Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 30, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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JUNE 30, 1889.
Hlje BiMci
YoL4. Aula-Entered at Pittsburg Postoffice,
JNovcinber 14, 18S7, as second-class matter.
Business OfflceG7andG9FifthAvenue.
News Rooms and Publishing House--75,
77 and 7 Diamond Street.
""Eastern Advertising Office, ltoom 4 Tribune
Iftlldlng, 2cwYork.
Average net circulation of the dally edition or
The Dispatch for six months ending June 1, 1889,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of the bunday edition of
The Dispatch for May, iess.
Copies per Issue.
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Daily Dispatch, Per Quarter SOD
Dailt DisrATCH. including bundaj, lyear. 10 00
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Daily DierATcn, Including Sunda), 1 month 90
brrv-DAY Dispatch. One Year 2 50
" eekly Dispatch, One Year 1 3
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The rapid progress of the scale question
toward a settlement is shown by the fact
that the Amalgamated scale was signed by
fourteen mills yesterday. This practically
settles the question. While the signing of
other firms may be delayed for various rea
sons, it is a foregone conclusion that in all
the iron mills the scale for the next year
will be adopted without any dispute.
This, of course, means steady employment
for our rolling mills during the coming
year. Even at the close prices of the past
year Pittsburg's iron mills could keep in
active operation. With the improving state
of the market, we have every reason to ex
pect steady prosperity in -ihe finished iron
industry dnring the next twelve months.
It is to be wished that the steel industry
presented the same aspect of harmony. The
one threatening point in Pittsburg's in
dustrial horizon is at Homestead; and
everyone will hope that the difference there
may be bridged over without a strike.
Yesterday was a day to be marked with
white in the records of Pittsburg athletics.
The field day of the Brushton Cricket Club
has the claim upon public attention of be
ing an exclusively amateur exhibition. All
the contestants engage in athletic sports
solely as a recreation and the .practice of
hiring professional athletes to do their play
ing for them, is entirely absent from the
performances of that organization. While
the exact opposite is true of the baseball
games yesterday, the honor of Pittsburg is
nevertheless highly exalted. The glory of
having downed the Philadelphia team and
the glittering prospect that the home team
may rise to the height of fifth place has ex
panded the baseball cranks so much as to
invest the project of widening our streets
with the character of an actual necessity.
The acquittal of McDow, the-slayer of
Captain Dawson at Charleston, is the end
oi a cause celebre, which follows the regular
rule of South Carolina criminal jurispru
dence, that no white man is ever hanged
for murder. In this case there is ap
parently a better foundation for the result
than usual. The portion of the case about
which there is now dispute, is that Dawson
went to the house of McDow to pursue a
quarrel, and the only testimony as to the
actual encounter that of McDow himself
asserts that he shot Dawson in self-defense.
However reprehensible the course of the
defendant may have been anterior to this
dispute, it did not debar him from the right
of defending himself when threatened with
violence. The conclusion of the jury ap
pears to have been based on this statement
of the facts; and that ends the case before
the courts. But it remains to be seen
whether South Carolina customs will let
the case end with the verdict of a jury, or
whether they will not pursue the fatal quar
rel after the manner of the vendetta.
The answer which the President has made
to the pretended criticisms on his course in
going on a yacht on the Potomac for Sun
day, to the effect that this is the only way
in which be can obtain seclusion and rest,
is quoted and amplified at length by our
-esteemed cotemporary, the Philadelphia
''Ledger. That journal, after gravely argu
ing the harmlessaess of the President's
course in going upon the water and spend
ing a quiet Sunday, enlarges upon the
meanness of the party spirit which attacks
the President's personal course on such
slight grounds!
The esteemed Ledger would be quite right
in denouncing the meanness of partisanship
which could make the President's Sunday
rest a matter of serious attack. Both the
President and our cotemporary mistake the
issue and do injustice to the American
press, if they reeard the comments on these
points as to be taken seriously. We do not
believe any paper that has made these com
ments honestly objects to the President's
Sunday trips. But as certain persons who
are supposed to be rather near the President
have been prominent in objecting to the
same sort of recuperation forhe ordinary
people, the comments are made as a perti
nent, if somewhat pointed jest, on these who
turn a blind eye to the President's method
of spending the Sabbath, but frown sternly
on exactly the same thing by common
There are some millions of city workers
who have exactly the same need of Sunday
recuperation that the President has. Their
individuality may not have the same public
-importance; but in the aggregate the need
is greater, while the circumstances of those
who have to earn their daily bread by con
stant labor in the great cities, makes it more
essential for them to get on the water or in
the -fields during their one day of rest
Whatever Las beta said was to point out
the incongruity of the class whom Judge
Gresham characterized as "the Pharisees"
in indorsing the President's Sunday holi
days and denying the same recreation to
the masses.
2To one has seriously blamed the Presi
dent, except as he is in sympathy with
those of his friends who would deny to the
comuion people the chances for enjoying
fresh air and natural pleasures which he
finds necessary. Bat it would not be a sub
ject of special wonder if the unco guid
Colonel Elliott J?. Shepard and others of his
class should do some wincing on their
own account.
Nobody who foresaw the complications
ahead will be in the least surprised that the
task of distributing the Johnstown relief
funds is proving many times more difficult
than the collection of them. To say that
the Governor's Commission has an elephant
on its hands, would implv,a belief that it is
,not equal to the emergency, for which there
is as yet no sufficient warrant But
that it will Have a troublesome time with
suggestions, criticism and point blank cen
sure, for not doing the business in the way
which everybody else is privileged to think
best is already only too clear.
Ko doubt some of the Johnstown sufferers,
looking at the large totals sent for their
relief, have permitted themselves to think
that they could at once be fully set upon
jtheir feet again in a business way. As
suredly that would have been the wish of
the generous donors. But immense and
gratifying as the contributions were, they
would go but a small way toward furnish
ing any considerable restoration of the lost
property. If each of the thousands of fam
ilies of sufferers could have a few hundred
dollars it would be the uttermost the fund
would permit of if indeed so much would
be possible. What little distance this would
go toward re-establishing them in their cir
cumstances prior to the flood, anyone can
see. That the Belief Commission is bound
to fall short of the too sanguine expecta
tions in this regard is very evident.
