"V" .SrTT-ff i 'A THE PITTSBURG .DIBPATOH," l?miDA.Y, JULY " 5, 1889. &' r I' J : ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1818. Vol.44, Xo.148. Entered at Pittsburg Fostoffice. November 14, 1SS7, as second-class matter. i Business Offlce--97 and 69 Filth Avenuo. News Booms and Publishing: House--75, 77 and,79 Diamond -Street Eastern Advertising' Office, Koom 43, Tribune Building, New York. Average net circulation of the dally edition of Tax DisrATcn for six months ending June 1, 1SS9, 27,824 Copies per Issne. ' Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of Tax UlsrXTcn for May, 1889, 47,468 Copies per Issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE mix IX THE OTITIS STATTS. Dailt Dispatch, One Year t 8 00 Daily Dispatch, l'er Quarter 2 00 Datlt Dispatch, One Month 70 Daily Disfatcb. Including Sunday, 1 year. 10 00 DAILY Disr-ATCH. including Sunday.Sm'tbs. 2 SO Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, 1 month 90 Bran AY Dispatch, One Year 2 10 Wzzklt Dispatch, One Year 1 2S The Daily Dispatch is delivered by carriers at IS cents per week, or including Sunday edition, at 20 cents per week. PITTSBURG. FRIDAY, JULY S, 1889. A GI0BI0US FOURTH. There is no possibility of anyone mistak ing the character and meaning of the festi val and holiday the American people cele brated yesterday. The Fourth of Jul;- is the most joyous of all the national holi days. The people who enjoy freedom as no other nation can, do well to mark the anni versary of the day oi their independence with rejoicing hearty and unrestrained. If til 4 Via fnViA ri rf 4 lit n1atif trara - a turn thanks to the Buler of the universe for the gift of sunlight, they may set aside a day for the purpose in the same spirit as the people of these United States have ap pointed the Fourth of July on which to manifest their gratitude for the gilt of free dom bestowed upon them by their brave forefathers. Sunlight Is no more to the earth than freedom to the sonl of man. Not seldom the clouds that sail the sky have frowned upon this summer festival and drenching rain has dampened the ardor of the patriotic citizen. Not so yesterday. The sky, though checkered now and then with ominous trains of heavenly artillery, uttered no discordant sound, nor were the 'floodgates opened upon the joyous myriads who made the State of Allegheny echo with their patriotic celebrations. The cracker and not Jore's thunderbolts cleft the balmy air. It was a perfect day. At night rocket and red fire illumined hill and dale and till the shrill clarion of the cock announced the dawn, the flood oi patriotism swept all else out of thought. Surely the thorough proclamation of the day, the multitude of its outward and visi ble signs, should serve to teach all who seek a none on these nappy snores .the over shadowing magnitude of the spirit of . freedom. Independence was gained by blood freely spent, and no orator wastes his eloquence, no plain citizen is without profit to himself, who celebrates as best he may the Fourth of July. SHOULD MAKE THE MOST OP IT. It, as seems destined, fireworks are to continue the inevitable means of celebrating the Fourth of July, people in cities might improve on the present want of plan by V pooling their issues. In a city like Pitts- burg the sum s spent on isolated pyrotechnics would furnish superb displays at four or five central points. As the spectacle is one which thousands can witness, without crowding, the most could, in this fashion, be made of it Of course where the desire is only to burn powder and make a terrific ' noise, the style of the day does well enough; but, as something very much more in the way of entertainment could be had for the money, the plan of concerted exhibitions might well be tried. GLADSTOHE'S NEW ALLY. It will be particularly gratifying to all" Mr. Gladstone's admirers to know that Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt has come back from England with the highest opinion of the Grand Old Man. In a semi-official way, we are given to understand that Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt met Mr. Gladstone upon what are called "terms of more than ordinary social freedom," whatever that may mean. How fortunate for Mr. Gladstone, for the great Liberal party he leads and for the whole human race, in fact, that Mr. Van derbilt was favorably impressed by the En glish statesman. Taking the matter in its relation to Mr. Vanderbilt personally, how many reasons there are for rejoicing at the result Ap parently Mr. Vanderbilt liked Mr. Glad atone from his vast and rolling collar to his political principles, and was especially astonished at the vitality and power dis played by so old a man. We trust he signi fied his august approval to its object Mr. Gladstone would naturally feel greatly en couraged by a pat on the back from the wealthy New Yorker. We cannot help, however, for a moment contemplating a darker picture. Suppose Mr. Cornelins Vanderbilt had been forced by his conversation with 'Mr. Gladstone, upon those remarkable free and easy terms we are told about, to conclude that he could sot conscientiously approve of him.' We can readily understand that Mr. Gladstone's collar might not have found favor in the aicely adjusted eyes of the Fifth avenue millionaire, or that the great Commoner's views on the beauty and benefit of labor might have had an ugly sound in Mr. Cor nelius Vanderbilt's ears. What would have happened if Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt had come back to the United States and had told the expectant millions that Mr. Glad stone didn't amonnt to much? Luckily there is no vital necessity for anticipating the catastrophe. Mr. Vanderbilt has the highest opinion of Mr. Gladstone. The cause of home rule in Ireland and liberal ism in England is safe. By the way, we wonder what Mr. Glad stone thinks of Mr, Cornelius Vanderbilt? TELL THIS TO THE MARINES! From an editorial in our esteemed co temijorary, the New York Sun, we learn that theorganization of the new State naval militia has proceeded so far asio justify the issue of a circular by Mr. Philip B. Low, formerly a lieutenant in the navy, as to the nature and duties of the new corps. In this circular Mr. Low says: "Seamanship is not an essential Icature for eligibility. One of the special lei tares of the corps will be its social standing, and great care will be taken to exclude from membership all objection able persons." The first of Mr. Low's observations is open to serious question. We should think that a body of men to serve as a naval reserve should be made ud as far as possible of sailors, or residents upon the seaboard who know something of the water. Mr. Low, however,-makes a more painful error when he talks about the social standing of the corps. Probably his Annapolis training suggested the idea of an exclusive self styled aristocratic organization. At An napolis, as at 'West Point, a ridicnlons and un-Bepablican contempt (or civilians is cul tivated by the cadets. Ex-Lieutenant Low seems to imagine that a similar feeling could be fostered in the new branch of New York's militia. We are sure he Is mistaken. The naval reserve is for use and not for show. It should contain a majority of privates at least, and the cheap air of ex clusiveness that can be laughed at good naturedly in the cadets is not likely to be assumed by seamen at work in earnest. There is a good deal of snobbery cropping out in America just now. . HEAKTBEEAKS AT WHOLESALE. There seems to be considerable reason to believe that much the most profitable business in England for a young woman possessing good looks, powers of attraction, and no modesty to speak of, is to engage in wholesale suits for breach of promise of marriage. This has been the profitable ex perience of Miss May Fortescue, an English actrec of a very statuesque and stupid order. Some years ago when she was a chorus girl at the Savoy Theater, wearing a long aesthetic gown of pure white and lend ing her voice to the tuneful music of Sir Arthur Sullivan's "Patience," she