Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 30, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 15, Image 15

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HE old cobbler
near the tollgate
was very fond of
mocking-birds and
the wall of his
workshop was al
ways lined with
cases in which the
poor birds were imprison
ed. These birds afforded the
onlv enjoyment the old man
had in this world because
he was always sitting at his
cobbler's bench patching an
old slipper or an old shoe.
From one year to the other
he never went outside oi his
old shanty, except when one
or his birds died, and he had to go and
catch another to fill its place.
But the cobbler bad also a sister, his only
living relative. This woman was known
lar and near as very good and kind, and
even her next door neighbor could not say
an evil word against her. However, it is
an old adage that good people do not
prow old. ana tne cooujer s siMcr
did not live many years either. S
suddenly died, leaving behind ner one
child, a little bov whose name was
Freddy. As there was nobody who wanted
in tnfcf. rtisrm of the ornhan boy. the old
cobbler had to take him into his place, be
cause he was his nearest relative. Hut the
old fellow did rot like the arraneement at
all, and when Freddy had been living with
his uncle only a wee'k he would have been
glad to get away again had he known where
to go. As it was, however, the child was
subjected to all sorts of indignities by the
ill-tempered shoe mender.
Among other things the cobbler forced
Freddy to do was to clean Uie mocking bird
cages every day, snd ol all the boy's work
this was a task he disliked most. So, one
morning when the cobbler called Freddy to
get up to attend to the wants of the winced
prisoners, the boy took the birds, one alter
another, out of their cages, and opening the
window, said:
"Now, go, my little fellows. Ton have
been imprisoned long enough; go out and
enjoy yourselves in the lresh, free air."
The birds flew from the place in a creat
hurry, and their expressions of joyful ex
citement when they once got outside wera
loud and long continued. But the old man
heard the commotion the birds created, and
when he came rushing into the room and
saw that all his pets were gone he became
almost raving mad, and in his first impulse
of anger he resolved to kill Freddy. And
he did so, too. He took hold of the sharp
est shoemaker's kuile he had, and before
the boy knew what his nncle meant to do
he felt the cold, piercing steel enter his
chest, and in the next moment he fell dead
to the ground. But when the old cobbler
saw the red blood rush from the boy's
breast his senses returned, and, when he re
alized that he was a murderer, deep remorse
struck his heart.
"Oht what am I to do! what am I to do?"
he cried, trembling with fear; ior he knew
that he would be hanged if it was found ont
that he had killed his nephew. The thought
of such a thing nearly proved his death, but
he soon regained bis self-possession.
"I must get rid of the body somehow, or
elsel-will belound out before the day has
advanced many hours," he said to himself.
He then ran quickly through the house to
find an old (box. After searching a few
minutes he discovered one. Then he quickly
placed the dead body of Freddy inside, and
taking the box on his shoulder, ran away
from his house as fast as his leet would carry
He made his way straight to the forest.
The Birds Accusing the Cobbler.
But he had no more than made 20 steps in
side of the wood when he noticed a herd of
mocking birds behind him. They circled
around him in a ring and shouted
and screeched all the time: "There
is the mean old cobbler, who had us locked
up and there is the little boy who let us out
again 1"
When the old man heard that his heart
beat with fright. His lorehead became wet
with perspiration, his back nearly broke
from the weight of the box with Freddy in
it and his legs almost gave way under him
with trembling.
"Oh, it somebody else should come along
and hear these birds talk," lie said, "what
should I do, what should I do?"
At last an idea seemed to strike his mind.
and he stopped,under the first oak that he
came to. There he put his box down, anp
immediately commenced digging a deed
hole at the loot of the tree. It waft- hard
work, because in his hurry he had lorgotten
to bring a spade with him. So he had to
dig with his angers, and he scratched and
scratched until the blond came at last oozing
from under bis nails. Still he continued to
work with feverish excitement. He thought
all the time that somebody might come
along and surprise him, and then the mock
ing birds were still flying around him and
saying: "There is the mean old cobbler
who had us locked up, and there is the little
boy who let us out again!"
The cobbler dug and dug incessantly for
xaore than an hour, when he felt so tired
ironi his exertions that he had to flop. He
looked at the hole, and in order to measure
how much deeper he -would have to dig be
turned around for the box. Butwbat a sur
prise it was to him when he .saw that the
cox had disappeared. The old man was
dnmfounded. He jumped to his feet in
utter bewilderment, and then began exam
ining the ground in ail directions. But
look where he wonld there was no trace of
Freddy or the box to be seen anywhere. All
at once he observed tbat the mockingbirds
had been away for some time, and br now
saw them return, shrieking and whistling
as before.
"What can have become of that child?"
the cobbler asked himself. "I do not be
lievs in gbots-and witches, bnt there hat
certainly somebody been here and stolen that
Twxwith the bedy.in it. No doubt the po
Hee authoritieiave-now possession of it,
and I shall be arrested as soon as I get into
town again."
Suddenly his attention was drawn to those
mocking birds again, and when he listened
to their song his limbs trembled with terror.
This is what they said:
He saved us from imprisonment.
He gave us liberty.
So we will take care of his corpse.
"Just imagine," the old man soliloquized.
"Who would think it possible ior these birds
to pick up a box with such a heavy boy in
it, because if I did ill-treat still I fed him
well. Well, let the birds keep him as long
as they like I only hope I will never hear
more of him, but I am afraid, I am afraid."
Then the cobbler returned to bis home,
and whenever anybody .asked him where
Freddy had gone he would say: "Oh, I sent
nim to my cousin to take care of him until
he gets big."
