Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 06, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 12, Image 12

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h 19
Wo Prevent a Spread of Texas Cattle
Fever Through the Country.
Stock Comlnj From the Proscribed District
tc fce Quarantined.
"WVashinotos', July 5. Secretary Busk
to-dsy signed the following circular of in-
' structioni which trill be sent to the man-
Hirers and agents of all railroad transporta
tion companies of the "United, States, to
Julys, 18S9. J
In accordance with section 7 of an act of
Congress, appro-red Mij 29. 1SS1, entitled "An
act lor the establishment of the Bureau of
Animal Industry, to prerent the exportation of
diseased cattle and to proTide means for the
suppression and extirpation of plenro-pnen-monia
and other contagions diseases amone
domestic animals," yoa are hereby notified
that conttur.ons and intectloas disease
known as splenetic or Texas ierer exists amone
cattle in the following- described area of the
United States: All that country lying south
and east of a line commencing at tbe north
easterly comer of the connty of Crittenden, in
the State of Arkansas, thence running In a
northwesterly direction to the Osage agency,
in the Indian Territory, and thence running
southwesterly to the Itio Grande rlrer at the
Intersection of tbe southeasterly corner of Pe
cos county and the northeasterly corner of Pre
sidio connty, in the State of Texas.
o cattle are to be transported to any por
tion of the United States north and west of the
aboTe described lines, except in accordance
with the following regulations:
First On unloading north and west of this
line any cattle in course of transportation to be
fed and watered on tbe way, tbe places where
said cattle are to be so fed and watered shall be
set apart, and no other cattle shall be admitted
into said places. Once week, from the date
hereof until the first day of December. 1SS9,
these w ferine and feeding places shall be
thoroughly cleansed and disinfected.
Second On unloading said cattle at their
points of destination, the regulations pre
scribed by the cattle sanitary officers of the
State, where unloaded, relating to the more
meat of Texas cattle, shall be carefully ob
Berred. Tbe cars that hare carried said stock shall be
cleansed n disinfected before they are again
used to transport, store or shelter animals. The
cars used to transport such animals and tbe
pens In which they are fed and watered shall
be disinfected in the following manner:
(A.) Remore all litter and manure. This lit
ter and manure may be disinfected by mixing
with lime, snlphuric or carbolic acid, or if not
disinfected it may be stored where no cattle
can come in contact with it until after Decem
ber L
(B.) "Wash the cars and the watering and
feeding troughs with water until clean.
(C) Saturate tbe wall and tbe floors of the
cars and the tencing, troughs and chutes of the
pens with a solution made by dissolving four
ounces of chloride of lime to each gallon of
The losses resulting yearly to the owners of
Northern cattle bjthe contraction of this dis
ease from contact with Southern cattle, and
through infected cars, and by means of the
manure carried in nnclean cars from place to
place, has become a matter of grave and serious
concern to the cattle industry of the United
States. It is necessary, therefore, that this
cattle industry should be protected, as far as it
is possible, by the adoption of methods ot dis
infection in order to prevent the dissemination
of this disease.
A rigid compliance with the above regula
tions will Insure comparative safety to North
ern cattle and render it unnecessary to adopt a
more stringent regulation, such as tbe absolute
prohibition ot the movement of Texas cattle,
except for slaughter, during the time of the
year that this disease is fatal.
Inspectors will be instructed to see that dis
infection is properly dune, and it is hoped that
transportation companies will cordially put In
operation the above methods.
Very respectfully.
J. Rusk, Secretary.
"1 '. a I.nAifn f.v. ... .will ... w a ... J
According to the
r-.j.L r
iorusat prices lor me quality anu maiumy oi
We adhere to the
us. Any failure on our
Our pure
dozen. - - . ,
Finch's Golden Wedding, 10 years old, full quarts $1 2 per bottle, or
Kentucky Bourbon, 10 years old, $1 per bottle, or $12 axiozen. -
Overholt & Co.'s Pure Rye, 6 years old; $1 per bottle, or $10 a dozen;
r ,
. ,-v , v
''i;i& " -
"!4j-h . f ;
- '
r O tru-t - --
Please Accompany Order With Postal or Money
412 Market Street,
.' ' ' - v--l-.! '-'- :- '-. -v N-K'i
ii-i-Sii--- f fT-Jl-ii-i'M 'i-MM
shortly and located in all the. principal
stockyards of the country,,-, order to see
that the provisions ef the circular rra en-'
Iactdeau of a Day la Two Cities Condensed
fev Ready Keadlnjc
Mics.tr 3. H.M. Byxxssbt, T. A. Gillespie
and Alexander McKaig, of this city, arrived in
the city yesterday from a tour In Europe.
