Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, July 01, 1889, Image 1

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' s Jib rlL. WSlJVt JDuLi&! 7E 1ttL y ' 1- RICH m.-w
u?THEaDisVv " I yJ gpr'Wrp TC rrffrfjrW''J &m 3 SJ aJltxhTon0lTax
' TO ruHAKLfl
ndidatefora Third Term
1 Ohio's Governor
Forced to fy.-
- rti"
I T.
Will be the Worst Beaten
blocc the Wnr How llie
cared Ills llrnoininatlon
bnrpeninc Their tscnlplnc
Im Became He linn Dc.
riirm of Home Uute The l.Iqaor
lias It In fur Governor Fora-
millng Slate The Telecrnins nnd
i .
'iuf. CoBC"itolntion ot All From
Juse candidates whose as-
i the Governorship of Ohio wer.
tipped in the bud by ForaV
(ton to stand for a third t
siastic in their supji'
iis claimed, ss the ,
their readers
jth a large
readers w
VVS, O. - .he ad-
i of the Rs -e Couven-
iber of inter,. ..tures in con-
jth the contest -r the Guberna
(ination have developed. While
ilican press""br the organ variety
I it can to place Governor For
, (: most favorable light before the
icfe are some things which are
jfi consumption in select circles,
vper that the herd should have a
large number of telegrams have
to the Kzecutive office of a con
st '.. ty elini-ieter since the nomination,
the machine
at spirit of
zpected and
i. The tele
lel with the
3 not show
- tncea.
ng 'the city,
esed th em
he ticket as
nder the cir
all to give it
J announce-
same gentle
ersation, and
believed the
ywhere lrom
One of these
n Cincinnati,
upon, and he
covered dd in
10,000. The
ainst him so
.t the people
1 legislation,
the control of
t placed it in
by the Gover-
inati, but of
The cities
aying to the
may be able
Ie,but they
i time comes
nati are also
e candidate
' count of his
OS l I (
1 li .
ventioc, and
. to bear from
' - the Foraker
' 'ge ground.
tmg that he
were active
' "J - "' rsonaldirec-
3 o who'heard
;f hj .i. -ii 3 convention
II"' "- en who had
&-iJj" ' he forces for
tem - '! Eaid by the
ft 5l'" - , there being
" - ' rfhea to the
&- lm.
" insinceritr
9T ' r' with the en-
? '"l ' y result in
" ie I iealings and
to , get ,to the front and keep
the detriment of other prominent
haas in the State, is not as yet mat-
I 1 'A C3
ia'Asa Bushnell, of Springfield, is
""rjpnal friend of Foraker's, and at
convention, when the delegates
31o Chicago, Bnsbnell was de-
only a margin, but as a soothing
.Jred feelings st that time it was
d, and generally understood in the
-. njr
its ire na
As ,f
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hi lti
convention, that he should be nominated for
Governor, and in reality it looked as if no
other than Bushnell would have any chance
for the plum. The Sherman men in the
State realized this, and when they returned
to Washington from the Chicago Conven
tion they held a consultation and decided
that in the interest of the party in this State
they must
TnUe Step to Retire Foraker.
They also realized tnat"the selection of
Bushnell as Governor would only be the
continuation of the Foraker reign in the
State, and a move was made in the direc
tion of securing his defeat.
The Sherman men looked the ground over,
and finally at a late day came to the con
clusion that they would center upon Gen
eral Kennedy, member of Congress, as the
man with whom to beat Bushnell. In the
course of a few weeks Bushnell, fearing the
situation and having business relatio
which claim a great deal of his time,
eluded he would not he a candidal'
was labored with by Foraker
days, but firmly refused. Hav
this. General Kennedy camr
and consulted with Forak
vised to be a candidate !
would have his suppc '
other whom he we
that General Bus' T
Kennedy also
cured the a'
was not
y i tt jt forth his
, ain he heard
i , jOine to be a can
to see if he had
i Bushnell at once
j Columbus, and he and
sanitation, and the result
jell replied, stating he was
je a candidate, and that he had
j letter to the Governor, who
im in a proffer of assistance to Be
ne nomination,
itb these' promises, the Sherman men,
.nil especially Kennedy, supposed they had
a clear field, and paid but little attention to
the talk which, .was going around thit the
Governor would be a candidate hims;lf, so
long as he could not get Bushnell to ran.
The situation was not realized unti the
Sherman followers got in Monday evening
and Tuesday morning. 3"hey- saw at once
that heroic measures would have to be
a.i".Q.pty,,if thei secured the nomination of
' "frhe Third Term War Cry.
Several consultations were held, and it
was concluded to get brief interviews from
the leaders, expressing themselves in rabid
language against the third term, and also
against the tactics which had been adopted
to foist a nomination upon the people whioh
they did not want.
It is safe to say that on Tuesday night
nearly every prominent Republican in the
city, and who was interested in the result of
the convention, had submitted himself to a
carefully prepared Interview on the subject,
and these were offered to the Republican
papers with the statement that this was the
last and only chance to break the back of
the third term sentiment. The papers, how
ever, were better informed on the situation
than the gentlemen who had gotten up the
interviews, and they refused to take the
initial step, knowing that the nomination
was as good as mad, as early at TuesdaT.
Too Late In tho Day.
The same gentlemen who wanted to make
the fight with open interviews were on hand
Wednesday evening to congratulate the
papers that they had not published the in
terviews, as they had found there was no
need to try and change the course of the con
vention against Foraker. The Republican
papers were thus saved the humiliation of
making a direct fight against the man who
was sure of the nomination.
