V-r rfV THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1889. MOW ON THE STAND. -. -k He Says He Killed Captain Dawson "Purely in Self Defense. HIS- STORY OP THE CRIME, The Captain's Attack on Bim and. His Attempt to Hide the Body. VTHEILLIXG SCEXE IN THE COUBT EOOM , tSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOTS DISPATCH. CnAKLE.STO.K, S. C, June 26. The in terest in the great murder trial increases. It was intensified to-day by the appearance ot Dr. JIcPov upon the witness stand. The day was bright and hot. The court room was p3:ked almost to suffocation. Dr. Me-. Don took his scat within the bar at about 9J0 He vas greeted by many of his friends and entered into a lively conversa tion with them. "Hats off," shouted a Deputy Sheriff, and Mr. Cohen, counsel for the defense, arose to his work. He made no opening. "Call Geo. "Wash ington Harper," he said. The eyes of the blacks in the audience began to glisten. Harrier is the colored coachman ttho heard the pistol shot in Dr. McDow's office and who was not placed upon the stand by the prosecution. He said he saw a gen tleman alight from a horse car and go to Dr. McDow's ofice. Five minutes after he disappeared the coachman said he heard the report of pistol. A long, loud groan fol lowed. Then he heard some one shout in an excited tone of voice: "As you said you would tsBmy life, I have taken yours!" As the witness left the stand Governor McGrath arose with stately dignity. He said: "Your Honor, according to the law of the State and to the practice in the South Carolina courts, the accused wishes to be allowed to state the circumstances of this unfortunate affair." 31'DOW OK THE STAXD. Judge Kershaw bowed and Dr. McDow arose and walked to the witness box. All eyes were upon him; every Ian ceased waving. The Doctor was sworn and sat down as straight as an arrow. He wore a light four-in-hand tie and a dark suit. He was quite pale. He placed his right hand upon his knee and rested the other upon his hip. He was apparently very cool and showed no signs of agitation. After giving his name and residence, he said that he well remembered the 12th of March last. It was impressed upon his memorv, because on that dav he killed Captain Dawson. He had known the Captain by sight, but bad never had any conversation with him until that day. His feeling toward him was pleasant. There was no reason why it should be otherwise. He said: 1 met him that dav In the vestibule of mi house. 1 was in the sitting room upstairs w hen I heard the sound of the gong. As I was waiting for dinner I did not wait for a servant to open the door. I opened it myself. Captain Dawson said: "Are you Dr. McDowT" I replied: "I am Dr. McDow." He said "I am Captain Dawson." "Walk in. Captain," I answered. He had a domineering air and was aggressive and irritable. As we entered the office the Captain said: "Dr. McDow, I have Just been informed of jour nngentlemanly conduct to one of my servants." I replied: "That I have been un- fentlemanly to one of Tour servants is untrue." felt indignant at the words. The Captain was a large, muscular man, I was a mere pigmy at his side. He next saidt "I give youo understand, sir, that she is under m v protection and I forbid you to speak to her.1' I replied that I sbonld speak to her when I pleased and until ne snowed some authority for his inter ference. He said: "If yon speak to her again I shall publish you in my paper." I replied: "If you do, you infernal scoundrel, I shall hold you responsible. Now get out of my office." He instantly struck me over the head with his cane. At the same time he used his fist and knocked me across the lounge. MDOWS STOBY OP THE MURDER. These0 answers were brought out by Gov ernor McGrath in a very impressive man ner. The counsel for the prosecution were nettled, and began to protest against his putting leading questions to the accused. The doctor continued his evidence. "While I was endeavoring to 'resume my foot ing ana arise from the sofa the Captain fol lowed me up and struck me again on the head with bis cane. The blow lett a slight contusion upon the left side of my hea-. I was afraid of losing my life. I did not know out what the next blow would kill me. I was positive that I was about to receive severe bodilj harm. Jly impulse was to save myself. I had a pistol in my hip pocket. I used it for protection. I arose in close proximity