tNOW F1BST The Pennycomequicks "Written for THE DISPATCH by S. BARING GOULD, Authoror,MEHAI-AH1""COUBTEOYAI-,""JOUKHEItRUrO,""THEGATi:EOCKS,"ETO ALL RIGHTS CHAPTER XLV. Obee Alp. After Fhtlip had looked sufficiently Ions at the caged eagle he went in search of the Cap tain, and found him smoking in the verandah of the hotel. "Lambert," said he, "there's a deal of fnss being made about this American lady, but who lssher' Comes from Chicago," answered tbe Cap tain. "I know that, but I want to know something more concerning her." The Captain shrugged his shoulders. "She's good-looking, deucedly so." That also I can see for ravself. HaTe you made no inquiries about her?" "IT why should IT' Philip cjhled the head waiter to him. "Here, "who is this American ladyT" "Oh, from Chicago." "Exactly, the Tisitors' book says as ranch. I don't see how she can be rich, she has no lady's maid." "Oh, saire! De American leddles aire ver' inrt'pendent" There was nothing to be learnt from anyone about: Miss Durham. He applied to the squeaky-voiced Chaplain with the military mustache. She may belong to the Episcopal Church of 'America," said the Chaplain, "but I don't know." Some of the waiters had seen her elsewhere, at other summer resorts, always well dressed. Philip, after he had spent half an hour in In quiries, discovered that no one knew more about her than himself. He had neard nothing to ber disadvantage, but also nothing to her ad vantage. He might well have spared himself tbe trouble of asking. At table d' hote. Miss Durham sat at the long table. Salome was disappointed. She thought that she bad succeeded in completely patching up the difference. Philip was indifferent. Just as well that she should be elsewhere. She was an occasion of dissension, a comet that threw all the planetary world in his system out of their perihelion. He made no bones about saying as much. Salome looked sadly at him, when Colonel Yeo took his seat beside Miss Durham, and entered into ready converse with her. She could not take her attention off ber friend; she was uneasy for her, afraid wbat ad vantage the crafty Colonel might take ot her inexperience. But it was not long be fore Phiftp heartily wished that Miss Durham bad been in her place in their circle, for conversation flagged without her. or ceased to be general and disintegrated into whisperings between the girls Labarte, and confidences between Janet ind Lambert. Sa lome was silantand Mrs. SIdebottom engrossed n what she was eating. Philip spoke about politics and found no listeners; be asked about the excursions to be inaae from Andei matt, and was referred to tbe guide book: he tried to joke, but it fell dead. Finally he became silent as bis wife and aunt, with a glum expression on his inflexible face, and found himself as well as Salome looking down the long table at Miss Durham. The young lady as evidently enjoying an animated and entertaining conver sation with Colonel Yeo, whose face became blotched as ho went into fits of laughter. She was telling some droll anecdote, making some satirical remark. Philip caught the eye of Yeo turned upon him, and then the Colonel put bis napkin to his month and exploded. Philip's back became stiff. It offended him to the marrow of his spine, through every articu lation of that spinal column, to suppose him self a topic for jest, a bntt of satire. He red dened to his temples, and finding that be had se-ted himself on the skirts of his coat, stood up, divided them and sat down again, pulled up his collars and asked how many more courses they were required to eat. TEADE RETKOSPECT. A Totalo Glut Knocked Bottom Out of Markets Kew Apples FEOM SUXXX SOUTH TO THE FEONT Pittsburg Not the Best Markets for Pro vision Trade. FLOUR, OATS AND CORN ARE FIRMER Office or Pittsburg Dispatch,'! Saturday. July 7, 1SS9. j In the lines of country produce the marked features of trade tbe past week were tbe extra quantities of stuff on tbe markets. Potatoes came in from the sunny South in such abundance as to demoralize trade. In the fore part of the week there was a drop ot $1 per barrel from prices that afforded scarcely any margin of profit to the producer. The potato speculator found few pickings in this week's deals. One was beard of who paid SI 40 per barrel, but could get no better offer than 80c per barrel. The price of potatoes from commission men to-day is SI 25 to $1 50. The freight and commission absorbs 90c of this, leaving little or nothing to producer and ship per. A Liberty street commission man said: "We are handling lots of stuff, but profits are reduced to a minimum." Growers of vegetables down in Tennessee in the nast two or three years have wakened up to tbe fact that Pittsburg is a good distributing point and we are now getting stuff from that State direct which in former years came through Cincinnati, St Louis or Chicago pro duce firms. From one town in Tennessee 14 carloads of stiawberries were shipped in May, one half of which were consigned to a Boston house,the other half to Pittsburg. Last year tbe strawberries of that town were shipped to Chi cagn.and the profit to the shipper was GOc a crate. This ear tbe shipper netted 1 SO per crate, and a Tennessee paper congratulates growers in a recent number upon the bapoy change from Chicago to Pittsburg as a point for con signment of fruit." New apples are coming in freely from tbe South, and in another week will be as abundant as potatoes have been for a week past Cereals. In the line of cereals there has been a great scarcity or corn and oats all the week, and a growing firmness in flour. Our quotations will show that corn and oats have taken a number of upward steps during the week. We do not change our quotations on flour, as wholesale grocers still prefer to fell at these figures, but the price which tbe jobber has now to pay Is 70c above the lowest loint touched In June. The jobbers who are carrying heavy stocks may for a little longer sell at our quotations, bat could not now lay in stock at tbe prices for mcn uiey sen. Groceries, A drop in package coffee of c at the begin ning of the week has been justified by events. Options are a shade stronger at the close of the week. Sugars keep advancing, and the week began and ended with markets decidedly strong. Provisions. Pittsburg pork packers report an active trade for the week and volume up to last week, not withstanding the holiday thrown in. Prices, however, are not at all satisfactory. A leading provision dealer said: "Hams and common lard are sold as low here as in Chicago. We get a little better prices for sugar-curea shoulders than Chicago provision dealers get but with this exception the Western metropolis has furnished tbe best provision market all this season. Wo are selling plenty of hams and dried beef, bnt margins are very close." Wool Market. St. Louis The local wool market is quieter and easier in spite ot the glowing reports sent out from the bast where the stock of new wool is accumulating and holders desirous to sell; 3235a Meml Markets. sJs nominal. Exchange closed. PUBLISHED. RESERVED. "Oh! we have come to the chicken and salad, and that is always the last;" said Salome. "I am glad to hear it I never less enjoyed a meal before not even" be remembered the dinner alone at Mergatroyd, with the parlor maid behind his back observing his mole. He did not finish his sentence; he did not consider it judicious to let his wife know how much he had missed her. It was not pleasant to be at enmity with a person who by jibe and joke could make him seem ridiculous, even in such eyes as those ot Beaple Yeo. It would be advisable to come to some agreement, a truce, if not a permanent peace, with this woman. Presently Philip rose and walked down the salle. Several of those who bad dined had gone, some remained shelling almonds, picking out the least uninteresting of tbe sugar-topped" biscuits and make-believe maccaroons. that constituted the' dessert. He stepped to Miss Durham, and said, with an attempt to be ami able and courteous: "We are meditating a ram ble this afternoon. Miss Durham, to some lake not far distant; and I am exponent of the unani mous sentiment of our table, when I say that the excursion will lose its main charm unless you will afford us tbe pleasure of your society." He bad been followed by the Labarte girls, ana they now put in their voices, and then Mrs. Sidehottom joined; she came to back up the request. It was not possible for tbe American