gEgS TIJ7lhitl'Jtffir' -fiWWSf1!!' ' "-WySPS-VR f - THE PITTSBUTia DISPATCH, - THTIE'SDAT, ' JUNE 27, ' 1889. ' t wge Bifpfcl. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, ISifi. VoL Up 2fo.Hl Entered at Pittsburg Postofflce, November 14, 1SS7, as Eccond-class matter. Business Office 97and99FlfthAvenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 78 Diamond Street. Eastern Advertising Office, Koora 4A, Tribune Building, New York. Average net circulation of the dally edition of The UjepaTCS for eli months ending June i, IBS, 27,824 Copies per Issue. Average net circulation ofthe Sunday edition of The Dispatch for May, isss, 47,468 Copies per issue. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. POSTAGE TREE IN TUB TJXITZB STATES. DAU.T Dispatch, One Tear I 8 DO Dailt Dispatch, l'cr Quarter 2 00 Daily Dispatch, One Month 79 Daily Dispatch. Including Sunday, lyear. 10 00 Daily Dispatch. Including hnnday, Jm'ths. 2 50 Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday.l month 90 Scsday Dispatch, One Year S 50 Weijclt Dispatch, One Year 13 The Dailt Dispatch Is delivered by carriers at 15 cents per week, or including Sunday edition, at SO cents per week. PITTSBURG. THURSDAY, JUNE 17. 1888. roBAKES nr tee field. The action of tbe Ohio Republican Con vention in renominating Governor Foraker yesterday indicates that this strong partisan and persistent tighter has not lost his hold upon the Republican organization in that State. This trill be the fourth time Foraker has gone into the field as the Republican candidate, and if he is elected it will be his third term in the position, Roman has been more thoroughly at tached by his political opponents than Foraker, and yet no man has thrived better Tinder abnse. Some characteristic possibly that of putting his political ideas in very outspoken language, has made the Governor an especial object of attack by the Democ racy. But that he has prospered under tbe treatment is proved by the fact that his only defeat was, as stated by his opponent, Governor Hoadley, at the end of his term, inflicted upon him by means of ballot box frauds. "We do not regard Foraker as an ideal character by any means. He is a politician, and above all things a partisan. But be is an outspoken and frank partisan and a gal lant fighter. His ability to rise promptly to the occasion was displayed by his prompt shipments of tents to shelter the Johnstown sufferers, while our own State' administra tion was engaged in convincing itself that , there had been a calamity. It will not do for the Democrats to conclude that his de feat is a foregone conclusion. It may be a possibility, but it will take the best element of Democratic 'management to secure that result. As between Foraker and the boodle wing of the Ohio Democracy, the Ohio public will not be subject to blame if it prefers Foraker. TEE BAHB0AD WRECK. The accident on the Pennsylvania Bail road, near Latrobe, yesterday, by which nearly a score were killed or injured, seems from the accounts that are received, to have been an example of the fearful calamities that can result from a very slight over sight. Two or three cars are left by a Pitching engine so near the main track, that a passing freight strikes them and is wrecked; and another train passing on another track at the same time is involved in the disaster with a fearful loss of life. So far as can be perceived, no shortcomings on the part of the management of the road can be charged with the responsibility; but a fatal mistake was made by someone in the switching crew. The Pennsylvania Railroad has had a wonderful record in maintaining a high standard of safety; and no one will be more urgent than its officers in supporting measures to prevent the repetition of snch a disaster. THE SUPREME CONSIDERATION. That Cronin murder has been productive of many roorbacks, and the last story with regard to the discovery ot evidence concern ing it, may be not much more authentic than many of its predecessors. The nature of this story is, however, bf such a charac ter as to command the public attention, and to make it exceedingly important if the evi dence reported to be in the hands of the authorities is produced at the trial. Briefly the story is that evidence has been furnished to the State's Attorney at Chicago that Camp Ko. 20 of the Clan-na-Gael held a trial of Dr. Cronin as a British spy, and convicted him without hearing any defense, or even notifying him of the trial. The con viction having been secured, and no one volunteering to perform the murder which was tbe penalty of the alleged offense, lots were drawn to designate those who should act as the agents of the secret order in taking the life ofthe supposed offender. If evidence is produced that we have in this country secret organizations, which, by star chamber proceedings assume the right of decreeing the penalty ot 'death, it will stimulate the public to de cided measures in favor of the sup- , pression of all such organizations. What ever the characterorpurposes of such orders, the assumption of such a power of life and death places it in open antagonism to the laws of this country. Whether socialistic, anarchistic, professedly for revolutionary schemes in other countries, or merely social, all secret organizations should understand that they must be governed by tbe laws of the land. It is not necessary to condemn the Clan-na-Gael beiore the evi dence is produced, but it is well to have the principle clearly defined that the rights and thelawsof the American people are supreme over any other considerations in this country. PE0TECTI0N FOB DEM0CEATS. A singular view of the sugar duty, but what appears to be the regular Democratic one, is set forth by the esteemed Philadel phia Record, which quotes a very outspoken article of the New York Tribune as "show ing unusual sagacity in trying to get itself out,and to lead its party out from under the weight of the obnoxious Sugar Trust." After which the esteemed Record heartily indorses tbe idea of "reducing the duties on refined sugar so as to barely cover the duty on raw sugar." Since the Sugar Trust has the universal control of refining in this country, why not rednce the duties on all classes of sugar so as to admit of their gen eral importation, and adopt the Republican plan of encouraging the production of sugar where it is necessary, by a bounty on the sugar itself? The regulation Demo cratic view is very plainly to the effect that protection, which is a rank injustice when applied to Northern industries, must be rigidly maintained for the benefit of Demo ' cratic sugar raisers. TEE7 MAT CO W0ESE. - "We are, sorry to see a remark credited to .Judge Cooler, ot the Inter-State Commerce Committee, to the effect that tbe commission, has no concern with the prosecution of of fenders against the inter-State commerce act A juster view, although rather incon sistent with this declaration, is afiorded by the Judge's recent telegram to the United States District Attorney at St. Paul, order ing the prosecutions of the officials of a railroad which has been shipping goods' at less than the published rate. The Commis sion is interested in the honest enforcement ofthe law, or at least it should be. "While that body can only act officially in the methods authorized by the law, its members arc qualified as citizens to take such action for its enforcement, as is in harmony with the statute. It is certainly plain enough that commissioners who can consult with railway officials as to the kind of combina nation with which the latter can get around the law, might,more consistently with their position, act in favor of punishing persis tent and wanton violations of that statute. FLIPPANT CEHS0BI0TJSNESS. It seems that the nervous irritation which has appeared in various quarters at different states of discussion of Johnstown matters leads occasionally to profitless loss of tem per. The charge by the Chairman of the Belief Committee yesterday, Mr. McCreery, that the