IBCI & J.,Pr v, - t TOcfsr"'ft- trvwTO Lr,2J2l'rv w TbSSBW, - -" -sr-fi y '- 1 TO ? ""F" - w - - - -- -V,- ?' - ' - - . j ' jp. r ' ' ? i . '- t - T- ,ii r t TAKEN BT SURPRISE. The legislative Commission Swoops Down Unheralded Upon the MOUHT JOI ORPHANS' SCHOOL Bepresent&tire Kanffman Gives His YIews on the Institution. KOI EXOUGH TOWELS TO GO AEOUND. Hit Bays in OTerenvded in Bed xnd Toothbrushes Are Common rroperty. A. legislative commission yesterday paid a visit to the syndicate school at Mount Joy. Representative KaufTman finds con siderable room there for improvement, and ii not averse to saving so. A scarcity of towels and overcrowding is held to be re sponsible for sore eyes and cntaneons affec tions. The other syndicate schools are yet to be investigated. Mount Jot, July 5. The syndicate soldiers orphans' school here was taken completely by surprise this afternoon. The commission appointed in pursuance of the notion of the Legislature started out on an investigating tour this morning and swooped down upon the institution just as the officials were about to take dinner. Formalities were at once dispensed with and the management postponed its meals. The commission ransacked the place from top to bottom. Representative C. C. Kauffman, of Lap caster, gave his impressions of the visit in these words: "The occasion for my particular activity in pursuing the investigation in this school is the tact that it being in my representative district, I was especially de sirons of showing that it is not the intention that this investigation shall be A -WHITEWASnETG INQUIBT. "The purpose of this inspection'is to get down to the exact condition of all the schools. While we are desirous of having a school in our section, we do not want the the present one to be continued if it does sot compare favorably with the others. I don't know in what condition the others are: whether they are better or worse. Our visit to-day shows there is room lor much improvement here. The building is great ly in need of repairs, the ventilation is poor ana in some of the dor mitories shonld be attended to at once. The health of some of the children is imperiled thereby. They .need more run ning water. This could be cheaply reme died. It is a wonder that there is not more sickness. The outhouses are outrageously small considering the number of children, and until more improved methods can be introduced, disinfectants should be liberally used. Another tource of danger is the in adequate conveniences in the boys wash room. Think of it, only half a dozen towels for IPO boys and lour hair brushes. The talk of a tooth brush being provided for each boy is a farce. Scarcely any of them have their own tooth brushes. The girls fare better in this particular. A SOLEMN MTSTEET. "It is a mystery to me how anybody could hope to keep a lot of boys in good health with them tumbling in two in a bed with out any night shirts, all wearing the calico shirts worn durine the day. To this and the neglect to provide towels we must largely attribute the fact that so many of the boys have been tronbled with sore eyes. The commission should at once adopt a rule requiring separate towels to be provided lor etch of the children. "It is due to the management of the school to say that the girls' department makes a better showing; that they are gen erally a bright lot of children: that the food was tair, and that the girls clothing, as tar as we could judge from a hasty examina tion, was in pretty good condition. The commission found much that will demand serious attention in the work of reforming the institution if it shall be decided to con tinue this instead of others. Of course we must see them all before we can determine that question." IT Mil BECOME HI8T0BICAL. Taller Blrdsong's Fine Causes Sensational Indignation In Georala. rSriCIlX TZXXGKAX TO TUX EISrATCH.1 Atlanta, Jnly 5. Jailer Birdsong, of Macon, and the fine put upon him by Judge Speer for putting a chain around the neck of an unruly negro, are becoming famous. The whole matter will be brought up again by a bill which Senator Bartlett and Representative Hardeman introduced simultaneously to-day. The bill is for the purpose of repealing the present law. which compels jailers to receive United States prisoners in their jails, and giving to sheriffs and jailers the right to reject any and all United States prisoners. In other words, the jailers are to be given the right to accept or reject such prisoners. The bill is for the protection of jailers. Senator Bartlett said to-day that in his opinion Judge Speer had overstepped his authority when he fined Jailer Birdsong for tying the negro counterfeiter to the wall. It is against a repetition of such arbitrary conduct on the part of United States Judges that the bill has been introduced. Representative Hardeman was of the same opinion. He thought the present law was a hard ship to the jailer, as it forces him to take all United States prisoners offered and puts him in the power of the United States for trying to keep order in the jail. As to the facts in the case Messrs. Hardeman and Bartlett are agreed that Birdsong's conduct was not cruel. It was impossible to keep tbe negro quiet. He was noisy and insubordinate. The jailer, Mo keep him quiet, put a light chain around his neck and chained him to the wall. The effect was to keep him from sitting down. It is quite probable that the fine and the little incident in the cell will be famous soon. THE LITEST CEONIN EU8PECT. Be la Relented Frsrn Jail After a Terr Brief Confinement. Chicago, July 6. The mysterious Cro nin suspect abcut whom the police made so -much ado last night and to-day, has been re leased after being in close confinement 20 hours. Notwithstanding the reports that he bore the 'striking resemblance to Patrick Cooney, "The Fox," it turns out that the ex-prisoner is a Frenchman named Frank Tremble Frank separated from his wife not long ago, and has been resorting to various outlandish expedients to conceal his whereabouts. In his cups he talked about Dr. Cronin in a way that, coupled with other matters, led to a suspicion that the young Frenchman was in some manner connected with the great Clan-na-Gael conspiracy. A dispatch from Winnipeg says: The Burke extradition trial is proceeding here to-day. George A. H. Baker, Assistant States Attorney, occupied the stand during all the morning. He gave evidence respecting the manner of procedure in murder trials in Chicago, and verified and authenticated tbe documentary evi dence brought here from Chicago and sub mitted to the Canadian court. The case, it is thought, will be completed by to-night or to-morrow. Extradition is regarded as cer tain. A Victory for Home Rale. London, July 6. An election was held to-day in the West Division of Fife to fill the Parliamentary seat made vacant by the resignation ot Mr. B. P. Bruce. Tbe elec tion resulted in lavor or Mr. Birrell, the Gladstonian candidate, who received 3,651 votes against 2,768 polled bv his opponent, Mr. Wenysi, a Radical Unionist, STOPPING THE FIGHT. Continued from First