Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 29, 1889, SECOND PART, Page 11, Image 11

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J3s c. . -
Jhe First Cantaloup?. Water Melons
and Blackberries.
Wake fish in limited supply.
une Weather Blasts Borne Hopes in line of
Floral Trade.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, I
rBiDAT.June'A Rw. J
In the line of fruit and vegetables the
week has been characterized by the appear
ance of many new articles. New home
potatoes, squash, string and wax beans are
on the stalls for the first time in the past
few days. "We are also having onr first
taste of watermelons, cantaloups and black
berries. Said a leading dealer In fruits and
vegetables, "X have never known cantaloups of
such excellent quality coming so early in the
season." Home raised potatoes are also ahead
of time. The Fourth of July is considered
early for the new potato crop in this section.
Strawberries still linger, bnt the hulk of those
coming to market are of inferior grade. The
arrival of so much new stuff from field and
Cardeahas stimulated trade, and we note an
improvement over last week.
Butter and eggsiave undergone little or no
change the past week. Fancy country rolls are
more firmly held. Eggs are also a shade firmer
for an entirely reliable article. Poultry trade
is light as it always is at this season of the year.
The nets are out on the lower lakes since the
15th of June on account of Ohio prohibitory
laws. The fish coming from the upper lakes
where Michigan and Minnesota laws do not
prohibit are not in supply for sufficient de
mand. A shortage of lake fish is reported by
dealers. The supply from Eastern sources is
ample. Prices are suffer. Florists are not en
tirely satisfied with June weather, which has
been far other than favorable for lawn fetes
and garden parties.
Scbool rxhlbibitions and" golden weddings
have partially made ud to the trade the past
week for the loss by rains. The month of June
has not come up toexpectations in the florists'
trade, but there is still-time enough to make it
np if only July will furnish as many dry days
as June has rainy ones.
The prices called Tor at the Diamond Markets
remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin
steak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure
for very fancy, which are very often no bet
ter than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts,
from 18 to 2Uc; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c;
chnck roast, 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c;
boiling beef, 5 to 8c; sweet breads, 20 to 60c per
pair: beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, 5c a
pound: calf livers. 25c apiece: corned beef
from 5 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing
commands 10c; roast, 12 to 15c: cutlets, 20c
per pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 15 to
2Uc: hind quarters, 20 to 25c A leg of mut
ton, hind quarter, of prime quality, brings
12c; fore quarter. 8c; loin of mutton, 15c;
giblets, 5c per pound.
Vegetables and Fruit.
New white potatoes, 20 to 25c per J peck; egg
plants, 10 to 15c: new Bermuda onions, 10c per
quart; tomatoes, 25c per quart box; new cab
bage, 5 to 15c; bananas, 20 to 35c a dozen; new
home-grown carrots, 5c a bunch: California
peaches, 25c per quart box; lemons, 25 to 30c per
dozen; oranges, 50c: spinach, 15c per half peck;
lettuce, 5c per bunch, d lor 25c: radishes. c per
bunch; cucumbers, 3 for 25c; asparagus, 6
bunches for 25c; new beets, 5c apiece; strawber
ries, home-grown, 10 to 20c; cauliflowers, 15 to
50c a head; home-grown strThf beans, 25c a
mianer peck; home-grown golden wax beans
2oc a quarter peck: new Southern onions, 20c a
quarter peck: home-grown squashes, 10 to 20c;
home-grown potatoes, 35c a half peck-; home
grown peas, 25c per half peck: sweet and sour
cherries, 15c per quart. 2 for 25c; gooseberries,
12 to 15c per quart; currants. 15c per quart, 2
for 25c; watermelons, 35 to 60o; cantaloups. 40
to 75c; red raspberries, 15 to 20c a -quart; black
raspberries, 12 to 15c.
Batter, Egffs nod Poultry.
Choice creamery batter, 25c Good country
butter. 20a Fancy pound rolls, 30c
The ruling retail price for eggs is 20c
The range for dressed chickens is 90c to
a 25 per pair. Turkeys, 15 per pound. Spring
chicken, $1 to 51 25 per pair: ducks, SI to SI 2o
per pain ifesae, 50 to . 5c each.
Fish In Season
Following are the articles in this line on
the stalls, wWi prices: Lake salmon, 12c; Cali
fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her
ring, 4 pounds for 25c; Spanish mackerel, 30c
to 35c a pound: sea salmon, 40c a pound:
blue fish, 25 to 30c; perch. 10c; halibut, 25c;
rock bass, 30c: black Cass, 20c: lake trout, 12c;
lobsters, 25c: green sea turtle, 2Sc; mackerel,
20c small, 40c large Oysters: N. Y. counts,
SI 75 per gallon; clams. Jl 25 per gallon; scol
lops, 50c a quart: frogs. $2 00 to 2 00 per dozen;
soft shell crabs, 75c per dozen; devil crabs, 85c
per dozen.
la France roses, SI 001 50 per dozen; Bride
oses, $1 00 per dozen; Pedes, $1 00 per dozen;
Nlphetos, $1 00 per dozen; Bennetts, SI 00
per dozen: American Beauty, 25c apiece; Mer
mets. 51 00 per aozen; carnations, 35c a dozen;
Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda
Easter .lilies. S3 00 per dozen; Jacqueminot
roses, 75c to $1 50 a dozen; peonies, SI 00a dozen;
moss roses, SI 00 a dozen; June roses, SI 00 a
dozen; forgetmenots. 25c a dozen; water lillsf;
50c a dozen.
Condition of the Market at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Office Pittsburg Dispatch, i ill
Fbidat, June 28, ISS9. ) f
CATTLE Receipts, 20 head; shipments, 4S0
head; market nothing doing; all through con
signments; no cattle shipped to If ew York to
day. Hoas Receipts. 2,300 nead: shipments, 2,909
head; market bnsk; all grades S4 604 75; 10
cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 1.400 head; shipments, 1,600
head: market firm and 10c higher.
Br Telecranh.
New York Beeves Receipts, 2,900 head.
Including 81 carloads for market, 02 carloads for
city slaughterers direct and 28 carloads of ex
port steers; prices about 10 cents per 100 lbs.
lower with a slow trade: native steers sold at
S3 604 50 per 100 pounds: bulls and dry cows,
SI 803 25. Calves Receipts, 1,000 head: a
trifle easier and not all sold; veals sold at 4l
6c per pound: buttermilk calves at 2K&.
Sheep Receipts, 5.000 head; rather slow trade
and weaker tor ordinary and common stock:
Ebeep sold at8K5c per pound; lambs at 6J
&ic Hogs Receipts, 2,400 head; no sales on
the live weight; nominal at S4 604 70 per 100
Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 3,726 head:
shipments, 1,095 head; native beef steers dull
and weak; fair to good Texas ana Indians ac
tive: good cows stronger; stockers steady;
good to choice corn-fed steers, S3 154 00; com
mon to medium. S3 003 CO; stockers and f eca
lng steers, S2 003 10: cons, SI 603 00. Hoes
Receipts, 8,988 head; shipments. 752 head;
market 10c lower; good to choice lights, $4 2
4 2; beaw and mixed, SI 124 2a Sheep
Receipts, 3,616 bead; shipments, 3,089 head:
market strong; good to choice muttons, S3 75
4 00; common to -medium, $2 5003 00.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 8,000 head;
shipments, 4.500 head: market fairly active and
steadv: beeves. S4 004 35: steers, S3 35(84 10;
stockers and feeders, S2 003 40; cows, bulls
and mixed, SI 2563 00: Texas cattle, SI 700
3 80. Hogs Receipts. 24,000 head; shipments.
