if tbiple imbi. j -'v'. h'' .MfiEIJrjJtl' ..IN&M&fr " ' 1 pages. I ' ., 1 fORTY-FOURTH I l.l I 1 1 1 1 lfl 1 H rent-roll is about 5400,000 per year. He is - LLllUllUU U.U UUn.ii X X JL-i . , U.U 1 JUJ.1 J.U XXXXJ UVUX. i avAilu . .laaaj wviiu. m. The British Taxpayers Grum bling at the Price of Royal Picnics. A VERY ODD LOVE MATCH. Preparations for tlie Coming Visit of the Shall. IDITOR O'BRIEN'S LATEST SCHEME. Irish Tenants Incited to Strike Agninst the Interference of Their Landlords En glish Socialists Spreading Ouf in the Provinces Blaine's Help Implored by General McBIurdo's Friends in the Del , ngoa Bay Railway Enterprise An American Sculptor's Work Compli mentedA Petition Three miles Long The War Scare Monger Is Knocked Ont ol an Occnpation Stanley's II air Has Turned Snow White, and Ho is In Bail nod Shoeless. There is enongh of interest in the gossip about royalty in Bngland at present to sat isfy those the heated term has otherwise de prived of the means of excitement. British, taxpayers are very tired of the expense at tendant upon royal weddings, and they don't view with much favor the coming visit ot the Shah of Persia, remembering what his visit sixteen years ago cost them. "William O'Brien is again running the risk of seeing the inside of an English jail by inciting Irish tenants to strike against in terfering Irish landlords. rBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, June 29 Copyright. Of course, the chief topic of interest on this island to-day is the engagement of the eldest daughter of the Prince ot "Wales to the Earl of Fife. "Words can scarcely be found sufficiently strong to express the Loyalist admiration for the precedent established by good Queen Victoria in allowing her royal grandchild to make a love match. Ihs Loyalist newspapers represent that the sallow and angular princess of two and twenty and the short and chubby Scot of 40 love each other with real Florentine, four teenth century frenzy, though it is not pop ularly believed that their affection was so strong that they would have eloped if papa and grandmamma had refused to allow them to marry. Some Things to Be Remembered. The American who cares to form an un biased opinion in the circumstances may bear in mind that the Loyalists would ap plaud with just as much enthusiasm if the Queen had sent her granddaughter to a convent or married her to the first native prince that Stanley may bring back from Africa; also, that there are 23 grandsons and granddaughters of Victoria yet to be properly married, with scarce a half dozen eligible royalties in Europe. The daughters of the Prince of "Wales are not beautiful women, but they have fairly pleasant faces. Victoria, the fiancee, has a long and angular countenance, and when she is seen driving with her mother in the park they can scarcely be told apart. The three sisters dress alike, and, like their brothers and other near relatives, are heavy and dull in public, though they are said to be vivacious enongh when by themselves. The youngest is the prettiest. She is plump and has a good figure, unlike her sisters. Too Much for the Taxpayers. , The radical element of English society is not enthusiastic about the roval engage ment. Not that it cares much who espouses Princess Louise, but that it is apprehensive concerning the dowry the taxpayers will be called upon to plank down with the young woman. Indeed, the prospective assault on the treasury interests many of the sub jects of Her Gracious Majesty, without regard to their politics, and as the Radical newspapers are appealing to Mr. Gladstone to remember his promise, that no more royal grants will be made without rigid inquiry into the whole system, it is possible that the Earl of Fire will be compelled to struggle along with his wife on his own private in come of scarcely more than $400,000 per year. What English Royalty Has Cost. The people are beginning to think of the amounts they have already paid to the royal family to enable them to form con genial matrimonial alliances and live com fortably in idleness. The King it the Belgians and the-King of Hanover, for in stance, have received an average of 5,000, 000 apiece; the Cambrige branch of the family have pot away with $4,500,000, and Prince Albert has managed to spend alone almost $4,000,000. The direct offspring of Victoria and Al bert have not been unduly economical in spending people's money, either: The Em press Frederick has received almost $1,500, 000; that useful person, the Prince of Wales, has spent ?12,250,000; the Princess Alice, $640,000; theDuke of Edinburgh, $2,000,000; Princess Christian, $780,000; Princess Louise, $630,000; the Duke of Connaught, $1,675,000, and U- Duke of Albany, $780, 000, so that, excising the Queen herself, the institution of royalty has cost the tax payers nearly $25,000,000 in the last 20 years, in hard cash, irrespective of the cost of palaces and other accessories. A Suggestion From O'Connor. In these circumstances, the Queen, being the richest woman in the United Kingdom having herself accumulated $20,000,000 beside he expenses from the British people the radicals consider she might dower her granddaughter herself- T. P. O'Con nor goes or far as to suggest that the rest of the family ot the Prince of Wales be be stowed upon Americans. He thinks Albert Victor might do worse than to marry the daughter of a Chicago pork packer, and asks if some of the Miss Vanderbilts will not step into the breach to rescue this nation of taxpayers. The announcement of the engagement of the Princess, coming so soon after the mar riage of the Duke of Portland to Miss Dallas Yorke, has given fashionable society some thing else to talk about The Earl of Fife is a very rich man. He owns six castles in different parts of- Scot land, and has a seat adjoining that of the TEAR. PITTSBURG, .SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1889. . HVE CENTS .m ' - "" " ' ' ' ' -- ' ' ' ' ""' "" "' .... i ..,,,,.,-, ... - v-g. Prince of Wales at Sandringham. His rent-roll is about $400,000 per year. He is a descendant ot that 'MacDnff whom Shakespeare has made popular. He has sat in the House of Commons, has done diplomatic service, and is a partner in a London banking firm. He favors Enslish Bnlo in Ireland talks well, and is a general favorite among his acquaintances, but the family of the Earl of Fife has been under a cloud during the present generation, since his two sisters, Lady Adrian Hope and the Viscountess Dupplin, have both been divorced from their husbands. The house of Portland, on the contrary, was free from scandal, and the fortune ot the Duke far superior to that of the Earl of File. Now the