Tage. was the warmest-looking .man in the St Charles Hotel this evening. "What do you think of Arthur Chambers?" he remarked to The Dispatch reporter. "He won't come on and second Sullivan unless we seed him a dispatch signed by SullivAn, Johnson and myself. He has got the big gest kind of a swelled head, and he can stay where he is." v Then Chambers will not be Mike Cleary'a associate?" " "No, we wouldn't have him at all now." "Have you any idea who will take his place?" "No, I haven't had time to consult those who are interested with me as yet." KILRAIFS EMENDS Are Still Confident of His Success They Say Sullivan's Heart la Weak Jobn'a Record, Ther Consider, Make Good Odd a Condition for Benin-. IBT ASSOCIATED rXXSS.l New Orleans, July 6. The arrival of Sullivan and the enthusiasm exhibited by his friends in this city, has in no wise dampened the ardor of tbe friends of Kil rain, and instead of detracting from their number, Sullivan's arrival appears to have increased them. It is a noticeable fact that while the center portion of the city is dis posed to side with Sullivan, the upper sec tions of the city are largely in favor of Kil rain. A visit was paid to the rooms of the Southern Athletic Club to-day, and quite a number ot the members were lound, all of whom expressed themselves as confident of Kilrain' success in the forthcoming battle. McHals, who is matched to fight Duffy on Sunday next, was seen at the gymnasium. He said that in his opinionJCilrain would be thejrinner, although he had seen neither ot the men. He based, his opinion on the newspaper accounts' of the two men, which, if true, and he had every reason to believe they were so would make Kilrainasure winner. He said lurther, that as regarded the odds offered in the bets which had been made, that it was natural that Sullivan should be the favorite. No one would bet even on a horse with a record 'of 2,40 against one with a record of 220, though the latter might be out ot training and the other had developed greater speed than his previous record. Willing to Take Odds. A prominent member of the club, who is somewhat of an authority in pugilistic af fairs, said that Sullivan was not in the trim he expected him to be, and 'that it was a well-known fact that he could stand but little if any punishment'about the heart or stomach. He would not, of. course, like to bet even on the result, though he felt sure that Kilrain wonld come off the victor, but he thought 100 to 80 fair odds on Sullivan, and wonld not hesitate to take such odds when the proper time came. Others members of the club, in support of their opinion, said that .men like Arthur Chamber and Dominick McCaffrey, all of whom knew both men well, would not be found on the side of Kilrain if they did not know what they were doing. Both Madden and Chambers were with Sullivan in his fight with Rvan, and McCaffrey fought six rounds with liim when he was supposed to b in his best days, and they surely do not underrate Sullivan. According to reports received, Sullivan has not near tbe wind Kilrain has, and he is besides entirely too heavy about the hips. Preparing; for Kllraln'n Reception. Prof. Dennis Butler, also a firm friend of the Baltimore boy, last evening received a telegram from Kilrain, saying he wonld be in the city at about 11 o'clock to-morrow forenoon. His triend is confident of win Ding the fight, he said, and he had all faith in his prowess. The train on which Kilrain arrives will be met outside of the city, as was the Sulli van train; and Kilrain, Mitchell, Donovan and Murphy will be conducted to carriages and conveyed to their quarters at the South ern Athletic Club, corner of Washington and Prytania streets. The rooms which have been set apart lor Kilrain and his seconds are very cool and pleasant, and are situated in a handsome two-story frame dwelling adjoining to and owned by the club. They are gallery rooms, hav! a southern exposure, and are elegantly fitted up with victoria bedroom sets trimmed with blue Bilk. The gymnasium is fitted up with all the apparatus lor the development of the chest, arms and legs, and has a course for pedestrian exercises, as? well as fine swimming, shower and tub baths. Kilrain and his seconds will be able to enjoy greater seclusion than do Sullivan and his trainers, as they will not have to go out into the street at all to gotoandfrom the gymnasium. Kilrain will remain in his quarters until he leaves for the scene of the battle on Monday next Tbe interest in the fight is unabated, and as an evidence of this, the Western Union Telegraph Com pany on Thursday night last sent abont 40,000 words of special dispatches, not in cluding the regular Associated Press re ports. SULLIVAN AT WORK. Be Skips the Rope 1,000 Times and Per forms Otber Almost Slnrvelons Feats In tbe Most Perfect Condition Ills Friends Very Confident. fBT ASSOCIATED PRESS.: New Ubleans, July 6. John L. Sul livan and his immediate retinue are com fortably established at a private boarding house, No. 29 North Rampart street, oppo site the rooms of the gymnastic club, where the redoubtable fighter takes his daily work. The house is besieged from morning till night by a crowd of curious men and boys, who patiently wait for hours for the bare possibility of catching a glimpse of the world-renowned pugilist, who is as difficult of access as the Czar of Russia and receives absolutely no visitors. The faithful Muldoon, whose skillful and patient training has brought him to his present state of physical perfection, never leaves him for an instant, and allows no one but Mike Cleary, his devoted assistant trainer, and Dan Murphy, a Boston friend, to converse with him except in his pres ence. Sullivan now weighs 202 pounds, and the severe training he underwent be fore he arrived here has been abandoned, although he will take more exercise than an ordinary man could endure without com plete exhaustion. This morning he rose at 7 o'clock, and after a sponge bath and a good rubbing, breakfasted on broiled chicken, oatmeal tea and stale bread. At 10 o'clock, accompa nied by Muldoon and Cleary, be walked across the way to the rooms ot the Gymnas tic Club and spent hours there in exercise that caused the perspiration to drip from him as if he had just stepped out of a bath. Some Very Lively Work. No one was admitted to see his work but half do-en friends, who accompanied him from New York. In his dressing room Sulli van stripped to his heels. Then he got into a pair of green trunks held in position br a belt fastened tight A pair of shoes and heavy grey woolen socks was his only other apparel. Muldoon and Cleary wore tights. Then the pioceedings began. A football filled with flour or meal, and weighing 26 pounds, was tossed from Sullivan to Mul doon and then back again, a distance of 25 feet Tbe pet of Boston delivered and received this heavy ball for 40 minutes without be traying any signs or weakness. Neither Muldoon nor Cleary could stand the test of endurance, so they alternated, talcing ten minutes of the work each, while Sullivan finished fresh as a daisy after his long stand against both of them.