reporters who sent word that some Johnstown people were complaining of the wooden houses deliberately falsified is a case in point. It is due to tbe representa tives ofthe Pittsburg papers who have been stationed at Johnstown to recognize that their wort has been in the main careful and conscientious; but in any event why should they go to the trouble of inventing a state ment of that sort ? No doubt some ofthe vast quantity of Johnstown news which has been printed in all the newspapers since the disaster may give facts which are unpleas ant or represent views which are unreason able, or state imperfectly questions in dis pute ; but to impute to the reporters respon sibility for this is idle nonsense, and, what is worse, in rather bad taste. The workers for the press are usually single-minded and faithful in the discharge of their duties. They are not always infallible, but with all due respect to that hard-working body, the Belief Committee, it is doubtful if its own members could have given as fair and gen erally as accurate an account of things as the Pittsburg reporters at Johnstown have done since Kay 31. Much of the criticism relative to the re lief movement, as The .dispatch has heretofore stated, has been doubtless the re sult of reaction after the extreme nervous tension in all quarters following the dis aster. Scores of letters finding fault with this, that cr the other thing have found their way to this office, and many of them have gone into the waste basket, because we recognized that in some instances they were trivial, in some clearly unjust, and in most of them loss of temper was only too visible, so that their publication would hinder rather than help the common cause of ex peditious and efficient relief. Expressions of opinion on occasions like that at John stown are easy, and language is cheap; but level-headed people who desire to be help ful find it best to keep cool, and only criti cise when imperative necessity demands. It certainly has not been the reporters on the newspapers twho have furnished the fault-finding,.thougb, where it occurs point edly, they may mention' it as an item of the news. "With the amplest opportunities for that sort of thing, their good sense usually instructs them to keep to pertinent facts, and to exhibit a carefulness of statement which can probably be found nowhere ex cepting in the newspapers. The report of dissatisfaction with the wooden houses is a small matter, but it furnishes a timely text for rebuking the too frequent and flagrant tendency to find fault with the reporters who, as a class, are hard-working, con scientious, nndas keenly sensitive as any people can be te their responsibilities. BIHON CAMEEON BEAD. Ex-Senator Cameron has passed away at the ripe old age of 90 years. In many respects his career was remarkable. Of humble birth, his early years were spent in a struggle against poverty. Gifted with foresight and shrewdness, he soon won his way to affluence and power. For more than CO years he was a conspicuous figure in State and national politics. The greatest men of the land respected his wisdom and sought his advice. Boscoe Conkling said he was the wisest politician he ever knew. Abraham Lincoln had the highest confi dence in him, and turned to him for counsel in the most trying period in our national history. It was not the tactics of a shallow politician that made him a party leader, but his own sound sense and his consistent, unwavering course in the way that he be lieved to be right He was a Pennsylvania, and always faithful to the interests of his native State. He was popular with his constituents, for he knew the wants ofthe people and kept them constantly m view. His hold upon the masses, strong as it was, was readily ac counted for by those who knew him inti mately. He helped to make history, as few men have done, and even those who were his political enemies, can scarcely fail to. recognize his talents and to honor his mem ory. Ii is rather surprising to find our bright cotemporary, the Chicago Herald, congratu lating the remote city of Seattle that no word can be found to rhyme with its name. The rhymster who would require more than a short battle, to make such rhymes rattle would be a very unique kind of poetical cattle. Ox Monday of this week the bright Mail declared with regard to Governor Foraker, that "it is doubtful if be wh"o a year ago owned Ohio, can get tbe nomination of his party for the second ten?, usually accorded by courtesy;" aad attributed it to "un abated egotism," in combination with "ex treme gall and short-sighted asininity of method." The obstinacy of political events is shown by the fact that two days after this sweeping declaration of Foraker's political extinction, the Ohio convention nominated that politician on tbe second ballot with a general stampede to his support The esteemed Hail will doubtless be thoroughly convinced that "extreme gall and short sighted asininity" are prevalent influences in Ohio politics; but it should also recog nize the demonstration of the great principle that no one prophesies so safely, as he who waits until 'after the event It is interesting to learn that the pro posed Pottery Trust will be encouraged by "American lovers of art." The artistic work of the trust will evidently be in the line of making each piece of pottery so costly that none but the wealthy can afford to buy it, and keep it as a unique article of vertu. The effort that is being made to secure a pardon for tbe notorious desperado, Bobert Younger, wbo is now confined on a life sen tence for murder in Minnesota, is based upou the fact that his numerous cold-blooded crimes were Committed 'ten or' twelve years ago. The theory that robberies and murders committed in the last decade do not count may be in accordance with the precedents that are being established nowadays; but if the rule becomes universal it will afford a very good argument m favor of hanging our murderers promptly after the commission of each deed. TnE case ot young Flann seems to balance pretty closely with some of the reported prizes drawn from lotteries a few months ago, and leave a large balance for the un accounted for expenditures of the other fools who threw away their money on the lottery swindle. A flippant cotemuorary, in comment ing upon the fact that President Harrison declined the other day to let the badge of the Patriotic Sons of America be pinned npon his coat, said: "President Harrison's father was elected to Congress several times as a Know-Nothing." Supposing the fact to. be true, should not the President's course be recognized as establishing a gratifying independence ofthe precedent set by his an cestor? The success that has attended the experi ment in Allegheny City of drilling artesian wells in the park for furnishing pure drink ing waterwill warrant Pittsburg in adopting thatmethod to introduce a little variety in its water supply when it gets some parks. A eathee queer statement was quoted in the House of Lords the other day -to the effect that 20,000 tuns of bad rum and gin are sold every year along 250 miles of the "West African coast by merchants who are alleged to be "excellent men and many of them sin cere Christians." If true, the statement is calculated to give the world new light on what constitutes sincere Christianity and excellent humanity. The way in which the crowned heads of Europe are biting their thumbs at each other, is calculated to arouse the suspicion that they all want to get increased appro priations for their army budgets. THEappearance of someth'ing like typhoid fever at Johnstown suggests the possibility that a premature confidence was felt in the thorough sanitation of that place. The full developments of the illness which has at tacked several of the laborers there will be waited for with interest, and in the mean time the precautions against the spread of the disease should be redoubled. A new motor company shows that the day of slow transit in Pittsburg is rapidly drawing to