aTJ3 niff'j??si53ssiisi3Esii 3iFsgjaiiiiiM? jjsflBHFrTM lfaslifsSiaBrTwIlsiiiiiiiiiiiBBB t , RESORTS. 4 V . J IE! MADE IT HUE, Jf a.2)Iie Home Talent Again Down the Phillies and SWEEP THE DECKS CLEAN. 'Boston Gets Another Set-Back in Anson's Town. 1 JJDNLAP'S OPINlOxS OP GARFIELD. ilcKeesport Clnb in Line to Taclle the Scotts. i.'-CEKEEAL BASEBALL KEWS OF THE DAT 4 -If ever a baseball team was knocked into the soup and jnmped on the Phillies are -victims of that kind, metaphorically speak ing. During their stay here since last Fri day they hare been gradually disappearing In the liquid mentioned, and yesterday they were literally steeped and saturated in the are-cornered boiler. Three straight victories from the same clnb ' it a very pleaslne achievement, and four Is re- VUy dellghtf nl, but when It comes to five there Is really sufficient cause to shake bands with one's-selt. For the fifth time since Friday , Harry Wright and his team of ball players were completely knocked ont yesterday. Prob ably nobody was surprised except the veteran, Earry Wright- The crowd of about 1.200 peo- J -pie who were present seemed all to be very hippy and positively satisfied that defeat eould Wuot possibly be the lot of the home team. On every hand it was understood that nothing could prevent the home players from sweeping the Pbiladplpbla decks just as clean as a bath board. The veteran manager thonght that his men could not lose under any circumstances, j yit had lectured them well, and they were out lor the stuff yesterday. However, the home flayers VVTItE WAITING FOK THEM and administered another knock-out as soon as they struck an attitude. The game was exceedingly Interesting and texciting nntil the eighth inning. At that stage it became a source of wild yells and shouts be cause the borne players took a commanding lead and retained it to the end. The visitors imply fell to pieces, and their exhibition was pitiful to look upon. Up to the point named the contest had been a nip and tuck affair, when suddenly the visitors became marks, and the good battle was lost and won. One time things looked very blue for the home team, but the latter kept themselves together, and prevented anything like disastrousrun gettlnsc On the other hand, when the crucial point came the visitors tell by the wayside, and were ver badly beaten. Staley and Gleason were the pitchers, and, though they both did well. Staley'swork was much better than that of Gleason. Uanlon opened out quite merrily for the borne players. He banged a nice sirglo to left Held but be was forced at second by Sunday's little grounder. Sunday stole second on a muffed throw by Myers. Carroll thumped out a fine single to right and Sunday scored, Miller's grounder to Mjers enabled a double play to be made, and the side was retired. WENT OXE BETTER. In the fifth inning the visitors went one better than the home fellows, and there was tnuch weeping and wailing. The ship was CItcd up as lost, and everybody was hnnting a victim on whom to pour the wrath of disap pointment. Myers led off with a base on balls and Gleason reached first on a fumble by Kuehne. Wood flew out to Dunlap and Thompson made a good bit to left, bringing Myers borne. Mulvcy then banged out the ball to right and Gleason scored. In the next toning Farrar reached first on a fumble by Dunlap. Hallman made a good bit andTarrar rot borne. Hallman was put out on thefnfield bit of Mvers. - - - The Phillies were now two In the lead, and when the eighth inning arrived the tables were t?On rUTne"d. Fields led off with a corking ilngle to left, but died at seeond on Staley! ihort bit. fianlon reached third on a muffed ly by Mulvoy and Sunday made a bit bringing Staley home. Sunday soon scampered across lie plate after Carroll bad thumped the ball a Iecondtime into right field. Carroll got to lecond and third on a muffed throw by Clem ents and Sunday scored. A muffed throw by Sleason brought Carroll in. In the ninth inning five runB were made, finith led off with a lucky single, but was breed out at second by Fields' little hit. Italey flew ont to Farrar and Hanlon hit to niddle. Sunday got his bae on balls and stole ccond. Carroll made a hit and Miller made a tduble. A wild throw by Mnlvey allowed )unlap to reach second base and the runs arnein. McQuaiddid fairly well. Following is the nil score: J TTSBCRO B B r A E rniLAD'a. b b t a z Union, m.. nnday, r... 3 urroll, 1... 2 llller. c 1 junlap, 2... 0 Incline, J... 0 talth, 0 lelas.1 l taley, p.... 1 I 1 0 1 W ood. 1. ... 0 2 I 0 0 12 1 0 Thompson, r 0 2 10 0 3 12 0 0 Malrey. 3... 0 1 1 2 2 17 10 Clements, c. 0 0 2 2 1 0 2 6 2 Fojnrty, m. 0 0 2 0 2 110 2 Farrar. I.... 1120 12 4 1 Hallman. s.. 0 2 3 6 0 3 0 0 0 Myers. 2.... 1 0 S X 2 0 0 3 0 Glcaaon,p... 10 12 1 Totals... .10 12 27 15 C Total 3 8 27 17 8 llUburj;. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 510 hlladelpbus 0 000210003 Earned rnni I'ltUburtrs, 2. Three-bate hit Hallman. Two-base bit-Miller. Total bases on hits Plttsburgs. IS; Philadel- llaa. 10. bacrlflce hit Mulvey. Stolen bases Sunday, 2; Carroll, Dunlap, Mnl- v. Koirarty, Myers. First base on errors Pittsburg, 2; Phlladel- Has. 4. First base called on balls Carroll, Miller, Dan- n. ilrers. Double play llnli ey. Myers and Farrar. Hit by pitched ball-Foparty. fasted balls Clements. 2. struct out MUler. Clements, Lett on bases Pittsburga, 4: Phlladelphlas, S. rime of game One bour and 60 ininutts. Umpire McQuald. BPKCHED TUEIE HITS. son's Bora Moke a Great Uphill Fight Against Tloaton. Chicago, July 2. Chicago played an uphill me to-day, but by bunching their hits in the renth and eighth, and with Qulnn'i error d Duffy's bit in the ninth, succeeded in win lg their third game of the series from Bos i. With the exception of the bases on balls Madden he pitched a good game. Dwyer s a trifle unsteady at first, but after the jrth inning Boston could do nothing with I delivery. Bnrns' play at third was very lllat.t, otherwise the game was devoid of .tures of note. Attendance 1,500. Score: (1CAGOB. B B r A XI BOSTONS. B B T A X lnym l nU'tn.1.. 1 ttj. r 1 .on. l.. o i... 0 rell, c.... 1 rna.3.. .. 0 yer, p.... 1 tlsn, a... 0 2 0 3. Brown, 1.... 1 1 0 C'Jolinston. m 0 2 2 1 3 1 4 3 12 1 4 1 1 1 0 0 0' 0 0 Kelly, c. .. 1 urouinera,!. i KJchard'n, 2 0 Nash. 3 1 OlQulnn. ..... 0 li(janzl, r... 0 0 Madden, p.. 0 stals S 617 10 7 Touts 4 108 14 4 wo men out when winning ran mads. caros -0 01002011 t tons 0 310000004 irnrd runs Chicago.. 2; Boston.. 2. jro-tiase hits Brouthers, .Nash, Karrell. olen base. Madden. auble plavs-Bastlan unassisted; Nash, Elch- lon, Itroutlier.. rst base on balls Madden. ; Dwyer, 1. ruck out Madden. 2: Dwyer, 4. ised balls-Farrell. 