Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 30, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Pittsburg Cricket CM
.'Presents Its Annual Sports.
A Field Day at Brnsbton that Passed
Off Very Pleasantly.
Banning, Jumping, Biding and Throwing
" " -'Amuse Votaries of Sports.
HF.EE was a se-
lectbnt jolly as
semblage to wit
ness the mimic
SOlvmDian rames
tHf M at the Brnshton
Jf tmBiSLJSttt cricket grounds
yesterday after
nobn. A bevy of
the fairest ladies
ot the East End,
representing the
Soman matrons
and maidens,
Colonel J. M.
Schoomaker, the
Eoman Emperor and Dictator, Charles &
Clark, the Herald, while Alex. JlacPher-
son led the slaves and lictors who ever and
anon entered the arena and trigged out the
paraphernalia necessary to the contestants,
the latter being drawn from all sources, in
cluding Pittsburg and Allegheny athletic
The day was perfection itself, and if the
Pittsburg Cricket Club had made a special
arrangement for a fine weather date, the
mythical personage who doles out weather
to "Western Pennsylvania could not have
done better. The Cricket club members
congratulated themselves upon the great
luck of hitting one fair day out of a June
filled with deluges.
i .&. M .lUlltLj
"iM-BWUaT-.. f I.
A Running Jump.
The lovely stretch of greensward, whereon
the cricketers disport themselves, was
smoothly shorn, and looked like a great
patch of green velvet dotted here and there
with flags and small posts defining race
limits. In the two clnb houses fair ladies
arrayed in airy toilets waved their fans lan
guidly 'pending the commencement of the
programme. The interior of the club house
was converted into dressing rooms, in which
brawny young men decked themselves out in
abbreviated pantaloons and gauze shirts,
and admiringly surveyed each other's
thews and sinews. The young men who
were going to run patted their protuberant
muscles affectionately, and the young men
who were going to throw the elusive base
ball rubbed their biceps muscles and filled
their lungs with Brushton azone. There
was the greatest of good feeling ietween the
contestants, and it would have made the
most confirmed pessimist thaw out of his
reserve to see the good health beaming from
tanned countenances and the clear eyes of
the fine looking young athletes.
The sun had been beating down on the
tnrf with a vindictive heat, but as soon as
the sports commenced Old Sol considerately
withdrew behind sundry iriendly clouds and
although the warmth was oppressive it did
not seem to affect the participants in the
races, who capered nimbly about on the
space in front of the clubhouse. Members
of the cricket club were ready with willing
bands, arranging the stakes, hurdles and
other athletic apparatus in the several
events. At 3 o'clock the grand stands were
tolerably well filled with ladies escorted and
ladies alone, these latter
of certain young gentlemen in the field with
an interest plainly visible. Fair women
love brave men, and the man who shows his
physique upon the Olympian field is brave
to a certain extent. Perhaps private plaudits
will follow the signs of approbation so lib
erally bestowed in public by the fair ones
yesterday, but certain it is that every man
who appeared in the field acted as though
be was, to use a popular catchword, "out
for blood." The several events were hotly
contested, squarely won and liberally ap
plauded, and none were mye generally
lavish in praise ot the winners than the un
fortunate defeated.
It was a shade past 3 o'clock when the
field officers entered the grounds and dis
tributed themselves to the performance of
their respective unties. .Every man ot them
knew what was expected of him and the
duties of theofficials were respectively per
formed with judgment and discretion. Mr.
T. S. Fullwood was referee, and Colonel J.
M. Schoonmaker, Harry G. Brown and J.
E. Schwartz acted as judges. Harry Dar
lington, O. D. Thompson and A. Pj Coch
rane held watches and allowed tempus
to fngjt after accepted" methods.
Charles S. Clark propelled himself around
overseeing the various courses, while
Messrs. Sjewart Johnstown, M..A. Preston,
J. D. Hsilman, Hazen Brown and Alex.
Arbnthnot assisted with neatness and dis
patch. Mr. Alex. Macpherson was field
marshal and general factotum, receiving the
assistance ol Dr. Kay Martin and Messrs.
.Percy Preston, J. H. Stewart, H. E. Eea
and T. S. Clark. Fred Goddwyn aroused
many misgivings by the way in which the
flourished a murderous-looking revolver,
but as he consented to fire it in the air for
the starting of events, sundry apprehensions
were allayed.
"The programme opened with the 100-yard
handicap lor The Dispatch gold medal, a
beautiful and artistic piece of chased work,
fotten up by J. C. Grogan after a special
esign br Mr. Charles S. Clark, a member
of the cricket club. There were ten entries,
'divided into two "heats, the understanding
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being that first and second men in the two
heats were to run in a third and final heat.
For the first heat a beautiful start was made,
and it was an inspiring sight to see the run
ners skimming over the turf. Mr. F. H.
Babcock (scratch), of the Hew Yorfc Ath
letic Club, finished first, and Mr. C. T.
-Wiegand (1 yd.) finished second. Time 11
seconds. In the second heat Mr. J1.
J. Kron (4 yds.), of the Y. M. C. A'
broke the string, Mr. John Owen, Jr.
(scratch), of the Detroit Athletic Club,
coming second. In the final heat the last
named gentleman won easily in 10 1-5 sec
onds, Mr. Babcock taking second.
There were five entries lor the next event,
throwing baseball, and there was a great
exhibition of biceps as the contestants stood
up to the line and launched the hide and
yarn catapult with mighty efforts. Mr. E.
V. Taul, of the Pittsburg Athletic Club,
won easily, throwing 108 yards and 2 feet, a
record fairly good for an amateur. Mr. F.
H. Babcock, of the 2few York Athletic
Club, was second with 91 yards feet
The 220 yards handicap was to have been
run in three heats, but by common consent
was run by all the entries in a grand dash.'
John Owen, Jr., (scratch) of the Detroit
Athletic Club, won feet down in 21 1-5 sec
onds, Mr. W. H. Struse, Staten Island Ath
letic Club, coming second. The course was
down hill, and the time apparently smashed
the record to smithereens. A timer ran to
the turn to watch fouling, but Mr. Owens
was so far ahead that louling was impossi
ble. a great discussion aeose
as to the time, and to set matters straight,
a tape line was run over the course and it
was lound to be "only" 12 yards short.