its close.. The question whether Senator Chandler's ears were really pulled or not is now occu pying columns of editorial discussion be tween the Atlanta Constitution and the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. "When great editors get to wrestling with vital in terests of this sort the political atmosphere becomes thick with the sound ofthe contest "And the rain it raineth every day." The oil market is still showing a dispo sition to dance around like a hen on a hot gridiron. The hot gridiron in this case is the uncertainty as to what the Standard will do after it takes the Producers' bundle of oil, and gives that organization five cents a barrel profit for carrying that stock nearly a vear and a half. PERSONAL FACTS AND FANCISB. It Is said tbat General Boulanger has grown tired of London and contemplates making a short trip to this country. The Oriental gifts sent by tbe Sultan of Morocco to Kaiser William U. turn out to have been manufactured in Germany. Mabtut Irons, who at the time of the strike on the Gould lines five years ago was too arro gant to grant General Manager Hoxle an inter view, now earns a scanty living from a little frnlt stand in St Louis. Jacques Meyer, the bncket shop broker of Paris, has been sentenced to one year's impris onment and fined 51,000. Christine Nilsson was let in lor nearly 30,000, and Mademoiselle Jane Hading also for a considerable amount. Emperor William has commissioned Koch to paint a pictnre representing the scene at the moment when he led tbe Foot Guards past his father at Charlottenburg on May 18, 1888. This was the only occasion upon which Frederick Inspected the troops as Emperor. It Is generally believed by ex-Secretary Bay ard's neighbors that be will soon re-enter poli tics, beginning with the next State campaign in Delaware. Just at present, however, he seems to be wholly engrossed with his domestic affairs and in improving bis residence at Dela moro. The Crown Princess Stephanie, ot Austria, is soon to leave Vienna for the Riviera and for Switzerland, where a villa is being bnilt for ber on the shores oT Lake Lucerne. The honse in which her dissipated husband killed himself at Meyerllng has been pulled down by the or der of the Emperor, with the hope that the midnight tragedy 'may be the sooner forgotten. Tennyson was always absent minded and the progress of time brings him no relief in this respect It is told of the poet that once when in full conversation with Bobert Brown ing he said, apparently apropos debottes, "I wonder how Browning's getting on?" "Why," exclaimed Robert, "I am Browning." "Non sensel" replied Tennyson, with almost an at tempt at roguish raillery; "I know the fellow well, so yon can't tell me yen are he." General Simon Cameron's secret of suc cess was that he never acted without knowing all the facts obtainable. Although a desperate and shrewd fighter he seldom wasted his efforts in support of weak men. Here is his own ex planation: "When I found tbe man who was pretty sure to win with the little support I could give him he was made the Cameron candidate. I got all the predit for the victory, and tbe can didate himself believed that his success was entirely attributable to me."" Says tbe London Globe; When a festival occurs only once in ten years it is rather vexa tious to have it interfered with, as was the case with the Passion play at Oberammergau in 1870. Preparations are on footnow to have it enacted with great eclat in ISM, but there are prophets of evil who are confident that tbe same canso as on tbat occasion will this time interfere with the performance. The cause referred to was the Franco-Prussian war. Even those who are not deeply interested in a reproduction of a pastime of tbe Middle Ages under the electric light, would devoutly pray for its success If a European war is tbe only obstacle likely to wreck it The Knights of St. John. "Washington, June 28. At to-day's session of the Roman Catholic Union of the Knights of St John the selection of the place of next meeting resulted in the choice of Columbus, O. Officers were elected as follows: Supreme Spiritual Director, Bishop Watterson, of Col umbus; Supreme Commander, John Schneler, of Rochester, N. Y.: First Vice President L. J. Herhert, ot Washington: Secretary, Tim othy J. Nolan, of Cleveland; Treasurer, George J. ilathison, of Parkersburg, W. Va. Mysterious Flotsam and Jetsam. Vineyard HAVEN,MABSJune 24 Several empty crockery crates constitute the only new wreckage found on the Nantucket shoro to day. Mr. R, Eawley, of the Anchor line, is at Nantucket endeavoring to ascertain tbe iden tity of the steamer Victoria from which tho wreckage comes. He says the first bills of lading found were from tbe Anchor line steamer and were tbrown overboard. Of tbe last ones he knows notMng. Let Iho Electrician Tnko If. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. To believe all tbat the electricians say, one would supoosethat being struck by lightning was wholesome hygienic exercise. THE TOPICAL TALKEK. A No-Llcnie Result A Good Judge of Oratory Brldso Approaches On Still Life Subjects. "I AM very much inclined to doubt" said a man of high standing in the financial world yesterday, "tho wisdom of Judge 'White in de priving a ward in this city of liquor-selling privileges. There Is a ward in this city to which Judge White refused to grant any saloon license at all. Yesterday a reputable man to show the resnlts, which I had doubted, ot this rcpiessive policy took ina over the ward and showed me no less than 12 "speak-easies,' or un licensed saloons. This is a solid, indisputable factf Perhaps some of the people interested in the question will stop to think over this little ex ample of cause and effect The exact truth of it can be vouched for. v At a scholastic commencement the other night in this city there arose a hot dispute over the decision in an oratorical contest. The re lations and friends ot the young girl who bad been defeated in the contest protested pro digiously. Especially one old lady was noticeable in her energetic objections to tbe medal being awarded accordins to the judges' decision. She was the defeated girl's mother. Over and over again I heard ber say: "I know my daughter's tbe best speaker much the best" I was amused to discover that the good old lady who was so positive of ber daughter's su periority in oratorical powers was absolutely stone deaf. V There Is somebope for tbe unfortunate Pat terson building on Sixth street at last Two first-class commercial interests have located their headquarter in two of the .vacant stores, in which at no distant date a disreputable sa loon and a more disreputable dime museum held sway. It is a great pity tbat Sixth street does not take on a better appearance near the suspen sion bridge. The approaches to bridges,however, do not seem to be favored by first-class stores In this city or in many other cities I have seen. In London, even, the same peculiarity is notice able; generally the part of a street nearest to a bridge is the least valuable. But on Sixth street the lower side of tbe bridge approach on the Pittsburg side is abutted upon by good stores. . There is an impression that Manager Gnlick has gone to Europe. This is not accu rate. At present and, as I understand, for all summer, Mr. Gulick Is with his charming wife at Lake Mahopac, New York State. Tbe dramatic editors, it may also be noticed, are spending their spare time in Pittsburg, a pleasant village at the junction of the yellow Allegheny and the sweet-sounding Mononga hela. They will mostly stay there all sum mer. V A PICTUKE I noticed yesterday in a store window on Wood street brought to my mind a suggestion that a somewhat distinguished artist once made to me. The picture simply held up for exhibition a bottle of beer, a very poor cigar, bread and cheese and a newspaper of the last century. It was of still life studies of this sort that my friend said: "Never group things in a picture of still life that are presumably