Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 28, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Week's Live Stock Transactions at
"East Liberty Tards.
Light Enn of Sheep, Lamls and Hojs.
Trices Advanced.
Office Pittsburg Dispatch.
Tiiursdat. Juno 27. ISSfl.
The figures in the accompanying report
show that the Pennsylvania Railroad has
resumed business at the old stand. Through
shipments of cattle last week were the
smallest for years, the total being only 150
head. 'Washouts from the Conemaugh to the
Susquehanna led Western shippers, who In or
dinary times take the Pennsylvania route, to
send their stock by the Baltimore and Ohio or
the Sew York Central.
Sow that traffic is opened on the Pennsylva
nia Railroad, shippers are returning to their
first love. While local receipts of cattle are
340 head short of last week, markets have not
improved. The bnlk of receipts were common
Grades. The few light, smooth, well-fatted
butcher cattle that showed up held their own,
liut all low grades and heavj -weights Mere slow
and a shade lower thau last eck.
The general averace ot cattle received this
week was below par. The few on band suita
ble to this market were steady at Ian week's
prices, hut this was due more to short supply
than any improvement in live stock trade. Ibe
run ot sheep and lambs was lighter this week
than for many months past. On all choice
grades markets are 20c to Sue higher than they
wereaMeeK ago. Common grades give no
signs of improvement. Hogs are in light sup
ply, and are firm at an advance.
The range to-day for light smooth Yorkers
is H 70 to J4 SO. Heavy Philadelphias are sell
ing at SI tO and mediums at SI 65. The outside
mice of light packing hogs at C hicago to-day
S4 65. The outside rate at Liberty is 15c
abovo this figure, but top grades are better at
the former place than the latter. Markets for
hog products are stronger and higher at Chi
cago tban here, a fact which Is outoftne
usual order. Pittsburg is a poor market this
season for hog products, and some of our pack
ers have found it profitable to sell their prod
ucts at the Western metropolis of late. Fol
lowing is the report of the week's transactions
at East Liberty yards:
Thro'. I Local.
Thursday ...
Frldar. .....
Last week
Previous week..
Thursday 16 872 100
Friday 1,340 (61
Saturday. 13 718 2
Monday l,o& 3,449 4,423
Tuesday ;.H 453 2,521
"Wednesday 79 853 1.760
Total 1,427 7.C97 9,574
Lastweek l,7Mi 6, tt.il ja.8a
Prevlonsweck 1.3Ss 6,893 12,671
Woolen Goods.
A leading jobber of woolens reports the
month of June as a disappointment in his line,
owing to continual rains. Said he: "This
month is usually our most active time for light
colored goods. We laid in our regular supply
for this line of goods, but, from present ap
pearances, I am afraid we will have to hold
some over for another season. But, as an offset
to the small sales of light-colored goods, we
have sold an extra quantity of dark goods this
month. Though the summer's trade is ell ad
vanced, there is still time to unload our light
colored woolens, if only the weather prophet
will be propitious. We have not done as well
for June as we calculated on, but for the first
half of 1SS9 our volume of business was fully
15 percent better than tor the corresponding
peuod of last year. ,
About the only change in prices of onr mate
rial is tliat low priced worsted goods have ad
vanced. In the late tariff revision the duty on
this grade of goods was advanced 10 per cent.
The duty on fine woolens is close to 73 per cent,
Notwithstanding this the cheapness of labor in
the Old World, together with patient, plodding
industry of workmen there, enables foreign
manufacturers to send their goods to this mar
ket and successfully compete with our home
manufacturers. .Domestic woolens arc last
approaching the imported article in quality,
cut the expense of bringing domestics up to
the high standard is such that the imported
goods manage to keep the lead."
By Telesxnnh.
Kansas Crnr Cattle Receipts. 2,015 head:
ra shipments; heavy shipping steers slow and
weak; dressed beef, nath es and Texas steady;
cows generally common and steady; stockers
and feeding steers mostly grassers and weak;
good to choice corn-fed steers, S3 601 00; com
mon to medium. $3 00jJ3 70; stockers and feed
ing steers, $2 003 10: cow -, $1 602 90. Hogs
Receipts, 7.166 head; shipments, 1,333 bead;
market strong, active and 57c higher; good
to choice lights, $4 304 40: common to me
dium H 12X1 25.; Sheep Receipts, L105 head;
shipments, 300 head: market steady: good to
choice mutton, 53 754 00; common to me
dian, 52 5063 5a
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 1,000 head;
shipments, 4,600 head; market steady; heavy
native steers. S3 851 30; lair to good native
steers. S3 104 00; stockers and feeders, fair to
good, 52 103 10: rangers, corn-fed, S2 803 50;
grass-fed, 52 003 Ou. Hogs Receipts, 3,900
head: shipments, 1,500 head; market strong:
choice heavy and butchers' selections, 54 i0
1 40; parsing, medium to prime, S4 20
4 Si; light grades, ordinary to best, 54 33
4 45. Sheep Receipts, 300 head: shipments,
2,500 bead; market steady; fair to choice. S3 00
4 60.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 12,500 head;
shipments, 4.800 head: market steady and un
changed; beeves. 54 101 35: steers, S3 404 15;
cows, bulls and mixed, $1 S03: stockers and
feeders, 22 40; Texas cattle, 1 653 5a
Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; shipments, 5,000
bead: market easy: mixed, 54 304 55; heavy,
5425450;Iight,5135465:skipsS2l. Sheen
Receipts, 6,000 head; shipments, 1.500 head:
market active and firm; natives, S3 504 90;
"Westerns, S3 40SS1; Texans, S3 253 45; lambs.
Buffalo Cattle Nothing doing; receipts,
45 loads through: 3 on sale. Sheep and lambs
Demand good, prices a shade higher; receipts,
17 loads through; 3 on sale. Hogs active, 5
10c higher, receipts, 23 loads through; IS on
sale; heavy and medium, 54 60 1 60; light York
ers, $4 75; heavy Yorkers and mixed pack
ing. 54 a
ClKCnre? ATI Hogs firm; commbn and light,
13 754 55; packing and butchers, 54 354 60;
receipts, 1,260 bead; shipments, 1,800 head.
Patents Issued Recently to Men of Genius
in Thli Neck of Woods.
List of patents issned to Western Pennsylva
nia, Eastern Ohio and "West Virginia inventors
on Tuesday, June 23,lbS9. famished byO. D.
Levis, Patent Attorney, No. 131 Fifth avenue.
William Acer, Bloomsburg, grain scourer;
William H. Bailey. Pittsburg,-annealing box;
John IV. Bool, waiter. Sprlnjtdcia. annaratui for
converting crude metal Into maleable Iron or
steel: Charles A. llnll v and H. K. Richardson,
Plttsbnrg. automatic rut-off and pas regulator
Ulionns li Jackson, bclmont. fireplace heater
Albert F. Kuhl, Van V crt, hand car; James ill
Maxwell, l'lttsburr, assignor to hlmsclT and it.
M. Comerfort, of Jairrnount, W. a., airbrake;
llartwcll K. Moore. .Norwalk, mule bolder;
James J. Hlcketts. Pittsburg, Hushing apparatus;
yredertck CMnalstlc, AlliRheny, cigar bunch
ing machine; Daniel J. Snyder and I. btephenson,
of bcio. apparatus for enrburating air or gas: It.
P. Starbuck, IlarrlSTille, . Va., washing ma
chine: t'hllo M. Stephens, Toledo, bouse coupling;
UavldB Janger. itellfontalne. hay gatherer and
elevator: William Taylor. Allcghenv, nail: Frank
A. NV ells. Allegheny, combined tn'pplv overflow
and waste fittings for slvps, sinks, basins and
baths; George Westlnghouse, Jr., and F. il.
Kites, Pittsburg, compound engine; James C
White, bcwlckler, electrical railway; Charles A.
Cloctner, Pittsburg, meat rack.
Imported Claret Wines.
