Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 29, 1889, Image 1

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Kalis Tempest, Soubrette, .'
Is the title of a iasclnatmg story of .the stage,,.
by EmmiV. Sheridan, which will lie published,
complete In to-morrow's issue-of Tns Dis
patch. '
& f '
-Mriy American, Citizen of Tem
f ,t perate Habits and Good .
V Character Can
(get a wholesale license.
Brewers May Sell to Whom They
Please and Ko Questions AskerL
The Supreme Conn Refers to the Rulings of
the Lower Tribunal as Absurd Whole
salers "Nerd Make No Distinction Be
tween Licensed and Unlicensed Custom-
' er In Their Sales Thousands of Dealers
Expect to Get Their Papers In Philadel
phiaA Bottling Establishment on Every
'Cerner Jndco Gordon Expresses His
Mind Very Freely He Says That a
'.Saturnalia Will Result The Text of tho
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has
decided that any citizen of temperate habits
and good character is entitled to a whole
sale lienor license. The matter of making
sales to unlicensed parties has nothing to do
with the case. The decisions rendered were
on the cases o! the ProspectBrewing Compa
ny, of Philadelphia, and Mary E. Pollard
and 19 other brewers and bottlers of Pitts
burg. The effect will be widespread. Judge
Bregysays that from 2,000 to 3,000 addi
tional licenses will have to he granted in
Philadelphia. Judge Gordon sharply crit
icises the decision.
rerzexu. telegram to tub DisrATCH.1
Philadelphia, June 28. The Xicense
Courts of this city and Pittsburg met their
'Waterloo to-day. The State Supreme Court
handed down two opinions. One gave to
the Trospcct Brewery a peremptory man-
damus requiring the License Court to grant
a brewer's license to that company. This
opinion declares that the only matter in the
return made by the judges to the writ of al
ternative mandamus which gave even color
of legality to their refusal of a license to
that corporation was a proposition which it
was 'difficult to .treat seriously.
The second opinion reverses the action of
the License Court of Pittsburg in refusing
to give licenses to five wholesalers and 15
bottlers. Chief Justice Paxson delivered
the opinion in the Prospect Company's case
and in that of Mary E. Pollard, one of the
Pittsburg wholesale dealers.
A Sharply Defined Distinction.
In the Pollard case he-sharply defines the
distinction between the retail license act of
May 13, ISS7, and the wholesale act of May
24, holding that they differ radically both
in purpose and expression, and that the
provision in the wholesale act that license
shall be granted in accordance with existing
laws refers to former wholesale acts and not
to the retail act of 18S7. .
" I, for one of the Judges, am in favor of
granting all the wholesale, bottlers' and
brewers' licenses that were refused," said
Judge Bregy alter he had read the decision
of-the Supreme Court in the Prospect
Brewery case- Continuing, he said: "They
have defined our rights, and say that we
cannot refuse any license where a man has
filled all the qualifications as respects citi
zenship, temperate habits and good moral
character. Then they go to the extent of
saying that we cannot even inquire into
applicants against whom there is no remon
strance. All Licenses to be Granted.
There was not a remonstrance, if I re
member, against a sincle one of thewhole
sale, bottlers and brewers whom we refused
licenses. "What course is open to us? Only
one, and that is to grant licenses to the 2,000
or 3,000 places that were refused. I have
not consulted with my colleagues yet, and
cannot say what conclusion we will arrive
'at We will have a meeting in the near
Judge James Gay Gordon, of the License
Court, after reading the Supreme Court de
cisions delivered by Justice Paxson to-day,
said: "It would have abbreviated that
opinion-and been more in harmony with its
tone if he had called us 'heathen Chinese at
once and had done with it How can the
fact that $630,000 was involved affect a legal
question or modifya moral one, or support
an immoral character. But I am comment-
ing upon the opinion, and this I should not
do. '
The Decision Must be Obeyed.
"What the Supreme Court says is the law,
because it says so, and we must follow it
However, I am not precluded from saying,
as a citizen, what will be the possible effect,
what will be the possible condition of
affairs, resulting from this announcement of
the law. I do not hesitate to say that noth
ing so calamitous to the cause of sobriety,
. good order and morality has happened ior a
long time as this communication.
"It means free rum in unlimited quanti
ties, in unlimited numbers of places, irre
spective of the wants, welfare or wishes of
the community and without any of the
salutory restrictions upon its sale which the
people had "been congratulating themselves
upon obtaining through the high license
laws- Instcad'of wellsregulated restriction
. and a limited number. ot saloons in the
' charge of moral, fit and discreet persons
and, the reasonable need of the people, we
will 'have ungovernable ,
Unnumbered nnJ Unamenable
bottle shops and beer gardens throughout
the city whenever the demand of men,
whether of the moral or of the vicious, will
create a sale of intoxicating liquors. I look
upon the consequences of this decision with
sincere and "unqualified regret Unless the
Legislature ' comes to the relief of law
tiro -
as the meeting of the Legislature is
two years off, we are very likely to iave a
saturnalia in the meantime.
"Justlook at the possibilities of it They
confine iis'-;to three inquiries, citizenship,
temperate habits ami character, and say we
ausi Dot-inquire where there is not a remon
strance. There is nothing to prevent a bot
tler opening up oa . any corner he pleases
and selling a eeuple of bottles of beer to
whoever calls fei.- it, He .is only required.
to sell in quantities of a quart or over, and
it does not take much liquor to make that
quantity. We will have"flask places and
rum mills everywhere."
