Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 03, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Jruggists Take Heart of Grace
From the Election
fT0BElBD THE L. & 0. LION.
"A flew Method of Beating the Some
what Ancient Blue Laws.
O-... 'Attorney Tost Says the L. 0. Is Tery
K- Much Alive and Kicking.
A number of the druggists of Pittsburg
and Allegheny hare taken heart of grace
from the successive defeats sustained by the
Prohibition party and their gallant Se trick
ier standard bearer, and are frankly assert
ing that the huge tidal wave -which swept
over the State and county on the 18th of
June indicates a more liberal feeling dawn
ing in the minds of the people.
The druggists are ready to try a game of
bluff with Captain "Wishart and his myr
midons on the above account, and it is even
hinted that the Cincinnati game is to be
tried on. That is to violate the submarine law
so frequently as to choke up the court with
cases on Information and, in fact.
which will be of such magnitude as to take the
Law and Order Society off its feet. Cincinnati
saloon cases are before the Cincinnati courts
to such an alarming extent that the courts
have two years' work mapped out, and it is
argued that the same tactics pursued would
exhaust the powder of the Law and Order
people, and render the 1794 law inoperative by
sheer force of number of cases for prosecution.
"Whether or not this scheme will be tried. It is
certain that a large number of druggists are
preparing to face the law and order music
Among other arguments made use of is the
condition of the present and future quality of
the water supply of both cities.
Mr. John W. Miller, Chairman of the Ex
ecutive Committee of the Allegheny County
Pharmaceutical Association, was interviewed
at his drug store, on Western and Grant ave
nues, last evening. Mr. Miller had just re
turned from Reading, where be received the
honor of election to the Presidency of the
State Pharmaceutical Association. Concern
ing the statement that certain druggists were
preparing to resume Sunday selling, Mr. Miller
"Yes. We are cognizant of the fact that
quite a number of druggists are preparing to
start up the general selling or soda water
business on Sunday. It is, however, against
the advice of the association. We do believe
that public sentiment is more than ever
against the blue laws, and the special injustice
of the V5 line in Allegheny county has loDg
been admitted by most of the residents of
the two cities.
"Bnt the Pharmaceutical Association, as a
whole, while It deplores the existence of the
laws, does not believe in attempting to Ignore or
override us. The courts do not especially enjoy
trying cases under the law, and we have had
frequent advice from eminent officials astooar
proceedings at Harrisbnrg. Of course we do
cot attempt as an association to dictate to indi
vidual members, and, while public opinion is a
very nice thing to havo on one's side, nothing at
Ii resent can alter the existence of the obnoxious
aw. As to -the legislative status of our move
ment against the blue law and Its supple
ment, here is our official report which is just
being issued to members of the pharmaceutical
To the Officers and Members of the Allegheny
County l'harmaceutical Association:
Tour Executive Committee herewith report.
Pursuant to a resolution of the association, passed
January 10, 1SS3, we employed counsel to draw
suitable bills for presentation to the Legislature,
and the first bill he drew was placed In competent
hands for presentation, but proved too much of
an omnibus bill, and was returned with a nega
tive recommendation. After much unnecessary
delay by our attorney, we had two other bills
drawn House bill Xo. 304, defining the position
of tne druggist to the babbatb. and another to
equalize the fine under the law of 1794, both of
which were placed lntbe hands of Hon. George
Shiras, Jr., 111. The former was referred to the
Committee on Health and banltatlon. and recom
mended favorably; the latter was referred to the
Committee on Vice and Immorality, and was re
turned with a negative recommendation without
a bearing. .No. 3U4 was carefully watched, and
fire visits made to Harrisbnrg by lrom one to
three of your committee, and very strong influ
ence brought to bear, but by the long delay be
fore mentioned, the bill was so far down on the
calendar that it could not be reached, but our
iKtt efforts failed to get the bill up out of order.
Your committee Is fully persuaded that had the
hill come belore the House it would have passed.
as It was conceded to be a very Just one by a great
number of the Representatives. We do not leel
defeated, but think the matter in very good shape
for an early presentation to the next Legislature,
for which purpose It Is deemed wise to husband
the balance in tbe treasury. The work done by
your committee was at considerable sacrifice of
time and business, and if we meet your approba
tion we feel repaid.
Respectfully submitted,
L. Emanuel. President.
J. i Ubbex, C. V. Sjjakt,
.kxecutlve Committee.
Balance Of old account. J 72 80
Collections to date 546 Ul
I taseo
Expense Executive Committee:
Printing, postage, etc 34100
Balance on hand 77 SO
Theo. Doebflinger,
- Attorney Yost, of the Law and Order Society,
was seen at tbe Court Uouse yesterday after
noon, and asked what the society would do if
druggists recommenced Sunday selling.
"Why, we'll jump on them with both feet,
just the same as usual," said be. "We are not
as dead as the newspapers would make us out
to be. and we have been congratulating our
selves on having reached the stage of no pub
licity for our proceedings. It is what we nave
long wished for."
"Then tbe society is still alive?" was asked.
"Indeed it is. We have three men regularly
at work, and not a week passes that we do not
have six or seven cases in court. We're in
business at the old stand, and have plenty of
fends to move with."
"Have you any radical movements on foot,
Mr. Yostr'
"If I had I should not tell you. Good day."
Boiled Over tbe rcnceful Breast of the
O'Hara School Directors.
Notwithstanding predictions of a monkey
and parrot time at the election of teachers in
the O'Hara ditrlct last night, the affair was
aa placid as tbe bosom of a duck pond when
the breezes fall and die. W. A. Proudfit was
elected principal tor three years, and Misses
Martin, Lucy and Julia JJeArmlt, lilaik, Ltzzie
Holt. Sadie Rosewcll, Jennie Acheson, Torley,
Rayburn. Graham and Marshall teachers.
There were very few ballots taken, six teachers
going through on tbe first, after which there
was some scattering.
The tug of war came on the election of janl
tress, for which there were 17 ballots taken,
bnt during which good humor prevailed. After
six or seven ballots had been taken one di
rector wanted to spring a fresh nomination,
but President Davis ruled him out. Some
quite persistent sticking was manifested, but
no log-rolling, and it is said that had not Airs
Brodie at one time announced that she would
not be a candidate for re-electiou her election
would have been secured on fewer ballots.
The Diamond Street Ordinance Awaiting
tbe Executive's Signature.
