Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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FDr. De Witt Talmage Preaches ia the
Brooklyn Tabernacle on
To Be LoTed One Must Love Others and Be
?t Eeadv to Svmnathirn.
"Uboosxyn; June SO. At the Tabernacle
Uthis morning, after the pastor, the Rev. T.
ft pe Witt Talmase, D. D., had made an ex-
f position or a passage or Scripture, the con-
fgregation, led by cornet and organ, sang
ue nymn beginning:
Now I have found a friend.
Jesus is mine.
' Dr. Talmage's subject was "How to Make
Friends," and his text, Proverbs xviii. 24:
"A man that hath friends must show hitn
eelf friendly." He said:
.About the sacred and divine art of making
and lecping friends I speak a subject on
Vhlch I never beard of anyone prcacUInc and
fZnA (innht t 1. 1 ... .
. put it In the middle of the Bible, these writing!
1T RnlAmAn tin,, . .1 ..J .... n .. --.!.,.. .... .,... ....
- -. ww.vu.wu, uuuuucu vu uUU BIUC kiy IUO pUJIU
lax Psalms of David and on the other by the
writings of Isaiah, the grcatestof the prophets.
'Jt seems all a matter of haphazard how many
friends we have, or whether we have any
friends at all, but there is nothing accidental
about it There is a law which governi the
accretion and dispersion of friendships. They
did not 'tjast happen so" anv more than the
tides just happen to rise or fall, or the sun just
happens to rise or set. It is a science, an art,
a God-given regulation. Tell me how friendly
you. are to others and I will tell yon how
friendly others are to yon. I do not say you
will not have enemies; indeed, the best way to
Bet ardent friends is to have ardent enemies, if
jou get their enmity in doing 'he right thing.
Good men and women will always have ene
mies, because their goodness is a perpetual
rebuke to evil; but this antagonism or foes
will tnako more Intense the love of your ad
- closer around you because of the attacks of
Jroi r assailants. The more your enemies abuse
you ..the better your coadjutors will think of
you. The best friends we ever had appeared
at some juncture when we were especially
. swmoaraea. There have been times in my life
when unjust assault multiplied my friends, as
bear as I could calculate, about SO a minute.
You are bound to some people by many cords
tbat neither time nor eternity can'break, and I
will warrant that many of those cords were
twisted by hands malevolent. Human nature
was shipwrecked about 9 centuries aeo. the
captain of that craft, one Adam, and his first
mate, running tne nrst cargo aground on a
Bnaz in the River Hiddekel; but there was at
. least one good trait of human nature that
v Waded safely ashore from that shipwreck, and
that is the disposition to take the part of those
Unfairly dealt with.
When it is thoroughly demonstrated that
eome one Is being persecuted, although at the
Start slanderous tongues were busy enongh, de
fenders finally gather around as thick as honey
pees on a trellis of bruised honeysuckle. If,
vhen set upon by the furies, you can have grace
enough to keep your mouth shut, and nreserve
Mur equipoise, and let others flght your bat
lies, you will find yourseir after aw bile with a
-' Whole cordon of allies. Had not the world
given to Christ on his arrival at Palestine a
very cold shoulder there would not have been
one-balf as many angels chanting glory out of
the bymn books of the sky bound in black lids
t of midnight Had it not been for the heavy
t and jagged and tortuous cross, Christ would
not have been the admired and loved of more
people than any being who ever touched foot
on either the Eastern or Western hemisphere.
Instead, therefore, of giving no in despair be-
cause you have enemies, rejoice in the fact
that they rally for you the most helpful and
enthusiastic admirers. In other v, ords, there
Is no virulence, human or diabolic, that can
binder my text from coming true: "A man that
bath, friends must show himself friendly."
It Is my ambition to project especially upon
the young a thonght which may benignly shape
their destiny for the here and the hereafter.
Sefore you show yourself friendly you must be
Xriendly. I do not recommend a dramatized
geniality. There is such a thing as pretending
to be en rapport with others when we are
their dire destructants, and talk against them
and wish them calamity. Judas covered up
bis treachery by a resounding klss,and caresses
maybe demoniacal. "Better the mythological
Cerberus, the three-headed dog of nelL bark
ing at us, than the wolf in sheep's clothing, its
brindled hide covered up by deceptive wool,
and its deathful howl cadenced into an inno
cent bleating.
, Disraeli writes of Lord Manfred who. after
- committing many outrages upon the people,
'ceemed suddenly to become friendly, and in
vited them to a banquet After most of the
courses of food had been served be blew a
born, which was in those times a signal for the
Servants to bring on the dessert, but in this
case It was the signal for assassins to enter and
slay the guests. His pretended friendliness
Was a cruel fraud; and there are now people
whose smile is a falsehood. Before you begin
to show yourself f riendl vyou must be friendly.
' Get your heart right with God and man and
this grace will become easy. You may bv your
own resolution get your nature into a semblance
of this virtue, but tho grace of God can
sublimely lift you into it Hailing on the river
Thames two vessels ran aground. The owners
Of one got ICO horses and pulled on the
Crounded ship and pulled It to pieces. The
owners of the other grounded vessel waited till
the tides came in and easily floated the ship
out of all trouble. So, we may pnll and
haul at our grounded human nature, and try to
get It into better condition; but there is
nothing like the oceanic tides of God's uplift
ing grace to hoist us into this kindliness I am
eulogizing. If, when under the flasn of the
Holy Ghost wefcee our own foibles and defects
and depravities, we will be very lenient and
We will look into the characters for things
commendatory and not damnatory. If yon
would rub your own eye a little more vigor
ously you would find a mote in it, the extrac
tion of which would keep you so busy you
would not have much time to shoulder your
broadax and go f orth to split up the beam in
your neighbor's eye. In a Christian spirit keep
on exploring the characters of those you meet
and 1 am sure you will find something in them
delightful and fit for a foundation of friendli
ness. You invite me to come to your country
seat and spend a few dajs. Thank y out 1 ar
c rive about noon of a beautiful summer day.
What do you doT As soon as I ar
, live you take me out tinder the
shadows of the great elms. You
take me down to the artificial lake, the spotted
trout floatmc in ana out amon? Uie wlntn nil.
lars of the pond lilies. You take me to the
stalls and kennels where you keep vour fine
stock, and here are the Durham cattle and the
Gordon setters, and the high-stepping steeds
by pawing and neighing, the only language
they can speak, asking for harness or saddle,
and a short turn down the road. Then we go
back to the house, and you get me in the right
light and show me the Kensetts andtneB.er
6 tacts on the wall, and take me into the music
room, and show me the bird cages, the cana
ries In the bay window answering the robins in
the tree tops. Thank youl I never enjoyed
myself more in the same length of time.
if ow, why do we not do that way in regard to
the characters of others, and show the bloom
and the music and the bright fountains? No.