girl to refuse. The Captain and Janet had not united In the request, but they had attention for none but each other, and Salome had not risen and united in the fugue, for a reason un accountable to herself a sudden doubt whether she had acted wisely in Dressing the lady to stay after she had resolved to go, and yet she could give to herself no grounds for this doubt. A couple of hours later the party left the hotel. It was thought advisable that Janet should be taken to the summit of the pass in a small low carriage; she could walk home easily, down hill. Into the carriage was har nessed an ungroomed chestnut cob, that had a white or straw colored talLand like colored patches of hair about tbe hocks. It had the general appearance of having been frost bitten In early youth, or fed on stimulants which had interfered with its growth and deprived it of all after energy. The creature crawled up the long zigzag that leads from Andermatt to the Ober Alp. and the driver walked ty its head, ill disposed to encourage It to exertion. The Captain paced by tbe side of the carriage, equally undesirons that the step should be quickened, for be had no wish to overheat himself time was mado for man, not man for time and he had an agreeable companion with whom ho conversed. Mrs. SIdebottom engaged the Labarte girls, who inconsiderate creatures wanted to walk beside their Aunt Janet, and take part in the conversation with tbe Captain. Mrs. SIdebot tom particularly wished that her son should be left undisturbed. As an oriental potentate is attended by a slave waving a fan of feathers to drive away from his august presence the tor menting flies, so did the mother act on this oc casion for her son she fanned away the ob trusive Labarte girls. When she found they were within earshot of tbe carriage. ".Now," said she, "I am sure this is a short cut across the sward. You arc young, and 1 am no longer quite a girl. Let us see whether you by taking the steep cross cut, or I, by walking at a good pace along the road, will reach tbe crucifix first." By this ruse she got the three girls well ahead of the conveyance; but Claudlne found a patch of bluo gentianella, and wanted to dig tbe bunch up. "No, no," advised Mrs. Side bottom, "not in going out on your return homeward; then you will not have the roots to carry so far, and the flowers will be less faded." EVURITJliXG LUYELI. The Week's Business Show a Lane Gain Over Same Time Last Year. Considering there was an "off day," the yolume of business transacted in Pittsburg last week was large over $600,000 ahead of the corresponding time last year. This should be satisfactory to reasonable people. There was no particular change in values, which, however, developed a hardening tendency in anticipation of an early demand for fall goods. There was a larger movement in local se curities thi-n for some time, and prices were well maintained the closing figures on sev eral of the favorites being from one to three fioints higher tban the opening. The out ook is good for a continued active firm mar ket. The total sales, so far as reported, were 2.800 shares, of which Philadelphia Gas and Electric contributed one-third. Petroleum was dull, with few and small fluc tuations. The new deal has so far failed to catch the ontside interest Many dealers ex pressed tbemselves lu favor of returning to the old plan. Real estate was rather more quiet than usual, but tbe transactions outnumbered by nearly 50 per cent those of tbe same time last year. Tbe number ot deeds recorded was 190, represent ing $3o5.907. Tbe business in mortgages showed a slight falling off as compared with the average run. The nrmber officially reported was 217, aggre gating $303,835. Several for large amounts were placed but not settled, and are not in cluded In tbe count About 40 per cent were for purchase money. The largest was for $15,000. There was a buoyant feeling among all classes of business men. wbo, while entirely satisfied with the summer trade, are looking forward to an unusually busy season next fall, and are already making preparations for it The total sales stocks at New York Saturday were 95,300 shares including: Atchison, 9.620; Delaware,Lackawannaand Western.2,600; Erie, 3.850; Lake Shore, 11,190: Louisville and Nash ville. 1,400; Missouri Pacific, 1,090; North western. 9.090; Northern Pacific preferred, 2.600; Reading, 8.400: Richmond and West Point, 1.900; St Paul. 16.730. The following table shows the prlcesof active stocks on the New York Stock ixchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members' of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: roos- Hijrh- low. lnr est. eat Hidi. &6K KH MH )9 ISH 28)4 5S' 55 Si &t SZV SIX 112 llli JUS 23a. ioli ioli 20!4 tan ssh 8SM SSH 6714 67X 108 93H R- KK 10 Wi h U RJi ft 133 70 Open ing. Am. Cotton On & Ateh.. Top. Jt a. F.... sM Canadian 1'acinc tti Canada Southern. K5, Central or New Jersey. 112 Centrall'aelnc Chesapeake & Ohio.... zoii C, Bar. A Ouli-cr..... 99H C -Mil. & St. Paul.... 68K c, Mil.&st P- pr C, Koctl. At S3K C. bt L. & Pitts C, St. L. & 1'ltU. pC C St. P..M. AO 33 C bt. J..M. A O.. pr. .... CI Northwestern, pr.iss d. O. Kt. A 1. ............ .... fjol. coal & Iron. z ffl-'k-'S!" -.'.J m s IMS Del. Hnrtson nsw I JT it '-"" " 'H IM 14S 145K Denver & Klo J.. nt E.T.. V- AUa .. 10 E.T..Va. &Ua. 1st pf. .. . K. T.. Vs. AGs. Mjjf. .... Illinois Central Lake Krlf A Western Lake Erie & West nr. Lake Shore AM. S 102.14 Louisville A Nashville. 69 Michigan central Mobile A Ohio nv 410., Jv. ATexas lilasourt faclne 70M Mew York Central 2 N. Y.. L. E. A W Jitf X. Y.. U. A St L II. Y.. (i A St L. nr. .N.V.. C. Att.L.2d til .. . H. YAN. K MX A. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk a Western Morthern 1'aclno 27?i Kortnern faclfle nrer. 65 Ohio A Mississippi 22 Oregon Improvement .... Oregon Transeon Racine alall 33 if w 112 IS &8 101V E9K ill 19 10 102K tsii -10IX S3)i 1X HM .... .... ID 70M 3i 69 1054 UH 28 284 1SK -. 69 35X KH X -43H I'M i'H X 27 63 64 64)4 a oh . 22 S3 33X S3 ax aeo. ikc. A Evans. Lwi vivt a iiaiiita( .. Z1H Phlladel. A Keadin.. 46 47)4 4SJ l4 1'ullman I'alaee Car. , jjj mcuiuona & . 1-. "X.. Z3 2354 23H 231 St 1-.. Minn. A Man... Mf 09 89 St.1 ASan Fran.... 27,S 27)5 ijii 27 St L. A San Kran pt 66 S7 M b6H Texas I'aclne 19J nV 19 14 Union I'aclhc WW sju 89 59 Wabasn jju Wahash preferred . ' 284 Western Onion...... K)i N SJV 85H Wheeling A L. .'. .... ... .... 68 Sugar Trust 117M 118W national Lead Trust. 32.K 32t Chicago Gas Trust., ... w mm an 60 Ex-dlvldend. i THE There was reason lathis advice, and Claudlne followed it. Presently Amelle, the second, exclaimed, "But we are just in advance of Aunt Janet. Let us stay for her." "Yes. we will," agreed Felicite. the third; "Claudlne can go on with Madame." "We will all stay," said Mrs. Sidobottom. "Now, Amelle, I have seen your sketches, and you have your book with you. Is not that a superb view up tbe gorge, to tbe right, 1 do not know the name ot tbe mountain at the head. What a picture It would make. And finished off with a spirit you throw into a draw ing! See, there is a chalet and some goats for foreground." "Ceil vrai! I will draw it." So Amelle sat on a rock and got her materials, and tbe sisters sat by her talking and advising what was to be left in and what was to be left out of the sketch. Meanwhile the conveyance containing Janet crawled by. The picture was still Incom plete, and the little party was thrown a long way in tbe rear by this detention. To anyone observing the zig-zag road up the Obelrap Pass from a distance, the party would not have been supposed to , possess homogeneity. At starting it was led by three Philip, 8alome, T.d the American lady: but after tbe first stage of tbe ascent Sa lome fell back, then, little by little, the other two quickened their pace till they had com pletely distanced the rest. At a lower stage of tbe inclined road, ascending at even pace, was Salome, alone. At about an equal distance be low, on another stage of the zigzag, was tbe carriage with Janet and the Captain, and tbe driver, of whom no account was taken; and sometimes ahead of the carriage, sometimes be hind, making rushes, then halts, like a covey of doves followed by a bawk, was the little clus ter of girls with Mrs. SIdebottom. From a dis tance at one moment the three girls seemed to be flying before tbe elder lady armed with a parasol, which she swungabout her bead, then they seemed