jmEl PITTSBtlRQ- DISPlTOH, WEDNESDAY,. JUET 3, -1889; -V vy M LITTLE ROUND TOP The Magnificent Monument That Marks the Spot Held by 155th. A STORY QP PITTSBURG ZOUAVES And What They and Their Comrades Ac complished Jttlj 2 and 3. THET DEFIEtf AND WITHSTOOD DEATH Yesterday and to-day are anniversary oc casions which, to the veterans of the gallant old One Hundred and Fifty;fifth, are as sig nificant as is the morrow to a celebrating nation July 2 and 3 will ever be remem bered by them so long as life shall last. Their magnificent monument, now first il lustrated in print (to be dedicated in Sep tember), and the story of what that monu ment commemorates will both be scanned with interest. Little Sound Top was the key of the position at Gettysburg 26 years ago. "What, then, was the key of the position at Vicks burg? General Grant achieved the surren der of Pemberton's command. General Meade, aided mainly by General Warren, FOUGHT AND 'WON GETTYSBURG. The sacred soil of the Keystone State had been invaded. On the 1st day of July, that year. General Reynolds, tbe illustrious com mander of the right wine of the Potomac, fought so valiantly that his corps forced back the overwhelming tide of the rebellion invasion. This was actually tho turning point of the war; but had it not been for the acute and alert strategy of Gen eral G. K. Warren, the 2d of July night might have ended In disaster, and then tbe Army of the Potomac flanked and swung back so far that even they might not hare been able to hold any position. General Warren, with his eagle eye, mounted Weed's Hill and watched tbe tactics. A few minutes' observation satis fled him that Weed's Hill, so-called now, but then called Little Round Top, was, as before said, the key of the position. General Sickles had then lost his leg. His Third Corps were losing men, so many at every fire ot the enemy, tbe wonder was that, with their inferior num bers, they could withstand such a terrific fire, and yet continue to constantly kill so many of the enemy by rapid execution. A DEEADFUL DOUBLE-QUICK. When the First Division of tbe Fifth Corps had double-quicked from tbe rear of Cnlp's Hill to tbe wheat field, they lost at least halt of their entire number in killed alone. It was then that the other divisions of the corps came to tbe rescue. General Weed's brigade passed through the wheat field far enough to fire three effective volleys of buck and ball, and then had to double-quick by tbe left flank to hold Little Round Top at all hazards. The first salute tbat brigade received was tbe death of the brigadier. General Weed, on tbe sum mit of .Little Round Top; tbe next tbe death ot Colonel Patrick O'Rourke, of the One Hun dred and Fortieth New York. The Ninety first Philadelphia suffered also. Tbe One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylva nla Zouave Volunteers, tbat bad not the advan tage of the summit, but bad to submit to what fighting could be made on the declivity, did not lose in killed and wounded so heavily, because of the fact that, while flanked on both sides and confronted by all the charges of McLaw's Texan Brigade, they poured into tbe enemy so charging and into the Devil's Den and to tbe right of their regiment, so as to BELIEVE GENERAL SICKLE'S COEPS while withdrawing. It was thus, by loading and firing too rapidly for the enemy, that Lit tle Round Top had been secured. Those who were there know it. Then came in tbe gallant Pennsylvania Reserves, headed by -the Buck tails. Before that tbey had fought desperately and lost too heavily; but the regulars next filled up tbe gap between the valley-ending cemetery and weed's Hill with tbe Sixth Corps. This completed the victory of July 2, 1863, and secured tbe most Impregnable position on the battlefield. On July 3, 1863, Little Round Top was not, because it could not be, assaulted by artillery. Those Union soldiers wbo participated In both fights, namely: on tbe 2d and 3d days of July, 1SG3, are generally of opinion tbat tbe most des perate fight was on the 2d. They "pish" at the third day's fight, because tbe right and left flanks of the Union army, the infantry more especially, haa to remain inactive, and only the Union artillery Bred effectively, while, not Pickett's, but Hill's division was advancing to the charge, and received such a terrific and effectual repulse. Gentlemen! Store closed all day Thursday, Fourth of Jnly. Make your purchases to-day. Jos. Uobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Make your family happy and take them to Groveland on the Fourth. $4 to Cleveland and return via the P. & lu E. E. B., July 3 and 4, tickets good to return until July 5th, inclusive. Tuwsu Peabson galleries will be open for busi ness all day the Fourth of July. Go there for your cab. photos. Silver Age Eye at $1 CO per full quart. Sold everywhere. Principal depot, -Max Klein, Allegheny. mwp Smoke the best. La Perla del Fnmar clear Havana Key West Cigars. Sold 3 for 25c by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. It is conducive to matrimony to visit Groveland, the lots are so pretty. Peabson galleries will be open for busi ness all day the Fourth of Jnly. Go there for your cab. photos. Fireworks at cost to-dav and to-morrow. 700 Stnithfield sL Gentlemen! Store closed all day Thursday, Fourth of July. Make your purchases to-dav. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. To make yourself solid with your best sirl, take her to Groveland on the Fourth. vgf? SSjfitw"'' HiicmmRwi plit-Tv OWl&tM "" WsitiOsaftoo 5F5kaP ivv 3$H -, THE NEXT- CENSUS. A Request From Superintendent Forter Aboct Allcglienv County Statistics. Protbonotary Bradley yesterday received a letter of inquiry from Superintendent Porter, of the Census Office. Department of the In terior. Mr. Porter asks for tbe cost of tran scribing the records of mortgages In Allegheny countv for the three consecutive years of 1S87, 18S3 and 1SS9. Tbe statistics to be compiled are for tbe census of ISuO, and will comprise the names and addresses of mortgagor and mort gagee, tbe amount of the mortgage, the rate ot interest, period to run, and area covered. By the cost Sir. Porter states that he refers to the number of days' labor likely to be required in the performance of tho work. The amount of labor will be immense, and as yet neither Protbonotary Bradley or Recorder Graham can give any idea of the extent of it. Mort gages are now being received by tbe Recorder at the rate of from 50 to 75 per day. KEFERKED TO ME. M'CEEA. James W. Collins' Suggestion! on Railroad Crossings Considered. ' John H. Hampton, Esq., the attorney of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company, has replied to tbe open letter of James W. Collins, Esq., the attorney in the recent accident cases, suggest ing improvements of grade crossings along tbe thoroughfares of Allegheny City, for the safety of tbe puDllc ana tne company. r In his answer Mr. Hampton states that he has Informed General Manager McCrea, of the Pennsylvania Company, of the facts set forth in the letter. Mr. Hampton is not in the city at present, The Pennsylvania Seashore Excursions A Delightful Trip to the Seaside. For several summers pasfthe select sea shore excursions of the Pennsylvania Bail road have been accounted the most delight ful trips ever arranged for the people of this section. Tbey have presented opportunities for visiting the most popular resorts on the Atlantic coast at a rate of tare which comes within the power of all, and the limit of the visit has covered just the period of time that busy people could devote to leisure. The announcement that the excursions will be resumed this season is good news. Thursday, July 11, is the date fixed, and At lantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, or Ocean City, are the resorts from which a choice may be made. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and this company's finest day coaches, running on the scheduled given below, will carry the party, and the round trip tickets, good for ten days, will be sold at the rates quoted: Train Bate. leaves. Pittsburg $10 00 8:55 A. M" East Liberty 10 00 9:05 a. m. Irwin 10 00 9:35 A.M. TJniontown 10 00 6:58 A. 21. Connellsville 10 00 732 A. M. Scottdale 10 00 7:54 A. m. 