The workers have come. to the con
clusion that the tank has come to stay, apd one.
of the first things they will do Is to adopt such
measures as will enable them to control the
workings of the tank tbe same as they have
done tbe pots heretofore.
The next thing, and a matter which is likely
to cause a spirit of animation in the speakers,
is the recent importation of window-glass men
from Europe. But. while this may produce
some very heated arcuments. there is no doubt
that, in the end, Messrs. Campbell apd Cake
will come out on top, and will receive by accla
mation an Indorsement of their action. A good
many of tbe delegates were spoken to yester
day afternoon on that very qnestion and, while
they all admitted that efforts would be made
by some of the local members of the union to
have Mr. Campbell hauled over the coals: still
the opposition is not strong enough to do any
serious damage.
The question of the importation of glass
workers will at once lead to the subject of a
modification of the apprenticeship rules, and.
from all appearances, the system will be a
great deal more liberal than it has ever been
before. ,
Mr. P. Victor Malre. of 'Canastota. N. Y- a
prominent member of the Window Glass
Workers' Association, amemberof the Wages
Committee and a gentleman who; In conjunc
tion with President Campbell, worked very
hard in tbe interest of President Harris n dur
ing tbe last campaign, gave a Dispatch re
porter an interesting talk on the convention
and the subjects to be discussed. Said be:
"Regarding the question of those Imported
window glass men to Jcannette, you may as
well understand that the association will in
dorse the action of tbe officers, and I think
they ought to be highly commended for the
course tbey adopted in this case. When Cham
bers &. McKee bad their tanks ready tbey
wanted men to work them. Well, tbev came
to Mr. Campbell and asked for the blowers.
The fact then became patent that there were
tofilltheposltlonswhich would become vacant
as soon as the tanks would be ready
for operation. Tbenthe qnestion with
our officers lay right here: 8hall we
allow these manufacturers toN go to
Europe and bring non-unionists into this coun
try, or shall we fill their works from the
branches of our oiganlzation in Europe, and
thereby keep the control of their works r That
was the whole question in a nutshell, and when
they let these men come over .who are mem
bers of our organization, they just did theright
tbing, and any man who has the success and
tbe welfare of our organization at heart will
say so. Tbe only people who started a fight
against Mr. Campbell did so from political
reasons; that is all, and they used this matter
of the imported classmen merely as a subter
fuge." "Wbat will be done in regard to the appren
ticeship system?"
"Well, tbat will be considerably modified.
The enormous increase in tbe number of fur
naces during the last year or so, and the addi
tional fact of tbe introduction of the tank fur
nace, makes it necessary to do something.
There are at present 70 per cent of all the
glass blowers in Europe waiting for a call to
come over here and take a band in the window
class business, and of course It is our object to
keep them out. We want to have Americans
working In American glasshouses, and hence
tbe number of apprentices has to be increased.
The present rule of 20 per cent of the total
.numbers is too low,-and I believe it will be
doubled by tho convention."
"Now, what in regard to wagesT"
"That I am not sure "about, although I ought
to know more, since 1 am a member of tbe
Wage Committee. But of one thing you may be
certain: there will not be a reduction In wages;
if there is any change at all, it will be a slight
On Wednesday or Thursday all the delegates
to tbe convention will go to Jeannette to visit
the glassworks, in response to an invitation
from Messrs. Chambers & McKee. A special
train is to be chartered for that purpose.
To-day's convention will principally be taken
up by a reading of the President's report. This
is the first time a regular report has ever been
presented to the delegates by tho chief official
of the organization, and considerable interest
is manifested in it, Mr. Campbell stated last
night that he had prepared 25 pages of fools
cap, which bad been worked out on a type
writer. Tho paper is fraught with statistics
and matter of great interest to the glass
workers. An official of the association was also asked
whether tbe scheme of building a hall might
come before tbe convention, and lie replied:
"Yes. undoubtedly; when tbe Finance Com
mittee make their report, the matter will most
likely be discussed. The. association has its
fund now distributed among a number of
banks and, to judge by tbe many bank rob
beries and failures which have lately come to
light, we are anxious to place our money under
better security, and real estate is as good an in
vestment as anything else."
The Amalgamated Association's Seals Is
Gradually Accepted.
The signing of tbe scale of the iron workers
continues. The Hubbard Iron Company, of
Hubbard, O.; Wayne Steel Works Company,
Belleville. 111.; Ohio Falls Iron Works, New
Albany, Ind.; Laughlln A Junction Steel
Works, Mingo Junction, O., all put their names
to tbe scale yesterday.
