Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 03, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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. ".i. . r a fi TUB
Ka(nro Too Generous in Supply of
Fruit and Vegetables.
Flour Trade No Longer in Bayers' Favor
Prices Must Eise.
Office or PnrsBtTBo Despatch,!
Tuesday. July 2. issa. J
Garden Product.
The chief complaint of produce commis
sion men of last year was the great
abundance of stuff in all fruit and vegetable
lines. It seems that we are to bare another
season ot abundance. If natnre would be
less generous, both producer and dealer
would gather in more ducats, with a smaller
expenditure of labor. The consumer, how
ever, has no ground of complaint. The pro
ducer and dealer's losses are gain to the
millions who, after all, are the parties most
A Liberty street commission, merchant said
to-day: "We are' handling lots ot stuff, but
getting very llttloTor It. The trouble always Is
in prolific seasons, such as this Is, that we hare
to do a great deal of work and pet very little
for it Tbe farmer and dealer are doing
the work, and consumers get the benefit.
Take tbe one item of Dotatoes, wbicb have been
coming in so freely from Tennessee tbe past
week. Tbe freight charges on a barrel are not
less than 65 to 70 cents. I n the past few days
largo quantities have been dumped on the mar
ket, and are sold In car load lots on track at less
than S2 per ban el. When the dealer gets his
little commission and the railroads get the
freight there is little left for tbe man in Ten
nessee who ploughed, planted, gathered and
bauled the potatoes to the nearest station.
What Is Jtrue of potatoes Is equallj true of a
dozen other articles in fruit and t ege table lines.
The consumer is tbe only party who profits by
these seasons of abundance. Producer and
dealer are working more for glory than gain."
Tbe Products.
One of our leading perk packers reports to
day concerning the provision trade for June:
"My advices from Chicago, which is head
center of this trade for the United States, and
in fact far the world, are that the reduction of
provision stock In June was very slight. In
ordinary years June is one of the big months
for trade in this line, and usually stock is very
much diminished by the transactions of that
month. Tbe decline of stock uniformly stimu
lates prices, and tbe time is here when we have
a right to expect an advance in hog products.
But this season upsets all calculations. The al
most daily rain ol June no doubt bad an effect
in retarding trade, and a dry, hot July Mill
make up lor lost ground. Bat up to this time
our trade has been tar from satisfactory. The
fact is tbe price of hogs has been too high all
tbis season to afford any margin to packers.
Tbe only salvation for tbe trade will be a de
cided advance in hog products in tbe near
future. If this advance falls to show up, tbis
season will show little or no profit to Pittsbn-g
S ackers. The Chicago pork packer has found
eitcr pickings this season than is possible to
tbe Pittsburg packer."
Flour Trade.
Tbe flour rrade, which for a month or two
past was entirely in the buers favor, has for
some reason suddenly flopped over within the
past meek, and now the situation is decidedly
in favor of the seller. All of a sudden the
Minnesota millers have had their backbones
stiffened and have become very independent in
their views. Two weeks ago the millers of
Minneapolis were diligently searching for cus
tomers and pressing stock on our jobbers. Now
tbey are waiting lor customers to come to
them. Fancy spring patents were offered in
carload lots, in wood, as low as S3 50 within tbe
past two weeks. To-day tbe same cannot be
laid down bere under 6 05. Our whole
sale grocers have not changed prices, but
will tie forced to do so as soon as their
present supplies are exhausted. Bald one of
our leading flour jobbers: "Pittsburg markets
are among the very worst in the country.
When prices are low we are forced to take the
lowest figures, tint when there is an upward
movement we fail to reap the benefit of it, as
there are so many dealers here ready to un
load a: very small profits.
"In Chicago and Se York prices go up or
down at once on quotations from stock board.
But here in Pittsburg, while we suiter Irom
every decline.we fail to reap any benefit from
an advanca by reason of the sharp competition
among our dealers. Flour to-day is sold by
wholesale grocers at lower figures than stock
can be laid down at, and it is only a question of
time when'prices ot flour must advance."
Condition of tbe Market nt the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Tuesdat. July 2, 18S9.
CATTLE Receipts, 300 head; shipments, 440
head; market dnll and weak; prices unchanged;
9 cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts. 1,200 head; shipments, 800
head: market firm; heavy hogs, over250 pounds.
J4 3001 40; tight bogs and pigs, M 604 65; 2
cars of hogs shipped to New Vork to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 3,400 bead; shipments, 2,800
bead: market firm at 15c lower.
Uy Telecraoh.
New Yobk Beeves Only one carload ar
rived; no market for beeves; extremely dulland
weak for dressed beef at 5iGc per pound for
native sides, with a little prime and extra beef
selling at (7c. Exports to-day. 300 beeves,
75 slieejv 3,010 quarters of beef. Calves Re
ceipts, 330 head, and COO were carried over yes.
terdayjdull and weak at 4g5c per pound for
veals, and 22c for buttermilk calves. Sheep
Receipts, 3,500 head, and 2,000 were carried
over yesterday, marktt steady for both sheep
and lambs, and nearly all sold, including com
mon to gi'Od sheep at S3 753 25 per 100 pounds
and common to choice lambs at SB O07 50.
Hogs Receipts. 2,000 had: none offered alive;
nominally steady at $1 504 85 per 100 pounds.
Kansas Crry Cattle Receipts, 4,416 head;
shipments, 4,090 head; good to choice native
and range steers firm to 510c higher; green
natives and range steers slow and weak;
eood to choice corn-fed steers. $3 75
4 00; common to medium. $2 90&Z 50; stock
ers and feeaing steers, S3 00: cows, SI 402 75;
grass range steers. SI "SS2 6a Hoes Receipts,
8.474 head; shipments, 60 head: market strong,
active and 67c higher; good to choice light,
S4 1"K4 22K: heavy and mixed, S4 05&1 15.
hheep Receipts, 1,381 bead: shipments, 375
head: market strong; good to cboice muttons,
S3 54 00; common to medium, $2 50Q3 50.
CHICAGO Cattle Receipts, 6,500 bead; ship
menr. 3.500 bead: market steady; beeves. S4 00
4 40: steers, S3 403 50; stockers and f eedera,
il 103 05; cows, hulls and mixed. SI 253 00;
Texas cattle, SI 653 75. Hoes Receipts. 15,
000 head: shipments. 4,500 head: market strong
and 10c higher: mixed. S4 304 50; heavy, $4 25
G4 45: lieht. S4 354 65; skips, S3 604 55.
Sheeo Receipts, 7,000 bead: shipments, 1,000
head: market weak: natives, S3 504 70: West
erns. $3 5003 90; Texans, S3 003 75; lambs, H 25
-S6 00.
ST. Louis Cattle Receipts. Z500 head; ship
ments, 400 bead; market stronger; choice
heavy native steers, $3 8004 35; lair to good
do. S3 1561 00; stockers, fair to good, S2 20
8 50: rangers, corn-fed, S2 9004 60; grass-fed,
12 003 00. Hogs Receipts, 3,600 head: ship
ments, 700 head; market strong; choice
heavy and butchers' selections, S4 304 40;
packing, medium to prime, S4 204 35;
lieht grades, ordinary to best, S4 8004 45.
Sheep Receipts, 3.700 head; shipments, 200
bead; fair to choice. S3 00ffi4 6a
BurrAi.0 Cattle Receipts, 108 loads
through; 2 loads on sale; steady and unchanged.
Sheep and lambs Nothing doing: receipts, 10
loads through; 3 on sale. Hogs easier; receipts,
none throueh: 7 loads on sale; medium, S4 65;
Yorkers, S4 70; pigs, S4 70.
Cincinnati, JulyS Hogs firmer; common
and light, S3 SOffil 65; packing and butchers',
4 15t?4 30. Receipts, 1,600 head; shipments,
0.000 head.
Atcb. Ton.. 1st 7s. 117M
A.fl. LandOr't7s.l)0
Atcb. &Uop. It- K... 39
Boston & Albany.. .218
ISotton & Maine. ....189
C. 11. . 100
Eastern R. K 98(j
Eastern It. K. 6s ....US
Flints rereal 26
Flint fere M. ofd.
Little It- A Ft. S. 7.106
Rutland preferred.,
U u. central, com...
Wis. Central pC,
Calnmet A lied...,
Franklin. ...,..
Hnron .......