1. me or game One hour and SO minutes. nplre Lmcb. COOD HITTING DID IT. I Gianta Beat the Boosters br Better Stick Work. tDiANAPOUB, July 2. To-day's game de ped bo notable features. The visitors by opportune bunching of hits. Rusle bed three innings for the home club and relieved in the fourth byBurdick. The Jng of the local team was good, but the ors excelled them at the bat. Score: 'rOLlS. B B r a.XNBWTOBKS.B B r A x r, l.... i acock, s. 2 Sy. J.... 1 it, I.... o r.cJttn.. 0 eacliy. r 1 a, cim. 1 ett.z.... 1 e. p.... 0 Jck, p.. 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 2 11 0 2 I ! (lore, m 1 0Tiernan,r... 2 OiConnor, 1... 2 0 KIcbard'n 2 0 0 O'K'rke. 1.. 2 0 Hatfield..... 0 0 Brown, c.... 0 o IWMtney. 3. 0 0 Welch, p.... 0 o -i Total! 312 27 ( i all. , ... 241S 2 Indianapolis ...". 022020000 Mew Yores. 02 300030 turned runs Indianapolis. 2: Mew Torks, 7. Two-base hlts-Ulasscoca. Hlnes. OoreZ. Sacrifice hits Denny, Dally, Richardson, Brown. Home runs Conuor. btolen bases-Bassctt. Hlnes, Tlernan. Doable plaj-.-U.isBOtt to Glasscock to Bines; Blehardson to Hatfield to Connor. First base on balls Off Kusle, 4; off Welch, - Hit by pitched ball-Dally. Struck out-Uy Kusle, 2; by Burdlct, 1; by Aelch4. Passed balls-Myers. 1. Time or a-arao One bour and three-quarters. Umpire Fessenden. A MVKLT FINISH. The Spldera and Senator Blake a Great Close. CLEVELAND. July 2. In the ninth Inning this afternoon the Washington read Bakeley's signs and pounded out three runs. With ono man out and Wtlmot on third the future seemed full of glory for them. They delayed the game at the borne plate and Wllmot stepped off third base. Tebeau had the ball concealed and touched him. Wilmot at tempted to get bask, but Tebeau held bim and called to the umpire. He was called out. Carney hit an easy one to short and the game ended. Score: CLEVXLA'D B B P A XlWAEH'TON. B B T A I - Strieker. 2. 0 0 McAleer. m. 1 1 0'Hoy, m 1 wiimos, i. 0 McKean. s.. 0 Twltcbell, L 0 Faatt.1 0 Kadlbrd.r... 0 It bean. 3 ... 0 ZImmer. c... 2 Vakeley, p.. 2 Carnev. 1... 0 Wise, 3. 0 Irwin, s 0 Clark, c... 0 Mack, r 1 PI Dally. 2..... 1 0,0'Day, p.... 1 ToUls.. ... S a 27 11 l Totals 4 12 27 14 0 Cleveland. 0 00030JOO-5 Washington. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 S-4 Karned run.-Clevelands, 4; Washlngtona, 4. Two-base hits McKean. Three-base hlt-McAlcer, Zlmmer, Wllmot, Dally. Home run Bakeley. , Stolen basta Tebeau, Zlmmer, Wllmot, Car ney Double play-Mack to Clark. - First base on balls Cleveland., t; Washlng- btruc'k out Cleveland., 2; Washlngtona, 2. Pasted balls Zlmmer, 1. bacrlflce blts-Mrlcker. Raarord, Carney, Mack. Tlmeorgame Two hours. y Umpire Curry. Leagne Ktcord. Perl Per Won. Lost. Cui Won. Lost. Ct. Bostens. 35 It .CSS Cblcajrol H 30 .456 Cleveland.. . .38 V) .MS Pltuburga. ..24 29 .43 New York... .30 3) .800 Indianapolis a) 52 .389 Philadelphia 27 .SOO.WashlnjctonslJ M .2U Thinks Well of Garfield. Garfield, the young pitcher, was practicing yesterday at the ball grounds, and his delivery made a very favorable impression. Last even ing Captain Dnnlap said: Theyonng man has plenty of speed, and has a good head. I think he'll turn out all right." Ta-Day'a Games. There are no National League games sched uled for to-day. American Association Brooklyns at St. Louis; Athletics at Louisville; Baltimore at Cincinnati; Columbus at Kansas City. International League No games sched uled. Association Kecord. Perl Per Won. Lost. CU Won.Lost.Ct. St. Louis 42 20 .077 Cincinnati.. .31 28 .525 lirooklvns ie 22 .811 Kansas Cltys..2S 33 .441 Athletics 34 22 .6U7ColumbUS 24 35 .407 Baltimore.. ...M 25 .575Loul.viUe.....!0 (1 .166 BEIT THE CHAMPIONS. The Keystone Defeat the Homestead Nine Without Much Tronbl inc Aejuun jjittjcu .iui4iiissMllgJ' j teruay aiternoon 2LgainssiuaxLoiaeabci&uuiuu at Riverside Park. The game was exciting throughout. Green, the second baseman of the Keystones, made two remarkable high catches with one hand, which gained bim great ap- Jilause from the large crowd present. Follow g Is the score in full: nOHST'DS B B r A E,KEYETOVER B B T A E Armor, p... 0 Sullivan, 1.. 0 Yo'nFm4n,3. 0 11. Col' n. m.. 1 II. E. Col'n, c 0 Itowe, s 1 Bulmer, 1... 2 Woods. 2.... 1 CNlel, r.... 0 Hoy. m Green. 2.... Tbomps'n.c dross, 1 Gant, s..... Wash'g'n, 3 Allen. 1.... 1 10 2 0 1 2 Jackson, r.. uougiass, p Totals 3 11 23 It 3 Totals..... 10 12 27 IS S Homesteads 00002200 15 Ke) stones 0 2 13 12 10 "-10 Earned runs Homestead.. 0; Keystones, 4. Two-base hlts-H A. Colgan, 1: Koy, 1. Three-base hits K. Woods, 1; Green. L Struck out By Armor, 5; Donglasa. 8. Base on Ball. By Armor. 0: Douglass. 1. Double plays Armor to Woods to Bulmer. Passed balls Coltan, 3; Thompson. 2. Time or same One hoar and so minutes. Umpire McKcerer. MINGO BEATEN. The McKeesposta Do the Visitors Up by 9 lo 1. rrrxctAi. TXLEOHJLU TO TUX SISrATCK. McKeesport, July 2. The opening game of ball between the Mingos and the home team was played this afternoon r.nd resulted in the defeat of the visitors, the core being 9 to L Kelly, the pitcher or the visitors, was wild and was smgged bard, while Gilleland did good work. The visitors had an opoortunlty to play good fielding, as Kelly was slugged and they eld so, their work in the field being the feature of the playing against the home team. The clubs will play again to-morrow afternoon and on Thursday morning. The score: K'KXESr'T. B B F A El WLNQOS. B B r A X Oulnn. 1.... Farrow, c. Provlna. r.. H'm'n. 3... Costello, 2.. P't'.'n. 1... Gllleland,D Martin, a... Murry, m.. 114 0 8 Boyd, c. .... Addy, 3.... Green, 1.... Laur, r Jnstlce. s . C. Myers. 2. W. Myers, 1 btanord. In. 2 10 0 0 0 10 1 0 2 11 0 I 0 0 B.eiiy, p.... 0 10,0 Totals. 8 42726 4 Totals 1 5 27 21 S McKeesport 3 201000300 Mingos 0 000010001 Earned run McKeesporta, L Two-base hits Qulnn and flsrtman. Three-base hit Murry. liaseon balls-Glllcland. 1; Kelly. 7. Hlts-Br Gilleland, 1; by Kelly, 1, Passed balls Boyd. 2. W lid pitches-Kelly, 3. Btruck out-UlUeland. 11; Kelly, . Beavers Badly Beaten. rarxciAi. tilxoram to thx DisrATcn.i Beater Falls, July 2. The Martin's Ferrys, a splendid amateur nine, stopped off here to-day to play with the home team, and the latter got sonndly whipped. Padden, the visitors' pitcher, was invulnerable, the home team being nnable to do anything with him. McClain's six errors at third were about the onlj notable feature of the game. The borne team put up a poor game, but promises to win to-morrow. The attendance was small. Score: BE'B FALLS. B B P A ElM'T'N J"18. B B F A X Orr. 2 1 bhu.ter, in.. 0 Cole, c 0 Kerner, p... 0 Cooper, r.... 0 Gaston, as... 1 Kea, 1 C Kirr, 1 1 McCUIn, 3.. 