Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 29, 1889, Page 5, Image 5
r v 7 i ; b v THE PITTSBTTKG - DISPATCH, SATURDAY, JUNE: ONTflEWATCE Organization Formed to Scrutinize j$i r the Appointments. . MATERIAL FOR POLITICAL USE. Aft. iThe Anti-Malione ilen in Yirglnia Eeceite Anotber Black Eye. EEDEEICK DOUGIiASS GETS A TLACE. ?? nisJpiEfennent Si Krt Teiy rieajlaj to the Colored j3t' reputation. & r. ' A new labororganization has been formed for the purpose of watching all the appoint ments made in 'the public service. If that element does not get its share of the places there will be a protest in the future. Fred erick Douglass has.bcen appointed Minister to Hayti. Another Mahone man has been recognized -in Virginia. rSrECIXI. TELEGEAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 "Washington, June 28. Information that is perfectly reliable lias reached the cor respondent of The Dispatch that a secret organization of working people and friends of 'the laboring classes has been formed to watch, the course of appointments, and sum up at the close of the administration or President Harrison wnat has been done for the class they represent. The organization will have its headquarters in Washington, but will have branches in every Stale, which will re port regularly to the central boay. ' A careful investigation will be mads of everv appointee, both In the States and in "Washington. In cases where friends of the labor movement are candidates and are re jected for others, all the circumstances con nected with the refection will be ascertained ana had for nse in the coming campaigns, the Intention, of course, being to boycott every person who has used his influence against the appointment of the candidate satisfactory to the laoor element. The organization is now in its inception, and is proceeding very cautiously in its acquisition of members, as it is the pur pose of its -projectors to accept none but earnest advocates of the liberation of the wage worker and not men who have joined labor organi zations for selfish purposes. NOT A PARTISAN BODY. An intimation thrown out that the new or ganization might work In the Interest of the Democratic party was met with the assertion that it would favor no one party more than an other, bnt would work wholly in the interests of the appointment of friends of labor to office, because under the Government better pay Is received for shorter hours of labor than under the private or corporate employer. In this city the present membership is said to be composed of the most reputable of the labor leaders, and the branches in other localities will be so far as possible made up of similar material. The current fiscal year comes to an end to morrow, and it is expected that the beginning of the new year on Monday, when the old books are closed and the new appropriations made available, there will be a large number of official changes in the department. Conse quently the office seekers are looking np i lit tle, and especially those who are applicants for departmental positions. Among the appoint ments made to-day that of Watt, to be Marshal for the Western district of Virginia, has again set the tongues of anti-Mahone men wagging with indignation against the President, as watt is a Mahone man of the deepest dye. They are getting used to the appointment of Mahone men, however, and are now beginning to temper their anger with some small amount of philosophy. The incumbency of the office of Chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Print ing, which has been banging fire for so long, was settled this evening. At 4 o'clock Secre tary Windom sent for Captain Meredith, of Chicago, a personal friend of the President, and a member of his old regiment, and informed him that be must make himself ready to take charge of the bureau on Monday. He will get his commission to-morrow. WITH MIXED FEELINGS. While