Congressmen Grosvernor, McKinley and
Thompson were among those who, in their
respective delegations, so arranged matters
that they might be the first who took ad
vantage of the opportunities of the conven
tion and move for the nomination by ac
clamation. They sent telegrams and strongly
urged Ben Butterworth to come, explaining
the situation to him, but he refused, saying
that he would not assist General Kennedy,
as he did not want any of his friends nom
inated, on account of the defeat snre to fol
low. He was anxious to secure the nomin
ation of Foraker.
Shermnnltea Prepared to Cat Crow.
With these words of encouragement the
Sherman leaders prepared to eat crow in the
convention. In the line of mixtures. Gen
eral Grosvernor was appointed on the com
mittee to bring Foraker before the conven
tion. It is probably the first time in a year
in which he has spoken to the Governor,
they being recognized as special enemies.
Shortly afterGrosvernor had returned to the
convention hall he was called out for an
indorsement of the ticket, which he fur
1 in a manner indicating his fealty to
yet within ten minutes he was out
:he hall, brandishing his knife and
j ready for the scalp of Foraker.
first heat has been won by Foraker,
' tc opposition in the party will have
ance in November, and it is tne pri-
pinion of two-thirds of the Republi-
t the capital of the State that Fo rater
e beaten worse than any candidate
he war.
d With Frandrlcntlr Obtaining
S2,300 From thr Government.
eisburo, June SO. On Saturday
j United States Marshal Anderson,
city, went to Bainbridge and served
papers on Hannah B. Hall, charged with
defrauding the Government out of 52,637 41
which suit k brought to recover. The de
fendant claimed to be the widow of Hiram
Y. Hall, of Company F, Fifth Regiment,
United States Artillery, who died in the
Brooklyn Hospital in 18C4, of typhoid fever
contracted in the army.
She made application for a pension and
received br fiist money in 1871, and had
been receiving 524 every quarter from that
time until July, 1886, when the navments
were stopped. It is alleged by the pension
officers that the defendant fs not the widow
or .niram 1. nail. The case will come
for trial in Philadelphia this week.
The Kiake Superior Llnee Are Induced to Go
ZiacU. Into the Fold.
St. Paul, Jupe 30. Yesterday the Lake
Superior lines had finally decided to re
store the lake and rail rates from the sea
board to St. Paul and Minneapolis. The
proposition came from the Xake Superior
Transit Company, and was readily agreed
to by the Eastern Minnesota. The restora
tion takes effect July 15.
The rates which will be put into effect
that day are C6, 66, 47, 35, SO aud 26 cents
for the six classes of freight These rates
are 3 cents lowlr, first, second and third
class, than thoi which the Eastern Minne
sota announced a short time ago as its rates
ivi iue season,
SMBSMMESsflBHC BghSBaSalsBgHBBpHBsHOwlafrBfrftsJK IjXlXKsKsflHR sflsVs1HB9nosBlllBllBaBBI9C'
Republican Politician of Brooklyn DIssntIs
fled With the DUtrlbution of Patron-
ace A Spilt In the Party
Not Improbable.
New Yobk, June 30. The condition of
Republican politics in Brooklyn has under
gone a marked change since the election of
Harrison. The significant reduction of the
Democratic majority in thatclty contributed
largely to the Republican victory in
the State, and the leaders, as well as the
rank and fil'
pectcd tb i
comi' i
of .r
the party, confidently ex-
'act would, meet with due
. hands of the in-
-. The appointment
a place in tne
r ii - Tanner to the
. ) , were regarded
- - ,. c- ' j.al appointments,
t u .ment the Brooklyn
? e as pressing as ever
p c some of the rich offi-
.st and foremost of these
. that Theodore B. Willis,
of the campaign, should be
jurveyor of the Port. The or-
j was apparently united in favor of
' .ilis, and he was said to have the in-
e of Tracy, a backing of ex-Senator
.tt. Secretary John A. Nichols and Con-
,rcsman Wallace.
Mr. Willis has all along been encouraged
to believe that it was only a matter of time
until he should steu into Surveyor Beattie's
shoes. But both he and his friends now
admit that he cannot possibly capture the
coveted prize, and that he will have to be
content with a much less important office.
The defeat of Mr. Willis has resulted in
embittering the internal dissensions in the
party, and it will require careful manage
ment on the part of the leaders to prevent
'an open faction fight when vhe general com
mittee next assembles. Harrison is not
half so popular with the organized Repub
licans in Brooklyn as he was six months
ago, a.id some of the disappointed states
men are regretting the hard work they did
for him during the last campaign.
The Report of the Summoning- of Archbishop
Corrlgan Not Credited. .
rsrzcxii. teleobxh to thz dispatch.
New Yokk. June 30. A letter from
Rome, dated June 18, and published here
to-day, alleged that Archbishop Corrigan
had been summoned to("Rome by the Pope.
The letter went on to say that the Pope in
tended to make Archbishop Corrigan Car
dinal, and that he would purely be included
by the Pope among the next batch of- cardi
nals created. The Archbishop, according to
this letter, was to arrive in Eftme toward the
middle or latter end of July. The. main
reason for making the Archbishop & Cardi
nal, the letter said, was because he was in
accord with the Pope in the determination
of the latter to have foreign professors in the
new Catholic University at Washingtou.