Medoc, St. Estephe, St. Jnlien, Mar
geanx, Pont Canet, Chantean, Belair, Leo
ville, Lafite, 1882 Chantean Monnton Eoths.
child, 1875 Chanteau Leoville, Chantean
Bonliac, Chatean Ianjac, 1884 Clianteau
de Lisle, 18S4 Medoc Monopole, 1881 Chan
tean Lagrange, 1881 Chantean Montrose,
hy bottle or case. Wlf. J. Feidat. 633
Smithfield tt wrsii
FiBEworks? crackers, torpedoes; finest
assortment; lowjirices.
J. H. Jokwwoif, 706 Smit&field s
"MBS" - - '
Wheat Less Active and Lower on Bearish
Reports From Russia nnd the North
west Corn Dropi a Frac
tion Onts Steady
Pork Unsettled.
Chicago The wheat market to-day was
less active on the whole than yester
day. A good business was transacted dnrlng
the early Dart of the session, but after that
ruled more quiet. Prices ruled lower and the
advance of yesterday was lost. The opening
was fully IQlJc lower for the various futures
than yesterday's closing, and after some fluct
uation sold off c more, reacted slightly
and closed easy and Uo lower for July, 2c
lower for August and 2c lower for December
than the closing figures of yesterday.
The break in prices was largely due to the
belief that the greater part of the short inter
est at the lower prices was covered, and to a
desire on the part of some of the longs to re
alize. There was something of an impression
that some of the heavy longs had taken advan
tage of yesterday's bulge to selL Advices wero
received reporting ram in Russia, and this
helped to create weakness. From the North
west bad news regarding the crop prospects
were received, but these were offset to some
extent by good reports from the winter wheat
A moderate trade was reported In corn, most
ot the business being transacted during the first
half of the session, after which the'market be
came quiet. The market opened He under the
closing prices of jesterday, was easyand gradu
ally declined c, rallied a little and closed M
a lower than yesterday.
In oats a good business was transacted, and a
lower range of prices recorded. The feature of
the trading was an increased demand to change
contracts from July to September.
Trading was quite active in mess pork, and
the feeling was somewhat unsettled and prices
irregular. Early the feeling was firmer, and
prices were advanced 2j6Sc; later prices re
ceded 1520c Toward ;he close the feeling
was steadier, and prices rallied 57c and
closed comparatively steady.
Rather more was done in the lard market,
and it was steadier early in the day. Prices
ruled 2X5c higher. Later the feeling was
easier, and the greater portion of tho advance
was lost.
Considerable interest was manifested in the
market for short rib sides. Prices were ad
vanced S7c Later, prices settled back 7
10c, but rallied again slightly and closed com
paratively steady.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2 July. 80?6&0ffi79K79Kc:
August, 7SVi7SJ0777ic; September, 7K
fi7bKS77Ji&77Jc;lecember, S0KS079K
Cokn No. 2 July. 35X35X3iJi3S;
August. 35K353S355c; September, 35
OatsNo. 2 Jul v. 225J22K622K22c: An.
gnst, 22K22522J6:c; September. 22
Mess Pork, per bbk July.
(5!11 77UH 82; August, S12 05f
g)ll 02; September, 12 OS
111 87KQH 00
12 07ll fc7K
12 lSgll 95
IjARD, per iuu !. juiy.
$8 628 67K
C2KS6 C2K: August. SO 77fC 77V&6 72k
6 72; September, 56 S06 S56 S06 SO.
SnonT RIBS, per 100 lbs. July, S5 956 05
5 9o5 95: August. 56 1056 1000 G?K
6 02 September. 56 106 17K6 07Xffi6 10.
Cash quotations were as follow: Flour was
firm and dealer ask an advance of 10c; No. 2
spring wheat. SlK82c: So. 3 spring wheat, 73
76c; o. 2 red. 8lfg82c Kol2 corn, 35c bid. .No.
2oats.22Kc Mo.2rye.42)c No.2barIeynomi
naL o. 1 flaxseed. 51 491 5a Prime timothy
seed, 51 4S. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 8511 9a
Lard, per 100 pounds, Sd G2. Short ribs sides
(loose). So 9o6 05. Cry salted shoulders
(boxed), $5255 37. Short clear sides (boxed),
to 35b 37 Sugars unchanged. Receipts
Flour, 13,000 barrels; wheat, 11,000 bushels: corn.
212 000 bushels: oats. 216.000 bnshels: rye. 2,000
bushels;barley.2,000bushcls. Shipments Flour.
6,000 barrels; wheat. 15.000 busnels: com, 213,000
bushels: oats, 75,000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels;
barley, none.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was firm and unchanged. Eggs firm
at 12c
New York Flour unchanged and fairly
active, closing irregular. Wheat Spot weak
and less active; options less active, Kc lower
and irregular, closing weak. Rye stead v; west
ern. 4S50c Barley malt dull; Canada. 90c
SI 05 for red and new. Corn Spot weaker and
active; options less active, vg,c lower and
weak. Oats Spot steady and quiet; options
steady. Hay, steady. Hops quiet. Coffee
Options opened steady and 1U15 points up;
closed firm and 4555 points up: sales, 97.250
including June. 13.90c: July. 130I&95c: Au
gust, 13.7514 20c; September. 13.9014.30c: Oc
tober. 14.0014.3Oc: November. 14.0014.30c:
December. 14.0514.30c; January. 14.10
J4.40c; February, 14J0I4.S0c: -March, 14.15
14.60c; April, 14.25 U. 45c; May, 14.1514.50c
Spot Rio steadier: fait cargoes at ltc.
Sugar Raw, quiet and firm; sales 1,000 tons
domestic molasses, 82 test, at 5Jc; refined
quiet and steady. Molasses Foreign
firm; small lot of Barbadocs sold
37c; New Orleans quiet; open kettle, good to
fancy, 2SU16c Rice quiet and steaay. Cotton
seed oil dull and eay. Tallow quiet, ItoMn
quiet and steady. Turpentine steady at 37
iSc Eggs firmer; western, 14K14Jic; re
ceipts, 4,460 packages. Pork firm; ruev, SIS 25
13 50; sales extra prime, Sll 50I1 75. Cut
meats stronger: sales pickled bellies, 12 pounds,
6?ic: 14 pounds, 6Kc: 10 pounds, 7Ji7Kc;
pickled bams, I2c; pickled shoulders, 5a
Lard Early months steady: late options lower,
but in better demand; sales western steam,
S6 95; spot. 57 00; city, 56 35; Julv, $6 946 96,
closing at 50 94 asked; August, 57 037 04, clos
ing at 57 03 asked; September. 57 116:7 11 clos
ing at $7 11 asked; October. 57 17. closing at
57 10 asked. Butter qniet: western dairy. 10
14c: do creamery, 1617$c; do factory. 7K13c
Cheese easier and less active; western, 7Ji8Jc
Philadelphia Flour firmer, with a good
inquiry fur spring wheat patents. Wheat Op
tions weak and lower: cash No. 2 red dull and
lc lower: No. 2 red June, nominal; July and
August. 82JS3c; September. 82?!3c. Com
Options dull and lower; car lots quiet, but
steady; No. 2 mixed, track, 43c; No. 2 high
mixed on track and in Twentieth street eleva
tor. 43K No. 2 mixed June. 41V42Kc: Julv. 42
12c: August. 42V42Jc; September. 42
43y$c Oat Car lots steady, with a moderate
ciemana: ixo.3 wnite, 3iHGS3l5ic: Ho. 2 white.
33J31c: futures quiet, but steady; No. 2 white
June and July. 32334c; August, 31JJffi32Jic:
34c; August, 31Jffi32c:
beptemner. 3la34C. Butter firm and more
active: Pennsylvania creamery extra, lt17c:
do prints, extra, lie Eggs steady; Pennsylva
nia firsts, 1616Jc.
St. Louis. Flour firm but unchanged.
Wheat All the influences were bearish to-day
and prices declined llc closing at the
bottom; No. 2 red, cash, 85c; July, 74W
TSKc. closing at 74c: August, 74W75'Jc,
closing at 74'Xc; September. 7557c, and
closed 75JJ75Xc: December, 7879K. closing
at 7bJc Corn lower; No. 2 mixed cash, 31W
3iajc;June, 31J5C; Julv 3IJ$31$c closed at
Zic asked: August, 32Q&Qc, closed at 32Kc
asked. Oats weaken No. 2 cash, 22c; June
22c asked: July, 22Jc asked: May, 25J,c bid!