"When the mocking-birds said that they
had taken care of Freddy's .corpse they were
speaking the truth. While the old man
was excitedly engaged in the task of dig
ging a hole at the foot of the oak tree the
mocking-birds quietly flew around, and
suddenly all of them took hold of the box
with their beaks, and as there were so many
they succeeded in lifting it up and flying
away with it. The grateml birds carried it
into'a beautiful grove, faraway in the in-
nermost depths of the forest. In this grove
was the abode of Lin gar, or, as she was
better known, the medicine fairy. Linear
was a wonderful woman, who had thorough
knowledge of all kinds of diseases, and Lad
a remedy (or them.
The mocking-birds knew this, and on that
account they came to her. They quietly
and carefully put the box on the ground,
and then the largest bird stepped forward
and said to Lingar:
He cave us back our liberty.
You please give him back bis life.
The medicine fairy came forward to ex
amine the body of little Freddy, andas she
gently unbuttoned his coat she saw where
the cruel cobbler had stabbed him with his
knife. Carefully Lingar looked at the
wound, and at last she turned to the mock
ing birds, saying:
"We will save him, kind friends. Come
back to-morrow and you shall find your
friend alive again."
Then the mocking birds departed, but
when they all reappeared, in Lingar's grove
on the next day behold! there sat Freddy
outside as fresh and hearty as ever he was
in his lile. How pleased they all werf can
not be said, but to judge from the great
noise the birds made they must have been
very joyful, indeed. They all came down,
one alter another, sat down beside him, and
told him what they had done for him.
".Now," at last said the largest mocking
bird, "we want to tell you that we will
always be our friends, and whatever you
want us to do we will do for you."
Then they vanished, and Freddy stayed
with Linga'r from that time on. The fairy,
was very kind to him, and she treated him
like her own child. The boy grew up in
great wisdom and learned many wonderful
things. Among others the fairy taught
him all the secrets of medicine, and when
Freddy was a man there was not a disease
or an ailment which he could not cure.
One day it was just ten years after he
had come to Lingar, the fairy the mocking
birds appeared again in the grove and
called lor Freddy. When he came out to
them, the large bird again cameforward and
"Dear friend, the King is very sick and
we want you to go and save him!"
Freddy immediately got up, and telling
the birds to show him where the King lived
he followed them. The mocking birds did
as they were bid, and flying before Freddy,
led him to a very large city. As soon as he
entered the gate he noticed a large placard
posted on the wall, on which he read:
The Klntr promises any roan who will enre
him of his sickness and give him new strength
and life the hand of his only daughter.
Freddy tollowed the birds until they all
flew down upon the roof ot a large castle.
The boy concluded that the King must be
living there, and so he went inside and an
nounced himself as the man who had come
to cure the King. He was at once led into
the sick chamber of the monarch, and it was
not very long before he had succeeded in re
storing the King's health and vigor. The
King was true to his promise, and made
Freddy his son-in-law and Prime Minister
of the land. Freddy became a very mighty
man in the country, and was held in high
esteem and respect by everybody who knew
The old cobbler, however, suddenly dis
appeared from the land, and it was said by
some people that he had been killed by the
California Wines.
Old Sherry, full quarts 60c
Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75c
Old Fort full quart 50e
Extra Old Port, lull quarts 7Se
Eiesling, full quarts 40c
Angelica, full quarts 50c
Muscatel, full quarts... 50c
Tokay, full quarts 50c
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and
97 Filth ave.
Hones and Slnlrs.
Forty head of draught, driving, saddle
and general purpose horses just arrived;
also 45 head ot draught and pit mules,
which will be sold at low prices. They are
all .number one stock, selected with care.
Come aud see them before purchasing, as
you can save money and get a better quality
of stock than at any stables in the citv.
Akniieim Live Stock Co., Lui,
, 52 Second ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Imported Claret Wlnrs.
Medoc, St. Estepbe, St. 'Julirn, Mar
geaux, Ponet Canct. Chanteau, Belair, Leo
ville, Lafite, 1882 Chanteau Mounton Boths
child, 1875 Chauteaq Leoville, Chanteau
Bouliac, Chateau Laujac, 1884 Chanteau
de Lisle, 1884 Medoc Monopole, 1881 Chan
teau Lagrange, 1881 Cha'uteau Montrose,
by bottle or case. War. J. Feidat. 633
Smithfield st. "wrsu
Everything In Flrewo.-ks.
Splendid assortment; very lowest prices.
J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield it
k. U. iSf
""" Freddie and the Princess.
Christianity the Chief Element in
the New Economic Doctrines
The System Outlined and Its Teachings
Compared With Christ's.
1 warn ex roa the sisfatcb.1
Somebody has sent me a copy of the in
itial number of a new paper called the
Dawn. The Dawn is a paper devoted to
the advancement of social and industrial
reforms. It believes in socialism, but it
tempers that somewhat suspicions and
quite ambiguous name with the good ad
jective, "Christian" Christian Socialism.
It gives one a kindly feeling toward this
outspoken advocate of "advanced" econom
ics to find that this sentence is to stand in
the first column of every issue of it: "We
love the truth more than any system, and
out of free discussion and inquiry the truth
will come." Here, evidently, is the light
of some kind of dawn. When we all get
to discussing, not only economics, but
questions theological and ecclesiastical
alter this fashion, the sun will begin to rise
at all points of the compass at the same
time. And then "that day" of which St.
Paul was glad to think, toward which he
was ever looking "that day" will have
come indeed.
It is one of the best features of the Dawn
that it does not expect "that day" to-morrow.
Its editors are not of that ill-educated
class who, as Mr. Lowell says,knowno better
than to spell "evolution" with an initial
"R." Another good point is that the paper
does not lay claim to any editorial omni
science. It does not know everything. It
does not attempt to set down either the Con
stitution and by-laws of Utopia, or the pro
cesses by which 'they will come into being.