0 Roach, a 10 2 0 Kob'U'w, m 0 0 0 0 Padden, p... 3 1 2 15 Feelers, c... 2 1 15 3 rure'll w.,3 2 Park, 2 2 Stewart. 1... 0 Purc'HK.,1. 0 Allen, r 1 2 1 2 2 2 5 0 0 1 0 1 10 0 3 Total 3 5 24 IS 13 Totals 11 27 21 7 Beaver Falls 1 000101002 Martins Ferrys 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 4 11 Two-base hit. Feetera, W. Pnrcell, Stewart. Stolen bases Koach, Feetera, fart, 2; Orr. Sacrifice hlu Itobertshaw, Feetera. Struck out By Padden, 15: by Kerner, 4. Left on basea Bearer rails. 4; Martins ferrys, S. Ilonble play Gaston to Kerr to McClaln. Passed balls t eeters, 3; Cole, L, Time Two hours. UmpireKobert Gaston. BEATTHE cowboys. Errors and Bad Umplriig Give Columbns a Game. Kansas City, July 2. The Columbus team defeated Kansas Citys to-day In an uninterest ing game, chiefly notable for the stupid play i ng of the two teams. The double-player urn- Sire scheme was tried with disastrous results, 'Connor, of Columbus, openly robbing for his team. Score: Kama. City. 4 202010000 Colnmbn. 0 2 4 3 0 2 0 2 13 Base blu Kansas Cltys, 10: Columbns, 9, . Errors Kama. Citys. 10: Columbus. 7. ' Karned runs -Kansas Citys, 6: Columbns, 4. Two-base hits Long. Bauer, Orr. Struck out-By Coway, 2: Sowders, 1; "Baldwin,. Passed ball. Gan.on, 3: Peoples, 2. VlId pitches Conway. 1; Baldwin, L Time Two hours andSmlnntef. Umpires McCarthy, O'Connor and Peoples, They Didn't .Meet. Manager Forreyson, of the McKeesport ball clnb, called at this office last evening, accom panied by a friend-who was prepared to match the McKeesport club against the Scotts for $100 aside. Representatives of the latter were not on hand, however, owing to some misunder standing. Mr. Forreyson says that be Wilt meet the manager of the Scotts at The Dispatch office next Wednesday evening at S o'clock pre pared to sign articles. THE BY A SHORT HEAD. Salvator Succeeds In Capturing the Rich Realization StakesTen Thousand People Thonght That Tenner Had Won Details of the Straggle. New York, July 2. Under lowering sides and attended by rain at intervals, the Sheeps head Bay spring meeting was to-day brought to a close. The king race of the day and meeting was the fourth, or realization race. In which $10,000 wa to be won and lost. Salvator, under McLaughlin, landed the prize in the hands of J. B. Haggin, owner of the horse. The fact that it was the richest 3-year-old race of this or any other year brought together the prominent turfmen from all narts of the country. Aroongthose present were Senator Hearst, D. D. Withers, A. Bel mont, J. F. Galwav, Mike and Phil Swyer, Major Burk. Oden Bowie, Jr., Ben AH Haggin, J. B. Haggin, John Hunter and others. There was considerable disappointment expressed because Garrison did not ride in the realization. Ho was engaged sev eral davs ago to ride Salvator by Mr. Haggin, bnt as McLaughlin bad also been spoken to there was nothing to do bat let bim ride, as he had come on from Chicago for the purpose. Then he partly promised to ride Longstreet, but as he could not get down to weight (112 pounds) he had to stand down, much tn,hls disgust. The attendance was a throng so great as to prevent comfort or con venience to itself. Here is the plan, the starters and figures in the great event: Fourth, race, the Realization stake, for 3-year-olds, foals of 1SS6, a sweep stakes by subscriptions, all starters to pay $2o0 additional, all of which shall go to the second and third horses, as further provided; the Coney Island Jocker Club to add $10,000: the second to receive $2,000 of the added money and two-thirds of the starting money: the third. $1,000 of the added money and one-third of the starting money. Colts to carry 122 pounds, fillies and geldings, 19 pounds, non-winning mare and stallion allowances; milo and five furlongs Starters and jockeys: Salvator, McLaugblia; Eric H ay ward; Longstreet, Taylor; Jewel Ban, Anderson: Long Dance, Williams; Katia, Re gan: Mv Fellow, W. Donnovan; Tenney, Little field: Philander. Hamilton. Mntuals paid $14 55 straight and $3 83 for a place. Tenney paid $11 05. Time. 5-05. My Fellow, followed closely by Philander, made the running for a mile and furlong. Sal vator and Tenney waiting in the rear. Long street remained near the center of the field. Philander dropped back at the end of the first mile, and Longstreet took second place, hold ing It till be swung In tbehomestretch.wherebe seemed to strike a snag, judging from the abrupt way in which he departed for the rear. The pace was entirely too hot for Eric He was completely fagged before round ing the upper turn, and Hayward went easy, seeing that the race was hopeless. Salvator moved up with bewildering speed on the turn, taking the lead at the bead of the stretch, with My Fellow atbls tbroatlatch and Tenney figur ing for the middle of the track. The favorite clnng to the rails so closely that It was not pos sible. McLaughlin bad only one side to guard. He took no chance, bnt rode with whip and spur down the stretch, Salvator responding nobly to every touch of the steeL He narrowly escaped the terrific rush of Tenney, who when Littlefield got him straightened out. came down upon the finish like a thunderbolt. Ten thousand people thonght Tenney had won. A few were of the opinion that Littlefield did not get up. and with this the judges agreed, for Salvator's nnmber was run aloft. The Haggin colt won by the shortest of heads. When Salvator's number went up there was a chorus of hisses, but it was soon drowned by the hearty cheers for McLaughlin and the victor. Salvator first, Tenney second. Long Dance third, lime. 2.51. So will read the record of the first running of the Realization stakes. First race, one mile Kingston won in 1:41; Re porter second, Ovid third. Second race, three-quarters of a mileTorso won in 1:162-5; Livonia second. Flatbush third. Third race, one and one-quarter miles Bocca clo won In 2:11; My Own second. Pint Attempt third. Fifth race, one and one-half miles Tea Tray won In 2i41 4-5. Sixth race, one and three-elfrbth miles Cortes won In 225)4; Belle B second, ilgln third. AT WASHINGTON PARK. Some Good Racing, and Princess Bowling Wins the Englewood. Chicago, July 2. The races at Washington Park to-day attracted the nsual good attend ance. A light rain fell just before the opening race rendering the track a bit slow for a short time. The event of the day was the Englewood stakes for 3-year-old fillies in which Princess Bowling made the fastest record that has yet been scored for the event. First race, purse $600, penalties and allowances, three-quarters of a mile Forever led nntll the stretch wa. reached where-she was passed by Kose mont and W.G.Morris. A beautiful and hotly eon tested race to the wire resulted In the surcess of Bosemont by a neck better than Morris. Portlaw was third, four lengths away. Time, 1:16U. becond race, purse (600, for 3-year-olds, penal ties and allowances, mile and a sixteenth At the betting ground Murphy brought Teuton up and a whipping finish followed. Heron, drawing away again in the last 60 yards, won by three lengths, Tueton second. Time, !:53S(. Third race, the Englewood stakes, for 3-year-old fillies, I10O each, half forfeit, with 11,000 added, worth $3,960 to the winner, one mile. To a beautiful start Madolln, Brown Princess and Princess Bowling were first off, necks anart. At the clubhouse Princess Bowling was first. Brown Princess second and Madolin third. 