Mr. Owens has a record of 22 3-5 seconds on
the cinder path and Fred Good wyn, 'after a
hurried session with'a pencil, said that the
gentleman rod just about run up to his
record time. This race was beautiful and
the quick-moving young men made a stir
ring picture as they dashed past the club
house! The one.mile bicycle race was a handicap,
H. H. Willock, the winner, having 90
vards to W. D. Banker's scratch. The lat
ter, in making a sharp turn up hill, slipped
and fell, and' although he recovered quickly
and pnt on steam for all his muscular legs
were worth, he could not catch his fleet op
ponent, who came in on the eighth lap an
easy winner, in 4 minutes 3 seconds.
Banker came second and was loudly cheered
for his plucky stern chase. Messrs. Lea
Higbee and H. A. Davis were respectively
third and fourth.
The "running high jump" evoked the
most applause of any of the contests. Two
poles were planted in the turf, with a patch
of newly-spaded soft ground for the jumpers
to light on. A slim piece of wood stretched
between the poles with a handkerchief tied
in the center to catch the jumper's eye and
show him how far he must rise off
the ground to clear the jump.
The upright supports had holes bored
in them one inch apart with iron
pecs upon which the pole rested. The con
testants emerged from the club house ar
rayed like Solomon in all his glory. Wie
gand, of the New YorK Athletic Club, wore
submarine pants, an old gold belt and a
mahogany shirt, while a pair of wash
leather shoes and chamois-skin socks com
pleted his costume.
F. H. Bibcock, of the Jfew York Athletic
Club, wore a pair of abbreviated petticoat
trousers and a jersey waist with an old-gold
unicorn embroidered thereupon. A grim
smile of determination and a disreptuable
pair of moccasins completed his costume.
jiir. J. isoggs, ox ine:n. ju. vj. .a., ourst
upon the gaze in a nadjy costume of black
jersey and yellow ballet shoes. All of the
costumes of the jumpers w ere extremely
decollete at both ends.
The jumping began at i4 feet heighftmd
progressed easily up to 5 feet. Then the
trouble began for Messrs. Boggs and Bab
cock. Mr. Boggs took a long run and came
down in the soft ground like a thousand of
brick, while Mr. Babcock sneaked up
to the pole and got himself over
by a Titantic spring. Mr. "Wiegand
ran a few feet, planted his lees on the
ground and turned half around, clearing
the pole everv time 'With the utmost ease.
Each man had three chances at" the altitude,
and Boggs and Babcock just got there by
the skin cf their teeth several times. Fi
nally the pole rose to 5 feet 3 inches, and
Mr. Boggs could not make the riffle, al
though heartily cheered by the spectators.
At 5 feet 4 inenes Mr. Babcock fell by the
wayside, and Mr. "Wiegand put on steam
and went over as clean as a whistle amid vo
ciferous applause. He was declared winner
with an official record of 5 leet 4 inches,
Mr. Babcock second.
The 440-yard handicap was a lively con
test, and was won by W. H. Struse, of the
Staten Island Athletic Club, in 58 seconds,
J. McGrew, ot the Y. M. C. A., coming in
brought out some aspiring youngsters, who
made a magnificent showing in speed, but
looked somewhat heterogenous as to get-up.
The distance of 100 yards was covered by
George M. Ls.ugb.lin, Jr., (scratch) in 11 2-5
seconds, a very creditable showing, J.
Howard Fry, of the Bochester Athletic
Club, came in second, and gave the winner
.all he could do to keep his heels in sight.
All the lads ran well together, and a
diminutive youngster, H. Lloyd Gillespie,
made his short, fat legs work in a marvelous
Messrs. "Wilgand and Babcock, ot the
New York Athletic Club, and H. C. Fry,
of the Bochester Athletic Club, put up a
very lively race in the 120 yards hurdle, ten
hurdles three feet high to clear. "Wiegand
won, clearing all the hurdles but the last,
and making a record of 17 2-5 seconds, H.
C. Fry taking second honors:
The 880 Yards handicap was vigorously
contested, J. M. McGrew, of the Y. M. C.
A., winning in 2 minutes and 16 2-5 sec
onds, "W. Brown, of the Hazelwood Ath-'
lelic Association, finishing second. Mr.,
"Wiegand was at scratch, the winner having
30 vards and the second having 20 vards.
Mr. "Wiegand, perhaps through a desire not
to scoop everything in sight, made no effort
to figure in the finish.
Colonel J. M. Schoonmaker called the
contestants about him, and awarded each of
the handsome medals to the winners in a
tew well-chosen remarks, while the crowd
gathered around and admired the glittering
badges of prowess. The different medals,
gold for first and silver for second' honors,
were contributed as follows: The Dis-
I patch, 100-yard handicap; the Chronicle
uelegrapn, throwing baseball; the Times,
880 yards; the Leader, 440 yards; the Press,
bicycle; the Bulletin, high jump, and Mr. J.
C. Grogan, hurdle.
A group of ladies descended from the
grandstand and inspected both the prizes
and the recipients. They were: Mrs. Col
onel Schoonmaker, Mrs.'LateSchoonmaker,
the Misses Allen, Miss Royal', of Philadel
phia; Miss Emma O'Neill, Miss Dilworth,
Miss Beggs, Miss Stevenson and Mrs. Pres
ton. Kates of the Cricket Field.
It was Mr. Wiegand's day on.
The CricKet Clnb knows how to handle field
sports successfully.
Haert O. Bkown bad on a magnificent
pair of cream-yellow shoes.
The Great Western Band played inspiringly
while the boys scooted over the grass.
and matched team attracted admiration.
T. S. FtruAvooD held on to his stop-watch as
if it was a thing of beauty and a joy forever.
Hakey Daei.inqton wore his stop watch in
a highly neglige fashion hanging by the chain.
Colonei. Schoonmakek wore a polo COit
and cap, and beamed from under the visor of
the latter. ,
THE Pittsburg cricketers are getting ready
to pat up a great game against the -Belmont?,
of Philadelphia, upon the glorious Fourth.
lis. Hazen Brown stirred up the ground
valiantly with an agricultural implement for
the trituration of the soil a spado's a spade.
