lMr i "Wtw: "-';: RSS w? . j ? - , SECOND PART. w.- feblM BABY BRIDES. S How Children Become mvesinine Land of tlie Hindoos. 1STRAKGE MAKEIAGE CUSTOMS Among a People Where Lore and Courtship Are Absolutely Unknown. WIDOWHOOD WOESB THAN SLATERI lCOBEXSrOXDXKCB Or THE DISrATCH.1 BOMBAY, IN DIA, June 7, 1889. The wedding season in India is now at its height. I have seen wedding pro cessionsby the dozen in eveW town that I hare visited, and I have had a fair chance to note some ot the peculiarities of Hindoo mar riages. India has the youngest brides and grooms in the world. The grooms I have seen have in no case been over 15, and some of the brides were, appar ently only just I weaned. By the Hindoo law a wom an should be mar ried before she reaches the age of 12. Most girls are be trothed before they are 6, and in a wedding procession at A era I saw a little bride groom of perhaps 10 years gorgeously &m i lri ri'Vrv f' I' ' ' " OEIlfDIKO CORN. dressed in cloth of gold and with heavy gold bracelets on his wrists and ankles, sit ting in a wedding chair with a little baby girl of not over 2, who lay asleep at the other end of the chair while the procession moved onward. Her sleep was heavy, and she had probably been drugged with opium. This was a marriage of two wealthy fam ilies, ..and the wedding procession was very grand. At the head of it were two camels ' with irappings of gold ridden by bare legged 'men in red and gold turbans, and wearing clothes of gold cloth. Behind them came an elephant with gorgeous trap pings, and 12 Arabian horses followed. These horses bad gold bracelets about their fore legs just above the knee, and there were great silver bells running from the saddle along the back to the crupper. The saddles were of silver cloth, the stirrups were of silver, and the bridle was decorated with gold. Between these hors-Ji came the wed ding chair, and this was a sort of a litter perhaps six feet square containing a bed with cushions and pillows and over it was stretched a canopy ot rtd and gold. With in it was the bridal couple and the proces sion was accompanied by a band which played during the march "We Won't Go Home Till Morning." It was a native band, but it had probably had an English instructor, and this tune served as the wed ding march. . Weddings Among tbe Poor. At Benares I saw a wedding procession of the poorer classes and I had the pleasure of an introduction to the groom. He was a sullen boy of 15, who looked as though he by no means enjoyed the occasion. He had a cap of red cloth with long strings of flowers hanging from its rim to his neck and with tawdry red clothes upon his body. He was riding a white pony, which had gaudy trappings, and walking with him was a crowd of bare-footed, bare-legged, turbaned men and boys, one of whom led the horse. These were his relatives. Just back of them, and apparently having no connection with the pony-riding groom, was a party of men carrying what looked like a store box hut up on all sides and covered with red cloth. A cheap cashmere shawl was thrown over its top and I was told that the bride was inside. I asked her age and was told that she had lived j ust eight years. Behind her came a number of women carrying her dowry upon their heads. One party bore the bride's bed. It was a rack or frame work of wood about 4 feet long and 3 feet wide, with 4 rude feet raising it 18 inches from tbe ground, and instead of wire springs there was a net work of clothes lines rope stretched within the framework. Another woman had a tray on her head containing the cooking utensils, consisting of three or four iron pots and a rice jar, and the whole outfit would have been dear at $1 50. I talked with the father of the groom. He told me the bride would come and stay two days with her motheMn-law and then go back home until she was 10 years of age, when she would come to live with her husband and be married for good. In the case of baby marriages the child is often brought up by her own parents, and she only comes to her mother-in-law's house when she has gotten old enough to learn housekeeping, which is at tbe age of 10 or 11 years. In some cases, however, she goes at once to the house of her mother-in-law and is brought up by her, often being made to do the drudgery of the house ana abso lutely subject to her husband's mother. A Hindoo Weddlos Feoit. I was invited to a wedding feast at Agra, and the polite Hindoo who so honored me told me upon parting that my presence had 'glorified ihe occasion." There were 500 Hindoos present and the entertainment con sisted of Jfautch dancing and acting. The Nautch girls, attired in gorgeous clothes, went through the most surprising of con tortions to the music of two drums, which were played with tbe hands, and a curious 'Hluaoo fiddle. These Nautch girls are the brteiag girls of India. Thev are remark able for their plump, round figures and for i tBejwoaucriui case sua grace wnicn iney A throw,, into the movements of their bodies. 1 Alarfepartof the dancing consists in the afovment of the frame without lifting the feet from tbe ground. They are the same as the dances of the girls of Egypt and of the African negioes, and seem to be a part oforientaUife. They are .paid high prices - and some ofjthe best dancing girls of India get as high M $26 a sight ' The celebration which I attended was in a ' teat built outride the house for the occasion. X A carpet covered the ground and the flick ering lights shown over a collection oi curi ous figures, which would make another for tune lor Barnum. I looked in vain for the bride, and whether she was a baby or not I do not know. The groom was not more than 6. He was a bright little fellow in a red velvet coat, and he brought me a bunch of flowers and eome cardamum seeds, which are given to the guests upon such occasions. Professional Dfalch-Mnlier. Indian marriages are managed entirely by the parents. Courtship is unknown in India, and the parties married often remain for years without knowing each other. The negotiations are often carried on by means of a match-maker, as in China, and India has its professional match-makers, both women and men. For arranging a middle class wedding a match-maker gets from $10 to $15, and in the marriages of the rich he receives twice this amount. The boy in