Thk freight rates for iron and steel destined
for St. Paul and other Northwestern points,
have been advanced from 9 to 10 cents per 100
Tub Relief Department of the Pennsylvania
Company's lines is flourishing. Since it was
started June 1, over 1,100 ot the employes
joined It.
C. C. ATJOHrrrBXron, the proprietor of the
Aughlnbaugh House, East End. has assigned
his property In the value of tlO.000 for the ben-,
eflt of his creditors.
At the hearing before Alderman Cassldy yes
terday afternoon, John Kennedy, charged by
G. Galley with embezzlement, was discharged
for want of evidence.
HE1KR1CH llYBB accidentally shot himself
In the head yesterday morning. He went to
the Allegheny General Hospital, where the
bullet was extracted.
Foucxxaw ZiXSTZS has been suspended on
the complaint of John McEeown, who alleges
that Lester hit him on the breast and made
fun of him because he wore a Hibernian badge.
Ctiabixs HomtjLX, Captain ot No. 11
Engine Company, has been detailed to act as
assistant to Building Inspector J. A. A. Brown
until Chief J. O. Brown returns from the
WnxiAM, alias "Dash" McCoy, arrested
for stealing a pair of shoes and a shirt from
"William Kenyan, No. 76 Third avenue, yester
day had his photograph placed In the rogues'
Nokk as RicHABDB02r, who has been a pop
ular clerk la the Monongahela House during
the last five years, has decided to leave this
city, and will sever his connection with the
.Monongahela House next week.
Tax late William M. Lyon was hurled yes
terday in Allegheny .Cemetery, the pallbearers
being Edward Gregg, John W. Chair ant, B. F.
Jones, J. H. Rlcketson, V. P. Townsend, the
Hon. M. W. Acheson, Christopher Zug and
William Rea.
Alderxax Reh.lt yesterday held an
Italian, with an unpronounceable 'name, for
court for selling liquor without license at
Sandy Creek. In the East End. The witnesses
were all Italians, and it was difficult to under
stand the testimony.
Cnxr Bioelcw Intends to level and sod the
triangular piece of ground between tbe Union
and Point bridges. He thinks It would be a
good idea for some public-spirited citizen to
erect a monument to Lincoln, Grant or some
other great American citizen on tbe plot.
"W. R. Ford, Grand Master Workman of
the A. O. U. W., for this State, received
1157 75 from the Hamilton, Canada, Lodge ot
Workmen for the benefit of the flood sufferers.
He also received $25 from Tucson, Ariz.; $603 84
from Kansas and (168 from Ohio Lodge for tbe
Clkbk Los a, of the Criminal Court, was
back at his desk yesterday after several days'
absence. He had been to Erie with a commit
tee to locate the Duquesne Grey's camp for
their summer encampment commencing Au
gust & He reports having secured Grove
House Park, four miles below Erie. They will
have elegant bathing and boating, and will be
ngnt at we nsnmg grounos.
A soxrs stomach, want of appetite and
general lassitude denote the want of a tonic,
which you can supply by using Dr. Javne's
Tonic Vermifuge. It will cure most de
rangements of the stomach, in old or young,
and rids the body of worms the common
pests of childhood.
Oveb 200 varieties of Imported Key "West
and Domestic Cigars from $2 to 40 per 100.
G. "W. Schmidt,
Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth are.
Don't Boy a Straw Hat
Until yoc see tne
Great Eastern, at Smiley'a only,
THTT 1WP publithet n to-morrow's Dls
Dllill 11 IB rATcnAk interview with a
hotel bellboy, who telle of the horror he has
witneued infireUelau caravamarjf.
late decision of the Supreme Courts we are prepared- tor do business once more, and can and.
v.a i .-.- r ji . jr ,, '
cash plan, thus giving
I , & & ,. w ,j ,-,, ..v.v,.,. .ivuiumg au ;., an a.uuui., yuu ii,ccu iictvc nu iceirs m trusting your oraers a
part to fulfill all obligations promptly and satisfactorily would injure our large trade' much more' than we could possibly gain by doing otherwise.
8-year old
If yu have not bou&nt any of our California Wines yet,, please include one or more bottles in your next -order.
Pittsburg Has One otthe Four Schools
of Its Kind in America.