As well as can be ascertained from the
rather vague and misty formal declaration
of purposes by the commission last "week, it
proposes to continue relieving present dis
tress and the immediate privations that will
arise, ralher than attempt a per capita
distribution. Of course this purpose is al
ready censured; but the critics should at
least have a better plan. None yet has ap
peared. That there will be much personal
distress at Johnstown for months yet may
be taken for granted. Be the process of
natural recuperation swift or slow, some
will lag in the race; some will be less fortu
nate than others; some less able in short to
help themselves. An immediate distribu
tion of all the money might make a week of
temporary plenty only to be followed by
many weeks of hardship for numbers of the
relieved. The case clearly is one where
continuous oversight and judicious admin
istration of help for a long period yet is re
But if the commission adopts the more
protracted course, the public will justly
hold it to the strictest care in its disburse
ments. Something has been said about the
cost of conducting the relief service. It will
be a lasting disgrace if extravagance or job
bery to the amount of a single dollar shall
be exhibited when the commission comes to
file its report.
sharp sentences by Judge Stowe yes
terday upon unlicensed liquor sellers should
go far toward relieving the apprehensions
of those who thought with Judges Gordon
and White that the Supreme Court decision
in favor of wholesalers, bottlers and brew
ers throws open the doors to a flood of in
temperance and free liquor. The charming
unconventionality of the "speak-easy"
would, beyond doubt, attract hundreds into
.that quiet business if only the laws were
dead. But Judge Stowe's session yesterday
dispelled that brief illusion. Heavy fines
and long terms of imprisonment will quick
ly make "speak-easy" enterprises unattrac
tive. With unlicensed selling shaiply
stopped, it is not clear that the increase in
the number of wholesalers, or bottlers, or
brewers can "work any material enlargement
of the traffic, or multiply disorder in the
That the attitude of the Quarter Sessions
yesterday upon violations of the Brooks
law will continue need not be doubted.
Taking into account with it the interest
which the licensed retailers have in antago
nizing the competition of unlicensed places,
and the public desire that high license get
a full and fair trial, the "speak-easy" can
soon be acconnted a thing of the past
There has been a rule in the English
Court since Queen Victoria came to the
throne that no divorced person could be
presented at Court This rule has naturally
borne harder upon the women than the men,
for it is only to the feminine mind that the
court presentation is an ecstatic privilege.
No matter whether the woman had sinned
or been sinned against, her exclusion from
the royal presence has inevitably followed
her appearance in the court of divorce. She
might have been forced to obtain a release
from a husband desperately brutal or mon
strously immoral, but as soon as she came
near Buckingham Palace the hand of the
Lord Chamberlain waved her back. The
precincts of the court were forbidden to her.
Recently, in a moment of liberality, and
it might be said sanity, Queen Victoria de
cided so far to relax this rule as to admit
those who had obtained decrees ot divorce
as plaintiffs to the royal presence. When
the first drawing room after this decree was
announced so many divorced women applied
for cards of presentation that the Lord
Chamberlain was threatened with paralysis
and the Queen .issued a new version of her
royal will.
In the revised decree we are shocked to
observe that the erstwhile sober and discreet
ruler of Great Britain is becoming giddy.
She says that henceforth before a divorced
woman shall appear before her .she, the
Queen, will decide by reading all the pro
ceedings in the divorce suit including the
testimony of the witnesses, whether the
character of the applicant is spotless. It is
truly painful to think of Queen Victoria
voluntarily undertaking to read such sala
cious literature. But the old lady's excuse
tor getting at histories more naughty than
the worst of French plays is remarkably
ingenious. f
There is certainly reason iorgeneral con
gratulation, without regard to party lines,
in the fact that the Civil Service Commis
sion which President Harrison has consti
tuted seems determined to make its record as
an active opponent of spoils jobbery, She
commission is acting upon the principle
that the purpose of its existence is to hunt
out violations of the civil service law; and
it is evidently inspired by the Irishman's
famous idea of, wherever it sees a head,
there to locate a very telling blow with its
club. "
It started out with a very lively shake-up
of the Democratic administration of the
New York Custom House. It next exam
ined the Republican postmasters of Troy
and Indianapolis, and the Indianapolis
Postmaster has not yet "recovered from the
shock of finding that he is subject to the
keen criticisms of a body of men who be
lieve in a sharp exposure of corruption and
spoils politics. It next gave the Democrat
ic Postmaster in Milwaukee a turn by an
exposure of his practice of manipulating the
list of people declared eligible by examina
tions, so that the person he prefers shall be
certified to.
It may not be certain that the Commission
will secure the complete enforcement of the
civil service law, but there seems to be a
gratifying assurance that under this admin
istration the violations of the law will be
given, a publicity, not at all pleasant to
those who make a practice of violating it.
Atjstbia is the latest power in Europe
to put her foot down with the declaration
that she is going to have peace in Europe if
she has to fight for it. This will afford all
the military Emperors a good excuse for
asking for increased taxes for the support
of their armies.
The astrological predictions of that
amusing humbug, Zadkiel, advises the -public
for the Fourth of July next to "sign no
writings and make no contracts, but thou
may'st court." As the Fourth of July next
is a legal holiday, the people will be apt to
abstain from signing writings and making
contracts; but it is not so inconsistent with
the customs of young people to do some
courting on that day. So that for one day
in the year Zadlciel's advice will be ob
served, even by people who never heard of
the astrologist
This is the regular season of the year for
the announcement that Don Cameron will
not again be a candidate for Senator; hut it
might be embellished this year with the
detail that Beaver will not be a candidate
either enough to hurt any one but himself.
The discovery that the City Treasurer had
no power to collect water taxes from tenants,
hut must assess them against landlords, is
founded on good sense; but the city author
ities have been a longtime in finding it out
People who have had their domiciles in
vafled by city officials who were collecting
these taxes in just the way that is now de
clared unauthorized, can have the satisfac
tion of reflecting that it was a violation
of their rights under the pretense ot gov
ernment. With regards to two of the reported I
trusts, H is safe to predict that the Rubber
Trust will have to stretch a long distance,
and the Pottery Trust will be likely to make
a baa smash, before t&ey succeed in smother
ing competition in those trades.
The project of the "progressive reform
ers," to have the Government guarantee 5
per cent dividends on all corporation enter
prises, would give a decided stimulus to the
industry of putting one dollar of capital
into such enterprises, and issuing three to
fire dollars worth of stock to represent it.
Five per cent on the five dollars of water
would yield an excellent profit.
The knowledge that? the new rules
adopted by the Republican County" Com
mittee are satisfactory all around, is cal
culated to create the belief tbat the white
wmged and millenial peace is spreading
itself over the political field.
Attention is now being called to the
fact that Simon Cameron started in life as
an editor. A good many politicians have
taken that method of beginning a political
career, and while they do not continue to be
editors, the remark which Hamlet made to
Folonius when the latter declined the
charge that he was a fishmonger, will apply
to the politicians.
Judge Stowe did not "speak easy" by
any means yesterday in passing, upon the
cases of illegal liquor selling. The tone of
the judicial utterances upon these violations
of Taw is a pronounced discouragement to
that branch of enterprise.
The dedication of the finest cemetery
gate in the United States, being that 5120,
000 entrance to the Allegheny Cemetery
from Penn avenue, was one of yesterday's
leading points of interest The Allegheny
Cemetery has always been one of the at
tractions of Pittsburg, and this addition to
its embellishments will be duly appreciated.
A Wisconsin postmistress recently took
after a man with a club so vigorously as to
knock him out of this world altogether.
The example of the First Assistant Post
master General seems to be pervading all
the ranks of the service.