Tbe signature of Phillips. Ntmlck 4 Co. was
also Obtained, and tbe Sligo mills, will start up
again. This was somewhat of a surprise to the'
Amalgamated men. because it was supposed
that this wonld be one of tbe last firms to come
to terms. The last signature obtained was
from Spang, Chalfant fe, Co.'s Pipe Mills,
Etna. l
Coal Operator Unjust.
miners' strike in Illinois, and said the Illinois
coal operators were unjust in not paying the
scale agreed upon.
Workers of the CounelUvIHe Coke Region
Resolve to Conveno and Fix Wage
The Only Alternative.
" There is to be a great convention of coal
miners and mine laborers of tbe Connellsvllle
coke region at Everson on the 17th, as the fol
lowing call from Scottdale last evening clearly
To tbe miners and mine laborers of the ConneUs-
vllle coke region, greeting":
On tbe ISth or April, 1889, a joint convention of
miners and mine laborers, organized and unor
ganized, was held at Scottdale, and the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted:
The sense of the employes has been ascertained,
and a .large majority are most emphatically in
favor of demanding a conference with our em
ployers. We deem it our dnty to Inform all
miners and mine laborers employed in the Con
nelUvllle coke region that a lolnt convention of
organized and unorganized workmen will be held
at Everson on Wednesday, rfuly 17, 189, at 9:30
A. JC.
We believe the time is ripe for you to take de
cisive action upon tbe following resolution passed
at the convention April 13, '1889:
Besolved, That It is the opinion of this conven
tion that tbe following should be the minimum
rates orwages for the different .classes of work:
One dollar per 1C0 bushels for mining room coal:
flSOper 10O bntbels for mining heading coal ana
another narrow work: C10 per day of eight
honra for drivers, cagers, horserjaekmen, timber-.
men, trackmen and roperiders: chargers, W cents
nerorfD! Ropfnti n.r lco huihels or coal cuantea.
for coke drawing; 10K cents per oven for leveling,
and all classes of work not mentioned to be paid
)ven; eo cents per it
in proportion to the above prices."
K&r.h nit nrrird L entitled to Dm
Each pit or yard Is entitled to one delegate, to
bear credentials signed by tbe Chairman and Sec-
retary of the meeting at which he Is elected.
Mary or tue meeting at wnicn ue u cieciea.
Instruct delegates clearly upon the followln
struct delerat. clearlr nnon tne rouowinr
questions: shall we demand a conference with
our employers! If so. and onr demands are ig
nored, shall we demand the scale of wages sub
mitted on April 13? We hope all yards will he
represented at the convention, so that the opinion
ofall workmen Interested in the above questions
can be obtained.
Vena Wisr. M. W.,
U. M. l'ARKEE, Sec andT.,
K. D. Kerfoot.
James K.eeoax,
Isaac AIatsox,
Executive Board of Sub-Division No. 4, of N. T.
A. 133..K. orL.
The Flint GIa Convention at Bellnlrc No
Trooble, Except From Shade and Chim
ney Men Addresses.
While there is great interest in the Window
Glass Workers' Convention now assembling in
Pittsburg, there .is scarcely less importance
attaching to the National Convention of
American Flint Glass Workers, now In session
at Bellalre, O. A report from this scene of
activity last evening, said:
The convention met in School Hall this morning
with 172 of the 1SS delegates present, and hundreds
of glaisworkers from neighboring cities were in
town. President W. J. Smith called the conven
tion to order, and; after the Committee on Cre
dentials was appointed. Mayor Brown delivered
an address of welcome, which was responded toby
Mr. Smith. Tbe Mayor of Wheeling also ad-
dressed tbe convention, after which the conven-
tlon heard tne report of the Committee on Cre
dentials. There were no contests: but this com
mittee recommended some cbanges In the matter
of delegates which provoked such a discussion
that a recess was taken for dinner.
The afternoon session was taken up in disposing
of tbe report, which was Anally sat down upon,
but too late for the reports from President Smith
and Secretary Dillon to be heard. Tbe latter re
port is the most elaborate ever prepared, and this
convention is the largest one ever held, a large
number of tbe delegates being new ones.
Tbe shade and the chimney men are the only
ones from whom trouble is expected, as they have
dlflerences tbey have been unable to adust with
tbe manufacturers during the last week. The In
surance feature will not be Introduced until
Thursday, and there Is wide difference of opinion
as to Its success.
Probability of 6,300.000 Tan Getting
Down From lake Ports.
According to Cleveland ad vices, the shipments
of iron ore from lake potts are very satisfactory.