Archbishop Corrigan was -in Trenton to
day, and the Rev. McDonnell, his secretary,
was in Providence. The report from Rome
was'not deemed authentic by persons in
positions to know, and the assertion that the
Archbishop was expected in Rome in July
was declared to be absurd. His arrange
ments for the summer have been made with
out providing for a visit to Europe. The
report that he will one day be created a
Cardinal has been current for a year or
Fire of the Bodice Recovered Burled With-
ooxJIcIas Jderftinedv. .
IiATBOBE, June SO. George W. Corgan,
of Rosendale, K. Y., arrived here to-day
and identified one of the bodies as that of
his son, George. The remaining five bodies
unidentified have been buried by Under
taker Stader. The bodies were photo
graphed. The description of Ko. 8 has not been
published. It is as follows: Man about 5
feet 9 inches, right arm off below elbow,
light brown mustache, brown hair, fair
complexion, wound on right leg resembling
that made by a bullet, wore seersucker coat
and vest, cuff buttons had letter "H" on
them, and on necktie a pin.
Men Killed nnd Six
Wounded In a Riot.
GLASGOW, Mo., June 30. A riot be
tween two factions, numbering about 20
persons, occurred in the streets yesterday
afternoon. The difficulty was the outgrowth
of a local feud. John Patton saw Louis
Watts on the streets and commenced throw
ing stones athim.finally rushing athim with
an open knife. Watts drew a revolver and
opened fire. Friends of the men rushed in
and the fight became general. Aaron John
son and Xionis Watts received morfal
wounds and John Patton was shot dead.
Six other persons were injured. The
Sheriff's forces finally quelled the riot. A
number of arrests were made.
A Wooster Girl's Shopping Gets Her Into
rsrxcui. telzobam to the nisr-ATcn. 1
Woosteb, O., June 30. The girl who
has been making purchases under the pre
tense of being the daughter of Mayor Yost,
proves to be Jennie, the 14-year-old daugh
ter of Samuel Yost, a farmer in the northern
art of the county, who is no relative bf the
The girl was arrested and confessed that
she purchased the goods on the strength of
her claim to being Mayor Yost's daughter.
fane was fined 510 and ordered to pay the
contracted by her in the Mayor's
The bills amonnt to about 540.
The Persons Injured In the Boston and Al
bany Accident Doing- Well.
New Haven. June 30. The cars of the
Boston limited express which were ditched
here yesterday were hoisted out to-day and
brought to this city.
In addition to those reported last night
Mrs. O. C. Hutchins and son, of Worcester,
Mass., received scalp wounds and Mrs.
Hendricks and son, of Springfield, were cut
about the face and head. All of the in
jured are doing well and will not be delayed
at the hospital more than a week.
An Indlnn Agent Bounce a Meddlesome
Man From the Reservation.
Pxebbk, DAE., June 30. Under orders
from Dr. McChesney, Indian Agent at
Cheyenne, a man named Waldron has been
bounced from the Sioux reservation by the
Indian police. Waldron's offense consisted
of trying to persuade Indians from signing
the treaty opening the reservation to settle
ment. This act reflects credit on Agent Mc
Chesney, and is a warning to all parties not
to interfere with Indians at Cheyenne.
An Unsuccessful Attempt to Suicide,
turrcut. tzleouam to tux pisfatcr.
Woosteb, O., June 30. Gus Hofitcker,
the 17-year-old son of G. Ml Hofacker, .at
tempted suicide by hanging last evening.
He was discovered and cut down In fme to
wive bis lire, and Is now awaiting ,4n in
quest of lunacy. )
i i . .
Three Senatorial Junketing' Parties
About Heady for a Start.
Senator Stewart'&Aggregation. .Expected to
Lay Out All of Them. '
Accused of Cltlur a Consulate for a Iiot of BtoUn
Political letters.
The season for Senatorial road parties or
junkets,' called investigation tours, is about
to open. Three of these combinations take
the road in a few days, the Alaskan, ihe
Indian and the Arid Land Committees.
Senalor Quay is accused of securing a Con
sulate for a late Democrat in reluru for a
batch of political give-away letters stolen
from a Southern editor's desk.
Washington, June 30. Three Sena
torial junketing trips are preparing to set
out for various points in the United States
to seek information on various subjects and
communicate the same to Congress at its
regular meeting in December.
Colonel W. P. Canady, Sergeant-at-A'fis
of the Senate, left the city this evening for
Chicago, accompanied by a force of depu
ties, clerks, stenographers, etc. They will
be met at Chicago on Tuesday by Senators
Dawes, Jones, of Arkansas; Manderson and
Stockbridge, and the whole party will start
at once by the most direct route for Alaska,
where they go to investigate the recent
charges of outrages Upon the Aleut women
by white men of the Territory. The Sen
ators will travel by the Central Pacific road
to Granger, thence by the Oregon Short
line to Portland and Tacoma. At the lat
ter point or at Port Townsend they will be
met by the handsome .steamer Albatross, of
the United States Fish Commission in
which very comfortable vessel they will
make the journey to Sitka.
The Senators are a sub-Committeo ofjtho
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, which
has been 'for more than two years inv&ti
gating the Indian tribes in various parti of
the country, and particularly along ( 'ae
northern border, and the relations and con
duct of the Indian agents and their sub
ordinates and employes. Especial attention
will be paid to learning whether the appro
priations of money and annuities have b(en
Eroperly distributed, and whether there have
een any fraudulent transactions in the pur
chase ot supplies. A great mass of testi
mony has been taken on these subjects,
which will be embodied in a voluminous
Congressional report.
