Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 29, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Of Newspaper Art "Will be Tc-Morrow's
will contain the brightest efforts of
best writers on
, Finance,
and never fails, under 'any circumstances, to
to gire
A striking feature of this issue is a fascinating
story of the stago by Emma V. Sheridan, enti
tled Katie Tempest, Soubrette
Vol.44, No, 141 Entered at Pittsburg Fosto"fflce,
November 14, 1837, as second-class matter.
Business Office-- 07 and G9 Fifth Avenue.
News Rooms and Publishing House76,
77 and 79 Diamond Street
Eastern Advertising Office, Koom 46, Tribune
Building, liewYork.
Average net circulation of the dally edition of
THE DISPATCH for six months ending June 1, 1SS9,
Copies per Issue.
Average net circulation of the Sunday edition of
Ths Dispatch for iiay, isSs,
Copies per issue.
Daily Dispatch, One Tear t 8 00
Daily dispatch, l'cr Quarter 1 00
Daily Dispatch, One Month "u
DAILY DISPATCH, including Sunday, lyear. 10 00
daily DiSFATCH-includlng Sunday.Jm'tbs. 2 SO
Daily Dispatch, including Sunday, l month SO
fcexDAY Dispatch, One Year 2 SO
"Weekly Dispatch, One Year 1 25
The Dailt DI6CATCH is delivered by carriers at
15 cents per week, or Including bunday edition, at
20 cents per week.
The -brewers, bottlers and wholesale liquor
dealers won a victory over Judge "White in
the Supreme Court at Philadelphia yester
day. Judge Paxson's opinion is that the
privileges of restraint and regulation vested
by the Brooks law in the Court of Quarter
Sessions in respect to tbe retail trade do not
extend to the wholesalers; that the latter
are entitled to license under the terms
oi a previous act, which required only
that they should be "citizens of the
United States, of temperate habits
and of good character," and that in
failing to assign any one of these causes as
a reason for refusal, the Court in Allegheny
county left itself open to a reversal of its
This means new hearings for all appealed
cases. That will doubtless include such,
also, as were refused wholesale license but
did not appeal. If in the course of these
hearings citizenship, character and temper
ate habits are proved the granting of licenses
is made compulsory; and the supreme tri
bunal further asserts its rig'ht to review the
testimony if appeal be taken from the Quar
ter Sessions.
Of course the point remains that so long
as conditions exist and remonstrances are
filed against special applicants on any of the
three grounds cited, the Quarter Sessions'
Judge will still have authority to act ac
cording to the evidence. "What Judge Par
son decides is simply the point ably argued
in a communication to The Dispatch same
months ago by S. A. McClung, Esq., that
the discretion vested in the Quarter Sessions
is not arbitrary but judicial, and subject to
review. As to the retailers, however, who
take license exclusively under the Brooks
law, this limitation is not even hinted at by
the opinion.
The drift of examination during the license
hearings on wholesalers' applications was
not toward serious objections to any of them
on the score of citizenship, character or
habits. Only one point was noticeably
raised that might be construed an that light,
viz., as to their selling to parties who in
turn retailed without license. This was met
by the general answer that it was not the
business of wholesalers to know or forecast
the actions of their customers. It looks as
though it might be held by the Supreme
Court on review to be a sufficient answer,
excepting in cases where there was positive
knowledge that customers were engaged in
unlicensed sales. Bnt the interest of the
entire liquor ttade, wholesale and retail, is
now to maintain good order. In practice,
therefore, it is to be expected that they will
co-operate with, rather than antagonize, the
spirit of existing laws. That is their sub
stantial interest at any rate.
"While jubilant that they have won their
case over the Quarter Sessions, it is not
likely that the sense of victory will lead the
wholesalers to ignore existing regulations of
the reta.il trade, or to leave themselves liable
to remonstrance on any of the stated grounds
when they next apply.
The close approach to the 1st of July
without any signatures to the iron scale is
not a matter to produce any uneasiness. It
is customary to leave the matter until the
last day, and as mills that are not crowded
with orders are apt to shut down on July 1,
for a few jdays, it would not be strange if
some of them should leave the scale un
signed for a week or two yet, without any
intention of a struggle. The fact is that the
, employers and employed are nearer together
than in almost any preceding year, the men
being satisfied with about the old scale, and
what few objections are made on the part of
the employers being far less strenuous than
usuaL The only quarter where there is any
threat of a serious difference is at Home
stead; and all will unite in the hope that an
agreement may be reached there as easily as
ht the other works.
The withdrawal of the Royal Yacht
Squadron, of its challenge for the Amer
ica's cup, is based upon the objection of the
Englishmen to the new deed of gift, under
which that cup is to be competed for. As
the deed of gilt provides that the fastest
vessel bliall take the cup, irrespective of
style or architecture, keel or center-board,
-the objection of the Englishmen might be
open to criticism, if there was good reason
for believing that to be the real cause of
.. their action. But the fact is that the chal
lenge' was issued after the deed of gift
fire 9M.
had been framed, and it is withdrawn after
rthe discovery that the Valkyrie, the yacht
which was intended to sail for "the cap, is
not nearly so fastas she has been supposed
to be. The trouble is more with the Valky
rie than with the deed of gift; and when the
English get a yacht which they thinly will
win the cup, the deed of gift will not prove
an insuperable obstacle to a contest
The statements is made by the authorityof
one of the Standard's organs, that the great
concern has purchased the stock of crude
petroleum which the producers hare been
carrying for the last yeai and a half. This
is the wind-up of the amous shut-clown
The price which is paid for the oil is
naturally the important element in deter
mining how the producers have got out on
the deal; but that remains a profound
secret. Previous agreements, however, point
to the conclusion that the producers re
cover the very liberal storage rates which
they have paid to the Standard and prob
ably a few cents profit, for their loss in
shutting down production, just when the
Standard wanted it. -.
The producers can now figure up the
profit on the shut-down deal. While the
unknown factors may surround the pro
ducers gains with agood deal of uncertainty,
they are likely to discover that the
Standard has not lost any m6ney.