Such an event shonld have been enongh of. a
magnet to triple the attendance. 1 he cricket
boys are hopeful of instilling an athletic colt
in the minds of Plitsburgers, however in time.
DE. B. M. Hanna. Eye, ear, .nose and
throat diseases exclusively; ' Office, 718 Perm,
street, x-ituourg. ra. . s&su
President Gompers, of the Federation
of Trades, in the City-
A Gigantic Demonstration to he Held in
Chicago on the Fourth.
President SamueltGompers, of the Feder
ation of Trades, arrived in the city yester
day afternoon and went io frock Point to
attend the reunion of the American Flint
Glass Workers'.Associatiqn at that place.
He arrived there too late to- speak, being
delayed by the wreck on the Pennsylvania
He will deliver an address at an open
meeting under the auspices of the Flints at
Odd Fellows' Hall, 'Eighteenth street,
Southside, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon.
newsy chat with the chief.
A representative of The Dispatch ac
companied Mr. Gompers from Bg,ck Point
to Pittsburg last night and had a pleasant
talk with fiim in regard to the eight-hour
movement, which is nowbeing agitated by
the federation. So far there has yet been
no open demonstration held in this city and
there will not be lor several months yet. A
number of private meetings will be held on
July 4 in Pittsburg, while there will be
outdoor mass meetings,'1 parades, etc., all
over the country in favor of the movement.
In his talk Mr. Gompus said:
"The agitation in favor of the movement
has been spontaneous all over the country,
and the success we are meeting with has
exceeded mvmost sanguine anticipations.
On July 4 there will be State conventions
held in Texas, Alabama and Georgia, and
in Minnesota there will lie a State demon
stration. The latter is a uniform action in
all the cities and large towns in the State,
while the conventions ar,e to be held to pro
pagate the' demand that eight hours shall
constitute a day's work.
"Iu the following cities there will be.
great demonstrations: New York, Boston,
Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Syra
cuse, Buffalo, Portland, Ore., San Fran
cisco, Duluth, Minn., Milwaukee, New
Haven, Conn., Newark and Paterson. N.
J., Indianapolis, Evansville,---Ind., Grand
Bapids and Detroit, Mich via Chicago we
will have
that this country will ever see. The Com
mittee of Arrangements there have looked
after accommodations for between 80,000
and 100,000 people. The jubilee is being
arranged under the auspides or the' Trades
"On February 22, last, we had our first
demonstration in favor! of the movement.
The meetings were held in 140 different
cities throughout the country. On the
fourth of next month wewe will have our
second demonstration. The demand for the
eight hours will be made un May 1, 1890,
and we will have a perfect organization by
that time.
"There is not mucKknown of the Federa
tion in this cityalthough we held our first
meeting here. We organized in November,
1881, with John Jarrett as 'chairman. "We
ilow represent over 600,000 members in
the different labor organizations through
out the country. In Pittsburg the follow
ing unions are in the-Federation: The
American Flints, the Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Iron and Steel 'Workers, the
Brotherhood of Carpenters, the painters and
decorators, tailors, cigarmakers, tile layers
and plumbers and the Typographical Union.
The Federation holds the same relation to
these organizations that the Federal Govern
ment does to the different States."
There is a movement on foot to organize
in this city a federal uhion of the Federa
tion of Labor. This will be composed of
wageworkers who are in mixed assemblies
or unions. There are quite a number of
these people who want to affiliate with the
Federation, but have no trade organization
by which they may become attached.
Intimate Connection of .the Iiock-Out in
Northern Illinois With the Local Coal
Trade News to diners.
The miners of Illinois, 10,000 of whom are
now opposing a material reduction of wages,
have sent a committee to the Pittsburg dis
trict to solicit aid, as will, be ,noted by the
official certificate prrnted herewith. Those
readers who are interested in the coal trade,
either as operators or miners, may gain some
important information by perusing the
points furnished by the committee as pub
lished below:
Coal Crrt, HI, June 23, 1S89.
To whomlt may concern:
This is to certify that John McFee and Wil
liam Stewart are dnly appointed to receive and
collect aid for the striking miners of Illinois,
who are resisting a 10 cent per ton reduction.
After exhausting all efforts to brine abont
an equitable settlement, we were insulted and
told if we did not accept the terms offered, the
operators wonld make It 20 instead of la Now,
if the miners ot Kortbern Illinois accept "tbe
reduction, the miners of - Ohio and Pennsyl
vania will bo made to Compete, and must go
idle or sutler a reduction In their wages. Ask
ing a liberal support in behalf of our suff enng
craft, we are fraternally in the pause,
Robert M. Beed, DistrictTresident.
Williah Scaipe, Secretary-Treasurer.
In addition to the reduction proposed the
miners of La Salle and Spring Valley are
asked to take a further reduct'on equal to
25 per cent in dead work; 'consisting of a
foot more bushing, and to keep the roids
afterward 4 feet G inches high, which is 6
inches more than the Braidwood road: that
are abominated all over the State. At
Braidwood many or the men are compelled
to return to the mines alter the day is done
in order to keep their roads' feet, hence it
is that Illinois miners regard the Braidwood
mines as a species of slaverr, yet tbe La'
Salle and Spring Valley comnanies would
have their employes do 6 inches more,
It is clear to Eastern operators and miners
'that, should the Illinois operators win their
aemano upon taeir nair-siaryea miners tne
trade of the eastern regions must be badly
disturbed thereby in the price of contracts
and the rate to tbe inibers It Should be
noted also that this islargely"a contention
in the first place ' between the operators of
Northern Illinois and those of the East,
inasmuch as iu convention the Illinois
operators declared that'the "Western Penn
sylvania operators were, competing with,
them owing to natural gas interfering with
sales at home, and that to meej this, Illi
nois would go below Pennsylvania in the
markets. , l .,.'
la view of these facts it is plain that,
President Gompers. '
though the seat of contest is in Northern
Illinois, the line of battle extends into the
Fast as far as mines are located that ship
bituminous coal to the Northwest. It is on
this ground that the Illinois miners request
assistance from the Pittsburg district.
those" imported glass blowers,
1 "
President .Evans Makes a Report to the
Central Trades Council.
The regular meeting of the Central Trades
Council was held last night with. President
Joseph L. Evans in the chair.