The following is the text of the decision
in the Pittsburg oase:
Text of the Pollard Opinion.
i The petition presented to the Quarter Ses
sions Court of Allegheny county was in proper
form, and it was not detiied that the petitioner
had complied with all requirements of the
law. There was no remonstrance to the grant
ing of the license. The narrow question pre
scribed for our consideration is whether under
the act relating to wholesale licenses the Court
has.the same discretion to grant or refuse a
license as It has under the prior act relating to
retail licenses.
It requires but a glance at the two acts to
see that their object is essentially different
The retail act of May 13 was Intended to re
strain the sale of liquors. The act of May 23,
providing for wholesale licenses, was a revenue
act There was not a word in it to indicate any
intention of restraining the sale of liquor.
There are two things to be noticed in tho
second section of this act They are, first
that licenses shall be granted in such a manner
as may be provided by the existing laws;
second, that the applications for licenses may
be heard by evidence, petition, remonstrance
or counsel.
From the latter proposition it may
be argued that the -Court has
discretion in the matter of
wholesale licenses; for of what use would it be
to hear an application by evidence, petition, re
monstrance or counsel, nnless the Court has the
power to Grant or refuse such application. All
this is conceded. The Court has a discretion in
such cases. It will be our purpose to define the
character of this discretion and its extent be
fore the discussion of this point It is proper
to refer to the section providing that licenses
shall be granted by the Court as provided by
the existing laws referred to are clearly those
in regard to wholesale licenses.
The Law In the Case.
The act in force in Allegheny county in May,
18S7, In regard to -wholesale licenses was the
special or local act of April Z, 1572, which pro
vides that the Treasurer of said county shall
annually, upon payment to him of the license
fees and the receiving of bonds, grant a license
to citizens of the United States of temperate
habits and good moral character. The act of
May 24 contains no repealing clause. The act
of 1872 is not repealed by express terms
or by necessary implication so far as re
gards wholesale licenses excepting to
the extent that tho one act is supplied.
by the others. Thnstbe act of 1SS7 declares
that wholesale licenses shall be granted by the
Court of Quarter Sessions instead of by the
County Treasurer. It provides for a hearing
by the Court of applications for such licenses,
makes a different classification of venders and
fixes a different rateto be paid, but it imposes
no qualifications upon applicants for wholesale
licenses. It docs not even; require that they
shall be citizens of the United States or that
they shall be persons of good moral character.
Where are we to look for these qualifica
tions T Certainly not in the retail act, which
has nothing whatever to do with it hut in tho
existing laws in regard to wholesale licenses,
to-wit: the act of 1872. There is nothing in
this act which is applicable to Allegh eny coun
ty alone, indicating that any qualification was
required for .a wholesale dealer other than
those before mentioned, or that any discretion
existed in the Court of Quarter Sessions to re
fuse such licenses except for cause, and such
cause must relate to one of three things, name
ly, citizenship, character or sobriety. It follows
that a citizen of the United States, of tem
perate habits and good character, who presents
his application for a wholesale license in dne
form, and who has complied with the requisites
of the law. has
A Prima Facta Right to Such License.
If a remonstrance is filed setting forth that
the applicant is disqualified in either of the
three causes above stated, it is. the duty of the
Court to hear the case, andiltbe-remonstrance
is sustained by evidence toTefuse. allcense, but
the discretion ol the act of May 24, tfiSI, does
not extend to an arbitrary -refusal ot license!
If a ward has 100 public houses when only SO
are required bv the public, wants, it is plain
that SO must be denied license; though every
applicant is a worthy man and keeps a respect
able house.
None of these reasons applies a wholesale
license. It is not granted for the convenience
of any particular neighborhood, nor does it
matter where the place of business is located.
If all the wholesale houses in Pittsburg were in
a single block it would .make no difference.
The power to close up large' establishments,
such as breweries, distilleries and wholesale
liquor houses. wlere perhaps hundreds of
thousands of dollaas are invested.ls too vast to
be exercised by any man or aiiy court excepting
upon me clearest grant oi legislative autnority.
The Court quotes liberally from authori
ties, and concludes as follows:
The granting of wholesale licenses is a mat
ter specially committed by act of Assembly to
the Court of Quarter Sessions. Upon a writ of
certiorari we may review their proceedings so
far as to see whether they have kept within the
limits of the powers tuns conferred and have
exercised them in -conformity with law. "We
are of opinion that these powers have been ex
ceeded in this instance, and. that upon the face
of this record the petitioner was entitled to
her license.
The order ot the court tbelow refusing it is
reversed and a procedendo awarded.
The Radical Decision Made In the Prospect
Brewing Company Case Anybody
Can Bar at' Wholesale Cor
porations - Can Hare
No Character.
Philadelphia, June 28. In the case
of the Prospect Brewing Company it was
understood that the principal reason why
the license was not originally granted was
that the brewery manufactured and sold a
drink called "Ambrosia" to unlicensed
dealers. After reviewing the petition in
the case, the Court says: -
The underlying principle of this case that
Is, the right of a brewer or wholesale dealer to
a license has beeu fully, considered and de
cided In reappllcation of Mary E. Pollard for
'wholesale license. That was a certiorari to the
Quarter Sessions of Allegheny county, and the
opinion is now filed with the case. I do not
propose to reargue questions there decided. I
shall refer to them merely to state the points
and rulings involved. We there held that in
granting license to wholesale dealers, bottlers
and brewers under act of May24,18S7 (P. L.