The interesting facts set forth in an article
elsewhere, concerning, the necessity of dredg
ing to the bottom of the river below the
gorge which was formed at the Johnstown
bridge, contains a great many singular de
tails. The possibility that in the bed of
the river there is a deposit of the treasure
that was washed away by the flood gives the
work a new and entirely unprecedented
phase of treasure-hunting.
The probability of recovering any very
large amount of gold and silver from that
place is hardly great enough to warrant
making it a leading incentive. If any
treasure is found, it should be returned to
the owners so far as identification is possible.
h The rest may be turned into the relief fund.
But the real incentive to the work should be
the removal and sepulture of the dead bodies
which are still remaining in the river at
that point
This is a duty not only to the dead, but
to the living. The bare statement that a
river furnishing a considerable share of the
water supply of the towns of Western Penn
sylvania is passing through a pool where it
is so impregnated with the decomposition of
bodies that its disturbance causes an almost
unbearable stench, is sufficient to show the
necessity of the work. Until that pool is
thoroughly purified the use -pf river water
requires the greatest precautions.
Th deposit of treasure may be a singular
feature of that terrible gorge, but its de
posit of death is the characteristic that calls
for energetic and persistent work.
A feature of the McDow murder trial in
Charleston. South Carolina, furnishes in
disputable evidence that the world does
move. One of the leading citizens of
Charleston is on trial for killing another of
the most popular and influential class. The
jury selected to try him consists ot five
white men and seven negroes. So far from
regarding the presence of negroes among
those who will determine the fate of a lead
ing white citizen, as an insult and danger
to the man on trial, rit is stated, that the
attorney for the defense actually, in several
cases, indicated his preference for negroes
who were under examination after, as to
their eligibility, on account of his belief in
their impartiality.
This shows an utter revolution of public
opinion in Charleston. Thirty years ago
the man who would have ventured to sup
port -the idea that negroes could sit on a
jury for the trial of white men would prob
ably have been taken out and hanged to a
lamppost Twenty years ago the incorpo
ration of that provision in the law was de
nounced there as a dire insult, in the shape
of subjecting white men to negro domina
tion. While there are still irreconcilables
like Davis, Early and Bosser, who keep up
the old outcry against negro domination,
this case shows that the twenty years ot ex
periment of equal rights for all people, with
out regard to color, has, although obstructed
by prejudice, and delayed by the survival of
old issues, gradually convinced the public
that the old prejudice was a delusion, and
that the new principle of equal rights can
be safely left to work out its perfect work.
This evidence of progress also vindicates
those of the NortS who through doubt and
discouragement have steadily held to the
belief that time would convince the South
erners of the practicability of the Republi
can system, in which even the poor and un
educated may be brought up' to a level of
intelligence where they can safely be trusted
with the discbarge of the duties of citizen
ship. Ax esteemed Bepublican cotemporary,
the Philadelphia Inquirer, indorses the
Democratic Memphis Avalanche for assert
ing that Justice Lamar, of the United States
Supreme Court, has no business meddling
in the politics of Mississippi and dictating
the nomination for Governor. The prin
ciple is correct enough; but is it any less
correct when applied to other officers of the
Federal Government? Will not the esteemed
Inquirer also declare that the President and
Postmaster General, for instance, have no
bnsiness to interfere with the politics of
Pennsylvania, or to use their patronage to
control the next nomination for Governor?
The oil brokers who say that they do not
understand dealing in futures should be in
formed that it consists oi letting the public
play the game which ever way it chooses
and charging twice as much for the option
as is necessary to cover all contingencies.
A SAECastic Eastern cotemporary ex
claims, "Imagine Brice rattling around in
a position once filled by Allen G. Thur
man." It would be hard for Brice to fill
Thurman's position; but people should re
member that the position has had time to
shrink a good deal during the time in which
it was filled by Henry "B. Payne, on account
of the utter loss of voice which struck the
Standard Oil statesman about the time than
it was necessary to call for an investigation
of the charges that bis seat was purchased.
Ktjssell Harrison is now on the high
seas, and the opinion is freely heard that
the effect of the ocean upon him is such as
to make him ready to throw up everything
except the offices that he has secured for his
friends. t
The imperviousness which the Commis
sioner of Pensions shows to the flood, of
abuse nnd attack concerning his official de
liverances, appears Co invest a remark of
Shakespeare's grave-digger with'' an almost
prophetic significance, "A Tanner, will last
you nine years," said Ihe grave-digger in
Hamlet; and our Tannefseesw abls to
withstand the storm much longer than that,
if the powers will give him a chance.
That Cronin case seems to grow more
prolific of roorbacks as it grows older. If
there is Any foundation for the idea, that
Cronin is alive, the question still remains,
who was the man that was murdered?
Mb. ChaunceyM. DErEw.inhis address
before the Vale Law School, asserted that
'the lawyer who would succeed at the bar
must decline office. Mr. Depew is a lawyer,
but he is also, a corporation magnate; and
the force of his example warrants the con
clusion that the rule, in the case of a cor
poration man, may be modified so that the
lawyer who is both need not decline office
until the office has declined him. '
The skies have cleared up more rapidly
after that storm in the Department of
Awards, than they do in the natural firma
ment The street improvements will now
go on as the weather permits.
If the Spanish Government keeps on pro
testing that it never, never will, under any
circumstances or for any price, sell the
Island of Cuba, people may begin to think
that it wants to provoke the United States
into making it a big offer. Spain is laying
itself open to the comments of Hamlet's
mother concerning the player Queen: "Me
thinks the lady doth protest too much,"
The horn of the brewers and wholesale
liquor dealers is exalted; and pel-nap's its
contents may induce an even greater exalta
tion on those who partake of it
The decision of the Supreme Court in the
wholesale liquor case?seems to corroborate
the view taken by The Dispatch at the
date of their issue. It also vindicates the
opinion expressed by The Dispatch at
that time, that it was much better to appeal
to the Supreme Court through the regular
channels than to take it out in abusing
Judge White.
, Any streets that are not occupied by rail
ways on paper, should send in their names
to Harrishurg, in order to have the omission'
rectified. Charters are cheap.
The investigation of the reports of desti
tution among the Braidwood, Illinois,
miners is stated to show that while some of
them are destitute, none are actually starv
ing. It is also asserted that none of the
members of the combination which con
trols that mining district are suffering from
lack of supplies.
