mtmmm tw THE PITTSBUKG- DISPATCH, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1889. ' LOGil LIYE STOCK. leadins Features of Markets at Liberty Stock Yards. COMMON, HEAVY CATTLE LOWEB. i Light, Smooth, Well Fatted Beeves Steady Uogs Advanced. .".. CHOICE SHEEP TrCOMMON A DEAG Oftice op Pittsburg Dispatch, -Ved E3DAT. June 26, 18e9. J The run of cattle was much lighter this -week than last, the total being 72 loads against 98 last week. A drop of 18 loads would, according to the eternal fitness of things, stimulate markets. But live stock trade this season has been an exception to all rules. Markets were steady at last week's prices on tidy, fat butcher cattle, eighing from L000 to 1,200 pounds. On com mon grades and prime heavy stock there was a drop of S to 10c. The highest price obtained was $1 20 tor prime 1,400 pound steers. There were more bujers on hand than last week, but not as many as were expected. There were no buyers of export cattle, and hence this grade was slow. Last week a rep resentative of a Baltimore firm saved markets on export cattle, but this week lacked in that redeeming feature. The bulk of receipts were common grades and heavy cattle, for which there was a poor market. Light, smooth, butcher stock, being in small supply, managed to hold their own. At noon to-day everything was closed ou but at concessions on all but the most desirable butcher stock. A few stockcrs were in the supplies, but failed to bring anything beyond 2 to 3c Prices at Chicago are lower this week than for some time past; Advices from the East were not at all favorable for cattle traders. "While the P. R. R. i now able to ship stock through, tho full benefit of this reopen ing of trade is not j et felt at Liberty. Since the Johnstown disaster much of the live stock trade which belongs to the Pennsyl vania Railroad system has been diverted to the New York Central and Baltimore and Ohio. Another week will restore tho trade to its wonted channel. sheep nnd Lainba. Supplies raised little from last week. Quality was below average. Good grades which were in a small minority were in active demand on an advance over last week's prices. Markets have been steadily Improving since the be ginning of the week, on choice grades. Some dealers report an advance of Si) to -10c on the best grades since Monday. Common stock fails to share in the improvement of markets. Prices for these low grades were a shade loner than last week, and slow at the decline. In general markets have been decidedly good for everything In the mutton line which filled the bill as to quality, but no good for common stock. Hoc. Supply has not been up to demand for light weights, and markets are 10 to 20c stronger than a week ago. The price of tops at Chicago to-day is 84 60, and at Liberty 54 SO. The difference is not justified by the difference in freight. About half this divergence would be the right thing. It will be difficult to hold up Liberty prices to their present figure when sufficient elapses to receive hogs from Chicago. Our home packers complain that hog dealers at East Liberty have been too large in their view of pnees all this season, leaving to them little or no martin lor ham and lard. Br Telesraoh. New Yoke Beeves Receipts, 2.300 head, including 72 carloads for the market, 43 car loads for exportation, and 17 carloads for city slaughterers direct. The aomand was rather weak, and the trading dull: native steers sold at S3 604 50 per 100 pounds, with no extra lot shown; bulls and dry cows at SI 703 40, ex ports 600 beeves and 4,400 quarters of beef. Calves Receipts, 2,000 head, firmer and higher with an early clearance; veals sold at 4g6c per round: buttermilk calves at 23c Sheep Jteceipts, 7.200 head; market firm for sheep; c to Kc per pound higher for lambs; sheep sold 3t3jWc per pound; lambs at 67J cents. Hogs Receipts, fi.800 head; nominally steady for live hogs at SI 604 90. St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 2,400 head; shipments, 1,500 head; market steady; hoay native steers. S3 S0fi4 30; fair to good native steers. S3 102)4 00; stockcrs and feeders, fair to good, $2 103 10: rangers, corn fed, S2 M3 CO; grass led. S2 003 00. Hogs Receipts, 3,800 heart;., shlnments. S00 head: market stronger: choice beavy and butchers selections. C4 SO 4 40: packing, medium to prime, S4 20 4 35; light grades, ordinary to best. $4 30 kH 4a Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head; shipments, 900 head; market firm; fair to choice, S3 00 46a CHICAGO Cattle Receipts, 1L500 head; shipments, 5,000 head; market steadv for best; other grades lower: beeves. S4 054 40: steers, S3 334 10; Blockers and feeders, $2 003 40; cows, bulls and mixed. SI 403 00: Texas cattle, 1 653 25. Hogs Receipts, 20,000 head; ship ments, 6,500 head: market active and steady; mixed. $4 304 50; heavy, S4 254 50; light, $4 354 65: skips, S2 254 00. Sheen Receipts, 5,000 head; shipments, L500 head: market active and-firmi natives, S3 5004 90. Westerns and Texans, S3 204 15; lambs, S2 2o4 00 per head. Kansas City Cattle Receipts. 2,515 head; no shipments: steady to strong on natives, Texas and Indians; cood cows firm: common barely steady; stockers and feeders steady; fair to choice corn-fed steers, S3 S54 00; com mon to medum, S3 O03 75;cow, SI C02 9a Hog Receipts, 10,2M) head; shipments, 1,153 head; market strong, active and .-10c higher; good to choice lights, $4 201 25, heavy and mixed, S4 054 15. Sheep Receipts, 575 head; no shipments: market steady; good to choice muttons, S3 0C4 15: common to medium, S3 50 3 60. CiNCnriTATi Hogs firm; common and light, S3 754 40: packing and butchers, $4 254 50; receipts, 3.640 head; shipments, 640 head. A MIXED-UP CASE. A Man Ont on Ball, and Vet He Is Wanted Relic of n Riot Suit Other Court News of Interest. The Sheriff is looking for Joseph Dierstein, the aged defendant in the breach of promise case brought against him by Mrs. Mary Schub lcagle. In the trial of the suit a verdict was rendered against Dierstein for S600 damages. Messrs. Whitesell A Sons, his attorneys, took a writ of error and appealed the case to the Supreme Court. Bond was given for the pay ment of the costs in the case. John S. Robb, Esq., the attorney for Mrs. Schnbkagle, ob jected to this, and yesterday morning went be fore Judge Swing and bad three executions issued against Dierstein. One was an execu tion to collect the S600 and the costs of the case, another n execution attachment to col lect money in the hands of Lutz &. Son, alleged to belong to Dierstein, and the third is to seize the body of Dierstein. In the Criminal Court, yesterday, John Hen nal was acquitted of the larceny of 25 bushels of mortar from M. Wolf. Rose Parker.colored, charged with selling liquor without license and on Sunday, on oath of Emma Day. was found not guilty. The costs were placed on the prosecutrix, farewell Skidmore, tried for as sault and battery on Mrs. Laura Sheppard, for trying to kiss her, was found not guilty, and the costs divided. John Earley was tried on the charges of inciting to riot and felonious as sault. The case crew out of the Dunuesne strike, in which Earley was accused of having taken an active part. The felonious assault was lor striking R. F. Kuonth. the prosecutor. In the charge of riot a verdict of not guilty was rendered and the costs placed on Kuoutli. In the other a verdict of simple assault was found. Michael Spence, of the Seventeenth ward, was convicted of selling liquor without license and on Sunday. Jndge Ewmg esterday handed down an opinion refusing a new trial in the case of Mrs. Elizabeth Kerr against George Elbourne, an Allegheny saloon keeper. The suit waB for damages for the death of Mrs. Kerr's husband. He was intoxicated, and fell or was pushed on a pile of Iron, receiving injuries that caused his death. A man named Wickline was tried lor murder for pusnmg him, but was acquitted. It was claimed that Kerr procured his drink at Elbournc's, and Mrs. Kerr sued for damages. The verdict in the case was in favor of Elbourne. Alexander McAllister yesterday entered suit against John Jiunball ifcCo., coal dealers, for $10,000 damages for the death of his son, who was caught between a car and the side of the entrance to the pit and crushed to death. Decrees of divorce were granted j esterday in the cases of Jacob Reuhl against Ernstcin Reuhl, and Sarah E. Goodwin against James M. Goodwin. The grand