When, last fal), the sensational charges of
outrages upon the Alaskan women were ...r
culatcd in the newspapers, upon the author
ity of Government agents and others, Sen
ator Dawes secured the passage of a resolu
tion authorizing the committee to connect
investigations In Alaska. This they wlU do
on the journey about to be taken. The ceo.
mittee has authority to summoawitnesks,
administer oaths, etc, and is well equip; ed
to make a thorough investigation. TVy
expect to return to Washington in about 4 x
ihreo other members of thelndiaa Com
mittee, Messrs. Morgan, Daniel and Wal
cott, will, in a few days, leave for the
Indian Territory to examine the numerous
agencies there. Grave charges of miscon
duct and improper disposition of Govern
ment money have been made, and Senator
Morgan's sub-committee promises to make
a thorough investigation. Owing to the
meager hotel facilities in the Indian coun
try, the Senators will be furnished with a
private car, in which they will travel and
live from the time of their departure from
w asniugton until their return. Xhey will
be absent about one month.
SenatorStewart, of Nevada, starts out in
10 days with the largest and most complete
Senatorial aggregation on the road. It" will
exhibit at many points, and will not return
to Washington until the latter part of Sep
tember. Their mission is to investigate the
arid lands ot the West and report upon the
best means of inducing fertility by irri
gation and thus reclaiming the lands.
A Consulate the Reward for Rifling a Gen
tlemnn'a Private Desk.
Washington, June 30. The President
is having no end of trouble with his policy
of building up the Republican party in the
South by appointing Democrats to office.
If possible, the sort of fellows he has to
deal with down there are worse than the
average machine politicians of the North.
An instance of this is found in the
appointment, on Saturday last, of William
T. Sorsbv, of Mississippi, to be Consul at
Guyaquil. Sorsby was o Democrat up to
the election last November. During the
campaign he was assistant editor ot the
Greenville Times, a Democratic paper which
was supporting Catchings for Congress,
against James Hill, colored Republican.
The editor and proprietor of the Times is a
Mr. Neeley, who is an intimate friend of
Catchings. During the campaign Neeley
received many letters from Catchings con
cerning his methods and plans, and after
reading these missives put them away in his
Last fall, encouratred bv the talk of Har
rison's plan to build up a new Republican
party in the South, Sorsby came to Wash-
jugiuu tuiu aoaguDceu uiinseu a candidate
for a consulate. Not long ago Catchings
was warned that Senator Quav had in his
possession 25 letters written by Catchings
during the campaign, and it now turns out
that the sly assistant editor has bartered the
private letters of his late employer for a
Federal appointment, and that Quay has
succeeded in inducing the President to
ratify the bargain.
Putting this sort of a public premium on
private rascality is very distasteful to some
people, and there is talk of having the
matter brought up iu the Senate next fall
by resolution of inquiry. It is proposed to
ascertain if the chairman of the Republican
Committee and the President of the United
States wish deliberately to offer rewards for
the rifling of gentlemen's private desks.
Good Progress Blade In the Work Laid Out
for the Navy Department.
Washington, June 30. With the ex
ception of the steel vessel intended for the
practice cruise of the naval cadets, all of the
vessels authorized by Congress are now so
far advanced in their plans and specifica
tions that before the end of the year the
Navy Department will have a clear field in
this respect Thirteen war vessels have been
planned since 1887, and the bureau is now
engaged in making out the details. The
designs of the 7,500 and 5,300 ton cruisers
have been agreed upon, and as soon as the
necessary work of draughting their schemes
is completed, proposals will be invited for
their construction.
Five of the new vessels have alreadv
been given out .for,-.bid which will be
I opened. by Secretary' IrasoaT August 22. I
- .-b;7 i, . A
Ho Disregards the Government's Procla
mation and Makes a fopeech The
Police Charge Upon the Mob and
Scores of People Are Injured.
Cobb; June 30. The Government's
proclamation forbidding the holding of a
Nationalist meeting here to-day was dis
regarded, scattered meetings being held at
several places in this city and vicinity.
The result was that William O'Brien, M.
P., and other speakers were arrested.
Alter the arrest of Mr. O'Brien the crowd
stoned the police, who in tnrn charged upon
the people with drawn batons. Several
persons were injured, including Patrick
O'Brien, M. P., who shook hands with
William O'Brien after the latter was ar
rested. The disorder continues.
Mr. O'Brien delivered his speech at
Clonakilty. He denounced the Govern
ment and the landlords in strongest terms.
The train conveying him to Cork after his
arrest was met at Cfiarleville by a band
which played "God Save Ireland. A
crowd tried to rescue Mr. O'Brien, and the
police fired, wounding a railway officer and
another person.
Quiet was restored in Cork this evening.
Thirty-eight persons were treated at infirm
aries for wounds on the head. Some re
ported that they had been hit with the butt
ends of the policemen's rifles. 'Patrick
O'Brien is in a critical condition.
Solemn Religious Services at the Dedica
tion of a Providence Edifice. '
Pbovidence, June 30. The Catholic
Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul was
consecrated to-day. The ceremonies were
the most imposing ever witnessed in any
Catholic place of worship in this State.
Two Archbishops, six Bishops and over
100 priests participated. More than 6,000
persons were crowded into the magnificent
edifice, the seating capacity of which is
4,700. At 6 o'clock this morning the cere
mony began. Bishop Harkins, of the dio
cese of Providence, at that hour consecrated
the Cathedral and its altar.