to the Captain and fired. He seemed to be in front of me. Judge McGrath (sternly) What do you mean, sir, by saying be seemed to be? The witness immediately left out the word "seemed." He was in front of me, but I have a con fused idea of the exact situation. I habit ually carry a pistol because I think it necessarv. X had put the pistol into my pocket that morn ing. As soon as the shot was fired the Captain groaned and I cried: "You have tried to take my life, sir, and now I have taken lours." He staggered toward the desk in the 'back of the office and fell in the angle of the room be tween the bookcase and the walk I stood for a moment dumfounded. I then felt of his pulse. The idea of calling in medical attendance flashed through my mind, but I saw that he was dying: that he was in fact al ready dead. I lost all self-control after I had hred the shot. I was not aware that the pistol was pointed at any vital part of the body. The shot was fired, not for the purpose of killing him, but for my own protection. I would have preferred to disable him, I felt that he had insulted me, and that an unpro voked injury had been done to me. If possible I would have restored him to life but the wound was fatal and he was dead. I was hor rified and bewildered, for I well knew of tho Scandal that was sure to follow the occurrence. In my despair I first hid his hat and cane in the sink in the yard where they were afterward found. I next TRIED TO CONCEAL THE BODY Is the dark closet. Ihad no control over my reason. I scarcely knew what I did. X lifted the body by the arms and drew it in the halL I then drew the nails from the door of the closet and tore up the flooring. Finding that there was not time enough to hide the body under the floor, I got a spade and dug a hole, I threw the earth against the scantlings and placed the body In the hole. I got the spade from the stable. It required much exertion bo lift the body and drag it into the closet. After It had been placed in the hole I realized that my actions were foolish and altogether wrong. The unwonted exertion seemed to have restored my reason. I was entirely exhausted and went out for air. I made Up my mind to return the body to the office and surrender myself. I came back and made several efforts to remove the body from the hole. I took it by the hand and tried to raise the bead, but I could not. I was too much fatigued. As the closet was quite aark I went out and bought a candle. ben I returned I lighted the candle and again tried to extricate the body. The head lay under a beam on a piece of flooring. With bard work I managed to draw the body out of the hole. The scratches and abrasions that appeared upon the forehead were made while getting It out ot the closet. I drew the body back to my office and left it lylnc near the door. I brushed the sand from mv clothes and wiped the blood from my face. The blood came from the mouth and nose of the corpse while it was lying in the closet. I bitterly regretted the toscessity that compelled me to kill Captain Dawson. I was nearly craiy. I wandered over the house, and walked un and down the room pulling my hair. I finally determined to sur render myself immediately. I gave myself up to Policeman Gordon, who drove me to the station house. There I was manacled and car ried to the jail in the patrol wagon. I pro tested against this indignity, but was told that it was done according to the law and I must submit. oirw nr self-defense. Mr. McDow continued as follows: 1 knew who Dawson meant when he referred to the servant and said I had not acted gentle manly toward her. He meant the woman who had acted as governess for his children. She was the' same woman who was on the stand yesterday, and yesterday was the first time 1 cave seen her since Captain Dawson's death. I have said I shot Captain Dawson for self protection. He was using his cane and his fist, and the pistol was the only available means of defense that I bad about me. I could not es cape from Captain Dawson nor fly from him. He notonlv had me In bis power, but I thought imssiuiy tuat uc miut uave a weapon upon 01S Iierson. If he had addressed me courteously e would have been treated differently. I had receiveahlm pleasantly and my courtesy was not returned. . Mr. Smith eoaducted the cross-examination He is said to be the best cross-examiner injthe State. In answer to his ques tions the witness