- Those who saw Sullivan burl that ball with one -hand THE with the velocity and force that made Mul doon stagger as be received it, were re minded of the John L. Sullivan of old, whose blows struck men with the force of a pile driver. After two minutes' rest, Sullivan began skipping the rope. To those who can only see him in fancy there is doubtless some thing ludicrous in the idea of a man of Sul livan's massive frame Indulging in such school girl pastime, but to an actual eye witness there is no suggestion of absurdity in the spectacle. He skips one loot at a time, and he does it with the grace and airi ness of a ballet girl. Something of a Skipper He skipped a thousand times without stopping and was not audibly or visibly puffing when he got through. "That ought to settle tbe question of weakness in the legs," suggested a bystander, and so, in deed, it wonld seem. Sullivan is reported to be the only man who ever accomplished the feat Tbe nearest approach to it is 660 skips by a man weighing 140 pounds. Sullivan perspired so profnsedly during this exercise that the water fell from him in big drops on either side and left a parallel track of moisture throughout the length of the 26-foot distance traveled by him in making the skips. Then after a minute's interval came dumb bell exercise, consist ing of three movements upward as far as the arm would reach, then downward until the dumb bells touched the floor; then back ward through the legs as far as the arm would reach. This was repeated 60 times, causing Cleary and Muldoon to pant and blow, while Sul livan scarcely breathed bard. A little ball punching followed. The force and celerity of the blows amazed all who witnessed tbem. They demonstrated two things con clusively first, that Sullivan can hit as hard as ever, and, second, that he has lost none of his old-time lightning rapidity. Once he hit the ball so hard as to break the thin rope by which it was suspended; a sec ond time he split the tether. If be can get in a conple of those terrific right-handers on Kilrain's head the fight will be pretty near over. Sullivan In Perfect Condition. The ball punching terminated the morn ing's work. While the '.'big fellow," as he is familiarly called, was dressing for dinner, the reporter had an opportunity to inspect him critically. He la in the pink of condi tion, better than ever before in his life. He measures 42 inches around the chest, and is as deep through from breast to back as he is from side to side. There does not appear to bean ounce of superfluous flesh on him. His flesh glows with the color of health and his back is covered with prickly heat, which causes him, however, no inconveni ence. His legs from the waist to the knee are the perfection ot symmetry. Below the knee ther are not as perfect His calves are not developed in proportion to tbe upper half of the leg. Experts say, however, that his skipping exercises prove him to be very firm on his pins. His muscles are hard and firm, and his biceps measure 16 inches. Altogether, his friends are jubilant over his condition and predict an easy victory. Joe Coburn says there is no doubt what ever that Sullivan will win; that he has seen him in all his fights, but never in as perfect condition as now. Barney McGuire, of New York, savs he has had an experience of 30 years in witnessing fights, and never saw as perfect a man as Sullivan now is to enter the ring. Not a Tery Lone Battle. He thinks that if Kilrain will stand up and fight it will be over in 16 minutes. Mr. Larell, of the Sullivan party from New York, don't think the fight will last over five rounds, and that Sullivan will be the victor. These opinions prevail largely here now, where Kilrain has not recently been seen. The betting is all the one way, 10 to 7 on Sullivan. When Kilrain and his crowd arrive, however, there may be a change. At 1 o'clock Sullivan dined in company with Muldoon and Dan Murphy. The bill of fare was chicken broth, stewed chicken, rice and watermelon. This was washed down with a glass of ale. At 4 o'clock the party again proceeded to the clubrooms, where the exercises of the morning were repeated with this difference that the rope was only skipped 645 times. To-morrow -will be the last day of active training. Sun day will be devoted to absolute rest KILRAIN SHADOWED. An Onto Detective on His Train Who For eels to Get On" at Ills Alleged Des tination Jake Denies the Story . That He Drank Too Much Beer. Cincinnati, July 5. Kilrain and his party left this morning on the regular train for New Orleans on the Queen and Crescent route. A goodly party assembled at the passenger station to see them off. Kilrain arrived early, and was very animated in his talk concerning the report printed in a morning paper that he had yesterday indulged in nine or ten rounds of beer with his party at a saloon, and never decreased the size of his glass. He said it was a mean lie, intended to in jure him in the estimation of his friends in the East He declared that he was in excellent con dition; that he had not been fairly treated in this Sullivan town, but that they would all hurrah for him after he had whipped Sullivan, as he Srouosed to do. Other members of the party enied the drinking story, except that on the assurance of Dr. Walnrjght that it would do him good, Kiliain did drink one glass of beer. The party was somewhat tronbled this morning by the appearance in the car of John T. Morris, a somewhat well-known Ohio detective. The notion seized tbem that he was going to ride with them to Mississippi, and there make an ar rest in the hope of getting a reward. They questioned him, and found him pretending ignorance of the Kil rain party, but he afterward said he was only going to Lexington to arrest a man. The party cheered lustily as the train moved out, and a faint response came from the spectators. A telegram from Chattanooga to-night says: The Kilrain party passed through this city to-night, en route to New Orleans. Detective Norris, of the Pinkerton force, was on the train, and the impression pre vails that he is going to accomnanr them to .Mississippi and arrest Kilrain in order to get tne rewara onerea Dy me uovcrnor oi Mississippi. A PRICE ON THEIR HEADS. Governor Lowry Offers 81,000 Reward for ths Arrest ot the Two Principals. Jackson, Miss., Jnly 6. Governor Lowry has sent the following telegram to all sheriffs on the sou' hern border of Mis sissippi, where it is possible for the Sulli-van-Kilrain fight to take place: Do not allow the prize fight to take place in jour county. Take steps to be at State line, if necessary, on both tbe Northeastern and Nash ville ana Louisville roads. Send a reliable man to New Orleans to telegraph you on what road and wbat moment tbe excursion starts. If ynur force is distant from telegraph office, have relays to give you the information. It you wisb, will have armed troops at easy distance from too, to aid you in preserving tbe peace or arresting the parties. It tbe fight takes place on Missis sippi soil. I will pay 11,000 for tbe arrest and de livery of Sullivan and Kilrain to toe Sheriff of the county of Its occurrence, Tbe payment of this reward applies to officers as well as private citizens. Reply at my expense. Bobebt Lowby, Governor. 