Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 30, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 14, Image 14

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The Singular Work of the
local Ball Club.
Von Der Ahe's Curious Statements
About the League.
Extensile Comment on Their Proposed Bat
tle Keit Week.
Local baseball affairs have been extremely
prominent daring the past week in many
respects. The team has played in a very
singular way, having given exhibitions of
the very worst kind of ball playing and dis
plays of the Tory best. "Deacon" White's
appearance in the city has caused a stir and
the release of Pitchers Beam and Erumm
was a theme for considerable talk among all
the local enthusiasts. "When The Dis
patch published the exclusive news of the
release of the two pitchers named, there was
great surprise among the patrons of the
game; not because of The Dispatch's
usual exclusive quantity of im
portant news, but because of the
sudden release of the two. young
men. Probably everybody wbo has the least J
Knowledge 01 naseoaii auairs expecieu mat an
three of the young pitchers, that is Beam,
Krumm and Dunning, could not be retained,
and that one or two of them would eventually
be released. This was generally expected, but
lew people expected tbat any of them would
be released until tbey were more thoroughly
tried. As far as I have been able to judge
from the conversation of the friends of the re
leased pitchers the lack of sufficient trial is the
burden of their complaints. I mention this to
point out a very important principle in base
ball, viz, the right of a club to release players
when it chooses. There is not only a
principle of right in question, but also
one of expediency. I don't think that
anybody will lor one moment contend that the
Pittsburg club exceeded its right in releasing
Beam and Krumm when it did. Certainly it
was unfortunate for both young men to be in
duced to leave their employment only to be
suddenly throun to one side by those who per
suaded them from home. Results of this kind
are not only disappointing to the victims, but
they stir up very unpleasant feelings. But we
must not forget that such is baseball; the con
ditions just referred to are existing through
the entire baseball world to-day, and they exist
absolutely on the principle of the survival of
the fittest. After all, baseball is an out
and out elucidation of the theories
of those old philosophers of the Bentham
school. The -survival of the fittest is
paramount in baseball, and every young
man who enters its arena must keep
tbat in view. Consciously or unconsciously
every club director acts on this prin
ciple, and regardless of charity or gener
osity they keep the good and refuse what
they deem inferior. In releasmg the young
pitchers above named, the local club simply
acted on this principle. Common sense will
tsach us that the club officials were convinced
that there was better material at command
than tLe two young men released. However,
it is a pity that tbey ere not tried more than
they were, and yet if they had been it might
have been worse for the club.
Hoir the Knee is Going.
The pennant race is becoming exceedingly
interesting as the half distance approaches.
Cleveland during the week has been gradually
closing with Boston, and the Spiders are becom
ing more of a surprise than ever. Ifearthatwe
all must be forced to the conclusion that there is
something more than luck in Cleveland's suc
cess. I can find nothing in the science of prob
abilities to show how those Spiders could win
to many finely-played games by anything ex
cept merit. If lock has been their talisman
then we most conclude that Iuck has become
an established principle. However, 1 am in
clined to think that if Cleveland's pitchers
-nere to break down the so-called
luck of the club would vanish. I
will not be surprised if Cleveland
passes Boston before long. Kew York, a
splendid team of ball plaj ers, are up to their
ears in hard luck No sooner does that team
fet out-of one difficulty until it is into another,
am free to admit that the Giants are in many
respects my ideals, but when their best men are
injured or prevented from playing tbey are not
likely to win victones tbat they otherwise
could win. The club has had comparatively
little good from Keefe this season, and Ward is
now disabled, I still have hope in the Giants.
Two weeks ago I intimated that Boston might
take a tumble after leaving Pittsburg. The
achievements of that team have borne out my
prediction. Chicago is bracing up and the
balance of the clubs are going along as usual.
Deacon While's Case.
According to what President Nimick told me
.yesterday afternoon we need not expect the
venerable Deacon White with 'us this season.
It is a pity that such an old and excellent play
er as White should be in such difficulties as he
is. There is much sound reason
ing on his side. but I fail
to see wby the Pittsburg club
should give him any extra indncement to come
here or violate any law of baseball to secure
his services. If it is true-that President Stearns,
of Detroit, or rather ex-President Steams, has
netted $58,000 by trafficking with players.
Steams should be looked to for any extra
money. I am fully persuaded tbat
such like deals will eventually end
in a thorough change of base
ball law. The American sentiment is against
any man or body of men amassing fortunes by
stealing or forcibly holding the services of
other men to the entire benefit of the stealers
or holders. I don't think that any country to
day tolerates a system that permits one man to
sell the services of another against the will of
tne latter, it is easy to see oy tne Detroit deal
that a company can make a fortune out of the
aualities ot men whom they force to play for
lem or not play at all. There will be a change
some day.
Ton Der Ahe's New Scheme.
It was stated a few days .ago that Von der
Ahe has declared himself against the city of
Bt Louis, and threatens to have his revenge by
leaving them minus a good ball team. To do
this, the report says, he intends to try and buy
the franchise of the Washington club and put
a League team in that city. The reporter who
gave this story to the world from St. .Louis
definitely states that he heard Mr. Ahe make
the statement. There are apparently two truths
in the matter. One is that Von der Ahe said
what he is qnoted to have said, and the other
is that it is all nonsense what he did say, ex
cepting that part relating to St. Louis.
Von der Ahe ought to know more about
St. Louis than I do. At any rate, I'll
believe him when he says his club is not re
ceiving sufficient support. His declaration on
this point gives us to understand tbat financial
matters in the Association are not in the very
best condition. It also seems to mean that
there Is such a thing as being champions too
long. Americans like changes and, doubtless,
the St. Louis cranks want to have a little more
excitement than that caused by a sure thing
every season. However this may be. It is safe
to say that Mr. Von Der Ahe will never get the
Washington franchise, or any other League
franchise. The desire to have him a League
member is not strong enough to help toward
that end; indeed, I learned some time ago from
Association officials that his retirement from
that body would not cause many regrets. .Not
that Von der Ahe has not done anything for
baseball, or that he is not energetic. He is all
that, but he is a disturbing element. But the
matter in question reminds us tbat
we may be prepared to hear time
and time again about the retirement
of Washington from the League before next
season. What I desire to say is that nobody
knows anything abont it yet. It is true that
Washington is not getting smoothly along, but
the same may be said of two or three other
cities. A Washington gentleman in a position
to know told me a few days ago that President
Hewitt, at present, has no idea whatever of
parting with bis franchise. But if he resolves
to do tbat. Von der Ahe will not get it. The
probability is that the latter will have the op
portanlty to bay a f ew Association franchisee.
A Terr Foolish Notion.
On several occasions I have referred to the
entreveny, if ft may be called such, now going I
MfeetYMfitt Players' Brotherhood and the
League; In fact I think The Dispatch was
one of the first, if not the first, papers to sug
gest a real business meeting between repre
sentatives of the two bodies. This snggestlon
was made before Mr. Ward and the Spalding
tourists had returned from their trip. But
along with the suggestion it was also pointed
out that any difficulties existing against tbe
players must go to the end of tbe season ex
cept all civil law, moral obligations and base
ball rules were Ignored. Well, from that time
right uo until now one writer after another
is stating to the world that the players are go
ing to strike if tbey don't get what they want.