We say come along and let me show you tbat
man's character. Here is a green-scummed
frog-pond, and there's a filthy cellar, and I
V cuess under that hedge there must be a black
v snake. Come and let us for an hour or two re
Kale ourselves with the nuisances. Oh, my
f nends, better cover up the faults and extol
the virtues, and this habit once established of
universal friendliness will become as easy as It
Is this morning for a syringa to flood the air
with sweetness, as easy as it will be further on
In the season for a quail to whistle up from the
grass. When we bear something bad abont
Somebody whom we always supposed to be
good, take out your lead pencil and say: "Let
me seel Before I accept tbat baleful story
against that man's character. I will take off
'rom It 25 per cent for the habit of exaggera
tion which belongs to the man who first told
Oie story; then I will take off 25 per cent for
Jie additions which
in'every community has pntupon the original
story; then I ill take off 25 per cent from the
fact that the man may have been put into cir
cumstances of overpowering temptation. Sol
have taken off 75 per cent But I have not
heard bis side of the story at all, and for that
reason I take off the remaining 25 per cent"
Excuse me, sir, I don't believe a word of it
But here comes in a detective maxim, so often
quoted: "Where there is so much smoke there
sroust be some fire." Look at all the smoke for
years around Jenner, the introducer of vaccin
ation; and the smoko around Columbus, tho
disco'ercr: and the smoke around Martin
Luth , and Savonarola, and Galileo, and Paul,
i and John, and Christ, and tell me where was
tbe flreT That is one of the satanlc arts to
na1r ImAlm wlthftnt fira (.lanrf lllr -..
. ''.i-worjd. mar be made out of nothlnV. If th
a ...,- si ij-j ." . . - i
vimsuAu, uvbubucu, comsiou-fe&iicaj spirit I
in regard to others predominated in the world
we should have the millennium In about six
weeks, for would not that be lamb and lion,
cow and leopard lying down together? Noth
ing bat the grace of God can ever put us into
such a habit of mind and heart as that The
whole tendency is in the opposite direction.
This is the way the world talks: I put my
name on the back of a man's note, and I had to
pay it, and I will never again put my name on
the back of any man's note. I gave a beggar 10
cents, and five minutes after I saw him enter
ing a liquor store to spend it I will never
again glvo a cent to a beggar. I helped that
young man start In business, and lo. after a
while he tame and opened a store almost next,
door to me. and stole my customers. I will
never again help a young man start in business.
I trusted In what m neighbor promised to do.
and he broke h's word, and the Psalmist was
right before he corrected himself, for "all men
are liars." So men become suspicious and sat
urnine and selfish, and at every additional
wrong done tbem they put another layer on
the wall of their delusiveness, and another
bolt to the door tbat shuts tbem out from sym
pathy with the world. They get cheated out of
a thousand dollars, or misinterpreted, or dis
appointed, or betrayed, and higher goes the
wall and faster goes another bolt not realizing
mat wnno tnev lock others out tnev lock them
selves in; and some day they wake up to find
themselves imprisoned in
No friends to others, others are no friends to
tbem. There's an island half way between
England, Scotland and Ireland, called the Isle
of Man, and the seas dash against all sides of
it, and 1 am told that there Is no more lovely
place than that Isle of Man: but when a man
becomes insular in his disposition, and cuts
himself off from the main land of tho world's
sympathies, he is despicable, and all around
him is an Atlantic Ocean of selfishness. Behold
that Isle of Man I
Kow, supposing that you have, by a divine
regeneration, got right toward God and human
ity, and vou start out to practice my text, "A
man tbat hath friends must show himself
friendly." Fulfill this by all forms of appro
priate salutations. Have you noticed
that the bead is so poi-cd that tbe easiest
thing on earth is to give a nod of rec
ognition? To swing the bead from side to side,
as when it is wagged in derision. Is unnatural
and unpleasant; to throw it back. Invites
vertigo; but to drop the chin in greeting is ac
companied with so little exertion tbat all day
long and every day jou might practice it with
out the least semblance of fatigue. So. also,
the structure of tho hand indicates handshak
ing; the knuckles not made so that the fingers
can turn out, but so made that the fingers can
turn in, as In clasping bands: and the thumb
divided from and set aloof from tbe fingers, so
that while tbe fingers take your neighbor's
hand on one side, tbe thumb takes it on tho
other, and, pressed together, all the faculties
of the hand gives emphasis to tbe salutation.
Five sermons in every healthy band urge us to
Besides this, everv dav when von start out
load yourself up with kind thoughts, kind
words, kind expressions and kind greetings.
When a man or woman does well, tell him so,
tell her so. If you meet some one who is im
proved in health, and it Is demonstrated in
girth and color, say: "How well you look!"
But If, on the other hand, under the wear and
tear of life he appear pale and exhausted, do
not introduce sanitary subjects, or say anything
at all about physical conditions. In the case
of improved health, you have by your words
given anoiuer impulse towaru tne roDust ana
the jocund; while in the case of tbe falling
health you have arrested the decline by your
silence, bv which he concludes: "If I were
really so badly off. he would have said some
thing about It" We are all, especially those
of a nervous temperament,
and discouraging words. Form a conspiracy
against us, and let ten men meet us at certain
points on our way over to business, and let
each one say: "How sick you look.V though we
should start out well, after meeting the first
and bearing his depressing salute, we would
begin to examine our symptoms. .After meet
ing the second gloomy accosting, we would
conclude we did not feel quite as well as usual.
After meeting tho third, our sensations would
be dreadful, and after meeting tbe fourth, un
less we expected a conspiracy, we would go
home and go to bed, and the other six pessi
mists would be a useless surplus of discourage
ment My dear sir, my dear madam, what do you
mean by going about this world with dls
heartenments? Is not the supply of gloom
and trouble and misfortune enough to meet
tbe demands without your running a factory of
pins and spikes? Why should you plant black
and blue in the world when God so seldom
plants them? Plenty of scarlet colors, plenty
of green, plenty of pink, but very seldom a
Plant DiacK or uiue. x never saw a macs
flower, and there's only here and there a blue
bell or violet: but the blue is for the most part
reserved for the sky, and we have to look up to
see that, and when we look up no color can do
us barm. Why not plant along the paths of
others tbe brightness instead of the glooms?
Do not prophesy misfortune. II you must
be a prophet at all be an Ezekfel.
and not a Jeremiah. In ancient times
prophets who foretold evil were
doing right, for they were divinely directed:
but tbe prophets of evil in our time are gen
erally false prophets. Some of our weather
wise people are prophesying we shall have a
summer of nnparalleledscorcb. It will not be
that at alL I think we are going to have a sum
mer of great harvest and universal health, at
any rate I know as much abont it as they do.
Last fall all the weather prophets agreed in
saying we should have a winter ol extraordi
nary severity, blizzard on the heels of blizzard.
It was tbe mildest winter I ever remember to
have passed. Indeed, the autumn and tbe
spring almost shoved winter out of the proces
sion. Ileal troubles have no heralds running
ahead of their somber chariots, and no one has
any authority in our time to announce their
coming. Load yonrself np with helpful words
and deeds. Tbe hymn once sung in our churches
is unfit to bo sung, for it says:
We should suspect some danger near
Where we possess delight.