"It does not see all light," it says in its
modest prospectus. "It knows no panacea
that will cure all social ills; it does not be
lieve that it is yet day; but it does believe
tbat it is dawn; that we may see at least in
what direction the day will" break. Thither
it points, gladly communicating to others
what light it has, gladly welcoming all
further light from any who may see more."
Best of all, the Dawn is Christian. It be
lieves that that immeasurable influence
which has in the past won victories of un
told value over evils of ignorance, of bar
barism, of injustice, of oppression, of un
righteousness in all its shapes, is still the
strongest influence in the world, and has
battles still to fight and victories to win
which shall make the future more glorious
than the past It believes with Constantine
or old, that the conquest of the world is in
the power of him who can put upon his side
the church of Christ It is truth, after all,
as the Dawn believes, which must win the
day against all falsehood and wrong. And
truth, somehow, has never passed beyond
the teachings of Christ of Galilee. It is not
a little notable, that after 20 centuries of
advancing culture, Christ is still in advance
of us. No ethical truth has been discov
ered anywhere, in all the sacred books of
the Bast, in all the philosophies of the
West, which Christ did not utter ages ago.
Christ is still the Master. And to-day the
ideal state of things, of which the most
enthusiastic visionary can dream, the
perfect ideal, which shall transform this
earth into the very best of all possible
worlds, it is nothing more nor less than "ap
plied Christianity." It is simply that
"Kingdom oi God" which Christ preached,
and toward whioh we approach just in pro
portion as we learn of Him. The wise pur
pose ot the Dawn, then, is to apply Chris
tianity to social problems.
Here are the principles upon which, the
editors of this paper believe, the new state
of things will be best advanced. It is
worth while setting them down here in full,
as the expression of the convictions of a
great number of earnest, thoughtful and
wise men to-day. The principles are these:
First The basing of all social, political and
Industrial relations on the fatherhood of God
and the brotherhood of man, in the spirit and
according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Second Beginning with the inner and mak
ing toward the outer. Dawn sees small hope in
simple system. The spirit giveth life. Systems
are Important aids, but only aids. National life
must be educated, character mnst be devel
oped, before any system can bear fruit. Dawn
would remember this, it wonld begin with the
Inner. It wonld sot seek to systematize hu
manity into perfection, but to Christianize so
ciety into brotherhood.
Third Molding the social order. Christian
ity, however, does not concern the individual
alone. Christ preached a social gospel. There
is a social law ot God. Men to-day too often
forget this. As individuals they strive to apply
their Christianity in business, and they largely
fail. Little wonder. Business Itself to-day is
wrong. It rests upon a negation, of the social
law. Each man for himself, and company for
itself. It is based on competitive strife for
pro at. But this is the exact oppo
site of Christianity. Christianity says:
"Let no man seek his own, but
each his neighbor's good." To at
tempt, therefore, to apply Christianity to mod
ern business is to attempt to be unchristian in
a Christian way; it is to build obedience to
Christ on the sands of disobedience. This can
not be done. We must change the system. We
must found business upon social law. Com
bination must take the place of competition;
we must have a system in which business shall
be carried on. not for private profits, bnt for
the public good. We must apply our Chris
tianity to the social order.
Fourth Failure to apply this viewed as the
main cause of present social ills. Dawn finds
here the maincanse ot the changes that to-day
threaten society and the church plutocracy,
mammon worship, pauperism, poverty, unbe
lief, immorality, intemperance, prostitution,
crime. Reforms upon these especial lines can
therefore only alleviate, not cure, the cause
being left untouched.
Fifth Christian Socialism, the cure for
these. We mean by this no fixed, cast iron
system of any nature, no magic panacea of any
description, no sudden transformation of inv
sort, bnt (1) contentment to proceed one step
at a time; izi leavinsr to science and exneri.
-.. . . . . .-
ence the exact form that society should adopt,
yet (S) ever gradually and thoughtfully pro
ceeding toward the general good of association,
and an association (1) fraternal and not pater
nal; (2) democratic andiot tyrannical, (3) de
veloplne true individuality, and not ignoring
it; (4) land and all resources of the earth to be
held under some sstem as the gift of God
equally to ail His children: (6) capital and all
means of industry to be held and controlled in
some way by the commnnity as a whole and
operated for the benefit of the community
equitably In all its parts, thns (6) realizing at
las: the ideal of Christian Socialism, the Fath
erhood of God, the Brotherhood of man in the
spirit of Jesus Christ.
Now that, it seems to me.isgooiTChristian
sense. It rests this whole great matter of
social reform upon the stable and perma
nent foundation of Christian righteousness.
This, that or the other may be expedient;
such and such may be the details; on these
matters let us agree or disagree as best we
may; but here let us stand together in the
aihrmation mat tne one need of the world
to-day in the face of these hard problems
crying for solution, is the need of a good,
thorough Christianizing. "Every political
question," fold Mazzini, "is rapidly be
coming a social question, and every social
question is rapidly becoming a religious
question." All problems come back at last,
failing of solution elsewhere, to Christ, the
It is the Christianizing society that we
need. It is the growth, not of a system, but
of a spirit. We will do well to think less
about the system and more about the spirit.