snared the heart of Lord GarmOyle, usually called Gumboil, who has since succeeded to the title and wealth of Karl Cairns. But Gar moyle was faithless. Some girls in Miss Fortescue's position might have shed a tear but would have lost no time securing another lord. Miss Fortescue went at once to her lawyer and entered suit against her ordly ex-lover for breach of promise of marriage. She won the suit and obtained $50,000 damages. This was a good stroke of business, hut May was not satisfied. She allowed a gen tleman briefly named Lawrence Henry St, Paul Moore to dally with her still youthful affections. He got tired just as Lord Gar moyle had done, and declined to make May Mrs. Moore. So once more May took her lacerated heart into court, exhibited there the horrid wounds made therein by L. H. S. P. Moore, and obtained a verdict for Sl,500. Compared with the result of her first venture, the 51,500 look trifling, but there is no reason to believe that Miss For tescue's professional career is concluded. Her next victim may pan out as richly as did her first. By careful attention to business, it is to be seen that Miss Fortescue has made a very nice living out of her heart. The field appears to be large for the prosecution of this novel industry in England. But in America the business is played out. VICTORIOUS ALLEQHEKIES. Some days ago, and not verr many either, even the most fervent admirers of the Alle gheny Baseball Club were searching for an epitaph sufficiently sarcastic to inscribe upon the tomb of that athletic aggregation. How a few smiles of fair fortune can change the complexion of affairs! When the night of despair was darkest victory perched npon the banner of Mr. Phillips' cohort. .The usually potent balltossers from Phila delphia went down like ripe wheat before the sickle when they met the Pittsburg team. From five fields consecutively the upholders of our bannei in the diamond drove the enemy in disorder. It was like unto a combat between a sword-fish and an armor-clad gunboat, Pittsburg being the steel-plated war vessel every time. The souls of the local cranks soared into the seventh heaven, and the receipts at the turnstiles in Becreation Park swelled mightily. Yesterday's performance, though hardly in keeping with the great deeds of last week, indicates that the Alleghenies are not un worthy to cross bats with the best clubs in the League. The renewed success of the local team will render the' national game popular to a degree thattln this city could not have been expected had the earlier mis fortunes of the club still pursued it A little more steadiness in the club will render such a defeat as that given it in the second game yesterday impossible. Pittsburg wants its club to follow the city's example, and get into the front rank. Mayor Fitleb, of Philadelphia, would hardly be likely to surrender bag and bag gage to Senator Quay without some recom pense In sight The suggestion that Senator Cameron's seat in the Senate is Mr. Fitler's price sounds reasonable. Other people be side Mr. McManes will be interested to know if this is the bargain. The Greeks held that every third wave was larger than those immediately preced ing and following it. But in American patriotism the Fourth is certainly the biggest The generous offer of Captain J. B. Ford, to assist most materially in the founding of an unsectarian college at Tarentum, ought to receive the immediate consideration of his iellow citizens in that thriving town. The sum which Captain Ford asks Taren tum, as a whole, to contribute should be easily raised. There, does not seem to be any reason to coruplain of the tardiness in the movements of the three Southern Governors to prevent the Sullivan-Kilrain fight. . The New York Sun rightly takes credit to itself for the abolition of the sickly green stamp. At the same time it is incumbent upon us to say that the bio w struck in rhyme against that postal abomination recently in The Dispatch seems to have hastened the coming of the triumph of good taste The celebration of July 4 in this year of grace and a hundred years ago have little in common. Certainly the modern methods of celebrating are louder. The death of the 7-year-old boy, Lanigan, from drinking whisky, demands a very searching inquiry. The presence of a keg of whisky in a brewer's wagon needs ex planation. The Coroner, of course, will ascertain the facts. The fire cracker had a clear field yester day. It kept up its reputation for noisiness, and many fingers bear evidence to its de structive qualities. Abe Sullivan and Kilrain going to fight or is their tour South a beneficent arrange ment to replenish their pocketbooks at the sport-loving public's expense? Lambs can be fleeced outside the exchanges. f - One victory snatched from New York is worth two from any other baseball club. In these there are Giants still. The fatalities which marred the record of yesterday's rejoicings have come to be re-, garded as the unfailing accompaniment of a They are none the less re- PERSONAL FACTS AND FANCIE8. Caedinax Newman, In his 89th year, it fearful of failing eyesight. The new Viceroy of Ireland, the. Earl of Zet land, rubs along on an -Income of $375,000 a .year. Jeffessox Davis has received an offer from a Northern publisher to write a history of the Confederate States. Aln. W. A. Ceoffut. the Washington jour nalist, now rejoices in the degree of Ph. D conferred upon him by Union College. TnE testimony of Charlesf ood, an English Jockey, in a recent lawsuit brought, out the in. formation that he bad earned more than 170,000 a year at his profession. g Tiikbe appears to be no foundation for the report that Sir Julian Pauncefote has pur chased a farm hear Washington. He will sail for England on July 20, to be abroad about three months. The fortune left by Prof. Richard A. Proctor was insufficient to support his family, and his widow has determined to sell his Florid a home together with his library and scientific appa ratus. Prof. Proctor was too busy with science to make money. At tho recent centennial commencement of St John's College, Annapolis; Md., the Rev. Dr. W. C. Winslow. of Boston, was made a Doctor of Science; the Rev. Dr. John Mc Dowell Leavitt, ex-President of Leblgh Uni versity, a Doctor of Laws, and Dr. Thomas Fell, President of St, John's, a Doctor of Philoso phy. Colonel a. Louden Snowden, who has been appointed Minister Resident and Consul General to Greece, Servia and Roumanla, was made Postmaster at Philadelphia by President Grant and on assuming office issued the me morable order, "All employes who do their duty will be retained; those who do not will be dismissed." NEARLY GOT THE PICTURE. The French Ridden for L'Angelut Were n Little Too Nervous. TBT CABLE TO TOE DISPATCH.' Pakis, July 1 Copyright! America al most acquired possession of Millet's "LMnge lus" to-day m spite of tho Louvre's bid of 553, 000 francs at the Secretan sale on Monday. It seems that there was even more French bom bast about the' acquisition of the' masterpiece by the Government than was apparent when it was knocked down to the representative of the Louvre. The fact was that Proust, who bid for the Government, did not have anything like 500,000 francs to bid with, and when Chal lonier, the auctioneer, asked for the money,' which was due yesterday, it was not forthcoming. All the actual cash behind Proust's magnificent bid was the 1SO.0C0 francs subscribed at the dinner of the French art collectors last week, as re-, lated In The Dispatch, and when he attempt ed to find the men who, in gallio exaltation, when the picture was put on sale the second time, had subscribed hundreds and thousands of francs, those subscribers did not make half as much noise as they bad in the auction room. All day Proust and his lieutenant rushed from one patriot to another for money, and not having raised one-half the sum at night Chal lonier sent to Sutton, of the American Art Association, to ask him to take the picture at his hid of 52,000 francs. Sutton had already advertised In the Tempi his willingness to give 