the appointment of Hon. Frederick Douglass Minister of Hatti will be ceneraUy nonnlar. it is vBrr distaste fnl to Ir portion ox tbe 'colored people, of the District of Columbia. This population is divided into . cliques socially, and Douglass has always been classed with tbe kid clove element on account of bis wealth and delusiveness. He mingles socially with the very few of the colored people, and those generally are persons of means and who have held public office. The factrhathe married a white wife also has caused much ill feeling against him among tbe colored people. Another ground of objection is his alleged parsimony, which has led to look for fat offices, in which bo would give positions always to per sons of bis own family and clique, while his ability and eloquence are admitted by all, for these reasons a large class opposed his reap pointment as Recorder of Deeds, for which office he was an applicant, and the same class is much disgruntled at bis elevation to a min isterial position. Tbe popular opinion, bow ever, is that in view of possible complications with Hayti the selection of a colored man pos sessing tbe fine address and abilities of Doug- lass is tbe best that could have been made. PHESIDENTAL CALLERS. A Number of Dlstlncuiabcd Visitors nt the White Uonce. "W ASHrtfGToy,June28.-There wasa slight fall ing off in tberush of visitors to the White House tolay, but they were sufficiently numerous to engage tbe President's undivided attention for three hours. Among those who saw the Presi dent were Vice President Morton, Senators His cock, Dolph.-Higgins, ex-Senator Conger. Prof. Chamberlain, of Iowa; Representatives Far- qubar. Coleman. Urosvenor, Thompson and Burton,-Dr. W. p. Johnson, of Indianapolis, ana Recorder Trotter. Work of tbe Slonx Commission. Chambeklts, Dae., June 28. A large dele gation of Indians from Lower Brule Agency is in the city making inquiries in regard to tbe Sioux Commission. From them it is learned that their people at the agency are preparing for the arrival of the commission, and tbe Indi ans appear very anxious to learn what success tbe commission is meeting with at tbe agencies now being visited. These Indians sav that the news brought them by courier from the upper agency is very encouraging for the ratification of the Sioux bill. O'Brien Before tbe Parnell Commission. London, June 28. At the meeting of the Parnell Commission to-day.Mr. James O'Brien, member of Parliament, refused to say whether be bad been a member of tbe Fenian Execu tive Council. Phrslcluns Acknowledge There Is Xeis Deafness. Sett Xoek, Jane 28. Physicians have watched with a jealous eye the increasing popularity of tbe sound disk invented byH. A. Wales, of Bridgeport, Conn., as patients who liave been under their care for years hsyre in a week's time had their hearing re stored by its use, and they acknowledge that there may be a decrease in the per centage of deaf people in the census of 1890. A STAGE ROMANCE, Lrfc tied Kate Tempest, toubrette, will appear com plete in to-morrow's Dispatch. Apollinaris ' "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS "People cannot hearken too earnestly to the WARNINGS already soundea by medical men against the indiscriminate use of the ALLEGHENY WATER at this time." - "J?r. W. T. Englisk said: 'It cannot be' told Jww long the water will 'be impure; it may be for months'." Pittsburg Dispatch, June 4th, 1889. 