Rye dull and dragging: No. 2, 40c Flaxseed.
5150 for July and August delivery; old crop
seed not worth more than what is bid for new
Provisions slow.
CnrciKKATi Flour in moderate demand.
Wheat strong; No. 2 red, 87688c: receipts. 1,400
bushels: shipments, 2,300 bushels. Com strong
and higher: No. 2 mixed, 3Sc Oats steady; No
2 mixed. 25K26c Rye firm and aniet; No. 2.
45J$46c Pork firm at 512 25. Lard firm and
bigber at 56 356 4a Bulkmeats and bacon
steady. Butter steady. Sugar firm. Zggs
heavy. Cheese steady.
Milwaukee Flour in good demand.
Wheat easy; cash. TSJc: July. 78c: Septem
ber, 77c Com qniet at 35c Oats steadv;No.2
white. 27K2Sc Rye firm: No. L43Kc "Barley
dull: No. 2. 5051c Provisions easier. Pnrf
Sll 85. Lard, 56 6a Cheese unchanged; ched-
uars, a&ofrc
Baltimore Provisions quiet. Butter steady
creamery. 1617ic Eggs firm at 1515c Cof
fee unsettled; Rio fair at 17c
Toledo Cloversecd dull; cash 54 40; Octo
ber J4 60.
Fireworks for the Fourth.
Largest assortment in the city; finest dis
play ot pieces; prices lower than the lowest;
everything warranted first quality, whole
sale and retail, at J. H. Johnston's, 706
Smithfield street.
Cnlifarnln Claret,
Coleman's Flag Brand,
G. W. S. Flag Brand,
Zinfandel Claret,
By the case or bottle.
G. "W. Schmidt,
95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city.
Transact a General BanMng Business.
Accounts solicited. Issne Circular Letters
of Credit tor use of travelers, and Commer
cial Credits, :
Available in all salts of the world. Also issue
For use in this country, Canada, Mexico, West
Indies, South and Central America. -
'.',. n7-91.irw -
I . ,s v' . BE
How to Invest Surplus Money to
Ward Off a Financial Collapse.
A Eural Lady's Idea of the Workings of the
Monopolistic Sugar Trust.
"Whistle down brakes on the speculative
furore before it passes beyond control and
precipitates a panic "Great oaks from
little acorns grow." Dig a well and start a
dairy, get married, give your poor relations
a boost if yon have more money than you
know what to do with, but don't speculate.
"And so you shall prosper and your days be
long in the land." 1
There was a better feeling and a larger move
ment in the real estate market yesterday than
on any previous day this week. Besides the
sales reported, which are noted elsewhere, there
wero several large transactions, tho particulars
of which were withheld. One of these involved
the sale of an AUeghenyresidence, presumably
on Lincoln avenue, for a price approximating
SlOaOCa The gentleman from whom this
information was obtained said: "I expect
to see a controversy over this sale as to whether
the prico paid was above or below the market."
Somewhere in lower Allegheny a large build
ing site changed bands at about 590,000. It is
situated between two fine residences, and will
be built on this season. AuotherTeport was of
the salo of five acres of unimproved land be
tween Hawkins and Braddock. It is under
stood it will be subdivided.
The last rumor encountered was to the effect
that several acres near the reservoir ot the
Wilkinsburg waterworks bad been sold for
about S8U0 an acre. A lot atBaum's Grove
changed hands at $5,000, and a lot in the Moore
Slan, Oakland avenue, brought 5S0 a front foot,
everal mortgages were placed, the two largest
being lor SiaoOO and 85,000. The depression of
the real estate interest, of which mention has
been made, seems to have begun and ended at
the same time.
One of the avowed objects of the Sugar Trust
when it was introduced to tho public was "to
develop the sugar-making interest in this coun
try." The immediate result of it has been to
advance prices to the consumer about 20 per
cent A Wilkinsburg lady remarked to me
yesterday: "I will not be able to put up much
fruit this season, sugar is so high. It is ten
pounds for a dollar to-day, against 12 pounds
two weeks ago, and 15 last winter. I wonder
what the cause is?"
The hasn't read the papers carefully and
didn't know of the existence of the Sugar
Trust, and I told her as much. "There is no
trust about it," she rejoined; "they want cash
Enough of the stock of the Bachelor Hall
Company has been placed to assure the success
of the project. The charter Is being drawn np
by a well-known attorney, send will be for
warded to Harrisburg in a few days. It is ex
pected that work on the building will begin
about September L Several of the rooms have
been spoken for already. Shonld it prove a
financial success several others ot a similar
character will be put up next year.
Work on the Fifth avenuo extension is pro
ceeding as rapidly as possible. Tne Llgonicr
block pavement makes a handsome appearance,
and seems to possess every requisite for solidity
and durability. The ease with which repairs
can be made is greatly in its favor. The im
provement has already been of great advan
tage to property in the vicinity, showing that
values and good streets are intimately asso
ciated. Although quotations on iron have not been
advanced, the market this week is firmer on
account of an increase of orders, giving rise to
a more buoyant feeling. The advance on pig
of 50 cents a ton by the Thomas Company is ex
pected to have a good effect on the trade.
Stocks are light, and they will be further re
duced during the July shut-down for repairs
and the settlement of the wage question. This
will tend to "Strengthen prices and put the
market in good shape for the autumn trade,
which, if Indications can be trusted, will be
very satisfactory.
Bat Prices Show n DUposltloB to Seek a
Lower Level.
The stock market was more active yesterday
than for some time, but the feeling was weak,
and bids were in moat cases a shado under
those of the day before. The sales were 460
shares, of which Electric contributed 225 and
Philadelphia Gas 135. The latter was the only
stock among tho gassers that showed any
This was due to the fact that there were a
few urgent orders for it and very little on the
market. While it showed no special change ih
quotations, the anxiety to obtain it and the
hesitation with which It was offered showed
that there was a firmer feeling behind it
Electric sold at a concession. The quantity
brought out on a bid of 47 was a surprise to
some who had maintained there was very little
of it for sale under 5a It closed at 41 asked.
Tho postponement of the stockholders' meet
ing until July 11 was a strong point for tho
bears. The tractions were also weaker. Cen
tral offered at 32K, with a sale of 50 shares.
In the afternoon it was hammered down to
31. and just before the close sold at 31J. A
small lot of Citizens Traction went at W. In
the last hour 52 was the best offer for Pitts
burg. Switch and Signal was a trifle stronger, but
neglected. There was an offer of for 100
shares of La Noria, but it was not forthcoming.
It cannot be bought in quantities under S2.
For Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway 195
was asked. Pittsburg. Allegheny and Man
chester could have been bought in small
bundles for 25a There was a good demand for
bank and bridge stocks but no transactions.
Bids, offers and sales were :
Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked.
117!, 130 ...:
.... 33 .... ....
47 51
48,1 80
68 .... 68 70
37 37f 37 38
29 30
.... 68
7i .... 75 80
ZH 32 31 ....
jtSK 69X 6S 69X
...l " 52 "'.'. "52
.... 30 .... 250
20 20M .".'.' .."'
.... .... 3J ....
nt is ik ....
S S4 ..?. ?tH
Fourth Xat Bank.....
Metropol'n Mat Bank
German Nat. Uk. A U'y.
W'klngman's tvs., A.
Allegheny Ins. Co
Armenia Ins. Co
City Insurance.
Citizens Insurance....
Monongahela Ins
Allegheny Uas Co
Pitts. Gas Co
Sou tbslde Gas Co
Brldgewater Gas
Chartlers Val. Gas Co.
Nat Gas Co. of W. Va.
People's N. U. A P.Co.
Pennsylvania Gas Co..
Philadelphia Co
Wheeling Gas Co
Tuna Oil Co
ashlngton Oil Co....
Central Traction
Citizens' Traction
Bltts. & Birmingham..
Pittsburg Traction."....
Pleasant Valler
Pitts., Alle. A Man....
Chartlers Hallway
1 jtis.,iin. dtot.u......
P. &V. K. K. Co
P. &W. K. K. pref....
N.Y. & CGas Coal Co.
Monongabela Bridge. ..
Charlotte Mining Co...
La jiorla Mining Co...
