HISJBB -?y- v Pgf ": 'V1 " .- .r4 T . - ' & rc I 1r 1$Sfrt. . slO ENGLISH STATESMEN. pHow Some of the Great Parliamen tary Leaders Look and Act. CHAMBERLAIN AflD HIS ORCHID. -' Gladstone Drinkin? Egr-Nocr "While Speak ing in tnefloo.se. OTflEE GIAKTS OP BRITISH POLITICS ICORF.rErOSEEKCI OP THZ DISrATCS.1 London, June 20. The personal pecul iarities of English statesmen are often amusing. Of late years Mr. Gladstone has developed an astonishing war of emphasizing his re marks by assanlting an unoffending brass bound box on the table of the house. To reach it requires no little effort, but for all that the "Grand Old Han" is not to be de nied the pleasure of hammering that box. Trembling in every nerve with intensity of conviction, and entirely regardless of the pain that must follow, he stretches across the sea of blue books and brings down his clenched fist on the lid wjth all his force when he wishes to emphasize the climax of his speech. When lie is excited he stands a pace back from the table with feet spread ont fanwise, and beats one hand upon the other for 'several moments, turning round every now and then to address his own fol lowers. Of course his voice is not what it wasj but by reserving it, and by a discreet habitof never sitting out a debate, "he has husbanded a strength that puts many of hii younger colleagues to shame. On great occasions he invariably arms himself with a phial of eggnog, which he drinks at con venient intervals, to the infinite diversion of an -astounded gallery. Unlike .Lord Beaconsfield, who was always noted for his dandified getup, Mr. Gladstone is rather careless about his attire, but he seldom ap pears without a pink rose in his buttonhole. THE GOVEBNMENT LEADEB. Mr. Smith, the Government leader, sits on the very edge of the treasury bench as though he were not quite certain whether he had a right to be there or not. He ap proaches the table timidly and deferentially, nervously clutching hold of it with both hands, and never once releasing his grip until he resumes his seat. He is not a genius, and will never dim by comparison the fame of Pitt nor overshadow the great sess of Fox. He is simply an honest, plod ding, good-natured old soul with no .non sense about him. He is essentially British. His oratory is of the plain, dry, commercial order, and he has a dreary, mechanical emile which he can conjure up under the iost trving circumstances. He is alto gether as eminently respectable as tney make them, and he has never once been known to lose bis temper or the respect of His opponents. x.ven the more rama .rar xellites are credited with a sneaking kind ness lor "Uld Morality." Mr. Balfour has a tendency to sprawl all over the place. During those 11 long years that he occupied a seat below the gangway his elongated frame, stretched halt way across the house, was one of the most familiar figures in a debate. "When he first became Irish secretary he had a weakness for putting his feet on the table, but the Parnellites have since worked together to assist him in overcoming this undignified tendency. He has no time to lounge now, for if after each question he were to resume his seat in this elaborately languid attitude, he would in all probability have to be car ried out on a shutter before qnestion time was half over. As a speaker Mr. Balfour affects that air of supercilious indifference Lord Melbourne used once to make fashionable, and his most scathing retorts are delivered with an air of frivolous half-amused cynicism which makes them all the more cruel. Half leaning on the table and Epeafcing in a subdued drawl, as though his victims were not of sufficient importance to inspire either declamation or gesticula tion, he lets fall a gleam of irony that is not always charged -with tacts. On the other hand, in private life he is one of the cheeriest and most charming of men; highly . intelfectual, cultivated and amiable. It is the old story ot Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde over again. He does not take life too seriously, yet he has views of his own on the doctrine of causality and the music of the future. He has also a pretty turn for art, and is an expert at the noble game of golf, but he has hitherto successfully eluded the match-making schemes of the primrose dames. CHA2tBEELATN AND HABTINGTON. 'Joe" Chamberlain affects the lower end of the front opposition bench, and is usually to be seen with his head thrown slightly back, one leg curved over the other, and his arms folded, gazing steadily at the gallery opposite through the traditional eye-glass. There he sits, smart and shrewd, biding his time, a man to be reckoned with, among the most unpopular in the house. He rarely speaks, but when he does, he usually knows exactly what he wants to say. His --. speeches are polished and clean cut," and he " is on the whole a finished debater, but the impression that he lacks sincerity kills it all. He is singularly youthful in appear ance, and his wiry figure is shown off to good advantage by the best fitting frock coat in the House of Commons. The only occasion on record of his having deviated from his favorite orchid was on the day of his marriage to Miss Endicott when he sported a bontoniere of white violets. On "Joe's" left sits the Marquis of Hart ington his hands sunk deep in his trousers pockets; his chin resting on his chest and his hat gracefully balanced on the edge of una suse. .luis is uia aiuiuue. xLe occas ionally lounges into debate, and anything he has to say is usually worth listening to. His isa mind not given to speculation. It is a mind of the good old-fashioned "look before you leap" order. He makes no pre tense to soar to those supreme intellectual heights where so many lose themselves His manner of speaking is heavy and he is apt to fall into that sing-sing intonation which - is so condncive to sleep, the tail-end of his sentences being hopelessly lost somewhere in the vicinity of the middle button of his . -waistcoat 10BD BANDOLPH CHX7ECHH.Ii. Lord Bandolph Churchill looks quiet and harmless enough as he sits in his corner seat placidly twirling his mustache, but when he poses as the candid friend of the Government, he comes ont so strong that Minister instinctively prepare for the worst. From the very first Lord Bandolph .Churchill framed himself upon the model of Disraeli and as leader of the House lre quently recalled in a comio way the famil iar figure of Vivian Grey in his favorite attitude, the drooping head, the folded arms, the half closed eyes and the coat tail brought carefully forward and covering the knees. Lord Bandolph did it all religiously, even to the orderly arrangement ot the coat tails, struggling with himself, often ineffect ually, to prevent his hands going up to cnrl his mustache. His peculiar style of oratory too is strongly suggestive of "Dizzy" in his youncer days, although lacking the polish of the astute gentleman. When Lord Beaconsfield spoke his audience was per petually on the qui vive lor some some smart personal thrust at some mutual friend, and they were not often disap pointed. This is why the House of Com mons fills up to hear the disjointed talk of Lord Bandolph. His andacity is reckless and he hits out right and left, and generally -wounds somebody. On ordinary occasions he speaks in a low, confidential manner, and in momenta of repose his gestures sug gest that he is about to perform some sleight-cf-hand trick, but when he gets excited he -waves his hands violently above nis head, signaling Mr. Speaker as though he were a horse car or an omnibus and yells at the very top of his