jurv was discharged yesterday after hearing 357 cases, of which 227 were re turned asftrne bills and 1J0 ignored. None of the bills returned yesterday were important. In the United States Court yesterday Peter Reislckfiied a bill in equity against the Right Rev. John Tulgg, trustee of St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church. Some stairs bnilt in the church, it is claimed, are an infringement on-a patent held by Reuick, who sues to re cover damages. Following is to-day's trial list in tho Criminal Court: Commonwealth v James Irwin, Eva Iternolds. W. M. Aubrey. Michael Spence (2), E-J. Mathews, George Ross. H. 8 trans', John Kapcosk. C. F. Jacobs, Jacob Beitler (2). Charles "Guiger. John Berg, Sr., Salomon Hlrsch. -Wm. Pryle, Win. Brooks. Patrick Con MAEKETS BY WIEE. Rumors of Wnrllke Complications nnd a Better European Demand Give Wheat a Whirl Lnrjte Business and HlcbcrPricea All Round. Chicago Speculation again ran wild In the wheat pit to-day, and a large business was trans acted. Fluctuations in prices were rapid and violent, and a higher range was established. The openine for July was 5c higher than yesterday's closing, and the market eased off c, then rallied with some fluctuations 3c. re ceded la recovered asraln, advancing lc, ruled irregular and closed 3ic higher than yes terday. The deferred futures also were higher and ruled more activo than usual, closing l?c higher for August, IJfc higher for September and l?c higher for December. The influences governing the market were pretty much the same as yesterday, and the short interest cov ered freely. There was a great deal of long wheat reported sold on the early advance, and some short selling, no doubt, in expectation of a break. This caused the decline soon after the opening, but the subsequent advance again brought the early sellers in the market as buy ers, and created a very strong feeling. Foreign advices quoted a better demand and higher prices, and tho quantity on ocean pas sage showed a decrease ot 960,000 bushels. For eign securities were quoted lower, and there were some vague rumors of European war com plications. A moderate degree of activity was witnessed in corn, and the feeling developed was easier. The market was firm arouna tho opening, but as the session advanced offerings became quite heavy, and in absence of any support prices de clined jC. Oats opened fairly stronc, but later the de clino in wheat and corn caused a recession of Kc. and the market closed easy at about in side ngures. A good speculative trade was reported in moss pork, and the feeling was stronger. Prices were advanced 1517Jc, and the market closed steady. Only a fair business was transacted in lird. The feeling was stronger and prices ruled 2c higher. More interest was manifested in short rib sides, and prices ruled 57c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat-Ko. 2 July. 8081J81KSlc: August, 78'i'S077JJ79Kc; September. 78 92i77K7!ic; December, H4S179K olJsc COUN- No. 2 Inly. 35JS5SjS55c: August, 357S5?35J35gc; September, 36$ Oats-No.2Ju1v.22J?2222X223c: Au gust, 2J4'22?ie2222c: September. 22J 22J22c Mess, Pork, per bbl July, $11 92KH 97 Oil SOglll 92; August, Sll 97$12 J2KIl 92H 12 00; beptcmber, S12 Uo12 1512 00 12 07K. Lard, per 100 its. July, SO 62K6-65 6 60g6 C2K: Angust, S6 706 756 70 fa 72K; September, S5 806 82K6 77K6 Sa Short Ribs, per 100 fts. July, 85 956 02K 5 9o0 00. August. 85 00S 07K6 00 b 05: September. J6 106 156 076 12. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat. S384c: No. 3 spring wheat. 7576c: No. 2 red, S3 84c No. 2 corn. 35c No. 2 oats, 22522Jic No. 2 rye. 41c. No.2barIeynominaI. No. 1 flax seed, SI 50. Prime timothy seed, $1 45. Mess pork, per barrel, Sll 9512 00. Lard, per 100 pounds, S6 62. Short ribs sides (loose). S6 00 6 05. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S5 25 5 37. Short clear sides (boxed), S6 256 37. Sugars unchanged. Receipts Flour, 21,000 barrels; wheat 7.000 bushels: corn. 215 000 bnshels: oats, 177,000 bushels: rye, 1,000 bush els; barley, 2,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 16,000 barrels;wheat, 50.000 busnels; com. 256,000 bushels: oats, 132,000 bushels; rye, 22,000 bush els; barlej, 2.000 bushels. On tho Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was firm and unchanged. Eggs firm atI2c. New York Flour active and 515e higher; demand chiefly at home. Cornmeal steady and lJlJic higher Spot firm; moderately active; options unusually active, chiefly in turning contracts to later months; advanced lljc; closing at o over yesterday .and firm. Rye firmer; a boatload of Western sold at 50c for export. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot steady and moderately active; options more active, c lower and steady. Oats Spot easier and quiet; options steady and moderately active; Hay, steady and quiet. Hops, steady and quiet. Coffee Options opened steady 520 points up; closed barely steady; unchanged 10 points up; sales, 126.500 including July, 13.40 13.60c: Auzust, lA6018.75c; September, 13.70 l&85c: October, 13.7813.95c; November. 1&5S 13.90c; December, liS514 05c; January, 13 95 14.05c; February, 13.9514.10c: March, 13.90 14.10c; April, 14.0014.10c; May, 14.0O14 15c Spot Rio inactive, fair cargoes at 16. Sugar Raw, qmet and firm; refined, firm and in fair demand. Molasses Foreign strong; New Orleans quiet. Rice steady and quiet. Cotton seed oil weak and dull; crude. 3940c: yellow, 4745c Tallow easier; city, 43-16 4lic Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine steady and quiet at 87SSc Eggs easierand in moderate demand; western, 1414c; re ceipts. 7,017 packages. Pork steady; mess, S13 00 13 25, extra prime, Sll 5011 75. Cutmeats firm: sales pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 6c: 14 pounds, 6;; pickled hams, 12c; pickled shoulders, 6Hc; middles dull; Short clear S6 35. Lard Sales western steam, 6 927 00. clos ing at S7 00; city, S6 35; Julv,S6 8!4j6 94, closing at SO 92 bid; August. S6 997 05, closing at $7 06 bid; September, S7 0S7 15, closing at S7 15 bid; October, $7 17. Butter less active and barely steadv; western dairy, 1014c: do creamery, 1317c; do factory, 713c Cheese active and stronger; western. 7jJ8c Philadelphia Flour firm and quiet Wheat Spot lots scarce and firm; options auiet: No. 2 red in export 93Kc:No.2red Jnnn. 92Ji93c; Julv, 82S3c; August. 8383c; September. 8383c Corn There was a de mand for export, and, with light offerings, the market ruled firm; speculation, however, was tame; uncraded track and cram depot, 43c; No. 2 mixed and high mixed In'grain depot 43c; No. 2 mixed June. 4243c: Julv. 4243c: Au gust. 4343c; September. 4344c Oats Car lots quiet, but firm; No 3 white, 31315ic; regu lar 1 a. 2 white quoted at 333lc: choice No. 2 white, 35c; choice ungraded white, 35Mc: futures steady: No. 2 white June, 32Ji33jc: July. 32&33Jc: August 31JJS2ic: Septem ber. 31g32i4c. Butter quiet and irregular; Pennsylvania creamery extra, lB17c; do prints, extra, ISc , Baltimore Wheat Western easy; No. 2 winter red, spot and June,S4c; July, S2 S2Jc; August 81K682Hc; September. 82c Corn Western easy; mixed, July, 4141c; August 4112c: September. 4242jc; steamer, 3940c Oats firm; Western white 3234c Rje quiet at 4950c Hay Timothy. S14 50015 00 Provisions quiet Butter steadv: . lftCTTTl- V . .tCAm. n .' ',000 bushels: oats. 3.000 bushels. Shlnments Flour, 5,000 barrels; wheat, 8,000 bushels; corn. 21.000 bushels. Sales Wheat, 191,000 bushels corn, 37,000 bushels. St. Louis. Flour quiet but firm. Wheat higher; the close was 1J41C over yesterday; No. 2 red. cash, 85c; June, hoc closing at 8oc; Julv, 7475Jic closmc at 75c: August, 74J4 75c, closing at 75c; September, 75K76c, closing at 7&c bid; December closed at79Jic bid: year. 74K74Vic, closing at 75Jc nominal. Corn firm: cash, 31Jc; July closed at 81531?c: August 32c bid; September, 33J bid. Oats stead: cash and Julv, 22c Rye dull at 40c bid. Provisions higher and firm. Cikcikati Flour barelv. steady. Wheat firm; No 2 red, 8687c: receipts, 3.200 bushels: shipments, 500 bushels. Corn stronc:No. 2 mixed, 37c Oats active and strong; No. 2, 2526c. Rve firmer; No. 2, 4546c Pork firmer at S12 25. Lard stronger at S6 32. Bulkmeats firmer short ribs, S6 006 02. Bacon stronger; short clear. 17c Butter easy. Sugar firm. Eggs and cheese easy. Milwaukee Flour in good demand. Wheat firm; cash and July. 79c; Septem ber, 78c Corn dull; No. 3, 33c Oats steadv: No. 2 white. 