.. The ordinance for the widening of Diamond
"alley was sent by City Clerk George Sbepnard
to Mayor McCallln, yesterday afternoon. The
latter took It in hand and will carefully go over
it to-day. or the latter part of tbls week.
He will have ten dayr, according to law, to
append his signature to the document. He
stated Jate yesterday afternoon, that he had
plenty of time and was in no hurry to consider
xl: nrdiranco.
PltUbarsers Affected br n Non-Sporadic
bnt Spreading Epidemic- Its Symptoms
A Prescription for Its Care.
There are positive signs of a contagion in
Pittsburg. If the conditions continue as favor
able as at present, few in these two cities can
escape it It can bardly be called a sporadic
epidemic either. Nor is the phenomenal
weather of this season altogether responsible
for Its Insidious spread,
The reader may infer that Pittsburg's dread
ful drinking water is the only element left to
furnish the contagion's cause. Not so, bow
ever. It may reasonably be doubted whether
water, good or bad. affects this epidemic at all.
Indeed, the spreading disease already puzzles
the doctors. But, for once, they are agreed
both allopaths and homeopaths that they are
powerless to cure it. Stealthily as a thief in
the night It works its way. Audaciously as the
noonday robber It captures and overcomes its
prey. No sign of skull and crossbones Elves
warning of its approach. Resistless and with
out remonstrance, its victims day by day suc
cumb, not one by one. but-'seoro by score."
Its symptoms? Oh! yes; that's tbe important
point; and here they are:
"Say, mister; what's the scaw? In favor of
tbe Allies? You don't say sol WhoopI We've
got em on the runt Never did think those
Jonah Phillies could play ball. They've only
been fortune's favorites for two years.
"Now, let's support our boys Galvln, Morris
and Staley they're the invincibles, and can't
be beaten; though for many moons we've really
thought they could. Bat, when they get down
to five straights from the Phillies three of
them shutouts I weaken, and honestly admit
I've caught the contagion; got it so bad that
I'll have to quit business these hot July after
noons. "Seen Doc Killmcquick yet? No, indeed: I
know my own prescription tbe only cure for
this kind of epidemic. I shall take it daily,
until tbe symptoms change. Here are its in
gredients, and I presume they will be partaken
of by thousands of Pittsburgers in 'the next
few days:
"Take one Allegheny street car (to be shaken
well, not before, but after taking); two vigorous
squeezes, one in the car. the other at Recreation
Park turnstile: one scaw-cawd-misUh-to-keep-a-record-of-the-game;'
one 'Yuchatan-chewlug-gum-a-nlckel-a-pack;'
one half-pint pale of lem
onade; one pint Calirorny-double-Jointed-pea-nuts-only-a-nickel:'
one Indestructible sandwich
(patent applied for): one seat behind the big wire
screen, next to the girl with a bottle-green dress
trimmed with lemon-yellow; one yell or 'How's
thatf or tli-eat eye, there!' at the umpire; at
least one yell of Thlerl at ditto; several
long-continued tests or the lungs, with
rising or falling inflections, to suit
the particular plays; one hearty, wholesome
gram bleat the home management because they
don't rnn ball games (Into the ground) as yon
think they should: one long walk home, keeping
the mind fixed carefully on tbe cars that were too
full for you: and one Kxtry-all-about-the-baU-game1
that you already know more of than you
could ever read.
"If this prescription doesn't cure or make
you worse, then there's absolutely no hope for
you, and you needn't waste your money in
throwing physic to the dogs."
What Sir. James K. Bakewell Says Her
Friends Are Desirous of Settling the
Case The Search Continued.
Yesterday developed nothing very startling
in tbe Steplin abduction case: but the affair
still arouses a great deal of interest and specu
lation, because the whereabouts of the girl are
as mysterious as ever, and so far all investiga
tion and search seem to have been entirely
Inasmuch as J.K. Bakewell, Esq., has now
been publicly named as the gentleman sus
pected of being implicated in the abduction of
the girl, a call was made upon him at his office.
In a brief interview, he positively assured a
Dispatch reporter that the accusations
agianst him were entirely without foundation,
and the only reason why he declined to give a
full statement of his belief as to the cause of
the prosecution, for publication, was that
Major Mcntooth, who is his counsel, had in
sisted he should follow Quay's advice: "Dear
Beaver, don't talk."
Superintendent John V. Allen and William
T. Turner, the brightest detectives of the Gil
kinson agency, called yesterday at tbe res
idence of Mrs. Steplin, mother of the girl, and
the old lady at first said that Mr. Bakewell was
not the man who had betrayed her daughter.
She also at first stated that no information had
been made against him. But attetva while she
acknowledged that she had made such an in
formation. At this point her son George spoke up and
said: "Mr. Bakewell will not be prosecuted,
even if Dora is found. It is our intention to
settle the case in tbe Alderman's office."
'Squire Hartman last night reiterated his
statement of the night before, that an informa
tion had been made against Mr. Bakewell, in
spite of the fact that an afternoon paper yes
terday stated he had said such was not the case.
But last night tbe Alderman knew of no fur
ther developments.
Superintendent Dean is also keeping a look
out tor tbe missing girl; but he has not had any
more success than the rest of the people. He
has three women detectives at work on the
case; bnt, when he received their reports last
night he was again disappointed because they
told him that they had not tonnd tbe missing
Some Street Improvements Proposed for
At a meeting of the Allegheny Survey Com
mittee last night the ordinance for tbe opening
and widening of California avenue extension
was discussed at length. A number of citi
zens interested in the matter were present.
Mr. James I. Bennett objected to tbe proposed
route, as he said much of it represented the
entire possessions of many bard working men,
who had saved and scraped along to build their
homes. He said it would ruin them in many
cases, in part or in whole, and he wanted jus
tice done them.
Mr. Walkup, a large property holder, also
made objection, as did W. A. Hoi man.
Mr. David B. Oliver spoke for the ordinance.
He said it wonld be an outlet for the people of
Woods' Run and Buperior, what they had
needed for 25 years.
After hearing a number of speeches for and
against the ordinance the committee decided
to go over tbe ground and investigate the
matter, and the fate of the ordinance will be
determined at a meeting to be held on Friday
The petition for widening Arch street, be
tween Jackson and Ledlle, in the Second ward,
was accompanied by a remonstrance. Viewers
were appointed in the persons of John M. Lyon,
David Hastings and Hiram Landia.