6,500 head: market weak and 10I5c lower:
mixed, Si 254 40; heavy, S4 204 40; light. Si 30
64 60: skips, S2 004 00. Sheen Receipts. 5,000
head: .shipments, 1.500 head: market un
changed; natives, S3 255 00: Westerns, S3 250
3 90.Te.Tans. S3 003 85; lambs, S2 004 00.
St. Lotus Cattle Receipts. 800 head; shln
ments, 1,700 head; market strong; choice
heavy native steers, S3 804 40; fair to good
do, S3 104 00; stockers and feeders, fair to
good, tZ 103 25: rangers, corn-fed, S2 803 50;
grass-ted. $1 903 00. Hogs Receipts, 2,600
Bead: shipments, 1,600 head; market slow;
choice ;heavy and butchers' selections, S4 25
04 35; packing, medium to prime, S4 15
jbi 30; light grades, ordinary to best, S4 30
4 40. Sheep Receipts, 300 head: shipments,
&' qQA 1im.i1. marfceT. stforiv. fair tn .hAiro S3 On
Buffalo Cattle Recelpts.47 loads through;
S os sale. Stronger;10c higher in common;
Texas steers, S3 CO: native butchers. S3 70.
Sheep and lambs Receipts, 301 loads through:
11 on sale: stronger. Hogs Receipts, 23 loads
throecb: 30 on sale: firm; 10c higher; medium,
S4 6e470; Yorkers, Si S0i 8; pigs, Si 800
Ctjrcrjnf ATI Hogs strong; common and light,
$354 6V; packing and butchers, S4 354 60;
receipt, 1,550 bead; shipments, 260 head.
Drrcoods Blnrket.
New York. June 2S. The drycoods market
presented few Bew features to-day. General
demand was quiet, but there was a fair busi
aess inprints, jr4srbams and low grade cot
tons. The latter were very firm with an up
ward tendency. Flat fold cambrics, Edmunds
'd Norwich aaket, were advanced a a yard.
i 3B&
wvua WWV Bitmiaii)jgu uwi c 41111.
Wheat Makes Another lpart on the
Strength of Bad Crop Renins at
Homcnnd Rumors of a Short-
ace la Rassla and
Chicago. A marked change occurred In
tho wheat market to-day as compared- with
yesterday. The feeling developed was decided
ly unsettled, and a sharp advance occurred
during the session, bnt not fully sustained.
Trading was active in a speculative way. The
opening was about the same to $v lower than
yesterday's closingwhich was due In part to
the rather easier tone of European advices,
and was a sort of continuation of yesterday's
weakness, but shortly afterward the opening
became strong, and advanced 11C for the
various deliveries, declined c, and
closed lc higher for July, lc higher for
August, and IK higher for December than yes
terday. The advance was attributed to the bad crop
news received from the Northwest. Advices
from various sources were received, noting a
poor outlook. It is claimed that the rains came
too late to do much good, and now the crop was
receiving further injury from the hot winds.
There were also believers in a -short crop in
Russia and Austro-Hungary. The advance
was assisted some no doubt by the short inter
est covering by parties who had sold yesterday
taking fright at the action of the market to-,
day. The feeling throughout the session was
nervous and feverish.
A fair business was transacted In corn, and
the feeling developed was a'little unsettled,
prices ruling lower early and higher later in
the session. There was no new outside news of
importance on the market, and prices were gov
erned chiefly by local influences. The "market
opened a shade lower than the closing prices
of yesterday and was easy for a time,infiuenced
largely by the receipts and fine weather. A
firmer tone then prevailed, due largely to the
good shipping dehiand, and prices advanced
Jic, ruled easier and closed a shade lower than
yesterday. '
A good business was transacted In oats, but
prices fluctuated within a range of MMc
A fairly active trade was reported in mess
pork, but the market was somewhat unsettled,
and prices ruled irregular Opening sales were
made at 7c decline, and a further reduction
of 10c was submitted to, with moderate trading
at the declining scale. Later the market ex
hibited more firmness, and prices rallied 7K
10c and closed comparatively steady.
A quiet and rather dull feeling prevailed in
the lard market Prices ruled 2X 5c lower,
and the market closed quiet at medium figures.
Trading was only moderate in short rib sides
and the feeling was easier. Early in the day
prices receded 25c but during the latter
part of the session was steadier and prices
rallied again and closed steady.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 Jul v. WK80J79S0c:
August, 7Vi79779c; September, ifii
7Mi77JS79c; December, 79&81K79Vi
CORN No. 2 July. 34J35S4Sfc;
August, 35KS535435Kc; September, 353$
Oats No. 2 J uly. 22K2Z5222Hc: Au
gust. 222222K2c; September. 22
Mess Poek, per bbL July, SU 75011 77K
Gil boffill 75: August. SU S56)ll 85011 800
U 85; September, Sll 95U 9511 g
11 92J.
Lars, per 100 fts. July, S6 606 CO
6 576 5K: August, S6 6746 6 Septem
ber, S6 756 77K6 72K6 7a.
Short Ribs, per luu Bs. July, S5 9005 95
& 905 95: August. S5 976 02K5 97if
6 00: September. S6 076-8 106 05b 07.
Cash quotations were as xollews: Flour was
firm and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 8Uc;
No. 3 spring wheat, 76Kc: No. 2red, 81c No.
2 corn, 35c. JSa 2 oats, 22Kc No. 2 rye. 42Kc
No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed. 1 48.
Prime timothy seed, SI 60. Mess pork, per
barrel. Sll 75. Lard, per 100 pounds. S6 57V
6 60 Short ribs sides (loose). 5 906 00. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), $5 25537. Short
clear sides (boxed), 6 256 S7J. Sugars un
changed. Receipts Flour, 8,000 barrels; wheat,
8,000 bushels: corn, 207,000 bushels: oats, 146,000
bushels; rye. 7,000 bushels. Shipments Flour,
13.000 barrels; wheat. 29.000 buSDels; com, 404.
000 bushels: oats, 125,000 bushels; rye. ,1,000
bushels; barley, 1,000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was firm: fancy creamery, 1616Kc;
fine, 1515c: finest dairies, 1214c; fine, 10
lQKc Eggs firm at 12c
New York Flour quiet and firm; held 5
10c higher on best grades. Wheat strong and
dull: options fairly active, V(lKc higher,, and
unsettled on unfavorable Tfortnwestern crop
news. Rye firm; western, 6051Jfc Barley
malt quiet. Com Spot less active and firmer;
options moderately active and firm. Oats
Spot doll and barely steady; options firm and
quiet. Hay steady and quiet. Hops steady
and quiet. Coffee Options opened steady
andl015 points down; closed steady and 40t5
Soints down; moderately active: sale", 100,250
jgs. Including June. 13.45c; July, 13L3513.80c:
August, 13.6014c; September, l&7514.15c: Oc
tober, 13.S514.20c; November. 13.9514.S0c;
December. ia9014.S0c; January, 1390
14.35c; February, 14.2014.35c: March, 13.95
14.35c; t April, 14.3514.40c; May, 14.1014 40c:
Spot Rio quiet: fair cargoes at 16c
Sugar Raw, quiet and steady; sales, 2,000 bags
centrifugals, 96 test, at Kc. and f.; refined
quiet and steady. Molasses Foreign
firm; 50 test, 31Kc; New Orleans dull. Rice
steady and quiet. Cotton seed oil dull, de
pressed and nominal. Tallow quiet; city, 4 3-lCc
Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine steady
and quiet at S7K3Sc. Eggs quiet and easier:
western, 1414Kc; receipts, 3,301 packages. Pork
more active. Cut-meats firm; sales pickled bel
lies, 11 pounds, 7c; 14 pouuds, 6Kc; 12 pounds,
6?c; pickled hams. HJi12c; pickled shoul
ders. SUMSic Middles slow; short clear, SO 35.