Of course it is meant that tho strike will take
place at once. Nothing can be more stupid than
this, and no notion can be more foolish. What
will tbey strike for? Against terms that every
one of them have agreed to for a year? The
thing is ridiculous to think of, and I can never
believe that a man like Mr. Ward would ever
dream of such an absurdity until be actually
declares in its iavor. The Brotherhood can
only exist by recognizing not only baseball law,
but other public laws, and surely its members
are not so devoid of common sense as to kill
their own organization in such a stupid way.
Abont the Great Battle.
To-morrow week will be an eventful day If
the predictions and expectations are fulfilled
regarding the Sullivan-KIlrain battle. It is to
be tbe greatest pugilistic event of modern
times if some authorities speak the truth; at
any rate, from to-day until the affair is over the
proposed battle will be the general theme of
conversation among all sorts and conditions of
men. This fact will force all of us who write
about sporting matters to deal somewhat ex
tensively with the matter this week.
It is only fair now to assume that both parties
mean to have the fight take place. I
say parties because 1 firmly believe that
the two principals have all along been
desirous of fighting. However, it is true
tbat man proposes and some other power dis
poses. This reminds us that there are still
some arrangements to be made tbat in trying
to complete them the entire affair may col
lapse. Two ot tbe most important features are
still unsettled, viz., the battle ground and the
referee. The parties may be quite satisfied
with the location, but the powers that be may
not be disposed to allow the fight. Each party
may want its own referee and nave none other,
and this would end it. We all know how Mace
and Coburn got to the battle ground in Ireland
and how miserably the affair ended or col
lapsed. There are many other instances on
record which reasonably enough prompt every
one of us who know anything about pugilistic
affairs to say a battle is never certain nntil its
over. Tho stakes at issue are really so big to
risk in a prize ring tbat a hitch may occur at
any stage. However, I cannot do other than
believe the statements of both parties, and
these statements are emphatically to the effect
that the tight will take place,
Who Will Win?
Who will winT is the next interesting ques
tion, assuming that the men will fight. I ven
ture to say that thousands, aye, and many
thousands, of citizens will be answering that
question between now and the Sth of July. I
also say that it is a very difficult question to an
swer, and I will endeavor to point out why it is.
In estimating the comparative abilities of the
two men we could soon come to a conclusion
had Sullivan not had a broken-down period in
his career. The truth is his reappearance in
the ring is something akin to that of a compara
tively unknown man. We know what he was
before his illness and dissipation, but we have
little or no idea of bis stamina or power now
that belongs to a test. However, if Sullivan is
in anything like his old formal have no hesita
tion in saying he will defeat Kilrain. Muldoon
assures us tbat Sullivan was never in better
condition in his life. I don't believe
tbe statement by any means, and besides
I am disposed to think that Muldoon, the
wrestler, knows very little, indeed, about prize
fighting or preparing a man to take part in a
battle. Sullivan, of course, may be as good as
he ever was, but I won't believe it nntil it is
clearly demonstrated to tho public. However,
as I said a week or so ago, Sullivan need not be
at his best to defeat Kilrain, and in coming to
this conclusion I have been careful to examine
the records of both men as pugilists. There is,
indeed, a remarkable contrast between tbe
records of each man. In one we find where a
pugilist in his extraordinary power simply
knocked opponents senseless as it he was using
a blacksmith's hammer, that was Sullivan
when he was Sullivan. In the other we meet with
a man who at once strikes us as tame,and wbo in
his contests invariably made a draw with very
inferior men; men whom Sullivan would have
finished in ten minutes. 1 am not going
beyond the records In stating tins. Kil
rain certainly did have a few good hammer-and-tonirs
battles when he worked in tbe mill
at Sotnerville, Massbut his professional record
has been a very tame one indeed. He f ought a
draw with a man like Jim uoode and even with
Mike Cleary. George Fryor, the Englishman,
also made a draw with him. It took him 13
rounds to defeat a slow man like Joe Lannon,
when Sullivan at his best would have settled
him in four. Thus 1 might go on reciting tame
affairs, or at least second-rate affairs. On the
other hand, Sullivan sever made a draw if the
police aid not interfere and his opponents did
not lie down. According to these records,
Sullivan should be an easy winner, but there
are other things to consider.
Tbeir Two Bis; Battles.
To more correctly judge of the respective
merits of Sullivan and Kilrain it would be well
to compare their work in France. If we do
th is it will be found tbat In a 21-foot prize ring
Sullivan's superiority over Kilrain is greatly
comprised. Not that Kilrain is or at least
has shown himself to be first-class as a ring tact
lean. His encounter with Jem bmlth was a verit
able burlesque, but 1 am free to admit that Sulli
van's performance against Mitchell everything
considered, was a trine worse. IT Sullivan on
Monday week displays no better Judgment and is
not in better conilltion than when he met Mitchell
be will be beaten if he fights Kilrain. The
latter's burlesque with Smith was Just
as sincere as far as fiehtlnp Is ran.
cerned as that between Sullivan and Mitchell
was. But Kilrain was in much better condition
wn en be finished than was bulllvan. This con
vinces me that Sullivan lacks that patience neces
sary to pull a man victoriously through in a Ion g
prizefight. Muldoon, his trainer, says that the
Hcbt will be a lone one. If this is true, so much
tbe worse for Sullivan, because in all his encoun
ters he has shown a disposition to weaken if he
failed to settle an onponentln the first few rounds.
V elk then, what I have to say about the probable
winner is this: That, judging from the probable
condition of each man, and ballivan's last per
formance In a 24-foot ring, 1 think the indications
lavorahle fer Kilrain. I shall have more to say
before next Monday, and may know more tbe
condition of the principals, on whlchCeverythlnc
seems to hang. Personally I would not Invest a
cent on the aflalr without I saw the men, particu
larly Sullivan.
Facts Abont tbe Men.
In answer to many correspondents and to stop
any further inquiries on the subject, I now give
a few facts about Sullivan and Kilrain. John L.
bulllvan was born of Irish parents. In the High
lands, Boston. October 15, 1853. He is 5 feet 10
Inches tall, and. It is claimed, can fight best at
185 pounds. In condition his physical measure
ments arc: Chest, 44 inches; bleeps. 16X Inches;
calf, 15K Inches; thigh, 27 Inches. He began to
spar In 1S79. Jake Kllraln's right name Is Joseph
John Killlon, but his name was cnauged to Kil
rain bv the boys with whom be played in school
davs. and it has remained Kllriln ever since. He
was born at Greennort, Columbia county, J". Y..
February 9, 1839. He had no regular occupation,
save that of teaching boxing and training
athletes. When a youth he worked In a rolling
mill at Somervllle. Mats. He Is 5 feet 10 Inches
high, and fights at 193 pounds. His chest Is 41
inches; bleeps, IS inches: forearm, 14 inches; waist,
34 Inches; thigh, 15 Inches; calf, 16J4 Inches. He
wean a io. 9 shoe and No. 9 glove, and it taken
17 inch collar to encircle his neck.
O'Connor's Departure.