to, appeal to their appetites. If you are faithful to nature you will tickle the spectator's stomach; if yon are untrue you will sicken him. You won't touch his artistic sensibility at all." A CALIFORNIA CONTEST. Prizes Awarded for Winner In Debate, Ornloryj Rending, Etc. Special Telegram to Tbe Dispatcn. California, PA., June 26. No event of the year at the California Normal School awakens so much interest or attracts so many people, as the "annual contest," which occurs ou the evening before commencement. This year proved to be no exception to the rule. Tho contest to-night was one of the best ever held at the school. The judges selected were Rev. T. N. Boyle. D. D., of Braddock: Rev. A. 8. Mulholland, D. D., of Unlontown, and E. F. Acheson, Esq., editor of the Washington Observer. The contests were on five exercises reading, essay, oration, recitation and debate. For the Fbilomatbean Society, Miss Georgio McKown, of Allegheny City, read "Brother Ben;" Miss AnnaJBerthel, ofMtPleasantread an essay on "The Spirit of the Leaf;" Mr. P. AI. Weadell. of West Newton, delivered an oration on "What it is to be an American,-" Miss Minnie Paxton, of California, recited "Tbe Doom of Claudius and Cynthia," and Mr. Moses Lowers, of Woods' Run, discussed the negative of the question, "Is the virtual disfranchise ment of many of the negroes of the Sonth a po litical necessity and therefore justifiable?" The Clionlan Society was represented by Miss Bertha Carroll, of West Alexander, who read "Van Bibber's Rock;" Miss Catharine Darsie, of California, In an essay on "The Awaken ing;" Mr. W. A. Powell, of California, In an oration on "The Puritan Ideal;" Miss Florence Burke, of Claysrillo, who recited the "Chariot Race from Ben Hur." and Mr. E. L. Nichol son, of Bentleysville, on the affirmative of the debate. Tbe judges awarded honors as follows : For reaaing, Miss Carroll; essay, Miss Berthel; ora tion, Mr. Weddell; recitation. Miss Burke; de bate, Mr. lowers. Tho large chapel of tho Normal School was crowded to its utmost capa city. The literary exercises were Interspersed with songs by Miss Belle McClintock, of Meadville, and Miss Amelia Fee, of Connellsville. The commencement exercises will begin to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock, and will be followed in the afternoon by the class-dav exercises. For the convenience of tbe crowds of people who attend the exercises all trains are stopping at tho corner of the Normal School grounds. THE STANDARD DOESN'T LIKE IT. It Objects Strongly to Speculation In Petroleum Fntares. New York, June 26. Beginning to-morrow the Consolidated Exchange in this city and tbe Western Oil Exchanges will deal in petroleum futures. The new move is not relished by tho Standard Oil Company, and its brokers refuse to trade in contracts for future delivery and are joined by some of tho largest commission" brokers. The New York Stock Exchange was not recognized by the other exchanges in tbe negotiations for tbe new arrangements, but it made them aware that it would not listen to any proposition for trading in options in crude oil certificates of anything else. Members of tbe New York Stock Exchange wbo are prom inent in petroleum speculation control one half of tbe outstanding certificates, and when the new arrangement was agreed on they called In a large amount of their certificates which they had loaned to Western operators, and it was this that caused the corner on Monday and forced shorts to cover at 1 per barrel No decision has yet been arrived at by the Producers Union in regard to exercising the option to put the 3,500.000 barrels carried by them to the Standard Oil Comnany at 90. One of tbe principal producers said to-day that an outside syndicate was bidding on tho entire lot and that it would be delivered to the highest bidder. It is nnderstood that tbe outside syndi cate is composed of members of the New York Stock Exchange. HER HUSBAND'S BODY BURNED. Sad Experlonco of Dirt. Chnrles Johnson, Widow of a Prominent K. P. rSFECLU. TELEGRAM TO TH3 DISPATCH. MarshalltoWn, Iowa, June 26. Charles Johnson, of this city, the well-known agent of tho State Knights of Pythias Insurance As sociation, died suddenly at Spirit Lake Monday evening. He had been sick a week, but had improved so much that his wife, who had gone there to nurse him, returned to her home here. Being notified of his death she went after the body, but was not permitted to see it, tbe report being started tbat be died of small pox. She-claims tbat directly after her arrival parties there fired the building in which John son died, and It was burned, body and all. She charges the attending physician with the deed. There is a difference of opinion as to Johnson's disease, and much excitement prevails. The widow returned this morning prostrated with' grief and horror. 81.000,000 for Flood Sufferers. fSrECIAL TELEORAII.TO THE OIRFATCIT.l Harrisburo, Jane 26. Before the close of this week tbe Governor's relief fund, made up of contributionsfrom every State in the Union, will have reached 1,000,000. Among the last remittances is one from Little Rock, Ark amounting to $3,995. The Relief Commission appointed by Governor Beaver will meet in this city to-morrow afternoon. Hnlllns Through Ice. Baltimore, June 20. Tho steamer Hun garia. Captain Leithauser; arrived this morn ing from Hamburg with101 immigrants. Tho Captain reports on June 19 in latitude 45 19' north, longitude 47 IT west the Huniraria passed through an immense ice field. There were six or seven oergs over ou loot in neignt, and about 20 smaller ones, beside a considerable quantity of drift ice. KEVIVJNG JOHNSTOWN. Its Struggles Jo Renew Its Former Con . dltlon Dissatisfaction With Some Plans Sanitary Precautions Rough on Li brariesPennsylvania Renewals. CFBOH A STAIT COBRESrOXDEKT.l Johnstown. June2& The Board of Inquiry met this morning and appointed ten clerks to push the. work of securing the names of sur vivors for the. purpose of distributing the money in the hands of the local committee on a pro rata basis. They ordered posters to be put np and a number of clanks to be prepared. They will begin tbe work on Friday morning. The Health of Johnstown. Tho health of the flooded district continues to bo excellent. The doctors state that it takes typhoid germs about two weeks to develop. Typhoid symptoms are common, but there is no external evidence of an epidemic. Doming Cherished Books. Bev. Dr. Beale, Drs. Swan and Sheridan burned tbeir libraries to-day to prevent all pos sibility of disease. The books had been drenched with wafer and were musty and moldy. Dr. Beale value'd his library very high ly. He had a complete list of tbe Princeton review since its publication, but this valuable collection was consigned to the flames with the rest The doctors recotcmend that all damaged books be burned at once, and tbe Sanitary Corps are attending to this work. Dr. Beale thinks he has distributed about 52,000 worth nf clothing at the Presbj terlan headquarters. He will make a full report of all the moneys re- (0lVAri lllll fft.. nnt Inf.. Physicians Want to Resume. Drs. Lowman and Sheridan, representing the Johnstown physicians who are anxious to re sume their practices, suggested to General Hastings that the Red Cross people leave the town. The doctors appreciate their noble work, but they think the time has come when the local doctors can take care of all the sick. The doctors agree to attend those too poor to pay for nothing, and all they ask is an opportu nity to retrieve their heavy losses. Rev. Dr. Beale thinks the suggestion is a good one, and so does General Hastings. When Miss Clara Barton was asked about it she gave the repor ter a pretty cold deal She knows how to at tend to a patient and is shrewd in the bargain. Later she held a conference with General Hastings. Complaints of Citizens. There is enough material in Johnstown to make several small-sized rows. A representa tive citizen said this afternoon: "We still have some bright