-fTf"-f Ti'lKJ' vSMp5 "?""-. 7?- T -i-hl NO-O'M EESPONSIBLE Fore Faults in the South Fork Reservoir Dam, Except, Perhaps, THE MAN WHO DESIGNED IT. Colonel Bofcerts and Other Expert Engi neers View the Broken Wall AT THE BEQUEST OP COEOKEE EYAS. Earthen Dams Are rrcnonnced Always Unsafe In Case or OTerflow. T. P. Koberts, of Pittsburg, Lieutenant Eeese, of the "United States Army, and other expert engineers visited the South Fork dam yesterday. That the overflow caused the break is the general opinion. Colonel Roberts slated that he could not see that anyone was responsible for the accident save the original designer, and he was a competent engineer. ITBOX A STATr COKBESPOJTDEXT.l Johnstowk, June 29. It seems to be the general opinion among the people of Johnstown that the South Fork reservoir dam was a weak structure, liable to give way at any time; that it leaked badiy, etc All are aware of the fact that it was simply an earthen embankment, faced on both sides with riprap stone; but regarding its merits as an engineering structure few are qualified to speak. That the dam broke and con tributed vastly to the destructive power of the floods which existed at the time in the Conemaugh and South Pork Valley there can be no possible question. Hence the inquiry is reasonable and na tural. "What was the cause of the dam's failure? If the dam was badly constructed the opinion is held that somebody should be held responsible. The Dispatch has already published the proceedings of Coroner Evans' investigations on this point, bo far as they have gone, and it was in furtherance of their investigation that your correspondent visited the South Pork dam to-day. FKOSHITKST EJCGJOfEEKS VIEW THE DAM. The Coroner had requested the attendance of Colonel T. P. Roberts, civil engineer, of Pittsburg, and that gentleman others, in cluding Lieutenant Jleese, of the United corps of engineers detailed at Johnstown, from "Willetspoint; Colonel Norman M. Smith, Eighteenth Regiment, If. G. P.; John G. Park, Jr., civil engineer, met at South Pork station and took conveyance to the ruptured dam. But as Coroner Evans and his jury failed to put in an appearance the party returned without any official action being taken. In conversation this afternoon Mr. Rob erts stated that he had little to add to what he had already stated before the Coroner's jurr last Wednesday. It was not far to &.eek, he said, the cause of the failure of the South Pork dam. It was simply the insuffi cient capacity of the waste channel to dis charge the flood waters There was some thing, he says, simply phenomenal in the amount of rain which fell in the watershed the nieht preceding the disaster. Hon else, he urged, can one account for the filling of the reservoir of fully 50 acres with 6 feet of water in the space of about 15 hours with the waste weir discharging during the time to the utmost of its capacity? EAETH DAMS rBOXOTO, CED tTlfSAFE. There are elements, he said, for calcu lating the amount of the rain fall, after the size of the lake and - the watershed are de termined, but these cannot be considered exact because the evidence is clear that the water was still rising at the time the dam broke, and that there was a powerful stream discharging long alter toe late was drained out; In answer to a pointed question whether he regarded the stream as an engineering structure well designed, he said he was al ready on record as to that. "The lacts are," he continued, "I know of no earthen reser voir dam in the United States or Europe which would be considered safe in case of an overflow. I could point you to authori ties like James McAlpine, Prof. Greene and others who would fully corroborate me on this point The iault at South Fork is to be regarded as one of original construc tion. The waste weir was not of sufficient capacity 10 discharge the flood waters which came with this storm. It is simply this and nothing more." "But, would not the pipes in the bottom, originally built in the reservoir, assist in the discharge of the flood waters?" was asked. NO OXE TO BLAME. "Yes, undoubtedly, but no calculations which I have been able to make, based upon the rapidity of the rise of the lake as I have heard th'e facts stated under oath, would give them capacity sufficient to have kept the dam from overflowing. This being the case, I cannot see that any person is responsible for the accident save the orig inal designer, and concerning him Mr. "William E. Morris, who died about 12 years ago I have every reason to believe was a thoroughly cempetent engineer, especially educated on the canal service of the State." Lieutenant Reese, of the United States Army, as soon as he saw the dam, expressed the opinion that the slopes were too steep for a reservoir of that size. He stated they were the minimum allowed by law. The top of the dam in the narrowest place is 15 feet wide, and height about 80 feet. The rule is, according to Lieutenant Reese, that the top should be one-third as wide as the height. Engineers provide WASTE TTEIES LARGE EXOTJGH to carry off ten times the maximum amount of discharge, or a rainfall of eight inches in 24 hours, but Lieutenant Reese, not know ing the rainfall of the country and the maximum discharge of the dam, "would not say whether he thought the waste weir sufficiently large to relieve tire pressure or not. He realized that the rainfall had been phenomenal, and it was the overflow that produced the break. Coroner Evans and his jury will visit the dam on Monday, and they expect to finish their work in the evening. The bottom and sides of the reservoir have dried out, and to-day a number of people were walking over the bed. There is a strong odor offish in the great basin, but the game has skipped. Just below the dam is a pool that must be very deep. The flood washed out large portions of earth, and when Colonel Rob erts threw a stone into the water, it sank as if it dropped a distance of 30 feet or more. Upon the hillside is the beautiful farm of Colonel Unger, but the Colonel is sick of South Pork. Israel. Vddcnlnc the Hirers Recommended. rraoM a staff coKREsroxDEx-r.1 JOHNSTOWX, June 29. Captain Jones, of Braddock, went over the field with Gen ial Hastings to-day. He thinkB the prog ress of the work has been good, but he recommends that the people of Johnstown have Stony creek and the Conemaugh river widened, deepened and straightened before a permanent house is erected. More Uonsrs Reccjrcd. ISTECIXI. TEX.ECBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Johnstown, June 29. Nine more ofthe larger houses and seven of the smaller ones arrived to-day. Master Carpenter Hughes has not yet received orders to go ahead and build houses. He expects such an order at any time. 1 A Committee oo Consolidation. fFBOSI A STAFF CpRBESPOXPENT.J f JOHNSTOWN, June" 29. The "election of committeemen to settle the question of con solidation