the arrangement has no more to say than the girl, though after the marriage is consum mated and he becomes the deiacto husband of the girl, the advantage is altogether on his side. Women holds the lowest rank in India. According to her religion she can only find salvation through her husband, and if she is not born again as a man she will have to go through eight million transmigrations. A man can do no wrong to his wife and she is practically his slave. She draws the water, carries all the burdens and makes the fuel for the family, All over India you see women carrying pots of water on their heads and the contrast between tbe bracelets on their arms, both below and above the elbow, the anklets on their bare feet and tbe great gold or silver ornaments in their eare, and their menial occupation, is striking. I see women carrying water on their heads with babies not more than a few days old in their arms, and I saw yesterday a woman who had, bv actual count, 36 brass bracelets upon each of her forearms, a big plate of silver on her biceps, heavy brass anklets about her legs snd two silver rings on each one of her ten toes. Women Weigh led Down With Jewelry. Speaking of jewelry, there are no women in tl e world so fond of jewelry as those of India. In the museum of the rajah of Jey pore I was shown a collection of 1,600 differ ent styles of Indian jewelry, and through every province I have traveled I find the women dress differently. Among the hills of India and on the slopes of the Himalayas a woman sometimes wears as high as 60 pounds of jewelrv. This is often of brass out not infrequently of silver and gold. I saw one woman in a turban who had a nose ring as big around as the top of a gob let fastened by a gold chain to a hole in her ear. She had gold earrings with gold chains attached to them, so made that they covered the ear. and around her neck were strands of corals, of silver beads and silver coins. A freat silver chain hung from the bottom of er earrings down to her waist and she had bracelets and anklets and rings on toes and fingers. There are here in Bombay 3 000 jewelers, and at Delhi the great business of. the people is the making ot gold and silver ornaments. The Hard Lot of Child Widow. Pundita Eamabai, the high caste Hindoo woman who has hpon rAicSnn fj. America for the establishment of a college for the child widows of India, has just re turned home. She is now at Poona, a de- Dandng Girl. lightful spot in the hills about 100 miles from Bombay, and she will soon begin the construction of her institntion. The Hin doo wife is in a paradise compared to the Hindoo widow. The condition of the wife is had enough. As tbe slave of her hus band she eats after he is through, and she takes what is left. She has no education to speak of and her only hope of salvation is in him. She stands while he sits in the household, and she can not, if she lives in the interior, go to the Ganges and bathe in the sacred water. The Hindoo woman worships her husband and the husband re turns the. worship by doing as little as possible for his wife. There are 6,000,000 widows in India, and as the majority of the marriages take place under 10, the greater part of these women became widows as children. A Hindoo widow can never marry again, even if her husband dies before the ceremony of mar riage. If she is betrothed she is condemned to widowhood for the rest of her life. As a widow she must give up all the pleasures of this world. She must never wear any jew elry, never sleep on a bed, and for the rest of her life she becomes the slave of her mother-in-law's family. She eats by her self and cooks her own food. The moment her husband dies her ornaments are torn from her. She is clad in the poorest of clothing, and at the funeral she is kept out of the main body ot the mourners, and she is looked upon as though she had the plague. Most of the Hindoos cremate their dead by a river, and it used to be the custom for widows to throw themselves alive on the funeral pyres of their husbands and allow themselves to be burned to death. This was a sure passport to heaven, and it would ex ist to-day were it not that the English have prohibited it. At Benares I saw a half dozen .monuments, rode pieces of stone 18 inches high and a foot square, which had been put up in honor of women who had so killed themselves. Cruelly Peraecnted Women. In the northwest provinces of India, where the holiest of the Hindoos live, "the treat ment of tbe widows is even worse than that described in the above statements. Here the woman is often dragged along with her husband's corpse ,to the -cremation. -Shell pushed Into the water and made to stand there while the body is burning. She comes THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. home in her wet clothes and she dare not change them. It matters not if she be sick or whether the weather be warm or cold. She sleeps in these clothes for 13 days and she is persecuted by all. I found here at Bombay a statement of one of tbe Hindoo widows from this part of India. It was translated by an English lady and appeared in an Indian newspaper. The following is an extract from it: "Thousands of us die, but more live. I saw a woman die, one of my own cousins. She had been ill before her husband's death. When he died she was too weak and ill to be dragged to the river. She was in a burn ing fever. Her mother-in-law called a water carrier and had four large skins of water poured over her as she laid on the ground, where she had been thrown from er bed when her husband died. The chill of death came upon her and in eight hours she breathed her last. Everyone praised her and said she died for the love of her husband. "I knew another woman who did not love her husband, for all their friends knew they quarreled so much they could not live to gether. The husband died, and when the news was brought the widow threw herself from the roof and died. She could not bare the thought of the degradation that must ollow. She was praised by all. flie only difference for us since the English have prevented us from burning ourselves upon onr husband's funeral pyres is that we then die qnickly, if cruelly, but no, we die all our lives in lingering pain. We are aghast at the number of widows how is it that there are so many? It is