said that he graduated from the Cumberland University, in Tenne see, in 1874. Soon after that he went to the upper part of South Carolina to live. After living there three years he came to Charles ton. Soon after graduation he taught school for awhile. He afterward studied medicine with his uncle. Mr. Smith Did you not leave Tennessee because yon.had a difficulty there? The prisoner's counsel objected. Mr. Smith insisted that he had aright to scruti nize the lite of the prisoner and ascertain his moral character, so as to allow the jury to form an opinion as to his credibility. The Judge ruled against him after a long argu ment and Mr. Smith finally gave up the at tempt to probe into the Doctor's former life. $500 OE 500 DAYS. A Benutifnl Fiend Sentenced for Shock InelT Bnrninc a Child She Gives the Judffe a frnmple ot Her Vixenish Spirit. rsrrciAL txlegbav to the rjrsrATctt.i New Yoek, June 26. Mrs. Annie Du bois, who burned her 7-year-old stepdaugh ter, Delia, cruelly with a red-hot hair-curling iron, was arraigned to-day in the Gen eral Session before Judge Martine to receive sentence under her plea of guilty. "When Mrs. Dubois approached the bar it was difficult to realize that she had treated a child so barbarously. She is still an attract ive young woman and she was attired in a fashionable gown of green cloth, with a hat to match and new tan covered gloves on her small hands. "When the clerk asked Mrs. Dubois whether she had anything to say why judgment shonld not be pronounced against her she turned to her lawyer and said. "My counsel will speak for me." He urged clemency on the ground that she had never before been convicted of any criminal offense. Taking up the photo graph of the burned child and holding it before him for a moment Judge Martine said: "You were permitted to plead guilty of assanlt in the third degree, simply because your little victim was so voung and be sides in such a weak mentaT condition that it is doubtless if her testimony could have been permitted on your trial. I have not seen the child butl have here a photo which is a sickening proof of your fiendish cruel ty to her. The crime was an outrageous one. The poor child, particularly because of her mental infirmity.should have appealed to your sympathy and care if you had the heart ot a good woman, xsut yon naa not. Tour whole conduct shows that you have a most wicked and cruel disposition. In the acceptance of yonr plea all of the consider ation that you are entitled to, and far more, has been shown to yon. I deeply regret indeed, that it was, of necessity, shown to "you. I shall impose the full penalty possi ble under your plea. I sentence you to the penitentiary at hard labor for one year and to pay a fine of $500, you to stand committed, a day for each dollar, until the fine is paid. I will add that you need not send any one to me to have the fine remitted for I shall never remit it. I propose -that unless the fine is paid yon shall serve a day for each dollar of it." "Thank yon," snapped Mrs. Dubois spitefully, as she turned from the bar. People Who Boy Fireworks, balloons, torpedoes, cannon crackers, flags, lanterns, etc, can. find tho largest line to select from and get the best goods made at James "W. Grove's. Remem ber, prices always the lowest twts A million catalogues of guns and revol vers, handsomely illustrated with price list, all for free distribution. You can get one free by calling or writing a postal card. Gnnsand revolvers sent c o. d, J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st. its JTine watch repairing, resetting dia monds and best work and lowest prices in the two cities at Steinmann's, 107 Federal st TTSSU Ulnrrinso Licenses Granted "Yesterday. Kiras. Kesldrace, ( Michael Lnlan S.r.d,c, I ilary U. Hill Pittsburg t Edwin A. Marshall Indiana township Sarah E. Kldd Hirmerrille f James P- Lynch Bracldoct 1 Maggie A. Blzzard SwluBvale .Bii&icr lownsuip f llltam Knrir. Antonle Kolchle bhaler township I William F. Hermann Fcnn township 1 Eliza C. bhlrey ....Fenn township f rederlck Horlachcr llttsbarc lAUrUAI. Guge nttsburic Frank H. ilc illlams. Flttsburg I Genie Lane. I'lttsburg l Christ Finkbeimer rJ,.t3?nrg I Mary A. Leis Pittsburg jJohnMcNally. FJttibiirg- 1 Annie Malcy Flttshurg Andrew Coolhoff. AUegbenv NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " i Fi iii . JJohnbtefanlck ......Pittsburg ) Anna