'Greensburg 10 00 9:53 A. M. Indiana 10 00 6:30 A. X. Butler 10 00 6:15 A. M. Apollo 10 00 825 a.m. Latrobe 10 00 10:10 a.m. The party will rest in Philadelphia the night of the 11th, and proceed to the shore by any regular train of the 12th. The tickets will be accepted for return passage on any regular train except New York and Chicago Limited. Seats in the parlor cars can be re served on application at the office, 110 Fifth avenue. Floe Whiskies. X. X. X. 1855, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts f2 00 I860. McKim's Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 3 00 Monogram, Pure Bye Whisky, nil quarts 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Bye Whisky, lull quarts. ........ ... 1 50 Gibson's, 1879, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 2 00 Gibson's Pure Bye Whisky, full Guckenheimer Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 GnckcnheimerExport,Pnre Bye Whis ky, mil quarts 1'bU Moss Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1879 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1880 Export, Pure Bye Whisky,' fall quarts 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. To-Day, and Until 12 O'clock Noon, to-morrow, we continue our closing out sale of all men's suits and light-weight clothing. Men's fine suits that were marked 518, $20 and $22 are now reduced to $10, and our $16 and $18 suits go for.$8. Some 1,300 men's stylish sack suits at the low price ot $6. No blow or bluster about this, but a genuine clearing sale of all summer light weight goods. We are open, bear in mind, until 9 o'clock to-night, and until 12, noon, to-morrow. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond its., opp. the new Court House. Lndlrs! Store closed all day Thursday, Fourth of July. Make your purchases to-day. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Fonrth of July Goods. Fine line of fireworks, flags, etc. Extra quality. Lowest prices. Harrison's Tot Stobe, D 123 Federal street, Allegheny. Everybody Wonts Fun On Fourth July, and they can have it if they invest a small amonnt in some of those elegant all colored fireworks to be had at James W. Grove's, Fifth ave. twts July 4, Cattle Sbnnnon. Picnic by Southside Council No. 133. O. IT. A. M. and Phil Sheridan Branch Emer ald Beneficial -Association. Three baseball games. Trains every 40 minutes; round trip fare, 25 cents. The mortality would be very light if this city was as healthy as Groveland. Fonrth of Joly. Pearson will be at his galleries, 96 Fifth ave. and 43 Federal st, Allegheny, all of that day. Be sure and go to him for your cab. photos. Hundred- of Parasols Half Price La Toscas, English coaching and other swell styles. Now is the time to buy them. Jos. HOBNE& Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. 84. Fine gold spectacles, practically adjusted to the face and sight, at Steinman't, 107 Federal sL MTO - (- Baby Carriages. The largest line, the latest styles and the lowest prices on these goods can be had at James W. Grove's, Fifth ave. TWTS When celebrating the glorious Fourth don't forget to visit the beautiful plan of lots at Groveland, near Beaver. California Wines. Old Sherry, full quarts 50c Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75c Old Port, full quarts.... , 50c ....75c .....50c ....50c ....50c 95 and Extra Old Port, full quarts Biesling, full quarts Angelica, full quarts Muscatel, full quarts. Tokay, fall quarts For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 97 Fifth ave. Peabson galleries will be open for busi ness all day the Fonrth of July. Go there for your cab. photos. These would be fewer divorces if every person lived at Groveland, near Beaver. Fireworks! Fireworks! Not only the best makes in abundance, but at lower prices than inferior goods are usually sold for. Convince yourself of this fact bv calling at James W. Grove's, Fifth ave., Before purchasing. twts AN APPEAL PROBABLE The City Will Fight Judge Slagle's Business Tax Decision. CASE AND MORELAND TO COHSULT. The Assessor Explains How the Ealing Af fects Municipal Affairs. FOETI OTHER FIRMS ARE IKYOLYED A rumor was current yesterday that City Attorney Morelacd was considering the matter of making an appeal from, the de cision of Judge Slagle in the equity test case of the Hartman Steel Company against the city of Pittsburg, restraining the a linquent tax collector from collecting the tax levied upon the company on certain classes of sales. The decision, coming at the time it did, opens up a new phase of the tax collectors' business, and may lead to trouble. The books and lists in the tax assessors' office were closed on Saturday, and It is a question whether tbe city will secure any money from the wholesale liqnor dealers and bottlers who will be granted a license or not. Chief Assessor Case stated yesterday that all the assessments had been made for the ensuing year, ana as these people were not granted a licenso by Judge White, they were left off the list. It is a question whether a special list can now be made for them, as the books have been closed up by the expiration of time, and the law may not allow the time to be extended. AN APPEAL PBOBABLE. Mr. Case will consult with City Attorney Moreland to-day and ask his opinion on the matter. If the City Attorney advises him to make the assessments he will do so, and let the liquor men pay the taxes or fight the matter in the courts. City Attorney Moreland was asked by a reporter what he intended to do about the matter. He stafSd that he had not yet re ceived the decree from the Court, and would not get it until this mornlngjj Until then he did not know what he would do. Chief Assessor Case stated that the loss to the city from Jndge Slagle's decision wonld be very slight this year, and next year he thought it would be about $10,000. He said there were about 40 other firms similarly situated as the Hartman Company, and tbey would. In future, probably refuse to make any returns. The situation, he claimed, was entirely wrong, and It would probably result in the total abolition of the business tax, which tbe Assessor has been trying to have abolished for some time. Mr. Case said: "This matter of releasing these firms from this tax is extremely wrong and unjnst to other manufacturers in the city. There are any number ot mills, factories, etc., lust lying out side the city and county, who do their busi ness here but will not have to pay any tax. These concerns have their offices, warehouses, etc.. In this city, and take advantage of the shipping facilities that the other firms pay for. We nave tried to assess them on all the busi ness they transact in the city proper, but they made tbe returns themselves and could make them as low as they wished. THE DRUMMERS, TOO. "According to Judge Slagle's decision," con tinued Mr. Case, "we cannot tax a man unless he makes an actual delivery of goods in the city. Take for instance a lumber firm, who receive an order for five cars of stock for a town about 25 miles east of this city. The firm will order the stuff from the yards in tbe west and have it shipped to their customers. The bill is made out to them and they make a profit on the sale. As tbe stuff was not delivered in this city we cannot collect any business tax, although it was strictly a Pittsburg transaction. "The drummers cannot be taxed in this city, either, although they should be. The only way we can get at this class of people is to tax agents here who are on salary. The drummers do their business here and compete with Pitts burg merchants who pay a business tax. The fact that these outside manufacturers are not taxed will have a tendency to drive other large concerns out of town to tbe country. I am glad, though, tbe matterlis settled definitely, and we will wait until the whole theory is abolished. This will probably be done next year." AS A DRINK IN FEVERS Use ITorsfbrd's Acid Phosphate. Dr. Cbas. H. S. Davis, Meriden, Conn., says: "I bave used it as an accessory in cases of mel ancholia and nervous debility, and as a pleas ant and cooling drink in fevers, and bave been very much pleased with It." To-Diiy, and Colli 12 O'clock Noon, to-morrow, we continue our closing out sale of all men's