William O'Connor, the champion sculler of the
United States and Canada, has left for England to
compete against Henry G. Searle for tbe cham
pionship of the world. Technically we hare
neither part nor lot in the matter, as both men are
'under tbe British flag, "but It is not unreason
able to say that O'Conmor will have the good
wishes of almost all Americans. Just as In En
gland Hanlon was looked npon as an American so
do we. to a great extent, look nnon O'Connor as
one of ourselves. However that may be. there
will be plenty of American money behind him. IT
all goes well the race will take place in September
next, so that it would seem premature to make
any predictions about it at present. As I
hare polnttd out before, we have
comparatively little Idea of Bearle's ability
but even at this early stage I venture to say that
be must needs to be the greatest wonder tbat ever
Australia sent from Its shores to beat O'Connor.
It may be that bearle will find several opponents
beside O'Connor berore be returns home. He is
accompanied by Matterson. Ihe latter has some
Idea of what American rowers can do, as he was
at the last international regatta on the Thames.
But his knowledge mnst be imperfect, because
Teemer, who was the best rower Irom America
there, was sadly out of form. However, no Aus
tralian has any Idea of what O'Connor can do,
and we may safely come to the conclusion that
each party thinks it has a phenomenon
La Perla del Fumar.
These celebrated clear Havana Key "West
Cigars are for sale at:
Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson.
St Charles Hotel, Albemarle HoteL
Union Depot Restaurant,
John Iiauler, 3799 Fifth ave.
Peter A. Ganster, 35 and 37 Prankstown
John F. Ganster, 27 Prankstown ave.
Peter Weber, 76 "Wylie ave. 1
John O. Stronrj, 25 Union st.
E. W. Hagan," 609 Smithfield st
Neville Bayley, 405 Smithfield it.
J. K. Derr, 400 Market st
P. C Duffy, 510 Grant st
E. T Eusch, 3716 Porbes si.
Ziinhart, Bald & Co., 411 Smithfield st
Charles Eble, 6009 Penn ave.
G. VT. Schmidt. 95 and 97 Plfti are.
Charms Worked by Betting Hen to
Show Whether They Will Win.
And Other Signs and Omens That Fore
tell Good and Bad Fortune.
ii horses were
standing at the
starting post recent
ly ready for a race.
Everyone was
anxiously waiting
for the fall of the
Suddenly a jockey
dismounted. The saddle
girth was tightened.
"Is that Anderson?"
shouted a hundred specta
tors, and hearing that it
was, they rushed to the bet
ting ring to back Fides, the
horse Anderson was riding.
This is the latest supersti
tion among turfmen, who are perhaps the
most superstitious of all gamblers. Every
time Anderson or Garrison dismounts from
tbeir horses at the post an army of men try to
get another bet on. The dismounting is termed
putting on the cinch.
This superstition was started at Gravesena
on May 18. Anderson was ridingMr.Belinont's'
Oily fides in a handicap sweepstakes race. The
betting against Fides was 3 to L While at the
post Juggler, another hoise starting In tbe
same race, seized Anderson by tbe leg and
threw bim off Fides. Anderson fainted, when
he recovered he remounted Fidps and rode her
to victory. The superstitious bore this in mind.
Two days later Anderson rode Joe Lee in a
handicap sweepstakes. At the post be dis
mounted and had the girth tightened. A hun
dred betters rnsbed to tbe betting ring and
backed Joe Lee. He won and they were happy.
On May 25, In the race for the Bedford stakes.
Garrison dismonnted from Fadlsha and after
ward won the race. Now whenever either of
these two jockeys dismount when at the post
the superstitious gamblers cannot place their
Getting a Cinch.
money in the hands of the bookmakers fast
enongb, and they claim that tbey always win.
"How is tbat gamblers, and especially gam
blers on tbe turf, are so superstitious?'
The question was asked an old race-goer re
cently, but he denied altogether that they were
superstitious. He said, "Backing horses in a
race is all a game of chance. You may have
the very best horse in the race and may hack
him heavily, but through some mishap, such
as the horse being pocketed, or slipping bis
bridle, he may be beaten. Now these mishaps
make the chance in tbe game, and there are
certain signs tbat all the race-goers believe in
that tell in when to back a certain horse and
when to let him run without carrying any
money. Why, my dear boy. I would no more
think of backing a horse tbat these signs and
omens said would not win than I would at
tempt to fly."
"How is it then that you dont always win?
Are tbe sign sometimes wrong?"
"Never. The siens are always right, but we
don't always read tbem correctly, and even
when we do we sometimes think we'know best
Then wo have to suffer for onr conceits"
"Just tell me of some of the signs that you
co by."
"First of all I never make a bet unless I have
my mascot with me. It is a So gold piece. If 1
should happen to leave It at home then I just
watch the horse race: Sometimes I have tried
to win when I have not that gold piece with
me, but I always lost, and so now I have given
it up. I found that gold piece several years ago
when coming through the irates at Jprnmn
Park. 1 only had a S3 bill with me that dar. and
in tbe first race I placed it on a horse that won
and paid S56 75 for S3. I concluded that the S3
gold piece was meant to bring me good luck,
and determined to keep it. That day I won
$760, and ever since then I have never been
Watohingfor JHM Boat HTumbcn.
without money. It is always a sure sign of ill
luck with me if I get out of bed in the morning
on the right-hand side. And it would be a
great deal better for me if I would get right
back again and sleep all day long. If, on the
other hand, I get out on the right side and my
right foot touches tbe floor first then tbat day
will be a good one for me, and I am perfectly
safe in playing tbe races."
"Monday is a bad day to lose on. If one starts
the week badly then you may be sure it will end
badly. If I lose on Monday I rarely make an
other bet until the next Monday comes around.
Sometimes I have varied this rule and tried to
win bnt it Is of no use. But there are hundreds
of signs tbat would take me all Say to tell you
"Just tbe man I want to see. I have a real
good thing in tbe third race."
excuse me to-oay, oia man, but i'm not
"Why, what's the mattert sworn off J"
"No. but in lacing my shoe this morning I
laced it wrong. If I had left it laced wrong all
would have been welt, and 1 should have won,
hut instead I unfastened it and relaced It That
is a sure sign of 111 luck."
It is a sure sign of bad luck If you break a
glass while having a drink at tbe bar. It strikes
you sometimes several ways. You lose your
drink, spoil your clothes, have to pay for the
glass and it is a sure forecast tbat you will not
win any more tbat day and if you have backed
any horse to win he will be beaten.
Borne betters believe in dreams. Tbey will
sometimes dream tbat a certain horse will win
a race, and then back that horse- When he next
runs. An old turfman told this story about a
creem recently: "it was two days before tbe
Great American stakes was run at Gravesend
I dreamed of the race, I MTrquita dUtiaotly I
I I ssW
a number of horses start, and one, a big chest
nut, win. Wbo be was I could not make out.
1 tried all day long to find out tbe name of this
boree, but it was of no nse. I bad, his picture
stamped on my mind, and when I got to the
track tried again to find out the name of this
youngster, bnt it was nr use. Just as tbe
horses were going to tbe post I recognized my
winner in tbe dream. It was August Belmont's
Bt. Carlo, ridden by Garrison. 1 rushed to the
ling and managed to put on some money. Well,
you know, St, Carlo won, and I won $600.
That's one reason why I believe in dreams."
Many believe that a hunchback is a sure sign
of luck. In this superstition turfmen do not
I J&&fSL I ! 'I Sz&l
Mfffli iff!