One report on this point yesterday said:
Fourth of July idleness made a temporary delay
in shipments of ore from the mines to lower lake
ports. There is still every indication of the ship
ments of ore for the present season exceeding all
previous records, and 6,500,000 tons is an inside
estimate on tbe outont. Tbe great feature of the
situation Is the regularity of shipments and the
steady condition of freight rates. Nererln tbe
history of lake navigation has a season progressed
with less variation in rates of freight. All Inter
ests are satisfied. The ore producer is not in
clined to reduce rates, and there is a fair profit In
them for the vessel owners, although coal Is being
carried up tbe lakes at very low rates. Since the
opening of navigation tbe rates on ore have been
tl 23 from Ashland and Two Harbors. 11 10 from
Marquette and 00 cents from Kscanaba and Glad
stone. These figures will In all probability rule
through July aud August unless the Iron market
shows signs ofa boom. Tbe rates In the fall will.
of course, be higher on account of the dangers of
navigation and tbe delay In shipments.
Pipe Workers Strike.
Twenty-five Italian and colored meu who
have been working putting down water pipe on
Penn avenue, East End, for Contractor E.
Scanlan refused to work any longer for $1 25 a
day. Tbey demanded tl 50. Contractor Scan
lan expects to have other men at work this
Attractions of Glorious Independence Day
Come to Grief.
Charley Hardy, Isaac Dickson, C, F. Docdord
and John McKee will have a hearing to
morrow evening before Alderman Helnncbs,
the first three on the charge of selling liquor
without license, and McKee for gambling.
John Monds will also be given a bearing
Monday, July 22, on the charge of gambling.
The informations were lodged by Matthew
Best, Constable of Knoxville borough.
It Is claimed that, on July 4, Constable Best
went to tbe Southside Driving Park in
Baldwin township. He found Hardy, Dickson
and Docdord running a bar, and purchased
liquor from tbem. McKee and Monds were
also helping tbe people celebrate by running a
chuck-a-luck game. Constable Best assisted
tbem by losing $21 on the game. The next day
he went before Alderman Helnriciis, of the
Thirty-first ward, and brought tbe suits
against the men. In addition to those given,
he entered suit against McKee to recover tbe
21 he bad lost on tbe game.
Hardy, Dickson, Docdord and McKee gave
bail for a bearing to-morrow night, wben
arrested by Constable Morgan, of Baldwin
township. Woods was given a partial bearing
yesterday morning, which was continued until
Monday, July 22.
JR. 0. U. & 11. STATE PARADE.
A Great Event That 1 Expected to Draw
' 1.000 From Here.
The State paradeof the Jr. O. U. A M. will
take place at Harrisburg next Tuesday, the 16th
inst., tbe first day of the State Council Session.
It is expected that over 8.000 members will be In
line. A special train has been arranged for, on
condition that 600 tickets be purchased at M 95
for the round trip, to leave Pittsburg at 10 A. jr.
Mondav. the 15th inst.. tickets rood to retnra
Hintil the 20th. Unless the money for 500 tickets
is in tbe bands oiilk. reck. no. 11 Seventh
street, by Friday, the train will not be secured.
A general meeting will be held at Moorhead's
Hall, Second avenue and Grant street, Thurs
day evening the 11th inst., where tickets can be
It is expected that fully 1,000 members and
their families will avail themselves of this ex
cursion, but unless sufficient tickets are paid
for at the time mentioned the train will not be
The Bteplein Girl Is Evidently Disposed to
Stny Away,
Tbe Dora Bteplein case Is still in the same
stato it hvs been for the last week. Everything
is at rest, and will be until the girl can' be
found; but there does not seem to be any likeli
hood tbat that will be soon. Alderman Hart
man had two more little girls In his office last
night for tbe purpose of getting some data
from tbem about the missing girl, but tbey
were as non-committal as any of the other girls.
To Measure Light.
Chief BIgelow left the city last night on a
three days' trip to New York for tbe purpose
of examining and purchasing an electrical ap-
Sllance for measuring the brilliancy and can
to power of the electric lights of tbe city.
The Bight Kind of Speak-Ensy.
A speak-easy has been established on Penn
avenue, at the corner cf Franka'town avenue,
in the shape of a pump for the benefit of the
A lteport Deferred.
A report Is notto be made to Custer Council
.Jr., O. U. A M before next Monday in the
matter of the alleged shortage of J. W. Palton,
late Secretary. Borne think .Palton is in
Crowds Speculate on the Biggest
Modern 75-Round Mill.
Sullivan's Popularity- Dniqnelj Explained
uj an Irishman."