Two Children the Victims of Cross Canines
Little Nelly Collins was bitten By a large
Newfoundland dog while playing with the an
imal en Jst Carson street, Thirty-fourth
ward, yesterday. The wounds are on her
shoulder and cheek. The owner of tbe dog re
fused to bave him shot Willie Gumbert, a
boy living in Soho, was also bitten seriously by
a dog yesterday. He called at John Curchlll's
shoe store. No. 925 Second avenue, to get a pair
of shoes he had left to have repaired. On en
tering the store a large dog jumped at bim,
biting a piece ont of his right leg. The dog
was shot by Officer O'Brien.
No Other City
Uses as many fireworks in proportion to
their population as Pittsburg and Alle
gheny. Neither is there any other bouse in
the city shows the line, or will give yon the
prices on them yon can get at James W.
Grove's, Fifth ave. TWTS
Fourth of July Excursions.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad will
sell excursion tickets east or Pittsburg on
July 2, 3 and 4, good to return on the
8th, inclusive; and west of Pittsburg on the
3d and 4th, good to return on the 6th, in
clusive. Gee at Eastern Straw Hat, latest shape,
only at Smiley's.
All leading brands of Pennsylvania pare
rye whiskies and six-year-old for ?1 00 per
quart, or six quarts for $5 00, neatlv packed
and shipped anywhere by Max Klein, 82
federal st, Allegheny. MtTP
Great Eastern stiaw bat, latest shape,
only at Smiley's.
Excursion loOhloPyleon theFonrlhof July.
Rate $1 60 for the round trip. Train
leaves B. & O...B. R. new depot at 8 A. it.
Great Eastern straw hat, latest shape,
only at Smiley's.
Gbeat Eastern straw hat, latest shape,
only at Smiley's. '-
The First General Sewing Day at Ex
position Hall a Success.
Fair Fingers Fashion Pillowcases, Towels,
Sheets and Tablecloths.
apace where great
waves of snowy linen
were spread all over
tbe west end of the
Exposition Building
yesterday afternoon,
while aristocratic
hands of rival white
ness flashed in and
out fashioning the
crnde material into
household appurte
nances, and the mo
notonous whirr of
two-score sewing ma
chines formed an
agreeable back-
Darling. nine chatter which
will assert itself be work or play the tem
porary occupation. But there was good, hard
work in progress, as witness the big stocks of
neatly folded sheets, table cloths, towels and
pillow cases which were stacked up ready, for
shipment to Johnstown, ana the practical char
ity of the movement would challenge the ad
miration of the sternest old bachelor who ever
dared to decry tbe gentler sex.
Underneath the big gallery and occupying a
cleared space on tbe floor, were 70 sewing ma
chines and at 40 odd the fair philanthropists sat
sewing away for dear life. The swiftly moving
treadles of the machines were not propelled by
novices. Those who guided the layers of linen
and muslin through the needles gave evidence
of a skill that astonished a sewing' machine
agent who was hardly prepared to believe bis
eyes when he saw society leaders exhibiting a
deftness that the original of Hood's "Song of
the Bhlrt" might have envied. Tbe scene was
animated in the extreme, and the piles of ma
terial cut up for the sewers on tbe day before
melted away with wonderfnl rapidity. Hand
some matrons and young girls vied with eacb
other In rapid work, regardless of the annoying
attention of the Point flies and the extreme
beat. It was a grand exemplification of the
usefulness of women in an unusual for them
sphere. Many of the fair sewers had not run a
machine for years, but it did not take them
long to get their hand in, and the seams were
as straight as a string. In fact professionals
could not have worked with greater neatness
or better results.
The Executive Committee of the Ladies' Be
lief Committee, Mesdames H. C. Campbell,
George A. Kelly. Jame3 B. Scott, William Mc
Creery and W. It. Thompson, were In general
charge of tbe work, and tbe machines were run
by them and the following ladies: Mrs. J. A.
Batchelor, Miss Marguerita Park, Mrs. W. H.
Ewing, Mrs. Thomas Marshall, Miss Kate Mc
Knight, Mrs. W. S. Cowen, Miss Emma For
syth, Mrs. M. P. Thompson, Miss McHenry,
Mrs. M. P. Hamer, Miss Carrie Robinson, Mrs.
John McCreery, Mrs. Chambers Miller, Miss
Lees, Mrs. S. H. McHenry, Mrs. Balrman. Mrs.
Bennett, Mrs. Heber McDowell, Mrs. James
Hoag, Mrs. Ramsay and several others.
Mrs. H. C. Campbell pointed oat the work
being done to The Dispatch representative,
and made tbe following statement of tbe work
done and yet to do: "From personal investiga
tion It was determined to undertake the
task of supplying tbe people of Johns
town with table, wash and bed linen, as there
are scores of families which have notan article
in the way of sheeting, pillow cases, toweling
and tablecloths to assist them in getting to
housekeeping; and tbe Executive Committee
decided to bave the matter started and carried
on In a thorough manner. We purchased an
immense amount of the raw material at cost
from Campbell & Dick, which firm donated the
thread necessary to tbe process of manufac
ture. We will not make any underwear, as
much of that needed has been contributed, the
balance being bought as required.
The sewing machines, 70 In number, were
contributed by the local agents of the Dem
orest, Singer, White and Standard, who also
sent expert operators to explain attachments,
etc. "Our method of distribution!" The
Chamber of Commerce,and also Messrs. Scott,
Marion and Miller have turned over all the
work of investigation of Individual applicants
to our committee, and when we are
satisfied with an applicant's story any
member of the Executive Committee
is empowered to give an order upon the Cham
ber of Commerce fcr an outfit of furniture.
Clothing and the materials we are now at work
upon, we will continue to furnish. Every Tues
day, until further notice, will be "sewing day,"
and everyone will be made welcome and find
plenty to do. Tbey must come, however,
armed with a thimble, a pair of scissors and a
lunch. Tbe cutting must, of course, be done
on the day before, and those expert in tbe use
of shears will also be a welcome addition to
our forces.
"There will be nothing more done here this
week, as most of the ladles will be out of the
city on the Fourth, and many of them are
really in need of a rest. Next Saturday will be
sorting day' here, and volunteers will be wel
come. W e intend to sort oat tbe garments
now here, and .separate the useful from that
which is of no use.