suits and light-weight clothing. Men's fine suits tbat were marked $18, $20 and $22 are now reduced to $10, and our $16 and $18 suits go for $8. Some 1,300 men's stylish sack suits at the low price of $6., No blow or bluster about this, but a genuine clearing sale of all summer light weight goods. We are open, bear in mind, until 9 o'clock to-night, and until 12, noon, to-morrow. P. C. C."C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. tbe new Court House. j We Lead Them AH In quality, quantity and low prices on fire works, baby carriages, bicycles, girl's tri cycles, boy's velocipedes, hammocks, cro quet, lawn tennis, lawn swings, satchels, nags, firecrackers, cannon crackers, dolls, toys, etc., at James W. Grove's, Fifth ave. TWTS If you have not smoked the La Perla del Fnmar Key West Cigar you have lost & treat. Sold 3 for 25c G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. A beautiful place to spend the Fourth at Groveland. Excursion rates by Lake Erie, Fort Wayne and Cleveland and Pitts bury Railways. v Baby Carriages. Prices greatly reduced to make room for fall goods. Harbison's Tot Stobe, ,, D 123 Federal St, Allegheny. These would be fewer divorces if every person lived at Groveland, near Beaver. Free of Charge. Ladies can have their jewelry cleaned at Steinman's jewelry store, 107 Federal ft. irwr MEETINGS. rE MEMBERS OP MONUMENT CAS TLE No. 55. A. O. K. of the M. C are here by notified to meet at their ball, cor. Federal st. and Park way, Allegheny. THIS AFTER NOON, at 12:30 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, John Schultx. By order of the Castle. A. G. HALL, Commander. Attest: JOHN A. BARKER, R. S. jy3-70 NOTICE-JR. O. U. A. M. THE MEMBERS ofWm. Penn Conncil No. 64 will as semble at their -hall. Southern avenue, Mt. Washington, at 9 o'clock sharp, THURSDAY MORNING, Jnly 4, to attend the funeral of Brother Charles W. Weygand. Members of sister councils invited to at tend. Jy3-60 By order of C. THE MEMBERS OF ANDREW CAR NEGIE CAMP, No. 162, Sons or Veterans, will report at headquarters on THURSDAY. July 4, at 7:30 a m., in full uniform, to proceed to Wllklnsburg. By order of M. CRAWFORD. Captain. J. B. AULTMAN, First Sergeant. JyS-53 NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON JULY 15. 188a. the channel span of the Ohio river bridge at Steubenville, O., will be closed to navigation, and will continue to De closed during the erection of tbe new super structure, for a period of about four weeks. M. J. BECKER, Chief Engineer P., C. 4 St. L. Ry. Co. Pittsburg, Pa July 1, 1839. Je30 63 KOTICETO NAVIGATORS AND RTVER MEN To all whom it may concern, notice is hereby given that the Wheel ing Bridge Company, authorized under the laws of the State of West Virginia to construct and maintain a bridge over the Ohio river at Wheeling, W. Va.. will on or after JULY 1, 1889, file plans for approval and applications for permission to construct said structure with Secretary of War as pro vided for under U. S. statutes relating thereto. J. E. HUGHES. Jv2-31 Secretary Wheeling Bridge Company. piANOS, ORGAN&- - a HAMILTON, SI AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg, Pa. ap30-7t-jr i ---" - i - - - - r 'j&mamRm M3-IHplay advertitementi on dotlcf str $qaare for one insertion. Clatsifled adt . te merits on (Ad page tueh at Wanted, PorC.le, To Let, ele ten cent per llnf or tach'iter tton, and none taken for ten thanlft-i cent. the Pittsburg dispatch BRANCH OFFICES. For tbe accommodation of the public, Branofc Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 0 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where drertlwr already have accounts with Tux IMS TXTCB. prrrsBuna. THOMAS STCCAFITKEY, SKSBntler street. FJUIL G. STUCKEY, ath street and I'enn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACQ., Wylle ave. and Knltonst. N. bTOKJELY. ITirth Avenns Market House. XAST END. J. VT. WALLACE, 6121 l'enn avenue. OAKXAJTD. MCALLISTEK & BHE1BLEK, Cth av. ft Atwood St. SOUTUBIDX. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CIIAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Canon street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEBCHEU, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIUE, Federal and Ohio streets. KRED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H, EQOEKS ft SOX, Ohio and Cbestnnt . J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. a. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Braver aves. PEBBY M. GLEIM. Bebecea and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Heln. w ANTED-A GOOD -WHITE BABBER. J. FBEUEU1CK, Kltt&nning, ra. JT9-S TirANTEll-SINGLE WHITE MAN FOB CAB W BIAGE driver. Address O., Dispatch office, city. Jy3-u WANTED- FIBST-CLAS9 WAGON painter. Apply to J. G.TVKIB, JS3 Liberty ave., city. 1t3- WAN.TKD AN EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER: none other need apply. J AS. J. FLANNEBY, 841 Grant it. Jy3-1 WANTED-A YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL, with small capital. Call or address 204 THIRTY-NINTH ST., city, 8 to 10 A. M. )yj-18 -T7"ANTKD-A GOOD, BELIABLE BABBER V atonce; wages tlO to 812jit week; steady employment. S. D. VASBINELY, Grove City, Pa. Jr- WANTED-A GOOD GALVANIZKB CAN find steady employment at THE KELLY ft JONES CO., 143 First ave., Pittsburg, or Ureens burg. Pa. Jy2-57 WANTED-FIKST-CLASS BRASS MOLDEB run find nermanent emnlOTment at tha KELLY ft JONES CO., 143 First ave.. Pi., or Ureenibnrg, Pa. Je2-36 WANTED-AGENTS TO BELL STEBEO SCOPlCvlews (copyrighted) or Johnstown disaster: write for prices. FILSON ft SON, Pho tographers, Stcnbenvllle, O. Tbe only stereo scopic views on tbe market. . 172-00 -TTT-S-NTED AGENTS-'THE JOHNSTOWN W Horror; or, tbe Valley of Death." in con sequence or lta unprecedented sale will be pub lished In German: same price as in English. Ap ply to P. J. FLEMING ft CO., 77 Diamond St., Pittsburg. Pa. Jyt-W WANTED BARBEBS FOB CITY AND country Jobs, also those Intending to start barber shops to know tbat we have for sale tbe best new and second-hand chairs and fixtures at the lowest nrices. BOSS W. BLACK, 8u Dia mond St., Plttsbnrg. Jyt-lS WAN TED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YOBK Cutting School: Urllng's aetnal measure ment taught In all its branches; the only true system niiing any ana ausnapes;no trying on: Instructions. 10 A. M. to 4 p. x. ; evenlnx. 7 to p. M. ; can or write ror circular, ui w uui) si., PltUborg, Pa. Je2 TT ANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF VY onr safes; site 28x18x19 Inches: weight 500 lbs.: retail price S35; otberslzes in proportion: rare chance to create permanent business at home: these safes meet demand never before supplied by other safe companies, as we are not gorerned by tbe Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. Je0-4-D . WANTED-AGENTS TO HANDLE THE new patent Chemical Erasing Pencil; greatest novelty ever prodnced; erases Ink in two seconds; no abrasion of paper; 200 to 500 per cent Sroflt: one agent's sales amounted to 163) In six ays: another S32 in two hoars; territory absolute ly free; salary to cood men: noladles need answer: sample SS cents. For terms and follpartlculars address tbe manufacturers, J. W. SKINNER ft CO., Onalaska, Wis. jjZ-18 Female Help. XHTANTED-NUKSEGIBL AT 140 SHEFFIELD W st., Allegheny. , -jj2-48 DIale nnd Vemale ffeln. WANTED AT ONCE-100 ITALIAN LA BORERS, 50 farm hands and drivers. 