bukdol itankln station J Henry Besselman. Pittsburg Elizabeth Madden ....Pittsburg (John Branagan. Pittsburg Ellen bwecney Pittsburg John F. Maker rmspurg Emily Mills Pittsburg e James Orablll Allegheny ILlzzle Davis Allegheny (Joseph Delancv ; ""tsbnrg J Margaret Delaney Philadelphia MARRIED. GULLETT AGNEW O n "Wednesday after noon, June 28.18S9, at the residence of the bride's sister. No. 322 Washington avenue, Alle gheny, by Rev. D. S. Kennedy, Mr. Feank L. Gcllett and Miss Sailie Aoshw. LOSS OP THE RAILROADS. Tho Pennsylvania Company Will Have to Expend Nearly S2,000,000. Philadelphia, June 26. The Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad to-day held their first meeting since the recent floods. The result of the examination of the several main lines was discussed, and while no accurate estimate was submitted as to the cost ot making repairs and placing the property in the same condition as it was before the flood, reports su fficiently in de tail were presented to show that on all the lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad system, including the Philadelphia and Erie Bail road and the Northern Central Railway, the damage done would not exceed from 51, 500,000 to $1,750,000. This amount will be entirelv supplied from the surplus profits of all the com panies whose lines were affected, which sur plus is intended to meet just such extraor dinary emergencies. The enrrent net revenues of the several companies will, therefore, not be affected in. any way ex cept by the loss of traffic. THEI LEFT THE C0UXTRT, Bat Nevertheless Assert Thnt Lealllmo Is Mill In rower. Kew Tobk, June 26. Among the ar rivals to-day from Port-au-Prince were Gen eral La Forest, military Governor of Port-au-Prince, two of Legitime's officers and Minister Preston and the latter's son. They declined to discuss the Haytian situation, but added that Legitime was just as power ful as he had been at any time during the insurrection on that island. DIED. ARMSTRONG On "Wednesday. June 28, 18S9. at S o'clock, AXBEET T. Akmsthong, in his 38th year. Funeral from his late residence, Etna, on Fbi dat afternoon at I o'clock. Friends of the family are Tesnectf ally invited to attend. 2 BRO ADWELL At 2.30 on "Wednesday after noon, Catherine, Infant daughter of Thos. and Eliza Broadwell, aged 10 months and 14 days. Funeral from the parents' residence, at Craf ton, at 10.30 Feidat horning. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 BROWN Qn Tuesday afternoon, June 25, 18S9, David Beown, in his 61st year. Funeral from his labs residence, 219 Lacock street, Allegheny City, on Thursday, June 27, at 2 p. M. Friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend. 2 HOFFER On Tuesday, June 25, 1SS9, at 1 P. lL, Mrs. Susanna Linton, widow of the late John Hotter, aged 79 years: The funeral will take place on Thursday, at 2 p. M., from her late residence. No. 88 Mon terey street, Alegheny. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 MAUCH On Wednesday, June 26, at 12 J5 A. sr., Mary E. Mauch, aged 26 years. Funeral from the residence of her mother, at the head of lit Oliver incline, on Friday, June 28, at 2 p. it. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 MORGAN Intered into rest, "Wednesday evening. June 26, 18S9, at fl.15, Colonel JAMES B. Morgan, in the 93d year of his age. Notice of funeral hereafter. MOSSBROOK On "Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, Lillian Rosy, infant daughter of Lewis Mossbrook, aged 4 months and 22 days. Funeral from No. 41 "Washington avenue. Thirty-first ward, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. MUBSLER On Tuesday, June 25,1889. at 7 p. jl, Mabgrute A, widow of JohnMussler, aged 74 years 2 months 17 days. Funeral from her late residence. No. 9 Mar ket street, Allegheny, on Thursday, 27th, at 2 p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 THIELIPS-Juno 26, 1889, Junius Phil lips, aged 42 years. Funeral on Friday, June 28, at 1 o'clock p. m., from Rankin station, near Braddock. RANKIN On Tuesday, June 25, 1SS9, at 7 45 p. jl. Bruce Nevin, only child of Joseph P. and Nellie Gilliam Rankin, in his 7th year. Funeral services at the residence of his pa rents. Thorn street, Sewickley. Pa., Thursday at 4 p. M. Interment at a later hour. NEXT WE OUT OARPETPRIOES The heavy reductions which have been made in our Fur niture' and Curtain Departments have now involved the Carpet De partment. We to-day reduce a large assortment of excel lent patterns of extra quality Body Brussels in ,such cele brated makes as B1GEL0W, LOWELL, HARTFORD, ENGLISH, From $1 35, $1 40, $1 50, .