60LDIEBS ORDERED 'ODT. The Adjutant General of Loalslana Takes a Stand la tba Matter. New Obleans, July 5. A. E. Ferris, Adjutant General of the' State militia, ar rived in New Orleans this afternoon, and was driven post haste to the office of Cap tain A. H. Behnam, commander of the Louisiana Artillery. He ordered Captain Behnam to call oat his company to prevent the Kilrain-Sulliran fight taking place in the State ot Louisiana. It is said that Governor Nicholls will not permit the importunities of the Sheriff to overcome hi proclamation forbidding the fight. KTTSBUBG- .DISPATCH,' FIGHT WITS TRAMPS, Two Special Railroad Officers Run Into a Yery Tongli Gang. SOME MURDEROUS SHOTS FIRED. An Attempt i3 Hade to Dynamite a Sews paper at Bradford. BEPRESENTATITE BROWK'S BOARD BILL. A 16-Yeir-Old Boys Kills Bis Father With a Ball Bit la a Btraule. Two railroad officers tried to arrest some tramps near Beading. The latter fired on them, and both are wounded. One may die. An attempt was made to blow up two huildings in Bradford with dynamite. Rep resentative Brown's board bill case has been decided in his favor on a question of priv ilege. rsriciAi. txxxobak to Tin dispatch.1 Beading, July 5. A desperate battle with tramps, in which two Beading Bail road special officers were shot, took place near Monocacy station, five miles below Beading, this" afternoon. The officers, Joseph E.KaucherandGeorgeWartman.had received information that a large number of tramps were on a coal train which left Beading abont 5 o'clock. They immedi ately took a passenger train in order to in tercept the illegal car riders, and jumped offnear Mcnocaoy station. The coal train stopped nearby, and the officers ran along to where they knew the tramps were. When the latter saw the officers they fled to the wood, only two of them maintaining a stand. Officer Wart man made for one of them, when the tramp yelled to the officer to throw up his hands, and the officer refused to do so. The tramp fired two shots at him, one of them striking him in the leg. The officer fell to the ground, unable to render Officer Kaucher any- assistance. The latter was engaged in a hand-to-hand struggle with a powerfully built tramp, and in the melee was shot in the head. He was set upon by his assailant and beaten almost into insensibility. The wounded officers were brought to Beading to-night and Officer Kaucher's nearest friends were barely able to recognize him. He is injured internally and his head is one mass of cuts, bruises and gashes, and his face terribly disfigured. The two tramps escaped and have not yet been captured. Their descriptions have been telegraphed to all nearby points. Officer Wartman will probably lose his leg, while Officer Kaucher's condition is re garded as extremely critical. A QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE. That Board Bill Case Is Decided in Favor of Representative Brown. ISriClJti YitXOBAJI TO THS DirrATCB.l Habbisbubg, July C At the adjourn ment of the Legislature Representative Brown, of Beaver, was arrested at the in stance of Miss Hannah M. Boss for the al leged non-payment of a board bill. At the beginning ofthe session Representative Brown engaged board for himself and son and a transcribing clerk named Bliss. Brown and Bliss left the boarding house on February 28 and paid the amount doe from them, except that the member from Beaver declined to pay a claim for board against his son during a three weeks' absence from this city. Miss Boss held Representative Brown for board for the entire session for the three persons indicated, amounting to 5201, ontside of that paid to her. Alder man ilaurer gave judgment against the Representative, and an appeal was made to the Dauphin County Court by the deiend ant Judge Simonton to-day reversed the action of the Alderman in an opinion in which he says: "A member of the General Assembly is undoubtedly privileged from arrest during bis attendance on public busi ness confided to him; This privilege con tinues to exist for such reasonable time as is necessary lor the member to return from the capital to his residence after the end of the session. In this cose the summons was served within less than 21 hours after the session had ended, and a reasonable time had not therefore elapsed." KILLED HIS FATHER. The Deed of a 16-Year-Old Boy in Defending- His Mother. . israelii. TXXXORA1C TO THS CISrATCB.1 Scbanton, July 6. The particulars of a terrible tragedy committed in this city Tuesday night came to light this morning. Charles Shaffer, a glassblower, who lives on Marion street, came home intoxicated on Tuesday evening. After throwing every thing about in the room he went to bed. Mrs. Shaffer went to a room occupied by some of her children. In a short time Shaffer got up and staggered to the clothes press, from which he took the clothes and threw them upon tbe floor. Then he picked up a lamp. He declared that he was going to get his revolver, and would fix the family. As he started down he kicked a chair from the head of the stairs to the bottom. His son Walter, aged 16 years, to prevent him from gettinc tbe revolver, started down after him. At the foot ot the stairs Shaffer caught up the chair and made an effort to strike the boy with it The boy grasped a baseball bat behind' the door and struck him on the head, fracturing his skull r -d felling him to the floor. Shaffer lived about ten hours. It was attempted to hush up the matter, but this morning it leaked out and the boy was arrested. Rifle Practice la the National Gnnrd. IsraCML TELXORXM TOUTS DISPATCH.: Habeisbueg, July 6. The Inspectors of Rifle Practice of the three brigades and the regiments in the National Guard held a largely attended meeting at tbe Adjutant General's Department this evening and re solved to have the annual rifle practice at Mt Gretna, beginning on September 2 and ending on September 7. The advisability of sending a team to the Creedmoor shoot ing match in the fall was discussed, but no definite understanding was reached. The State will likely be represented. They Wont 'to Keep tbe School, israelii. TiLioniM to TnsnisriTcit.l Mifflintown, July 5. The Grand Army Post of this place has instructed its regular Soldiers' Orphan Committee to meet the State Committee and urge the continu ance of the MoAllisterville Soldiers Orphans' School. They also appointed Con gressman Atkinson and General John K. Robinson a special committee for the same purpose. Since ex-Senator Wright and the syndicate are not to control it, the people are a unit for the continuance of the school. A General Raid of Thieves. ISriCIil, TILIOniM TO THS DISPilCH.: Wheeling, W. Va., July C Between midnight and daylight this morning 11 houses in the Sixth ward were raided by thieves, and' quite a large amount of stuff carried off. The raid seems to be an organ ized effort, and jn some' instances the opera tors were exceedingly