Lard lower: moderate demand; sales western
steam, S8 S7. closing at S8 95; city, S6 85; July,
S6 86; August. S7 01, closing at $7 00 bid; Sep
tember, S7 077 09, closing at S7 OS bid; Octo
ber. $7 09, closing at S7 10. Butter dull and
weak; western dairy. 1014c: do creamery, IS
lTKc; do factory, 713c Cheese easier; re
ceipts cleaned up; western, 7Ji8c
Philadelphia Flour quiet but firm.
Wheat Options wholly nominal in absence of
speculative business; car lots firm under
scarcity: No. 2 red June, nominal; Julr. 82
83c: August, 82JSS3c; September. 82Ji83Jic
Corn quiet, but firm under light offerings;
futures c higher for all months except Sep
tember; No. 2 mixed, grain depot, 43kc;
No. 2 mixed June. 42Ji42Xc; July. 4ift
42c: August. 42K43c; September. 42JJ
43c Oats Car lots quiet but steady: No. i
white, 31K31Jc; No 2 white. 83K31c: fu
tures quiet but firm; No. 2 white, June, 33
335ic; July. 3233tc; August. 31?i32ic:
September, 31i2c Butter steady; Penn
sylvania creamery extra, tf17c; do prints,
extra, 19c Eggs steady; Pennsylvania firsts,
St. Loins Flour quiet and unchanged.
vne mgner; ip, 2 rea,casn. &jc oia; June,
December, 78Jiffi784c closed at 79jjc bid.
Corn easy: No. 2 mixed, cash. 31Sc: Julv.
31J31Sc closed at 31JJC asked; August, S2ijc,
closed at32Vc asked; September, SSKc, closed
at33cbid. Oats lower; No. 2 cash, 23c asked;
22Kc bid; July, 22J4c bid; May: 25c bid. Rye
No. 2 hard, S9c bid with 40c asked. Flaxseed
Spot salable at SI 15 and same bid for August
and nearer deliveries. Provisions quiet.
CrxcEKATi Flour firm. Wheat strong and
higher; No. 2 red, 89c: receipts, 1,500 bushels:
shipments, 1,400 bushels. Com steadv; No. 2
mixed, 3Sc Oats active: No. 2 mixed, 25W
25Kc Rye quiet; No. 2, 46c Provisions quiet
and unchanged. Butter firm. Sugar firm.
Eggs and cheese firm.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
firm; cash, 78c: July. 7Sc: September, 78c
Com quiet at Joe Oats quiet; No. 2 white. 27K
28c Rye firm: No. L44Kc .Barley dull; No?
2, 5051c Provisions easier. Pork, cash, Sll 80:
July, SU 80. Lard, cash, S6 55; July. SO 55.
Cheese lower; Cheddars, 8Sc
Baltimore Provisions steady. Butter
steady; creamery, 1617c Eggs firm at 15
15c Coffee unsettled; Rio, fair, 17c
Toledo Cloverseed dull: cash $4 47K bid;
October, $4 65 bid: receipts, none; shipments.
160 bags.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members 2,'ew York 8tockx
chnye. ,w
. lill. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad .',. ,. 1174 ....
KeadlnE Kallrosd 3 15-1C ....
Lehlch Valley.. .. 63 H
behiirh MavltrMlon........ U4
Northern Faclnc 73 ....
northern l'actflc preferred.. UJk ....
Boston Stocks.
Aten. 4T0D..Ut7 117
Atcb.LandUrant. IsIIO
Wis. Central, com... nye
Wis. Central pt... w
UouezMcCo(new). Si
Calnmet a Heela....207
rrnitlin 9Ji
Huron..). i
Atcb. A Top. U. K... 44)
.Boston A Aioany...zis
lloston & Maine,... .185
ubd, o&n. s. uere. Z4
Eastern R. K M
Eastern H. K. it ....125
Flint lere SI OJ
Usceola, 8)
jrcwsoic ineiri z
Qalney S2
Hell Telephone,.. ..244
BottonLand OK
vater Power 6W
Mexican Cen. com.. 143
jHex.i.isimig. oos. tw
. X. AJieWJCnc... 52
Old Colony. 175
Tamaracr..., I034
banillego zt
nielnl Market.
New York Pig Iron firm; American. S14 50
18 00. Copoer nominal; g: m. b July $9 60. Lead
dull and easier: domestic SI 05. Tin dull and a
shade easier; Straits, S19 85
vhrnt MeretHna saoer in,tomorraaf.Vis.
patch.. Itdeieribtithettablct tfJfea'Xork r
tnHitonatret vino i&tpjamouiireuen. k.
Eise and Fall of a Visionary En
terprise That Resulted In
Business Principles Disregarded in a
Scramble for Filthy lucre.
The story of the panic of 1873, so far as it
touched real estate in this vicinity, has
never been told.' Three or ionr years before
the period in question a corporation, the
title of which it is unnecessary to mention,
went into operation in Pittsburg under a
blanket charter which covered banking,
railroads, real estate, and. about everything
else that could be bought and sold.
Among the stockholders, who numbered
probably 1,000, were many of the best men
of the city, the majority of whom were
boomers, overruling the conservative minor
ity on every point. It was in a flourishing
condition, so iar as could be judged from
surface indications, when the panic swooped
down upon the community.
A t year or two before the crash
the officers of this institution thought
they saw millions in real estate, somewhatnpon
the principle, perhaps, that influenced Colonel
Sellers, in placing a high valuation upon his
eye water, and they bought np large quantities
of vacant land along the lines ot the principal
railroads and in the immediate vicinity of the
city, which they laid out in thousands of lots,
and to which they drew attention by liberal
advertising, brass bands, free lunches and lim
itless quantities of lager beer.
The scheme worked so well that in a short
time hundreds of lots were sold on small pay
ments and long time on the balance. A large
number of houses were soon put up and occu-'
pied ttnd arrangements made for a great many
more In many cases values rose to almost
fabulous heights.
Now for the sequel. In the midst of this ap
parent prosperity, at the very climax of the
boom which was expected to lift hundreds of
people from poverty to affluence and make
their last days easy and comfortable, the panio
came. "Oh. what a fall, my countrymen I"
Trouble came thick and fast. Creditors be
came clamorons for their money, mortgages
were foreclosed, suits innumerable instituted
against the officers and stockholders ot the cor
poration, many of whom lost all they had.
Some of these suits are still pending, and are
likely to be left as a legacy to the next genera
tion. So rose and fell a rainbow-chasing scheme,
which was entered upon without due considera
tion and prosecuted m utter disregard of busi
ness methods.
This brief account of one of the many vision,
ary enterprises of that time clearly shows the
bad effects Of a boom. '
The experience was costly, bnt necessary to
prevent other and possibly greater disasters,
and Pittsburg people seem to have made good
use of it. Booms are so unpopular here that
the mere mention of them is received with dis
favor. Real estate has recovered from the de
pression; but there Is nothing abnormal in its
conditions, which are conservative and healthy.
The Committee on Magnetic Influence of
Iron and Steel in Locomotives on the Watches
of Engine Runners, consisting of T. Vf. Gen
try, James Meehanfand Harvey Middleon,
made a very thorough and painstaking invest!-"
gation of the subject, the following being the
more Important points of the conclusions at
which they arrived:
We find that the magnetic influence of iron
and steel in locomotives, while it may afreet the
watches of runners to a very slight degree, as a
rule it does not amount to a serious disturbing
element; and that if a watch is not exposed to
any other more powerful electrical agent than
the ordinary locomotive engine, no difficulty
would be experienced in keeping accurate time
pieces. Your committee in going over the large num
ber of statements from locomotive runners, are
convinced that much depencs 'upon the
handling of the watch and the care given it by
the man in whose charge it is; and that an infe
rior timepiece in the hands of a careful man is
sometimes more reliable than the finest watch
in the hands of a runner who has no system in
his method of winding, adjusting, etc We
mention this fact as having some bearing on
the various causes of disturbances which the
magnetic shield could not be expected to rem
An Informal meeting was held on the floor of
the Exchange after the stock call yesterday
afternoon, in whichallthebrokerspresenttook
part, looking to the enlargement of the field
of operations. W. L Mustin presided and John
McICee, in a long and forcible Bpeech, ex
plained the object In view.