194), the'Conrt of Quarter Sessions has not the
large discretion conferred, upon it by the re
tall act of May 13, 1S37 (P. L. 108). That the
discretion conferred by the wholesale act is a
qualified limited discretion, and is confined to
the inquiry whether the applicant for a whole
sale license is a citizen of the United States,
of temperate habits and good moral char
acter. As no remonstrance .or objection appeared
upon the record orthatcase alleging that the
petitioner was disqualified for' either of the
reasons above stated, we reverse the order of
the court below refusing a license, 'as we also
did a number of other JUce.xusf.gubmitted at
the same time. Tt scarcely ,ueeds an argument
to Show the propriety oi ifi"uPjrbling. If the
record does.not disclose the reason for the re
fusal it would be impossible to review tho ac
tion of the court below, either upon a writ or
certiorari or other process, no matter how
illegal or arbitrary tho action of the court
might be or how vast the interests which are
thus stricken down. As to such matters a
Quarter .Session Judge would ait .as absolute
a despot as the Emperor.of China... .
Value of the.PropertylAfleeted.
In the case in hanjp the value' of the brewery,
with its stock, fixtures, eta, was, as before
stated. $030,000.- The refusal of a license leaves
the plant and-stock comparatively worthless.
The former is little .use-Tor any other purpose,
while Jtfie latter cannot bo sold without a vlol'a
tioribr Jaw. Under such circumstances it is
hut reasonable that the action of the Court
should be in 'such' shape as to bo reviewable
Continued on-Sixth JPage,
Why the Honorable w Chauncey IK
Was Summoned by the President.
And Therein)! He Differed Ureatly From
Other Prominent Men.
Tie Bash for Office an Awful CcmmenUryca the
- Spoils System.
Hon. Channcey M. Depew tells a Dis
PATCH reporter how he came to visit
"Washington, and what he thinks of the
President He insists that the President
has no use for a kitchen Cabinet Mr. De
pew says the .situation in "Washington is a
terrible commentary on the spoils system,
there being at least 4,000 applicants for 150
consulates, and a similar number for other
New Yobk, June 8. Channcey M.
Depew sat in his library this evening, the
picture of placidity. A Dispatch re
porter who sought to learn the purpose of
his visit to 'Washington, and discovered that
he was going to Europe, found him thus,
and found him very communicative on an
interesting variety of topics selected by Mr.
Depew. He said:
I found a telegram from President Harrison
here, on my return from N ew Haven. I did
not tefegraph for rooms, and I did not tell any
body that I was going. I suppose President
Harrison wanted to see me because there is
scarcely any one of any prominence in
the party who has not been down there with
hisoDlnions and his demands. The demands,
by the way, are sometimes made with the sig
nificant display of the handle of a dirk; bnt
the President does not care anything for dirks.
I told him some stories that, seemed to
fit and also to alleviate the situation. I had
a very pleasant time and found the President
in perfect health and buoyant spirits. He has
not been worn out and reduced to a state of
nervous Irritability by the pressure of office
seekers ana contests with the members ot his
"I found that the President has the idea very
firmly fixed in his mind that he is tho man
whom the people' elected President He feels
that however strong the pressure may be on
the part of the leaders in the party of repre
sentatives, or what demands may be
made even with the show of a dirk, or
talk of dire consequences if they are ignored,
he must., after all is said, make up his own
mind, lie sees tnat it tne appointments snouia
prove bad. if the men should be Incompetent
or dishonest, the people will not go back to the
leader or representative, or source of the in
fluence which, dictated the appointment but
criticism and responsibility will fall on him. So
he will have no kitchen Cabinet.
Any two, three or more men who attempt to
assume to be in control of any line of the Pres
ident's action in this administration will get
.hurt He will not leave them a spot of
ground to stand on. In wet or dry
weather. Bnt he is far from having any
thing like the big . head. He is open
to suggestions and Information from every
body. He seeks to keep nothing in the way
between himself and the people. He has no
differences with his Cabinet officers. 1 found
that he is in perfect accord with every member
of it He told me himself of Mr. Blaine,
about whose relations with the president so'
much has been said, that Mr. Blaine was
especially appreciative of the difficulties of his
.chiefs position, and very considerate a$eut--
pressing we Claims oi aia inenas.or nis own
The situation there is a terrible commentary,
on the spoils system. I nearly got into trouble
among the throngs down there on offices in
tent It is very pleasant there. June
has been unusually cool, and I ven
tured to say that perhaps the chilly
prospects had affected the weather.
It was a risky remark. There never was such a
situation in the history of the whole world.
There are 4,000 applicants for 150 consulates,
and I believe that this proportion will be main
tained. If not increased, through all
the departments. The President the
members of the Cabinet, the heads of bureaus
and the representatives are overrun, and the
public business is almost at a standstill.