"There bas been an Immense amount of winter
clothing sent to us, audit would be useless to
send it to Johnstown now forabere is no place
to store It, We have decided to pack the
.winter clothing in camphor In largejboxes, and
reserve it for distribution in cold weather.. Yes,
ha nrm flVfn( that f., Aft TITa .wan ..
sort over all clothing now here and Mr.George
A. Kelly has promised to send his' professional I
packer down to put tbe clothing away. ' We 1
are seriously debating tbe transformation of a
tfsfCT&Svi' II
lira rl II
Igg, A ill
tin. K'SCv3L'-J
Making Garmentt for Johnstown Sufferers.
vast pile of clothing too worn to be of use, into
rag carpets,-as no provision has yet been made
for carpets for tbe sufferers."
The articles made by the ladles yesterday
were 103 sheets, 110 towels, 132 pillow cases.- and
44 tablecloths. Thev gave'outS42 garments, 17
sheets, 14 comforts, 23 towels. 14 table cloths, 19
pillow cases, 8 mattresses and pillows, and 2
blankets. Twenty-seven persons were clothed
and supplied with canned goods, flour and
A branch of the relief work at Johnstown
which has been but little noticed, but which
has been of wonderful efficiency, is that per
formed by the Children's Aid Society or tbe
State, the branch societies of Pittsburg and
Philadelphia bavine established headquarters
at the corner of Main and Jackson streets in
Johnstown, very soon after the disaster. The
keynote of the society has been the scriptural
quotation: "He settled the solitary in fami
lies." Mother with children have been so as
sisted as to prevent the separation of tbe fam
ily, and orphans have been placed in families,
and a vast quantity of articles for children bave
been collected and disbursed. The following
is the official report of the Johnstown head
quarters, made within the last 24 hours to Pitts
burg society;
Report of the Johnstown headquarters of the
Children's Aid Society of Westemirennsylvanla.
Voluntary subscriptions secured at this offlce:
June It, A. U. Veasy, Jeffersonville. Ind (100
June 11, Mrs.- B. Downing. Philadelphia IS
June 12, Mr. Bailer. Maueh Chunk, Pa......... IS
June 20, Citizens Committee. Mlllersvllle, l'a.. 5
JuneZ9, Mayor Noonan, St. Louis 100
June SO, T. L. Rogers, Plttsburr 1
July I, J. J. Best, for citizens. Font lac, 111..... 100
Total , ..; 1336
A record of those who have given valuable aid Is
kept, and also of those applying for work: also
the names of many families visited and relief
given for present necessities, clolblng, etc, was
furnished to 15 families.' and a large number of
children are on record as being sent to
friends or placed In temporary homes In
the town or at a distance. Over 70 different citi
zens have come forward from all parts of the
country, from Maine to Florida and Texas, asking
that children be sent them for adoption. Children
of all ages are asked' for. from mere Infants to
those well grown, but alas (orl would rather say
happllrXln most cases children perished wltn their
parents, and a little child In this town is counted
a peculiar treasure. The ladies In charge or this
office have received every courtesy and kindness
that could he looked for rrom General Hastings
and his subordinates, and this work Is one ofgreat
interest ably seconded by others In sympathy with
us. Though not officially connected with this
society. Miss Duncan, who suffered with to em. Is
now doing most efficient work for the bereaved
and Impoverished here In her own city as our
That Westmoreland Enterprise Explained
Another Railroad Necessary Because of
the Scarcity of D. it O. K. K. Care.
The Ohio and Northwestern Railroad', of
which THE Dispatch made mention yester
day as having been chartered by the State De
partment, will be built from the mines of the
Waverly Coal and Coke Company at Smlthton,
to the P. R. R. lines at or near Latrobe. The
purpose of the line Is to give the company
better facilities for their output of coal and
coke to Eastern points.
J. A. Courtney, manager of the coal com
pany's office in tbls city, and secretary and
treasurer of the proposed company, said yes
terday that tbey were driven to tbe move by
tbe scarcity of cars on the B. & O.,
which runs into the region, and in
adequate facilities to many Eastern
points. Tbe company bave been endeavoring
to get the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to
build the line for some time, but they have so
far failed to take bold of it. The company now
propose to go on and, survey the route them
selves, and build tbe road without the help of
of the Pennsy if tbey will not belp them out.
The company owns something over 1,000
acres of coal land at Smlthton and large coke
works, and with the building of tbe road tbe
output from both mines and works will be in
Three Carloads of Different Varieties About
to be Started Oat.
Mr. S. P. Sartlett, Secretary and Superin
tendent of tbe Illinois State Fish Commission,
passed through the city last evening on his way
to Washington. At the latter place be will
take charge of tbree cars of young fish and dis
tribute tbem in the small streams throughout
tbe West. Most of the bsh are bass, wall-eyed
pike and catfish. The eggs and those that are
hatched are taken from the Mississippi river,
after being spawned and placed in large tanks
to be raised.
The young fish are found on the banks of the
river in small pools after a flood. Along the
lower Mississippi hundreds of thousands of
them are placed by the old fish on the sand
and tbe warm climate batches them. The
Fish Commissioners secure a steamboat and
with seines scoop up the young fish. 1 bey are
then placed In a tank barge being towed along
side the boat and afterward put in cars and
sent to tbe Government hatcheries. When
they get large enough they are distributed in
smaller rivers.
Fine Rye and Bourbon Whiskies.
I offer the following goods in bond or tax
Gibson's, Melvale, Monticello, Dough
erty, Mt Vernon, Hannisville, Overholt,
Gnckenheimer, Hermitage, Moss, Large, G.
W. S.
"V7. BT. HcBrayer, Old Crow. Hermitage,
Bond & Lilliard, O. E. C, Hume, Carlisle,
Mellwood, Kelson.
All ages and prices quoted when re
quested. G. "w. SCHMIDT,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
To-Day, and Until 12 O'clock.
Noon, to-morrow, we continue onr closing
out sale of all men's suits and light-weight
clothing. Jlen's fine suits that were marked
$18, $20 and $23 are now reduced to $10, and
onr $16 and $18 suits go for $8. Some 1,300
men's stylish sacs: suits at the low price of
$6. No blow or bluster abont this, but a
genuine .clearing sale of all summer light
weight goods. We are open, bear iu mind,
until 9 o'clock to-night, and until 12, noon,
to-morrow. . F. C. C. 0.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Court House.