because every man who died leaves one and often, more, and though thousands die more live on." A Fnraeo marriage. Notwithstanding all this there is, I doubt not, some love among the Hindoos, and there may be some happy homes. As far as I ran see, much home life is impossible. Ninety-nine hundredths of the people live in mud huts or in two or three rooms, the walls of which are unplastered and unpa pered, where it is dark almost .in the day time, and where at night the only light is a poor lamp ora wickbnrning in a tumblerof oil. The furniture is of the rudest descrip tion, and the rooms are so small that the beds are put outside the house during the dajtime. Still in such houses women spend their whole lives, going out only when it is necessary te draw water. Now and Ihen in the country you see the women of the lowest castes at work, but high-caste women never. The women do the grinding of tbe corn for the family, and corn is 'ground here just as it was in the days of the Scriptures. Among the hfgb-caste Hindoos a senti ment is now growing up against infant mar riages and there is one society, the members of which will not marry their girls before Their fourteenth year. It must be remem bered, however, that the Hindoo women do not by any means make up the total female population of India. India has more Mo hammedans than Turkey, and the 353,000,000 of people who make up this Indian popula tion are of many classes and religions. The Parsees who are so noted as merchants are Persian fire worshipers, and they do sot marry their children under 12. I attended a Parsee marriage last night in which the bride and groom were respect ively 12 and 13. The two were sitting in a Parsee temple with their hands joined to gether. They had been sitting in this posi tion for two hours when I entered. The Parsees do not lead secluded lives. Their women dress gayly nnd go aboutrwhere thev please. This girl was beautifully dressed, and the groom had on a high hat which looked for all the world like a stovepipe hat with the rim cut off. but which was of red silk literally covered with pearls and diamonds. As we entered the room richly dressed boys rushed up to us and put into our hands bouquets of orange flowers and roses, while servants sprayed over us, from silver bottles two feet long, a shower of rose water. After watching the ceremony for sometime we rose to depart, and were then given each two cocoanuts and little tranches of betel for chewing as wedding presents, and I noted that such presents were given to all the guests. FEANK G. CABPENTEB. TBE WORLD'S TOBACCO HELD. It Is Increasing More Rapidly Than That of Either Wheat or Cora. Iionlirllle Courler-Journal.1 The world's annual output of tobacco is increasing; perhaps more rapidly than that of either wheat or corn. Kentucky is the greatest factor In the to bacco market, and her product steadily grows. That of Virginia does likewise, and several of the Northern States are cultivat ing it successfully. Cuba has long been famous for her cigar wrappers,'and in many parts of the island the planters are aban doning sugar and turning their attention to tobacco, finding the latter much more profi table Even Germany is endeavoring to raise it. But the greatest efforts to extend the culti vation of tobacco are being made in the East Indies. Both the soil and the climate of the great islands near the Asiatic coast are admirably adapted to the weed, and it has long been successfully grown there, but not until recently have attempts been made to produce it on such a large scale. Both the Dutch and the English are heavily in terested, and the industry is not conducted .by small farmers as here in Kentucky, but by great companies on immense planta tions, working a thousand or more coolies and Malays. The most prosperous of the companies are located in Batavia and Sumatra, and their tobacco is frequently shipped to American markets. The last issue of the London .Financial News qnotes the stock of five of these corporations as follows: 360, 451. 836 429, and 610. They have advanced about 90 points each in the last three months' and are among the most highly prized shares on the London Exchange. A Pointer for Sports, Hme.l First Gamin Say, I'll bet you a nickel I've got more money in my pockets than you have. Second Gamin Go yer once. After money is put up. First Gamin How much money have you got in taj pocket? , Tiro-Fore. Jadga.3 ' C; "Did you get that box of cigars I sent yon?" inquired his .fiance. "Yes, dear." "And how do you like them?" "The box was very nice, indeedt"he said, softly. A Hill Woman. PITTSBTJKG, STOTDAT, JTJME 30, .1889. THEPUEITMFOURTE How the Birthday of Our Nation Was Observed by Oar Grandfathers DT NEW ENGLAND 50 YEARS AGO. A Time of Universal Rejoicing, Weddings and Wedding Sermons. THE OLD-TIME MARRIAGE C0YENANT. rWBITOJTTOB THE DISPATCH. Next Thursday, July 4, will be the one hundred and thirteenth anniversary of the adoption of that Declaration of Independ ence which dissolved all connection between this country and Great Britain, and made the former a free and independent nation. Wben there spread throughout the 13 col onies the great news that on the Fourth of July, 1776, the Continental Congress, sitting at Philadelphia, had adopted snch a decla ration, it was everywhere received with demonstrations of delight. News traveled very slowly in those.days, so that the peo ple of many places did not observe their first Fourth of July until long after that day had passed, but they celebrated it none the less enthusiastically on that account with an elaborateness, universality and heartiness to which our more modern ob servance of the day has long been a stranger. For several years past there has been a great deal of talk, at each approaching re currence of our nation's birthday, of rc-vlving-the old-fashioned celebrations of the occasion and thereby cultivating a spirit of patriotism among the people. Iu view of this, all that pertains to old-time observ ances of the "Glorious Fourth" in THE DATS OF OUE GBANDFATHESS and great-grandfathers acquires a special interest. So many of the most important events of the Bevolutionary War and of the causal occurrences which gave rise to it transpired in New England that for many years after John Adams wrote his famous letter