1 " The furity of APOLLINA RIS offers the bestsegtrity against the dangers whicfc are common to most of the ordinary drinking waters." Loadon Medical Record. OaaGrKtti.VrKffuk, tfMin.Wat.DttUn. fBEWAREXF IMITATIONS VTIONS, jeiMH-as' Do Yon Share the UmallsT Why not use other people's brains as well as your own in order to lessen life's work, and especially so when the coming hot weather will make lire a burden to those who have to do laborious housework? The very word "Pearline" sounds clean and sweet enough to recommend even a poorer article. But "Pearline" does as clean and as sweet work as its name implies. Now if there be a honsekeeper among the thousands of "Witness readers who has hitherto lived so far beneath her privileges as not t have used "Pearline," surely she will at once purchase a packet and test what it will do for her. "Pearline" represents brains. That is, it is the product of long and hard processes of thought, investigation and experiment. You are invited to share the results. From New York "Witness, June 12,1889. GEEAT shirts. variety in silk and flannel J AltES H. Aiken & Co. KATIE TEMPEST, XW! ttage, written by Emma V. Sheridan, will ap pear complete in to-morrow't Dispatch. lUnrrlnfo Licenses Granted Yesterday. Name. Residence. ( LouU Stelnman Pittshnrg J Llizle Uoldcnberg . Pittsburg ftm. J. Stevenson Allegheny I Maggie E. Kane Allegheny (Patrick O'Brien Pittsburg i Bridget Uopagan Pittsburg 1 Charles V. Boorquln... 4. Pittsburg 1 Emma Richard Allegheny (John J. Thompson Pittsburg I Alary E. Savage rittsburg (Peter Spudlc Plttsbnrg lalariaDrenovsKi Pittsburg aiAcciEn. LOT KENNEDY On Thursday evening, June 27, 1SS9, at the'residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Alexander Young. D. D., Edward P. Lor and Elizabeth Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kennedy. DIED. DAVIES On Friday morning. June 28, IKS. at 2.-03 o'clock, John D. Davics, in his 73d year. Funeral from his late residence. No. 449 Forbes street, near Seneca street, SABBATH afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the fam ily are respectfully invited to attend. DAY At her residence. No. 210 Arch street, Allegheny City, Thursday morning, June 27. J8S9, at 10:43 o'clock, MART M. DAT, relict of the late James E. Day. Funeral services on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment private at a later hour. 2 EWTNG At her home, Industry township, Beaver county, Pennsylvania, Thursday, Juno 27, at 2r. M., Mrs. Mart Ewmo, widow of the late Dr. A W. Ewing, aged 72 years and 6 months. Funeral services at herniate residence on Saturday, June 29, at 11 a. m. Interment at Allegheny Cemetery (Section 6), at 4 P. M. FARRELtr At the grandmother's residence, 32 Chatham street, Pittsburg, Paul, son of M. J. and Ida FarreU, of Cumberland, Ml, aged 3 months. Notice of funeral hereafter. Cumberland, McL, papers please copy. FLAHERTY On Thursday, June 27, 1889. at 3 p. m., Margaret, wife of Michael Flahertv. and sister-in-law of Mrs. Mark 'Kearns, of Mansfield, m her 58th year. Funeral from her late residence. No. 1 Penn avenue, on Sunday, June 80, at 2 p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to at tend. GALLAGHER Thursday, June 27, at 9:10 p. M., SUSAN, relict of Thomas Gallagher, aged 78 years. Funeral from her late residence. No. 110 Tag gart street, Allegheny. Sunday at S o'clock P. x. Friends 'are respectfully invited to at tend. 2 HAGUE On Thursday evening, June 27. 18S9, at 9 o'clock, Mrs. Mary Hague, aged 59 years. Fnneral from her late residence, Gordon street, Mt. Washington, on Saturday morn ing at 830 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 MORGAN Entered into rest, Wednesday evening. June 26, 18S9, at 9:15, colonel James a. morgan, in tne too year oi nis age. nneral services at Ms late residence, 437 Liberty street at 2 P. X. SATTODAT. Inter- ment private at a later hour, ' McNDLTY On Friday morning. June 28, lsS9. at 3 o'clock, Katherixe, only chUd of John B. and Julia A. McNnlty, aged K months. Funeral from the parents' residence. No. 121 Collins avenue, on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the familj are respect-" fully invited to attend. McCLEERY At her residence, Frankstown avenue. Twenty-first ward. Friday. June 28, 1889, Maet H., relict of William McCleery. Interment private. McCULLY Died suddenly June 28, 1889, at 3U5 p. H., Feask D. lIcGtrc.LT, aged 23 years. Funeral from his parents' residence, 45 Green street Notice of funeral hereafter. SCHRTVER-Friday. June 28, 1SS9, at 1:30 p. it, Walter. Lee. only child of John F. and Sarah Schriver, aged 8 months and 5 days. Funeral services at the residence of the par ents, 165 Rebecca street, Allegheny, Sabbath afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the fam ily are respectfully invited to attend. Inter ment private. 