There is a man in the Kansas City jail
who is stated to be legally entitled to his
freedom but he cannot get out Kansas
City, however, seems to think that it is
keeping things even, in the fact that it has
a great mauy citizens who are legally enti
tled to be in jail, but so far have not been
successful in their endeavors to break in.
With another wreck on the Pennsylvania
Railroad yesterday that corporation will be
gin to believe that it never rains but it
pours, and that this is a very rainy season.
"As eminent lady, who represents the
Bonanza millions abroad, and has sued two
English newspapers for intimating that her
mother was a washerwoman, has a very
plain case of libel. It is evident that the
ancestress ot such a descendant could not
have been a washerwoman. She mtfst have
been nothing less than a washlady.
The reported discovery of gold in Michi
gan is probably due to preparations tor
opening the Presidental canvass of Michi
gan's favorite son for nomination in 1892.
The little differences in the Board of
Awards were quickly composed last week by
permitting Chief Bigelow to decide tbe mat
ters peculiarly belonging to his department
Now letHhe work go on. The festive Fourth
of July is near at hand, and only four
mouths remain to build miles npon miles of
badly needed streets.
One by one the iron firms sign, and work
in the Pittsburg mills will go on as usual.
The news which comes from Yale that
the captain of the freshman baseball nine
and the stroke oar of the freshman crew
failed to pass the examinations shows the
futility of wasting the time of those repre
sentatives of physical cnlture over such un
important topics as mathematics and the
classics. ,
Tdrecof n Kind.
from the Chicago Tribune'.', -i ""
Some men are born great, some achieve
greatness, and some can curve a bait
A New Use for a Fan The Dcnff Clerk Was
n Little Off A Cool Compromise The
Coming- of July.
Thet tell me it was pretty hot even in the
grand stand at the ball game yesterday after
noon. There were rather Imore ladies than
usual present One ol tbem attracted no little
attention because she carried an Immense fan of
the old-fashioned kind, which was cased in
scarlet silk to match the startling hue of her
hat and dress. One of the gentlemen in the
party which circled aronnd this brilliant being
asked ber why she carried so large a fan.
"To keep off -flies,' " replied another gallant
for her.
"No," said she.correctingthe second speaker.
"but I hope It will break the force of 'foul
tipsr" ,
The fan looked heavy enough- to protect the
face behind it but fortunately no trial of its
strength )ras made.
Ojra of the most aggravating mistakes I've
heard of in along time was perpetrated bv a
drug clerk in a suburban store one day last
A servant was sent by a certain estimable
young lady to the drug store to get some
borax, which was to be used for bair-cleansing
purposes. The drug clerk filled the order, bnt
by mistake substituted alum for borax. The
servant returned and the joung lady at once
Ret to wort on a home shampoo. It was not
until the solution of alnm had been applied
Very thoroughly and her hair had been satu
rated with It that the young lady discovered
that Instead of rendering her tresses clear and
glossy, as borax usually does, they were be
coming matted together in a horrible mess.
To cut the story short it took an expert bar
ber an hour or two to bring that young lady's
hair ont of its horrible condition. As for the
drug clerk, I guess he is not out of the mess
That man Is wise who spends the ev'nlng cool
In quiet o'er a book, or better still.
Wanders between the hills, and by some pool
Of peace and nature's grandeur drink s his fill.
But ien to one the modern youth replies.
His only books are women's looks, and dear
To him Is tennis, and that he espies
A host of merits In a glass of beer.
But why not compromise? Let women fair
Be still your book, but let the racquet go!
Avoid the heating court, stroll, do not tear
Where rills and lover's whispers rhyming flow!
A man was singing the praises of the country
yesterday to a friend who is desperately en
amored of the town and its delights.
"Won't you come and spend a week with me
just now?" said Rusticus. "The country is
lovely; the air is full of scent of new mown
hay, the spring chickens are ripe, the potatoes
fresh and yonng, fruit's abundant everything
is fresh, green, cool and comfortable! Won't
you corner There's a spring near my house in
a piece of lovely woods. We can take our
hooks and cigars and go and lie under the
treses by the spring all the hot noon, and till
sundown calls us home to supper!"
"You are eloquent," the city lover replied,
"but you said something about a spring; is it
"The water is ice cold; a little pool lies at
the spring's fount, and"
"Would you have any objection to profaning
the limpid depths of tbat cold,"crystal spring
with a half dozen bottles of export beer?"
"No, I was about to speak ol it"
"You should have told me that first I am
yours for the cool spring and the sparkling
amber nectar It shall contain."
The dust flies up, the leaves droD down,
The air is heavy In field and town,
Paradise means a place that is cool.
The shutters are closed in the village school;
The dogs lie limp wherever there's shade,
The flowers are feign to droop and fade;
Nobody works who can shrink the task,
Tramps no longer for hot drinks ask;
Papers brim with political lies,
Pains arise from gooseberry pics;
Everyone talks of a summer trip,
Small boys fly to the creek and strip;
Flics and mosquitoes multiply,
But we grow less in hot July.
Hbpbuen Jonss.
John Randolph TucKEEhas abandoned
politics to become Professor of Xaw in the
wasnington ana Lee university, at Lexing
ton, Va.
J. T. Tbotvbbidge, who grew famous by
writing clever stories for boys, 13 one of the
prominent authors of Boston. Though past 60
and gray-haired, his fresh face and youthful
bearing make him appear mu"h younger.
Col. Jack'HaveblV, who once enjoyed the
reputation of being the Napoleon of the thea
trical business is now interesting himself in
mining ventures. He registered at a St Louis '
hotel a few days ago and looked like a cowboy
in his broad-brimmed sombrero.
Mme. Emma Nevada, the American prima
donna, is repeating her vocal triumphs in Spain
She is spoken of as the spoiled darling otSpan.
lsh audiences, both socially and artistically.
She is at present in Seville, where she has
appeared in "Dinorah" and the "Barber of
At the dinner party given in honor of the
Emneror and Empress of Germany by the
Count and Countess von Waldersee the Coun
tess performed with distinguishing grace the
difficult feat of walking backward before the
Imperial guests up the whole length of a high
staircase, managing her train with truly aris
tocratic dexterity. The Countess, who was
formerly Miss Mary Lee, of New York, is said
to be one of the most elegant women in Euro
pean court society.
Mb. Howell's the novelist says: I remem
ber very distinctly the first .story I attempted
to write. I got along very well until I wanted
to draw it to a close, and in my efforts to do so
I got into a most horrible condition of affairs.
Returning to a story after I have left it fpronly
a few hours, r find it exceedingly difficult to
resume work. So many new ideas will have
come to me during the interim that it is impos
sible to know for some time in what way to use
the material. With me, at the best composi
tion is siow ana laDonous.
He Has a Fair of D'Uzes.