Talk about tbe volatility of tbe French
nationl It is nowhere when compared with
the marvelous versatility of the average
Fittsbnrger. A few days ago the whole
town was babbling over with enthusiasm
engendered by the great playing of the
Pittsbnrgs. Yesterday no one would have
known that the baseball boys, reinforced by
two men whose fight against signing has
become nationally famous, were opening the
new Polo Grounds in New Tork City with
great eclat. The great prize fight was the
universal topic: Acquaintances saluted each
other with inquiries about tbe mill. Busi
ness men in restaurants asked for news of
the slugging match between mouthfuls of
food. People on loot or horseback, no mat
ter where bound, made. a pretext of errands
on Fifth avenue in order to pass by Tbe Dis
rATCH bulletin board, where the earliest au
thentic news from the ring was bulletined. In
a word. It was tho absorbing topic of conversa
As usual on prize-fight occasions, the inac
cessibility of tbe scene of the fight compelled
tbe afternoon journals to indulge liberally in
rumors and surmises, with such a result that
thousands refused to believe any and all 're
ports, and decided to await tbe more authentic
accounts in this morning's papers.
Tbe scenes In front of The Dispatch bulle
tin were animated In the extreme. Tbe
shoulders of the truculent, short-haired citizen
of the Point towered above the slight
form of tbe bookkeeper or clerk, but both
faces wore the same anxious look.
The bright eyes of tbe fair sex seemed to seek
the bulletin board with as great interest as tbe.
sterner sex displayed. Vain are the diatribes
against the brutalizing side of the fistic art
when nearly the whole population of a city
hangs with breathless interest upon the an
nouncements made of the progress of tbe great
slugging contest. No one walked by with airy
indifference, and a crowd of varying size lin
gered around the front of The Dispatch
office from early morn to dewy eve.
One of tbe incidents of theday was positively
amusing. An elderly humanitarian, with gold
bowed spectacles and mauve-colored whiskers,
stood on the curbstone at the edge of the crowd
and expatiated vigorously
of two human beings In an arena biting and
chewing and thumping each other. The elderly
Individual was quite convulsed with anger be
cause the Governors of Mississippi and Ionist
ana seemed unable to stop the fight. "I can't
'understand it all," quoth he. "Why. If those
two bullies came to Pittsburg and tried to give
their barbarous show Captain Wish art would
mlghtv soon stop the fight. It's a pity there is
not some one like him down there."
When a bulletin was posted announcing Sul
livan's victory as a positive fact, the boys with
sporting bloid in their veins came out very
strongly. Little groups were formed from
which information radiated like a nimbus in
everv direction. It is, of course, cot remarka
ble that Kilraln men should go into a bole and
pull It in after tbem when vlctury
had perched upon the Bostonlan's banner, but
as a matter of simple fact, the Pittsburg
talent pinned their faith to the "big 'un" from
the signing of the articles. Not much money
was laid locally on tbe fight, the short-end odds
of 2 to 1 being generally taken by that class of
plungers who think a bet of that nature pretty
good, win or lose. There were some candid
and outspoken admirers of Jake, but tbey sang
small when it came to hazarding the nimble
fiver on the Issue of tbe fight. Satisfaction at
tbe result seemed to be the prevalent feeling in
all circles.
The sentiment of the Irish contingent of.
Pittsburg citizens might' be reasonably sup
posed to be somewhat mixed, inasmuch as both
Sullivan and Kilrain are of Celtic origin and
antecedents. But. Sullivan was a tremendous
Enough beer to flood a 24-foot ring flowed in
honor of the victory last night in the various
downtown saloons, there being no sporting re
sorts or poolrooms open. The Boston boy was
toasted forward and back and all bands 'round,
and little knots of men listened with grave in
terest to certain fellows who talked learnedly
of "sponges," "rushes." "bottle-holders," "un
der cuts," "ropes," "guards," "dukes." "falls,"
and other prize ring lingo, and the
man who had actually seen an
exhibition of tbe manly art of self
defense was overwhelmed with attentions,
listeners and beer. It was a great day for local
sports, and all agreed tbat the much-talked-of
decadence of the prize ring had been very sud
denly arrested by the first big fight on the dead
square which has been lought for years.
Everyone also seemed glad that the fight had
continued to an end without police interrup
tion and that a draw bad not been the ontcome
of months of bluffing.
A police official said: "I remember the re
mark ' Paddy Ryan made after his
fight with Sullivan. It wastbat 'no one
had any license to. believe that he could do
Sullivan if the big 'un was in shape.' Sullivan
has proved himself 'once more the champion of
the world."
A great many of the City Hall officials had
put a bard earned dollar on Sullivan, and when
the authentic information, was received ttut
Sullivan had won, there was much rejoicing.