W estlnghonse Electric
U. bwitch & Signal Co.
Sales at the early call were 10 shares of Phila
delphia Gas at 37, 40 at 37, 50 Central Trac
tion at 32K, and 25 Electric at 47f. In the
afternoon 10 shares of Citizens Traction sold at
69, 25 Central Traction at 3 25 at 3 50 Phil
adelphia Gas at 37 nd 35 at3S. Immediately
after call 200 shares of Electric changed hands
at 47J.
The total sales of stocks at New York yes
terday were 151,854 shares, including: Atchison
13.875; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
6,800; Northwestern, 5.530: Reading, 29,700:
Richmond and West Point, 4,735; St Paul.
13.350; Union Pacific 3.00a '
Real Estate Gets Its Second Wind and
Starts Afresh.
Allesdc Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, placed a
mortgage for 510,000 for five years at 4 per
cent free ot State tax, on a Fifth avenue bus
iness property.
W. A. Herron fc Sons, sold lot No. 10, in the
Moore plan, Oakland avenue, Oakland, size 50x
15U for 54,000 cash, or 580 a front foot
Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, Bold to
Henry Averman, lot No. 189. in the Mellon
plan of Banm grove, at Roup station, Pennsyl
vania Railroad, being a triangular-shaped lot
at the Intersection of St Clair and Baum
streets, fronting 143 feet on Banm street by
about 60 on St Clair, for 55,000.
Reed B. Coyle & Co.. 131 Fourth avenue, sold
lot Ko. 20, in Marlon place plan, to Mrs. Carrie
xr. xoyie, size zuxiuu, ror t-iuu casn. Airs. Boyle
will rnmrrtnAB tn htiUrl Immaillst.
streets, placed a 56,000 mortgage on two houses
and lots in the Seventeenth ward for three
years at 6 per cent
Nothing but Koutloe Business Transacted nt
the Local Banks.
Yesterday was an uneventful day at the
banks. Discounting was very alow and check
ing below tho average. Depositing was the
only redeeming feature. The most of this was
by jobber and retailers, showing a liberal move
ment in the regular lines of trade. The pros
pect continues good for an early Improvement
and full employment for all the idle money. ,
The exchanges were 51,841,105 67, and the bal
ances 5246,039 84.
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy at 35 per cent Sterling exchange more
active and steady at 54 86 for 60-day bills,
and 54 88K toi demand.
Closing Itond Quotations.
U. s. 4s, rep 1MH
TJ. S. 4s. coup iSlH
U. S.4Xs.reg 10RX
U. & 44s, coup 106H
PaclflcSsof'So. 118
Loulslanastamped4s 60V
.Missouri 6s lCKX
lenn. new set 6s....l03
lenn. new set. 5s... ,105
Tenn. neweet. 3j.,.. 76J4
Canada Bo. Ms 99
Cen. Pacific, lsts 1174
lien. A K. G., lsts.120
Ben. It. a. 4s 811
D.&K.G.West,lsts. 103
Krle, Ids 103)4
U.K. AT. Gen. 6s.. 61
M. K. AT. Gen.5s . WH
Mutual Union 6s.. ..103
V. J. C. Int Cert...ll5'i
Northern Pac lsts..H9X
Northern Pac. Ms.. HI
Xnrlhw't'n c.nnanlB.146
Northw'n deben's..lUX
Oregon & Trans. 6s. 105
StL. &I.M. Gen. 5s M
St. I,. &8. P. Gen. J1121
Su Paul consols VWt
8t. PI. Chi &. Pc. lstslMi
Tx., Pc.L.U.Tr.Ks. 89
Tx.. Pc. K. G.Tr. Kcts 37
Union 1'ac. sts Hi
West Shore.... W3i
Yesterday's bond offerings aggregated 533,
500, as follows: Coupon -iks, 513,000 at 106
registered 4s, 520,500 at 10.
New York Clearings, 5130,891,719; balances,
56.013,533. .
Boston Clearings, $17,076,845; balances,
51.591.9S9. Money, 2(3 per cent
Philadelphia Bank clearings, 512,292.406;
balances, (2,480.452.
London The bullion in the Bank of En
gland increased 361,000 during the past week.
rhe proportion of the Bank of England's re
serve to liability is now 43.70 per cent aar sil
ver, 42d per ounce.
Paris Three per cent rentes 84f 35c for
the account The weekly statement of the
Bank of France shows an increase of 6,6S2,000f
gold and 2,200,0001 silver.
Chicago Moneyon call, 4K5K; time loans,
67 per cent Bank clearings, $9,977,000.
First Day nt tho Petroioum Exchange Under
the New Rules.
Trading in futures began at the Petroleum
Exchange yesterday. The new system was
readily accepted and caused very little con
fusion among the traders. It worked as well
as its friends had expected, and caused a mani
fest improvement in the feeling on the floor.
Trading was moderate and of a miscellaneous
character, but better, it was maintained, than
it wonld have been under the old plan so soon
after one of the most exciting episodes in the
history of the trade.
The market opened at 91Jc, seller July. Un
der the influence of liberal offers it soon rallied
and sold np to 92c between which point and
92c the market fluctuated until the afternoin,
when it was seized with a spasm of weakness
and declined to 91c, from which it gradually
recovered and reached 92c. It receded in the
last few minutes and closed at 91Kc, regular
July option.
There were neither sales nor bids further
ahead than July. On several occasions there
were sales and bids of cash oil at the same
price as the July option. In the afternoon
there were a nnmoer of sales of cash oil, and
also of oil deliverable to-day, at the same price
as July. In fact the difference between cash
and July was inappreciable. The market closed
steady. Wednesday's clearings were ktSOO.OOO
barrels. There was no important field news.
Fcntnres of the Mnrket.
Corrected dally by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45
Sixth street members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange.
Opened 91Lowest 91W
Highest KJilclosed 91,'ji
Average rons 50,863
Average shipments 72.653
Average charters. .. 47,740
KeHned, New YorX, 7."e.
Keline. London, 5 11-16(1.
Rellned, Antwerp. 17f.
Kenned. Liverpool. 6 5-l6d.
Carrying. Oil City, flat: Pittsburg, flat.
A B. AlcOrew & Co., brokers, quote:
89; calls, 9aJ to 96.
Other Oil Mnrketa.
Oil Crnr. June 27. National transit cer
tificates opened, 02Jfc; highest 93c: loivest,-
vijid ciosea, vic
Titusvills, Jdno 27. National transit cer
tificates opened. 923c; highest 83c; lowest
91JsC; closed, 91c
Bradford. June 27. National transit cer
tificates opened,' 92Vc; highest, 92Jc; low
est 91'c; closed, Bl)c.
New York. Jnne27. Petroleum Stock Ex
changeOpening. 91Kc; highest 83c: lowest
sing at viYuO. uonso.iaated .Exchange
est. 92Vc: lowest 915c.
sales, 1,127,000 barrels.
Distillers nod Cnttln Feeders Enter tho Stock
market Gold fhipmcnis and Poor
Railrond Earnings Poll Down
Values Honda Qnlct
and Stendy.
New York, June 27. The stock market to
day was even more qniet than that of yester
day, and the fluctuations were ia everything,
except one or two stocks, oh a par with the
business done. Thero was a firm feeling
throughout the day until toward the cl6se,
when the entire market weakened, and the re
sult of tne day's trading is that most of the list
is small fractions lower than last evening.
There was some. weakness apparent at the
opeulng, the result principally of the discour
aging dispatches from the West and the
apathetic attitude of London, but the marke
immediately displayed Its underlying streneth
and quotations were advanced all over the list
on a very moderate volume of business.
Of the stocks of the regular list only St
Paul, Reading. New England and Atchison
displayed any animation, and of the four. New
England alone fluctuated over a range of as
much as 1 per cent Their course was an ex
ample of the entire list moving upward from
the opening and reaUiing the highest prices
generally before noon, after which time they
were held very steady until the last hour, when
they yielded rather sharply, and declined to
below the opening prices. There were further
engagements of gold for Europe to-day by Sat
urday's steamers, and this, with the poor show
ing made by the earnings of the Erie and Read
ing, had much to do with the late weakness in
the list The trusts were still active, but their
movements were on a much smaller scale tban
usual of late, and the fluctuations were also
made within a comparatively narrow range,
the final results being insignificant in all of the
old favorites.
