r a t fl 13 4, THE PITTSBURG- - DISPATCH SdNDAT, JUNE -30. 1889. -s vs Samaria and Gallilee. &HECHEM A SPOT OP GREAT BEAUTY The Fountain of the Virgin at Kazareth and Its Memories. THE MOUKT ON WHICH CHRIST TAUGHT , rWBITTEir FOB THX SISFA3CH.J The vale of Shechein, for intrinsic beauty and hallowed associations, is the most inter esting spot of Samaria and Central Pales tine. The late Dean Stanley, who accom panied the Prince of "Wales, when a boy, through the Holy Land, thus describes this Tale: "A valley jrreen with crass, gray with olives, gardens sloping down on each side, fresh springs rushing down in all di rections; at the end a white town em bosomed in all this verdure, the most beau tiful, perhaps it might be said the only beautiful spot in Central Palestine." The tourist, traveling northward from Jerusalem, follows the same thoroughfare, now only a path, that the Prophet of Naz areth and his disciples often traversed in their journeys to and from Galilee. On the eastern boundary of the vale of Shechem, where it opens upon one of the most fertile plains in all that land, is Jacob's well, at the present day partially filled with rub bish, but without a doubt the very well dug by the Israelite whose name it bears, and the very same where the Nazarene rested upon ills journey from Jerusalem to trainee ana talked with the Samarian women, who had come for water, while the disciples had gone down the valley to the town ot Shechem to procure food. 'Like two sentinels, Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal rise up on the south and north sides of this narrow valley, which, at this point, cannot be more than 150 yards in width. On the slope o! Mount Gerizim is Jacob's well, and on Ebal, across the valley, the tomb of 4 Joseph, who, when dying in Egypt, gave "commandment con cerning his bones." Those bones were sacredly carried to this home of his boyhood in the Land of Premise. IN THE Y-AXE OF SHECHEM. From this valley the favorite son of Israel had been sold to the Midianite caravan on their way to Egypt, and here his bones were permitted to rest after he had finished that wonderful career as Prime Minister of Pharaoh. There is no sacred spot in the land of Palestine better identified than this well of Jacob, who "drank thereof himself, and his children and his cattle." It is also perfectly certain that here our Lord con- versed with the Samarian woman concerning the water of life and true worship. Here, resting by Jacob's well, He said: "Neither in this mountain" (referring to Gerizim, where the Samaritan temple stood), "nor yet at Jerusalem, is the place where men ought to worship, but they that worship the Father must worship Hun in spirit and truth." The modern name of Shechem is Uablous, a corruption of Neapolis. Here is the only Samaritan synagogue now existing, and here worship the oldest and the smallest religious sect in the world, their number being less than 200. Following this vale of Shechem as it winds westward and north ward six miles, we come to a basin, from which rises an oblong bill, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, on the crown of which are the ruins of the city of Samaria. On the summit and along the hillsides are scat tered Corinthian columns and capitals, of which more than a hundred are counted, which are all that remain ot Herod's great colonnade. Samaria was once the Versailles or "Windsor of Shechem, the metropolis of the northern kingdom of Israel, as Jerusa lem was of the southern. The ruins of Herod's summer palace and temple, and the rains of the church ot John the .Baptist, are all that remain of the ancient city of Sa maria, monuments of the. murderous king and his great victim. THE KAZABETH OF TO-DAY. From Samaria our course is northward across the plain of Esdraelon, where so often the Israelite and Philistine met in deadly battle, and where, in the twelfth century, the Crusaders, under Saladin, staked their all against the Saracen and lost. An hour's ride up the Galilean hills brings us to the vale and town of Nazareth. "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" expressed the popular estimate of the vil lage when the carpenter's son entered upon His wonderful career. Then it was a mere hamlet. Now it is the prettiest town of Galilee, with upward of 3,000 inhabitants. Our faith is too weak to take in the sacred objects of modern Nazareth, such as the carpenter shop of Joseph, the vessels or water pots used at the marriage of Cana, which contained the water, converted into the wine by Jesus. But, down the mountain slope, on the northwestern edge of the town, is one object which cannot have changed materially since the days when the son of Mary wandered and meditated on these Galilean bills. This is the Fountain of the "Virgin, as it is now called, which is the one spring of water from which Nazareth is supplied. Our tent was pitched close by this spring on a lovely Saturday evening of May. Very early in the morning we were awakened by the chattering and laughing voices of the girls who came tripping to the Fountain of the Virgin with earthen jars upon their beads with which to bear water to the homes of Nazareth. Imagine a town of 3,000 in habitants supplied with water carried in earthen jars upon the heads ot the Oriental maidens and you have the every morning scene at Nazareth. BY THE SEA OF GALILEE. It requires no great stretch of the imagi nation to recall, in witnessing this troop of girls, the Rachels and Rebekahs of the olden time and the vircin espoused to the young carpenter of Nazareth, who must have often tripped down this mountain slope with her earthen jar upon her head. There is a tradition that Mary was at the spring when the angel announced to her that she was to be the mother of the world's Redeemer, The Church and Convent of the Annunciation is the one public building of Nazareth of importance. This has for gen erations furnished a refuge for travelers who there sought retreat from the Bedouin of Esdraelon. Among my pleasantest memories is the- Sabbath service! enjoyed in company with the late Bishop Stevens, of Philadelphia, in the Church ot the An nunciation at Nazareth. From Nazareth onr course is northeast to the little inland Sea of Galilee, a half dav's Journey. The sea at the beginning of the Christian era was lined with important com mercial cities Capernaum, Bethsaida, Chorazin but now has upon its shores the one unimportant town of Liberias. The Sea of Galilee, a gem in the Lebanon range of mountains, 13 by 6 miles, into which the Jordan empties and from which it flows on its war to the Dead Sea, certainly transcends in interest and hallowed association any spot on the globe. From our tent we could look down upon the shore where the greatest of teachers began His ministry. There He called the fisheimen of Bethsaida to be fishers of men. On the northwestern corner of the lake is THE PLAIIT OF GENKESAEET, reaching some five miles into the foot hills of Lebanon and six miles along the shore, rich and fertile, where grew the lilies of the field, of which the Prophet of Nazareth de clared that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Standing in a fisherman's boat, somewhere on the shore of Gennesaret, the multitude lining the shore, the parable of the sower was spoken. And there before our eyes are the different kinds of soil into which the seed falls, the thin earth on the mountain side, the stony places, the wayside or path across the plain trodden, down where some seed would fall to be taken up by the birds of the air, and the thorns so prolific on the plain, which . choked the good seed after it had roote'p steeu into thenea sou. XAere too, are tne A'-Mffi IK HOLT LAND. Becollections of a Journey Through tares so like the wheat, which an enemy might sow and destroy the looked-for harvest. As our eyes turn northward to Lebanon, we discover, nestling in the mountain