voice, which is singularly hard and unmusical. He does not mince his words, but very plainly calls a spade a spade, and he often hits a nail pretty hard on the head. He is altogether a very orig inal character, and he endeavors by a bot-iem-like versatility to draw ail eyes to hia- :- -i iJekM!lJU& Y'P-mmmiitfmfmtflu iai'Hiitr'.t riffitaaTiyWrrirnTrh 7It fi-sffr-K3 n-rffriiiii irtjfcst&n'1 ' . i.n , -" WiMtmum r frs rtUii.thiT: fJH. self, and to be pointed out in the streets with admiring finger as the coming man. ME. 2IOBLEV. John Morley is generally to be fonnd gracefully reclining by the side of Mr. Gladstone, his head carefully fixed on a level with the top of the bench ; his hands clasped and his nose in the air. His voice is clear and admirably pitched, and his intense earnestness of manner in spires confidence and carries conviction. During the short time he has been in the House he has done much to raise the tone of its debates to a higher level of thought and feeling than characterized them before, and although he has greatly improved in readi ness and force, there is'still a fatal tendency to make a set speech carefully written out before hand and committed to memory. His literary training is shown by his group ing of facts and marshalling of arguments. He very rarely makes an error of statement. His speeches, as a rule, are addressed to the intellect rather than to the emotions, and be has a telling way of accentuating his points by a characteristic nod of the head. He suggests perhaps a savant and preacher rather than a debater, but his words carry weight a hundred-fold. SIB WILLIAM HABCOITET. Of a very different turn of mind is Mr. Gladstone's other right hand man, Sir "Will iam Harcourt, commonly called "Jumbo." As "heavy father" of his party, he occa sionally deems it his duty to deliver long winded and ponderous harangues, in the course of which he puts everybody straight and settles everything generally. He has a habit, too, of dropping in at the House in the middle of a debate and without having time to gather any idea of what is going for ward, is on his elephantine feet, summing up the whole cause, pronouncing judgment and sentencing somebody to exterior darkness. He can make old jokes look almost as good as new, and can even make new jokes which are never likely to becomeold. He can also be obstreperously virtuous on occasions, and as he sways to and fro in the frenzy of his eloquence and to the imminent danger of members on either side of him, the house goes off in spite of itself. But Sir William is not to be put down with laughter, and the more the house declines to hear him the more he insists that it shall. He is perhaps best at skirmishing attacks. On these oc casions he answers the trenchant attitude of a bantam, and having applied the match he throws himself upon the bench and with folded arms and a pleased expression of conscious power survey the scene before him with apparent gusto. This is not all. Sir. Goschen's tendency to wash his hands during a debate and hug the bench with the calves of his legs is worth noticing, and so is the Home Secre tary's painful habit of catching imaginary flies buzzing within an inch of his nose, and of continually changing the poise of his body from one foot to the other, as though he were standing on redhot plowshares. Lord George Hamilton has a weakness for fold ing and unfolding a sheet of note paper, and there are many other tricks of manner and speech among members of the Commons which, although trifling enough in them selves, nevertheless help to relieve the bore dom of an assembly which is above every thing else divinely dull. BLAKELY TTat.t., BTEUCK THE RIGHT PLACE. A Traveler DUcovera the Ideal Summer Reaort on the Jersey Shore. New York Sun.l I was tramping along a Jersey highway in seach of a farmhouse where they took summer boarders, when an old farmer came along in his two-horse wagon and asked me to ride. As soon as ne discovered what my errand was, he exclaimed: "Land-o-goshen, but you've jist hit the right man. I'll take yon myself. Got one of the resorterest resorts on the hull coast. You shall live on the fat of the land and gain a pound a day." "What do you ask for board?" "Well, that's according. Want much sweets?" i "No." "Care about a carpet in your room?" "No." "Eat with the family?" "Yes." "Very big eater?" "No." "Willing to live on meat and taten and sich like, eh?" "Yes." "Any objection to working in the garden an hour or two before breakfast to get your appetite up?" "Not the slightest" "Help load hay or stack wheat on a pinch?'1 "Yes." "Purty good at chopping wood?" "That's my best hold." "Kin ve milk?" "I can." "And when night comes you won't object to playing on that guitar and singing." "No." "Willing to payfor washing, I suppose?" "Oh! yes." r "And for extra trouble, if you git sick?" "Yes. How much will you charge me a week lor board?" "Cash in advance?" "Yes." "Agree to stay all summer?" "Yes." "Wall, stranger, I'll have to ask the old woman. I've thought of everything I could, but she's a great thinker, and will probably think of lots of other things, sich as only changing the sheets once a week, washing yourself at the cistern, being sat isfied with husk pillers, and so on. Come and see me to-morrow and we'll talk it all over, and if I don't beat any hotel on the shore you can have my hat You'll know my place by the sign on the gate. 'Old fashioned Home.' Don't fail to close with me to-morrow, as we may be crowded this season." INTOXICATION BY INDUCTION. Instance of Men Who Bare Become HI. larloun From Contusion. The builders of lines of wires and cables are not the only sufferers from induction, it seems. Nor is electricity the only element that generates induction, for now comes its first cousin sometimes known as "Jersey lightning" with strong claims for recog nition in this very extensive and always yexatious field, as the following from the Popular Science Monthly evidently proves: "A prominent military man who had drunk moderately during the war, and had abstained from that time on, while attend ing a dinner with his old comrades, 'where most of them were intoxicated, suddenly became hilariousrmade a foolish speech, and settled back in his chair in a drunken state, and was finally taken home quite stupid. "He had not drunk any spirits, and had only used coffee and water, and yet he had all the symptoms of the others, only his was intoxication from contagion the favor. ing soil had been prepared long ago in the army. "Another case was that of a man who had been an inebriate years ago, but had re formed. He was recently elected to office and gave a dinner to some friends. Among them was a physician who has been greatly interested in these studies. He sent me a long report, the substance of which was this: "On the occasion referred to many of the company became partially intoxicated, and the host, who drank nothing but water, be came hilarious, and finally stupid with them. He was put to bed with every sign of intoxication, but recovered, and next morning had only confused notion of these events. "The third case occurred four years ago. A reformed man, of 12 years sobriety, went on a military excursion with a drinking company, and, although he drank nothing but lemonade, became as much intoxicated as the others. , "This event was the subject of much com ment and lots to him, socially and other wise, although he protested, and others con firmed his statements, that he did nbt take any spirits at this time." THE' BUTTON SETS! Tlio Faihlon of Collecting Them Mrs. Cleveland's Carved" Cameos. New