young fellows m Johnstown who can do clerical work and be glad of an oppor tunity, but I notice most of the places are given to outsiders. I need not tell you that the people are mad at it all over the town. Tbey wonder why carpenters are brought in from other places, when there are men in Johnstown who can do tbe work. So far as I know the carpenters employed in building the stores are from a distance. We have local contractors here who applied for the job of clearing up, but they were answered that they might em ploy their friends to assist them, and were on this ground refused. Other contractors stepped in and reaped tbe benefit Many of the car penters are at work, but they are not getting State prices." a A Vexed Question. Tho subject of consolidation is now agitating the people. The citizens of Millvllle and Cone maugh boroughs received the taxes from tho Cambria Iron Company, and were never anx ious to join with Johnstown, because the latter owed a debt of $50,000. Even now these same citizens are stirring up opposition and it is doubtful whether tbe scheme will carry. Said J. M. Rose, Esq., this afternoon: "Now or never Is the time to consolidate. The boroughs have all lost heavily, and they can help to bear each others' burdens. If they were united the river could De kept open, and there would be less danger from high water, but tbe same old opposition is urged against the plan. Tbe works are located in the smaller boroughs and they derive all the benefit of the taxation. Last year tbe Cambria Iron Company paid 60,000 in taxes into tbe treasury of Millvllle borough. Johnstown doesn't receive any of it" Lost Members of St. John's. So far ISO members of the St. John's Catholic Church have been reported as lost. Any in formation about Catholic people can be ob tained from E. T. McNcelis, tbe register. Pennsylvania Itnllrond Plans. The Pennsylvania road b,as not yet decided whether it will rebuild'its roundhouse in Cone maugh or Woodvale. The tracks at Cone- maugh will be replaced as they were before tho flood. There were four mam tracks and five side ones. The roundhouse held from 20 to 22 engines. Foreman Kelly, of the car inspectors, said to-day tbat the road had land enough north of tbe tracks at Woodvale to lay 12 tracks, and the company was thinking of re building the roundhouse there. They could make yards for east-bound trains at Woodvale, and yards for west-bound trains at Conemaugb. money for Surviving Relatives. The Committee on Valuables submitted to General Hastings a detailed report of every thing found on the bodies at the various morgues. Five thousand seven hundred and thirty-two dollars and ninety-eight cents have been turned over to relatives and friends. Israel. AT THE STATE COLLEGE. Tho ComraencemontExcrclics Are of a Very Pleasant Character. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. State College, June 20. The graduating class of the Pennsylvania State College held the first class day exercises ever held at tbe college In the new chapel yesterday afternoon. They were very interesting, especially the presentation oration by William Hawk, of Dauphin county. In too evening the junior oratorical contest was held, the first prize being, awarded to Benjamin Demming, of Har rlsbufg, and the second to James Merlck, of Fhillpsburg, Pa. Over 200 persons were present The toast master was Secretary of State Charles Stone. Responses were m ade by Hon. Edwin Willetts, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, Horn uyrus uoruon, or uiearneiu, and others. The exhibition drill of the cadets was held on tho campus this afternoon. Tbe election of trustees for the next three years resulted as follows: Hon. George Hood, of Indiana: Hon. Andrew Carnegie; H. V. White, of Bloomsburg; Joel Herr, of Cedar Springs, and Hon. Cyrus Gordon, of Clearfield. This evening an address was delivered before the alumni by Selin Peabody, President of tbe Illinois State University. MUST KEEP UP RATE8. So Decides Chnlrmnn Abbott In the Case ot the Chicago and Alton. Chicago, June 26. Chairman Abbott of the Western States Passenger Association has de cided adversely to tbe application of tho Chi cago and Alton for permission to reduce the passenger rate from Chicago to Denver. He says tbere is not sufficient evidence to support the charge that the tickets of rival lines are being handled by scalpers in such a way as to cut the rate, and tbat tbe situation does not warrant a reduction. The Chicago and Alton refuses to abide by this decision, and announces that the first class limited rate, which is now $30 65 between Chi cago and Denver, will be reduced to 226, taking effect Jul vL Tbe other Denver lines will of course follow suit A Society Event In Nebraska. From the CMcago News, j , The people of Nebraska are the most so ciable of human beings. A lynching commit tee in that State caught a murderer tbe other day and then issued polite invitations to all the elite of the neighborhood to come and grace tbe impending festivities. A notable gather ing was soon on the ground, and then tho cere mony of compressing tbe neck of the prisoner with a rope was successfully performed. To turn a hanging into a society event at which everyone Is in good spirits except tho corpse is to triumph over some rather serious ob stacles. " The Encampment of tbe Fifth. (Special Telegram to Tbe Dispatch. , Bedford Springs, June 26. Colonel Burch fleld, of theFifth Regiment, was hero to-day and selected a site for the encampment of his regiment here on tbe 20th of July for ten days. The site selected is on the Springs company's property, occupying tbe large meadow south Of tbe hotel. The Colonel said It was one of the best grounds for a summer's encampment he has ever seen. , Commissioner Tanner at Chautauqua. WASHINGTON, June 26. Commissioner Tan ner, of tbePension Bureau, left Washington last night for Ottawa, Kan., where, on next Friday,hb will deliver an address at the Chau tauqua Assembly then to be in session at that Slace. He will also speak at Crete, Neb., on nly 6, and on the Intermediate days will speak, at council Bluffs and Lincoln, possibly Beatrice mH ntnlhl. ' ' A FEAST OF SEASON. i Concluding Exercises of Lafayette College Commencement, nt Easlon. Special Telegram to The Dispatch, Easton, June 26, The fifty-fourth annual commencement of Lafayette Collegetwas not largely attended to-day because of heavy rain. Pardee Auditorium was, however! well filled to hear the orations by tbe graduating class at 10 o'clock A. M. President Knox, arrayed in tbe traditional "mortar board cap" and gown, conducted the .exercises and distributed the diplomas. Twenty-six graduated in the clas sical course and 15 in the Pardee scientific de partment Among the graduates were: E. B. Camp, of Indiana county; Chas. L. Cbalfant of Pittsburg; W. Fay, of Altoona; W. H. Lutz, of Mansfield, O.; M. E. Powelton, of Plainfield, O., and B. N. Harry, of Bedford, Pa. The first honor of the graduating class was awarded to Albert Hunt Willes, of Wllkes barre, Pa. The following honorary degrees were conferred by the Board of Trustees: Doctor of Laws, President Reed, of Dickin son College, and George Nye Boardman, D. X).. Professor of Systematic Theology in the Theo logical Seminary of the Congregational Church, Chicago, I1L Doctor of Divinity Rev. J. B. Grier, class of '64, New York City; Rev. John Dixon, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N. J.; Rev. M. Wooley Stayner, pastor of the ruurin jrresuyierian unurcn, umcago, ail; Rev. Benjamin T. Jones, Professor of Instruc tion in the English Version of the Bible in Lin coln University, Pa. Doctor of Philosophy James Eldon. A.M., Principal of tbe State Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa.; Rev. Frederick E. Hopkins, pastor ofthe Congregational Church, New Canaan, vonu. Elected Trustee Rev. George Edward Jones, D.D., class of '69, Baltimore, Md. At the conclusion of tbe ceremony at the bill tbe alumni and invited guests were entertained by the ladies of