ranges, the city of Safed, one of the four holy cities of the Hebrews, which perfectly answers to our Savior's picture in the Ser mon on the Mount, "a city that is set on a hill which cannot be hid." "When He ex horted to the multitude to "let their light so shine before the world that others might see their good works and glorify their Father in heaven," he said'ye are the light of the world, a city that is set on a hill which cannot be hid." THE MOUKT WHEBEON CHRIST STOOD. From the mount where these memorable words were spoken we turn our eyes to Lebanon and see the city which to-day, as more than 18 centuries ago.answers to the ob ject lesson of the prophet of Nazareth. And as we look across the little inland sea at the foot of Lebanon, fed bv the melting snows of Monnt Hermon, the beauty ana force of that sublime conclusion to the Ser mon on the Monnt, is seen as never before. Before the Jordan empties itself into the lake it traverses for a few miles the plain ot Gen nesaret In the olden time the cities of Capernaum and Bethsaida stood on these banks. In the spring time the Jordan often overflowed its banks, and searched out the flimsy foundations of the dwellings. THE LESSON OF THE BEATITUDES. The greatest of teachers, who spoke as never man spoke( and who was wont to gather his most impressive lessons from objects before His eye, concluded His great sermon on the Mount of Beatitudes, with those words which have become household words throughout Christ endom. The man who hears and obeys the truth is likened to him who builds his house on the rock. When the rains and winds and storms beat on that house it stands be cause it rests on solid foundations. The man who does not obey the truth and follow its leader, builds on the sand, and when the floods and storms beat on his house it is swept away. "Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, I will liken him to a wise man which built his house on the rock: and whosoever heareth these savings of mine and doeth them not, I will liken him to a foolish man who built his house on the sand." And the people were aston ished at His teaching. J. H. Yodno. THE SAFE DEPOSIT BUILDING. A Dtncntflcent Structure Perfectly Equipped. The ingennity of man could not produces more perfectly adapted safe deposit build ing than the new and elegant structure, No. 83 Fourth avenue. The Safe Deposit Com pany, of Pittsburg, has achieved this result by adding three stories and a handsome col umned stone front to the former building, and has now a business building that is a credit to the city and a source of pride to Pittsburgers. The first floor is occupied by this company's offices and by their huge fire and burglar proof vault The remaining five stories, which are as light and well ventilated as good location and skillful ar rangements can i make them, are divided into offices, which are rented either singly or en suite, as desired. The majority o'f them are now rented, but a limited nnmber ot highly desirable rooms may yet be ob tained. The building is equipped with both elevator and stairs. The stairs are of iron and stone, as indeed is the entire structure, which is perfectly fireproof. Not a beam or joist of wood has been employed in the construction a fact that adds very greatly to the serurity of oc cupants, and induces perfect ease ot mind even to those who, in less favored localities, would fear the possibility of fire. The Franklin Electric Supply has installed a complete electric light plant in the build ing, including dynamos, and this renders it quite independent of interruption by storms, crossed or broken wires and other accidents which often prove annoying to users ef electric lights. The magnificent receiving vault of the Safe Deposit Company is arranged for the reception of valuables in either small or large bulk, each patron having a box for his exclusive use, the key to which he keeps in his own possession. The convenience to the public of such an institution, centrally located, is very great, and there can be no possibility of loss to subscribers from fire, burglars or assaults. The building is guarded day and night, the guards being re lieved -at stated times, so that alert and watchful men are constantly on duty look ing after the safety of the vault and build ing. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. The Illinois division of the Sons of Vet erans, in their annual commencement yester day, appointed a committee, with General A. Gurney, of Springfield, as Chairman, for the purpose of raising money to erect a monument over the grave of Dr. M. F. Stephenson, the founder of the Grand Army of the Republic in the United States. The monument will be erected at Petersburg, I1L, where he Is burled. A dispatch from Delagoa Bay reports a serious state of affairs there, arising from the railway troubles. A portion of the railway has been destroyed by the Portuguese. An English engineer who tried to defend the work was fired upon. The foreign residents are greatly alarmed and arc crowding to the British consulate for protection. The Portuguese have placed a British Interpreter under arrest. The English residents demand his release. The President has made the following consular appointments: William T.Sorsby, of Mississippi, at Guayaquil; Edward C Goode now, of Maine, at St. Stephens, N. B.: Daniel B. Hubbard, of Massachusetts, at Annaberg, Germany; Hngo M. Starkhloff, of Missouri, at Bremen; Wm. T. Gunnell, of New York, at Manchester; John A Tibbitts, of Connecticut, at Bradford; Robert JV. Turner, of Kansas, at Cadiz; M. D. Sampson, of Kansas, at St, John, N. B. An alarming condition of the Illinois corn crop is reported to the State Board of Agricul ture, which has returns from Its regular cor respondent in every county of the State except Grundy and Hardin. A special crop bulletin which was issued yesterday announces that it is Impossible to estimate the damage done to the corn crop by continuous rains during the past six weeks and the overflowing of thou sands ot acres of river bottom lands in the cen tral and southern portions of the State. Kate Stopher, of Shelby county, Ky., be came much interested in a religions revival last lall, and has since spent a large part of her time in prayer and reading the Bible. Her prayers were not answered, she said, and she fasted 11 days by way of penance. She then consented to take nourishment, but after five days bad passed she began a second fast which has now lasted 21 days. Her mind does not seem affected, and thoach greatly reduced in flesh her health is good. She is 28 Tears old. The final act of tne Michigan Legislature was to pass a new general election law. It is a modification of the Australian svstem. The gartles are required to send to the Secretary of tate a party heading for their tickets and he provides their tickets, all to be of uniform color, size and texture. In front of the polling place a railing Is to be placed with an exit ana entrance gate and gatekeeper. Only one voter is to be allowed within the railing at a time. One or more booths are to be provided at each stand for the voter to prepare his ballot in secresy. A dispatch from the City of Mexico says that two colored emigration commissioners from Texas have arrived there to consult with Government officials in regard to procuring land for a large colony of co ilored cotton raisers from Texas. Mr. Ellis, one of the commis sioners, a bright, well-educated colored man, stated that he nad an appointment with Secre tary Fncbecco and would fully explain the project to him. He farther said that it satis factory arrangements could be made with the Government for land that a colony of at least 10,000 persons would soon be in Mexico. A gang of 12 men, about midnight Thurs day night, took from the jail at Tulare, CaL, one Eagan, a man suspected of having com mltted several robberies. They put a rope round his neck, dragged