The credentials of J. G. Snyder and John
S. Hast, of the Brotherhood of Carpenters
and Joiners' Union 142, and John Larkin,
of 6332, K. of L., were received.
The report of President Evans on the
importation of foreign glass workers was
read. It was as follows:
Pittsburg, Juno 29, 1SS9.
To the Officers and Members of the Central Trades
Council of Western Pennsylvania:
Gentlemen Having been appointed by the
Executive Board to carry out the instructions
issued by this body at your last meeting, I beg
leave to report that I have attended to the
same. I consulted Wm. J. Brennen, attor
ney, who laid the entire law before
myself and some others decided to proceed un
der that portion of the law which allows us to
demand an investigation at the bands of tthe
Government, and which provides for the send
ing back of the imported workmen if
they are found to be here illegally. All
papers were therefore turned over to
Mr. Brennen, and he was instructed to proceed
to Washington, and lay the matter before the
Secretary of the Treasury. This be has done,
and the matter is nowwherethe truth or falsity
of the accusations may be proven. I shall
keep you thoroughly posted as to the progress
of the case, and. in the meantime, yon are re
quested to exercise patience. Inasmuch as the
Treasury Department at once commenced
operations. I do not think the case will be long
delayed. Respectfully submitted,
Joseph L. Evans.
The report 'was received and ordered on
fill. The following resolution was aho
M. P. Carrick was elected a member of
the Executive Board to succeed O. T. Carlin,
who resigned.
A special meeting will beheld on "Wednes
day evening to consider some business in the
hands of the Ezecntive Board.
miners Can't Worjt Because
Won't Patronize PIuck-Me's.
A card, which is appended, has been
issued by the coal miners' representatives:
To the Public The following letter, re
ceived to-day, shows that tho employers who
operate company stores are determined to
starve the miners that they may be forced to
deal in the "pluck-me" stores as a condition of
holding their places in the mines:
ShanerS, Pa, June 28, 1S89.
Mr. John Flannery:
Sir and Bkotheb We, the miners of
Shaner Gas Coal Company have been victim
ized for not dealing in the company store, and
as we have had very poor work for the last
year, the men here, of course, are in want. So
you will please send all the assistance you can,
and as soon as you can. We have 265 men,
women and children here. Some of tbe men
went to hnnt work, but say they could not get
it "because they were from Shaner."
The meager earnings of the miners have been
gathered in by these terrible and hated stores,
and unless the public contribute to a fund to
provide food and shelter for the families of tho
miners they must continne to be slaves to the
"pluck-me'' system. The miners are willing to
make sacrifices and endnre extraordinary hard
ships to be freed of these accursed engines of
oppression. They ask their fellow citizens
to contribute enough to pass them over
the terminal of their bondage to thostores un
til they have an opportunity and liberty to earn
enongh to give them a start in life as freemen.
Contributions should be sent to the undersigned
to Trades Journal. Reports of money and
other offerings will be made to the press as soon
as received. By order of Executive Committee.
John Flannery, Sec-Treas.
J. D. Conway,
J. F. Welch.
Pittsburg, June 29, 1889.
T. J. McGniro ComlnBt
P. J. McGnire, Grand Secretary of the
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, will
be in the city on Tuesday, stopping here on
his "Western tonr of inspection. The mem
bers of the order in Allegheny1 cpuutv have
decided to hold a public meeting, at which
Mr. McGuire will speak in the interest of
the craft, and Imperial Hall, on Grant
street, has been engaged for Tuesday even
ing. The meeting will be open to the pub
lic and several local speakers will be in at
tendance. A Big Pipe Contract. ' ,
About 121 miles of pipe are to be laid in
Toledo for piping natural gas, and the cost
will be about $500,000. All the large pipe
manufacturers in the country have repre
sentatives in the town and are figuring on
the work. Pittsburg pipe men will likely
get a good slice of the contract.
Labor Notes.
The Monongahela Furnace' Company intends
to build two new furnaces at McKeesport.
W. T. Lewis, National Secretary of the N. P.
U., will go to Europe for the Scnpps League of
Lieutenant Fitch, who is a son-in-law of
General Sherman, has resigned his position as
manager of the Braddock "Wire Mill of Carne
gie & Co. - '
The river coal trade is unusually dull. B. B.
Blackburn, an operator, yesterday received a
message from his agent stating that he was
selling coal m Cincinnati at 5 cents per bushel
on 90 days' time. This is about the cost of pro
duction and shipping.
With Vs, 'But Only Beginning With Onr
"We have completed the semi-annual tak
ing of stock, and as usual discovered sev
eral broken lines remaining. These we
have reduced to a figure that will hurry up
bargain seekers .to begin their "stock
taking." First, we offer a line of moquette carpets,
which have been rapid sellers and extra
good bargains at $1 SO peryard, at $1 25 a
yard. AH' spring 'goods,with'choice bor
ders to match every pattern.
Also, a line of spring patterns body brus
sels, reduced from ?1 35 to 1 per yard. We
never offered better bargains than are con
tained in the above two lines. ,
Carpet remnants go fast here, but our
rapid sales keep the clerks busy carrying
short ends down the first floor. We run all
grades of them out at one-third regular
prices,. Edwaed Geoetzingee,
G27 and 629 Penn ayenue.
Belief for Hebrew Flood Sufferers.
Mr. Morris Sailer, of Sailer & Co., Dia
mond and Smitbfield streets, yesterday re
ceived a check for f70 the proceeds of a
home fair held at the residence of his sister-in-law,
'Mrs. Bertha Iteis, 119 West Ninth
street, Cincinnati, O., for the benefit of the
Johnstown Hebrew flood suffereis. Mr. Sai
ler handed the check to the Hebrew Belief
Fourth of July Excursions.
The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad will
sell excursion tickets east of Pittsburg on
July 2, 3 and 4, good to return on the 8th,
inclusive; and west of Pittsburg on the 3d
and 4th, good to return on the 5th, in
clusive. Free of Clinrce Till July 4.
A neat pistol (perfectly harmless), to
gether with 600 paper cap shots, free with
every boy's or child's suit, and a complete
set ot flood photographs with every pur
chase of not less than $5 at Kaufmanns
Give Yonr Children a Show.