Easton at dinner in tbe gymna sium. Post-prandial speeches were made by Ario Pardee, of Hazelton, and John L Blair, Esq., of New Jersey, both members of the Board of Trustees and munificent friends of the College, The former has given over $300,000 to tbe Institution and will give more. "Rev. Mr. Parks, of Dayton, N, J., and others, spoke In behalf of their different classes, and Mr, Rid dle, brother of Dr. M. B. Riddle, of tho Western Theological Seminary, responded to the toast "The Ladies." This evening tbe President is giving bis annual levee to tbe graduating class, and so end the commencement exercises. FOUR GH08T ST0EIES. Tale to Chill the Spinal Marrow ol the Ner vous Persons. Two brothers sat in a room of tbe Westmin ster House, Detroit. Suddenly one of them jnmped np, exclaiming: "Mother is dead!" "When and how did you hear?" inquired the other. "I have seen her ghastly form pass me twice since I sat here, obscuring you in ber shadow." They took the first train to tbe dis tant city of Cheyenne, where they had last heard of her in excellent health, and discov ered that she had expired suddenly at the ex act hour her son had witnessed her apparition. A carpenter was at work with his men on the sixth floor of a New York building. He dis covered the front wall out of plumb from some unaccountable cause. While examining it a sharp voice nttered these words in his ears dis tinctly: "There will be an accident within ten minutes. Parts of the wall will go down. Go with your men to the back of tbe building." As on one was In sight, the voice staggered him, and he lost no time in complying. In less than ten minutes six yards or so ofthe. wall fell with a crash. It was caused by tbe Improper wedg ing of some timbers. The carpenter is now a Spiritualist. Passers by a house In Devonshire street Bos ton, at late hours of the night are appalled by the spectacle of a woman enveloped in flames, rushing frantically out ot the front door. Has tening to her relief she vanishes like a mist be fore the wind. Itis all hallucination, or a fiery ghost, or disembodied spirit Bnt a real tragedy was once enacted there of similar im port Yes. a man killed bis young, beautiful, newly-wedded wife there. For some petty offense he poured spirits of turpentine upon her clothing and put fire to it, and she ran screaming Into the street and was soon dead. It is supposed that ber restless spirit revisits the scene of tbe tragedy. A man named Freeman, at Chattanooga, con fessed on his deathbed tbat he had murdered two men in tbat very house. A few days ago James Beam, riding fn broad daylight passed the house where Freeman died, and heard sounds of angry altercation within. He en tered, pistol in band, and, although every room was apparently empty, the voices were almost deafening. Then a dark cloud settled upon him and a strange sense of fear took possession of him. He rode away and summoned assist ance. A party of ten men returned defiant They beard tbe same voices, tbe room grew dark and shadowy forms flitted about One of the men tried to light a match,but after several had been blown out when struck the party left the house at rapidly as possible.fully convinced tbat something was wrong, although wholly unable f o determine what it was. SOLDIERS ORPHANS' COMMISSION. It Will Hold Its First Meeting In Hmrli- burg To-Day Its Composition. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Harrisbueg, June 28. The Soldiers Or phans' Commission will organize In this city to morrow. Tbe commission is to consist of the Governor, Senators Reyburn and Gobin and Representatives Stewart, of Philadelphia; Skinner, of Fulton, and Kauffman, of Lancas ter, and five members of tbe Grand Army of the Republic to be appointed by Department Commander Stewart No action will likely bo taken at tbe meeting to change the existing management of the schools, the act creating the commission allowing those having control of them ample time to get ready for the new order ot things contemplated by tbe Legisla ture the renting of schools for tbe accommo dation of tbe children of soldiers' orphans un der the direction of tbe commission. THE COLLEGE CAMP. Tents and Pleasure Grounds for Alumni and Under Graduates. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Harrisburo. June 26. One hundred and seventy-five tents are being erected at Mt Gretna for tbe accommodation of tbe alumni and under graduates of Trinity -College, who will encamp on the ground from Friday next until the 6th of July. The college faculty will camp in Lebanon. Severalhundred lamp posts are being put in place in and about tbe camp; three "tennis" grounds are being laid out; a grandstand is nearly completed, overlooking the baseball grounds, and everything that can be thought of to contribute to tbe tbe comfort and enjoyment of Mr. Coleman's college friends is being done. Baseball teams from Harvard, Yale and Princeton colleges will play games. Tbe camp of tbe college faculty and alumni will attract more people from Lebanon than an encampment of the National guard. K0 MORE WORKERS NEEDED. Agencies In New York, Pittsburg and Else wbero Misleading Laboring Men. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Johnstown, Pa., June 26. General Hast ings issued the following announcement this evening: "Some employment agencies in New York, Pittsburg and other cities are sending laborers to Johnstown. Tbey tell them they' will be given transportation and $2 per day wages. These promises are practically false pretenses. Tbere are more laborers in Jchns town now than can be employed, and tbe rate of wages is not as high as stated. No work men should come to Johnstown at this time to seek work." The force of men now employed under con tractors in the flooded district of this vicinity numbers about 1.500. Allegheny College Commencement. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Meadville, June 26. Class day exercises at Allegheny College occurred-to-day and were largely attended. There were nine orations elected from the graduating class of 32, all of which were of a high order. At 2 r. at. the Home Aluinni Association gave a banquet to tbe visiting alumni on tbe college campus which was a very happy af fair. To-night the grand commence ment concert was given under tbe auspices of the Conservatory of Music, while five Greek societies at five different hotels banqueted; Rumors of resignations in the faculty are current, but thus far cannot be traced to authoritative sources, since the pro ceedings of tbe Board of Control are withheld for tho present. Among tho distinguished visitors are: Hon. J. W. F. White, Rev. C. W. Smith, Dr. C. A. Smith, publisher of the Christian Advocate. Dr. Horner, ot tbo Metho dist Book Depository. Dr. C. A. Holmes and Rev. J. W. Mclutyre, of Pittsburg. At midnight It was learned President Will iams bad resigned because the Board of Trus tees would not support his demand for the res ignation of Prof. Still well, and that bis resig nation had been accepted promptly. Not Worlli the Powder. From tbe Cincinnati Commercial Gazette.! Russia's attitude toward Italy is not cour teous. But one may not expect a war in these times as tbe result of some snubbing among the aristocratlo snobs. A snub by a snob is not worthy of being avenged in brave men's blood. METROPOLITAN MENTION. Alive Wllb a Broken Neeb. tNrWTORX EURXAU SFXCLU.S.1 New York, June 26. While bathing In the East river this afternoon, Patrick Jacques dived from a high springboard into shallow water. He struck bis head on the river bottom and broke his neck. He was taken, still con scious, from the water by his companions and was sent in an ambulance to St Vincent's Hospital. The hospital surgeons treated his neck by the extension process, which consists In keeping the weight of tbe head from bear ing on the vertebrae. To-day young Jaeques has bad almost full possession of his mental faculties. His whole body, however, below tbe shoulders is paralyzed. He is given nourish ment by means of