him to a tree and warned him to confess. He protested in nocence, when they strung him up. After nanging until nearly aeaa, tney let mm down and again demanded a confession. Again he refused, and was a second time boisted in the air. When lowered a second time he begged for mercy and was returned to jail. There is nothing except suspicion against the man, and the outrage has caused a great sensation. Tbe Cincinnati Police Commissioners con sidered charges against Chief of Police Dletsca prelerred by citizens who, on Sunday last, asked bim in rain to order arrests for violation of the Sunday closing law for saloons. The chief showed thatlils action was based on an order issued on Saturday by Mayor Mosby. The board found the chief guilty and sentenced him to a public reprimand, which was at once adminlsterd, coupled with an assurance that the board retained its confidence in bis up rightness as an ufflcer. The occasion for the order by the Mayor thatno arrests be madelast Sunday was the presence here of the Turners at their great festival. The Mayor explains that be did not mean to suspend the lav, bat only to postpone arrests till Monday. HOESES TOO SLOW To Suit Modern Ideas of Travel, and They Must 60 to the Bear or TO TEE MUNICIPAL SHINDEEY. Sketches of tbe Horse Eailroads and the Evolution Therefrom of Lthe hew sistem of bapid teansit A rapid transit boom has struck Pitts burg with unprecedented violence, and threatens to seize upon every street in the city nay, more, so great is the number of schemes that have been chartered, projected and talked abont in a less definite way that there is a dearth of streets to accommodate them all, and it is seriously contemplated to open up a number of new ones to supply the demand, ' Bapid transit is all right, but there is danger of overdoing it, to say nothing of in conveniencing the public by establishing lines where they are not necessary and would b in the way of improvement. This superabundance of a good thing might, in some cases, cost more than it amounted to. Tbe ambition to be identified with rapid transit is altogether praiseworthy, but the money end ot tbe business should not be overlooked. As too many cooVs spoil the broth, so too mneh of rapid transit might endanger dividends and in volve financial trouble. True enough, the city is growing and travel increasing, but scarcely in a ratio corresponding to the number of projects for handling it. With rapid transit on every street and some of the alleys, as pro posed, it seems doubtful if there will be enough patronage for all, in which case the weakest would go to the wall. Thus money would be needlessly wasted, and possibly good intentions nipped in the bud. Bat. on the other hand, some good might come of thus crowding tbe market by assisting to open up thinly settled districts and by re ducing fares to a very low point, which would not be an unmixed evil, and the people could stand it if the companies could, but it might be hard on those who furnished the cash to make low fares possible. The boom will probably run its course, what ever that may be, with or without opposition, but, in the meantime, measures should betaken to reserve a few of the streets such as Forbes and Diamond, in Pittsburg, and Ridge avenue, Allegheny, so as to have unrestricted access to the rural regions, and where pedestrians could promenade and horsemen exhibit tbe paces of their flyers with none to molest or make them afraid. In this connection a short sketch of the evo lution of rapid transit from the coach and horse car to traction and electric roads may be interesting. It covers a period of less than 10 years. The first street car line west of tbe Allegheny Mountains was the Citizens'. It was established about 1855, with Nathaniel Holmes as President Tbe next in order was the Birmingham line. W. M. Hiraii was the first President. Then followed the Fourth avenue line, constructed about 1858, and which has recently been absorbed by tbe Fifth Ave nne Traction Company. The original route terminated at Oakland. B. C. Sawyer was the first President. About the same time the Manchester line was started. Its route was along Rebecca street, Tbe next venture was the Wylle avenue line to MInersville. t Following this, in the early sixties, was the Troy Hill line, of which Commodore Eountz was the first President. Next on the list was the Pleasant Valley line, which went Into operation about 1572, with 'William McCreary as President Then, a year or two later, came the Birmingham Short Line, of which Abram Garrison was the first President The next was the Second avenue line to Hazolwood. James F. Fawcett was the first President Then, last of the old lines, came the West End, or Temperanceville, of which John Burns was the first President All of these roads were prosperous and made money for tbe stockholders. Three of them have been reorganized and adopted the cable system, and one, the Pleasant Valley, will soon discard horses for electricity. Tbe rest will join the procession in due season, as the word bas been passed along the lines that horses must go. The business feature of the week was a sur prising panic in oil on Monday, which sent the price up from 83 to SI 03 in about 15 minutes, from which it as quickly dropped ten points, saving tbe shorts from disaster, and the adoption of the plan for trading in futures. The market closed steady. Stocks were gen erally weak and neglected, the total sales being 6,934 shares. Beal estate opened dull, but im proved later on and closed fairly active. The number of deeds recorded 'were 219, represent ing J381.431. The number of building permits issued was 41, and the estimated value $101,270. The largest $11,000, was for Father Sheedy's school house. Business in mortgages was rather below the average both in number and amount; 178, of a value of $300,611, were placed' on record, the largest being for $20,000. Iron was un changed but firmer. Jobbers did a larger busi ness in seasonable goods. The week closed with good prospects and a buoyant feeling all round. The Americans are the most feverish and restless set of people in the world. The secret of this is to be found in the fear that some other firm around the corner, or across the water, or on the other side of the globe, will find some better way of doing what we are doing. The dealer watches the shipments of goods from his neighbor's store. The manu facturer watches tbe processes employed by his neighbor, and so it goes all through the list While this is all right the objective point of all this anxiety and worry is to exceed. While this may be all correct it leads to un due worry and unnecessary competition. Fre quently more harm than good results. If things were allowed to take their own course it would be better. The struggle to undersell our neighbor In one way is creditable and in the other is not Our neighbors are as sharp, smart and energetic as we, and the result simply is that cost is reduced, that margins are na rowed, and that we are left practically where we began. Tbe general public realizes whatever benefits result from this feverish competition. A WINDI DAT. Local Securities Close Dull, hot With a Better Feollna. Brokers tried to make a show of business at tbe stock call yesterday by bidding for stuff which they knew they couldn't get, and neg lecting that which they could have scooped in if they had had enough nerve. The result of this windy work was a large number of figures and no business, not a single transaction tak ing place. There were no changes in quotations worthy of note, but the feeling was better than at tbe beginning of tbe week. The difference be tween bids and offers was from 1 to 25 points, the latter for German American Insurance. Tbe proposed plan to facilitate trading was discussed in all its bearings and met general approval. It is believed its adoption will in crease the outside interest and improve busi ness. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester Pas senger Railway Company yesterday, a dividend of 6 per cent, semi-annual, was declared. As tbe stock bas sold recently at $250, this is equivalent to 2 per cent It was offered at $275 after the meeting, withont takers. Bids and offers were: BAXK STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Arsenal 65 .... AlleghenyNatlonal Bank 62 .... Citizens' National Bank. 62 .... City Savings 60 .... Diamond National Bank 160 Iraqaesne National Bank. .....145 .... Exchange National Bank , 80 .... rimtn1 Deposit National Banc 400 .... First National Bank, Pittsburg 170 Fourth National Bank 12S Freehold Bank 6354 Fidelity Title and Trust Co 125 iron City National Bank 91 uo 61 159 Iron and Glass Dollar savings ID Keystone Bank of Pittsburg 6S3 60 to" Metropolitan national u&iik Odd Fellows' Savings Bank. Metropolitan National Bank 94 rHriVltnwOSiTlnn Kank fiS 65 Pittsburg National Bank Commerce.. 2323.' jrircsDurg otDK ioroaTiugs......i........u.. People's National Bnk , 150 r Third National Bank ."; 160 Tradesman's aaUoatl Sank,....,......rs " I '',' I ..J Union National Bank too .... Uerman national ank,Allefrheny.....Ul Beal Estate Loan and Trust Co 80 .... Second National Bank, Allegheny 180 Workingman's savings, Allegheny.... 67$ .... llononjahela .105 .... INSUBXNCI STOCKS. Bid. Asked, City '... S3 Citizens 33 Zli Uerman 0 85 GAS STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Gas Co. (Ilium.) SSH 1'ittsbarg Uas Co. (Ilium.) 62)j .... Bouthslde Gas Co. (Ilium.) , 25 NATBILJX QXS STOCKS. Bid. Asked, Brldgewater 47 60k Chartiers Valley Gas Co, 60 Manufacturers' (Jus Co ,....26 .... Mxtnral Has Co. or W.Va 63 .... Ohio Valley. 35 Peoples Natural Gas Co 60 Peoples Mat. Gas and Plpeage Co 17H Pennsylvania Gas Co I'M Philadelphia Co 7 ilA Union Gas Co 64 CO Wheeling Uas Co 28$ 2 OIL COMPANY STOCKS. Forest Oil Co 103 .... Washington Oil Co 75 FASSENQEH BAIL WAT STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Central Traction SIX 81K Citizens' Traction 68 Pittsburg and Birmingham 100 Pittsburg Traction...., 61 Pleasant Valley Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester. .... 69 62 205 275 BArLBOAD STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Valley 2 .... Chartiers Railway 40 ruunurg, loungsiown sAsniaouia.. ou4 Pittsburg and Connellsvllle. Pittsburgh Lake trie 60 Pittsburg Junction K. K. Co 27 Pitts., McK. A Yougb. R. K. Co 63 Pitts., Cin. A St Louis 19 Pitts. & Western K. R. Co 12 Pitts, A Western B. K. Co. pref. 20 25 13k BBIDQE STOCKS. Bid. Asked, Northslde Bridge Co 64 Monongahela. ....-; 20 .... Mrarao stocks. . Bid. Asked. Charlotte Mining Co S La Horia Mining Co IX f Sllrerton Mining Co 1 Yankee Girl Mining Co .; 1 XLXCTBIC LIGHT STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Westlnghouse 47X 43 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Monongahela Water Co 35 union switch ana sirnai uo - W estlnghouse Air Brake .Co 115 FlUiburg Cyclorama Co 64 118 65 Ex-dlv. Outside of the Exchange, Andrew Caster J sold 100 shares La Noria at and 10 shares. i. una uii at ov a., ju. Aiong soia zo snares Philadelphia Company at 3SJ& W. F. Maxon sold 100 shares Westlnghouse Electric at 47K- Tbe total sales of stocks at New York yes terdaywero 87,0.T1 shares, including: Atchison, 10,620: Lake Shore, 3,375; Louisville and Nash ville, 1,700; Missouri Pacific. 2,375; Northwest ern, 1,710: Union Pacific, 2,900; St Paul, 11,900; Beading, 6,820. A EOSI EEC0ED. Clearing; House Statistics That Should be Bend br Every Grumbler. New features were very scarce at tbe hanks yesterday, but Manager Chaplin, of the Clear ing 'House, smiled and said they were doing well enough for the weather, and in support of his assertion be produced the following figures for the day, week and year, showing, among other things that the week's business was nearly $100,000 ahead of the same time last year. They are important enough to be read with prayerful attention: Exchanges, I L 934,645 93 Balances.... 347, CM 90 Exchanges for tbe week 11,613,690 39 Balances for the week 1,691,714 63 Exchanges, dally average 1,918 943 39 Exchanges for the month 47,264,741 60 Balances for the month 7,980,621 63 Exchanges week of 1833 .'... 11,271,670 63 Balances week or 1888 2,480,676 25 Exchanges last week. lL360,'i75 16 Balances last week L63U.700 30 Exchanges six months. 18S9 315,348.475 81 Balances six months, 1889 66,097,25J 20 Exchanges six months. 1883 284,967,633 S3 Balances six months, 1SS3 43,943,65 43 Gain, 1839 over 1833 SO, 380, 841 93 Gain in balances same time 7,148,690 82 Money on call at New York yesterday was easy, with no loans: closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper. i&i. Sterling exchange dull but steady at $4 8b) for 00-day bills, and $4 SS for demand. Tiie New York bank statement, Issued yes terday, shows tbe following changes: Re serve, decrease, $1,628,275, loans, increase, $629, 300; specie, decrease, $1,609,700; legal tenders, decrease, ,$559,500; deposits, decrease, $2,163,700; circulation, decrease, $41,300. The banks now hold $3,974,950 in excess of tbe 25 per cent rule. Closing; Bond Quotations, IT. S. 4s,reg 1281 M. E.4T. Gen. 6s . E7K Mutual Union 6s. ...103 N.J.C. Int. Cert. ..115 Northern 1'ac. lsts.,119 Northern Bac. 2ds.. 114 Northw't'n comoli.I45W U. B. 4S. COUP JZ9H U. 8. 44s, reg 10SV U. S. 4ks, conp 106M Pacific (Ts or '95. 118 Loulslanastamped4s 90 Missouri 6s 102)f lenn. new set 6s 103 Nortbw'n debens..H4 Oregon A Trans. 6s.l05 StL. &I.M. Uen. 6s 83 tit. L. A a. K Gen. Aim Tenn. new set. 5s... .107)4 Tenn. newset.Ss.... 76 I Canada bo. 2d 1 93H 1st. Faul consols n6? jcn. racincisw '" Den. AR. G., lata. ..102 Den. &B. G. 49 815 i-.AK.O.Wejt,UtJ. 103 Erie, 2ds 103fe st. ri. i;ni & ire. ibibijj Tx., Fc.ii. G.Tr.Ks. 89 TX.,Bc.K.G.Tr.Bcts 37 union rac. sis lis West Short 10SM U.K. AT. Gen. 6s.. 61 Government and State bonds were firm and Inactive. 'New Yobk Clearings to-day. $131,660,472; balances. $6,219,254. For the week Clearings, $744,13S,06S; balances, $39,950,792. Boston Clearings to-day. 515.161,541; bal ances. $1,906,553. For the week Clearings, $96, 235.109; balances, $10,786,035. PHrx.AxiEi.PHrA Clearings to-day. $14,139, 159; balances. $1,418,407. For the week Clear ings, $77,943,416; balances, $11,176,183. Baltuiobe Clearings, $1315,535; balances, $304,918, Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $10,276,000. ST. LOOTS Clearings to-dav. $2,763.1311 bal ances. $484,618. For this week Clearings, $17, 893.465: balances, $3,794,424. For last week Clearings 821,545,403; balances, $6,100,140. For corresponding week last year Clearings, $13, 907,471; balances, $2,090,60L For this month Clearings, $33,333,370; balances, $17,485,061. London The amount of bullion gone into the Bank of England balances to-day is 18,000. Pabis Three per cent rentes 84f 70o for tbo account 2 BTK0SG AND ACTIVE. The New Deal or Something Else Helps tho Oil Marker. Cash and July were the only options that re ceived attention at the Petroleum, Exchange yesterday. In one or two instances 95 was bid for the former, and at least one sale was made at that figure, the object being, probably, to get up a little corner in it which would pass unnoticed amid the other transactions. July oil opened strong and active at 93. There were sales between this figure and 93, when there was a quick advance to 94. From this point' the market soon broke to 93 and fluc tuated between that and 93 until near the close, when it softened and finished steady at 92K. , The deal between the Standard and the pro ducers had tbe effect of strengthening the market and tbe chances are that a fair average price will prevail for an indefinite period. This view is strengthened by tbe tact that consump tion for tbe expired portion of the year is about 1,500,000 barrels greater than lor the corre sponaing uma la 1000. This large and steady reduction of the work ing stock points strongly to dollar oil in the near future. Whatever may be done with tbe Ohio product now.lt can make but little change In the situation, Friday's clearings were 85V 000 barrels. A. B. McQrew t Co., brokers, quote: Puts, 90; calls, 959 Fcnlurea of tho Market. Corrected daily by John H. Oamey & Co., 45 Sixtb street members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 93 I Lowest 92 Highest 94J4J Closed tlh Barrels. Averageruns 57,883 Average shipments 73,049 Average charters 46,323 Kenned, New York; 7.20c Iteflnc", lvondon, 5 ll-l6d. Kenned, Antwerp, 17r. Kenned. Liverpool. 