What He Says About Such Knowledge
OutsI-8 of Workshops.
The Pittsburg School of "Watchmaking,
or Horologio School, lately opened, is quite
an interesting Institution'. Mr. It. L. Kel
ler, teacher of technical and practical
watchmaking, or horology, is in charge.
Mr. Keller said, in answer to questions con
cerning the school: "We are now running
in good shape' There are only three
other such schools in the "United
States, and this certainly is a
thing that Pittsburg can and will,
support. Our object is to instruct pupils in
. the art of watchmaking and repairing, not
as jewelers now do the work, but to do it in
a model style. "We give lectures weekly
from enlarged drawings of the different
parts of the fine mechanism of watches. "We
also teach the pupils to turn on lathes the
staffs, pinions, stems, etc These, with the
screws, winding stems, wheels, hands, main
and case springs and other parts of watches
are polished by the'pupils. '
"When the trade is learned the scholars
can make, if they wish, a complete watch or
clock. It usually takes five or six years to
learn the business thoroughly; but they are
then no botches at the work, but can take
any place in a factory.
"They are also instructed in isochronism,
which means the last and slow movements
of a timepiece. For instance, when a
watch is wound up tight, it will run fast
and when it is nearly run down it naturally
runs slow. This can be prevented, b'ut
there are few watch repairers who can pre
vent it
"The pupils are taught also the use of the
compensating heaters ibr drying watches."
When asked why watches were dried, Mr.
Keller said:
"They are put in the heater and the heat
run up to 08 Or 100, the heat of the human
body. They are then taken out and ex
posed to the cold. The change should not
be too sudden, as it will remit in a perspir
ation, and causes the works to rust They
are kept in tbe heat for 24 hours. He said
that watch tinkers did not have the heaters
to use. He further stated that they did not
understand the art of regulating u watch.
This, he said, Could be done by placing it in
various positions, such as on its face, back,
upside down and in other positions. As to
non-magnetio watches, he said:
"There is another inconsiderate practice
in vogue That is to expose non-magnetic
watches to magnetism, by which all steel
parts (except the escapement) of the watch
become magnetized, and by repairing such
watches, our heretofore perfect tools will
also become magnetic, and therewith im
part .magnetism to ail watches that may
come within reach of such tools. Non-magnetic
escapements should be sufficient, with
out magnetizing all the steel parts of the
watch; the show in the windows may be
productive of making a sale, but it is at the
expense of ruining thousands o valuable
watches. No hair-spring of any composi
lion whatever will stand the test of fire
hardened steel."
As to the number of tools nsed in the-1
gooas mat aeiy competition. -
you the benefit of the very lowest prices. Avoiding all losses, all accounts, von heed have nn
' .1
Export 'Guckenheimer Whisky,
-,..' ' " ',' -' " - . " :?'? :r. . :. . , - 4i2HH- '
.it ;. M'.aiiik, .:, .. x, ; ..., , . .'ss;-...; .v jriuu&U LLL is! Sr'Smm
bssineftsTbe said they ran Into the thou
sands. All parts of watches are made at
the school, and .screws are made one-tenth
of a milinieter in diameter.
Concerning the cost of watch movements
to the manufacturers, he said that a G
movement would probably cost the manu
facturers $2. Ho said there was no other
watch made that will compare with the
Swiss movement' Mr. Keller also stated
that he made' - watch and clock when he
was but 16 years old, and that, from his ex
perience, it did not pay a person to make
his own timepiece.
A Pleasant Social Gathering at the KesW
-enee of Prof. Logan.
A pleasant gathering took place at the
residence of Principal Joseph ogan, at
Hazelwood, on Thursday evening. It was
a reception to Hiss O. Blanche Logan, who
was one of the graduates from .the High
School at the last commencement Some of
her friends bad made np a purse to pay her
expenses for a visit with the school teach
ers' excursion to the Peris Exposition, and
the gathering was in the nature of a goodby
and oon voyage to the young lady. The
persons present were all members of the
High School class of 1889, and consisted of
Misses "Jennie At. Loughridge, M-ryJ.
Loeffler, Bessie Graham, Margaret Clancey
and Mary P. Breeze.
-One hundred Mormon. arrived by the
steamship Wyoming yesterday morning and
started tor Salt Lake City.
Private cables from London and Hambnrc
deny tbo reported failure of Theodore Schmidt
4 Co., the largest coffee dealers of Hamburg.
Yesterday's bond offerings segregated jraea..