From the St. Paul Pioneer Press. 1
Buffalo Bill and bis horsemen are to show
tbe French people what a stag bunt Is like, and
it is said that the Due and Ducbesse d'Uzcs
will participate. Tbe affair is for the benefit
of a charity, for which the Colonel expects to
raise a large sum of money. The French
climate has certainly impaired fill's intellect
or he would not attempt to make a raise with
nothing bnt a pair of d'TJzes to draw to.
It Will be Popular With Papas.
From the Louisville Courier Journal.!
A Kentucklan has just got a patent on a new
kind of fence-post H it is any better for hold
ing UP front gates, than the inadequate posts
now in ute, every papa with a daughter will
buy one or two.
Hebe are a few good rules tbat can be safely
followed: .
GIVE tbe child a seat that shall be strictly
his own.
Teach it to take Its seat quietly.
To use its napkin properly.
To wait patiently to be served.
To answer promptly.
To say "Thank you."
If asked to leave- tbe table for a forgotten
article for any purpose to do so at once. "!
Never to interrupt and never to contradict
Never to make remarks about the food,
such as "I saw that turkey killed, and bow he
did bleed," as I once beard a little boy remark
at a Thanksgiving dinner.
Teach the child to keep his plate in order.
Not to handle the bread or to drop food on
tbe cloth and floor.
To always say "Excuse me, please," to the
mother when at home, and to the lady or
hostess when visiting, it leaving the table be
fore tbe rest of the party.
To fold its napkin and put back its chair or
push it close to the table before leaving.
AFTEE leaving tbe table not to return.
1 know children who observe everyone of
these rnles, and are in no way priggish, but are
simply well-behaved, delightful companions,
and they owe it all to their 'mother's careful
training -from babyhood. GOocf SouseKeep-
) The Manner in Which Lewis Albert Con
ducted ni Swindling Operations.
London, June 29. The crown prosecutor of
the city of Wolverhampton, In the county
of Stafford, is in a quandary. The police thero
have in enstody a young man who is un
doubtedly worthy of severe punishment and
yet his crime is so entirely novel that he
probably cannot be punished at all, unless the
old statutes against witchcraft are revived, in
which case he might be comfortably roasted
before a slow fire. This young man, whose
name is Lewis Albert, is a graduate of Oxford
University. Soon after ho left college he be
came interested In mesmerism, mind reading
and hypnotism, and as a result of natural gifts
or close study soon became so expert that for a
time he traveled about giving exhibitions of
his powers. He acquired a wonderful influ
ence over the will power of certain classes of,
ueopie, ana estamisnea sucu a reputation tnat
he might have made his exhibitions verv profit
able butfor an unfortunate penchant for the
flowing bowl. This brought him so low that
three months ago he turned up in Wolver
hampton in rags and without money or friends.
Then ho began to hypnotize with a ven
geance. Small shop keepers, usually women,
began to discover that the contents of their
tills very mysteriously dwindled after a visit
from the urbane stranger. Just what his
method of procedure was none could tell, but
when they found, on comparing notes, that
theirjosses invariably followed the visit! of the
polite Albert, they set the police to watch him.
Then some startling discoveries were made.
His custom was to enter a shop, make a pur
chase of some trifle and put down a copper In
payment. Then the hypnotizing or mesmeris
ing process must have been bronght into requi-
Diuun, i or ine snop Keeper, in everv case, iook
up the copper and handed out change for a
sovereign, which the young man promptly
pocketed. -Jn only one case, while the police
were on his track, was there a failure to Defoe
his victim In this way. The detective who fol
lowed him about was mystifled for a long
time, being utterly unable tq account for the
hallucination which invariably seized Albert's
victims and led them to mistake a copper coin
for a gold sovereign, and it was only after dis
covering his professional record that he began
to understand it
Albert's last victim was a youth of 19, the at
tendant at the box office of a theater in Wol
verhampton. He stepped up to the window,
boldly asked for a shilling ttirnt. hanriiv thn
boy a dirty scrap of newspaper, and received as
change, without the slightest hesitation on the
part of the boy, 4 sovereigns and 19 shillings.
While walking off with this he was arrested by
the officer, who had been shadowing him for
two weeks. The boy in the box office was dum
founded when his attention was called to the
scrap of newspaper in his cash box, and still
stoutly insisted that the gentleman had handed
him a 6 note. He remembered, however, tbat
a peculiar sensation came over him, which he
describes as a sort of numbness, "when the man
first approached the window of the office. The
legal status of Albert's offense is very difficult
to determine, as it is without a precedent, and
good lawyers say there is now no law in En
gland to punish him. The case is exciting
great interest
It Contains Numerous Request! for Pieces
of Dresses and Locks of Hair.
Washington, June 29.-The most exacting,
time-consuming and laborious portion of the
dally routine of the chief lady of the White
House is her correspondence. If this confined
itself to personal friends it would be managea
ble, but embracing within its scope every nook
and corner of the land and every detail and di
versity of subject it assumes the proportions
of a burden which no woman could carry, not
even one so painstaking and conscientious and
Industrious as Mrs. Harrison. There is a hu
morous phase to this toilsome drain upon the
time and energies of the wife of the President
One of the principal subjects of correspondence
in Mrs. Harnson's mail is the request for sam
ples of her inaugural ball costume.
They come from feminine sources, of course,
and in the appeals for the coveted fragment of
the silk-woven homespun textile the acme of
epistolary composition and logic is often
reached. In the kindness of her heart Mrs.
Harrison has gratifled many of these simple
appeals from the fabricators of crazy quilts
and patchwork, but not to the extent of demol
ishing the historic gown in which she looked so
queenly at the great ball in the vast court of
the Pension building, but from garments
which had seen service in church-doing, house
hold display and social duty in times of Sena
torial dignity and in the retirement of home
life at Indianapolis. In this fragmentary form
the dresses of former days have disappeared,
leaving a decided void in the wardrobe 'of the
first lady. The sources of supply have long
been exhausted, while the demand continues
unabated. This presents an emergency which
can only be met by calling upon the looms of
the manufacturers for an output sufficient to
supply the popular appeal.
The fair sex relic hunters of the Republic do
not stop at samples of inauguration ball dresses,
but intersperse their well-intentioned epistolary
requests by asking locks from the bounteous
tresses which lie in wavv brown masses
threaded with gray upon the head of the first
lady. There is a limit to the possibilities of
nature, and, notwithstanding her wealth of the
treasured article sought, these requests are re
spectfully declined or committed to the silk
lined paper basket where everyone must admit
they belong. If even a moiety of the appeals
for locks of hair for chanty or jewelry were
gratified, the presiding lady would loner since
have been driven to such expedients to replace
nature's supply known only among the ton
sonal mysteries of the wig maKer and the hair
It is
Probable Tbat There Will
be a
Chan-fo In Size, Also.