65-1M. , Carrying, Bradford, 25c The Wyoming Oil Field. Speaking of the oil interests of Wyoming, the Sweet Water Chieftain 'Little developments, however, have been made in tbe fields on ac count of transportation facilities being so poor. It has been almost an impossibility to get ma chinery into tbe country even to prospect Bnt now that a railroad is penetrating the central part ot the State, different corporations are1 on tbo move and conslderableactivity is witnessed all over the country, and it is now being pre- tf!fw( liv nrfimiTtpnc fill mm Mtint thaiA will bora greater oil excitement witnessed in Wyo ming in the next twelve or eighteen months than was ever experienced in Pennsylvania or Ohio." This may be presuming too much, bnt it Is safe to say that the oil exists here in greater quantitlM Uoa either ot the &bore named States. In Pennsylvania, the oil bearing rock is only from fifteen to thirty feet in thickness, while in Wyoming it Is from 200 to COO feet in thickness. The rock here is exactly like that found at Bradford, Pa., which is the region of the best wells ever found in the East Other Oil niarkeu. On, CITY, June 29, National transit cer tificates opened, 83c; highest, &43c; lowest, 82Jc; closed", 92J&. Trrpsvn.i.K, June 29. National transit cer tificates opened, 93c; highest 94Vc; lowest, 82c; closed, 92Jc. New York. June 29. Petroleum Opened steady at92c; and in tbe first hour advanced to 94c A. reaction then set in on which the early advanqe was almost entirely lost, the market closing steady at 92c Stock Ex change Opening, 83c; highest, 94c: lowest 0214c; closing at 92c Consolidated Exchange Opening, 92c; highest, 94c; lowest 82c; closing 92c Total sales, 738,000 barrels. A GOOD FINISH. Heal Estate Dealers Wind Up the Week With Importnnt Sales. John F. Baxter, 612 Smitbfield street sold to a well-known businessman lot No. 4, Saum Grove plan, having a frontage of 43 feet on Center avenue by ISO in depth, for $4,800. The purchaser will immediately commence tne erection of a business stand. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for the Mnrphy estate property, Jfos. 908K and 810 Penn avenue, having a frontage of 26 feet on the-avenue and 110 in depth to Exchange alley, with two three-story brick houses there on, for $34,300 cash., Geo. S. Martin, 503 Liberty street sold in the Maplewood Park plan, Wilkinsburg, lots Nos. 23 and 24, fronting 40 feet each on Coal street by 120 feet to Washington lane, for $900, to Godfrey Weber; also lot No. 172 in the same plan, fronting 40 feet on Grand avenne by 160 teet to McKee's lane, for $475, to J. A. Mercer. Samuel W. Black dc Co., 89 Fourth avenne, placed a mortgage for $9,000 for three years at 4K per cent, free at State tax, on property in the Fourth ward. Pittsburg. W. W. McNeill Bro,105 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage of $500 on property in tbe Sixteenth ward, three years, at 6 per cent, and one of 5LSO0 on property in tthe Fourteenth ward, three years, at 6 per cent L. O. Frazier, comer Forty-fifth and Butler streets, sold for the Gross estate lot 0x160 feet to a 20-foot alley, situate on the east side of Conrad street, near Harriet street Twentieth ward, to Charles K. Yeager for $2,500, or $5U per foot front Ewing & Byers placed a $2,000 mortgage for one year, at 0 per cent on New Brighton road property. Aiie es & Bailev. 164 Fourth avenne. placed a mortgage for 51,300, at 6 per cent, for three years, on Center avenue nronerty. Eleventh ward. SOME IMPROVEMENT. Better Weather for Building and a Sport In tbe Business. There was considerable activity in the build ing trade last week, the number of permits be ing 41 against 36 tbe week before. The esti mated value of the-buildings is $101 270. The following is the list: T. D. Maloy, one frame one-story addition, 80 xSO feet on rear of 3706-3703 Butler street Fif teenth ward. James Anil, one frame two-story. 86x100 feet on Denny street near Liberty and Penn, Six teenth ward, Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad, one frame one-story, 128x60 feet on Carson street, Thir tieth ward. Charles Hnbner, one brick two-story and mansard, 20x49 feet, on Van Braam street Sixth ward. John Schiller, one brick three story, 0.9x72 feet, on Fifta avenue, near Marion street Sixth ward. Rev. Sheedy, one brick three-story, 80x100 feet, on 216 Penn avenue, First ward. Joseph Mitchell, one brick two-story, 16x49 feet on Liberty avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, Ninth ward. 8. M. Miller, one brick three-story, 23x57 feet, on 120 Erin street, Eleventh ward. Robert McCoy, one brick two-story, 26x49 feet on Erin street Eleventh ward. James McGarvey, one brick one-story, 12x18 feet on Colwell street Eighth ward. S. K. Lake, one brick two-story, 24x26 feet on Fourth street and Penn avenue, Fourth ward. R. McEldowney. one brick two-story, 13x41 feet on coiner of Twenty-seventh and Penn avenne. Twelfth ward. M. L Bauer, one frame one-story, 12x20 feet on Lombard street near Reed, Eleventh ward. Mary B. Reed.one frame two-story 18x42 feet, on Garrett street Twenty-first ward. R.Heinman, four frame two-story, 60x46 feet on McCandless street Eighteenth ward. Mrs. B. Schuster, four frame two-story, 60x48 feet on McCandless street Eighteenth ward. John Geider, one frame two-story, 18x32 feet, on Brereton street, near Twenty-eighth street, Thirteenth ward. L. MalensLl, one frame two-story, 18x32 feet on Brereton street near Twenty-eighth street Thirteenth ward. William .Holmes, two brick two-story and mansard. 24x34 feet on Miltenberger street comer of Tustln street, Sixth ward. Adam Leldeman, one brick two-story, 12x14 feet on Forbes street Sixth ward. John Mooney, two brick two-story, 24x32 feet on Ligonier streetnear Penn arenue.Slxteenth ward. James Campbell, one brick two-story, 17x32 feet on Harrison street Seventeenth ward. J. G. Glltzncr, one frame two-story,16x32 feet, on Thompson street. Twenty-first ward. 1. saunoers, one irame two-story, lvxia leer, on Edmotidstreet, near Penn avenue,Twentieth F. C. Lauer, three brick two-story, 23x21 feet on Endfield street near Ben Venue, Twentieth ward. John Robson fe Son, 11 brick four-tory, 103x30 feet on Second avenue, near Lock No. 1, Fourteenth ward. Sam Colraan, one frame two-story, 16x32 feet on Second avenue, betneen Bates and Glenn streets, Fourteenth ward. Rees Williams, one brick two-story and man sard, 20x33K feet, on 893 Fifth avenue, Four teenth ward. William McCarthy, one frame two-story, 17x45 feet on Edmond street near Laurel, Sixteenth ward. Henrv Paul, one frame two-story. 17x32 feet, on Jliffln street, between Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth streets. Sixteenth ward. J. M. Loper. one frame one-story addition, 8x20 feet on Main street Sixteenth ward. Mary J. Johnson, one stone and brick two storv and mansard. 