was held to-day. They will meet on Monday.. Two'TJolrtentlfled Bodies Found. tTROJI A STAFF CORRESFOXDEXT.J Johjtstown, June 29. The body of a little girl and a woman, both unknown, make up the list cf the dead for the day. HOPE DYING OUT. The Helpless and Homeless People of Johnstown In Despair The Problem of sheltering; Them Still Re mains Unsolved. tFEOM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT.". Johnstown, June 29. The people of Johnstown are in despair. One month has has elapsed since the flood, and the problem of housing the unfortunate sufferers has not been solved. They are living in tents and in crowded houses on the hillsides, and every day they are promised some thing better. They were given to understood that the Chicago houses would be here bv this time, but it now transpires that the firm is building them, and no one knows when they will arrive. Pilty of them have come, but they are so small and unsubstantial that the sufferers are disgusted with them. The committee was hoodwinked by the Chicago people, and the latter say thev made no claims for the houses. While they are building the huts in Chi cago, Master Carpenter Hushes says he can put up decent houses for the same money and in a short time, but he is waiting for the Governor or the commission to give him orders, as they have this matter in charge. General Hastings is urging their construc tion, but so far his suggestions have been ignored. To-day the Finance Committee, completely out of patience, passed a series ot resolutions asking Miss Clara Barton to sec to the housing ofthe people. Miss Bar ton has not yet consented. This action is intended as a direct slap at the commission. The unfortunate people are helpless, and as the days go by and they see nothing of a substantial character being erected they are beginning to lose hope. Meanwhile the commission and the Governor move like snails, while the master carpenter and his men are fretting to jump in and do the work. Generals Axline and Gobin will spend Sunday with General Hastings. The com missaries will be turned over to Captain Krhn, of Johnstown, Tuesday noon! THE LIVING AND THE DEAD. Complete Figures Recorded by thelnforma- tlonBnrenu of Johnstown. I FROM A STArF CORRESPONDENT. J Johnstown, June 29. One of the most unsatisfactory things ever attempted in Johnstown is the registration of the flood sufferers. The work is finished and the totals show that only 15,455 have been registered. The list of the dead is divided among the various places as follows: s Is South Fork and viaduct i. 190 4 Mineral I'oint 30 US 15 Eiot Conemaugh Ill 341 9 FranVlln 45 175 10 ioohalc S53 835 197 Conemauph borough, Klrsfward IS 698 S Conemaugh borough. second wd SI 1,035 83 Johnstonn, Urst ward ,. 640 2,031 121 Johnstown, Second ward..i ' 318 918 214 Johnstown, Third -ward..... 159 782 153 Johnstonn, Fonithward 158 43S 31 Johnstown. Fifth ward 381 1,455 25 Johnstown, blxth ward.. , 276 L 204 9 Johnstown. Seventh ward....... 212 926 7 MUlrille, Mr6t ward 206 689 94 Mlllvllle, second ward. 78 308 1 Cambria. Kim ward 194 670 116 Cambria, Second ward. 356 1,47s 67 Coopersdale - 114 641 2 MorrellTllle ,. 33 171 0 Grubbtown 57 244 0 Upper Yoder 4 25 1 Money Creek township 4 20 3 Moxbam 11 46 2 i"i est 'lajrlor township 3 11 0 NlneTch 16 0 Totals 4,240 15,455 1,194 The morgue reports show that more than the number of bodies mentioned have been recovered and 15,455 is the list ofthe living. The query arises, what has become of the missing people. Of course there are more than 5,000 people living' on the hills who lost nothing, and, therelore, did not regis ter. The Board of Inquiry will clear up these points later. HUNTING A LOST WIPE. Soldiers In Senrch of a "Woman Said lo Have Been Stolen. CFROU A STAFF CORBESrOXDEST.I Johnstown, June 29. James Kennedy, of Cambria City, came into the neadquar ters to-night and reported that a number of men had assaulted him and carried off his wife. A detachment was sent there to in vestigate. General Gobin and Colonel Magee, of York, arrived this evening. General Gobin is here to see about the encampment of the Third brigade. PRACTICAL CHARITY. The St. Lonls Mayor Fats $5,000 Where It Will Help Sufferers Most. tFROM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT.! Johnstown, June 29. Mayor Noonan, of St Louis, scattered about $5,000 among the sufferers to-day. He hunted up reliable citizens, and placed the money where it would do the most good. More than one poor man is blessing the St. Louis Mayor to-night. If others would adoptliis plan the money would be properly distributed. SPEEADIKGr BAILS Cnnse the Wreck of a Limited Express Train Near New Haven Three Persons Killed nnd a "Lnrse Number Injured The Knmes ol the Unfortnnntcs. New Haven, Conn., June 29. The lim ited express which left Boston at 11 A. M. via the Boston and Albany road was ditched just outside the city limits this afternoon. Three persons were killed and several badly injured. The killed are Miss Mary Brig ham, ot Brooklyn, If. Y.; Clarence May, a drawing-room car conductor, thought to be long to Stamford, Conn., and the baggage master, whose name could not be learned. The injured are: Bodney Beers, con ductor, arm broken; Drawing-room Con ductor Fills, thrown through a window and cut about the head; Brakeman McKeau was thrown through a window; the porter of the car was badly hurt; George Craig, Meriden, badly injured ; William H. L. Lockhart, Hartford, with his two sons and two daughters, together with .Benjamin P. Fisher, of Harford, were on their way to Short Beach. All were badlv shaken up and bruised. Mr. Lockwood is now at the hospital. Miss Lockwood was quieted and has left the hospital. The accident was caused by tbe spreading of the rails where a gang of trackmen were at work relaying the track. The engine had passed over all right, but they spread under the baggage car turning it across the track and other" cars behind it pushing it into the ditch. The. smoker, one passenger coach and two drawing room cars also went over the bank and landed in the ditch. HOPEFUL PRESTON: He Is Satisfied With Fred Douglass and Confident of Success. rsrxciAi. telegram to the dispatch. i New Yoke, June 29. Stephen Preston, Haytian Minister at Washington, passed to-day in the city. He considers the ap pointment of Fred Douglass as Minister to Hayti a recognition of Legitime by the United States Government He thinks therefore that Mr. Blaine might better not send his commission to Port-au-Prince. Mr. Preston approves of Mr. Douglas as a scholar and orator, but fears that he will not be much of a diplomatic success at Haytian dinner parties, because he cannnot speak French. Minister Preston is as confident as ever that Hip poly te is on his last revolutionary legs and that Legitime will, crush him in the next battle. Now for a Glorious Fourth. Kaufmanns' will continue till