000. as follows: Coupon is. $100,000. at 12S&
registered 4s. $17,600, at 129; registered 4s,
1103,600, at 106.
During a dance at Hamburg, Mo., 12 miles
east of Nebraska City, a man named Lair fa
tally shot a farmer named Harrihan. They
had quarreled over a woman.
The Goodyear Bobber Company, of Provi
dence. R. L, has assigned. The attachment
placed on them by the Sears Commercial Com
pany on Saturday was followed up to-day until
716,000 worth of attachments swamped them.
Lung Sing, a Chinaman, who went to But
falo from Baltimore about two weeks ago,
was found murdered yesterday morning in his
laundry, corner of Oak and Swan streets. He
had been shot through the head. The case is a
mysterious one, and the murderer has not yet
been found.
A bill to declare void tbe annexation of the
Town ot Lake to tbe city of Chicago as decreed
by tbe recent special election has been filed in
the circuit court and an injunction was asked
restraining the city from taking possession of
the school property of the town. Tbe bill sets
forth a number of technical grounds for tbe
nullification of the election. The points raised
are applicable In the cases of all of the other
towns annexed, .no action on we application
has as yet been taken by the court.
The celebration at Adair, Iowa, had a seri
ous termination, nearly 100 people having been
poisoned by eating ice cream. They were at a
general picnic, and after dinner tbe people by
scores were taken with terrible pains. It was
found that the ice cream was made in some
new cans, and it is thought that sulphate of
zinc from the cans entered the ice cream. One
physician was poisoned, and that left bnt two
doctors to attend to the great crowd of stricken
people. Nearly a panic ensned at first, but in
the evening they were more quiet, and it is
thought that all save possibly one or two will
The Chicago Board of Trade received a
pretty hard rap by the decision of Judges
Horton, Tuley and Collins, sitting en banc, on
tbe motion of the attorney of the boards of at
torney to dissolve the preliminary injunction
to prevent tbe board from withholding its
quotations from the bucket shops. The
Judges in their decision deny tbe motion to
dissolve the injunction on the ground that the
market quotations are of such Importance to
tbe public that they should be considered pub
lic property, and that if the injunction were
dissolved the tendency would be to create a
monopoly of the big board.
in an illustrated article by a ilaff writer in to
morrow' Dispatch.
f t4.
ycii. uiu, cuiu. vmy 50
Order, or Draft.
... . , - - - ' m
Mrs. Aldrich Villi Tell a Secret to Secure
Her Hasbitad's Freedom Senatloo In
the Lemon Bnako Case News of the
Courts. '
Prank A. Aldrich was placed on trial
yesterday before Judge Collier on the
charge of burglary. Aldrich was indicted
together with a man named Spangler on
the charge of having bunkoed G. K.
Lemon, of Allegheny, out of $10,000. The
affair occurred September 23, 1883, in a
house at No. 28 Pearl street, Allegheny.
Thetwo men got away, but Aldrich was ar
rested in Canada several months ago, and
.charged with being one of them. No clew has
ever been obtained as to jthe whereabouts of
Spangler. Mr. Lemon was tbe first witness
placed on the stand. He identified Aldrich as
one of the men who robbed him. On the day
before tbe robbery a man named Spangler
closed a contract with him (Lemon) for a large
amount of firebrick. The next day Spangler
came back, and said there was a good opportu
nity for winning a sum ot money in a game at
.no. jo ireari street, lie invitea Lemon
to go up. He accepted the invitation and
they proceeded to the house. "When they arrived
they found a tall man with thick black
whiskers. This man Mr. Lemon identified as
Aldrich. The alleged game was a sort of draw
ing maae witn sups oi paper. The game was
explained, out it was stipulated tnat tne per
son playing mustmake a deposit asa guarantee
oi gooa iaun,
Ten thousand dollars was de
manded, and Lemon offered a certified check.
It was refused, and bo then went to the Third
National Bank of Allegheny, and drew the
cash. He returned to tbe bouse with tbe
money," providing himself with a pistol. Ai
drlch said he must handle the money, Lemon
replied tbat no one should touch it, but him
self. Aldrich then attempted to seize the
package and Lemon grasped him by the collar.
At this point Spangler knocked Lemon into the
corner. They then took the. money and ran
from the room. When Lemon recovered be
found tbe door locked from the outside and tbe
men gone. Mr. Lemon was positive in bis
identification of Aldrich. He also said tbat he
afterward remembered having seen the same
man at "Windsor, Canada, traveling under the
name of Frank Oliver".