York Correspondent ChlcagoKewM To collect "button sets" is becoming the fashion. Young women whose beauty, cash or American chic gets them into the London swim have been writing home wonderful stories within the last two months of valu able old sets of Florentine mosiao buttons, and buttons with crests and monograms in repousse work, and brilliant paste buttons which go back to Cromwell, and pearl and topaz buttons of a period even earlier. These are old family buttdns, prized as highly fit jewels and kept in cases of velvet and satin. A young woman who is traveling with Mrs, Frank Leslie is authority for the statement that that lady is picking up .abroad a but ton set which shall rital her diamonds. Fine old Louis XV. buttons in --silver, painted after the designs of Fragonsrd, are the ob ject of Mrs. Leslie's desire, au object not easily attained. The beautltul miss cham berlain, whom the international gossips married offhand before her engagement was announced fairly, will have an exquisite set of Dauphine buttons in paste in her trousseau. A pretty American girl who has seen them writes that they are very valu able, being undoubtedly genuine and ex quisitely mounted in silver. , Not many American- women have suc cumbed as yet to the "button-set" mania. Mrs. A. M. Palmer, the wife of the theatri cal manager, has worn with a directory evening dress this spring a set of really beautiful flower buttons In incrusted ivory. Mrs. Cleveland appears occasionally in a Louis XV. coat of dark brocade, with 4six large, exquisitely carved cameo buttons, which were a gift to her on her last birth day. Some of the most artistic buttons seen in New York have been worn by the Prin cess Marthe Fugalitcbieff, whose imposing family name and high-bred St Petersburg manners have enabled her essays on social life in Bussia to draw much cash into the exchequer. The Princess Eugalitchieff has family buttons which rival those in pearls and diamonds possessed by the Countess of Leicester. One beautiful set which she wears with evening dress occasionally, con sists of ten good-sized coral buttons set in gold, and another which has appeared on a directory redingote of gray siifc with black revers is made up of buttons three inches in diameter of old Bnssian repousse work, the beauty and value of which are famous. ENGLAND'S OIL FIELDS. A Company to Operate In Bnrmnb, Canada, Aiutralla and New Zealand. According to London Engineering, the reproach long leveled at England that she- had done nothing to open up the vast oil deposits of the Empire is likely to be soon removed, a number ot projects being on foot for the development of the petroleum re sources of Burmah, Canada, Australia,New Zealand, etc. In the United States the business of pros pecting for oil is mostly done by small pi oneering companies, many of which carry on a flourishing business in Pennsylvania, Ohio and elsewhere. As a rule the refining of the oil is done by a totally different set of companies, and until recently the piping of the oil from the wells to the refineries on the coast was also accomplished by a num ber of independent corporations, distinct from the oil-well producers and the refiners. Sometime will probably have fo elapse be fore hundreds ot companies flourish on the petroleum resources ot our Empire, bnt it is not impossible that once the "boom" commences the .industry will develop a speed as Temarkable as the recent gold mining enterprise in South Africa. Meanwhile a start has been made by the formation of the British Empire Pe troleum Company, which is intended to prospect for oil in the various parts of the cujpixc, ttuu xj- hue luuuuitLiuus, uy JUttl- cions surveys and experimental borings, for larger enterprises. Considering the beneficial influence likely to be exercised on various branches of the engineering industry by the Opening up of the Burmese oil fields, it is impossible not to wish well of the enterprise. With a lit tle support from the Indian authorities it ought to be easy to attract British capital on a large scale to Burmah, where there are no difficulties in regard to trans port such as the Russians have had to en counter at Baku. The Canadian Govern ment as well might manifest more sympathy toward the vast oil fields of the Mackenzie basin, reported on so favorably by the Cana dian Senate a year ago. COST OF GOVERNING CANADA. She Ha Flftj-SIx Lecislator More Than the Mother Country. Boston Journal. , , Some person with a taste for statistics has been examining the salary list of the Do minion, and finds that the small population nf PnTtnjl. Yiftvs nnpmnnvlv A ennnA.f a cumbersome official machine, of which its more liberal people are gradually becoming very weary. It is often laughingly remarked in England that Canada must have a vast deal of legislation to attend to. since she finds it necessary to have 56 legislators more thai. buc uiubuu cuuubrjr, wiu ixi mnuy ucpart roental heads that no Canadian outside of politics can tell their number. The Canadian Commons consists of 215 members, who draw $1,000 each per session, and the Senate, which has little to do ex cept to look wise, has 80 members, who re ceive $10,000 each annually. The Speakers of each house of this immensely overpaid national Legislature receive 3,000 an nually; the Ontario members and Speakers, $56,000; the Quebec Legislative Council, Legislature and the two Speakers, $75,000. Then the country is saddled with a Gover nor General, who receives nearly $85,000 annually and spends as little as possible in the country, sending to England lor even the smallest articles of daily wear and con sumption. His chief business seems to be not to comply with the wishes of the people whenever he has a chance to show his authority. There are also Lieutenant Gov ernors of Quebec and Ontario and Mani toba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, the Northwest Territory and Prince Edward Island, each of whom receives a larger sal ary than is given to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. And as a fringe around this ciicle of costly of ficials, many of whom -are utterly use'less, there is a small army of paid aids-de-camp, secretaries, etc, who have abundant per quisites. The idea of a country like the Dominion having 47 political "Ministers" is certainly somewhat absurd. - - THE CUEFEW AT ALBANY. An Old Custom Which Astonishes Travelers. New York Star.; There is a custom in Albany which has been maintained for 200 years, -which I pre sume isn't known in any other city of its size in the Union. The'cnrfew tolls prompt ly and to the half-eighth of a second at 9 each night The City Hall tower has a deep-sounding bell, connected by electric wires with Dudley Observatory, and it strikes a stroke of one at 9 o'clock night and morning. Ail private clocks apd watches are set by it, and it is a curious revelation to the theatrical companies that visit here to see nearly everybody in the audience pun out nis or ner watcn at apparently a preconcerted moment and look at it. The effect is very novel. It nearly upset- John McCnllougn and Mary Anderson when they played here together some years ago. Mc Cullough had just seen the air-drawn dag ger and he thought the audience were all going to ring the chestnnt bell on him. The effect is also very fnnny in the churches. But the same bell also tolls the fire alarm and by numbers of strokes signals the dis trict where the fire is. , It Is customary on these occasions for the good pastors to re mark: "If any one feels called by that warning there will be no objection to his now withdrawing." and there have been oc casions when a number do so.. - PITTSBURG; DISEATOH, THE MMIFMEIICO, It is an Institution Which is Con spicuous on AU Occasions. DIFFICULTIES TO BE MET WITH By the Traveler Who Attempts to See Everything in the land. A PICTURE OF 2IIKACDL0US ORIGIN rWEITTIH TOIt THE DIS PATCH. 