I'ewablo (new)
Bell Telephone
Boston Land
Water Power
. 69
. K
, 1
, 9
Mexican Cen. com.. 1SJ4
.v, ist mig. oas. eox
-N. Y. A Kew tin... K
A. Y. A. E. 7s. ...128)4
Ola Colony 17S
San Dlcgo
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. S7
fourth avenue. Members w York Block Ex
chance. Bin. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad. 81 61 H
I-ehlah Valley ,..,. MH , M
Lehl(ch Navigation M M
Northern Pacific 77 3
Northern Pacific preferred M)f 6SH
To disinfect cellars, waste pipesT water
Closets, etc always we PUtt's Chloride.
A Good Speculative Movement at Culcaso
July Wheat TUsher, but Lnier Op.
tlonsLose Ground The Weath
er Still a Controll
ing Factor.
CHICAGO A largo speculative business was
again transacted in wheat ana the feeling was
very unsettled. The course of prices was ir
regular. Some wide fluctuations occurred, es
pecially for July delivery. Tbe early market
was weak and opening sold at Ic decline as
compared with yesterday's closing, but good
buying at tbe decline started prices upward,
and July advanced 2Jc, then declined 2Vic, and
closed at lKc higher than yesterday. August,
advanced l&c above inside prices, receded Jc,
and closed c lower than yesterday. Decem
ber advanced lKc above Inside price, receded
Jic and closed He lower than yesterday.
The early weakness was due to reported rains
in Dakota and In the Northwest generally last
evening and this morning, with a drop In the
temperature of several degrees. Uutgood buy
ing for July by a prominent local operator
started shorts to covering, which advanced the
price for this future, and other deliveries fol
lowed to some extert. Cable advices also noted
a better feeling. Advices from Russia snoke
of the damage to the crops there as fully as bad
as heretofore reported.
A fair speculative business was transacted in
corn tbe first half of the session, after wbicb the
pit became qniet and Inactive. Tbe feeling was
quite firm, and trading was at a high range of
prices, with fluctuations coveringa widerrange
than for several das past. Ibe strengthening
influence, as on yesterday, was due to the active
shipping demand, which continues unabated,
and tbe near lutures showed advances of
uats v. ere quiet and steady.
In mess pork tbe lnqniry was moderatelv act
ive and tbe offeiines were not very large. Early
prices ruled 57c higher, later tbe feel
ing was stronger and prices were advanced 10
12&C but near tbe clo-e the feeling was easier,
and a reduction of "X10c was submitted to.
Rather a dull, easy feeling prevailed In the
lard market. Prices declined 25c, and tbe
market closed eay.
In tbe market for short ribs prices were about
25c lower at tbe openine, but ruled steadier
again, and tbe decline was recovered. Toward
tbe close the market weakened and prices de
clined b7J4c
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 July. 80K379JS2Ue:
August, 77?78S777SJ,c; September. 78H
79Ji078H&7sc; December, 80H3179Ji
CORN No. 2 August, 35K35Jf35ie35!c;
September. 336H35a36o; October.
rwrc v o Anrn wsroo3yif?aa ARwsr..
September. 22J22Ji22.59$c.
MessPork, per bbk August, Sll 75011 85
11 751I 75; beptember, Sll 851I 951I 82K
11 82
Lard per 100 lbs. August, S6 5526 55Q6 52K
68 52; September, S6 77X66 77X66 62X
6 62X.
Short Rrcs. per 100 lbs. Ausust. S5 97X
6 005 95o 95; September. JO 056 056 OutD
Cash quotations were as follows: Finur firm
and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 82S3c;
No. 3 spring wheat. 76ffib0c; No. 2 red. W
83c. No. 2 corn. 35c. N o. 2 oats. 22i22J8c
No. 2 rye, 42Xs. N 2 barley nominal. No. 1
flaxseed. SI 45. Prime tlmnthv seed, SI 57.
Mess pork, per barrel, Sll C51I 7a Lard, per
100 pounds, S6 42X- Short ribs sides (loose),
S5 905 95. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S5 25
f5S7X- Short clear sides (boxed), S6 25tf S7X
uears, cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour.
14,000 barrels: wheat, 7,000 bushels: corn, 2S9 000
bushels: oats, 173.000 bushels; rye. none. Ship
ments Flonr. 4,000 barrels; wheat, 87.000 bush
els: com. 216,000 bushels; oats, 119,000 bushels;
rye, none.
On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was firm and unchanged. Eggs firm
at 1212Xe-
New York Flour held firmly and moder
ately active for borne and export. Cornmealdull
and unchanged. Wheat Spot weaker, and in
moderate demand for milling and export;
options fairly active, M&c lower and
steady. Barley malt dull. Corn Spot fairly
active, stronger; options fairly active, higher
and firm. Oats Spot firm and lower, active;
notions moderately active and steady. Hay
Quiet and steady. Hops Quiet and steady.
Coffee Options opened better and steady;
10' 15 points down; closed easy G0
"0 points down: sales, 104.250 bars, including
July, 13.2513.75: August, 13.4014.95; Sep
tember and October, 1S.6011.15; No
vember. 1V7014.16; December. 13.C5Q
14.20. January, 13.83j14.25: Februarv,
13.7501125; March. 13.7614.25; May. 13.8514.30;
spot rye, fair cargoes, 15c. Suear Raw
strong and qnlet; fair refining, 7c; centrifu
gals, 96 test, 8Vc: refined steadv and qniet.
Molasses Foreign strong: New-Orleans quiet.
Kye in moderate demand and steady. Cotton
seed oil inactive. Tallow firm. Rosin quiet
and steady. Turpentine steadier and more ac
tive at 37JJ3Sc Eggs In better demand and
steady: western, 13lSJic; receipts. 67 pack
ages. Pork more active; mess. S13 2513 50;
extra prime, Sll 50011 75. Beef Inactive; extra
mess. $6 65: plate, S5 70S 00. Beef hams quiet,
quoted at S15. Cutmeats stronger; sales, pickled
bellies. 12 pounds average, 6c: pickled shoul
ders, 65K-; pickled bams, ll12c. Lard
easier and quiet: western steam, 6 82X6 85;
city, S6 SO; Julv. S3 78 bid; August. S6 9u6 92,
closing at S6 90; September, S6 98: October.
6 997 00, closing at 6 99. Butter moderatelv
eaier; western dairv, 1014c: do country, 12X
17c; do factorr, 7X13c. Cheese dull and
easier; western, 7K8jc-
Philadelphia Flour quiet aud firm, but
in good demand. Wheat September firmly
maintained because of scarcity, but demand
from millers light; speculation,qulet,Jind prices
of options closed nominally lc lower; N". 2 red,
in elevator. 95c; No. 2 red. Julv, 8384c;
August. 83X84c: September. 83S4c; Oc
tober, 84S5c Corn Options firm, but quiet;
car lots for local trade in fair demand and
firm; No. 2 mixed, in Twentieth street eleva
tor, 43c: do, in grain depot, 43c; No. 2 high
mixed, on track. 44c: No. 2 yellow, in grain
depot, 41c: No. 2 mixed July, 42X425c: Au
gust, 42Ji4V4c; September. 43k13?c; Octo
ber, 4S)44Wc Oats Car lots quiet but
trices steady; No. 2 mixed, 30c; No. 3 white,
31Xc;do choice, 32S32Xc: No. 2 white, 33Xc:
do choice, 35c: futures quiet but firm; No. 2
white, Julv. 33?3Xc; August 3232Kc; Sep
tember, S232Xc; October. 3232X- Provisions
in fair Jobbing demand and steady. Bntter
quiet and steady; Pennsylvania creamery, ex
tra, 16X017c: do prints, 2025c. Eggs duU
and weak; Pennsylvania firsts, 15XS16C
St. LOOTS. Flour Iquiet and dull but un
changed. Wheat Options lower, bnt tbe re
ceipts were so small that offerings were light
and quickly absorbed by eager buyers; subse
quently there was an advance, but a very nerv
ous and unsettled market, owing to a higher
Chicago market, and prices fluctuated rapidly;
the close was Sc above yesterday for July
and August 1 1-lBc off: September lie and De
cember JgO loweriN o. 2 red. cash, 82c for old and
December, 78KQ79K. closed at 79c asked.