Ik tackling Portugal, England seems to
have judiciously selected a safe antagonist.
The reappearance of Joseph H. Manley,
in his old stamping ground of the Augusta,
Maine, postoffice, indicates that while Mr.
Blaine may not be running this administra
tion, he is occasionally, and after some de
lay, enabled to get in a little work for the
benefit of his old supporters.
President and Mrs. Harrison will
guests of Secretary and Mrs. Blaine
be the
at Bar
Harbor during the last week of July.
The Rev. Charles Spurgeon, son of the dis
tinguished preacher. Is described as a tall man
with thoroughly English sidewhiskers, a
full face and an accent that smacked strongly
of London.
Dumno his recent visit to Paris the Prince
feui Traies was irotmeniiy seen at me race
rtracks. The Jockey Club fitted up a box for
him In elegant style, but It remained unten
anted, the Prince preferring to mingle with the
crowds and bet on the horses like an ordinary
D. K. Peabsok, the Chicago millionaire, has
adopted the seusible plan of disposing of his
great fortune before his death. During the
last few years he has given away nearly 800,000
to educational institutions in the West. Mr.
Pearson lives with his wife in a beautiful home
in a Chicago suburb. He has no children.
A FENE-LOOKINQ Boston girl dressed in a
Dlrectoire gown, the waistcoat of which was
made of untanned leather to match her shoes
and gloves, attracted general attention on
Tremont street boulevard in that city one re
cent afternoon. Everybody enjoyed the sight,
aV)d the brave lass was probably acting on the
maxim that the thing which procures the
greatest happiness for the greatest numbers is
the proper thing to do.
Florence Nightingale has written the
following letter to a "Band of Hope" connected
with a church in Edinburgh, Scotland: "Don't
think you can do anything worth doing in a "Bt
of enthusiasm, but train yourself carefully to
any work you are called on to do, and think
nothing too small to do carefully, or to train
carefully for, that is good for your fellow
creatures. For" Instance, good or bad cooking,
may make or mar the lives of thousands, and
those, too, who are trying to do great things for
our race. God sends us real and lasting en
thusiasmthat is, the spirit of love and of
power, and of a sound mind to carry us through
our training and our-discrpline."
At the University of Vienna, five busts of
celebrated professors were recently unveiled.
One of them represents Prof. Hyrtl, the cele
brated anatomist, who has contributed so much
to rendering the Vienna School of Medicine
famous. Though bent by 87 winters, he at
tended the ceremony. The numerous students
present broke into enthusiastic cheers at the
sight of him, and unharnessing his horses drew
his carriage over theRlngstrasse, The professor
thanked them in a clear voice in Latin, and en
couraged every student present to give his
heart and soul, and even his life, to the noble
science. It was only the fear of hnrting the
weak old man that prevented the students
fromcarrying him down the great marble stair
case on their shoulders.
He Must Want tbo Eartb.
From the Hew York World.J
There is an intimation of the size of this
country in the fact that a citizen of New York
has jnst entered suit in California for the re
covery of $300,000,000 worth of real estate.
Fennsylvnnians Inconsistent.
From the Chicago News, j J
Fennsylvanians are sadly inconsistent. Last
week they jnmped on a prohibition law with
both feet, and this week they hanged a red
nosed man.
Theee is a very pretty crusado afoot in
Glasgow. The authorities are taking enefgetie
steps to suppress betting, and tbe betting men,
are taking equally energetic steps to avoid be
ing suppressed.
On 'Whit Monday there were no lees than
333,776 visitors at tbe Paris Exhibition, in ad
dition to about 40,000 free admissions. It Is
estimated that nearly 8,000 francs damage was
done to the trees and grass plots.
Tirw hanlrft of th TTnlfrflrt TTInrMntn nnTrthn.
1Dg 380, have deposited with them 900,000,000
belonging to their customers, and it is calcu'
lated that a considerable portion (perhaps a
fifth) of this vast amount will never be
claimed. Numbers of persons deposit money
without any intimation of the fact to their
friends, and then disappear from the scene. A
large revenue is derived from notes burned,
lost at sea or otherwise destroyed.
The novel scheme of a railway library lias
been introduced by an-English company, called
the -Globus, on the Austro-Hungarian railways.
Branch libraries, with a total collection of 40,
000 volumes of German, Hungarian, English,
French, Czechish and Polish literature, have
been established at all the principal railway
stations iu Austria-Hungary, and on the pay
ment of It) kteutzurs (or 4 cents), and tho de
posit of 1 florin, passengers may obtain any
single volume. This may be kept for several
weeks, and be glven-up-at any station when
tho deposit will be returned.
A Plea far the Call nnd a ;Dlg for the Pug
Dog A Juvenile Plea nnd Answer
Making Fast Time ra tbo Iron Way.
Perhaps it is time that a little Justice were
done cats in general in the matter of midnight
musicals and vocal calisthenics on the back
and front fence. "They are, Messieurs et Mes
dames the cats, heldln the public estimation
to be the chief breakers of the night's silence,
the champion sleep preventers and nocturnal
nuisances in all respects. They are intensely
disagreeable in their free perambulations at
night, and full many a time have I tried to
make them as uncomfortable as they havo
made mc.
But In the interests of-simpie justice allow
me iu say mat one small pug aog or we com
mon caliber can make more noise, disturb a
larger section of the country or town, and re
sist all repressive measures more successfully
than any seven cats of various sizes and per
suasions. You can silence a howling cat if you can see
it plainly enough to hit it with some bard sub
stance. Even a loud and angry shout will scare
all but the most determined torn cats from the
premises. But a stupid, meaningless pug dog
will sit on his haunches and howl or stand on
his four feet and bark no matter how often
your projectiles descend upon him. He doesn't
"bark and growl for company, or because he is
mad, or because another dog is barking, or
because his bark hurts his inside and he must
get it out, but he murders the sleep of every
body within hearing just out of merepuglog
cussedncss and ignorance.