In other words, manage to keep miserable all
the time.
The old song sung at the pianos a quarter of
a century ago was right: "Kind words can
never die." Such kind words have their nests
in kind hearts, and when they are batched ont
and take wing they circle round in flights tbat
never cease, and sportsman's gnn cannot shoot
them, and storms cannot ruffle their wings,
and when they cease flight in these lower skies
of earth they sweep around amid the higher
altitudes of heaven. At Baltimore a few days
ago I talked into a phonograph. Tbe cylinder
containing tho words was sent on to Washing
ton, and tbe next day that cylinder, from an
other phonographic Instrument, when turned,
gave back to me tbe very words I bad uttered
the day before, and with the same intonations.
Scold into a phonograph and it will scold back.
Pour mild words into a phonograph, and it
will return gentleness. Society and tbe world
and tbe church, are phonographs. Give them
acerbity and rough treatment and acerbity
and rough treatment younill get back. Give
them practical friendliness, and they will give
back practical friendliness, A father asiced
his little daughter: "Mary, why Js It tbat
everybody loves your She answered: "I
don't know,' unless it Is because I love every
body." "A man tbat hath friends must show himself
friendly." We want something like that spirit
of sacrifice for others which was seen in tbe
English Channel, where in the storm a boat
containing three men was upset and all three
were In the water struggling for their lives.
A boat came to their relief, and a rope was
thrown to one of tbem, and be refused to take
It, saying: "First fling it to Tom; he is juxt
ready to go down. I can last some time
longer." A man like that be he sailor or
landsman, be be in upper ranks of society or
lower ranks, will alwajs have plenty of friends.
What is true niau ward is true Godward. We
must be the friends of God if we want Him to
be our friend. Wo cannot treat Christ badly
all our lives rnd expect Him to treat us lov
ingly. I was reading of a sea flght in which
Lord kelson captured a French officer, and
when the French officer offered Lord Nelson
bis band. Nelson replied : "First give me your
sword, and then give me your hand." Surren
deror onr resistance to God must precede
God's proffer of pardon to us. Repentance be-
Absolutely Pure
This powder never varies. A marvel of pnr
ity, strength and wholeiorneness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kin da, and cannot
be sold In competition with tbe multitude of
ow est short weight alum or phosphate now
ders. Sold only in cam. ROYAL BAKING
rc-WDEB CO, 106 Wall St, N. Y..
1 ffRnYALI"Vl ik B
fore forgiveness. You musk give up your re
bellious sword before you can get a grasp of
O, what a glorious state of things to have the
friendship of Godt Why, we could "afford to
have all the world against us and -all the other
v.orlds against us if we bad God for us. He
could in a minute blot out this universe, and in
another minnte make a better universe. I
have no Idea tbat God tried bard when He
made all things. This most brilliant thing
known to us Is light and for tbe creation of
that He only used a word of command. As out
of a flint a frontiersman strikes a spark, so out
of one word God struck the noonday sun. For
the making of the present universe I do not
read that God lifted so much as a finger. The
Bible frequently speaks of God's hand and
God's arm and God's shoulder and God's
foot; then suppose He should put band and arm
and shoulder and foot to utmost tension, what
could Ho not make? That God. of such demon
strated and undemonstrated strength, you may
have for your present and .everlasting friend;
but a stately and reticent friend, bard to get
at, but as approachable as a country mansion
on a summer dav when all the doors and win
dows are wide open. Christ said: "lam the
door." And be is a wide door, a high door, a
palace door, an always open door.
My 4-year-old child got hurt and did not cry
until hours after, when her mother came home,
and then she burst into weeping, and some of
the domestics, not understanding human
nature, said to her: "Whvdid you not cry be
fore?" She answered: "There was no one to
cry to." Now I have to tell you'that while hu
man sympathy may be absent, divine Bympatby
is always accessible,
ana get His love; your service 'and secure His
help; your repentance and have His pardon.
God a friend? Why, tbat means all yonr
wounds medicated, all your sorrows soothed;
and If some sudden catastrophe shonld hurl
you out of earth it would only hurl you into
heaven. If God is your friend, you cannot go
out of tbe world too quickly or suddenly, so
far as your own happiness Is concerned.
There were two Christians last Tuesday who
entered heaven; tbe one was standing at a win
dow In perfect health watching a shower, and
the lightning Instantly slew him; but the light
ning did not flash down tbe sky as swiftly as
bis spirit flashed upward. Tbe Christian man
who died on the same day next door bad been
for a year or two falling in health, and for the
last three months had suffered from a disease
that made the nights sleepless and the days an
anguish. Do you not really think that the case
of the one who went instantly was more desir
able than the one who entered the shining gate
through a long lane of insomnia and conges
tion? In the one case it was like your standing
wearily at a door, knocking and waiting and
wondering if it will ever open, and knocking
and waiting again; while in tbe other case it
was a swinging open of the door at the first
touch of your knuckle. Give your friendship
to God. and have God's friendship for you, and
even the worst accident will be a victory.
How refreshing is human friendship, and
true friends, what priceless treasures! When
sickness comes, and trouble comes, and
death comes we send for onr friends
first of all, and tbetr appearance in
our doorway in any crisis is re-enforcement,
and when they have entered, we say: "Now it
is all right!" Ob, what would we do without
friends, personal friends, business friends.fam
lly friends? But we want something mightier
than human friendship in the great exigencies.
Vhen Jonathan Edwards in his final hour had
given the last good-by to all his earthly friends,
be turned on his Diilow and closed his eves
confidently saying: "Now where Is Jesus of
Nazareth, my true and never-failing friend?"
Yes, I admire human friendship as seen in tbe
case of David and Jonathan, of Pan) and
Onesiphorus, of Herder and Goethe, of Gold
smith and Reynnlds,of Beaumontand Fletcher,
of Conley and Harvey.of Erasmus and Thomas
More, of Leasing and Mendelssohn, of
Lady Churchill and Princess Anne, of
Orestes and Pylades each requesting that him
self might take the point of the dagger so tbe
other might be spared, of Epaminondas arfd
Pelopidas, wbo locked their shields in battle
determined to die together; but the grandest
the mightiest tbe tenderest friendship in all
the universe is the friendship between Jesus
Christ and a believing sonl.
Yet after all I bavo said I feel I have only
done what James Marshall, the miner, did in
1818 in California, before its gold mines were
known. He reached in and pus upon tbe table
of his employer. Captain Sutton, a thimbleful
ofgolddust, "Where did you fet that?" said
bis employer. The reply was: 'I got It this
morning from a millrace from which the water
had been drawn off." But tbat golddust which
could have been taken up between the finger
and the thumb was the prophecy and specimen
that revealed California's wealth to all nations.
And to-day I havo only put before you a speci
men of the value of divine friendship, only a
thimbleful of mines inexhaustible and infinite,
though all time and all eternity go on with the
Use Horaford'a Acid Phosphate.
Dr. Chas. H. S. Davis, Meriden, Conn , says:
1 have used it as au accessory in cases of mel
ancholia and nervous debility, and as a pleas
ant and cooling drink in fevers, and have been
very much pleased with It"
SI Until September 181.