SB wQ Bm) VJIHfip 11
Hr 18 K IvHl
Jiubblnp or Zuek.
agree with actors. Many an actor has refused
to play because he has seen a hunchback in the
audience, and he believes ft a sure sign of ill
luck. Turfmen think differently. They say
if you are in search of good luck never let a
hunchback pass without touching tbe hump,
no matter how lightly tbe tips of tho fingon
willdo. Thenno matter how much you mav
have lost on previous races you will win it afl
back again and much more besides. Some say
tbat you must wish for luck at the same time
that you touch the hunchback, and in order to
work tho charm, the hunchback must be aware
of your action.
Cross-eyed persons bring good and bad luck
with them. If a man sees a cross-eyed woman
he will have good luck, but this cross eyed
woman will bring, bad luck to another woman.
In the same way a cross-eyed man will bring
good luck to a woman and back luck to a man.
Some persons claim that they carry mascots
that will protect them from the ill luck caused
in meeting a cross-eyed person of their own
All patrons of the race course are firm be
lievers in the old superstition about seeing the
new moon first It is good luck to see it first
over tbe right shoulder, bad luck to look at it
over tbe left shoulder, but best luck of all to
look at It full in the face with money in your
pocket. The money must bo turned over while
looking at the moon, and it will double itself
during the next 24 hours.
Ihere are even more unlucky numbers in the
doubting Thomas calendar than there are days.
Everyone, of course, is familiar with the fatal
ity said to surround the number 13. If there
are 13 horses starting In a race the one num
bered 13 has to be an extraordinary good one
before thev will back it. and then thev claim
'that nine times out of ten something will hap
pen Luai win prevent ma winning tne race anu
the money. Many believe tbat luck surrounds
certain numbers. Some will favor the num
ber 7. '
Talking of this number a turfite recently
said: "I believe in No. 7. I discovered it some
years ago by reaming of it On the following
morning I spoke of it to a friend, and he told
me to go to the races and try my luck by play
ing the horses numbered 7 on the programme.
I went and No. 7 won the first race. I won 28,
as it was the favorite. The horses numbered
seven in the next two races did not start but
they did in all tbe other events, and I went
home with 475 In my pockets. Now I don't
contend that because I dreamt of No. 7 that I
won, but I do contend that had I not dreamt
of tbe same I should never have won. No. 7 is
lucky with me In everything. If I board a car
No. 7 in tbe morning luck sticks to me all that
day. In fact every time I see No. 7 1 am
Others play No. lor any number that they
think brings luck. Some persons who play the
races never like to win the first race. They
will make a small bet on some horse and expect
to lose. After tbat they will plav heavily and
are most confident of winning. If they should
win in tbe first race by any cbanc6 they will
not bet any more as they are certain they will
Bettors on horse races are always on the look
out for sorao sign that will point to a certain
horse in tbe race. Going down to the Mon
mouth Park races on the Sandy Hook boat
thev are always on the lookout for a pilot boat
and then when they see the big number on the
sail they regard it as a good omen and plan ac
cording to what the number points to on the
programme. Others watch signs and listen for
names. If they see a sign that bears tbe name
of a horse or hear anyone mention the name of
a horso in some odd way they take it as a sure
tip that the horse will win the next time he
Some men have so little faith in their own
Judgment of the merits of tbe horses engaged
to run, and believe so firmly that winning on a
horse race is all a game of chance, that they
will place tbe names of the horses written on
separate pieces of paper in a hat and play tho
first one tliey draw out Others will throw an
open knife at the card of course a lucky knife
and the name in which the blade sticks It the
horse they select to carry their money. Here
are some signs which if followed accurately are
sure to bring wealth to any one who tries to
win at the races. They are given by an old
race goer:
It is unlucky to whistle or sing before break
fast If vou should happen to do so, don't
tonch the races that day or yon will lose.
It is unlucky to sneeze before breakfast or
when looking at the new moon. If you should
sneeze on the new moon don't touch a horse
race until you see the next new moon.
It is bad luck to pass under a ladder, and on
the day that you do you won't back a winner.
If you break a looking glass bad luck will
stick to you for a month, and if you sing or
whistle at any meal table bad luck will stick to
you for nine days.
At the race course recently one man said if
tbe first horse he saw on the track should hap
pen to be a gray one he knew he would have
good luck that day.
Some immediately after making a bet go and
drink a glass of beer. They say it puts a cinch
on, but how tbey do not explain. Others al
ways put their tickets in a certain pocket
They claim that if theyallowed anyone else to
touch them tbat something would happen to
the horse to prevent its winning, no matter
how good it might be. Others always secure
certain luckv seats on the fraud stand, and if
by any accident tbeir favorite seats should be
occupied they are sure that they will not win.
A good story is told of Lawyer William F.
Howe's superstition. He frequently visits the
race course and bets a good deal on the horses.
He does not take the tips from anybody, but
employs a little colored boy as a tout. A short
time ago the two men were caught standing In
a secluded corner of the naddncki The p-rpnt
lawyer had a wad of money in bis hand rub
bing It vigorously on the wool of the darkey
who stood before bim,
"Rub, Massa Howe, rub: dat's good luck.
You's got a cinch shuah. I'se got it straight
Now just rub once moan, and den git the big
gest odds."
Mr. Howe didn't make the bet- He tried to
laugh at it as a joke. He won't even say if tbe
tip succeeded.
FredWalbaum is abont tbe most superstitions
bookmaker in the ring. Some tune ago he
made a book in a race in which Firenzi and
Kingston started. Everyone else in tbe ring
made Firenzi favorite. Walbaum held out
Kingston and laid good odds against Firenzi.
All in tbe ring laughed at him. Kingston won
and then Walbaum laughed. He said: "I was
going home on the elevated train last night
and by some chance in tbe illuminated sign
over the Kingston House the word Kingston
alone was illuminated. I thought that a tin
.- j , . n, i r- r
A F. ALBRIdqe.
Mothers, bring; the Children
To Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 616 Market
st. Pittsburg. Fine cabinet photos (1 per
dozen until September 1. Come early, use
elevator. No other gallery can compete
with our work in quality.
Wei. J. Friday
Has just received fiarge lot of beer in both
pints aud quarts from the Anheuser-Busch,
StXouia (Budweiser), Phil. Best and Jos.,
Bcnutz, .ninwauKee, breweries., ar tne
doieaoreask, 633 Saithfield street, yrx&u
The Home Talent Get Two Games
From the Phillies.
Some Brilliant Playing by Dunlap and
Billy Sunday.
All tbe departed glory of Pittsburg's base
ball champions returned yesterday amid
thousands of hurrahs. Between 4,000 and
5,000 excited baseball cranks sat on tbe
grand stand aud bleaching boards of Recre
ation Park and saw those Quaker represen
tatives downed twice within lour hours. The
day was a glorious one for the home players
aud no mistake. Every member ' in the
team could have been presented with a
duke's coronet bad ihere been any at com
mand, bnt there wasn't. The next best and
available thing was a black1 pig which was,
with due solemnity, presented to Midget
Miller by Captain Sunlap. Miller dragged his
piece of live black pork from the plate to the
dressing room, and tbat was the omen for the
glorious result which followed. The Midget
himself began banging the ball' about the field,
and 'his actions were to a great extent con
tagious to the finish.