Mrs. Martin, a resident of Pearl street, was
next placed on the stand. She identified Al
drich as one of two men sbe had seen leaving
No. 28 Pearl street about the time of the rob
bery on tbe day In question. Aldrich locked
the door after him. The witness was cross
examined, but persisted that Aldrich was one
of the two men. William Thompson, colored,
also identified Aldrich as one of the two men
seen leaving the house.
This concluded the evidence for the prose
cution. The defense opened with an attempt
to arove an alibi. Airs. Jolly, a resi
dent of Stafford, Kaiu, was their first
witness. She testified that on Sep
tember 26, the day after the robbery,
she went to Aldrich's office in Stafford and
paid to him one month's rant for a storeroom
she rented from him. The point tbe defense
aesirea to maae dj wis evidence was tnat if I
Aldrich was in Stafford on September 28 he
desired to make by this evidence was tbat if
' T ,
J ' .
m - -
(jeiits lor lull quarts.
could not have been la Alleg-bes? os tbe day,
before, as It takes 66 boars by the fastest trav
eling to gfi from Pittsburg to-: Stafford. Mrs.
Jolly was cross-examined closely, and. though
she became somewhat confused, held that she
had met Aldrich ou the day mentioned, and
paid money td him.
Mrs. Aldrich, the wife of the prisoner, as
serted on the stand that her husband was inno
cent and his arrest was due to idle talk. She
was questioned concerning a visit to Mr. Boob,
one of the attorneys for tbe prosecution. She
replied that she had gone there and oSered to
have tbe right parties arrested If they would
release her husband. They wanted her to pro
duce the others and they would then release
Aldrich. She would not agree unless they re
leased her husband first This tbey would not
Mrs. Aldrich was still on the stand when the
case was continued until this morning.
Legal Tender.
Heqisteb Coxstxb yesterday held another
hearing In the contested will case of William
John Miller. Testamentary incapacity is alleged.
J. Tikotht pleaded guilty to assault and
battery yesterday on his wife. Tbe. latter
asked tbe Court to deal mercifully with him,
and he was let off with a fine of 8 cents and
The will of A. B. Blhlman. tbe Diamond
street restaurant keeper, was filed yesterday
for probate. The estate was divided among
the members of his family, and his two sons
designated to conduct his business.
A WBirof habeas corpus was applied for
yesterday to obtain tbe release of H. F. Scott
from the workhouse. Scott had been com
mitted six months for drunkenness by Alder
man Porter. This, it Is claimed, was ex
cessive. A "WORTH! 80CIETTS WORK.
What the Humane Peaple Did, Through
Tbelr Agent, In Two Months.
The reports of the Humana Society,
Samuel O'Brien agent, for the months of
May and June were completed, yesterday.
During May, 15 cases, in which 35 children
were involved, were reported aa follows;
Cruelty and neglect, 6; cruelty and abuse,
3; neglect, 5; poverty, 1. They were dis
posed of as follows: Discharged, 1; ad
vised, 4; warned, C; not found, 3; sent to
jail, 1; information against, 1. The cases
ot 11 animals were investigated and acted
In the month of June 19 cases, in which
66 children were involved, were reported, as
follows: Neglect, 9; cruelty and abuse, 0:
abuse, 1; incorrigibility, 1; cruelty and
neglect, 3. They were investigated and
disposed of as follows: No cause for com
plaint,!; warned, 11; not found. 2; advised,
5. The children were disposed of as fol
lows: Left with parents, 42; left with
mother, 9; with father, 1; with relatives, 3;
sent to St Paul's Orphan Asylum, 1. Nine
cases of cruelty to animals were reported
coses oi crucu;
and acted upon.
will offer you the very
.... J
7 J 1 ----- , ' '
as heretofore; full quarts
& SON,
alaajaajay WiM M m aauaAHA
JKti" l&
carpets ; in fact, everything in the house, from top to bot
tom all that's washable will be far more satisfactory
because of the liberal use of Pearline. It is harmless.
besides are dangerous. 5 Pearline is manufactured onh by JAMES PYLE. New York.
Nearly every one is occasionally troubled
with bilious attacks, more especially in tbe
spring months, after the system has been sur
feited with hearty food during the winter. Tbe
action of the Liver Is Interfered with, causins
an overflow ot bile Into tbe blood. Tbe blood
carries this bile into every part of tbe system,
causing yellow skin, yellow eyes, liver spots,
eta, and often serious cases ot billons fever
originate from this bile poisoned blood. A
few doses of Burdock Blood Bitters, taken on
appearance of bilious symptoms, will remove
them and protect the system from a probable
serious attack.