prophesying the manner in which In dependence Day would be celebrated, the fulfillment of that prophecy was perhaps more marked upon New England soil than in any other part of our country. Among the people of that section the Fourth of July, or "Independence Day," as it was generally called, took the place of other holidays which stern Puri tanism severely frowned upon, and a large degree of the general jollification of Christ mas and New Years, not being wholly absorbed by the great New England holi day of Thanksgiving, was mingled with the Satriotio fervor aroused by Independence lay snd found vent in 'various social festivities, both of a public and private character, on the last named occasion. In deed, many projected wedding parties and other social gatherings and events were postponed till Independence Day, which, being a general holiday, would cause them to be better attended and to thus pass off with greater eclat. THE OLD-TIME YANKEE CELEBRATION. Fifty years ago there was not a town in the New England States, nor indeed from Maine to the extreme Western limit of our country, in which the Fourth of July was not celebrated with civic and military parades, with brass bands playing our na tional airs, with patriotic orations and with public reading of the Declaration of Inde pendence. Tbrougbout.New England the last name ceremony war frequently per formed in the Churches by the ministers, who oten conducted religious services for their flock, and preached to them a patriotio sermon. It is related of the Rev. Mr. Milton, a very popular but eccentric clergyman who ministered to the Congregational Church of Newhuryport, Mass., within whose walls lie the remains of the famous evan gelist preacher, George Whitfield, that when he stood up to make the "long prayer" at one of these Indepen dence Day services he simply said: "O, Lord, deliver us from sham patriots, amen." Perhaps, in these days, there is even more urgent need of such a Fourth of July peti tion than there was at the time it was uttered. The accounts of some of the social festivi ties of Independence. Day in New England a century ago are very quaint and amusing reading now. I have in my possession the diary of the Bev. Samuel Deane, an an cestor of mine who, more than a century ago, was for many years pastor of the Con gregational Church of the First Parish in Portland, Maine. This diary, which has been handed down In my family from gen eration to generation, and which I shall al ways preserve as the most precious of heir looms, covers a period of 20 years from 1770, and comprises several bulgy manuscript volumes. As a mirror of the LITE AND MANNEBS OF THAT PEBIOD. It is quite as entertaining and valuable as is the famous diary of Mr. Pepys in its relation to the time of Charles II. I have been repeatedly urged to give this diary to the public in its entirety, aud it isnot im possible that I may some time do so. For the present I shall content myself with a few extracts from it pertaining to Indepen dence Day in old-time New England and some other facts derived from it in connec tion therewith. On July 4, 1778, my rev erend ancestor writes as follows: To-day, being Independence Say, there as sembled at my honse more than 100 of the fair sex. married and single ladies, most of whom were skilled in the important art of spinning. An emulous industry was never more apparent tban in this beautiful assembly. The majority of fair hands gave motion to not less tban CO wheels. Many were occupied in preparing ma terials besides those who attended to tbe enter tainment of the rest, provision for which was mostly presented by the guests themselves, or sent in by other generous promoters of the ex hibition, as were also the materials for the work. Near the close of the day my good wife was presented by the company with 236 soven knotted skeins of excellent cotton and linen vani, tar work of the day, excepting about a dozen skeins brought in ready span. Some had spun six and many not less than live skeins apiece. To conclude and crown the day, a nu merous band of the best singers attended this evening and performed an agreeable variety of excellent pieces Iff psalmody. As already hinted, marriages were fre quently solemnized on Independence Day. In Mr. Deane's diary I read that on July 4, 1770, soon after his ordination to the minis try; he performed bis first marriage cere mony, the names of the contracting parties being John Physick and Mary Prescott. He goes on to state that he was to preach the "wedding sermon" on the following Sab bath, taking as his text, at the request of the bride, "Mary hath chosen that good part." This custom of having a discourse called THE VEDDIXa SEBHOJT preached on the Sabbath succeeding the wedding by the minister who had solemn ized it, lrom a text of Scripture selected by the bride, was a universal custom at-that time throughout New England, and con tinued so for many years. When Abby Smith, daughter of Parson Smith, married 'Bqulre John Adams, whom her father disliked and would not invite home to dinner, she chose for tbe text of her wedding sermon, "John came neither eat ing bread nor drinking wine, and ye say he hath a devil." Parson Smith, as in honor bound, swallowed his discontent as best he could and preached his daughters marriage sermon from the text she had selected. That high-tpirlted damsel not only had the honor of seeing her husband become Presi dent of the United States, bnt of giving birth.to a son who, followed in his fathers footsteps. " ' In giving an account.vof that Fourth of July wedding, the first solemnized by him,' my reverend ancestor gives the following transcript of the marriage covenant which he used then and throughout the remainder of his life, and whictr,indeed, was then in gen eral use among the Congregational minis ters of New England. In those days no one on American soil had ever questioned the sanctity or advisability of marriage, or had" ever considered the possibility of its proving a failure. OLD STYLE MABB1AGE COVENANT. In reading this covenant one is forcibly struck with the delicate distinction made be tween tne man ana tne woman in tneir sep arate vows, and also with the peculiar solemnity attached, by the phrasing of the fourth paragraph, to the promises made. I copy it