Cabinets, SI per dozen, of children, at
Autrecht's Elite Gallery, C16 Market street,
Pittsburg. Elevator. Come early, rain or
Seo the Hnlf Price Parasols,
All our stock, even the finest Come at
once for these. Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
If you have not smoked the La Ferla del
Fnmar Key West Cigar you have lost a
treat. Sold 3 for 25c G. W. Schmidt,
Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave.
A Remarkable Experience.
Mr. H. Robertson, a native of Scotland, but
wbo has been a resident of this country for sev
eral years, has been a victim of kidney disease
with the following symptoms: He had a heavy
dragging pain across tbe small of bis Lok, ex
tending from one side to the other, and a bloat
ed, dropsical condition of the bowels, high col
ored urine, and he noticed tbat sometimes it
contained a reddish, brick-colored sediment,
and at other times tbe sediment was of a light
ish color. He noticed that ho felt very tired in
the morning, and as he gradually grew weaker,
bis stomach became affected. His appetite
became poor, and be was constantly annoyed
with sour eructations of gas from his stomach
after eating, and on account of tbe kidneys not
performing their function properly, bis blood
became charged with rheumatic poison, so tbat
he had much pain about his shoulders and dif
ferent parts of his body. As be becamo more
emaciated he began to congh, and he felt much
tightness and weight across his lungs. In
Breaking of the matter one day, he said:
"I doctored with the best doctors I could hear
of, but was fast getting worse. I became mel
ancholy and tnought 1 could not live. Finally
I began treatment with tbe phslclans of the
Polypathic Medical Institute, wbo are special
ists for chronic diseases, and although confined
to the bed when I commencod their treatment
my Improvement was very rapid, and I have
been entirely cured by these physicians, and I
gladly sign my name H. Robertson,"
Anyone wishing to call upon Mr. Robertson,
or write bim witb reference to bis case, can
have his full address by calling at THE POLY
PATHIC INSTITUTE, 420 Penn ave. Office
hours, 10 to 11:30 A. M.. 1 to 4 and 6 to p. M.
Sundays, 1 to 4 P. II. Consultation free. jeZ4-D
Rocker's Lubricating Hemp Packing
Italian and American Hemp Packing,
Clothes Lines. Twines, Bell Cord, Flsb Lines,
Chalk Lines, Night Lines, Sisal Bale and Hide
Rope, Tarred Lath Yarn, Spun Yarn, ate.
WORKS East street Allegbenv City, Pa.
ttsburg. Telephone No. 137a myS-mrs
XXV 133:33 XVOHIiD.
I Of all Druggist, bvt beware of imitation
One of the leading surgeons in the Army,
made the following characteristic remark:
"Water kills more soldiers than bullets." His
meaning was, tbat soldiers wbo drank Impure
water, died by disease in greater numbers than
those killed by bullets. The surgeon was right
Impure water, especially at this season, is a ter
rible cause of sickness and death. But tho pub
lic say, what shall we dor There is but one sen
sible thing to do, and that is to purify the
water by mixing It with something that de
stroys all poison or disease-breeding germs, and
nothing does this like pure whiskey. But it
may be asked, where can I obtain puro
whiskey r Professor Henry A. Mott says, 'the
puiity of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is abso
lute, and should commend it to tbe highest
public favor." There are hundreds of families
that are drinking water constantly, and are
kept In perfect health by simnly mixing a little
of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey in each glass they
drink. It is a simple and a sure preventive of
Summer diseases and germ poisons, and Is in
dorsed by the best people in the land.
Residing at 3410 Penn avenue, has also been a
great sufferer from catarrh. The tenacious
secretion that formed in her nose, and which
she was unable to discbarge, ulcerated into the
bones until the walls of her nose fell In, giving
it a flattened appearance. In vain she tried to
find some doctor that could cure her of catarrh
before this ulceration took place, and thus save
ber from the disfigurement of her nose tbat
she will now have to carry as long as she lives.
Her sense of smell also became entirely de
stroyed. She had much headache, ringing
sounds In ber ears and dizziness. As some of
tbe mucus that dropped down from her bead
lodged in the bronchial tubes of' ber lungs her
breath became very short After becoming
cured at tbe Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute,
at 321 Penn avenue, she says:
"I wish to tell the people that although I
have treated with several physicians for
catarrh I never found any relief until I com
menced treatment with the physicians of the
Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute, and now I am
happy to state tbat after using their treatment
I am, entirely cured.
Mrs. Dr. Crossley, one of the Consulting
Physician; at the Catarrh and Dyspepsia
Institute, No. 323 Penn avenue, will
advise with any ladies suffering with diseases
peculiar to their sex. Remember, consultation
and advice are free to all.
Patients applying at the Institute for treat
ment or consultation, will please fall wben con
venient in the forenoon, and thus avoid the
Offltfe hours, 10 A. k., to 4 P. it, and 6 to 8 p.
M. Sundays 12 to 4 P. M. je23-p
rNo. ii.i
the grade of Barton street from Fifth
avenue to .romes street
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by
the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common
Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained
and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That
the grade of tbe east curb of Barton street,
from Fifth avenue to Forbes street be and the
same shall be re-established as follows: Begin
ning on tbe south building line of Fifth ave
nue at an elevation of 223.35 feet, thence rising
at the rate ot 2.206 feet per 100 feet for a dis
tance of S09.3S4 feet to an angle at an elevation
of 23150 feet thence rising at the rate of 1
foot per 100 feet for a distance of 511.077 feet to
the north curb of Forbes street at an elevation
of 239.702 feet
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi
nance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed,
so far as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted lnto-a law in Councils
this 10th day of June, A. D. 1889.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office, June 12, 18S9. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 84,
2Cth day of June, A. D. 1589. je2S-70
tNo. 8.1
distribution of handbills, dodgers, etc.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and
enacted bv tbe authority of tbe same. That
hereafter it shall not be lawful for any person
or persons to -distribute by throwing from
wagons or other vehicles any handbills, dodgers
or other advertising device.
Section 2 That any person or persons violat
ing the provisions of this ordinance shall be
subject on conviction thereof to a penalty of
five (S3) dollars for each and every offense to
be recovered as provided for by an ordinance
in relation to fines and foieltures.
Section S That any ordinance or part of ordi
nance conflicting with the provisions of this
ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed
so far as tbe same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law lu Councils
this 10th day of June, A D. 18S9.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office. Jnne 13, 1889. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 79,
21st day of June, A. D. 1889. je27-10
No. 14.1
A LINGFORD street, from Craig street to
Bellefleld avenue.
Section I Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common
Councils assembled , and It is hereby ordained
and enacted by the authority of tbe same.
That Walllngford street, from Craig street to
Bellefleld avenue, be and the same shall be
located as follows, to witi Tbe south 5-foot
line shall begin on tbe center line of Craig
street at a distance of 433.03 feet south rrom
the center line of Center avenue, thence de
flecting to the right 9351'15"ln a southwest
wardly direction a distance of about 67S feet to
the west 5-foot line of Bellefleld avenue, and
the said Walllngford street shall be of a
width of fifty (50) feet
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting witb tbe provisions of
this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils
this 10th day of June, A D. 1889.