28c Rye quiet: o.l,43c Barley dull; No. 2, 50lc Provisions firm. Porfc Sll 90 Lard, S6 6U Cheese unchanged; Ched dars. 88Jc Toledo Cloverseed firm; cash Jl 4a Whisky Market. Finished goods are in good demand at SI 0Z KEYEE SAW JOHNSTOWN, Still He Wns Able to Succeed in Gculns Help on False Prriene. George Miller appeared before the Citizens' Relief Committee yesterday afternoon and by a plausible story convinced them that he was a sufferer from Johnstown In great need of as sistance. He was well supplied by the com mittee and started out, but an bonr later was In Central station, having been arrested by ex Detective Hcil while trlng to sell the goods he had received from the committee on Grant street Miller confessed his guht at the sta tion, and said he had never seen Johnstown and was a native of Chicago. A sate cttbk for worms, an efficient tonic besides, may be had in Dr. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. It utterly destroys worms, and acts beneficially in the dyspep sia and general debility ot either children or adults. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIM 401 Smlthflcld Street, cor. .Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $45,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent tts If yon hare nut smoked the Za Peria del Fumar Key "West Cigar yon have lost a treat Bold 3 for 25c G. Wi Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 37 Fifth are. WOEDS OF WAKMNG. A Pittsburg Man Gives His Views on the Speculative Craze. EISKS AND DANGERS POINTED OUT. Old-Time Architects and Builders Scored bjr a Market Street Merchant. OLD AKD NEW SYSTEMS C0NTEASTED The revival in the speculative interest, in which the sugar and lead trusts and petrol eum are taking the lead, is charged with a large share of the depression which has characterized real estate for the past few days. In support of this hypothesis a Fourth avenue agent said yesterday: "Ihe real estate market has been remark ably active all season, and only within the past few days has it given signs of quieting down. That this depression and the boom in oil and the trust stocks should come so close together is, to say the least, significant I think the boom has considerable to do with the depression. Profits on investments in lands and houses are sure, but they are slow. This does not suit a great many people. They can't wait. Dnzzled by visions of wealth quickly acquired by a few fortunate persons, they forsake a certainty for an un certainty, and risk their all on turn of a card, as it were. If it comes up right, they pocket the cash: if it comes up wrong, as is generaUy the case they are financially ruined. "A poor man, or one of-moderate means, with a family, cannot afford to do thls;but there are those who, in times of excitement like the present, forget their obligations to those de pendent upon them, and stake every cent they can raise upon stocks about which they have no personal knowledge, indeed very little of any kind, and whose movements they cannot con trol. They take the statements of interested persons, or judgo from the fluctuations, that the investment is a good one, and take the chances. Ihe result in nine cases out of ten is financial ruin. "Pittsburg people, as a rule, are not specially addicted to dabbling in unknown or doubtful securities, but sometimes they catch tho craze. It was so, 1 remember, in 1S76, when oil was on the rampage. Clerks, laborers, servant girls, indeed all classes and conditions of people, in vested every dollar they could command in the delusive commodity and sleeplessly awaited the result When tho turn came it was against them, and they had to pocket the loss. I am acquainted with several of these crushed speculators who feel the pinch to this day. The sugar and lead trusts, in which, I understand, considerable Pittsburg money has been in vested, are controlled by a clique who are able to manipulate the market to suit themselves, advaniiog or depressing prices whenever it suits their purposes. Just fiow these stocks are centers of attraction, but who can tell the day or the hour wnen the powers that work the wires will call a halt, and the magnificent prospect of speedy wealth which so many affect to see be dashed to pieces? A reaction must come, and it will leave many a victim to repent at leisure that he ever gave way to such folly." This is good advice. It comes from a man who knows the uncertainties and dangers of speculation, and would warn all within the range of his Influence to beware of it as a de lusion and a snare. In this connection it seems appropriate to state, what probably everybody knows, that speculation was the prime cause of all the financial crises through which this coun try has passed from 1837 down. What has been may be. It would be an unpardonable sin to imperil the bright prospects for legitimate business which are apparent in all sections of the country by Involving tho capital whicn will soon be needed to move the crops, build mills and factories, construct railroads and other wise expand the productive resources of the country in doubtful ventures which can have but one outcome bnancial and commercial stagnation and individual demoralization. Many"6f the business houses in Pittsburg are old-timers, bnilt 40 or 50 years ago, without- re gard to. light or ventilation. Some of them have been remodeled to conform to modern re quirements, but others are in the same condi tion, plus wear and tear, as when they came fresh from the hands of the builders. I entered ono of these relics of an age more utilitarian than the present yesterdayafternoon. I: is on Market street The shelves and coun ters were weighed down with a miscellaneous assortment of goods. A number of customers were present The light was dim and the air close and hot While expatiating upon the virtues of his wares, the proprietor made vigor ous use of a fan. When at leisure he remarked: "This is a hot day inhere. I have occupied this building for several years. When I moved into it I saw at once that it was not well adapted to business, aud spoke to the owner about re modeling it but he thought the cost would eat up the income, and refused. I have a long lease on it, and will make the improvement my self next year. I think it will pay me in the long run, as people don't like to deal where the surroundings are disagreeable; What idiots the old-time builders were. The value of light Aid ventilation seems never to have entered their minds. Shelves and counters for goods were of more importance to them than per sonal comfort They did good, honest work, but that is about all that can be said in their favor. Their ideas of interior arrangement were crude, almost barbarous. If I had the designer of this building here now I think I could soon show him where he was mistaken." This criticism of the architects and builders who plied their vocations in Pittsburg in the long ago is severe and in some respects unfair. They planned and built to suit the require ments of their time and not of this. Business methods have undergone many changes since they "hewed the shaft and laid the architrave." As they could not foresee these changes, they could make no provision for them. Men who fully meet the requirements of their day and generation do all that can be reasonably ex pected of them. This the old-time architects and builders undoubtedly did. ALMOST A FAILURE. Denllngs In Locnl Stocks Reduced to One Small Trnnsnctlon. Business at the Stock Exchange yesterday was restricted to the sale of 25 shares of Switch and Signal at 23, a decline. The feeling was bearish and apathetic A great many figures were placed on the board, but they were put there more for show than anything else. No body was anxious to either buy or sell. Tne bidding showed that Gas stocks were a little firmer. Judged by the same standard electric and the tractions were weaker, though this was more evident in sentiment than fig ures. Bids and offers were: MOIUCIKG. AFTKBI.OOH. Bid. Asked. Hid. Asked. CommercialiN. Bank 103 Fourth Nat. Bank 127,! .... Masonic Bank SJ .... Herman Nat lik.All'y 3W H. E. V. and Trust Co 80 Allegheny Ins. Co 30 Armenia Ins. Co .... 101 Hen Franklin Ins 45 City Insurance. 31 ( itlzens Insurance.... 33 Mononcaliela Ins as ., Pennsylvania Ins 29 Western Insurance.. . .... 54 Allegheny Gas Co 33 BriilKewaterGas 48 52 48 Chartlers Val. Has Co 50 49 50 Nat. UasCo.of W. Va. e7 70 People's N.U.