In performing this rite, which lasted
three hours and which took place in private,
he was assisted by the six priests of the ca
thedral At 10 JO Archbishop Williams, of
Boston, celebrated pontifical high mass.
Archbishop Ireland, of St. Paul, Minn.,
preached the consecration sermon.
Alabama Worshipers Startled br the lie
port of a Fatal Pistol Shot.
Decatur, Ala., June 30. At noon to
day, as people were returning from the
various churches, those in the vicinity of
Lafayette street were startled by the report
of a pistol shot. William Caldwell, a negro,
was found lying dead in the street.
Iu his breast was a large sized hole. It was
learned that while Caldwell was goine
along the street he stopped another negro
named Frank Warren, who was returning
from church, and began assaulting him.
Warren drew pistol and fired, the ball en
tering Caldwell's body above the heart with
the above result. After being shot Caldwell
ran half a block before falling. Warren
o unKu u .iiu citizens. Ho made no "1
resistance, claiming to have done the deed
in self-defense.
Willing to Submit to Arbitration and Deny
Using Violence.
Lisbon, June 30. It xs rumored that the
Portuguese Government will agree to sub
mit the Delagoa Bay Railroad question to
Dispatches from Delagoa Bay say that
the Portuguese deny that they fired upon
English employes of the railroad company,
as was reported. It is asserted that no vio
lence whatever has been offered to the rail
road men. Traffic will be resumed on Tues
day. The work of rebuilding the destroyed
portion of the road and of extending the
line will be begun immediately.
The Pottery Manufacturers to Meet and
F?nn a Combine. '
Steubenviixe, June 30. Thursday,
the Fourth, there will be an important
meeting of the pottery manufacturers at
Cresson, Pa., at whieh representatives of all
the potteries in the country, interested in
the subject of forming a pottery trust, will
be present.
It is expected that the whole situation
will be canvassed, matured and, perhaps,
concluded. The Steubenville pottery will
be represented.
The Advance Is Due to the Good Tone of the
Iron Market.
Reading, June 30. Commencing to
morrow, a nnmber of rolling mill firms in
the Schuylkill Valley will advance the
wages of puddlers from $3 to 53 25 per ton.
Among these firms are Potts Brothers and
the Glasgow Iron Works at Pottstown, and
firms at Lebanon, Pottsville and other
Three dollars was the lowest figure' at
which puddlers have worked since 1873, and
this advance in wages is dne to the better
tone prevailing in the iron market.
Bumors of War Depress tho German Money
Beelin, June 30. Political alarms con
tinued to shock the Bourse during the
week past. These reports found the market
without vigor and it easily succumbed to
their influence. The feverish activity which
Emperor William's accession caused has
disappeared, and the publio is taking a
more sober view of the developments of af
fairs. The bears are growing in numbers
ttnd importance.
He Awaits His Trial for Embezzlement, bnt
Threatens a Sensation.
Totjnostown, O., June 30. Rev. Peter
J. Van Etten, under indictment for embez
zlement, will be tried in court to-morrow.
He retains his clerical appearance. is cool
and collected ; and while denying the
charge, asserts his intentions ot making
disclosures involving other parties that will
cause a sensation. .
Toung David Ward Suicides Because His
Father Chides Him.
Indianapolis, June 30. On Saturday
David Ward, residing near Martinsville,
Morgan county, reproved his 19-year-old
son, William, because he had done some
work. in an unsatisfactory manner, and also
for participating in a charivari. The young
ing shot, himself tflrongh the head, dying
v A
man urooaea oyer tne matter and this morn-
These are the two 3,000-ton 19-knot cruisers,
and the three 2.000-ton 18-knot cruisers.
Kelt month the bids for the ocean tug will
be opened, and the submerged monitor au
thorized for designs furnished by Repre
sentative J. R. Thomas, of Illinois, will
also be advertised for, so that by the time
Congress meets the way will be clear for any
additional legislation for the navy that may
be deemed necessary.
Gnzman Blanco Unable Longer to
Tyrannize Oyer the Venezuelans.
His Statues Treated With Disrespect and
Himself Denounced.
Eat the Absent Anjrj Despot Will Eeccgiuze Hone
cf nij Messenjers.
The breach between the people of Vene
zuela and the dictator and despot, Guzman
Blanco, is daily widening. President Paul
has found it necessary to restrain the popu
lace from destroying statnes of Blanco and
otherwise violently expressing their detesta
tion of him, but they are ctill allowed to
cry: "Down with the dcspotl"
Cabacas, Venezuela, June 10,
via New Yoek, June 30.
Recent events in Caracas go to prove that
the hostility of thje people to the continued
dictatorship of Guzman Blanco is just as
violent, and that the repudiation of his au
thority by the Government is just as com
plete as it was during the exciting scenes
described in my last letter. In fact, the
communications that have passed between
this city and Paris .have done quite as much
as the transactions here to widen the breach.
It has now become known that immedi
ately after the insults offered to his statues
on the 27th of April, and the refusal of the
Government to punish those responsible
therefore, Guzman Blanco sent one of his
best-known aud trusted lieutenants to ex
cite a revolution for the purpose of over
throwing President Paul. The man se
lected was formerly Governor of the Fed
eral district of Caracas and possessed a wide
acquaintance throughout the country. He
is a
character and was well supplied with funds.
But the Government was fortunately for
warned of his coming, althouzh the infor
mation was gained purely bv accident.