5 men for hotel, 60 cooks, 3) chambermaids, 200 house girls, laundry, pantry and kitchen girls: call at once: highest wages paid. MEEUAN'S AGENCY, 545 Grant st. Jy3-D WANTED -125 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female. In every community; goods staple: household necessity: sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Fall particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean Jim what we say. Address at once STANDARD SU.VEBWARE CO., Boston, Mass. jel4-70.D Situations. WANTED POSITION IN DRUG OB apothecary shop for summer vacation by young man who has some knowledge of analytic chemistry. C, Lock Box 530, Washington, Pa. Jy3-14 Boarders and Lodgers. -fTTANTED-BOARDERS-AT AVALON. ON VV P. Ft. W. B. B.: bath, shade and fruit. Address BIRMINGHAM. Homestead, Pa. jy3-10 WANTED-OCCUPANTS FOR LARGE SEC OND story front room, handsomely fur nished; also hall room, with both rooms on same floor; good board given: a few doors from East Parks. Call at 85 WASHINGTON ST., Allegheny. jjS-46 Financial. WANTED MORTGAGES. , LABGE AND small. ED W1TT1SH, 410 Grant St.. Pitts burg. JelS-32 -YTTANTED-MOBTGAGES-MONEYTOLOAN VV In sums to suit at 4, S and 6 per cent. ALLES ft BAILED, let Fourth are. Tel. 1C7. apl9-14 WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PBOP ERTY, oyer H00: H vei cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO.. 82 Fourth arenne. mh2-a22-r WANTED-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT LY; property managed with satisfaction. ALLES ft BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. lalS-81 TIJ-ANTED-MOBTGAGES-1.000,C00TOLOAN VY In large and small amounts at 4)4. J and 6 per cent, iree oi ntateiax; no aeiay. jui.. ED B. WXL.&& uu., 121 rourtn ave. mya-60 WANTED-MORTGAGES IN LABGE AND small amounts; we bave a large amount ot money to loan at 5 per cent. W. A. HEBRON ft SONS, 80 Fonrth avenue. J (130-72-1,3.6, 9, 11,13, IS, 18, 20, 23, 25. 27,30 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN LABGEOB small amounts, at lowest rates, on Pltts bnrg, Allegheny or suburban Improved real es tate. ALEXANDER ft LKE, 813 Wood St. Je29-27-uws WANTED MORTGAGES WE HAVE A large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent on Improved city property. W. A. HEBBON ft SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Jy3-B-S,,9, 18,16. 20, 28, 27.30 WANTED BENTS TO COLLECT AND houses to rent In all parts of both cities and suburbs: established 1863. W. A. HEBRON ft bONS, 80 Fourth ave. J y-8-3, & , U, 16, 20. 23, 27, SO WANTED-TO LOAN 8500,000. IN AMOUNTS of 83,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 44 per cent, rree of tart also smaller amounts at Sand 6 per cent. BLACK ft BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. ae2l-d26-D VgrANTED MOKTG AGES-81, COO, COO TO LO AN V V on city and suburban properties at H, Sand 6 per cent, and on larcns in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENNOCK ft SON, 103 Fonrth avenue. ap7-Hl -fTTANTED-TO LOAN 8200, 000 ON MORT VV GAGES: tlOO and upward at 6 per cent; (500,000 at 4)4 per cent on residences or business property; also in adjoining counties. 8. H. FREN CH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-S4-D Snseellaneona. WANTED-TO START A CLUB OF 42 MEM BERS to secure a line gold watch for each one In the club at 81 00 per week. Address P. V. BOX SOL and I will call and snow yon the watch. JyS-40 WANTED TENANT FOB COUNTRY RESI DENCE. 3) minutes drive from GlenHeld: several acres of pasture and large barn on prem ises; rent very low. H. C GRUBBS, a Federal St., Allegheny. Jy3-69 WANTED-BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE, parents should have their ehildren'sphotos taken at AUFRECIIT'S popular Elite Gallery, 516 .iiaraet St., iriiisDurg. uaDinet pnoios, si per dozen until Sept. 1, 1830. T-6 -TTANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO VY TOGBAPHEB, 88 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know tbat be is making One cabinets at II 50 per dozen: photps delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-63 WANTED-USEKS OF FIGUBES FARMS WORTH'S New System of Addition solves the secret of "lightning calculation." Learned In an hour. For hlgbestlndorsement and particu lars Inclose sUmp to THE FARNSWOOTH CO., Johnston Bldg-Cincinnati, O. J23-45-wb TT7-ANTKD-EVERY LADY TO KNOW THAT VV the Kevstone Snow Flake Egg Shamnoo Cream manufactured by Boss W. Black. Pltts bnrg. Pa., is- not only a thorough and efficient agent for the removal of dandruff and a wonderful scalp cleanser, but Its use leaves bangs soft, curly aad fluffy. If your druggist don't keep It send to my store, NO. 80 DIAMONU STBKETr Pittsburg, font. JW WANTED. lmscelluieoui. WANTKD-CU8TOMEBS FOB DIAMONDS, gold and stiver watches, marble clocks, sil verware, etc, at ft per week upward, atiaoFed eral s., Allegheny. J. MITSCH. Jel5-MWT8a TTANTED-LADIE3 TO KNOWUAUGH ft VY Kecnan repair, reflnish or upholster old furniture promptly snd in the best possible man- ner. 33AND81 WATERBT. 'Pbone 1626. my-82 FOR SAIiE IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. T710R SALEBEDFORD AVE, NEAR SHAF JJj FER St. a snug 2-story frame house 7 rooms, attic and cellar, slate roof, etc.: lot 20x100 leet; price only 12,000. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON. No. lCS Fonrth ave. Jt3-31--wtbu FOR SALE ON TUNNEL ST NEAR Fifth ave., property now renting to pay 7 per cent net on tho price asked, wltb future en hancement almost certain. Fnll information from W. A. HERKON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. JT3-7-3. 6,9.12,16, 20 FOR SALE-COR. FORTIETH AND MIFFLIN sts. lot 33J4X101, with new 2-story building, size 32x101 ft., that could casUr be turned Into 7 dwelling bonse of 4 rooms each that would pay handsomely on the Investment: price S4.2U): Calf or all cash. TUOS. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler St. JyS- Enst End Residences. TCIOR SALE-MODEBN BRICK RESIDENCE, JD 10 rooms, large corner lot, 100x200: North in land ave., near cable cars. JOHN ALLEN, 6218 Penn ave. Jy3-27-WT8U FOR SALE-ON MEYBAN AVENUE, TWO squares from cable cars, Oakland, brick dwelling: late style: 8 rooms. W. A. HEBBON ft SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Je30-67-l,3.6,lo,13 FOR SALE-6 ACRES OF GROUND IN THE last End. all level and in first -class order; small house and stable on premises: a good specu lation, as it could be divided Into fine building lots. BLACK ft BAIRD, 85 Fonrth ave. Je2S-41-D lUKSALE SHADYSIUK HIinsE. RIINVENI- IJ ENT to BonporShadysidestatlonsor cable car. Jy2-69 "IJVJR SALE 2 NICE EAST END RESIDENCES. JD 8 rooms In each house; bath, lanndrv. Inside w. c and all modern conveniences; One lots and choice surroundings: a bargain fora prompt pur chaser. Particulars from J AS. W. DRAPE ft CO., No. 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jy3-3S TTWR SALE MARION PLACE LOTS. 3ATUR 1? DAY, July 6th. 1839. at 2 P. M.. second auc tion sale: these lots will be void to the highest bidder on your own terms: 22 lots sold at tbe first sale. REED B. COYLE ft CO., No. 131 Fourth avenue. Title Is lnsnred by the Fidelity 'title and Trust Co. Jy2-7S TTHIR SALE-ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS-1N JD the East End; a bouse of 6 rooms, with hall, cellar, porches, water, natural gas, marble man tels, etc.. etc: and nice lot to an alley; side en trance: can sell at a bargain; on small payments; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., IS Fourth ave., Pittsburg. lj3-36 FOR SALE 8 ACRES IN TWENTY-THIRD ward, with large, comfortable residence, god stable, all kinds of fruit, commanding view; the owner occupies the place as a summer resi dence. It Is unsurpassed for comfort and besaty: the owner, going abroad, will sell now at a great bargain. HENRY A. WEAVER ft CO., 92 Fourth ave. 1)2-53 TCTOR SALE ON LY 87, OOO-BEN VEN UE PLACE JD a 2-story Queen Anne frame house or 10 rooms and bath room, ball and vestibule, front and rear porches; slate mantels and tile hearths, art fire places, fine chandeliers throughout: elegant hard wood staircase, stained glass windows; all Inside woodwork finished In cherry; batb, inside w. c, stationary w. s., inside shutters, electric bells, speaking tubes; tills bonse Is well and sub stantially built; nicely papered throughout and in good condition; lot 50x120, fenced with neat fence and makes antes lawn with walks laid throughout. REED B. COYLE ft CO., 131 Fourth ave. Jy3-15 Tj'or sale only a few now remain JD unsold of tbe very desirable eight-room dwell ings on Oakland square. Tbe rapidity with which sales have been made show the estimation in wblch they are held; durably built and handsome ly finished, supplied with every modern con venience; standing on large lots nnd facing a handsome park planted with beautiful shade trees, tbese dwellings have the notable advantage of be Ingbatl5to20mlnute from tbe postoffice by the Pittsburg Traction road: a cable loop, for which an ordinance Is now In Councils, will pass within 100 feet or the square: prlcea 80,800 and 96,750; terms, moderate cashpayment and long time on balance. Apply to S.W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth avenue. Je23-67 Allegheny Residences. FOB SALE SEVERAL VERY FINE RESI DENCE properties In Allegheny, near parks. For particulars call on W. W. MoNflLLftBRO.. 