50,000 francs to the poor of Paris if allowed to take L' Angelas at the figures atlwhlch it was bid off for the Louvre, and his delight at the new turn of affairs knew no bounds. But before he could get to Challonler with a certified check high officers of the Gov ernment had induced the auctioneer to wait until 9 o'clock this morning before making the painting over to the American. Sutton was ready at 9 o'clock, but In the meantime Roths child had been induced to give his check for the entire amount on behalf of the Govern ment, so that "L Angelas" Is now irrevocably in the possession of the French nation. But Sutton came over here to buv "L Angelus" for America, and if he cannot buy it he is going to try to do the next best thing by borrowing it Accordingly be to-day laid before Proust a scheme whereby he offers to exhibit "L' An gelus" in New York this autumn. Sutton offers to make over half tne nrnceeds to Mil. let's widow, who is now living in extreme pov erty at Barblzon, thus proving that the Ameri cans have no monetary motive in their desire to exhibit "L' Angelus" in their own country. Proust has been assured that a request for the loan of the painting will be tnade totb.French Government by President Harrison, on behalf of the United States Government and be is in clined to consider the matter favorably, though his decision will not be made known at once. PAID TO LEAYE JAIL A Prisoner Who Wanted to Serve Out His Life Sentence. A correspondent writes from Monte Carlo: Until quite recently the principality of Monaco did not possess a prison. The one which ex ists here at present was built a short time ago for tho detention of a murderer who had been sentenced to hard labor for life. For the first six months of its tenancy all went welt The place was exceedingly comfortable and the blood stained prisoner quite enjoyed the life. When, however, the Prince ot Monaco re ceived the bill for the expenses Incurred in con nection with the new jail be made a very wry face, and asked bis Minister of Justice to take steps to suppress his expenses. The Minister, so the story goes, began operations by discharg ing the jailer in the hope that the prisoner, see ing the place unguarded, would take advantage thereof to escape. But, to the disgust of the authorities, he made no attempt to recover bis liberty. Finally, when they neglected to furnish him with his usual food, they were astonished to behold him quietly walk into the hotel kitchen and ask for bis dinner, and from that time lonn ne lnvariamy walked over from his cell to fetch his meals himself. 'He made a point never to sleep away for a single night. The situation became a little puzzling. The au thorities requested him to leave the State of Monaco, but he refused. He said: "I am your prisoner, condemned by you. after due and careful judgment; 1 am faithfully serving out my sentence, and I intend to remain. The Prince and his Ministers thereupon got into a rage, but after finally thinking tho mat ter over, decided to offer the man an annual pension of 600f if he would leave the State and take up his abode elsewhere. The prisoner accepted the offer and walked out of jail. AN ABANDONED GAS WELL, When Relieved of Salt Water Suddenly Be comes a Rich Producer. ISrXCIAL TELEOHAM TO THX DISPATCn.: Findlay, July L In this correspondence some weeks ago mention was made of the fact that the salt water which came in and de stroyed gas wells was being utilized by a com pany here in the manufacture of a' very excel lent quality of salt This, company purchased several gas wells which had been abandoned on account of tho salt water, which came in such violence as to drown out the gas, and began experimenting with such satisfactory results that preparations to manufacture salt on a large scale were begun. These experiments have all been made on what was known as the old Woouicy well, one of the first drilled In this field, and which in its day had been con sidered a fair producer: but became or no value, about a year ago, by reason of the salt. water wnicn aronnea one ice gas. Everything progressed nicely with the salt business, and the company was getting ready to place their product upon the market when, yesterday without a moment's warning, the salt water ceased to flow, and in its stead came a powerful draught of pure; dry gas; greater in volume in fact, than the well ever produced in the days of Its highest value, and the hereto fore worthless gasser is now a valuable piece of property. Efforts were made last night and this morning to start the salt water again by turning the full strength of the well on. bnt without avail. The flow of gas was too power ful to bo overcome by Its old enemy the salt water. This Is a now phenomenon in the gas field, and opens up a wide range of speculation regarding the possibility pf restoring gas wells by exhausting the salt water accumulations. A M0KSTEE WHITE DEAG0N. The Assertion Itlnde Thnt One Has Been Seen In China. A native paper at Sle-fu, China, publishes tho following: "A white dragon was seen on April 12. Dragons like water, and it had rained since about tbe middle of March straight on, ending on that day in a most tremendous hall storm, which smashed in tbe roofs of many of the country people's huts abor t their ears. Suddenly a powerful fishy smell became perceptible, and people coming In from the fields reported the presence of a huge creature, about a third of, an acre long, in a pool of water. Tho next day a few people ventured out to see it It was quite white, witb scales' two feet in size, with' homed bead, claws and a long tall, just as. represented In pictures. On the 18th of April fine weather re turned, and the dragon was gone. Foreigners do not talk about dragons, bnt we Chinese do. Few, indeed, bave seen them, but this instance seems too well authenticated to allow us to doubt of the power of this supernatural being to make himself occasionally visible to man." public holiday, grettable. THE TOPICAL TALKER, Patriotism ne It Blossomed In This Com inanity Under a Summer San. Jt would have done" some of the wiseacres who talk about the poorly-paid labor of Penn sylvania good to have been in Pittsburg yester day. They would have seen tecs and twenties of thousands of men who labor, in the best of clothes abroad upon our civic pavements. Prosperous, well put up, hearty-looking men of all ages, too, and as for the women, in good looks and in attire, there are few cities in the world that could turn out so fair1 a contingent: Evidence ot this community's prosperity was never given in greater quantity than In yester day's amazing crowds. On every hand the practical proofs of abounding cash in the pockets of the populace stared one In the face. The suburban railroad trains were packed with families bent on rural excursions and picnics. Every street car's capacity was tested from the day's beginning till its end. The liverymen knew what it was to be without a single rig for hire ere the sun' bad risen high in the heavens. It was almost pitiful that more amusements were not at the people's bands. The mighty audience the baseball games drew showed how eager the masses were to be amused, and how ready they were to pay out the mighty dollar for recreation's sake. And the superb weather capped the happiness of the huge throng of holiday-makers. V HAH. I FOBTY-TWOt Blazed out the glory in the night. Fire flashed the legend In the skies: "The States stand Sim upon the right To freedom, still, that never dlesl" Thirteen, they flung in Britain's teeth Defiance, and no matter who Denies their rights, they'll fight beneath . The selfsame banner, forty-twol Look-up and see them glisten there, The silver stars upon the bine I Bejolce, ye patriots I and beware, Foes, how ye scorn the forty-twol A century has passed, and yet The Slates, though peace so sweetly pipes. To fight for freedom still are set Beneath the grand old stars and stripes. V A number of gaily painted tanks, contain ing water from the springs of Waukesha, Vere set up in various parts of the city yesterday. As