gossips recall that there has been a coolness between tire" Prince of Wales and the Duke of Portland for some time. The Prince and Princess went to Paris just be fore tLe Portland-York marriage, and for got all about a wedding present. More significant still, the Queen omitted to send the usual cashmere shawl to the bride, and this is the interpretation thereof. The royal lamily had singled out the Duke of Portland as son-in-law for the Prince, and delicate but comprehensible hints had been conveyed to him to that effect, but Portland had in his mind's eye the pathetic specta cle the Marquis of Lome has made in the world, and remembered the snubbings he was compelled to submit to, and FlghtlngShy of a Baynl Alliance, he kept out of the way until he had set tled" matters by engaging himself to Miss Yorke. Eoyalty, which is not yet accus tomed to slights of this nature, has taken umbrage, and the Duke of Portland is in the black books at Windsor and Marlbor ough House. Another event that is just at present caus ing the bosom of fashionable London to beat with eager anticipation is the prospective visit of that amiable and virtuous monarch the Shah of Persia, who is expected to ar rive in London on Monday. The Prince of Wales will go as far as Gravesend to meet the distinguished guest, who is to be brought up the river in a gorgeous steam launch to Westminster Palace stairs. where the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Christian will be waiting. Then the mon arch will be driven to Buckingham Palace in the state carriage, with a full escort, the roadway all the way being lined with red British soldiers. Many Honors for the Barbarian. At the palace, the Princess of Wales and the high officers of the household, all in their prettiest clothes, will receive the royal Persian, while three guards of honor pro tect his sacred person in the palace yard. The royalty, nobili'y and gentry of En gland are already vieing with each to do honor to this illustrious barbarian. Queen Victoria is to attend two or three picnics, which she is far too old and fat and dignified to enjoy, in compliment to him, beside putting him up, with his suite, at one of her palaces, which is more or less of a sacrifice, since the visitor scorns the elab orate sanitary laws of civilized nations, and his departure after very brief stays at other European capitals has been signalized by general fnmigation and bouse cleaning. It has been observed that repairs were suddenly begun on the royal yacht Vic toria and Albert this week, which will pre vent it being used to bring the Shah from Ostend, and " The Popular Belief is that Her Majesty brought about these conditions, in order to save the expense of refurnishing her vessel -after her guest should leave it, as was found to be necessary with the steamer Princess Alice, which brought His Majesty up the Thames on the occasion of his last visit, 16 yean ago. The expense then of cleaning, redecorating and refurnishing the rooms occupied by the Shah in Buck ingham Palace was a trifle over $10,000, which the taxpayers provided. It Is said the Qneen lodges him at Bucking ham instead of Balmoral on this occasion, as well, because the expense of cleaning up after him would otherwise come out of her private purpose, since Balmoral is private, and not crown property. On Tuesday morning is to be witnessed the pleasing spectacle in Christian England of a levee at Buckingham Palace, where the most distinguished men of the United King dom will repair to bow before This Tyrant, Murderer and Thief, which crimes he most cheerfully admits since, indeed, his vices are almost sufficient to qualify him for an English dukedom. In fhe afternoon he meets Her Majesty, Victoria Regina, Defender of the Faith, at Windsor, and in the evening Albert Edward is to take him to see Zelie De Lussan in "Faust," when fashionable London will crowd the house. After that he goes from one fete to another, having no moment un occupied by social functions until the end of his visit and cleaning-up time in the palaces arrives. Already tales of this monarch's merry humor are being told in London drawing rooms. Having led court functionaries of Berlin and St. Petersburg to believe that the presents he would make on leaving them were to be of the "Arabian Night" order of Oriental magnificence, he contented himself with giving them his photo, when he left. The table etiquette of Persia, as exem plified in the conduct of the Shah, is to throw the contents of one's plate on the floor when one has finished with what pleases the palate, but as The Royal Fiat Bias Gone Forth that His Persian Majesty is comme il faut, London society is willing to' degrade itself to obtain his good will. England expects to get her return when the question of her supremacy in Central Asia is again dis cussed with Russia. Russia has similar expectations, for the Czar laid himself out to be polite to the Shah with the same abandon displayed by the Queen. The royal family has kept itself before the public to an unusual extent this week. The Queen has appeared twice at the royal agricultural show at Windsor Park, each time with a large party of foreign and do mestic -royalties and nobilities, which attracted "far more attention and drew much larger crowds than the other animals on exhibition. The visitors at the show were mostly loyal farmers, and they shouted themselves hoarse at sight of their Queen. Their greeting to the Prince of Wales was no less hearty. "Good old Prince" was shouted continually as he made his way to the stand. The Prince, I fancy, had no idea he was so popular. He over looked the familiarity and Appeared to Enjoy His Reception. Victoria said afterward that she was more than pleased, she was delighted and amazed. Perhaps her amazement was due somewhat to the free and easy way in which her sub jects shonted "Good old Victoria." To-day the anniversary of the coronation of the Queen was celebrated by the ringing of church bells throughout the city, produc ing a discordant clamor not calculated to cause even loyal subjects td' recall the cir cumstance with a very high degree of pleas- n'RPTWR TCTCW PT.Atf TTniTl?C A ATf. 11? A TTTV RTIffiS WTrm. WTTTTK QWtfXT TW' TTTT? QHTTP THE LAST RAD ttTTES. C. TNY1 TTTT? SAAT.R a A Sclirmo to Cause Interfering Irish Landlords Considerable' Trouble Tenant Strikes to bo Organ ized on Their Own Estates Parliament Un usually Dull. BT CABLE TO THE DISFATC1I.1 London, June 29. Semi-tropical heat has rendered politics limp and uninterest ing this week, except in Ireland, where William O'Brien is engaged in mak ing arrangements for a new plan of campaign which will keep the tem