Tbe two games were played for one price of
admission, and this fact filled the ground al
most full, and tbe bleaching boards were
packed. The weather looked extremely threat
ening, and that deterred hundreds from see
ing tbe games. However, the large crowds
tbat seen tbe contests saw something worth see
ing. Never a club played played two better
games than did the local representatives. It
seems tbe local fellows have been lying back
forHarry Wright's men, and have now resolved
to make marks of them. Undoubtedly the
Phillies were outplayed in both games, par
ticularly in tbe second.
Tbe first contest was what in ordinary par
lance may be called a daisy. It was fought bit
terly to the end, although it was nearly pre
sented to tbe visitors by Hanlon. Any contest
tthat lasts 11 innings and is decided by three
runs to two, means some great work Bome
where. In the game in question everybody did
well except Hanlon, and be surely bad an off
time. Tbe great feature, however, that
is the feature that kept everybody
on pins and needles, was the pitching
of Buffinton and Morris. The latter always
had a little the best of Buff, but toward the
finish Buff became to a small extent a mark.
He displayed excellent judgment in fooling
batters until tbe most critical part of the game
arrived. He was excellently supported, how
ever, and that probably prevented defeat from
coming earlier than it did. Mulvey fielded well,
and Clements played his tiest, which means
tbat he played just about as good as anybody
can play.
Morris was in pitching humor, and he
worked off fast and slow balls so artfully as to
hare the entire opposing nine at his mercy.
In fairness to Moms it ought to be slid that
it was not bis fault tbat tbe visitors were not
shut out, With the exception of Hanlon the
home team fielded to perfection,
The home players scored the first ' run in the
third inning. Hanlon led off and- got his base
on balls and stole second. Sunday struck out,
and Beckley whacked out a good single to left,
and Hanlon scored. Miller bit for one into
ceoter field, but the side was retired before
Georgo crossed the plate. Nothing moro was
done in run getting until tbe seventh inning,
when tbe visitors threw something like a meta
phone funeral pall over the crowd, by
scoring two runs. Clements led off the
inning with a single to left field, Fogarty flew
out to Smith and then Farrar sent Clements to
third by a nice single to right Farrar stole
second and Hallmac flew ont to Sunday. Then
Schriver banged out a long fly into right center
field. Both Sunday and Hanlon ran for it
Hanlon got it, but dropped tbe hall lu a very
unaccountable way. As aresult two runs were
In the ninth the home players tied the score.
Kuehne led off with a three-bagger and scored
on the throw-in of Smith's foul nv to richt In
the eleventh Inning Fields began proceedings
with a double to left, was advancea a base on
Morris' sacrifice and scored on Sunday's single
to left
The second game was a wretched perform
ance for tho visitors. They started oft all de
moralized and in tbe first two or three innings
made some of the most glaring errors ever seen
on a ball field. Tbe veteran Harry Wright sat
on the bench and bit bis lip at the sight Fete
Wood was put in to pitch for the Phillies and
Decker was his catcher. Staley and Miller
were tbe local battery It would scarcely be
fair to criticise Wood's pitching in yesterday's
game because his support was so wretched and
stupid. Decker was not a success and bis
throwing to second oase couianc wen nave
been worse. Wood can pitch effective, no
doubt, and Decker can probably do mucb bet
ter. Bnt the entire nine seemed to be rattled
and almost before tbo game was well started
tbe borne players had a winning lead.
There was another and more important
shortcoming of tbe visitors. Tbey couldn't
tonch Staley, and he had no difficulty in shut
ting tbem out Dunlap's fielding was brilliant,
and so was Sunday's. Nothing escaped them
tbat was withinreach, and doubleplays seemed
to be their forte.
Hanlon began tbe game by knocking out a
single to right and reached second on a passed
ball. Sunday got his base on balls and Hanlon
was nabbed at tbird. Becklev's life hit and a
passed ball sent Sunday to tbird and Beckley
to second.
Miller sent a grounder to Mulvey, who threw
the ball wild to tbe plate, and Sunday scored,
Beckley reaching third and Miller second.
Dunlap made a single to right and Beckley
Bcored, Kuehne's sacrifice hit brought Miller
home and Sunlap was put out at third, retir
ing the side. Schrlvers muff of Smith's easy
fly, Stalev's single and Wood's muff,of Sun
day's little fly gained another run in the second
inning. Two runs were earned in the tbird In
ning on singles by Miller and Fields, a double
by Kuehne, a stolen base and a sacrifice hit by
Smith. A two-bagger by Miller and another
by Kuebne earned another run in the fifth in
ning and in the ninth three singles by Sunday,
Dunlap and Kuehne, respectively, brought in
tho last run.
Tne visitors never looked like scoring. Mc
Quaid umpired fairly well. Following are the
puilad'a. n.B f a x
Hanlon. m.. 1
Sunday, r... 0
Ueckley, 1... 0
Miller, 1 0
Dunlap, i.. 0
Kuehne, 3... 1
Smith. 0
2 0
1 3
3 11
3 3
0 7
2 2
0 2
Wood. 1 0
Thompson, r 0
Mulvey, 3... 0
Clements, c. 1
Fogarty, m. o
Farrar, 1.... 1
Hallman. s.. b
0 1
2 4
0 1
2 S
1 S
0 1
1 1
0 0
Fields, c 1 2
Morris, p.... 0 0
Schriver, 2.. 0
Buffinton, p. 0
3 13 33 17 2
Totals 2 7 33 15 1
Plttsburgs 1 000000010 11
Philadelphia 0 00000200002
Earned runs Pittsburga, 2.
Two-base hits Miller, Beckley, Fields.
Three-base hit Kuehne.
Total bases on hits Plttsburgs. 18; Philadel
phia. 7.
Sacrtncehlts Hallman. Smith, Dunlap, Morris.
fitnlpn bases Hanlon. Bundar.
First base on errors Plttsburgs, 1; Philadel
phia. 2.
First base on balls Farrar.
Double plays Kuehne and Smith ; Smith, Dun
lap and Beckley.
Struck out-Mulrey, Buffinton, Morris 2, Han
lon, Sunday.
Passed bulls-yields, 1.
l,eft on bases Plttsburgs, 12: Phlladelphlas, 4.
Time of game One hour and 40 minutes.
Umpire McQuald.
KBrxil rnrne. bbph
Hanlon. m .. 0
Sunday, r... 2
Beckley, 1... 1
Miller, c..,. 3
Dunlap, 2.... 0
Kuehne, 3... 1
Smith, s 1
.Fields, 1 0
Suley, p.... 0
2 2 0 0 Woods, 1... 0
12 1 0 Thompson, r 0
0 14
2 4
OlMulvey, 3... 0
OfFogarty, 1
0 Karrar. 1.
iiuecKer, c... u
TJ3. U
0 Hallman, s.
0 Shnver, c.
0 Wood, p...
Totals 8 14.27 12 l Totals. .... 0 3 27 13 5
Pittsburg V 1 1201000 18
Phlladelphlas ,..0 00000000-0
Earned runs PIttsburgs3.
Two-base hits Miller, Kuehne 2.
Total bases on hlts-Plttsburss, 17; Phlladel
phlas, 3.
Sacrifice hits Miller. Dnnlap 2, Kuehne, Smith.
Btolen bases Sunday. Smith.
First base on errors Plttsburgs, 2.
First base on balls Sunday, Farrar.