next Thurs day to present a neat, perfectly haimles pis tol, together with 600 paper-cap .shots, with every boy's suit THE WHAT MIGHT HATE BEEN. Attorney Caldwell Points Oat a Possible Adrantnge far Liquor Men. The attorneys for the liquor dealers who made the riffle in the Supreme Court, Messrs. Bobb and Fitzsimmons, lay on their oars yesterday, being uncertain as to their course of action until tbey got the full text of the decision, and at 5:10 r. M. the opinion had not arrived and the courts had all ad journed. Mr. Bobb had not decided in his own mind what the method of procedure would be, nor whether people who had not appealed would stand on the same footing as nis clients in respect to celeritv. J. M. Caldwell, Esq., had some liquor dealers as clients, who had applied for license and did not gtjt it, but they did not care to appeal, or the cases in this city might have stood on the same footing as those from Philadelphia, as Mr. Caldwell leans toward the Philadelphia plan in seed ing a remedy. He thinkB a mistake was made in not'asking for a mandamus at once, as its effect would have been prompt. Owing to the apparent temper of the major ity of the people of the State, the Supreme Court may have been moved to more expe dition than it otherwise would have been, and in consequence certiorari and appeal got there promptly, but the effect of the de cision, in Mr. Caldwell's view, is that it simply finds that the Lower Court erred and only commands him to give tbe applicants another show, which may possibly be some what tedious. On a mandamus the appli cants could stand or fall on the showing made and if they won their remedy would be next to instantaneous. Mr. Caldwell thinks there was no chance to save the law of 1872, as that of 1887 is so explicit as to show the legislators' intention to be a clean cut repeal of the law of 1872. The power to grant license was not only taken away from the County Treasurer, but placed in the Court of Quarter Sessions with the power to fix the time of hearing, which would seem to tear up the previous law, root and branch. PATRIOTIC POWDER TABOOED. Chief Brown Fulminates Agrainst Firearm Fulmlnatlons oa the Fourth, Chief Brown ofthe Department of Public Safety, last night, issued the following orders to the Inspectors of Police: You are hereby ordered and directed to canse the arrest of all persons using firearms of any kind or description upon the Fourth of July, and to make information a'eainst said persons for carrying concealed weapons. You will absolutely prevent the use of fire works in any alley or by place. You need not make arrests for the use of fireworks and crackers upon tbe public streets and private premises between tbe hours of 8 p. it. of July 3rd and 12 o'clock tbe mgbt ot tbe Fourtb, if tbe same are cautiously and properly bandied. You must cause the arrest of all persons using fireworks at any other time. You will place the daylight force on duty on the morning of the Fourth at 12 noon and con tinue them until 1 A. M., of July 5. directing each officer, where the patrol system is in operation, to report from each call box on his beat as be Is makinc his rounds, to the Central station of bis district You will instruct all officers to be very vigil ant to prevent fires and to cause the arrest of any person or persons violating this order. J. O. Bkown, Chief of Department of Public Safety. THEIR WAGON TOOK A SAIL, And Three Boys Were Rescued In Time From Its Tipper Deck. Yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock a teamster drove down on to McLaughlin's coal float, at the foot of Anderson street, Al legheny, for a load of coal. He had a two horse team, and in his wagon were three small boys, one of them the son ot Council man Striepeke, of the Third ward. In turning the wagon the horses backed into the river on the outside of the float, and team, wagon and boys all went into the river. Tbe bed of the wagon floated off the trucks and earned tbe boys some distance down tbe river, but all of them were rescued before, goinc far by some men in skins. The team was also gotten ont safely; The three boys were each aged about 9 years. AN EXCURSION ACCIDENT. Four Men Reported to Have Fallen Off the Train and Been Hurl. Meager details were received late last night that near Copeland four men had been thrown from the car platform of one of the Fort "Wayne excursion trains which carried the glassworkers to Bock Point for their picnic Inqusryatthe Fort "Wayne offices and among the trainmen elicited no further facts or foundation for the report, only that there was a great many who were under the influ ence ot liquor, and careless in jumping on and off the cars. THEV DIDST GO. 100 Boxes Choice Messina Lemons at 17 Cents Per Dozen. 3 cans chip beef. 50 c 3 cans corn beef (21b cans) 50 c 5 cans sugar corn 25 c 5 cans blaekberries 25 c 4 cans apples (3-lb cans) 25 c 4 cans tomatoes, solid pack 30 c 5 lbs French prunes 25c 5 cans sardines 25 c 5 packages corn starch 25 c 8 lbs large lump starch 25 c 12 boxes bag blue 25 c 2 dozen parlor matches (200's).... 25 c 4 bottles home made ketchup 25 c Extra sugar cured hams, per lb. . 13 Xc 1 lb pipe smoking tobacco "25 c 1 lb Chpperchewing tobacco 20 c lbbl best Amber flour 5 00 Ivory soap, per bar 4 c Loose hops, per lb 20 c Boot ginger, per lb 10 c 5 lbs ground malt 25 c 3 lbs evaporated apricots 25 c Goods delivered iree to all parts of both cities. To those living out of the citvwill prepay freight on all orders of 510, $15, $20 and upward. Send for catalogue. M. B. Thompson, i New York Grocery, 301 Market street, cor. Third aye. Imported Cognac Brandy. S. O. P. Hennessy, 1803 $6 00 V. P. & Co., 1824 5 00 Martell & Co., 1836 4 00 O. D. & Co., 1852 3 50 Hennessv & Co., 1878 2 50 O D. &'Co. tt 2 25 Martell& Co.,. 2 00 "Wm. J. Fbidat. 633 Smithfield st. WFSU - Fourth of July Excursions. The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroadwill sell excursion tickets east of Pittsburg on July 2, 3 and 4, good to return on the 8th, jncluBlve; and west ot Pittsburg on the 3d and 4th, good to return on the 5th, in clusive. FIreworkr! Fireworks! Fireworks! Big reduction in prices; great variety of pieces; beautiful displays. Come early and don't wait till the last moment. Quality guaranteed. J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st Don't Say.I Told You. But you are safe to wager a "V that those who don't get one of Gusky's famous $15 suits before "Wednesday will be just $10 out Now for a Glorious Fourth. Kaufmanns' will continue till next Thurs day to present a neat, perfectly harmless pis tol, together with 600 paper-cap shots, with every boy's suit. Guns, revolvers; catalogues free. J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st Now for a Glorions Fourtb. Kaufmanns' will continue till nextThurs day to present a neat, periectly.harmless pis tol, together with 600 