perature torrid throughout the winter for the few landlords who have decided to keep on fighting their tenants. This new departure has been rendered necessary by the unwise action of Smith Barry, who re cently married Mrs. Arthur Post, who, not content with managing his own extensive Irish property, interfered in the struggles on Ponsonby and other estates, and had since been doing his best to keep the landlords and tenants from settling their differences in an amicable manner. O'Brien, following the strategy invari ably adopted by English trades unions in their industrial struggles, will organize tenant strikes on the estates of Smith Barry and every other landlord who should interfere in struggles with which he is not immediately and personally concerned. Archbishop Croke,that most patriotic of prelates, has given the new movement his blessing, and already Smith Barry has had cause .to re gret he did not mind his own business. William O'Brien has during the week made several speeches qualifying him for jail, and Balfour's law officers are understoodto be engaged in framing an indictment, but the good work will go on just the same. Since his return from the West, Mr. Gladstone has been writing magazine articles and political letters with character istic profusion and energy, and has also found time to dine out every evening this week. Next week he hopes to get back to Hawarden, and cut down trees. Parliament, as well as outdoor politics, has been unusually dull this week, though much time has been taken up with the pre vention of cruelty to children bill. This measure, evidently modeled upon a statute existing -in the New York clause prohibiting children under 10 years of age from performing in theaters, has met with considerable opposition, though if honorable members should attend the Pavilion Theater, and witness the hazard ous performance of the tiny Japanese boy who nightly risks his life on the high trapeze there, they would surely be in fluenced to enact the bill. WANT BLAINE TO HELP THEM. General McMurdo's Friends Wish the Help of the Secretary of State. ;BT CABLE TO THE piSFATCH.l London, June 29. A few personal friends of the late General McMurdo, who joined him in. his Delagoa Bay Railway en terprise, seem sanguine of getting Mr. Blaine to espouse their quarrel with Portugal, and to compel that thievish State to give up the railway which they have unjustifiably seized. The Delagoa Company held its meeting to-day, and judg ing trom the exultant tone prevailing, it would appear as though Portugal as a nation had been already wiped out. They talk of stopping Portugese credit at all the bourses in Europe to stigmatize as her a breaker of covenants, and in En glish parlance, "send her to Coventry." An effort is also being made to indnce Lord Salisbury to have a turn at the merry game for the bondholders' ;benefit, but his. lord ship seems camions. The boures are pressing Portugal, and Salisbury doubtless has a vivid recollection of what came about the last time England interfered with them, therefore I think Delagoa Bay shareholders are just a trifle too sanguine, though if diplomatic pressure can do anything Portugal ought to yield. At a British Cabinet council to-day it was decided to send additional warships to Delagoa Bay. TOO BIG TO HANDLE. A Petition In the Honse of Commons Folly Three miles Lone. IBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, June 29. Last Tuesday Mr. Stevenson, in the Honse of Commons, begged leave to introduce a petition signed by Gen eral Booth, of the Salvation Army, other members of that valuable organization, and citizens to the number'of 465,500. The petitioners said that they had heard with great satisfaction that a bill was before the House for the closing of public houses on Sunday, and they humbly entreated that honorable body to pass the bill during the present session of Parliament. Mr. Stevenson was given leave to present his petition, but he did not It was too big. It had been brought to StStephen's in three cabs, towered higher than the Speaker's desk, and was said to be three miles long. The house was ' moved to laughter when Admiral Field rose to ask, in entire good faith, whether Mr. Stevenson hadmade him self familiar with the signatures, according to the rules, before presenting it, bnt the petition was referred to the proper commit tee, and a gang of men got it out of the way. The Salvation Army had enhanced its influence with Parliament only the day be fore by organizing a row in the street and fighting the police. COMPLETE E0UT OF THE WAEMAKEK, Despite tho "Wild Work of the Peace Con eress. All is Serene. rBT CABLE TO THE DlSrATCH.l London, June 29. The discomfiture of the war-scare monger has been completed this week by the ostentations manner in which the Czar and the German Emperor have been making preparations .for holiday making, and by the surmis ing peacefulness with which the Servians have celebrated the five hundredth anni versary of the day upon which the Turks smashed up the Servian Empire on the battlefield of Kossoro. Some remarks by the 'Emperor of Austria 'fluttered the bourses for an hour or two, but His Majesty's ministers have promptly explained that he spoke in a purely Pickwickian sense. Europe immedi ately'resumed its consumption of cooling drinks, without which just now life would not be worth living. s Meanwhile the Peace Congress at Paris has been passing resolutions, the enforce ment of which would deluge the entire con tinent with blood. England is supposed-to be represented at this queer gathering by Mr. Cremer, a fourth-rate member of the House of Commons, and the United States by a Mr. Milner. ' STANLEY'S HAIR, SNOW WHITE. The Great Explorer Subjected to a Series of Terrible Deprivations. London, June 29. Mail advices from "West Africa confirm the previous reports of the shocking privations to which Mr. Stan ley has been subjected. It is stated that his bair has turned snow white, that his clothes are ragged, and that he is without shoes, being obliged to use skins to cover his feet Soclnllsts Spreading Out. rnr cable to tub DisrATCn.i London, June 29. Socialists are starting propaganda in the Provinces, agitators having been sent to such centers as Man chester, Leicester, Leeds, New Castle, Bir mingham and Oxford. United in the Person of the Charm ing Bride of Yonng Dahlgren. . A HIGHLY FASHIONABLE WEDDING Joins the Fortunes of a Millionaire's Daugh ter and an Admiral's Son. ARCHBISHOP C0ERIGAN OFFICIATES, The Ceremony Taklns Place In the Presence of a Distinguished Company. Miss Elizabeth Drexel, daughter of the late millionaire banker, Joseph Drexel, and John Vinton Dahlgren, son