Corn higher: there was very little for sale and
with higher markets elsewhere prices im-
? roved, July gaining most: No. 2 mixed, 3lCjc;
ulv, 31c closing at 31MC bid; August, 32
32c, closing at 32Kc bid: September, 8333,c,
closing at S3Kc bid. Oats dull and nominal;
No. 2 cash, 22Xc bid; July, 22Xc; August, 20JJc
bid; September, 21c. IRye No. 2, 40c. Flaxseed
Spot salable at SI 15.
Cincinnati Flour easy. Wheat easier:
No. 2 red, 89c: receipts none; shipments 1,600
bushels. Corn quiet: No. 2 mixed, 38Xc Oats
steady No. 2 mixed. 25Xc Rye easy: No. 2, 45X
46c. Fork easier at SI 21 X- Lard weaker at
S622X- Bulkmeats and bacon steady. Bntter
quiet. Sugar firm. Eggs heavy. Cheese steady.
MnWAUKEE Flour in gooddemand. Wheat
steady: September, 77Xc Corn firm; No. 8,
35Xc Oats quiet; No. 2 white. 28c. Rye dull;
No. L4348Xc Barley quiet: No. 2, 48c Pro
visions easier. Pork, Sll 70. Lard, S8 45.
Cheese steady; Cheddars, &S-
Toledo Cloverseed dull; cash, i SO: Octo
ber 60. '
Wool Markets.
Philadelphia The market Is quiet, and
prices firm and unchanged.
St. Louis Wool quiet, steady and un
changed. Receipts are moderate.
New York Wool Arm and fairly active;
domestic fleece, 3239c; pulled, 2340c; Texas,
Boston There continues to be a good de
mand for all classes of wool. Receipts of
domestic wool have been quite large, but prices
were fully sustained. Soring Texas wool has
been selling at 2026c for fine, fine medium and
medium. Territory wools are firm, and are
selling on a scoured basis of 60c for fine me
dium, and 6263c for fine. California wool is
in steady demand atl624c. Ohio and Penn
sylvania fleeces are quiet, and are quoted at 34
g35cforXX;33cfor X, and 38Q39c for No L
Michigan X fleeces are held at 3132c In un
washed combing wool there have been some
sales made at 3032c for one-quarter and three
eighths blood; washed combing and delaine
fleeces have been quiet but Arm; in pulled
wool there has been a steady trade, principally
at zoduc lor extras, anu out33C ior supers.
Australian wools are strong and in demand.
Carpet wools are steady, but quiet.
, Metal Market.
New York Pig iron Arm and active; Ameri
can. S14 50918- Copper unchanged; lake. July,
Sll 75.Lead quiet and easier: domestic, S40. Tin
weak and unsettled: straits, S19 65.
When taby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she ci led for Castoria,
When she became Miss,she clung to Castoria,
When she had Chlldren.she gave them Castoria
v .
Nearly all Kinds of Business to be
Suspended on tbe Fo'urth.
It Has Seen Handled Judiciously and is a
Sellable Investment.
To-morrow the glorious Fourth of July
will be a legal holiday throughout Uncle
Sam's wide domains, and the Exchange,
banks and most of the business houses in
Pittsburg will be closed. Persons having
commercial paper maturing to-morrow
should pay it or make satisfactory arrange
ments to-day to avoid protest.
A gentleman said to me yesterday: "I have
a few thousand dollars for which I have no im
mediate use and I believe I will invest it in
real estate. If 1 bad had the same mind ten
years ago I would be wealthy to-day.1 There
are plenty of good chances yet to make money,
but more capital is required. I do not think
values have reached high-water mark, nor do I
look for a sudden advance. It looks to me as
if the upward movement will be slow and sure,
and this gives me confidence. If I thought
there would be a boom I would stay out. A
boom Is always followed by a collapse. So far
as I can see real estate here has been bandied
carefully and judiciously and has every appear
ance of being In a healthy condition."
Yesterday afternoon he drove out to Roup
station to look at some vacant lots in that
So far this week business in mortgages has
been brisk. Tbe number recorded on Monday
was 36, representing about $40,000. The largest
was for $4,000. Between SO and 40 were filed for
record yesterday. Tbe safety of real estate as
an investment is generally recognized by local
capitalists, and no doubt large amounts of
money released by the payment of July divi
dends and interest will be placed in this se
curity. Marion station, on the Baltimore and Ohio
Rallroadjjtbout seven miles from the city, has
experienced quite a boom within the past few
months. Located midway between Pittsburg
andBraddock. and at a convenient distance
f rotn McKeesport,lt affords unusual advantages
to tbe working people of these large centers to
acquire homes in the country at a low price.
Tbe sale of 22 lots there on Saturday indicates
a large movement in that direction, and should
admonish intending purchasers to delay as
little as possible.
If all the signs should be fulfilled, by the time
Pittsburg is ready to annex everything as far
up as Braddock, Marion will be one of the
largest ana handsomest towns on the line ot the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
There was a good inquiry for real estate yes
erday, and at least two big deals were com
menced, one of which may be consummated to
day. The inquiry was mainly for business
property and low priced lots. A Fourth ave
nue firm received $3,500 as commissions on re
cent sales at Oakland and Squirrel HilL
An oil broker remarked to me yesterday
evening: "I have been informed wlthm tbe
past few days that tbe Standard bas finally bit
upon a process for refining the Ohio product
which will remove all the objections hitherto
urged against it. This Is borne out by tbe fact
that tbe company is building large refineries at
several points, and is still buying up or leasing
more territory. They mould hardly do this if
they had not discovered a way for refining the
stuff and making it profitable as an illumlnant.
If it were fit for nothing bnt fuel they would
not go to so much unnecessary trouble and ex
pense. The fact is Lima oil refined from the
new process is hard to distinguish from the
Pennsylvania article, and I believe it will soon
be certificated and handled by the exchanges."
Another broker who was present added: "I
hope so. The present working stock is too
small to justify trading in future, options.
With the addition of the Buckeye contingent
we conld go ahead without fear of a squeeze at
settlement time. The demand is so great and
is Increasing so fast that it would make no dif
ference in price."
Work on the Second avenue electric road is
being pushed as rapidly as practicable, it is
expected that it will be completed and in run
ning order by November. The eastern ter
minus is Glenwood the line being nearly five
miles long. The certainty of rapid transit
about the time Indicated has started an active
inquiry for property all along the route, but
more particularly in the vicinity of Hazel wood,
where a large number of bnlldlng sites hive
been sold within the past two weeks at a band
some advance over former prices.
Rapid transit is doing great things for Pitts
burg, by making it possible for the working
people to acquire homes at a reasonable price
in districts hitherto inacessibleto them.
Pipe to convey water from Wilklnsbnrg to
North Braddock has been laid as far as Haw
kins station. Owing to unexpected delays
water will not be turned-on until the last of
this month or beginning of August,
Strong and Weak Spota of the Local Stock
Electric was the feature of the stock market
yesterday, opening with a sale at 51. It was held
a point better in the afternoon. Tbe stock was
helped alongby several influences, among them
tbe closing of the transfer books, the discovery
that the capital stock of the proposed new com
pany will be only S5.COO.000, or no larcer than
that of the old company, and th growing belief
that the forthcoming judicial opinion will be in
its favor.
Philadelphia Oas was fractionally weaker.
This was attributed mainly to the uncertainty
as to the size of tbe dividend. Wheeling and
People's Pipeago were slightly stronger. The
Tractions were weaker and neglected. There
was a better feeling in La Noriaon rumors that
the earnings are better than expected. A state
ment of tbe condition of tbe mine is looked for
in a short time. In the general list hot weather
is affecting prices as well as brokers. Bids,
offers and sales follow:
vomrcro. ArriBxooir.
Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked.
Pitts, ret. S. AM. Ex 500
Mer. & Mfrs. Nat. K'k .... B3
German Nat.Bk. AH'y. IM
Allexbenr Ins. Co 55 .,.. ....
Citizens' Ins 33 37H
German American Ins. &0j 6S .... ....
Pennavlvanla Ins 29 ....
Allegheny Gas Co 3X
Uhartlers Val. Gas Co. 43 491
Mat. Gas Co. of W. Va. 67 70
Ohio Valley Gas. 3J .... S3
leopie'in.u. sr.uu, j,m ..,.
PennsvlvanlaGas Co.. I4 ....