One official, however, remarked with consider
able acidity that he was very glad the fight was
over, as bis official life bad been a burden lately
owing to animated controversies on the prize
ring topic
It was easy to see. tbat nine out of ten of the
traveling men who are temporarily housed in
Pittsburg hostelrics had elevated money on the
great battle. As usual on such occasions
everybody in sight were winners, conveying the
impression that the losers were sequestred in
silent solitude; Gray-headed traveling men
sat around and recounted remembrances of
John Morrissey, Joe Co burn and otber famous
fighters, and one gentlemanly back number
tried to palm off bis personal reminiscences of
tbe Benlcia Boy and the Heenan-Sayers fight,
but the youngsters pulled chestnut bells so
vigorously tbat the reminiscences evaporated
in a mist of buck beer
The Kllrnln Man Escaped.
A lively fight occurred yesterday afternoon
at the river bank; foot of Fourteenth street,
between a man named C. Mlnahan and another
party, known in tbe vicinity by the name of
"Hero." The contestants engaged first in a
controversy relative to the merits of Sullivan
and Kilrain, and afterward indulged in a fight.
Mlnahan was an advocate of Sullivan. "Hero"
took tbe opposition. Officer Peoples put a stop
to the fight by arresting Mlnahan. The other
One of the Host Popular Young Men In
Homestead Gone.
Ambrose Self ert, aged 21 years, was drowned
In the Monongahela river last evening at Home
stead while bathing. He was bartender at tbe
Homestead Hotel, and was a general favorite
anionc bis many friends. He has a sister at
tbe hotel. The Coroner was notified and will
hold an inquest to-day.
A Knlurnl Gna Lenk.
All along Fifth avenue in the East End large
holes have been dug by the Philadelphia Com
pany for the purpose of discovering a leak in
one of their mains. The work has been going
on for weeks, but as yet tbe leak has not been
More Pipe Laying.
The Monongahela Natural Gas Company
yesterday secured permission' from the Depart
ment of Public Works to tear up the streets of
the Southside for. the purpose of laying their
mains, and the work will begin this morning.
Christian Delegate
A delegation of 25 members from St, Paul
and Minneapolis passed through tbe city last
nltrht en route to PhUadalnhla to attend tha
Christian Endeavor Convention. They were I
-joined here by 15 delegate from Cleveland I
A Very Important Case Growing Oat of a
Patent Infrlnaement.
As bearing upon a large Pittsburg Industrial
interest, the following from tbe ClevelandPIafn-
dealer will be read with interest in this vicinity:
, The patent case In which the American Wire
V.VUpUJ W. .U. VHJ ft 1U,VIKU i " .- .aw..
to that concern. The American Wire Company Is
virtually a part of the Utls Iron and Steel, and al
though a close corporation it Is sare to say tbat
the big steel company owns stock in It. It Is cer
tain that the owners of the steel company are con
trolling owners in the wire works. However, the
plant Is second to only one other of Its kind In the
country, rolling out 100 to 2C0 tons of wlreaday,
and has added materially to Cleveland's prosper
ity during the few years of its existence, rue
works are employing 700 men and running day
and night. Thomas Jonltng is President ot the
concern, Samuel T. Wallmau Vice President and
William Arkless General Manager. The direc
tors are Samuel Andrews, Charles A. Otis, Dan
P. tells. Thomas -lopllng. Samuel T. WeUman,
Joseph K. Bole and J. B. Savage.
The Oliver A Koberts Wire Company. Limited,
is the rival Plttaburg concern which brings suit
against the local company In the matter of a pat
ent. In 18S8 they patented a mill Coor for rolling
rods and there are two claims In contention one,
broadly, the Inclined mill floor and a limited
claim on a gnlde directing the running end of tbe
metal. Tho American Wire Company claims tbat
tbe procedure of tho Pittsburg people was not to
obtain a judgment, bnt to put an immediate pre
liminary Injunction upon them and thereby force
a license fee. The local people say tbat tbev have
little tear of the outcome of the suit, now tbat
they have been successful In killing aU efforts to
secure an injunction, as the patent was obtained
on affidavits falsely representing tbe prior state or
the work.
It Won't Come to a Head, for There Wn a
The report that the Democracy will put up a
candidate for tbe Judgeship against Judge
Collier doesn't amount to much when sifted.
J. W. Brennan, Esq., Democratic ex-County
Chairman, was asked about the situation and
he said that, while some Democrats bad talked
of urging a candidate, ,the counsel was made
in beat over what be (Mr. Brennan) believed to
be a misunderstanding.
It will be remembered that a few weeks ago
a board was appointed to reapportion electoral
districts. At tbe request of some people Mr.
Brennan submitted tho name of a Democrat
whom they urged. Judge Collier stated that
the appointments had been made, and that, for
the time being, ended tbe matter. Subse
quently, however, as alleged at least, it turned
out tbat tbe appointments had not been made,
as stated by tbe Judge, but that he had mis
understood tbe matter.