H. P. FORD, President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office. June 13th, IS89. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 87.
26th day ot June, A. D. 1SS9. jeM-70
Invite your very special consideration and attention to the following every-day use Goods. The
prices are not only attractive, bat are far below what they were sold for, here or elsewhere, and
they are all new and seasonable:
150 lovely Mixed Tricots; they're biggest part wool; measure 86 inches wide, and were in
tended to sell at SOc. They've been secured to sell at 16c a yard.
Hundreds of pieces exquisitely pretty 8c and 10c Cballis, all to be offered this week at 4c and
Sea yard. And we' ve. got 100 pieces magnificently stylish dark Chains that sold all season at
12c to be put on onr counters at 6Ve a yard.
HI dozen a clearing lot beautifully fashioned, loop braid trimmed Black Jerseys, all sizes,
never sold for less than SI 25. Your pick of the lot now for 69o apiece.
VERY SPECIAL, We'll submit for your inspection one of the handsomest stocks of Ladles'
Mnslin, Cambric and Swiss Underwear ever exhibited in these two cities. They're all fresh
from the needle. Styles are the newest, trimmings the prettiest In fact they're all the most
fastidious would desire.wblle the prices are such as to be come-atable by alL Chemises, Drawers
and Corbet Covers will range from 22c to 2 60 each, and they're worth one-balf more. The
Night Dresses that usually cost from 75c to Si, we'vs marked to sell from 60c to $2 60 each.
There's abont 200 lovely White Dressing Sacques, tastefully and elegantly trimmed, marked
to sell from 75c to S4 6a Real value, SI to 17.
use tff Tnp
h ib BBrf m m , at
the p-
i vsKfS x" r"
. r j , 's v .-
Low Strap Ties,
Low Southern Ties
And Gents' Congress Goiters.
Fine, light, soft, single soles for cool com
fort Gents' Low Dongola Ties, $2.
Gents' Southern Ties, 52.
Gents' Dongola Congress, (2.
Genuine Kangaroo cong. and bals at only
53 00,
G. D: SfMEN'S,
O will be received at the office of the City
Controller until JULY 6, ISS9, at 2 o'clock P. X
for tbe erection of a police station bonse In the
Thirty-sixth ward. Also tor altering and repair
ing police station bouses in tbe Eleventh and
twelfth wards. Plans and specifications can
be seen at tbe office of the Superintendent of
the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the
amount of each bid will be required, said bonds
to be probated before the Mayor or City ClerK.
The Department of Awards reserves tbe right
to reject any or all bids. J.O.BROWN,
Chief of the Department of Public Safety,
j No. 10.
grade of Greenbush street, from Wyoming
street to Boggs avenue.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is bereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same, Tbat tbe
?:rade of the south curb of Greenbush street
rom Wvoming street to Boggs avenue, be and
the same shall be established as follows, to
wlt: The grade of the south curb of Green
bush shall begin on the west curb ot Wy
oming street, at an elevation of 452.6 feet;
thence rising at the rate ot 12 feet per 100 feet
for a distance of 503 feet, to a point at an eleva
tion of 470.2 feet; thence rising by a parabolic
curve for a distance of 200 feet to a point at an
elevation of 457 feet; thence rising at a rate of
3.50 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 233.38 feet
to a point at an elevation of 493.32 feet: thence
by a parabolic curve for a distance of 100 feet
to a point at an elevation of 492.70 feet: thence
falling at the rate of 6 feet per 100 feet for a
distance of 450.10 feet to a point on the north
curb of Boggs avenue at an elevation of 435.7
Section 2 That anv ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with the provisions of
this ordinance be and the same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this 10th day of June, A. D. I8S9.
H. P. FOKD. President of Select council.
Attest: GEO-SHEPPARD, Clerk of Belect
Council. GEOV L. HOLLIDAY, President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Major's Office. June 13, 1889. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBERT
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 84,
25th day of Jun e, A. D. 18S9. je2S-70
grade of Grandvlew avenue, from Wyom
ing street to Oneida street
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and
enacted by the authority of tbe same, That the
grade of the south 10-foot line of Grandvlew
avenue, from a point 85 feet west of tbe west
curb line of Wyoming street to Oneida street,
be and the same is hereby established as follows,
viz.: Beginning at a point 35 feet west from
the west curb line of Wyoming street, at an
elevation of 405 8-10 feet; thence rising at tbo
rate of 5 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 29
feet to the west curb line of Shiloh street at
an elevation of 4176-100 feet; thence by a con
vex vertical enrb for a distance of 100 feet to a
P. T.; thence falling at the rate of 1 5-10 feet
per 100 feet for a distance of 340 19-100 feet to
east curb line of Stanwix street at an elevation
of 413 7-10 feet: thence level for a distance
of 22 feet to the west curb line of Stan
wix street; thence rising at the rato of
29-10 feet per 100 feet for a distance of
635 13-100 feet to the west curb line or Kear
sage street at an elevetlon of 43212-100 feet;
thence rising at tbe rate of 4 feet per 100 feet
for a distance of 442 88-100 feet to a P. C. at an
elevation of 449 83-100 feet: thence bv a convex
rvertical curve f or a distance of 78 66-100 feet to
a P. T. at an elevation of 449 31-100 feet; thence
falling at tbe rate of 6 feet per 100 feet for a
distance of 477 79-100 feet to a P. C. at an eleva
tion of 420 64-100 feet: thence by a concave ver
tical curve for a distance of 113 12-100 feet to
the east enrb line of Merrlmao street at an ele
vation of 21651-100 feet; thence rising at the
rate of 4 17-100 feet for a distance of 80 1-100 feet
to tbe west curb line of Merrlmao street at an
elevation of 417 76-100 feett thence rising at the
rate of U feet per 100 feet for a distance of 421
06-100 feet to a P. a at an elevation of 464 17-100
feet; thence by a convex vertical curve for a
distance r.f 800 15-100 feet to a P. T. at an eleva
tion of 461 17-100 feet; thence falling at tbe rate
of 11 f eetper 100 feet for a distance of 265 45-100
feet to a P. C at an elevation of 434 97-100 feet;
thence by a concave vertical curve for a distance
of 150 feet to a P. a C. at an elevation of 425 87
100 feet: thence by a concave vertical curve for
a distance of 160 feet to a P.T. at an eleva
tion of 432 72-100 feet: thence risingat the rate
of 8 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 263 91-100
feet to a P. C at the west curb line of Meridan
street at an elevation of 453 83-100 feet; thence
by a convex vertical curve for a distance of 140
feet to a P. T. at an elevation of 458 33-100 feet;
thence falling at the rate of 1 6-10 feet per 100
feet for a distance ot 422 6-100 feet to.tbe east
curb line of Oneida street at an elevation of
452 5-100 feet
Section 2 That any ordinance or part of
ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of
this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby re
pealed so far as the same affects this ordi
nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils
this lOtb day of Jnne, A. D. 1889. '
H.P.FORD. President of Select Council.
Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select
Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of
Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH,
Clerk of Common Council.
Mayor's Office. June 13, 1889. Approved:
WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT.
OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk.
Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 82,
S5tb day of J une, A D. IS89. j e29-70
P tf
that now is the time for a bargain. The
greatest Inducements to all wanting
homes for permanency or speculation jet
Because the PATTERSON PLAN of
Lots, at COCHRAN STATION, on the
Monongahela Division, Pennsylvania
Railroad, is so situated as to be easy of
access (every hour in the- day) to three
or four of the largest manufacturing
works In Allegheny county; and they
can be bought on
monthly or yearly payments. A good
chance for steady employment at the
Howard Plate Glass Works, Allegheny
Bessemer Steel Works and Duquesne
Tube Works.
Duquesne, Pa.
Or, No. 8 Wood st, Room 5,
Pittsburg, Pa.
LINA avenue, within three minutes' walk
of depot or beach. Large, cheerful rooms, ex
cellent table. Terms moderate. MRS. E. J.
ELDREDGE. Proprietress. mvl6-91-a
Appolntments and service first-class,
sious lawns GOO feet Porch promenades.
Cuisine unexcelled. W. H. REYNOLDS.
Je2S52-n Late Lafayette Hotel Phila.
Atlantic City, N. J.,
On the beach, sea end of Virginia avenue.
8. W. LEEDS.
Jel-2-D Winter address, Cinnamlnson, N. J.
Opens June 15, 1889. James Mooney. "Owner."
(Late of the Hotel Lafayette.)
Directly on the beach.
Now open.
Jel-4-D "W. W. GREEN.
Salt water baths in the house. Elevator.
apl6-81-D E. ROBERTS & SONS.
A leading hotel In every respect Beauti
y situated near the beach. Ail rooms com
mand an unobstructed view of the ocean. Ap
pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani
tary arrangements perfect For information
address MORGAN 4 PARSONS. jel535
JtL N.J.
Under new management
T. C. GTTiTirTTTE, Pron'r.
my22 Late of Colonnade Hotel, Philada.
Penna.,on Pittsburg, Fort Wayna and
Chicago Railroad, 25 minutes' ride from tbe
city and two minnte' walk from tbe station;
newly furnished throughout: countrysurTOund
ings, elegant drives, with all the comforts of
the city. W. H. a MoKELVY, Prop. je27-8I
Thomson House, Kane,
2,000 feet above ocean level. Open an tba
year. Now prepared for the reception of sum
mer visitors. Rates, S2 00 per day and from
87 00 to 514 00 per week. Write for circular.
jel3-2-s C. H. KEMP, Prop.
RENOVO, Clinton Co., Pennsylvania. 1,200
feet above ocean level. Open all the year.
Now prepared for the reception of summer
visitors. Rates, S3 00 per day and from 87 00
to 814 00 per week.
Write for circular.
ie!3-3-D C. H. KEMP, Prop.
Largest and most prominently located hotel
with a new and first-class Restaurant attached.
850 chairs. Open all tbe year. Coaches to and
from Beach and Trains. Bropby'K Orchestra,
j line Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of
Now open. All trains stop at Crsssos. For
circulars, etc- address
WM. R. DUNHAM. Supt,
my7-2-DSU Cresson, Cambria Co., Pa.
Will open for the season June 29,1889. The
ALBION will be kept nrst-class In every par
tlcnlar. Engagements can be made at the
office of CRAWFORD MILLER, 339 Walnut
st, Philada., until 26th Inst Office in charge
Edw. Wesson, late Stockton Hotel, Cape May,
By tbe ocean; hotels open: Continental, Tirol!,
Surf House, Sea View, Philadelphia, Mansion'
and others; cottage boarding houses: Floral,
Rosedale, Ocean View, Enropean and others:
magnificent beach, bathing and sea views; rates
moderate. Information CL K. LANDIS,
je!2-46 402 Locust St. Philadelphia.
PrrrsBuiui and lake ekik kailkoad
COMPANY-scnedule in eaect June 2. USa,
Central timet
P. & L. E. R. B. Dctart For Cleveland. S:00,
S:00A. it.. '1:33, 4:10, S:30r. V. for Cincinnati,
Chicago and St. Louis, SKO A. x., li3S, 9:30 r. 11,
For Buffalo, 8:00 A. M.. 4:10, IhM r. m. JTor Sala
manca, "8ioo A. X., '1:33 r. x. For Beaver Falls,
5:00, "8:00, 8:30. 10:15 A. M.. '1:3 1:30, 4:10. S:li
9:30 F. x. JTor Cbartlers, 5:00, 15:30. 8:33, a,
8:33, 7:15, !, 8:30, 9:15, 10:13 A. X 12.-03, 'U:,
1:10, 3:30. 14:30, 4:30, "3r06, BUS, "SKIS, 10:30 T. X.
Abriyx 'rom Cleveland, ti30 X. K., 11:30.
6:33, 7:SS 9:40 r. X. From Cincinnati, Chlcsro
and St. Louis, 15:30. 7:53 r. X. From Buffalo.
SiSO a. x.t 12:30, :0 r. x. From Bslamanca,
12:30, "7:65 P. M. From Yonngttown. SiSO.SrMA.
M., 12:30. 5:35. 7:55, :40 F. X. From Beaver
Falls,. 5:25, 1:30, 72J, 9O0 A. X.. 12:30, 1:10, :33:
7:55, 9: r. X. From Chanters, '6:12, 6:28,:30
:43, 7:08. 1:47, 9:2a, :57, 11:59 A. M., 1:10. 1:32.
2117. 4.-03, 4:40, Hi. 5:35, SII2, 8:40, 11:12, nn
A. X., 15:12 P. X.
P., C Set. trains for Mansfield, 8:30 x. M 3:30,
4:50 r. x. For Essen and Beechmont Si90, A. M.,
30P. X.
P., C. & Y. trains from Mansfield, Essen and
Beachniont, 7:08, 11:59 a. X.
P., MCK.AY.B.B. DITABT-For New Raven,
13:30 A. M.. "3:30 r. M. For West Newton. l'5:30
10:05 A. X.. 3:30. 5:15 r. X.-
AXRtvx From Hew Haven, 7:59 A. X., SiOOP.
X. From WeitNewton.:14, CTsSOA, x.,l:25, 3o
For McKeeiport and Elisabeth, SdO.IO.-oSA. X.,
3:30, 3:15 P. X.
From Elizabeth and HcKetiport, 7 JO A. X
lr2S, "5:00 r.X.