1 rom tnl. point Princess Bowling led and won a splendidly contested race by a short length In ex ceedingly fast. time. At the finish Brandolette came with a rush and beat Ketrleve for the place by a bairiength. Time, l:4ll(. Fourth race, handicap sweepstakes. $20 each, with S600 added, mile and an eighth Famine wa. first away andwa. never headed. Tenacity was second for a mile and then gave way to Wood craft. Famine won by an open length, with Woodcraft second and Arundel third. Time, 1-MX. Filth race, purse ssoo. penalties and allowances, three-quarters of a mile Lady Gaywa. in front all the way to within 200 yard, of the wire, pressed by Black Diamond and Sailor Boy, the lat ter taking the lead in front of the stand, won by two length, with Guy Gray second and Lady Gay third. Time, 1:15. Sixth race, extra, purse and conditions as In the fifth, three-quarters of a mile It was a hot race between Avondale and Gunshot to midway of the stretch, where Champagne Charlie Joined them. At the end of a driving finish Gunshot won by three-quarters of a length from Champagne Charlie, with Avondale third. Time, l:Hi. The entries for to-morrow's Washington Park races are as follows: First rare, 3-year-old fillies, allowances, one mile Monlta Hardy, Alpena, Winning Ways 117 pounds each, Faunus 110, Laura Davidson 110, Vlnctura 104, Miss Jackson 104, Corinne Black burn 104, Aunt Jennie 104. Second race, handicap sweepstakes, for 2-year-olds, three-quarters of a mile Bed Light 110 Sounds, Outright 110, Grade M 107, Ja Ja 103, Lena an 103. bemaphore 102, Sister Geneva 97. Third race, selling, a mile and a sixteenth Hornpipe 115 pounds. Khodv Prlngle 10s, Glock aer loo, John Keber 104, St. Nick 104. Frearlca iol Grade D 99, St. Albans 98. The Elk 93. Fourth race, handicap sweepstake, a mile and a quarter Montrose 117 pound.. Huntress 113, Lo. Angele. 112, Hindoo Craft 108. Big lhree 103, Lonboy 105, Pratber 104, Itobln Hood 102, Stony Montgomery 101, Gilford 100, Gladstone 96, Monlta Hardy 94. Fifth race, all ages, maiden allowance, three. Suarter. or a mileOnly Dare 124 pounds. Cousin eems IL Zulu 108, Cassandra 108. Billy Pinker ton 102. Va Tout 93, Kthel B99, Dahlia 98, Portlaw 84, Prodigal Son 84, Lstelle 8l7 ABOUT THE SCULLERS. A Letter From Teemer Abont Races In the Future. McKeesport, July 2. Word received from John Teemer to-night states that on account of the low stage of water at Sioux City the proposed regatta which was to take place July 9th, 10th and 11th has been deferred indefinite ly, and that he, Teemer and Hosmer, will ar rive in Pittsburg Saturday and will at once go West from there, as they are arranging for races to take place in the West. He does not say whether or not they are bound for the Bcene of the Sullivan-Kilrain battle. Ho does talk as though he is about to try and arrange for a race with Gaudaur. Broke the Recork. Minneapolis, Minn., Jul) 2. One of the features of the first day's programme at Min nehaha Driving Park was the trot against time by Axtel, to beat the 3-year-old world's record, which heretofore was 208. The start was made at the conclusion of the regular programme. After warming the young stallion np for a mile and a half, Williams, the owner and driver, got the word. The first quarter was madeln 23 seconds, the half In 1:06, the three quarter in 1:40 and the mile in 2:15, lowering the record by 2 seconds. This was trotted in the face of a strong wind and heavy atmos phere. Dufur is Here. M. Dufur, tbe well-known WTCStler and athlete, arrived in the city yesterday to take part in the wrestling and broad, sword tourna ments at Exposition Park to-morrow. Mr. -Dufur is looking extremely veil and is confi dent oi getting a prize or two. lie ana moss are old opponents. Antonio Peirre and Dun can C. Ross will wrestle a match in the evening. International League. At Buffalo Buffaios 0 010000001 gyracttses.j 0 10040000S At Toledo Toledo..... 0 0 zlll 0 0 0 0 03 lletrolts.... 1210000004 KJIraln Money Wanted. Several parties interested in the proposed Snllivan-Kilrain battle called at this office yes terday wanting to back Sullivan. If anybody wants to hack Kllratn they will secure a bet at this office at 830 this evening. JPITTSBTJEG DISPATCH, BEATING THE BRITISHERS. Onr Rifle Team Again Lands Ahead of the English. Losbon, July 2. The Massachusetts Rifle Team contested with the Royal Berkshire Volunteers Team to-day on Lord Wantage's famous Churn Range, althongb it was 'thought probable at one time that they would shoot on the new Wimbledon Range. Lord Want age, Viscount Dury and other notables were present. The aun was shining brightly, and the totals made by the Americans at each range were as follows: 200 500 60O Yards. Yards. Yards. Bumstead , 32 32 29 Huddleson 28 27 28 Sergeant Bull i 32 31 30 Merrill 28 33 27 Bull 25 31 32 Parrow....s 31 31 28 Doyle 28 35 31 HInman 29 32 33 Farnsworth 23 33 2S Ede 28 27 Johnston 27 29 23 Hussey 26 33 32 ' Total .335 375 354 The totals made bytheBoyal Berkshire Volun teers were: At 200 yards, 238; at 600 yards, 349; at 600 Tarda. 325. Grand totals-Americans, l,001.;Engllsh. 