2 I STUART-On Friday, June 28, 18S9, at 230 P. M.. Mart Sttjabt, in the 49th year of her age. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her husband, 333 Lincoln avenue. East End, on Monday, July I, at 2 p. si. 3 JAMES ARCHIBALD BRO.. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, H7, 119 and 138 Third avenue, two doors below Smithficld sL, next door to Central Hotel. Carriages for funerals,S3. Carriages for operas, parties, i, at the lowest rates. All new car riages. Telephone communication. myl-11-TTS -pEPRESENTED IN PITTSBURG IN 1SCI ASSETS . $9071,69833. Insurance Co. of North America, Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-D WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG. Assets $448,50187 NO. 4U WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIM1CK, President. JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President t e22-26-TTS WM. P, HERBERT. Secretary. E3IM 165, s It is necessary to reduce stock and we are Closing out prices on satines, ioc. rrencn aatines 22c, were 35c; tne new repeiines all going at bargain figures. vvooi uress upoas. ifty pieces double widths 'Cashmeres i2c, 751. wooi impori.eu suitings now 50c bargains in French colored Wool Cashmeresj a.notable number is the. 50c qiialitynow 25c. Silks'Unrivaled. Grand values in black and colored Dress Silks from 50c a yard pp. Special attention cajlled to the Black firos Grains at 75C, 87c, and 24-inch at .95c, $1 and t 25. Equally good bargains in Surahs, Satin Marvelleieux. Radzimeres. Baratheas and other fanrv t .v:. . , weaver m tms connection see the v-arpeis ana curtains, we continue the clearing sale of Carpets. Mats and Mattings at money saving prices. See the J.ace Curtains at $1, were $1 50 and up to $$; these prices ire specially good. Parasols and Umbrellas. At "this clearing sale the Parasols come in for a big cut in prices, $2, $3 aid $4 Parasols now J5i to $2 50. Misses' Parasols, ioc to $1, just half prices. ', ' Men's Unlaundried Shirts 37c, regular 50c goods. ' Men's Gauze Shirts 15c and 25c, orth 25c and 40c Meats fine1 Trench Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 35c, regular 50c quality. Ladies' Ribbed Jersey Vjfets, I2cl 15c and 20c. Boys'J'ercale Waists reduced away down in price. Ladies'. Blouse Jerseys, black a Id colors, at $1 25, were $2. Short" lengths-9-4 Unbleached Pepperel Sheetings iac; 1.0-4 wide at 15c; the 9-4 and 10-4 Bleached a 15c and i8c respectively. Applique lowers, large selection, will go at 15c , oampics. sent wuen requested. .-'. " '.vr.Vv. -- Specialpjust opened -two teases Challu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEXT WE CUT OARPEfPRIOES The heavy reductions which have been made in our Fur niture and Curtain Departments have- now involved the Carpet De partment. We to-day reduce a large assortment of excel lent patterns of extra quality Body Brussels in such cele brated makes as BI8EL0W, LOWELL, HARTFORD, ENGLISH, From $1 35, $1 40, $1 50, To SI, $1 10, $1 15.. Lower Grade Body Brussels ' From $1 to 75c. Ingrains Reduced. Rugs Reduced. Japanese Mattings. China Mattings. Of these we show an immense variety of patterns and re cently imported. Some in mixed dark colors are as low as $3 per roll of 40 yards, or 7c Per Yard. O.McClintock&Co. 33 fifth: avenue. jel3-TTS LADIES 3 SILK HOSIERY. Just received, new lot of Ladles' Silk Hose, in all weights and prices. Our Black Silk Stocking at 