Double plays Sunday and Beckley; Dunlap and
Beckley; Mulvey (unassisted).
Hit br pitched ball-Hallmsn.
Struck out-Fields 2, Decker.
Passed ball Decker, 8.
Ieft en bases Plttsburgs; 8: Phlladelphlas, t.
Time of game One hour and 30 minutes.
Umpire McQutld.
Keep Coot
Get a suit of English serge, bine, black or
gray, at Pitcalra'i, 434 "Wood street.
-w ft-
Charley Foley Has a Few Sympathizing
Words for the Team News From the
New1 Yorkers Bock Ewlnc Thinks That
July 4 Will be n Turning; Folnt.
Boston. June 28. The Bostons are now
on their first Western trip, and their "four
straight" at Pittsburg gave the ball cranks
of this cultured bnrg a chance to test thefr
lung power. Every afternoon, while the
Bostons are playing away from borne, we
have a miniature game ot baseball in the
large and commodious Music Hall. The
admission is 10 cents; reserved seats 10 cents
extra. The games are depicted npon a'
large blackboard, and every play through
out the game is communicated to tbe audi
ence when the news arrives by telegraph.
When the games start in the West it is
nearly 'S o'clock here, and this helps the
Music Hall attendance, many people drop
ping in to see how the games are going after
their day's! work is finished. There Is nothing
new in this scheme; it originated in tbe South
as far back as 188i, and has been in operation
at other points since tben with poor success.
It may prove a go here, but I donbtit
Pittsburg had poor luck against Boston, but
they deserve the highest praise for the gallant
stand tbey made during the three last contests
where one run gave the Bostons a victory each
time. Indianapolis beat Boston by one run on
Monday, and Cleveland crawled out of a very
small hole by scoring four runs in the lat
Inning wben "tbe Phillies" bad them 4 to 2.
How those Cleveland kids are playing ball, and
what wonderful luck tbey are having! They
are the sandiest lot of youngsters playing ball,
to-day. I suppose Loftns is getting all tbe
praise like Jim Hart Nonsensel Where is
tbere a better general than Anson, and just
look at tbe poor ball his team are putting up.
Loft us and Hart are good disciplinarians, but
they are much harder losers than Horace
Phillips, Billy Barnie and other veterans.
Horace is a cooler, and no mistake,but the man
bas had a terrible bit of sickness, and is far
from being a well man.
"Is it advisable to play this morning?" said
one of the Triumvirs to Jim Hart on tbe morn
ing of the 17th of June Bunker Hill Dav.
"Playl" exclaimed Hart "Well, I should say
so; we want all the games we can get and
Washington is scared to death of us." The
grounds wero very wet but Hart insisted upon
playing and much to bis disgust the Senators
won with ease. The Washingtons are no draw
ing cards in this city: but this year they have
three Boston men Wise, Morrill and Irwin
and bad the day been fine I feel confident tbat
tbe attendance wonld have reached close to
15,000 in the two games. Last Labor Day, in
this city, tbe Washingtons drew 14,000 people
to both games and tbe Bostons were away down
In tbe race at the time. The holiday attendance
in this city is something marvelous.
How about the arrest of a few prominent
Boston players in PitUburgT We heard it was
Kelly; then again some man, supposed to be
Bennett gave a fictitious name and paid a small
fine. Pittsburg smoke doesn't agree with some
of the boys, and while in your city tbey like to
get their "old tanks lined" as a preventive
against diphtheria.
Tom Bond, once the famous pitcher of the
Boston team, is now umpiring the college
games and giving perfect satisfaction. Bond is
married into a well-to-do German family, and
has two children a boy and girl. Galvm 'is
away ahead of Bond as a family man.
Sadie Houck, an old Leaguer, Is living in this
city. Sadie is known as "tbe man of nerve,"
and can out talk anybody in town. His tongue
resembles an acrobat on the horizontal bar it
swings both ways without losing its equi
librium. James Bent an old friend of Jimmy Galvin's,
died In this city a few months ago. Bent was a
famous sporting man, and while in the Buffalo
club, Galvin took a sail down tbe harbor with
him. and admired tbe beautiful scenery. On
the return trip Galvin couldn't admire the
scenery at all. Blondie Purcell and I were in
tbe same boat
Mike Kelly is taking good care of himself
this season, if all accounts are true. Kell's
head was rather large when he struck here this
spring; but after his arrival he began "ducking
his nut" in our beautiful and exhilarating Co
chltuate water, and it is sincerely hoped by his
many friends myself not among the number
that he will be able to get on his 7-dicer by
the'time the leaves begin to fall; this fall and
no other fall. That's all.
Ckabi.es J. Folst.
Say the Authorities nt League Head-
, , quarters.
'WASHrNaioir, June 29. There was great ex
citement here last Wednesday, when the news
was received tbat tbe Senators made a de
termined strike at Pittsburg, and finally won a
game. But few persons credited the 'report
but wben all the returns were in there was con
siderable rejoicing. Hank O'Day's friends were
particularly happy, for tbey have claimed for
several weeks tbat Hank is In prime condition
and anxious to take bis regular turn in the box.
His work on Wednesday was excellent, and it
Is to be hoped that he will keep it np. Such
strikes meet with the hearty approval of the
patrons of the game at this end of the line.
Wihnot and Hoy seem to be keeping up their
good work right along and Manager Morrill has
adopted the suggestion I made two weeks ago
in playing Connie Macs as often as convenient
The score indicates tbat his three hits mnst
have been very timely, Irwin ana Carney, who
preceded him, are credited with four of tbe six
runs. Tom Daly is making himself useful, and
it appears that he was a rich find.
Sam Wise bas replaced Sweeny at third, and
is putting up a pretty stiff game, according to
alfaccounts. There is still a chance for Swee
ny to make his mark in tbe League, for Mana
ger Morrill does not intend to let such a prom
;mg youngster get away. He weakens bis
game by trying to imitate Jerry Denny in bis
apparently slow and mechanical movements.
Jerry may have a peculiar way of going at his
work, but he is not slow in handling a balLaf ter
be gets his hands on It Sweeny is not as active
on his feet as tbe big third baseman, nor is he
the swift accurate thrower tbat the latter is.
Several changes In the League staff of um
pires will shortly be announced. Barnnm and
Fessenden are marked for removal. Indeed.
Barnum's resignation was accepted nearly a
week aeo. It has been kept aulet because
President Young did not want to be overrun
with applications for tbe vacancies; besides he
wanted to secure tbe services of certain men in
a quiet and orderly manner. Curry will be pro
moted to tbe regular staff, and Phil Powers, of
the International League staff will succeed
Fesenden. Who will be selected as the emer
gency man in place of Wes Curry has not been
determined. President Young. In speaking of
tbe proposed changes, remarked that while he
considered Fessenden a good umpire, he is
hardly up to the requirements of tbo League.
Barnum Is a hard-working, conscientious man,
but be Is not made of the right stufT for a suc
cessful member of the staff. Complaints have
been made against Barnum and Fessenden by
men who were never before known to make
a kick against an umpire.
Poor old Jim Whitney bas been released by
the Hoosiers as being worthless. Jim Is a bright
and shining light in the Brotherhood, and is
one of tbe men who kicked against his classifi
cation. In his case. If in no other, the player
received more than be deserved. The Brother
hood ought to refer Jim's case to the special
committee if only to show tbe world that Presi
dent Young, in classifying Jim gave bim the
benefit of the doubt and classified bim several
degrees higher than be sbonld have been.