- To $1, $1 10, $1 15. Lower Grade Body Brussels, From $1 to 75c. Ingrains Reduced. Rugs Reduced. Japanese Mattings. China Mattings. Of these we show an immense variety of patterns and re cently imported. Some in mixed dark colors are as low as $3 per roll of 40' yards, or NEW ADVERTISEMENTS r. hite o, 46o, . Hand- 7c Per Yard. O.McCMock&Co. 33 FIFTH AVENUE. jel3-TTS ALL QUIET IN TEXAS. i No Farther Steps Bars Been Taken to Lynch the Prisoners. St. Louis, June 26. The latest from Texas regarding the threatened trouble iu Fort Bend and Wharton counties, reported last night, is that the Governor had received no news from either up to this afternoon, and it was supposed that nothing alarming had taken place. The Sheriff of Bastrop county notified the Adjutant General this morning that the military, who have been guarding the negroes, and protecting them from mob law are no longer needed, and they hare been ordered home. The Favorite Watch Still Abend. "W. "W. Wattles, 30 and 32 Fifth avenue, who is sole agent for the celebrated "Patek" watch, made at Geneva, Switzerland, has just been notified that at the last competi tion of the astronomical observatory at Ge neva this watch took the First Unique Prize awarded to tile firm whose watches had the best average running through the whole year. These new successes, added to similar results obtained before, prove that the "Patek" is" the best watch made. A full line in plain and complicated move ments can always be seen at this establish ment. Remember this when you want to purchase a fine watch. its Fresh Arrival. Just received from the Anheuser-Busch St. Louis brewery, a large supply of their celebrated Budtreiser beer, in both quarts ahd pints, hot sale nt u. w. bchmidt's, Kos. 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. ROCK POINT, JUNE 29. Rcnnlon American Flint Gloss Workers. Trains of the Pennsylvania Company leave Union station, Pittsburg', at 7.-05 and 9 A. M. and 12 noon, Central time, and tickets will be sold at rate oi 60 cents from Pittsburg and Allegheny. tt TAYLOR fc DEAN'S. JAMES AKCHIBALD BRO., LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, 117, 119 and 130 Third avenue, two doors below Smithfield St., next door to Central Hotel. Carnages for funerals,3. Camagcsforoperas, parties, ic., at the lowest rates. All new car nages. Telephone communication. myl-ll-TT8 JOHN L. TREXLER & CO., Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Livery andBoarding Stables. Nos. 37S and 280 Beaver ave. Residence. 681 Preble ave., Allegheny City. Telephone 341G. mh23-atTbsu pEPRESENTED IN PITTSBURQ IN 1SJ. Assets . . 19 .071,695 33. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-D WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG. Assets S8,50187 NO. 411 WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIM1CK, President. JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President fe22-2S-TTS WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. BLOCKER'S DUTCH COCOA. 150 CUPS FOR SL CHOICEST, PUREST. BEST. TRY IT. Je24-MTTF TEETH, $5, $8, $10. Gold fillings from SI up. Amalgam, 60c; silver, 75c; white alloy, L Gold Crowns a specialty. DR. J. M. MCCLAREN, Corner Smithfield and Fourth avenue. je23-rrsu SUMMER CORSETS. Our Corset stock contains a number of special things lor summer wear, first among which we mention the Summer Ventilating. These we have in $1 and $1 25 qualities. Then the E. & G. Linen Corset is a very light, cool style of corset, price, 1 75. Be sides these we have the O. P. and P. D. Sateen Corset, a number of makes in each, made up ot fine, soft sateen, and make a very comfortable corset for summer wear. We have the Mascotte C. P. Corset now in black and drab as well as white. Short Corsets for Riding. Six stvles, he Charlotta, Fanny and Flora, all woven; also three styles French Hand-made Sateen and Coutllle. Her Majesty's Corset. All grades in black, white and drab. Dr. Gilbert's Nursing Corsets. Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets. Dr. Warper's Health Corsets., , . Hisses' and Young Ladies' Corsets, i Ferris-Waists No Bones For Ladies, Hisses and Small Children; all styles. Double Ve "Waist Babies and larger cniiarens sizes. Ladies' Toilet Sacques A new line just opened, ranging from 75c to $5. Ladies' Cambric Undergarments Ladies' Skirts a specialty in cambric, muslin, seersucker and calico. Children's and Hisses' Undergarments. Ladies' Convent Embroidered Undergarments. A very choice line. Ladies who use this olass of underwear should not fail to exam ine our stock. We have a nice line of Plain Cashmere Shawls in cream, sky, pink, cardinal and fawn; also Shetland Shawls, Ice Wool Shawls and Fascinators; also a beautiful line of Zephyr and Saxony Wool Fascina tors, lrom 25c to 41 50 each, in cream, sky, pink, cardinal and black. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS, Ladies' plain white H. S. Hand kerohiefs, all linen, 80, 10c, 12o, 15o to 50c each. Ladies' H. S. and Smb. white Handkerchiefs, 12c, 25o, 35o, 50c each. Ladies' H. S. blocked and rev. white Handkerchiefs, all linen, 25c, 46c, 50o each. Ladies' Seal, and Emb. Handkerchiefs, all linen, 50o each. Ladies' H. S. and Ini kerchiefs, 10c each. Ladies' H. S. and Initial Hand kerchiefs, all linen, 12c and 25c each. Ladies' colored bordered H. S. Handkerchiefs, fast colors, 5c, 80 and 10c each. J LadieB' colored bordered H. S. Handkerchiefs, all linen, 12jo and 25o eaoh. Ladles' Mourning H.S. Handker chiefs, 16o to 50o eaoh Ladies' fancy bordered Mourning H. S.' Handkerchiefs, J5o, 80, lOo each. t . y Ladies' fancy bordered Mourning H. S., all linen, 15 o to $1 25 each. CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS. bordered ilors, 3o or NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : Children's woven Handkerchiefs, last c 35 o per doz. . Children's woven bordered Handkerohiefs, all lino: 1, 4o each. Children's colored bo dered H. S. Handkerchiefs, fast co ors, 5o and 9o each. Children's colored bo: dered H. S Handkerohiefs, all linen, 12 o each. ) Children's colored Handkerchiefs, in boxes, 15c to 83c. Children's colored smb. Hand kerchiefs, in $1 50 per bos. boxes, bordered 1 $1 25 and Fleishman Go's. SEW DEPARTMENT STORES, 504,506 and 508M.arketst. PETTSBT. PA. JeZ7- WATER. WAUKESHA HYGEIA. We have secured control of the Hreeia Springs, located At Waukesha, Wiscon sin, and are prepared to furnish the Hygeia Water daily to consumers by the month at 15c p(er gallon, pure and spark ling. This -water has cured many of Pittsburg's citizens of Diabetes and Kid ney Disease. Beware of,fcity water, boiling and filter ing only destroys germ life, POISON ) still remains. Druggists and Grocers keep bottled goods, 25c per bottle. Genuine contains our signature on top of cork. iM. B. & B THURSDAY, JUNE 27. There's nothing exclusive or re stricted about these great clearance bargain sales. They extend to every department without exception. Impossible to tell which offers the greatest values. You can afford to spend hours in these departments. You an't afford to spend another day without visiting them. The latest is the Embroideries. Yesterday a large special table was fitted up in the center of the aisle at the Lace and Embroidery Departments with Fire special lots of Fine Colored Embroid ered Flouncings and Edgings at One-half to one-fifth OrlRlnal prices. 3,000 yards sacrificed. An indiscriminate slaughter. 75c for 45-inch Colored and White Flounc ings, worth $1 0 and SI 75. 60c 1 or 15-inch Colored Flonncings, worth tX and 81 25. 25c for 500 yards -width Flonncings, worth 75c and SI. 10c for COO yards 6 to 10-Inch Flonncings, worth 40c to 70c 5c for 1,000 yards 2 to 6-inch Flonncings and Edgings that were 25c and 35c. These Embroideries are marvels of beauty and cheapness. The very thing you are buying now. Come at once. We have no as surance of their being here a day. The early purchaser catches the choice. That special 25c Dress Goods Table where the 50c Surah Silks were solicits your early attention. Goods that are half-price: 40-inch Mohair Stripes, Mohair Glace Checks -and Plaids, Stripe, Check, Plaid and Plain Albatross, etc., etc. The Silks are back in stock next the Indias. The maryelous prices are still on them 50c. They are not out of place among other Silks, though such extraor dinary bargains, since the entire Silk stock has gone into a general contest for cheapness. The Surahs and Indias still Wad. Surahs, 60c, 65c. 65c to 81 60. Indias, 30c, 35c, 45c to SI 60. There are two special $t 23 Silks at 75c this morning: Lot 1: A