Philadelphia Co
Tuna Oil tx
Wheeling Gas Oo 29X ....
Central Traction S1H 11U
Citizens' Traction CSV
Plttnouri: Traction 62
Pleasant Valley 500
Pitts.. Alle. ft Man... 535
LaMorla kllnlccr Co... IK IK IK
Westlnrhoase Electric tl 61 si
U. Switch & Sbrnal Co. ZZj zztf
'Wcstlnghonn H.Co.L, flo
At the first call 125 shares of Wheeling Gas
sold at 30c, 100 Philadelphia at 37, and 70 Elec
tric at 6L There were no transactions at the
afternoon session. Outside the Exchange
Henry M. Long bongbt ISO shares Westing
house Electric at 605L He told this stock
last Friday on a too order at 47K- He sold 10
shares Philadelphia Company at 38, 19 shares
Union Switch and Slenal at 23, and 100 shares
Cleveland Oas Coal at 35.
Tbe total sales of stock at New York yester
day were 190,466 shares, including Atchison,
65,355: Delaware. Lackawanna and Western,
6,120; Missouri Pacific, 6,020; Reading, 13,470 St.
Paul, 21,010; Union Pacific, 8,400.
Business at the Banks Holds Vp Wall for
-Hot Weather.
Business at the banks yesterday was reported
to be a good avetagebut there were no new
features. The Clearing House report Indicated
agoodseasonabla movement In trade circles,
tbe exchanges being 12,507,884 41 and tbe
balances $328,087,42. ,A. number, of Eastern
checks ruled.-ofetronJUonday helped to swell
the deaf ings."
Money on ellfat New York yesterday was
easy at a4K per cent; last loans closed offered
at 2. Prime mercantile paper, .fi.Bterling
exchange more active and -weak, with actual
KiyrsBimG, dispatch
business at 4 89 ior 60-day bills, and H 58 ior
Closing Bond QaqtiUloos.
U.B. 4s,reg IS
U. S. 4s. coup. ...... .128
U. 8. 4XS, rear 1:
IKS. &s. conn 103:
U.K.1T. Gen. 6s .67
Mutual Union Ss.,,.102
N. j.c.Int. Cert.,.112Ji
Northern rac ists..ii7
Northern Pae.2di..ll5
Paclneesofss 11
Lonlalanastamned U.8S 1 Northw't'n consols. IU
Missouri 6s.: lOOH
..ii"T-. ;nwi, . ..-.... .i.
niiruiw'n acucu ..jii
Orearon ft Trans, es.105
lenn. new set. es....iu
lenn. new set. SS....102),
St. Uftl.M.Gen.SaM
St. l-ftb.K. Gen.Jt.118
"lenn. new set. as..., a
Canada Bo. Hi 885
Cen. Pacllle,lsU.....lH!
Pen. ft K. ., 1SU...119!
Den. ft R. U. 4s TV)
U.ftU.G.West.Iita. 102
Hi. Pant consols ....127
Tx Pe.U G.Tr Ks. 89$
Tx..Pc.K.G.Tr.Kcts 37
union rac. ists...ua
West Shore A
Erie, Ida 103W
U.K.. ft T. Gen. 6s.. 60S
Government and State bonds are steady and
Nkw York Clearings, 190,167,166; balances,
Boston Clearings. S31.321.817; balances, S4,
077,433. Money, 1. and 4 per cent.
Baiitmobe Clearings, S3,402,340; balances,
Philadelphia Clearings, $22,162,830; bal
ances, $2,653,295.
London The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank ot England on balance to-day is
Paris Three per cent rentes 84f I6o for
tbe account.
Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear
ings, $12,027,000. '
St. Louis Clearings, S4,36S,5S9; balances,
The Kew Deal Fails to Poll Oil Oct of the
The oil market yesterday was dull and unin
teresting! The new system bas so far failed to
make an improvement,but its friends are hope
ful of good resnlts when it cbmes to be better
understood. Up to this time it has entirely
failed to attract tbe ontside interest, which
was the principal reason urged for its adop
tion. Regular August oil opened at 92c, and in a
short time slumped off a few fractions. Later
in the day the market rallied and sold up to
SSKc the highest point of the day. Then wirt
a fluctuation, it softened and closed at 92Jc.
There was no difference between cash and Au-
ust. Trading was about the same as the day
ef ore and entirely professional, x
Features of tbe Market,
Corrected dally by John M. Oatuey fc Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 24Lowest SI)
Highest KftrClosed .t 82H
Average runs 62,688
Average shipments ,2,463
Average charters 42,7111
Keflned, Mew York, 7.20c.
Kenne1, Iiondon, 6 Jl-16d.
Benned, Antwerp, nt.
KeUneu. Liverpool, S6-1M.
Carrvlns. Bradford, 25c: Pittsburg, 35c
AiH.McQrew& Co. quote: Puts, Vic; calls,
Oil markets.
TnxsvrLLE, July 2. National transit cer
tificates opened, 92c; highest, 92o; lowest.
81Kc; closed, Ky,c
Baltimore Provisions quiet and steadv:
Butter dull; creamery, 1617c Eggs firm at 15
loKc Coffee quiet.
Brasi-obd, July 2. National transit cer
tificates opened, v2Hc; closed, 92c: highest,
92c; lowest, 92c Clearances, 752,000 barrels.
Oil City, July 2. National transit cer
tificates opened, 92c; highest, 9?c; lowest,
91Kc; closed, P2HC Sales, 138.000 barrels;
clearances, 450,000 barrels; charters, 31.269 bar
rels; shipments, 88,400 barrels; runs, 79,025 bar-'
New York. July 2. Stock Exchange Open
ing, 92c; highest, 93c; lowest, 92c; i closing at
92c Consolidated Exchange August options
opened at 92c; highest, 923c; lowest, 92Kc;
closing at 92c July opened at 92Uc; highest,
92Kc; lowest, 91&c; closing at 9c Sales,
630,000 barrels.
Lands and Houses Continue to Chance
Hands Some BlaiDeals.
L M. Pennock & Sen sold and settled a mort
gage for $2,500 on property In McKeesport, and
one for $20,000 on property on the Southside,
city, both at 6 per cent and no tax.
Alles t Bailey, 64 Fourth avenue, sold for
Hugh Adams to M. J. Ehrenfeld, a nice build
ing lot, 21x120 feet sn Forbes avenue, opposite
the People's Natural Gas Company office? be
tween Gist and Jumonvllle streets, for $2,030
Black & Balrd, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for
the People's Savings Bank three vacant lots,
being Nos. 185, 186 and 187 in tbeir plan in tbe
Twenty-seventh ward, having a total frontage
of (0 feet on Qlencoe street and rnnning back
140 feet to Virgil street, for $675. Tbe pur
chaser is James Oarnty.
Reed B. Coyle A Co., 131 Fourth avenue, sold
to William Laldley lots Nos. 69. 60 and 61 in the
Marion Place plan, for $900. Mr. Laldley in
tends building three nice houses.
W. A. HerrAn & Sons sold a $20,000 vacant
lot, situated at tbe corner of Lincoln and Alle
gheny avenue, Allegheny City. Tbe purchaser
is a leading attorney, and he intends building a
fine residence thereon this season. Tbey also
sold about one acre of ground at Edgewood
station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, for
$1,800 cash.
Kelly & Rogers, No. 6315 Station street. East
End. sold for A. L. Watkins to Prof Llnde
man a honse and lot on Sheridan avenue, Nine
teenth ward, for S3.800.
Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth avenue,
sold tbe property. No. 49 Third avenue, a lot 25
feet Si inches by 85 feet, with a brick dwelling
thereon, for $7,900 cash. They also placed a
mortgage for $5,200 for three years, at 6 per
cent, on property at Homestead.
Charles E. Cornelius sold from his plan at
Mornlngslde, Eighteenth ward, yesterday, lots
as follows: Margaret Wilson, two lots. 20x150,
$800; W. L. Carney, six Iota, 20x100, $1,200.
Ewing & Byers, 107 Federal street, Alle
gheny, sold at auction for John Degleman. ad
ministrator of the Creighton heirs, being an
Orphans' Court sale, to Mayor R. T. Pearson,
279 Federal street, Allegheny, a brick house,
eight rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, etc Also,
frame house of four rooms on rear, with lot
20x100, running through to Creighton alley, for
57,000 cash.