to cower on tbe ground into the herbage as birds beneath a swooping falcon. The reason why Salome was alone must be given. Before starting on the excursion, Philip said to bis wife, "Let me have a minute alono with that person. I'll make some sort of apol ogy, and set all to rights." Accordingly Salome had dropped back where tbe road made its first twist. But this does not explain why she remained alone for more than the minute. That this may be under stood, it will be necessary to follow the conver sation that passed between Philip and "that person." "My wife has found a pink," said Philip; "she is fond of flowers." Then, as Miss Dur ham said nothing, he added, "I afforded you some amusement at dinner." "AmnsementT" "Apparently. It is not pleasant to be an object of criticism. If you desired to pnnlsh me for my indiscretion, you must be satisfied. You made me very uncomfortable." "AmnsementT Oh! do you mean when Colonel Yeo. laughed and looked at youT I saw you turn red." "Enough to make a man turn red, when aimed at by the bow and arrow of female lips and tongue." "You are quite mistaken," said Miss Durham, laughing. "I was not shooting any poisoned arrow. Do you desire to know what I saidT" "Interest me it must, as 1 was tbe object of the arrow, even if tipped with honey." "Very well, you shall know. I had seen you looking at the eagle in his cage. And I said to Colonel Yeo that tbe eagle reminded me of you." Philip winced. He remembered bis own esti mate of that wretched bird. "And pray," said he, "why am I like the eagle?" "Because both are in situations for which neither was designed by nature. Do you sup pose the eagle looks tbe draggled, disconsolate bird he does now when on wing, soaring over tbe glaciers? Were bis wings made that they might droop and drop their crushed feathers? That stern eye, that it should stare at iron bars, at inquisitive faces peering between tbem? Now. come, be open; make me your confessor. Have you never had yearnings for something nobler, freer, than to be behind the bars of a counting house, and condemned to the perpet ual routine of business, like the mill of a squir rel's cage?" Philip considered. Yes, he had wished for a less monotonous life. He bad often desired to DOMESTIC MARKETS. Speculation in Potatoes Unprofita ble Bananas Firm. SDGAR AND C0FFEEGR0W FIRMER. Corn and Oats Are Not in Sufficient Snpplj for Demand. FLOUR SEEKING A HIGHER LEYEL Office or Pittsburg Dispatch, l Satueday. July 6, 18S9. J Country Produce: Jobbing Prices. .There are no new features in produce lines worthy of special mention. Stuff along Liberty street was well cleaned up early In tbe day. New potatoes continue to drag. Raspberries were in good supply, but did not want for buy ers. Tropical fruits, especially bananas, are In good demand. A leading dealer reports tbat choice bananas brought better prices the past day or two tban they have done for a year past Tbe universal cry of produce men is "too much stuff to handle for very small profit." Tbe potato speculator has found this week's tr?-de anything but satisfactory. He would be well pleased to come out wbjle. Bottzk Creamery, Elgin, 1920c: Ohio do, 1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; country rolls. 1012c. Beaks Jl 751 9a Beeswax 2830o f fi for choice; lowgrade, 1S620C Citjeb Band refined, tS 507 50; common, $3 604 00; crab cider, SS 00&S 50 f) barrel; elder vinegar, 1QQ12C v? ga'lon. Cheese Ohio cheese, Sc; New York. 10 10c; Limburger, 89c; domestic Bweitzcr cheese, 9K12Hc California Fruits California peaches, H 0034 60 V box; cherries, 3 00; apricots, 4 00 4 00: plums. f4 004 60. Eogs 15K016c t dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, 30c V dozen. Fbcits Apples, $3 604 50f barrel; pine apples, fl 001 25 f) dozen; red raspberries, S luc a quart; black raspberries, 710 a quart; whortleberries, ?1 25 a pall; blackberries, 8c ft quart; wild goose plums, 12 50 a crate; cur rants, $5 a 2-bushel stand; watermelons, $20 25 per hundred. Feathers Extra live geese, 8060c;No.l, ud, 4ui($jc; mixeu 101s, ouv&aoc ff 2B. New-Potatoes 51 60Q1 75 a barrel. POULTBY Live chickens, 6575c per pain undrawn chickens, 1012c $ lb; drawn, 14(2 15c V tt. ,-,- Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lbs to bushel, 85 60 9 bushel; clover, large English, 62 lbs, 6 00; clover, Allske, J3 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo- tujr, i;uui;c, jm, i uj; uiue grass, extra clean, 14 lbs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 lbs, Jl 00; orchard grass, 14 lbs. SI 65; red top, 14 lbs. tl 25; millet 0 & '1 0: German millet 50 lbs, (1 50; Hungarian grass. 00 as, Jl 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, J2 50 per bushel o04fts. TALLOW-Country, 45c; city rendered. 6 SKc. Tkopicai. Fbutts Lemons, fancy, S4 60 5 50 V box: Messina orSnges, $5 005 50 W box; rodi, (5 506 00: California oranges, U 50i 75 box; bananas, S3 00. firsts; 2 U). good seconds, T-t bunch; cocoanuts, H 004 50 $1 hundred: new figs 8K9c V pound; dates, 5K66J40 pound. Vegetables Tomatoes, Mlsslssippis. four basket cases.fl 752 00; beans, round wax fancy, $250 a crate; beans, round wax medium. 52 0C a crate: beans, round green, 2 252 50; new beets, 2025c y dozen; cucumbers, 2530c W dozen, tl 75jj'2 00 a crate: radishes, large white and gray, 8035c ft dozen; cabbage, two-barrel crates, Louisville and St Lonls.fl 50 2 00; Eastern, single-barrel crates, f 1 001 25; new celery, 6060c a dozen. Groceries. Coffee options advanced 40 points in New York yesterday on bullish advices from sources of supply. The only effect on package coffee is a firmer tone to markets. The advance on sugar is fully sustained by events. a beex Coffee Fancy Hio, 2122c; choice Rio, 18H20c: prime Rio, 18c; fair Rio, 17018c; old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 2728c; Santos, 1922c; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry. Rio, 2123c; La guivra. 21&22C. Roasted (In papers) Standard brands,21Kc; hlch rrades. 23lf$25Kc: old dovernment Jt bulk. 3030c; Maracaibo, 2526c; Santos, 18e21c; peaberry,24Kc; peaberry.cholce Rio, I PITTSBURG DISPATCH. be able to hunt and shoot, and move in culti vated society, tour In Europe and have leisure to extend his thoughts to other matters tban the details of a lawyer's office or a manufac turer's set ot books. "You time is all barred," continued Miss Dur ham, "and the music of your lite must be .in common time. No elasticity, no initiative, all Is barred and measured. Tell me something about yourself." "I I" This was a daring question to address to one so reserved as Philip. "I have had nothing occur In my life that could interest you." "Because It has been spent In a cage. I know it has. I can see the jail look in your face, in your back, in the way you wear your hair, in your coat, in your every action, and look, and tone of voice." "This is not complimentary." "It is true. But you were not made to be a jailbird. No one is; onlysome get caught early and are put behind bars, and see tbe world, and know It, only through bars; the wind blows In on tbem only between bars, and the sun Is cut and chopped up to them by bars and cross-bars, and all they know of the herbs and flowers are the scraps of chlckweed and plantain, drooping and dying, that are suspended to their cage bars for them to peck at. I know exactly what they come to look like who have been en. caged all their lives; they get bald on the poll and stiff in their movements, and set in their back, and dull of eye, and narrow of mind." "You have" you not been a cage bird?" asked Philip with some animation. "Oh, no, not L I have kept outside the bars. I have been too fond of my liberty to venture behind them." , "What do you mean by bars?" asked Philip, with some gravity in bis tone. "Bars? There are bars of all sorts social, religious, conventional but there! I shock yon; you have lived to long behind them, that you think the bars form the circumference of the world, and that existence is impossible, or improper outside of them." "Beyond some none are at liberty to step. They are essential." "I am not talking of the natural, but of the artificial restraints which cramp life. Have you any Bohemian blood in your" "Bohemian?" "Wild blood. I have. I confess It. A drop, a little drop, of fiery African blood. You In England have your class distinctions, but they are as nothing beside our American separations between white and black. With you a blot on the