22x74 feet on Fisk street between Davison and Geneva, Seventeenth Rob Dickey, one brick two-story, 81x40 feet, on Rlppey street Nineteenth ward. Robert Sleeth,two brick two-story 21x64 feet, on River avenue, near Station street Nine teenth ward. Robert Sleeth,one frame two-story 21x48 feet on Collins avenue, near Station streeA Nine teenth ward. Dan Cocoran, one frame two-story 16x32 feet, on Dickson street near Hill, Thirteenth ward. Jacob Lime, two frame two-story 23x52 feet, on Culver alley, near Hoverler street Nine teenth ward. Joseph Webb, one brick two-story and man sard 21x66 feet on corner of Carson and Twen ty seventh streets, Twenty-fifth ward, Alois Wlrtb. one brick two-story addition 10x16 feet on Yew street Twentieth ward. Frank H. Specr, one frame two-story 100x20 feet, on Fifth avenue, Twenty-first ward. Joseph Lerandusky, one frame one-story 14x24 feet, on 163 Pius, Twenty-seventh ward. BEABSJ10UTED. The Trusts Resume Tbelr Upward Move ment, and Prevent a Bad Break Tbe Bank Statement More Favorable Than Expected Bonds Let Go. I New York, June 29. The stock market to day was fairly active, but the animation was almost entirely confined to the trusts, which again furnished more business than the regu lar list They were also decidedly strong throughout especially lead and sugar, and to a certain extent checked the declining tenden cy intbe general list, caused principally by the hammering of tbe traders. There was a gener al expectation of a bad bank statement and this served to restrict buying and encouraged the bearers and traders to bring considerable pressure upon the list so that first prices were from H to per cent below last evening's closing figures, and further declines of a like amount were scored in tho early trading, under tbe lead of St. Paul abd Atchison. The unusual strength shown in sugar and lead trusts, however, acted as a wet blanket upon the bears, and in very large transactions lead rose from 82) to 34 and sugar from 115 to 117K in tne first hour. The Tegular list re sponded witb a rally of small fractions which, however, was sufficient to bring most of the list up above first prices. Lead gave way again after 11 o'clock, but sugar steadily rose until at the close it baa reached 118. a net gain of 3 per cent The general list fell awav again, but the bank statement proving better than expect ed, prices rallied again toward the close, wblch was fairly active and firm at but slight changes from last evening's, figures. There was little or no news from tbe West and the market was uninfluenced by anything outside of the board room. The final changes are insignificant and about equally divided between gains and looses. Lead shows a gain o per cent Railroad bonds were dull, tbe total sales be ing only $330,000, and the number of issues un usually small. The market was weaker than at anytime within the last few weeks, and JmostoX the important .changM la aaotatlonsj are declines. Morris and Essex first consols lost 8X, at 44. The following table snows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for Ths Dispatch by Whit ney it Stephenson, members of ftew York Stock Exchange. 67 Fourth avenue: cios- Elgh- Low- Inc est est Bids. KH 44 43 44, 63)4 34 20)4 1013 101U 101i 70S 69X 70H 110H H KH oH 14)4 .. .... 94J4 108M 1U8H 1083 140 70K SOU I0 30)4 15)j 15K 15'4 147X 147 147H H7h 104 '."'. "'.'. 114 13 6934 104K 101J, 104 68 MJ, 6S3 90 14 ioy 72 72)4 72 IOCS 27 2614 26$ 62)4 52 62M 17 17H 175? 16H 61X 2S 653 6534 653 2254 64 3334 .... .... M 47)j 4775 184 183)4 1S3 24)4 24 24K S2(J 100 J 6S)i no 20)4 20 20 COX 60 60t( US Isji MX 858 69 U879 ' 33)4 60X 69 63i Open ins'. Am. Cotton Oil hii Aten.. top. A b,F.. 44 Canada Southern. 53 CentralPaeulL ......... .... ChesaneakeA Ohio C, Bur.-fi Ouli.r.....l01l C., Mil. A Bt Paul.... 70JJ C, KOCEl. AP C. St Ij. Pitts !mS C St. P..M.AO a, st. pm. o or. .... C. A orthweitern...l08X V.A northwestern, nT.139X C. C. C. A I .?..... ...: Col. Coat A Iron 30S, Col. A Booking Val .. KH Uel., L. A W H7X Del. A Hudson X. T., Vs. AGs .... E.T.,Va. ftOalst pr .... E. 1'.. Va. A Ga. 2d pr. .... Illinois Central .. . Lake Erin ft Western.. 18M Lake Eris A West pr. Lake Shore M. S.....104 LoulsvUle A Nashville. CS Michigan Central MobUeft Ohio 14 Mo., Jx. ftTexa .... Missouri Pael&o TZX New York Central f. X.. I1.B.& W ZSM IT o 62 17X em US a. 1 a a, a.... N. r.. O. A W. Norfolk A Wrstpm. Norfolk A Western, nf. Northern Pacific 2s Nortnem pacific nref. lays Ohio A Mississippi 22H Oregon Improvement ... Oregon Transeon 34J4 Pacific Mall Peo. Dec. ft Krans Fblladel. ft Beading.. tlH Pullman Palace Car.. .184 Richmond ft W. P. T 24 Kichmondft W.P.T.pf .... bt. Paul ft JJuluth t. Paul ft UulDth pf. Bt. p., Minn. & Man... .... SC-L. ft San Fran St. L,. ft San JTran pf. St. u. ft Man P.lst pf. Texas Paclflo 20X Union Paclflc COM Wabasn Wabash preferred 29)4 Western Union Kit Wheeling ft L. Bngar Trust 115 national Lead Trust,. 32K Chicago Gas Trust., ,69V n Philadelphia Stooksv Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers, No. 57 Fourth avenne. Members Mew York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Kallroad 51K Reading; Kallroad 23 15-16 LehUh Valley 5S!4 ' .... Lehigh .Navijratloa 63)J Northern Paclflo 28 .... northern Paclflo preferred 63 Boston Stocks. Atcb.LandGrant TsllO Atch. ftTop.ItK... 44 Mex.C.lstmtg-.bds. 63 N. r. ft.New.enir... 52)4 Wls.CentraI.com... 24)4 Wis. Central pr,... 69)j AllouuMaCo(new). e Boston ft Albany. ..214K Boston A Maine... ..185 c. li.ta 101K iuji. on. a i;ierc Z4 Eastern K. R 34 W Eastern E. E. 6s ..U6) Flint ft PereM 28 Flint ft PereM. nfd. 9d K.C..St.J.4C.B.7s.l21K Little K. ft Ft 8. 7s. 103S Calumet ft Heda....207 Franaun 9) Huron 1 Pewabio mew) 2 QnincT 52 Bell Telephone 243 Boston Land 6 Water Power...., ... 6)4 Mexican Cen. com., 14 MAEKETS BY WISE. - Bad Reports From the Northwest and Southern Germany Cnnse aNervona Feeling In tbe Wheat Fit Prices Drop a Trifle. Chicago. Trading was quite activein wheat to-day, and the feeling developed was nervous and unsettled. At times indications pointed strongly to the market going higher, and again showed signs of weakness. Fluctuations were not large. July advanced c, receded lc, and closed o lower than yesterday. August advanced c, and closed K lower. December was the strongest on the list early, and ad vanced Kc then became weak, declining lc, and closed Kc lower than yesterday. The influences governing tbe market were of about the same tenor as received the past few days, excepting that the advices from the Northwest represent the crop in a worse condi tion than heretofore. Speculative buying is based principally upon thee reports. Hot winds were again reported, and some sections favored with slight rains. The short interest took back to the winter wheat which they claim is turning out well, with the exception, perhaps, of some localities. It is spring wheat against winter wheat which causes the changing conditions ot the market News was received of damage to crops in Southern Germany by recent heavy rains. For eign market advices were more encouraging; Corn ruled moderately active, though at times the market was quite dull, fluctuations being within a narrow range and trading chiefly of a local character. The feeling was rather easy early in the day, but as tbe session advanced a better tone was apparent The market opened a shade under the closing prices ot yesterday, was easy for a time, due mainly to the fine weather and to the receipts being over the esti mates. At the decline a good demand existed for the near futures, shippers purchasing fair quantities and the market advanced c, ruled steady and closed a shade better than yester day. In oats a liberal business was transacted within an exceedingly narrow range. HesS pork was moderately active early, but dullness prevailed later. An unsettled feeling existed and opening sales were at 5c decline. After a further recession of 2c a better tone developed. Buyers took bold quite liberally, and prices advanced 12c, but outside figures were not maintained at the close. In lard a dull, weak feeling existed. Prices declined 57c, and the market closed easy at abont inside hgures. Short rib sides were weak and prices ranged lower, but a good deal of business transpired within a narrow range. Opening sales were about the same as yesterday s closing, receded 57c and closed steady. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT No. 2 July. 80Ji81J8080Kc: August 799798786780; September, 7 79J4,78?i783ic: December, 81H81580 tfoKN-No. 2 Inly. 34358434Kc: August 85K?sdV353&Hc; September, 35J Sbsu. Oats No. 2 July. 22?22Jct August 22?S 22Z2i22Xc; September, fflzezs MessPobk, per bbh July, $11 701180 11 b7Kll 76; August, $11 8011 90U 77g 11 c: September, $11 90 12 00U 85 Lard, per 100 Bs.-July, $3 658 65 6 60Q8 WM August $8 62)46 62K0 GO4J0 t0; September, $6 72K0 72K6 70e 70. Short Ribs, per 100 fc.-July, $5 9005 95 & 905 90; August $5 97KS6 00o 9505 95; September. $6 05S 07K8 0u3 02& L,asn quotations were as ioiiows: r i our firm and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat 31Kc; No. 3 spring wheat nominal; No. 2 red, 81c. No. 2corn,3oc. no. zoats.:2c jo.a rye. 4zso 43c. No. 2 barley nominalr No. 1 flaxseed, $1 44143. Prime timothy seed. $1 501 52. Mess pork, per barrel, $11 7511 0. Lard, per 100 pounds, $6 506 S2K. Short ribs sides (loose). S5 900 6 W5. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 255S7 Short clear sides (boxed), $6 250 37 Sugars cut loaf, unchanged. Re ceipts Flour. 6,000 barrels; wheat 11,000 bush els: corn, 272 000 bushels: oats, 133,000 bushels; rye, 3,000 bushels: barley, LOOO bushels. Ship ments Flour,12,000barrels;wheat47,000busn els; com. 245.000 'bushels; oats, 67,000 bushels; rye. 2,000 bushels; barley, 1,000 buBhels. On the Produce Exchange to-day tbe butter market was firm and unchanged. Eggs firm at 12c LITE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the market at the EastLlberur Stock Yards. Office Pittsburg Dispatch, j Saturday, June 29, ISS9. CATTM Receipts, 420 bead; shipments, 340 head; market nothing doing; all through con signments; 8 cars o f cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoas Receipts. L100 nead: shipments, 1.500 head; market firm; pigs and light Yorkers, S4 751 85; medium and Pbiladelphias $4 65 4 65; extreme heavy hogs, $4 404 50; 2 cars of bogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 2,000 bead; shipments, 800 head: market firm. Prices unchanged. Keeping Her Sown. Puck.: Mrs. Struckitt (who recently entertained a count) Have you ever had any foreign noblemen as guests? Mrs. Jlanorborn (quietly) No; only as servants. BEECHAM'fl Pills cure bilious and nervous Ills PEAE3' Soap secures a beautiful complexion When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, sheciiedforCastoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children,she gave them Cast oria A . NATIONAL GUARD BOTES. Mr. Thomas Lawleh, an old member of Company A. Eighteenth, who has been resid ing In Chicago lor the past three years. Is back- in tne city, ana expects to aou tne oiue ones again. Out of respect to the memory of General Cameron, General Hastings ordered the Adju tant General's office to be closed yesterday, and all flags or armories throughout the State to be displayed at half mast Special orders grant leave of absence to Colonel Jobn H. Sannderson for four months, with permission to go beyond the seas, and dis charges Ltentenant William H. Robinson, of Company D, Tenth Regiment , Colosel Silas W. Pettit, Division Judge Advocate, having tendered his resignation, is honorably discharged, to take effect from June. Colonel Pettit Is one of the oldest offi cers In the N. G. P., having been commissioned as First Lieutenant in 1870. The commission of Captain J. T.Armstrong, of Company A. Tenth Regiment located at Monocgahela City, expires next Wednesday, and an election has been ordered for the 8th. Captain Armstrong has been a member of the Tenth since 1876, but will not be a candidate for re-election, as be expects to remove his resi dence to McKeezport Goveror Hill, of New York, has approved the naval militia bill, wblch increases the active military force by three battalions of naval reserve artillery and a naval reserve torpedo corps. Each battalion is to be composed of four com panies, making an Increase in tbe uniformed guard ot perhaps 1,000 officers and men, to be commanded by officers witb naval titles. The next regular monthly meeting of the Washington Infantry will be held on Tuesday evening, July 2, at 8 o'clock. On the Fourth the boys will spend the day at Wilkinsburg on the invitation of tbe Sheridan Sabers and Citi zens' Committee of Wilkinsburg. The inten tion is to bave a regular old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration with a street parade, and speeches, games of sport fireworks, eta. in a neighboring woods. A company is also ex pected to be present from Wellsburg, V. Va. Company D Eighteenth, will occupy the regimental rifle range at Hlghbridge on Jcly V After tbe grounds had been fixed up in first-class shape a month ago, some miscreants who lived in the vicinity, destroyed the targets and rifle pits, and tore things up pretty generally. A reward of $25 is offered for information that may lead to the arrest of the parties committing the depredations, and they may expect the full penalty of the law if cangbt Tbe range has been pnt in condition again, and target practice will be resumed at once. The Sheridan Troop of Tyrone. First City Troop ot Philadelphia, Governor's Troop of Harrisburg and Batteries C, A and B are or dered to go into camp at ML Gretna from August 10 to 17. In addition, tbe Secretary of War bas ordered several troops of cavalry and three batteries from tbe tegular service to re- Sort at Mt Gretna at the same time for camp uty. The camp will be peculiarly attractive on this account and it is expected that the militia will receive valuable pointers from the regulars as to military duty. The armories are beginning -to present a more lively appearance now that tne camping time approaches. There is but one time In the year that the guardsmen really has any pleas ure connected with his military duties, and that is in camp. In other portions of the State, pretty armories fitted up with libraries, car peted meeting rooms and gymnastic features tend to make things pleasant for the boys when they care to spend an evening as guardsmen, but in Pittsburg it requires an immense amount of courage and bull-headed respect for duty to bring men-aronnd once a week to the close, ill ventilated garrets honored by the title of armories which are provided for the companies. Colonel F. L Rutxeoqe and a number of other officers of the Eighteenth Regiment vis ited Brownsville last Thursday and located a site for the coming encampment ot the regi ment The grounds selected are about a mile and a half above the town, lying close to the Si onongabela river and are beautifully adapted for the purpose, being perfectly level, with a large supply of fresh water, and large enough for battalion drill and skirmish duty. Tbe property Is owned by Captain 8. S. Brown and will make as fine a location as any in this end of tbe State. It can be reached by both rail and boat, tbe latter route making a very pretty trip in itselr. The regiment will go into camp abont the 19th of next month and remain until the 29th. THE Fourteenth Regiment, with tne excep tion of Companies C, I and F, were expected back in the city last night from Johnstown, the three companies mentioned being still held for guard duty. The regiment has had an experi ence of four weeks' continuous and hard duty, and, on tbe whole, must be complimented for the manner in which thomcers and men nave conducted themselves. General Hastings bas Informed Colonel Parchment that the State will equip his regiment with uniforms to re place those worn out while on duty at Johns town, and that tbe coming encampment may be held or postponed at tbe option of the officers. The pay for the term of duty, amonnting to al most $20,000, will be sent down through the regular channels at an early date. The Massachusetts rifle