You can get them neater clothes and for
less money at Gusky's than anywhere in the
State Besides, the little fellows will get a
nobby fire-cracker cannon to fire off on the
Free of Charge Till July 4,
'A neat pistol (perfectly harmless), to
gether with 600 paper cap shOU, free with
every boy's or child's suit, and a complete set
of flood photographs with every purchase of
not less than 55 at Kaui'manns'.
Excursion to Ohio Pyloon the Fonrth of July.
Bate $1 60 for the round trip. Train leaves, i
a. is u. Jtt. Jtt. new depot at a a. m.
Those Obliterated County Rules
Treated Tenderly in Dying.
Even Col. Bayne is Willing to Adopt Tlem
Without a Change.
The meeting of the Bepublican County
Executive Committee yesterday afternoon
to consider the report of the Committee on
Bules was a regular love feast. There were
a few little differences of opinion, but they
were of small moment, and greater harmony
prevailed than has been shown for some
time past Although the meeting was called
for 2 o'clock, it was nearly 3 o'clock when
Chairman W. D. Porter rapped for order.
After the roll had been called the minutes
were 'read. Mr. William Flinn objected
to the wording of a motion attributed
to him as recorded. The way it was
put down in the minutes was that
Mr. Flinn had moved for the appoint
ment oi a special'committee to revise "the
so-called obnoxious rules" of the County
Committee. ''My motion didn't call the
rules 'obnoxious,' " said Mr. Flinn. "They
might have been good enough. I want a
change made iu the minutes."
"What do you want changed?" asked
Chairman Porter.
"Why, I want 'obnoxious' stricken out,"
replied Mr. Flinn.
At the suggestion of Mr. John N. Neeb,
the word "present" was substituted for "so
called obnoxious," and the work went on.
Mr. Flinn then presented the report of
the special Committee on Bules, which was
published in full in The Dispatch on last
Thursday morning. He also handed in
the new rules, which were also published in
this paper on the same date.
After the new rules had been read in full,
Mr. Neeb suggested that they be taken up
seriatim. Mr. S. P. Conner moved that
they be adopted as read. Colonel T. M.
Bayne seconded the motion, and in support
of it said that the new rnles gave practical
Bepublican representation. "I have made
no personal objection to anything that has
been done," continued Colonel Bayne, "but
I did feel an interest in having a fair repre
sentation. I think these rnles are very fpir,
and there is no need to take them up
Mr. Mark Donley wanted ts know why a
change had been made in the rule regarding
the length of residence of Voters in a dis
trict. The new rule made it 60 days, and
he thought that was unfair, as many persons
move on April 1, and it would shut out Be
publican voters at tbe primaries. Chair
man Porter said it was the law and could
not be ignored. Mr. Flinn said the same.
'Squire Schaffer insisted that it was not
the law, and that any rules that the different
party committees might make were recog
nized as the law. He moved to amend the
rule by making the limit residence 10 days.
This was seconded by Mr. Donley.
Chairman Porter (Mr." S. P. Conners in
the chair), then read the act of Assembly
governing primary elections, whicb became
a law June 29, 1881. It is found on page
HE of Smull's Hand Book. The section
which covered the case is as follows:
If any person not qualified to vote at a gen
eral election, shall fote at a nominating elec
tion held by any political party, eta, he shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined not
exceeding $200 and imprisoned not .exceed''
ing three months. .. -
Mr. M. 6. Frank insisted that the limit
of residence should be less than 60 days for
a primary election. "But the rules provide
for that," said Mr. Porter. "The primaries
are not to be held until the first Saturday in
June, and that lets in people who moved on
April 1."
After some more discussion, .'Squire
Schaffer's motion to make the limit ten
days, was lost. Then Mr. Donley remarked:
"Can the Bepublican County Committee
compel the Democratic County Committee
to obey the law, as we must?" "You are
in the wrong place for that question," re
plied Mr. Porter, "who had 'resumed the
chair. ''We are Eepublicans here." The
rules, as read, were then adopted by an al
most unanimous vote.
Mr. Neeb then moved that the recom
mendation in the report of the Committee
on Bules, that a committee of nine, repre
senting each legislative district, be ap
pointed to name the additional members of
the a County Committee, be adopted. The
motion was carried and the committee
directed to report at a special meeting of
the County Committee in two weeks from
yesterday. Chairman Porter
from each legislative district for this com
mittee, and as each district was called, the
following persons were named:
First district, John N. Neeb; Second, James
Bradley: Third, James Getty, Jr.; Fonrth,
George H. Treusch; Fifth, S. H. French and
William Flinn: Sixth. Miles Bryan; Seventh,
Walter Lyon; Eighth, William Germon.
Colonel T. M. Bayne then moved to re
consider the vote by which the rules were
adopted, and that the motion to reconsider
be laid on the table. Mr. Flinn wanted to
know what was the object of the motion,
and Mr. Bayne said it was simply
a parliamentary motion to fix the
rules for one year, so that they
cannot be changed except in the regular
way. There was considerable talk on the
matter, but Colonel Bayne finally carried
his point and motion by a vote of 35 ayes to
G noes.
Chairman Porter said that he would an
nounce the Campaign Committee at the
next meeting, and hoped the different mem
bers would give him. the benefit of their
suggestions as to the best men to appoint.
The committee then adjourned to meet on
Saturday, July 13.
What Yon Want Is an 2BoIIan Organ.
"What would you do with it? Why, play
on it, of course." "You can't play? That
makes no difference; theyare made for the
people who can't play."
"Oh, you can. play, can you? That's all
right; they are made for you, too, my friend.
The iEolian organ is the universal instru
ment. It is, first, a perfect key-board organ
for the expert musician, and also an instru
ment upon which anyone entirely ijrnorant
ofmusiouan play anything withont tbe
slightest practice.'' "Write for catalogue.
It is only at our establishment that you get
them. Melloe & Hoene,
77 Filth ave., Pittsburg.
Youe Opportunity; Has Come We
are determined to dispose of summer goods
at any sacrifice prices, cut up right and lelt.
Do not make a purchase until you see our
bargains. Ladies' jersey ribbed vests, 10c;
silk vests, 49c; child's jersey ribbed vests,
all sizes, 10c; girls' calico dresses, 7c to 50c;
gingham and challis dresses, 25c to $2; white
dresses, 515 to S3; calico wrappers, 50c to $1;
fine sateen andjchytllis tea gowns, $1 60 to $6;
parasols and fans below cost; infants' cloaks
and slips, etc., at reduced prices. Busy
Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty.