James W. Grove,
Fifth ave., is showing a larger line of fire
works than ever belore. We bave a double
supply. Our first shipment was detained
by the great flood. Fearing we would not
get tbem in time, we telegraphed for dupli
cate shipments. Both have now arrived,
and in consequence of this our stock is un
usually large, and of the very best goods
made. They must go if low prices will do it.
California Claret.
Coleman's Flag Brand,
G. W. S. Flag Brand,
Zinfandel Claret,
By the case or bottle.
G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
Tla the Pennsylvania Lines, for the National
Educational Association.
The Pennsylvania lines west ot Pittsburg
will sell excursion tickets to Nashville,
Tenn., and return on July lto 15, on account
of the meeting of the National Educational
Association. These tickets will be sold at
.especially reduced rales, and will be good
returning until September 10, 1889. For
complete information apdy to Samuel
Moody, D. P. A., 1127 Liberty street.
4th of July Excursion.
On July 3 nnd 4 the P. & Xi. E. E. E.
will sell tickets to all local points on its
lines, also to points on the N. Y. P. & O. E.
E. and tbe lu 8. & M. S. Ey., between
Toledo and Cleveland inclusive, nnd
Youngstown and Erie inclusive sit one fare
for the round trip. Tickets will be good
for return until July Sth inclusive.
203 and S05 Market Street,
Is headquarters for adjustable window
screens, which will fit any window. Price
from 30c to 60c each. Also for fencing ot
every description. eod
(IbSjIT T!itprn ftirnv Tint lnfecl Mlian
only at Smiley's.
Fred. Brown's-Ginger is recommended
as a tonic to persons recovering from fever
or otner diseases, ana relieves all pains in
the stomach from, whatever cause. At all
A Big Eigh't-Hdur Movement Meeting
field Here. Last .'Evening.
Secretary . L. Daley Speaks of the Slioe
lasters' Union. .
Ac eight-hour movement meeting "was
held last night at Imperial Kail, addressed
by President Gompers, of the A. F. of I.,
P. J. McGuire and E. L. Daley. Mr. A.
W. Swartz called the meeting to order and
J. M. Kelly was made Chairman, with the fol
lowing Vice Presidents:
William Martin, Amalgamated Association;
W. J. Dillon, Flint Glass Workers; Thomas
Evan s, of L. U. No. 112; Arthur IS. Bmytbe. Slate
and Mantel Workers; Robert Davis, L. U. No.
211; William Lowery, or Ttrentum; John Klan
nery, PeterUesk, U U.No. lei; Blchard Conley,
L. U. No. 142; William Gallagher, L. C. No 33S;
Robert Toppen, L. U. No. 1G5; William Johnson,
L. U. No. SOS; Charles Coler, L. U. No. 23k, and
Samuel Carrell, L. V. No. 476.
Mr. Kelly introduced Mr. McGuire, who was
received with applause. Be said that their
object was to build up unions for the benefit of
labor.. He referred to the organization of the
carpenters in Pittsburg in 1885, tbe many moves
made, tbe growth of tbe union and the fact
that tbey now get $2 SO and $2 75 per day "for
nine hours work instead of $2 and $2 25 perday
for ten hours work, as In 1885. He also referred
to tbe strength and power of tbe Amalgamated
Association and tbe flint glass workers, and
congratulated tbem for what tbey have done,
adding: "And 1 call on you to keep In tbe pro
cession lor eight hours workaday on May 1,
"With labor and machinery together,', he
continued, "enough for all can be produced in
eight hours and there is no more need for nine
hours work than there was for ten hours. We
have achieved nine hours, with a view to mak
ing it a step toward eight hours. We don't
want to make too radical a change at once."
Continuing Mr. McQuire said that a lair
division of the days time was what was desired.
Eight hours work, eight hours sleep,
and eight hours for what you will. Eefer
ence was made to what was known as
the golden age of England, when elgbt
hours was a day's work. The factory
system ended this. Machinery was Introduced
and It was believed that every hour that it stood
idle was that much lost and the working hours
were Increased to 12 and more. The speaker
mentioned previous to 1810 when men worked
14 hours a day. To-day, he said, there is more
wealth per head under ten hoots a day than
there was then when they worked 13 and 14
hours a day. "It Is not tbe hoars of work."
said be, "but the intensity of work. There are
men out of work. They won't get It by charity,
and we must put these idle men to work by
giving them some ot the work of those who are
at work."
"It tbey can produce enough In nlne,bours
in England under free trade," be asked, "then
wby. in God's name, can't America, under pro
tection, produce the same in eight hours?"
Tbe labor question, be added, was not a ques
tion of tarlif, bnt embraces tariff, currency,
land and all social reforms.
Following Mr. McGuire, President Gompers,
of tbe Federation, was introduced. He said:
"Men of labor, the advantage you have gained
by your efforts from your employers' will be
taken away from you as soon as you neglect
your duties to yourself and your organization.
Did you ever hear of a convention of yonr em
ployers to Increase your. wagesT They
who would be free must themselves
strike the blow." Continuing, the speaker
in earnest language exhorted working men to
fidelity to their union. Tbe balance of his ad
dress he devoted to replying to editorials that
have appeared concerning tbe eight-hour move
ment. The statement was made that the num
ber of men unemployed did not affect wages.
To this Mr. Gompers replied that if another
man wanted a man's position the employer
could 'say; "I can get the work done for so
much if you don't want to do it."
Id conclusion Mr. Gompers remarked
that tbe eight-hour question must be consid
ered from a social status and its influence on
the people. "We bave no desire to tear anyone
down from a high pedestal. We believe in the
leveling process; not leveling down, but
leveling up."
Secretary E. L. Daley, of the Shoe Lasters'
Protective Union, followed Mr. Gompers.
He said he conld not discuss the question for
his own trade in this city, as the few members
of the trade he represented In Pittsburg are
not orpanlz ed. He discussed It, however, iu a
general way.
Referring to the whole nation rising up July
4 to celebrate an event, he likened that event
the struggle for freedom 113 years ago to the
straggle of workingmen to-day for freedom.
He chlded workingmen for their own indiffer
ence to their best interests. They would turn
out at the polls to vote for someone who only
loves and esteems tbem on election day, but
they won't attend a meeting of their union or
help themselves.