If you speak to tho little taffy-colored brute
he barks all the louder. If you shut down the
window and refuse to think of the yowls out
side ho goes an octave higher and splits tho
wooden shutters with the sound. There is no
evading it. The pug dog in the night time is
an issue like that of the tariff It will not
down. Don't talk to me of the harmless neces
sary cat that a Bwear word or a boot-jack will
dispose ot I've had an all-night seance with a
pug dog, and the biscuit goes to him. There
ought to be poison in the biscuit, too.
One or two readers of some remarks that
were made in this column the other day about
a projected dictionary of poets are minor the
impression that no such work is being com
piled, and that the circular, etc, mentioned
were inventions of the writer. Not at all. The
circular and pamphlets came to the office of
this p.per in the regular way, and the work
they sought to advertise is, as far as I know, to
be published in due time by a firm of Chicago
It is unkind to say so, but it looks as if the
book would find one or two purchasers in Alle
gheny county.
A slip of a girl went up to the parlor window
the other day while a heavy storm was raging,
and, peering up at the battling clouds through
the streaming panes, she said beseechingly:
"Uh, uod, please stop the rain."
Then she waited and watched the steady
downpour continue unchecked for a good
while. When she next spoke she assumed as
deep a tone as her baby voice could and said
plainly in answer to her own request:
Her face lighted and seemed quite satisfied
that she had divined the will of the Master of
the storm.
Making up time is 'always rather a pre
carious business on a railroad. I had rather be
late an hour than knowthat the engineer was
sending his iron steed faster over the rough
places add around the curves than his sober
senses told him was safe. Yet it Is often done.
The fastest ride I ever experienced was on
the Now York express bound Bast over the
Lake Erie and Western, nearlv ten years aeo.
The train had been late all the way down from
Buffalo, and in the last 150 miles the engineer
made a desperate effort to save 10 minutes on
the run. He succeeded. Butthere were several
carloads of passengers behind him who were
badly scared as well as shaken and bruised
for the Erie road was very rough then when
the train got into the depot.
Talking of fast traveling, I remember a
cheerful habit Mr. Baldwin had when he was
manager of the Fort Wayne Railroad. He
used often to travel In the coach nearest the,
engine on tho very speedy Beaver Falls ex
press in the afternoon to his home at Shields,
and whenever ha found himself next a girl or
man or woman he took to be nervous be would
be careful to point out as the train swung on to
the curve below Emsworth the exact place1 in
the Ohio river where the locomotive would
light if It should chance to leave the rails.-
Simple but Impressive Services at the
Grave of the Noble Woman.
Fbesiont, June 28. The body of Mrs. Hayes
was embalmed after death. This moraine at
10 o'clock it was arrayed for tbe grave and
placed in the casket, which is of red cedar, tho
corners relieved by red pilasters. It is covered
with heavy black broadcloth, with massive oxi
dized silver extension handles, full length.
The one on each side attached to the shell by
four silver arms, ornamented in harmony with
the fluted pilasters. The plate bears the
simple inscription: "Lucy Webb Hayes, June
25, 1SS9."
The funeral services were simple and unos
tentatious, preserving the character of a
privato rather than a public occasion. They
were opened with "the reading of the twenty
third psalm bv Mrs. Hayes' pastor. Rev. J. M.
Mills, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. This
was followed by the hymn:
"My Jesus, as thou wilt,
Ohmaylhywlll be mine,
Into Thy hands of love -
1 would my all resign. " .
which was read by tbe Rev, C. E. Barnes, pas
tor of the Presbyterian Church. The singing
was by a quartet cTioir, led by Prof. Arthur,
of Cleveland, who was the leader of the regi
mental band of the Twenty-third Ohio, of
which General Hayes was Colonel.
Rev. L. D- McCabe, LL. .. wh
the marriage Teremony for Mr; Hayes and
wife, then delivered a brief funeral address.
It was the desire of tbe lamilv that there
should be no sermon. Rev. M. Long, of the
Evangelical Lutheran Cburcb, then repeated
the Lord'sprayer.closlngthestmple andimpres
sive services, which had been so arranged as to
bring into requisition the i services of all the
evangelical ministers of the city. An opportu
nity was then given to the throngs of sympa
thizing visitors from abroad to view the body,
tbe Fremont Light Guard Band, which was
stationed some distance from the house, play
ing a nnmber of suitable selections meanwhile.
Tbe funeral cortege then took up its line -of
march to OakwoodJemetery, where the inter
ment took place.
Dllas fllnrln Mitchell.
LYUN, MASS., Jnno 23. Maria Mitchell, the
noted astronomer, died at 9;S0 this mornlnattbe
residence ftCJJrs. Benjamin H. Currier, In this
city. Tue name of Maria Mitchell has been a
household treasnre In this country for over 20
years. With Harriet JJeecher Htowe, she will be
remembered as one of the great American women.
Her fame was world-wide aS a mathematician and
astronomer. As Professor of Astronomy at Vas
tar College from IS03 to 18SS, she became person
ally known to thousands of American women who
were never tired of referring to her as proof of
what a woman might be and do. She
was born in Nantucket, Mass., the home of
many famous men and women, August 1, 1818,
so that at tbe time of bcr death she was nearly 71
years old. When Miss Mitchell was only 11 years
old sne assisted her father in bis astronomical
work. At the age Vf 18 she became librarian of
the Nantucket High School, and declared that she
there laid tbe foundation of her attainments In
mathematics and astronomy. She held this place
for 20 years, and spent night after night In the
study oi me stars, iicr earner wors was lor ine
purpose of determining local time. Then she began
searching for comets, -and In October, 1887, discov
ered what she thought was a new comet. Her
father's examination confirmed her discovery.
Prof. Bond, of Harvard University, to whom was
communicated tbe knowledge of the discovery,
advised Miss Mitchell to claim the prize offered by
the King oi Denmark to the astronomer who
should first discover a new comet. Through Pres
ident Edward Everett, of Harvard, Miss Mitchell
advanced her claim. The new comet was also
claimed by, many distinguished Europein
savants. A ontfoversr over the matter re
sulted finally In definite proof of Miss
JUl'chcU's claim, and she received tbe King
of Denmark's gold medal, also a copper medal
struck by tbe republic of ban Marino, Italy. Tbere
are seven other comets which Miss Mitchell dis
covered, being In advance of other watchers in
some cases"-by a few dats, in other by
a few hours. After 1S47 Miss Mitchell's fame
as an astronomer was assured. She was
employed after this on tbe American Nautical Al
manac until her appointment to the Vassar pro
fessorship. In 1858 she visited Europe and In
England was the guest of Sir John Herschel nnd
orSlrlleorgcH. Airy, then Astronomer Royal at
Greenwich. When she returned the women of
America presented her with a largo telescope.