Washington-, June 29. The specifications
just issued by the Postmaster General for the
guidance of bidders under tbe next contracts
for postage stamps, advertised for under date
of June 17, 1SS9, provide for bids for two Series
of stamps of different sizes, one of them be
ing the size now in use, tbe other about one
third smaller. If stamps of tbe larger size
should be determined on when tbe bids are in,
the colors will be as follows: One cent, ultra
mine blue; 2 cent, metallic red; 3 cent, vermil
ion; 4 cent, milori green; 5 cent, chocolate; 6
cent, dark red; 10 cent, llf-ht brown; 15 cent,
orange; SO cent, black: 90 cent, carmine.
If stamps of the smaller size should be pre
ferred, the colors will be as follows: One cent,
ultramme blue: 2-cent carmine;, S-cent, royal
pnrple; 4-cent chocolate; 5-cent, light brown;
6-cent, vermilion; 10-cent, milori green; 15-cent,
steel bine: SO-cent, black. 90-cent, orange.
Under one form of bids the contractor will be
allowed extra compensation from all change
from the present designs, and in another form
of bid, changes may be made at tho will of the
Postmaster General without extra compensa
tion. From the above it will be seen tbat tbe
color of the 2 cent stamp will be changed
irom green to eitner carmine or metallic red.
In speaking of the proposed changes. Post
master General Wanamaker said to-day he
believed that the smaller sized stamp would bo
quite as usefnl and popular as the larger size,
now in use, and by reducing the size of tbo
stamp a material saving would be effected
which could be profitably expended in a better
and In every way more desirable color. The
metallic red proposed under one form of bid
was the color of the 2-cent stamp which imme
diately preceded tbe green 2-cent stamp now in
use. No changes In designs have yet been de
termined upon. '
The Strnngo Recovery of a Harpoon After a
Lnpso of 32 Tears.
Washington, Jnne 29 There has justbeen
received at the National Museum in this city.to
be placed in the fisheries section.an interesting
souvenir of the Arctic whale fishery, which
Captain J. W. Collins, the superintendent of
that department, greatly prizes. It is an old
fashioned hand-molded swivel harpoon, which
has quite a story, as gleaned from the papers
accompanying it. While In the Ohkats. Sea
this summer the ship Cape Horn Pigeon,' com
manded by Captain L., Nathan Rogers, cap
tured a whale, in tbe blnbber of which was im
bedded a foreign substances On examination
this proved to be a barpaon, broken off at the
junction with the lance, which bad been in the
whale over SO years.
On the hinge of the harpoon was stamped In
plain letters "S. T. D.." Ship Thomas Dicker
son, and tbe name of the maker, not so plain,
could also be made out. This was the first
and only messenger from tbe good ship Dick
erson, which sailed from New Bedford in 1856,
and was lost the next year in tbe very waters
where the crew of the Cape Hom Pigeon se
cured.the harpoon 32 years later.
A Loon Floating: Serenely on the Water
When the Dam Broke.
Johnstown, June 29. At the dam to-day I
met Jacob Hoyer, who saw it break. When
the water had half run out a big loon came
floating down the stream unmindful of the
flood. Near the break be tried to get out, but
tbe rush of water sucked him under, and Mr,
Hoyer said to bimSelf. tbat is tho last of tbe
loon, but the bird was equal to the emergency
and reached the surface safely, when", with a
"harsh cry, he flopped his wings and soared
he create in too aim. dt actual measure
ment, U 112 feet Wide," - - ; '
Sturdy People WhoLlve Lone and Drink
Beer-Tho Unique Cares for Intemper
ance undVarlons Distempers Charms to
Win Love.
Reading, June 29. This city and the coun
try within a radius of 25 miles surrounding it is
Justly celebrated for Its great number of aged
men and women, there being 231 in this (Berks)
county who are living at more than fourscore
years, and more than a dozen centenarians.
Then, too, they almost all enjoy good health,
and they say it is seldom that a man or woman
gets sick before the time comes for him to
shuffle off bis mortal coil and take a peep at
things beyond.' Doctors, tbat is to say the
orthodox fellows, who prescribe blue mass,
quinine, strichma, arsenic, paregoric, pepper
mint or any other of the drugs constituting the
orthodox materia medica of this nation of
dyspeptics do not thrive here. If you were to
ask any of these old people their opinion of
the regular disciple of iEsculapius, they would
answer you in the sweetest language on earth
Pennsylvania Dutch with the words: "Ka
doctber fur micb; Ich glob net in ein nnt sie
medicine." which being translated, reads: "No
doctor for me; I don't oelievo in him and his
medicine." ,
These people have a materia medica peculiar
ly their own, in which their well-known lager
beer plajs a prominent part (the county went
19,811 majority 9 to 1 against the prohibition
amendment to the State Constitution, on June
18), and while every father in the county con
siders it incumbent npon him to sec to it that
bis children are taught to call for their favor
ite beverage in two different languages, he con
siders it no less his duty to impress upon their
minds the nnfailinrr efficacy of the followmcr
methods of fighting disease, combating death
and his sickle and attaining to a long and happy
Man's Chief Duties.
x First of all, it is necessary to take beer in
moderate quantlties.and if you are unfortunate
enough to have been born a male, vote the
Democratic ticket If you can't catch on to the
regular party ticket, put one in with General
Jackson's name on and the judges will in nine
cases out of ten know that you meant the right
thing anyhow, and count it the way it should be
If a Berks county party ever becomes fool
ish enough to throw beer to one side and take
whisky in such quantities as to produce de
lirium tremens, his friends consider it their
duty to secure two live eels from a distance of
at least 100 miles from where the patient lives,
pour a half gallon of whisky over tbem, and
after the death of tbe poor eels compel the
patient to drink all tbe whisky during three
consecutive days in tbe sign of the fish. If he
lives through this, they say he will get well
sure and never again be cursed with an appe
tite for rum.
No man or woman will, in the opinion of the
average Berks county resident, attain agreat
age or enjoy good health if be or she has not
been placed in the hopper of tbe nearest grist
mill before the age of 10 days has been reached,
and so well do tbe dusty millers in this section
understand this belief of the people tbat they
invariably commence to get the hopper ready
when they see a woman approach the mill with
a child in her arms. In the estimation of sev
eral with whom I have conversed relative to
their peculiar list of cures and preventives, a
man or woman who will make it a point on
their twenty-fifth birthday to catch a toad ana
kiss it will certainly live to be three-score and
ten; if, after attaining tbat ace they repeat
the same dose on the same toad (there are
scores of toads kept in this country for that
purpose), there is no doubt but that they will
live to be centenarians.
Preserving tbe Baby From Harm.
The average country mother in tbU county,
and portions of Lancaster, Schuylkill and Le
high, would consider it a most serious derelic
tion of duty to neglect taking the first crop of
hair cut from the head of her child and stow it
away under the rock first touched by her foot
after the birth of the youngster, for she firmly
believes tbat this will conduce to its future
good health and guaranteo a long life. She
knows ber mother did so in her case, and the
traditions of the old folks must not be forgotten
or disbelieved.