At the close of the meetinsr the labor leaders
present distributed a circular by T. V. Pow
derly for tbe K. of L., Samuel Gompers and
others for the Federation of Labor. This cir
cular assails the charges that there is trouble
between ,tbe Federation and the Knights.
Both sides are, of course, working for tbe same
object, the organization of the working classes.
They Will Celebrate the Fourth by Talklne
oa the Eight-Hour Movement Daley
Speak on the Shoe Industry.
Three great labor leaders met by chance yes
terday afternoon at tbe Central Hotel, and all
are bound for different cities with the same
object in view. They are President Samuel
Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor;
P.J. McGuire, of tbe Brotherhood of Carpen
ters, and National Secretary E. L. Daley, of
Lynn, Mas3 of the Lasters' Protective Union.
Tbe former goes to Chicago to attend the big
eight-hour demonstration on the Fourth of
July in Chicago, Mr. McGuire goes to Indian
apolis to conduct the affairs there, and Mr
Daley will leave this morning for Cleveland to
be present at tbe demonstration In that city.
Mr. Daley has never been in Pittsburg be
fore, but be had not been here more than an
honr until he began to make Inquiries as to tbe
shoe Industry. There is only one large concern
bere,but it is not a drop in the bucket compared
with the mammoth factories in tbe State
which Mr. Daley represents. He is a tall, floe
looking man, but bas only one leg. having lost
the other one in early childhood. He is able to
hget around, however, as actively as any labor
Ueaaer on tne continent.
v A Dispatch reporter bad a conversation
with Mr. Daly on tne condition or trade In his
line, and be said: "We bave no trouble of any
account In our industry. Tbe lasters are
tboroughly organized, and did not have, to
take the general redaction suffered by others
in the trade. Tho prosper ts for a trade this
year are remarkably good better than ever be
fore. The rubber dealers were swamped last
year, as the winter was mild. They
now want to form a trust, and I believe the SO
or 40 manufacturers who are' now engaged in
the business will enter it. Ten years ago New
England did nine-tentbs of the the business in
the United States, but big tanneries have
sprung up and now tbey do not make more
than five-eights of tbe shoes manufactured In
the country. In Brockton, Mass., about 15,000
people are.employed In tbe shoe Industry and
tbey make the finer grade ot men's goods. In
Lynn, where I come from, there is
a population of 50,000 and there are
182 factories. Folly one-half of tbe
residents are engaged in the factories, and it
is tbe largest shoe, center In tbe world. They
only make women's, misses' and children's
shoes. Douglass, tbe great shoe manufacturer,
fought onr organization for a year, hut he has
dropped into line, and is now all right. There
are a few trifling disturbances in tbe trade, but
we are not worrying about them. I am going
to the labor meeting to-night, butlbopethey
will not ask me to speak, as it Is entirely too
New Slfnatai-ei Received nnd the Situa
tion at Homestead.
Five more signatures to the Amalgamated
Association scale were received yesterday,
making 23 in all. This list includes a number
of important mills. The new signatures are
as follows: Rolling Mill Company, of New
Philadelphia, O. jtlie Rolling Mill Company, of
Masslllon, O.; Prospect Rolling Mill Company,
of Cleveland; Cherry Valley Iron Company, ot
Letonla, O.; The Bessemer Rolling Mill Com
pany, of Bessemer. Ala., and the National
Tube'Work, of McKeesport.
In addition to theso Oliver Bros.,4 Phillips
and Jones & Laughlln, tho two largest concerns
in tbls city, are expected to sign, beforo (the
Nnd, of. the week. The only objection the
Hormer'has is-to the plate mill scale.' They
ctaim-tnat otnernrms are -paying less in uit
department tbanjbe Amalgamated scale calls
for. Jones fc Laugblins seem to be willing to
sign tbe Iron scale, but object to tbe steel scale.
This Is only a minor matter, as not more than
ISO men are employed in the steel department.
I Some or the large manufacturers are wait
ing to see the result of the trouble at Home
stead. Irthe men sign the Carnegie scale the
'firm will have an advantage over all other com
petitors. The workers do not believe that It
will be signed and say there are seven lodges of
tbe Amalgamated Association in tbe mill,
insist on their scale. It will be Impossible to fill
composed of about 2,300 skill edworkers,whowill
tbe places Of these men, they say, as there are
not enough skilled steel workers in tbe conn
try. All of tbem are well fixed financially and
can stand a strike.
Chairman Abbott of Carnegie, Pbipps &
Co., had nothing to say abont tbe situation
and President Welhe, of tbe Amalgamated As
sociation, said: "Don't quote me -as saying
anything, fori have nothing to say, I don't
know anything about it."
Postmaster Larklo Not Averse.to Trying far
State Treasurer Ho Does Mot Seek
Nomination, bat, If Tendered, Will Not
If the Democratic party will tender the
nomination of State Treasurer to John Larkin,
Pittsburg's popular postmaster, that gentle
man will accept the nomination. This fact was
elicited from Mr. Larkin yesterday afternoon,
when a Dispatch reporter talked to bim on
the subject. At first he was reticent in making
any utterance, and in his well-known modesty
of tone and manner he said:
"1 do not think that such a thing as my being
offered tbe nomination is at all likely to hap
pen. Of course I know that some friends of
mine bave mentioned me for tbe position. I
appreciate their kindness, and I feel hlguly
honored at tho nice things which have been
said about me, but that Is all there Is In it A
man who does not exert himself for tbe estab
lishment ot a certain purpose Is not the likely
person to get there, and I can assure you I am
not making any strenuous efforts to obtain the
nomination. When the time arrive our party
will come together and select the most avail
able man as nominee for the State Treasurer
ship on tbe Democratic ticket but I do not
think that I shall be the man."
"But suppose you are selected as the most
available man, would you accept the nomina
tion r
"Yes, certainly I would. I am a thorough
Democrat proud of the party to which I be
long, and it the members of tbe Democratic
Sarty choose me as tbe man to run for the
tate Treasurership I would accept it If you
take into consideration that the offer made by
the party would be a great compliment paid to
the man and confer upon him a hig"h honor, I
do not see how any man who is thoroughly Im
bued with the principles of his party conld
very well refuse the offer. That is Just my
Tbe rumor that the papers In the case of the
appointment of Postmaster Larkins' successor
were made out was again sprung upon tbe
public yesterday. This time it was to tbe
effect that Congressman Bayne had arrived
from Washington with tbe documents In
charge, and he had notlfled Mr. McKf an that
he had been appointed to the office. It was
afterward ascertained that Colonel Bayne bad
been in tbe city since Friday last and no
notice bad yet been received of the appoint
ment A Distressing Accident.