far as my personal observation went they obtained a very considerable amount of pat ronage. The tanks were not doing a charity business. They worked on the put-a-penny-in-the-slot plan. At one place, at least this Ingenious plan got the worst of it Some thirsty and in genious newsies evolved a method of prolong ing the now of water, alter the insertion of the necessary coin to start operations. About a dozen newsies drank copiously of the water at a trifling expense to themselves that is, as1 far as the immediate present was concerned. It oo curs to me, however, that Waukesha water has a medicinal effect, and it may be that the enter prising gamins may have reason to repent their illicit Indulgence to-day. HEB INDEPENDENCE SAT. She was sancy, she was gay, Laughed at all he had to say. When be whispered she was lair, She replied she didn't care One red cent foi compliment. Then he said he truly meant Every word he said, bnt she. Still Inclined to disagree. Shook ber head and laughing loud Asked him if he saw that cloud Driven by the western wind "That, sir, is more easy pinned To one place than I to-day, ' ' Said this maiden, as she drew Kerchief red and white and bine From her pocket feat Immense Waved it with an air intense. Till her lover said, surprise Op'nlnr wide his honest eyes. S "What has turned your pretty head""' ' Independence Day, ' she said. . . H. J. STANLEY'S EAELT LIFE. Some Particular Concerning the Yoath ot the African Explorer. A correspondent of the Western Hail, writ ing from St Asaph, furnishes some further in teresting particulars of the early years of Mr. H. M, Stanley. When young Rowlands as Stanley was, of course, known before he was adopted by the gentleman who took him to America attended the St Asaph Union school, the schoolmaster had so high an opinion of him that be used to put him in charge of the schoolboys dunng his absence. The boy was quite equal to the task ot maintaining disci pline. He would allow no one to question his authority. Bather than suffer anyone to take liberties with hlmhe would give the boys a' good thrashing all round, and this he used to do so effectually that no boy was found boldM euouga to dispute his authority. Tbe boy was particularly fond of geography and arithmetic, and seemed never so happy as when, pointer in band, he was allowed to ramble at bis own sweet will over the face ot the map. He seemed to bis fellow-pupils to have the latitude and longitude of each place at his fingers' ends. He was also a good penman, and on this account was often selected by the porter to enter-the names of visitors in a book kept for that rmroose. and at times he was even invited inte the clerk's office to help with the accounts. "T.L.L.W." says that having searched tbe books at the workhouse in order to find if there are any traces of Stanley there, he dis covered among the entries the name of John Rowlands some eight times. The first entry Is that of his admission to tbe bouse, which took place on February 20, ISi". He Is entered as belonging to tbe parish of Denbigh, and as bay. ing been born in lMlithis date, by tbe way, tallies exactly with Dr. Pierce's account). His name next occurs in the lists ot inmates for the years 1651-1856. Previous to this no list of names for each year was made out Only the tames of tboce who were admitted or dis charged during tbe year were registered. Tbe last entry is dated May 13, lbSu, and is tbe time wnen he finally left the workhouse. He is there reported to have "gone to his uncle at the National School Holy well." Other books. such as the reporter's report books and the clerk's account books, may throw additional light upon the early days ot Stanley. TflEEIJXIBOFLIFE. Dr. Brown. Seqaard Thinks Ho Has Made the Discovery. New Yobx; July . The surprising state ment of Dr. Brown-Sequard, the great French specialist that be has discovered a true elixir of lite, which will rejuvenate the old, and which he has used upon himself with tbe effect of trebling his capacity for work, and generally revitalizing him, is attracting some attention, and niore incredulity, among the medical men of New York. Dr. Edward F. Spltzka, himself a specialist in nervous diseases, said to-night that be could not bellevo the great French doctor had yet descended to mere quackery, though the an nouncement sounded 'Strangely like It "Dr. Brown-Sequard is a wonderful man," he con tinued, "and it is possible that he has made some discovery that will be useful to science and tbe world' , Dr. A. J- Mener was incredulous, but ad mitted the story was an Interesting one. "We are as anxious In this nineteenth century," he said, "to find the Fountain ot Youth, or its sub stitute, as ever Ponce de Leon was. But I am not one of those who believe there is any spe cial virtue in a quivering gland." Dr. Landon Carter Gray was very skeptical as to the discovery, and felt more llko laughing at the storv than accepting It seriously just vet. Though be was ready to be convinced, he would not be Interviewed on what he thought might be merely a piece of French nonsense; Who Invented Spectacles? To this question an answer has been given by tbe Italians in favor of one of themselves. In Florence, in a little street a memorial tablet has been Inserted in the facade of one of the' houses, and bears tbe following inscription; "To honor the memory of SalvinoDegli Armati, inventor of spectacles in the thirteenth cen tury, the Guild ot Artisans, on the spot once occupied by the houses of the Armati, placed this tablet" (Foresbado wines of Greatness. From the Chicago Tribune. i Johnny It puzzles me to know where that marble of mine has gone. Willie Move a little, can't youT There it is. You were standing right over it Puzzled you, did it? What a gallus old detective you'll make some time. DEATHS OF AaDAT. William Nelson. CHICAGO, July . William Nelson, better known under his stage name, D'Alvlnl, died here yesterday. He was one of the best known and most expert J agglers in the country. Herr Hasenclever. Bielw, July Herr Hasenclever, formerly a leading Socialist member of tbolielcbstag.ls dead. ,QDEEEU8ES0P w6eDS. Some Carlos. Expressions Peculiar to the North nnd Senth. Rebecca Hart In the Chautanquan.1 It seems the moat natural thing In the world for a Southerner In calling another person to say: "Oh, John!" but It always seems to amuse our friends across the. way. It is the "Qb," that excites their .merriment, and in attempting to give the peculiarity they often represent us as saying: "Ho, John!" which we never say. Another Southern expression which always sounds queer to Northern ears is the use of the word "mighty" as an adverb; But to those ac customed to it "mighty pretty" conveys an idea of beauty that the overburdened Northern word "lovely" doesn't reach. Turning to Web ster to see if it must be given up we find that it is allowable when used colloquially. In the North a man fills his wagon "box" with corn and "draws" it to town; in the South he fills his wagon "bed" with corn and "hauls" it te the same place. In New England they say "the going" (mean ing the condition of the roads) is bad; in the South they say "the traveling" is bad. Per haps to say the roads are bad would be more in telligible than either. Southerners say "like" for "as if as "she looked like she wanted to go." They laugh at it in the North, and in the same breath say "as" for "that" "I don't know as I ever heard it here" and then the Southerner laughs, and both are happy. So ingrained are both ex pressions, however, that the delinquents are seldom conscious of the delinquency. A large proportion of the grammatical mis takes are common to the uneducated wherever they are found, but there are some which are so peculiar to certain sections that their use settles at once the question of whether the per son using them is from the North or the South. The expression "I seen" for "I saw" is a very common mistate in the South and rare in the North, while "I see him yesterday" for "I saw him yesterday." so common even among edu cated people at