&P.Co 17 .... 1'ennsvlvaniaGas Co.. 14 .... Philadelphia Co 37S S3 373 S8 Wheellnr Gas Co 20 30 ssm 30 Central Traction - 32W 32H SH six Citizens' Traction 68t m ami C9S l'lttsDurj; lTaction.... SI 52 51 52 Pleasant Vallev 198 .... 25u Pitts., Alle. & Man rSo Pitts.. Y. A Ash. K B. 30X p. & W. R. K. Co I3)i P. &W. K. K. pref. 21 NortUsIde lirlUgeXo., 54 l.aNorla Mlnlcc Co... IJf 1 if .... SUverton Mlnlnjt Co .. 1 .... Westlnchonse Electric 49 41Jf 47Jf 49f Monongabela TV. Co. 33 .... S5 U. Hwltch&SbraalCo. S3 WA 23 14 Outside the Kxchange. W. H. Watt sold 100 shares Chartlers Valley Gas at 49 Robert J. Stoney. J r., sold 100 shares Westlnghouse Elec tric at 48. A quarterly dividend of 1J per cent has been declared by the Hazelwood Oil Company, payable July L The stockholders will receive checks for amounts due by mail. Stockholders of the Westingbouse Electric Company ill meet to-day. Considerable in terest Is taken in the outcome. The total sales of stocks at New York yes terday were 189,874 shares, including: Atchison, 8,935; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 20,240; Lake Shore, 4,920: Missouri Pacific, 3,760; Northern Pacific preferred, 3,155; Beading, 40,310; Richmond and West Point, 4,635; St Paul, 18,221; Union Pacific, 3,340. NO CAUSE FOE COMPLAINT. Financiers Satisfied With the Situation A pood Prospect Abend. There was a fair demand for discounts at the leading banks yesterday, and rates were steady at 56 per cent on call and time. Large ship ments of gold to France have caused some fears of stringency, but as they are growing smaller, and are expected to soon cease alto gether, this apprehension is not well founded. The probability Is that money will be abundant and easy all season. Depositing was above the average of tho past few weeks, and checking of good proportions. A Fifth avenue cashier remarked: "Busi ness Is in excellent shape for the season bet ter indeed than we expected under the circum stances, and away ahead of the same time last year. We have considerable money on hand, but not more than is necessary for the fall movement, which will begin in six weeks or two months." The exchanges were Jl.957,486 13 and the balances S278.973 00. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy at 25 per cent, last loan 2: closed offered at 2 per cent Prime mercantile paper, 3J5. Sterling exchange quiet and weaker, with actual business at $1 86 for 60 day bills, and 54 88 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U. S. 4s, rep: V. S. 4s. coup.. .. U. 8. 4"s, re .128): .1061 M. K. AT. Gen. 5s . B7H Mutual Union 6s... .105M N. J.C. Int Cert...ll5Xj Northern Pac, lsts..l20 Northern Pac.2ds..I113 Northw't'n consols. 145 Northw'n dcben's..H4 Orecon & Trans. 6s.l05J U.&. 4HS. conp. Pacific 6s of '95 118 LonisIanastamped43 90M Missouri 6s. lie 108 SS 105 'lenn. new set. Cs.. 'Xenn. new set 5s.. Tenn. new set. 3s.. Canada Ho. 2ds..., Ccn. Pacific, lsts... Den. .tit. G., lsts. Den. Alt. . 4s M. L. AI.M. Gen. 5s 80 St. I,.&S. F. Gen. .1121 SI. Paul consols lWi St. PI. Chi Pc. lstslll Tx., Pcti. G.Tr.Ks 89 Tx.. Pc. K.G.Tr.Kcts OT ,. 913 -116 ,.ia . 81M D.&R.G.'Rest.lsts. 102 union rac. sts ii.?i West bhore 109 Eric. 2ds 103V 31. It. &T. Gen. 6s.. 61 Government and State bonds were dull and steady. Boston Clearings, 516,539,063; balances, $1,731,21L Money. 3 per cent New Yokk Clearings, 101634,455; balances, S7,251,015. Baitijiobe Clearings, 2.008,424; balances, 338.374. PmLADELPHiA Clearings, !13,605,318; balances. 1.860.6S0. London Bar silver, 42 l-16d per ounce. Pakib Three per cent rentes 84f 16c for tho account Chicago Money ranged from 4 to 6 per cent Bank clearings, 10.512,000. Other Oil Markets. On. CITT. June 26. National transit cer tificates opened, OOJ-jJc; highest, 93Jc; lowest, ts9Jc; closed, 91c TrrusvrLi.E, June 26. National transit cer tificates opened. 90c; highest 93c; lowest, 89c; closed, 91c New Yobk. Juno 26 Petroleum opened steady at 00jc and after a slight decline in the early trading became strong and advanced to 93iC Heavy selling by local operators then caused a reaction, on which the market closed steady at 91c Consolidated Exchange Op ening, 90Jc; Highest, 93c; lowest 89c, clos ing at 91c Stock Exchange Opening, 90c; highest, 93c: lowest, 89Jc. closing at 91c Total sales, 3,066.000 barrels. ANOTHEB BOOM. OH Strong nnd Active, Closing; About the ' Ninety Line. The petroleum market was strong and active yesterday.closing lc higher than the opening. The first quotation was OOJc The market held within c of this figure until near noon, when a boom was started which carried the price up to 93c. It then quickly sold off to 91c, from which point it rallied, and during the last hour reached 91c, the highest of the day. It then declined and sold down to 90c, recovered and closed at 91c The fluctuations were wild and rapid, and trading of large proportions. Pittsburg and New York were heavy buyers. Oil City and Bradford sold. Tuesday's clearings were 2,025,000 barrels. Trading In futures begins to-day. As the new system and the new rules governing it are imperfectly understood, some confusion and a good deal of fun is expected for a few days. Agents of Guffey & Co. and Eukili & Co. have taken up a great deal of valuable land on the line with the Dall's Run strike in Monon galia county, We6t Virginia, and propose to develop it immediately. Prof. T. C. White, of the State University..Guffey's prospector,- has formed a company, and began work yesterday erecting a rig to siuk'a well a few miles west of Mannington. Fentures of the Mnrket Corrected daily by John M. OaKiey & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange. Opened 00J4" Lowest. 8D SIX Barrels. 50.388 71 202 48.4o7 ail ighest., , 94 Closed... Average runs Average shipments Average charters iteunco, new iorK, .zuc Kennci London, 5 U-1M. Refined, Antwerp. 17f. Itellned, Liverpool, 6 5-16(1. Carrying, Aew York, flat; Bradford, flat; Pitts burg, flat. A. B. McGrew 4 Co.: brokers, quote: Puts. S9; calls, 9o to 95K-, SOME BIG DEALS. A House and Lot on Junlnta Slrcct, Alle eheny. Clmnses Hands. - Samuel W. Black fc Co., 99 Fourth avenue, sold the property Nos. 207 ana 207 Juniata street Allegheny, lot 36x129 feet," with four brick dwellings, for 10,000 cash. George S. Martin, 503 Liberty street sold In tho Maplewood Park plan, Wilkmsbure, lot No. 22, fronting 40 feet on Coal street by 120 feet to Washington lane, for $450, to Godfrey Weber; also lots Nos. 25 and 26 in the same plan, fronting 40 feet each on Coal street, by 120 feet to Washington lane, for 900, to Theodore Nicholas. Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to C. A. Burrows a lot in the Herr-Feilbach plan at Bennett station, on the West Penn Railroad, being No. 81, size 66x170 feet, for $600 cash. They also placed a mortgage of 8.000 for five years at 5 per cent free of State tax on a prop erty on Arch street, Allegheny City, valued at about 12.0U0. Alles A Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, placed a mortgage of $2,000 lor five years at 6 per cent on a farm in Penn township. C. Bcringer fc Son, 103 Fourth avenue, sold tor James Miller a farm of about 400 acres In Derry township, Westmoreland county, for $4000. It was reported yesterday that thelnmsen estate has purchased a propertv at or on the corner of First avenue and Bmithficld street. including a lot 18x48 feet on the latter thorough fare, with old three-story building and a lot im mediately in the rear, facing 30 feet on First avenue by GO feet deep, for $35,000. Reed B. Coyle & Co.. 131 Fourth avenue, sold for James P. Bailey to James Horner, a lot on corner of Craig and Bajard streets, city, for $3,000 cash. Mr. Horner will buila a fine resi dence in the near future. STOCKS PANICKY. The Trusts Lead Oft at tho Opening, bat Lose Their Grip at tbo Clone Rnilroad Shares Receive More Atten tion Government Bonds Ball nnd Firm! NEtr York, Juno 28. The stock market to day was quite irregular In Its course, but final ly ended generally weak at fractional losses from last evening's figures. The trusts were again more active than the railroad shares in the forenoon, and decided weakness, and espe cially in sugar, which was sold heavily for the lone account, checked the natural rising tend ency of the general market and restricted the dealings to very small amounts. Opening prices were