The figures I have given will show how many
must be disappointed. The whole country
seems to think that Cleveland removed ana
replaced all the officeholders," and that vacan
cies can ne maae everywnere.- xne iact is
that he removed only about one-third of the
The Trial of Dr. McCoy for the Murder of
Captain Dawson Drawing to a Close
Acquittal Asked on the
Ground or Self.
Charleston, S. C, June 28. It is the
filth day of the great trial. The defense
occupied five hours and a half in summing
up, and the Court adjourned until to-morrow.
The sky was overcast, but the weather
was very hot The interest in the trial in
creases as it approaches its end. Nothing
else is talked of in Charleston. In clubs, N
hotels and groggenes the merits of the case
are canvassed, pro. and con. Captain Daw
son's friends appear to be the most numer
ous. His merits are canvassed in every
public place. The prevailing impression
seems to be that there will be a mis-trial.
Dr. McDow's counsel and friends, however,
are. confident of acquittal. The doctor him
sell is apparently awaiting the end with the
utmost cheerfulness' and composure.
Mr. Cohen asked .the Judge to instruct
the jury and 'made the stereotyped demands
with the addition of some that fitted the
case, such asa declaration that a man's
office' is his home for legal purposes, and an
intruder therein must take chances, unless
he retires when requested, and that the
subsequent concealment of the victim's
body or delay in surrendering himself must
not prejudice a prisoner's case. Mr. Cohen
qnoted from Bacon in urging the jury to
banuh from their minds every prejudice.
The question of the guilt or innocence of
the accused should alone be considered.
He then detailed the, case according to the
indictment The prisoner pleads excusable
The killing of a man in self-defense la ex
cusable, and, especially excusable when he
is killed in self-defense in one's own
house. Counsel argue, that this case comes
within the latter category. The jury was to
decide: First, whether he was honest in his
belief that his life was in daneer: and
second, whether that belief is a reasonable
one. Self defense in one's home is a double
defense. The question of an available
escape is in such a case eliminated. The
law does not expect a man to flee from his
own borne. It was a sacred right wrested
by our English forefathers ironi a sea of
Instantly Klllinc One Man and Seriously
InjarlnE Two Others.
Minneapolis, June 28. At noon to-day,
in Prank ' Cook's stone quarry, the huge
derrick broke,, with 'a heavy load. The big
wire cable swerved around with great ve
locity, crashing into the men and sweeping
them aside with ease.
The cable caught Herman Isanc3on under
the chin, breaking his neck and causing in
stant death. Foreman J. T. Atkinson, J. H..
Hanson and John, -Erlckson were badly cut.
and bruised.' The first two are seriously
injured. ' .
- . A , .
The Standard But 3,000,000 narrcli of
Petroleum - From tho I'rodocers ut
91 i-9oy Tho phut-Down
Movement Wo and Up.
New York, June 28. The largest deal
ever made in the history' of the, petroleum
trade was consummated last night at
the Pifth Avenue' Hotel. The Execu
tive and Advisory Boards of the Producers'
Protective Association turned over to the
Standard Oil Company the 3;S0O,000 barrels
of pool oil that has been an object of so
much interest to the trade for several
months. The Standard had an option on
this oil which expired on "Monday next, the
proposition of that company being to take
this oil July lata profit to the Producers'
Association of 5 cents a barrel. The deal
to-day is better than this and will net the
producers a trifle over 7 cents a barrel. The
oil was taken by the Standard at the closing
figure of the market to-day, which was 91c,
taking, the quotations of the Consolidated
and Oil Region Exchanges. The Standard
Company'scheck for this big bundle ofoil, at
these figures will be turned over to the rep
resentatives of the Producers' Association
to-day. The men who represented the asso
ciation are Thomas "W. Phillips, President;
K. J. Streight, Treasurer; J. B. Goldsbor
ough, Secretary; Bufus Scott, John I. Mc
Kinney, J. "W." Lee.T. B, Clark, J. T.Jones,
of the Executive Board, and li. H. Smith,
"W- J, Young, T. B. Thompson, James.
Amm, of the Advisory Board. The men
who met the Standard people to-day in the
big deal were Thomas W. Phillips, 'W. J.
Young and John L. McKinney.
This winds up the great shut-down move
ment in the oi! country Inaugurated Novem
ber 1, 1887. The object was to stop produc
tion and reduce the stocks, which had accu
mulated to 33,000,000 barrels. The Stand
ard Oil Company co-operated with
the producers, and 6,000,000 bar
rels of oil -were set aside by the
producers 'and the Standard at 62 cents
a barrel, the profits on which were to be
divided between thejaboring men and the
producers participating iUj the move
ment President Phillips was asked last night if
he regarded this settlement as a satisfactory"
outcome of the enterprise. He said the
prices on the oil set apart ior the labor
ing men had yielded a good profit,
some of it as much as 30 cents a barrel, but
the producers' 3,500,000 barrels had not been
so profitable. He thought the Standard
Company was as much disappointed in
this as the producers, as he thought
their object was to help the producers a
little more. It was his opinion that the as
sociation had acted wisely in not selling
this oil when the market was higher,
say 93, when a former large
lot was sold, as such a sale at that time
would have broken the market seriously,
and they would have been obliged to accept
a less price for the 3,500,000 barrels closed
out to-day.
Neither President Phillips nor any of the
members of the. committees would express
any opinion as to the effect of this transac
tion on the market
1 i
The Indiana Dressed Beef Act Interferes
Vltli Inter-15 1 at o Commerce.