972. After the contest Lord Wantage entertained tbe members of both teams at a banquet. THE WHEELMEN'. Annnal Meeting of the National 'Cyclers Opened With Succc... Haoekstown, Md., July 2. The tenth an nual meeting of the League of American Wheelmenwhich opened to-day, will bo the most successful yet held by the league. In spite of the fact that floods and rains bare made many delegations late in arriving, all day "long there has been a continual stream of ar rivals. Ohio and Indiana are well represented, and even New Orleans sends a delegation. The New York and Philadelphia wheelmen arrived at an early hour this morning inja special train. All the leading wheel manufacturers in tbe country bave hands ime headquarters and keep open house. The great tendency of the pres ent seems to be the nse of the "safeties" A business meeting was held in the Opera Houe in tbe morning and topics of interest to wheelmen discussed by representatives from all sections. Notwithstanding the storm this afternoon over 300 enthusiastic cyclers took a run to Williamsport on the Potomac To morrow will be devoted to runs to the battle fields of Antietam and South Mountain, ending up with a mountain excursion to Penmar. Big delegations from nearby points are expected to swell the throng to-morrow. A Promising Outlook. The three days opening of the McKeesport Driving Park, commencing July 4, has a very promising outlook, many entries having been made. The trotting and pacing races are ex- Sected to be very interesting, and tbe outlook good for a large attendance. THE EOSTMASTERiMIP AGAIN. Mr. McKenn'a Friends Claim the Question Will Soon be Settled Wagers on tbe Commission This Week. The politicians managed to get up a good deal of excitement yesterday despite tbe heat In the matter of James S. McKean, postmaster-soon-to-be, as sundry rumors of the re ceipt of tbe commission had agitated the politi cal atmosphere during tbe day. It was stated that Mr. McKean's strongest local backer was to start for Washington last night with some additional documents for the exclusive benefit of the Presidental optics, bnt upon inquiry no such journey was found to be in contempla tion. An effort was made to find Mr. McKean last night, but without snecess. Some friends of his were seen, however, and all of them agreed that the slate had resisted the encroachments of time and the other faction, and that tbe long-drawn-out agony wonld shortly end. A member of the Americus Club was in Phil adelphia Saturday night, and went up to tbe Union League Club to feel the political pulse of the boys. He saw Senator Quay's most prominent Quaker City lieutenant bet a 50 wllliam that Mr. McKean would have bis com mission inside of a week, or by next Saturday night. TELEGRAPH TICKERS TALKING Abont Forming an Organization to Insist on Uniform Pay. Another strike of telegraphers is probable. For several months past efforts have been made with a great deal of success to form an organization! to be called the Commercial Brotherhood of Telegraphers. The object is to make tbe wages of the men employed in the business uniform, and to grade wages accord ing to competency. An old telegrapher, in speaking on the sub ject last evening, said: "We have been work ing quietly for some time and-will soon be in shape to make a demand, and when it is made it will be granted, as we will bave all the good men at our back. It will not be a repetition of the strike of 18S3, which only lasted two weeks and was lost, but it will be a good and a vic torious fight. We will not go Into tbe thing blindly, as we have learned a lesson from our last experience. There are men who are only paid $50 a month who are worth as much as those who are paid $90 a montb. We want the wages equalized and the men divided into about three classes. When a man in the third class becomes competent enough he will bave to be promoted. The demand will not be made until the crganizatlon is strong enough." An old and first-class telegrapher was asked abont the project, and said: "It will never work. The old and experienced men are satis fied with their pay and position, and will not enter into any scneme to advance tne wages 01 under-paid workers. If a demand is made and refused they might as well quit, for the old men will not go into a strike. No matter how strong their organization is a strike of teleg raphers will not last more than two weeks." DOWN TBE OHIO. ' Great Dolnaa as a Send-Off fur a Well Laden Jobont Yesterday. Yesterday a substantial joboat started for Cincinnati, containing 100 men. These men were from tbe flint glass works of Adams A Co. and Wolfe, Howard fc Co. They started from the foot of South Seventh street, and had such a send-off that nothing of the kind could compare. Fully 200 people in skiffs escorted them to McKee's Rocks. All the shanty boats along tbe river fired a salute of fireworks. The boat went on its pleasant way with the intention of stopping at convenient intervals, at every fishing camp, between this and Cin cinnati. The boat is loaded with the best qual ity Of commissary stores. " A BED LETTER CALL. The Resnlt of the Meeting of Blolders Held Last NlgbL L. A. 1030. K. of L,, composed of iron mold ers, met last night to dispose of a lot of routine business. Also to consider the propo sition for a change In the by-laws providing foe a beneficial clause. No action was taken on this matter, however, and it was decided to issue a "red letter call" for a meeting to be held next Monday week. A call of this kind is made when all the members must be present. Imported Sherry. 1628, .Imperial Amontillado Sherry, "full quarts $3 00 1828, Imported Brown Sherry, fall quarts 3 00 Pemartin Sherry, fall quarts 2 00 Choice Old Brown Sherry, full quarts. 2 00 Harmony Sherry, full quarts 1 CO Tine Old Topaz Sherry, lull quarts 1 00 . TO.... ..!. V.. !L TXT D.L!Ji nr J rvr xur oaic uj x. ir ocmuius, vo anil l Fifth ave. To-Day, and Until 12 O'clock Noon, to-morrow, wo continue onr closing ont sale of all men's snits and light-weight clothing. Men's fine snits that were marked $18, (20 and $22 are now reduced to $10, and our $16 and $18 snits go for $8. Some 1,300 men's stylish sack snits at the low price of $6. No blow or blaster abont this, bnt a genuine clearing sale of all summer light weight goods. We are open, bear iu mind, until 9 o'clock to-night, and nntil 12, noon, to-morrow. P. C. O. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new Court House. What a Comfort To feel yon have tot the worth of your money, even in the smallest purchase. If you're going to bny the hoys some fireworks for the Fourth whynot go where you will get the best goods for the least money? -Our all-colored fireworks are never excelled and seldom equaled; besides, the prices are no higher than the common goods are usu ally sold for. Look the stock over at James W, Grove's before purchasing xwrs "WEDNESDAY, JUTiT 3," hMANI hew improvements. A Red Letter Day for the Pnblie Works Committee Herron Hill Park Is a Go Tbe P., V. fc C Bldlngs Are Not. The Committed on Public Works yesterday laid over the ordinance for the grading, paving and curbing of Roup street, as there was a large remonstrance against it on account of a proposed change of the gride, putting some of tho best bouses six feet below tbe grade. An ordinance opening Wallingford street, from Neville to Belleflelcf streets, was laid over, and ordinances for grading and maca damizing Do Soto street sewer on South Twelfth street and sewers on Rosencrans and Hnghes alleys were negatived. The following ordinances were recommended: Authorizing the construction of sewers on Cen ter avenue, Shlnglss street, Kosciusko aller, Carey alley, TaTlor street. Bcbecca street, Cabot alley. Twenty-eighth street, Fortieth and Butler streets, Maurice street, Howard alley and Thirty fourth street. Mulberry alley, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, between Twenty-first ana Twenty-second and between Twenty-eighth and Twentv-ntnth streets: Spring alley, between Twenty-eighth andTwtnty-ulnth streeistTwenty nlnth street, from Liberty street to Allegheny river: Klrtwood street, from Cbllins to inland avenues; Atlantic avenue, from Penn to Liberty avenues: Penn avenue, from Collins avenue to lteatty street. Authorizing the panng and curb ing or Amberson avenue, from fifth avenue to the Pennsylvania Itallroad: paving and curbing of Thirty-sixth street, grading of Bentrew street: grading of Emily street, from Craft avenue to Hal Icet street; grading Moore street, from Bed ford avenue to Ridge street: grading Bayard street, from Neville to Amberson areuue. grading, paving and curbing of Howe street, from inland to Dennlston avennes: grading, paving and curbing of Sheridan street, from Station toHoev eller streets: Vine, from Hose to Heed streets; Geneva, from Main to Forty-rourth streets: Lin coln avenue, Brady street. Fifth avenue to Forbes street: Whirton street. Twenty-first to-Twentr-secotid streets: Jumonrille street, from Fifth avenue to Forbes street: Sheridan street, from Manton to Penn avenues: Woolslayer alley. Thirty-seventh to Thirty-eighth streets; Bertha street, from Urandvlew to Vliglnla avenues. Opening Daum street, from Ivy to Konp streets: opening Selma street, from Ulppey to Margaretta streets; Sheridan avenue, from Penn toKodman street: Murdoch street, Renfrew street, from Achilles to Euclid avenue; Larimer avenue, from Station to Broad streets; KIrker street, lrwln avenue, from Shady avenue to Forbes street; Poe alley, from McCandless to i lfty-seeond streets; Ford street, from Devlllera to Granville streets; York alley, from Bates to Lvulsa streets: Albion street, from Tioga to Fairfax streets; Mnnonga hela street, from Sylvan avenue to Jullymtt street; Finance street, from Homewood avenue to city line. An ordinance setting aside the grounds about the Herron Hill reervoir for public park pur poses, and authorizing the Chief of tbe Depart ment of Pnblie Works to Improve the same and designate it as Herron Hill Park, was also recommended, as was an ordinance authorizing the grading, paving and curbing of Washing ton avenue from Beltzhoover avenue to the east lino of Beltzhoover borough, the street being a dividing line between the city and that borough, and tho residents of tbe borough to pay their proportion of the cost. The report of a sub-committee appointed to investigate tbe petitions from tbe Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston Railroad, Philips fc Co. and ijjehutte & Co., for rights to lay switch tracks on Josephine streets, were read and ordered to be reported to Councils without recommendation. The sub-committee reported negatively, saying the switch tracks would be a great Injury to many citizens and benefit to very few. A POWERFUL LEAGUE. Ben Bntler Pictures a Union ofthe English Speaking Peoples. Wateevillk, Me.. July 2. General B. F. Butler spoke here to-night on the question of annexation. He pictured a peaceful league between Canada, tbe United States and Great Britain, before which the world in arms would stand in awe. He said: "A small. Inexpensive navy. of each could bid the world defiance. AU Europe and Asia joined together in battle array. If such a thing were possible, aealnst tbe English-speaking people of the globe, would pause in dismay be fore any hostile step shonld be taken against snch a united power. Such a national com bination would, within its own borders, have everything that would be necessary to carry on a defensive or offensive warfare. Take another view: Snch a united power as I have sketched would save all the other nations of Europe from final and inev itable bankruptcy because of maintaining immense armies and navies to the destruction of their people to hold eacb other In check. To that English-speaking league every nation wonld be obliged to submit for arbitrament every cause of differences, if not because of fear of its armed intervention, yet because of its holding tbe money of tbe world. No war could be carried on which that power should disapprove, and any nation might disarm who should be pro tected even by promise of financial aid from the pledge of the united English-speaking people of the earth." A MYSTERIOUS AGENT Used to Bring Up a Body From tho Bottom of iho Allegheny. Considerable talk was occasioned yesterday over the successful, though mysterious means used to recover the body of James Robinson, a 15-year-old boy who was drowned in the Alle gheny river at Mill vale. Sunday. Undertaker Byrne said last night that, after using every other means to recover the body, the searchers finally tooc tbe shirt last worn bv the boy and, placing in it some quicksilver, tbe shirt was thrown into the river, when, after floating for some distance, it suddenly sank from sight, and immediately thereafter tbe body rose. Tbe re mains were taken to the home on Forty-fifth street. , An Eloper Retura. Detective HughDaily. of Alderman Porter's office, returned yesterday from New York, having bad charge of Mrs. Nettie Nash, the Sbadyside woman who eloped with a man named Denman. She expressed sorrow for her rash act. Fourth of Jnlr Excursions. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will sell excursion tickets east of Pittsburg on July 2, 3 and 4, good to return on the 8th, inclnsive; and west of Pittsburg on the 3d and 4th, good to return on the Etb, inclu sive. Call at my office and learn about Grove land. Look at the ground on the Fourth. Spend the day amid scenery and surround ings unsurpassed in beauty. Chables Somebs, 313 Wood street. Excnrsion to Ohio Pylo on the Fourth of July. Kate $1 CO for the round trip. Train leaves B. & O. B. B. new depot at 8 A. M. Wide Stripe English Flannel Tennis Blazers $3 each, best goods, fall assortment of colors. See them in men's famishing department. Jos. Hobnb & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, Bicycles, Bicycles, Tricycles, velocipedes, boys' wagons, lawn swings, croquet, hammocks, footballs, base balls, bats, dolls, toys, etc, in abundance at James W. Grove's.Pilth ave. twts Oteb 200 varieties of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars from $2 to $40 per 100. G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Great Eastern Straw Hat, latest shape, only at Smiley's. Nearly a Thousand Tarda a Day India Sllka Selling with a rush the mark downs are plenty don't miss this largest sale of India Silks. Jos. Hokke & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Go TO Groveland on the Fourth. You can select no more delightful place for a day of enjoyment. Great Eastern Straw Hat, latest shape, only at Smiley's. Cheap fireworks to-day and to-morrow; closing them ont at cost Open till 10 o'clock to-night. J. H. Johnston:, 706 Smithneld. ftlfcn's Flannel Shirts, All blzss, Up to 20- ' Inch Neckband, $1 0 eacb, to finest made. Also latest novelties in men's silk shirts. Men's furnishing department. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Excursion to Ohio Oyle on the Fourth of July. Bate $1 SO for the round trip. Train leaves B. & O. B. B. new depot at 8 a. m. j Gkeat Eastern Straw flat, latest shape, only at Smiley's. - " - .n - -e.s 1889, - 1 F"Tr2'vSi THE WEATHER. For Wettern Penh tylvcmia and Wat Vir ginia, showers, cooler, southerly winds. PrrrsBUBtj, July 2, 1889. The United States Signal Service officer la this city furnishes the louowing. Time. Ther. Ther. SrOOa. v 2:00 M 1:00 F. M 2:00 r. If S-00P. M 8-00 r. II Hirer at i r. hours. TS S Meantemr, 80 Maximum temp.... 90 Minimum temp TO Kange - .. 3 Precipitation. ...... .04 ..-6 I K., 4... a fall of 0.2 feet In 24 NOT IN FAT0R WITH WOMEN. Governor Hill Geta Himself Disliked by a Wagewoman'a Society. Special Telemam to The Dispatch. Washington, July 2. The Woman's Na tional Industrial League, an organization de voted, as its name indicates, to the welfare of the wagewomen of America, has started out on the hunt forthescalpof David Bennett Hill. The President of the league, the headquarters of which are at Washington, is the somewhat famous Mrs. Charlotte Smith, who has been a character about the balls of Congress for sev eral years. Mrs. Smith has Issued a circular to tbe public, stating graphically the facts about her latest grievances. Oovernor Hill, In veto ing various measures passed by the late Legis lature, is attacked in scathing language and great detail, and the vials of wrath of the whole body of working women of tbe country are opened upon his head for his failure to sign the bill providing for the appointment of female inspectors in factories. This bill was tbe particular pet of Mrs. Smith and her disciples, and the most bitter language Is used to denounce tbe Governor's course, which the woman's representative says was actuated by a desire to create a little political patronage for himself in the appoint ment of male inspectors. Hundreds of copies of the circular bave been mailed to New York State, and a privately marked one has been sent to the Governor at Albany. LINCOLN'S EARLY FB1ENDS. The Death of John Hanks, Whom He Con verted From the Democracy. Bloohixgton, July 2. Old John Hanks, the boyhood friend and distant relative of Abraham Lincoln, died at his farm near Decatur, to-day, aged 83 years. It was on this farm, and while in the employ of Hanks, that Lincoln became noted as a rail splitter, and it was old Jobn Hanks who. in I860, introduced the rail splitting feature into the excitement of the Lincoln campaign, furnishing rails from his farm, split by Lincoln. In that campaign Hanks, heretofore) a strong Democrat, spent nearly $17,000 and gave a barbecue at his farm, at which he fed 3,000 people at his own expense. Tho affection existing between Jobn Hanks and Mr Lincoln continued through their life time. THESHOE BRUSH GON L I won't miss it, for I have long since adopted an easier and cleanlier way. A bottle of WolffsACMEBIacking and a sponge to keep my shoes washed clean, save a deal of labor and shoe leather. Sold by Shoe Stores, Grocers, Bmgiiats, ie. TheJest Harness Dressing in the world. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHIUOELPHU. DOES THE LAW PROTECT? A number of onr patients who have been swindled by traveling doctors, ask why don't tbe law protect us T We answer: Every doctor will cheerfully show you a receipt given by the Prothonotary bearing tbe seal of the Court and the date he registered his diploma. Self-called doctors cannot show such a receint, and travel ing doctors may bave one 01 late date. You can also examine Physicians' Register in Pro thonotary's office. Ladies don't employ a Mrs. doctor who Is not registered if you value health. We are encouraged by so many of our new Eatlents manifesting their appreciation of our onest effort to protect those who are being mis ledbyadisplayoffalsecolors. We are an asso ciation of regular registered resident physicians of long experience and tborongb education, and by combining onr skill we offer the sick and the deformed an amount of talent worthy of their patronage. Our specialty, catarrh, dyspepsia, diseases of women, tumors, deformities and other chronic diseases, medical or surgical. Consultations free; physical examinations $1 to S3. Correspondents inclose two stamps. Office honrs 10 to 11:30 A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 P. IL Dr. OER, 720 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. THERE CAN BE NO DOUBT As to where you should buy your FURNITURE, CARPETS and HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, if economy is the object you have in view. KEECH'S Cash and Credit House, 923 and 925 Penn Ave., is the house for you to pat ronize, if you want to save money, and get dependable and stylish merchandise. Jel7.MTVr EEECHAM'S PIUS ACT SKAOXO ON A WEAK STOMACH. asots. &, OFALL DWUCCHT1. iff feUI b i t4J r HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Ladies! Why does BLOCKER'S DUTCH COCOA cost one dollar per lb.? Because: it is made only of the ripest and choicest Cocoa-beans, from which all the indigestible fatty substances have been carefully removed; it is unadulterated with Starch, Arrowroot, Vanilla, Sugar, etc., as other so-called Cocoas are. Blooker's Dutch Cocoa therefore at $1 00 per lb., GOES FTJKTHEE than TWO pounds of adulterated Cocoa. Try a pound tin at George K. Stevenson & Co.'s, Sixth avenue, or any leading grocers, and note the nutritious qualities and delicious flavor of this unrivaled real Dutch Cosoa made in Amsterdan, Holland. my5S0-ws WILMERDINGI LOTS FOR BUSINESS! LOTS FOR RESIDENCE I i LOTS FOR INVESTMENT! Those seeking promising business loca tions, or healthful homes with abundant op portunity for employment, or investment in real estate, bound to advance rapidly in value, cannot do better than choose W1LMERDING ! Its advantages over other towns are many. Situated on the Pennsylvania Bailroad near its connection with the P., V. & C. E. B., the B. & O. E. B. and the P. & L. E. B. E. Only 14 miles, or from 30 to 45 