Cultivate the spirit, and the system will
grow. The system will be the fruit and out
come of the spirit, as the bark and branch
and fiber manifest the life which animates
the tree. The trouble is that we. have a
great predilection for system-making. Our
Legislatures are forever patching up old
laws and inventing more sew ones than any
body can keep track of., Even our ecclesi
astical conventions and Synods1 spend a
large proportion of their time, which might
be bestowed far more fruitfully, elsewhere,
upon the tinkering of canons'ftad the fram
ing of by-laws. We find it difficult to join
together in a friendly association, for the
purpose of having a'good time, without an
elaborate "constitution." Ton remember
that when the first "ten" met in Mr. Hale's
delightful and helpful story, they agreed
upon everything except upon the wording
of the by-laws. We are encumbered with
by-laws. We are in need of the warning
which Dawn gives against postponing the
millennium by discussing celestial govern
Mr. Sully's story, "Friendly Rivalry," in
this month's Harper's, shows' what an arid
and dreary millennium the mathematicians,
and metaphysicians, and political econo
mists, and system-makers would dreg us
into, with everybody dressed like everybody
else, your house and your neighbor's as alike
as two dwellings in Economy, the emotions
eliminated, individuality reduced to nil.
Frank and Sylvia stroll homeward across
the Central People's Park, watching "the
citizen families, knowing no difference of
costume or manner, sipping the gooseberry
wine supplied by the Agricultural Board in
quantities nicely proportioned to age."
Everything is aggressively utilitarian.
"Paradise Lost" is ruled outj on the famous
complaint of the Cambridge wrangler that
it "doesn't prove anything." Marriage has
become Psedothropic partnership. Every
body is offensively intellectual. The world
is a great geometry in green and brown;
human life is all constitution and by-laws ;
men, women and children are animated
arithmetics and metaphysics. We hate the
whole thing.
But an association, "fraternal and not
paternal, democratic and not tyrannical, de
veloping true individuality and not ignor
ing it" that, if we could get it, would be a
very different thing And that will come,
not by converting people into political econ
omists, but bv converting people into
Christians. That will come by beginning 1
with the cultivation of the Christian spirit,
and by letting the system of things grow out
of tbat just as it will. That wilt come by
our being genuine Christians, each of us,
honest and earnest followers of the Christ of
the gospels; and by onr trying, as we must
if our Christianity is real, to make somebody
else Christian.
"Not to systematizing humanity unto
perfection, but to Christianize society into
brotherhood." Welcome all efforts which
endeavor after that. In that direction the
sun of social and industrial righteousness
will rise, and the day dawn at last.
Geokgei Hodges.
Bargains Cnn Alxfors Be Found nt Groetx
lnger's Carpet House,
"But this time they go ahead of all former
offerings. Head these:
A line of Moquette carpets reduced from
$1 50 to 51 25 a yard, borders to match.
A line oT body Brussels reduced fromfl 35
to SI per yard.
We Btill have a good line of remnants of
all grades ot carpets, on first floor. All new
spring goods at one-third value.
627 and 629 Penn avenue.
Ton Should Boy Tonr Clothing; at
First We manufacture all clothing we
sell right here at home.
Second All suits costing $10 or more are
warranted to he kept in repair free of charge
for one year.
Third Our working pants at ,$1, $1 25
and SI 50 are guaranteed: not to rip.
Fourth All goods marked in plain fig
ures and at prices to compete with all.
Fifth Satisfaction in every case or money
Sixth Honest value for hard earned
monev. Jacksons',
Clothiers, tailors, hatters and furnishers,
954 and 956 Liberty st Star Corner.
One Thousand Dlllea of Transportation and
One Week's Board for 812 OO.
The Pittsburg and Cincinnati packet line.
Steamers leaving Pittsburg as follows:
Steamer Katie Stockdale, Thomas S. Cal
houn, Master,leiveVevervronday at 4 P.M.
Steamer Hudson, J, F. Ellison, Master,
leaves every Wednesday at 4 P. M.
Steamer Scotia, G. W- Bowley, Master,
leaves ever Friday at 4 P. M.
First-class fare to Cincinnati and return,
$12 00, meals and stateroom included; or,
down by river and return by rail, $12 60.
Tickets good until Used.
For further information apply to James
A. Henderson, Superintendent, 94 Water
street. su
Foe a finely cut,neat-fitting suit leave
your order with Walter Anderson, 700
Smithfield street, whose stock of English
suitings and Scotch tweeds is the finest in
the market; imported exclusively for his
trade. ., sa
Grand Hotel.
This pleasant hotel, located at Point
Chautauqua, N. Y., opposite May ville, near
the head ot Lake Chautauqua, has now 400
rooms and every modern equipment for the
comfort of its guests. Its beantiful croquet
lawns, play grounds, charming views, are
unequaled elsewhere. It has reading rooms,
bowling alley, skating rink and good music.
Table service unexcelled. The kitchen is
supplied with pure spring water. For
terms address Horace Fox, who is well
known as manager of the Hotel Cooper,
Dayton, O., at Grand Hotel, Point Chau
tauqua, IT. Y. su
Ffanoa nnd Organs Less Than Cost.
Upright piano, 7 octaves $125
Upright piano, 7 octaves 190
Square piano, 1 octaves v 100
Square piano. 7K octaves 125
New Era organ, 5 octaves 65
Keystone organ, 6 octaves 65
All the above instruments are in first
class condition, and have been bnt slightly
used. Easy payments arranged on all
pianos and organs. Bemember, if you wish
a first-class instrument 10 per cent lower
than other dealers can sell it, you should
call on or address Echols McMurray & Co.,
123 Sandusky street, Allegheny City. (Tele,
phone building.)
Imported Brnodenburg Freres.
Medoc, St. Emilion, St. Estepha, St
Julien, Margeaux, Pontet Canet, St.
Pierrie, Chateau Leoville, Chateau La
Rosa, Chateau Monton, Grand Vin Chateau
Margeaux, Grand Vin Chateau Lafilte, by
the case or bottle. G. W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city,
A Happy Thought.