bold. He Tried to! Hit a Saake. ISraCIiL TILIOBAM TO THS CtSFATCH. J Stetjbenvixle, July 5. To-day Will iam McEldowney, 18 years of age, while camping near Reed's Mill, O., struck at a snake with a 'Winchester shotgun. The gon was discharged and tha contest were SATURDAY. JULY 6," buried in his left groin. He was brought home this evening. His recovery is doubt ful. THE MTJSIO TEACHERS Close Thetis Association Meeting- With a Geand Farewell Concert. IBrrClAI. TILIOEAM TO TUS DISFATCB.1 Philadelphia, July 5. The closing sessions of the thirteenth annual convention of the Musio Teachers' National Associa tion were held in the Academy of Musio to-day, and the final business of the meet ing was concluded with a rush. All the members were tired and wanted to get home, and, therefore, very little opposition was raised to any of the final proceedings. At the morning session considerable time was devoted to a thorough discussion of the tonic sol-fa method of teaching by a system of musical notation. Several papers mil of technical terms were read, and the friends and opponents of the system mustered about equal numbers. Superintendent McAlister made a short address on the importance of musio as an elementary branch of publio education. A chamber concert preceded the afternoon ses sion. The business portion. of the session was confined principally to hearing partial reports of the Secretary and Treasurer and the various committees. In the evening the convention was closed with a grand farewell concert of American and miscellaneous works. DIKAMITERS AT WORK. Attempt Made to Blow Up a Newspaper and a Policeman's Hoase. ISriCIAL TIXSOBAK TO TUS DISFATCH.1 Bradford, July 5. An attempt was made last night to blow up the office of the Evening Star, ot this city, with dynamite, A dynamite cartridge with a fuse and cap attached to it was thrown over the transom of the office door, but did not explode. The fire which was applied to the fuse failed to burn and an explosion was averted. The police are looking up tbe case and hope to find the perpetrators of theoutrage. EdwaitLRonan, a sanitary policeman, was also visited by dynamiters and his front stoop shattere'd by an explosive. The win dows of the building were all broken by the concussion. Another Slguntnre to tba Sealr. IraCIiI. TSLSQBAX TO TUS DISriTCTM Yotmasxowir, July 6. The Hubbard Iron Company signed the Amalgamated scale this afternoon at 4 o'clock, and will resume operations in the puddling depart ment on Monday. The finishing mill will be started the latter part of the week. No additional signers have been secured among the mills of.the Mahoning Valley. Those who have not signed are busily engaged in making repairs, and it is probable some ad ditional signatures will be secured to morrow. A Narrow Escape From Death. israelii TSLXOKAX TO THS DISriTCH.l Wheeling, W. Va., July C Just be fore the 11 o'clock train on the Wheeling and Rim Grove road was due at Fulton, one mile east of this city, last night, two men piled ties on the track at two different points with the intent to cause a wrecK. The engine struck the first pile but fortu nately was not derailed. The second ob struction was on a trestle. There were 200 passengers on board and a frightful wreck might have ensued. Arrested for Robbery. iSriCIil. TILrORiM TO TBI PISFATCH.l Youn ostown, July 5. Louis Waymer was arrested to-night by Detective Moyer and placed in jail on the charge of stealing $400 from Michael Sullivan, proprietor of. a suburban resort Waymer disappeared and was traced to Fort Wayne and back here, where he was captured. Waymer came here a month ago from NewjCastle. Sullivan has identified him as the robber. "- A Blanshter af Hoes. israelii. TSLSOUAK TO THS DISrATCH. Washington, Pa., July 6. A stock train on the Waynesbnrg and Washington Railroad was wrecked this afternoon by the breaking of a bridge at Hackney. Seven carloads of hogs went down, 50 of which were killed. AFTEB THE BROKEE. A Little Transaction In Lead Canses Con siderable Trouble. ISFICIil. TXLSGRAM TO THS DISriTCH.l New York, July 5. The dingy offices of Alfred Carr & Co., in Pine street, were empty to-day of even the sturdy little office boy, who wants to get even. J. A. Yates, on whose complaint Judge O'Brien issued the attachment, also proposes to make it hot for Mr. George D. Bancroft, the broker of the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Ex change, who was supposed to execute Mr. Carr's orders. In a letter to President Wilson, of the Exchange, sent to-dav by Leopold Wnllacb, Mr. Yates' lawyer, an investigation of Mr. Bancrolt's proceedings was asked for. Mr. Yates charged Mr. Bancroft with a peculiar transaction whereby be (Yates) is out, lie says, $1,500. He says that he ordered Mr. Carr to buy for him 400 shares of National Lead Trust The fluctuations in the stock at the time were rapid, and Mr. Yates says he got a note from Mr. Carr to Mr. Bancroft, with instructions that Mr. Ban croft was to obey his (Mr. Yates')order con cerning the disposition of the 400 shares. Mr. Yates says thst Mr. Bancroft told him he had bought the 400 shares ordered. One day not long ago Mr. Yates wasatthe rail in the Exchange and Lead Trust was scaoting around like sixty. It showed Yates a profit of fl,600 on the 400 shares, and he says he ordered Mr. Bancroft to sell. He adds that Bancroft did sell, but has never turned over the money to him. He holds that he and Mr. Bancroft were dealing directly with each other that time. Mr. Bancroft says he was dealing for Alfred Cars & Co., and that the firm got the proceeds of the sale. All this will do inN vestigated by the Complaint Committee of the Exchange. IN AMEBICA NEXT TIME. The International Bandar School Conven tion Meets Here In Four Years. LONDON, July 5. At the morning ses sion of the World's Sunday School Conven tion to-day, Dr. MacFadyen and Rev. Woodruff'read papers on "The Field That Invites Us." Mr. Kelley, Secretary of (he Wesleyan 'Sunday School Union, Mr. Jacobs and Mr. McNeill spoke on a resolution declaring that every school should Inculcate temperance principles in ordertouttherisinggeneratlonforactireand aggressive efforts in every department of Christian work. At the afternoon session Mr. Jacobs moved that the next convention be held in America in 1693, the decision as to the exact date and location to be left to the General Committee. After an amendment in favor of Montreal as the place for tbe con vention had been lost, Mr. Jacobs' motion was adopted. The closing meeting was held this even ing in Exeter Hall. Lord Kinnaird pre sided. There was a large attendance. Count Bernstorff, of Berlin; Messrs. Hitchcock and McKilligan, Dr. John Hall, or New York, and' Mr. Jacobs made addresses. Sixty-five pounds sterling wai collected for tbe fund to send a secretary to India. Iryou areseeking for a very fine im ported cigar, ask to see the La Matllde brand. FmnrtlO to $40 per 100. . G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. in Lorn haitot ws: ,Thomptcm, UHU M jntoiwAed- complete in to- morrows djbtxtcb. Jtuttol fefyfifc novtlettt or tMmmtr r fading. 