THEY HATE $50,000.
The Chicago Relief Committee Approve of
Plltabnrs'a Coarse.
After a rest ot five days the Ladies' Belief
Committee resumed work yesterday at the Ex
position building. It was decided to keep the
doors open from 1 to 6 r. X. Wednesday will
be serving day; Treasurer Thompson received
.150 to-day.
The Chicago Committee, with .50,000, was
here for a short time yesterday. Before leav
ing for Johnstown they held a conference with
the local committee, in whom they have great
confidence. The Pittsburg Committee accom
panied them.
A a Result of tbe Excessive Heat That
Prevailed Yesterday.
The excessive and almost stifling heat of yes
terday was commented on and evaded, as far
as possible, by thousand! of Pittsburgers. But
there were many who could seek no cool, se
questered spot, because their daily toil kept
tbem busy In places hotter than the sun shone
The only possible fatality reported was from
Woods' rnn. John Austin, a single man, 30
years old. employed in Oliver Bros. & Phillips'
mill. Woods' run, was overcome by beat while
repairing some machinery yesterday. He was
removed in a critical condition to his home.
Tla the Pennsylvania Line, for the National
Educational Association.
The Pennsylvania lines west ot Pittsburg
will sell excursion tickets to Nashville,
Tenn., and return on July lto 15, on account
of the meeting of the National Educational
Association. These tickets will be sold at
especially reduced rates, and will be good
returning until September 10, 1889. For
complete information apply to Samuel
Moody, D. P. A., 1127 Liberty street.
401 Bmlthdeld Street, cor. Fourth Avenne.
Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000.
Deposits of $1 and upward received and
interest allowed at 4 per cent. TTS
Tbe Johnstown People Select WIselr.
The Miss Dix Trust has arranged for a
representative to supply sewing machines
to the seamstresses at that place who
suffered by the flood. The seamstresses'
had their own selection of the different
makes of machines on the market, and in
every instance chose the late Improved
Singer as being the best adapted lor all
classes of work. The order was accordingly
given the Singer Manufacturing Company
No. 8 Sixth street for the entire number
required. ttssu
French Sntine, Were 30 Cents, Now 15
This is the place to buv satines, sure.
Penn Avenue Stores.
California Wlae.
Old Sherry, full quarts 50c
Extra Old Sherry.'full quarts 75o
Old Port full quarts 50c
Extra Old Port, lull quarts ...75c
Riesling, full quarts 40c
Angelica, full quarts 50c
Muscatel, fnll quarts. 50c
Tokay, fnll quarts 50c
For sale by G. "W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and
97 Fifth ave.
Pare Wool Underwear Summer Weights
Allen Sollv & Co.'s, and in best German
sanitary wool, the best for travelers by sea or
land. Jos. Borne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
California Claret.
Coleman's Flag Brand,
G. W. S. Flag Brand,
Zinfandel Claret,
By the case or bottle.
G. "W". Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
Give It a Trial.
During the contamination of our river
water people should drink Baeuerlein beer;
it is wholesome, nutritious and ordered for
invalids. Delivered in wood or glass to all
parts of the two cities. Telephone 1018.
Silk and Woolen Dres Goods Thnt Are
Great bargains the best way is to come and
see them. 2Tot to be had anywhere else.
Jos. Horke & Co.'s J
Penn Avenue Stores.
Imported Brandeubnrg Freres.
Medoc, St. EmilioD, St. Estepha, St
Julien, Margeaux, Pontet Canet, St
Pierrie, Chateau Leoville, Chateau la
Rosa, Chateau Mouton, Grand Vin Chateau
Margeaux, Grand Yin Chateau Lafitte, by
the case or bottle. G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city,
Keep Cool
Counteract the heat. TJsa Marvin's
ginger-snaps and be cool. Put up in neat
family packages. Your grocer keeps them.
Traveling Basis In Leather
Club and Gladstone shapes also, tele
scope bags and shawl straps, and brush
and comb and toilet cases.
Penn Avenue Stores.
Pittsburg Beer
Made by Frauenheira & Yiltaek
lightful summer beverage.
is ade-
French Satlnri
Were 39
Cents, Now 13
This is the place to bur satinet, sure.
Poaa Aveaue Stores.
. E. Flemon, a Colored Minister, is
Arrested After Preaching
For a Crime Said to Have Been Committed
in South Carolina in 1886.
E. F. Flemon; alias John Teldell, was
arrested at 10 o'clock last night in this city,
just after he had concluded servipes as a
minister in a colored church ou Arthur
street, on a. charge of murder.