"Economy leads to wealth." It just oc
curs to me that to exercise proner economy
in dress one should have Dickson, the
Tailor, of 65 Fifth ave., cor. Wood st, sec-
roiiu uoor, put ineir worn domes in good
shape for the summer, and thns save the ex
pense of buying a new suit Telephone
1558. Give him a trial and you will not re
gret it
M., and Phil Sheridan Branch Emerald
Beneficial Association, will picnic at Castle
Shannon July 4. Trains every 40 minutes.
Bound trip 25 cents.
mothers, .Bring the Children
To Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market
st., Pittsburg. Fine cabinet photos $1 per
dozen until September 1. Come early. Use
elevator. No other gallery Jan compete
with our work in quality.
Gtms never so cheap as now. Send or
call for illustrated catalogue of guns, revol
vers, sporting goods, etc
J H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st
Try Oar Cakes,
California mixed, ginger snaps, soda
crackers. The best good in the market
tupssu S. 8. Mabyin &t3o.
Smoke the best, La Ferla delFumar
clear Havana Key fW eat Cigars. Sold 3 for
25c by G. W. Schmidt, Nos, 95 and 97 Fifth
The Future of the. Electric Accumu
lator as Applied to Locomotion.
A New Method of Producing Ozone for San
vwarrnsN tor tbs dispatch.!
Benders of The Dispatch who desire
information on subjects relating to indus
trial development and progress in mechani
cal, civil and electrical engineering and the
sciences can have their queries answered
through this column.
New applications of electricity are con
stantly being developed, and among them
may be mentioned one that has been made
at the Greenwich, England, Observatory.
In the last report of the Astronomer Royal
to the Board of Visitors of the observatory
it was stated that a small electric hand
lamp (with secondary battery) had been
substituted for the wax taper formerly used
for reading thermometers of the horizontal
and vertical force magnets, and had been
found very convenient as well as much
safer. t
A prominent electrical man, in discussing
recently the subject of storage batteries,
said: "We may talk about our electrical
friends on the other side of the water, how
slow they are and how little progress tbey
make, as compared with that made in. the
States, etc. Nevertheless these same people
are getting ahead of us on the storage ques
tion. -Not to mention those eminent scien
tists o.' the Old World, who have done the
great bulk of the work in this line, look at
the efforts being made to adapt-the accumu
lator to road vehicles. Here we are in this
city of New York, with electric light
stations all about us, and streets
as level as a billiard table. Why does not
some enterprising genins take this problem
in hand? A short time ago an electric dog
cart was built in England for the Sultan of
Turkey. It was claimed for it that a speed
often miles an hour was developed and
could be maintained for five hours. With
'storing stations' located all through the
residence portions of the city, as well as in
the business portion, our citizens, instead of
owning a horse and carriage, could use
electrical vehicle. What would be prettier
than telephoning for your electrio cart and
having it brought, already charged, for a
run of five hours? It may be claimed that
this will be too expensive to be practicable.
This, however, is just what was said con
cerning the electrio light and the electric
motor. I will hazard the prophecy that
you and I, if we live another 20 years, will
see electric dogcarts and tricycles as plenti
ful as those now pulled by horses, and
driven by foot power." There are the very
best grounds for believing that this
prophecy will be verified long before 20
years have passed.
C. W. Mansfield, in aaper read before
the Thomson Electrio Club, of Lynn, gave
a short history of the ordinary street car.
It was somewhere in 1670 that the first street
vehicle was drawn about on wheels, but was
given up as a failure. One hundred years
later iron rails were tried and also discarded.
In 1827 the Baltimore and Ohio "horse car"
line was opened up, a short distance being
covered, and from this wonderful results
have grown. The first street railway was
operated in 1832 from New York to Harlem,
and to-day there are 25,000 cars in use on
the streets of cities in the United States, re
quiring the services ot 180,000 horses. In
1856 the first street car was operated in Bos
ton a distance of three miles, though great
opposition was met with. Boston to-day
operates the largest street car service in the
world, 110,000,000. persons being carried
over the rails in one year. To meet the
problem of a more rapid means ot transit
the electrio railroad bas come in, steam
having proved a failure on the streets.
With the electric motor trains of three or
four cars can be run at a high rate of speed,
which it is impossible to do with horses. Mr.
Mansfield showed that even in the present
transitional state of the electric motor, a
speed of 30 miles an hour can be readily ob
tained. Congnlnted Versus Bottle Rubber.
A very important problem is now being
disenssed in rubber circles, namely, the
relative value of "coagulated" and "bottle"
rubber. The original method of preparing
the rubber, as has often been described, was
to "bleed" the tree, allowing the milk to
run into leaf-lined cavities in the earth.
Balls of clay were then dipped into the
fluid, the coating dried over a smoky fire
fed with some resinous wood, and the dip
ping and drying repeated successively until
'such time as a sufficient thickness of
"cured" rubber had thua been accnmnlated
around the clay core or matrix. The latter
was then broken up and washed out, leaving
the envelope oi "bottle rubber" in a market
able condition. Another plan consisted in
merely collecting the milk in shallow cavi
ties, earthen vessels or tin pans, adding
some fresh sap as soon as the previous lot
had, in some degree, solidified, and contin
uing the process until a block or cake of
rubber had thus been built up layer by
layer. The modern or"coagulation" process,
however, is to add to fresh rubber milk
a little moderately dilute sulphuric or hy
drochloric acid ("oil of vitriol" or "spirits
of salts"), or a strong solution of bisulphate
of sodium, or even ot common alum. This
method effects a great saving in time, over
the simple but tedious "bottle" method, but
on the other hand it has the disadvantages
of requiring some sort of tanks, vats, or
other vessel?, an abundant water supply,
and the requisite chemicals. Any one who
has done much forest traveling will appre
ciate the seriousness of these drawbacks.