1889. THOSE BEW STATES. The Contention in Montana is Organ ized by -the Democrats. REPUBLICAN CAUCUS NOMINEES Are Mainly Successful in tna Eemaining Three Bodies. A LITTLE BITCH IK KOETH DAKOTA. The Man With the Most Totes Does Sot Get tie Best In Wasalnfton. The Constitutional Conventions of the fonr new States are getting down to work in a very lively manner. With the exception of Montana, the Republicans have been successful in securing the organizations. There is trouble in the party ranks in North Dakota, however. A peculiar contest case was decided in favor of the man who got the least votes in Washington. BlSMAECK, N. D., July 5. The Constitu tional Convention convened at 10:45 this morning. The report of the Committee on Credentials was read and a short recess was taken to secure some correction in the re port, which was then adopted. The election of a permanent chairman was the next busi ness. Campbell, of Stutsman, presented the name of F. B. Fancher, the Republican caucus, nominee, and it was seconded. W. E. Pnrcell, of Wahpeton, presented the name of John E. Carland, of Bismarck, as the Democratic nominee. The oath was taken by the delegates before further pro ceedings. Fancher was elected on the first ballot. Carland asked that the election be made unanimous, and his motion prevailed. Fancher made a litte speech., A. committee of seven on rules was appointed and the convention adjourned until 2 p.m. to-morrow. A caucus of the Republican members will be held to select tbe remaining perma nent offices. It promises to be a lively affair, as there are several candidates for each place and sectional feeling is pretty certain to be engendered. The Republican leaders are anxious to prevent any 'ill feeling and will use every effort to distribute the vari ous plums in order to suit all sections and factions. PLENTY OF CANDIDATES. Major Hamilton's friends think he has a sure thing on the Secretaryship, but opposi tion is likely to develop. D. B. Wellman, ex-Territorial Representative, and Editor Fred Falley, of the Wahpeton Globe, are in the field to-day for Sergeant-at-Arms, and tbe contest promises to be lively. At the meeting of the Republican State Constitu tional Committee to-night, it is probable that August 1 will be the date fixed for holding the State Convention. The apportionment decided up tojast night's meeting is satisfactory to all. At Helena, Mont, the Constitutional Convention met at 2 o'clock this afternoon. After brief preliminaries, permanent organ isation was effected, the following officers and attaches being elected: Hon. W. A. Clark, President; W. H. Todd, Chief Clerk; C. H. Stanton, Enrolling Clerk; Samuel Alexander, Sergeant at Arms; Rev. H. E. Clews, Chanlain. Ail are Democrats. Seventy-three of 75 members answered to the roll call, divided as follows: 39 Demo cratic, 32 Republican, 2 scattering. No further action of importance was taken, and the convention soon adjourned until to morrow. IN SOUTH DAKOTA. .At Sioux Falls, in the South Dakota Convention, the Committee on Rules, J. L. Jolly, Chairman, met this morning and prepared its report on the number of com mittees necessary and the number of dele gates of which they shall consist. The Judi ciary Committee will consist of 13 members, the Executive of seven and the Legislative of 25. There are about 50 otber committees, to which will be offered all matters pertain ing to the Constitution. The committee recommended -a commis sion of seven to go to Bismarck to divide the Territories properly. The members of these committees will probably be appointed by President Edgerton. The work of the con 'vention will be largely done in committee. The convention met at 2 o'clock this after noon and ratified the nominations for offi cers rsade by the Republican caucus last night. The Committee on Rules had not Z mm ! u4 Ztfl hp Ar1 w AM nAwA At jtAAn 1 o tees are not likely to be named by Judge Edeerton before Mondav. There was considerable objection in the convention to a conference committee of seven, as being too large, and the question was made a special order tor to-morrow, when the conference committee on the bonndary line will also be appointed. It is held that there are two distinct seventh standard parallels and that it is necessary to determine which to adopt in order to avoid confusion. The Constitution of the United States was unanimously adopted as a part ot the State Constitution. A CTTBJOJJS DECISION. At Olimpia tbe Washington Constitu tional Convention reconvened at 10 o'clock this morning. After a long discussion the report of the Committee on Credentials was adopted. This seats Wallman, who isars a certificate of election, though the returns in the Secretary's office show that he received ten less votes than Travis, his opponent. This fact was not discovered until very re cently. Travis is not aware of it yet, and is not here to enter a contest. It was agreed that on his appearance his case would be heard by tbe convention. The oath of office was administered to the delegates by Chief Justice Hanford. Hon. John P. Hoyt, of King county, was chosen President. During the recess Presi dent Hoyt sent a message of svmpathy to the sufferers from the fire at Ellensburg, embodying a resolution adopted by the con vention. 'The convention elected for the re maining officers the nominees of the Repub lican cauous. An Epidemic, of Black Diphtheria. St. Cloud, Minn., July 5. The report comts from the village of Albany, 20 miles west on the Manitoba road, that black diphtheria has broken out In 113 families. Both churches and the schools have been closed, and the celebration yesterday, which had been arranged, was abandoned. No deaths have occurred so far. It la a Teller Thin Time. New YORte, July 5. Trank Hoyt, pay ing teller of the First National Bank, of Hoboken, was arrested shortly after 10 o'clock to-day by Chief Donovan, of the Hoboken police -department, at the instance ot the officers of the bank, on a chanre of being a defaulter to the extent of $18,000. Excursion to Johnstown. B. & O. R. R. will sell excursion tickets to Johnstown to-morrow. Sunday, July 7, at rate $2 35 the round trip. Special trains leave at 8 a. m. Ladles' Salt Parlors. Gingham suits. Sateen suits marked down. PAECKLS& Jones, 29 Fifth are. Fine cabinet photographs, only $1 a dozen, at Hendricks 8s Co.'s, 68 Federal st, Alle gheny. Proof shown. Fsatjenheik "& "Vilsaoh's Iron City beer is tbe best in the market Purcf, whole some, nutritious TTSSa BELIES F TH1 SMOIE ft fun, frolic oMd fofbte of the throngs at Nar raganiet -Jter are piqvantjy portratftd into- nwrrow j jjmrATPSt v Aamrra, COACEBHIKG COBWIBS. VroC Clayes Telia Haw the Spider Makes Her Heme. Tbe Swiss Cross. , Eacb individual spider is endowed with a spinneret, or natural spinning machine, through which can be drawn innumerable strands, so fine that they can be seen only under a powerful microscope (Leeuwen hoeck claims that it takes 4,000,000 of these strands to make a thread as thick as a hair from a man's head). First, our spider be gins to