The arrest was tbe result of a telegram re
ceived by Inspector MoAleese from Sheriff
Thomas F. Lyon, of Edgefield county, South
Carolina, a few days ago. The telegram
stated that Flemon, or Yeldell, had been
implicated' in .a brutal murder in that
connty in 1886, bnt fled at the time and had
not been heard of since until a short time
ago, when, through a letter addressed to
somebody in that locality, it was learned
that he had located in this vicinity. The
description given of' the man was that he
was a brown mulatto, about 32 years of age,
scar on left cheek, weighed about 175
pounds, and had certain peculiarities of
carriage and build.
Detective Conlson and the Inspector at
once started to work on the case, and yes
terday decided that "Rev. E. Flemon," of
the Arthur Street "Wesley Church was their
man. Both the officers went to tbe church last
night and watched the minister in his pulpit
for awhile, after which they decided to arrest
him. They did not Interrupt tbe services, but
at tbe conclusion followed Flemon to his board
ing house, No. 20 Logan street He seemed
greatly surprised when told what he was
wanted for, but would not acknowledge that
he was the man. He was taken to Central sta
tion where he was searched, and a number of
letters addressed to Rev. Flemon were found
upon him. What tho letters contained the
officers kept to themselves. "TTord was tele
graphed to Sheriff Lyon last nieht. and he is
expected here to-morrow to get his prisoner.
Flemon, it has been learned, was a student
at tbe colored college at Wilber, O., nntil
about a year and a half ago, wben be came
here and opened a little store at tbe corner of
Wjlle avenue' and Arthur street He made a
little' moaey there, -and about a year ago re
turned to college." Six months ago he came
back to this city, and has since been employed
as a waiter at tbe Central Hotel. He is an
unusually bright and well educated colored
man, and betrays no signs of nervousness over
his arrest He has been regaraed as a very
exemplary man and minister by the colored
people here.
Imported Sherry.
1828, Imperial Amontillado Sherry,
full quarts...... $3 00
1828, Imported Brown Sherry, full
quarts 3 00
Pemartln Sherry, full quarts 2 00
Choice Old Brown Sherry, full quarts. 2 00
Harmony Sherry, full quarts 1 50
Fine Old Topaz Sherry, lull quarts. ... 1 00
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97
Fifth ave.
The Water Is Dangerous to Drink.
Take instead Baeuerlein beer. It is chem
ically pure and most invigorating. Orders
by mail to Bennett, Pa., P. O., or telephone
1018. TTSSU
Colored Silk Fringe Only SO Cents a
And other special bargains in dress
trimmings. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Imparted Port.
1828 Imperial Oporto Port, full quarts.3 00
1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts...... 2 50
Fine Old White.Portyfull quarts 2 00
London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00
Burgundy Port, full quarts...,. 1 50
Fine Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00
For sale by- G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97
Fifth ave.
Hendricks & Co., 68 Federal st, Alle
gheny, lead in good work and low prices.
Cabinets, $L a dozen. sirwihs
Something Nice.
Marvin's honey cakes. Try them once
and you will never want to be without
them. MTTS
If you have not smoked the La Perla del
Fnmar Key "Wes't cigar you have lost a
treat Sold 3 for 25e. G. W. Schmidt,
Nos. 95 and 97 Filth ave.
Handsome Printed Challis, new work, 15c
and 20c.
Dark Ground Domestic Challis. 10c.
All-wool Challis, choice effects.
White Ground Chains, Cc and up.
Scotch styles wide Zephyrs and fancy Ging
hams only 20c a yard.
Very choice new work in Ginghams at 10c
Wide printed Cottons. In light and dark
grounds, !c,.10c acd I2Jc
Stylish Satines. in fancy French, 20c and 23a
Bargains in Lace Stripes and Plaid Muslins,
suitable for Aprons. Children's Cresses and
Wrappers, 6c 8c, 12jjc, 15c to 25c
27-inch Hemstitched Embroideries, choice
patterns, selling at-SOc, 65c and 75c.
- 15-lnch Flounclngs, special values, 75c and $L
75c a yard for best grade of India Silks.
Low prices made on Mobalrs.
Low prices made oh Fancy Dress Goods.
Low prices made on Silk Goods.
Children's.Whito". Suits and Wash Dresses
all reducedin price.
Ladles' Ginghams and Satine Suits, neat and
dressy,- J5, fjtt and (S.
Wool" Baits for Traveling Costumes, $10; (12,
S15and20. . .
California. Wines at 50c per quart
Imported Liquors and Cordials at
Finest Old "Whiskies in "Western Penn
sylvania at same prices others are selling.