105 Fourth ave. Je30-46 FOR SALE ALLEGHENY ON LACOCK, near Anderson St., comfortable 2-story brick house or 7 roomsi price reasonable I. M. PEN NOCK ft SON. 105 Fonrth ave. JyJ-31-wrsu TTiOB SALE-ON STOCKTON AVE., NEAR JD Arch St., very desirable residence property, lot 281240 feet to Park way. wltb large dwelling, 14 rooms. "W. A. HEBBON ft SON. No. 80 Fourth ave. Jy3-(S-J,8,ll,lS,16,20 T7KJR SALE CHEAP-OBSERVATORY HILL. JD near electric road, good 6-room frame house, in good repair; city wafer, nat. gas; good cellar: lot 33x190 feet; street front and rear; two lots If desired: easy terms. Inquire STEVENSON'S DRUGSTORE, 232 Arch St., Allegncny. Jy3-S-WThsn Subcrbnn Residences. F lOR SALE 81,900 A FRAME HOUSE OF S rooms, on west street. Wllklnsbura'- srond well of water, hall, cellar, porches, etc REED B. COYLE ft CO., 131 Fonrth ave. JyS-15 FOR SALE-83,000-t-ROOM FRAME HOUSE with porches, good well of water, cellar and ontbnlldlngs, lawn, grapes, fruit and shrubbery; situated on Ellott St., Wllktnsburg. REED B. COY LE ft CO. . 131 Fonrth are. Jy3-15 FOBSALE- 83. 500-A 6-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with porches, good well of water and cellar; large lot 66x180. covered wltb shrubbery: situated on South street, Wllklnsburg: three minutes from station; easy terms. REED B. COYLE ft CO., 131 Fourth avenue. JyJ-15 FOR SALE-82. 200-A S-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with porches, cellar, well of water and out buildings; situated on South street, Wllklnsburg: only two minutes' walk from station: can be bought on easy terms. REED B. COYLE ft CO., 131 Fourth avenue. Jy3-15 TJHJB SALE-t2,S00-A S-BOOM AND BECEP C TION hall frame house, with well, cellar and Improvements, large lot. etc.: situated on tho corner of North and Coal streets, Wllklnsburg; only seven minutes' walk from station; terms easy. REED B. COYLE ft CO.. 131 Fonrth avenue. Jys-15 FOR SALE OR KXCHANGE-SUBUKBAN residence and about 2 acres of ground, fruit and sbade trees, pure water, outbuildings, etc, on line of railroad. 3 minutes' walk from station, only 7 miles from the city. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 rourth avenue. Pittsburg. Jy3-38 FOR SALE $3,700-A FINE NEW 7-ROOM house, with reception hall, cellar and good well or water; porches, city water, nat. gas and electric light for Ulumlnatlug: a large lot, situ ated on Ella at.. Edgewood, 3 minutes' walk from station: terms easy. BEED B. COYLE CO., 131 Fourth ave. - J,V15 TTtOB SALE A BABGAIN-AGOODSUBURB-JD AN dwelling, Braddock avenne, Hawkins station, P. R. B., of 2,S stories, containing 12 rooms, large center and side hall, bathroom, h. and c. water, laundry, three porches, botn gases, good well water, handsomely papered throughout, about one acreof ground covered with fruit and shade trees, large stable; one-third casb, balance to suit. BLACK ft BAUtD, 95 Fonrth avenue. " Jy2-69 FOKSALE-COUNTBYHOMEATFAIROAKS, P., Ft. W. ft C. R. R., embracing between 4 and 5 acres of land on which Is a dwelling of U rooms. Ice house, wash room, large stable, car riage house and several ontbnlldlngs; land Is cov ered wltb beartngfrulttrees and large sbadetrees; dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious spring water, and heated and Illuminated with gas at reasonable expense; premises are connected with R. R. by board walk, and are unsurpassed In beauty and healthfolness of location; will be sold qnlte low. J. M. SrONKR, 22 BakeweU Building. e20-62-MWP FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. FOR SALE-DRUG STORE ON PROMINENT street la the cltv; good location. Address SCILLA, Dispatch office. Jy3-3 FOR SALE-8250-OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Ice cream. snd cigar parlor doing a nice business. J. C. REILLY,77 Diamond st. Jy3-C4 FOB SALE-BEST BAKERY IN THE CITY old stand: has always paid well. BALTEN SPEBGEB ft WILLIAMS. 154 Fonrth ave. JyJ-29 RRAr.K-AFIBST-CLASSSHOESTORE. ES JD TABLISHED trade and good stock: located In best iron town In Obloi good reason for selling. Address WADE, Dispatch office. Je2S-sf FOB SALE A CEN TK ALLY LOCATED, G OOD paying barber shop: a big bargain; come Snick; good reasons for selling. BOSS W. LACK. Broker and Dealer In Barber Supplies, 80 Diamond St.. Pittsburg. Jys-2l F; srowlngtown on 11ns of railroad: nice, fresh stock; good opening: trade principally prescrip tion. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE ft CO., 129 Fonrth avenue, Pittsburg. JyS-37-WThs TTIOB SALE-A FIRST-CLASS JRESTAUHANT, JD doing a fair business, on one of the best business streets in the city; will be sold cheap, as the owner Is In poor health and must quit the busi ness. Address B. C, Dispatch office Jyl-7 -TTtOK SALE FINE, EXTENSIVE AND PBOF JD 1TABLE bakery, ice cream and confection ery business; nothing better and must be sold; also, grocery, drygoods. drug, cigar, cblna and notion stores; printing office, batcher shop, baker ies and other business cbances. Free particulars. SHEPABD ft CO., 54 Fifth ave. JelS TTIOR SALE-ESTABLISHED BRICKYARD AT I? foot of Edmund St., Sixteenth ward, with 2 kilns, drynonse. molds, picks and shovels, wheel harrows, etc.: 4 years' lease of ground; plenty of good clay at 25c per thousand; no water or ground rent: satisfactory reasons tor selling: nrlce 8100. See owners at yard or THOS. MCCAFFREY, 35t9 Batter st. JyJ-44 HannfBctnrlnar Sites. TTIOR SALE MANUFACTURING SITE JD River avenne, Allegheny, between P. ft W. and W. P. B. B., opposite new Thirtieth street bridge; lot 2t0xl25;"one of the best locations for manufacturing purposes lu the two cities. If not sold this property will be offered st public sale Monday, July 15, at 10 o'clock. For particulars call on or address JOHN J, HO WLKY, 127 Fourth ave. Je0-6SG SOU SALE-LOTS. CItr ljots. FORSALE-CrrYLOTS-lOLOTSON LIBERTY ave., between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sts.. Plttsbnrr, Pa.: low and on long time. oe. tu JeS-35 ivauim, wneeung, w. va East End Lota. TfTiOR SALE-LOTS-BOULEVARD PLACE, E. V E.: 2 very choice lots each 50x163 feet. I. M. PENNOCK ft SON, No. 105 Fonrth ave. JyS-31-wrsu FOR SALE CHOICE BKUSHTON LOT AT A bargain: 40x140 feet to an alley; only750; small cash payment, balance on time; call at office and get full particulars. BLACK ft BA1BD. V5 Fonrth ave. JyI-69 fTIOR SALE LOTSl LOTSI-3 CHOICE LOTS JP on Frankstown ave.. Brnshton station; Bank of Commerce addition plan: each 43x140 feet to 24 foot alley; terms 850 down and 810 a month: cheapest lots In the market. Secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfleld st. Je30-60-uwp FOR SALE-TUE CHOICEST BUILDING sites within the city limits, possessing all the advantages of healthful location, easy and rapid ways of reaching them, convenient to all kinds of business, yet with all tbe seclusion and selcct ness of suburban places; these are to be found only In the Baum Grove plan, at less than coun try prices. MELLON BBOS.. East End. or JOHN F. BAXTER, 612 smlthfield St. Je30-59-WSU Allcabcnv Lou. TJTOR SALE-ALLEGHENY-LOT ON IRWIN, I? near North ave.: nice lot. 25x106 ft. L M. 'PENNOCJ1 ft SON. 105 Fourth ave. jy3-31-WTBa FOB SALE-ALLEGHENY-LOT ON ACKLEY st., n. Garfield ave.: good lot. 25x100 ft. L M. PENNOCK ft SON, 105 fourth ave. Jy3-31-WTSa FOR SALE-CHEAP. YET- DESIRABLE AL LEGHENY building lots, as low as $350, on easvpavments:call or send forplaas. W. A. HERKON ft SONS, 80 Fonrth ave. J eSO-70-3, 6, 9, 13, 1 6, 20, 23, 27, 30 FOR SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE ANDLINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUUHER, 4J.N. Diamond St. mh7-9S-r F IOR S ALE-CnEAP LOTS ON CHARLES AND Sarah sts.. at terminus Pleasant Vallev Kir llie, Allegheny (only 18 mln. from Plttsbnrg P. OS ); prices as low as 8900 on tbe lormer and S200 on the latter street: call at once; only a few left. BALTENSPERGER ft WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. JJ3-30-WT8 Hazelwood Lots. FOB SALE-LOTS AT HAZELWOOD AND Glcnwood. near the station: only 15mlnnts from new B. ft O. station. Smlthfield st.: graded streets, sidewalks, city water, gas: 8300 to 1 1,000; bouses for sale,- small payment down, balance In monthly payments If desired: railroad fare, monthlr tickets. 