verbatim, punctuation, capital let ters and all : ' Yon, John and Mary, who now present your selves Candidates for the Covenant of God and of your Marriage before him, in Token of your Consenting Affections and United Hearts, please td give your hands to one another. John, the person whom you now take by the hand you receive to be your married Wite; yon Eromise to love her, to honor her, to support er, and in all things to treat her as you are now, or shall hereafter be convinced is by tbe Laws of Christ made your Duty. A tender Husband, with unspotted Fidelity till death shall separate you. Mary, the person whom you now hold by the hand you accept to he your" married Husband, you promise to love him, to honor him, to sub mit to him and In all things to treat him as yon are now, or shall hereafter be convinced, is, by the Laws of Christ made your Duty. An affectionate Wife, pith Inviolable loyalty till death shall separate you. This solemn covenant you make, and in this sacred oath bind your soul in tbe presence of the Qreat God, and before these witnesses. I then declare yon to be Husband and Wife resularly married, according to tbe Laws of God and man. Therefore what God hath thus joined together let no man put asunder. F. H. W. WESTERN STEAMBOAT B0UTES. The Prospect! for Passenger Trafflo on the Hirer Far From Discouraging. The Century. It is perfectly true that the Western steamboat interest has been seriously im paired by competition with the railroads, and that the number of fast boats has great ly decreasad. For the position of steam boat property in the past was peculiar.. Large numbers of the boats were owned by the captains or their families, and in case of hard times or a cut-rate war with the rail roads the boatB could be seized for debt and the traffic stopped. The competing railroad, on the other hand, might be equally in debt, but in the hands of a receiver it went on do ing business while the poor boat owner was tied up with his boat. This is the common and the darker view taken of the steamboat interest on our great rivers. To offset this is the fact that the Jarger rivers are now well lighted, and more l?u.. .JJ.J mL 1112 uguba urc uuucu every year, mo xmuiuus spent on the rivers have wonderfully im proved navigation, and there are lower wrecks than ever beiore. The slack water navigation, as on the Kanawha and the Mo nongahela, has greatly extended the season in which boats can run, and has thus ex tended the earning time of every boat on these waters. The ownership of tbe boats has also changed, and iu place of single 'tramp' steamers there are now regular in corporated companies owning large fleets of boats and having abundant capital. These companies are enabled to furnish better, cheaper and more regular service, with less danger oi ruinous competition with the rail roads. Formerly the steamboat service was extravagant and costly in manage ment,' while rates were high and profits large. The companies now conduct their business with more economy, and seek to attract business by regular departures and arrivals more comfortable boats and bet ter table and stateroom service. The lines now more nearly approach the Eastern lines, both in equipment and management, ana while tbe ola racing captains, who threw their freight into the furnaces rather than be beaten by a rival boat, are passing away, the new men are real captains ot safe and com fortable boats. The romantic days have gone from the river forever, but the travel is safer, and, in a way, more civilized. The last of the famous racing machines, the Natchez, was wrecked only a few months ago. The competition with the railroads has demanded a wholly different class of boats, and the tourists will compel abetter passen ger service on all the lines in the 'future. SUPERSTITIONS OP THE HINDOOS. If Diet by Any Evil Portent they Setnrn Home and Commence the Day Afresh. Science.) The Hindoos ire early risers. In the warm season extending from April to Oc toberthey sleep either upon the housetop or in the courtyard, or in the verandah, if rain should be threatening, and are usually' up at 5 o'clock or earlier in the morning. In the cold weather, when they sleep with in doors, they rise later, but they are out before 7. Bising in the morning while but half awake, the Hindoo repeats the name of Bama several times. Happening Ur yawn he immediately fillips his thumb and mid dle finger, though he does not know why. He prepares for his morning toilet. He plucks a twig from the bitter Neem tree, breaks off a span length of it, crushes one, end between his teeth, and extemporizes a tooth-brush. He next draws up water from the, well in the yard with an Iron bucket, and prepares to wash his hands and lace. "This is quickly done; he then throws on an extra garment, the thickness and texture depending on the season and weather, lights hishooka. takes a few pulls with his euphoni ous hubble-bubble, and is ready to go out. With a passing "Bama, Bama." to friend or acquaintance,and a neighborly gossip by the way, he repairs to his place of business. While going he will seduously avoid those signs and sounds which may augur ill for the day. Should one sneeze, or should he hear the cawing of a crow, or the cry of a kite, or should he meet an oilman, or one blind or lame, or see a cat cross his path, he would be greatly distressed as to the day before him. On the other hand, if a fox crosses his path, if he hears a gong or shell summoning him to worship, or if he meets a Bran-nan with his head uncovered, he would rejoice, bailing it as auspicious. Some are so superstitious that if any evil portent occurs ok the way they would return home, have a smoke, or chew a betel leaf, and proceed afresh. A NEW TIPE SETTER .Description of a Mechanical Compositor That HaiiTJeen Patented in England. The London Olobt describing a- new type setting machine says; As the operator works the keys the line of print is formed beiore him, so that corrections may be made at once. At each impress of his finger a sheet of brass with its proper letter in the Center slips into its place, and at the same time exposes a character on the edge -visible to the worker. Then as soon as the line is completed, it is seized and automatically "justified." Then it is carried to a little fur nace to be stereotyped,the line being finally thrust out on a ledge after heing cast. The types are then automatically distributed. It seems slow to read, but is not so in reality, as the processes proceed simultaneously, the type-setter's work on the keys being scarcely interrupted.