generally slightly higher than la6t evening's figures, but only Reading, which was freely supported by the pools, and Chicago and East Illinois common showed any strength in the early tradmg. The trusts at the time were very activo and feverish, while sugar was ex tremely weak'on tho rumor that the decision in the case of the North River Refinery would be handed down to-morrow, and would in all probability be unfavorable. It drooped to 113 from 117; last night, but after that there was a better feeling all around, and it rallied to the neighborhood of 115, risinglaterto 116, - There was little news upon the railroad situ ation and the regular list settled down to dull ness and Staguatidn, and the trusts alter the first excitement was over became compara tively dull and soon fell behind the stocks of tho regular list in point of activity. Toward noon more decided strength was developed in the market and Rock Inland became .the leader, rising over 1 per cent in which Improve ment the other Grangorr shared. Dullness was the principal feature of tho market, however, until delivery hour, when there was a batch of disquieting rumors from the West put out and at the same time tho approach of the 1st of July, with its heavy disbursements for Interest and dividends was -felt in the hardening tendency in money, the Tate on call going np to 6 per cent which precipitated another down ward movement, and Cotton Oil, which had been held up well during the day suddenly Rave way, and San Francisco preferred dropped 2 per cent on very light transactions. The entire list followed. New England lead ing the general list and all the advances of the forenoon were wiped ont and fractions in ad dition were lost The close was fairly active and generally weak. Of unlisted stocks there were sold 148.594 shares, of which the Lead trust furnished 84,727, Cotton Oil 35,060 and sugar 27,207. With tho exception of the loss of f'4. per cent In San Francisco preferred the nal changes in the regular list are for frac tional amounts only, with a large majority of declines, and in the unlisted department sugar is downSJK and cotton oil VA. Tho trading in railroad bonds amounted to only 960,000 to-day, and dnbnesswas the only feature. There was in general a firm tone, however, and most issues are slightly higher tbis evening, and few of the active bonds made material changes from their last reported sales. Hocking Valley sixes rose 4, to 61: Cedar Falls and Minneapolis firsts 3. to 77; Missouri Pacific thirds 2, to 120; South Caro lina seconds 5 to 55K: Toledo, Ann Arbor and Grand Trunk 2, to 1J0, and Ohio Southern incomes to 55 The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange Corrected dallj for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: (nos Open- High- Low- log ins, est. est Bids Am. Cotton Oil 58 56 Atcb., TOP. & . F.... Aali 4S5i 4i 45J1 Canadian Pacific MM Hii 65 S Canada southern MM 54 MIS 53X CentraIofNewiersey.U2 U2)j 112 1 12 " CentraiFaelflc 3414 Chesapeake A Ohio.... 20 20 20W 20M C.Bur. &Ou1hct.....102 102 102 1KJ? C, Mil. St Paul.... 71K 72J4 71H 71 C, Sill bt. P., pr....HlM Hi 111)4 1H54 C. KocKl. AP 97 08X 97 97S C, St. L. & Pitts 13 C, St L. & PlttS. pf. K C.SI.P..M.&0 34 C.. St. P..M. & O.. pr. 97 97M 97 97 C. & Northwestern.. ..109,4 liOil Iu9j 1WH C.C.C.4I 71 Col. Coal A Iron 30" Col. ft Hocking Val .. 15 H 15 l.'.S 15 Del.. L. &W 148 143 143 H8! Del. & Hudson 14S 148 147i 1471) Denver&KloG " ,r.. W4 Denver A Klo G.. nr 47 E.T., Va.&Ga 103i lOlf .103 10 E.T.,Va. Galst pf.. 73H 73 73)i 73) K. 1.. Va. &Ga. 2dpf. 21Jf 244 2114 "Vi Illinois Central lis Lake Erie ft estern.. 18 18S K'4 18J Lake Erie West. pr.. eoii 60H 60 60 Lako Shore AM. S 105M J05& 105H 303 Louisville Nashville. :o;g 70 C3J, CD3a Michigan Central S9"i Mobile i Ohio 13 ' 13's 13K MX Mo., h.. JtTcias 11 11 11 11 Missouri Pacific 735 74J 73f 73 ew York Central 10S5 loss 10sM 106J4 A. V.. L. E. ft W 27& 27 27 27 l... L E. &W., pref 69J6 69' 67 67 X .. C. ft St L.:.... 17J4 tlH 17 17 S.I4K, S 52$ 62'1 61H SIK h. r. O. ftW 18 18, 17S I7A, Korfolks Western 15H Norfolkft Western, pf. 51 Northern Pacific iSH S8 23M 2b Mortnern Pacific nref. 65H G7J4 66& MH Ohio ft Mississippi... . 23 23 22M 22H Oregon Improvement HH Oregon Transcoa 34K 33 S2H 33'4 PaciIlcMall WH 325? l'hlladel. ft Heading.. 47?, 43,4" 47ft 4S!4 Pullman palace Car 185 Rtchmona ft W. P. r.. 25j 2o' 24 UH S3 St. Paul Dam th 32 St. Paul ft Ouluth pf. 87 St p., Minn, ft Man 102 Mt.L. &San Fran 27 26M 27 27J4 St. L. ft San JTran pr.. 60 & 57 57 St. L. ft ban If.lst pf. 112 Texas Pacific 207S 21 OH, 20i UnlonPaclflc i. em - Clft 61h 6154 Wabaso K'i Wabash preferred 29 30' 29 29 Western Union 8576 8 8j?s 85H Wheeling ft L. 69 buffarTrnst 116 116 1151$ 1P.H National Lead Trnst. 33)$ 32H Chicago Gas Trust 60 6u$ 60 U)4" Fhllndolphln Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No 57 Fourth avenue. Members New York stock Ex change. Bid. Pennsylvania Kallroad SIM Reading Railroad uQ Lehhzh Valley Wi Lehigh Navigation.... 53'$ Northern Pacific 28!t Northern Pacific preferred tW Ashed. 51 H 24 3-16 53V 54 2s H, 60 Boston Stocks. Atch. ft Toe. 1st 7s. 117 Atch. ft Top. K. K. .. 45$ Boston ft Albany. ..213 Boston ft Maine.. ...195 C. B. ftQ. IKM Clnn. San. ft Clove. 25 Eastern It. K 95S Flint ft PereM. prd. 96 Mexican Cen. com .. !54 N. r. ftNewKng... 51JS Old Colony 174)$ 23 Wis. Central pf.... 59 Calumet ft Hecla....207 Catalpa 12J$ tranKlln 9$ Huron 1)4 Osceola, 9 Pewablc (new) 2 Quiney -61 Hell Telophone 2121$ Boston Land CH Water Power 6W Tamarack 103$ SanDIcgo 25 LATE NEWS IN BRIEF. The Russian army will be equipped with new rifles of small caliber. The weapons will be manufactured in France. Admiral Porter is at Newport and on the way, imcpiy to a reporter, said General But lers last attack on him is beneath his notice. Mr. Sexton, member of Parliament and Lord Mayor of Dublin, appeared before the Parnell Commission yesterday. Mr. Sexton would not say that he opposed the principles of the Fenian society. He claimed that boy cotting was a necessary evil. Tho President has appointed the following named postmasters: David C. Greiner at Terre Haute. lnd vice John F. Reagap. removed; Philip Wilhelm, at Seymour, Ind., vice Alex ander A. Davison removed; Allen Tindolpb, at Vincennes, Ind., vice James E. Kackley re moved. The first delivery of mail that was made up bv clerks sent out from Chicago to meet the Illinois Central trains was made yesterday morning, tho scheme proving entirely success ful and satisfactory. Merchants were not a little surprised to find their letters from St, Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville. New Orleans and Southern points on their desks at 8 o'clock, wnen they never before got them until 12 o'clock or later. This service will be extended to all other railways as quickly as possible. Never within the recollection of those best informed have there been so many homeless people in London. After midnight they can be seen lying about on the streets,, in alleys and in all sorts of out-of-the-way places. In 'such of the parks as are kept open, and on the embankment, the seats are all uncomfortably crowded by these homeless wretches trying to sleep, and so great is the rush for seats that they are all pre-empted soon after dark, although sleep at such places must be out the question for several hours after. In order to secure a close supervision of the operations of fruit distilleries during the approaching season, collectors of internafreve nue have been instructed to give prompt at tention to all notices and bonds, that distillers may suffer no delay in beginning work nor have pretext for commencing work before they are notified of the approval of their papers. Distillers are to be notified that they will be expected to pay the tax on the product of each month or to warehouse it. and that all slnglings must be doubled and ready for gauging by ur before the end of the month; otherwise sing-' lings will be liable to tax as brandy. There has been no change in the Indian trouDle on Flathead Reservation. Captain Sloan's company of Montana militia is at Jocko, to which point 1,000 rounds of ammuni tion were sent on the Captain's order. Colonel Lawson. of fort Missoula, has gone to the scene with three companies of the Twenty-fifth Infantry and rations for three days. A dis patch from Jocko says that the Indians shot by the Sheriffs