When a man sprains his back here he will be
tween sundown and 9 o'clock P. it. wind an eel
skin three times around his body and say: "In
tbe name of FathejssBon and Spirit." and be
willing to swear thatTio will have no pain the
next morning.
A boy who sees warts on his bands In this
county doesn't carry them long If he has been
properly instructed at home, for his mother
has told him that immediately upon their first
appearance be must take a bee-line for tbe
nearest tree stump that has water in it and
thoroughly cleanse (f ) bis hands in the stag
nant pool.If he doesso he needbavenofear but
tbat the warts will disappear before the end of
tbe month.
Whenalittlo Berks county baby gets a sore
throat no physician, allopathic or otherwise, is
called in prescribe some nauseous dose or may
hap burn tbe darling's throat with caustic, but
tbe mother takes the stocking from her own
right foot winds it around her pet's neck, puts
it to bed and. lo! the soreness has taken its ever
lasting departure and the child is entirely well
the next morning.
When age brings aches and pains and the old
man's joints get stiff, the wife who has for
so many years shared his joys and sorrows
takes a bacon rind, carefully rubs theysore spots
and then buries tbe rind under the eve of tbe
house, firmly believing that as the meat grad
ually rots away tbe pains will cease and the
joints limber up.
Charms and Love Philters.
Nine-tenths ot the country people believe in
pow-wowing, and there are few indeed who do
not believe that the seventh child of a seventh
child has the power to, by the laying on of
hands, knock all tbe fever out of a burn er
Peddlers of charms for the cure of heartaches,
disappointed love, jealousy, slowness of com
prehension, inability to make-money, dyspepsia,
headache or backache, freckels, moles, super
fluous hair, and any or all of the ills that hu
manity is beir to, thrive and grow rich.
The belief in witchcraft may be said to be
almost universal, more especially in the coun
try districts, and there is not a township but
has one or more persons ostracized from the
general society because of tbe belief tbat she
is a witch, or hex, as they are called In Penn
sylvania Dutch.
There is an old man in this city who has for"
many years followed the profession of a witch
doctor, and who has crown rich from it; and
there is another serving a term in tbe county
prison who, during his trial, declared that there
was no numoug auout nis oeing ame to cure
anyone who was "behexed" (bewitched) as he
termed it, and although the Judge gave him a
severe sentence, and a terrible reprimand in
addition, for hoodwinking and imposing upon
tbe credulity of tbe people, two-thirds of tbe
audience in tbe Court House (and it was
crowded) sympathized with the culprit and
blamed tbe Judge.
These are but a few of tbe curious Ideas that
seem to permeate the very life of society in tbe
county of Berks, and when I. a few days ago,
expressed a doubt as to tbe efficacy of some of
the cures mentioned, the old residenter to
whom I was talkirg shook his bead disdain
fully and remarked: "All recbt; du waist net;
ef mehr lite tes ting wissa tower besser fer se"
"all right; you don't .know: if more people
knew these things it would be better for them."
Tbe Small Amounts Paid to tho Chief Officers
of the Empire.
The German Empire does not pay its high em
ployes on an extravagant scale. Prince Bis
marck, receives 2,700 a year and a residence.
The Foreign Secretary gets 2,500, including
free quarters; the State Secretary,I,S0O.incIud
ing free quarters; the State Secretary of the
Imperial Court of Justice, 1,200 and a house;
the State Secretary of the Imperial Treasury,
1.000nd a house; the State Postmaster Gen
leral, 1.200 'and a house; tbe Minister of
War, 1,800. with a house, fuel and ra
tions for eight horses; tbe Chief of the
Admirality, 1,800, with a house; the chiof of
the general staff, 1,600, a house and rations
for six horses. Fourteen commanding generals
get 1,500 each, with free furnished quarters
and rations for eight horses. With regird to
embassadors those in London and St. Peters
burg are paid 7,500 each; in Vienna, Constan
tinople ana Paris, 6,000 each. Of ministers
2.400 is paid at Brussels. 2,250 at Bucharest
2,400 at The Hague, 2.700 at Madrid, 3 000 at
Pekin, 2,400 at Rio Janeiro. 3.150 at Wash
ington, 2,000 at Stockholm, 2,400 at Teheran
and 2,250 at Yeddo.
Prof. Proctor's Widow.
St. Louis Hepublic.i
In spite of bis tireless and indefatigable work
as writer and as lecturer, tbe property accumu
lated by the late Prof. Bichard A. Proctor at
the time of his death was not sufficient to sup
port his wie and children, andSVe learn that his
home In Florida, togetller with his library and
scientific apparatus, is to be sold for the benefit
of his heirs. His widow, Mrs. Sallte D. Proc
tor, formerly of St. Joseph, Mo., will make an
effort to buy tbe library so as to keep it to-
fiether, and wltn this object in view will de
Iver, next winter, some of Prof. Proctor's as
tronomical lectures, lnclodlnj: those on the
sun. the menu and other worlds than ours. She
will use (he Professor' slides and lantern, and
Mrs. Proctor is a, woman of sufllclent talent
and attainments to make these lectures scarce
ly less entertaining' and instructive than tbey
proved when Prof. Proctor himself delivered
mem to ueiigaicu, audience--, ,
A Dnncc In a Maryland Barn.
Washington, June 29.-When Mr John Vin
ton Danlgren brings bis bride, Miss Elizabeth
DrexeL whom he wedded in New. York to-day,
to the handsome country home of his mother,
the wlrlnw nt thn lt Admiral Dahlgren, on
South Mountain, bewfll be especially received.
Preparations for the event are of an elaborate
nature. The guests will be numbered by the
hundred. andtbe wedding festival will con
tinue for the space of a full week. The floor ot
the large barn on the place has been waxed for
dancing and the walls handsomely decorated.
It Is a fine building, more like ahousethana
barn. Refreshments will be served In the car
riage boue, which is being gaily decorated for
tbe occasion. It will be filled with tables. It
will be tbe greatest social event that has oc
curred in Maryland for years.
The President Takes a Trip.
The office-seekers who called at tbe White
House during tbe usual hours to-day were dis
appointed. The President was not there. He
had left town. Two or three persons who put
foot on the portico half an hour earlier than
tbey could bope to be received, got there just
in time to see the President come quickly from
tbe private part ot the house and enter tbe
carriage, which was in waiting. As soon as he
was seated, Albert the coachman, drove off at
a smart trot There was no preparation or
ceremony about the departure. Tbe
President was alone and dressed just
as he had been half an hour befom
when at bis desk, in his accustomed
gray suit He had no baggage, not even a hand
bag, and there was no footman on the box. He
was only gome; over to Baltimore to meet bis
wife like any plain citizen. It was impossible,on
account of tbe amount of work on hand, for
him to go to Cape May to bring Mrs. Harrison
and tbe grandchildren home, but when ha re
ceived a dispatch that they had started and
would be in Baltimore to-day he decided to
meet them in that city. He left the White
House at about 20 minutes before 11 o'clock,
drove at once to the B. & O. depot and took
the first train for Baltimore, a special car
Mrs. Harrison and Baby DIcKee Return.