beautiful Faille Fran- caise Plaid, white bars on Green, Wine, Blue, Olire, Brown, Black, Etc., Etc (Specially adapted for Trimmings, Panels, etc., but very desirable for full Dresses as well.) Lot 2: Large line of beautiful, solid Stripe Gros Grain Silks. Blue, -Resada, Drab, Cadet Blue, Brown, Gobelin, OIItc, Copper, Etc, Etc Specially for Skirts, Trimmings, etc., but very stylish for full Suits. Our 90c Surah Stripes are beau tiful goods and excellent quality. Some of the colorings are: Black and White, Black and Old Rose, BlacE and Green, Black ind Olive, Green and White, Blue and Red, Etc, etc NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HO. FOR EUROPE! y The Mountains the Lakes, the Valleys, the Sea shore, the Country ! :)-(: GUSKY'S HAVE NOT ONLY EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF Trunks, Satchels, TravelingBags Jalises, HAMMOCKS, Etc., BUT ALSO EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF Those Fine Imported Dress Goods on the special 60c table demand your attention you can't afford to neglect them. Each day limits your choice by just the number of pieces sold. A new and beautiful lot, several styles and many choice shades, beautiful Cirectoire Side- at band Saltings At 75c a yard, were $1 25. WEARIHG APPAREL FOR SUMMER TOURISTS And they" are willing to wager any amount to the cause of charity that they cannot only show a much larger and more varied assortment of goods for the season than any other house in Allegheny county, but that they can supply all demands at much lower prices than can be ob tained elsewhere. ' MEN'S SUMMER SUITS, HORNE & WARD, dl FIFTH AVENUE Ie25-D MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS' INS. Co., 417 Wood street, Pittsburjr, Pa. Capital J2o0,000 00 Assets January 1.1889 363,745 80 Directors Chas. W. Batchelor. President: John W. Chaltant, Vice President: A. E. W. Painter. Robt. Le"a, M. W. Watson, John Wil son, Joseph Walton, Wro. G. Park, A. M. Bvers, Jas. J. Donnell, Geo. E. Painter, John Thompson, Wn. T. Adair, Secretary; Jas. Little, Assistant Secretary; August Ammon, General Agent. ja22-46-TTS H.M. BLACK & CO. PENN AVENUE, 8'2I Telephone 1467. je4-54-TT RUNKENNESS i Or the Liquor Hsbit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specifio. it can be elvcn in a cup of coffee or tea without thj) knowledge-of the person taking It; Is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Uxnnkardsbsvo been made temperate men who have tiken uolden Specific In their coffee without tlielr knowledge and to-day believe tbev quit drinking from their own free wiu. IT H KVER 1'AII.S. The system onee Impregnated with the (Specific, It becomes an utter Impossibility for the Ilqnor appetite to exist. For salebyA.J. Bankln, 'Sixth ana l'enn ave..t lttsburg; E. Uolden & Co., 63 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Trade supplied by (ieo. A. Kellv & Co . Pittsburg, Pa. 0ei7-i3-TTS Something choice and elegant. See them to-day. Half prices all through the Wash Goods De partments. Ginghams at half price. Satities at half price. Challis at half nrice. SUITS 55 to $20 chunks out of the prices on allour Suits SI Satlne and Ginghams to the fine Bilk and Lace Suits. -- Boggs&Buhl, us. 117. 119. 121 Federal Street,Aleglieny. P. S. Orders by mail receive immediate at tention. Je27-tTS Light and Medium Colors, Latest Styles, AtSS, $10, $12 and $15. ' Which are of such value that to obtain elsewhere from io to $254would be the price you'd pay. BEAUTY AND TASTE IS TO BE SEEN IN OUR If Bier Mi Dptiiit! A beautiful line of goods by far the finest ever shown this side the Allegheny Mountains. There are Coats and Vests for Men and Youths in Silk, Pongee, Mohair, Brilliantine, Seersucker, White and Colored Striped Flannels, Serge, Cashmere, Luster, Alpacas, etc, and no matter whether you want a "Blazer," "Boating," "Tennis," "Baseball" or "House" Coat, you can get it We have them in an indefinite number of colors and combinations, many of them new and striking. A few of the prices we name to illustrate our low figures. Office Coats, 19c up. Men's Chambray Coats, 48c. Seersucker Coats and Vests, 65c to $4. Fancy Striped French Flannel Coats and Vests, 75c to $5. The popular. Lawn Tennis Coat m fancy stripes, si 25. Silk Striped ilannel Coatl and Vests, $1 75. SIEIVCPLIES'S STORES 165, 167 and 169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA. 