Horse for Sale Cheap.
I have a bay horse, fine style, 8 years old,
weighs 1,200 pounds, perfectly sound and
gentle, won't scare at anything, will work
anywhere, under saddle or to buggy. Have
more horses than I need at present reason
for selling. He is worth every cent ol $275,
but $165 will buy him now.
627 and 629 Penn avenue.
A faifo Torn From Her Hoabnnd'a Arms
by tho Angry Element.
A Dispatch reporter met Mr. M. F.
Boberts, of Kernville, last night. The loss
of life that afflicted him and his relatives is
too great for any thorough description. In
talking about the matter he said:
"I lost my wife out of my arms; such was
the force of the terrific torrent. We had
only been married four months before the
flood, and had only gone to housekeeping on
the 2d day of April. I was rescued in
Dibert's orchard, by Henry Schafer, who
pulled me in through the second-story win
dow of his house. At that time there was
at least 33 feet of water. I lost my wife at the
comer of Morris street. She lost her grasp.
I sprang irom the fence to a tree. She caught
hold of my right arm. I sprang to another
tree, and then the great wave struck us. and
she was torn from my arms, although I
made the most desperate effort to save her.
"That is not all. Her three brothers and
two sisters; her mother, 3nd my uncle, H. J.
Boberts, the cashier of the First National
Bank of Johnstown, perished in the flood.
My uncle had been for 23 years cashier of
that bank. His wife and the uncle were
lost. We found the bodies of his wife and
the uncle. The other bodies have not yet
been recovered from the wreck."
Mr. Boberts, while reciting these facts,
was only able to preserve his equanimity,
for he was greatly afflicted.
Yesterday's Flood Contributions Swell
Grand Total to $710,956.
The subscriptions to the Johnstown fund,
yesterday, swelled the total to $710,956 28,
the day's contributions being $8,697 65, as
T. A Wright, JSandown. Islo of Wight, En
gland, $20: Citizens of Akron, N. Y., $116 75;
Citizens of Blissfield, Mich , $14 75; Citizens of
Cochranton, Pa., additional, J10; Pennsylvania
Bailroad Company. 5.5,000; Citizens of Mt.
Carroll, 111., ?41 15: First Presbyterian Church,
Atlantic, Pa, S47 85; Port Huron, Mich.,
through the Times, $12 80; Miles Grove Metho
dist Churth, Erie county, Pa., additional,
$74 57; Citizens of New Wilmington, Pa., $96 60;
B, W. East, Bethlehem. Pa., $5; citizens of New
Castle and vicinity. $791 9oi citizens of Pros
pect, Pa., and vicinity, $11 00: First Congrega
tional Church, Alton, Kan., $5 80; Wadsworth
Women's Belief Corps, Helena, Mont, $235 75;
citizens of Canton, O.. (add.). $14 70; citizens of
Sandusky, $1,972 55; clerks of Recorder's office,
$76; Eureka Orange and M. E. Cbnrch, Ken
nedyville, Md., $27 73; William M. Johnston, 60
cents: Tarentum, Pa.. (add.).$l; E. H. McCaf
frey, $1 83; Great Harrington, Mass., (add.), 50
cents; John L. AckBn, $1- Presbyterian Church,
Mingo, Pa.. $56; Mrs. J. B. Allender and others,
S3; city of Dunkirk, N. Y.. (add.), $23 47.
Handsome New Drag Store Opened at No.
27 Sixth Street.
The handsomest and best appointed drug
store in the city has just been opened for
business at No. 27 Sixth street, in the Albe
marle Hotel, by J. A. McKibben & . Co.
The carpenter work of this beautiful store
is by the well-known firm of Slack &
Sholes, which statement is in itself a guar
antee of its elegance and fine finish. The
interior is finished in cherrv throughout,
highly polished. The floor is tiled and the
walls and ceiling papered, the general effect
being very pleasing. Tbe shelves are
stocked with a full line of the freshest and
purest goods. All having prescriptions
that cannot well be filled elsewhere are in
vited to bring them hre, where the new
drugs are always to be obtained. Dr. J. A.
McKibben, who now presides, wishes to an
nounce to his brbther physicians that he has
positively abandoned all medical practice,
and will devote himself solely and entirely
to the prescription drug business.
For the opening days the large show win
dows of this beautiful drugstore are filled
with ierus, palms and Tare plants.
A noticeable feature of the new store is
the absence of all patent medicine adver
tisements. While a full line of patents is
carried, it is not intended to press their sale,
but to depend upon a strictly legitimate
prescription trade forjausiness.
Mr. S. T. Hamberg, late manager 6f
Judd'rf' Pharmacy, Philadelphia, has been
regularly engaged by J. A. McKibben &
Co. for laboratory work.
Will Save Yaa Money.
The great wheat barons of the Northwest
have seen a chance to pinch consumers and
are trying to boom flour. I am not built
that way. I have seen a chance to reduce
the price and down she goes.
I can give you flour at 90c for a sack of
50 pounds and I can give you "Buckeye
Flour," guaranteed to make white light
bread every time, for 51 30 per sack. You
can buy nothing better for $X 50.
The great prophet Hicks tells us from the
4th to the 8th of Jnly will be the hottest
days of the summer. Hicks appears to be
on top these days, and he may get there
again. So you. had better be ready. Get
all your bile worked off and put your liver
in good running order. Of course, you
must have something to drink, and, of
course, you can't drink river water after
the awful yarns of our medical advisers.
Eoot beer is what yon wani Only 19c for
a bottle of beer extract, and a bottle will
make a keg of beer. Possibly Judge W
would not like it, as it is not "imported;"
but then the United States are good enough
for most of us.
If von don't want root beer, iced tea will
' hit you. Not the "iced tea" our Senators
get away with in Washington, but tbe sort
of tea dumped in Boston Harbor. Price
can be no object, for I can give you tea at
any price from 16 cents per pound. This is
a good time to think of it, as the law only
allows you to take a drink six days in the
Send for weekly price-list and order by
mail. Orders amounting to $10, without
counting sugar, packed and shipped tree of
charge to any point within 200 miles. Give
me a trial, I will save you money.