At about 2 o'clock the 'President's carriage
was again seen driving up the avenue with a
good deal of the Presidental family in it All
the way to tbe White Honse the President
held baby McKee in nis arms, tbe little one
crowing gleefully to see his grandfather once
more. Mrs. Harrison is looking very well since
her visit to the sea shore. She will remain at
the White House nntil Tuesday afternoon,
when slfe will accompany tbe President on his
trip to Woodstock to spend tbe Fourth of July,
as guests of Henry C. Bowen, Esq. Mrs. Mc
Kee will arrive atDeer'Park on Tuesday to
spend the remainder of the summer, and after
the Woodstock trip Mrs. Harrison will join her
daughter in the mountains.
A Wonderfully Fast Boat.
It has been discovered that tbe boilers de
signed for the new Herreshaf torpedo boat,
now building for the Government, while they
will generate sufficient motive power, will not
be strong enough to endure tbe tremendous
pressure, though they are in accordance with
the requirement of the bids. Other and stronger
boilers, similar in character, are therefore in
course of construction, and it is estimated they
will furnish, without injury, power sufficient
to drive this wonderful vessel at a rate of from
28 to almo3t 30 miles an hour, which is from
four to five miles an hour faster than the swift
est of the British torpedo boats. Tbe vessel is
well advanced in construction. The hull is en
cased. The engines are almost finished, and
the boilers will soon be ready for setting.
Soldiers Feel Insulted.
Members of tho District militia are very
much Incensed at the order of President Harri
son tbat no intoxicants shall be dispensed by
the commissary or allowed in camp when they
go into quarters at Old Fort Washington,
which they will do shortly. Tbey say tbat tbe
order is an unwarrantable innovation, and
really insulting, as it presupposes the inability
of the boys to control their appetites and con
duct themselves like soldiers and gentlemen.
General Ordway, the commanding officer in
tbe district ls a'5 very much incensed at the
order, and expresses himself to his friends
very freely and in no complimentary manner
in regard to the peculiar Interference
of the President, General Ordway says
the inevitable result will be tbat the men will
smuggle whisky secretly to their tents, and
drink freely to show their defiance of the
President while otherwise they would content
themselves to a great extent with the light
malt and vinous beverages which would be
openly dispensed. The opponents of the Presi
dent's orders are not the more pleased, because
it is plainly stated tbat Mr. Harrison wag in
fluenced to bis action by members ot the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, whoso
other recent request that intoxicants be ban
ished from the President's table was prpmptly
and contemptously turned down by the entire
Presidental household. Lively times are
looked for at the Fort Washington camp.
Money to be Made by Hand.
As no arrangement was reached between the
Government and the agent of the steam
presses in the Bureau of Engraving and Print
ing under the new law reducing tbe royalty
from 51 to 1 cent per 1,000 impressions, tbe 19
steam presses against which the plate printers
have made such a bitter fight will be at once
thrown ont of tne building. It was ascertained
that the necessary work could be done without
the operation of these presses, and the men
employed on them were informed this evening
tbey need not report for duty on Monday. This
makes tbe victory of the, plate printers com
plete over tbe steam presses.
Where She Made a mistake.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
A Kentucky woman has just received 2,730
damages from a man who slapped ber on the
cheek. The mistake of ber life was in not
turning the other cheek also and getting twice
that amount of damages.
More Than tbe World Could Stand,
From the Buffalo Express.
A Chicago man suggests that that city build
a tower 2,000 feet high. Babel was bad enough,
but if there should be a dispersion from Chi
cago the world would hardly survive it.
With Large T-rpe and Wide Margins.
From the Philadelphia Presa.l
The lately Issued volnme entitled, "Wit and
Wisdom from the Novels of W. D. Howells,"
Is a very small but rather neat book.
A HAM" smoked cigarette once puffed by
Red Nosed Mice, Is valued very highly by
Kobertr Marsteller, of Allentown, Pa- Clar
ence Sllbs, of the same place, owns a splinter
from bis gallows.
A briar which ran into the hand of Jonn
Rhodes, of Newton, Delaware county, two
weaks ago, has so poisoned him that a local
doctor thinks he will not lire.
A Jacob Frkdebictk; of Greenhaur, Mon
gomery county, is making quite a nice in
come by buying frogs from boys for five cents
a piece and selling then? to Allentown restau
rants for twelve cents. He sells as many as
500 to 600a week.
Elizabeth Michael, who kept the Grape
Hotel, where James Buchanan once made his
headquarters and made the inn keeper promi
nent by bis public praise of her cooking, died
the other day at Lancaster in her 91st year.
A small creek at Blossbnrg, Pa., ripped up
the mountain side clurlnc the flood rampage
and revealed a good vein of coal and two of
iron ore, one being, over four feet thick: a
splendid bed of fire-clay and a valuable bank
of building and molding sand.
Dtjexso a short thunder storm at Antrim,
Tioga county, Pa., two or three days since, light
nlng broke .a telephone wire, turned one end
back and welded It solidly, making a loop. It
Is said the weld was as perfect as any expert
could bare made it
A FiHXADELrniA. paper says: The furry caterpillar-!,
nuke the sparrows' ulpod lun cold
and tbey won't eat them.
An excited ycang man in evening dress told
the conductor of a train coming,! rora German-
town to Philadelphia' "If; I mtsa that social I
sbn-etbing'll get sued. ,1"-p1 . I
The moon is to be weighed from the top
of tbe Eiffel tower.
There are 80,000 New Yorkers ont of
town from June to September,
New York will spend $1,681,000 this
year f ori-pavlng and repaving streets.
A banana trust is advocated by fruit
dealers in Hawaii, according to intelligence
from tbe Pacific coast ,
A Chinese leper was discovered in the
Sacramento jail recently. He bad been sent
there from Folsom for refusing to pay a poll
Jack Jackson married a few days ago in
Columbus, Ga. An hour later he wa3 locked
upsfor theft and his wife's relatives want her to
sue for a divorce.
Negroes at work-on the bijr. warehouse
in Washington, Ga., went out on strike be
cause their foreman "wouldn't let us go to
work late and quit early."
Dr. Chaille states that the average life
of woman Is longer than that of man. and in
most parts of tbe United States! woman's ex
pectation of life is greater.
A Detroit paper prints the following:
It rained young goslings on the farm of Fred
Hutzet of Pittsfleld, recently. For further
particulars write to HutzeL This paper is not
given to lying.
Two bad boys In Georgia placed a-bar
of iron across a railroad track, and then
signaled an approaching train In order to get a
free nde to the next town as a reward for
"saving" the train.
Enoch Townsend, of Saco, Me., is cred
ited with accomplishing the feat of riding from
Boston toportland on a bicycle hi a single day,
having leE the "Hub" at 5 A. u. and arriving at
Portland at 8 P. at.