5)4 cents per trip. GEORGE C. BURGWIN, 150 Fourth ave. Jc1S-71-mwfssu FOB SALE-CHOICE LOTS IN THE BLAIR estate, within 3 to 5 minute' walk of Hazel wood and Glenwood stations: line level lots re quiring no grading or filling: wide street, city water, gas, natural gas. sidewalks, pavements, schools, stores, etc.: online of the electric street car line now building: 10 minutes by theB. ftO. B. R. from the new depot; all express trains stop: monthly tickets, fare 54 cents: prices S 125 toll, 000; 10 per cent cash, balance long time: monthly pay ments if desired. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 93 Fourth ave. Jy3-X9-MW8 Suburban liota. FOR SALE-FINE BUILDING LOTS ANY place In or about Brnshton, Wllklnsburg or Edgewood, ranging in price from J500 toil, 000. on easy terms. BEED B. COYE ft CO., 131 Fourth ave. JyS-15 1 FOR SALE-FIFTY ACRES IN LOTS OF ANY size desired, at Fernwood (Gibson sta.). 7 miles from Pittsburg, on Pittsburg and Lake Erie R. R. ; magnificent river view, near station, pub lic school on premises; price low, long credit; special otters and cash loans to persons building atonce, or houses erected for purchasers famish ing small amount of cash. Apply to WILLIAM A. S1PE, owner, 93 Diamond St., Plttsbnrg. from 8 to 11 A. M opon the premises. Jr2-GJ-MW8 jTstrms. FOR SALEFARM OF 75 ACRES-HIGHLY improved, 5 acres orchard, variety of fruit; 2 story brick dwelling 12 rooms, brick stable and carriage house; frame tenement bonse 6 rooms: 8 miles from city, close to two R.R. lines. ED.W 1T TISH. 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. Pa. Je22-D Snseellaneona. FOR S ALE ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.-HOTEL3, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath bouses to let or for sale by I. G. ADAMS ft CO.. real estate agents, R. Est. ft" Law Bdg Atlantic Cltv. N.J. Je20-3-D FOR SALE- A CHOICE BLOCK OF BUILDING lots fronting on Davis and Erin streets, half square from Central Traction road. Street here nicely elevated, paved' and sewered. Buildings surrounding all good. Costly and handsome new buildings now being constructed In vicinity. This Is a good point for Investment. Will sell at less than present and away below prospective values. A choice business corner. Thirty-third st. and Madison avenue, opposite Central Traction stable, 100 feet on Thirty-third St., paved. A first-class location for retail business of any kind or for pub lic balL A sure and profitable Investment. Elegant building sites on Adelaide and Clarissa streets and Herron avenue. Ground unbroken. Clean and handsome as a lawn, gently sloping to the southeast, perfect drainage, pure air, mag nificent view of Allegheny, Monongahela and East Liberty valleys, within 12 minutes' ride of any part of city by Central Traction road. Will sell In any number ot feet frontage at prices tbat will guarantee tbe purchaser a profitable Invest ment. Desirable residence property on Benton avenne. Allegheny, convenient to New Brighton road and proposed electrlcroad. Large lots, low prices and easy terms. Je29-8 CHARLES SOMKBS. 313 Wood street. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Hones. Vehicles. Live Stock, dec TTiOB SALE LIVERY STABLE, STOCK AND JD fixtures. Inquire ot GEO. BEET. Bridge at., Etna. Je27-74-MWFS FOR SALE-A FINK LOT OF YOUNG PAR ROTS guaranteed to make talkers; price, 85 each: come soon to secure first choice. ES PICH'S, 610 Smlthfield st. Je30-9-wgu TTtOB SALE HOBSES-JUST RECEIVED A JD carload of drivers, draft and coach horses. Can be seen at Nos. 810 and 812 LIBERTY ST., Allegheny, Excelsior Sale Stables. JeSM-24 FOR SALE-MOBBILL PATENT JUMP SEAT rockaways, tbe best Jump seat made are light, comfortable, roomy, easy shifted and pos sesses features not found In any other. C.WEST ft CO., Carriage Makers, 420 Duquesne way. Jy3-17 machinery nnd metals. FOR SALE 28x48 CORLUJS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen In operation: price on application; Worthlngton pumps, automatic and plain slide valve engines, boilers, pipe and fittings. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 Jrirst ave. aul-p32-uwp FOB SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; aU sizes and styles kept la stock, from 4 to 100 b. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices: mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. 23-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. JS3-92-MWP FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7xl2-lnch double engine, double drum; others large and small, with single or doable friction drums: wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc: two 26x45-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts.. Allegheny. Ial7-MWT LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of administration on the estate of Geo. F. Heim. deceased, late of Allegheny City, have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all those Indebted to said estate, will make Immediate payment, and those having claims agunst tbe samo will present them duly probated without delay. JOHN F. MYERS, 10 Federal St., room 28, second floor, Alle gheny. my29-87-W FRANK "W". SMITH. Attomey-at-Law. ESTATE OF F. W. RUBATJ, DECEASED Notice Is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on tbe estate of F. W. Rubau, late of the city of Pittsburg, county of Alle gheny, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to E. D. Wingenroth, of said city, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delav. ETD. WINGENROTH, Administrator, Jel9-13-w 100 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. -jrrOTlCE-IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN Jl application will be made to tbe Governor of Pennsylvania, on WEDNESDAY, July 17, 1SS9, byWm.J. Hammond, John V. PattonWln. J. McElroy, Wm. E. Tustin and Wm. J. Ham mond, Jr., under tbe act of Assembly, entitled, "An act for the Incorporation and regulation of motor power companies," etc, approved March 22, 1SS7, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called the Duquesne Electric Railway Co., the character and object of which is to construct and operate motors and cables or other machinery for supplying motive power to passenger railways and the necessary appa ratus for applying tbe same, and for these pur poses to have, possess and enjoy all tbe rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assem bly. JOHN F. COX, Attorney for Applicants, Je28-26-W VTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN LV application will be madeto tbe Governor of Pennsylvania on the 22d day of July, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. St., or as soon thereafter as the parties can be beard, fora charter of incorpora tion of the Allegheny Traction Company." un der the provisions of an act of AssemjMy en titled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of motor power companies for operating passenger railways by cable, elec trical or other means," approved March 22. 1S87. The object of the proposed corporation is the construction and operation of motors and cables or other machinery for supplying motive power .v passenger railways, and the necessary appliances for operating the same, and tbe leasing .and operating of passenger railways, and the purchase of their stocks and securities under the powers granted by "?- - of Assembly. The capital stock of tho .tr posed corporation Is $350,000 and the names of tbe incorporators are James A. McDevitt, C.L. Magee. Joshua Rhodes, John D. Nicholson, John H. Dalzell, George tt Hill and A. C. AIc Callam. Jr. ' -A. M. NEEPER, jett-Si-W Attorney for Corporators. I ieae-ow Attomer for Corporator, l FtoeKworklatntcitr. myas-u-wr l jrreund BaUdlnt second floor. m&34-M-vw7KS TO LET. Cltv Residences. TO LET-SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE -ROOMED dwellings; will rent low. JOHN ALLEN. 