In the General Slock Liar, Which Chips Off
Some of tbe Late Galm The Trusts
Still Active, bnt Railroads
Coming- to the Front.
New York, July Z The day In the stock
market was one ot reaction, which lasted
throughout the entire time, and tbe result of
the day's trading is to leave everything traded
in, with but few exceptions, materially lower
than last evening. Tbe trusts were still active,
but railroad stocks once more came to the
front, and the proportions between the sales of
the listed stocks were restored to tbe normal.
Atchison was the great weight upon tbe mar
ket, and to the rumors and stories of trouble in
the finances ot that company was due, more
than anything else, the weakness displayed in
all portions of the list to-day. It is true that
all the July obligations of tbe company have
been met, but tbe story from Philadelphia that
tbe remaining $3,000,000 of its second mortgage
notes had been issued set going all tbe stories
of the financial embarrassment of tbe com
pany, with the old talk of a receiver, and
although the story of the notes was denied
from Boston It did not stop the decline in tbe
stock nor remove the impression that the com
pany bad been compelled to borrow money to
meet its pressing needs. "
The result was a break of nearly 4 per cent.
To this was added the influence of tbe positive
refusal of the Burlington and Northern to
withdraw the low commodity tariff and other
expected complications in the West which set
on foot a selling movement in the Grangers,
and St. Paul, Burlington and Rock Island fol
lowed with material declines. Missouri Pacific
was sold in sympathy with Atchison, and New
England not meeting with Its recent good sup
port was included in the hksty realizations. The
Coals were more quiet than any of the other
large groups of stocks,bqt Lackawanna showed
considerable weakness, and especially in the
afternoon. The trusts were active, though
only in National Lead was tbe recent large
volume of business in those shares approxi
mated, and the realizations on tbe recent 6 per
cent rise in sugar caused a sharp break of S per
cent in the stock in the first few minutes, which
was to alarge extent the result of the uncover
ing ol stop orders.
This was followed by a partial recovery, but
tbe stock continued weak, and toward the close
tbe weak tone spread to tbe others, and both
Lead and D stillers broke materially. There
was throughout a marked indisposition to em
bark in any new ventures over tbe holiday, and
the room being bearish, advantage was taken
of tbe selling Atchison and the realizations in
tbe trusts to hammer tbe entire list. The mar
ket, which had ruled dnll except for the lead
ing stocks, became quite active In tbe last hour,
and the close was it eak at the lowest prices of
the dav.Almost tbe entire active list is material
ly lower to-night, and Atchison shows a loss of
SK; Missouri Pacific 2; New England, 1;
Burlington, 4K: St. Panl and Rock Island, each
1ML and Delaware, 1 percent
Kallroad bonds felt tbe influence of the
weakness in i;cks to-day. Although there was
somewhat more business than usual of late it
was regular quotations, and the general tone
of the market was heavy throughout the day.
The number of Issues traded inwas also much
Wednesday; july 3;
lircer than during the past week. Atlantic
aid Pacific 4s lost 8 at 77. Norfolk and
Western New river 6s rose 2 to 117.
The followtng table shows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
atock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue;
63 H
70 jj
loir. Am. Cotton On UK
Atcn.. Top. ft s.r.... 43M
Canadian Paclflc tH
Canada Son thern. S3)
Central or New jersey. ....
esL tAH
est. 6") J,
Chesaneake ft Ohio ,
O., Bur. ft Quli.v...
C, Mil. ft St. Paul.
C, MU.ftSt. P.. pr..
V., KocaLftP ,
C. St. I. Pitts
U, St. L. ft Pitts, pf.. SSVs
C St. P..M.41) M
C.. St. P..M. ft O., pr. ....
C. ft Northwestern. ...108K
C.4 Northwestern, pr. ....
u.,0. c&i
Col. Coal ft iron SOX
Col. ft Hocking Val .. 15
Uel.. L. AW USX
Uel. ft Hudson
Denver ft Bio U or... ex
K.T., Va.ftGa ....
E. T Va. ft Oa. 1st pf. 73J
E.T.. Va.ftGa.2dpf. 24
Illinois Central
Lake Erin ft Western
Lake Erie ft West. pr.
Lake Shore ft M. S 104'
LoulsvlUeft Nashville. 69H
Michigan Central
Mobile Ohio ll'i
Mo., Jt. ftTexas
Missouri Pacific ., 7214
H. ,. L. K.& W 27,
N.r Li E.4W., pref 67
N. xftN. E 825,
N. y.. o. W 17),
Norfolk Western
Norfolk Western, pf
Northern Paclflc 27
Nortnern pacific oref. so,
Ohio ft Mississippi 22H
Oregon Improvement. ...
Oreion Transcon ZIH
Pacific Mall 33)
Peo. Dec. A Evans.. .. ....
Phlladel. ft Heading.. 4SX
Pullman palace Car. ..1H
Richmond ft W. P. T.. 23
Klchmond ft W.P.T.cf 82 K
St. P., Minn. A Man.. .101
St.Ii. ft San rran 27
St. L. ft San Fran pr.
Texas Paclflc H
Union Paclflc W
Wabash preferred PM
Western ilnlon SSS
Wheeling ft L. .... 69)4
Sufar Trust 12314
National Lead Trust.. UH
Chicago Gas Trust 60
106X luSX
73 U
147 H
14), 14
20 j
SIX six
27'J 27V
47X 47V
1SS 185
23 23W
82& 82H
1004 S3
26), 26
.... 56),
20 20
Wf SO'i
.... 15),
29 23H
S53, S53,
Vi 87U
.... 120)2
.9 &9,S
Mrs. Caroline Davis Tells the Court All
She Knows About Her Ilnsband'a Dentb
Other News of the Courts.
The only noteworthy feature in the Davis
murder trial yesterday afternoon was the testi
mony of Mrs. Caroline Davis in her own behalf.
Bhe said that on the night ot January 8 the
sister of the witness came to visit her. Tbey
went upstairs about 8.30 o'clock to Mrs. Davis'
bedroom. Her sister left in time to catch tbe
11:30 car on the Fenn avenue line. Witness did
not go down stairs. Soon after her sister left
witness got into bed. Meely White came to
bed, and witness, fell asleep. She was awakened
by bearing a shot fired. She sprang out of bed,
and that was all she remembered until she
found herself in tbe police station.
She was subjected to a most rigid cross ex
amination by District Attorney Porter, bnt
stuck to the main portion of her story. She
had been married to Albert J. Davis in 1SS0 by
Squire Sloan, in Petersburg, Pa. She did not
remember having any conversation with Officer
Snyder. She bad lived at No. SO Frankstown
avenue since October. Davis was down stairs
when witness went to bed. Witness did not
bear him come up stairs. After being awak
ened by the shot she did not see Davis. Did
not remember speaking to anyone. Did not
realize anything until she was placed In the
police station. Sbe had not been drinking dur
ing tbe day or evening. She bad been working
at tbe sewing machine in the evening. Did not
see the revolver that night nor after the shoot
ing. Captain Mercer told her to tell him all
about the affair, and be would do all be could
for her. Sbe told him that she did not know
anything abput it. Did not tell him that her
defense wonld be self-defense. To get
rid of him she told him to come
back again and she would tell him all. She
did not intend to tell him anything, because
sbe knew nothing nothing to tell. Sbe did not
declino to make a statement before the Coro
ner. Thomas M. Marshall, Sr made a short
address to tbe jury. He laid down the rules of
circumstantial evidence, and said that it was
just as reasonable to presnme that the little
girl. Meely Wblte, had done tbe shootlnc, as
Mrs. Davis. The prosecution, he said, had not
attempted to prove that Davis had not taken
his own life. He quoted tbe law on tbe case,
and claimed that there was nothing in it by
which the Jury might be permitted to convict
Mrs. Davis.
Thomas M. Marshall, Jr.. followed in a
lengthy address in which he maintained that it
was a case of suicide, and that tbe
testimony of tbe witnesses had proved
that it wonld have been impossible for his
client to have committed a murder. He asked
tbe Jury to bring in a verdict of acquittal.
When Mr. Marshall ended, Judge Collier ad
journed court until this morning.
While Mr. Marshall was addressing the jury
be said something which struck a colored man
named Charles Thompson as being very funny.