1 The Mexican army is omnipresent in squads. It turns out in the morning, in the middle of fie day and in the afternoon; parts of it seem to be always on the march. It has drums, but no fifes that I could dis cover; bugles there are in abundance. ' The bugle call has the air of a jig tune with a halt in it The "rnb-e-duh" or the snare drum is abbreviated, and lacks the exhilar ation so inspiriting to the Yankee soldier. The men are small, bnt look neat in their blue uniforms. My first introduction was early in the morning. Hearing the bugles I turned out of bed and made for the window. The peo ple on the street paid no attention whatever to the -passing display; the street car excited as much interest The pageant corisisted of 12 drummers, 12 buglers, 4 officers and 8 privates. The officers marched on the sidewalk and the others in the street The bugle call rang ont shrilly and when it ceased the drums endeavored to cheer the way, and so, alternately. The street car Iriver going to the Yiga tooted a single blast on the brass horn by way of a refrain, and I enjoyed this performance every morn ing. A military funeral one afternoon brought out abont 3,000 men, so I learned that they could muster in squads of more than a dozen. The people, however, did not considei the regiments of any greater im portance than the corporal's guard. There is another division of the army which goes in rawhide sandals and linen, scantily trimmed with red. I understood that the army is recruited, in a measure, from the criminal ranks; that when a man is convicted of any offense not of, a very grave oharacter, he is given his choice o"f playing soldier or going to prison; and the prisons are not overcrowded. Some 200,000 men in the republic march and draw ra tions and maintain a fair state of health. A SHALL AEMT OP POLICEMEN. In the City of Mexico there are 2,500 po licemen, who stand around and keep order at a dollar a day per man, and there is economy in it, to say nothing of the enjoy ment that a sense of seenrity brings to the citizen. During the night these guardians stand on the street corners and whistle to each other every 15 minutes, a slow, plaint ive whistle that bos an "all's well" sound about it and reminds one of the days we have heard our fathers talk over with sly jointy. The courts have a way of their own in meting out justice. I understand that the newspapers may not, with impunity, com ment on the proceedings, when a party charged with an offense is convicted the re porter may so state it and stop there; sensa tional head lines and interesting details are not in the fashion. I learned of the pro ceedings in one instance of a petty theft, that indicates the course pursued to insure a wide dissemination of the law s influence. A boy was arrested on a charge of stealing , a quarter at one of the public baths. During his incarceration a prisoner is not permitted to receive visitors; even his own father may be thrown into prison without bail should he attempt to see or relieve his own offspring. The near relations must have implicit faith in the proper administration of justice and in the exalted character of the officers of the law, they must understand that no innocent person can by any possibility be convicted by these guardians, who take as deep an interest in the supposed offender as .his own father can. " ' The boy in question was, upon examina tion, found to be innocent of the theft, and the oSense was fastened upon another lad. The guilty boy was given the full penalty of the law, and the innocent .one, beside spending two days in prison pending his ex amination, was fined $2 50 tor keeping bad company. The constitntion of the republic is modeled after onr own, and in this in stance possibly the Judge "went on his own head," as I have known Judges to do nearer home, and indulged in a little legis lation. SOME AMERICAN INNOVATIONS. The'street car system of Mexico is excel lent and affords the best means of getting about if one is not inclined to walk. From one point further South in .the Bepnblic one may make a trip of 60 and odd miles with relays of mules. All, or nearly all, the suburban towns are reached by this method. The Mexican mule is but little larger than a pNewfoundJand dog. These little fellows are kept in good condition and a pair of them will trnndle a load of passengers over the smooth track at a gallop. Two, three or four cars, each with a pair of mules, will start for the same destination at once. some carrying first-class, some second-class fares, others freight Besides looking at tne country one may watcn with amuse ment, under the car ahead, the twinkling feet of the little hybrids as they send along without impediment With any other car riage you would think they were running away. Four miles is about the ordinary stage, and if the final destination exceeds this distance a fresh pair is bronght into service. We concluded to take in Guadalupe bv this method. Guadalnpe has a picture, a, miraculons spring, a cathedral, a graveyard I auu legious ui various quality ana mysteri ous origin. These attractions would make the neighborhood uncanny at midnight, but on a clear afternoon one need have no fear ot ghosts. The mules did their part toward making the trip enjoyable over a perfectly flat country, with mountains in the dis tance, and the broad, ancient causeway, with its many shrines, running parallel. Fine trees in many places along the road, and banks ot flowers, are set off by a ditch cov ered with frog spittle or something worse, and, as there is no current, it is suggestive of stagnation and fever. Guadalupe is as much mixed with the history of important events as the metropo lis itself, and to tonch upon these matters would be a temptation to bookmaking. We are only skimming overthe country and our mission is symbolized by our method of transit; to gather in everything of interest would takevmonths instead of hours. We would see the church. There-it is in plain sight, with piles of debris barring the en trance; it is undergoing repairs and we are shut off from the solid silver railing and all that sort of thing, said to be interesting. A MIBACULOTJS PICTURE. HJhe picture of miraculous origin coming next, its location is discovered to be as mys terious as its birth. In one bnilding, which proves to he a chapel, we are permitted to peep through a bit of glass in a door, 3 inches square (he glass, I mean, not the door. The door is a common one. and we see a picture, unsatisfactorily. Besides be ing hindered by the door and the poverty of the glass, the picture is 60 feet away. Is it the picture? We inquire of the Indians and the Mexicans, and are ss much enlightened after half an hour's conversation as if we had asked no questions. But the spring is here, grated over s if its guardians were apprehensive that some vandal might carry it off or the too thirsty exhaust it There is plenty of fluid, however, of a yellow color and detestable in flavor. Not being afflicted with any disorder, warranted to snecumb to its influence, I find that a taste and a whiff afford satisfaction. Others coming in, the water is pronounced "queer," "delicious," "fnnny," as the pal ates or aspirations of the tipplers suggest One of our fair countrywomen takes the rusty Iron cup daintily in her gloved fingers, turns up her