of the late Ad miral Dahlgren, were f wedded yesterday morning. Archbishop Corrigan performed the ceremony in the presence of distin guished guests. Diamonds and innumer able valuable presents were bestowed upon the bride. rerECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 New Yobk, June 29. Miss Elizabeth Drexel and Mr. John Vinton Dahlgren were married at 11 o'clock this morning It was the most fashionable wedding of the season. The ceremony was performed at the Fifth Avenue Cathedral with all the pomp of the Roman Catholic Church. Miss Drexel is the daughter of the late Joseph Drexel, the banker and millionaire. She has been con spicuous in society ever since her debut several years ago. She is a tall, slender young woman, with dark hair and eyes, pale complexion and self-possessed manners. She is said to be a good amateur artist She is in .her 22d year. - Mr. Dahlgren is the son of the late Ad miral Dahlgren, -and is of the same age as his wife. He is somewhat taller than she, very slender and pale, with a large head and rather stern features. He graduated lrom Georgetown College this year. These voune peoDle have started in life under the most auspicious circumstances, and with the good wishes of hosts of friends. The number and beauty of the wedding presents bear testimony to this fact. The Cathedral was crowded long before the hour set for the wedding. The soft, radiant glow of light that penetratedjts recesses made it seem a cool and pleasant retreat from the hot street. DISTINGUISHED WEDDING QUESTS. It was a hot morning, and many a stiff linen collar was wilted before its owner reached this haven. There had not been much attempted in the way of decoration. Lots of growing palms and "ferns of beauti ful varieties were placed around the chancel and on the altar were, two tower-shaped bunches of dark jacqueminot roses. About a score of hyacinths in riots stood near the chancel rail. Messrs. Thomas Bayard, so'n of ex-Secretary Bayard; George W. Childs Drexel, of Philadelphia; Thomas Jenkins, of Balti more; Edward Hosmer, William Bliss, Harry Martin, Horace Wylie, Count Pierre De Chambrun, of Washington; C. Stacey Clarke, of New York, and Manuel de la Cueva, Vice Consul of Spain at New York, were among.the guests. The wedding party was promptly on time. Mrs. Joseph Drexel, the mother of the bri.de, was shown to a pew that had been reserved for her. She had laid aside her mourning for the oc casipn.and wQreOut.elaborate.gown of laven der and white, with a train, brocaded in silver and draped with old point lace. The corsage was cut V-shape and adorned with a point lace scarf and diamonds. The bride's dress was A SPLENDID AFPAIB. It was of thick white satin, with a long train heavy enough to strain most men's shoulders. The front was draped in rare point d'Alencon lace, 150 'years old, and valued at $2,000. The garniture of the drapery was orange blossoms fastened with diamond pins. The corsage was cut square and edged with heavy white braided cord with long tassel ends. The neck was trimmed with the same rare point d'Alencon lace, and the veil was made of the same delicate fabric. It was arranged on her head with a magnificent tiara of diamonds, a present from her mother, and secured with sprays of orange blossoms fastened with dia mond pins. White satin slippers, trimmed with pearl-spangled bows, and white suede gloves, completed her costume. She carried a large bouquet of nephetos roses tied with a 'satin ribbon, and a prayer book presented to her by the bridegroom's mother. This prayer-book is a marvel. It is bound in vellum and the covers are orna mented with a cross, crown and anchor of diamonds, rubies and sapphires of large size and great brilliancy. It cost a small fortune. The bridesmaids were Miss Lucy and Miss Kate Drexel, sisters of the bride; Miss Helen Dudley, of this city, and Miss Ulrica Dahlgren, sister of the bridegroom. IMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES. Upon the arrival of the bridal party the "Coronation March," from the "Prophets," was rendered. The procession was then lormed in tne leu outer entry. Jnrst came the ushers, two abreast, then the four brides maids in the same order, then the bride on the arm of John B. Drexel, her cousin. Mrs. Joseph Drexel, who had left her seat and joined the bridal party, headed the procession and returned to her pew. The bridegroom and his best man, Mr. Eric Dahlgren, his brother, met before the altar. The music ceased as the party stepped within the chancel rail. Arch bishop Corrigan sat at the foot of the altar awaiting the bride and groom. He wore his mitre, and his right hand held the crozier. The nuptial mass then followed and was beautiful-and impressive. After the Archbishop had concluded the marriage ceremonv Dr. McDonald whis pered to the bridegroom, and he produced a ring and placed it on the bride's finger. It was afternoon when the mass was over, and the bridal procession re-formed to march down the center aisle. The newly wedded couple went first, while the organ ist played Mtndelsshon's Wedding March, and as soon as they reached their carriage they got in and drove to the residence ot the bride's mother, 103 Madison avenue. THE FEAST AND THE PRESENTS. Delmonico had a breakfast ready in the dining-room, and thither, after congratulat ing the young husband and wife, the guests repaired. Mr. and Mrs. Dahlgren stood in the front parlor, where they received their friends. Early in the afternoon they took a train for South Mountain, Md., where Mrs. Dahlgren, the bridegroom's mother, was awaiting them, having been unable to at tend the wedding. Here Mr. and Mrs. Dahlgren will spend their honeymoon. The bridal gifts were displayed in the Sicture gallery and engraving room of Mrs. irexel's house before the wedding. A chain with locket and diamonds came from Mrs. Dahlgreen. the bridegroom's sister; an em erald and diamond star pin was presented by one of the bride's sisters. There were diamonds and other jewels in profusion valuable bric-a-brac, paintings and objects de art innumerable. The most unique was the gift of the groom. It is a curious, large silver ring, with a ruby at the top, and is the famous engagment ring which Martin Luther gave to Catharine Von Bora, his be trothed. It has been in the possession of the Dahlgren family since 1625. The New British Minister. Washington, June 29. Sir Julian, Pauncefote, the British Minister, will sail for England shortly, and upon his''retnrn in the autumn will be accompanied by t his wife and two daughters, " - J Judge Cordon Obeys. Ihe.Mandate of th Supremo.Conrt With Reservation lie Has His- Own Idcns, But They Don't