paper-cap shots, with every boy's suit PITTSBURG DISPATCH, THE LATEST SCHEME Germany Wants to Divide Switzer land With France and Italy. AN ATTACK UPON THE REPUBLIC. This Would Bring the frontiers of the Allies Into Contact, A SOP INSTEAD OP ALSACE-LORRAINE. The Tempting Bait That Is Offered to Stance to ' Secnre Her Consent - The official organ of the Bismarck Gov ernment proposes a partition of Switzer land between Germany, France and Italy. The troubles in Egypt are exciting a great deal of attention at Berlin. Germany may not assist Austria in the event of a Russian war. Emperor "William goes to Norway on Monday. .C0FYHIGIIT 18S9 BT THE WESTEBN ASSOCIATED FBESS.: Berlin, June 29. Count Kalnoky's speech expressing confidence in the' inten tions of the Servian .Regency has tended to allay the alarm which Emperor Francis Joseph's speech produced. The cor dial references of both to Bulga ria are regarded as an answer to the Czar's toast to the Prince of Montenegro. Notes exchanged between Austria, Germany, Italy and England on the question of recognizing Prince Ferdi nand show that, while there is no desire to press the matter, no objection will be of fered. Turkey's decision depends upon that of the other powers, but, apart from Russia's opposition, the recognition of Ferdinand can hardly become a fait accompli while Prince Bismarck shows so little interest in Bulearia's fate. The Silesian Gazette goes to the length of asserting that even should war result from a Bussian occupation of Bulgaria and a demand for . the evacuation of Bosnia by Austria, Ger many would not feel obliged to assist Aus tria in the struggle, as the convention rela tive to the occupation of Bosnia and Herze govina was made without Germany's con sent A CHANCE TOE TUBKEY. The Cologne Gazette, referring to Turkey's rejection of Eussia's overtures lor a conven tion to insure Turkish neutrality in case of war, dwells on the expediency of Turkey joining the triple alliance which, it says, is a further check on Eussian aggressive schemes. "West Prussian papers report that Russian troops along the German frontier are being strongly reinforced. The Notional Zeitunq in an article headed "England and Her Eivals," ably reflects the feeling here on the failure of the Egyptian conversion scheme. It argues that, since Buitsia is pushing her frontier ever eastward in Central Asia, the security of the Suez canal has become most im portant for England, who is less inclined than ever to evacuate Egypt or share her dominion there with any other power. Therefore 'all the materials are ready to hand foe a Franco-Bussian coalition against England, forcing her to become an informal member of the Central European Peace League. Tbe North German Gazette continues to make daily attacks on the Swiss Govern ment Though the incident practically ended with the disavowal ot the "Wohlge muth aiticle, the Hamburger Nachrichten admitted dealing with the question from an academic and theoretic point df view, but none the less is attracting much attention. ONE OF THE SCHEMES. It discusses the partition of Switzerland between France, Germany and Italy as a solution ofthe question, and says this would greatly contribute toward trie chances of peace by bringing the German and Italian frontiers in direct con tact with the St. Gothard Bailway, and compensating France for the loss of Alsace-Lorraine. The Liberal press shows no sympathy with the official attacks on the Swiss Government, which have already in jured the business relations between Ger man and Swiss commercial houses. Emperor "William will arrive at Kiel at 8 o'clock on Monday morning, and will wit ness a regatta. At 5 p. si. he will sail on the royal yacht for Norway, accompanied by the dispatch boat Greif. It is semi officially announced that he intends to spend a' week in Italy en route to Athens. It is reported that the'Emperor persists in his refusal to approve of any one of the five candidates for the Bishopric of Munster presented by the Chapter, notwithstanding the fact that they were carefully chosen with the view ot their being acceptable to the Government The Government has further expressed dissatisfaction at the lukewarmness of the Archbishop of Posen in combatting the Polish agitation. The Catholic journals are making an ardent campaign in behalf ofthe anti-slavery Congress at Lucerne. They say that they want the German delegates to show clearly that the anti-slavery move ment now here awakens greater sympathy than in the .Fatherland. SEEN IN THE PARK. Dora Stepleln, tho Allegheny Secreted Girl, Said to Have Been la Allegheny Yester day Still Sought After. At the home of Bora Steplein, the young girl who is supposed to have been spirited away by a lawyer whose first name is "James," nothing was known last night ot her whereabouts. Mrs. Steplein said she had heard nothing whatever in regard to Dora. Alderman Hartman had heard something yesterday, so he said, but had made no arrests. "We will get Dora to morrow, I" think' he said.' "We-learned that she had been promenading in the Alle gheny'Parks 'on Friday evening and to-day, but we were not able to catch up with her. "Until she is arrested we will do nothing further." Mrs. Steplein said she knew that her daughter could have done nothing wrong, bnt she, in a half-uiooning way, said, "I want her to come home. I want my child." The home of the Stepleins is out the Brownsville road, about two miles beyond Pius street It is somewhat difficult to reach at the present time, especially at night as the Knoxville Electric Railroad is not running. 'Squire Hartman promises to make some sensational developments in the case within two days. His office was filled last night with young girls, all pretty and pert, but he insisted that thev had nothing to do with the case-. An TJnnsnal Church Brought. Upon an informationjreferred by Mathew Clark, James Harkens vas arrested yester day and given a hearing before Alderman Eichards, the charge being the performance ot worldly employment upon Sunday, al leged to consist in shaving people on the holy day. A rjartiaUiearing was had yester day and coutiuued.nntil to-morrow. President Harrison ns a Prohibitionist. "Washington, June29. President Har rison has issued an order prohibiting the sale of liquor in tbe camp grounds of the District National Guards at, their coming annual encampment The camp is to be established on the Government reservation at Fort "Washington, on the Potomac river, about ten miles below this 'cltv. , A Valuable Map. A. Y. Lee has prepared a valuable map, giving a bird's eye view of the Connells ville coke region. It also contains a list of the coke works and the number of ovens in th'e region. SUNDAY; JUNE 30, A HOST OP APPLICANTS. Some 30 or More Ladle Scrambling; for Three Vacancies Many "Who Desire to Teach at O'llarn. School. On Tuesday evening next the Directors of the