Dally. Sundays only. 1WII1 run one honr
late on Sunday. I Will run two hours late on
City ticket office. 401Smlthfisld street
.Trstns leave Union Sutton (Eastern Standard,
time): Klttanninc Ac. :55 a. m.: Hlajrara.Ex.,
dally. JitS a. m.. Hnlton Ac, 10:13 a.m.: Valley
Camp Ac, I2.-CS JP. m.: Oil City and DaBoIs Ex
press,2:00 p.m. ; HulMn Ac.,3.-ojp.m. 1 JUttannlnf
Ac, 4:00p.m.: iSraebumEx.,S:6op.ni.: Kltunn
Ing Ac, 5.30 p.m.; Braabnrn Ac, 6:20 p.m.: Hul
ton Ac, 7:50 p. m.; Baffalo Ex- daily,
8:50 p. m.; Hnlton Ac. :45 p. nut Braeburn Ac,
llt p. m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40 p. m.
and 0:35 p. ra. Pullman Sleeping Cars bctwtea
Pittsburg and Buffalo, J AS. P. ANDERsOS,
rrTBBtmo akd westers baiivwaj
Trains (Cet'lSun'dUme)l Leave Arrive
Butler Accommodation
lrav Ex. A k'n, ToU, a 'n. Kane
miller Accommodation
Chicago Express (dally)
New Castle and Greenville Ex
Kellenopl and Foxburg Ac.
Kntler Accommodation
itco am
720 am
ors am
12S0 pm
ltd) pm
4:40 Dm
7:10 am
723 pm
4:00 pm
115 am
9:38 am
3:30 am
5.40 pm
1:10 pm
lratriats iare to unicsf o, wi ov, second ciass,
150. Trirona coacii aid Pallmaa Buffet sleej
Bg cat to Chicago 4117.
T.-: : - - . . . . . . .
Have made a most appropriate and beautiful display in their
large corner window. 'A magnificent imitation in immortelles
of the historical independence bell is suspended from a
dome of red, white and blue bunting, and overhangs a lifej
size figure of General Washington, while a number of boys
(wax figures), each one holding aloft the national colors,
wend their way around the central tableau. A most artistic
and striking effect is thus brought out Let everybody, who
enjoys a beautiful sight, take a look in Kaufmanns' corner
window this week.
After all, however, the window is but an indication of the interest
ing sight that awaits bargain seekers on entering the store. If you are
Take the elevator for our Hot Weather Clothing Department, where you
will see scores of counters weighed down with all kinds and grades of
thin garments. Alpacas, Mohairs, Lusters, Seersuckers, Pongees, Linens,
Sicilians, Flannels, Serges, Cashmeres, Drap d'Etes, Brilliantines, Silks,
etc. Every cent invested in these coats brings a dollar's worth of com
fort in return. Don't delay, if you want to purchase a thin Coat ot Vest
for the Fourth.
AT $15 AJSTD $18
Holds the boards till July 4, and what a golden
opportunity it presents to the man who wants a
fine Dress Suit. Come ! See I Be Convinced 1
To-Day, To-Morrow and
Noon on Thursday we w ill Continue Our
Special Fourth of July Straw Hat Sale! '.
Special Fourth of July Light Derby Sale I -
Special Fourth of July Low Cut Shoe Sale! - ' "
Special Fourth of July Flannel Shirt Sale ! JT
Special Fourth of July Summer Neckwear Sale I
Special Fourth of July Thin Underwear Sale!
Special Fourth'of July Boys' Clothings Sale ! -Special
Fourth of July Boys' Shirt Waist Sale I-
Every man who'll take advantage of these sales will get the best
bargains he ever ran across in his life.
4tti. j OF
The Thunderer is the name of the paper cap pistol we give,
together with 600 cap shots, gratis, with every Boy's or
Child's Suit, no matter how low its price may be.
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street
SDoial ZDToijic 0ur store wil1 be Pen next
Wednesday night till 9 o'clock, and will close Thursday (July 4) at noon. "
Atttr May , 18S9. trains leave Union
Station, ritttbarjt; u follows Eastern btaodinl
Xew York and Chicago Limited or Pullman Ve.
UbuIedallTt7:lia. m. .,
Atlantic Exprew daily for th Eait, !&0 -m-
Mau train, dall?, except Snndav, 4:9)1. m. Sun
day, mall, 8:10 a. m.
Uay express dally at Si00 a. m.
Mall express dally at 1 $0 p. m.
Philadelphia express dally at 4:M p. m.
Kastera express dally at 7:1J p. m.
fast Line daily at 8U0 p. m.
GreensDnrz expressano p. in. week days.
Derrv express 11:00 a. m. weekdays.
All tnronch trains connect at Jersey Cltywlta
boats or "Brooklyn Annex" tor Brooklyn. K.Y.,
avoiding double ferriage and Journey tbrongh M.
drains arrive at Union Station as follows:
Mail Train, dally i1'?"- m-
"Western Express, dally .Z'- m-
Paclflo Express, dally Vp- "
Chlcsro Limited Impress, daily 8:30 p.m.
Fast Line, dally 11:45 p. in.
souTHWEsr ee.HK kailwai.
Tor Unlontown, 4:30 ana 8:35 a. m. and4.Sp.
m.. without change of cam 12.50 p. m., connect
ing at Oreensburg. Trains arrive from Union
town at : a. m.. 12.31. 4:35 and 8:10 p. m.
rrom fEDEKAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City.
Mall train, connecting for Blairsvllle... :u a. m.
ExpressTfor Blairsvllle, connecting for
Butler 3:14p.IO.
Butler Accm 8:2) a. m.. 1:13 and 4:44 p. m.
gpringdale Aceom9:00.11i50a.m.l::and :3)p,m.
Iveeport Accom 4il4. 8:30 and 11:40 p. m.
OnSanday KiSOand 9:30p.m.
North Apollo Aeeoni 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p. m.
Allegheny Junction Accommodation
connecting for Butler 8:3) a. m.
Blairsvllle Accommodation 10:40 p. m.
Trains arrive at FEDEKA L STKEET STATION :
Express, connecting Irom Butler 10:33 a. m.
Mall Train. l:Op. m.
Butler Aecom :l0s. m.. 4:40 and 7:20 p. m.
Blairsvllle Accommodation .'.....9-K!p. m.
Freeport Accom.7:40 a.m.. 1:25, 730andll:10p. m.
On Sunday 10:10 a. xn. and7ifl0p. m.
Bprlngdale Aecom....,ll:4Sa.m.,a5S,6:30p. m.
North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and4-40p. m.
Train s leave Union station. VI tts ourg. as follows:
For Monongahela City, Wen Brownsville and
Unlontown. 11 . m For Monongahela City and
West Brownsville. 7:03 and II a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
On Sunday, 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City. 4:43
p. m., week days.
Dravosbarg Ac, week days. ao p. m.
West Elisabeth Accommodation, 830a. nu. Irto,
6du and 11:31 p. m. Sunday, 9:Op. m.
Ticket ofnees Corner Fonrth avenue and Try
street and Union station. ......
General Managei. Oen'I Tass'r Agent.
X station. Central Standard Tins. Leave for
Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 7 JO a.m., d 8:00 and
d H:l P. m. Dennlson, J:4S p. m. Chicago,
12:08, dnil4 p.n. Wheeling, 7i a. m., 12S5,
4:10p.m. Steubenville, 4:54a, m. Washington.