injections. Aside from a slight headache, he suffers no pain. To-morrow tbe physicians will place his neck in a plas ter cast Tbey hope to save bis life. Young Jacques told his three brothers, who visited him this afternoon, tbat he felt almost perfect y welt and had no Jdeaof dying. The Sngnr Fraud's New Home. William E. Howard, the electric sugar fraud, was taken to Sing Sing by a deputy sheriff to day. He was sbackled to August Goldstein, who is to serve two years and six months for grand larceny. Howard was not allowed to bid Mrs. Friend goodby. At Sing Sing Prison Howard was very nervous while his history was being written. He protested in vain against having his beard shaved off. He carried a big Bible in bis hand as be was led from tbe barber shop to his cell Commutation for good be havior will reduce Howard's time in prison to a little over six years. Seclusion and Poetry. Thomas Bailey Aldrlch, editor of the Atlantic Monthly, with iis wife and two children, sailed for Liverpool this afternoon on the steamship City of Paris. Immediately after his arrival In London Tie will take quiet lodgings in the West ern district He will keep his address secret from all friends and acquaintances in order that he may finish, undisturbed, a poem which he began two years ago. This poem will be a narrative 1,200 lines long of the time of Queen Elizabeth. Early in Augusthe will visit the Exposition in Paris, and will 'return to Boston next September. Mr. Aldrlch says that Will iam Dean Howell will return to New York to live after passing the summer near Belmont, Mass. It has been reported and generally be lieved of late that Mr. Howell had decided to pass the remaining winters of his lite in Boston. To Row With the Britons. William O'Connor, the Canadian oarsman, and his manager, Fred Mossop, sailed for Liv erpool to-day on tho steamship Germanic. Next September O'Connor will row a match on the Thames with Searle, the Australian cham pion, for $5,000 a side and the championship of the world. Distinguished People nt Sea. Edmund Johnson, United States Consul to Alsace-Lorraine and Baden; Sir William Rob inson, Governor of Trinidad; Lady Robinson, General Daniel Bntterfield, Rnssell B. Harri son, W. G. Rockefeller and family. Mrs. T. M. Carnegie. Miss Carnegie and Andrew Carnegie sailed for Europe to-day. " Physicians Down on Dr. Wilson. Tbe Academy of Medicine has resolved that Charles G. Wilson ought not to be President of the Board of Healtb. With but one exception Its members think tbat Dr. Wilson is unfitted by experience for his new office, and that he should be removed by tbe mayor. A copy of the forma! resolutions to this effect passed by the academy will be laid before Mayor Grant this week. Dr. Wilson has been badly scored ever since hi3 appointment to the Presidency of the Board of Halth several -weeks ago. Two newspapers have accused him repeatedly of being a professional promoter and a dishonest land speculator,-and have supported their charges with voluminous records of hli busi ness career. The physicians over whose signa tures the resolutions In question will De sub mitted to the mayor are mea of wide reputa tion, with little interest in city politics. HOPEFUL PROHIBITIONISTS. They Expect tho Defeat of tbo Amendment to Increase Tbelr Vote. Special Telegram to The Dispatch. Harrisburo, June 26. The overwhelming defeat of tbe prohibitory amendment has not visibly discouraged the third party Prohibi tionists, whose Chairman and other prominent members of tbe organization met here to-day and 'decided to hold their State Convention for the nomination of a candidate for State Treas urer on the 28th of August three weeks after tbe Republican convention. Among those present were Chairman Barker. Acting Chair man Stevens, Captain Irish, of Lawrence, and Rev. McConnell, of Pittsburg. The place of meeting was not fixed, but It will probably be this city. The Prohibitionists expect to poll a larger vote than usual on account of tbe serious blow given tbe prohibitory amendment in Philadelphia and other Republican counties, four of which furnished 117,000 of tbe 189,000 majority given against the amendment Trouble in Oklahoma. From the Reno (Oklahoma) Herald.; Every lot owner should drive down four good substantial stakes at the corner of his lots, so that there wonld be no need of resurvey of tbe town. The mules and horses staked out at night are in the habit of tangling their lariats In the stakes and pulling them up. Quito Right. yrom the Chicago Inter-Ocean. 1 The dudes who wear bracelets deserve cuffs. TRI-STATE TRIFLES. The failure of little Annie Davis, of Mans field, O- to take a prize in school for the best composition so worried her tbat sho commit ted suicide. The otber evening while the body of a woman was being prepared for burial at tbe family residence in Erie, Fa,, the members of tbe family was startled by seeing tbe right arm move toward the forehead. The undertaker was requested to stop work, as it was thought the woman was only in a trance. Efforts were mado to discover if life was still in the body, bnt after waiting several hours the corpse be came cold, and the funeral arrangements pro ceeded. William, oldest son of John Kohler, of Turbett, Juniata county, Pennsylvania, in passing across a field pulled and ate an un known poisonous plant wbich he mistook for sweet myrrh. His face turned blue and his jaws locked, but a doctor pried them open and gave an antidote tbat saved him. Abraham Whtoerd, of New Franklin, near Chambersburg. Pa., cut bis band slightly a few weeks ago with a stove-pipe edge. The wound was thought trifling, but now seems to he fatal. A BAT outspread against a board like a planked shad and labeled "Jersey mosquito," is a Ridge avenue, Philadelphia, sarcasm. A Philadelphia restaurant man says: "As long as we keep frogs in a dark place their color is a dark brown. But when we bring them into tho sunlight the color soon begins to change until finally it becomes a light green." TnE family of James Lanigal, of Ashtabula county, Ohio, are conspicuous everywhere they go, as tbey all bave six fingers and no thumbs, with one exception, tbat being their youngest son. It is said tbat when Jennie, one of tho young ladies of tbe f amily.'plays tbe piano one wouldthlnk that a duet was being played. There is an old man in Wheeling, W. Va., who cannot be persuaded to ride in an ele vator. He visited New York recently, and, as be said, "rather than risk his life," he walked all the way up to the ninth story of a building. A MAN by tbo name of Bensenhaver just died in Hocking county, Ohio, aged 01 years, who never walked nor talked. A sister, a few years younger, is similarly afflicted.. It is caused by some affection of the mind. A gentleman who resides in Akron, O., has leased a large tract of swampy land down in Kentucky for the purpose of raising what he calls "mosquito hawks." He says they are sure -death to 'the troublesome Insects, and tbat it will only bo necessary to have one ot them attached by a long thread to tbo bead ot your bed and your rest will be undisturbed, as tbe hawk wilt be on tho outlook, and kill every one tbat comes near. He-intends to sends dozenor so down to Cape May aad other sea side resdrts 0a trial. CUBIOUS CONDENSATIONS. Ovid. Mich., shonld be a good place U live In, Full-sized loaves of bread are sole there at the rate of four for 15 cents. The scepter of an Egyptian King ha: been examined chemically by Prof. Berthelot and proves to be nearly pure copper, with onl; traces of lead. It is supposed to be about ,(M years old. The importance of the single vote wa: illustrated at tbe recent election in Rhode Isl and. three towns, Richmond. Exeter and Nortt Kingstown giving that majority against th amendment. The Koyal Meteorological Society o: England is making a collection of photograph! of lightning flsshes. On each photograph h noted the time of the flash and tbe interval be tween it and the thunder. After seven years' close watching a Neu York