Go. rSrlCIALTELEOBAlI TO THE DISPATCH. I Philadelphia, June 29. Judges Fell, 'Wilson, Bregy and Gordon composing the License Conrt held an executive session to day and at its conclusion granted the brew ers and bottlers licenses applied for, by the ProspectBrewingCompany. Judge Gordon, however, dissented from the opinion filed by his colleagues, and placed on record a short paper in which he briefly gives his reasons for so doing. While the court was in session quite a number of people who were interested in the result collected about the court room, and their opinions as to the probable outcome were freely given. The Court 'made the following order: Andnow, June 29, 1889. in obedience to" tho decision of the Supreme Conrt, it is ordered that the petition be granted and that a licenso be granted as prayed for. This' order was made upon both of the petitions for brewer and bottlers' license and was signed by Judges -bell; w also n and Bregy. Jndge Gordon did not sign, but filed the following paper with the peti tions: Though no writ has yet been served upon us in theso vases peremptorily commanding us to issue these licenses, and I would preter wait ing until such formal proceedings were taken by the Sfcpreme Court, I yet do not wish to dis sent from my brethren at this rime in Utelr prompt course. Tbe con sequences of our compulsory action are so important, however, and it seems to me the opinion ot the Chief Justice, stripped ot its epithetsyis by its radical terms and general method' ol characterization so far reaching and, creative of so much incongruity in the whole subject of licensing, both wholesale and retail, that I reserve the right at a later day for setting forth at length my reason foraction, in obedience to the mandatory precepts of the Appellate Court, together with such observa tions on the law and facts as are pertinent to the subject. I do not wish by any present action, however, to certify to what the Supreme Court designates the "insensible" Conclusion that this corporation is "a citizen of temperate habits and good moral character," yet, while tbe license is obliged to be granted, I cannot be forgetful of tbe law stated by the sams tribunal, that only "citizens" possessing such "moral" qualifications are entitled to a license under our statute. James Gat Gobpon. The future action of the Court under the decision of the Supreme Court has not yet been determined upon, but will probably be at an early day. THE LARGEST IN AMERICA. Chicago Has Annexed Enough Territory to be 174 miles Square. Chicago, June 29. The question of the annexation to Chicago of the closely ad joining suburbs of Hyde Park, Lakeview, Cicero and Jeflerson was voted on to-day. The campaign which has been conducted for several weeks past was a spirited one and both sides have been making a tremendous struggle. The Anti's were.generally headed by the pres ent office holders in the suburban govern ments, who made a bitter fight against com ing into the city. While the official vote from all the points has not yet been an nounced, there is no room for doubt, from the figures receiyed, that all the suburbs named have been carried by the annexa tionists. , The various towns give to Chicago an ad ditional population of nearly 200,000, bringing the total up to probably 1,100,000. The territory annexed will give Chicago a total area (approximately estimated), of about 174 square miles, making it the largest city in area in the United States. All of the subnrban towns annexed are built up solidly for miles.radiating from the old city limitfL,.. a. "t P ' ' Jf isa Ml s i t THE BIG COAL STRIKE. It is Probable Thnt tbe Men Will Succeed in Their Demands. rSPECIAt TELEQBAV TO THE DISFATCH.1 PHiLLiPSBURG.June 29. Thecoal banks which are idle by reason ot tbe strike at Gallitzin are those of Taylor & McCoy, J. L. Mitchell & Co., Bradley & Co., and Den nlson & Porter; at Bemis Creek, D. Laugh man & Co., and Dennison & Porter. E. W. Mentzer and W. H. Piper, of-Gallitzin, at once paid the demand on request, and are at work. The men working for the Clearfield Consolidated Coal Company, J. G. Martin and Otto Lazaar, at Trout Bun, have not yet come ont. The Gallitzin operators'at a meeting last evening concluded that as Mentzer and Piper had paid the advance, and their men were at work, to do likewise on Monday. It is not known yet for certain what action the men at Frugality, Hastings and other points will take, out the advance having been granted at Gallitzin, it is likely that the ad vance will be made at all the banks. ANOTHER RAILROAD -WRECK:. A Number of Cars Wero Damaged, but No One Was Hilled. Port Huron, Mich., June 29. This morning at 8 o'clock, as the west-bound ex press train on the Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway was passing Emmett, at the rate of abont 40 miles an hour, it strnck a misplaced switch and went into a ditch. The engine, tender, mail car, express car, two coacheaand two Pullmans went off and were more or less demolished, but no one was killed. The following were wounded: A. M. Jewell, or Boston, spine injured and leg broken; H. B. York, of Detroit, back in jured; Alfred Baker, of Rochester, N. Y., poth legs hurt; .Mrs. A. Cody, of Quebec, badly shocked; Norman Friend, of Belle ville, Ont, back hurt; Mrs. Hart, of Lapere, severe internal injuries. The train was in charge of Conductor F.H. Sige, of Port Huron, who was not injured. Engineer Harry Byan, of Port Huron, stood to his post, but his fireman jumped. Neither was seriously injured. A SILENT CONTENTION. Meeting of tho International Deaf Mute Congress at Paris. , f SPECIAL TELEOEASI TO THE DISPATCH. 1 ' New York, June 29. Twenty delegates to the International Deaf Mutes' Congress in Paris sailed for Liverpool on the steam ship Aurania to-day. They were accom panied by tbfeBev. Dr.Thos. Callandet,son of the founder of the first schools for deaf mutes in the United States. The Chairman of the New York Cifv delegation to the Con gress is E. A. Hodgson, President of the National Association of Deaf Mutes and editor of the Dtaf Mutes' Journal, the organ of the deaf mutes of the United States. The 150.000 deaf mutes of the civilized world will be represented at the Interna tional Congress in Paris by delegates from England, Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, Rus sia, Switzerland, Turkey, Austria, Greece, Germany, Sweden and Spain. The Big Four Gobbles a Bond. ISPECIAL TZLEOIIAM TO THE DISPATCn.t Newt York, June 29. It was officially announced to-day that the consolidation of tbe Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis and the Cincinnati, Indianap olis, St Louis and Chicago would go into effect Julyl, when the new company will take absolute control of the entire property and business of both systems. . i Shot by a Wild Noldler. Naples, June 29. While the.Bersag lier's regimenf was marching, here to-day, a private named Borrolli. in a fit of madness. fired upon his comrades, killing the Major Kfil 1 ' J! r ..5- ui tuc cvguueui aim wuuuuing a vaptaia and1 others, The' mad man was finally killed with a revolver. , inat is -tne Wumber of rersons Kow win. simple but impressive erv- &?) xirms Accept tue Amaiga- . Fnder Indictment For rSSST" Vocisilion's Terms. ' ' J ' Tl.ltors. &v" t '4F THE UTTRnER OP HR. flRnNTlf. tsricui. teleobah to the dispatch.! TRR FcZL. OT APR .lURFLANT. 