- Of course one wants to see such an invention at work for a length of -time in a printing office beiore pronouncing a hnai opinion upon it, as no test is quite so good as that of practical work, and it has not yet been introduced into the office of any English paper; but if what the in ventor tells me of Its speed be correct, and if it can be made, as he says, for something between 150 and 200, there is no doubt ot its being a very useful as well as a won derful invention, SABATOflA'S SCENES. The Giddy Contest Between Love and Mammon at the Springs. PAIR MAIDS AND' POOR LOYERS. Old and Wealthy Beans Who Capture All the Prettiest Frizes. i OLD TIMES C0NTBABTED WITH THE NEW connxsrosuxircx or tkb eispAtch.1 Sabatooa, June 27. 7 entering Saro togo in tbe even ing jou find it with its old-time halo on. You are whizzed from the station in one of its gawky stages, and swirled down the spectacular vista of Broadway to whatever m a m moth hotel you may have chosen to put up at. Ton can imagine very easily that you are entering the Paris Exposition, and that the giddiest part of France is coming out to welcome you. The boulevard sight of a heavy swell seated at a small table in the open air, on the veranda of a restaurant, taking his summer beverage with slow equanimity under publio gaze, is not uncommon this year at Saratoga. Can it be that the American drinker is to emerge from behind a screen and sit down boldly to quaff his drinks, instead of gulping them? It is a spangled and gauzy crowd fairly blazing under the electrioity and the moon, and the poet is taken even to a more intox icating spot than wicked Paris, as he views it, he is iu Cadiz where the roofs are of gold, the skies a diamond-decked canopy of purest sapphire, and the women shadowy-eyed houris, made only for love and caresses. The love and the caress of life is the very earliest discovery made by the Saratoga pilgrim. Nowhere could passion find a wilder rioting place, The sir is so filled with the fragrance of powers, the bell notes of fountains, the swing of hand music, thatcupid seems dodging behind every skirt and aiming his darts over each gleaming shoulder. THE IDEAL AND THE BEAT As I lolled back in a seedy old barouche, and was taken through Broadway last night, I was never more impressed by the brilliant power that we Americans have for "becoming pictorial and vast. The hotels themselves, suggesting the coloseums of the Bomans, were so overwhelming in their radiant immensity, the dense crowds were so luminous and unearthly, the musio came in such volnmes from all sides, and the high arching trees flashed so magnificently up against the jeweled sky, that had I been transported .to "Titania's wood my senses would not have felt the mystical marvels of wonderland more keenly than here among the fairy palaces and theatrical effects of my mortal brothers. And I saw a proof that it is the wand of wealth and not ot a fairy, that makes an old donkey-headed man get the love, real or counterfeit, of the nrettiestof poor girls. Here was a coarse grained man of CO years grotesquely odd in dress promenading with a neat, dainty girl of less than half his age. His daughter I thought her, bnt I found out that they were on their bridal tour. I was not robbed of my sparkling mood of romance when I went through the parlors of one of the hotels to the piazzas surround ing the gardens, where an admirable or chestra discoursed sweet music. A Spanish tarantella was rippling from the crowd of violins, the fountains dancing to the strains and a multitude o.f people in splendid attire stretched down the piazzas until lost in the shadows beyond the lights. The lawns were like emerald seas, and here and there a girl in filmy white, standing afar off, looked like Aphrodite shaking the spray out of her hair. Within and without there was a steady flash of women. I say "flash" advisedly. When a woman gets to Sara toga she appears to think she has reached the orbit of "Venus, and she accordingly exerts herself toperlorm her office of con stant scintillation so that there can be no mistake about her mission. She. takes off .her jacket and her collar, hangs crescents and stars around her tbroat, sticks others in her hair, wafts a feather fan with a band frosted with-gems, and then pulsates like a great rose laden with shower-crystals. As you meet her on the piazza, in the corridors, crossing the great parlors she drives the faintest possible suggestion of violet toward you with her fan, sweeps her lashes side way:, over her cheeks, at the same time contributiug in your direction a fatal gleam of the eyes, draws a long, quivering breath, and glides on with the important swish of a yacht in a free wind. I do not care where you go in Saratoga, tbe feminine magnificence of your surroundings will have an important effect upon you. Even at the sedate hotels on the hill, the very ladies' maids have 'the rose of sentiment stuck in their hair, and they cast more glances over their shoulders tbanMheydo straight before them. As for the three vast hotels down in the center of the town, they are a triad of paradises where stylish angels are forever in a bewildering flutter vanish ing new and again only to reappear in more exquisite draperies than those which we thought were unsurpassable.. Saratoga is the most popular resort for A p jffL p Iff I 4 LL-Ei)' , old bachelors of any in the country. I do not know whether they come here for the salutary influence of the waters that bubble from the earth at all points, or to feed their critical eyes upon the yonng and tender women that bloom so bountifully" iu every section of the city. But the fact remains that the windows of the clnbs of several of the big cities, especially those of New York, are fairly transplanted to the piazzas of the hotels here. There is a narrow bal cony on the side of one house where the old boys love to congregate and talk of the horses and the women that jingle by, and to adjourn with regular frequency to the cool room below stairs, where the fizz and the julep