tbe North, is never heardln the South. This makes it difficult for writers who have never llvod in a certain section to imitate suc cessfully the dialect of that people. They are ant to be betrayed into the mistake of putting into tbe mouths ot a certain class In another Eart of the country such words as they would ear from the same class of their own section. This undoubtedly is tbe difficulty which many Northern writers find in truthfully portraying the negro dialect. They take as models the negroes they have known and judge, incor rectly, that the talk of the Southern negro would be the same. Consequently a practical ear can almost always detect the difference between one who assumes a familiarity and one who is "to the manor born." The incongruity of making a Southern negro say, "Whar be you goin'T" as we saw recently in some story. Is inexpressibly ludicrous to one familiar with their dialect 'He might say. "Whar you goin'T" or "Whar Is you goin'T" The honor of the ex pression "you be" belongs exclusively to tbe North. What he would be most likely to say is, "Whar you gwinel" MOHAMMEDAN SCUOLABSHIfr The Course of Study nt B Celebrated Mo rocco University. From the London Globe.l The greatest Mussulman educational center in Northern Africa is the University at Gareuin, in Morocco. Tho students number about 700 and there are 40 professors. Work begins between half-past 2 and 5 in tbe morn ing, according to 'the season. The first Instruc tion consists of comments on tbe Koran. At sunrise the second batch of professors about a dozen or so discourse on law and dogma. In tbe afternoon grammar and rhetoric are taught, and. later, logic, astronomy, arithmetic geography, history, Mussulman literature and tbe science ot talismanic numbers or tbe deter mination by calculation of tbe influence of angels, spirits and stars on future events. The fore-determination of the conqneror and conquered In a coming war or battle seems to boa special branch. There Is the greatest diffi culty in obtaining a professor intimate wtth the principles of the scleuca in its entirety. There are no examinations. Every prof essor is supposed to know those among his bearers who are worthy of diplomas. The diplomas are very highly valued, and give the holders great prestige in the Moslem world. Cbokinc a Dear to Death. A man named Robert Brown is credited with having recently killed a bear In a peculiar way when about five miles from Edgewood, N. Y. The animal was feeding on some berries when Brown first saw it Taking off his coat, the hunter crept stealthily up to within "throw ing" distance, when he covered the brute's i head and face with a garment. Before bruin could free itself from the Unwelcome covering. Brown had got close enough to get his fingers around its throat He squeezed hard, and the beast slowly but surely succumbed to the kill ing pressure and fell dead at the hunter's feet So goes the story. The Dullest City la America. From the Chicago News,? The dullest city in North America has been discovered at last It is not St Louis, as most people had supposed., but Victoria, B. C. A letter written there June 25 last contains the following: "Business men come down to their offices here at 1 T. it. and leave at P. K. After that hour tbe town is completely aesarted. I thought Alexandria, Va., was dead, but ir is positively gay in comparison with this place. There grass grows in the streets, but hare crops mature inhe thoroughfare's. ' A New Way to Move a Locomotive. In the Fitchburg railroad repair shops a novel plan of moving a locomotive Is employed. When an engine Is ready to .leave the shop, instead ot firing It up, the boiler is charged with air at about SO pounds pressure, from an old locomotive air pump, mounted in a con venient place against tbe wall, having a hose connection to the boiler. With the above pres sure the engine can be run out of tho shop and around to its stall in the round house. Where the Cost Comes In. From the Chicago Inter-Ocean. 1 Fireworks are reported to be cheaper and better this year than ever before. But tbe doc tors still nold to their old charges, and the cost of celebrating the Nation's birthday will not be materially lessened. v ODD ITEMS FROM FOREIGN SH0BES. The patronage of the Prince of Wales and other nobs is asked for the English trotting races. It is thought that with the element of royalty they will be popular. About SO, 000 people a day go up the Eiffel tower. Of these between 3,000 and 4,600 go to the top. On an average a person has to wait about an hour to go up In the lift Prince Alexandre of Battenberg's brother-in-law, Lieutenant Loislngerv has been be trothed to the daughter of the head game keeper In a forest in Hungary. She Is named Louise Kopek. What standing Frau Lolsinger will have in the royal household of England re mains to be seen. The paid entrances to tbe Paris Exhibition during the month of May were 2,208,000, as compared with l,269,CO0 in May of 1878. In the first half of June they bave been 2,002,000, as compared with 1,104,000. Thirty million tickets bave been Issued, so there are still nearly 28, 000,000 to be utilized, if possible, in four months. Tbe price has for the last fortnight been 69 centimes, or 10 cents. DB.Hornf Ajnr the author of "Struwwel peter," or Slovenly Peter as he is presented to English-speaking children, a work almost as famous all ovet the world as the Muncbausen stories, has just celebrated his 80th birthday at Frankfurt bis- native town, where for many years he has been at the head ot the lunatic asylum. His nursery rhymes have gone through 157 editions, and are -translated into every European language. , TiTE Prince of Wales threw a fearful bomb shell among his countrymen when, at the meet ing of tho Father Damlen Memorial Fund Committee, he said that "at this very moment there Is a leper, with his hands distinctly af fected by tbe disease, engaged at his business in one of the large London meat markets." Moreover, this proved to be true, with the ex. ception that the leper in question said he did not touch the meat. QUKXit Victoria. Is in the habit of keeping rooms which have been occupied by deceased relatives locked up. The apartments at Clare mont in which the Princess Charlotte died more than 70 years ago are closed, and nobody is allowed to use tbem. Princo Albert's apart ments at Windsor, Osborne and Balmoral are all kept precisely as tbey were when he was alive; and on tbe wall ot the room in which he died there, is a tablet; with an ins-.rlptlon re cording the fact that "this apartment was tbe scene pf his, demise." John Brown's rooms at Windsor have also been closed since his.death and marked with a large .brass sign with an In scription commemorating hisyirtues and de ploring his loss. . LEPKOST IN CANADA. The Theory That It Was Imported by Sail ors Early la the Century Opposed by Facte Death After 20 Years of the Dread Disease Tbe Only Protection the Prompt Isolation of Those Affected. The discussion of that awful and unexpected plalnable disease, leprosy, says the Toronto Mail, directs attention once more to its pres ence ina remote part of New Brunswick and to its anpearance from time to time in the picturesque island of Cape Breton. How it came to these places is a mystery. The general idea is that it Is a disease peculiar to hot climates, as for example1 India and Palestine. But this theory is not really well founded, for it prevails in northern countries and is met with too frequently in Norway, Sweden, and even Iceland. From the popular verdict as to location has come the belief that it was brought to Canada early in the" century by sailors who had visited the Levant and who were either Infected themselves or bad carried with tbem infected clothing. Be this historical view of the case true or not, certain it is that tbe disease exists, and that fresh victims are found at not infrequent intervals. All the cases known to the officials are con fined in tbe Lazaretto at Tracadie, Gloucester county. At the end of last vear there were 19 lepers under treatment