'JSiss&i' Lawyer. Bejjgs..Patriclc Cooney and Martin Burke on the List. ALEXANDER SULHYAN IS NOT NAMED. For Yarious Eeasons Bis Case Will Be Titen to Another. Grand Jury. Seven persons are now under indictment for the murder of Dr. Cronin. Of these five, including Martin Burke, are in custody. Patrick Cooney and John Kunze are still at large. Alexander Sullivan has not yet been indicted, but his case will be continued before another grand jury. His friend, Lawyer Beggs, is one of the seven. Chicago, June 29. The clock in Judge Shephard's courtroom registered the hour of 5:10 this afternoon when the special grand jury which has been investigating the Cronin mystery filed into.the room with their report Every juror an swered to fiis name as the Clerk called the roll, and as the .call was completed Judge Shepard, who had been wait ing since 4:30 o'clock, addressed Foreman Clough: Patrick Cooney. "Have you a report to make?" "We have," and a document upon which all eyes fastened with eager interest was handed to the Judge. "Have'you further business gentlemen?" was the next query. , "I think we have finished what we have to do." " . "Then you may be excused from any fur ther service." With this stereotyped conversation ended the work of the grand jury. SEVEN INDICTMENTS. The report indicted seven men, of whom three were already in jail under previous indictments Coughlin, O'Sullivan and Woodruff and a fourth, John F. Beggs, was under arrest on suspicion. The fifth man was Martin Burke, tbersuspect in cus tody at Winnipeg. The sixth and- seventh men indicte'd are still at large Patrick Cooney, "The Fox," and John Kunze, a friend of Detective Coughlin, whose alleged complicity was onlybrought to the attention of the authorities within the past two days. Within an hour after the return of the indictment a capias had been made out for John F. Beggs, v the senior guardian of I Camp 20, of the Clan-na-Gael, whose place iu ueieubiuu uas vceu iu a uuwu-iuvu police station. He was at once transferred to a cell near the other accused in murderers' row at the county jail. None of the pris oners or suspects were represented in court when the grand jury reported to Judge Shepard. Few persons at all were present besides officials except a number of news paper men. BTTLEAyiER ALEXANDER. v After the last formalities of the long in quisition were ended, State's Attorney Longenecker-told a number of reporters that he had not yet dropped the case in its relation to Alexander Sullivan. The Stale's Attorney claimed that the grand jury had been unable, owing to the expiration of its, term, to hear all the evidence that could be presented against Mr. Sullivan. The in quiry as to Sullivan would be continued to the "next juryt ' Whether it would be another special,panel or the regular body could not at present De stated. It was conceded by Mr. Longenecker in private conversation that up to the moment that the term ot the grand jury expired the authorities had not secured sufficient evi dence upon which Sullivan could be con victed. An indictment of him, therefore, so the State's Attorney reasoned, would trn doubtedlyiresulc in an immediateftrial and acquittal, barring forever any other pro ceedings, a result which, from Mr. Longe necker's standpoint, was not to be desired. looking for an informer. Another reason for the State Attorney's course is said to be a hope on his part that before the trial of the men indicated is ended some of them may be indicted through hope of saving their own necks to give evidence directly incriminating Sulli van. Ever since the investigation into the mur der of Dr. Cronin began there has been a persistent search for a policeman who ap peared at Dinan's livery stable late on the night of Dr. Cronin's death and inquired if all the horses were in. It was at Dinan's stable and on the order of Detective Cough lin that tlie horse and buggy were secured in which Dr. Cronin was decoyed to his death. It was a natural supposition that the po liceman who inquired whether the horses were all in, had this particular horse in mind and that he was therefore implicated in the crime. It is said that John Delaney, lockup keeper at the East Chicago avenue station, which is about a block distant from Dinan's stable, is the man. Delaney is a member of the notorious Camp No. 20. Delanev. when questioned about the mat ter, made a nervous denial of the truth, bnt showed signs of breaking down. ENODGH TO BANG THEM. Strong Evidence to be Produced Agnlnat Rome of the Cronin Suspects. Chicago, June 29. Kunze, the Cronin suspect, whose name became talked about for the first time to-day is a picture frame maker, who spent a good deal of time around the Chicago avenue police station, to which Detective Coughlin was attached. Kunze is supposed to have driven Coughlin to the Carl son cottage the fatal night of May 4. States Attorney Longenecker talks very positively about having evidence enough to surely hang Coughlin and Kunze. It is intimated that the State has in reserve two witnesses who will swear to seeing Coflgh lin and Kunze near tbe cottage that night, and equally direct testimony against Cooney and Burke. One of the witnesses is said to be a member of Camp 20. The evidence against Beggs is understood to consist chiefly of suspicious passages in his corres pondence with his superior officer in Clan-na-Gael, Edward Spellman, of Peoria. IS HE FROM PITTSBURG? A Man Supposed" to be A. S. Biggs Commits Suicide at Baltimore. BALTIMORE, Jane 2?. The body of a well-dressed man, about 28 years of age, was found this morning at Spring Gardens. Near it was lying a halt empty box of poison. The man had a sandy mustache and a full face and was clothed in a gray striped suit. His pocketbook contained a certificate stating tbbtrA. S. Biggs had been appointed a school teacher at West Liberty, Ohio county, W. Va. A letter addressed to A. S. Biggs, 1708 Mary street, Pittsburg, Southside, was alsr ' taken frota his pocketbook. The letter was signed "Ida," ana was from West Liberty, W. Va." 