Moreover, when these latter conditions are
fulfilled, there still remains the question
which is now exercising the minds ot rubber
men, namely, is the "coagulated"
caoutchoc as good in quality, and as dura
ble, in the long run, as the ''cured" rubber
to which they have hitherto been accus
tomed? Genuine Kerosene Emulsion,
Kerosene emulsion is now very largely
used as an insecticide, and its usefulness
has been much limited by improper modes
of preparation. Prof. C. V. Biley, ento
mologist to the United States Department
of Agriculture, has again published the
correct formula which he proposed several
years ago and which is as follows: Grad
ually add to kerosene half as much milk,
stirring thoroughly until the two are per
fectly combined sloS no drops of oil are to
be seen and a complete emulsion is formed.
Foruse, one part of this emulsion or mix
ture is added to twelve drops of water and
thoroughly stirred. This is the usual
strength, but if a stronger preparation is re
quired use less water. The emulsion is ap
plied Dy means of a garden syringe ot a
garden syrince. It is of more importance
to diffuse sueh applications evenly than to
apply a large quantity. Attention should
be paid to the nozzle that distributes the
fluid. Some of the "spraying" 'nozzles are
most effective.
Immediate Effect of Cross-Fertilization.
In the discussions which followed the
reading of Dr. J. O. Neal's paper on cross
fertilization, read before the American
Pomologlcal Society, H. E. Van Deman
stated that he did not believe in the theory
of the immediate effect of the pollen upon
the fruit, and "bad never seen any such
effeots. P. J. Berckmans, the President of
the society, stated that his experience had
convinced him that immediate effect of
I pollen -was possible, and cited instances'
"where this had practically occurred.. He
now strengthened his case by showing that
while fruits are thus sometimes modified in
their external appearance, flowers are also
apt to show such immediate effect He cites
a case in his own garden, where a verbena
plant which has for two years produced pare
white flowers, has this year within two feet
of it a verbena of a bright pink color. On
that part of the white variety next to the
pink variety there are now well-defined
striped flowers, while upon the other por
tions of the plant the flowers retain their
original pure white color. He asks: "If
this is not caused bv immediate cross-fertilization,
what did cause it?",
New Illetbod of Producing Ozone.
Ozone has come to play a very important
part as an instrument of sanitation. It was
originally made by charging dry oxygen or
common dry air with electricity from sparks
or points. Afterward Faraday showed that
it could be made by holding a warm glass
rod in vapor of ether, or by passing air over
brightrphosphorons halt immersed in water,
and later Siemens and others brought out
various inventions in which electricity
played an important part These, however,
are now superseded by an application of
the well known Wimshurst machine, which
for the production of ozone is constructed
with certain modifications, and by means of
which the generation of ozone on a large
scale can'be effected. From the terminals
of the machine two wires are carried to an
ozone generator, formed somewhat after the
manner ofSiemens'.but with this difference.
tbat the discharge is made through a series -1
ot line points within the cylinders. The
machine is placed on a table'with the ozone
generator at the back of it, and can be so ar
ranged that by turning of the handle which
works the machine, a blast of air is carried
'through the generator. Thus by one action
electricity is generated, sparks are dis
charged in the ozone generator, air is driven
through, and ozone is delivered over freely.
If it be wished to use pure oxygen instead
of common air, nothing more is required
than to use compressed oxygen and to allow
a gentle current to pass through the ozone
generator in place ot air. For this purpose
Brin's compressed oxygen is the purest and
the best; but for ordinary service atmos
pheric air is sufficient. ,
Improvements In the Gramophone.
The principal talking machines now he
fore the public are the phonograph, the
graphophone and the gramophone. In the
two former the sound is traced by a stylus
on a waxen cylinder, but in the gramophone
the record is etched on a metal disc. This
disc is then thrown into an acid bath, which
in a few minutes makes a permanent etch
ing of the record. Mr. Berliner, the in
ventor of the instrument has hitherto used
pure zinc discs, which are expensive, and
which, being very soft, had to be made
thick to prevent bending. He now finds
that common hard sheet zinc, such as stove
dealers use, is far superior, etching quicker,
permits the recording stylus to slide easier
in tracing the sound vibrations, reduces the
friction noise in reproducing, and, being
harder, remains practically unaltered after
many reproductions. As a consequence,
articulation is remarkably clear and .the
cost of the discs is reduced to a few cents.
Excellence of American Elevators.
A representative English technical jour
nal, in speaking of the degree to which the
illusion heretofore held by imany American
engineers as to the superiority of American
engineering has been dispelled by what the
visitors from this side are now being shown
in England, says: "These gentlemen seem
to be fairly surprised at what has been
shown to them. There is, however, one
point which has been raised by Mr? Towne.
the President of the American Mechanical
Engineers, in which we must acknowledge
our inferiority. It is the question of litis,
and the sooner we take a leaf out of the
book of our American cousins and replace
the atrocious appliances at present in use
here the better."
They Show Great Skill in Concealing For-
, bidden Things.
The Century.?
"You have no idea, Mr. Kennan," said
Cap tain Nikolin, '"how unscrupulous- they
are, and how much criminal skill they
show in concealing forbidden things and in
smuggling letters into and out of prison.
Suppose 'that you were going to search a
political convict, as thoroughly aa possible,
how would you do it?
I replied that I should strip him naked
and make, a careful examination of his
"Is that all you would do?" he inquired,
with a surprised air.
I said that no other course of procedure
suggested itself to me just at that moment
"Would you look in his ears?"
"No," I answered; "I should not think
ot looking in his ears.
"Would yon search his mouth?"
Aeain I replied in the negative.
"Would you look in a hollow tooth?"
I solemnly declared that such a thing
as looking in a hollow tooth for a letter
would never under any circumstance, have
occurred to me.