John Morgan, employed at the West End
mill of Singer, Nlmick & Co.. fell upon a mass
of heated metal yesterday, and before he
could get up was severely burned about the
head, back and legs.
La Perla del JTamar.
These celebrated clear Havana Key West
Cigars are for sale at:
Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson.
St Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel.
Union Depot Eestanrant
John Lanier, 3799 Fifth ave.
Peter A. Ganster, S5 and 37 Frankstown
John P. Ganster, 27 Frankstown are.
Peter Weber, 76 "Wylie ave.
John C. StrouD, 25 Union st
E. W. Hagan,' 609 Smithfield st
Neville Bayley, 405 Smithfield st
J. K. Derr, 400 Market st
P. C. Dufiy. 540 Grant st
E. P. Euscb, 3716 Forbes st.
Linhart, Bald & Co., 411 Smithfield st
Charles Eble; 6009 Penn ave.
G. W. Schmidt. 95 and 97 Fifth ave.
To-Day, nod Until 12 O'clock
Noon, to-morrow, we continue our closing
out sale of all men's suits and light-weight
clothing. Men's fine suits that were marked
$18, $20 and $22 are now reduced to $10, and
our $1G and $18 Baits go for $8. Some 1,300
men's stylish sack suits at the low price of
$6. No blow or bluster about this, but a
genuine clearing sale of all summer light
weight goods. We are open, bear in mind,
until 9 o'clock to-night, and until 12, noon,
to-morrow. P. C. CO.,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., opp. the new
Conrt House.
Imported Port.
1828 Imperial Oporto Port, full quarts.$3 00
1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 50
Fine Old White Port, full quarts..... 2 00
London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00
Burtrnndv Port, full Quarts 1 AO
Fine Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97
Fifth ave.
Tennis Blazers, Real Engilsb, Oaly $3,
In our men's furnishing department Also
a full line of caps and belts to match.
-Tennis sashes, all colors.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Fireworks, Fireworks,
Fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks,
fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks,
fireworks, fireworks, and then more fire
works, at James W. Grove's, Fifth ave.
A charming place for a day of enjoy
ment. Excursion rates to Groveland on the
Fourth. Prepare to go. Come to my office
and see plan of large lots fronting the Ohio.
Charles Somers, 313 Wood street
Store closed all dayThursday,4thof July,
make your purchases to-day.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Fireworks! Fireworks!
Finest assortment and prices the lowest.
Harrison's Tot Store,
D 123 Federal St, Allegheny.
. Go to Gioveland on the Fourth. Half
rate excursion fare. Beautiful grove for
your enjoyment Look at the handsome,
large lots.
Ip you are seeking for a very fine im
ported cigar, ask to see the La Matilde
brand. From $10 to $40 per 100.
G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave.
j i
Ladles The Best Summer Corstts
Are here also the all linen Corsets, and
the Eoyal Worcester, Pongeej5ilk Corsets.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Go to Pearson for cab. photos on the
Fourth of July. Take the baby along.
Silver Age Ete at $1 60 per full qnart.
Sold everywhere. Principal depot, Max
Klein, Allegheny. jiwr
Great Eastern straw hat, latest shape,
only at Smiley's.
Groveland contains one of the prettiest
groves in the State; see it on the glorious
'When celebrating the glorious Fourth
don't lorget to visit the beautiful plan of
lots at Groveland, near Beaver.
Great Eastern straw h(, latest shape,
only at Smiley's.
Pearson galleries will be open for busi
ness all day the Fourth of July. Go"tnere
for vour cab. photos. -
Great Eastern strawVhat; latest shape,
only at Smiley's. - ' " - ;
To be Held at Cleveland, August 6,7 and 8
Programme of.tbe Meeilngsr-Redaced
Fare on All the Railroads.
The nineteenth general convention of the
Catholic Temperance Abstinence Union of
America, in Cleveland, August 6, 7 and 8, prom
ises to be the largest convention of tbe society
yet held.- President Thomas J. Conaty, D. C
is expected home from his European trip on
July 23, and will be present at the convention.
Tbe following Is the programme:
The Board of Government will meet In the
Hollenden . House, corner Superior and Bond
streets, on Tuesday evening, Aujrust tt, t8P.M.
A prize drill of uniformed companies will be held
In the City Armory on Long street
The convention will assemble In Music Hall,
Vincent street between Bond, and Erie, on
Wednesday, August 7. at 8 a. u. The convention
will then adlouro to attend solemn hlfth mass la
St John's tithedrml. Rt. Rev. Richard Gllsnonr,
Bishop of Cleveland, wtll delirer the sermon.
After mass a parade of the total abstinence
societies, nnderibemarshalshlpot John Gallfoyle.
Convention will reassemble at 2 T. X.
Thursday A solemn mass of requiem wtll be
offered In St. John's Cathedral at S:3u X. M. After
which the convention will reassemble. In the
ermlni a, public meeting will be held in Music
Hall, this hall seats 6.500 people.
yrlday A lake excursion will be tendered to
the delegates.
Saturday Visits will be paid to the various pub
lic Institutions, parks, etc., ofCIereland.
Tbe Central Traffic Association and Trunk
Line Association will sell tickets on all roads
in New England and Middle States .and Ohio,
Indiana and Illinois at a rate and one-third,
charging full fare going and one-third fare re
turning. The Pittsbnrg Union will hold a picnic at
Idlewild Grove, on tbe P. R. It., on August 3.
'Take Warning.
Lsdies and gentlemen possessing good
watches, when ont of repair, do not trust
them to incompetenthand. Best work in
the two cities by J. P. Steinman, 107 Fed
eral st, Allegheny. liwr
All leading brands of Pennsylvania pure
rye whiskies und six-year-old for $1 00 per
quart, or six quarts for $5 00, neatly packed
and shipped anywhere by Max Klein, 82
Federal st, Allegheny. llTF
Fourth of July Excursions.
The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad will
sell excursion tickets east of Pittsburg on
Julv 2, 3 and 4, good to return on the Sth,
inclusive; and west of Pittsburg on the 3d
and 4th, good to return on the Sth, in
clusive. Fresh Arrival.