It appears that after the riots of April 27,
President Paul secretly sent a mutual friend
to Guzman, in Paris, with an apology lor
the outrages committed and an explanation
of his policy in dealing with them. He did
not authorize the friend to reopen the old
relations with the dictator, but simply de
sired that the latter should understand the
situation in Venezuela, and listen to a justi
fication of the President's course.
But Guzman Blanco refused to hear the
explanation. He declined to receive the
messenger, or any communication from him,
and gave orders that he shonld not be ad
mitted to his house. Guzman's friends and
associates in Paris were directed not to have
anything to say to him, nor to recognize him
in any way.
The reception of his emissary was de
scribed in cablegrams to President Paul,
who advised patience and diplomacy, but
Guzman remained inexorable. In the mean
time, the messenger learned that the ex
Governor of Caracas, General Quevado, who
had been a sort of grand chamberlain for the
dictator, had suddealy and secretly left
Paris and gone to England. His trail was
followed and it led to Southampton, where he
had taken one of the Royal mail steamers
for Trinidad.
This information was communicated to
the Government here, and when the vessel
reached Port of Spain there was a detective
watching for Quevado. The latter disem
barked, and on the following day took a
coasting steamer for Cumana, whither he
was lonoweu. xue President was kept in
formed as to his movements, and as soon as
he arrived upon Venezuelan soil his arrest
was ordered. But he was
until it had been demonstrated beyond a
doubt that his intentions were treasonable,
and that he had attempted to corrupt certain
officers of the army.
Then President Paul further illustrated
his policy of conciliation and toleration.
He directed the release of Quevado, pro
vided the latter would make a confession of
his designs and agree not to engage in any
conspiracy against the Government. Que
vado boastfully proclaimed his adherance
to Guzman Blanco, and denounced Paul as
a mercenary and an ingrate, declaring that
he owed him no allegiance and would make
no promises. Whereupon he was arrested,
and in the scuffle one of his fellow-conspirators
was killed.
President Paul then ordered Onevado to
be taken out of the country aud released,
with a warning that if he attempted to en
ter Venezuela territory again he would be
The revolutionist went to Trinidad and
took the first steamer for Paris, presuma
bly to make a report and receive instruc
tions. He was in constant communication
with Guzman's friends in this citv, and sev
eral of them went to Trinidad 'to consult
with him. But their movements and his
were closely watched, and from this time on
no suspected person will be allowed to land
at any of the Venezuelan ports.
St. Anthony is Guzman Blanco's patron
saint, although he does not bear a close re
semblance to that blessedascetic,either in his
mental or moral characteristics, and it has
been the custom in the country to celebrate
St. Anthony's anniversary as a national
holiday. Notwithstanding the riots that
occurred when the celebration of the anni
versary of Guzman Blanco's capture of the
Presidency was attempted six weeks pre
vious, the Government made preparations
to carry out the nsual programme, and Dr.
Arvello, the Secretary of the Interior,
issued a decree accordingly. Under this
decree Don Silver Gondolpbl, the Governor
of the Federal district, proclaimed the 13th
of June
announced official ceremonies in honor of
Gnzman Blanco and his patron saint, and
notified the public that any interference
with this observance of the day would be
severely punished.
At this there was a tremendous outcry.
The people shouted: "Down with the
tyrant!" again, and the newspapers, with
one accord, began to protest. "How is
this? they asked. "Is Gnzman Blanco
still the Government? Are. we not done
with the despot and the thief?" Bodies of
citizens waited upon the President to re
monstrate, and the murmurs of the citizens
were loud-and long.
The students made hold threats, declaring
that anv attempt on the part of the Gov
ernment to do honor- to Guzman Blanco
would be forcibly resisted, and began to
talk of tearing his statue down. At this
time there was a plaster model of the eaues-
trian statue of the dictator in the foyer of
the theater, and the indignant populace be
gan to poke it with their umbrellas. The
ears of the horse were knocked off, and the
hand of the rider, which held his hat. To
avoid further mutilation the effigy was re
moved. .
Within 48 hours after the decree of the
Minister ot the Interior aud the proclama.
tion of the Governor -rete published they
were revoked by commandVof President
Roas Paul. Both Arvello anoN Gondolphl
resigned. - Dr. Andreas Palacclo, a pro
nounced anti-Guzman man, wm made Mia-
s- V t
new decree was Issued by order of the i"resi-
?pnt nn "Kfnwh li nnnnnnpinp that there
would be no official ceremonies on St. An
thony's day, but that each citizen would be
allowed to celebrate it in any manner he
preferred, provided there was no violation
of law and no attempt was made to Injure
public or private property.
This announcement was received with
great enthusiasm. It meant that the people
and the students might yell, "Down with
the despot," as much as they pleased, but
or injure his statues. The French steamer
for Havre was to sail on June 8, and all at
once most of the men who had been closely
identified with Guzman Blanco, and were
still known to sympathize with him, decided
to make a trip to Paris to visit the Exposi
tion, and evesy berth on the vessel was
taken. Aciong those who left were Guz
man Blanco's brother-in-law, his man of
business, and Mr. Olleviavawho was his
Minister at Washington. The Government
did not interfere with their departure, but
was glad to see them go.
The 13th is awaited with anxiety. At
this writing the city is quiet, and there are
no signs of an outbreak, but there is a good
deal of apprehension.
Sho Walks 23 Miles to Nurse Her Wayward
Husband Who Had Been Injured In a
Kailroad Accident While Eloping
With Another Woman.