pretty nose at the odorTfol lowed by such a contortion of her pretty mouth that I am apprehensive lest the bars atmosphere of the place is working its SUtfAT,' JJJNE 30, charm on her. She sets the enp down with out tasting its contents, brushes off the damp contamination from her finger tips, says. "its abominable," and thus satisfies me that she has properly no aspirations beyond the gratification of her own correct taste. Were I younger I might fall in love with her; I am already delighted with her independ ence. She will not drink salts to be in the fashion. A MEXICAN CEMETEET. After going through a nnmber of back ways, we find the steps leading to the sum mit of the hill, where there is a cemetery. Arriving at an iron gate a clapping of the hands brings ont a man, and a real opens the gate. It is jnst such a place as a North American Indian wonid select for a burial place. It commands a magnificent view ot the country lor miles, and as we were not required to make any inquiries on this head, we enjoyed it without assistance. The live people have an economical and labor-saving method of adorning the last homes of those deceased so that the latter may look down upon their resting places at any time of day and discover fresh flowers made of wire. Whether any ghost has detected the subter fuge in the dark has not transpired; it did not seem Mexican-like, possessing ingenuity, and I caught the impression that the device savored ot irreverent Yankee enterprise. I considered it as taking a mean advantage of the dead. In our wanderings we discovered the modest last resting place, if he rests, of Santa Ana. I thought of the Alamo and several other matters, and failed to experi ence any regret on looking down at the in scription on his modest tomb. There were no wire wreaths or other indications of re cent visits by mourning relatives, but some vandal had hacked a tree which stood at a corner of the little inclosure allotted to the dead man. and I wondered while I honed thai if he he had not been caught in the act and punished he had cut his finger; if he failed to do so it wonld have pleased me to render that service. He was not a Mexican, I dire be sworn. From tnis hill one may look down on the roof of the church, with its old weather stained dome. It might be a thousand or two years old from its appearance, but it can boast of only a century or so. As an addi tion to the novelty of the ancient roof, moved by the spirit of modern enterprise, an electric light stands paramonnt What would the founders say to this innovation! In another direction may be seen in the dis tance a large lake. As the country is quite level this may account for the miracle of the spring. A BEIOHT LITTLE INDIAN BOY. By the time we were prepared to descend we were encountered by an Indian lad who insisted on guiding us to see a monkey. For the monkey I have a special regard; there is always in his look an appeal to me for recognition, as if he would communicate a secret, bnt, like Hamlet's lather, is ham pered by circumstance; he is always on the point ot informing me how he happened to slough off "in the race from the original molecule to the present perfection of myself and fellows. If he could only reveal him self he might, with our assistance, get bade into the high road to happiness, and enjoy life like the rest ot us. We followed this lad, who talked all the way. through a labyrinth of bad smelling places, up a nnmber of steps and apparently into someone's residence built out of the ordinary style. He conducted us into a "grotto," or half a dozen of them, carved out of the hillside, where some artist with little to do and possessed of a long life, had decorated the walls with bits of broken glass and chinaware. There were representations of flowers, birds, beasts and virgins worked into those walls with an ingenuity and a necessary patience that bordered on the maryelons We were grateinl to the little Indian, who was in search of a real, and won dered what ths artist might have achieved with his taste and perseverance is a country ot broader possibilities. Bnt where was the monkey? Under the lad's inspiration we recognized the picture ot our possible relative, done in broken bot tles and probable remnants from my lady's toilet stand or my lord's dinner dishes, en joying a meal ot abraided pottery. "We thought he was a live monkey7" "No live deadl Monkey!" and the little barbarian pat his hand upon the im age to assure us of its identity .and inoffen sive temper. THE DEACON AND HI3 SEAL. Could this lad show1 us the miraculous picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe, about which we were unsettled? Certainly he could, and he start&dofi as if with the par pose of producing the mystery out of hand. Learning that he was outrunning his source ot revenue, he came back to a more sedate pace, but assured us all the while that we should see the picture. He halted in front of the mounds of old plaster and stones in front of the church and. pointing at the im passable entrance, vociferated "Picture." "But the picture of the Virgin?" "Si. Senor." The Deacon, thinking of only one way to reach the boy's comprehension, produced a real and repeated his inquiry. The lad eyed the coin wistfully and snook his head, still pointing toward the closed doors. The Deacon put up the temptation. Then this quick-witted imp was seized with sudden animation and started away, beckoning us on over-hand. "He will take us in by a side entrance," was the Deacon's assumption as we fol lowed. The boy led the way to the chapel of the spring, glued his eye to the glass in the door to assure himself, perhaps, that something was in sight, and triumphantly invited us to an inspection. We declined, and a more disappointed and bewildered looking Indian boy could not have been found in Gaudalupe. The Deacon's heart was touched and he surrendered uncondi tionally, and said it was "worth the money L. B. Fbancz. LOCUSTS IN ALGEK1A. Zonavci With Dry Straw Sent Ont to De stroy the Invading- Insects. Algeria is suffering from a plague of locusts, and from cyclones. Some interest ing details are supplied by the Paris cor respondent of the London Daily News. A hundred Zouaves have been sent -with dry straw to Aumale to destroy the invading insects. They make waron them by spread ing the straw on the ground where the in sects alight, and setting it on fire. At Setif 1Q5 soldiers are engaged in this work, and colonists and agricultural laborers are being requisitioned to help them. At Sed rata a long line of fires was kept up to pre vent the invasion, but the fuel was exhaust ed before the mass of invaders, which had an unbroken front of six miles. The Gov ernor General has been to Massowab, Ben Mustapba, and other localities, to see that the civil and military authorities do what lies in their power to drive back this ene my. It would appear that a south wind has carried a cloud of Algerian locusts as far north as the region of Dunkirk. No similar phenomenon has taken place in France since 1825, when North Europe was invaded by locusts from Africa. A FIERCE TOfiTLE'S HEAD. It Shovra Flcht Fortr-Elebt Honra After Brine Cat 00". Philadelphia Kecord. I John Heitlinger, a farmer of Deep Creek Valley, Pa., went pickerel fishing a few days since and caught a 46 pound snapping turtle, which he got into his rickety boat. The creature then turned on him savagely. It would draw its head back in the carvernous shell and then shoot it out to the full extent of the neck with a noise like the cracking of a coach whip. It thus kept Mr. Heit linger dancing from end to end