Thompson lauzhed aloud, and was promptly
taken in hand by the tipstaves. After conrt
adjourned be was given a severe reprimand by
Judge Collier, and dismissed.
Furnishes the Grounds for a motion for u.
New Trial.
John Rourke. Esq., commissioner ap
pointed to take testimony on the motion
for a new trial in the cases of several
members of the McGIll and Diyls families,
convicted of larceny, held a hearing in the case
yesterday. The' McOills and Davis were
charged by tbe officers of the Pittsburg and
Western Railroad with having broken into a
car and stolen about $700 worth of goods. Some
of the goods were afterward f onnd secreted in
the bouse of the defendants. They Were tried
and convicted of larceny.
A motion for a new trial was made, the
grounds given being that" Mr. Negley, a tip
stave in the Criminal Conrt, remarked in tbe
hearing of tbe jury in tbe case. Just before they
retired, that the defendants were a bad lot, and
that they were associated in the robbery with
Jack Welsh, who has since been sent 25 years
to the penitentiary for robbery. These re
marks, it is claimed, influenced the jury in its
Constable Hefner and Sheriff McCnndless
Get Into Trouble.
David Adams yesterday entered su against
Oeorge W. Jones and A, A. Helner for 510,000
damages. Adams claims that they broke into
his house in Allegheny, pnt his goods out on
tbe sidewalk and ejected him without any legal
Karl Kline yesterday entered suit against
Sheriff McCandless and Joseph Hufnagle for
81,000 damages tor the alleged illegal levy and
sale of two horses, a wagon and some harness.
Trying; to Settle Ir.
A stated case bas been filed between Louisa
M. Dllwortb, widow of tbe late Joseph Dil
worth, and Mrs. Esther Gusky. Mr. Dllwortb,
among other things, bequeathed to Mrs. DiT
worth tbe fatally residence on Fifth avenue.
Twenty-second ward, in lieu of a dower. Sbe
elected to take it under tbe will. A short time
ago arrangements were made to sell tbe prop
erty to Mrs. Gusky for $55,925. Mrs. Dilwnrth
tendered her individual deed of the property
to Mrs. Gnsky, but the latter refused to accept
it. She stated that the title in fee simple to
the property was nut vested in Mrs. Dilworth
alone, but the other heirs as well. To settle
the matter a stated case was prepared and sub
mitted to the court for a decision as to the
title under the will.
Leeal Tender. '
The will of Eliza Jane Dorr, of O'Hara
township, was yesterday filed. She leaves ber
Property to ber husband. Nelson Dorr, as long
as be lives and remains ber widower.
.The will of Mary Kelly was filed yesterday
for probate. One-half ot her property Is let
to St. Marv's Roman Catholic Church of the
Seventeenth ward, and tbe other half to St.
Frances Hospital. J. JJ. Scully is appointed
AcmiLES Ditmont yesterday. Jn behalf of
his 10-year-old daughter,Elizabeth,entered suit
for damages against the city of Pittsburg. Tbe
child stepped on the broken cover of a coal
h le on Robinson street. Her foot went
through, dislocating ber limb and badly brnis
incj er. It is claimed that the city was negli-
Sent in not keeping the highway in a safe con
ltion. To-dats trial list is as follows In the Crimi
nal Court: Commonwealth vs Frank A. Aid
rich. W. Brooks, William Bailey, Patrick Con
way, Reglna Trautvetter, Fred Werron, John
Bain, William Mailia. S. P. Stern. Maggie Mc
Donald, John D. Workman. James L. Orr, Eve
line Hall et al, Jacob Keefer, Margaret Bark,,
Patrick Cleary, George Daub, J. Timothy, F.
J. McCracken, John Stringer, Henry Langlitz,
John Scott, Andrew Gillespie et al, Peter Fred
erick, Elsie 3. Robinson (2), Bridget Shaug-
may. - -- - 'Lassb
New Potatoes Drifting Lower Trop
ical Fruits Active. j
Corn and Oats Scarce and FirmFlour
Baa an Upward Look.
TUESDAT, July 2, 1SS0. i
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
New potatoes are in excessive snpply and
show a downward drift. Melons and tropical
fruits are moving freely. Bananas are par
ticularly active and firm. A leading dealer re
ports price of bananas 60o to 75c perbuuch
higher than at any time this season. Raspber
ries and blackberries are in good, supply and.
demand. The TJtica cheese markets are. tbe
same as last week. Trade here Is fairly active.
There is tbe same complaint this year as'last'
of too much stuff. Markets are overloaded
with everything in the line oj,yegetables ana
fruits. "
BcTTERl-Creamery, Eljrln, 1920ct Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, I28i3c; country
rolls. 1012c ' "ri
Beaks-51 7501 90. ,
Beeswax 2b30c ? Si for choice; lowgrade,
Cidke Sand refined, $8 507 SO; common,
$3 S04 00; crab elder. S8 0OQ8 50 $1 barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012d p gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, 8c; New-York. 10
lOKc; Limburger, 89c: domestic Bweitzer
cheese, 912)ic.
Cautokxia FETrrrs California peaches,
$4 001 50 p box; cherries, 00; apricots, U 00
64 50: plums, U 004. 50.
Eao3 1516Ko ijfl dozen for strictly fresh;
goose eggs, 80c $ dozen.
Fntrrxs Pineapples, Jl OOQl 25 ?? dozen; red
raspberries, $4 00o 00 a bushel; black raspber
ries, 3 003 50 a bushel; wild goose plums,
(2 50 a crate: currants, $5 a 2-bushel stand;
watermelons, $20023 per hundred.
Feathers Extra livegeeso, 50260c; No.1,
do. 4015c; mixed lots, 30035c V &.
New Potatoes $2 0o2 25 a barrel.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c $ tt; drawn, U
15c V .
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bnshel. $5 60
fl bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts. $6 00;
clover, Allske, S3 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 lbs. Si 65; bine grass, extra
clean, 11 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, $1 00;
orchard grass, 14 fts. tI65;red top, 14 fts. fl 25;
millet, 60 fts, 51 00: German millet, 50 fts,
tl 60; Hungarian grass. 60 fts, tl 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, (2 50 per bushel
of 14 fts.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, 5
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy, S4 50
5 60 V box: Messina oranges, to O05 60 ? box;
rodi, 5 5066 00: California oranges, SI 504 75 B
box; bananas, S3 00. firsts; tl W, eood seconds,
fl bunch; cocoanuts, S4 0004 60 W hundred;
new figs, 8a9c jft pound; dates, 666c V
Vegetables Tomatoes, Mississippi, four
basket cases.51 7502 00: beans, round wax fancy,
S2 50 a crate; beans, round wax medinm, 12 00
a crate: beans, round green, 2 252 50: new
beets, 2025c dozen; cucumbers, 25030c $1
dozen, SI 75Q2 00 a crate: radishes, large
white and-gray, 30035c V dozen; cabbaza,
two-barrel crates, Louisville and St. Louls.Sl 50
2 00; Eastern, single-barrel crates, tl 0OQ1 25;
new celery, 50060c a dozen.
Geeeu Coffee Fancy Rio, 21022c; cboico
Rio, 1820c; prime Rio, 18c; fair Rio, 170lSc;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 27028c; Santos, 1922c; Caracas
coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
guavra, 2lB'22c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,21Kc;
high grades, 23tl25c; 0id Government Java,
bulk. 3030c; Maracaibo, 25026c; Santos,
19K21Kct peaberry-24c; peaberry.cholce Rio,
23c; prune Rio, 20K; good Rio, 20c; ordinary,
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c;allsplce, 9c;
cassia, 80Uc; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 70080c
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio. 120. &Xc; headlight, 15ff, 8c: water
white, 10c: globe, 12c; elalne, 16c; carnadine,
lljc; royaline, 14c. ,
Syrups Corn syrups, 26029c; choice sugar
syrup, 33038c; prime sugar Syrup, 30033c;
strictly prime. 3335c; new maple syrup, 9oc
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 4Sc; choice, 46c; me
dium, 43c: mixed, 40042c.