He said in substance, that the rules govern
ing stock trading in Pittsburg were too narrow.
Tbey shonld be expanded and liberalized, so as
to draw In the outside interest, which is now
controlled by the bucket shops in the interest
of foreign corporations. We have, remarked,
a large number of good securities at home,
whose condition can be ascertained at any
time, and this fact, once brought to the at
tention of the people, would secure for them
more consideration than they have been re
ceiving, keep money at home and assist ma
terially in giving Pittsburg her proper rank
among the commercial' cities of the country.
Pittsburg is full of enterprising men, with
abundant capitaL It Is certain that tbey will
speculate somewhere. They refuse to operate
under our iron-clad rules, and hence send their
orders to New York. This Is detrimental to
the city and has a depressing effect upon local
stocks. Let us open the door to these people.
By so doing we will benefit ourselves, build up
the Jbjccbange, and prevent home money from
being scattered abroad.
His plan is to extend the delivery period to
two weeks, the purchaser in the meantime, by
putting up a margin, to have full control of the
stock, so as to be able to take advantage of any
advance in the market. At the end of the two
weeks he could either take the stock or allow
it to be sold on his account. If it should have
declined his margin wonld make good the dif
ference. This would give him two chances to
make a tnrn instead of one, as now, and in
stead of payingin full for what he bought he
would only be required to pnt np a small per
centage of the full value, -paying the rest at the
time of delivery. A manifest advantage of
this system would be that less'capital would be
required, less risk encountered, and more
chances to turn the investment to a good ac
count. It is thought the adoption ot this plan will
draw In a large outside interest end stimulate
trading on the Exchange, A committee was
appointed with Mr. Mustin as President, to put
the proposition in proper shape for submission
to a full meeting of the members of the Ex
change, to be called later on.
A LlttloBoom Develops the Fact Thers Is
Plenty oflu i
The quantity of Electric brought out at the
stock call yesterday afternoon was a complete
refutation of the statement that has been made
that it is scarce, and made it apparent' to all
that a very small boom would, draw it from its
hiding place in any quantity desired. More of
It was offered than taken at 47. Philadelphia
Gas was firmer and wanted, but only two small
bundles were sold, the first at S3 and the last
i less. The other giA stocks and the tractions
about held their own.
Westlnghouse Airbrake, Limited, could have
been sold at 65, its highest point, but it was
held higher. Pleasant Valley was stronger.
The rest of the list was about steady and feat
ureless. Bids, offers and sales follow:
Hid. Asked. Jlld. Asked.
CT -a -
S3 Z!)i ..V ....
47 .... 47f 52
49 GO ....- 60
OS .... 69 70
15 17 , k...' ....
H t!H 37
Pitts. Pet. S.4M. Ex..
Wkintman's Stj , A.
AlleghenrJns. Co.....
Armnlalns. Co......
t'ltuens lusuranee.,..
BrldEewater Uu,...m
Chartleri VaL Has Co.
People's N. 41. ftP.Co.
UUIndelphla Co
WHBJf : tiM Uo,.i.'
ForestOIl. , 99 ...-.
W..h1nrtnn Oil f!n 74 SO 7S
Central rractlon. Si's JIM SIX S1K.
Citizens' Traction - S3 69 634 esT
rittsDurjr miction..... ..... u
Pleasant Valley !!0
Pitts., Alle. & Man.... 235 'Z70
Pltts.,Cln. &8t 1... .. 19
N.Y. &U.OasCoalCo. 34 .. .... 34
La .Norla Mlnlc? Co... IK, IK
Wcstlnrhouso Uectrle 47M 4754 7tf 43
MonVanela Nsv. Co. 33
U. Switch & Signal Co., 3 23 .... 23
Westlng'seA. B. Co 117 113 ....
WestlnRhouse.IS.Co.il. 63 ..i
Sales at the morning call were 10 shares of
Philadelphia Gas at S3, and 50 Central Traction
at 31 In the afternoon 5 shares of Philadel-
ghia Gas sold at 37. 375 Electric at 47 and 60
entral Traction at 3IK.
The total sales of stocks at New York yes
terday wero 175,912 shares, including: Atchison
17.218: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
9.800; Erie, 4,310: Lake Shore, 7,250; Northwet
ern, 5,700: Northern Pacific preferred. 3,047;
Reading, 16,400; Richmond -and West Point,
7,773; St. Paul, 23,313,-Union .Pacific, 6,700.
Checking Drops Off", Bat Other Lines Show a
Good Avernse.
Bankers reported checking very dull yester
day, aud this was borne out by the Clearing
House statement. The other routine depart
ments transacted about an. average business.
Money was stated to'be in good supply and
rates unchanged. ..Currency and exchange
were on 'even terms. - The clearings were
11,687,954 S3 and the balancss 3313,004 41.
Money on call at "New York yesterday was
easy at 25 per cent.: lasfloan 2: closed of
fered at IX- Prime mercantile paper. 45
Sterling exchange active and steady at SI &
for 60-day bills, and 84 88 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
VJS. 4s,reg 1281
M. K. & T. Gen. 53 .57
V. S. 4S. COUp VJ3H
U, 8. 4"4s, re I0fi
(I. S. 43, coup 1Q6X
Mutual Union 6s....ua
N. J. C. Int. Cert. ..115
Northern rac. Ists..ll9
Northern Pac. 2ds,.113H
Northw't'n consols. I.S
Northw'n deben's..ll4.K
Oregon & Trans. Ss 105
St. I. ALU. Uen. 5s Si
.racincssor'ss Jia
LoulslanastampedU 90 ,
Missouri ss 102)i
lenn. new set. 63....10S
Tenn. new set. 5S....107K
Tenn. new set. 3s.... 7S
Canada So. 24s 99
St. L.A S. V. Uen. .11121
Si. Paul consols WX
Ut.Pl. Chl&Pc lsUlM
Tx Pel, .Tr.Ks.89
TX., Pc K. O .IT. Kcts 37
uen.jracincists iit
Den. &K.GK, lsts...lJ0
Den. &R.G. 4s 81H
D.&K.G.TVesr.lsts. 102
Erie. 2ds 103H
11. K. &T. Gen. 6s.. 31,4
union jrac. bis jio
West Shors 10SX
Yesterday's bond offerings aggregated $33,
000, as follows: Coupon 4, S1S.000 at 10;
registered 49, 20,000 at 108.
Niw Yoek Clearings, $134,185,152; balances,
Boston Clearings, $16,909,601; balances,
31,840,608. Money, 2ifii3 per cent.
Philadelphia Bank clearings, $12,777,518;
balances, $2,146,837.
Baltimore Clearings, $2,065,007: balances,
Lokdos- The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Bank of England on balance to-day
is 12,000.
Paris Three per cent rentes 84f 42Xc for
-the account.
Chicago Money unckanged. Bank clear
ings, 89,527,000.
Brokers Confident' of an Improvement In
Oil Business and Talk.
The second day at the Petroleum Exchange
under the new system was. characterized by
wide and frequent fluctuations and liberal
trading. Business was restricted to July deliv
ery, later months being entirely neglected.
For cash oil 91c and 92c- were bid, and on one
or two occasions small blocks of it were sold
and bought back again in less than a minute,
indicating apprehensions of a shortage.