Slio was the first woman to oe elected tu'iho
American Academy ot Arts and Sciences. Slio
was made a LL. 1). by Hanover and Columbia.
Colleges and by the Rutgers female College. She
accepted the Vassar professorship ou condition
that her father might accompany berthcrn. Mr.
Mitchell died, at the age of 76, a few years'ago.
Miss Mitchell resigned her professorship on
Christmas Day, 1887. t
JTOE 29, ,1889.
How a Gambler's Strange Belle f Helped
Senntor Reyburn to Defeat tho Scheme
of His Political Enemies Ho Had One
Majority and field It. -
John E. Reyburn is a Gubernatorial possi
bility and a strong man, considered from every
point of the human compass. Be is of medium
height, squarely built, with a strong compact
figure. He is dark complexioned, with black
hair and mustache and a countenance that
'indicates firmness and decision of character.
His every act is a confirmation of.this readme
of bis personality. He is a man of culture and
education and as a lawyer hasii high reputa
tion. In politics he is no man's man. A
gentleman oonnected with one of the Republi
can factions of the State, said of him: "As
Governor of Pennsylvania he would be Gov
ernor in fact as well as in name. He would bef 1
dictated to neither by our people nor by the
other side. If he considered a course light
and proper that is the course he would pursue.
and if he didn't think it the right thing jthero f
is no power ou eann mac coma move nun.
For that reason I don't think he can be
Governor. He couldu't be nominated.
Helping an Unfortunate Friend.
A good story is told in connection with Sen
ator Reyburn's first nomination and election to
the Senate. It was a narrow majority of one
by which he had the convention, an d but for an
act of friendship in years before Jbalf forgotten
by him, that majority wonld have been lost to
him and he would have been numbered with
the defeated.
One day, many years agd, he was walking
along one of Philadelphia's business streets,
vihenhemetayoun'g' man who bad been one
of his schoolmates. "Ned," saw the latter
(Senator Reyburn's middle name is Edgar, and
many of his friends know him familiarly as
Ned) "Ned, I'm in hard luck. I'm actually on
my uppers. Look at that 'shoe" and he held
up his foot. "I'm actually walking barefooted.
Can't you help me for the sake of old times?"
"Yes, Charley, I.can," said Reyburn.
"You know what I've been doing," said the
other. N '
"Yes," replied Reyburn, "you've been gam
bling and going to seed."
"That's It," was the reply; 'but if you'll let
me have So0 I'll try to do some good for my
self." "Meet mo' here in half an hour, and it's
At the appointed time the-two former school
mates met and Reyburn transferred a 50 bill
to the needy one, who was profuse in his thanks.
A Gambler's Superstition.
Six weeks later Mr. Reyburn, entering tbe
Continental Hotel, met the borrower, whose
faded and threadbare raiment had given place
to elegant attire.
"Hello, Ned," he exclaimed, delightedly, "I
have some business with you. Come over this
way," and he led him to a retired corner. "I
want to return that S50."
So saying, he drew from his pocket a big roll
of bills, in which large numbers predominated.
Mr. Reyburn was surprised. "Where did you
get aI that money so soon, Charley ? You've
been gambling again."
"Yes," returned Charley, selecting a $30 bill
from the roll, "I have."
"Well, just keep tbe money," said Reyburn,
"I don't want any money made from gambling.
The first time you get $-50 that you've earned
by honest work bring it to me."
"All right, Ned," pleasantly returned the
other: "you're deuced particular, but if I ever
earn SoO that way you shall have it Pm 10,
000 ahead of tho game now and I don't propose
to go broke again."
"Ten thousand, eh;" said Reyburn in sur
prise. "How did you do it?,'
"irs just tms way. i naa a superstition tnat
if I could get a SoO bill from a man who never
gambled 1
Pd be sure to win with it, I,ve done it
and I don't propose to cet in the hole acaln.
Goid-by. old man. If 1 ever earn that 30 at
good honest work I'll bring it to you,
Warned In Good Season,
Several years had passed before ths school
mates met again. Then Reyburn was a candi
date for the Republican Senatorial nomination
in his district The delegates had been chosen
One day as be walked along Chestnut street the
man he bad assisted came rushing toward him.
"Ned," he said, "I've been looking for you. I
heard you were at Cape May and came pretty
near going there. I'm deuced glad I met you;
wouian't nave misseu you lor tne wona.
You're a candidate for the Senate!"
"Yes T" Inquiringly.
"Well, you won't get there unless you look
sharp." .
"Why, what do you know about it r I have a
majority of the delegates."
"Perhaps I know more about it tban you
think. I'm keeping a clubhouse at Atlantic
City, and some of the Philadelphia bosses drop
in there occasionally. They don't know any
thing in particular about mc, and don't know
that I know you. I've beard them talk, and
I've just been on pins and needles to see you.
They're going to rough you out of the conven
tion. A certain man is to walk in at a certain
stage of tbe proceedings, and that will be a
signal for a fight. They will have a crowd tbere
to do business; several of your men will be
thrown ont; mat win give tne otner side a ma
jority, and you will be cheated out of tbe nom
ination." i'That's the scheme, is it f" said Reyburn.
"I'm greatly obliged to you. I can beat it, now
that I know about it. I wouldn't have done it,
though, if you hadn't told me this."
How Reybnm Got Tbere.
On the day of the Senatorial Convention Rey
burn was at the hall early. He had hiredit him
self, and had taken pains to also secure both
ante-rooms. The hour for the convention to
assemble was 10 o'clock. Reyburn was standing
in front of the halL The mau whose entry was
to be the signaffor the row appeared. "Hello,
Narrower! Tiow do you dop' said Reyburn
tbouirh the irentieman's name wasn'tNarrower.
and that really wasn't the name by which he
was addressed.