79 &81 Ohio st., cor. Sandusky, Allegheny.
Free of Charge Till July 4.
A neat pistol (perfectly harmless), to
gether with 600 paper-cap shots free with
every boy's or child's suit, and a complete
set of flood photographs with every purchase
of not less than $5 at Kaufmanns'.
- "
$ Gipsy Rings.
Have you seen them? The newest and
prettiest novelty of the season. All colors
of stones at 51 50 to S2 50. E. P. Roberts
& Sons' is the only place you can get them.
Now for a Glorious Fonrth.
Kaufmanns' will continue till next Thurs
day to present a neat, perfectly harmless
pistol, together with 600 paper-cap shots,
with every boy's suit.
Kemember Gusky's store will keep open
till 9 next Wednesday evening and will be
closed at noon on Thursday, the 4th.
Now for a Glorious Fonrth.
Kaufmanns' will continue till next Thurs
day to present a neat, perfectly harmless
pistol, together with 600 paper-cap shots,
with every boy's suit.
Sovereign op Industky cards recog
nized. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Lib
erty. Free or Charge Till Jaly 4.
A neat pistol perfectly harmless), to
gether with 600 paper cap shots, lree with
every boy's or child's suit, and a complete
set of flood photographs with every pur
chase of not less than $5 at Kaufmanns.
I AM selling a fine Havana Key West
cigar 5 for 25c. Wixeiam J. I'eIdat,
wrsu 633 Smithfield street.
Those Free Pictures of the Flood.
Their distribution will positively termi
nate on July" 4; until that day Kaufmanns
will present a complete set, representing, tbe
most interesting views of the great flood,
with every purcnase'of 5 or over.
Oyer Six Thousand People Attend the
Glasswerkers' Picnic
Battles With Fakirs, Who Were Driven,
from the Grounds.
The annual picnic and reunion of the
American Flint Glass' Workers' Associa
tion was helc? at Eocfc Point yesterday.
There were fully 6,000 persons present, and
when the last train left the picnic grounds
it carried the balance of what was probably
the most thoroughly tired crowd that ever
visited the place. It goes withont saying
that the re anion .was in every way a perfect
The day was all that could be desired.
Not one drop of rain fell from sunup until
evening to mar the pleasure of the thousands
of glassblowers, with their wives, sisters
and sweethearts who attended the picnic.
The special trains out of Pittsbnrg and Al
legheny carried with them nearly every glass
blower in the county, and three extra trains
from the Ohio Valley had to be put on to
accommodate the crowds from Wheeling
and vicinity.
The thousands of readers of The Dis
PATCHneed no introduction to Bock Point.
The many shady nooks, the locg graveled
Walks through the trees, the dozen or more
lovers' seats cut in niches in the huge rocks
and the beanteous views of nature along the
picturesque Connoquenessing are allrell
known. As fast as the different trains
stopped at the station the people scrambled
out and overran the grounds. Luch baskets
were opened and those who did not care to
danee put in most ot the time lying about
on the grass and catering to the wants of
their inner man.
An open air meeting was advertised for
the afternoon; but the majority of those(
present came to enjoy themselves at a picnic
and had no time to listen to speeches. The
two large dining pavilions were crowded to
their" fullest capacity most of the day by
those who loved that kind of amusement.
The Mozart Orchestraand the Eoyal Italian
Band played their best music forthe'fol
lowers of the terpsichorean goddess, while
the Maver Brass Band, of Wheeling, ren
dered sweet operatic music during the day.
Besides the dancing all kinds of amuse
ments had been provided by the different
committees. There were foot races, sack
races, potato races, a baseball game and a
fat men's race. There was the "merry-go-round,"
with its wheezy hand-organ accom
paniment, intended to lure people inside
the ropes, but in reality had the effect of
driving many away. The swings, bowling
alleys, etc., were also centers ot attraction
to the thousands of men and women.
In the forenoon the grounds were over
run with "fake" or "win" games. The
"shell" men were there in great numbers,
there being half a dozen boards in opera
tion at one time. It would be impossible to
enumerate the other devices for the purpose
of catching the shekels of the unwary. The
cane man, the "blower," the "striker," the
"lifter," and the "c on," who held up his
head for people to throw gum balls at, were
scattered all oyer the ground. Something
new at the place is a roller coaster, that did
a flourishing business all day.
A very small side show, that formerly
traveled with a smaller fly-by-night circus,
had its tent pitched on the ground and made
about enough money to feed the "skeleton
who never eats." The circus furnished
amusement to the city people who had been
tg see Barnum's or Forepaugh's shows and
the men who patronized it silently slunk
away and kicked themselves. There was
but one performer who had a high sounding
name with the. title of "Professor" tacked
to the front end of it. A very heavy woman
in black tights, took tickets at the door,
but did not perform, except occasionally
take a whirl at the hand-organ, while the
boy was assisting the professor. A Wylie
avenue colored citizen, whose face was
streaked with paint and his hair soaked in
stale beer to make it stand erect, exhibited
pictures of himself and gave an exhibition
of very poor whistling. While not engaged
in these arduous duties, he beat a heavy
bass drum, keeping tune with the hand
organ. The whole show carried the ob
servers back to Kickens "Old Curiosity
Shop," and the author's characters of the
traveling showmen.
During the day a number of fights oc
curred between the managers of the picnic
and the "fakirs.,' The latter were working
under the direction of a well-known
gambler of this city and would not leave
the grounds when ordered. They were
proper, and opened up business on the walk
leadiug to the station. Here, a well-known
alleged prize fighter of this city, who has
had his face smashe'd a number of times,
knocked down a manager and kicked him.
Another man was knocked over the hillside
and slightly injured.
An industry, that apparently sprung up
from the ground, as if by magic, was a
number of pocket "speak easies." About a
dozen men, residents of the place, coined
money selling pint and half pint bottles of
alleged whisky. They had no trjuble dis
posing of their stock, but they never sold
twice to the same man. Tbe stuff was worse
than the "embalming fluid" to be purchased
at Johnstown, and, there was no necessity of
going to a circus to see snake3 if one
drank a good mouthful of it. The
stuff was a concoction of alcohol
and something else no one could analyze.