A new candidate for favor was introduced,
however, the Distillers' and Cattle Feeders'
Trust which, after opening at 44. declined to
44 and afterward rose rapidlv to 47. only to
decline to 45J at the close. In the regular list
Wisconsin Central was next listed and was
traded In between 24 and 2 closing at 2
Lead Trust was most active and was depressed
by the denial of the aamlssion-of the Atlantic
works into the trust, but the friends of the
stock steadily asserted that the de.il would be
accomplished and a full recovery took place.
The market at the close was dull and heavy at
fractional losses for the day.
Railroad bonds were quiet and steady, the
sales of all Teaching 51,777,000. The market
was generally firm. St Paul, La Crosse and
Davenport rose 2, to 107; Hocking Valley 2,
to 63. Ohio. Indiana and Western seconds
declined 5, toSS.
The following table snows the prices or active
stocks on the New York Stock Exrhansrn.
Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit
ney fe Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange 57 Fourth avenue:
Ing ilids.
61 K
ills'. Am. Cotton oil as
Atcn., Top. & a. p.... 45V
Canadian 1'aclHc Z-V,i
Canada Southern. ..... KH
Central orew jersey, 112k
Chesapeake A Ohio ... 20
C, tinr.& Quli,cr.....liG
C, Mil. s. Bt. Paul.... 71.S
C, Mil. & St. P.. pf....lim
C, BocEl. ! 87M
C St. L. r Pitts t. ....
C, bt L. & Pitts. pC 37ii
a. st. p..m. 40... :
a. st. p..m. & o.. nr. 97
est K
71 K
est 4"
C. A .Northwestern... .109K
C& .northwestern, pf. ....
0.0. C.&1. 7l
Col. & Hocking Val .. 155
Bel.. L. & W. 148
Del. & Uunaon.. ....... 113
Denver ft KioU ....
Denver & Bio U.. oi.w ....
E. T Va. &Ua , 105
Illinois Central 115
Lake Kri A Western.. aK
Lake Erie A West pr 60
Lake Snore M. s 10W
LoulsTllle.lt Nashville. 69K
Michigan Central
Mobiles Ohio UU
Missouri raclllc.T...... 7t
Mew York Central...., ..-
M. Y.. L.E.& SV... Z1X
N. r.. a AStL ,
N. I1N, 15 61 H
A. Y.. O. ft Y 17
Norfolk a Western...; ....
Norfolk A Western, nf. 65
109 lu9
73 jj
C2 E2X
Awuiemr aciac....
60 60
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. Hid. Asked.
Pennsylvania ltallroad 51
Readlns Kallroad 24 1-16
Lehigh Valley fl
Lehigh -Navigation , 63
Northern Paclflc , 78
northern PaclOa preferred 66
Ttaaton Stocks.
Atch..tTOE..l17. 117
Old Colony. ,.15
Uls.Centratcom... 24
Wis. Central pf.... 69
AllonezMgCo(new). 85
Calumet A Hecla....208
franklin 9
Huron 1
Usccola. 9
1'ewablo (new) 2
Qntncy 52
Bell Telephone 243V
Boston Land 6
Water .Power 6
Atcli.LandUraut 7sll0
Atch. A Top. It it.. 45
mwn Aioauy...zi4
Boston A Maine..... 100
C. B. AU. 102
Clnn. San. A Clove. 24
Eastern K. K 86
usicrn js. n, os ....
KllntAPereM. pra. 27
Flint Pereit 07
Mexican Oen. com.. 15
Mex.C.lstmtg.bds. 66
V Y. A .New Ens... 61
N. Y. AN. E. 7s.. ..128
Tamarack 102
San Diego 26
The United States steamer Adams at
Honolulu has been ordered to Samoa to take
the place of the Alert and Nlpsic, now on their
way to San Francisco.
The American Institute of Homeopathy,
in session at Lake Minnetonka, elected Dr. A.
J. Sawyer, of Monroe, Mich., President The
institute protested against the shutting out of
homeopathists from State medical boards.
The Dulnth and Boston limited train will be
put on July 1, passing over the Dulntb. South
Shore and Atlantic from Sault Ste. Marie to
Dulutb, a distance of 400 miles. The time be
tween Duluth and Boston will be 56 hours. The
new route expects a large passenger business
between Boston and the Northwest
Q. Pimple, of Gretna, Manitoba a short
time ago bought two threshing machines ot
the Minnesota Machine Company of Stillwater,
Minn. The Canadian Government seized the
machines because they were prison made.
Pimple now sues the Canadian Government for
51,000 damages. The authorities are in doubt
whether to destroy the machines or send them
uacK to tne uniteu states.
A convention of delegates representing the
cities of Atchison, Abilene. Emporia, El Dora
do, Ft Scott McPherson and Topeka met in
the latter city last evening and formed a per
manent organization under the title of the
Manufacturers, Jobbers andShippers' Associa
tion of the State of Kansas, the objectof which
is to protect the interest of the parties repre
sented in transportation matters.
Tunis Labee was hanged in the county jail
at Paterson, N. J., yesterday morning for the
murder of his wife. The murderer wrote a
farewell letter in which he forgave everybody,
and expressed the hope that everybody would
forgive him. He seemed to have no hope of
salvation, as he thought be was too great a
sinner to be forgiven. He slept well, and
showed no signs of fear or excitement on the
Pierre Loriilard has been in St Louis for
four days trying to effect a plug tobacco com
bine, and he has failed. His scheme, as sub
mitted to the Liggett and Meyers and Drum
moud tobacco companies, was to consolidate
with the Loriilard and Sorg's company of
Middletown, O., into 'one big company that
would be run on a trust basis. The Drummond
company refused to enier, bnt the negotiations
have not been given up. Loriilard returned to
New York last night
Tho Horth Orrman Gazette renewed its at
tack upon Switzerland yesterday. It charges
that bwitzerland promotes tne dissemination
of social democratic ideas among the young
men of the country. It says that Anarchists
without credentials are allowed to remain in
Switzerland without effort on the part of the
authorities to Identify them. It declares that
the reply of M. Droz. the Swiss Foreign Minis
ter, to the recent interpellation of the National
Rath, in which be declared that under no cir
cumstances would Switzerland share with any
power the right to police her own territory was
inadequate and unsatisfactory. It says, how
ever, that the reply of the Bundesrath to the
complaints made br Russia and Austria was
more polite and less polemio tban was expected
from the wording of the interpellation.
Attorney General Miller has given an opin
ion to the Secretary of the Treasury that a na
tional bank cannot be lawfully established in
that part of the Indian Territory lying within
the jurisdiction of the Union Agency, which
extends over the country occupied by the five
civilized tribes, viz: the Chcrokees, Creeks,
Seminoles, Choctaws and Cbickasaws, not
withstanding the bank directors shall be citi
zens of the United States. The question arose
on an application for authority to organize a
national bank at Muscogee, a town in the Ter
ritory of the Creek Nation. The legal objec
tions thereto, according to the Attorney Gen
eral, grow out of the treaties now in force be
tween the United States and the Creek Na
tion, whereby the national banking Ian s can be
put In operation in that Territory only by
special legislation.
Some time ago tho Treasury Department
was informed that it was desired to take a
number of Chinese laborers to the West Indies,
and application was made to take them through
United States territory in transit provided
bond was given that none of them would remain
in this country. The matter was referred to
the Solicitor of the Treasury, and he gave an
opinion that there was nothing in the law to
prohibit the landing of Chinese for the mere
purpose of passing throngh the country. Sec
retary Winuom, however, was not prepared to
change existing relations to this extent and di
rected a rejection of the application until the
question could be considered more thoroughly.
No farther action on tho subject is at all likely,
however, as it is understood that arrangements
have been since made with Canadian transpor
tation companies by which the Chinese will be
taken across the continent without the neces
sity of entering United States territory.
The liberal use" of Piatt's Chlorides is
wisdom and economy combined.
Chartlers Creamery Co.
Warehouse and General Offices,
Telephone 1423.
Factories throughout Western
For prices see market quotations.
Wholesale exclusively.
On mortgages on improved real estate In sums
of. $1,000 and upward. Appl at
mh4-34-r No. 124 Fourth avenue.
Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexek"
Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured.
14-615 Hamilton Building,
mjlo-TO-B - - -.- - - PitUbur&Fa,
Ohio. Mississippi..... 224.'
Oregon Improvement. ...
Oregon Transcon, S3
Peo. Dec. AKvans
Phlladel. A Heading.. 43
Pullman Palace Car... .. .
Hichmona & W. P. T.. 24
Klchmond A W.P.T.pI ....
St Paul & Dolnth
St 1-., Minn. 4 Man
stL. &8an Fran
St. L. a San irran pr.. 68
Texas Paclne SOW
UnlonPacino 61
Wabash preferred 29
Western Union tsAh
Sugar Trust 114
Chicago Uas Trust 60
Georgia Watermelons Put in Their
First Appearance.
Corn and Oats Scarce. Hay Quiet Wheat
and Flour Steady.
Office of Pittsbijijq Dispatch, l
llruESDAr, June 27, 1881 J
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
The first watermelons of the season from
Georgia are on tap at $2S to J35 per hundred.
Raspberries are in good supply and demand.
New potatoes.keep drifting downward. Ecgs
are firm and active at quotations. For single
cases 1c above our qnotations is the rule. But
ter Is only in fair demand. Country rolls are
slow, and choice creamery only holds its own.
Cheese is moving out freely, but gives no signs
of an advance. The drift is toward a lower
level of prices, and m view of this downward
tendency trade holds up unusually well. In
tropical fruit lines bananas are firmest but
rains have been a wet blanket on trade the past
Buttie Creamery, Eleln, 1920c; Ohio do,
1718c; fresh dairy packed, ll15c; conotry
rolls. 1314cr Chartlers Creamery Co., 20c.
Beans $1 751 90.
BF.ESWAX 2830c fl a for choice; lowgrade,
Cidee Sand refined, 8 S07 50; common,
J3 5084 00; crab cider, SS O0Jj8 50 H barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c gaUon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, 8Kc; New York, 10
1014c; Limburger, 89c; domestic Sweltzer
cheese, 9KS12)?c.
California Feuits California peaches.
4 004 50 fl box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, $4 00
4 50: plums, S4 004 50.
Egos 1515Kc V dozen for strictly fresh
goose eggs, 30c ft dozen.
Fruits Strawberries, 710c f! quart; pine
apples, SI 001 23 $1 dozen: red raspberries, $4 00
50U a bushel; black raspberries, J3 003 60 a
bushel; wild goose plums, S2 60 a crate; cur
rants, 5 a 2-busbel stand; watermelons, J2S
35 per hundred.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1
do. 4015e; mixed lots, 3u3oc f &.
Potatoes Old,35Q40c f? bushel: Early Rose,
$2 5U2 75 a barrel; Peerless, 22 25 a barrel.
Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair;
undrawn chickens, 1012c 1 fi; drawn, 142!
15c V 0.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 lbs to bushel. $5 60
ft bushel; clover, large English, 62 2s. $6 00;
clover, Allske, $8 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 &s, (1 65; biue grass, extra
clean, 14 Iks, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 Iks, SI 0U;
orchard grass, 14 lbs. Si 65; red top, 14 Sis. SI 25;
millet, 50 lbs, SI 00: German millet, 60 lbs,
SI 50; Hungarian grass. 60 lbs, SI 00; lawn
grass, mixture of fine grasses, S2 50 per bushel
of 14 As.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, 5
Tkopioal Fruits Lemons, fancv. S4 505)
5 00 $1 box: Messina oranges. S4 505 50 fl
box ; California oranges, S4 504 75 fl
box; bananas, $2 60. firsts; 2 00, eood seconds,
fl bnncb; cocoannts, S4 605 00 1 hundred;
new figs. 8KS9c nound: dates. hUaSKo
Vegetables Tomatoes, fancy Floridas,
S3 00 a crate; Jdississlppls. four-basket cases.
SI 752 CO: beans, round wax fancy, $2 50
a crate; beans, round wax medium. 52 00
a crate: beans, round green, 52 2o2 50; new
beets, 025c fl dozen; cucumbers, 2530c fl
dozen, SI 752 00 a crate: radishes, large
white and gray, 3035c fft dozen; cabbaeo,
two-barrel crates, Louisville and St. Loui,Sl 50
2 00; Eastern, single-barrel crates, 81 001 25;
new celery, 5060c a dozen.
Green coffee is off lc from its highestpoint.
Yesterday and to-day there was an advance of
So points and markets closed firm. Sugars are
strong as ever.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2122c; choice
Rio, 18K20c; prime Rio, 18c; fair Rio, 1718c;
old Government Java, 26c; Maracaibo, 2223c;
Mocha, 2728c; Santos, 1922Kc; Caracas
coffee, 2022c; peaberry, Rio, 2123c; La
gnavra. 21Q22C
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,22c;
high grades, 24K&26Kc; old Government Java,
Dnlk. 3131Jc; Maracaibo. 2627c; Santos,
2022c: peaberry,25cA)eaberry.choice Rio,
24c; prime Rio, 21K; good Rio, 2lc; ordinary,
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, 9c:
cassia, 8Q9c;Vepper, 19c; nntmeg, 7080c
PHTHOLEUM (jobbers' prices) llu test, 7c;
Ohio, 120. 8Kc; headlight. 1503, 8c; water
white, 10Kc: globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine,
UKc; royallne, 14c
bYRTPS Corn syrups, 2029c; choice sugar
syrup, 3338c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c; new maple syrup, 9uc
N. O. Molasses Fancy, 48c; choice, 48c; me
dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c
Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in Js,
5c; bi-carb, assorted package?, 56c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
uakdi.es otar, inn weignt, c; steanne.per
set, 8Kc; paraffin e, 11012c
RICE Head, Carolina, 77Kc: choice, 6Ji
7c; prime. 5&6c: Louisiana, t6c
Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5i?7c; gloss
starch, 6?i7c.
Foreion Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65; Lon
don layers, S3 10: California London layers,S2 50;
Muscatels, 52 25; California Muscatels, SI 85;
Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7KQ8c;
sultana, 8c: currants new, 45c: Turkey
g runes, new, 4J5c: French prunes, 813c;
alonica prnnes,ln 2-ft packages. 8c; cocuanuts.
For 100, Sd 00; almonds, Lan., per lb, 20c; do
vica, 19c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap., 12
15c: Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12ltic:
new dates. 56c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans,
ll15c: citron, per &, 2I22c; lemon peel, per ft,
1314c: orange peel, 12Xc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 6c:
apples, evaporated, 6$6c; apneots, Califor
nia, evaporated, 1518c: peaches, evaporated,
oared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated,
unpaired, 1012Mc; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor
ated, 2424fec; blactberrles, 7K8c: huckle
berries, 1012c
Sugars Cubes, 10K10&c; powderea,10K
standard A, 9c: soft whites, 99c: yellow,
choice, 8c; yellow, good, 88c; yellow,
iaii. oy4Mi jenuw, uarK, '?ac.
Pickles Medium, bbis (1,200), S4 50; medi
ums, half nbls (faoO), J2 5.
Salt No. 1, f? bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex. K bbk SI 05;
dairy, f? bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, SI 20;
Higgins Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 2 80; HIggins'
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, SI 300
1 90; 2ds. SI SOS1 35; extra peaches. SI 501 90:
pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, 5101 50; Hid. Co.
corn. 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl; Lima beans,
SI 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do, 7585c; mar
rowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 7075c;
pineapples, SI 40l 50: Bahama do, $2 75; dam
son plums, 95c; greengages, SI 25; egg plums,
S2; California pears. $2 00; do greengages, S2; do
egg plums, S2; extra white cherries, S2 90; red
cherries, 2 Its, 90c; raspberries, SI 401 50;
strawberries. SI 10; gooseberries, SI 301 40;
tomatoes, 82J92c: salmon, 1-ft, SI 752 10;
blackberrier, 80c; succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked.
99c; do green, 2 fts. SI 251 50; corn beef. 2 ft
cans. SI 75: 14-ft cans, S13 50; baked beans, SI 45
1 50; lobster, 1 ft, SI 751 SO; mackerel. I-fi
cans, broiled, SI 60; sardines, domestics, Ki
SI 1534 50; sardines, domestic Ks, S3 258 60:
sardines, imported, Va, Sll 5012 60; sardines,
imported,Ks,$18; sardlnes,mustard, S4; sardines,
spiced, S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, S38f?
bbl.; extra No. 1 do, mess, S40: extra No. 1
mackerel, shore. S32: extra No. 1 do. messed.
S36; No. 2 shore mackerel, S24. Codfish Whole
pollock, 4c ) ft; do medinm, George's cod,
be; do large, 7c; .boneless bake in strips, 6c; do
George's cod in blocks, 6)7Kc Herring
Round shore, S5 00 f) bW: split, $7 00; lake,
S2 60 H 100-ft. half bbl. White flsb. $7 00 100
ft, half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 half bbk
Finnan haddock, 10c ty ft. Iceland halibut, 13c
fl ft. Pickerel. X barrel, S2 00; M barrel. SI 10;
Potomac herring, So 00 barrel, S2 50$K
Buckwheat Flour 22jc 11 ft.
Oatmeal S6 30fi6 00 M DLL
Miners' Oil No, 1 winter strained,
$ gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change, 23 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayna and
Chicago, 3 cars of oats, 4 of hay, 1 of feed, 6 of
flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis,
4 cars of corn, 1 of oats, 1 of bran, 2 of hay. By
Pittsburg and Western, 1 car of flour, 1 of corn.
By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 car of oats. Sales
on call, 1 car sample oats, 29c, 5 days, Pennsyl
vania lines: 2 cars, of new 2 white oats, 30c, Sep
tember delivery, Pennsylvania lines. Corn and
oats are firm at quotations. Hay is quiet.
Wheat and flour are steady.
Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, 9192c:
No. 3 red, 8&87c
Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 4142c; high mixed
ear, 3940c; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 3940c;
high mixed, shelled, 3S39c; mixed, shelled,
ATS No. 2 white. S232Vc: extra. No. 3.
31&31c: No. 3 white, 2930c; No. 2 mixed
oats, lOHeraftc. .
Rye NclTennsylvanla and Ohio, 5152c;
No. 1 Western. 4849c
Flour jobDlng prices Winter patents,
S5 605 75: spring .patents. S5 755 00: winter
straight. S4 7505 00; clear winter, $4 504 75;
straight XXXX bakers', $4 C04 25. Rye flour.
S3 50213 75. ., ' ' '
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, S15 00,
w V1 wu, uruwn xniuuiinS u outgu ou;
winter wheat bras, ia 25812 6O5 chop feed,
f4M wwv vvr- -s. f
HAY Baled timothy, choice. S15"00; No, 1
do, S13 003-13 50: No. 2 do. SU 5012 50; loose,
from wagon, SI4 00015 00; No. 1 upland prairie.
S10 5011 00; No. 2. S7 508 00; packing do, 5 50
66 6a
Straw Oats, S7 50; wheat and rye straw
S7 007 608 00.
Sugar-cured hams, larce, llc; sugar-cured
hams, medium, 12c: sugar-cured hams, small,
12c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar
cured shoulders, 7c; sngar-cured boneless
shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams,
8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar
cured dried beef sets. 10c; sugar-cured dried
beef rounds; 12c; bacon shoulders, 7c; bacon
clear sides, 8cfbacon clear bellies. 8fc: dry
salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides. TJic.
Mess pork, heavy, $14 00; mess pork, family,
S14 60. Lard Refined in tierces, 6c; half
barrels. 7c: 60-tt tubs. 7Kc: 20-& pails, Tc: 60
S tin cans, 6c: 3-S tin palls, 7c; 5-lb tin palls,
TJjJc; 10-& tin pails. c. Smoked sausage.long,
5c; large,r6& Fresh pork links, 9c . Boneless
ham, 10c. Pigs feet, half barrel, S3 50; quarter
barrel, 32 00.
Dremed Iilenr.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 650 lbs,
5c;550 to 650 lbs, 6c;650 to 750 lbs, 6Kc Sheep,
8c a ft. Lambs, 9c f ft. Hogs,ec. Fresh
pork loins, 9c
Uletnl Market
New York Pig iron stronger and active.
Copner unchanged; lake, July Sll 6a Lead,
strong and dull; domestic, 54 07K. Tin steady:
Straits, J19 95.
Bringing Up the Values of Property on Two
Principal Streets.
The appeal of the Liggett estate from the
val nation placed upon their property on
Smithfield street by the City Assessors was
heard before Judges Collier and Slagle yes
terday. The property was assessed at $2,800
per foot. It was held that this was too high,
and not in proportion witn the assessments on
property on Fifth avenue, where, between
Smithfield and Market streets, tho assessment
is $2,850 per foot, though the property is of
greater value. M. A. Woodward, Esq, ap
peared in behalf of tho Liggett estate. Assist
ant City Attorney Carnanan represented the
assessors. Mr. Carnahan took the ground that
the assessment was not in excess of the real
value of the property. The owners had stated
to the assessors that they would not accept
that price for the -property if selling It The
decision was withheld.
In the matter of tho appeal of Andrew W.
Mellon from the assessment on property in the
Ninth ward, the valuation was reduced. The
land was assessed at S29.520, which the Court
held to be reasonably fair, and allowed to
stand. The valuation on the buildings, how
over, was thought to be excessive, and was re
duced one-half. Seven three-story brick
bouses, one three-story carriage house and a
stable had been assessed at 312,500, which was
reduced to $6,250.
Ho Testifies to the Cruelty Practiced on Him
by His Wife.
A divorce was granted yesterday in the case
of Ben F. Ablr.of the Twenty-first ward,against
his wife. Jennie Able. In the testimony taken
by Commissioner R. B. Parkinson, Esq., Able
told a story of abuse received by him from his
wife. He was married in 1833 when he was 18
years of age. His bride was a widow aged 23
years, with two children. Mrs. Able, so her
husband says, did not treat him kindly. When
he wonld come home from workhe got nothing
but cold meals left tor him on the comer of
the table while she would be out. He gave
his pay to his wife, and sometimes she would
give him SI for spending money, and when he
needed clothes, S5. One month he bought a
oairof pants out of his pay before giving her
his money. She abused him and tried to tbrow
tbe pants and his violin In the lire She often
threw dishes at him, once threw a butcher
knife at him and tried to shoot him. She onlv
gave him abuse when he remonstrated with
her for going with other men. He left her a
short time ago and sued for divorce.
A divorce was also granted in the case of
Griffith Williams against Annie C. Williams
for desertion.
And n a Result Harriet Knox's Will U
Beinc Contested.
An argument was heard in the Orphans'
Court yesterday in the case of the contest of
the will of the late Mrs. Harriet Knox, of
Winebidale avenue. The contestant of the
will is Mrs. Knox's husband. After the couple
were married they did notliVehappilytogether,
and finally separated. When Mrs. Knox was
ou her death bed she made her will, leaving all
her property to a sister. She bad never for
given her husband, and she disliked his name
so much that she refused to bear it and signed
the will simply "Han-let." She also provided
in her will that her tombstone was to have in
scribed on it only the name "Harriet."
The will was filed for probate and the hus
band at once commenced a contest. His main
point was that the will is no will at all, aa it is
not signed, the name Harriet attached not
being a signature. The case was argued before
Judge Over yesterday. Attorney Jennings ap
pearing for Mr. Knox, and Attorney Thorp for
the will. No decision was rendered.
Legal Tender.
N. A. Means, Esq.. yesterday was appointed
commissioner in the divorce casa of Catharine
Cross against Edwin Cross.
On Monday there will be two branches of the
Criminal Court, which wil continue nntil tbe
end of the session, about tho middle of Inly.
Judge Slagle will preside In Criminal Court
No. 2.
Jacob Beitleb, of the Twenty-seventh
ward, yesterday pleaded guilty to two charge 1
of illegal liquor selling. Sophia Frieze, con
victed of illegal liquor selling, was fined 8600
and sent one year to tbe workhouse
W. M. AUBREY yesterday pleaded guilty to
the embezzlement of S200 from tbe Chartlers
Creamery Company. He will be sentenced
Saturday. Daniel Mulcahey pleaded guilty to
the larceny by bailee of a quantity of beef
tongnes from Joseph Harrison, at the market
house. He was sentenced one year to the pen
Clec Selbert of the Commissioner's office.
County Treasurer Hill, and Delinquent Tax
Collectors Samuel Grier, of Allegheny; and W.
R. Ford, of Pittsburg; left last night for Har
risburg. Their errand ii to meet tbe State
Board of Revenue Commissioners and arrange
matters with regard to the State tax.
In the Criminal Court yesterday Louis Beck
pleaded guilty to a unique case of misdemean
or. The offense consisted in falsely represent
ing himself to be 21 years of age to William
Lamb, a licensed saloon keeper, for the pur
pose of procuring intoxicating liquors, when
in fact he was under age. Judge Stowe gave
him a lectnre and let him off with a fine of 6
cents and cost3.
The County Commissioners have reported to
the State the amount of State tax to be col
lected. Considerable of this could not be col
lected on acconnt of people moving out of the
State, double assessments, clerical errors, etc
The Commissioners want to know if they will
be held responsible for this money. The total
amount for the city of Pittsburg isS-II.OOO; for
the county outside of tbe two cities, 5500: and
clerk hire amounting to SL200, and a couple of
thousand dollars for Allegheny City. The
Commissioners also claim for the county at
large 311,132 lor ciers aire, etc
James F. Burke, the special examiner in
the casa of Arthur Kirk against John-E. Dn
Bols for an infringement of rights granted by
tbe United States in the famous bear trap dam
patent, yesterday resumed the taking of testi
mony on behalf of the defendant. Several wit
nesses were examined' in regard to the con
struction of bear trap dams on the Loyalhanna,
Seinmahoning and other streams in Western
Pennsylvania, and expert testimony was given
concerning tbe operation of the dams men
tioned. Also those operated by Du Bols.
To-day's trial list is as follows: In the Crim
inal Court Commonwealth vs R. J. Matthews,
C. F. Jacobs, Charles Guiger, John Ricker,
John Young et ux, Thomas Coyle (21, Solomon
Hirscb, Wm. Pryle, Wm. Brooks, Patrick Con
way (2), Reglna Trautvetter. Fred Moretb, Bye
Gye, Henry DutheL.Charles Schreiber, Henry
Irwin. Fred Werron, Wm. Bailey, Maggie Mc
Donald, John 0- Workman, W. H. McCluskey,
Joseph Mitchell, Cornelius Coleman, Auburn
F. Long. Wm. MyeTS, Goldle Grudinsky, Joseph
Schoenberg, Eveline Hall et at, Jacob Keefer,
Wm. Hunzinger. Margaret Bnrk, Patrick
Cieary, James Denholm, George Daub,
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she ci led for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she bad Children,she gave them Cast oria
J$Sg - JL P-V7-WT3a.
A Remarkable Experience
Mr. H. Robertson, a native of bcuuana. ou -
who has been a resident of this country for sevrvj
erai years, nas Deen a victim 01 Kianey aiseasov
with the following symptoms: He had a heavy
aragging-pam across tne small 01 nis oacK, ex
tending from one side to the other, and a bloat
ed, dropsical condition of the bowels, high coI-V -
oreu urine, ana no nouceu mat sometimes ib
contained a reddish, brick-colored sediment;
and at other times the sediment was of a light
ish color. He noticed that he felt very tared ia
the morning, and as he gradually grew weaker,
bis stomach became affected. His appetita
became poor, and he was constantly annoyed ' .,
with sour eructations of gas-from bis stomach'
after eating, and on account of the kidneys not
performing tbeir function properly, his blood
became charged with rheumatic poison, so that
be had much pain about bis shoulders and dif
ferent parts of his body. As be became more
emaciated he began to cough'and he felt much
tightness and weight across his lnngs. la
speaking of the matter one day, he said:
"I doctored with the best doctors Icouldhea
of. but was fast getting worse. I became mel
ancholy and tnought 1 could not live. Finally
I began treatment with the physicians of tho
Polypathic Medical Institute, who are special
ists for chronic diseases, and although confined
to the bed when I commenced their treatment;,
my improvement was very rapid, and I hava
been entirely cured by these physicians, ana I
gladly sign my name. H. Robertson."
Anyone wishing to call npon Mr. Robertson,
or write blm with reference to bis case, can
have his full addresi by calling at THE POLY
PATHIC INSTITUTE, 420 Penn ave. Offlco
hours, 10 to 11.30 A. 31.. 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. M.
Sundays, lto 4 p. at. Consultation free. je24-D
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in,
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg capers prove, is the oldest established
and most prominent physician in the city, do-,
voting special attention to all chronic diseases.,
MCDITil IQ and mental diseases, physical!
INE-II V UUOdecay.nervons debility. lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self di3trust,ba8hfulnes3,
dlzzines, sleeplessness, pimples, emotions, im
poverished blood, falling powers,organic weak- '
ness. dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un-'
fitting the person for business,80clety and mar
riage, permanently, safely and pnvately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, moutb.throat.
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIRIMARV K'dneyand bladder derange
U fl I IN rt II I j meats, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges. Inflammation and other"
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures. '
Dr. Whittiers life-long, extensive experi
ence. Insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common-sense principles Consultation, ,
free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated
as if here. Office hours 9 A. 3t. to 8 p. M.-Sun-day,
10 A. 31. to 1 p. it. only. DR. WHITTIEB,
814 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
mm thyself;
ar-rr-jjrrffenei OT
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise on
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Eicewes oc
Overtaxatlon, Enervating and unfitting tie vlctlta
for Work, Business, the Marr'ed or Social Relation
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8to- Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $l.f 0 by
mail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Froo. if you apply now. Tho
distinguished authbr, Wm. II. Parker, M. D, re
from the National Medical Association,
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps;
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, eonfl
dentlolly, by mall or In person, at the office of
No. 4 IJulflnch. St., Hog ton, aiaso., to whom alt
orders for books or letters for advice should b.
directed as above.
SPECIALISTS in all cases re-J
quiring scientific and confiden
tial rroatmontl Dr. S. K. Lake.
ftjl. R. C. P. a. Is the oldesr and
most expenencea specialist ia
the city. Consultation free and.
trlctlv confidential. Office)
K..r, 0 in J and 7 to 8 p. H.: Sundays. 2 to 4 P.
SLConsult them personally, orwrite. Doctors
Lake. B06 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
j el2-45-DWK
Knll particulars In pamphlet'
sent free. The genuine Grayau
Speclnc sold by dniselsts only la
yellow wrapper. Price, fl per
package, or six for S3, or by miU
on rrcelnt of nriee. br address-
sold fn 1'lttsbnrc brS. 8. HOLLAND, corner
Emlthnrlrt and Liberty sts. anl2-5s
Orlrf ul, bt, wly gratia ia4
iruuiapui rarsuc flttniiu.j
Dm mnnrl "Brand. In red me
Uliio ixea, KKied vilA blQ rib
bon. Atlrarsut. Aecept
nn nthtM. AU BtlLt 1b DUtC-
board boxes, pink vnppers, art a danger
oat counterfeit- Send 4e. (tump.) tor
' flf putleaUrt tad IEelIf for Led leV
v . utttr, or return mm. iv.ouv ictB
iMOBUsTt1r!ronilAOISvbt)uToMdthaia. Kan FtptT
Chichester Chemical CoMadisoa SqPhlUPa..
weakness, lost vizor, etc., was restored to health.
In such a remarkable manner after all else had,
failed that he will send the mode of cure FKEE to
sll fellow sufferers. Address L. G. MITCIIXLL
East Uaddam, Conn. mySl-SJ-DSnwir
ole's Oottoaa. EOOt
incised of Cotton Boot. Taasr aa4
Pennyroyal a recent discovery by aa
'old physician. Is tuceteefuOv vtei
tnontMii Safe. Effectual. Price JL by raaS.v
DGOICU. bOUim, s jm mwahw ;
or inclose 2 stamps for sealed parUoulars. AeV
dress pond uli costakx, .
jggi j&BBS'
A. - ' vhs
4 -