'The writer was evidently his sister. General Cameron's Remains Laid to Best With Simple but Impressive Serv icesPersonal Friends as Pall Bearers Distinguished Visitors. SPECIAL TELEGKAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Hakrisbubg, June 29. The body of General Simon Cameron now lies in the beautiful cemetery on the eastern outskirts ot the. city, and his grave will be the shrine about which wifl cluster the affec tions of thousands who knew and loved him. In accordance with the wish he so often expressed, there was no demon stration at his funeral, and the service was characterized by the utmost simplicity. The. Bev. Geo. -. S. Chambers, D. D.. pas tor of the Pine street Presbyt rian Church, conducted the service and was assisted by the Rev. C. A. Hayden, of Gettysburg. Dr. Cham bers paid a beautiful tribute to the life and character of the dead statesman. The pallbearers were all personal friends of General Cameron. They were J. Mont gomery Forster, Insurance Commissioner; Colonel W. W. Jennings, President of the First National Bank; Major Lane S. Hart, ex-State Printer; John H. Weiss, Chairman of the, Republican County Committee; William, J. Calder, President of the East Harnsburg Street Railway Cqmpany; Major " L. S. Bent, mauager of the Pennsylvania Steel Works; Colonel James Young, of Middletown, and Arthur Brock, the iron master of Lebanon. Notwithstanding the general impression that the funeral was to be private, a number of prominent men came to participate in the last solemn rites. Among them were ex- General Cnmeron's Remains Laid to Best 5 m Governor Hartranftj ex-United States Senator McDonald, of Arkansas; ex-Congressman Samuel Barr, G. W. Caulley, of West Chester; Arthur and M. H. Cobb, of Philadelphia; Colonel D. C. Keller, Cyrus J. Fox and ex-Congressman Ermentrout, of Reading; Congressman Atkinson, of Penn sylvania; Henry W. "Williams, Judge of Supreme Conrt of Pennsylvania; Colonel T. T. Worth, of Leba non, Robert Iredell, Jr., of Allen town; Senator George Handy Smith and Senator Oshourne, of Philadelphia; the Hon. Chauncey F. Black, of York; Colonel Frank Magee, ex-Speaker Graham, of Pittsburg; Collector A. J. Kauffman, of Lancaster; William B. "Wilson, of Philadelphia, and others. , A SENSATIONAL SUIT. The Big Amount of Money Involved In a Minneapolis Real Estate Title. Minneapolis, Minn., June 29. A sen sational land title snit is about to be insti tuted here which involves 51,000,000 worth of property in the heart of the city. The property in question is block 67, Minneap olis, and is bounded by Third. and Fourth streets and Fourth and Filth avenues south. Upon it is situated the Minneapolis Cham ber of Commerce's magnificent stone build ing. A. C. Brown, a young attorney, in looking over soma musty old records re cently found what he conceived to be a flaw in the title running back to the year 1855, before the town was platted. He investi gated further and became still more confi dent He, with capitalists who are backing him, has recently seenred quit claim deeds, and will now prosecute, the claim for all there is in it It is said that other valuable land in that vicinity is also involved, Brown has to day for record the transfer of two more lots in block 67 for 5500 each. The Chamber of Commerce people are totally oblivious to what is going on. Neither President Loring nor Secretary Sturtevant could be found his afternoon, but it was learned that while the bnilding was being constructed a flaw in the title was discovered and work was suspended for some time. It was supposed at the time that everything had been straightened out. A J0LLI EXCURSION PARTI. Several Members of Prominent Theatrical Companies Prepare for a Picnic. (SPECIAL TELEGBAH TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New York, June 29. The following gentlemen, all members of the Five As, have decided to start out July 8 and visit all the towns on both sides of the Hudson, along the Sound, and up the Atlantic sea boards of Massachusetts and Maine: W. S. Rising, Eugene O'Rourke, of the Hanlons; Charles Mitchell, of "A Hole in the Ground;" Nattie and James Carroll, of "Adonis;" James F. Hoey, of the Howard Athenxnm; Philip McFarland, of Dan Sully's Company; Sam Cowpens, of "The County Fair," Joseph Ott, of "Zig Zag;" Harry Clark, of the "Oolah;" Charles W. Stokes and Walter Hudson, of the "Hel3 by the Enemv" Company; J. Walter Collyer, of the Julia Marlowe Company; R. A. Roberts, of Minnie Palmer's Company; Digby Bell, of theMcCaull Opera Company, and George W. June, late manager for Gus Williams. THE DISPATCH DIRECTORY. To Guide the Reader Along tho Royal Road of Literature. The Dispatch this morning presents to its readers an intellectual feast The first part is devoted to news good, clean, bright and fresh. Tbe cable report, which is unexcelled, tells of the trials, troubles and foibles of royalty, and the struggles of the lower classes. The domestic news contains every happening of interest in the United States, and the local news, Is, as usual, bright and gossipy. The second and third parts are de7oted largely to the best examples of current literature, pro fusely Illustrated, as follows: Fart II Pages 9 to 10. Page 3 Indian Baby Brides FRANK G. OARFRrTXR The Puritan Fourth FbakkFibx Saratoga's Scenes Kameka An Irish Fox Hunt riRXOBiifE Quill Page 10 English Statesmen Blakilt Hall Tne Army in Mexico L. B. FnASCK HqwaAVlfe Was Won, MOBTOT Girls in the BlTer bTATV WBITEn page 11 The Music World Staff Wbitkb, Death Dealing Guns STAFF Wiuteii Wants, To Lets; For Sales, etc. Page 12 , Across the Big Pond F.J.Kate Society. Grand Army. Business Cards. Page-13- ATour in Holy Land .' J. H.Yonso Military Notes. Financial News. Business Cards'. Page U Sporting Review Pbdtole Tips for Turfmen.... A. F. Alpbidge Yesterday's Local Games Pwxole Baseball Corresponence Staff Wbitees Business Cards. Page tt Tbe Cruel Cobbler Ebsest H-HENMCnS A Mighty Influence Kev. George Hodges Everyday Science bTAFF Wiutee The English Women Mns. Alexaxdeu Business Cards. Pageie BUI Nreonbees BillNte The Speak-Eastes SIMPSON The High Hat to Go HEBT IIATNDI Art Notes. Business Cards. Amusement Announcements. Part III. Page 17 Mr. Ho on Baseball .......Staff Whiter Clara Belle's Chat Clara Belle KatlsVlempest, Soubrette....ElIMA V. BUEMDAX Page 13 Dresses and Bats SniELET Dare The Fireside Sphinx. Page U Pegging Out Claims .'. Y. L.K. Palaces for Horses Mart" Gat HnMrnBET'S Buuday Thoughts A CLERGYMAN Business Cards. PageK Business Card, wv- mm And Eipecttner Iron Manufacturers Egf toFall Into Line. Tfflfl "V. C- W " ..