Where the men got it it was impossible to
discover. If a person asked for a half pint,
one of tbe dealers wonld disappear and in a
few minutes return with the stuff.
In the afternoon President William Smith
made an address. His speech was a beauti
fully worded picture of the benefits of or
ganized labor, and gave a history of -the as
sociation. He said the latter was organized
July 9, 1879, -in Pittsburg, with a member
ship of about 1,000. This has been increased
to 6,000, and takes in every glassworker in
the couojtry. The history of the organiza
tion shows" a continnal struggle with the
glass manufacturers. The association fought
them until -at last they won the respect of
their employers by their manner of fighting
for what they considered their rights.
Secretary William Dillon followed the
President. He eulogized the glassworkers,
and especially the Federation of Trades.
He spoke of the eight-hour movement
which is sweeping over the country, and
said thev were all working for one common
cause, viz, the elevation ot labor.
John Klimer, one of the best known labor
editors ot this city, made tbe closing ad
dress of the meetiug. His speech was a
praiseworthy commentary on the Federation
of Trades, and be closed by advising his
hearers to organize for the eight-hour move
ment. Samuel Gompers, the President of,
the Federation, who was billed to speak,
did not arrive in time, owing to the wreck
on the Pennsylvania Bailroad. He deferred
his speech until to-day.
The baseball game was won by the Pitts
burg clnb, they defeating the Kail City
Doys oy tne scqre ot o to v. The sacK race
was won by Jenkin Williams, of the South
side. H. MT. Kerr, of Beaver Falls, was the
winner of the 100-yard race. The potato
race was won by Tony Haas, of this city.
Harry Woods, ot Sew Brighton, distanced
all competitors in the fat men's race, and re
ceived the prize of ?5 worth of beautiful
glassware. ' '
The Chairman of the General Committee
was George Knowles; of the Floor Commit
tee, John Stroble and Peter Strickel.
Among the visitors at the grounds was
Joseph Eoseman, the first President of tha
old glass workers' society, which was or
ganized in 1859. t
The last train up from Bock Point, which
got in at 12 o'clock last night, was crowded
with the late ones who are wont to stay
until the last shade of recreative sport has
gone. Some of them got a shade or two tho
worst of it
Union station was filled with hilarity aa
soon as the train stopped, and both women
and men chimed in to make it a perfect
bedlam. There were no serious results,
however, until the crowd reached a Liberty
street saloon, where a half dozen of the gay
boys got into an argument which resulted in
an eye or so in the black and a nose or two
in the red, None' were arrested. .-
Chemically Pure and Perfectly Clear Water
Near at Hand.
Messrs. Haller, Beck & Co. are now giv
ing away large quantities of the pure water
that condenses from the evaporated artesian
water used at their saltworks on Eebe'cca
street, Allegheny. A chemical analysis
shows this condensed water to be perfectly
pure. Messrs. Heenan and Brown, both
residents of Allegheny, who have just re
turnedtfrom Johnstown, report great quan
tities of filth, being dumped into the river
there, and say that if the people could see
these dumps they certainly would not drink
any river water. Many families are secur
ing the pure water from Messrs. Haller,
Beck & Co. for drinking and cooking pur
poses. The firm is preparing a reservoir for
saving this condensed water, and wonld be
glad to have all persons avail themselves of
it. It will be free to all for the present. No
filtering needed. The water is clear aa
crystal. '
Call round on the corner of Market street
and Fourth avenue on GiUesday, and gaze at
Gusky's show window. You'll see Presi
dent Harrison and his Cabinet.
. Free ot Charge Till Jaly 4.
A neat pistol (perfectly harmless), to
gether with 600 paper cap shots, free with
every boy's or child's suit, and a complete
setot flood photographs with every pur
chase of not less than $5 at Kaufmanns'.
Mothees,Yotje Attention Buy your
infants' cloaks this week; reduced prices.
Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty.
Angostuka Bitteks, the world-re
nowned South American appetizer, cure '
dyspepsia, etc
Handsome Printed Challis, new work,
and 20c.
Dark Ground Domestic Challis, 10c.
All-wool Challis, choice effects.
White Ground Challis, 6c and up.
Scotch styles wide Zephyrs and fancy Ging
hams only 20c a yard.
Very choice new work in Ginghams at 10c
and 12c
"Wide printed Cottons, in light and dark
grounds, 8e, 10c and 12Jc
Stylish Satines. in fancy French, 20c and 25c
Bargains in Lace Stripes and Plaid Muslins,
suitable for Aprons. Children's Dresses and
"Wrappers, 6c, 8c, 12c, I5c to 25c
27-inch Hemstitched Embroideries, choice
patterns, selling at 50c, 65c and 75c
45-inch Flonncings, special values, 75c and 51.
75c a yard for best grade of India Silks. -. ' .
Low prices made on Mohairs.
Low prices made on Fancy Dress Goods; -
Low prices made on Silk Goods.
Children's White 'Suits and Wash Dresses
all reduced in price.
Ladies' Ginghams and Satme Suits, neat and
dressy, $5, S6 and $8.
Wool Suits for Traveling Costumes, 310, 512,
605 AND 507 MABKET BT.
And Liquors fcr Medici
nal Use.
California Wines at 50c per quart.
Imported Liquors and Cordials at
Finest Old Whiskies in Western Penn
sylvania at same prices others are selling.
Corner Dlamontl and SmitlLflelfl. -FIREWORKS
AD MS. -
XNU IJClltl, x-w viiuojiw iitauw
We Have Them.
All balloons sold this year have our patent
attachment all ready to ijrolte and ascend.
Note prices on our American Flags, which
are actually worth, in quality, 25 per cent more
than those sold by other houses:
8x14. each 3c, or .27c a dozen
10x16, each 4c, or. 35c a dozen
12x19, each 5c, or. 40 dozen
16x24, each 6c, or 60c a dozen
Bunting Flags, with spearhead and pole, six
20x35, for SOc each.
Wholesale m Retail Stationer,
Cor. Sm'rthfield and Diamond.
V yonr family Seep the VICTORIAi NAT
to this city from near Emu Germany, by Major
C. W.Krans. 6end orders br mail orjmewen-
ger to C. W. JKKAUB, ia Jjoeny xT9.Tmms.i