Since then three new cases have been discovered, so that there are 22 cases now. The reports respecting the care tbe patients receive are exceedingly satisfac tory. The sisters of Mercy have charge of the Institution, and they have made it exceedingly home-like and comfortable. So good are the hygienic influences of the place that there have been several cures; but in every instance the cure has only been effected where the disease has been treated in its earliest stages. An Awful Family History. One of ,trip places affected was in the neigh borbood of Lake O'Law, Victoria county, a ro mantic spot surrounded by lofty hills and occu pied by a vigorous farming population. The first victim was the wife of a farmer named McCarthy. The husband has betrayed no symp toms of the disease, nor had anyone up to that time in the vicinity. Yet the woman was dis tinctly a leper. She died after an Illness of 13 Sears. There were eight children in tbe family, ne became a leper and died after 20 years' illness; leaving a family of six, all free from the 'disease. - Four others took tbe disease, while the, remaining three, witb their children, are, to all appearances, completely exempt from it A man who at- tenaea one oi the lepers In his illness took the disease, and the husband ot a daughter who escaped took it. The latter patient however, had slept before bis marriage with his future wife s brother, who turned ouf to be leprous. All efforts to obtain any evidence pointing to the exposure or tbe first victim to conditions favorable to leprosy have failed. Some miles from Lake O'Law is a settlement of Highland Scotch peo ple. These people knew nothing of the Lake O'Law cases until the disease appeared in their midst Nine cases were found among them, in four different families. Between tbe families there was no relationship,- and a very slight (If any) acquaintance. The origin of the disease In these four families is not traceable. It may have resulted from contagion, and It may have originated from conditions to which tbe sub jects had been exposed Tbe three eases dis covered a week- or so ago also appear to bave been primary cases, for there is no report that the sufferer: had contracted the disease by communication with lepers. Tbe Cause of It a Great Mystery. These lnstancesare opposed to the theory that the leprosy must necessarily bave been imported. Accompanied by no indication that the disease was transmitted, they point to the possibility that it may be produced by geograph ical, climatic or dietetic peculiarities. Dr." McPhedran indeed quotes VirchoW as declar ing that it is not unreasonable to suppose that certain physical conditions of particular countries serve as etiological influences in the production of the primary disease, which, when. once developed, is propagated by heredi tary predisposition. Yet, there is admittedly nothing in the northern part of the Eastern Provinces that can be pointed to as a condition favorable to leprosy. Tbe climate is healthy, and tbe people live aslwell as those of other parts oi tne country. A great mystery indeed is this dreadful disease, and the only protection against it that human knowledge suggests is the prompt isolation of those who fall be- CONDITION OF CATTLE. A Comprehensive Review of the Animals on Ibe Western Ranges. St. Louis, July 4, Richard Johnson, of tbe Bureau uf Animal Industry, was in St Louis to-day, and to a reporter said: "I have for tbe past three months been traveling through tbe cattle districts with the object of ascertaining what tbe condition 'of range and farm cattle now Is, ana what improvements bave been made in the grade of stock on the ranges. On the whole the result of nry examination was decidedly satisfactory, and reports of two other agents of the bureau will be of the same char acter. In some sectlbns it Is not to be donied that the grade of the cattle has deteriorated in a marked degree. This Is especially true of the extreme Northwest and the farms east of tbe Missouri river. Four or five years ago what are known as! the Oregon cattle, though by no means confined to the State of Oregon, wero by all odds the best to be found on the range. Th; were nearly invariably three-quarters or five-sixths Durham, ran high in flesh, weigh ing 160 to 2S0 pounds more than Montana and uaKoia stocK, ana tneir oeei was equal to mat of fine stall-fed stock. To-day half-breeds are in' tbe majority, tbe beef produced is not nearly so fine and the average weight of the cattle has fallen off nearly 100 pounds. One fact has been proved beyond a doubtand that Is that neither in a cold or dry section of the country should the Dur ham .he introduced. In the farms in tbe agri cultural belts ot Minnesota, Dakota, Iowa and Western Missouri farmers are still aiming to reduce rather tban increase their holdings. Tbe low price of cattle has made the industry unremunerative, and the breeders are selling off their cows and steers and replacing them with horses. An encouraging change and one which more than compensates for the loss In other directions has taken place in tbe South west Tbe Texas long born, a lean, sinewy ani mal, is being rapidly replaced by a cross be tween the Durham and Devon, and the average weight of the cattle is greater and by 100 pounds more than it ever was before.'" THE FAMOUS PASSION FLAI. Preparations For this Tear's Rendition nre In Fall Progress. St James Gazette. The preparations for next year's Passion Play at Oberammergau are in full swing; and. according to the account given of them by an Augsburg newspaper, they are of a character to show that tbe performances are. as was only to be expected after tbe world's "discovery" of the play, upon the downward slope. ' They are evidently to bo still further shorn ot tbe primi tive simplicity and rustic flavor to which tbey owed so much of their original charm and power. Tbe commercial part of the enter prise, which was formerly undertaken by the Alsace Bank in Strasbourg, is to te assumed by a Munich house. New dresses will be pro vided, tee orchestra will be increased, and tbe accommodation for the audience enlarged and improved. The old scenery is to be replaced by more modern and artlstio canvases, and the stage is to bo supplied with mechanical appliances brought well up to date. There Is even some talk of a revision of the text of the play, though it is thought that the native con servatism will prove too strong for that The players' will be elected In the autumn, but great excitement already prevails in the vil lage as to the distribution of the parts. A Cload Over Ibe Klaadom. rrora the Chicago Trlbnne.1 It is now given out that Queen Victoria is in extremely feeble health. The condition of the good Queen is not expected to improve tor several days yet-iprobably not until the Shah's visit is over. MY BOOKS, They dwell la the odor of camphor, They stand in a Sherratoo shrine. They are "warranted early editions," These woishlpfnl books of mine; In their cream-colored "Oxford vellum," In their redolent "crushed Levant" With their delicate 'watered linings, " They arc Jewels of price, I grant; "llllud-tooled" and "morocco-Jointed, " They have Zaehnsdorfs daintiest dress. They are graceful, attenuate, polished, Itut'they gather the dust naless; Vor the row that I prize Is yonder, Away on tbe nnglazed shelves." The bulged and the braised octavos, The dear and the dumpy twelves, llontalgne with his sheepskin blistered -And Howell the worse for wear. And the worm-drilled Jesuits' Horace, And the little old cropped Mollero, And the Barton 1 bought for fourpeuce. And the Babelals foxed and flea'd, For tbe others 1 never have opened, ' But these are the ones I read; Auttln Vobtonin Longman's Magatlnt, ,' F1TLER FOE SENATOR. He Hay be. .Sir. Quay's Candidate) for United Slates Senator la Return for municipal Patronage Cooper From si Family Standpoint. The question of who will be the next United States Senator elected from Pennsylvania is an interesting one. Senator Quay and C. L, Magee will be pitted Against each other in the contest of