Soda Bl-carb in kegs, &4c; bi-carb in s,
6c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; sal
soda in kegs, le do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full Weight, 9c; stearlne.per
set, SKc; paraffine, 11012c
Rice Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 6V
7c; prime. 5K66ic: Louisiana, &e6Kc
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 67c; gloss
starch, SHmc
Foreign Fntrrrs-Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, 13 10; California London layers,S2 50;
Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels, SI 85;
Valencia, new, 607c; Ondara Valencia, 7KO&C;
sultana, 8Kci currants, new, 4g5c; Turkey
E runes, new, 45c; French prunes, 813c;
alonlca prunes.iu 2-ft packages. 8c; cocoanuts,
fer 100, SO 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do
vlca, 19c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap., 12K
15c: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 1216c:
new dates, 5Kffi6c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans,
11015c: citron, per ft, 21022c; lemon peel, per ft,
13014c: orange peel, 12Kc -
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c:
apples, evaporated. 6WfSKc; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 15018c: peaches, evaporated,
pared, 22023c; peaches, California, evaporated,
unpaired, 1012Kc; cherries, pitted, 21022c;
cherries, nnpttted, 66c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7Sc: huckle
berries. 10012c.
feuoARS Cubes, 10Kt310Kc; powdered, 10K
standard A, 9Kc: soft whites, 909c: yellow,
choice. 869c; yellow, good. 808c; yellow,
fair. 8Mc: yellow, dark, TJic.
Pickles Medium, bbis (1,200), S4 60; medi
ums, half ubls (600), 52 5.
Salt No. L W bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. B bbL SI 05;
dairy, ft bbl, Sl 20: coarse crystal, f) bbl, SI 20;
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, S3 SO; Higglns'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 300
1 90; 2da. SI 3001 35; extra peaches. SI 6001 90;
pie peaches, 90c: finest corn. 1101 50; Hf d. Co.
corn, 70090c: red cherries, 90cIl; Lima beans,
51 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75085c; mar
rowfat peas, tl 1001 15; soaked peas, 70075c;
pineapples, SI 4001 60: Bahama do, S2 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, SI 23; egg plums,
S2; California pears. S3 oO; do greengages, S2: do
egg plums, S2; extra white cherries, 82 90; red
cherries, 2 fts, 90c; raspberries, SI 4001 0;
strawberries SI 10; gooseberries, SI 3001 40;
tomatoes, 8292c: salmon, 1-ft, SI 7502 10;
blackberrier, 60c; succotasb, 2-ft cans, soaked,
99c; do green, 2 fts. SI 2501 60; corn beef, 2-ft
cans. SI 75: 14-ft cans, SIS 60; baked beans. SI 45
01 60; lobster, 1 ft, SI 7501 80; mackerel, '-ft
cans, broiled, SI 50: sardines, domestics, 'As,
S4 1504 50; sardines, domestic Ks, SS250$5O;
sardines, imported, Ks, Sll 60012 50: sardines,
imported,Ks,tl8; sardines,mustard, S4; sardines,
spiced, W 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 p
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
$36; No. 2 shore mackerel, 121. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c fl ft; do medinm, George's cod,
6c; do large, 7c: boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod In blocks, 607c Herring
Ronnd shore, S5 00 W bbl: split, 17 00: lake,
52 60 W 100-ft. half bbL White flsn. S7 00 10
ft, balf bbL Lake trout, S5 50? half bbL
Finnan haddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
ft. Pickerel, barrel, S2 00: X barrel. SI 10;
Potomao herring, S5 00 p barrel, S3 60 ft
Buckwheat Flour 22Jc ft.
OATMEAL-S0 3003 60 bbL
Miners' Oil No, 1 winter strained, 6S60o
fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 21 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and
Chicago, 1 car of rye, 2 of bay, 1 of wheat. 1 of
feed, 2 of flour. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie.
2 cars of hay, 2 of wheat, 1 of rye. 2 of malt, 1
of barley, lot flour and feed. ByTi ttsburg and
Western, 2 cars of oats, 1 of wheat. 1 of hay. By
Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 car of s.
corn. Sales on call, 1 car 2 w. oats, 32 Wc, 10
days, Pennsylvania Company lines; 1 car i y. e.
corn, 10 days, Pennsylvania Company lines.
Corn and oats are tending upward. Flour is
Arm enough to go higher before many days.
The following are prices of carload lots from
one dealer to another on 'Change, and are no
standard for retail buyers:
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 91092c:
No. 3 red, 86087c
Corn No. 2 yellow ear, 42013c; high mixed
ear, 39040c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 41012c;
high mixed, shelled, 89940c; mixed, shelled.
Oats No. 2 white, S232Kcu extra. No. 3.
S1031K: No. 3 white, 2230c; No. 2 mixed
oats, 2d28c
Rye No. l Pennsylvania and Ohio, 51052c:
No. 1 Western, 4849c a
FLOUR Jobbing prices Winter rjatenta.
S5 6005 75: princpatents, $5 7506 00-. winter,
straignt, w oo uu; clear winter, H SO4 75;
stralcht XXXX bakers', S4 C04 2a. Rye flour,
S3 6003 75.
MlLLFEED Middlings, fine .white. H5,0na
15 60. ft ton; brown middlings, IU 60012 60;
winter wheat bran; S12 2&12"60; chop feed.'
S15 00016 0a r.' . . .
Ha Y-Baled, timothy, choice, ..SISOOr No. 1
do,SU00$3&0t,No-2 do, 11110812 fid; loose,
from wagon, 114 00015 00; No Tlupland prairie.
SI0 60811 00; No. 2. 17 S0S 00; packingdo, So SO
06 50.
Straw Oats, V 60; wheat and rycritraw
Provisions. I
Sugar-cored hams, large. llc: sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c: sucar-cured hams, small,
12c: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar-
cured shoulders, vc; sugar-curea ooneiess
shoulders, fie:, sugar-cured California hams,
8)c;- sugar-cured dried beef flats. K sugar
cured dried beef sets, 10fc; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds, 12Kc; bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon
clear sides, BKcYbacon clear bellies. 8Kc; dry
J sit shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides. Tc.
less pork, heavy, 114 00; mess pork, family,
fli 60. v Lard Refined in tierces. 6jfc: half
barrels. 7c: 60-ft tubs. 7fe: 20-ft palls, TJc: 60-
1K tin mna RVfLlk tin nalln. 7Uc- 5-A tin nails.
iTo; 10-ft tin pails. 7Jc Smoked sausage,long.
OC; large, oc resn porit jinna, vu. uuiicicbs
bam, IOC. rigs ieet, nail oarrei, to ov; tjuancr
barrel, S2 00.
Dressed Meat.
Armour b Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 lbs,
5fc;650 to 650 fts, 6Jc; 650 to 750 fts.6Kc. Sheep.
8c M ft. Lambs, 9c fy ft. Hogs,t2c. Fresh
pork loins, 9c.
The Norwegian Ministry has resigned In a
The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday
Issued warrants In payment of $16,000,000, on
account of pensions, being tbe first payment
on this account for the new fiscal year.
The President has appointed the following
Postmasters: George H. Dunn, at Shelbyville,
Ind., vice Squire L, Mayor, removed; A. E.
Hartman, at Columbus, Ind., vice George E.
Sinney, removed.
President Harrison will extend his trip
from Woodstock, after the 4th. He will go
thence to Newport, wbere he will embark on
the Dispatch for his return to Washington:
He will probably reach Washington, Monday.
The papers are unanimous in speaking of
Mrs. Burnett's new play, Phyllis," which was
Produced at the Globe Theater at London, as
eeble aud unTIkely of success. It received a
respectful bearing, however, and the authoress
was called before the curtain.
Among the passengers on the steamer
Newport from Asplnwall, which arrived at
New York, are the band, nnmbering 13 men,
of tbe United States steamer Nipsic, four sea
men from the same vessel, and three seamen
from the United States steamer Vandalla,
survivors of tbe Samoan disaster. All are in
charge of Boatswain McLaughlin. .
Eau Claire, Wis., held its first election for
a Board of Education yesterday. It brought
out a heavy woman's vote, prominent society
ladies spending the whole day with their
.carriages taking women to tbe polR Ibe anti
Catholic question was made very prominent in
several wards, but the candidates alleged to
represent the Catholic side were elected.
The World's Snnday School Convention
opened its session In London, yesterday. There
are 900 foreign delegates present. Including
over 300 from the United- States. Lord Kin
nlard delivered an address of welcome and
Count Bernstorft, of Berlin, and Rev. Mr.