"Well, he said triumphantly, "I have
taken tissue paper with writing on it out
of a prisoner's ear.out of a prisoner's mouth,
and once I found a dose of deadly poison
concealed under a capping of wax in a con
vict's hollow tooth. Ah-h-hl" he exclaimed,
rubbing his hand, "they are very sly, but
I know all their tricks."
A Business Transaction.
Harper's Bazara1
Little School Boy Mamma, yon said if
I'd brine you a reward of merit, you'd give
me a new knife.
Mamma Yes, my pet
"Here it is."
"But this has Tommy Toodles' name on
"Yes, 'mr I traded him my old knife for
A Tax on Luxury.
Manser's Weekly.:
She What do yon think of Henry
George's single tax idea?
He Perhaps he is right Bachelors really
ought to nay lor the privilege of remaining
Corsets for Everybody.
Our popular corset department contains
every style worth haying, from EOc up to
$6 50. We can fit every shape extreme
long or short waist from 18 to 36. We keep
a lull line of the following well-known
brands: C. P., P. D., B. & G., Her Majes
ty, Thompson, Glove Fitting, Ferris Waists,
Dr. Warner's, Madam Mora's, and ten
styles Common Sense corsets, including the
well-known Beatrice and Silvia. Bustles,
hose supporters, etc., in great variety at
lowest prices. Corsets fitted ree of charge.
F. Schoenthal, 613 Penn ave.
Free Public Bath Hsnse. ,
Mr. E. Jordan, proprietor of the bathing
boat in tbe Allegheny river below the Sixth
street bridge, believes that Pittsburg should
have a free public bath house, where all
may learn to swim and enjoy the benefits of
fresh water bathing Mr, Jordan is willing
to contribute his own services free for one
year and will donate One-third the value of
his boat to such a purpose. The city, or
public-spirited people, should come forward
and give the remainder necessary to secure,
for the people such a healthful pleasure.
Imported Fort Wlnr.
ImperiarS. O. P. Cabinet, 1810 $3 60
Imperial Oporto, 1828 3 00
Mackenzie Oporto,,1832 2 SO
Old London Dock , 2 00
Burgundy 1 CO
Cockburn's..,. ..:.... 1 00
Full quarts, case or gallon.
Wm. J. Friday, 633 Smithfield street
TPTTT.T. Mnavt Mia tw 11m.
Friday, 633 Smithfield ft
Wm. J.
Some of the Characteristics of John
Ball's Fair Daughters.
features la Which They Differ
Women of Other Nations.
CCOBBxsroxnxxcz or rax sisrATCH.!
London, June IS. If "manner maketh
man," dress is no insignificant indication of
the inner core ot woman, and an English
woman's toilet usually . has a stamp of its
own, distinct from the costume of most other
women. It shadows forth the peculiarities
of her race and her own nature. It would,
of course, be easy to pick out instances where
national idiosyncracies are softened into ab
solute cosmopolitan fascination and perfectly
cultivated disposition, or hardened into
repulsive selfishness; but avoiding excep
tional cases, we must consider the average
English woman as she is how; and "now"
means a great deal a wide difference be
tween what she was even 20 years ago and
what she is at present.
The mere fact of oar having nearly 1,000,
000 more women than men in these islands
is working wonders not always pleasant
wonders; chief among them is the unavoid
able necessity for a large number of the
more helpless sex to be self-supporting.
This ii the key to many radical changes
which often startle our mothers and grand
mothers. Apart from these, the ordinary
English woman is not easy to fathom, not
because she is profound, but because she is
undemonstrative. She knows little and
shows less of those variations of mood which
give such interesting light and shade to
countenance and character among her Con
tinental sisters self-contained and self
reliant Her ideal is duty, even when tem
porally deflected from its pursuit; truth and
honor are inherent in her, and she demands
from others what she herself bestows.
Perhaps no other women are so pitiless
toward a peccant husband, or less sympa
thetic to sinners of a certain order. Yet the
English woman is not easily jealous; she is
by no means given to suspect evil; but when
the knowledge that evil exists is brought to
her, forgiveness is no easy- effort Her re
ligion, though sincere, is touched with
sometningofthegranitequalityof her nature,
which makes her somewhat rigid about
"mint and cummin," as well as tbe weight
ier matters of the law. Still it must be ad
mitted that in large matters she can be
grandly just and generous, though a certain
mental color blindness sometimes prevents
her seeing the value of little things; small
concessions, small indulgences, occasional
closing of eyes to what had better not be too
closely scanned these relaxations act like
mortar to the big stones of the social edifice,
binding together what might otherwise roll
Though most self-sacrificing as mothers,
they do not, like French women, care to
have their children with them perpetually,
and show their love by the extraordinary
care bestowed on their bathing, dressing,
manners, eating, drinking, church going,
catechism .learning and out-door exercise
than by caresses; also in a constant effort to
keep the girls from associating with other
girls, while tne Doys are unhesitatingly
plunged into the "olla podrida" of a public
This, of course, is among the "upper ten
thousand," as public schools are too costly
for ordinary pockets, and the more bourgeois
families generally send their daughters to
"finishing establishments for young ladies,"
which are now being converted into more
sensible colleges for young women, "where
really something may be learned."
With the basis of such a moral nature, it
can be understood that manners and dress
are slightly solid, not to say stiff. There is,
however, one style of dress in which the
English woman excel, and has made pe
culiarly her own. It is the first morning
toilet, when she comes down to breakfast
The fair skin and delicate color; the dress,
in summer and in the country, of some
washing material; collar or lace cravat all
so fresh and spotless; the soft golden brown
hair so carefully yet simply arranged; the
dainty refinement of all details makes her
first appearance each morning on the do
mestic stage a "thing of beauty and a joyl"
In evening dress, "en grand tenu," she is
also fair, but stately and more imposing,
perhaps, than attractive.