75c a pair is an extraordinary good one at the price. All our Colored and Black Silk Hose at 85c have been reduced to 75c, including the newest 4 snaues. Better quality Black Silk at SI and SI 25. . Our old reliable Spun Silk in plain black feet, and white cotton soles, at SI 50. This is tbe best thing for tbe money that can be bad. Better grade of spun with cotton soles at S2. Ladies' pure silk in plain feet and colored silk hose at 2 50, regular S3 stocking. Still finer quality at S3 in black, plain, colors and two-toned. Best quality Ladies' pure silk in plain colors in drop stitched and plain black at S3 50. Ladies desiring silk hosiery of any descrip tion should give us a call and examine our stock, as we know we can interest you In that line. LADIES' JERSEY SILK GLOVES. Sev eral odd lots. Tnre Silk Gloves, 65c and 75c. qualities, re duced to 50c per pair. N SI and 90c qualities reduced to 75c per pair In Tans and Modes shades. Lisle Gloves. Jersey and Ribbed-top at 25c a' pair on counter, 40c and 50c goods. Kull lines of Silk Gloves and Mitts all prices and qualities. Very best values going. HORNE & WARD, 41 FIFTH A.TENJIB. je28-D ESTABLISHED 1861. BUDD. SPRING -AND SUMMER, 1889. . dressThirts." SPECIAL DESIGNS. Underwear and Hosiery. Our own special hand loom made Silk, Lambs' Wool, Merino; Balbriggan, Lisle Thread, etc. f riVCC FB SPRING VjL.VJYC.0 AND SUMMER. Diets, Promenade, Driving, etc Best makers. First-class only. SAMUEL BUDD, No. 8 King Edward St. Madison Square, London, E. C. New Yorl ore No. Rue D'TJzcs, Paris office. my8-2i-TTS MANUFACTURERS ANtf MERCHANTS' IN& Co., 417 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. Capital f250,000 00 Assets January i, 18S9 363,743 80 Directors Chas. W. Batchelor. President; John W. Chaltant, Vice President: A. E. W. Painter. Robt. Lea, M. W. Watson, John Wil son, Joseph Walton, Wm. G. Park, A. M. Brers, Jas. J. Donnell, Geo. E. Painter, John Thompson, Wm. T. Adair, Secretary; Jas. Little, Assistant Secretary; August Ammon, General Agent. ja22-40-TTS 167 and 169 FEDERAL PXjIE S which must pay you to see. beautiful styles now 6c, 8c, ioc and come early for choice. Challis, excellent styles, $c and 6c. Batistes, ,....... lull wiatn JBlack Skirting Lace at 75c, . - . , . . ' fejrrf .: -...- ' " '--': '$&$$; o'V.; '.-tei Beiges, lovely patterns, :the;pfoperthingfor...wa'rm weather,' will'Misr;but a7ewidaj?jS1lV NEW AUVttTISEBIENTS HURRAH FOB THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. Forthe Fourth of July. SEE OUR PRICES. No. 6, size 84- in. by 14 in. at '3c each, or 30c a dozen. No. 7, size u4 in. by 18' in., at 4c each, or 40c a doz. No. 7,size 12 in. by 22 in., at 5c each, or 50c a doz. No. S.size 1 ?4 in. by 27 in 8c each, or 75c a doz. No. g, size 21 in. by361n., a 15c each, or $1 50 a doz. No. 10, size 284 in. by 43 in., at 20c, or $2 a doz. BUNTING FLAGS. 2x3 feet at $1 each. 3x5 feet at $2 each. 4x7 feet at $3 each. Fleishman & Go's. NEW DEPARTMENT STORES, '504,506 and 508 Market st, PITTSBURG, PA. Cold Sparkling Soda Water, The Best in tbe Two 'Cities. ICE CREAM SODA WATER, Only 5c The usual price is ioc. Also Root Beer, Gin ger Ale and all the leading Mineral Waters. je29- DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Hibil' Positively Cured by Administering, Dr. Haines' ' GolBSft Spebifio. It can be plyen in a cup or coffee or tea without' the knowledge of the person taking it: Is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and Speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate rlnker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit drinking from their .own Tree will. IT ifEVER FAILS. The system once Impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist, ForsalebyA.J.Itankln, Sixth ana Penh ave.. Pittsburg; E. Holden & Co., S3 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Tirade supplied by Keo. A. Kelly St, Co.. Pltfrburg. Pa. oe-&-58-TTg STEABlElte AND EXCURSIONS. ' AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and. Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, eta PETER WRIGHT 4 SONS, General agents, 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia. Full information can be had of J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfleld street, LOUIS MOESER, 16 Smithfleld street. mbJit-66VrTS piUNARD LINE. MEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL VIA QUEENS TOWN, FROM P1EK 40 NORTH RIVER. FAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Auranla. June9, 6 AH I Bothnia, July 17, 9 All Gallia. Julys, 8:30 A II (Etrcria. July 20. noon. tUmbrla, July 6,11:30am Auranla. JulyST. S am Sarvla, July 13, 5:30 AM iGMUa, July 31, 7 AM SSThese steamers carry first-class passengers only, twill carry Intermediate. $WU1 carry lntermedlat-, no steerage. Cabin passage. (60, S0 and S100; intermediate, f35. Steerage tickets to and from all parts or Europe at very low rates. VERNON H. BROWN CO., General Aseuts, 4 Bowline Oreen, New York. J. J. MCCORMICK. "Agent. Fourth avcand Smithfleld ., Pittsburg. State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool., FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY." Cabin passage 3S"to $50. according to location of stateroom. Excursion SS3 to (90. Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUSTIN" BALDWIN 4 CO.. General Agents, S3 Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK, Ageni, Pittsburg. Pa. CmhlS-D STREET, ALLEGHENY, STOE offering some extraordinary bargains, i2c, for American productions; choice colors. The 25c. and 30c fancy dfess fabrics now i8c. . " worth $1 25. Body Brussels 4c and wc. InzrainsL Hall and Stair Carnets. Rime. Gloves; Hosiery and Milliner ... juail orders filled at lowest rices. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, B. & B SATURDAY, JUNE io: Our Gents' Furnishings Sale be led by a, Wonderful Hosiery Bargain. ' 100 Dozens Fine French Lisle Thread J-Hose In choice assorted shades Of Modes, Tans, and Slates, AT 25 CENTS. Full regular goods, fast colors, which earlier in the season could not have been bought to' retail for less than 50c . There are a number of special lots on counter of broken lines, odd sizes, eta, etc., which MUST BE CLEARED UP TO-DAY, and will be if bargain buyers are wide awake. Tn all -T-Afml'iT- linpc rttiT- rArarf ment shows the best values and largest assortments. A special effort is made to secure all of thje best and most popular lines and to sell them without burdensome.fancy prices. We solicit the trade of the gentlemen of these cities. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. "Onyx" Fast Black, the bet in Ladies' 'Cotton, full regular Hose, 25c 35c Soc and 75c . "Onyx" in Lisle Thread, 50c,' 65 c, 75c. 87c and $x. J Tans and Modes, solid colors and stripes, full regular, 20c. Ladies' spun Silk Stockings, 75c, $1, $1 25 and $1 50. ' - Children's Silk Ribbed, ' sizes '4 to Z, ttsc to $1 10. 1 Large lines .Fancy Hosiery. Something especially for the mountains or seaside: I Light Weight Merino and ' Cashmere ' HOSIERY.. ! Ladies'. '60c and COc Genu' -Hose, 35c and 40c. Children's, 25c to 60c. GLOVES. See the new Ladies' VFrench Vel vet nmsn Aiocna uiores, narrow stitching, the very thins for travel: in?, at Si 2K. Ladies? and Gents' Riding and Driving Gloves and ) Gauntlets, $i 25, gi 50 and $1 s New French Hand-made Silk Filet Mitts, specially iot' elderly ladies, $1 50. Blaclc Bilk Mitts, 20c to L S Black Silk Lace Mitts, 15c tope. Pure Silk Gloves,, black and colored, 25c, 45c, 50c to II 25. j -" There's no such I'lannel Shirt as ours at tl 25. It Is worth every penny of $2. Nor can onr oDc-Flannel Shirt bo-excelled. If equaled. I The best assortment and lowest prices on a.11 up to the finest. We lead in' White Shirts ana our leaders are: Ourjl Laundried Shirt. I Our