"How are you, Reyburnf ' was the response.
"What's the best wordT"
"If I were in your place," said Reyburn, "I
wouldn't go upstairs."
"What's the matterr'
"Nothing much. Only your appearance in
the hall is the sign for tho row to begin that's:
to beat me. Now, I'm prepared for that. I've
got 50 good men up there with locust clubs, and
each man is instructed, jnst as soon as you ap
pear, to give you at least one good blow. I
don't believe you would stand it, and if I were
you I wouldn't go up. I've got a majority of
one in that convention, and I propose to keep
it. Those men are up thero to keep order, and
they'll do it. I don't think under the circum
stances you ought to go up."
The gentleman didn't go up, and Mr. Rey
burn was nominated. He was later elected,
and bas been returned regularly ever since. A
friend of his tells the story, and vouches for its
general accuracy. Simpson.
f Ker to Collese Lingo.
,From the New York Tribune, j
When a college student asks this question:
"If you took a snap course under a soft marker,
cut bim dead and did no grinding In term, do
you think by a little swiping, a tutor and a trot,
you could rag a B at the series, or would you
flunk?" this is what he means in English: Do
you think if you elected an easy course under
a' careless and good-natured professor, and
didn't attend lectures in term time, that, by
coaching with a tutor and toadying to tho pro
fessor and using a translation, you would fail
in your examination, or get a high mark?
By Fair or Foul Menus.,
From the Chicago Tribune.;
A man in Brooklyn claims the title ot ac
cordion champion of the United States, and is
ready to defend the claim against all comers.
Brooklyn is welcome to him. The more accor
dion players she hasthe further she will fall
behind Chicago in the census of next year.
A Nnmo Suggested.
From the .NorrlstownUeraldO
"A company has been formed in New York
to manufacture sandwiches by the thousand."
The name of the organization is not given, but
it is supposed to be some kind of an Everlast
ing Pavement Company.
Come, Marie, take your feathered bat,
And shoulder-cape, and plqnant muff,
Some repartees, a langli, a glance.
And in our sleeve a sly rebuff,
Come, Marie, comet
Come dancing down the stairs, and call
Borne trite remark that sounds divine;
Be sancy at yonr mother's care
About your wrapsi my aid decline
Abont your glove. - I
I know not why a foolish girl;
Should seem so wise to be so sweet;
Nor why, without a glimpse or soul,
You are a creature quite complete,
And somewhat-rare. "
Let me but gaze upon your cheek,
And catch the fervor of your eye,"1
And note the dimple at yonr Up
When I declare that I shall die
Without your love I"
Tht Century,
NTwo Stdes of the Question.
New Yobk, June 28. Cbauncey M. Depew
is just discovering that his speeches for pro
tection last fall were loaded at both ends. Some
months ago Mr; Depew imported from Paris
Leon Bonnat'S portrait of Cornelius Vander
"bilt: At the Custom House he paid a duty of
SO per cent ad valorem. Two weeks later the
picture was returned to Bonnat to be re
touched. When tho portrait was reshipped to
New York, Mr. Bepew applied for the free
entry of it on the' ground that he bad paid the
full duty at the time of tbe first importation.
Tho-collector sent Mr, Bepew's application to
tbe Secretary) of the Treasury, who bas jusi; re
fused to grant it. Mr. Bepew must again pay
the SO per cent dnty. The portrait is valued at
"An Artist In Trouble.
A breach of promise suit was brought against
Augustus P. Friedlander, the artist, to-day, by
Miss Gallagher, of Newport. Miss Gallagher
claims that Mr. Friedlander made love to ber
in ber mother's boarding honse at Newport
last summer, and finally promised to marry
her. Immediately after his return to his home
in New York he told her she must look out for
another man, as he had Ceased to love her.
Mr.-IJrledlander Is an artist of considerable
local fame, and a prominent member of the
Palette Club. Last season he exhibited at the
Academy of Design a picturoof Veres t Chagin,
tbe Russian painter, which was considered
something of a masterpiece. He makes a gen
eral 'denial of the truth of Miss Gallagher's
A Suit About a ClgnrelleTPictnre.
Miss Gracie Wade, of Brooklyn, an actress,
has just asked the Court to award her 10,000
damages In ber suit against William Duke &
Co., cigarette manufacturer. Miss Wade
thinks thattbe cigarette manufacturers libeled
her by "wrongfully and Immodestly attaching a
picturoof her head and face, reduced in size,
to a.ridlculous figure dressed in tights, exhibit
ing tbe lower limbs and tending to show that
the plaintiff was a person of "immoral charac
ter." ,These pictures were circulated through
out the country with Dnkefc Ca's cigarettes.
The counsel for Duke 4 Co. to-day applied for
a bill of particulars on the ground that Miss
Wade's complaint described anyono of 100
cigarette pictures published by his clients. The
judge denied the application on the ground
that tbe name, "Miss Oracle' Wade," sufficed
fdr the identification of the picture. The case
will be tried next week.
An Excert of Harmony.
Since his return from Washington last night
Chauncey Depew has told everyone he bas
seen how harmonious President Harrison and
bis Cabinet are. "The President and Mr.
Blaine," he said to-day, "are in perfect accord
as between themselves and both are in full ac
cord with the other members of the Cabinet.
Tbe rumors about the President's ill health
are equally unfounded and nonsensical. He is
in perfect health and undisturbed by recent
criticisms of his actions. Be knows he has
been elected President; he knows what is ex
pected of him; and he bag perfect confidence
in his ability to fill the bill." Mr. Depew also
said that Colonel Shcpard's name was not
mentioned in the White House while he was
there nor was anything said about tbe Russian
mission. Mr. and Mrs. Depew will sail for
Liverpool next Wednesday.
Teachers Will Tnke'nn Outing. ,
Four hunured teachers from all parts of the
United States will sail for Europe to-morrow
I on tbe steamship Sertria. The boat will carry
no other passengers. One hundred of tho
teachers will land at Southampton, visit Lon
don and two weeks later will go to France
to see the Exposition and to meet tbe
rest of the party, which in the meantime will
have, traveled from Hamburg to Paris via Ber
lin and Frankfort, Many of the teachers will
remain abroad till next spring.