escutcheon by a mesalliance is nothing; with us it is ineradicable. There is a bar sin ister cast over my shield and shutting me out from the esteem of and association with those whose blood Is pure. Purel It may be mud died with the mixture of villainous blood enough of swindlers and renegades from jus tice, but that counts nothing. One little drop, an eighth part of drop, damns me. I do not care. I thank that spot of taint It has liber ated me from conventional bonds, and I can live as I like, and see the sun eye to eye with out intervening bars." Philip bad winced when she spoke about tbe coexistence of Dure blood with that of swin dlers and renegades. He stopped and looked back. They had been walking fast, though up-hill. Wben talkers are excited and Interested in wbat they say, they naturally quicken their pace. They had far outstripped Salome; as Philip looked back he could not see her. Tor tbe ground fell away steeply and concealed the several folds of the road. "What?" asked Miss Durham, mockingly, "looking for one of your bars?" Philip turred and walked on with her. They had reached the summit, and the ground be fore them was level. On this track of level mossy moor lay the lake of deep crystal water. In which floated masses of snow or Ice, that bad slldden lrom the mountain on tbe opposite side. Hardly a tree grew here, on this neck, exposed to furious currents of wind. "May I take your arm?" asked Miss Durham. "I am heated and tired with this long climb?" Philip offered .her the support she de manded. "I suppose,' she said, "that you have not as sociated much with any but those who are cage birds?" He shook his head and colored slightly. "Do you know what I am?'' she asked ab ruptly, and turned and looked at him, loosing her band from bis arm, "I have heard that yon are a lady with a large 23c; prime Rio, ,20.: good Rio, 20c; ordinary. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c; cassia, 829c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, VOgSOc. Petboleum (jobbers prices) llo" test 7e; Ohio, 120. 8Hc; headlight 160, 8Kc; water white, lOJc; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; ctrnadine, llc; royaline, 14c MYBDPS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup. 333Sc; prime sugar syrup, S033c: strictly prime, 333Sc; new maple syrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, JSc; choice, 46c; me dium. 43c: mixed, 40042c. Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3J4c; bi-carb in Jfs, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 5Cc; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight 8c; stearine,per set KUc: naraffine. 11012c Rice Head, Carolina, 77c: choice, 6V 7c; prime. 5X6Vc: Louisiana, b6Kc STABCH Pearl, Sc; cornstarch, 6K7c; gloss starch, 6?e7c Fobeign Fkoits Laver raisins, S2 65; Lon don layers, J3 10: California London layer&,$2 50; Muscatels, 2 25; California Mncatels, Jl 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7Kt8c; sultana, 8Kc: currants, new, 4oc: Turkey S runes, new, 4J5c: Finch prunes, 813c; alonica prunes,in 2-ft packages. 8c; cocoanuts, per 100, JO 00; almonds, Lan., per lb, 20c; do lvlca. 19c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap.. 12) 15c: Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 12lbc: new dates, 66c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans, U15c: citron, per lb, 21022c; lemon peel, per lb, 1314c: orange peel, 12J4C Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 6c; apples, evaporated, (ec; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 1518c: peaches, evaporated. Dared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpaired, 10I2Jc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpltted. 56c; raspberries, evapor ated, 2424Uc; blackberries, 78c: huckle berries. 10ffll2c ,K,U04BS Cubes, 10J410Kc; powdered, 10K 10c;grannlated,9c;confectUners'A,9K69?8C; standard A, 9)ic: soft whites, 99Wc: yellow, choice. m&Hic; yellow, good. 88c;yellow, fair. 8c; yellow, dark, 7c Pickles Medium, bbis (1,200), 4 50; medi ums, half Iibls.(6u0),j2 5. ., AI,'Sr.1f ? Jl V bbI 5c; No. 1 ex. sp bbl, Jl 05; Jalry. W bbl, Jl 20: coarse crystal, bbl. Jl 20; Higglns' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, J2 80; Higgins' Eureka. 16-14 lb pockets, S3 00? Caused Goods Standard peaches, Jl 30 1 90; 2ds. Jl 30Q1 35; extra peaches. Si 501 90: pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, 1 50; Hfd. Co. corn, 70690c: red cherries, 90cll: Lima beans. SI 10: soaked do. 85c: string do rtn 7FJTRT- mi,-. rowfat peas. 101 I5:oaked peas. 70Q75c: pineapples, SI 401 50: Bahama do, J2 75; dam son plums, 95c; greengages, Jl 25; egg plums, J2; California pears. J2 oO; do greengages, $2; do egg plums, J2; extra white cherries, 52 90; red cherries. 2 lbs. 90c; raspberries, Jl 401 60; strawberries. Jl 10; gooseberries, Jl 301 40; tomatoes, 82K92c; salmon, 1-B, Jl 752 10: blackberrier , 0c; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 99c; do green, 2 fis. SI 25Q1 60; corn beef. 2-ft cans. SI 75: 14-ft cans, S13 60; baked beans, Jl 45 1 50; lobster, 1 ft, Jl 751 80; mackerel. 1-lb caus, uronea, 11 on; sardines, aomestlcs. is. r AUIfcyi .As; M1U1UC3, Baruines, imported. Imported. Ks.S18: sari spicea, M zo. .- . . ..- - risn iixtrajNo. 1 cioater mackerel, J3QM bbl.: extra No. 1 do, mess, J40: extra No. I mackerel, shore. J32: extra No. 1 do. messed. J36; No. 2 shore mackerel, J24. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c lb; do medium; George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6J7Kc Herring Ronnd shore, J5 00 W bbl: split, J7 00: lake, J2 60 V 100-lb. half bbl. White fish. J7 00 lorf ft. half bbl. Lake trout J5 50 half bbL Finnan haddock, 10c jfl ft. Iceland halibut 13c W lb. Pickerel. K barrel, J2 00: X. barrel. Jl 10; Potomac herrinc, J5 00 f barrel, 82 60 W K barrel. Buckwheat Flour 252?ic a ft. Oatmeal J6 306 CO W bbl. Miners' Oil No, 1 winter strained, 5860c ft gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at tbe Grain Ex change, 14 cars. By" Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and Chicago, 1 car cf oats.1 of bran, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 1 car of hay, 6 of oats, 1 of s. corn, 1 of bran, I of wheat By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 car of flour. Sales on call, 1 car sample wheat 91 spot regu lar; 1 car sample com, 41 spot regular. Corn and oats continue to advance. Market is 'seldom as bare of both as It is now. Flour should go up higher, as it cannot be laid down in carload lots at figures below our quotations. Whole salers, however, continue to sell at the old rates. When compelled to replenish with new stock they will be forced to advance prices. Total receipts bulletined at the Exchange for tbe week, 124 cars against 159 cars last week. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 9192c; No. 3 red, 8687c Cobs No. 2 yellow ear. 4f45c; high mixed ear. 42041c; No. 2 yellow, sbelledT 4243c; blgb mixed, shelled, 4042c; mixed, shelled, 404Ic Oats No. 2 white. SSHeSic; extra, No. 8. 83tt83Kc: No. 3 white, SoSsic; No.?mlxed oats, a28c ,( MONDAY, JOLT 8. Independent fortune." "It Is not true. I earn my living. I am a singer." She saw the surprise in bis face, which he struggled to conceal. "It is so; ana I am here in this clear air that my voice may regain its tone. I sing on the stage." She put her hand through his arm again. "Yes, chained, imprisoned eagle, I am a free singing-bird. What do you say to that?" What could h say? He was astonished, ex cited, bewildered. He felt the intoxication which falls on an evangelical preacher wben he mounts the platform to preach In a music hall. He was frightened and pleased; his decorum shaken to its foundation, and cracking on all sides. "What do you say to that?" she asked, and looked full in his eyes, and her splendid orbs shot light and fire into his heart and sent tbe flames leaping through his veins. He heaved a long breath. "Yes," she said, "you suffocate behind bars." Then she burst into a merry peal of laughter, and Philip Involuntarily laughed also, but not heartily. CHAPTER XLVL ARTEMISIA. "There Is the restaurant," said Miss Durham, "and being painted within and without, im possible torus to enter. What say yen to walking on to the head of the lake? I want to look over the col, and see the mountains of the Rhine Valley above DIssentls." Philip hesitated, and again looked back. "I see." said Miss Durham; "you are afraid