are manufac tured with gratifying skill. If these men go to one of the springs before breakfast, and drink several glasses of the water for the benefit of their livers, they fancy they are entitled to pass the rest of day with as happy stomachs as can be procured. There fore, as you move about here, you are con tinually coming in contact with the gentle man who has been at the springs every summer for the past IS years, and who as- 2 J sures you that the waters are not nearly so efficacious as they formerly were. Then he will ask you down to the cool room below stairs, and tell you of the halcyon days when Morrissey kept the club house, when the city was packed with Princes, Senators, Oenerais, and heaven knows what ail, the streets jammed with tallybo coaches, four-in-hand drags, and Jim Fisk drove his chariot down Broadway with 20 of the high est looking women in the country on top. HOT LIKE IT VSED TO BE. "Now," he says, "everything is the Hil ton family. When you. see a handsome house it has been bought iu from one of the old-timers by Judge Hilton. When an es pecially elegant turnout goes along you can Set one of the Hilton boys has the ribbons. You might very well rechristen Saratoga to-day and call it Hiltonville. On the lawn in Hilton's park, with two girls watching an Apollo at croquet. Mildred (who was belle of the hop last night "I don't like those new mallets, do you, Kate?" Kate (champion at croquet) "Ohl it takes a light-headed thing to make a hit at a ball, you kuow." I have observed particularly since arriv ing here a girl of about 20, who is always being whirled along by the side of some young fellow in a dog-cart, rustling over the piazzas in a gown of delicious filminess, dancing around the parlors and occupying the most prominent place in the dining room. She is especially beautiful, a fact thoroughly appreciated by an army of ex cited masculine followers, who tumble over one another endeavoring to cafch her smiles and her-iavors. She rules her court like a true princess, and I can scarcely blame the young men lor becoming infatuated with her, for she is undoubtedly tbe sweetest armful in a season of waltzing at the Springs. Iwas talking with one of these old bachelors'' on the piazza this forenoon when she-floated by on thearnfof a young man, looking more lovely; than words can tell. It is a whim of fashion, by the way, for Saratoga belles to take beaux arms by daylight. She was laughing with the melody of a Ante, and I declare that her mouth, with its flashing teeth, was the most alluring thing in the world. "A fine creature," I remarked to my old friend. He glanced up at her receding form, laughed quietly to himself and then said: "Yes, she is-quite a belle. Do you ever have your nails treated by manicures in New York?" To this seemingly irrelevant question I replied in the negative. "Oh, then probably you never met the angel, observed my friend. "That's her trade. The old gentleman down at the end of the piazza, with the straight-brimmed silk hat on, is her benefactor. Used to visit his sister's house, I believe to operate on his hands. He wants to marry -her. So does the young fellow she is walking with. He is clean gone on her to the point of confes sion. The other day he said wildly to her, 'I love you, and -I shall never get over it till you marry me.' And now, the more he thinks of it, the more he wishes he hadn't put it that way. But she will not marry him, no matter how correctly he should ask her, because he is poor. The old widower is rich, and he will get her. But THE LITTLE HANICUEE is holding off for a spell of freedom, and she rules the roost in a considerable circle here at Saratoga. If she is as clever as I think she is, she will make the biggest catch of the season. Her old gentle man was dropped out of the race the first day they got here. But he is an easy-going old fogy, and lets her run around as she chooses, hoping she will come to him at last. There is nothing like Saratoga, you see, for mys tery that is as plain as the nose on your face." As the beautiful manicure swept past me just now I heard her remark that she really must hasten to Newport, where so many of her friends were anxiously awaiting her. Her-escort this time was the son of a very wealthy New York man. He remonstrated so vehemently with the lovely creature, and looked so desolate when he heard her words, that I feel positive, should she really- start for Newport or Patagonia, he would not lose sight of her. There is no doubt about this young man. If the manicure wants him she can have him; snd I think she wants him, because polishing nails can't be au agree able way of earning a living. Baseball is rife here at Saratoga and very fine folks go to see rather poor games by neighborhood teams. But the girls are not critical, and here- is a bit of actual di alogue: Beginald isn't it a corking good game, girls? Girls (in chorui) Oh, just splendid, and these are such great teams, too. It makes it so exciting. Belle (aside to Grace Was teams the right word? Grace (aside to Belle) I think so. Wait till I read over his shoulder what teams they are, anyhow. Kamkr. The Idlest From the Diamond. Tale Beeord.l "Well said Wright Field," as he tookhk over coat to the pawnbroker, "here goes for three balls aud a bat." & 3" && PAGES 9 TO 16. AN IRISH EOI-HMl. :; Scenes of Wildest Excitement at tbe" .niiuiiuyuuuuiuy jteeu AIL DMGER IS F0RG0TTE5," $W While Hen and Animals Bush Madly oh la" the Exciting Chase. AN ETENTFUL DAI FOB HUNTSXEff rwBrrrxir vqs tux nrsrATCH.1 Tumbling out of bed in the small hours of morning plnnging into an ice-cold bath according to the time-honored custom of fox hunters; struggling frantically with tight top-boots, and then hurrying down to aa early breakfast; these are the preliminaries of a day's hunting when the "meet" chances' to be at a distance from one's domicile. Everything is fuss and confusion at these early-hunting breakfasts. Du Maurierhas sketched one of them for Barper'tp but hs fails to reproduce the bustle and ceaseless activity ot tbe scene. His young Nimrodf helping themselves to cold chicken at tha sideboard look as though there were so drive through thawing roads to Ballycur keen Gorse, or Twitterley Cross before) them. His jovial 'Squire is not apparently agitated by any