next year, each striving to -have leg islators elected who will favor the candidate of his choice. Were it"not that Colonel Bayne is, like Colonel Quay, a Western Pennsylvanlan, it is not improbable he would ba Quay's choice. Justlwho is Mr. Magee's choice cannot be stated, and it is doubtful whether be knows himself. Whatever may be 'said to the con trary in a half-hearted way, Senators Quay and Cameron do not look on each other ex actly with the affection of brothers, and if Mr. Quay thinks he can do better, Mr. Caaerou will not be his candidate. Cameron may. though, be Mr. Magee's candidate. Fran an inside source comes the information that Mayor Fitter, ot Philadelphia, may blos som out as Quay's choice for the United States Senate, if he will consent to tbe use of the municipal patronage of the Quaker City by the junior Senator and National Chairman. Quay must have the use of the city offices to down Magee, and he cannot have the use of them without giving the ambitious Mayor an ade quate return. Mr. Fitler felt hurt by Quay's treatment of his candidacy for the Presidency, but the promise of the Senatorshlp would be balm to his wounded feelings. It would also re move him from the Gubernatorial race. In which, say bis friends, he may take part. Cooper In a New T.laht. It is interesting to know what a man's rela tives think of him. Frequently it givesLonea pleasing Insight into his character. Senator Thomas V. Cooper has posed before tbe people of this State for tbe most part in a pnrely political and partisan capacity. It Is refresh, ing to view him in another, even while he is reaching for the Philadelphia Custom House. A Pennsylvania legislator traveling some time ago between Pittsburg and Chicago, quite un intentionally overheard a conversation between two ladlespone an elderly lady, and tbe other much younger., Tho young lady was telling the older one about her uncle; Senator Cooper, of Pennsylvania, and dwelt enthusiastically on his lovable character, how every one looked up to him, how he was consulted on the weighty affairs ot State and bow his opinion was valued. The traveling Pennsylvania legislator heard it all with interest. He is a member, like Sena tor Cooper, of the Legislature that goes outot office with the month of December in next year, and he had never thought of Senator Cooper in the light in which the young lady was presenting him. "Sharp, shrewd, a skillful tactician and not too scrupulous," was the way this gentleman would have described his fellow Republican and fellow legislator. The lovable qualities of which the young lady spoke were a distinct revelation to him. As be mused her voice broke on bis ear again. "There is only one thing wrong with him," she said, with a decided tone ot respect "He is an infidel." Tbe elderly lady appeared shocked, and the yonnger'one hastened to add: -"But he bas tbe most beautiful Christian character you ever saw, and everybody loves him for it" This Is not all the young lady said about the ever hopeful son of destiny, but it was all in the same strain. She would undoubtedly! much surprised and shocked to see in a Penn sylvania paper of recent date that a rumor that I the sea serpent had appeared at Cape May grew out of tbe fact that the Delaware Senator had gone bathing in the ocean there. . Senator Nylin's View. "The people did it themselves," said Senator Amos Mylin. of Lancaster county, referring to the recent Constitutional amendment election. "The party organizations stood back and let matters take their course. It had been alleged that prohibition 'was hindered by party in fluences, and so it was deemed best to leave the matter to tbe people themselves. The re sult shows that the people arc opposed to pro hibition. That is nothing against the Repub lican party, which did what it agreed to do, in giving the people an opportunity to vote on the subject It has acted in good faith, and, in recognition of that, fact, it will be given its usual majority this fall." - TheXTse'af CommlMlonm.' ' . Some people who bave been wondering about the utility ot tbe several commissions provided tor by tbe last Legislature will probably havo their doubts removed by a knowledge of tbe fact that their" next meetings will be held at Cape May, Atlantic City, Cresson Springs and other summer resorts. An Improbable Rumor. There has been a rumor afloat that Senator Quay is willing, If Cameron can be laid out in no other way, to lose the Legislature to the Democrats next year. By doing so, it is pointed out, he would dispose of a more or less dangerous rival, and, as the only Republican Senator, would have the Federal offices pretty much his own way, though ho seems to have them that way at present The rumor, how ever. Is undoubtedly as wild as it is improbable. Senator Qnay is an stute politician, and tbe scheme looks lixe one that might return to plague him. Senator Quay took chances on defeat this fall when he forced the submission ot prohibition on his party; and he is not going to lose even this fall if skillful management will save the State Treasury to him. , Simpson. The Indians Will Have the Best Show, from the Chicago Mews. Tho United States Senators who are going to Alaska to take a look at the Indians will doubt less find that the curiosity is mutual. There is reason to believe that the remote redskins will have tbe best of the show. Why a Han Tnkss a Partner. From the Baltimore American. 1 When a man takes a partner. It is evident that he means to establish bis business on a firm basis. FASHION'S FANCIES. Bathlwo stockings which are rubber finished and cork-soled And a large sale Just now. TBAVELINa and walking costumes maybe made In any of a large variety of light woolen cloths and Irish homespuns. Dresses made up largely of pink should not Show color combinations, although, of course, white lace may be used freely. The pale, shadowy broche patterns produced by tbe Jacquard looms are noticeable in many of tbe beautiful semi-diaphanous textiles im ported for summer wear. At tbe fashionable resorts a popular toilet for youthful wearers is a tinted silk blouse waist with skirts ot lace, either white or matched to the blouse in color. Cool and prettv summer toilets In white and green, or white and gold, are of wblte crepallne or India veiling with garniture ot China silk arranged as a soft easy empire vest BitiDXMAiDS and debutantes wear very stylish toilets of real China crepe in willow green, old rose and primrose yellow over soft repped slclllienne with fronts of pearled lisle. lAFBETrr dancing toilet recently seen at a seaside rosort was ot anemone.plnk. Tbe color was as "faint as could be without being pure wblte and the effect Is described as charming. Piazza and ballroom wraps resemble very much the talmas of other days. Tbe garments now worn, however, are much mora graceful, tbe cape portion being adjusted snugly to the figure. Hats of green or brown rushes are a hot weather luxury. One of these hats is wholly veiled with green tulle, with mossbuds and great yellow Tosca roses and leaves around the front ot the crown. Rich black toilets are in vogue and reach tho height ot fashionable elegance. Soft silks of various kinds, lace veiling, grenadine, crepe do cbece, plain and beaded nets and other handsome materials are in popular use. Simple white waists of French nainsook, India linen, American surah or China silk are worn over skirts of various kirfda. They may be shirred, tucked or plaited to suit tbe form and fancy, and are made with bishop sleeves. A pretty toilet for summer evening wear to a gown worn by a youngNew York woman. It Is a skirt of cream-white China silk trimmed with rows of uarrow molro ribbon, tu silk pressedin accbrdlonplaits from the hips, where it to joined by. a close jersey-shaped bodice of cream lace, while the Joining to covered by aa Immense sash ot moire. A similar- skirt to garjiitured with ribbon baads and sash of apple green silk. - ' y . CURIOUS COHDEHSATIOXS, Cincinnati used 31,999,680 crackers to make an noise on tbe Fourth. A horse dentist is reaping