of stepping out of your cage." "Not at all," answered Philip flushing. "I am prepared to go to the end of this trough In tbe mountains with you, but I greatly doubt seeing much from the further end." "Well if we see nothing, we can talk. Have you looked about you much since we began the ascent?" "The time has flown," said Philip, looking at his watch. "It seems to me but a few minutes since." Tbe long dreary valley or basin In which lay the lake was apparently closed at the end by a hill surmounted by a cross or flagstaff. The road ran along tbe north side of the lake, with out a tree to shade It The party behind, when tbey came to the restaurant could not fall to see them if they continned along the road, and might follow, or await them there. Philip walked on. but no longer gave Arte misia Durham his arm. He saw far away in the rear Mrs. SIdebottom signaling with her parasol, but whether to him or to the Labarte girls, who were dispersed in tbe morass at the end of the lake, picking butterwort soldanella and primula, he could not telL His eyes were on the ground. He was think ing of his companion, what a strange life hers must be, incomprehensible to him. He felt how, if he were thrown Into It he would not know how to strike out and hold his chin above water. At the same time his heart beat fast with a wild, vain desire for a freer life than that of commerce. The restraints to which he had been sub jected bad compressed and shaped him, as the Chinese lady's shoe compresses and shapes her foot but the pressure had been painful; it had marked him, but the marks were ever sensi tive. Tbe ancient robe of tbe Carmelite fathers was of white wool, barred with black, and they pretended tbat they derived this habit from the mantle of Elijah, which he had dropped as he was being carried up to heaven, and tbe mantle bad touched as it fell the spokes ,of the cbariot ot Are In which he ascended and was scorched In stripes. Philip, and many an other successful man of business wbo has been exalted to a position of comfort and warmth, has te inner garment of his soul charred by tbe wheels of the chariot in which he has mounted. Philip felt his own awkwardness,his want of ease in otber society than tbat narrow circle in which he had turned, his inability to move with that freedom and confidence which characterizes those born and reared In gener ous society. Even with this girl this Bohe mian he was as one walking and talking, with chains to his feet and a gag to his tongue. She was right: he was born to beat easo every where, to be aole everywhere to walk upright and to look around him; he had been put in a cramped position," tied hand and foot and bis headset in such a vice as photographers em ploy to give what they consider support and steadiness, and he was distorted, stiffened, con tracted. Had his life been happy? He had Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5152c; No. 1 Western, 4849c Flour JobDing prices Winter patents, $5 505 75: spring patents, $5 75S 00: winter straight J4 755 00; clear winter, J4 504 75; straight XXXX bakers', SI C04 2a. Rye flour, S3 50ffl3 75. Millfeed Middlings, fine white, S15 00 15 60 f) ton; brown middlings, til 5012 60; winter wbeat bran, J12 2512 50; chop feed, J15 00016 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. 114 00; No. 1 do, J13 0OQ13 50: No. 2 do. Ill 5012 50; loose, from wagon, $14 0015 00; No. 1 upland prairie. J10 50011 00; No. 2. J7 508 00: packing do, Jo 50 6 50. Straw Oats, J7 50; wheat and rye straw S7 007 5008 00. Provisions. ' Sugar-cured hams, large, HKc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 12c: sugar-cured hams, small, 12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 7c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams, 8c: sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar cured dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 1234c; bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon clear sides, SJc: bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides. 7&fc Mess pork, heavy, S14 00; mess pork, family. S14 5a Lard Refined in tierces. 6c; half barrels. 7c: 60-ft tubs, 7c: 20-ft palls, Tc: 50 ft tin cans, 6c; 3-ft tin palls, 7c; 5-ft tin palls, 7c; 10-lb tin pails, 7Kc Smoked sauBage,long, 5c; large,:5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless ham, 10c. Pigs feet half barrel, J3 50; quarter barrel, S2 (XL Drenaed Meat. Armour A Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, -450 to 550 lbs, 5c;550 to 650 lbs, 6Vc; 650 to 750 fts, 6Kc Sheep. 8c ft. Lambs, 9c 1? ft. Hogs, Cc Fresh pork loins, 9c MAEKETS BY WIEE. A Batch of Contradictory European Rumors) Paralyzes the Wheat Market Corn and Oats Featureless Hoe Products Dull and Gen erally Weak. Chicago The session ofthe Board of Trade to-day was dull from the opening to the close. The foreign news concerning wheat was rather mixed: the domestic news was almost uni formly bullish. One member had a cable from St Petersburg saying that the drought in North Russia continued, and that reports from South Russia were also unfavorable. Another had estimates that tbe wheat yield of Europe, in cluding the United Kingdom, would be 100,000, 000 bushels larger than last year, and at least three weeks early. Paris quotations were higher; Liverpool markets firm. The weather was dry and hot both in the win ter and spring wheat districts, and was there fore a bearish influence in one direction and a bullish influence in the other. Minneapolis millers were reported as buying new No. 2 red winter wheat in St Louis for milling. North western traders were also buying In tbe specu lative market here. An operator started a bulge in prices early by picking up a few small lots of July. This future opened at 82c, geld up to 83c and closed at 82,7-c December opened at 79c, and, after selling at 79c, bulged to SOiie. At the advance Hutchinson was selling December freely, and It reacted to 80c Tbe corn pit was almost deserted all tbe morning. Trading was light September, the active future, opened at 3535c sold at 3535Jc and closed at the latter figure. Oats were dull and an easy feeling prevailed. Receiving bouses sold September moderately at2222c: closed at 22c Not over 3,000 barrels of pork were traded on 'Change to-day. Nevertheless, there was a 10c break In prices. Lard and ribs were much more active and both were weaker. The trade in these, however, was of small proportions. Offerings, while light, were more than the trade could absorb. Tbe little speculative interest developed was centered in September,whlch sold from Sll 67 early down to 111 55 for pork; from $8 50 to J6 42K for lard and from J3 92 down to $5.85 for short ribs. Lard and short ribs for the same delivery closed at inside prices and pork at $11 57W. Other months were quiet. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT No. 2 August, 77K78977j; 78Kc; September. 787SK77?ie78Kc: Decern ber, 79ie8(4e79e8gc; May. 84a&fti84 84Kc COBW No. 2 August 35K3535V35Kc; ge?gS,er,85Jie35e3e3c; llay. 87 87K8I7XC OATS No. 2 August 22Ji22c: September. Z2e22J;e22Mc; May. 22i25e25J MJsBBPoBK,per bbl August Sll S7gU 60 1889. never accounted it so It had been formal at the solicitor's desk, and It was formal in the factory. Was man made and launched into life to be a piece of clockwork? Ho bad thought, acted, lived an automaton lite, and taken his pleasure in measuring glasses, never in full and free draught?. , "Have you had a happy existence?" he asked, thoughtfully. "Oh yes, the birds are happy; all nature is happy so long as it is free. It is In the cage that the bird mopes, and In the pot that the plant sickens." Had Philip looked In her face be would have seen a strange expression of triumph pass over it She had carried ber first pout and gained bis Interest "Here," she said, "Is a large rock above tbe water; let us sit on it and I will tell you about myself. You had no confidence in ma and would not give me your story. I will return good for evil and show you my past I agree with you, there will be no view of the moun tains above DIssentls from the col. It is not worth our while going on. Besides, I am tired." She took a seat on a broad boulder that bad fallen from the mountains, and hung fast wedged on one side, disengaged on the otber, over the crystal water that, stirred by the light wind, lapped its supports. Looking into tbe clear flood beneath, they could see the char darting about, enjoying the sun, that