posse dlod yesterday, and that the situation grows more serious. Indians from , various parts of the reservation are flocking to the scene of trouble. Tbo greatest alarm is felt for the settlers' who live on the borders of the reserve. Three hundred Indians are camped near Ravilli, and swear they will not give up the murderers, whom the Indian police and half-breeds are concealiug. The Sheriff is determined to bavo them, and if be makes another trial a battle will surely ensue. The reports of wreckage washed ashore on Nantucket, which bave been coming along lor tho past three or four days, are reinforced by a dispatch from Gloucester, in which Cap tain Carlston, of the schooner Annie C. Holly, reports that he has seen a large number of drowned cattle afloat east of Sable Island and near Capo Sable during the past two weeks; The steamer Victoria, which left a week ago, ana of wnose safety doubts have been ex pressed, was loaaeu witn cattle; but "during tho past two vt eeks' is no sort of a description of the time of which she could have lost them. Some of her bills of lading, with a lot or gilt mountings and window sashes, have floated ashore on Nantucket. Tho Victoria had two deck loads of cattle for Avonmouth and shotfld liavo been off Nantucket last Thursday, and if she bad come to serious grief there the car casses of her cattle should be afloat there. It is believed that icebergs are responsible for' whatever wrecks may bave occurred. A mob went to the jail at SheppaTdsvilie, Bullet countv, Ky., and demanded of Jailer Bowman the surrenderor Thomas Mitchell and Charles ArdelL who were confined there charged with the murder of a peddler named Joseph Lavine. Jailer Bowman refused to sur render the men, and took bis stand in front of tne door with a shntgun, declaring be would kill the first man who tried to pass. Mrs. Bon man, bearing tbo threats, and fearing teat her husband would be killed, ran forward and gave them the keys, begging Mr. Bowman not to provoke them. The leaders then unlocked the doors and went to the cell where the prisoners were confined. The jailer followed, begging them at least to spare Mitchell, who, he be lieved, was Innocent. Tbey yielded to his en treaties, telling Mitchell be might thank Mr. Bowman for his life, and, binding Ardell, took him to the woods. The men all Wore masks, and it is believed that they have banged Ardell near the town, though nothing further has yet been heard about the matter. DOMESTIC MARKETS Black and Red Raspberries Plenty New Celery on Market. BUTTER QUIET CHEESE ACTIVE. Oats and Corn Strong Other Cereals Sloif Hay Weakening. COFFEE OPTIONS OFF SUGAR FIEM Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, 1 Wednesday, June. 26, 18S9. i Country Prodnce Jobblnz Prices. Rains manage to put a quietus on trade. New potatoes are drifting downward. Cabbage goes very slow at quotations. Slack and red raspberries are in good supply and demand. The few strawberries now showing np are nono the best in quality. Their season is practically over. New celery has put in its ftrstappoar ance for the season within a few days. Wild plums are also on tho market Butter is un changed in price, but slow. Cheese Is fairly active. Eggs are firm at 15c for job lots. Sales are reported a shade above this in single cases for nearby stock. Ihe cash buyer can obtain tho best going at our quotation. BOTTER-'Creamery, Elgin, 1920c; Ohio do, 1718c; fresh dairy packed, 1415c; country rolls. 1314c; Chartlers Creamery Co., 20c Beaks it 751 1)0. Beeswax 2S30c ft for choice; lowgrade, 1820c. Cidee Sand refined, SO 507 50; common, 53 504 00; crab cider. !S 00S 50 barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c ? gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, 8c; New York, 10 10c; Limburger, 89c; domestic Sweitzer cheese, 9K12jc California Fruits California peaches. $4 004 50 $? box; cherries, $3 00; apricots, 84 00 4 50: plums, S4 004 50 Egos 15c f? dozen for strictly fresh; goose eggs, SOo 3 dozen. Fruits Strawberries, 710c $ quart; pine apples, SI 001 25 $1 dozen; red raspberries, U 00 o 00 a bushel; black raspberries, S3 003 50 a bushel; wild goose plums, S2 50 a crate; cur rants, S3 a 2-bnshel stand. Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3Uffi35c ft ft. Potatoes Old,3540c l bushel; Early Rose, 52 753 00 a barrel; Peerless, 52 60 a barrel. Poultry Live chickens, 6575c per pair; undrawn chickens, 1012c W ft; drawn, 14 15c $ a. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel. So 60 !? bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts. 56 00; clover, Aliske, $8 50; clover, white. 59 00; timo tby, choice, 45 fts, 51 65; bine grass, extra Clean, 14 fts, 90c; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, 51 00; orchard grass, 14 fts. 51 65; red top. 14 fts, 51 25; millet, 50 fts. 51 00: German millet, 50 fts, 51 00; Hungarian grass, 60 fts, 51 00; lawn grass, mixture of fine grasses, 52 50 per bushel of 14 fts. Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered, 5 5Kc Tkopical Fruits Lemons, fancv, 51 50 5 00 $1 box: Messina oranges, 54 505 50 J box ; California oranges, 51 504 75 $? box; bananas, 52 00, firsts; 51 50, stood seconds, 'H bunch; cocoanuts, 54 505 00 1 hundred: new flgs, 8J9c. j? pound; dates, 56Kc fj pound. Vegetables Tomatoes, fancy Florldas, 53 00 a crate; Mississlppis, four-basket cases. 51 752 00: beans, round wax fancy, 52 50 a crate; beans, round wax medium. 52 00 a crate: beans, round, green, 52 252 50; new beets, 2025c ) dozen; cucumbers, 2530c dozen, jl 72 00 a crate: radishes, large white and gray, 303oc dozen; cabbage, two-barrel crates, Louisville and St. Loui.Sl 50 2 00; Eastern, single-barrel crates, 51 001 25; new celery, 6060c a dozen. ' Groceries- Coffee options fell 90 points in New York yesterday, but recovered partially. At the close markets were 50 to fcOc lower than the previous day. Package coffee is unchanged, but weak. Sugars have passed a day without a rise, but an advance is sure at an early day from present outlook. Green Coffee Fanoy -Rio, 2223c; choice Rio, 2021c; prime Rio, 20c; fair Rio, 18K19c; old Government Java, 27c; Maracaibo, 2223c; Mocha, 3031Kc: Santos, 1922c; Caracas coffee, 20K22c; peaberry, Rio, 21023c; La guavra, 2lB22c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c; high grades, 2426c; oij Government Java, Dulk. 313lJc; Maracaibo, 2627c; Santos, 2022e; peaberry,25c:jeaberry,choice Rio, 24c; prime Hio, 21H: good Rio, 2lc; ordinary, 20c. . - SFlOESwhole) Cloves, 2125c: allspice, Sc; cassia, S9c; pepper, 19c; nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120. 8e; headlight, 160, 8c; water white, 10Kc: globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne, lljc; royal Ine, 14c. syrups Corn syrups, 2629c; choice sugar syrup. 3338c; prime sugar syrup, S033c; strictly prime. 3335cj new maple sjrup, 9uc N. O. Molasses Fancy, 4Sc; choice, 46c; me dium, 43c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb iu kegs, 34c; bi-carb in s, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 66e; sal soda in kegs, IJc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine.per set, 8c; parafflne, U12c Rice Head, Carolina, 77c: choice, 6 7c; prime, o6J4c; Louisiana, B6Kc Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 5)57c; gloss starch, 63i7c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 52 65; Lon don layers. S3 10: California London layers,52 50; Muscatels, 52 25; California Muscatels, 51 85; Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Valencia, 7Q8c; sultana, 8Kc; currants, new, 45c; Turkey runes, new, 45c: French prunes, 813c; aIonlcaprunes,ln 2-ft packages. 8c; cocoanuts. fer 100, 56 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c: do vica, 19c: do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nan . 1MH 15c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 12loc: new dates, 65a6c; Brazil, nuts, 10c; pecans, U15c; citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel, per ft, 1314c: orange peel, 12Kc Dried Fruits Apjiles, sliced, per ft, 6c: apples, evaporated, 66c; apricots, Califor nia, evaporated, 1518c: peaches, evaporated, pared, 2223c: peaches, California, evaporated, unpaired, loai.'Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, nnpitted, 56c; raspberries, evapor- f perries. 