shoe manufacturer Is of the opinion thai the average size of a Pittsburg and New York woman's foot is No. 2V; Baltimore. Washing ton and Atlanta, .No. S: Philadelphia, N o. 3k Boston and St. Louis, No. 4, and Chicago No. a Tbe most remarkable shipment ever made wai a case of No. 10 tine shoes to Omaha, A peasant found in the earth at Szil. agy-Somiyo, Hungary, a hidden treasure con. taining 29 objects In gold which are said (o be fourth-century work. There are three drink ing cups of solid gold, decorated with enamels; a gold bracelet such as men wore, and golden brooches carried by women on their shoulders. Toe whole treasure, worth about 25,000 florins, is shown at Buda-Pesth in the National Mu seum. At a pool on Tobyhanna creek, a mile or so from Tobyhanna Mills, Pa., a few days ago. it is stated, a boy, with worms for bait, landed three tront in less than half an hour. Their combined weight was 8 pounds 7 ounces, and their aggregate length was 5 inches. They were taken to Scranton and made great talk among the fancy fishermen, who bad fished the same water over and over without making any such catch. At Mt. Clements, Mich., the other day all hands took a ride at the school graduating exercises. One scholar recited "Paul Revere's Ride;" another "The King of Denmark's Rider-' another "The Bicyle Ride," and then came "Sheridan's Ride," "Whitman's Ride," "The Ride From Ghent toAix," "John Gil pin's Ride," "Locbinvar's Ride.'1 "The Johns town Paul Revere." and "A Railroad Ride." Therousio was "We're Galloping, Galloping On," and a "Boat Bide song," The idea of a telephonic church is being carried out at Tunbridge Wells, England, where tbe puloitof a Congregational church is connected with 16 subscribers. We are told that "these Included doctors and apothecaries, clerks working in various parts of tbe town, an invalid lady who has been obtaining consola tion from tbe telephone for several months, and some lazy club men who went into the thing presumably more from a spirit ot experi ment than devotion. Wires are being laid to Maidstone, and soon subscribers living there, in Rochester, In Stroud, and Chatham, will be able, without leaving tbeir houses, to attend services in Tunbridge Wells." A. O. Banks, of Brunswick, Ga., wears a curiosity in the shape of a Panama bat which is worth about HO. It was presented to him by a captain of a foreign vessel, who bought it a native of an island in tbe Pacifc The hat is a large one. about the size of a Mexican som brero, and can be folded compactly, but yet re tain its shape when unfolded. These bats are are knit very closely from the finest Panama straw, and the knitting of them is very tedious. They can be knit only in the cool of the day, as the heat of the sun causes the straw to araw loose from tbeir holds. It sometimes takes twelve and thirteen months to knit tbo most Valuable ones, which cost all the way from $50 to$12i One day last week the milch cows of B.T. Duke and J. T. Crye. of Tazewell, Ox, were milked and turned out to graze as usual, hut not coming up at tbe usual time In the af noon, search was instituted on tbe next morn ing nd kept up for three days through swamp3 and over hills without finding them. They were finally discovered by E. C. Duke by tba carrion crows hovering about the spot. Tho two cows must have become angry with each other and engaged in a fight, and their horns became locked In such a peculiar-way that they could not extricate themselves. They wrestled nntll completely exhausted and died with their horns still locked. The ground about the placo showed that a great struggle had been going on to free themselves. Ushers in many of the most prominent theaters in New York have a new and clever ob vice for victimizing theatergoers. If jVsf'nold coupons for particularly desirtJie' seats the usher on going down tbe aJsIowill substitute conpons for Inferior chairs, -Qreoiuently without tne knovrle'tlce of tho pnrch&ser. If people are not already occupying the stolen seats they are waiting in the lobby, and when the employe re ceives bis consideration are promptly satisfied. This practice is spreading, but occasionally ono of the forward fellows is caught in the act, a turn of affairs which does not worry tbe offenders in the least. The fees which ushers receive in this manner and for selling unpur chased seats are enormous. In one of the smallest houses in town at which a strong at traction was running dnring the past season one young man made from 10 to tiO per night. About a year ago the most disagreeable task in tbe life of a Sandy Hook pilot was to board an incomlngNorwegian, Italian or Portu guese ship. Then life became a misery, f ornot only" was the unlucky pilot compelled to dine on the vilest hard tack and macaroni threo times daily, but he was also guyed by all bis shipmates. Since then times bave changed; foreign vessels are now the most delightful craft when compared with the 52 English and German steamships which carry petroleum in bulk to European oorts. They probably are accorded more forcible condemnation than all the others combined. Previous to sailing from abroad these vessels, by means of steam, are pumped full of salt water, which makes a free and serviceable ballast. When within 200 or 300 miles of New York, if the weather is pro pitious, the skippers who rival tbe keenest Yankees in shrewdness, set their pumps work ing and in short order rid tbeir ships of their worthless and easily obtainable ballast When the chipper pilot comes aboard with expecta tions of catching a 22-f ooter he Is chagrined to find tbat the pumping-out process has lessened tbe draught of the vessel and his fees 60 per cent or more. TAKEN FROM LIFE. Cool treatment A plate of ice cream. "None but the brave deserve the fair." And even the brave can't live with some of 'em. Brewster That young fellow seems to know more than you do. Barclay Ko wonder. I'm his father. An Early Crop. Neighbor "Well, Gig glogs. what are yon raising r Amateur gardener (sadly)-Bllster A Financier. "Dorothy, I think you ara dreadfully extravagant to buy all those things." "But my dear Burns, lhad them charged." Tn a "Western Hotel. Englishman (with unsealed letter) Clerk, have you any gum 7 Clerk-No, 1 ain't got no gum. tilvoyerachsw terbacker. Newly Arrived Spirit So you're thede-. f unct Fahrenheit are yoa ? Fahrenheit's shade-I am. 'Well, Is It hot enough for you ?" orr color. - A writer who, when young, was very green, In time grew blue as years passed o'er his head. Yoa ask what caused this transformation scene? The man grew blue because he was not rend. Rehearsing for Charades. Freddy Now, Charlie, yon must propose to Angellne (In her sixth season), and. Angle, yon must refuse him. It shall be "Paradise Lost." Sea? Charles (thoughtlessly) They'll never guess It In tbe world. "Hurry to the door, Mary, and let Mr. Smith In. He has rung twice." That Isn't Mr. Smith; It Is theotheryoung gen tleman." " Welt wait a minute, then. I must change the photographs on the mantel." Mrs. Houlihan Teddy, have yez got any chanre about yez to-nolght? Mr. Houllain-YlJ.clost upon a dollar.OI guess, Mary. Mrs. Houlihan Well, kape it until the McGon lgles come round. 0111 show those Bourses scross the way that they ain't the only wans In the block who can rush the growler six times av an evenla' I WE SAT ASD FISHED. Beside a fern-fringed, dreamy brook We sat and fished, my love and I: I held the pole and played the hook, She sat and watched, close oy. We sooke of love, ah. Idle dream I Cupid was there to slyly guide The line that floated with the stream, . While we sat side by side. We fished that day in Love's glad tide, t 1 nlsved the hook and held the pole; ' f Forgot was an tne worm ocsm. Mine was the lover's role. I In Life's stern stream we, as betori Are Ashing, but my happy roi? Is changed: the dreamy aaya a .Are nut-she holds the pole. S "Mmlift, sJjSts- roeK. (? i'lJr" l" XsssHsVt Jr sP & ?jjBBBBBiBBBisBsBBBBssrssWWBWgHrBti ' ' ' "' tT" irrTrsa.- - .-.- mni r - - "