of the boat till he nearly dropped from exhaustion. Then he yelled for help. His aunt jumped into another boat,paddled ont to him,caught up his anchor rope and strnck the turtle with it, and like a flash the turtle closed its jaws on it It would not relax its grip and was dragged ashore by the rope. There the aunt chopped its head off, and next morning its head was as savage, as ever and the eyes glared fiercely. The jaws held on to the" rope for 48 hours. x1889.., HOWAWIFEWASWOtf A Father's Decree That His Son Should Wed a lady He Bever Saw. A CHANCE MEETING FOLLOWS, Then Conies Love at First Sight, a Quarrel and a Happy Sequel. EBMINISCEITCES OP NOTED ACTOES rwairaar ros the dispatch.! Everybody knows Bob Mantell, the famous Loris, with Fanny Davenport, and his charming young wife, but everybody does not know the condition nnder which they first met, a decidedly romantic one by the way. It appears that when young Bobert was winning his theatrical honors in England, he was not the moral young man he now is a condition of things which caused considerable uneasiness to his pater nil relative, a sturdy old descendant of Cromwellian stock and theories, who, after various attempts to relorm him, decided that the boy's only salvation was in mar riage. This decision he confided to Bob and mentioned as his choice of a wife the daugh ter of an old friend, j retired sea captain. Bob had never seen the lady, and this off hand disposal of his heart by no means de lighted the handsome youth. Still he had no preference himself, and did not want to cause the old gentleman any more grief than necessary. So, after a vain argument TO PEBST7ADE HIS PABENT To leave him to his bachelor pleasures a few years longer, has finally stipulated that he should have the coming summer to him self, and then if he did not find a woman whom he could make his wife, he would re turn in the fall and wed the daughter of his friend providing, such was his modest con clusion, "she will have me." To this the old gentleman agreed he could do nothing else; and in a few days young Bob fonnd himself away in the country, at the home of an old schoolmate of his mother, and who had been his own foster parent. Now it ap pears that the daughter of the sea captain aforesaid, on being informed by her sire of his intended disposal of her hand, entered a most decided negative, and pack ing her trunks in company with her maid, departed for the home of an old country friend, who, by one of those strange dispen sations which fate sometimes reserves for her favorites, proved to be the same to whom young Bob had already hied him self. While seated near an open window on the day of her arrival, he overheard her relate her sorrows and reasons for leaving home, discovered that she was the young lady, so kindly selected by his father, and that she had apparently as great an antipatny to the proposed watch as he himself. This was something new. It was all very well to run away from a young lady, but to have a young lady run away from him was a dif ferent thing. A BIT OP STBATEG7. Bob could not tell why.bnthefelt strangely nuru ne. However, aeierminea to see it through, so atthefirstopportunityhe songht his hostess and by threats of an immediate departure, persuaded her to present him by his two first names only. They met first at the tea table and it was a case of love at first sight Bob mentally decided that he could oblige the old gentle man without any serious difficulty. Deli cious days followed; they became insepara ble companions, and so the time wore on un til summer was about gone, when one day the old lady inadvertently betrayed Bob's own name. What a tempest there was. The lady sought him instantly, taunted him with his deception, and altogether exhibited "more temper than even before or since, thank heaven," always adds happy Bob. Then she left him, obstinately refusing his proffered explanation. A tew 'moments afterward he heard the hostess tell her not to go too far into the woods, as Gipsy tramps had been seen hanging around. "So," he mused, "going to the woods. Wonder when she'll come back?" The morning slowly dragged away and no sign of her return. The hostess called Bob to dinner, but he declines; he conld not eat When the afternoon was half spent he could stand it no longer; he must go in search of his Ioye. A horrible yet undefinable feeling of dreadful things that might happen almost overwhelms him. Securing his gun he starts out. THE LOST ONE rOTOD. Hour after hour passes and he finds no trace of her. Again and again he called, and only an echo mockingly answered. Darker and darker it grew, and still no trace. He was well nigh desperation when he was startled by a smothered shriek "Help, Bob, help!" With a gasp of horror, strongly mingled with a tinge of joy, that in her peril she should call.on him, her dashed madly toward the spot whence the sound proceeded. Again and again came the piteons cry; "Help, Bob, help." The nowthoroughlv frightened lover tried to answer as he rnshed on, bnt his voice wonld not obey him. Nearer and nearer he came, and now the sounds of a struggle broke upon his ears. Suddenly he came upon a scene that for an instant actually made his heart stand still. In the center of a leafy inclosnre he saw his sweetheart struggling with two swarthy ruffians, one of whom seemed trying to tear the ear-rings from her ears. ,Not a moment did he hesitate: he raised his gun and fired at the larger of the two. The scoun drel's arm dropped to his side, and with a horrible oath he sprang into the forest and disappeared, followed by his companion. The young girl gave one glance at her rescner and then, woman-like, fainted. An instant later Bobert was beside her. When she opened her eyes her first words were: "Oh, Bobl I am so glad it was you," and he knew he was forgiven. What more is there to tell? The whole world knows what a model couple they are. Many years have passed since then, and neither regrets the summer when to oppose parental authority they took their destinies into their own hands. A GREAT ACTOB DEAD. What statecraft has lost in Cameron, the histrionic art has lost with the demise of that sterling actor, John Gilbert, for so many years connected with Wallack's Theater, New York. Although Mr. Gilbert nas never attacked by the-fever of "star ring," which his great love of home life precluded, and passed that greater part of his professional career in the East, he was exceedingly well known throughout the country. Born in Boston in 1810. he devoted the best 60 years of his life to . his chosen pro fession. There was not an actor or actress ot American fame with whom he had not. been artistically associated; not an old. comedy or tragedy in which he had not essayed a role. Two generations of play goers have been charmed by the beauty and humor of his impersonations, and from him we may form our opinions of the best tradi tions of the older stage. He was a great stickler for the old form of stage etiquette, upon which he always insisted, and he never lost an opportunity of chiding a de linquency. The light musical and farcical comedies, so popnlar in the present day, were HIS SPECIAL DETESTATION, and he wonld sit for hours and bemoan the decline of the ancient drama, and the mor bid taste of the people who conld tolerate this modern trash. The great desire of his life was the accumulation of wealth, in which he was ioirly successful, having a fortune approximating 300.000. Mr. Gil bert was by no means a'popular man, either with members of his profession or outsiders with whom he come in contact He bad few friends, and