a harvest up in the northern counties of Michigan. Horses up in Seneenaw county are suf fering from clearly defined lung fever. Henry Cannon ieeds 32 human month! on his farm near Camilla, Ga,, and yet he raises meat for alL A mess of fish cost three Tekosha, Mich., young men 129. The game warden took a hand in the sport A foreign company representing $10, 000,000 of capital is about to establish an iron and steel plant in San Francisco. A Jackson, Mich., father gave three boys who saved his daughter from drowning f cents, to be divided equally among them. ' New York City has 294 millionaire in dividuals or firms, and probably over 1.000,000 of Individuals who are not worth SM each. It cost ?1,962,346 to maintain the firn department of New York City last year. There) were 3,217 fires, and the losses were $5,435,922. A man with an artificial cheek, eye and palate has been attracting attention at an .En glish watering place. It Is said that he eaU without difficulty and speaks distinctly. An enterprising merchant in Chisago displays In front of his store a lamp, to which U attached a card reading: "This lamp will bo reduced in price 10 cents per day until it la sold." In St Patrick's Church, Hartford, Conn., and St. John's Church, Middletown, Conn., colored people rent and occupy some ot the best sittings, other sittings In the same pews being rented and occupied by whits people. Three Muskegon, Mich., men caught a string of fish over 23 feet long In six hours, the other day, with ordinary hooks and lines. "Fish over 25 feet long" are unusual in fresh water, bnt Muskegon whisky has great magni fying power. Over a building in One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street New York, there Is a broad wooden sign covered with crow tracks that are a puzzle to many of the people who see them. It is tbe Lord's Prayer in shorthand that is painted on the signboard. An old man has been bothering the Muskegon, Mich., police for the past three weeks, asking tbem to' shoot him, as he was tired, sick and hungry. They haven't done it yet but if be comes around much more they think they can accommodate him. Peter Malcom, a Scotch sailor, fell overboard in the Indian Ocean 500 miles from, land. He was reported drowned, bnt after two years bobs up to claim a (40.000 legacy and to report that after floating two days ne was picked up by a Russian vessel and carried around the world. A new way to scatter a crowd has been discovered. A man who found himself hemmed in by a dense throng near the corner ot State and Washington streets yesterday morning while the circus procession was passing pulled a bottle of ammonia from his pocket and spilled the contents promiscuously about Ha bad the entire sidewalk to himself in less tban a minute. An alligator and an English sparrow were seen to engage in'a battle near Darien Ga., tbe other day. The 'gator provoked tbe fight by snapping at tbe bird. which In turn flew furiously at its ugly antagonist aiming with precision at tbe sanrlan's eyes. The 'gator finally gave np the contest, and sought safety from the sparrow's attacks by hiding itself un der water. There is on a lot in Lexington. Ga., a sour cherry tree that seems to have gotten, out of its usual order of doing things. At the proper time it Bloomed and bore a full crop ot fruit and since its first blooming ifhas continued .to bloom and bear, it now having a pretty full crop of green fruit on its branches, though the first crop ripened and was gathered same weeks since. Some papers do not like the "English habit ot omitting the article "the" before the names of yachts, especially In tbe case ot yachts named after women. The omission does seem unfortunate when it makes such state ments as these possible : "Cora proved slow In her stays," "Oracle ran her nose in the mud," and "Alice careened and staggered under her heavy load." Workmen doing the grading on a rail road near Atlanta, Ga.. witnessed the sight the other day of a snake feeding its offspring. The baby snakes were secure in the roots of an old tree, and the mother, which .caught flies, by Springing at them, would, when 'possessed ot a y. rapidly glide to the young snakes, which came pell-mell, helter-skelter to meet ber. She caught a fly a minute, and was watched secur ing them for over two hours. Whenever there is ofiered in the United States a prize open to the whole country for the family that has tbe greatest length; breadth and thickness, Walker county, Georgia, through the Coulter boys, will be sure to take it, a journalist in that State thinks. Of the six boys, going up by steps and commencing at the lowest James to feet 4, Mac is 0 feet 0, Will is 6 feet 0, Tom is S feet 7, Oscar is 6 feet 8 and Richard 6 feet 11. Their weights run from 200 to 202 pounds, making a total of 1,367 pounds, . and an average of 223 pounds. Cheap pirated editions of American books are said to be among the best selling books offered at the railway stations in India. A correspondent says that he has bought Lew Wallace's "Fair God" for 15 cents. Anna Catharine Green's "Leavenworth's Case" is of fered for 12 cents, and the works of Uncle Kemus are for sale in paper covers. Allot Bret Harte's books are pirated, and Mark Twain's hooks are sold for a song. Longfellow's poems can be Lad for a dime and Emerson's essays. In cloth, for 20 cents. Frances Hodg son Burnett's novels are sold at one-fifteenth the p rice tbey bring in America. CLIPPED BITS OF WIT. A correspondent asks us if we believen traveling for health. Under certain circum stances we do particularly when we see a mad dog or a runaway horse coming. Burlington Frt Prut. Mr. Sllmpnrse "What I "Want to get a new maid for Fashion Beach f Why don't you take the ons you bave r Mrs. Sllmpnrse She knows bow we live when we're at home. Sea l'ork Weekly. ' Mrs. "Weary (reading) The body of a book agent was found on Blank street this mora ing. He had evidently been murdered. Mr.Weary (meditatively) Umr really, now, I think that was going most too far, KtWjXork Weskly. Master of the House, at the Door Maris, is your mistress In r Marls, benlgnly-Mlstress Is out sir; hat you can come' la if yoa wipe off your shoes and keep quiet, so as not to disturb the eook. She's gone upstairs to take a nap. PMladtlpMa In quirer. A Pertinent Query. Parent "Wha would yoa charge me to put my hoy through your college? Professor-About f 1,009. Parent Do yoa charge anything extra for teaching reading and writing, more tban yon do where they Just take boating and baseball f Omaha World. jOn Account of His Family. First Jury man It looks like a pretty clear case against the feller, .that's a fact but I think we had better let him go on account of bis family. Second Juryman Why. the family is Just about as no-account as he Is. I can't see where your argument comes in. First Juryman What I mean Is that we will have to keep 'em all winter if we send him to Jail. Setl-Ttrrt UauU Express. Struck Him as About Eight Little girl (reading newspaper article in relation to Henry 11. Stanley) During his march across this portion ofths Dark Continent be appears to bave Incurred the greatest prevarications Mother (looking over her shoulder) Haven't yoa made a mistake, Ethel f I think the word to privations. Father (who has his donbts about Stanley)-. Don't interrupt ber, Maria. Prevarications 1 the right word. Go on, Ethel. Chicago TrUwu, JUtOUSH AS SHE IS WBOTE. The teacher a lesson he taught; The preacher a sermon he prauiht; The stealer, he stole; The heeler, he bole; And the sereeeher, be awfully scran gat The long-winded speaker, he spoke; The poor office seeker, he soke; The runner, he ran; . The snnner, be dan; Aaottheshrleker, he horribly shroks, The liver, to Canada flew: . nil The buyer, on credit he bewj Thdoer, be did: The suer, be std; , 'And the liar (a fisherman) lew. The writer," the nonsense be wrote? The flxbter (an editor) fote; v- The swimmer, be swam; . N The skimmer, be skam;, . . ' . And'the biter was buns ry, and bote. f - f IffallM "j J. J frtfJAsscy afc-t-J&ir'' SMsJaVM8rasWt1 M