Bransfoed, Tenn., June 30. Some
very sensational developments have come to
light in regard to Hiram Crabtree, one of
the injured passengers in the wreck on the
Chesapeake and Nashville Railroad near
this place last Wednesday. Hiram Crab
tree lives with his wife and three children
near Lafayette, Tenn. Hiram's life has
been somewhat wayward for the last three
years. One Mrs. Claiborne resided near
Hiram's abode with her three children.
Mrs. Claiborne was married several years
ago to John Claiborne, who left her shortly
after their marriage. Mrs. Claiborne suc
ceeded, several months ago, in winning
Hiram's affections, since which time he has
spent much of his valuable time and money
in the woman's company. A few days ago
Hiram converted a yoke of oxen, a cow and
the hogs he owned into cash and left home,
ostensioly to go to Gibbs' Cross Roads, in
Macon county, within some ten miles ot his
His good old wife vigorously protested
against the sale of the stock and his excur
sion to the Cross Roads, but Hiram went
nevertheless, but not to Gibbs' Cross Roads,
but to Mrs. Claiborne's near Westmore
land, on the Chesapeake and Nashville
road, where he made arrangements to con
vey her and her children to Hopkinsville.
Hiram procured tickets for himself and
Mrs. Claiborne and her children, and
boarded the train at Westmoreland on
Wednesday last with bright anticipation
and a glorious excursion before him.
Hiram was also provided with a quart of
whisky to add to the pleasures of the trip,
but, alas, Hiram's pleasure trip was sud
denly brought to a close in the wreck on the
ill-fated train.
Hiram's injuries are slight, though he is
bruised up2 considerably and will soon be
able to travel. Mrs. Claiborne's injuries
tre slight to herself and children. She was.
carried to Trousdale county by her father,
who had abandoned her several years ago.
Hiram's good old wife walked 23 miles to
the scene of the wreck, where she is watch
ing over her wayward husband with the
tenderest care. He has been visited by a
minister since his shake-up in the wreck,
and has promised to retrace his steps in
life and steer clear of the paths of the smtul
and wicked. Hiram says this is his last ex
So Say Some Iron Firms In Speaking of the
Amalgamated Scale.
Steubenville, O., June 30. The
Laughlin and Junction Steel Company,
of Mingo Junction, has had a conference
with its men and doesn't apprehend any
difficulty, but has not yet signed the scale
presented by the Amalgamated Association.
It says that the association does not under
take to prescribe a scale for it. The Junc
tion Iron Company operates the nail and
blastfurnace. It states that there is no
difficulty or strikes, bnt a uniform rate
among its mills in this valley, and doesn't
care how things go so long as it can get
The Jefferson Iron Works are indepen
dent of the Amalgamated Association, and
since 1885 they have been working under
the manufacturers' scale of that year.
American Collegians to Compete With Ox
ford nnd Cambridge Men.
New London, Conn., June 30. A
meeting of representatives of nearly all
colleges belonging to the L C. A. A. took
place to-day on board of Gns Sacks' yacht,
now in port here. The nature of the con
ference could not be ascertained, great se
crecy prevailing. Rumor, however, has it
that a team of college athletes representing
all American colleges anticipate visiting
England to compete with Oxford and Cam
bridge for the world's championship.
A long interview, which was seen to take
place last night at the Crocker House, be
tween the President of the New England
College Association, who represents Wells,
the mile winner of this year's champion
ship, and Mr. Sacks, would seem to confirm
the rumors afloat
Ho AJmlts Charges Against Him and JU Sm
pended Prom tho Ministry.
TouNGSTOWN,O.,June30.-At thesession
of the Presbytery of the United Presbyteriaa
Church held at Steubenville the past week.
Rev. George Smith, of Salineville, O., was
suspended from the ministry, haying con
fessed to a serious charge. Two years ago
he was married to an estimable young lady
in this city and removed to Salineville
where he was given charge of a flourishing
Mrs. Smith,who has a young babe, has re
turned here to the home of her parents.
Rev. J. B. Smith was admitted to the
ministry three years ago, and was filling his
first pastorate. His home is at Fosterville,
this county, and his relatives are of the
highest respectability.
The Craft That Was to Navigate the Rap.
Ids Completely Destroyed.
Niagaba Falls, June 30. Carlisle D.
Graham sent on an experimental trip this
morning his barrel torpedo lifeboat'ln bal
last, but the little craft was dashed ta ssai.t
ereens in the Niagara rapids before it
reached the brink of the Horseshoe falls,
over which Graham contemplated going ia
her on July i. The trial, trip was some
thing that the hero of previous successful
battles wiih'the whirlpool rapids had not
intended; but, fortunately for his life, he
wniforeeu to make it.
Graham had not the slightest doubt of the
safety of the queer little craft, but others
thought that it couldn't stand the trip, de-
spue its careiuA construction,
isterofthe Interior, and Don Santos MaviO "DATifPrpnQ T?TRCT
appointed Governor of the district. Then&, .; SJDUI lllMllJ rlllOl.
I v.
y, .
IhX Probably be Giren Their
' licenses Here To-Day.
He Sent Judge Stowe a Written Outline of
His Position.
Anilely of All tie law jers to See the rail Text of tie
Prothonotary Newmeyer of the Supreme
Court for the Western district arrived from
Philadelphia yesterday, but did not bring
the official papers in the decisions in the
liquor cases. They were sent by mail and
will be presented to court this morning.