A broker remarked.: "I think the new sys
tem is growing in favor. Business to-day has
been satisfactory. It has been about the same
as yesterday, and considerably better than the
-same day last week under the old plan. There
has Deen less confusion tnan i expected, in a
few days dealers will thoroughly understand
the new deal. I have no doubt it will be a suc
cess." July oil opened quiet at B2Kc, and by easy
stages reached 93c, the best figure of the day.
The market then declined to 91c, recovered,
and In the afternoon reached 92c. It fluctu
ated between this point and 92c until near the
close, when it slumped to fi0c recovering in a
few minutes to 91c and closed at 91e, a de
cline of Y,c from -theonening. Thursday's
clearings were 843.000 barrels.
Field news was scarce and of small impor
tance. The Rayl well on the Makall farm,
Beaver county, was doing about six barrels a
day. It was brought in Thursday evening. Say
&. Liggett's well on the Schilling farm, near
Economy, has not been tubed. It is put down
for 10 to 25 barrels a day.
Features oi the Market.
Corrected dally by John M. OaKiey St. Co., 45
Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 9JX Lowest KM
Highest 93 Uosed 91 H
Average runs 51,775
Average shipments ....r. 72.703
Average charters :. 43,821
Kenned, New York, 7.20c
Henneri, Loudon, 5 ll-16d.
Befined, Antwerp. 17Kf
Henned, Liverpool, 6 5-16d. t
Carrying, New York, flat: Pittsburg, 25c pre
mlnm. A. B. McGrew & Co- brokers, quote: Puts,
SSXS9); calls, 94J94K.
Other Oil markets.
OIL Crrr. June 28. National transit cer
tificates opened, BKicx highest, 92Kc; lowest,
90c; closed, 9lc.
, Bbadford. June 28. National transit cer
tificates opened, 92c; closed, 91icc; highest,
93c: lowest, S0c
TITUSVILLE, June 28. National transit cer
tificates opened. 91?c; highest, 92Kc; lowest,
90c: closed, 91JjJc
New- York. June 28. Petroleum Stock Ex
changeOpening. 91c: highest, 93c: lowest,
S9c; closing at 91c Consolidated Exchange
Opening, 91c; highest, 92c: lowest. 90Jc,
closing 91c Total sales, 1.20,000 barrels,
Tho Latest Transactions In City and Su
burban Real Estate.
W. A Hereon & Sons sold a lot, 63x248, on
Cliff street, running through to Bedford, with
a large frame house, for $8,160. They also re
port the placing of money on mortgages in
large amounts and demand Increasing.
George S. Martin, 503 Liberty street, sold, in
the Maplewood park plan, Wilklnsburg, lot No.
SO, fronting 40 feet on Coal street by 120 feet to
Washington lane, for $400 cash, to Robert Mc
Kowen: also lot No. 173, in tho same plan,
fronting 40 feet on Grand avenue by 141 feet to
McKee's lane, for $450. to J. H. Mounlng.
Black & Baird, No. 5 Fourth avenue, sold for
Rufus W. Pier, to J. Evans, lot No. 41. in the
Pier plan, at Oakland, fronting 25 feet on
Boquet street, near Bates, by 100 in depth to
Argyle alley, for $700. They also placed a mort
gage of $8,000 on abont 18 acres of vacant
ground adjoining Mt. Washington, for three
years at 6 per cent, with privilege of selling
lots and having them released therefrom.
C. Beringer A. Son, 103: Fourth avenue, sold
for Benjamin Hoylana, to James Miller, aframe
house andlot at Homestead, lor $2,500; also for
same party, small house and lot at Venetia, for
E. D. Wingenrotb, 100 Fourth avenue, sold
for Robert J. Forsyth, of Los Angeles. Cal., a
four-roomed frame house and lot 32x120 feet, on
the corner of Alfred and Union streets. Park
place, Wilkinsburpto the Manchester Home
stead Loan ana Trust Company, for $1,000
cash. j
MpjoeAJ. Pentecost sold the old Seventh
ward property in Allegheny City, lot 94x130 feet,
to A Staatfteld, for $3,500; also two lots, 20x85
feet each, on Filbert street, with a one-story
frame dwelling, to William Eberhart for $1,200.
J. a. uooper s uo . iui fourth, avenue, sold
lot No. 27 in the McNeil plan, Thirteenth ward,
to Robert Ray for $300; also, lot Ko. 60 in the
Wilkins plan, at Wilklnsbnrg, to W. J. Ken
nedy for 81,000. Mr. Kennedy will commence
to build immediately.
James W. Drape fc Co. sold a mortgage of
$3,000 on property at McKee's Rocks, one of
$1,700 in Baldwin township, one of $2,800 at
McKeesport, and one of $1,200 on Duquesne
Heights, all at 6 per cent. They also closed
the sale of a piece of property In the Thir
teenth ward for $2,700, cash, and sold two more
lots in Orchard plan. Wilkinsburg, for $2,100, to
persons who will build good houses on them
for homes. This makes five lots sold In this
plan inside of two weeks.
Bnt Maintain a Firm Front London Prices
Drop New Xncland Checks a Bear
Raid Thp Active LUf Closes
Fractionally Lower.
T?ew York, June 28. The dealings In the
stock market to-day presented few features for
comment, and dullness was the most conspicu
ous thing noticed throughout the day. The
trust stocks were very quiet as compared with
their late activityand, while presenting a firm
front, did not show any marked fluctuations ex
cept in the last new trust traded in, the Amer
ican Cattle Trust, which, opening at '18. sold
up tol .,,
'London prices werelbwer this morning, and
first prices in this market were also oft small
fractions from last night's figures,' though the
only Important concession was in Jersey Cen
tral, which yielded Ji per cent The stock was
an element of weakness throughout, and on
very Ugh) trading it shows a loss at the end of
the day of per cent, at 110.
The bearish feeling was soon Checked in the
morning by the unusually heavy buying of New
England, and it acted as a check to the droop
ing tone of the rest of the market nntll the
issue of, the Yanderbllt statement, in which
the increase in the operating expenses ot Lake
Shore was taken as an opportunity to hammer
the list by the bears.
Tho buying ot New England was taken as
evidence that some new developments in re
gard to the company were about to come out,
and the stock was advanced 1 per cent to 53,
but the high prices brought out considerable
stock, and it yielded with the remainder In the
The engagements for export intensified the
bear sentiment, and more unfavorable, news
from the West came to help prices down, and
St. Paul became the leading weak stock, not
withstanding the very favorable reports of
earnings tor tne montn oi May ana toe nve
months of the current year. The declaration
of the regular dividend npon tho Vanderbilts
also helped ze check the decline, except in the
case of the Lake Shore.
After the advance in New England culmi
nated, which was about noon, the activity in
tba list became mucb.sma.ler and the changes
in the quotations were made on an exceedingly
smau scaie. Among tne inactive snares unio
Southern showed marked strength in the fire
noon, rising from 14 to 16. The active list is
almost invariably lower, but. with the excep
tion of Jersey Central, the declines are for
small fractions only.
Railroad bonds showed a little more anima
tion on the whole than usual during the past
few days, bnt though the dealings were not so
widely distributed, there was no single active
.feature. The sales reached $1,239,000.
The following table snows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected aailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of ew York
Stock Exchange. 57 Fourth avenuer
Hljtn Low in
Inv. rsL est. Bids.
Am. Cotton On 4 K'4 Kit MK 5SK
Aten.. Top. & s. F.... 45 i ufi 44!
Canadian jfaciae ."... K'A
Canada southern. UM B3H 53 53 '4
Central of.Newjeriey.lI0X 111 110 110M
Uentrallaelflu 34)4
Chesapeake & Ohio.... 20H
U , Bur. & QUH.CT.....102
C Mil. & St. Paul.... 71K
0., Mil, St. P.. pf.... 110),
C St. L. & Pitts
C, St. L. & Pitts, pf.