"Valparaiso, Ind., June 28.; James B.
Harvey, agent of Swift &' Co., of Chicago,
was arrested at .Hammond last week and
fined $50 by a local magistrate, for selling
in that oity dressed beef slaughtered in .Chi
cago. He was committed to jail for failure
to pay the fine On Monday he was taken r
Ifefore Hofa'.wWllliarnT6hhVon, judge of
the Porter County Circuit Court,
on a writ of habeas corpus..
Yesterday Judge Johnson delivered an
elaborate opinion, holding the law under
which Harvey was fined unconstitutional
and discharged the prisoner. The last
Legislature of Indiana passed an act pro
hibiting th e sale of fresh meat in any of the
counties of the State unless the animals
bad been first inspected alive within the
county where the meat was to be offered for
sale. This is' the first case under the law.
Judge Porter holds that the Indiana
statute is akin to the exercise of power by
the individual statutes over inter-State
commerce which rendered the articles of
confederation a rope of sand, or which led
to the adoption of the present national Con
stitution. The Judge adds that whatever
may be the nature and reach of the police
power of the State, it cannot be exercised
over a subject confined exclusively to Con
gress by the Federal Constitution.
No Clew Yet to the Murderer of Pretty Anna
Sx. IiOuis, June 28. The murderer of
Anna "Weiss k still at liberty,and the police
are as much in the dark to-night as
when the body was found. Itwaa learned
to-day that a gambler of Jefferson City was
an intimate friend of the girl, and bad-given
her presents of jewelry. He accompanied
her to, the train when she left, but he
went no further, and was in Jeffer
son City when the murder was
committed. He explains the gifts of jew
elry by saying that the girl had nursed him
at the hotel when he was sick last winter. -
Ben Bolton, a friend of the gambler
"referred to, and formerly a guard in the
penitentiary, was arrested on suspicion this
morning, but he proved an alibi and
was let go. Chief of Detectives O'Neill
is inclined, to believe that the girl was
killed by falling frem a buggy. In taking
leave of some of her friends she told them
that she would probably never 'see them
again. The disappearance of the 100 she is
known to have had in her possession is not
accounted for in Detective O'Neill's
theory. '
The police are now proceeding on- two
theories. One is that the murder was com
mitted by a hired assassin, the other that
,tbe murderer is some man who, finding.that
tne gin naa money, Kineu ana roooea ner.
The Gifted Sister of the Great Frlma,Donna
.Dies in Paris. -
Pabis, June 28. Carlotta Patti, sister of
Adelina Patti, died at her home here to--day.
Carlotta Patti was born in Florence,
Italy, in 1810. Adelina Patti was born two
years afterward in Madrid, Spain. Their
father was Salvatbre Patti, a Sicilian tenor
singer, and their mother was Catefina
Barili, long a formidable rival ot Grisi, and
always popular' in Italy. In 1848 Siguor
Patti took his family to New York. He
was a member and afterward manager of the
Palma Opera-Company, of which his wife
was the prima donna.
Carlotta studied to be a- pianist under
Henri Herz, and was proficient on the in
strument before she was 15 years old. It"
was Carlotta who gave Adelina her first
piano lessons. Emma Thursby was also
one of her first pupils.
Her Dead Body Discovered.
St. Louis, June -281 The disappearance
of Miss. Bertha Gerspacher, the young School
teacher, has been solved. Her dead body
has been found in the river near Selica,
Mo., just south of St Louis, and. fully iden
tified to-night .A letter found, shows that'"
she had contemplated suicide for some time.-1
Curious Complications Caused by the
Late Cold Water Campaign.
Tliey Expect to. Gain the Totes of Hany
Temperance Symp'atliizers..
But Determined to Tate Ho Chances of Catting Down
Their JUajority.
The pre'sent political situation in Penn
sylvania is a puzzle. The late prohibition
campaign has complicated matters by giv
ing the .Democrats hope of carrying the
State, either for State Treasurer this fall, or
for Governor next year. ' Political Pro
hibitionists anticipate a much larger vote
than ever before, because of defections from
the Bepublican party on account of their
"Waterloo in the counties of Philadelphia
and Allegheny. Other features are also
Philadelphia, June 28. The outcome
of this fall's campaign Is puzzling the poli
ticians. Opinions differ greatly as to the
effect of the prohibition campaign upon the
Bepublican party. James McManes, the
leader of the local forces,.makes no secret of
his opinion that the Bepublicans will have
to .fight for their victory. Those who have
conversed with Senator Quay recently have
come away with a different idea.. It is said
to be his"opinion that the people are settling
down to the belief that neither party is to
blame for the prohibition "Waterloo; that
the sentiment of the State is plainly against
prohibition, and that the recent campaign
will be .lost sight of as a political factor in
the contest for State Treasurer in the fall.
This may be true, and possibly as time
passes'much will be. forgotten, but at this
end of the State there is a feeling that many
Prohibitionists who had been expecting the
Bepublican' party to turn in for the amend
ment will desert the party now and join the
third party.
It is settled definitely that Speaker Boyer
will be nominated by the Bepublican State
Convention, which has been called to meet
inHarrisburg on the 7th of August, for
Treasurer. There are no other candidates,
and his nomination likely to be made by
acclamation. But 'while "he will have a
walkover in the convention, it is not so cer
tain that he will have it on election day.