pene trated the water and made It to them an ele ment of diffused light Artemisia pointed to them, and said, "Wbo would not rather be one of these than a goldfish in a glass bottle?" Philip at once recalled the pond at Merga troyd, with the hot water spurted into it from the engine. In which the goldfish teemed, and the globes in every cottage window supplied with the unfortunate captives from this pond, swimming round and round all day, all night every year, seeing nothing, without an interest, a zest in life. Such had bis career been: he, a fish not a gold one, nor even a silver one till recently, but quite a common brown flsh In a common'glass receiver full of stale water, re newed periodically, but always flat He looked at the darting char with interest "We are in tbe land of freedom." said Miss Durham. "Then don't stand on the rock like a semaphore. Sit down beside me, and let your feet dangle over tbe water. Oh! as Folixenes says, to be boy eternal! " " 'With such a day to-morrow as to-day,' " added Philip, completing tLi quotation, as he seated himself on tbe rock. How wonderfully brilliant the sun was at that height So utterly unlike the rusty ball that gave light at Mergatroyd, and there gave it charily. How intense the blue of the sky dark as tbe deep-belled gentian, not the washed out cobalt ot an English heaven. And the air was fresh; it made tbe heart dance and the pulses throb faster, with a trip and a fandango such as tbe blood never attains in our gray and sober land. At a few hundred yards' distance was a road mender leisurely performing his task, repair ing a track made by a stone that had leaped from the cliffs above, torn up the road, and then plunged into the lake. Far behind could be seen Mrs. SIdebottom flourishing her para sol and gathering the rest of tbe disconnected party together before the restaurants It was clear that she had decided they were not to go further, but to rest at one of the tables in tbe open air beside the lake, till it pleased tbe two of the advanced party to re turn. Had they been seen? Philip asked hlmselr. Where be and Artemisia now sat tbey were screened from observation from tbe tavern, though not from the road-mender, who was ahead on tbe way. "I am not quite sure," said Philip, and he fidgeted with his fingers as he said It "I think I ought to be going back to the party to my aunt" "To your wife, you mean. Why not say so? No; you shall not go. There are plenty with her, five in all, and I I have only yon." A flutter and then a scalding rush or blood through Philip's veins. "This is the land of freedom," said Artemisia; "as you came over the Lake ot Lucerne you saw Hutli, the sacred spot where the three confederates swore to shake off tbe chains that bound them and to be free, and its freedom is the glory of Switzer land now. Let this be Rutli. Break those con ventional bonds that have tied you, and as a pledge remain seated and listen to me. Re member what I have told you I want to give you a peep into my past life, and have your ad vice." Philip made no more objection, but be plucked little scraps of sedum that grew on the stone and threw them into the water. Pres U155U157Ki Sentan:ber' 167K1167 ? 5?r"i100 August te 37KS8 40a 6 42l! -"K: September, J6 lo 5ug6 42K c S,??,n-T,RJBS- Per 10 s. August SS 87KB 5 7go 80o 80; September, $5 925 92 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm: whiter wheat J3 004 75: .spring wheat $4 30 U- H-Te' c S02 70- No- 2 spring wheat 83c; 0; 3 spring wheat 82c; No. 2 red, 82K 83Jc No. 2corn.35Jftc No. 2 oats. 22c: Na2rye.423ic No. 2 barley nominal. No.l flaxseed. Jl 88. Prime timothy seed, 81 55. Mess pork, per barrel. Sll 50011 60. Lard, per 100 pounds, 58 306 35. Bhort ribs sides (loose), 5?oOo85. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $o255 37. , Short clear sides (boxed),$6 12 b25. Sugar nnchanged: granulated, 9jJc receipts r lour, 10 000 barrels: wheat 9,000 bushels: corn, 313,000 bushels: oats, 72,000 bushels; rye. none; barley, 1,00ft bushels. Shipments Flour. 7.000 barrels; wheat. 43.000 bushels; corn. 232.000 bushels; oats, 86,000 bushels; rye. 3,000 bushels; barley 1,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was weak and lower; creamerr.l515c; dairy, 1014c Eggs lower; fresh. ll12c New York Flour firm and quiet Wheat Spot quiet and steady and c higher: options advanced on August lc through manipula tion, but afterward declined Jc and closed lc over yesterday; other months were c higher, closing steady, and fairly active. Bar ley malt auiet Corn Snot steadier anil mnrt. erately active; options firmer and qniet Oats Spot dull and steady: options easier and dull. Haysteadvand qniet; shipping, e0B5c; good to choice 7590c Coffee Options opened dull and I5Q25 points down, closing barely steady and 15020 points down; sales, 85,250 bags. In cluding July. 13.45ia50; August 13J5013.60; September, ia6513.75; October, 13.7013.80! November. 13.7513.85: December. 13.75 13.90: March. 13.85 13.80; April, 13.9514.00; May, ia9014.00; spot Rio steady; fair cargoes, 16c Sugar Raw firm and quiet; refined quiet and firm. Molasses Foreign firm; New. Orleans quiet: open kettle, good to fancy, 2846c Rice steady and quiet; domestic, 4Ji6Jic; Japan, 45"4c. Cottonseed oil depressed and entire ly nominal. Tallow quiet and firm; city ($2 for packages), 4445-lCc Rosin qniet and steady: strained, common to good, $1 1 0(5)1 12. Tur pentine quiet and steady at 37?i38ic Eggs Bieauv; western prime, i.iVMliyyAc: poor to good, 1213c; receipta, a670 packages. Pork quiet; mess, $13 00 13 25: extra prime. $11 SO 11 75. Cutmeats strong; pickled bellies, 12 pounds. 7c: pickled shoulders, 5c: pickled bams. ll12c Middles firm. Lard stronger and quiet; sales, western steam, SS 72, clos ing at $6 75; city, $6 20: Julv, $6 75; August J6 78; September, JG 06; October. $6 87. Bat ter easy and quiet; western dalrv, 1014c: do creamery, 1217c: do factory, 713c Cheese quiet; western, 6Ji72c ST. Louis Flour quiet and steady. Wheat Cash quiet and steady; options higher; con tinued small receipts again checked selling, and with advances in other markets and other unfavorable advices from Dakota and Europe, coupled with firm cables, there was an improve ment and tbe close was 2c below Yester day; No. 2 red, cash, 77Jc: July, 7374Jc, closing at 74Jc; August7jfe;7-iu;c, closing at 74Kc asked; Jiecember. 777Sc, closing at 7878c asked. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, cash, 31K32c: year. 31c Oats dull: No. 2 cash, 24c bid; July, 22c bid; August, 21c bid; Sep tember, 21c bid; May, 2Sc Rye No. 2, 40c Philadelphia Flour very firm under light supply with business restricted by the extreme views of holders. Wheat strong, under unfavorable' crop reports; prices of options advanced Jfc: but closed nominal In absence of speculative business; cash. No. 2 red scarce and firm at firmer rates; futures quiet but firm: No. 2 white, July, 33k033c: August 3232c; September, 3132kc; October, 3232c Butter dull and weak; Pennsylvania creamery. Extra, 1616c; do, prints extra 2025c .Eggs dull and 'weak; Pennsylvania firsts, 1515c Cincinnati Flour firm. Wheat easier and lower; No. 2 red. 87c: receipts, 3,200 bushels; shipments, 3.100 bushels. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed, 3Sc Oats quiet: No. 2 mixed, 25 25Jc Rye Arm: No. 2.43c Pork easy at $12. Lard weaker at 6 106 12. Bulkraeats dull; shoulders, $7. Butter easy. Sugar firm. Eggs barely steady. Cheese firm. MILWAUKEE Flour nnchanired. Wheat firm; casb. 78-c: September, 77Mc Corn Arm; xo. Rye 2. S $11 4i. Lard, $6 32. Cheese unchanged; Cheddars. 