The First One That Ever Trod the Present:
Owl Gone Beat.
To a Pittsburger of tbe present few ex
periences are more interesting than a chat with
some of the old-timers of the Pittsburg of 60 or
60 years ago. The otber day A M. Brown gos
siped with a Dispatch reporter on the time
Iwhen Fifth avenue did not present as busy a
scene as some or today's country towns, ana
wben fights in front of the old Pittsburg Thea
ter (now the Casino Museum) were common.
Mr. Brown's father was a policeman under
Mayor Ltddell, about 1832, and was tbe first of
ficer that trod Seventh and Wylie avenues. In .
those days the policemen had rattles instead of
whistles, and tbey sounded like a-threshing
machine on a big stack. In the evening they ,
called the hours and what kind of weather it
was going to be. An early retlrer stood the
chance of Deing awakened bv the policeman
cryine "half-past 10; starlight!' or "moonlight
night," "clouds gathering in the East," etc
Mr. Brown was tbe nrst newsboy to carry
The Dispatch across the Monongahela river
in 1845, and has not missed perusing a copy
since its first issue.
They Meet In the Offlco ot the Marriage Li
cense Clerk.
A marriage license was issued yesterday to
William West aged 65 years, and Ann Is Davis,
aged 70 years. Both are residents of Mansfield.
Mr. West is a widower and Mrs. Davis is a
widow. Mrs. Davis has outlived all her rela
tives and for some time past has been making
her home at Mr. West's residence in Mansflel
They agreed to unite their fortunes and jester
day took out the license.
The Workhonae Board Kecelres a Port of
It Big Claim.
The County Treasurer yesterday transferred
$50,000 from the liquor license fund to the work
bouse fund. Tne money is a part of that still. ,
due the workhouse undertbe old liquor license '
laws, and is being paid when needed.
Tbe balance stul due the workhouse U
The Graff-Bennett Fallore.
Ex-Judge Bailey has filed his final account la "
Common Pleas Court No. 2, as assignee of
Graff. Bennett 4 Co. He charges himself with
the difference between tbe amount of appraise
ment and tbe appraisement of the Millvala
Iron Works and the Clinton mill and furnace.
Included In the first account. Tbis is J343,
003 57. Credit Is claimed for 1159,839 07. leaving
a balance for distribution of tl!S5.tH 60.
That's the way it has been thns far this July. .-
French Satines, this morning, at 15c a yard
The 30c kind, this season's styles.
The 45o "Anderson" Finest Scotch Ginghams -
In high novelties are now 25c a yard here; - r
The 25c quality fine American Ginghams are
now 15c here.
More of the Printed Lawns atSc; the ; yard i
wide Satines at Set thoStandard Prints at 4cj
the 12c Ginghams at 6c
Over in Wool Dress Goods aisle sea the new-'
patterns in French Challis; the Challi Mohairs
at 25c: tbe fancy Mohairs at 25c; the tl and SI 25
French Summer Dress Goods at 60c a yard; the
all-wool Debeiges, 35c, 50c and 60c; the 50-Inch
Plaid and Striped Fine Wool Suitings at f 1; the
Mohair Mixtures at 35c; the". Cream Albatross
at 40c; the Cream Flannel Suitings at 50c; tha -fancy
Scotch Shirting and Suiting Flannels at"
25c and at 50c
The cheapest way to buy Ribbons the lot '-"
we have in are of odd lengths plain colon -and
Tbe Summer Hats sailors and other shapes; '
at 25c; the stylish trimmed Bonnets and Hats- s
patterns at S3. r
Parasols S10 50 ones at S3 50 !
The Cambric, and Muslin Underwear and, ,
Dressing Sacques: the Summer Corsets; tho ''.
Traveling Bags and Chatelaine Bags.
The new fancy Lisle Thread Stockings at 50c;-, -the
"fast black" Cotton Stockings at 25c, far
better than usual.
The new style Blazer Jackets for Ladles; tha
"mark downs" in Summer Cloth Jackets; tho
Long Wraps and Dusters, lor travelers; ,the .
all kinds of Summer Suits, for Ladies and '
Children; the Flannel and Silk Blouse Waists, .
SI and upward. " -
Then, the Curtain Room- bargains; Curtain!
and Lace Bed Sets: also the Embroideries
Flouncing Laces: the Fish Net Draperies.
Silks Silks Silks we never have, soldtsb
hSK :
many as now never so good at the prices aa ,.
' jr"Y
now. Buy them now, of course. --p-"
v. ?&4
- t!i'
- rap
- , - 1 w. ;;..
' i- ' -; l v -
- ' Jjil .7.
-i & :
V. T,W'xd' "i
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. cjsse.