6214 Penn ave. JJ3-28-HWI TO LET-NO. 171 SECOND AVE.. BRICK dwelling: hall and 9 rooms: possession Im mediately. J. M. STONES, 22 BakeweU Build ing. - Je22-96 East End Residence. TO LET ON CLAYBOURN STREET. NEAR Aiken avenue Sbadyslde. house of six rooms and attic: Immediate possession; rent moderate. Inquire ON PREMISES, or address J. L., P. O. box 840. Jy2-42 Offices. Deik Room, die mO LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY 1 painted: elevator, janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GER5IANIA SAVINGS BANK, 43 Wood street. Je2l-68-D TO LET-OFFICE BOOMS OR SUITES FOR general bnslness purposes In the new DIS PATCH BUILDING. 75. 77 and 79 Diamond St.: situation most central in the city: electric light Included In rents, which are moderate. Apply between It A. X. - Je27-e0 TO LET-PENN BUILDING. PENN AVE., near Seventh St., offices single or en suite, in this elegant S-story building: 2 Crane elevators, heat and janitor services; rents exceptionally low; floor plans at onr office: we have also de sirable offices In other good buildings. SAMUEL W. BLACK ft CO., 99 Fourth ave. JelJ-SI-D Business Stands. , O LET FOUR STOREROOSIS WITH dwellings: one 6. 7. 12. 16 room houses: some T unfurnished rooms forbousekeepingorofilces. In quire 44 FOURTH STREET. Jy3 SS-WVSSU PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS! BOOKSl BOOKS I New and oUl. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and sclentlnc-aVJOO vol umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, SCO Liberty st. my3-23 PERSONAL WHY TKOUBLE YOUB WIFE, mother ordauzbters In renalrlng and clean ing your old clothes, when It can be done fora trifle by DICKSON, tbe Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood St., second floor; Charges moderate; facilities unsurpassed: suits madetoorder: Spring styles now readv. 'leteDhonel553. inli3 LOST. EOST-ON TUESDAY, JULY 2, BETWEEN' Union depot and Monterey St., Allegheny, three twenty dollar bills. Tbe finder please leave at the Dispatch office. Jv3-16 EDUCATIONAL. CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ Pa. Unexcelled location and surround ings. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific sChonL For circular, etc, address J. CALVIN RICE, A, M Principal, je2&53 NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hndson. Courses of study in civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful buildings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT. B. S., A M., Supt; BELDEN F. HYATT. Comd't ot Cadets. jeH-D OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. PrrrSBtmc, Pa, June 27, 18S9. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 1 reports of Viewers on the opening of Charles street, from Center avenue to Ruch street; Klrkpatrick street, from Center avenue to Reed street, and JohD street, from Mabon street to Sobo street, have Deen approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed In tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date E.M.BIGELOW, je30-83-D Chief of Dept. of Public Works. PlTTSBUKO, Pa. June 27. 18S9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE reports of Viewers on the construction of sewers on Lang street, from Penn avenue to Kelley street: Meadow street, from Lincoln avenue to Larimer avenue; Bond and Sheridan streets.from Hiland avenne to Hoeveler street, and Kegley avenue and Roup street, from Hampton street to Two Mile Run sewer, have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from datef E. M. BIGELO W. je30-S2-D Chief of Dept. of Public Works. CJEP ABATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS O will be received at the office of the City Controller until JULY 6, 1889, atSo'clockp.M., for tbe erection of a police station house in the Thirty-sixth ward. Also tor altering and repair ing police station houses in tbe Eleventh and Twelfth wards. Plans and specifications can be seen at tbe office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J.O.BROWN, Chief oftho Department of Public Safety. je264- t BU8INESS TAX AND WATER RENTS, 1S89. Notice is hereby given that tbe du plicates for tbe business tax and water rents for the year 18S9 bave been placed in ray hands for collection by tbe Board of Assessors author ized to assess the same The time for paying said taxes and water rents at tbe Cltv Treasurer's office is the month of June. No discounts allowed. Water rents and busfness tax remaining un paid after June SO, 1SS9. will be placed lu tbe hands of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes for collection, with 5 per cent added. All applicants for statements of water rents must give name of tbe owner of the prop erty they occupy or desire to pav water rent for. J. F. DENNISTON, Je5-B5-D City Treasurer. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE VACATION of Gorman, formerly Virgin, alley on the Southside, from South Eleventh street to South Twelfth street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city ot Pittsburg, in Selectand Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the consent of Councils is hereby given to the va cation of that portion of Gorman, formerly Virgin, alley on the Southside, from South Eleventh to South Twelfth street, and so far as the power of Councils extends in the prem ises, said portion of said alley is hereby va cated. Provided, however, tbat when the Oliver Iron and Steel Company, tbe present owners of the abutting property, shall cease to use the street hereby vacated, or the property abutting thereon, for manufacturing purposes, said street shall be opened for public use. And. Provided further, that whenever the Councils of the city of Pittsburg shall deem tbe same to be necessary, and shall pass an ordinance directing the same to be done, then, and in that case, the said Oliver Iron and Steel Com pany, their successors and assigns, shall, with in a period of one year, give up possession of said street to public use, the same as It existed prior to the passage of this ordinance, without any compensation therefor. jy3-o5 AN ORDINANCE-FOR THE VACATION of South Eleventh street from Muriel street to tbe Moncngahela river. Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted bv tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. Tbatthe consent of Councils is hereby given to the va cation of that portion of South Eleventh street from Muriel street to the Monongahela river, and so far as the power of Councils ex tends in the premises, said portion of said street is hereby vacated. Provided, however, tbat when the Oliver Iron and Steel Company, the present owners of the abutting property, shall cease to use the street hereby vacated, or the property abutting thereon, for manufactur ing purposes, said street shall be open for the public use And Provided, further, that when ever the Councils of the city of Pittsburg shall deem tbe same to be necessary, and shall pass auoidlnance directing the same to be done, then, and in that case, the said Oliver Iron and Steel Company, their successors and assigns, shall, within the period of one year, give up possession of said street to public use the same as it existed prior to the passage of this or dinance, without any compensation therefor. 1Z2S AMUSEMENTS. TJASEBALL ' RECREATION PARK. s THURSDAY. JULY 4, 2 GRAND GAMES 2 t 10:30 A. it. and 4 p. M., M YORK YS ALLEGHENY. " Trains at 10:15 and 3:4a ADMISSION 50 CENTS. Ladies ARE NOT admitted free to grand stand on holidays. jy366 TnXPOSITION PARK-FOURTH OF J ULY SWORD COMBAT, Horse Races and Wrestling Matches, 8:30 and 8 P. jr. Admission, 23 and 10 cents. jy?-53 NEXT SUNDAY A BIG DAY ON THE WILKINSBURG CAMPMEETING GROUNDS. Singing excellent. Plenty cool air. JyW-WTbssu G. W. W. JENKINS. PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from the city, situated on the bluff overlookltg Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, flue dancing platform, etc. The use of the- grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges. O.A.K. posts, private fetes, etc., tbe only charge being fare on tho steam elevator to and from tbe grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to X H. DAWBON, Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A CLANEY on the grounds. mvll-15-D a7WH1TELEY. 