O'Hara school will have a task to per form that will require more than Solomonio wisdom to effect satisfaction and yet serve the "best interests of the school. There are three vacancies to fill in the list of teachers, two of the late list having married and one being in illhealth. To fill these ladies' slippers 25 young ladies hadannounced them selves several days ago and the list is now supposed to number considerably over 30. It was probably the fact of there being so many applicants that gave rise to the rumor that a big row was on hand among the mem bers of the board, but such, Mr John J. .Davis, Assistant City Controller, and Presi dent the board, says is not the case. Mr. Davis says there may be a long contest, however, from the fact that many of the ap plicants stand Al and are strongly backed by friends. "What complicates it still more is the further fact that 10 or 12 of the ladies live in the district, and the friends of each are leaving no stone un turned in the search for argument to advance her claims. Mr. Davis states that he will not be surprised if a considerable number of ballots may be found necessary, but while there will undoubtedly be much dis appointment, he anticipates no otherwise unpleasant outcome. He states also that the selection of a janitor is more likely to cause irritation than that of the teachers, but Bees no reason to anticipate that the present entente cordiale existing in the board should be disturbed. HAYING A GOOD TIME. The Boys of Trinity College Are Thoroughly Enjoying Themselves! rSPXCTAL TELEOKAM TO THE DISfATCB.1 Mt. Gretna, Pa., June 29. The alumni and undergraduates of Trinity College are having a royal time on their company ground. To-day they were taken to the summit of the mountain on the nar row guage railway, a distance of four miles, and from the observatory at Governor Dick's took in the magnificent scenery visible from that high point, which commands a fair view of Lebanon, Lancas ter, Dauphin and Berks counties, and par ticularly of the inexhaustible Corn wall ore mines, largely owned by Bobert H. Coleman, who has tendered this reunion to Trinity Col lege. To-day the college nine played a game of baseball with the Cornell Baseball Club, and defeated the latter by a score of 27 to 4. Mr. Coleman plays first base, and filled that position to-day. The Perseverance Band gave a concert to the college people to-night and the Trinity College Glee Club sang sev eral popular airs. The college yell was frequently given. Nearly all the faculty of the college is there. President George "Williamson Smith will arrive Monday. HOME AGAIN. ' " The Gallant Fourteenth From Johnstown, and Hastings' Praises. Some of the soldiers who have done duty out at Johnstown for the past three weeks arrived in the city last evening, weary and worn. Company E with Captain Day, Companies A. B, and K, and West Eliza beth occupied the five coaches which pulled into the station. Even before the train had stopped the boys were so eager to land home once more that they hardly waited to file. Captain Day was seen by a reporter. It was learned that very little Bickness had existed in camp, and the men stood the ordeal with much fortitude and patience. They deserye much credit, .and their ap pearance indicated that they had been sub jected to just what everyyjne was who went to relieve the sufferine work. There were-no accidents, save the un fortunate suicide of Young, of Company K. A few of the boys received slight scratches, but the health and hardiness were general, much to tne satisfaction of everyone. Before departing from Johnstown, General Hast ings said many words of praise for the regi mental forces, and wished them a hearty good-by. Colonel Perchment, with a few of the companies, is still in camp, but they are expected home probably to-morrow or Tuesday. S00THERN JUSTICE. A Jailer Who Punished a Negro Prisoner Fined by tho Court. MACON, Ga., June 29. Judge Emory Speer, in the United States Court here to day, imposed a fine upon tNat Birdsong, State jailer, for chaining up by the neck for several hours Joe "Warren, a colored United States pris oner. "Warren had been" disorderly. The Judge held that the punishment was cruel and unusual in the meaning of the constitu tion and inflicted unjustifiable torture on the prisoner. The jailer's counsel demurred to the juris diction ot the Court, but it held that as to "United States prisoners the jailer was an officer of the court and as such amenable to punishment for cruelty. The case creates some excitement. AN ALLEGED WIPE BEATER CAUGHT. A Lancnster Mau Arrested In This City for Deviling His Wife. Superintendent of Police O'Mara received a letter from Chief of Police Edward S. Smartz, of Lancaster, Pa., containing two warrants for the arrest of Samuel Dyer, who is charged by his wife with assault and bat tery and desertion. Dyer had a trunk checked for Pittshurc, and ordered it to be sent to 2908 Carson street, Southside. Dyer was arrested yesterday. TYPHOID FEVER IN S0H0. The Residents Who Drank Spring: Water ." May Now Wish They Hada't. Dr. Christler, of Soho, has under treat ment, four, cases of typhoid fever, all of which he attributes to the spring water used in that district that Hibernian Decision Again. To the Editor ofThe Dispatch: TLe declaration in to-day's Dispatch that the Supreme Court of Massachusetts had virtually sustained the American Board of the Ancient Order of Hibernians is cor roborated by all the dispatches received by the Pittsburg members of the organization. James'P. Neill. Pittsburg, June 29, 1889. F. Si M. Creditors to Get 25 Per Cent. v The assignees of the defunct Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of tbe Southside will file their report during the coming week. "When they are ready, an auditor will be appointed by the Court and a division of about 25 per cent Will be made to each creditor. Anotner Bridge. A charter will he applied for to construct a bridge from a point near South 'Eighth street to a point on Second avenue. J. O. C. Campbell, T. O'Leary, Jr., P. J. Pierce, Sam P. Conner and J. W. Patterson are the incorporators. E. S. Frazier is the at torney, . Thoso Free Pictures of the Flood. Their distribution will positively termi nate on July 4; until that day Kaufmanns' will present a complete set, representing the most interesting views of the great flood, with every purchase of S5j or over. Those Free Pictures of tho Flood. Their distribution will positively ter minate on July 4; until that day Kaufmanns' will present a complete set, representing the most interesting views of the great fldod, with every purchase of $5" or over. 1889. AGAIN A FREE IAN. Dr. McDow Easily Acquitted of the Murder of Captain Dawson. THE JUKI TAKES BUT0HE BALLOT Screams of Delight From the Prisoner's Friends Greet the Verdict. NEGROES CALLIT APERSONAL TICTORT. The Ilardered Han's Friends