Belgium is a poor place for physicians.
A writer to a medical journal published there
says that tbey have the care of three-fourths
of the population, get nothing at all from one
half of their patients and very poor pay from
the rest
A monster rattlesnake, supposed to be
two or three feet in circumference, judging
from bis trail, is causing considerable excite
ment among the residents in East Hill, a
suburb of Pensacola, Fla. A grand hunt is
proposed by som e or the anxious ones.
Pour years ago a man named John M.
Brosins landed in Atlanta, Qx, with S150in his
pocket, and a chest ot tools which were made
in ISIS. Tbe same man to-day is worth over
300,000. The fortune was made on two patents
an axle for a wagon and a sewing machine.
A Decatur, Mich., man advertises to
keep everything that any purchaser wants, and
the other day, when they killed a bine racer
snake three feet long in the store tbe merchant
admitted that be had no more in stock, and
didn't want to rob the saloons of their snakes
Judge John Bell and Mr. Harry Tur
ner surely take the blue ribbon as champion
fishermen of Emmanuel county, Ga. One day
last week they caucht with hook and line nine
trout weighing 33 pounds, and one of which
weighed 12 pounds. The 12 pound trout was(the
largest ever caught in the county.
The private detectives of a railroad com
pany must be constantly shifted, so that their
faces may not become familiar to tbe em
ployes and arouse suspicion. "The cost of se
cret service to a railroad is often very large, but
can never compare with the proportions of
adroit and successful freight robbing.
Natural gas has been struck in full
flow at Pompang Valley, Conn., by the com
pany which has been boring for oil or coal for
the past nine months. Some days ago, at tbe
depth of L200 feet, the drill broke off. and, in
order to -remove tbe broken part it was necessa
ry to take away the piping, and when about t
000 feet bad been Drought out there came a
rush of oily water, which gave every indication
of pure oil at a greater depth. When the oipo
was removed a spout of almost pure oil fol
lowed, lasting for 15 minutes, and then came a
rush of gas, which has since poured in a steady
Thomas Cunningham, of Fort Wayne,
Ind., called on a young.married lady there the
other afternoon and requested her to play upon
the piano for him. She played, "Nearer to
Thee." "It is a beautiful piece," he said, when
the young lady had finished, "and I guess I am
as near my God now as I shall ever be." Sud
denly snrineraz ud from his chair, he drew
I from his hip pocket a small revolver, and.
P ..... .... 1. tn .Ka ri I van. a tf t.a lis. vt VtnlloH
uvm,ui Abu uid ujac..uu v.. um mo.., y".
the trigger. The landlady of the bouse into
which the would-be suicide had entered unin
vited, happened at that moment to go into the
room, and, jumping forward, made a clutch at
the revolver just in the nick of time, and the
bullet flew harmless.
i Tbe cantonal authorities of tbe 'districts
around Monnt Pllatns, Switzerland, have un
der consideration a proposal for the construc
tion of a novel kind of a road which has been
submitted to tbem through the Central Gov
ernment at Berne. This road would connect
the so-called Oberhaunt or highest point ot
Pilatus, with the Kiiinsenhorp. The object
would be to make the assent of the mountain
easier on the northern side and to shorten the
ascent for tourists coming from HerglswyL
The difference in level between the two points
is set down at 194 metres; the distance between
them at 463 metres. The road apparatus would
conslst'of six wire cables, quite independent of
one another, on which six light pulley wheels
will move, and from these wheels a small om
nibus capable, of carrying ei?ht persons will
bang. The omnibus will be drawn by a' ropo
attached to a steam engine to be placed on the
"Great wit to madness nearly is allied,"
but It you would see a perfect union Just observe
the madness of the small wit xs be reads, "De
clined with thanks.-Pue.
Blinks "Where are yon going on your
vacation. Jinks?" Jinks (whose place has Juit
been eeked by the Sheriff) "Jan, I guess, first
vacation I've had In nine years.'"-PAitot(pAia
Dude to doctor "Any thing se rious wrong
with me, doctor?" Doctor, slowly "Toor condi
tion is serious, but not necessarily fatal. I have
discovered evidences of a growth of brains."
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Some apples, splendid to behold,
Contain a hitter spot.
- And ice, presumed to keep us cold.
When paid for makes us hot.
Philadelphia Press.
The boozy man in the corner of the crowd
ed car awoke from a nap and discovered a bulky
lady Hanging to a strap and glaring at the row of
unobservant men intent upon their newspapers.
The boozy man's gallantry asserted Itself. "I'll
beone'venny two Sen'l'menln'zlsh cart' get up
an' give th' lady seat, 'she said." Kansas City
Commercial Exercise. Mrs. Plusminus
"What keeps you away lrom home every Saturday
night, dear?
Mr. Plusminus I have to balance the books, my
Mrs. plusminus (with grieved tone) I am sure,
if you want exercise of that sort, we hsve encyclo
pedias enough right here at home-Murlingtori
iYee Press.
What wonderful resources bide
All unsuspected in the brain.
Until exhausted art has tried
To work the reminiscent vein;
Then do we see some genius sad
Awaked to the creative mood,
And cleverly forget the bad
And only recollect the good.
Philadelphia Press.
Unprofessional Advices A Berlin Judge,
the other day, addressing a locksmith who ap
peared as s witness, snoke as follows: "I should
have thoughi you would dissuade your workmen
from going to law for such a trifle."
"Witness That's what I didl 1 said: "Chil
dren," said I, "the clerk at the lawyer's will
take your coat and the lawyer wiir strip off your
shirt, and as for tho Judge, wby, man. he'll skin
you alivet" You see. 1 talked sensibly to the
folks like that but It was, all of no utelZeitgest.
The Price ot BoyaHyr Mrs.Sfflih Tes,
my daughter Lucy-married a blaeksmltlvnd
they have a nice home and are getting along
nicely. Mary married a butcher, and is very com
fortably provided for. Jennie married a section
hand, and they are happily situated,
Mrs. Jones And your daughter Cliadys?
Mrs. Smith-Alas! she married a foreign noble
man. 1 send her S2 per week and some discarded
dresses, and by taking in washing she manages to
support the family. Omaha World.
He Bought Them Himself. Wife (sar-castIcally)-John.
that's big trunk I saw the
men put Into the baggage car Just as we started,,
I suppose It has your bathing, outflt In It ud yoa .
want to show your clgar-smoklng, beer-drinking
friends how large It Is comptred with tho little
hand-hag that has my bathing suit. That's an
old Joke, John, and you ought to Be asawaed
of It.
Husband-That hand-bs-. Maria, has my bit th
ing ontflt. In that big trunk yoa will find two
.new bathing suiUfeXyouneU' that Just aeeutfill
It. 1 bought t&e1 myself, and left 1s)-HMe you
selected at W-rifc! "Help here, quiet," SMtefcedy 1
BSB'S waiea; ymeagv itvtvwe