minutes from the city, with 34 trains each day, it is easy of access from all points. The new works ofthe V Westinghouse Airbrake Comp'y Located in the town when in full opera tion, will employ over two thousand men, the majority of whom will be skilled me chanics drawing large wages. This great establishment alone insures WILHEED ING a large and prosperous population, not to mention other industries that contemplate locating there dnring the present year. The public improvements being made in the new town are in keeping with its bril liant prospects, in short WOODING Is easy of access! Is beantlfullv located t I Has perfect natural drainage! Extensive sewers! Wide streets! Substantial plank sidewalks! Natural gas at low rates! An extended water works system! Double sized lots! Offers abundant employment. Will have no "Company Stores!" Reasonable Prices. Easy Terms. About one hundred and fifty lots have been already sold, upon which buildings are in course of erection. To secure choice property applications shonld ,ba made at once. The approaching holiday will afford an opportunity of seeing for yourself the inducements offered. A representative of the company can be found on the grounds every day to whom in quiries can be addressed, or the East Pittsburg Improvement Co Westinghouse Building, PITTSBUBO, PA. Jy3- i:m::m::e:n-s:e bzrg--ax:l5J"S- CLOSING OUT D. TAYLOR . JJ07S STOCK LAMPS, GLASSWARE, VASES, BISQUE, TOILET, TEA AND DINNER SETS, R. P. WALLACE & CO.'S, 211 Wood Street. 102 and 104 Third Avenue, Between Second and Third Aves. ap21-wrsu GKROVELAND! A NEW CITY AMIDST FOREST TREES. A beautiful place just opened to home seekers of Pittsburg, and brought right to their work shops, offices, stores and mills by three lines of railway. v IF YOU WANT A PERFECT HOME v k p. or an investment that will yield quick and large profits in advancing -, values, look at Groveland. ." . 'j LARGE, LEVEL, SHADED LOTS, on wide avenues, with extended views of fiver. PURE AIR AND WATER, Churches, schools, stores, electric street railway, natural gas and all :" conveniences of city and country combined. . . Buy no-lots until you have examined plans and learn prices and, terms at Groveland. f . CHAS. SOHIERS, 302LCl -nr t TMTT.TnrD a ranKim Am -ran a uuu - , 149&&.J THE ELDP.EDQE. NO. IS SOOTH CARO LINA avenue, wltbln three minutes' walk of depot or beach. Large, cheerful rooms, ex cellent table. Terms moderate. MBS. E. J.' ELDREDQE. Proprietress. mvl6-Sl-Pr HOTEL ROYAL Appolntments and service first-class. Spacious lawns 600 feet. Porch promenades. Cuisine unexcelled. W. H. REYNOLDS. ' Je2SSJ-D Late Lafayette Hotel Phils. ON THE BEACH. Atlantic Crrr, N. X, HADDON HALL JeW EDWIN UPPINCOTT. rrm: E WINDSOR, CAPE MAY, N. J. Sirectlv on the beach. Now open. W. W. GREEN. iel-4-B THE CHALFON1 E. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt water baths in the house. Elevator. apl8-81-o E. ROBERTS & SONS. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On the beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. Je7-19 EOD BUCK 4 McULELLAN. fTTHE NEW COLUMBIA. I CAPE MAY. N. J. Opens June 15, 18S9. James Mooney. "Owner. FRANK H. HILDRETH, (Lata of the Hotel Lafayette.) jel4-73-arffy Proprietor. ASBURY PARK HOTEL BRUNSWICK A leading hotel in every respect. Beanti tolly situated near the beach. AU rooms com mand an unobstructed view of the ocean. Ap pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani tary arrangements perfect. For information address MORGAN & PARSONS. Jelo-3S HOTEL NORMANDIE, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. NOW OPEN. Under new management. T. C. GILLETTE, Prop'r. my22 Late of Colonnade Hotel, Philada. PARK PLACE HOTEL, SEWICKLEY, Penna.. on Pittsburg, Fort Wayna and Chicago Railroad, 23 minutes' ride from tbe city and two minutes' walk from tbe stations newly famished throughout: conntrvsnrronnd ings. elegant drives, with all the comforts of the city. W. H. S. MCKELVY. Prop. JeST-Sl SEA ISLE CITY, N. J., By the ocean; hotels open: Continental, Tivoll, Snrf House, Sea View, Philadelphia, Mansion and others; cottage boarding houses: Floral. Rosedale. Ocean View. European and others: magnificent beach, bathing and sea views; rates moderate. Information C. K. LANDIS, je!346 ,402 Locust si. Philadelphia. , Thomson House, Kane, MCKEAN CO, PENNSYLVANIA. . 2.000 feet above ocean level- Open all the year. Now prepared for the reception of sum mer visitors. Rates, $2 00 per day and from $7 00 to U 00 per week. Write for circular. JC13-2-D C. H. KEMP, Prop. RENOVO HOTEL, RENOVO, Clinton Co., Pennsylvania. L20O feet above ocean level. Open all tbe year. Now prepared for the reception of summer visitors. Rates. 2 00 per day and from $7 0O to (U 00 per week. Write for circular. je!3-3-D C. H. KEMP. Prop. THE MAHSION, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Largest and most prominently located hotel with a new and first-class Restaurant attached. SS0 chairs. Open all the yetr. Coaches to and from Beach and Trains. Brophv's Orchestra. e2a CHARLES McGLADE. CRESSON bPRINGS, PENNA. MAIN line Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS. THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE Now open. All trains stop st Cressos. For circulars, eta, address WM. R. DUNHAM. Snpt, mv7-2-DSu Cresson. Cambria Co.. Pa. HOTEL ALBION. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J, Will open for tbe season Jnne 29, 1SS9. The ALBION will be kept nrt-class In every par ticular. Engagements can be made at tho office of CRAWFORD MILLER, 339 Walnut . st, Philada., until 2Cth Inst. Office In charge Rdw. Wesson, late Stockton Hotel. Cape Mar, N.J. R.W.FARU. e!9-2T PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH STREET. A fine, largo crayon portrait S3 60; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, ti and 12 60 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. anli-16-xwTsu TO EUROPE ALL THE POPULAR steamers sailing this and next month are rapidly filling np. Apply for berths without delay. Tickets, drafts and letters of credit at N. Y. rates. MAX SCHAMBERG fc CO.. 527 Smithneld st. myll-wsu We take thlj method of bringing to vonr no tice tbe Neatest, Best Proportioned, Finest Finished and Cheapest Buckwagon ever put oa the market. PRICE $75, COMPLETE WITH SHAFTS. . glesenkZmp & SOiV, Nos, 318 and 320 Penn Art. (No connection with any other carriage bouse.) Je23-wrsu 313 Wood St mvrrii ;$ M u ,f -4 H t-x W ' -jSSjsl f - ' ' v C. , r t-tf, vi4SmL, .- h .'fcMgtaBWtgBMigra.afca&'ail in ... -. a. , t i m in mi1 mi MwmmtnMlMtUi SllllhJLi'iiiiiiMliiiT ''TWaWMFisfllB Mlrh'slliiltflTilssMslllllsllTslllllsMr " -I'M, - '-"- ,-c - : - -, -1..,- --ft-hnYi1 stf