took no pains to keep them or to make others. His manner, while always courtly and deferentially polite, had all the elements of repulsion. People would often lea his presence with an in definable feeling of injury. They conld not tell what it was nor when it came, but they felt that it was there. With all his great wealth of theatric knowledge, he never aided by word or deed the struggles ot a young artist, never spoke a kindly word of encouragement, never extended a helping hand. ' He was often quoted as a man without the vices of his profession,. by those to whom the lack of vice is greater than the posses sion of virtue. His life was what the world calls, exemplary; even religion could not pick a flaw; yet, with all his great opportu nities, he leaves behind him but one mem ory to win onr grief. His great ability as an artist that is alL GENEB0TJ8 WILLIAM H-AEBEN. How different the life of his greatest co- temporary, William Warren. It is proba ble that very few who read this ever heard of this superb artist and thorough gentle man, and yet his name in Boston to-day is one to conjure with. His death a year or so ago bronght a genuine grief into thousands of homes, whose inmates knew him only as an artist, and who probably never saw him save be hind the footlights at the Boston Mnseum, that resort of aristocratic Boston, where his qnaint humor or his marvelous pathos won their laughter or commanded tears. Than he no kinder, truer man even honored the profession. No more thorough artist ever faced an audience. To him all things were possible in his art If he was a master of low comedy so was he of high. There was no character of drama he could not portray, while in the heavy Shakesperian roles his equal could scarcely be found. With all his gilts William War- 'ren had no ambition to shine above his fel lows. If he studied hard, it was only that he might attain perfection in his art; that he might, perhaps, discover something new, not for himself for I who knew him so well do not believe he ever had a selfish thought but that he might help others. one of nattjbe's noblemen. How many prominent actors of to-day owe their start in life to him? If it were not for the proverbial ingratitude of the profession dozens, nay hundreds, wonld answer "I." No young actor ever sought of him a favor and was denied. And how exquisitely delicate was his manner in giv ing advice; how charmingly he conveyed to others his suggestions! He never gave- ad vice unasked, bnt a desire did not have to he put into words for his comprehension, so quickly did he intuitively read a glance. His wardrobe was to all intents and pur poses practically unlimited. He was a nat tural costumer, and difficult indeed must be the part he could not dress. It was his cus tom to go to "the theater early, and after finishing his dressing pass the intervening time before the performance to "making up" his less skillful confreres. This was no sinecure, I can assure you. For years before his death he was proba bly the best known man in Boston the friend and favorite of all. On the comple tion of his 50 years of service on the stage, which occurred -but a short time before his death, he was tendered a testimonial by the theatrical management, which took the form of a perfect ovation. Never was actor so honored before. The leaders of New En gland's wealth and talent vied with each other to do him honor. And when he died around his bfer gathered the brightest minds of to-day, to pay the last tribute ot respect to one whom Oliver Wendel Holmes char acterized "the noblest man I ever knew." Mobton. A GOOD WAY TO BUI SPONGES. The Stronger Yon Are the Leu Too Will Bave to Pay Try It. Newlrork Evening Sun.J "Say, how mnch fs this sponge?" called a man in Perry's drug store 'yesterday, to one of the clerks, at the same time holding up a good-sized sponge which he had picked out of a basketful. The clerk was behind the connter busying himself with something, and he surveyed the sponge critically lrom a distance and then answered: "Seventy-five cents." The man dived into the basket again and pretty soon held up a smaller sponge for the clerk to see. "How much is this one?" he asked. "Oh 60 cents," said the clerk. Again the man fished around in the basket In a few moments he held up a sponge smaller than either of the others. "How much for this one?" he inquired. 'Ton can hay that one for 45 cents," said the clerk as he sized it up. Then there was a roar of laughter from the would-be sponge purchaser, and two men who had been watching him. The clerk looked mystified for a moment. Then he discovered what they were laughing at The man had been holding up the same sponge each time. By squeezing it he had diminished its size. If he had had enough strength in his hand and could have kept his face straight he would have run the price of that sponge down to 15 cents before the clerk saw through the game. QUEEB THINGS THAT ABE PATENTED. Some of tbe Cariosities of Invention That Are Recorded In the Patent Offlce. Louisville Courler-Joarnal.l There is a claim in the patent office for a patent on the Lord's prayer, the specifica tions being that the repetition of the same "rapidly and in a loud tone of voice" will cure stammering. Among the odd inventions are "chicken hopples," which walk with the chickens right ont of the garden when she tries to scratch; "the bee moth excluder,"" which automatically shnts up all the beehives I when the hens go to roost; "the tapeworm hsh-hooK, which speass lor itself; the "educational balloon," a toy balloon with a map of the world on its surface; "side hill annihilators" stilts to fttoa the down hill legs of a horse when he is ploughing along a hill side; and the "hen surpriser," a device that drops the newly-laid eggs through the bottom of the nest with intent to beguile and wheedle tbe hen into at once laying another. foneof the latest patents is an automatic bath tub, which starts the hot and cold water at a given moment in the morning to which it has been set, maintains exactly the right temperature of it by graduating the flow of water, rings a hell, when all is ready, and, two minutes later, suddenly drops the sleeper's pillow abont a foot.and turns him out HIS" FATAL BLEMISH. How a Tonne Jinn lUUsed a Wife by Being Bow-Lessed. Chicago Tribune, j He had taken a vacant seat in the car by the side ot a-lovely young girl with whom he had some acquaintance already, and whom he was ardently desirous of impress ing favorably. Under the spell of his bril liant conversationaTpowers and the glance of his dark hazel eye the tell-tale blnsh had risen to her cheek and bore mute yet eloequnt testimony to the progress tbe per sumptuous youth was making in her good graces. Carelessly handing the train boy a quarter of a dollar and requesting the worth of it in caramels,he was about to resume the conversation that had been interrupted lor the moment, when he saw the Ansa die out oftheyonng lady's face and a cold, indif ferent, wearied look take its place, and he knew a blight had fallen forever on his budding hopes. On what trifles hang the destinies of two" human livesl As the boxes of caramels were thrown by the train boy on the young man's lap they fell to tbe floo'r, and his fair com panion had seen them fall and noted the reason. "I can never marry a man," she had said to herself, "ap bow-legged as he is." One Citizen Who Mar Kick. Culcsgo Tribune.:, John Bull (to Uncle Sam and Bismarck) Well, gentlemen, if you both desire it and your people will abide by my decision I will act in this Samoan matter as umpire. Uncle Sam (doubtfully) I