Run Dowain ths S
lam using Burdock Blood Bit-
ters for Sick Headache and Bil
iousness. It u the best medicine 1
ever took. I was so run down this
spring from overwork that my
husband urged me to see a doctor.
I was scarcely able to ttand and
consluded to try B. B. Bitters first;
the first bottle Is not yet finished,
but I can eo about my work witb
pleasure already. I shall take an
other bottle.
Mbs. Jornr Domnxi.T,
care of Edward Doolet,
15' Lyman Street, Springfield.
I tell you for the benefit ot oth
ers what Burdock Blood Bitters
has done for me. I have been a
sufferer for years from Liver Com-
Slalnt and weak stomach. At
imes I was so bad that I would
apply to our family physician for
relief, which would be but tempor
ary.Last f alll bad an unusuall v bad
spell. My mother bought a bottle
of Burdock Blrod Bitters, and it
Cave me great relief. It helped
me more than anything I have
Will Believe
Clogged Liver
and Cleanse
Bile Poisoned
ever rasan. ic is alio excellent
for constipation. Mrs. Lizzrs
Gkdbb, Ickesbnrr. Perry Co.. Pa.
Last spring my balth became verypoor. I
had no appetite and my liver troubled me. I
used, several medicines, bnt obtained no relief
nntll I was finally persuaded to try Burdock
xuooa .tuners, xnis meaicloe cored i
Matjd Fishe:
best Wines and Whiskies4hat the market afcst
fazrk in tbicrincr vmir
a a r K.V4UW11C TVS14A VS
$! a dozen.
. x-
I -
They are verv fine, ;
Ti"'t.S jaii- r
ill- i.f;aPfc-.''.
. s-hkM .i
i -ijsfa-i!irt
. . -g& - " -
n. t'- .. a!..-. hs -
Wonder -fi-r
will be your experience J .
when you nrst!ry Eearl-
ine. You'll wonder at its l '"
miraculous cleansing: rs.""!
time labor-saving proper- 4i
ties. W onder why you had "
not discovered the truth before. 1 '"'
You'll be satisfied that all the;jj
good things you have read or " -H
heard of Pearline are true-if '".
you've heard bad, you'll be satis- . J
fied 'twas false. There's hundreds 1
of uses for Pearline be
side the laundry and
house-cleaning for
washing dishes, china,
glassware, silver.straw
hats, felt hats, bead
trimming.., marble,
bronzes, oil paintings.
and some unscrupulous grocers are offering
which they claim to be Pearline. or "the
, same as PearUne.'L..lT'S FALSE thev are not. and
If you suffer from Headache, Nausea, Mala
ness, Falntncss, Alternate Costlveness -and
Diarrhoea, Yellow Complexion, Weakness, Ach
ing Shoulders or any other symptom of bilious
ness or Liver Complaint, procure a bottle of
B. B. B., which will correct the dogged condi
tion of the Liver, cleanse the blood of all im
purities and tone up the entire system., It is
an acknowledged fact by all who have used
A Horrible Condition.
I was in a horrible condition from
dyspepsia and a mmbtnatlon of other
complaints. In tbe morning when I
got out of bed it seemed as If I could
not stand up on acconnt of dizziness.
Hearing Burdock Blood Bitters high
ly recommended, I am now using the
first bottle, and, although not having;
used quite a full bottle, the dizziness
has entirely disappeared and I am
much better of my other complaints.
I have tried many other medicines,
'T'lBS- Mam CnACNcrr,
S2S E. Ransom St., Salamszoo. Mich,
I had been troubled with T.li
Complaint. Indigestion and Palplta
Ition of the Heart for five or six inn
nd could get nothing to do me any
ood until I tried B.B.B. I used 13
Dotties ana now I am a sound man. I
feel better than I ever did In my life.
My digestion became all right and I
have no more trouble with my heart.
I feel very grateful toward B. B. B.
and feel like recommending It every
where. Yours respectfully, Frank
HlCKK AS. New Btraltmrfllr Prr
I have been taking Burdock Blood Bitten
and using it in my family this spring. For
throe years-1 h ave bad tbe dyspepsia. I got i
bottle or two of your Bitters and they hava
cured me, and I never felt better In my life. It
is a sure cure for dvspepsia, and best medicine
I know of. H. ScnuLETH, Covert, Mich. "
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