It is conceded tha$ there is' still a very ugly
feeling among the de'feated.-Pfohibition Be
publicans. If this feeling wears off, well
and good for the handsome Speaker of the
House, but if not, then this campaign will
be a decidedly lively one for an off year.
That the third party men do not intend to
let it wear off is'apparent They, will hold,
a convention and place a cand'idatejn the
field. They intend to-perfect their machin
ery, and cut where it will, they intend to
drive their1 followers up to the mark. Their
objective point is the control df theXegisla-ture,-and
they are going to begin operations
with an attempt to get a big vote for State
Treasurer, and thus lead up to'
all along the line next fall. There is to be
no fooline about this, so they sayj and they
say it with blood in their eyes.
Meanwhile, the Democrats are watching
things with a close eye. Thev have got the
idea that this, is their year. They are a few
of. them that do not believe that they have
an excellent chance to carry the State. Chair
man Kisner is of this opinion. They believe
thatthe Bepublicans will be held responsible
the overwhelming anti-prohibition vote in'
Philadelphia and Allegheny counties, tne
strongholds of Bepublicanism, to prove
that the Bepublicans did it They antici
pate a large accession to the Democratic
vote, which will be cast in the nature of a
direct rebuke, and a great swelling of the
ranks of the Prohibition party as well.
Acting on this principle, they are casting
about for a candidate who can stand.on a
platform which will contain the "Wherry
resolution attacking the State treasury.
Many of the Philadelphia bank officials
have been sounded, and it is proposed to
raise.a big campaign fund and make an
aggressive fight Their cry -will be, "Buck
the treasury ring."
habmont the -watchtvobd.
It has not yet been determined who the
Democratic candidate is to be, but there is
not likely to be any great amount of fric
tion. The workers all over the State will
be given' to understand that there will be
.money to spend, and that harmony will- be
With all these elements at work things
are shaping themselves for a pretty lively
campaign. The Democrats will fight be
cause they believe they have a goad chance
to win. The political Prohibitionists will
fight, because they anticipate lifting their
party into a pretty big one this fall, which
will command for them more attention than
heretofore. The Bepublicans will fight, for
the loss of the State or big reduction of
the majority may make complications for
next year, when the sutcessor to Governor
Beaver is to be elected.
Of course all the work this year is but
preliminary to next, and there is already a
movement among Democratic leaders to
force ex-Governor Pattison onto the ticket
in 1890.
and his tastes run to a quiet life, but he is
President of Commodore Singerly's Chest
nut street bank, and if Singerly wishes him
to run he may have to do it. It would be
held up to him that if he could carry the
State he would be. ina fair position for the
Presidency in 1Q92. ' ,
But all that is pretty far ahead, and to
give the Democrats a ghost of a chance next
vear, they must carry-the State this, and all
their energies will be put into the' coming
With Boyer a certainty for the Bepubli
can nomination for Treasurer, the only po
litical interest centers in the Gubernatorial
candidate for next year. .There are but two
real candidates now, State Senator Dela
mater and Adjutant General Hastings.
Hastings labors under tho disadvantage of
hailing from Governor Beaver's town of
Bellefonte. At present Delamater is with
out question "Senator Quay's candidate.
Mr. Delamater has been
and he is not popular at this end of the
State. His nomination will mean a strug
gle, with Magee and his followers against
If the Bepublicans come through this fall
with their' usual big majority, Quay.can
take the risk and nominate Delamater, but
if the fight should be close, the Crawford
cohnty Senator would be an impossibility.
In such an event a candidate of great popu
larity would be needed, and none could fill
the bill better than Hastings.
Sentenced for Klllinc n Lunatic.
Bochesteb, Minn;, June 28. Judge
Start this morning sentenced August Beck
man to four years and Edward Petersen to
three years in the penitentiary for the kill-,
ing.of Taylor Coombs in the insane nsvlum
here,- 'X ,
UITT; 'HTV17 to-jnonW Dispatch;
illLllUllJJi dUeourtaoty the habits and
1 7iumorV, the tnuy bee,- and relates lome Qfhlt
own ttiTtnpry r unt wwKvtwtt. ,e- ,
d Jnry In the Cronln Cos. Ex-
i Jttanv Witnesses bnt Bllcljs
tie That Is1' New Lawyer.
The Grand
amines Jffnnr Witnesses bnt Kllcjts
rattle -mat ir new Aiawyer.
' BecKi Complains of Bis
Chicago, June 28. The line'of investi
gation followed by the grand jury in the
Cronin case was toward uncovering the
outer circle of the plot Some 30 Clan-na
Gael men were summoned for to-day's ses
sion, -and the questions put to them were all
framed with a view of finding out if possi
ble, who was responsible for spreading the
malicious reports that Dr. Cronin was a"
spy. Among the witnesses examined in the
forenoon were Edward Spellman, the Peoria
distiller and district officer of the Clan-na-Gael,
and ex-Police Justice Lyon.
If the grand jury obtained any valuable'
information this afternoonit did not become
known to many ot the swarm of waiting re
porters. Amqng the notables on the list
of witnesses before adjournment was CM.