Whitney claimed 3.000, when his work proves
tbat he was not worth $3,000, for the Indianapo
lis cheerfully parted company I with him and
did not ask any one to take bimloff their hands.
They appear to have been glad to get rid of
George Shoch has accepted an offer from the
Milwaukee club, and left bere last Wednesday
lor his new field of duty. He is under instruc
tlons to join his new companions at Omaha.
Shoch had several good offers from clubs in tbe
East bnt he concluded tbat the Western Asso
ciation is apt to give him more permanent em
ployment He wiil command a good salary, and
he will try to earn every cent ho receives. He
proposes to leave his wife here, as he regards
Washington as his place of residence. Mil
waukee is to be congratulated upon picking up
such a desirable man. He will surely make ha
marK in tbe Western Association.
Ebrlgbt bas concluded to return to California
and rejoin his old companions on the slope.
Arthur Irwin is picklngupin his general play,
and he may pull the Senators out of the tail
end .'lace before tbo season closes.
Jnnn Morrill has full control of the Senators
and tbe finances of the club during tbe present
trip. "Count" Burket only went as far as Bos
ton with the team.
There is an attempt to create a Denny boom In
this city. Brother McGil, of the -Pojt insists
that Jerry will be a Senator In a few davs.
Well, as Kate Castleton wonld say: '"Maybe he
will, but I donbtit"
The local newspaper men and the policemen
expect to play their third came at Capital Park
next Monday. As each team has won a game
tbe saw-off promises to be quite exciting. Prof.
John Philip Sausa. of tbe Marine Band, has
consented to umpire tbe game, and in addition,
he will order out the full band to give a concert
during the contest The proceeds of the enter
prise go to swell the police relief fund.
B, M. Laxxxb.
They Are to be Magnificent Back Swine's
N-jrw Yob-e, June 20v The New York Club
now have a new ground that, when finished,
will be as fine as any in'the country. To be
sure the New Polo Grounds, as it will be known,
will not be as large as the old Polo Grounds,
but.it will be large enough to answer every
purpose. It is 400 feet wide by 40 feet deep,
and fxoa tbo center field ftace to the hem
plate there will be a space of 280 feet quite
sufficient for an outfield. Work was begun on
tbe pew grounds on Monday morning last and
by next Saturday night tbe new grand stand
will be finished and tbe diamond will be in a fit
condition to play on. It is going to be one of
tbe quickest constructed ball grounds tbat bas
probably ever been built It is located under a
bluff, some 200 feet high, and tbere can be no
fear from tbe early soring and late fall cold
winds. In fact there can he no fear from the
wind at all. for there la no way for the wind to
get down to the ball field.
While the work Is being pushed on tbe new
grounds the team Is in the West in a badly
crippled condition, still tbey are battling" for
victory for all they are worth. It is generally
tbe New Yorks way of playing bait When
all the men are In condition, tbey seem to
take It for granted that they mnst win, but
wben about one-half of tbe men are laid np,
from some cause or other, tbey go in like so
many madmen and knock the cover off tbe ball.
That is tho way they did in Chicago, and tbat
is wby tbey won so many games as they did.
Buck Ewlng is of the opinion that the Fourth
of July will see the most critical ooint of the
season past, and tbat if tbe New Yorks can win
two games on that daytbere will be no cause
for complaint It is qnite plain that Buck is
out for tbe dust tbfs season, or be would never
risk being Injured by going in, to catch Crane,
as be did in Chicago. It bas always been the
opinion In this city that Buck was afiaid to
handle Crane's curves, but this idea must now
be cast aside. It has long been a well-known
fact that Back was tbe leading man on the
team, and on him rests tbe winning or losing of
the League championship. All New York
hare their eyes on tbe Boston team, bnt no one
seems to be much afraid of the Bean-eaters,
for they are considered a lot of quitter).
J. H.M.
Additional sporting; on slrtb pace.
Iiv the Christian College at Lahore there are
125 students Hindoos, Mussulmans, Sikhs and
Nookdat services "for busy men" are held
daily in one of tbe bank 'buildings in the heart
of Omaha. ChrUtian at Work.
The General Synod of the Lutheran Church
reports $100,000 raised by its women, during tbe
last decade, for missions. Union Signal.
Lake Forest TJHrvEESiTT, a Presbyterian
institution in the suburbs of Chicago, has. re
cently secured $500,000 as an endowment
The Theological Seminary at Columbia, S.
C, bas an endowment of $235,000, yielding an
annual income of $13,000; a full faculty, and a
fine library of 19,000 volumes.
Over 43,000,000 copies of Moody and Sankey
Gospel bymn books have been lssned In this
country and England. This almost equals tbe
record of Webster's spelling book. The Church
0 To-Day.
The total receipts of the American Mission
ary Society for seven months to April SO were
$175,419 31. and the expenditures for same
period aggregate $203,777 45, leaving a debt
balance of $23,32S It
The trustees of tbe new Roman Catholic
University at Washington have tried in vain
to get from the Attorney General an opinion
whether or not the alien contract labor law for
bids tbe bringing into the country of certain
professors of theology for the university.
Springfield Republican.
Thibet is the only known country on earth
not open to missions. It has an area of 720,000
square miles, about as large as tbe United
btates East of the Mississippi river. The
greatest length from East to West is 1,500
miles, and the population is estimated atoVOO,-
vuu. his tne strongnoiu oi uuaumsm. -Aiu-tionary
A gentleman In New England has given
$100,000. and Japanese gentlemen have sub
scribed about $70,000, to found a Christian uni
versity in Japan, according to a plan proposed
by Rev. Joseph Neeslma, of the American
Board. The collegiate institution, which Mr.
Neesima has been building up for some years,
contains more than 900 students. Pretbyterian
It is tangible evidence of benefit from the at
tention which has been directed to the Sunday
reform movement when one company, operat
ing a little over 1.500 miles of road, is able to
give liberty and rest on Snnday to 519 men wbo
before were coinoelled to labor on tbat day. If
the same basis "of nnmber of men per milo
could be applied to tbe railway system of the
United States alone it would mean tbe releas
ing from Sunday work of over 55,000 men.
Railway Age.
Why Yon Sbonld Bay Your Clothing nt
First We manufacture all clothing we
sell right here at home.
Second All suits costing $10 or more are
warranted to be kept,in repair free of charge
for one year.
Third Our working pants at $1, 1 25 and
1 50 are guaranteed not to rip.
Fourth All goods marked in plain fig
ures and at prices to compete with all.
Fifth Satisfaction in every caseor money
Sixth Honest value for hard earned
money. Jacksons',
Clothiers, tailors, hatters and furnishers,
y&4 and nso Liberty st Star Corner.
Fine Whiskies.
X X. X. 1855, Pure Eye Whisky, fnll
quarts $3 00
18b0. McKim's Pure Rye Whisky,
full quarts 3 00
Monogram, Pure Eye "Whisky, full
quarts 1 75
Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Eye Whisky,
lull quarts......... 1 SO
Gibsons, 1879, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts 2 00
Gibson's Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts 1 50
Gnckenheimer Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts v 1 00
Gnckenheimer Export.Pure Eye Whis
ky, full quarts 1 50
Moss Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts 1 25
1879 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full
quarts 1 25
1880 Export, Pnre Eye Whisky, full
quarts.... , 1 00
For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and
97 Fifth ave.
Pure Rye Whiskies.