Can Hardly Control Their Indignation. The jury in the McDow murder case at Charleston, yesterday, acquitted Dr. Mc Dow. The negroes of Charleston seem to consider this a personal victory, and are celebrating accordingly. Captain Dawson's friends, though, are very indignant, as well as many good citizens of Charleston who were not particularly friendly to the mur dered editor. (SPECIAL TZXEOBAH TO TOT DISrATCH.l Charleston, S. 0., June 29. Dr. Mc Dow is acquitted. The excitement in Charleston is intense. The jury was out two hours and a quarter. Their verdict was received with screams ot delight The courtroom was. filled with friends of the prisoner, and they did not try to re strain thein enthusiasm. A carriage was .waiting at the back of the Court house! when the verdict was rendered. It was evident that his friends and acquaint ances had anticipated his acquittal, and wanted to send him to his residence in a style indicating their estimate of his value in the community. He took the coach amid their plaudits, and was driven home. There is deep feeling among the friends of Crptain Dawson. Thev anathematize the jury, and apparently feel that neither justice nor the shadow of justice has been done. Dr. McDow is again free and is at perfect liberty to persue the Swiss maid to his heart's content A MASTERLY AEQTJMENT. The argument of Mr. Mitchell, ths closing address for the prosecution, was a Hasterly presentation of the case for the peopTb, The judge's charge consisted of a calm review of the law bearing on the evidence submitted. He admitted the prayers ofthe defense with some modification. The court room was as still as death while the verdict was being read. McDow heard the verdict with a faint smile, and remained as motionless as a statue. Upon the instant a yell arose that reminded old soldiers ot yells heard during critical periods in front of Petersburg. It was more of an exultant yell than one of joy." The negroes yelled in unison with Dr. McDow's friends. The Judge administered a stem rebuke and discharged the jury until Monday. Meantime, the friends of the - accused trooped up to the dock. Mr. Cohen was the first to congratulate him.. After thmt the white-haired counsel wrote out an order for his discharge, and the Judge signed it A GENUINE OVATION. Dr. McDow walked from the door a free man, surrounded by his admirers. A great crowd followed him down the stairs and through the lower corridor to the back of the court house. Here a coach was waiting. The doctor entered it and was driven to his home, rlegroes and others running behind the carriage. The crowd remained around the court house for some minutes. Many white men seemed amazed. The negroes were equally jubilant. One herculean black shouted at the top of his voice: "That settles it. The ricbest white man in Charleston shan't call me a nigger again. If he does, I know what to do." The Jury Commissioner-is a colored man. He is abarber at the Charleston Hotel. He was appointed by a Democratic Governor and is said to have been kept in his place at the end of his first term by Captain Dawson. He is said to be a cap able and efficient officer. Nevertheless, the fact remains that there were 17 negroes and 19 white men on the panel from which the petit jury was drawn. There- were seven blacks upon this jury and five whites. THE EXULTATION OF THE NEGROES at the acquittal of Dr. McDow is said to arise from antipathy to Captain Dawson. Some time ago a white man committed an outrageous assault upon a negro in Pickens county. He was afterward lynched by a colored mob. Lynching is the in variable punishment for such crimes in South Carolina. Some of the black adherents of Judge Lynch were tried, and one or two convicted. Dawson espdused their cause in the columns ofthe News and Courter.and those convicted were pardoned, but some of Captain Dawson's remarks were much disliked. It is averred that upon retiring to their rooms, the jurors immediately took a ballot, all voting in favor of acquittal. They are said to have remained in the room for two hours afterward, discussing the case. This is only a rumor, but it may be regarded by some as the only redeeming feature in the whole transaction. Certain it is that Dr. McDow is free, and there is great indigna tion among the friends of Captain Dawson and many others. HURRYING UP THE LICENSES. Joslnh Cohen Wants His Wholesale Clients to he Heard Slondnj. Josiah Cohen, Esq., one of the attorneys for the Wholesale Liquor Dealers Associa tion, had a talk with Judge Stowe yesterday in regard to acting promptly upon the de cision of the Supreme Court in reversing Judge "White's decision. Judge Stowe talked very pleasantly, but said that it would be proper to .get some order from Judge "White to grant rehearings in the Quarter Sessions Court, as it might be considered in the nature of unfinished busi ness in that court. Mr. Cohen accordingly went down to Sewickley last evening to pro cure such an order from Judge "White. A Dispatch reporter was at Mr. Cohen's house last night until 12 o'clock, and he had not returned, so that the result of his visit could not be lscertained. In an interview yesterday, Mr. Cohen said that he did not consider it necessary to have rehearings in the cases of bottlers and brewers, as under the Supreme Court's de cision all that was necessary was to pay the money and get the license. The whole salers, however, he thought would have to be rehelrd.' Ono of Iinst Week's Weddings. One of the pleasant events in Fast End society the past week was the marriage of Daniel "W. McCarthy to Miss Mary Eliza beth Churchill. The ceremony was per formed at the Sacred Heart Church last Thursday morning, June 27, Father Keane officiating. Tbe maid of honor was Miss Mamie Grant, of the East End. The ushers were Messrs. Andrew Peyton, Scott Woods, William Mullen, C. A. Gillam, M. J. Eafferty. of Braddock, and Hugh Shields, of Port Perry. Fought on tbe Bridge. A lively fracas broge up the general monotony at the Twenty-eighth street bridge last evening, and a dozen men mauled each other until Officer Miller hove in sight and attempted to quell the row, when all the fighters turned on him. Some by standers came to his rescue and he carried Bichard Thompson to the lockup after a struggle in which Thompson's coat, vest and shirt were torn off. The origin of the fight could not be learned. Good, Considering; Everything. The limited was over an hour late last night, occasioned by "hot boxes," but con sidering the Aavr running near Johnstown, fairly good thaeij bow made. SCHOOL HONORS CONFEERED At tho dosing EzercUes of St. Bridget's School, Eleventh Ward. At the close of St Bridget's school, Eleventh ward, the following honors anq crowns were awarded by vote of the pupils: James McClaren, Albert Dillon, Willie Geo gbegan. Willie, Whelan, Blanche-Bell, Mary BeU, May O'Brien, Mamie O'Neill, Mary