It is in the small coquetries of adornment,
in that essentially foreign institution, "demi
toilette," that the English woman fails;
simplicity and grandeur alike suit her, but
a dressy compromise between the two does
not come w naturally. Coquettes are, we
know, naughty creatures, yet they contrive
To Be or Not to Be ! Comfortable ! That's the
Question ?
Whether it is better to live in Furnished Apartments, at an Hotel, at Home, hanging oa '
the Old Folks or to have a
With Your Beloved Wife,
Everything to Furnish
Prices Never Were so Low as Now on
Parlor Furniture! Bed Room Furniture! Dining,
Room and Kitchen Furniture 1
Elegant Baby Carriages, :
No House in the City can serve you better
line. J.Q a worn you will own H is marvelous wnat we are oueriog, 11 you 01117 Sl,c ua . g
call. J ,;
While others bast in the sun, sweating, fussing and groaning over the lack of trade,
we Keep rig be along and are doing a booming
spacions departments and yon'll confess that
I .rrnfr I pnth SfTf
Open every evening nntil 8 o'clock. Sttnidmyi until 10 o'clock. JM
to give a good deal of life and pleacare te
the circles animated by their creseaee, for ,
the absence of small airs and graces make; '
life a trifle too rigid.
The chief fault of English women is want
of sympathy. Though tbey possess more of
this subtle gift than their coantryraea,
this want mokes them slow to perceive and
slow to reciprocate; this not so ranch, from
lack of heart as absence of quick fancy..
Beady instinctive sympathy is akin to
genius, and by the magic of fellow feeling
the hearts of others are revealed to her.
whose nature vibrates in unison alike with
those who weep and those who laugh.
The sort of proud shyness which keeps
English women from speaking frankly of
their likes and dislikes, their impressions
and convictions, is too apt to raise a barrier
between them and any new acquaintance,
which life is scarce long enongh to over
come; this, and a certain reluctance to look
at life, dress, manners, habits through any
medium save her own special original spec-
tacles, are two of the faults most common
among the daughters of John Bull. Their
beauty, therefore, is more beautiful than
charming, and wonld they but let them
selves "go," and trust to the safeguard of
' eir own rectitude, they would give more
pleasure and enjoy life more fully.
Travel and education are doing much
toward enabling English women to
"see themselves as others see them,"
and to deliver them from the
fetters of self-consciousness, that
bane of English social intercourse. Another
baneful ingredient in the mental atmosphere
of the ordinary English woman is the snob
bish fear of associating with anyone who ia
not accepted by the Mrs. Grundys of her
acquaintance, withont ascertaining whether
their objections are well grounded or not;
also an over-eagerness to be received by
anyone who by dint of audacity, luck, birth
or wealth has attained to what'is termed "a
high position." These are weaknesses.how
ever, by no means peculiar to the British
fair, but may be observed in every civilized
society under the sun.
Tne occupations of English women are)
many and various. Of lace years there has
been a perfect rage for "work." even the
daughters! of men of wealth and rank afTect-
in? tn tntre nn art npeHlpvnplr tnnoin Afj.
professionally sometimes too profession' f.
ally, as in their realism they trench on the
province ot those who sorely need the re
muneration lor which they toil. The pas
sion for going on the stage lately displayed,
by girls and women of good family and by
no means reduced fortunes is anything bnt
commendable; the fever, however, seems
passing away, and young ladies are return
ing to their normal pursuits of art, needle
work, music, tennis, wood carving, church:
decoration and district visiting among tha
poor, whom they are ever ready to helo
these last under the direction ot the rector
and his staff of curates.
"The clergyman" is an important factor ,.
in English social life. He is adored by tha"
women, and tolerably popular (it he has a
little common sense). with the men. That
the women make much of their spiritual
pastors and masters is not to be wondered
at Perhaps the only class of men to whom
women are really important and valuable is
the. priestly class. Among women they
have found their best helpers, their most
liberal supporters; their mental training fits
them to understand and appreciate the deli
cacy, the weakness, heroism, devotion and
cowardice of the female heart They, too,
as a clas, are the only men (in England at
least), who really like female society, apart
altogether from the attraction women pre
sent as objects of love.
Men in general have very little sympathy
with women, save for those for whom they -happen
for the moment to he in love, or,
perhaps, for a sister with whom they have
interests in common. At the present time
it seems to us tbat young men and women
are drifting more and more apart It is rare
to find a man who seeks the society of women
with the idea of companionship; for all in
terchange of thought for all that "chum
miness" which is so pleasant an ingredient
in every-day life, men turn to men.
It is true that women are going through
an nncom'ortable transition period; tbey
are ceasing to be pretty petted toys or obedi
ent servants, and are a long way yet from
being trusted friends. But as nature is '
stronger than any other force, and men and
women were made for each other, they wilL
find their relative places in "the coming by
and by." Meanwhile, the parsons are their,
true knights, and verily they have their,
reward. Mrs. Alexander.
Parasols and Sao Umbrellas,
With gold, silver, ebony and natural stick
handles, from $1 to 6, at H. J. Lynch 's, 433
and 440 Market street Thrsa -
A full line of imported cigars, in boxes'
of 25, 60 or 100, at prices to suit the pur
chaser. Wm. J. FBrDAT,
wrsu 633 Smithfield street
If you have not smoked the La Perla del
Fnmar Key West Cigar you have lost a
treat Sold 3 for 23e. G. W. Schmidt,
Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave.
Grand Furnishing Bazaar,
Cor. Tenth St. and Penn Ave.
a Home Elegantly !
or ave yon more on every purchase in thU'r
trade, uaze in our winnow, men enter our
arm Hpnn Avpnnit
9 Sf?