draw from out her spinneret's cord of as many of these strands as seem to her good, and fastens it to some leaf or twig, then runs on another leaf, spinning all the while; fastens again to that; and to another and another; continuing until a circle is formed inclosing as large a space as she de signs for the outer boundary of her web. Then she passes back and forth over her work, adding fresh threads, and strengthen ing this outer line, which she secures to' every possible object Finally she stops, fastens her thread with special care, and be gins to rnn around the circle, spinning as she goes; but now carrying her fresh threads carefully raised upon one hind foot thus keeping' it from touching the older strands and becoming glued to them. When half way around she stops, pulls her thread tight, fastens it very strongly, and a firm line is drawn straight across the center of the circle. She runs down this center line to the middle, fastens another thread to it there, carries It to a new point on the outer edge, fastens it, and we now see that she is engaged in making those lines in the web that look so like the spokes of a wheel. She repeats this operation again and again, until all the radii or spokes are formed. When they are done she carefully tests each thread by pulling, to make sure that it is firm and strong; and, if one proves unsatisfactory, she either strengthens or remakes it altogether. Now that the main lines are built, our spider goes once more to the center point, and begins to spin again this time in circles fastening to each radi us as she passes. At first these circles, or more correctly spirals, are placed quite close together, but she leaves ever a wider and wider space between as she approaches the outer edge. The outer circle and the radii where spun of silk which becomes dry di rectly after leaving the spider's body, is of great strength and very firm; but these spirals are formed of a substance which differs essentially. When .first drawn from the spinneret it is extremely glutinous a most important property, as by this it is enabled to adhere tenaciously to the radii and it is, besides, so highly elastic as to be capable of being pulled far out of place without breaking. When the spirals are finished, the spider returns again to the center, and. proceeds to bite off the points of all the radii close to the first encircling line, by which she much increases the elasticity of her web. It is in or beneath this central opening that the spider usually sits and watches forthe com ing of her prey. SNAKE TAI2N FE0M TEXAS. A ZJttla Girl Charmed br a Battler The Child's Story. H. P. Hidden, who resides southwest of Dennison, Tex., brought to this city a few days ago his little child Sallie, to be treated for snake bite. About 6 o'clock in tbe morning the girl left the house with a pail to gather blackberries near Stone Spring. She was absent a long time, and when Mrs. Hedden went in search of her she found the child seated on a rock and in her lap was a large rattlesnake. The snake's head was slightly raised and moving to and fro. Sometimes it wonld almost touch the lips of the child, who pushed it away without ap pearing to anger the snake. The child was so completely under tne spell of the ser pent tnat- it paid no attention to the mother, who screamed so loudly that her husband heard her a quarter of a mile dis tant and hurried to the scene. When Hed den appeared the snake placed itself in an attitude of battle and the air vibrated with the noise of the rattles. Hedden advanced upon the snake, the child fell back as in a swoon, and the snake struck it on the thumb of the right hand and then sprang at Hedden, who killed it with a stone. Hedden sucked the wound, which he is con fident saved the lire of his little girL Sal eratus was also applied to the wound. The hand and arm of the little girl were only slightly swollen when she was brought to this city for treatment The child says she was sitting on the rock picking berries, when the snake appeared, and that she was unable to move when she looked at it; that she was not afraid of it, and when it waved its head to and fro before her face sne felt like going to sleep. J AN AGGUATATIKG BOI. k Youth Wh Wonld Drive a Man Crasr la Time. Punxsatawner Spirit. J While driving through the wilds of Indi ana connty the otber day we noticed a bare footed boy with one pantaloon leg rolled up nearly to his knee and the other down. He wore a straw hat which was somewhat dilapi dated and looked as though a yearling calf had taked a bite out of the brim. He ap peared more verdant than the grass beneath his feet, as he stood there and grinned at us, and we thought we would ask him a few questions to see if he could talk. "Sonny," we said, "can we take this road to Cookport?" "Well, ye might," he drawled, "but if I was you L wouldn't do it The people need the road here, and they have plenty of roads out at Cookport" 'Yon misunderstand," we said, "will this road take us to Cookport?" "No op I guess not I never seen the road take anybody anywhere. It always stays right here." "Can't you understand anything? Will these horses, bv traveling this road, finally reach Cookport?" "Oh! I dunno. They look as though they might die before they got very far, but you might try." We gave the boy up, and drove on, and just as we rounded a turn in the road the imp brawled out, "Johnstown or bust" CANADIAN COMPETITION. The Inter-Blato Commerce Commission is Investlsntlns; at Boston. Boston, July 5. Before the Inter-State Commerce Commission to-day C. S. Mellen, General Traffic Manager of the Union Pacific, said that the competition that his road felt in connection with Canadian lines was in transcontinental. He quoted from Canadian Pacific figures to show the increase in its traffic, and said this was due to too large differentials allowed the Canadian Pacific These large dif ferentials were given to keep up profitable rates, but the result showed that the Canadian Pacific could charge a lower rate than American roads, and. thus get tbe business. ' If differentials' were done away with, the Canadian Pacific would come in as a free lance and make such rates that no road could do business at a profit They could afford it on account ot Government aid. The Canadian Pacific also had the advantage, from the fact that it did not have to scale through rates ac cording to local rates, as American roads did. A number of other railroad officials testified to the same effect A Hearties Crentsre. Yankee Blade. , Mistress (a very kind-hearted one) Did you drown the kittens as I directed, -Marie? Marie Out, madam. "Did you warm the water?" "No, madam." "What! Do you mean to tell me that voa drowned those poor little kittsu in iee- 4eiiva4srl Toa wmel giiir A NIGHT OF . i- tf 'in Two Thousand People left In the Damp Woods to Shiyer and Suffer UNFORTDHATE BAILE0AD WEECi", And. let a Yerj Fortunate One isieec? to tbe Time ItjOcenrred. WEEPJKG WOMEN AND TEEfilPIED BABIS" Psss Several loag Hours In Host KrcrolUtlag Artmy and Misery. - There were many hundreds of Href, if not a couple of thousand, saved by the railroad collision near Dubuque, Iowa, Thursday night, occurring just when it did. Tbe excursion train happened to be returaingj. unloaded to the park, where 2,000 people were awaiting it No additional casualties are reported. ' rsriClAtTZLXOOAJI to TBI sispatch.1, ?r. Dubuque, Iowa, July 5. Np further loss of life is reported from the collision of' an excursion and freight train on the Chi cago, St Paul and Kansas City Bailroad, near this city.last night Brakeman Carr! gaa' was instantly killed while attempting.to set. the brakes on the freight train. The en gineer and fireman on both trains jumped, for their lives. Engineer Snyder, f the excursion train, was so badly injured that he may die. Young Simplot, a passenger on the excursion train, has been pronounced bevond recovery. Beyond this there were no fatalities or sl rious injuries, dwing to ths fact that the excursion train was returning to the park: unloaded when the colhsian occurred.