203 and 203 Market Street, Is headquarters for adjustable window screens, which will fit any window. Price from 30c to 50c each. Also for fencing oi every description. eod It is necessary to reduce stock ami which e are offering spine extraordinary bargains, mst pay you to see. The Fireworks, Fireworks, Fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, fireworks, and then more fire works, at James W. Grore's, Fifth are. TWTS Excursion to Johnstown. The Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad will sell excursion tickets Sunday nut to Johns town, rate 52 35 for the round trip. Special train will leave new depot at 7:30 A. si. F. Si V.'u Iron City Beer Is (he best in the market. Pare, wholesome and nutritious. - - xrssa' Closing out prices on Satines, beautiful styles now 6jte, 8c, ioc and i2jc, for American productions; stfld early in the season i2c to 1 8c. .trench Satines 22c, were 35c; come early for choice. Challis, excellent styles, 5c and 6c Batistes, India Linens, Summer Flannels and the new Crepelmes all going at bargain figures. wool Dress Goods. Tifty pieces double widths Cashmeres i2jc, choice colors. The 25c and 30c fancy dress fabrics now i8c. 75c wool imported suitings now 50c .Bargains in. French colored Wool Cashmeres; a notable number is the 50c quality now 25c. Silks Unrivaled. Grand values in black and coloyed Dress Silks from 50c a yard up. Special attention called to the Black Gros Grains at 75c, 87c, and 24-inch at 95c, jSi and $t 25. Equall good bargains in Surahs, Satin Marvelleieux, Radzimeres, Baratheas and other fancy weaves. In this connection see the full width Black Skirting Lace at 75c, worth $1 25. Carpets and Curtains. We continue the clearing sale of Carpets. Body Brussels, 45c and 50c. Ingrains, Hall and Stair Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Mattings at money saving prices. See theLace Curtains at $1, were $1 50 and up to $s; these prices are specially good. Parasols and Umbrellas. At this clearing s&le the Parasols come in for a big cut in prices, $2, $3 and $4 Parasols now $1 to $2 50. Misses' Parasols, ioc to $1, just half prices. v - Men's Unlaundried Shirts 370, regular sofc gbods. Men's Gauze Shirts 15c and 25c, worth 2jc and 40c Men's fine French Balbriggan Shirts and Jj&rawers 35c, regular '50c quality. Ladies' Ribbed Jersey Vests, 12c, 15c and 20c. Boys' Percale Waists reduced away doiyn in price. - .. Ladies' Blouse Jerseys, black and colors, at $1 25, were $1. Short lengths 9-4 Unbleached Pepperel Sheetings i2c; 10-4 wide at 15c: the 0-4 and 10-4 Bleached at 15c and 18&C respectively. A t:... T7I . 1 !-.- i.l 1 S . . . . - . - - . rxyyiiHue riuivcrs, targe selection, win go at I5C Samples sent when requested. 4 A Special Just opened two cases ChaUi Gloves, Hosiery and Millinery; best assortment and lowest prices. uraers niiea at lowest prices. -A - fi -1 - s Beiges, lovely patterns, the -proper thing for warm weather, will last but a'few"days;-'at 5c; Men of All Sizes Fitted- Perfectly! Our readers will kindly note that we're making no claim of "sacri ficing" goods, but nevertheless" our PRICES are, we guarantee, BELOW the "sacrifice" prices of other dealers. Thousands of Summer Suits for the Boys ! FOR SMALL BOYS at $1 25, $1 50, $2, $3, $4 and $5. FOR BIG BOYS al $3 50, $4, $5, $6, $8 and $10. These prices, of course, really tell you nothing beyond the fact that we have Suits at these figures. You can only judge of their true valud by seeing 'em. The "reduction" dealers will have to further reduce their prices some. 25 per cent before they can touch our figures. A Grand Display of Flannel and Si Omsliiris! Summer Neckwear, arid Summer Underwear! Bicycle Hose and Gartersl Bicycle Shoulder Braces and Supporters! ALSO- Ba'sebaii, Lawn Tennis and Boating Hats and Caps. Tourist Shoes, Yachting and Steamer Shoes, Tennis Shoes, Bicycling, Hunting and Baseball Shoes, In ,fact we have everything devised for Summer Wear, and no matter whether you belong to the stay-at-home division or will form the holi day-maker's brigade, whether you seek novelties or standard stuff, start ling styles or seasonable service in the way of wearing apparel for warm's weather wear, we can supply you and save you anywhere from 20 to .40 per cent on your investment Orders by mail prbmptly attended to. )-c GUSKY'S 0 GRAND BARGAIN STORE. to 400 Market streeli JeS-CTM' fi Swi: -