think my people generally -will agree to that but I can't answer, of course, for Captain Anson. '- GIELS IN THE E17E& Under the Eye of a Teacher, Thej Paddle and Swim and Dire. OSE EOAD TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY Big Bath Tabs in the Obio, the Potomac and the Mississippi. SOCIAL BATBEES AT THB CAPITA lWUlrix.1 TOK TBI DISPATCH.! "St Louis is ahead ot us; Washington la ahead of us; Cincinnati is ahead of ns; but the Pittsburg girls began last year, and now that they have learned the stroke, this sea son will see them go right ahead, and before next fall we will out-swim and ont-dive every other inland city." He emphasized his remarks by tapping the palm ot his left hand with the fore finger of his right, and a nod of his head which said plainly our girls are no slouch when they get started. It was yesterday afternoon. The place was one of the swim ming schools on the river front Imagine ft long hall, the floor of which had been cat away in the center, the sides smoothly boarded np and the ends cut ont so as to ad mit the free passage of the river throughout the hall's entire length, forming a big bath tnb full of running water. Flying rings, trapezes, and sliding boards extend out over the water wherever they can find space, and a hundred dressing rooms like the staterooms opening in a steamboat's cabin are ranged upon either side oi the basin. Thirty or 40 boys in a complete state of undress were splashing about, swinging from the rings lika monkeys, sliding down the boards into the water with a shock which sent the spray flying, and all the time shouting and laugh ing with the uproar which characterizes none other than the human animal at play. A SEW THING HEBE. "In St Louis," continned the gentleman who knew, and who was telling The Dis patch all abont it, "In St Louis they have had these bath houses on the Missis sippi open to ladies for years. Last year was the first year in which the idea was put into practice in Pittsburg, and the success was such that I anticipate that ladies' days which will be on the mornings of each Tuesday and Friday will be the busiest days of the week. Cincinnati has several classes of a hundred who have learned to swim in the Ohio, and who take their dips regular ly twice a week, and in exclusive Washing ton the exercise has reached the proportions of a tad. Prof. Odium, who killed himself by a jnmp from Brooklyn bridge a few years ago, had a swimming school in Washington, which was patronized by the younger mem bers of President Garfield's family, among others, and I believe he had the honor there of introducing something new into Western society, namely, bathing parties. St Louis followed in the lead qf Washing ton and introduced them, and Cincinnati had one or two, but the idea strikes me as being a little too daring just yet for local conservative ideas. Certain evenings in the week were set aside for bathers of both sexes, gentlemen and ladies being in the water together, as at the near shore ths stipulation being that all the parties were to be known, through reference, to the Pro fessor, and that each gentleman was to be accompanied by one lady, all entering the water at the same time and remaining in it No lounging about the promenades and criticising the bathers was allowed. IT "WILL ALL COME. "But that will all come in due time. Us accustoms to eyerything. Just now the girls are averse even to having a bathing master in the water with them, and on their days the teachers and assistants are ladies. Bnt it is mere prejudice. They are all completely clothed from neck to knee in a bine flinnel costume, consisting of blonss waist and shirt and a pair of Turkish trousers." "Can a lady learn to swim in a season?" "Yes. Many of them learn to swim in two lessons; the average is three. Why, it is as easy as walking. After the beginner has gotten over her nervousness and really gives her mind to tbe master she can learn in ten minutes. The system pursued with ladies is identical with that going on with the boy in the basin now." The boy was not altogether lovely. Nature had made up for a deficiency of adi pose tissue with a job lot of illy-assorted bones which did not seem to hinge at ths joints; but all the same tbe boy meant to bs a swimmer and obeyed instructions with alacrity. He pnt himself face downward upon ths water, with his chest supported by the mas ter's hand, his bead held well up; then after placing his left hand beneath his right, both parallel with the surface of the water and abont an inch below it, he carried his hands away from each other as far as his shoulders would permit, bringing tbem both to their original position with what is known as ths sailor's stroke, at the same time industrious ly pushing the water behind him with his feetirog fashion. HIS MISTAKE. At times the supporting hand would be partly withdrawn, and invariably when that was done the boy would cease his regu lar stroke as soon as he felt himself sinking and wildly clutch at the water, with the re sult that the center ot gravity wai displaced and his head would have been submerged had not the teacher's supporting hand in terposed. The system pursued in teaching the soldiers in the Prussian army to swim is in vogue in some of the schools for girls as well as boys, lower down the Ohio. A short cotton rope is fastened to a belt and the belt girded about the waist ot tne oeginner. The end of tbe rope is secured to a pole, and with the pole in his hands the teacher walks to the edge of the basin. The pnpil wades into the water waist deep, and then at the word lies chest downward, the rops holding him upon the surface securely and snugly. At the word "one," he brings his hands around before his head with ths hands togetherr"two," the hands are drawn in to the chest and the feet drawn np; "three," and the hands are rapidly straight ened out, while the feet kick backwarcL These three simple motions gone through with a number of times, so that the beginner can time them and make them come to gether, soon make him a swimmer, and after a time the rope is slackened more or less, until finally rope and pole are dis pensed with altogether. HOW TO BE HEALTHT. The hygienic influences of a plunge bath in the river are probably more beneficial. to the system of the average girl than thosa exerted by any other form of exercise, when tbe bath is taken in congenial company, is not prolonged beyond a reasonable limit and is followed by plenty of rubbing with a rough towel. Jnst now the temperature of the river is such that the first contact with the water makes the blood vessels of the skin contract and subsequently relax with an increased flow of blood into their caliber which double action is increased by the friction until a good amount of blood Is fixed in the skinj'as may be readily seen by tbe glow following tbe bath. Thus congestion of the internal organs is antagon ized by an increased action ot the skin, and the nervous system is soothed or stimulated, taking away languor, giving new vigor to the mind and limb. As tbe summer advances the baths will lose their present character and become tepid instead ot cold, and the bather can remain in the water longer than at present Tbe unseasonable weather has delayed onty door bathing beyond its usual season this . year, but next week all the bathhouses wm be open, and our girls and boys have all thej privileges of seaside residents. A Sessltlva Soak Jllennds Blsctter J iittt-11 i j-i-.i- i . m nn nuter, a ueeiiieax oat out Hah one: I am so terribly servons tfcitsjtry lime taiag npaets me." ' SPMnWS" IsssWf TMJsTi"