Hardy, who conducted . the- cross-examination
when Alexander Sullivan, by a rnse,
was investigating Cronin's record be
fore Justice iyon some years ago. Sten
ographer Williston, who- took down what
Cronin said at that time was also a witness.
The dentist, who identified the corpse found
in the sewer as that of Cronin, was recalled.
He reiterated big testimony, and went into'
minute details.
Two" or three un-lrish-looking persons,
who ascended to the grand jury star cham
ber succeeded in keeping their identity and
relations to the case a secret The rumor
spread that one of them was a Scotland
Yard detective, but the report lacked con
firmation. Adjournment was taken with
out the return of any indictments.
To-night for the first time' since Lawyer
JohnE. Beggs arrest Tuesday night, he
was allowed-to be seen by persons other than
representatives of the law. The Senior
Guardian, Camp 20, Clan-ua-Gael, was
plumply asked by the reporters who crowded
in whether he"had "squealed."
"I have not!" he answered emphatically.
"BecaujI have nothing to tell. I do not
eV en know why I am locked up here, and
I want to say that the treatment accorded
me has been simply brutal. The police have
not deigned to offer the slightest excuse for
my detention, which was made illegally and
without any offer of showing authority."
Beggs said his only visitor while in cus
tody was Chief of Police Hubbard. The
prisoner' explained 'that he did not mean to
imply that any personal violence had been
offered to him, and that his complaint was
altogether of the supposed unwarranted
action of the police in secretly arresting and
confining him, and keeping him from any
communication with his friends. Beggs
says he was arrested as he was entering his
own door, and that the officers refused to
allow him even to notify his wife. The
prisoner attributes his arrest to the machina
tions of a local politician whose appoint
ment to a Federal office had been opposed
by Beggs.
Cronin Suspect Slakes a Short Call
Upon Jadso Boland.
Kak-sas City, June 28. Cooney, "The
Fox," one of the suspects in the 'Cronin
murder was in this city to-day. It was
11 o'clock this morning when Judge
Boland, of the Police Court, was
hearing one ,of the common drunk cases
when a stranger to every one in the court
room except in two persons approached the
Judge, took a seat by his side, conversed
. with him a few moments in guarded whis
pers, the Judge looked very much surprised
and with difficulty controlled his agitation.
After a few minutes of whispered questions
ana -answers thestranger arose from his seat
and walked fro'm'ihe room.
The act' -that. Cooney was actually
Judge 'Bolantfs visitor lends additional
color of truthfulness to the supposition, of
Judge Lorigenecker, the Illinois State's
Attorney, 'that the facts of the murder of
Dr. Cronin are at least known to some of
the high officers of the Clan-na-Gael.
The Street's Turned Into Rivera and a
GreacDenl of Damage Done.
rsriciAi..I,ri;iEoitAji to the nisrATCs.l
AKBON.uJune 28. Between 12:15 andl
o'clock tins afternoon Akron was deluged
by a cloud burst, and two inches of rain
fell, as Indicated at Buchtel College Oberv
atory gauge. The tracks of the New York,
Pennsylvania and Ohio and Cleveland,
Akron and Columbus roads were heaped
with earth several feet deep and trains were,
delayed half the afternoon. At Talmadge
a large section of the New York, Pennsyl
vania and Ohio track was washed out and
trains were blocked eighfhonrs.
All downtown stores. were flooded, streets
being running rivers. Miller & Boacb,
grocers, lose 3,500 by the flooding of their
cellar, in which there was a large quantity
of sugar stored. Other losses foot up to $10,
000. In South Akron a. house was floated
off its foundations, telegraph poles were
shattered by lightning and reports from the
country show thousands of dollars loss to
crops. .
Terrible-Tnles of Hi-Treatment In a Min
nesota Insane Asylum.
St. Paul, June 28, The special com-,
mission to investigate the reports of out
rageous treatment in the Bochester Insane
Asylum, bfgan its session in this city to
day. JL large number of witnesses were ex
amined, And, some sensational testimony
heard. Mrs. Luck said her husband
was a patient in the asylum, and
that he was neglected and ill-treated.
Mrs. Sharp bad been an inmate of the asy
lum, and had no fault to find with her own
treatment but said she had seen an in
offensive girl named Murphy knocked
down and jumped on by Dr. Hinck twice.
She also knew of one Mrs. Andrews being
kept in solitary' confinement naked and
without food"for several days. She would
then be taken to the bathroom and scrubbed
with .a common broom.
Mrs. -MijDowning said her daughter's
teeth were knocked out and she was badly
poundedvtrWIe a patient Other similar
testimonyVwas given.
A Company Secures a. Million Acres and
finals a Colony In Honduras.
Chicago, June 28. J. W. Troeger, of
this city, who went to Honduras to inspect
the grant of land, secured by P.W.Perry
from the Government, and which is now
owned by the American-Honduras Com
pany of Chicago, has returned home and
was seen to-day. Mr. Troeger said that he
had left everything In very 'good shape in
the colony. The grant of land secured com
prises about 1,000,000 acres, and. is 900 miles
directly south of New Orleans. The com
pany has established a town at Pisano, at
the mouth of the Patuca river the Missis
sippi of Honduras.
Mr. Troeger said that there was no truth
in the reported murder of E.-W. Perry,'
which was announced by telegraph "several
weeks ago.