88. Cloverseed dull; casb, $4 50; October. $4 6a Baltimore Provisions quiet and steady. Butter dull; western packed, lC12c: creamery, 16017c Ezss easy at lS14c Coffee nomi nal; Rio falratl6c Drycooda Market. New York. July 7. The market was un changed, though print cloths are firmly held at 4 cents, with a consequent firmer feeling on low grade cottons, brown and bleached. ently fish came to snap at them, and turned awayin disgust, leaving them when they saw tbev were not flies nor worms. "My mother." said Miss Durham, "was a German that Is how I can speak the language with as much ease as English. She was mar ried to my father shortly after her arrival in America, and she never acquired the English tongue perfectly; she always spoke It with an accent and intonation that was foreign. But though she did not acquire perfectly the lan guage of tbe country of her adoption, she as similated Its prejudices pretty easily, and held tbem with that Intensity which characterizes, in my experience, acquired preludices, espe cially when unreasonable: My lather had in him a couple of drops of dark blood, and al though my mother thought nothing of that when she took him.she speedily came to regard it as an indelible stain. She threw it in his teeth, she fretted over it and when I was born did not regard me with the love a child has a right to exact from Its mother. Tbe continual quarrels and growing antipathy between my parents led at length to their separation. My father left and I believe is dead; I never saw him after they parted. He may have married again. I do not know, but I believe be Li dead. He made no Inquiries after me and my mother, to whom I was a burden and a reproach; she looked about for, and secured another, a more suitable partner, a German, working1 in a factory. They bad children, fair haired, moon-faced, thick-set and I was alone amidst them, the drudge or enemy of all. I bad a good voice, and I was made nurse to the youngest children, and to still them I was ac customed to sing to tbem. The eldest boy bad a clear, good voice also, and him I liked best of all my half-brothers and sisters. It was a great amusement to us to follow brass bands, or Italians with organs and monkeys; and wben we saw how that these obtained money, my brother Thomas and I agreed-together tbat we would try our luck. One day It was the day of tbe Declaration of Independence, wben everyone was out and all enjoying themselves Tom and 1 went Into tbe most frequented avenue of our town, and began to sing. Car riages with ladies and gentlemen passed, and troops ot people in their best clothes, all lu good humor and all seeking amusement We began to sing "Ich welss nlcbt was soil es beueuten," Tom taking a second. Some Ger mans at once gathered about us, and threw coppers into Tom's can. Presently a man came up with a red beard and a violin. He stood for a long time listening, and then. In stead of giving us money, he asked where we lived and wbat our parents were. I told bim, and next, day he came to see my mother. He was a musician, and he offered to buy me of her, that he might teach me to sing and accom pany him. Philip's face grew gray, and the lines in it became more marked- He no longer threw bits of sedum at tbe flsh. He clutched the rock with both hands. "And wbat did your mother say I" he asked. "She sold me for $75." Philip shuddered. He turned and looked in Artemisia's face to see, perhaps, if ber story bad left its traces there. "She wanted 1100, he offered $50. They came to terms for $75." Philip said nothing. He looked down into the bottle-green depths of tbe lake, and for some moments Artemisia was silent also. Presently with a strange, forced voice, Philip asked: "How old were you when this trans action took place?" -Still a child. 1 traveled about with the red bearded man, and he taught me to slug, trained me well, and at concerts made me sing, and I cot treat annlanse. I liked that I was baDOier with bim than at my mother's; I had no babies I to carry a Dour, ana to nusu; none or me nouse drudging to do. Besides, he was kind, and he was an honorable man after his fashion. He treated me as if I were bis daughter, ana took immense pains to form me to be a public singer. But always the burden of bis song was, "See what you cost me, what trouble you give me. Afterward, when you are-a finished artist you must be engaged to me tor a set of years and repay me for my pains." I had not a word against tbat I was qnlte aware that I was in debted to him, and I intended to show my grati tude by doing as be required. So I grew up, going about with htm, and be never allowed me to be treated with impertinence by any man; be always protected me, though not always in the most heroic manner. Once, in California, we were performing, he with his fiddle and X singing, at a liquor bar, wben a half-tipsy gold digger became offensively attentive to me. My master made me leave the place with bim, and he ran away with me to San Francisco. I asked him wtjyT He said that he must do that or shoot or be shot by that fellow, and he had no wish for either. I remember sulking; I would have liked to see them fight about me." "How long did you remain with this man?" "Till I was IS. and then, just as I was fit for something better, and to earn more money, my master spoiled his own game." "How so?" "He wanted to marry me. I reckon he thought he could secure me best tbat way. If be had not asked me, and himself pestered me about this. I would have stayed with him and let bim have a share a lion's share of my earnings; but he would not leave me in peace he spoiled his own game by that and set me free. I left him." LITE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the DInrket at the East Liberty Stock Yards. OFFICE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. J Saturday, July 6, 18S9. ( Cattle Receipts, none: shipments, 20 head; market nothing doing; all through consign-, ments; no cattle shipped to New York to day.; Hogs Receipts. 700 nead: shipments, 1,000 head; market Arm: Yorkers, $4 704 80 on Seek; extra fine light S4 90; heavy, $4 404 50; roughs, J3 003 75; 7 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-dav. Sheep Receipts. 2.000 head; shipments, 1,800 bead; market Arm at unchanged prices. Bt Telesrnph. Chicago Cattle Recetnts,15,000head; ship ments, none: prices underwent no material change, and tbe market Is quotable as nominal all around; beeves, cbolce. $4 00 4 15; steers, J3 404 10; stockers and feeders, $2 203 15; cows, bolls and mixed, $1 253 00: Texas cattle, J2 003 70.. Hogs Receipts. 11,500 bead; ship ments, none; market steady to strong; mixed, J4 254 45: heavv. $4 2004 42; light, $4 30 4 60: skips, $3 504 50. Sheen Receipts. 1,500 head: shipments, 400 bead; market strong: na tives, $3 504 90: Westerns. $3 303 SO: Texans, S3 254 30; lambs, $4 755 80. St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 100 bead; ship ments, 300 head: market strong; choice heavy native steers, $3 804 25; fair to good do J3 104 00; stockers and feeders, fair to good, $2 103 10: rangers, corn-fed, $2 753 60; grass, fed. Jl 902 9a Hogs Receipts, 800 bead; shipments, none; market steady; choice heavy butchers' selections, $4 304 40: pacic ing, medium to prime, S4 204 35: light grades, ordinary to best $4 304 45. Sheep Receipts, 200 head: shipments, none; mar ket strong; fair to choice. S3 004 75. Buffalo Cattle Recelpts.34 loads throngh; 7 loads on sale; fairly active for light butchers at unchanged Monday's prices. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 17 loads through; 5 loads on sale; firm at yesterday's prices and a shade higher for extra. Hog Receipts, 22 loads through; 17 loads on sale; slow; medium, 14 4 62; Yorkers, $4 75; pigs, $4 80. Cincinnati Hogi lower: common and light S3 754 65; packing and butchers', $4 30 4 45. Receipts, 2,500 head; shipments, 1.100 head. Boaion Atch. Top..latTs. 117H A. AT. LandGr't7s.l07H Ateh. ft Top. K. K. .. 33H Boston A Albany. ..215 Doston ft ilalne.....l00 C. U. ftQ. Ml Clnn. San. ft Cleve. 24 Eastern R. K 84 Eastern K. It 6s ....lx Flint fere 31 23 Flint 4 Fere M. cfd. 98 Mexican Cen. com.. ft te It. X. tHewKnt... 49ft Stocks. N. Y. ft N. E. 7....1235( Old Colony H4Ji 22 AlloneiMgCo(new). 70 Calnmet ft Hecla....20$ franriin 9 Huron 1 Osceola. 9 1'ewable (new) 2 OolncT SO Bell Telephone 232 Boston Land S9-18 Water Power 8 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur. nlshed by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania ltallroad 51H' M Lehljrh Valley. MH S4 Lehigh Navigation M ts Northern Pacific I7! IS Northern 1'aclno preferred MS S3 Mining- Stocks. Njtw York. July 7. Amador. 100: Best fe Belcher. 205; Bodie, 120; Caledonia B. H., 295; Cbollar, 145; Crown Point. 235: Consolidated California and Virginia. 750; Commonwealth. 400: Deadwuod. T., 140; Eureka Consolidated. 180; El Crlsto. 135; Gold fc Curry. 195: Hale & Norcross, 330: Homestake. 850: Iron Silver, 175: Mod. Mexican. 335: Mr. Diablo, 150; Mutual, 140; Ontario, 340; Ophlr. 