C St. P..H.&O 34 54"
C. bt. P..3f. SO.. PL 87
C ft Northwestern.... 109X
O.AKorthweitern, pf. ....
U. U. O. &l
Col. Coal & Iron 29
Col. Hocking- Val .. UH
Del.. L. & W 143
Del. & Hnrtson
Denver SKlo U ....
Denver AUtloO.. W... 47f
E.T.. Vs. AUa 10
Illinois Central 11IK
Lake Cirl ft Western
Lake Erie ft West. pr.. 604
Lake Shore M. S l(b)j
Louisville Nashville. 69)j
Michigan Central 90
Mobile i Ohio
Mo., K. ftTexas 10K
Missouri Pacific 7314
Mew York Central 109H
. Y.. L. K. ft W 26
H.y., L E. &W., pref 68
J. Y.. a ft St. L.... 17
M. x., C t St. L. Pf.
X.Y.. C. Bt.b.2dof .. .
K. Y&N. E bi'A
2. Y.. O. ft W VH
Korrolks Western
Morfolkft Western. pf
Northern Pacific 2s
Nortncrn l'aclflc Orel". 60K
Ohio ft Mississippi
Oregon Improvement, ....
Oregon Transcon....i. . ..
PactflcMall ZZH
Peo. Dec. ft Evans
Philadel. ft Heading.. 43)j
Pullman l'alace Car. ..1&5
Blcbmona A W. P. I.. 24!4
KIchmond ft W.P.T.pf 83
St. Paul Daluth
St. Paul ft Duluth pf.
St, 1.. Minn, ft Man.. .101
Texas Pacific 2074
Union I'acltlc 60H
Wabasn ., 16X
Wabash preferred 294
Western Union b$H
Sujrar Trust 11SH
National Lead Trust.. 32(4
Chicago Gas Trust...,. 39tf
A Big Coal Combine Approaching Consum
mation In East Tennessee.
A dispatch from Knoxvillo, Tenn., says: "For
several months there has been talk of consoli
dating all the coal mining companies in what is
known as theJellico district. w(tb the excep
tion of the Standard Coal and Coke Company
"A big deal is nearing consummation, by
which all the companies, with the exception of
the Standard, and possibly Including it. will
pass into the hands of a powerful New York
syndicate, with unlimited capital at the back
of It.
"Leaving out the Standard Company, the
transaction will call for $2,250,000, all cash.
With the Standard in the deal the amount will
be largely increased. The sale inclndesthe
lands, names, railroads, machinery and all ap
purtenances, and is a clean sweep. The com
panies which have already signea and will sign
the contract transferring their interests are:
Proctor Coal Company, W. C. Gnndstead,
President; Main Jellico Mountain Coal Compa
ny, M. E. Thornton, President, Kensee, Ky.:
JelHco Coal, Coke and Transportation Compa
ny, S. L. Wooldridge, President; East Tennes
see Coal Company, Newcomb, E. J. Davis,
Knaxville, President.
"With the present capacity the mines opened
by the companies mentioned above is 23,000 tons
per day. lint the new company will in a short
time double the capacity by opening newmmes,
and enlarging the old ones.
"The new company is said to be largely con
trolled by Samuel Thomas, President of the
East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad
Company; John H. Inman and other wealthy
capitalists, who are Interested in the East Ten
nessee and other roads connected with Rich
mond and West Point.
"For some time past the operators in tho Jel
lico district have complained that the East
Tennessee road did not glvo them the same ad
vantages as they did the Coal Creek companies,
and consequently with the new arrangement
all the mines on the Knoxville and Ohio will
bo on the same footing."
The Market Steady 10 Firm far Nearly All
London, June 27.
Scotch Pig Steady market, but demand
No. IColtness 64s. 6d. f.o.
No. 1 Summerlee Ms. 6d. f. o.
No. 1 Gartsherrle 51s. Ud. f, o,
No. lLangloan 53s. Od. f.o.
No. 1 Cambroe 46s. (xl. f. o.
, b. Glasgow
. b. Glasgow
, b. Glasgow
. b. Glasgow
, b. Glasgow
No. 1 Shotts 52s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Glengamock Sis. Gd. atArdrossan.
No. 1 Dalmellington...45s. Od. atArdrossan.
No.lEglinton 43s. Od. atArdrossan.
itessciner Fig Market continues firm with
business good. West Coast brands quoted at
49s (kl. for Nns. 1, 2, 3, f . o. b. shipping point.
Middlesbrough Pig More dein.ind and prices
firmer. Good brands quoted at 39s. Od. for No.
3. f. o. b.
Splegelelsen Good trade and market more
firm. English 20 per cent quoted at 80s. Od. f.
o. b. at works.
Steel Wire Rods Steady market, but de-,
mand moderate. Mild steel. No. 0, quoted
at 6 15s. f. o. b. shipping port.
Steel Ralls Firm market and demand good.
Standard sections quoted at 4 10s. Od. f. o. b.
Steel Blooms More demand ami prices
firmer. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 5s. Od. f. o. b.
Steel Billets Market firm on a good de
mand. Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted at 4
12s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point.
steel Slabs Steady market and trade fair.
Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 12s. 6d. f. o. b. ship
ping point.
crop Ends This market is steady on a fair
volome ol business. Run of the mill quoted at
3 15s. Od. f. o. b. shipping point.
Old Rails Firm market, but business less
active. Tees quoted at 3 7s. 6d. and double
heads at 3 16s. Od. c t f. N ew York.
Scrap Iron Less business doing, but mar
ket held firmly. Heavy wrought quoted at 2
5s. f. o. b. shipping points.
Manufactured Iron Business has increased
and the market is steadier. .
Stafford, oro. marked bars(f.o.b.L,pool)8 2s 6d
" common bars 0 0s Od 6 OsOd
" hlk. sheet singles 0 Os 0d 715s Od
Welsh bars, f. o. b. Wales. . . 5 15s 0d 0 Os Od
Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York,
2s, Od. Liverpool to New York. 9s. Od.
LoXDOJf Pig tin Irregular market, but
trade active; Straits, 89- 0s Od forspot; futures
(8 months), 89153 Od. Copper Market barely
steady, but business fair; Chili bars are now
quoted at 40 10s Od forspot, 400s0d forfutnre
delivery; best selected Engllsn, 47 0s. Lead
With a fair business the market barely steadv;
Spanish quoted at 12 7s 6d. Spelter Active
market and prices strong: ordinary Sileslan
quoted at 18 10s Od. Tin plate Barely steady
market: trade moderate.
Wool Olnrkets.
New York Wool In fair demand and firm:
domestic fleeces, 3239c; pulled, 23640c:
Texas, 142Sc,
PhiladeWhia-Wool qniet and prices
are firm: Ohio. Pennsylvania and West
Virginia XX and above, 3SS35cj X S233c: me
dium, 87(3390; coarse, 3738c; New York, Mir-hi-fan,
Indiana and Western fine or X and XX.
l32c; medium, 873Sc; coarse, S637c. Fine
washed delaine X and XX, 34.i7c; medium
washed combing and delaine. 4041c: coarse
washed combing and delaine, 3640cj Canada1
medium unwashed combing and delaine, 280$
31c; Coarse unwashed combing and dulalne, 2K
28c; Montana fine; aocater'aedlum.' 2226c;
coarse, 2Wr34c; territorial 'flaeV ljttc;iae-
dlH4a,lWsK:eoars,!(ssc.,J v ra&;T
Watermelons and Cantaloups to the
- Front Fruits From
Cereal Situation Unimproved
and Firmer.
Corn Scarce
Office of PrTTSBTrRcr Dispatch, "
Fhtday, June 23, 1889.