Just received from the Anheuser-Busch
St. Louis brewery, a large supply of their
celebrated Budweiser beer, in both quarts
and pints. For sale at G. W. Schmidt's,
Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
People Who Bay
Fireworks, balloons, torpedoes, cannon
crackers, flags, lanterns, etc., can find the
largest line to select from and get the best
goods made at James W. Grove's. Kem em
ber, prices always the lowest xwxa
Crackers, torpedoes, rockets. Fine assort
ment Low prices.
Harrison's Tox Store,
D .123 Federal street, Allegheny.
Excursion to Cleveland
Via the P. & L. E. E. E., tickets sold July
3 and 4, good to return until the Sth, in
clusive. Only $4. xuwsu
You may combine business with pleasure.
Get excursion tickets by Lake Erie road to
Beaver. Enjoy the Fourth in the shade of
grand forest trees. Select a lot at Grove
land. They are large, level, cheap. None
elsewhere equal.
Hendricks & Co. invite your attention
to their low prices; best work in the two
cities; cabinets only $1 a dozen. 68 Federal
st, Allegheny.
The mortality would be very light if this
city was as heal thy as Groveland. 4-
Elegant cabinet photos, any style, $1 0
per doz. Panel picture with each doz. cabi
nets. Lies' Popular Gallery, 10 and 12
Sixth st sumwi-
Great Eastern straw bat, latest shape,
only at Smiley's.
W. J. Miller, agent of Groveland at
Beaver, will take you to the ground. Go
on the Fourth, enjoy the day and see the
beautiful home sites at low prices.
Great Eastern straw hat, latest shape,
only at Smiley's.
Go to Pearson for cab. photos on the
Fo urth of J uly. Take the baby along.
. Castle Shannon. '
Two large picnics; 3 matched gamesbase
bail. July 4; trains every 40 minutes; round
trip 25 cents.
Great Eastern straw hat, latest shape,
only at Smiley's.
Make your family happy and take them
to Groveland on tbe Fourth.
of approaching disease.
Tickling throats develop Into coughs.
Coughs lead to the great enemy consumption.
A stitch In time often saves life itself.
25 -
In Our Fast Black Hose. Try Them,
Prices 10c, 15c, 25c and 60j per pair.
They are very nice. Tbey take away
that unpleasant feeling about tbe waist
... T T 'T
.109 Federal Street,
'. . -,-iyl.snrr L
Will Senator Bntaa'e Frlenda- Secoro 'Hla
Senator Rutan will sail from New York on
the steamer City of Paris on the 10tb?inst
While speaking to a Dispatch reporter yes
terday, he frankly explained the state of his
affliction, and, therefore, the reason of his
going to Europe again. He said: t ., ,
"I bave been at Carlsbad before, and I shall ,
go there again, because I received such great
benefit from tbe use of the waters of that In
vlgoratlng spring that I must return to pre
serve my health."
"Senator, wnat is the physical tribulation!"
"Rheumatism and rheumatic gout While
at Carlsbad before, I was afflicted with nervous
prostration, and the use of the waters relieved
me of that affliction."
"Have you anything special to say about
"I bave, but I will not I am going to Carls
bad for the benefit of my health. Good by."
Pittsburg- Children Dying-.
Tbe mortuary report for the week ending oa
Saturday, shows a total of 70 deaths in the city.
Twenty-nine were under 1 year of age and IS
from 1 to 10 years.
Fonrin of July Excursion.
The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad will
sell excursion tickets east of Pittsburg, on
July 2, 3 and 4, good to return on the
8th, inclusive; and west of Pittsburg on
the 3d and 4th, good to return on the 5th,
Excursion to Ohio Pyleon the Fourth of July.
Bate $1 60 for the round trip. Train
leaves B. & O. E. JB, new depot at 8 A. "if.
Great Eastern Straw Hat, latest shape,
only at Smiley's.
JDB. HDRNE i ffi'5
The time when we reduce stock in all .
. .-u . . . ;
departments. Howr By low.pricesf' ,,-
This day will commence our Clearancu
Sale of all Summer wear goods all over
the store goods for men's, women's ,.
ana Children's wear.
Hundreds of the "half-price and less"
. -v
finest styles in both handles ' and'
covers. " .H
THE GREATEST. . -... .
-v. - . - '-v
Lawns, 6c - ' -
Ginghams, 6c .
Satines, 8c ,: -' "" '
Prints, 4a . t
All are good quality and standard -
25c Ginghams at 15c '
40c and 50c Ginghams at 25c '
Silks JI 25 quality India Silks 50c a v
yard the greatest Silk bargain. -
Also our Black and Colored Surahf
Sllks. . 1
The French Dress Goods at 5Dc best
. . J .
values usual price SI to $1 50 now at;
60c ' ; ;5 '
Everybody will find It Will pay them's
. ' Vs5
to come early. 1
i -.
Be sure to see the great bargain ink
tbe Suit Department In Ladle,' and '
- ?
Children's Summer Suits great mark
"- f
downs here .""
Come and see these greatest and
most of great and extraordinary
bargains. ' ,
1 celebrated Bedford Snnnes Is now but nn
onlv in auart and balf-calloa bottles and -sold
In cases of 2 doz. and 4 doz. in any quantity bf
aplS-WS Corner Liberty and Ninth staL
your family keep the VICTORIA. NAT
URAL MINERAL WATER, imported, direct
to this city from near Emu, Germany, by Major
C.W. Kraos. Send orders by mail ox messen
ger to C W. KRAUS, 1339 Liberty ave. .
. strictly- pure' grape j aloe, in plots and
ouaru for family use and church purposes.
For sale by tbe case or Single bottle bv -JNO.
A KENSHAW & CO. Family GtoewtV
aplfrwa UsettyiLnTHisKast
, -4
- i
v ;-
.4. 'X''
(t - .,- ''
sTI-f, iWsTTTyyryRjiffj' jjMssI51Cs.'v. ylyc 4jitf . vj,'3lwW ; ?j??'i B K?'"-y yyffP"jssr'isi5"?'"a ,wS5SiCw?aiJBj?jCTB58s?MB , iy'kyyryMMEliSy!sff B tM5ssBS5T3BBsssMJsrJsssssBssKjiiss. y lliiiiiiiBVsEDsjPS''