- - CSSBilSSSMHU THERE IS NO DANGER OF A BIG STEIEX Hope3 for a SatisJactoiy Settlement of toe Homestead Steel Scale. There will be no strike among the iron workers this year, ancLFittsburg's chief in dustry is safe for that period. A number of the largest firms have already signed the scale prepared by the Amalgamated Asso ciation, and the others are confidently ex pected to follow suit It 13 also believed that the troubles at the Edgar Thomson Steel "Works will be amicably arranged. There will be no wage trouble in the iron industry during the year beginning to morrow, as the A malgamated Association scale has been practically agreed to by the manufacturers. Fourteen of the large iron firms signed the scale yesterday and the important documents are in the large safe at th e National Headquar ters. Others are reported to have signed. but President Weihe and Secretary Martin claim nothing until they receive the official papers. The most important signature was that of Carnegie, Phipps & Co. This firm signed for their two large iron mills at Twenty ninth and Thirty-third streets. The other firms who have signed are appended: Riverside Iron and Steel Company, of Cincinnati; Maumee Rolling Mill Com pany, of Toledo; Elba Jron and Bolt Works, Pittsburg; P. L. Kimberly & Co., Green ville, Pa.; Brown, Bonnell & Co., Youngs town; Brown & Co., "Wayne Irpn Works, this city; Standard Iron Company, Bridge port, O.; iEtna Iron and Steel Company, Bridgeport, O.; Republic Iron Company, Limited, Pittsburg; Steubenville Iron Com pany at Alieanna, O.; Etna Iron Works, Limited, of New Castle, Pa.; New Albany Structural Mill, of New Albany, Ind., and the Mahoning Valley Iron Company, of Youngstown. mill workers pleased. The workers are well pleased with the prospects for steady employment for another year, and are surprised that so many have agreed to their terms so soon. A delay of even two weeks in signing would' not have been an indication of trouble, as most of the iron firms will have to repair their plants and will delay signing until the last minute. A mimberof firms are so crowded with orders that they cannot afford to take time for repairs at present, and will continue in operation until a more favora ble time for the work. Other big firms are expected to fall into line to-morrow, or within the next few days, including the Pittsburg Forge and Iron Company, this concern being crowded with orders, Oliver Bros. & Phillips, also with, many orders on hand and some in view, and Jones & Laughlins. . Mr. D. B. Oliver, of Oliver Bros. & Phillips, visited the Amalgam"3teiItA.ssocia- V. tion headquarters yesterday afternoon and held a two hours consultation with the officials on tbe scale. There are some objectionable features for this concern m the scale which they "de sire to have estimated. These features-do not particularly affect the firms who have signed, but do seriously affect this com pany. The workers have lopped off so many extras in the scale in order to avoid a conflict with the manu facturers that they do not care to make any further concessions. They do not doubt but that a satisfactory agreement will be reached at a conference to be held to-morrow. When the mill committeevisited the office of Carnegie, Phipps & Co. yesterday after noon, to talk on the scale, they found they had plain sailing. The scale for the Thirty third street mill was signed without a word, but there was a hitch in the one for the Twenty-ninth street mill. To this scale was added one for the Universal plate mill. Tbe prices included in this scale were not at all satisfactory to the firm and they were not agreed to until the matter had been discussed for about two hours. Some slight changes were probably made, and both sides separated well satisfied over the result NOT FIGHTING LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. The signing of the Amalgamated Associa tion scale by this great concern, which em ploys 16,000 men, is an indication that it is not fighting labor organizations, as has been the impression since the trouble at the Edgar Thomson steel works and the ultimatum con sisting of a sliding scale proposed for the big steel plant at Homestead. If the men at the steel works accept the company's proposi tion they will be compelled to leave the or ganization, but this matter has not yet been considered. No one has yet signed, and when Chairman Abbott was asked yesterday abont what would be done he had nothing to say, but he did not seem to be worried over the result, and, in fact, ap peared pleased over the prospect An ar rangement may be made whereby the work: can be run as usual and the men remain in their organization. If both sides decide on a fight it will undoubtedly be a bitter one. The men are in good shape financially for a lockout, and the firm is wealthy and can afford to close their works. Over 2,000 skilled steel workers are needed to operate this plant, and it will be a difficult matter to secure that number of skilled non-union men. Over 4,000 men are employed at the two iron mills of this firm, STEEL SCALES MAT CAUSE TROUBLE. All the members of the Amalgamated Association'who were seen, last evening agreed that there would be no disturbance whatever in the iron industry, and if there is any trouble at all it will be in the steel departments. All trouble in this lisa will be avoided if the Homestead scale is signed, they say, as manufacturers who have looked at the Carnegie scale state they can not compete with them unless the wages paid are uniform. J. he list or 14 scales signed given aoova are official, and were obtained at head quarters. Telegrams were received at this office late last night from Youngstown and Wheeling,- giving the names of three add!- tional concerns that have signed. 'They are the Andrews Iron Company, of Haselton, Summers Bros. & Co., of Struthers, O., and the Crescent Iron Company, of Wheeling. Tbe scale for the Millvale Iron Company, limited, the company that are operating Graff, Bennett & Co.'s old works, was also signed. These scales will not be received at -headquarters until Monday, and are there fore not announced officially. A Big Purchase of Mineral Lands. I SPECIAL TELXQBAH TO TOE DISPATCH.! Greensburo, June 29. The InrmeBM tract of mineral land owned by Thomas Moore and operated by the West Morelaad Gas Coal Company, situated near Penn station, was this afternoon sold by Sheriff B. F. Byers, of this county. The pur chaser was FCL. Stephenson, Esq., of the firm of Whitney & Stephenson, of Pitts burg, and the price paid was J50,9e, subject to a mortgage oi .w,uw. . : t m. i Sk jjjfriftBsssWllsMHillBBg ' fil'WffV- Hi xR9lttTMMaRgsSB5i