10gU2a Sugars cubes, lOJellOJic; powdered, 10 10c;granulated,9c; confectioners' A,995c; standard A, 9c: soft whites, 9ffi9Kc: yellow, choice, 8J9c; yellow, good. 8Ki5gc; yellow, fair. S&c: yellow, dark, TJic Pickles Medium, bbis (1,200), $1 50; medi ums, half ubls (UO0;, 52 io. SALT No. 1, fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, 51 05; dairy, ty bbl, SI 20: coarse crystal, bbl, 51 20; Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 52 SO; Hlggins' Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, 53 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. 51 30 1 90; 2ds. 51 S01 35; extra peaches. 51 501 90; pie peaches, 90c: finest corn, 511 50; Hf d. Co. corn, 7090c: red cherries, 90c31: Lima beans, 51 10; soaked do, 85c: string do do, 75S5c: mar rowfat peas, 51 101 15: soaked peas, 7075c; pineapples, 51 401 50: Bahama do. 52 75; dam hon plums, 95c; greengages, 51 25; egg plums, 52; California pears, 52 aO; do greengages, 52; do egg plums, 52; extra white cherries, 52 90, red cherries, 2 fts. 90c; raspberries, 51 40150; strawberries $1 10; gooseberries, 51 301 40; tomatoes. 82K92c: salmon, 1-ft. 51 752 10; blackberner, 80c; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked. 99c; do green, 2 fts, 51 251 50; corn beef. 2-ft cans. 51 75: 14-ft cans, 513 50; baked beans, 51 15 1 50; lobster, 1 ft, 51 751 SO; mackerel. ' ft cans, broiled, 51 50; sardines, domestics, 'As, sardines, imported, Ks, 511 50612 50: sardines. importea,MS,?io; saroines,mustara, H; sardines, spiced, 54 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 536 fl mackerel, shore, 532; extra No. 1 (16, messed, 536; No. 2 shore mackerel, 524. Codfish Whole pollock, 4c ? ft; do medinm, George's cod, be; do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do George's cod in blocks, 6iiTic. Herring Round shore, 55 00 "$ bbl: split, 57 00: lake, 82 50 100-ft. half bb). White fish. 57 00 51 100 B, half bbL Lake trout, 55 50 half bbl. Finnan haddock. 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c ft. Pickerel, j$ barrel, 52 00; Ji barrel. 51 10; Potomac herring, 55 00 barrel, 52 50 ty barrel. BuoKwnEAT Flour 25g2c p ft. Oatmeal 56 306 CO $ obi. Miners Oil No, 1 winter strained. 5860c fl gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex change, 18 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and Chicago. 2 cars of oats, 2 of hay, 4 of flour, 1 of straw. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 car of flour, 1 of oats, 1 of e. corn. By Balti more and Ohio. 2 cars of oats, 1 of hay.-'Ey Pittsbnrg and Western, 1 car of oats. By Pitts burg and Lake Eric, 1 car of wheat, 1 of hay. Sales on call, 2 cars of white oats, 32)c. July. Pennsylvania lines. Oats and corn are in. good demand at quotations. Other cereals are slow. Hay grows weaker as the new crop approaches. Wheat and flour are steady. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red. 9192c; No. 3 red, S5SGc. Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 4142c; high mixed ear, SOQlOc; No. 2, yellow, shelled, 3940e; high mixed, shelled, 384339c; mixed, shelled, 37U3Sc. Oats No. 2 white, 3232Kc: extra. No. 3, 3I4J31K. : No. 3 white, 29K30c; No. 3 .mixed oats, 2S28Xc Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6152c; No. 1 Western, 4849c. J?loub JobDing prices Winter patents, 55 605 75: spring patents, S3 768 00: winter straight, 54 75J5,00; clear winter, 54i504 75;. straight XJCXX bakers'. 11 C04 25. Rye flour, f3 503 7aV ., " Millfeed Middlings, fine white, 515 00 15 50 ton; brown middlings. 51150012 60; winter wheat bran, 512 2512 50: chop feed, 515 0016 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. 515 00; No. I do, 513 0013 50: No. 2 do. Sll 5012 50; loose, from wagon, 516 00018 00; No. 1 upland prairie. 510 50011 00; No. 2. SB508 00: packing do, 55 50 6 60. Straw Oats, 57 50; wheat and rye straw 87 007 503 00. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, llc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 12c: sugar-cured hams, small, 12Jc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 10c; sugar cured shoulders, 7Kc; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, 9c: sugar-cured California hams, 8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sugar cured dried beef sets. 10KC sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12Cc; bacon shoulders. 7c; bacon clear sides, SKcfbacon clear bellies, 8fc; dry salt shoulders. 6c; dry salt clear sides. 7Jic Mess pork, heavy, 514 00; mess pork, family, 514 50. Lard Refined in tierces, 6cj half barrels. 7c: 60-ft tubs. 7Jcr 20-ft palls, ic: 50 ft tin cans, 6c: 3-ft tin pails, 7c; 5-ft tin pails, 7c; 10ft tin pails. 7ic Smoked sausage,long, 5c: large, 5c. Fresh pork links, 9c Boneless ham, 10c. Pigs feet, half barrel, 53 50; quarter barrel, 52 00. Dressed 3Iear. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 lbs, SJtJc: 550 to 650 fts, 6Vc; 650 to 750 fts, 6c Sheep, 8c ft. Lambs, 9c ft. Hogs,Cc Fresh pork loins, 9c Lumber. There is no let-up to the demand for oak and hemlock. Lumber dealers are very firm in their views. The trade promises better than It it has done for several years past. Demand is good and prices are firm all along the line. tine unflanzd yard quotations. Clear boards, per M 552 00.u00 Select common boards, per M. 30 00 Common boards perM 20 00 bheathlnc 18 00 Pine frame lumber per M 22 OQ27 00 Shinnies, No. 1, 18 In. perM 5 00 bhlngles, No. 2, 181n. per M 375 Lath 300 PLANED. Clear boards, per M i coco Surface boards 30 0035 0O Clear. -Inch beaded celling 28 00 Partition boards, perM S50O Flooring, No.l 30 00 Floorinjr, No. 2 25 00 Yellow pine floorlug 30 004O0O Weather-boarding, monlded. No. 1.... 30 00 Weathcr-boardl-ipr, moulded, No. 2.... 25 00 Weather-boarding, -lnch 20 CO- HARD WOODS YARD QUOTATIONS. Ash, i to 4 in jioooayoo Black walnut, green, log run '5 00oOOO Bl ek walnut, dry, log run 60 00375 00 Cherry 40 00(380 00 Green white oak plank, 2to41h 20 00ift2o00 Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 22 00325 00 Dry white oak boards, lin 20COrS25 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 20 (WS25 00 "West Va. yellow pine, 1$ inch 25 ooaj) 00 "West Va. yellow poplar, H to 1 In 18 0O325 00 Hickory, l)$to3In 18 00(325 00 Hemlock building lumber, perM 13 00 Bank rails f. 14 00 Boat studdin 14 00 Coalcarplank 18 00 HARD WOODS JOBBING PRICES. Asb 30 00345 00 walnut log run, green 25 OOraio 00 Walnut log run. dry 35 (WfoO 00 White oak plank, green 18 00TS22 00 White oaK plank, dry 18 0O&25 00 White oak boards, dry 18 00(923 00 WestVa. yellowplne. lln 20 00(325 00 WcstVa. yellowplne, 1$ In 20 00S25 00 Yellow poplar 20 OOffiM 00 Hickory, 1$ to 3 In 18 00(325 00 Hemlock 115013 50 Bunk rails 14 00 Boat studding 14 00 Coal car plank 18 00 DrjBooiIs Market. New York, June 26. The market was un changed, but there was a stronger tone to some low grades cottons. In consequence of the advance in print cloths manufacturers are holding at 4c Cables of better demand from spinners and for market would have im proved rapidly bad not the July tenders caused the liquidation of the interest in that position. Notices are supposed to bave been issued for 15,000 bales which were taken up principally by parties holding export orders in hand from Liverpool and the Continent, to be shipped by the earliest steamers. Onr stock is about all the cotton there is in the United States and we expect a constant demand from SDinners and exporters until the new' crop begins to show some signs of coming to market. Tbis demand will take up all the available grades here and the demand has now begun upon low middling until now neglected. The market has a firmer undertone. Metal Mnrlict. New York Pig iron firm. Copper dull and nominal. Lead steady and brisker; Straits, 519 8a Wool Mnrlict. St. Louis Wool steady and unchanged. A Remarkable Experience. MR. H. ROBERTSON SAVED FROM AN UNTIMELY DEATH. Mr. H. Robertson, a native of Scotland, but who has been a resident of this country for sev eral years, has beep a victim of kidney disease with the following symptoms: He had a heavy dragging pain across the small of his back, ex tending from one side to the other, and a bloat ed, dropsical condition of the bowels, high col ored urine, and he noticed that sometimes it contained a reddish, brick-colored sediment, and at other times the sediment was of a light ish color. He noticed that be felt very tired in tho morning, and as he gradually grew weaker, his stomach became affected. His appetite became