A Curious Venture of tho Contract Law.
William Prentiss, Ernest Spauswock, Charles
Lansdown and Ernest Greenfield, contract
laborers, who arrived here two months ago on
tbe steamship Obdem and were sent back, were
brought into this port again last night by tbe
Obdam. They say they have no contracts now
and wish to get ashore to shift for themselves.
Collector Erhardt, who doubts tho tinth of
their story, has telegraphed to Washington for
Dniilevy and His Diamonds.
W. M. Dunlevy, the local dramatic critic who
lent his diamond pin to Mary Gates, a pretty
chorus girl who sings at tbe Casino under the
name of Lillian Tyson, and then had her ar
rested because she was out when he called at
the room, has his bauble back. He has also
the advertisement of having kept a lady whom
be once used to ask out to supper after the
play In a police court cell all night. Miss Ty
son was a brigand again to-night and the Ca
sino seemed packed with her friends.
Confusing Signboards.
From the New YOrk,Trlbune.l
Yes, traveling in the fair State of Alabama
must have its drawbacks. A correspondent of
the Atlanta Constitution reports that "the first
mile-post you come to after leaving Gadsden
said '30 miles to Guntersville,' the next said
'Guntersrilfe 43 miles,' and the next 'Gunters
ville S3 miles.' They make a lot of signboards
and send a man ont to put tbem up. He scat
ters them along the road as it suits bis con
venience." It is a pity that the "convenience"
8t thl3 distributor of signboards should be so
erratic The stranger in Alabama is liable to
get dreadfully mixed.
Biff Lord Fnnntleroy.
From the New York Tribune.J
A Western playwright thinks ol writing a
play to be entitled "Big Lord Fauntleroy," the
design of which will be to show what a gen
erally undesirable person Little Lord Faunt
leroy became when be grew to bo a man. Tbere
are a great many interesting possibilities In
this idea.
Why the Dawn Wears Gray Tints.
From the Baltimore American.!
Tbe dawn wears its gray tints because the
day has just at that time gone into half-morning.
A SWABX of bees, attracted by tbe voice of
an auctioneer in Scranton, Pa., settled in front
of his auction rooms the other day and broke
up bis vendue by dispersing bis auditors. Much
to bis relief, a Veteran on bees, came along and
brushed the swarm Into a hand-basket.
A cheese which bad been placed on a pine
box in tbe grocery store of James E. Kich
mond, In Mcadville,Pa., was discovered to be
burning briskly. The box was also charred.
How the cheese was fired is not known.
Mns. Isaac Batcheloe, of Slckia-svllle,
N, J., daughter of Samuel Ramalck, bas found
in Reading, Pa., her father, sister and broth
ers, from whom she had been separated for 19
The reflection of tbe electric lights at Har
rlsburg. Pa., is found to scare the fish, and
bobbing for eels at night is less effective than
it used to beS
One of the dlrinltles of comic opera, in
Philadelphla,who is noted for pearly teeth uses
nd dentnfice but table salt.
The most popular way of carrying a water
melon home in Philadelphia is to insert a cork
screw in one end and bear It as a pendant by
A tabmeb in Columbiana county, Ohio,
uses team of cows to plough bis field. He
says ho is too poor to buy horses, and by work
ing the cows in the field be makes them do
double work and so increases his income,
Robebt Goss, who lives near Wheeling, W.
Va., has a process of compressing bran which
he thinks will make him rich. He claims that
a block a trifle smaller than an ordlnary'biick
will last a cow or horse for two -days when
soaked. A farmer could have these ."bran
bricks" packed away and thus save a great deal
of space as well as keep his barn clean.
tyHEi? A. Mercer, of Garrett county, W. Va.,
opened his1 safe tho other morning au English
sparrow flew out. It Is supposed that the spar.
row had flown into the safe during tbe day and
did not have time to get out before Mr, Mercer
closed ltun in the evening.' . '
i. .
Astoria, L. X, bas several Chinese
There are 1,600,000 miichcows in. New
York, kept on nearly 200,000 farms.
There are now over 33,000 telephone
subscribers in Qeraany, it Is stated.
A Baltimore woman dreamed oi finding
a pot of gold In the cellar, and next day she
went down and nosed around and found a jug
of rum which her old man was keeping shy.
Six deaf people have been killed" on
one of the 'railroods running ont of Chicago,
within a distance of half a mile of each other,
and with only 13 days between the first and the
A South Carolina convict who made a
break and knew that the dogs would take his
trail used two pounds of strong snuff to
sprinkle in his tracks, and the dogs let go and
returned in disgust.
Of 50 men in Boston who studied al
gebra and were proficient in mathematics not
one became a surveyor or engineer, and not
five have ever had any use for anything beyond
the plain tables of arithmetic.
The SheribTof San Miguel county, New
Mexico, bas alone and unaided arrested six
horse thieves and recovered 830 horses since
January 1. He has been wounded three times
and killed two men in his work.
Four young men who were sailing la"
thS North Shrewsbury from Red Bank, N. X;
were chased by the sea serpent. The young
men are teetotalers, but had aboard a number
of pies, of which they had freely partaken.
Italian barbers are crowding out their
German rivals In New York City- Their prices
are extremely low, 5 cents for a shave and IS
cents for hair cut. Some of them are expert
operators, having learned their trade In Italy.
A tramp entered a boarding bouse in
.Exeter, N.H., on Sunday, and attempted to
carry oS some clothing. The servant girl
knocked him down with-a broomstick, and
then chased him from tbe bouse with a re
volver. He was afterward arrested.
Officer Smith, of Macon, Ga., arrested
Eugene Johnson, a negro lad. for throwing
rocks. His mother interfered. Then the
father stepped up, and then an uncle and aunt
stepped in to help the prisoner. The officer
arrested the entire
against all of them.
party ana loagea cnargei
John "W. Butler, of -Atlanta, had his
foot amputated the other day,and bad it buried
in his family lot in the cemetery. In this ceme
tery there have been three such interments be
side that of Mr. Butler's: Dr. Wilson. A- a
Hammond and Will Wilson. All go around
with one foot or a leg In the grave.