Onfy in the Business a Tear. ,
Yotjngstown,. June 28.;--John C. Klof
fenstein, engaged here-in' the restaurant
business for thepast year, made an assign-,
ment this afternoon to Thomas E, Hauserd.
ix the rubject of.
Mam Gav Mum-
phrerft interetUnsf paper' in Uummraaft Dis-;
PATCH. Jt deteribet the ttabla of !Ntw 'Xork'
'miWortairtewM keep famous troHer. '
Traasieat AirertlseMts RecM
A.t tho Branoli Offlocs of Tfce
For to-morrow's Jd up to S o'clocaTp. K.
For lift ot brao- ''ees In the various dis-
rs j
1iAthbbb cents
His Honor K , surprised That
Paxson Should Reverse
His Ruling,
He Says, However, it Will Open In
temperance'Eloodgates. EYERTBODT WILL BE A BOTTLEB NOW.
The Jndse Hns No Idea of Keslcnloa He
Will Follow the Lls.es Laid Down 11 Hft
Sits In License Court Again He Prefers
Not to be Interviewed, but Hays Interests
In Things Other Opinions, Both From
Eminent Attorneys and From the Trade
A Mighty Instructive Symposium List
of 133 KnocUed-Onl Wholesalers, Some
of Whom Will Reapply The Effect on
the City Moving- Back From Ohio.
Judge White is not surprised, since it is
Supreme Judge Paxson who has reversed,
him. His Honor refused to criticise the
Supreme Bench, however. He talks re
luctantly on some phases of the question,
but prefers to be not quoted at alL What
he says, however, is of too much interest
now to be entirely omitted. As the leader
of the prohibition workers in the campaign,
and not as Judge, is Lis expression sought
and given. Lawyers, bottlers, brewers and
other wholesalers, also speak instructively.
There may be over 100 reapplications. The
list is given.
Judge .White sat near the front door of his
modest residence in'Sewickley yesterday
afternoon, thumbing a well-worn volume,
and ever and anon glancing across the street
to where a number of children romped upon
a church lawn. Carriages were driving by,
birds were Blnging, and the atmosphere was
redolent with the perfume of many flowers.
The Judge was arrayed in a voluminous
bottle-green dressing gown, the enffs of
which nearly encased his nervous hands,
and his slippered feet and general air of re
pose betokened the magistrate at peace with
the world and himself. It was into this
sylvan scene that a Dispatch representa- '
five and a telegram from Philadelphia in
truded themselves.
"Have you beard of the action of tie Su
preme Court, Judge, in reversing you?'
was asked.
"I have heard nothing'said His Honor,
taking the proffered telegram aad marking,
with Ms finger his.place ia'theiook lyinffi
open upon his knee. The telegram an
nouncing the action of the, Supreme'Court
was read twice through and without com-
'ment. His Honor stared moodily at the
church steeple opposite, but his lip worked
as if some inaudible expression was strug
glingor utterance.
"As the principal exponent of the ultra
'temperance construction of the Brooks law
in this State, what have you to say, Judge,
in regard to the Supreme Court decision ?"
suavely queried the reporter, breaking the .
hiatus in the conversation.
"What have I to say?" rejoined His
Honor, irritably. "Why, that I am
amazed that a newspaper should-have tha
indelicacy to send a reporter to me on such
an errand as you have come upon'
"But the pursuit of the news "
"Is no excuse for it, for no County Judga,
will allow himself to criticise the action of
the Supreme Bench." " N
"We do not ask for, or expect a post-ju-.
dicial opinion, Judge, but would like to
hear what, if anything, you, as an individ--ual,
have to say."
"It is impossible for me to separate my
self from my position, and I repeat that I
can savnothing'for publication."
'" "Was-the opinion a surprise to you, sir?"'
His Honor remarked musingly: "They
have evidently entirely ignored my written
opinion, filed in these cases. I am not sur
prised, especially as it is handed down by -Judge
"This seems largely to sweep away the re
sults of your two years' work," hazarded the
-"It opens the flood-gates of intemper
ance," said His Honor, with some show of
animation. 'Allegheny county will be
again deluged with liquor. Everybody who
chooses can set up as breeder of drunkenness,
with a bottler's or wholesaler's license."
"Do you think the electionhad anything''
& do- with tha action of the Supreme
Court?" His Honor turned the leaves of his book
nervously, but returned no answer.
!1t is currently rumored that yon intend
to resign as a vindication of your course."
"Nothing is farther from my thoughts,"
said His Honor, Instantly. "I have done
what I conceived to be my duty heretofore,
and need no 'vindication.' "
"The liquor people seem to think that
you will nof'sit in License Court again."
"That is another delicate matter, and I
can simply say that! it is not likely that I
shall sit again in that capacity. But, if I
should, it would he my simple, plain duty
to follow the ruling of the. Supreme Court,
no matter what a Judge may himself be- .
lieve. But I never discount the hereafter."
' "As to rehearings. in the certiorari cases
from Allegheny county, Judge?"
"With them I have nothing to do. Tha
Court of Quarter Sessions'will attend to
them. ' Please say to your people that! do
not wish to be put on record."
. " Vary well, Judges Good afternoon."
A Rather Amusing AUaslon to License Cases-
Aflet a Murder Trial. ' ".
, At the conclusion-of the Irrtn. murder trial.
lathe Criminal Court yesterday afternoonlt
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