50U; Plymouth, 750; Savage, 180: Standard, 100; Union Consolidated, 310: Yellow Jacket, 275. Wben baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she Care them Castorl a ap9-77-snvF8n JlflONET TO LOAN - On mortgages on Improved real estate in sums of $1,000 and upward. AppW at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANE. mi.i-34-D No. 134 Fourth avenue. "Oh! I have been Independent since then. I have sung Jr. America, but I have met with most success in Germany. I go about where x. will. I have no master. learn enough to en able me out of tba opera season to 50 to tbo mountains or the seaside This is a dull spot, and I would not have made so long a stay In It bad It not been that I was ordered to the ele vated air here, because I had suffered from a. relaxed or overstrained organ. Now you know mv story. What do you think of HT" Philip was watching her face, and feeling as if he received a shot in his heart every time sha turned her splendid full eyes on him, and his hands trembled as they held tbe stone. -Ever since I left my red-bearded master I have been alone alone in the world; I have had no one) to whom to cling, no mind to which to go for advice in times of donbt and distress. Alone do vou know wbat It is to be alone?" "Yes," said Philip; he let his head sink oat, his breast, and looked down into the water. He also bad spent a lonely youth, but in wbat opposite circumstances. Yon can have no Idea," she continued, "bowl have longed, with agony of heart for someone someone whose judgment I could, trust whose mind was superior, whose experi ence had been made in just those departments of life to wblcb I am strange. I have longed for such a one. whoral could regard as a verr dear friend, and to whom I cCuld go in troubla and perplexity. But I have no onel For all these years I have been as much alone as the man in the moon." Philip put his band to bis collar. He tried to straighten the points which bad become limp, his hand shook so that he could do nothing- ' with them: he was being burnt up, consumed, by her eyes which were on him as she spoke of her desire to And a friend. "Is it not stiange,"she said, "that I wbo have) been preaching freedom should feel the need of a bar not of many, but just one to bold by. Do you know wbat it is to stand at the verge of a precipice To stand on a spire top where, tbere is sheer abyss on every side?. Can yon. imagine the giddiness, tbe despair that comes over one? My place is one surrounded by precipices, dangers, everywhere; I see bauds thrust out to give me the push to send me over, but not one no, not one to hold me." "You have mine," saia Philip, and laid his on ber wrist She took his hand and pressed is thankfully. "Now,'' she continued, you can understand wbat it must be to one on a dizzy peak, or apex of a building, if thore be something a bar -even, to which to hold. Then the abysses be-, low can be gazed Into with Impunity. Holding to that support, the dangers are no longer dreadful, tbere is no more fear of fall out of sheer desperation." She let go Philip's hand, and stood up. ,, "It is time to return to our party. Oh. what a relietit has been to me to pour out my hears to you. And now. In return, tell me about Colonel Yeo." Tbe sound of tbat name at once brought Philip to his senses, tie rose to his feet and. stepped into the road. "I am sorry to be unable to tell you about him, because I know little about bim. As I' said before, we belong to different spheres." They walked back together, talking of tba weather and tbe mountains and flowers, and found tbe rest at a table. The restaurant was under repair, and no refreshments could be obtained there. "Welir said Mrs. SIdebottom, "you have, kept us waiting a long time." "We have been waiting for you," said Miss Durham. "We thought you would come on to tbe bead of the pass." Philip caught Salome's eye and avoided it. She looked wistfully, wonderfngly at him. Wbat did be mean by at one minute treating the American lady with coldness and rudeness, and, then reversing bis behavior towards her abso lutely and at once? She took ber husband's arm as they walked back to Andermatt. Philip was silent Ha.. thought about the story he had heard, and of the loneliness of the poor girl who bad con fided her history to bim. "Wbat a long way this Is, dear," said Philip. "It seems an age since we began the descent?' , ( To be continued next Monday.) P01S0NEDWATER. One of the leading surgeons in the Army, made tbe following characteristic remark:, "Water kills more soldiers than bullets." His meaning was, tbat soldiers wbo drank impure water, died by disease in greater numbers thaa thoso filled by bullets. The surgeon was right Impure water, especially at this season. Is a ter-" rible cause of sickness and death. But the pub- lie say, wbat shall we do? There is but onesen sible thing to do, and that is to purify tho ' water by mixing It with something tbat de stroys all poison or disease-breeding germs, and nothing does this like pure whiskey. But it may be asked, where can I obtain para- - whiskey? Professor Henry A. Mott says, "the purity of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is abso lute, and should commend it to tbe highest public favor." There are hundreds of families- tbat are drinking water constantly, and are, kept in perfect health Dy simply mixing a little , of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey in each glass tbey drink. It is a simple and a sure preventive of Summer diseases and germ poisons, and is in dorsed by tbe best people In the land. xiUUKEItet FINANCIAL. TTTH1TNEY &. STEPHENSON, -t 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Ttana w irAlanl AraHirc thineh MadSM Tlvewaal M orpin & Co., New York. Tasftports procured. an9S-l "X GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. 514-515 Hamilton Building. mvI0-70-P ! Pittsburg. P- MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENS AVENUE, PITTsBURCJ, PA As old residents know auu back files of Pitts, burg papers prove, is tho oldest established and most prominent physician in tbe city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. . ersCsNOFEEUNTILCURED M C D fl 1 1 C and mental diseases, physical L. n V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight self dtstrust,basbfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, falling powers,organlc weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person for buswess,socicty and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat -' ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. -IIRIMARV kidney ana bladder uerange U II I ll A II I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttier's life-lore, extensive experi ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated asifhere. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. it. Sun day. 10 A. M. to I r. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. iell-90-DSu-wk: GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINES CURES 1 , NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VIGOR. , . LOSS OF MEMORY. Full particulars in pamphlet ' -sent free. The genuine (Jray's - Specific sold by drucxlsts oulv In. --. yellow wrapper. Price, tl 'pee " package, or six for $3, or by mall ... on recelnt of nrlceL br address- - I nir TBE GKAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. X 9om in irittsnnrg oy a. s. uuiibAiiu, corner Emlthnelil and Liberty su. apli-M ioHs's OoltO.13. HOOtJ COMPOUND loosed of Cotton Root TansT and ' Pennyroyal a recent discovery by aa 'old physician. 1$ tuccc&fxiUu uteS vumtMu Sate, Kfiectuat price 5t by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your dnurgist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute, or Inclose 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad-. dress POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher T Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all cases re-1 nnlring scientific and confiden- tial treatment! Dr. S. K. Lake. y 31. u. v. r. a., istne oiuest anat most experienced specialist las th rltv. Consnltatlon freo and? st.ictlv confidential. Office t hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays. 2 to 4 P. ir.Cnnsnltthemnersonillv. orwrite. DOCTORS 1 Lake. 908 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Jel2-45-DWk -r r" A SUFFERER SS. error w weakness, lost vigor, etc.. wasrestored to In such a remarkable mannerafter air el failed that he will send the mode of cure all rellow saffcrers. Address L. O. MIT Cut liaddam. Conn. ajZUZS CHICHESTER'S ' PENNYR0YA' lied Cross IMar TlenlTRliabt r mt Ludfe. ak moridBrand,l vita bim noooa. fiumpi) far pa . - i Ladles, ' Oiaester Caesalal Cts ' $Mk W WrS -A lr - . .:. i f - , 1. r . 'u&L$i&&''