4:448:331. m., 1:45, 4:30,4:44 p. m. Bulger, 10:19
a. m. Burgettstown, Sll :35 a.m.. 4:24 p. m. Mans
Held, 7:14. 11:00 a. m.. O-J0, dJ5;10 p.m. Mc
Donalds, d 4:15, d 10:23 p. m.
From tbe West, .11:10, d 6.-00, a. m.. 3.-03, d3:SJ
n.m. Dennlsou 9-SOa.in. Steubenville, 4:03 p. m.
Wheeling, ZU0, t :45 a.m.. 8:05, S :55 p.m. Burgetts
town, 7:6a. m.,a:05a.:n. Washington ,1:4 7: A
:S3a. m 2:38, 30 p. m- Mansfield, d 53V 9KJ0
a, nu. 12:45 d 8:3) and 10:00p.m. Bulger, 1:40p.m.
KeDonald d 8:35 a. m.. d 9.-00 p. m. ,
d daily; i Sunday only; other trains, except
. V
-1 '-
The fire cracker now holds su-j
preme sway and to say that'Young
Amencais having lots of fun would
be drawing it mildly. Good-natured
Uncle Sam, though his coat tails
may. sometimes come in rather un
desirable proximity with the festive
fire cracker, looks on and enjoys
the scene that, shorn of its trans
itory surface, after all tends to
serve a worthy purpose the instill
ment of patriotism into the young
hearts and reverence for the heroes
of the revolution. In honor of the
Wednesday and Until1
May 12. 1883. Central Standard Time.
As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, a 73
s. m- d 12:20, d 1KB, d 7:44. except Saturday. 11 00
p.m: Toledo. 7:25 a. m.dBffll dl.-00 and except
Saturday. 11:20 p. m.; Crestline, 4:44 a. m.s Cleve
land. 6:io a. m- 12:44 and d 11:05 p. m. and 7:25
JTm.. via P F. W. 4 C. Kv.: New Castle
and Youngstown. 7:04 a. m.. HOO, 3:44 p. m.;
Youngstown and Nlles, d 1220 p. m.; Meadyllle.
Erie and Ashtabula. 7:05 a. m., 12.-20 p. m.; Nile
and Jamestown, 3:S p. m.t Masslllon, 4:10p.ra.t
Wheeling and Bellalre. 8:10a. m-11:45, l:30p. m. :
Beaver Falls. 4:00. t-04 p. m Kock Point, SfdS
a, u. : Leetsdale. 4:30 a. m.
ALLEGHENY ltochester. 8:30 a. m.t Beaver
Falls. 8:15, 11:00 a.m.: Enon, 30 p.m.: Leets
SileriOtOOl 11:44 a. m.. 2.-C0, 4. 4:43. Uklffl
p. m.; Conway, 10.30p.m.; Fair Oaks, a 11:40 a.
m.: Leetsdale, S8:30p. m.
TBAINSAKKlVEUnlonstationfrom Chicago,
except Monday 1:50. de.-OO. d:JS a. nu, d 8:40 p.
m.: Toledo, except Monday 1:50, d 8:35 a.m., 80
p. m., Crestline, 2:10 p. m.; Youngstown and
Jew Castle. 9:10a. m., 1:24. 6:54 10:14p. -m. NUet
and Youngstown. d 8.50 p. m.t Cleveland, d 5:50 a.
m.. 2:25, 7:( p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre, 90
a, m.. 2:24, 7:00 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, Ira,
10:14 p. m.; MassUlon, 10:00 a. ni.; Nlles and
Jamestown. 9:10 a. m.; Beaver Falls. 7:30 a. m
liion.m.. Kock Point, 8 tap. m.t Leetsdale,
10:40" p. m.
m.: Conway. 8.-50; Kocbester, 9:40 a. m.t Beaver
Fills, 7:10a. m 5:45 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:30, 6il4,
7:45 a. rot. 12:00. 1:45, 10, 6:30, 9p! m.: Fair
Oaks. 88:44 a. m.; Leetsdale, S 63 plu.,; Boole
Vnlnt.H9iI5n.ni. "
8, Sunday only: d, dally; other trains, except
Sunday. Jet
1889. until further notice, trains will runis follows
on every day, except Snnday. Eastern standard
time: Leaving Plttsburg-4: a. m., 7:10 a.m..
80 a.m.. 9:3b a. m.. 11:30 a. m. 1:40 p. m. 3:40 p
m., 4:10 p. m.. 4:40 p.m., 6:30p.m.. 9:30 p.m..
11 0 p. m. ArUngton-6:40 s. m., 6:20 a. m., 7:10
a. m 6:00 a. m., 10:20 a.m.. 1:00 p. m, 2:40 p. m,
4:2) p. m., 3:10 p. m.. 4:50 p. m., 7:10 p. m.. KM
ft. m. Sunday trains, leaving Plttiturg 10 a.m., ,
Idin.n.. 2:30p.m.. 5:10 p. m., 7:10 p.m, 90.
p. m Arilngton-9:l0i. m., 12 m., liSOp. m., dS
p.m. Buuy.mwQ.u.
L 1
Schedule In effect May 12, 1489. For Washing.
ton. 11 CL. Baltimore. FhlladelDQlA ana new
York, 86 a. m and V0 p. m. For Cum-,
berlind, 80 a. m., 10. 128 p. m. For Con
nellsvUle, S3: 40 and. S:00 a. m.. il:0C, 140
and9:20 p. m. For Unlontown, :40, 8oa. m
it o and $40 p. m. For Mount Pleasant, &:0 and
80 a. m and U0 and ?4o p. ra. For
Washington. Pa-, 8.4. J9.40 a. m,, Sa, .)
and '8:35 p. m. For Wheeling. 6:45. :40 ,..
3:35, 8: p. m. For Cincinnati and St. Louis.
6:451. m.. -3 JO p.m. ForColumbus. 8:45 and 9:49
a. m.. 3 Jap. m. For Newark. 8:4B, 99:49 a, m
3:35, 8:30p.n. For Chicago, t:A 49:40 i. m.
3:3S and 8:3o p. m. Trains arrive from New
York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Waahtarton.
0:20 a. m. and 8:50 p. tn. From Columbus, Cin
cinnati and Chicago. 1M v m. and "9:00 p. m.
From Wheeling, 1:45, '10:401. m- .-00, a.'- '
m. Tbrouch sleeping cars to Baltimore. Waa-
lngton and Cincinnati.
ln.-e.lng accommodation. 8 JO a. m., Sunday
only. Connellsvllle accommodation at t6:34 a. ra. ;
Uallv. toally exrepl Sunday, seonaayonwv
The Pittsburg Transier Company will oaH sr
and check baggage from hotels and restdeeeee
upon orders left at B. A O. Ticket 0ce, owner
Vfrth avenue and Wood street. - UHA4. O.
SCULL, Qea. Pas. Ait. J.X.ODXLL, Oes.Mjt,
c -acffifl!p!
iskiJ. iii