Cuyler, of Brooklyn, responded in behalf of tbe
delegates from the European and American
Governor Filer, of Illinois, has pardoned
Joe Mackin, the Chicago political fine-worker
now serving a term ot Imprisonment in tbe
penitentiary for crimes against popular
suffrage. Tbe Governor accompanied tbe
pardon with a review of the papers in the case,
in wbich he stated that tbe application bad
stronger support probably than had ever been
presented to a Governor in a like case before.
Persons passing along State street, Chi
cago, in front of the Palmer Honse yesterday
afternoon, were horrified at seeing a man clad
only in a sheet climb out of a window and,
walking along the projecting cornice, sud
denly, with a shriek, fall to a projection be
low. A ladder was procured and an attempt
was made to rescue him, when, with a scream,
he threw himself to the pavement below, frac
turing his skull and receiving other injuries
wbich will probably cause his death. He was
evidently insane, and proved to be G. W.
Howe, a prominent young civil engineer of
Leadville. CoL He was on bis way borne from
Washington, where he had been in attendance
on the delegate convention of the Patriotic
Sons of America.
Oo Not Delay taking Hood's Sarsaparilla if
you have that feeling of languor or exhaustion
which is often the warning symptom of ap
proaching sickness. This medicine expels all
impurities from the blood, cures scrofula and
all humors, creates an appetite, assists diges
tion, strengthens the nerves, and Imparts
health to every organ of the body.
Hood's Ssrsapsrilla Is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. HOOD & CO.,;Lowell, Mass.
On mortgages on Improved real estate in sums
of SXOOO and upward. AppW at
mh4-34-D No. 124 Fourth avenue.
Cor. Wood anjj,Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest price call
and see us.
I lUAJULIUil VW UU1IU 171111X11
Transact a General BanHng Business.
Accounts solicited. Issue Circular Letters
ot Credit, for use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits,
Available In all paits of the world. Also issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America.
FlockerfsLubricating Hemp Packing
Italna' asd Americ-n Hemp Packing,
Clothe Lines, Twines, Bell Cord, Fish Lines,
Chalk Lines, Night Lines. Sisal Bale and Hide
Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, etc.
. L', weakness, lost vlcor, etc., wurestored SjfBpiu
rrrri-r-X . . . . i,.v .! ti. In such a remarkable maunerafter aa-walKdlv
WORKS-East street Allegheny City, Pa. railed that be wUl send tbe mode or careifMfta'jj
OFFICE AND 8ALESROOM-W Water It, all fellow sufferers. Address L. S. MrNUHl.
ttsburs. Telephone No. 1370. myS-KWS East Raddam, Conn. aytt-M-MMWi sfi
y szff ABVERTtaBatKyrg. . iff."
... . ; .-I
Cbtiefs Creamery Co;
Warehouse and General Offloas,
Telephone 1423.
Pfuvhrrpinn t.rirmicrrinTit: TXTofrtflrn s '
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
Auranla. JuneS. SAK lEtrcrla. July 20, noon, lit
Gallia. July 3. 8 JO AM lAnranla. JalyZf. SIM rtt ,
tUmbrla. July a. II JO AM Qallla. July 11, 7 AX x7fr '
Servla, July 13, 5:30 AM)
tWlll not carry steeratre passensrers. ,
Cabin passage. GO, SS0 and f 100; Intermediate. fc
(35. bteernfte tickets to and from all partsof-rTT
i-urope at very low rates. v' 3
VEKiioN H. 15KOW N CO General Agents, ,W
4 Bowl In? Oreen, Hew York. -t,
J. J. MCCOKM1CK. Agent ' t
Fourth ave. and dmltbfield st, Plttshurg.
P OTQ T ind v
rw' uti. uw iii av i - '
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin
and Liverpool.
Cabin passage $35 to SKX according to location
of stateroom. Excursion S65 to S90.
fjlceraxe to and from Europe at Lowest Bates,
AUSTIN BALDWIM CO.. General Agents,
63 Broadway, New Yort. "
J.J, McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa.'
Atlantic Express Service; '
Steamship "CITY OK KOilE," from .New York,
WEDNESDAY. July 21. Auir. 21, Sept. 18, Oct. 17
baloon passage, tfio to S10O: secona-class, S33.
Steamers every Saturday from New Yortcto
pool, (SO and iu. Second-class. (30.
Bteerage passaare. eiiner service, tu.
Saloon excursion tickets at reduced rates.
Travelers circular letters of credit and draft
for any amount issued at lowest current rates.
For books of tours, tickets or information.
J. J. : MCCORMICK. Fourth and Smltbfleld: A. 1. i
sjuitKitsu.N. 4nsmunseiast., rituDurz; n.
ar.MfLE, Jr., US Federal st., AUesheny.
' Je27-JTW,
.adraul c
and GALWAT j
Passenger Accommodations Unexcelled.
Prenaid Intermediate. $30. Steeraze. S19-
Passenjrtrs by this route are saved tbe ex.
pense anu inconvenience attenuing tranaier to
Liverpool or irom new xoric
fittsoure. mpwHiwr
TTTlUiJNJii asijiriiiifloua, -j
Issne travelers' credits through Messrs. Drex el, Vj
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured, fSH
ap2S-l .. H
614-315 Hamilton Bnlldlng;
Pittsburg; Pa.
As old residents know and back files of Pitt-'
hnrt- naners Drove. Is tbe oldest established.;
and most prominentpbysiclan in the city, de-.
Mtln. anArlnl Attntfnn rn all chronic diseases.
Fromrespon-MnCCrilMTII PIIRFn
sible personsMVJ I LLUii I iluuiili;
MCDnilOand mental diseases, physical a
I C. II V U U O decay.nervou debUlty. lack o
energy, ambition and nope, impairea mera-jju
ory, disordered sight, self distrust,basbf nines. -Si
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruntioos, lm- JB
poverished blood, falling powers,organio weak- n
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un- J
fitting the person for bnslness,society and mar- 2
riage. permanently, safely and privately cured, jj
D I HO n AMnOIIM diseases In . all v
DLUUU rlliLf OIMII stage, eruptions.
hintrhes. falllner hair, bones pains, glandular
swelling, ulcerations of tongue, raouth,throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood. J
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.- Jj
IIDIMADV kidney and bladder aerange-eM
U n I IM rt fl I i ments. weak back, gravel. esv,sa
tarrhal discbarges. Inflammation and other
paint nl symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt reliel and real cures. f
Dr. Whittier's lile-iorg, extensive experi
ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment:
nn ttnmmnn-aAnsA nrincloles. ConsnltAtiom
free. Patients at a distance aa carefully treated.:
as if here, umce nours v a. x. to s r. a. oua
day. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIEB,
811 Penn avenufc Pittsburg, pa. ,;
t , Jell-flOJfrsnwkj
Full particulars In pamphlet
tent free. The genuine Gray's
Specific sold by drutrlsts only ta
yellow wrapper. Price, P pet
package, or six for fs, or by matt
on rpcelnt of nrlce. bv addrwa.
ng TBE OKAY MU101 IU, BUiralo, d. I
Sold InPlttsburr bya.S. HOLLAND, eornec
Smlthflf Id and Liberty sts. p-M.a
quiring scientific and coaSdaJ
tlal treatment! Dr. S. K. Lakevf
H.H.U. r.o. istna omen sum
most experienced peeraliatli
tne city, onsuiiauoa tree s
scictlv confidential.
tinnra U to 4 and 7 to 8 P. X.: Sundays. 2 to 4P.1
M.Cousult tbem personillv. orwrlte. D0CTfl
Laxb. 90 Penn ave Pittaburg, Pa. r
jei-so-iw& ,
'S OottOH. XwOO
iTinsod of Cotton Boot. Tsawr amir
Pennyroyal a recent oueovery By i
'old Dhyslclan. U tueeemfvttti ttsjsjll,
tnonuUir-Sare. Effectual. ice i, oy ,
sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist, for GejesJ.;-'
Cotton Root Compound and take, co iubalMelS-4
or inclose 2 stamp for sealed partjeulen. A4-
dress FOND LILY COMPANY, Net 3 fMusf J
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, MJeawjajfy- ?
"? fA
J.ss"VJS f
- I
mWtKKKKBKPKKFI9SKRlZ8l"'m 'a"'''ssssssssssssisssslisiB T' 3ssB3lss&stssssissssssssisssssssssssiBsssMsssssslssi