The steamer J. B. Schuyler marie her
first trip of the season from New York to the
Cholera Banks the other day, with a good num
ber of passengers, and large quantities of fish
were caught. A passenger caught a ling weigh
ing four pounds, and on cleaning bim discov
ered an American flag in bis intestines.
John Aitken, of Falkirk, claims to have
succeeded in counting the dust motes In the
air. He says that he has detected 30,000 such
particles in the thousandth of a cubic inch qf
the air of a room. In the outside atmosphere
in dry weather the same measurement yielded
2.119; after a heavy rainfall the number was
only 521.
The whales are reported unusually
numerous along the Maine shore. A Boston
steamer captain says that on a late trip it
looked as if the boat were running into a bed
of rocks over which tbe sea was breaking.
The rocks were whales, and tbe monsters were
resting on the water apparently unconscious of
the nearness of the boat
A lightning flash did freaky things at
the house of W. P. Graham, in Juniata, Fa.,
during the last storm. Passing a basket full of
eggs ready to be sent to the store, It accom
plished the almost incredible feat of breaking
every shell without spilling tbe contents of a
single egg. The bouse has twice been struck
by lightning within five years.
David H. Houston, of Middletown,
N. Y., by his attorney, has filed suit against
the city and county of San Francisco, by which
he asks for 300,000,000 the value of the Alu
California grant, which plaintiff claims was
deeded to Ferdinand Macbina by Governor
Micheltorena of Alto California in 1843. The
land in question includes many acres thickly
covered with buildings. .
A curious exhibition of portraits, more f
than 2,000 years old, has just been opened la
Paris. These are paintings which once orna
mented Egyptian burial places, and which have
been admirably preserved by the) dry sand.
They date from tho Greek epoch in Egypt,
Tbere are more than 1U0 ot these portraits,
wnieb give an accurate idea of all tbe types,
the costumes, hair drcssiug,.otc of the time. "
An interesting experiment is about to
be made by Miss Sellers, a lady who has been
well known as a teacher and lecturer in classics
and French for the last few years in London.
She is going to start a day school for girls on
Campden Hill on university lines, and with ex
aminations to be held by outside examiners of
high university standing. Among tbe features
of the system Is the intention to use tbe public
buildings, galleries and mnseums of London
systematically for educational purposes. En
glish history and literature being illustrated by
lessons at Westminster Abbev, the Tower, etc.,
ancient history and art at the National Gal
lery and British Museum, natural science at
the Natural History Museum, and so on.
A Hartford lady tells 'a story of an an
cestor of hers, a direct descendant'of John
Eliot, tbe great missionary. The ancestor was
a woman, the head of a family in New Haven,
and about tbo year 1765,,she ordered a lot of
nails from Boston. The kegs came in due time,
and when they were opened one of tbem was
found to be filled with Spanish dollars. She
wrote to tbe Boron merchant telling him of
the contents of one of the kegs. He answered
that be bad bought it for nails and had, no fur
ther responsibility itf the matter. Tbe monev
j- was kept among the family treasures untouched
ana unclaimed unui ine a earn oi me neaa or
tbe house, who. In her will, ordered that the
dollars be melted and cast into a communion
set for the New Haven church. This was done.
i -
If we could use our own good advice,
how happy we would be. MchUon Blobe.
Apollo was a stickler for 'the code of
honor. It was he who first struck 'the lyre.--Merchant
Quite naturally, it is the man of seasoned
Intellect and ripe experience who does not seem
fresh. Btnghamton Republican.
Mother Ella, you cannot m3rry him. He
has no money. Ela Why, mother, I saw him
give 13 to a beggar T Mother Probably an aeconf
yllct. Bottom Herald.
The fly in the champagne punch must not
be held responsible. He is in liquor, and accord
ing to the rules or, good society should be excused
for bis acts. Sew Orleans Picayune.
Madam Do up my hair, Felice, while -I
am down to breakfast. ''
I ellce Yes, madam;. which color ? c
Madam The black, please-I am going to a
funeraL Btngtuimton Beviibtican.
"I love you well," the stamp exclaimed,
"Dear envelope so true; j.
In fact it's evident to all ,pr
That I am stuck on you." i
Mr. Snajsby Tour friend Miss Rapid
bas been treating me very 111. She called me an
old fool Just now. ' 'i
Miss SharpBow silly of you to notice It when
you know you are not 30 yet. BcrionerU
Is It Coming to This? Old policeman
(hurriedly) Hide your star I
New policeman (Innocently) What fori t
Old policeman-Here eomesagambler, yon. thun
dering fool. He'll take it away from you if he
sees It? Chicago Tribune.
'This is a Mechanical Age. Mrs. 'Brown
(at Mrs. Smith's tea),-Ob, dear, that dreadful
Miss Smith Is singing again. I wonder what
started her?
Tom Brown (age 7) I dropped a nickel down
ber back when she wasn't looking. Muniey't
Weekly. ,
Scene, inn. Prince Hal (angrily) QoofF,
Pistol I go off! Pistol-Thanks, your Highness.
I'm glad to be discharged. (Claps cap on his
head.) Prince Off with your cap, rogue.
Where's your manners? Falstaff Pardon, most
merry Prince, but how can a pistol go off without
a cap 1 (Prince Hal faints; ristol explodes B. U.
E.) Curtain; 8lowmuslc.PAUatfeipnta.PreH.
He Could Use It "I think we shall have
to Vysjaln," remaned the photographer, as' Be,
criticallyexamlned the negative. The expression
a few ikiu iuu iwr umuiug. -
"anat negative is all rlgav; said toe cnjwa"".
TiIcklnsrunhiiriaL 'Ainyred was a portrait
to send to my wife's aunfr f 'She's thlnktegof Vl
lung us this snmmer.vCAtaijo xrtount,
ths -WATjct qtrv xsrr.
Old Fossil got upon a stite
Unifsald, "I'll just sltheTO and smile,
Ana fortune will embrace me.
lint vhnii thn'A.ui. ti,u.(l nYlhS S&
' Old fellow, go and bag yonr head;
.Idoa'tllkelstuesthataredead; M
. Jwap dowafcota ttoe aaa failgM