Dnnn. First tablet honor was awarded to Blanche Bell, Mary Bell, Alay O'Brien. Maggie Marks. Second honor, Katie Fay, Mary Coyle, Cora Gllson. Mamie Gilson, Maggie Kavan&uzb, Lucy McGilllcb. Third honor, Katie Dnrly, Mageie Geogbegan, Mary white, .Mary O'Lenry, Kato McCalg, EUIe Mullen. Stella Brennan; second. Master John Mullen. Third honor, James McClaren. Joseph Norton.Tbomas O'Brien, Thomas Geogbegan, Charlie Coyle. CHAL DICE: IN THE C1TT. He "Wants to Forget the Past nnd Looks to See Prosperity Again. Chal. L. Dick, the Johnstown gentleman made famous during the late disaster by sensationalists, both by pen and picture, was a passenger in from the flooded city last night He spoke very little concerning the flood, and seemed as if he would rather drive the sad scene 8 and recollections from his mind. He now is looking to the future ot his interests, and hopes to see the little mountain city once more the prosperous iron town as of yore. He complimented Pittsburg for its won derous good work, and the liberality of the contributors. He is stopping at the Du quesne Hotel. Lucky Teachers of Lackey Schools. The Board of Directors of the Luckey schools, Thirty-fifth ward, met yesterday in special session to elect teachers: The follow ing were elected for the coming year: Principal, A. C. McCIane; Assistant Princi pal, Miss Fannie Sawyer: grammar. Miss E. F. Arbogast; primary. Misses Allen. Laura Wentz, Ada Hill, Lizzie Kelly. Klzzle Moor, Bertie Moor. Annie Vangban, Wilsnnkroff, Ada Thompson, and Josie Bell; Miss Streator and Miss Kinney, substitutes. Died From an Overdose. Coroner McDowell yesterday afternoon held an inquest in the case of Eva Kreger, who died suddenly at the Drovers' Home, corner of Liberty and Twenty-gighth streets. Miss Kreger had been suddenly taken ill with cramps. Dr. McCready was summoned and prescribed bismuth, morphine and cin namon, a teaspoonful to be taken every five hours. Miss Kreger, however, took a spoon ful every five minutes and as a result died. A Premature Pyrotechnic Display. Alarm No. 35 af about 1130 last night was caused by some fireworks in the window of P. Bertoni & Co., Fifth avenue, near Wylie avenue, catching fire from a gas jet. The fireworks blew the window out, and for a time it sounded as though tbe Fourth of July had come. The fire was extinguished without much damage. A Gambling Place Raided. Detectives Coulson and Fitzgerald raided Henry Hall's gambling place on Watson street, near Boyd street, late last night Seven men caught playing were arrested and lodged in Central station, and will tiave a hearing to-day. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed for Ready Reading. The electric lights on the Southside were turned on for tbe first time last night Electric light cheered the citizens along Carson street and through the East End last night James GrLsiOKK, whoso home Is on Ann street, fell from a freight car in the B. A O. By. yard yesterday and broke his leg. J. B. Young, a brakeman on tbe Panhandle 'Ballroad, bad bis right hand badly crushed while coupling cars in the freight yard yester day. The Imperial Club will bold a Fourth of July reception at their hall, corner of Seventh avenue and New Grant street, on Thursday evening. JohnMoobe, Richard Foley and Charles Haney were arrested last night, suspected of stealing beer from Ernest Hauck's brewery, Southside. Mike Kjsixt and his wife are charged be Alderman Doughty tilth renting a house on Locust street for gambling purposes. They will have a bearing to-morrow. A carload of corn was donated by a num ber of Western dealers for the Johnstown fund, and it was sold at tbe Grain and Floor Exchange yesterday, bringing about $200. Henry Schwaui, a workman on the new Exposition building, bad bis leg broken yester day afternoon by a timber falling on bim. He was removed to tbe Hdmeopathic Hospital. ' Jaiies GALI.AOHEB, a decrepit man, fell from the embankmentat the Thirty-third street railroad bridge last evening and broke his leg and arm. He received surgical attention. At tbe suggestion of Jndge Stowe the last grand jury recommended that tbo streets sur rounding the Conrt House be paved with smooth blocks of stone to prevent noise from passing vehicles. Rev. J. G. Bbown, D. D., the retiring Prin cipal of the Deaf and Dumb Institute at Wilfeinsburg. has been elected President ofthe Board of Trustees of tbat institution, vice Alex. Bradley, whose term has expired. Wm. KrNG.a drirer for T. G. Evans fc Co., the glass dealers, was arrested yesterday on a charge of collecting $13 30 belonging to the firm and falling to turn it over. He will have a hearing before Alderman Gripp to-morrow. Mrs. Mace was arrested yesteroay on an old warrant issued by Alderman Gnpp on a charge of larceny. She is alleged to have stolen S2S from AnnMcCann some months ago. She will be given a bearing on Tuesday. Two men entered tbe house of Gottfried Ru dolph. 100 Perry street Allegheny, last Friday morning and succeeded in gettine away with a gold watch valued at $100 before Rudolph could catch them. The police are unable to trace the burglars. The body of John A. Ross, who was on the day express wrecked on tbe day of tbe Johns town flood, was identifled by J. K. Sbanahan by a figure In India ine on one of the arms. After preparation tho corpse was sent to Mc Keesport for burial. Chaeces A. Brown, of Mercer county, died at the West Penn Hospital yesterday forenoon from injuries received by being struck by an engine In the Panhandle. Railroad yards at Mansfield a few hours before. Brown was about 32 years of age. The Southside patrons or The Dispatch and other newspapers who have had papers Stolen from their doors will enjoy some relief now. One of the thieves was arrested yester day. He was only 12 years old. After a reprimand he was allowed to go. Captain Stlvtts, nnder orders from Chief Brown, cleared the streets of all peddlers of jews'ry, etc., arresting 13 persons in the dis charge of his instructions. Some of them bad peddling licenses. Dut all were arrested charged with blocking the sidewalk. Cobonr McDowell commenced an in quest at 3 yesterday afternoon on the body of Charles A. Brown, tho brakeman on the Pan Handle Railroad who was killed while cross ing between trains at Mansfield yesterday. The inquest will be continued to-morrow morning. Unslaked lime is beginning to be regarded as dangerous freight by railway officials since its contact with water set .the drift on fire at the stone bridge in Johnstown, and again caused destructive combustion at the Latrobe wreck. There is some talk tbat shippers mav be required to put lime in stronger packages for shipment fllKS. AUGUSTA DlFFENBACHEB, the mother of another one of tbe boys sbot by J. O. Blemmons with an alrgnn, day or two ago, mada information against Mr. Slemznons yes terday before Alderman McKenna. The de fendant gave bail for a hearing at the same time as tbat of the other case to-morrow morn ing. Yesterday afternoon Officer McDonougb, ob Allegheny, arrested Sarah Fink for the alleged larceny of S76 belonging to Michael Zaper, of No. 4 Benton street. Both tbe man and woman had been In attendance at a funeral in Woods' Run, and Zaper claims be dropped the money out of his pocket to the floor. He missed it when be left the bouse, and on his re turn found that Mrs. Fink had spent a $5 bill at a nearby store." He accused her of taking the money, which she denied, and later she was detected with a reU of 166. WEIGHT GOES TO JAB? The Treasurer of the Order of Toati -, in Hoyamensing Prison 5. IN DEFAULT OP $30,000 BAIL, j Hot Snceeding in Business He ProMHjfV , TTji.i1 tho Sv?tv'a TUnnev '& ' ...., - -j TO PAI HIS OWN OBLIGATIOSahf The Offlcer Eald to Hare Bctaintf His Position by ' Voting for Hlmselt George W. "Wright, the defaulting treas urer of the Order of Tonti, has been com mitted to prison in default of bail. It i elilimeti that he hplnftd himself in tliemnniw " belonging to the society in order to pay debts and run his own business, which was-., '' by no means prosperous. rsrxciAi. txtzoba-k to tux disi-atctx."! Philadkgphia, June 29. George "WV "Wright, the defaulting Supreme Treasurer -of the Order of Tonti, who was arrested on his return from Atlantic City by the special officer of the City Trust, Sate Deposit and Surety Company, was committed by Magis trate Lennon to Hoyamensing prison, irf default of $30,000 bail this morning.. "When the case was called, Lawyers Lincoln L. Eyre and Francis S. Brown, represent ing the City Trust, Safe Deposit and Surety' Company, applied for a post ponement of the hearing until Monday at 12 o'clock. Mr. "Wright's counsel, J. A. Smith, agreed, and the de fendant was returned to Moyamensing prison. An effort was made by Lawyer. r Smith to have the bail reduced from 530,000 to 514,000, but Magistrate Lennon would not reduce the amount , ' George "W. "Wright eight years ago was, r employed by an Arch street tailor to f arry ' clothes to customers lor the compensation ot. , $5 a week. In 1882 he was taken into part nership by "William H. Flattan and" George D." Cook. The three men started , a storage warehouse, at the corner of Seven- ' teenth and Poplar streets,uuder the namefof the Northwest Storage and Trust Com pany. Mr. "Wright conducted the business and the OTHEE PAETKEES FUENISHED MOSET. The business became prosperous and Mr. Flatten bought out a theater. In a short time he lost largely. Wright advanced him a small sum for which he received Flattau's interest in the storage business. It was not a long time before "Wright succeeded in getting possession of Cook's interests. "When the Order of Tonti was organized in 1885 "Wright was elected. Treasurer. For his work he received ?1,000 a year and 15 cents for each new member. Some vears he received as much as $3,500. In . 1886 "Wright added new features to hi3. storage business. He opened an office in the building and hung out a sign which in formed the public that George "W. Wright, was a stock broker and insurance agent; also that money was loaned on bond and mortgage. When the members of the Order of Tonti heard of "Wright's new enterprise several of them remarked that he had too many irons in the fire, and that another man should be made treasurer. "Wright succeeded in quieting the talk, and it was soon forgotten. "Wright, together with a man named James V. Lafierty, started, what they called the International Etching1 and Publishing Company, with an office at 1017 Chestnut street The enterprise proved very unsuccessful, and after SIX MONTHS Or PEOFITLESS BUSINESS the Chestnut street office was closed and the firm removed to New York. "When the members of the Order of Tonti heard of "Wright's unsuccessful business enterprise) some of them made a second effort to elect another treasurer but despite their efforts, "Wright succeeded in retaining the) position by voting for himself. At that time "Wright was under $20,000 bonds. Tha amount of money he handled monthly greatly exceeded that amount "Wright often bragged of this fact, and one . night last January, while attending a meeting of a lodge, he told Colonel Joseph B. C. "Ward how much money he handled, and that his bonds would not cover it if he were to run away. "Ward is i member of tbe Order of Tonti, and ha immediately went to President "Wheeler, and. the security was raised to $50,000. The business of the International Etching and Publishing Company became worse) and it was necessary to spend a large amount of money to pay debts and run tha business. "Wright, it is charged, helped himself to the funds of the Order of Touti, hoping that business would revive and ha could put it back before the deficiency was discovered. THE WBATHEE. For Western Peniw tyhania,Wet Virginia, t and Ohio, showers" slightly warmer, follow" ed in Ohio oy cooler, variable winds. PrrrsntJBC, June 29, 1889. The United States Signal Service officer la this city furnishes tbe following. Time. Ther. Her. 8:00 a. If 72 Mean temp 75 22:09 x 83 Msxlmnn temp.... 86 lrfXJF. M Minimum temp.. M 30 p. K 82 Kanire. .......... .... K S-oor. x Precipitation. OO SiOOr.x 78 Blver at a r. x., 8.0, a rise of 0.4 feet In U boors. Gold nnd Silver Ilnir Fins. Just arrived, new patterns in rolled eold and solid silver hair pins at $1, $1 50, $2 to . $3. Small sizes, 35c and 75c. See them in E. P. Koberts & Sons' window, 22 Fifth. - Those free Pictures of tbe Flood. Their distribution will positively termi nate on July 4; until that day Kaufmanns will present a complete set, representing tha most interesting views of the great flood, with every purchase of $5, or over. No Sensible Ulan Would Do It. No indeed no sensible man acquainted, with Gusky's superb and extensive stock of alpaca, linen ana seersucker coats and ex cellent dusters would pass their door with out looking at them when they cost less than at any other house in the city. . ' " " "" """" """" """"" " """" Those Freo Pictures of the Flood. Their distribution will positively termi nate on July 4"; until that day Kaufmanns will present a complete set, representing tho most interesting views of the great flood, with every purchase of $5, or over. Gold and Diamond Hair Pins. - "Glctrant desiims in eold and inlaid with' w Qfll3 Wl m VftlKrilfll diamond, ruby and sapphire. Plain gold, - patterns, f3 60 to a;ianey suapes, 510 to i ave. and Market st The fine cracker cannon given awa-s by f (justly a on an sales 01 i ana upward m their boy's department seems to be aim turning the brains ofthe juveniles. Solid Gold Stick Pins, Over 300 new patterns in fancy enamel. , and set with stones, at 51. to fO, ati. fijj Boberts & Sons'.- They -have tha largest itocK la tne c-uy. ??i K-'J.vi -ij -r a -A i . 434. -w&it SBBBBSBfl S""Mss""""s"""""""""bsSBsBTsbBsS"Ci"i""SS"""""S