128K THIRD AVE UPSTAIRS. Gents' shoes soled'and heeled in 15 minutes for 75 cents. Finest work In the city. myX-ll-wr for 75 cent. GC Bmlthfield street. Plttsbare. PaXFrflAeMTa DIVIDEND; S. Fifth' NATioNAiBAjnc, PlTTSBtTEO, July i, 1889. t -TVIVIDEND THET DIRECTORS OFTHI3 XJ bank bave declared dividend of xriKKsl (J) PER CENT, payable Julylp. Jy2-47 A. C. KNOX, Cashier. JI:(rANIC3, Natioxai,Baxx. T-vrVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF IHT3 17 bank bave this day declared a dividend of FIVE (5) PER CENT out of the profits for thai last six months, free of tax. payablo July 9. U1UI.Ii c ArfijtuAiJi, vasnier. PmSBUBO. Pa, June 29. 1889. JT2-33 City sa vinos Bank. PnrsBUKQ. Pa. July X, 1889.J BIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THI3 bank have declared a dividend of FOUS 1 R CENTUM on the capital stock, payable forthwith, out of tbe earnings of tbe past six months. J. W. TAYLOR; Cashier. jyz-w Merchants and Manutactukxbs' i Natiosai. Base: i TIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIREC sy auivq oc mis oanK nas ueciarea a aivt uend of TWO AND ONE-HALF PER CENT? (2 per cent) upon the capital stock out of tho earnings of tbe last six months, payable forth with f reo of tax. W. A. SHAW, Cashier. PlTTSBUBO, June 29, 1SS9. jy2-36 Duquesne National Bank. PlTTSBUBO, Pa., July L 1SS9. DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS of this bank have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENTUM on the. capital stock out of tbe earnings of the last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. J630-SO A. H. PATTERSON. Cashier. ARSENAL BANK OF PTTTSBUBO, I Pittsbubo, July L 1889. X DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of this bank bave declared a divi dend of FOUR (4) PER CENT outof the earn ings of the last six months.' payable forthwith, je30-4 W. S. WILLIAMS, Cashier. ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK, PlTTSBCEO. BIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS has this day declared a dividend of iuREE PER CENT out of tbe earning ot past six months, pavaDle July 1. 1889. F. C. HUTCHINSON, Cashier. JUNE 29, 1889. jyl-25 Freehold Bank. 1 Pittsbuko, June 29. 1889. ( BrVTDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS bank have this day declared a dividend ot iuREE (3) PER CENT out of the earnings ot the last six months, payable forthwith. je30-41 J. F. STEEL, Cashier. Masonic Bank. FTttsburo, Pa June : ne 29. 1889.1 :ND THI rnHIRTY-THIRD DIVIDE JL Board of Directors of this bank hav this day declared a dividend of THRES (3) I'tti criN J. on tne capital stocc out oi ins last six months. Payable on demand. Free of tax. W. R. CHRISTIAN, Cashier. je30-15-D Odd Fellows Savings Bank, i Pittsbubo, Juue 29. 1889. ( DTVTDEND THEDIRECTORS Olr THI3 bank have this day declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT on the capital stock out of the earnings of the last six months payable on demand free of tax. je30-HS F. E. MOORE, Cashier. Pittsbubo National Bank of Commerce Pittsbuko. Juno 29, 1889. t DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of thi bank bave this day declared a dividend of FIVE (5) PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payablo forthwith, free of tax. C. L WADE, je30-4J Cashier. Office Allegheny Bridge Co.,1 - Pittsburg. July 1.1889. r DrVIDENIT THE PRESIDENT AND, managers of the company for erecting X bridge over the Allegheny river opposite Pitts-, burg, in the county of Allegheny, have this, day declared a dividend cf ONE DOLLAR, AND SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS (SI 751 oa each share of the capital stock out of than profits of the last six months, payable forth! with. W. ROSEBURG, Treasurer. jvS-23 PROPOSAL. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-TO LET by contract of the brick, stone, frame work and roof of Wichersbam Scboolhoose, Twenty-rourth ward. Pittsburg. Southsidet best material to be used; each part to be re ceived separate; all bids to be accepted or, rejected, at the option of tbe School Boardt proposals must be in on or before JULY 10. For particulars applv to H. BERGER, No. S81 Carson St. or SYLVESTER DALY, 2833 Car son st. jy3-20 . Ojtice or the Controller, ) 3 .' ALLEGHENY COUNTY, u lo 3 ta PlTTHJUBG. July 2, 1889,) -VT0TIC5 to BAKERS AND BUTCHERS. J Sealed 'proposals will bftreceived at thi office uujiU o'clock P. IL, FRIDAY, July 6.1889, for supplyn-g-Allegheny county jail wjtlxbreaoi and meat from July 15. 1889, until January 16V""r 1890. Bread is to be of good quality wheat bread. Proposals for meat will De, first, good, quality boiling beef, not to contain more than, ', 25 per cent bone; second, to be free from bona and fat and accompanied with such amount of soup bone as the Warden shall direct. Tho, board reserve the right to consider either prop osition in the Interest of the county. All sup- plies to be subject to the approval of the. Warden, and be furnished in such quantities and at such times as he shall direct. For I further information inquire at the county jail. ' The board reserve the right to reject any or all! , bids. J03IAHSPEER.- l Controller and Secretary of Prison Board. 4 iro VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received bytheun-,-dersigned until Saturday. July 6 A. D. 1SS9, fcr, tbe grading and paving of Seventh avenue, iai Beaver Falls borough, from Eighth street,' south, to the New Brighton bridge, said pro-! nosals to be separate for fire brick andLlzonier.' block paving, and the bid for both to be by thai , square yard. Each proposal to be accompanied by a certiv I fled check forSL,000 payable to the order of! i Charles P. Wallace, Treasurer of the borough.) All checks accompanying proposals which ara I not accepted will be returnedlmmedlately after! the award shall bave been made The check) 1 recelred from the successful bidder will be re-( turned to bim upon bis entering Into a formal I contract for the due performance of the work,! and giving bond with approved sureties for SOJ per cent of the contract price But in cass hoi shall fail to enter Into such contract andglvstj such bond within ten days after notice of thai V acceptance of bis proposal, the check accom-J ' panyinguch proposal shall become the prop-t erty of the borough of Bearer Falls. Each bidder must furnish a sample of briCKJ or stone block wblch he proposes using. 5 Specifications can be seen at the Burgess) office of James Piper. " "" . The Borough Council reserves the right teV reject any or all bids. GEO. E. LISCOMB, Secretary Borough. 805 Second avenue ' ' BEAVEg Falls. June 24. 1889. Je27-8 . OPENING DAY. Economv Dining and Llmcfii Kooms . a LADTF-S AND GENTLEltEX Will open to-day. SAMUEL BING, 32 Sixth Street, opposite Bijou Theater.-! jyB.wrs ; . i. : WORKING MEN!-. A chance for employment at Glass , or Iron Works, and Lots for Homes Cheap, on Easy Payments, on the Patterson Plan, .. .,.. rm .. ,.-.- Ab vuciiraa s;auoo. aionoHgrtngia Vj Division, Pennsylvania Railroad. - ,-i T T T1TVTTP Am. ' 'S Duquesne, Pa. iv ur, no. s v coa screes, room ixo.a,', Pittsburg. je27-57.D TAR. BURGOON, The Specialist, of 47 Ohio street AUegh defies competition in the cure of all car troubles. He does not point to ficntioasi tunoniais. ' v: COME AND SEE THE ORIGINALS,1 At his office of your neighbors who have cured in Pittsburg and Allegheny. Cons non iree T-UNCAN C WHITK, Building Contractor, 71 Diamond atrt. Second door above Smlthfield, 'dSf i t Pittsburg. feM-7-KWC. A E. LLNKENHEIMER, ARCHITECT, tit QmllhOsM .... T.a..1 T.J w vuiiMiucm aucoi, svi.wuurg, X". x cuau .oaiiuuiB, ocoflu ZLOOr J? t5Z' M&J h&2gfe kSHHsI , . .''-". . ir , .,n - , . , ..., --. i- V..-- x ' ' V. ' . . J t- - C ,' ini;1" S" l. jtw- "-, - . 3fe-St.ifc-ij.ik .. JliatsSsssssssssssalH ' V' - te , - Vl ....w:- - ' v'W-"- - I-z'X. f.iW,1 .lislsdsslaKMa --?--:--ii-lMiit t'-T'iMTtriaAMMi. V "tfKgtfte&'' '' -.. .--Xi: :riiiJi&f&Ji,: '- -Sssiayyif rJTTls)TiitWifwBfriailsffT-'- JlmraiTlsiiiM' Tri sirifflBsWsssassssssssf iT iai8sTCL '-, , 4? i'" i It i, Mtii''i8itnSm!mliMirimk inl't 'isiMiisWtfitssWsssssisV TCBBBBBBBBaSt4&diL4A AWksfxdHlBUBSflBMtfiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlSBB J3ttsKfini$5lsttiM $,jiBWWBHBBsWpMIMlipiM mm i''iTiflsnTsTWtTTSafcs