- Over, 2,000 people were still v in . tbe, park, depending on the return of tbe excursion train from .the ety taZ convey them home. Of. these, by far the' greater nnmber were women and children. who, in the strugglo for places on the pre ceding train, had been overcome by excited,, and burly men. ' . " AX INCONSOLABLE CKOWD. . ij. When the report of the accident reached the park the exhausted and anxiously wilt ing people were almo3t incOnsolable.'Aion night of dreary waiting was befbre"-them-.-Added to this, the air .became exceedingly cold and penetrating The park skirts along a stream between the high and heavilyr foliaged blufls, and is thickly, dotted with stately elms, beneath whose um-f brageous shade hundreds of ex hausted women and children awaited the passage of the, dreary nigat Mothers divested themselves of their" tinde'r garments and wrapped them, "abont. iUa forms of their babies to. protect them from the cold. There was a rumor that one of the collid ing trains was the excursion section" whicb had just left the park, confainjpg..lt3Q0 peon, pie, many of whom were relaiisesand friends, of those on the picnic- grounds -Women fainted and strong men burst into tears,-, and great excitement prevailed "until, thia, rumor was corrected. - - '.:i," FIBE3 STABTED AT LAST. At last the men made a 'raid upon the Innch and ice cream stands jcattered'abaSt the grounds, and reducing wth.es to kindling wood, started fires, in varions places, about, which ths shivering women and children gathered!-. When the fnel thus furnished was ex- hausted an assault was made upon tne largo" dancing hall, and that would have been ie-" molished bad a report not arffve3r that a relief train had oeen sent sent onil from Oelwein. This train did not arrivrf until about 3 A. si., and the incidents on'tntr: grounds were almost indescribable in their,. misery and confusion. Tbe roueh element had possession of tl grounds for a season.- DrnriWn 'men threatened all manner of violence, ann re spectable women dared not venturaawaj from companions or iriends. Un cveryi handvwere WEEPING WOMEN AND CHILDBES? -4 Here and there could be found ' babe-T ranging in age from 6 to IS modths, living upon the ground .. wfib ' naught over them but the open! sky and the tearful eyes of anxionav motherhood. Women thoroughly exhausted had fallen asleep here and there, guarded, by other women, armed, with all manner of rude weapons of defense. "-' Finally the relief train arrived, consist-. ' ing of 13 freight and stock cars, in ali degrees of uncleanliness. Into these foul boxes the people were packed like sardines, where they were compelled to remain over an hour before the). train started. Seueral women fainted, and one did not regain consciousness for three hours. " - The train finally pulled out with its load, of misery, reaching this city at 6 o'clock this morning. Many of the children were" so ill that it was necessary 'to place them at once under the care of physicians- and it is expected that some of them wili die from the effects of their enforced so journ over night in Twin Springs Park. I THEY DOWNED THE MANAGER. Iionlsvlila Flayers Appeal ta tbe Association!; and Part of Tbelr Fines Are Remitted.', isrxciAi. txxxohak to -run Disr-iTCH.3 ' " Louisvuxk, Julys. The first case In-wnfcK, ball players ever appealed to the American As. j sedation from a manager's ruling was tried to day at a meeting of the directors of tbe Asso-' elation. Tbe result was that Mr. Davidson. late rresMent and manager of tbe Louisville" Baseball Club, was knocked oat by apart of tner fines imposed upon tbe players for tbelr strfte,' in Baltimore being remitted. As the case wonld establish a precedent for f oturp action, tba" meeting was regaided as a very important one. Six clnbs were represented by the presence of. officials and proxies. Those present "from abroad were President Von der Abe. ot 8t? Louis: President C. H. Byrne, of Brooklynr'W. H. Whlttaker. Secretary and Treasurer of tho Atbletic Club, and Wheeler Wlfcpff. President and Secretary of the American Association. Mr. Bvrne also held proxies from Kansas City and Cincinnati. " Tbe Louisville Baseball Club was repreJv' sented by Messrs. Botto. Reiser, Hall,. Qatta, and Pottinger,. the new owners, and byrMrii, Davidson, the President The LoulsviltOi'; Slayers In attendance were Heclcer. Raymond. ' Swing, Vaughn, Shannon, Wolf, Ehret and Cook. The new managers of the club cava already taken steps to secure anotherpltcaer.i He is a man recommended by Umpire Bob Ftt ' gnson. who says be is a good one. --. It was announced this afternoon that 3jat ' Gleason would be released- and Tomnay-re- . -5 tained as short Tho latter has recently beea-Stl playing fine ball. . -Jftf5 MADE IT A DRAW.. ; Philadelphia Cricketers Shaw the IrishaWsV ivDcn 4ier were wrong. J? I BY CABT.X TO TBI nMFATfTH.V - " TJI London, Jnly 5. The PUiladelphlaas again showed eood cricket at "Dnblln. to day. Tho I Gentlemen of Ireland Went in for tbelr second t innings, and when they had made 360 Jet, tb.J loss ox seven wicKeiaeciarea wo inning enacts fg in the confident belief that th"ey wonld beablejta .& Dispose oi tne Americans in tne remwai time, om tney underrated inejr oppuacaou vh(L nl&vfnp of eonrM for a .draw, keaf .tool Irishmen hard at work until tbe, time pxvMs-i IT nxed lor drawing toe stumps, wneataer,i secona inning's score stnna ma lorsevea nuw.j Brown scored u, Clark SB. Patterson (noror IS. The match, therefore, was drawn, ' Most Englishmen believe that AmerlsaJ, cannot nlav cricket, and the form shewn bvshV Fhiladeipblans is therefore attraetSac eeae siderable attention. ' ti wff - ft DIED. . WEXZF.L At her residence. 1S1J, street Ronthside, on Saturday, Jnly 6let, mtJi 12:25 A. sc., Maodamxi. wife pf Peter WBMSst" aged 68 years, 3 months and ai days. .Notice of funeral hereafter." t mHEBOY MERCHANT-JOa W. DI L Invites TonrpatTonaee. A ftne steek ef. CIQAK3, CAMDI and STATIONERY I new store, at x-. ix. u. usrur. jjooewi Don't tan to see was 1 1 set mmsmm j towa. JfftBfrl - ihsi 2-M ilyflHpiBKi.ffil EassVasaKa El riHHHta -