1852 XXX, Private Stock $2 00
1870 XXX, Choice Old Cabinet 1 50
Choice Old Gibson 2 00
1879 Gibson 1 50
1878 Overholt 1 50
Superior T, Overholt 1 25
Gnckenheimer Sublime 1 75
Gnckenheimer Pure Eye 1 00
Large'sOId Eye 1 60
XXXX Old Monongahela 1 00
Full quart, case or gallon.
Wsr.'J. Fbxday, 633 Smithfield st
A Fine Display of Fireworks
Suitable fbrfamilies, parties, clubs, etc., can
be had for a very moderate sum by buying
them at reduced club and family prices at
J. H. Johnston's, 706 Smithfield street
Open Saturday evening and till 4 o'clock on
Mothers, Brlns tbe Children
To Anfrechfs Elite Gallery, 516 Market
st, Pittsburg. Fine cabinet photos $1 per
dozen until September 1. Come early. Use
elevator. No other gallery can compete
with onr work in quality.
Extraordinary Bnrcnlns
In summer dress goods, beiges, cashmeres,
English serge?. Jamestown suitings, plaids,
colored Hennettas,combination suitings and
embroidered robes, at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and
440 Market street ThFSu
$4 to Cleveland and return via the P. &
. E. E. E., July 3 and 4, tickets good
to return until July 5th,inclusive. tuwsu
Baseball Cookies.
The finest cake
grocer keeps them.
Baseball Cookies.
in the market. Your
S. S. Mabviit & Co.
.Patbonize home industry ana drink
Frauenheim & Viisack's beer. TTSSa
The Lenhart Cottage is situated a minute's
walk from boat landing and postoffica, Ithai
a nicely-shaded beach and lawn, which are
always cool and refreshing. We bare a beau
tiful view of the lake from all the rooms in tbs
house. Tbe rates for rooms and board are rea
sonable. Forparrlettlara address the proprie
tor, 1. X. IBNHART.BeianjPolat, Chant Co,
. X. j.T7
We have theLargest Assortment of Bicycles,
Tricycle and Safeties in tbe city, and at tho
Lowest Prices.
Just received a fine lot of Bahv rirrlirm
(which we can sell at Rare Bargains.
uur liming acnooi is now open and equipped
with all sizes of wheels and a first-class in
structor. Call or write for Catalogue.
W. H. & W. D. Banker.
One block from ocean.
Atxvntic Crrr, N. J..
A leading hotel In every repect Beauti
fully situated near tbe beach. All rooms com
mand an unobstructed view of tbe ocean. Ap
pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani
tary arrangements perfect For information
addres3 MORGAN & PARSONS. jel55
XL N.J. ,
Under new management
T.C. GILLETTE, Prop'r. .
my22 Late of Colonnade Hotel, Philada,
TEL Longview will be opened for tbe
reception of summer boarders by July 1, 1S89.
For circnl-in and information apply to
my2-9a-TTSn LongviewSchool.BrookviIle,Pa.
Pennaon Pittsburg. Fort Waynu and
Chicago Railroad, 25 minutes' ride from the
city and two minutes' walk from the station;
newly furnished throughout: conntrysurronnd
lngs. elegant drives, with all the comforts of
the city. W. H. S. McKELVY. Prop. je27-Sl
Largest and most prominently located hotel
with a new and first-class Restaurant attached.
330 chairs. Open all the year. Coaches to and
from Beach and Trains. Brocbv's Orchestra.
lino Pennsylvania Railroad, on top of
Will open June 25. All trains slop at Cressoa.
For circulars, etc., address
WM. R. DUNHAM. Supt,
my7-2-i)sa Cresson. Cambria Co.. Pa,
Will open for the season June 29, 1889. The
ALBION will be kept first-class in every par
ticular. Engagements can be made at the
office of CRAWFORD MILLER, 339 Walnut
st. Fbilada., until 26th Inst Office in charge
Edw. Wesson, late Stockton Hotel. Cape May,
By the ocean: hotels open: Continental, Tivoli,
Surf House. Sea View. Philadelphia, Maasioa
and others: cottage boarding houses: Floral.
Rosedale, Ocean View. Eoropean and others:
magnificent beach, bathing andsea views; rates
moderate. Information C. K. LANDIS,'
jelZ-iS 102 Locust St. Philadelphia.
Hotel and cottages on ocean side, close to
surf; positively always cool; highest last season
only 80; excellent table; no mosquitoes nor
flies; fine fishing; safe boating and bathing: ten
nis, etc.: verv accessible: rates moderate. WM.
D. CARPENTER, Edgartown, Mass. je9-102-3a
pocK point
Is now opened for pleasure seekers and those
wishing to spend tbe summer, affording health,
pleasure and comfort To those attending pic
nics and not wishing to be burdened with lunch
baskets, can be furnished with good meals at
50c Accommodations unlimited.
Wampum P. O., Lawrence co.
RATES. $3 and (J, PER DAY. Special rales
by tbe week, month or season. Newly painted,
remodeled and improved; $60,000 expended.
New Ball and Amusement Room; Children's
new Dining, Ball and Play Rooms. Cuisine and
service first-class. Elegant suites with parlor,
bath and closet Orchestra of 11 pieces. Dogs
not taken. F. THEO. WALTON,
jel3S Proprietor.
This magnificent property recently purchased
by the
Orxjtet Springs
Hotel aud Improvement Co-
Added to many new attractions and improve
ments is a swimming pool (largest in the U. 8.),
enlarged grounds, walks and drives, and ex
cellent livery: equipment unsurpassed. Seven
different mineral waters. Superb climate,
especially beneficial for malaria, asthma,
catarrh and hay fever, exhaustion and depres
sion. Capacity. 1,000 guests. Grand scenery.
Pamphlets at principal urn gstores. depots, etc
je!3-4-TTSSu F. W. EVANS, Manager.
On tbe Crest of the Alleiliuiiies,'
3,000 Feat Above Tidewater.
Season Opens June 22, 1889.
These famous mountain resorts, situated at
the summit ot tbo Alleghcntes, and directly
upon the main line of the Baltimoreand Ohio
Railroad, hive the advantage of Its through
train service both east and west and are there
fore readily accessible from all parts of the
country. All Baltimore and Ohio trains stop
at Deer Park and Oakland during the season.
With due regard for tbe safety of guests in
case of accident fire escapes of the most re
cent and approved design have been added to
tbe hotel buildings at both resorts.
Electric lights have been Introduced through-
ontthft houses and pmnnrU. Tnptnh and Ttn.
siau baths and large swimming pools provided
lor ladles and gentlemen; suitable grounds lor
lawn tennis: bowling alleys and billiard rooms
are here; fine riding and driving hone are
kept for hire, In short all the necessary ad
juncts for the comfort, health or pleasure of
Rates. $69, $73 and $80 a month, according to
location. ""'
All communications should be addressed to5
more and'Obio Hotel, Cumberland, MS. 1
June M after tbat daw, eHbsr Deer P
OaJ-iHd.SarzeK owaty, 2U.