poor, and he was constantly annoyed with sour eructations of gas from his stomach after eating, and on account of the kidneys not periorming tneir ianction properly, uu uiooa became charged with rheumatic poison, so that be had much pain about his shoulders and dif ferent parts of his body. As he became more emaciated he began to cough, and he felt much tightness and weight across his lungs. In speaking of the matter one day, he said: "I doctored with the best doctors I could hear of. but was fast getting worse. I became mel ancholy and thought 1 could not live. Finally I began treatment with the physicians of the Polypatbic Medical Institute, who are special ists for chronic diseases, and although confined to the bed when I commenced their treatment, my improvement was very rapid, and I have been entirely cured by these physicians, and I gladly sign my name. Hi Robertson." Anyone wishing to call upon Mr. Robertson, or write him with refcronce to his case, can have his full address by calling at THE POLY PATHIC INSTITUTE, 420 Penn ave. Office hours, 10 to 11:30A. JH..1 to 4 and 6 to 8 P. M. Sundays, 1 to 4 p. if. Consultation free. je24-D STMFTOMS-Molrt. nret Intfime ttehlnr and Rtlnfflnff ; moat at nlffhtt worse br itcrotohlitff Jf al Slowed to continue tntnon f.irm and ITCHING PILES.K!5rta,,-lfis5g becoming; very rare. SWAiara ui.-n-11 EST (tops the Itching and bleedlnK. heals bliratlkn- and In mnatrASM removes the to. mors. SwArsxsOnnfKrTl. .old bjdrnsgUM, or mailed to sot ftddrvaon receipt of price, 50 eu abox; 3 toxu, !L2 Address letter.. DO. SWAYNK & SON. ruibdelphis. ft. A PERFECT! A purely Vegetable Compound that expels all bad humors from the system. Removes blotch es and pimples, and makes pure, rich blood. au2-5S CITT SAVINGS BANK, SIXTH AVE. AND SMITHFIELD ST. Capital, 5100,000, with privilege of 5500,000. Surplus and undivided profits, 523,000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ac counts Solicited. Collections a Specialty. Interest allowed on time deposits. JAS. CALLERY. President W.J.BURNS Vice President JOHN W. TAYLOR Cashier mb23-59-TTS Do You Know It? To perfect a cure, yon must remove the cause. WINCHESTER'S HYPOPHOSPH1TE OF LIME-AND SODA supplies the system with Oxi dizable Phosphorus, the deficiency ot which Is the proximate cause of Consumption. For Coughs, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Night Sweats, and ail Throat Diseases, it is an un equaled remedy. Sold by Druggists. Jl per bottle. Recommended by physicians. Send for circular. WINCHESTER & CO., Chemists, 162 William Street, New York. my31-24-TTSfcwk BEECHAM'S PILLS ACT TiTKTI aCAGrlO ON i WEAK STOMACH. 25CtS. G, BOX OF. ALL DRU0CI8T8. ILES rMjaF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Our little girl when but three weeks old broke out with eczema. We tried the prescrip tion from several good doctors, but without: any special benefit. We tried S. S, 8., and by; the time one bottle was gone, her head began to heal, and by the time she bad taken six bot tles she was completely cured. Now she has a. f nil and heavy head of hair a robust, healthy child. I feel it hutmyduty to-make this state- ment. H. T. SHOBE, Rich Hill, Mo. .85-Send for our Books on Blood and Skin Dis eases and Advice to Sufferers, mailed free. The Switt specific Co., 1 el-7-TTS. Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE HOySfc, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week ia SILKS, FLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVIOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. , wholesaleIxclusively Xe22-rS!-i -JUf ONEY TO LOAN - On mortcases on imnroved real estate In sums ox cl,wu ana upwara. Appiv at DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK No. 124 Fourth avenue. mh4-34-r UKOKEKS FINANCIAL. TTTH1TNEY & STEPHENSON, ST FOURTH AVENUE. Issue travelers' credits through Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Passports procured. GEORGE T. CARTER, INVESTMENT BONDS. . 514-515 Hamilton Building. -mylO-70-D Pittsburg; P JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Members Chicago Board of Trade- and Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange. 45 SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. RIALTO BUILDING. Chicago. mvlgfrfi-TTSn STEA3IEKS AND EXCURSIONS. AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, etc PETER WRIGHT & SONS, General agents, 307 Walnut st-, Philadelphia. Full information can be had of J. J. MCCOR MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street. LOUIS MOESER, CIS Smithfield street. mhl3-66-TTS (WXXKD LINE. NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL VIA OTJEKNS 10WK, .KEOM P1EK 40 KOBTH E1VEE. TAST ESPKES3 MAIL aEKVICK. Anranla. Jnne29, SAM ! Bothnia, July 17, 9 AX v Gallla.Muly 3, 8.30 A M lEtrcrla. Jnly SO. noon. iUmbria. Jnly 6. 11 30AMAuranla. July 27. 5 Alt bervla, July 13, 3:30 A M Gallia. Jnly 31. 7 A M 5 SThese steamers carry first-class passengers only, t will carry Intermediate, twill carry Intermedial , no steerage. Cabin passage. GO. (SO and (100; Intermediate, t33. steerage tickets to and from all parts of Knrope at verr low rates. VE1L&ON II. 1SKOW N S. CO., General Agents, 4 Bowling Green, New York. J. J. 31CCOKM1CK. Agent. fourth ave. and bmlllifleld St., Pittsburgh Je24-D State Line , To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY". Cabin passage $35 to S30. according to locatloa of stateroom. Excursion S6-j to 90. bteerage to and from Europe at Lowest Bates. AUbTIN BALDWIN 4 CO.. General Agents, S3 Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK. Agent, Pittsburg. Pa. mhK-D , MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA.. As old residents know ana back files of Pitta burg capers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. ersCsNOFEEUNTILCURED MLDni ID and mental diseases, physical IN L. n V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack off energy, ambition .and hope, impaired 'jom-f ory, disordered sight, self distrust,bashf uiness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruntions, im poverished blood, failing powers,organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business.soclety and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKlNsr& blotches, falling hair, bones pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old ores. are cored for life, and blood, . poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIPIMAPV kidney and bladder aerange U II 1 1 1 rt II I j ments. weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other ptinful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-lorg. extensive experi ence. Insures scientific ana reliable treatment: on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 A. sr. to 8 P. St. Sun day, 10 A. sr. to 1 P. sr. only. DR. WHITTIER, 814 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. jell-SOK-DSawk DOCTORS LAKE CTJTTrT AT.TRTH in all viioar&. quiring scientific and con fid en- M. R. C. P. S., is the oldest and most experienced specialist in ,, tv ftananltAtlfin frnA And ...,a,w,i rvn ii ... , ,1 7tn Up -c . Knnrinvfl fl tn 4 V- M.Consnlt them personally, orwrite. DoctobS Lake. !W6 Penn ave., Pittsburg, Pa. jelS-45-DWfc MEN ONLY a posmvis cuke For LOST or falling ilxVa n u via nerrnan. ipse Weakness of ,.. & r i,f r.iir nf mrenrth. Vlror and De velopment, canted by Errors, Excesses, Ac. Book, Mode or SELF-TaisATSixTr. and Proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address IJtIE MEDICAL CO. Buttalo, N. Y. de25-57.TT8.twfc t HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases in threa days, and cures in five days. Price tl 00. at uajrs, .u tj FTJE1IXNUf8 DRUGSTORE, ja5-29-TTSSu 112 Market street. A SUFFERER &SL OTwM weakness, lost vigor, etc-., was restored to health In snch a remarkable manner after alt else bad. railed that be will send the mode or euro KKBTK to all fellow sufferers. Address L. O. MITCHELL, East Iladdam. Conn. mT31-JS-Dsnwk olsi'S Oottoaa. Eoofc COMPOUND .Composed of Cotton Boot, TaasT aad Pennyroyal a recent discovery try aafx. 'old chvstcian. Is tucccmfuUu used montniu Safe. Effectual. Price $L by- mall, sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound and take so substitute, or tocloso 2 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad-, -drees POND LILY COMPANY, No. 3 FUhsirl BloJWcodwartIj,ye:jJ3e5lt,Hic jji DKT GOODS ail MIS. WBm i a a .1 t.'