team, which left for England a week ago, is undoubtedly the strongest that ever left the United States. The ordinary 45-caIiber Springfield rifle will be used and great things are expected. They have won the Hil ton trophy, emblematic of the military and naval championship of tbe United States, for the past three years, against tbe best teams in tbe United States Army and National Guard, and their trip to Chicago in 1837, where they won their remarkable victory over the famous United States Army team from the Division of the Missouri and eight other State teams, is still fresh in the memory. Aside from its other achievements tbe team also won for the past three years tbe trophy known as "The Soldier of Marathon," which is em blematic of the championship of the United States. THESHOE BRUSH GONE I won't miss it, for I have long since adopted an easier and , cleanlier way. A bottle of Wolff'sAOMEBIacking and a sponge to keep my shoes washed clean, save a deal of labor and shoe leather. Sold by Shoe Stone, Grocers, Dnvtista, 4a. The best Harness Dressing in the world. WOLFF & BAKOOLPH. phiudelphijl snvrsu BROKERS FINANCIAL. -TTTH1TNEY fc STEPHENSON, 7 FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. ap2S-l COMMISSION, JL Railroad 1 Mining I fill Stocks. Stocks. UIU Forcash or on margin, either on New York. ian Francisco. Philadelphia or uoston .Ex changes. Loans made at low rates of Interest Established 1878. 3-Weekly Circular FREE. A. R. CHISHOLM &CO 61 Broadway, N. Y. mhl3-97-Su JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Members Chicago Board of Trade and Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. 45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. RIALTO BUILDING, Chicago. ..' .-J EnvTaert-TesCzS I -MaaU-.--Vj . ffiOWOKKER'SSTOlill A Modern Tubal Cain Relates His Own Experience, " , DESCRIBING A LONG SIEGE ' "It was between three and four years! ago," said Mr. Keongh. "that exposure brought on a cold. After a-while It seemed to leave me. But whether It was not en tirely well, ox other exposure brought oa fresh colds, I don't know. At any rate nay. head became stopped up; my throat raw and. . uncomfortable and X had a continual hack- . ing, cough." The speaker was Mr. John O. Keongh, who resides at -Beynoldton, across tha Toughiogheny river from McKeesport, and is engaged in. the National Boiling' Mill at McKeesport. "The trouble at first seemed to be small, but it steadily grew worse. X began to feel that there was something the matter with ' my nasal organs and bronchial tubes. My nostrils would clog up, first on one side and then on the other. There was a dry fever ish feeling inside. My throat would chokat up. add there seemed to be a weight or op pression on my chest that at times almost suffocated me. X was constantly hawking; and raising and could feel tha mucus drop ping back into my throat I found it hard to breathe, could not seem to get air enough through the passages. X was constantly raising white particles about the size nl half a pea. At times something would stick in my throat that X could not get up or down. "My sleep did not refresh me. I would get up in the morning tired and unrested, in fact more tired than when I went to bed. X had a bad taste in my month, and could eat hardly any breakfast What X did eat X had to torce down. X wonld have s con stant desire to vomit after eating. Fre quently in the afternoons chilly feelings would set in. These would last a few min utes, and were followed by a feverish, burn- . ing sensation. I had dull pains in my fore head over the eyes, and sharp pains In my chest, extending through to the region oi -, the shoulder blades. My heart would beat hard and last This would be followed by a slow, irregular beating, and a sensation of faintness. .Ssssssl9ssssssy-vw!SsssssIttV Mr, John C. KeougK "Frequently I would have to quit work with the headaches, the pains in my chest and the trouble with my stomach. X could see that I was steadily growing weaker and losing flesh and strength, and feared the) trouble had extended to my lungs. I tried almost everything without getting any help'. Some time ago X read in the papers of a case in many respects like my own, which had been treated and cured by Drs. Copeland & Blair. I went to see them myself and fonndtheir charges were very low. I improved gradually under their treatment Tbe headaches passed away, and I gained in strength and weight My throat became clear, and I could breathe easily. I have a good appetite now, can sleep well, and get up In the morning refreshed, strong and able to work. Tbe cough gradually grew less. The smothering and dlcry spells stopped, and I feel quite strong and well now, and am glad to make this statement" A CANDID ANSWER. It is Made in Reply fo Questions Which Hav Frequently Been Asked. Do Drs. Copeland and Blair cure all cases of catarrh? Unquestionably, no. , This question has frequently been asked and may as well be squarely answered. Xn some cases catarrh has been allowed to proceed unchecked so far reaching and fatally impairing the lungs and causing con sumption or reaching the stomach and caus ing dyspepsia and inflammation of tha stomach, that medical skill is powerless. Xn such cases they do not profess to in variably eflict a cure. In some cases, where catarrh has not taken such a hold upon the constitution as to prevent the possibility of a radical cure, the patient having begun treatment mar be come careless and negligent, intrequent in his visits and forgetful as to uses of his medicine, and will thus undoubtedly fall to obtain a care. When the patient fails to come to tha office regularly for treatment for the time during which "he is instructed to come, or does not follow up his treatment regularly and systematically, they do not profess to be able to eflect a cure. They work no miracles and perform no sorceries. They cure catarrh, but it is by patient, regular, systematic and methodi cal, as well as skillful treatment Those who hope to be relieved of this lingering and insidious disease in an hour, a day. or a week, need not come to them for treat ment The fact, however, that they do cure ca tarrh and often in its serious and advanced stages, when the patients follow their treat ment regularly and faithfully, does not lack a demonstration at this time. Tha crowds that daily fill their parlors will testify to this. And more than that, ont of the many who have been cured and have willingly of fered their statements for publication, ona has been given each week, together with the outline of the face and the name and residence. Of course, none of these have been or would be published without the full consent and approval of the patient. Theso have not been obscure or unknown people from another city or State. They are all residents of Pittsburg, Allegheny or vicin ity, some of them very well known, and their statements could easily be verified. Such, for instance, as the statement of Mr. William J. Adams, of Mansfield, who had had catharral and bronchial trouble for years and gained 15 pounds in six weeks under treatment; of Mr. Robert W. Huffman, 163 Jackson street, Allegheny, who passed through a similar experience: of Mr. J. 6. Frazier, 710 Kirkwood street, Pittsburg, who gained 17 pounds in weight in less than two months, and is restored in health and strength; oi Mr. Charles A. Miller, of Ohio township, whose experience was likd that of Mr. Frazier, and of many others who might ba mentioned. DOCTORS mm am Are located permanently at 66 SIXTH AVENUE, TOT,a tfiAv tmafe with frtfa all Anliaa J cases. OfSce hours 9 tnllA.it.; 2 to 5 r. jr.; 7 to 9 p. M. (Sunday included.) Specialties UATAUHH. and AIJ DK-J Ifl EASES of tbe EYE, EAR, THEOAT'saaV- i,p MV-.UV- p. consultation, si oa. Aaoress an man to DRS. COPELAND & Bl.AXR.-a "-" v. - H Sixth ava.PlMbarr.P rw ? 1 IS' J? t hSkii&JtM', s lv ky . -.WL ,&a&&: .i.--c.'tijftiA'A K Wmm 2