dread of being too late for the meet, nor are his long-skirted, long waisted maidens at all anxious in regard to the straightness of their headgear. The picture, to be realistic, should be filled by young men furiously devouring the viands fat, red-faced, red-coated 'Squires, with big watches in their hands, warning everybody that nobody can possi bly be in time; and merry damsels skipping blithely from mirror iA mirror twisting at veil here, fixing a hat there, and rearrang ing their tresses in every direction. Then there should be little Tom, in tbe corner of the great Tudor window, with one eye on the plate beiore him, and the other watch' ing lor the advent of his gallant charger a corpulent Shetland. With a glimpse of waiting horses and dogcarts through the) window aforesaid, tbe picturewould be com plete. When breakfast is over A EU3H IS MADE for the hall door. Then there is mounting of hacks, and leaping into traps, and a vast amount of maneuvering as to who is to bo ' the driver of certain lovely Dianas to tha "meet." At last, with a tornado of whip cracking, and amid a storm of whirling; wheels and flying gravel the whole caval cade starts off, down the long avenue, through the gray mists of morning. The great gates are already open, and hoofs and wheels crunch merrilyalong the broad whita road: while the love-making carried on in. the dog-carls is qnite nauseous to staid old bachelors, as we trot behind on our easy going covert hacks. We pass a few market carts ou their way to the county town, and jog by the quiet railway station where some booted and spurred passengers have just got offtber morning train. These are officers from tha county garrison come to enjoy our sport. Presently at another 'Squire's gates we ara joined by a partv bound, like ourselves, for the "meet;" and on the road we pass strag glers the doctor on his gray, a sporting farmer or two, and not infrequently a sport ing parson likewise all making for the same destination, Kilballycuddihy village. , Soon, whirling round a gorse-covered hill we sweep into Kilballycuddihy, horse and foot. In Ireland the population ot villages is in inverse ratio to the length of their names, so Kilballycuddihy is but a sorry hamlet. It contains, however, a street and a "square," and in the square are grouped the early arrivals, who form the nucleus of a "meet." First of all, the hun tsman in his red coat, sits on horseback amid the pack, whose lithe dappled forms hover around the flanks of his horse or stray farther off. BENT OIT EXPLOKATI03-, until brought back by the falling thongs of the ever-watchfnl whippers-in. Some of tho dogs are lying down, their long, red tongues lolling out, panting, and looking up wist fully at tbe face ot the huntsman. These) are the old hounds who do not believe in early exertion. Around the little party in the center are sportsmen by the dozen soma in red coats, many in black. A few car riages have begun to drive up, and their panels flash in the cold glare of the Decem ber sun. We take our places, and awaittho advent of the M. F. H. that despot of tha chase. Presently he drives up in his spring trap, and throwing off his great-coat, mounts the horse which has been waiting for him. It is the signal to make ready, and in a jiffy we have exchanged our hacks and carts for the fiery hunters, who have been blan keted until now. The master has a mysterious consultation with the huntsman, and then the whi crack and the whole concourse is in mo tion. We reach the covert side in a few minutes, and then there is another pause. The dogs are sent iu among the gorse and undergrowth. Cigars are lighted; brandy flasks ore passed round. Flirtation begins anew over sherry and sandwiches. For tha moment Beynard is forgotten. But anon we are made aware of his presence. There sounds a "view halloo" from the second whip, far away to windward, and the dogs are seen scrambling in hot haste througn the briars and over the covert fence. In stantly all is confusion. The huntsman'! horn brays loud and high across the field. Cigars ore thrown away: flasks are hur riedly stowed into saddlebags; horses plunge and rear: maidens shriek, and red coated 'Squires halloo one and all. "Stols away I" "Gone away 1" "Who-oop I" they yell, ana the whole heia nies neiter-sjceite at the low fences which bar the way. XS EXCITUtO MOMENT. But somebody heads the fox on the hill side, and he wheels about,and makes for tha valley. We catch a fleeting glimpse of hisa slanting down the hill to tbe pasture land below, with the pack going like lightning, seven fields behind. We, too, alter our course. There is more kicking, more plung ing; bat we are off at last,and the real sport of the day begins, as we dash madly down, the slope. Who cares for death-with tha wind whistling in his ears and a stout Irish horse beneath him? Who cares for death when his lady-love looks on his prowess tronVunder her long lashes, as she rides j his side, as bravely as the best? What reck, we of our fallen comrades? Ok we go once more; for the hounds are now ia full cry, and it is three miles to a covert. Clatter, clatter down the stony hill; pop over a brawling stream at the bottom, up a slight rising ground, and then for the broad valley I Ohl those great doubles, those dread stone walls, those lofty hedges! When w look at you in cold blood, we wonder at our audacity in daring to leap such obstacles! But in the fire aud ardor of the hunt we think but little. Away across the big grass fields starting the sleeping cattle with our shouts and the music of the horn. By-and-by there is no shouting! By-and-by there are few left of the 60 who started from the covert side! Some are lying beneath the oaks in tbe park, others are scraping the mud from their garments by'the murmuring river. Some are chasing their recreant steeds on the lonely hillside some again are jolting homeward in eoua- ' try carts, their heads wrapped in handker chiefs, their hearts plunged in sorrow. Wa seek the nearest highroad, and jog gaily homeward to a well earned dinner. Peeeokese Qbbll. i Inseparable. , , Jsdta.) " Mr. Younghusband Lucille, the papew ;r. say the bustle must go. 5 - jars, xouagnusoaaa xes, uchvibs: otttn -when the bustle gees tha woaaeu vm !sjo DlkU U1B UlUUC. j"-r l 5r fk V.V -,-!' 3SL- i '.iSs' -v j, l