JlUnlaundried Shirt. Our three lor 2 Unlaundriejl Shirt But our 50o Shirt cannot b'e beaten at the price. ' NECKWEAR. All sorts, all prices. The best sorts and (lowest prices, meres no sucn xinaerwear as ours. aee our two suits for. gi, French Balbriggan Underwear. The grades climbup in advance of the prices always. A few Hand-batdhels for travel 1 ers. Gladstone Bags,; linen lined, - 14-inch to, 22-inch, S3 00 to, to so! Leather lined, i 14-inch to20-incn; 16 00 to 87 50. These are only representatives of a large stocc Boggs'&Buhl, nj 117. U9 121 Federal Street, .Allegheny. je29-rrs PA. sold fearly in the season i2c to India I,inens, Summer Flannels and The .,- , j best assortment and lowest prices. -L JRj s NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HO, FOR f The Mountains the Lakes, the Yalleys, the Sea : shore, the Country ! GUSKY'S HAVE NOT ONLY EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF limb. Sate m nra HAMMOCKS, Etc., ; - BUT ALSO EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF WEARING APPAREL FOR SUMWIER TOURISTS And they are willing to wager any amount to the cause of charity that they cannot, only show a much larger and more varied assortment of goods for the season than any other- house in Allegheny county, but that they can supply all demands at much lower prices than can be ob tained elsewhere. MEN'S SUMMER SUITS, At $.7, $8, $10, $12 and $15. Which are of such value thac to obtain elsewhere from Jho to 25 would be the price you'd pay. BEAUTY AND TASTE IS I Mir Hi mni A beautiful line of goods by far the finest" eVer shown this side the, Allegheny Mountains. There are Coats and Vests for Men and Youjhs' in Silk, Pongee, Mohair, Brilliantine, Seersucker, White and Colored! Striped Flannels, Sei;ge, Cashmere, Luster, Alpacas, etc., and no matterl whether you want a "Blazer," "Boating," "Tennis," "Baseball" ori "House" Coat, you can get it. . We have them in an indefinite number! "of colors and combinations, many of them new and striking. A few of: the prices we name to illustrate our. low figures. Office Coats, 19c up. Men's Chambray Coats, 48c. Seersucker Coats and Vests, 65c to $4.; Fancy StripecV French Flannel Coats and Vests, 75c to 5. The popular! Lawn Tennis Coat in fancy stripes, $1 25. Silk Striped Tlannel Coats and Vests, $1 75. Men of All Sizes Tltted Perfectly ' Our readers will kindly note that we're making no claim of "sacri ficing" goods, but nevertheless our PRICES are, we guarantee, BELOW the "sacrifice prices of other dealers. Thousands of Summer Suits for the Boys I FOR SMALL BOYS at $1 25, $1 50, $2, $3, $4 and $5, FOR BIG BOYS at $3 50, $4, $5, $6, $8 and $10. These prices, of course, really tell you nothing beyond the fact that we have Suits at these figures. You can only judge of their true value by seeing 'em. The "reduction" dealers will -have to further reduce! their prices some 25 per cent before they can touch our figures.' A Grand Display of Flannel and Silk - Dvershirts I c Summer Neckwear and Summer Underwear! Bicycle Hose and Garterst Bicycle Shoulder Braces and Supporters! ' ALSO ' ",. Baseball, Lawn Tennis and Boating Hats and Caps. . . Tourist Shoes, Yachting and Steamer Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Bicycling y Hunting and Baseball Shoes, In fact we have everything devised for Summer Wear, and no matte'p whether you belong to the stay-at-home division or will form the hoik. day-maker's brigade, whether you seek novelties or standard stuff, start , ling styles or seasonable service in the way of wearing apparel for warn - ( weather wear, we can supply you and save you anywhere fnjm aoTo' ' - per cent on your investment ' Orders by mail promptly attended to. - )-( film EUROPE ! )$-( Light and Medium Colors, Latest Styles, TO BE SEEN IN OUR Li' iriajsjalises, M GRAND BARGAIN STORE, io' 400 Mallei street,' jtiB-TISMf .. , ':h: A'y. J&3 CriV: