"V,, rww' v,, rn' - -jj- ?2T2;-"-v' rx J MWT! Vf st. &. . -j"' 5 rat--- f KfFOBBES STEEET. Charter Granted For a Railway JAlong tho Popular Drive. AST ESD PROJECTS STARTED. hey Hay Be Connected Up as One Con " ." tinuous Eailway. EW SCHEMES FOE ALLEGHENI CITI The publication yesterday of an an- suncement that three charters bad been ranted for passenger railways for the East nd, covering routes over Forbes, Hiland, arton, Sheridan avenues and other streets lade quite a stir, especially in connection ith the project announced sometime ago of charter for an electric railway on Diamond xect, when the latter thoroughfare is opened. he prevailing supposition is that it is in jew of the incorporators of these several nes to operate them together. The same iterest, and to some extentthe same names, eing represented on the list of charter lembers gives color to this presumption, nd was taken as indicating that, before lone; " night cars be bad from the city there may be notber continuous line to the East tod. Following Is the report from larriGburg in an evening cotemporary: The East Fnd Railroad Company, of Pitts- nrg, capital &3S.00Q, has been granted a charter. bo route will be six miles long, beelnnlns: at the ornerof ashlngton street and Ellsworth ave- ue.br Wa&hlnirton street to buerldan avenue. hence to Broad street to Hiland avenue, to Ells 'orth avenue, to Usrton, to Forbes street, to place f beginning. The directors are H. 8. A. btewart, ohn F. bteel, James A. McDevltt, Charles H. Me lee and A. M. eper. A charter was also granted to the Forbes treet Kallway Company, or Pittsbursr. capital 42,000. It will be seven miles long; beglnnlngat "orbes and Boyd streets and extending along "orbes street to Barton street. The directors are i L. alagee, George I. hltney. George Ulce, H. . A. Stewart and F. L. btephenson. Also to the Hiland Avenne Hallway Company, f Pittsburg, capital SM.O0O. the line to be four alleslong. beginning at the Hiland avenue reser- 'Oir anaexienainginenceatong nuana avenue o Penn avenue. Directors: George Rice, Chas, i. McKee, F. L. btephenson, n, t. C Hutch! hlnson .na George j. Mnitney. It was not an easy matter for the reporter vho soujrht information as to the details of the irogramme to get it precisely, particularly as o the Forbes Street Railway, which begins out it Boyd street. The presumption in regard to hat was that if the electric line on Diamond .treet succeeded in setting rights alone Dia nond and Forbes, it would connect with the itbers at Boya street, and that all would be nerged into one large corporation. ALONG FORBES STREET. "It will be a good thing for the East End," said one gentleman concerned last evening, "as .he more communication the better. People lon't seem to like to walk in these days even hort distances, and this bringing of East End property so close to the business part of Pitts iurg by different modes of communication can lot but help it if the scheme can be carried out. Many people will be drawn to the East End from the lartber suburbs." There were others, however, who were not eo confident of the enterprise getting through. A resident on Forbes street said there would be active and organized opposition to the grant ing of the right of way on the ground that one unobstructed highway from the Ea&t End to the city should te left open for driving pur poses. Other opinions were in rather tunny conflict in relation to the standing of the Pittsburg Traction road with rc-pect to the move. One man held that the lines if built separately, without communica tion, to the business part of the city, would help the traction by operating as feeders to it: bnt that if united with a road from Diamond street would greatly diminish the traction's source of business. There were, on the other hand, re ports that the Traction Company -was inter ested in talking up the possible competitive route, but these apparently had no foundation whatsoever, as an officer of the traction said last night that the company had no part in the charters, and that mere charters aid uot confer right of way anyhow. The general impression among those who are iamiliar with the local passenger railway interests is that a continu ous new line from the Market House is in view, tat that the getting of the rights of way from be feasible, and that so many objections would have to be met that no active operations could be looked for during the present year. Mean while, from all the signs, the further evolution of the plan will be looked lor with, keen in terest. OTHER RAILWAY PROJECTS. Mayor McCallin yesterday approved the or dinances granting the Pittsburg, Oakland and East Liberty Passenger Railway the right over certain "streets In Oakland and East LiDerty. He also signed the ordinances grant ing the Pittsburg Bridge Company and the Pittsburg Incline Plane Company certain rights of way. A new company is buying rights of way for electric railways over the Evergreen plank road and the Butchers' Hun plank road, in the suburbs of Allegheny. The purpose is to reach tho West View and PerrjsviUe regions, which are last "building up. The electric road in Allegheny now run by the Pleasant Va'Iey Is to be met by this projected line at the forks of the tipper and lower Perrysville road, or, as is locally known, at John Born's. Tne publication of the Allegheny Traction Company's plans in The Dispatch started much gossip yesteraay. The alleged consoli dation of ail Allegheny lines inferred from the traction plans, now embraces: The Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester, the Allegheny Rapid Transit Company, the City Bridge Com pany, the Trans-Allegheny Passenger Railway Company, the Transverse Passenger Railway Company, and last, but by no means least, the Federal Street and Pleasant Vallev Passenger Railway Company. Commodore Kountz Is a heavy stockholder who is said to be not yet in favor of the consolidation. La Perla del Fnmar. These celebrated clear Havana Key "West Cigars are for sale at: Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson. St. Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel. JJnion Depot Restaurant. John Lauler, 3799 Fifth ave. Peter A. Ganster, 35 and 37 Frantstown ave. John F. Ganster, 27 Frankstown ave, Peter "Weber, 76 "Wylie ave. John C. Strouo, 25 Union st. E. "W. Hagan," 609 Smithfield si Neville Bayley, 405 Smithfield st J. K. Derr, 400 Market st. P. C. Dufly, MOGranUt E. F. Busch, 3716 Porbes st. Linhart, Bald & Co., 411 Smithfield st. Charles Eble, 6009 Penn ave. G. TV. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Pifth ave. With a 810 Bill Tou can walk into our store and make a selection from over 1,000 styles of men's fine suits manufactured from imported che viots, diagonals, serges and cassimeres, aud never meant to sell'for 'less than $20. To day and to-morrow are the days, and yon want to grasp these facts and hasten to act on them. These suits come in sacks and cutaways, and you can take choice at $10. P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond Sts., opp. the new Court House. Imported Suerrr. 1828, Imperial Amontillado Sherry, full quarts 53 00 1828. Imported Brown Sherry, full quarts 3 00 Pemartin Sherry, full quarts 2 00 Choice Old .Brown Sherry, full quarts. 2 00 Harmony Sherry, full quarts 1 SO Pine Old Topaz Sherry, full quarts.... 1 00 For sale lay G. TV. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Pifth ave. ' Imported Port Wine. Imperial S. O. P. Cabinet, 1810 53 50 Imperial Oporto, 1828 3 00 Mackenzie Oporto, 1832 2 50 Old London Dock 2 00 Burgundy 1 50 Cockburn's 1 00 Pull quarts, case or gallon. 1 "Wsc. J. Fbidat, 633 Smithfield street J wfsu . Special Bargain. Case of ladies' gauze vests at 12c each; also gentlemen's and children's summer un derwear, closing out cheap at H. J. Lynch', 438 and 440 Market street Thrsu Guns never so cheap as now. Send or call for illustrated catalogue of guns, revol vers, sportinir roods, etc. . J H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st Wm. J Fridax'S Xarie cigars are very le;31or25c 633 8ItBfield st WPSu INTERCHANGE OP IDEAS. Sunday School In the Allegheny Valley Their Representatives Hold n Conven tionTopics of Interest to Teachers. Teachers, clergymen and scholars of Protest ant Sunday schools in the various towns of the Allegheny Valley held their fourth annual con vention yesterday afternoon at Parnassus. The Presbyterian church was tendered to the Union Sabbath School Association of the Allegheny "Valley, under whoso auspices the affair was 'held, and the pastor of the church. Rev. Seth R. Gordon, prcsidedatthesesslon. By3 o'clock quite a large number of persons had assembled. Rev. R. Hamilton, the Mcthodistpreacher from Springdale, conducted brief devotional exer cises. The address of welcome by Rev. Mr. Gordon was responded to by S. E. Burchfleld, M. D.. Superintendent of the Tareutnm Pres bvterian Sabbath School, In well chosen words. Rev. John H. Kendall, of Tarentum, delivered an address on the subject "Apt to Teach." Rev. D. R. McDonald, of the Tarentum U. P. Church, opened the question drawer, and the answers conveved many valuable hints to teachers of Bibfe truths. An evening session was also held, J. C. Grey. Esq., of Springdale, conducting the devotional services. Rev. S. T. Mitchell, of the Tarentum M. E. Church, spoke about "The Ideal Sunday School Superintendent." itev. A. F. Walker, of Tarentum, followed with some original thoughts on "Special Bible Study," and Rev. T. M. Thompson, of Freeport. gave a generally instructive review of tbe aims of Sabbath school work. The choir of the church fur nished music The convention will hold sessions this after noon and evening. The following is the pro gramme: 3:00, rrayer and Praise Service, conducted by..... Rev. U. H. Marshall. Parnassus 3:15, "The Unity of the Bible" Rev. A. P. Kirkpatrick, Freeport 8:15, TheArtorQuestioning" Rev7Vm. J. Reid, D. D., Pittsburg 4:10, Question Drawer. Rev. T. M. Thompson, freeport 4:30, Business meeting to elect officers for ensuing year. 7:50, Devotional Exercises, eonductedby. Rev. D. M. Hollister. Parnassus 7:43, "Home Study of the Lesson" T. P. Fleeson, Tarentum 8:05. "Drawing Cords" Rev. E. McLeod Milllgan, Parnassus 8:25, Topic, " " Rev. D. i. Kennedy, Allegheny 8:50, Question Drawer .The Chairman BKAYE JOHNNIE STITT. The Story of His Drowning! Was Incorrect as First Published. Mrs. I. L. Shields, of Blalrsville. was inter viewed by a Dispatch reporter on a train near Johnstown, in the week following the great flood. The conversation was about the sad drowning of popular Johnnie" Stitt during the excitement at Blalrsville on the memorable Friday night, when efforts were being made by the people there to save persons floating down the Conemaugh river. When printed the next day the interview appeared as though Mrs. Shields had said Johnnie Stitt saved several li7es before he himself was drowned. This was a mistake. Young Stitt saved no lives, and Mrs. Shields did not say so. Her in terview, which was sought by tbe reporter, was possibly confused with tbe utterances of other persons. No lives at all were saved at Blalrs ville, but about 20 corpses were recovered there and interred in the cemetery. Stltt's heroism was in the quickness and coolness with which he fulfilled orders given him at the railroad shops to take a headlight down to the river and place it in a position where it would light np the dark river and enable rescuers to work. It was while thus engaged that he lost his life. Mrs. Shields was not responsible for tbe seem ing exaggeration. Special. A choice block of building lots fronting on Davis and Erin streets, half square from Central Traction road. Street here nicely elevated, paved and sewered. Buildings surrounding all good. Costly and hand some new buildings now being constructed in vicinitv. This is a good point for invest ment. "YY'ill sell at less than present and away blew prospective values. A choice business corner, Thirty-third st and Madison avenne, opposite Central Trac tion stable, 100 ieet on Thirty-third st, paved. . A first-class location for retail business of anv kind or for public hall. A sure and profitable investment. cm-. St.. .ul. a .i.i: l. J I Elegant building sites on Adelaide and uunfi Mircia oiiu uuwu aveuue. uruuuu y unbroken. Clean and handsome as a lawn. fently sloping to the southeast, perfect rainage, pure air, magnificent view of Allegheny, Monongahela and East Liberty valleys, within 12 minutes ride of any part of city by Central Traction road. "Will sell ,in any number of feet irontage at prices that will guarantee the purchaser a profit able investment. Desirable residence property on Benton avenue, Allegheny, convenient to New Brighton road and proposed electric road. Large lots, lowprices and easy terms. Charles Somers, 313 Wood street. A Boy Accidentally Shot. Charles Zalenski, who lives on the Washing ton pike, a short distance back of Mt. Washing ton, loaded a shotgun and placed it In his spring house to be ready to use on some dogs that had been worrying bis cows. His 11-year-old son came across the gun and In some way managed to discbarge its contents into the back of his younger brother. It is feared the wound is fatal. .Imported Sherry Wine. Imperial Amorosa, 1810 $3 50 Imperial Amontillado, 1828 3 00 Manzanilla, 1832 2 50 Pemartin Beserve. 1840 2 00 Solera Cabinet, 1860 1 50 Fine Old Harmony 1 25 Vinode Pasto 1 00 Pull quart, case or gallon. "Wm. J. Friday, 633 Smithfield st. WFSU Complete Stock of Bed Linens. A special bargain, one lot of hand hem stitched pillow cases, and sheet shams; $1 25 and 51 76" also in finer to finest qualities; also linen sheets, full bed size best makes; also by the yard see them in our linen de partment. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Fireworks! Fireworks! Fireworks! Big reduction in prices; great variety of pieces; beautiful displays. Come early and don't wait till the last moment. Quality guaranteed. J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st. xtrnordinarv Bargains In summer dress goods, beiges, cashmeres, English serges, Jamestown suitings, plaids, colored Henriettas,combination suitings and embroidered robes, at H. J. Lynch 's, 438 and 440 Market street. Thrsu Just In Time 100 Pieces French Satlncs at 25 Cents. Choice styles that will sell fast in stock to-day. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. For Sale In J. J. Speck's plan.at Ha zelwood, at auction large building lots on Johnston and Flowers ave., on the prem ises to-morrow, at 2:30 o'clockjp. M. For plans see "VT. A. Herron & Sons, No. 80 Fourth ave. All leading brands of Pennsylvania pure rye whiskies and six-year-old for $1 00 per quart, or six quarts for $5 00, neatly packed and shipped anywhere by Max Klein, 82 Federal st, Allegheny. mot Latest Novelties la Slen'a Flnnnel Shirts In fancy silk striped flannels and in plain and fancy striped silks, prices right. Jos. Horne & Co.-s Penn Avenue Stores. Try Oar Cakes. California mixed, ginger snaps, soda crackers. The best goods in the market tufssu S. S. Marvin & Co. Agents Are Blnklnc 820 it Day Selling Johnstown flood photographs made atAufrecht's Elite Gallery, 616 Market street, Pittsburg, Pa. "They sell like hot cakes." Best $1 50 per doz. cabinet photos in the city. Panel picture with each doz. cabinets. Lies' Popular Gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth St f. BUMTVP FrNE cabinet photographs, only 51 a dozen, at Hendricks & Co.'s, 68 Federal st, Alle gheny. Proof shows. , E. Histed, the popular photographer, 41 .Filth ae. THE' THE LUCKY ONES. The Knmca of Graduates of Allegheny Ward Schools. The result of the examination of pupils for admission to the Allegheny High School was announced yesterday. There were 170 appli cants, and the following passed without any conditions in the rank in which their names are given: IIllam Degelman, Herbert Morton. Daisy White. Nellie Kuhns, Charles Sheriii; Charles Farren, Charles Brown, Llllie Alllngcr, Llllie Rlckart. Alice Carey, Leyden Ford, Amelia Hill, George Peters,' John Williams, Horace Greely Galllngcr, Harry Ring, Margaret Aiken, Gussle Seaman, William Ross. Susan Riddle, Lula Thomas, Nellie Marquis, Josle Horner, Alice Barlley, Charles Faulder, Lyda Donahey, Rert Kennig, Alfred Grubbs, Allen' K. Gillespie, Gertrude Fitzglbbon, Ly dla Highlands, James Cameron, John Partington. William Silverman, Daniel Stras bereer, Mary Dlsque, Maggie Thompson, Walton Miller, Charles Morris, Hony Noah. Nellie MeVay. Hayward Harlow, Vclma Smith, Annie Trlmmick. John Klelnman. Gertrude Baetz. John Adams, Carrie Harper. Charles barver, Carrie I,ust, John Jiggers, Laura Uainmach, Noble Hudie, Blanche Gray, Charles Honecker, Ira Harper, Iaa Gardner, Frank Fletcher, Samuel Wills, Alrred McBiveen. Millie McGregor, Harvey tlcCulloucb, George McGrew. Llla Tltzel, Jllram Walker, Clara Brown, Sadie Walte, William Orr, Frank Trimble, Gilbert McElvene and Alex GUI. A total of 72. The following pupils are entitled to re-exami nations: Hlstory-Nos. 78. 106, 130. 150, Bhyslology-Nos. SI, S3, 73, 78, 118, 121, 138, 162. Arithmctic-Nos. 5, 27, 49, 53, 54, 59, 63, 70, 64, 85, 102. 121, 150. Geography-17, 31, 47, S4. 124, 137, 138, 153, 161. Language 17, 27, 12 1, 137, 153, 165. Mental Arltbmctlc-5, 6, 7, 9, 12. 13, 15, 16, 21, 25, 30, 31. 35. 39. 48, 56, 61. 70, 69, 79. 81, 82. 83. 86, 83, 89, 91. 98, 100. 102, 103, 113. Hi 1J5, 127, 129, 131, 132, 141, 142. 151, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162. The following pupils failed to make the reg ular percentage: Nos. 8, 10, 3L 62, 64, 72, SO, 87, 95, 103, 119, 120, 1S3, 136, UU, 148, 161, 166, 167, 168, 170. The re-examinations will be held on the 2d and 3d days of September in the High School building on Sherman avenue. Pupils who are not to be re-examined need not be present until September 4, when classes will be formed. The first two days of the term will be spent in tbe re-examination of both juniors and 16th step pupils and the regular work of the school will not begin until September 4. HOW IS THIS, ANIHOW? It IiOoks as Tboncb Romans Hadn't DIcch Cfannce for a Sight. Between 6 and 7 o'clock yesterday morning, as SO Italian laborers on the Second avenue street railway line were going to work, a man at the Soho furnace acted as though ho wished to capture one of their dinner buckets. A small fight followed, and a crowd of men was attracted. The crowd followed the Italians, and it was augmented at the Keystone Mill, and demonstrations were indulged in with in tent to frighten the "Italymans." It appears, however, that they endured the racket peace ably until tbe Linden Steel Works were reached, when tbey were headed off by the workmen there, who ran into tbe street to see what caused the trouble. This last demonstra tion frightened the Italians, and in the twinkle of an cje tbe air was tiled with brickbats, stones, clubs and pistol balls. The police got there abont this time, and tbe mill men, owing to their knowledge of tbe topography, escaped; but three Italians, Philip Valire, Louis Lambert and Frank Menial, were chucked into the Fourteenth ward station house and assessed $3 and, costs or 30 davs to the workhouse by Magistrate Hyndman. Two people were supposed to be seriously hurt. They did not proclaim it and their friends evidently didn't want to demand any satisfac tion. THE S1GSBEE WATEECUP. Its Novel Use in Research far Natural Gas and Oil Wells. Tho Fuel Gas and Electric Engineering Com pany is now introducing a Sigsbee watercup in the searchings for natural gas and oil wells, which is a method entirely new in the investi gations for natural gas. Dr. Charles A. Ashourner stated in regard to the watercup yesterday, that he bad no doubt it would prove a valuable acquisition in re search for natural gas. The Sigsbee watercup." the doctor stated. "" "i iMuwaiau. oie' '" " jaeA ,n ocean researches, and it is a very unique device for obtaining water, or, for that matter. "was invented by Lieutenant Sigsbee to be any nuiu irom any ueptn ana examining it. The watercup will have to be slightly modified by us to make it applicable for our purposes; but its results will be advantageous." The watercnp sent to the Electric Engineer ing Company is from the well-known steamer Jeannette. which was sent on a crnise to the 'North Pole and' the expenses of which were paid by James Gordon Bennett. Consolidation Poaipooed, The proposed special meeting of Westing house Electric Company stockholders, to effect a consolidation of the different companies of George Westmghouse, Jr., was postponed for two weeks. The lawyers engaged to draw up the legal documents were not quite ready. Unta BIbbons Flowers. Bargains in all three in our Millinery Department. Now is the time. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Commencement. fJHisted, the famous photographer, make's a specialty of photographing ladies in fancy costumes. Over One Hundred While Salts That are marked to quick selling prices in the suit room to-day. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. I AM selling a fine Havana Key "West cigar 5 for 25c. William J. Friday, wfsu 633 SmithBeld street MEETINGS.. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COR PORATION of Allegheny Cemetery will be held at the new Penn avenue entrance on SATURDAY, tbe 29th inst., at 430 o'clock P.M. le27-o8 JAMES R. SPEER. Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES. TOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Ellen Cowan, late of the city of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny, State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against tho same to make them known without delay to M. A. COWAN, Administra trix, 62 Gibbon street, Pittsburg. je21-49-r EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Ann Sutton, deceased, late of city of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment; and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay to MISS THEODESIA BLOOR, Ex ecutrix. Winebiddle avenue,nearFennavenue, or her attorney, JOHN H. KERR, 89 Diamond street. my24-35-p J. M. CALDWELL, J. P. SPLANE. Att'ys at law, SIDIamond street, Pittsburg. Pa. FTHE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. L of Allegheny county. Pa., at No. 520 June term, 18S9, between Jane Moore Ramsey and W. J. Moyer and wife et aL, a bill in equity for partition of three houses and lots and an in terest in a leasehold in Allegheny City, and five acres of land in Reserve township, Allegheny county. Tbe Court has made the following order, to wit: And now, May 23, 18S9, upon affi davit presented in open court that Vv. J. Mover and Mary his wife and Oscar Wm. Ramsey, 'de fendants, are non-residents of Pennsylvania and cannot be served with process by reason of their residence not being known, it is ordered that publication be made once a week for six successive weeks in the Pittsburg Daily Dis patch, notifying sail defendants of the nature and object of the bill, and that unless they cause an appearance to be entered for themselves in said case on or before tbe 20th day of July, 1SS9, the bill will be taken against them pro confesso and a decree made the same as it they had been personally served. my21-62-F EDUCATIONAL. NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study in civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful buildings, grounds, location. COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. S., A. M Supt; BELDKN F. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jell-D CHELTENHAM ACADEMY. OGONTZ J Pa, Unexcelled location and surround ings. New school equipment. Gymnasium, military drill, etc Thorough preparation for college or scientific school. Fur circular, etc., address J. CALVIN RICE, A. M., Principal. je2S-53 KEBLE SCHOOL. SYRACUSE, N. 1. Boardtug School for Girls. Under tbe su pervision of the Rt. Rev. V. D. Huntington, 8. T. D. Tbe nineteenth school year begins Wednesday, September 11, 1889. References Rt. Rev. H.C. Potter, D.DN.Y. Rev. Wm-R. Huntington. D. D., Grace Church, N. Y. City. Pres. E. N. Potter, D. D Geneva, N. V. Hon. Andrew D. White, Ithaca, N. X. Apply to MISS MARY J. JACKSON, Principal. i jel4-73-TUT" PITTSBTJEG- DISPATCH, JI3-Display advertisement one dollar par tquare for one insertion. Classified" advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, Far Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion nest morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts "with THI DIS PATCH. prrrsHURa. THOMAS MCCAFKREV, 3X9 Butler street. EM1L G. STUCKEY, 2b street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY & CO., WyUe ave. and Fulton st. N. bTOKELY. Pifth Avenne Market House. m.8T F.XD. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SIIEIliLER.Sth av. & Atwood It. sotrrnsiDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CUAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEU, 59 Federal street. H. J. MCBRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets, FRED H. EGGEltS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch aud Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. li. TV. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. G LEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Qlalo Hcls. WANTED-A GOOD TINNER. APPLY AT once, 16 PENN AVE. Jc23-73 WANTED-A GOOD BARBER-APPLY AT 204 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Allegheny. Je2S-79 TTANTED-GOOa HAB1SER. INQUIRE OF W F. J. BURLANN, 27 Grant ave?, Bennett station. ie28-83 WANTED-ENGINEER; MUSTCOME WELL, recommended: none others need apply. WM. HASLAGE & SON, 18 Diamond. Jc2-C4 WANTED-BRASSMOLDERS EXPERIENCED in valve work. Call at FAOTOH1 or ad dress KELLY & JONES, Greensburg. Pa. Je2S-59 w ANTED-SOME LIVE AGENTS TO SELL our new Installment goods: good pay weeklv: oni v xnose wiin sro those with good reference need ap- ,piv. VI Je21-46 UN ION CREDIT CO. uu ouna ave. WANTED- FIRST-CLASS HREAD AND cake baker and assistant: good wages to the rlRht man. ROBERT MORROW 4 CO., Woodland ave., Eleventh ward, Allegheny. Je27-63 -T7-ANTED A SOBER, STEADY .DRUG YY clerk sneaking German: also one of 2 or 3 years' experience: good wares to right parties., Auarcss rjnaiAjazini: duuauuj, xnspatca office. Jc28-36 WANTEO-DRUG CLERK YOUNG MAN who understands his business, with No. references: good position to right party. COM MERCIAL ACCOUNTING AGENCY, 163 Fifth avenue. JeIS-30 TrANTE1 PRACTICAL SOAP MAKER V good opening for a man with undoubted reference as to character and ability: state ex perience and with whom. Address SOAP, Dis patch office. JeM-10-WFS -TTTANTED-AN AGENT TO SELL TEAS AND V coffees to the family trade: salary paid; best of references required. Address I. F. REKS, care or LONDON TEA CO., 133 Washington ave., Thirty-first St., Southslde. Je28-37 WANTED-GENERAL AGENT FOR THIS city, to open an office and assume exclusive control of our business: goods well known, in uni versal demand, and pav a net profit of 50 to 100 per cent. Address, with credentials. THE UNION COMPANY, 744 Broadway, New York. Je28-54-TuFSU T7"ANTI A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN Y T acquainted with the grocery trade along the line of Pennsylvania K. R. and branches in Penn sylvania: liberal arrangement to right party. Ad dress SALESMAN, P. O. Box 1532, Phllada, Pa. Je2S-33 WANTED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YORK Cutting School; Urllng's actual measure ment taught In all Its branches; the only true system fitting anyand all shapes; no trying on: Instructions, 10 A.M. to 4 P. M,; evening. 7 to 9 F. v.; call or write for circular. &14 WOOD ST., Pittsburg, Pa. , Je23 TTA.ltTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF V our safes; size 28x18x18 Inches; weight 500 lbs. : retail price 135; other sizes lb proportion : rare chance to create permanent business at home: these safes meet demand never before supplied by otber safe companies, as we are not governed by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati. O. je20-4-r WAN TED-AGENTS -THE LARGEST, .handsomest, best book "Johnstown Hor ror, or the Valley of Death" Is now ready: agents desiring to have a share In the enormous sales should send 40c Tor outfits at once; octavo volume, aw pages: ciotn Dinamg, sz oo; sheep, Ci 50 copiously Illustrated and beats all else for sale, Apply P. J. FLEMING & CO., 77 Diamond st., Pittsburg, Pa. Je27-72 Female Help. VTrANTED CHAMBEE51AID, PRIVATE TV family; no one -without best retf.'rence need apply. Address BANK. 527 Smithfield street, from 10 a. jl. to 12M. Je28-9-WF -VTCXANTED-A SEWING GIRL FOR PRIVATE VV family outside the city; constant employ ment; must come well recommended. Address GRAY, Dispatch office. Je2S-27 Male and Female fielo. WANTED-AT ONCE-50 COAL MINERS, 20 farm hands, cook, chambermaid, waitress and dishwasher for summer resort; 200 houe girls, 60 cooks, 20 chambermaids. MELHAN'S AGENCY, 545 Grant st. WANTEO-P5 WEEKLY-REPRESENTATIVE, male or female, in every community; goods staple: household necessity; sell at sight: no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean Juit what we say. Address at once STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. Jel4-70-D Situations. TrANTED-W. WOOLSEY, EXPERT AC VV COUNTANT, 163 Firth avenue; 20 years active experience as auditor and accountant with large corporations and business houses; relcrences unquestionable. Je28-29-rrrsu Partner'. WANTED-PARTNER WITH P.000-TO IN VEST In brass and Iron foundry with an established trade; one to take charge of office pre ferrcd. Address BRASS. Dispatch office. Je27-83 Financial. "VaT ANTED MORTGAGES, T.ATtraTT. ATn ED WITT1SH, 410 Grant st., Pltts- Jel8-32 burg. WANTED-MORTGAGES ERTY. over $4,000; 4 HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., mh2-a22-p ON CITY PROP ner cent; no tax. 92Fourth avenue. -TTTANTED-aiORTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN V V In sums to suit at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES 4 BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl9-H VTTANTEU-RENTS COLLECTED PROMPT V V LY: property managed with satisfaction. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenne, Tel. 167. lal9-81 ANTED AT 5 PER CENT, MORTGAGES in large or small amounts on Improved city property. W. A. HERRON & bONS, 80 Fourth ave. Jeo-5-MWF WANTED-MORTGAGES-S500 TOM00.000TO loan on mortgages, city or country propertv: 4, 5 and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 ' vui.u av, icicpuuucio. jeUHa-AnO WANTED-MORTGAGS-tl.000,000TOLOAN in large and small amounts at iH, 5 and 6 oer cent, iree ui Diaic Lax; no aeiay. COYLEA CO., 131 Fourth ave. REED B. injci-eo WANTED-S3.00O ON FIRST MORTGAGE UN improved suburban property now worth $4,800 to fa, 000, and enhancing raptdlv in value, principal only. Address BOX 907, Pittsburg, Pa. Je23-4J WANTED TO LOAN 1500,000. IN AMOUNTS .of $3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4)4 per cent. Tree of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D "VT7"ANTED MORTGAGES SI, 000, 000 TO LOAN VV on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand cent counties at 6 per cent, lw uh iuu uu jaruiB ui AUCKncuyaDU aqia- JU. IMUMNUCK. A ovr.., iw x uurui avenue. ap7-f41 TT7"ANTED-TO LOAN 20n.onn civ MI1RT. VV GAGES; tlOO and upward at 6 per cent; 1500,000 at AH per cent on residences or business nruneny; an also In adjoining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-e84-D TJANTED-S50 TO ESTABLISH A M'F'G VV business ofgreatfntnre promise: 35 per cent profit per annum guaranteed on tbe Investment; principals only corresponded with. Address, for full particulars, to STRENGTH, Dispatch office, Pittsburg. Je27-6S WANTED-850,000 TO ESTABLISH A M'F'G business of great future promise; 35 per cent profit per annum guaranteed on the Invest ment; principals only corresponded with. Ad dress, lor full particulars, STRENGTH. DIs patch office, Pittsburg. Je28-4J Mlsccrinneoua. WANTED-FARMER3 WILL FIND A MAR KET Tor their cherries and red laspberrles at Helnz'a Preserving Works, 168 and 170 Second ave.. city. H. J. HEINZ CO. , Je26-32-D WANTED-CUSTOMERS FOR DIAMONDS, gold and silver watches, marble clocks, sil verware, etc., at fl per wee t upward, at 130 Fed eral St., Allegheny. JMITSCH. JelS-MWTSU -VTrANTF.D-ANY ONE WANTING A HAND YY bOMELY engraved 14-karat, gold-filled, hunting-case watch, stem wind and set, guaran teed for 20 years: joints, bow, crown, lips, all solid gold; 15 extra Jewels, 4 pairs In cup settings; spring compensation balance, quick train, safety pinion; all latest Improvements; at a low, price, on easv payments. Address LOCK BOX 601. Pltts borgP. o., and I will call and show same; corre spondence strictly confidential,- "" Je27-65 'EEHDAT, JUISE 28 WANTED. x ailscellnncons. TXTANTED-AK OFFICE SAFE 18 TO 25 Inches Inside diameter. Address JOHN ALWABO, Hulton, Pa. Je23-31 fTTANTED A CHEAP SECOND HAND VV waconrunnlnrjrear. UAUUH&KEENAN, 33 and 34 Water st. Telephone 1626. e2S-5S WANTED-50 TEAMS. APPLY AT POWER HOUSE CENTRAL TRACTION CO., T ylle ave. GEO. EGAN, contractor. Je28-23 WANTED-USEOFGOOD FAMILV HORSE through tho summer: light work andcarc fP:otB.en,ance, on suburban estate. Address PASTURE, Dispatch office. Je28-38 WANTED-LADILS TO KNOWHAUGH ft Kecnan repair, rennlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and in the best possible man ner. 33 AND 34 WATER ST. 'Phone 1626. myd-83 WANTED-TO LEARN OF A, DESIRABLE . . location for a homeopathic physician either in western Pa. or Ohio: references exchanged. Any; one knowing will please communicate with. M. P., Dispatch office. Je2S-C0 WANTED-By PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 98 Fifth avenue, Plttsburfr. and 43 Federal street, Artefehcny, everybody to know that he is making line cabinets at Jl 60 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: lnstan taneons process. mhl3-C3 FOR. SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. FOR SALE-NO. 804 WYLIE AVE.-BRICK dwelling, Brooms, furnished attic ball, gas, etc: lot. possession at once. ALLES Si BAILEY, 1S4 Fourth ave. Tel. 167 Je26-18 FOR SALE-NO. 302 LOCUST ST., SIXTH ward, elegant new dwelling of 9 rooms: well finished; latest conveniences: lot 22x95 feet: If sold quick can bebouphtataveryreasonableprlc. W. A. HERRON ibONS, No. 80Fourthave. Je25-71-25,28,Jy2,6 FOR SALE-A 3-STORY RRICK DWELLING on Colwell St., near Dinwiddle, containing 5 rooms and finished attic, hall, wash-house, good cellar, paved yard: lot 20x100. and ohlv (2,800. For particulars call on RLACK & KAlltU, 95 Fourth ave. Je2S-40-D FOR SALE-WYLIE AVE.. NEAR FRANCIS st.. 2 new two-story and mansard brick dwellings of Brooms each, city water, natural gas, bath, hall, vestibule, slate mantels, etc.: nice lot extending Back to an alley: will be sold cheap. Call at office RLACK & RAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Je25-0 FOR SALE-6 CHOICE HOUSES ON SIDNEY street, above Twenty-third, the best and pleasantest location on the Southslde: Sidney street being wide, newly paved and well im proved; houses, to be finished by August 1st, have pressed brick and stone ornamental fronts, and contain elgbt rooms, witn bath, laundry and every other convenience; city water, gas and natural gas on each floor, and good plumbing leading to city sewers makes dwellings first class In every respect; Smithfield and Carson street cars pass within one square; terms, $1. 000 cash, with balance payable as arranged to suit purchaser. Apply to RAKEWELL PHILLIPS. Dispatch office, Ffth ave., city. JcS-85 East End Residence. FO i 'OR SALE-CHOICE RESIDENCE, PENN ave.. Brushton: 15 rooms, with all conveni ences: largo lot; immediate possession; terms to suit purchaser. See JOHN F. BAXTER. Agent, 512 Smithfield st. J e23-75-uwr FOR SALE-SOUTH HILAND AVE., E. E.. a rare opportunity: an elegant new brick house of 8 rooms; all conveniences; well worth 3,500: will sell Jbr S7.500 on terms to suit. D. P. THOMAS & CO. 408 Grant St. te!3-83 FOR SALE-COUNTRY RESIDENCE IN THE city: about 10 minutes wait from Court House; splendid opportunity; house contains 10 rooms, bath room, natural gas, etc.; lot 60x132, beautifully laid out with trees, plants, shrubbery, etc.; no better chance for a quiet, retired home. J. V. REILLY, No. 77 Diamond st. Je7-95-XOD FOR SALE-OAKLAND AVE.. ONLY ONE square from cable road, a new 8-room brick residence, stationary wasbstands. bath. h. and c water, nat. and art. gas. slate mantels, tile hearths, fine large pantry and closets throughout, laundry In cellar, front porch full width of tbe house, electric bells, etc.; lot 25x100: terms rea sonable; possession at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO.. 99 Fourth ave. Ie27-S3 FOR SALE-ONLY A FEW NOW REMAIN unsold of the very desirable eight-room dwell ings on Oakland square. The rapidity with which sales have been made show the estimation In which they are held; durably built and handsome ly finished, supplied with every modern con venience; standing on large lots and facing a handsomo parkplanted with beautiful shade trees, these dwellings nave tbe notable advantage of be ing butistolomlnntes from the postoffice by the Pittsburg Traction road: a cable loop, for which an ordinance is now in Councils, will pass within 100 feet of tbe square: prices fS,500 and fs, 750: terms, moderate cash payment and long time on balance. Apply to S.W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth aTenue. Je23-67 Allechenr Residence. FOR SALE-EXCELLENTBRICK DWELLING and cood lot 25x90 feet, with side entrance. No. 10 Greenwood avenue, near Beaver avenue, Allegheny, 10 large and commodious rooms, with bath, w. c, natural gas; all in prime order throughout: to be sold at public sale on Monday, July L at 2 o'clock p.m., on the premises: pererap- torr sale. lenaairomjAD. w. JUAtrx. & i;u.. 129 Fourth avenue, Plttsbnrg. JC2S-65-D T70R SALE-AT AUCTION, MONDAY. JULY ).L 1, at 3 o'clock, on premises. No. it McClln tock aye.. Second ward, Allegheny, electric car station, lot 40x135, handsome residence six rooms, hall, attic, bath, laundry, pantry, porch, furnace, cedar and china closets: lovely situation: excellent neighborhood: a choice home: visit ltt limited Srlce, $7,500. Full particulars by A. LEO GATE SON, Auctioneers, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. Je27-8 Suburban Residences. FORSALE-CRAFTON STATION. P., C. &ST. L. Ry., on Craft ave., above Noblestown road, a good frame dwelling of 6 rooms, marble man tels, natural gas. good spring watet, young or chard Mot 150x200 feet; Immediate possession: call at office for particulars. BLACK: A BAIRD, 95 Fourth aye. . Je25-60 FOKSALE-COUNTRYHOMEATFAIROAKS, P., Ft. W. & C. R. R., embracing between 4 and 5 acres of land on which is a dwelling of U rooms, ice house, wash room. large stable, car riage house and several outbuildings; land Is cov ered with bearing fruit trees and large shadetrees; dwelling and stable are supplied with delicious spring water, and heated and illuminated with gas at reasonable expense; premises are connected with R. R. by hoard walk, and are unsurpassed In beauty and healthfulncss of location; will be sold quite low. J. M. SIGNER, 22 Bakewell Building. te20-62-MWF FOB. SALE LOTS. Cltr Lots. FOR8ALE-CITY LOTS-10LOTSONLIBERTY ave., between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sts,, Pittsburg, Pa.: low and on long time. H. FORBES. Wheeling, W.Va. je21-35. East End Lota. FOR SALE-HANDSOME RESIDENCE S1TE8 on Fifth avenue, Negley avenue, Winebiddle avenne, and similar choice locations. STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third ave.Je28-35 TTlOR SALE-8 ACRES OF GROUND IN THE J East End. all level and in first-class order; small house and stable on premises; a good specu lation, as It could be divided Into fine building lots. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. JC28-41-D FORSALC-S850W1LLBUYA CHOICE LOT 25x100 feet on Elyslan avenne (Point Breeze). 'Ahls location Is excellent, and bandy to railroad and cable, and the neighborhood is first-class. MELLON BROTHERS, 6343 Station st. E. E. Je27-18-FSu FORSALE-SSOO A CHOICE EAST END LOT 40x120, near the beautiful Silver Lake, and convenient to P. R. R. or cable line: If yon desire a cheap lot fora home don't miss getting all tho Particulars of this handsome building site. LACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Je25-60 FOR SALE-LARGE LOTS: CHOICE LOCA TIONS: different prices: high-class improve ments: easy and rapid means or reaching them; arc some of the many reasons why "The Baum Grove Plan" is so desirable to persons who appre ciate a pleasant and convenient home spot. Get a plan from MELLON BROS., East End, or JOHN i BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthflbld st. JC24-7B-TUF FOR SALE-LARGE EAST END BUILDING sites; this magnificent residence place Is situ ated on Linden ave., near Penn ave. ; the eleva tion Is one of the finest In the city, commanding au excellent view of the beautiful Liberty Valley, convenient to P. R. R. and cable Unes: the prices being only (25 and 30 per foot front, make it very desirable property in price as well as location. Call at office for plan. BtiACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. Jef-6-7,8,10,12,14,17,19,21,24,26,28 Allecbcny Lota. FOR SALE LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCNAUUHER, 43 N. Diamond st. mh7-98-D Hazelwood Lots. FOR SALE-FLOWERS' AVE.. HAZELWOOD building lots at auction, to-morrow, at 2:30 o'clock P. H. W. A. HERRON & SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. Jc23-55 P OR SALE-FLOWERS' AVE., HAZELWOOD building lots at auction, to-morrow, at 2:30 o'clock p. x. AV. A. HERRON & SONS.,-No. 80 Fourth ave. Je28-55 FOR SALE-FLOWERS' AVE.. HAZELWOOD building lots at auction, to-morrow, at 2:30 o'clock p.m. Fourth ave. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 jezs-a TTOR SALE IN J. J. BPECK'S PLAN, lar?e bnttdlnr lota J? Hazelwood, at auction. on Johnston and Flowers ave., on the premises, to-morrow, at 2:30 o'clock P.- M. For plans see W. A HEBRON &SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Je2S-55 FOR SALE-LOTS AT HAZELWOOD AND Glenwood. near the station: only 15 minutes rrom new 11. & O. station, Smithfield st. : graded streets, sidewalks, city water, gas: S3C0 to (1,000: houses for sale, small payment down, Balance In monthly, payments If desired: railroad fare, monthly tickets, 5M cents per trip. GEORGE C. BURGW1N, 150 Fourth ave. Jel5-71-lWFSSu Farms. TRIOR SALE-A FARM OF 30 ACRES IN X? O'Bara township, 3 miles from Sharpibnrg: good garden ground; has house and barn on It, and plenty of fruit aud water. SEBASTIAN HITTER, 8narpburg,.i'a. Je2G-5 FOR SALE-FARM OF 75 AORES-HIGHLY . unproved, 5 acres orchard, variety of fruit; 2 story brick dwelling 12 rooms, brick stable and carriage house; frame tenement house 8- rooms: I miles from city, close to two R.R. lines. ED. W1T T13H, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa. Je2S-D 1889. ,FOK SALE LOT8. Suburban Lets. FOR BALE-AT 'W1LK1N3BUKG-DESIBA-BLE building lots at low prlces;Jocatlon good. Call or semi ror printed list, free. W. A. HERRON & SONS, No SO Fourth ave. 1e21-55-xwrs DUscellaneoan. FORSALE-COH. BUTLER AND MAIN STS.. Seventeenth ward, that fine property known as St. John's Episcopal Church: lot 95xl55Tt. with buildings. W. A.ULRRON&SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. Je2S-S9-25,28Jy2. FOR SALE-ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath bouses to let or for sate by I.G. ADAMS & CO., real estate agents, R. Est. 4 Law Bdg., Atlantic Cltv. N. J. Je20-3-p FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Tluslnega Cbnnces. FOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS SHOESTORE. ES TABLISHED tradoand good stock; located in best Iron town In Ohio: good reason for selling. Address WADE, Dispatch office. Je28-52 F OR SALE-A PATENT IN WHICH THERE is laree monev: the inventor cannot cive it nis attention, ana win, mereiore. sen out to some one that will undertake tbe business; terms reas onable. For particulars address M. C, lnven tor. 328 Penn ave. Je27-9S 17UIK SALE-FINE, EXTENSIVE AND PROF- 1TABLE bakery, ice cream and confection ery business; nothing better and must be sold: also, grocery, rtryxoods. drug, cigar, china and notion stores; printing office, butcher shop, baker ies and other business chances. Free particulars. SHEPARO & CO., 54 Fifth ave. JelS .rr .. .v .-:...'.. r -.,.." FOR SALE-RAILROAD HOTEL FURNI TURE and lease. S5 rooms, all modern im provements; doing business (1,800 per mo.; hotel to be enlarged to accommodate increasing trade; will bear personal investigation; splendid oppor tunity for person understanding hotel business; near Pittsburg on P. & L. E. R. R. Further par ticulars of ALLES BAILEY, 181 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. Je2S-19 FOR SALE A COMPLETE JOB PRINTING and druggist's labej outfit: 3 presses, label cutter, about soofontsmetal and wood type. In cluding several hundrecV pounds of body type: send for catalogue showing styles of work aud labels executed; this plant must be disposed of within the next four weeks; appraised at (1,802 81, about two-thirds ofvalue. Address A. W . TAY LOR. Salem. O., Assignee jifKlrby's Buckeye La bel Works. Je26-4 Bnilneaa Stands. FOR SALE -STORE AND DWELLING ON Frankstown ave., one square from East Lib erty station, P. R. R.. and both cable lines; this Is a rare chance for business site; price (5.570. MEL LON BROTHERS, 63IS Station St., EE. Je27-18.FSn FOB. SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. fcc FOR SALE-FINE FRAZIER ROAD CARTS, a .WEST & CO., 43) Duquesne way. Jel2-48 FOR SALE-LIVERY STABLE, STOCK AND fixtures. Inquire, ot GEO. BEET, Bridge St.. Etna. Je27-74-MWFS FOR SALE HORSES-JUST RECEIVED A carload of drivers, draft and coach horses. Can be seen at Nos 810 and 312 LIBERT Y ST., Allegheny. Excelsior Sale Stables. Je23-24 F OR SALE-ONE CHESTNUT SORREL horse. 15 hands hlsrh. sound. 6 rears old: anv iady can drive It: Is a beautiful horse: one blacK. Shetland pony: children can drive him anywhere; also, one buggy and barouche, three sets of har ness; will be sold separately or all together. Any person wanting a bargain inquire of A. JACK MAN A SON, 530 and 536 Penn avenue. JeZ7-12 machinery and' Metal. F 'OR SALE TWO LARGE SAFE3. THREE desks and other office furniture. ROOM 402. Lewis block. Je23-63 OR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; aU sizes and styles kept iu stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices; mouniea porutDie engines, s to Z3n.p. Mrta jrars: way. 0.0. luunu, juiegneny, . , Pa. j-K-awr FOR SALE-28X48 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year; can be seen in operation: price on application: also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete: capacity 10,000 In 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. aul-p32-uwT FOR SALE-CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY: one 7xl2-lnch double engine, doable drum: others large and small, with single or doable friction drums: wire and manlla rope, centrifugal pumps, etc; two 26x4S-lnch horizontal engines with flywheels. THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, cor. Lacock and Sandusky sts.. Allegheny. Jal7-uwr Qllspcllnneona. FOR BALK GOOD SQUARE PIANO. CHEAP for cash. Apply at 23 UNION AVE., Alle gheny; Je28-78 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS I BOOKS 1 BOOKS I New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and scientific -30, 'J00 vol nmns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK &TORE, 900 Liberty st. my3-28 "PERSONAL-W.HY TROUBLE YOUR WIFE, I. mother or daughters In. repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second floor? Charges moderate: faculties unsurpassed: suits madetoorder; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558- oihs FOUND. . FOUND FOCKETBOOK CONTAINING small amount of money, near Ingram, Pa. Owner can have the same by calling at L. SINGER. Ice Dealer, Chartlers.Pa., andpaylnc charges for advertising. 3e28-23 LOST. -T OST A POCKETBOOK. THURSDAY, ON VJ the Walls accommodation leaving the city at 3 r. M., or at WUklnsburg station. A reward will be paid if returned to 33 lNTH ST. Je28-77 T OST-LIBEBAL REWARD OFFERED A Jul young yellow dog, three months old; long ears, white on the nose, four white Teet; very thin now; slct with distemper. 44 UNION AVENUE. Allegheny City. Je2$-7S STRAYED. STRAYED'-OR STOLEN-FROM THE PREM ISES of the undersigned, a black foxhound. A reward will be paid lor bis return to JOHN MURPHY, Second aye., Hazelwood. Jea-32 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOB. 12-INCH BREECH LOADINO rifled mortars. Ordnance Of fice, War Department, Washington, June 22 1889. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be re, ceived at this office until 3 o'clock p. St., on MONDAY. JULY 22,1889. at which time they will be publicly open'ed. for finishing and as sembling twenty-nine (29) 12-inch breech-loading rifled mortars, more or less, the principal Sarts being supplied by the United States, lank forms on which proposals must be made and all information required by bi 'ders can be had upon application, S. V. BENET, Brig. Gen.. Chief of Ordnance. . je25-4i 3ST OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received bv the un dersigned until Saturday. July 6, A. D. 1889, for tho grading and paving of Seventb avenue, in Beaver Falls borough, from Eighth street, south, to tbe New Brighton bridge, said pro posals to be scparate.for fire brickandLigonler block paving, and tbe bid for both to be by the square yard. Each proposal to ho accompanied by a certi fied check for (1,000 payable to the order of Charles P. Wallace, Treasurer of the borough. All checks accompanying proposals which are not accepted will be returned Immediately after, the award shall have been made. The check received from the successful bidder will be re turned to him upon his entering into a formal contract for tbe due performance of the work; and giving bond with approved sureties for SO per cent of the contract price. But in case be shall fail to enter Into such, contract and give such bond within: ten days after notice of tbe acceptance of his proposal, the check accom panying such proposal shall become the prop erty of the borough of Beaver Falls. Each bidder must furnish a sample of brick or stone block which ho proposes using. Specifications can be seen at tbe Burgess office of JamesPiper. The Borongh Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GEO. E. LISCOMB, Secretary Borough. 03 Second avenue. Beaver Faxes, Jnne 24, 18S9. ' e27-6 NOTICES. THE PITTSBURG AND WESTERNRAIL WAY CO. Coupons from the first mort gage bonds of this company maturing July L lSSD.will be paid on aud after that date upon pre sentation at the office of Messrs. Drexel, Mor gan & Co., New York. H.D. CAMPBELL, Je25-45 , Treasurer. AMUSEMENTS. HARRIS' THEATER Every matinee and night, N. a WOOD. ADRIFT IN NEW YORK. Noxt week Ticket of Leave Man. je26-13 TDASEBALL-iftECREATION PARK-TO-DAY, FRIDAY. AT 4 P. M., PHILADELPHIA V8 ALLEGHENY. . Train from Union depot-at 3:40 P.M. je28-25 PICNIC GROVE FREE! WINDSOR PARKi Only six miles from tha city, situated on the bluff overlooking. Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rair'pr boat. Large grovo of forest trees, cool, clear -springs of water, flue dancing platform, etc" The use of the .grove -will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, O.A.R. posts, private fetes, etc, the bury charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and-nytoet,pOTicnlars apply to J, H. . DA WBfVO Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Alle&DoByy or' to A.CLANEYon the ground " " mylMS-D TO LET- Cltv Residences. TO LET-NO. 171 8ECOND AVE.. BRICK dwelling: ball and 9 rooms: possession Im mediately. J. M.STONER, 22 Bakewell Build ing. Je22-95 TO LET 99)-3S FIFTH AVE;, 10 MINUTES from postoffice. modern two-story mansard brick dwelling, 9 rooms, bath, hail, vestibule, both gases, newly painted and papered: first class repair: very moderate rent. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Je27-32 East End Residences. TO LET-(99)-PENN AVENUE, E. E., RESI DENCE, 10 rooms, 4 acres of ground; all modern conveniences: completely furnished: wUI rent for suinmermonths;flrst-clas8 neighborhood. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. Je26-28-WT. Allegheny Residences- 4 TO LET-ONLY 830 PER MONTH, AND PART of the furniture for sale at a big sacrifice, new brick house of8 rooms: all conveniences; lo cated on one of the best streets In tbe Second ward: possession at once: furniture all new. See EW1N& & BYERS, No. 107 Federal St. Je26-14 Asnrtmcnis. TO LET UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; 6 add 7 room honses: 4 store rooms with dwellings: rqnt low. Inquire at 44 FOURTH STREET. Jc27-59-Thvsn TO LET -THREE ROOMS, INCLUDING kitchen, of a desirable house situated very near the Allegheny Pacts: natural and artificial gts and water. Apply at 344 RIDGE" AVE.. Alle gheny. JezS-57 Offices. Desk Room, otc TO LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY painted: elevator. Janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. Je2-8-D TO LET-OFFlCEytOOMS ON THE SECOND and third floors of Melton's bntldlng.opposlte City Hall: good Ught,newly painted and papered. T. MELLON & SON'S BANK, 512 Smithfield street. JeI5-34-TuWT TO LET-OFFICE ROOMS OR .SlU'lKS FOR general business purposes In the new DIS PATCH BUILDING, 7 77 and 79 Diamond St.; situation most central In the city: electile light Included in rents, which are moderate. Apply between 11 A. M. and 5 p. M. Je27-80 Tlnslneai stands. . TO LET-HOTEL-THE LAKE SHORE HOUSE, 37 and 39 Bank St.; 3 minutes' walk from Union depot; contains 30 rooms. Address J. DUNN, 51 Rockwell St.. Cleveland, O. Je3J-5 AUCTION SALES. TjlINE PARLOR ORGAN, ELEGANT Jj furniture, carpets, etc, at auction, (re moved from Ben Venue Place for convenience to the auction rooms. No. 311 Market St., for sale FRIDAY MORNING. June 28. at 10 o'clock. Handsome parlor suits, of 5 pieces, fur rugs, lace curtains, looking glasses, cabi nets, lambrequins, vases, clocks, parlor organ, moquet, velvet, body brussels and ingrain car pets, walnut chamber suits, wardrobes, folding bed. bookcase, desk, 'secretary, bed lounge, chiffonier, hair and husk mattresses, springs, bedding, toilet ware, tea and dinner set in French china, fine Wedgewood dinner set, laundry and kitchen utensils, eta, etc., etc Sale positive HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIM.. 1e27-92 Auctioneers. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. QEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS lO will be received at the office of the City Control er until JULY 6, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. Jf for tbe erection of a police station bouse in the Thirty-sixth ward. Also lor altering and repair ing police station houses in the Eleventh and Twelfth wards. Plans and specifications can be seen at tbe office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City ClerE. The Department of Awards reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of the Department of Public Safety. je2649 BUSINESS TAX AND WATER RENTS, 1889. Notice is hereby given that the du plicates for tbebusiness tax and water rentsfor tbe year 1889 have been placed in my hands for collection by the Board of Assessors author ized to assess the same. Tbe time for paying said taxes and water rents at the Cltv Treasurer's office is the month of June. No discounts allowed. Water rents and business tax remaining un paid after June 30, 1889, will be placed in the hands of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes for collection, with 5 per cent added. All applicants for statements of water rents must give name of the owner of the prop erty they occupy or desire to pay water rent for. J. F. DENNISTON, je3-93-D City Treasurer. A No. 9.1 N ORDINANCE-ESTABLISHING THE grade of Desota street, from Fifth ave nue to Allequippa street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tbe city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That tbe grade of the west curb of Desota street, from Fifth avenue to Allequippa street, be and the same sball be established as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the north curb of Fifth avenue at an elevation of 253.13 feet; thence rising at tbe rate of 5.60 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 391.84 feet to tbe north curb of Victoria stret at an elevation of 257.2!! feet; thence rising at the rate of 10.50 feet per 100 feet for a distance ot 1,297.66 feet to the south curb of Allequippa streetat an elevation of 393.54 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and tbe same is hereby, repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 10th day of June, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's office, Jnne 13, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, paee S3, 25th day of June, A-D. 1SS9. je27-16 A No. 13.J N ORDINANCE-LOCATING HAIGHTS avenue, from Stanton avenue to McCulIy street. Section I Be it ordained and enacted by city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and en acted by tbe authority of tbe same, That the center line of Haigbts avenue, from Stanton avenne to McCullystreet.be and the same 13 hereby located as follows, to-wit: The center line of Haights avenue sball begin at a pin on the north 5 feet line of Stanton avenue at a distance westwardly from the first angle in Stan ton avenue west of Negley avenne of 517.91 feet: thence deflecting to the right 63 02' for a dis tance of 6dB3 feet to a P. C; thence deflecting to the left 29 17' and by the chord of a curve of a radius of 102.80 feet, a distance of 100.54 feet to a P. R. C; thence by tbe same chord line for a distance of 126.22 feet to a P. T.; thence de flpctiner to the richt 37 W 30" for a distance of 1.06 feet to tbe south 10 feet line of McCulIy street, intersecting said 10-foot line at the angle of 84 27'. and at a distance westerly of 1,052.5 feet from the west 12-foot line of Negley avenue, and said Haights avenue shall be of a width of W) feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be. and the same is hereby re pealed so far as tho same affects this ordi nance. . Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 10th day of June, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council, GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, Jane 13. 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: HOBT. OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7. page 88, 26th day otJune,A.D. 1889. Je27-1B AfNcloJ N ORDINANCE-AUTHORIZING THE widening and openingof Webster avenue, from Roberts street to Fulton street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted bv tbe authority of the same. That tbe Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be surveyed, widened and opened within GO days from tbe date of the passage of this ordi nance, Webster avenue, from Roberts street to Fulton street, the width of said street between Roberts street and the center of Mercer street sball be 60 feet, in accordance with and as lo cated by the City District Plan and from the center of Mercer street to Fnlton street said street sball be of variable width, as established by and in accordance with the lines thereof, as established and located by an ordinance, entitled "An ordinance relocating Web ster avenue, from Fulton street to Mercer street," approved February 2, 1889, a plan of Which is hereto attached and hereby made part of this ordinance. The damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed aud collected in accordance with tbe provisions of an act of Assemby of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," approved the 16tb day of May,A. D. 1889. ' Section 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tho provisions of this ordinance be, and tbe same is hereby re pealed, so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 24th dav of June. A. D. 1889. H.P.FORD, President or Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk ot Select CounciL GEO.L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, June 26, 1888. Approved, WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: KOBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. N Recorded m ordinance Book, vol. 7, page 88, 37th day of Jose, A. D. 1889. ie36-49r 3 OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. glEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE ItE- CEIVED bvthe City Controller up until" onday, July 1, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. ar.. for the care, maintenance and management of the city scales for tbe ensuing year. Proposals' must , be accompanied by bonds in the sum of 12,000 probated before the Mayor or City Clerk; E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. Je28 ,4 N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE jl grading, paving and curbing of Coneland ttreet. from Ellsworth avenue to Walnut street. In the Twentieth ward of Pittsburg. Whereas it appears by the petition and affi davit on file in tbe office of the Clerk of Coun cils that one-third in interest oX tbe owners of property fronting and abutting upon the said street have petitioned the Councils of said city to enact an ordinance for tbe grading, paving and curbing of the same, therefore Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tho city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it Is hereby ordained and. enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief ol the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and tba ordinances of tbe said city of Pittsburg relat ing thereto and regulating tbe same for pro posals for the grading, paving and curbing of Copeland street, from Ellsworth avenue to Walnut street, the contract therefor to be let in the manner directed bv the said acts of As sembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in ac cordance with the provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth, of Pennsyl vania entitled "an act relating to streets and sewers in cities of the second class," ap proved the 16th day of May, A. D. 1SS9. je28-50 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THIS construction of a sewer on Gum street from a point 65 feet south of Cliff street to Web ster avenne. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tha city of Pittsburg in Select and (tommon Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tbe same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to adver vertise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and tho ordinances of the said city of Pittsburg relating thereto and regulating the same, for proposals for the construction of a pipe sewer 12 inches In diameter, on Gnm street, from a poiniT 65 feet south of Cliff street to a connection with sewer on Webster avenue. Provided. That no part of the cost of construction of said sewer sball be assessed upon the propertv on Gum street be tween Webster and Bedford avenues, which contributed to the payment of tbe cost of the private sewer already constructed therein, which laid sewer is to be taken as a part of the sewer hereby authorized to be constructed, and the whole sewer, when completed, is hereby de clared to be a public sewer, the contract there for to he let in tbe manner directed by tha said acts of Assembly and ordinances. The cost and expense of the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with tbe provisions of an act of Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act relating to streets and sewers In cities of tha second class," approved the 16th day of May, A. D. 18S9. je28-50 No. 5.1 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE distribution of handbills, dodgers, etc.. . Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tha city of Pittsburg; in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That hereafter it sball not be lawful for any person or persons to distribute by throwing from wagons or otber vehicles any handbills, dodgers or other advertising device. Section 2 That any person or persons violat ing the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject on conviction thereof to a penalty of Ave ($5) dollars for each and every offense to be recovered as provided for by an ordinance in relation to fines and forfeitures. Section 3 That anyordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordaineu and enacted into a law in Councils this 10th dav of June, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, uierx: 01 uommon uonnciL Mayor's Office. Jnne 13, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 7, page 79, 21st day of June, A. D. 1889. je27-18 IN0.I6.I AN ORDINANCE-ADTHORIZrNG THE widening and opening of Webster avenue, from Roberts street to Fulton street. - Section 1 Be It ordained and enacted by tha city of Pittsburg in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to causa to be surveyed, widened and opened within 60 days from tbe date of tbe passage of this ordi nance, Webster avenue, from Roberts street to Fulton street, the width of said street between Roberts street arid the center of Mercer street sball bo 60 feet, in accordance with and as lo cated by the city district plan, and from the center of Mercer street to Fulton street said street shall be of variable width, as established by and In accordance with the lines thereof as established and located by an ordinance en titled "An ordinance relocating Webster ave nne from Fnlton street to Mercer street." ap proved February 2,'1889. a plan of which 13 hereto attached and hereby made part of this ordinance. The damages caused thereby and the benefits to pay the same to be assessed and collected in accordance with tbe provisions of an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to streets and severs in cities of the second class," approved the 16th day of May, A.D. 1869. Section 2 Thnrt any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordi nance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 24th dav of Jnne. A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD. President of -Select CounciL Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President ot Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. June 26, 18S9. Appproved: WM. McCAlLLIN, Mayor. Attest: KOBT. OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book; voL 7, page 83, 27th day of June. A. D. 1889. Je2S-43 fgitssee: Auction Sale of Marion Place -L0TS,- At Marlon statlon,B. 4 0.R.R., SATURDAY, June 29, at 2 F. si. Only eight minutes' ride from new B. 4 0. depot. Monthly tickets, 5 cents per trip. The Second Avenue Electric Railway, now under, construction, will pass within two minutes' walk of these lots. The prices of these lots are cut down very low, and you can havo your own terms. Don't miss this opportunity. Reed B. Coyle & Co., je2M5 131 FOURTH A V EN UK, WORKING MEN! A chance for employment at Glass or Iron Works, and Lots for Homes Cheap, on Easy Payments, on tha Patterson Plan, At Cochran station. Monongahela Division, Pennsylvania Railroad. J. R. WYLIE. Agent, Duquesne, Pa. Or, No. 8 Wood street, room No. 5, Pittsburg. ie27-57-27.2S,29,jyL2,3.S TTVR. BURGOON, The Specialist, of 17 Ohio street, Allegheny',-' defies competition in the cure of all enronio troubles. He does not point to fictitious tes timonials. COME AND SEE THE ORIGINALS, ' - At his office, of your neighbors who have beea cured in Pittsburg and Allegheny. Consulta tion free. je2l JIANOb, ORGANS. a HAMILTON. 91 AND 93 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Pa. ap30-74-D A. E. L1NKENHEIMER, ARCHITECT, 545 Smithfield street. Pittsburg, Pa. Freluetts Freund Building; second floor. mh24-80-KWnr A. WHJ.TELEY. 128K THIRD AVE. UPSTAIRS. Gents' shoes soled and heeled in 15 minutes for 75 cents. Finest work in the city. my2B-U-trX miME CHANGED OFTHB A. F. G. WU. The train scheduled to leave at 13 o'oteek,' R. R. time, has been changed to leave at 12:44, R.B. time, orl:45, city time. - JeaMI - "SI 1 M A V. .. , Vr.. -