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Watermelons and cantaloups from the sunny
South are in good .supply. The end of the
strawberry season is at hand, and tne few com
ing to market are of inferior grade. The first
blackberries of theseason appeared to-day from
Baltimore. "New potatoes are moving out
freely, but the drift of prices is downward.
Tropical fruits are actire.and tending upward.
A leading jobber whose talk has been generally
blue of late Said to-day: "Stuff is going like
hot cakes at better prices than for some weeks
past." Last week markets were glnttcd with
over-ripe fruit, now the ' situation is re
versed, and demand is fully np to sup
ply. Demand for cabbage has improved. Eggs
are very firm at quotations.- Butter is quiet.
Cheese is steady. In general, produce men re
port a fair Friday's trade.
Bottkr Creamery, Elgin, 1920c; Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1213c; country
rolls. lOQUc
Beaks $X751 90.
Beeswax 2S30c 9 A for choice; lowgrade,
Cideb Sand refined, SB 507 50; common,
$3 504 00; crab cider, $8 008 50 V barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c jjt gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, 8c; New York. 10
10c; Limburger, 89c; domestic Sweitzer
cheese, 912Kc
California Fruits California peaches.
$4 004 50 ft boxreherries, $3 0U; apricots, J4 00
4 50: plums. SI 004 oO.
Eggs 1515Xc y dozen for strictly fresh
goose eggs, 30c 9 dozen.
Fbutts Strawberrie", 710c 9 quart; pine
apples, Jl 0Ol 25 f) dozen; red raspberries. $4 00
50U a bushel; black raspberries, S3 0OQS 50 a
bushel; wild goose plums, 12 50 a crate; cur
rants, Jo a 2-bnshel stand; watermelons, 825
31 per hundred.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c;No.l,
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 30035c 9 a. '
Potatoes Old,35340c 9 bushel: Early Rose,
52 502 75 a barrel; Peerless, $2 25 a barrel.
POULTRY Live chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c 9 ; drawn, 14
15c 9 tt.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fis to bushel. 55 60
'9 bushel; clover, large English, 62 Sis. S6 00;
clover, Allske, S3 511; clover, white, $9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 lbs, SI 65; blue grass, extra
clean, 14 Bs, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 As, SI 00;
orchard grass, 14 Ss. SI 65; red top. 14 Sis. SI 25;
millet, 50 Sis. SI 00: German millet, 50 Sis,
SI 50; Hungarian grass; 60 As, SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, 2 50 per bushel
of 14 As.
Tallow Country. 45c; city rendered, 5
Tropical Fruits Lemons, fancy. SI 50
6 50 9 box: Messina oranges, $0 005 .SOW box;
rodi, S5 506 00: California oranges, S4 604 75 9
box; bananas, 2 &03. firsts; S2 OU, good seconds,
9 bunch; cocoannts, S4 004 50 $1 hundred:
new figs, 89c 9 pound; dates, 5K6Xc 3)
Vegetables Tomatoes, fancy Floridas,
53 00 a crate; Misslsslppis, four-basket cases.
SI 752 00: beans, round wax fancy, S2 50
a crate; beans, round wax medium. $2 00
a crate: beans, round green, $2 252 50; new
beets, 2025o ft'dozen; cucumbers, 2530c 9
dozen, 81 752 00 a crate: radishes, large
white and gray, 3033c 9 dozen: cabbaze,
two-barrel crates, Louisville and Bt. Louis.Sl GO
2 00; Eastern, single-barrel crates, SI 0001 25;
new celery, 50 60c fl dozen.
Coffee options- rallied 55 points yesterday,
which brings green coffee up to a ptoint about
lc above the lowest point. Package coffee has
again succumbed to the downward movement.
Sugars are very firm.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2122c; choice
Rio, 18K20c: prime Rio, 18c; fair Rio, 1718c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 222jc;
Mocha, 27623c; Santos, 1922c; Caracas
coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
guavra. 21fgj2a
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands. 22c;
high grades, 24&,!6c; old Government Java,
nulk.30X31Kc;Maracai bo, 25K26Kc: Santos,
022c; peaberry, 25c; peaberry. choice Rio,
23Kc; prime Kio, 21: good Rio. 20Kc; ordinary,
20c .
Spices (whole) Cloves. 2125c: allspice, 9c;
cassia, 8Qct pepper, ISc: Jnutniejr. 7080c
PETROLEUir (jobbers' prices) llu test, 7c;
Ohio, 120. 8Jic; headlight. 150, 8c; water
white, lOKc: globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadine,
llc; royaline, 14c.
SYRUPS Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar
syrup, 3338c: prime sugar syrup, 3033c:
strictly prime, 333Sc; new maple syrup, 90c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 46c; me
dium. 43c: mixed, 4042c
SODA Bl-carb in kegs, 34c; bl-carb in Js,
5c; bl-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine.per
set, 8Xc; paraffine, ll12c
Rice Head. Carolina', 77Kc: choice, CK
7c; prime, 5Ji6Vc: Louisiana, 66Kc
Stabch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5:7c: gloss
starch, 5K7c.
FOREIGN Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers. S3 ID: California London layers,S2 50;
Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels, SI 85;
Valencia, new, 67c;Ondara Valencia, 7K8c;
sultana, 8c: currants, new, 4K5c: Turkey
S runes, new, 45c; French prunes, 813c;
alonica prunes,in 2-A packages. 8c; cocoannts.
for 100, SO 00; almonds, Laru, per A, 20c; do
vica,19c;do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap.. L!K
15c: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12lbc:
new dates. 66ct Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans,
U15c: citron, per A, 2122c; lemon peel, per A,
1314c: orange peel, 12Kc
Dried Fkuits Apples, sliced, per A, 6c:
apples, evaporated, 6!46c; apricots, Califor
nia, evaporated, l518c: peaches, evaporated,
oared, 2223c: peaches. California, evaporated,
unpaired. 10UKc; cherries, pitted, 21 22c;
cherries, nnpitted. 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424c; blackberries, 7)8c: huckle
berries. 1O01JC
Sugars Cubes, 10K10c; powdered, 10K
standard A. 9Jgc: soft whites, Qsy.c: yellow,
choice. 89c; yellow, good, 88Jc; yellow,
fair. i?4c: yellow, dark, Tjic
Pickles Mefllnm. bbis (1,200), W 60; medi
ums, half tibia (OuOj.yi ,5.
halt jno,j, htjdi, hoc; jm 0.1 ex. t btL 11 05:
Eureka. 16-14 AoocLetK. S3 OU
Canned Goods Standard peaches. SI 3045
1 90; 2ds. SI 301 33; extra peaches. $1 501 90;
pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, !lg)l 50; Hfd. Co.
corn. 7090c: red cherries, 90cSl: Lima beans,
SI 10; soaked do, c5c: string do do, 75385c: mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15: soaked peas, 70075c:
pineapples, SI 40l 50: Bahama do. S2 75; dam
son plums, Bbci greengages, SI 25; egg plums,
S2; California pears. S2 oO; do greengages, $2; do
egg plums, $2; extra white cherries, $2 90; red
cherries. 2 As. 90c; raspberries, SI 40Q1 50;
strawberries, SI 10; gooseberries. Si 301 40;
tomatoes. 8292o; salmon, 1-A, SI 752 10;
blackberrier, 80c; .succotash. 2-A cans, soaked,
99c; do green, 2 As, SI 251 50; corn beef. 2-A
cans, $1 75: 14-ft cans, S13 50; baked beans, SI 45
491 ou; looster, 1 A, si 70(31 eu; mackerel, i-a
cans, broiled. SI 50; sardines, domestics. ;is.