The bottlers' licenses will be granted at
once, but the wholesalers will have to un
dergo rehearings.
The bottlers of beer in Allegheny county
will, in all probability, receive their licenses
to-day, and will be ready for business by
evening, or, at least, by to-morrow. The
official papers will certainly be presented to
the Quarter Sessions Court to-day, and as
the action, so far as the bottlers are con
cerned, is in the shape of a mandamus, there
will be nothing to do except to order the
issuance of licenses.
It was not Mr. Josiah Cohen who went
down to Sewickley Saturday evening to see
Judge White, but his law partner, Mr. A.
Israel. The latter gentleman was seen by a
Dispatch reporter yesterday afternoon.-
Ho wonld not tell anything of the con
versation be had with the License Court
Jndge, as he thought it would be discourt
eous to do so, but he freely explained some
other matters.
"I Was simply the person deputed by the
other Judges to see Judge White," said
Mr. Israel. On Saturday a consultation
was had by the Judges, but before they took
any decisive steps it was considered by them
simply a matter of courtesy that Judge
White's views and wishes should be con
sulted. President Judge Stowe had not
seen Judge White since the adjournment of
the License Court, and knew nothing about
his opinions. I told Judge White what had
been said, and he gave me a letter to Judge
Stowe, which 1 will deliver to-morrow (to
day). I know what it contains, but it
would not be proper for me to say what
it is."
"The bottlers will have no trouble," con
tinued Mr. Israel. "They got a mandamus
from the Supreme Court, and just as soon as
the mittimus arrives they will get their
licenses. It was an extraordinary and bold
proceeding on the part of their attorneys,
but it proved successful. It is a very rare
thing to apply to the Supreme Court for a
mandamus on a lower court. The Supreme
Court is very.chsry about grantingthe writ,
and it was mora likely to refuse it than to
prant it ia such a case. The gcVieral pro
ceeding is by a writ of certiorari, by which
the proceedings in the lower court
could be reviewed. It was the latter plan
which we, as attorneys for the wholesale
liquor dealers, pursued. Now they will
have to ge t rehearings before they get their,
licenses. It is certain that as soon as the
official papers arrive the Court will order
an early hearing. It will be one day. this
weeK sure, uir ail tue j uuges agree uia ai
is well to grant the licenses as soon as possi
ble, since the Supreme Court has decided
they must be given."
"It has not been definitely decided yet,"
continued Mr. Israel, "but it is probable
that where applicants for license who ap
plied at the regular time do not appear lor
a rehearing, the result of the former hearing
will be considered sufficient. They have
already sworn that they are persons of good,
moral character and temperate habits, and
that is as far as the inquiries can go. By ,
an order of the Qur.rter Sessions Court, not';
by Judge White alon but by a f '1 bench?Tf
j uuges XiWing, juagee ana w nite, a ae-
cision in one case will be considered as afw
fecting all, so that there will be no diffi
culty on the score of re-applications."
"Something would have been done en
Saturday it the official record bad ben
received from the Supreme Court. The pa.
pcrs should have been in Pittsburg, but the
mail was delayed seven hours. I expect
they are here now. Mr. Newmever, the'
newly appointed Prothonotary for the ,
Western district, wai in Philadelphia at
the time the opinions were handed down,
and Mr. J. Bowman Sweitzer, the Acting:
Prothonotary, thinks it probable Mr. "New
meyer brought the papers with him person
ally. He was to come heme on Saturday .
Mr. Isrsi wonld not express any opiates, i
concerning the action or the supreme Uourt ;
further than that the language used was
severe and sweeping. "All the attorneys
are exceedingly anxious to see the full text
of the opinions in the Pollard case and in
that of the bottlers. S j far only a brief extract -i
has been given of the Pollard case, and
nothing but the decision In the bottlers' ap-:
peal. As Justice Paxson wrote the opinion
in the bottlers' case, it is thought he used
some very strong language, because of am
remarks before. 'But you have bottlers , ia
Pittsburg, he said, to one of the attorneys')
In the case. JNo, sir; not one,' he was taieY
'Why,' Judge Paxson remarked, 'that ia;
astounding; it is beyond belief.' He wag '
told that the home brewers could bottle '
their own beer, but no other, at which Jns-s
tice I'axson was more annoyed than eer..
A DlSiATCK reporter went out to Swiss-?
vale yesterday evening, where -frothoao-tary
Newmeyer lives, and found him at
home. He arrived at 1 o'clock yesterday
morning lrom Philadelphia and" had not
visited the city during the day, so that ha
had not received his maiL
"I didn't bring the papers with sae," '
said Mr. Newmeyer, "as they had to be re'
corded and indorsed, but I know that tho
Prothonotary for the Eastern district M-j
tended to mail them immediately after this
was done. I have no doubt they are now ia
Pittsburg, or at least will be on Monday;
morning. jtrossiDiy jur. oweiizer, was w
still in the office, may have taken tfaema
This, however, was not the ease, arse's
howa in the foregoing, Mr. Sweitserjj
thinking that Mr. Newmever would bring ,
them to the citr Dersonallr. i
The opinions. Mr. Newmeyer said, wel
unanimous. He didn't hear of a word at.
dissent. "It looks like prohibition, has 1
knocked out all around," he remarked.', -
The Czar WllI.AId the Tnk.
St. .Petebsburg, June 30. Tfek;
tian Government has notified ' 1
its readiness to 'assent' to the'
verMoa se&eae,