SI 154 50: sardines, domestic, Ks, S3 258 50:
sardines, imported, s, Sll 5012 0; sardines,
lmported,Kg,S18; sardines,mustard, S4; sardines,
spiced, S4 25. "
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $36 9
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S32: extra No. 1 do, messed,
S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4e 9 A; do medium, George's cod,
oc; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod' in -blocks, 67Kc Herring
Ronud shore, $5 00 9 bbl: split, $7 00; lake,
S3 50 9 100-ft. half bbl. White fish. 87 00 9 100
A. half bid. Lake trout. So 50 V half bbL
Finnan haddock. 10c 9 A. Iceland halibut. 13c
f) A. .Pickerel. X barrel, 2 00: H barrel. SI 10:
Potomac herring 5 00 9 barrel, S2 60 9 &
Buckwheat Flour 22e 9 A.
Oatmeal SO 30a"CO w ubi.
Miners' .Oil No, 1 winter strained, 6860o
9 gallon. Lard Oil, 75c
Grain) Floor nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 26 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and
Chicago, 8 cars of oats, 4 of wheat, 5 of flour, 1
of hay.- By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis,
2 cars of hay, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake
Erie, 1 car of hay, 1 of wheat, 1 of flour, 1 of
feed. By Pittsburg and Western. 1 car of hay.
Sales on call. 1 car sample oats, 31c, tiack, P. &
L. E.; I car mixed hay, track. Corn is scarce
and higher. Oats ate fairly steady at quota
tions. Hay is easy. In general the cereal situ
ation is In buyers' favor, bat not as much so
as for a number of weeks past.
WHEAT-Jobbinfc prices No. 2 red. 9192c;
Coen No. 3 yellow ear. 4243c; high mixed
ear, 3910c; No. 2 .jrellow, shelled, UUc;
high mixed, shelled, 39-t0c; mixed, shelled,
OAT3-No.l'2'whlte, 3232M extra, No. 3.
3131Kc: N0.-3; white 29X8S0C; No. 2- mixed
oats, 282SXe. . . ,. ,
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 615Bc;
No. 1 Western, e.,
Flouk Jobbing' prices Winter patents,"
95 eOS57oi "twtBgiPMeajs, 10 oa w. winter.
stealgbt.v n.Ttm WSS eiTMaerr- assjrl
M---"t--, , t v v" uuh ww. 1 povensneu uioou, lanin powers,organic weaE-
dairy. 9 bbl, 21 Mi coarse crystal, 9 bbl, SI 20; Vness. dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, nn
Higgins' Eureka, -bu sacks, S2 SO; Hlgglns' Ffltting the person for business-soclety and mar
straight XXXX bakers', $4006423. Bye flour,
S3 603 75.
Millfeeo Middlings, fine white. S15CO0
15 50 9 ton: brown middlings, HI 5012 60;
winter wheat bran, J12 254312 60: chop feed,
S15 00316 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. S15 00; No. 1
do, S13 0OQ13 50: No. 2 do. Sll l012 fifc loose,
from wagon, S14 0015 00; No. I upland prairie.
S10 5011 00; No. 2, S7 508 00: packing do, S5 50
6 50.
Straw Oats, S7 50: wheat and rye straw
S7 007 S08 00.
Sugar-cured hams, large, llc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c: sugar-cured hams, small,
12c: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c; sngar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar
cured dried beef sets. lOHc; sugar-cured dried,
beef rounds, 12c; bacon- shoulders, 7c; bacon
clear sides. 8c; bacon clear bellies, 8c; dry
salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides. Tfc.
Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family,
S14 50. Lard Befined in tierces. 6c; half
barrels; 7cr 60-A tubs. 7Hc: 20-A palls, 7c: 50
A tin cans, 6c: 3-A tin pails, 7c; 5-A tin pall.
7c; 10-ft tin pails, 7c. Smoked sansage.long;
6c: large,5c Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless
ham, 10c. Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter
barrel, 32 00.
' Dressd Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish the following-prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 lbs,
5Kc; 550 to 650 As, 6Vc: 650 to 750 As, 6Uc Sheep.
8c A. Lambs, 9c $1 Iv Hogs,Cc. Fresll
pork loins, 9c
Dispatch, gives a tertes ot pen picture of the
manneritmt and peculiarities of the Parlia
mentary leaders.
Our little girl when but three weeks old
broke out with eczema. We tried the prescrip
tion from several good doctors, but without
any special benefit. We tried S. S. S., and by
the time one bottle was gone, her bead began
to heal, and'by the time she had taken six bot
tles she was completely cured. Now she has a
full and heavy head of hair a robust, healthy
child. I feel it bnt my duty to make this state
ment. H. T. SHOBE, Rich Hill, Mo.
-3Send for onr Books on Blood and Skin Dls
eases and Advice to Snfferers, mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co ,
f el-7-TTS Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga.
Con Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
' Special offering this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us,
Capital, 5100,000, with privilege of S50U,000.
Surplus and undivided profits. S23.600L
Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac
counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
JAS. CALLERY President
W.J.BURNS Vice President
cxemaItchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
7b Ample application of "Swath Oxxmrt" wltboaC
any Internal medicine. Trill ow aor case of Tetter Salt
Bneum Elnronn,Plle.ItcJjtSorte,Piniplet,rrTiipl.all
no muter tow obftlsate or long auiidui;. Sold by drngglsti,
or seat br maU for SO ets. S Boxes, S1.23. Addrets. Pb,
8wiim8o.PtillJalttiU,F. AixjovdnalMlbrK.
On mortgages on improved real estate in suns
of $1,000 and upward. Applv at
mh4-3j-r No. 131 Fourth avenue.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drezel,
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
611-515 Hamilton Building;
mvlO-70-P Pittsburg. Pa.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg papers prove. Is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.
M CDni IC and mental diseases, physical
IM C n V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self distrnstjbasbfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im-
riage, permanently, saieiy ana privately enrea.
a n n Awn w m" u
uuvwu niw oiiii!
stages, eruptions.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, month.throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painfnl symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whlttier"s life-long, extensive experi
ence, Insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles. Consultation
free. "Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A jr. to 8 P. K. Sun
day, 10 A. Mto 1 r. St. only. DR. WHITTIER,
SllPenn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
SPECIALISTS in all cases re-
S airing scientific and confiden
al treatmentl Dr. S. K. Lake.
M. R. C. P. S Is the oldest and
most experienced specialist in
the city. Consultation free and
strictly confidential. Office
hours 8 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. it; Sundays. 2 to 4 p.
JCConsnlt them personally, orwrite. DocroBS
Lake. DOS Penn are., Pittsburg, Pa.
lOlC'S CottOal EOOtl
iDosed of Cotton Root. Tansr and
Pennyroyal a recent discovery oy an
'old nhvsiclan. It tuccessfulu used
monuUjt Safe, Effectual. Price $L by mall,
sealed. Ladles, ask your druggist for Cook's
Cotton Root Compound and take no substitute.
or inclose 2 stamps tor sealed particulars. Ad
dress FOND LILT COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher
Block, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, lllch,
Por LOST or railing
MANHOOD, Nervous
ness. Weakness ot
Body & Mind, Lack of Strength. Vigor and De
velopment, caused br Errors, Excesses, Ac. Book,
MODEor 8KU-mxATirEST. and Proofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address EB1E MEDICAL CO.,
Battalo, N. Y. deas-W-rrsJtwk
For men! Checks tho worst cases in three)
days, and cures in five days. Price SI 00. at
Ja5-39-TTSSu 412 Market street
from errors of,
weakness, lost vlror. etc., ws restored to bealAWS
lasaeb a remarkable manner aner ail sue Mdl
Hs-at be will seaa e mea m ears ithee f
VffMlow-safwer. AWress L. e, 1t.masM.lA
am aaaaaaw isobb, -l ji- ssi
k&2. .&..: -j
.& i i.jnajf?'
..th. ' i. , r