FSgSSJSH - j- 'w&irww fw SS v, psPTr" tpstJT' RTJ1 THE PITTSBUEG- DISPATCH, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1889; 9 ffiEPEUCMESTOEES The Miners Will Consult With the State Attorney General. WILL HELP FELLOW LABORERS. Proposed New Motive Power for Street Bail vay Lines in the Cities. THE PEOPObED SHADE BEASCH SCALE The Eailroad Miners Convention, held at Knights of Labor hall, yesterday, was a very important one. John D. Conway pre sided and Thomas Kennedy acted as Secre tary. There were 35 delegates present, rep resenting 43 mines. The reports of the dele gates was the first bnsiness before the meet ing, the object of which was to consider the "pluck-me" store system. Some of them said that the mines were idle because the operators refused to employ men who do not deal at their store. Others reported that the stores at their mines bad been closed by the operators. A committee on resolutions was appointed and the convention adjourned for dinner. At the afternoon session a committee com posed of Messrs. J. F. Welch and J. D. Con way was appointed to call on the merchants of the two dues and solicit financial aid in fight in; the company store system. If these stores arc abolished the trad of the city merchants will be greatly increased. Another committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Welch, Conway and John Flannery, to consult with the Attorney General of the State relative to the law on company stores. The Committee on Resolutions then reported the following, which were unanimously adopted: W llEEEAK, The delegates of the railroad miners of this district on May ta. cave expression to tlielr views on the company or "pluck-me" store question, and. bcrcas. The evils and Injustice of these stores iave not been removed or mitigated: therefore Resolved, That we see no other proper way to meet this question lalrly than to insist on pay ment or wares in full in cash and the abolition of company stores in connection with mines Itesolied, That the duty of all miners is to not patronize stores which are operating in defiance of the laws of our state. Resolved, That the miners of this district ask the advice of the Attorney General as to the proper way to prevent the operation of such stores. Kesolvcd, That we appeal to a Triendly public to contribute to a fund to defray necessary expenses and In supporting victimized miners who suffer tor their participation in this movement, and that we ask all fair employers to loin us in opening their mines to victimized fellow-workmen with whom we believe it is our duty to share our wore, as it Is all we have to pire as our donation. Jtesolved. That a convention be called to meet Julys, and that In the meantime the Executive Hoard be kept in tbe field, and that the oflicers of the organizations be requeued to assist and con tinue to rive thts movement tbclr unqualified and earnest support, and that due notice be given of ficially to each mine committee that a convention will be held. ily order of the committee. Mr. John Flannery, of the Trades Journal, the organ of tbe miners, presented his resigna tion as Treasurer, taking the ground that he is not eligible, not being a member of the Execu tive Committee. He was promptly made a member of that body and his resignation was rejected. A KEW MOTOR LINE. Tbe Transverse Street Railway to be Bon Without Horses Enough Power to Sell An Experimental Line. Rapid transit in the two cities will receive another acquisition in a new cable road, which will be operated from the B. fc O. railroad depot on the Transverse street car line. An application will be made for a charter by a number of gentlemen, who intend to form a corporation under the name of the Allegheny Traction Company. The names of the incor porators are James A. McDevitt, C. It Magee, Joshua Rhodes, John D. .Nicholson, John H. Dalzell, George B. Hill and A. C. McCallam, Jr. feeveral efforts were made yesterday to see some of the incorporators in regard to tbe pro posed scheme, but most of them refused to have anything to say on tbe subject, i It was learned, however, that the new com rv&ny, whose members are all interested in the Transverse street car line intend to introduce electric or cable motive power on every street car road in Allegheny, and they are only de ciding upon the Transverse line as a starter. The road will be ran o er the same route as the borse cars are running at present, and. opera tions will be commenced as soon as the char ter is granted. All the preliminary arrange ments for the completion of the road have already been made and it is expected that tbe cable cars will be running over the road by Christmas. One of the gentlemen Interested in the road, when asked whether a cable could be run across tbeNorthside bridge, stated that be did cot think there would be any difficulty on that account and outside of that the entire road is as well suited for cable as horse power. "Our intention is," said one of the incorpora tors, "to establish a motor company with tbe view of supplying motive power to some of the streetcar lines already in operation in Alle gheny." "Does that include the Allegheny and Man chester lineT" No, because we are not stockholders In that company. Of course, if tbe directors of the Allegheny and Manchester line want us to supply tbem with motive power we can do that." Then, continuing, the informant Intimated that, while be did not hare direct authority tor saying so, be believed that within a short time all the street car lines in Allegheny would bo consolidated and absorbed by one company. Whether this consolidation will include the Pleasant Vallej car line or no, the gentle man refused to state. Tbe capital stock ot the proposed Allegheny Traction Company is $350 000. It is now stated by officers of the Central Traction line that they do net expect to have It in operation before the middle of November. About SO days were lost on account of the Johnstown disaster, and 60 days on account of the difficulty In getting a perfect title to the property on which the power bouse is to be erected. Hereafter, however, the work will be pushed with all the energy possible, and no more time be lost THE SHADE BRaXCH SCALE. The FUtsbur Delegation Depart! for New York to Arrange It, President W. J. Smith, of the American Flint Glass-Workers' Union, and the Pittsburg delegation of workers, left last night to attend tbe conference in New York to-day on the Shade list prices for the next fire The com mittee consists of James Arboeast. of T, TT as. Philllpsburg; George Engstron, L. TJ. No. 6, Pittsburg; John Morrell, L. U. No. 80, Fos toria. No trouble is expected, as no material change in the present lists is expected. Tbe workers have an advantage over tbe Pittsbnrg manu facturers, as none of them belong to the manu facturers' organization with which the workers' union are dealing. The Eastern men and the workers' committee arrange the prices, and the shade men in this section of the State who have nothing to do with the arranging of wages are compelled to pay tbe scale arranged at these annual conferences. Some of the flint glass men here make several varieties of glass ware, and if they belonged to all the associa tions connected with their trade would be kept busy attending to tbe business of these organi sations. This is tbe reason the Pittsburg Shade men are not in the association of shade manu facturers. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. President Wclhe, of the Amalgamated Asso ciation, Rules on a Point of Interest. A very important question has been asked President Weihe, of the Amal gamated Association, and he answered it at the session of the convention. The question came from the Grievance Committee and was in reference as to what constitutes a double turn and as to whether a helper has a right to claim his old situation after having ac cepted a better position, being thrown out of employment shortly after. Several cases were cited and President Weihe made tbe following ruunt; "When a helper, roll hand or any member of this association leaves one situation to go to another, and accepts the latter permanently, he or they cannot lay claim to his or their old sit uation in the event of the new situation prov ing a failure. And should the new situation, furnaces, ex, run three successive months no matter at what period of the year it commences it then becomes a double turn job, and in the event of said furnace, furnaces, roll, etx, being discontinued or stopped, said party or parties working at said furnace, furnaces, rolls, etc, being thrown out of employment, are entitled to and must get an equal division of the work." Contribntlon From the Flints. The American Flint Glass Workers' Union has contributed about 6.000 toward the relief of the Johnstown flood sufferers. Yesterday President Smith received an additional con tribution of K01 05 from Local Unions Nos. 36 fnd 78. the result of an entertainment given at Phulipsburg. He also received $29 from Mur ray s factory, fl86 from Rohrbacher'a and $89 from Gillender's, all In Philadelphia, DON'T WANT PLDCK-ME'S. The River Miners Meet nnd Stand by the Kallrond Diggers' Decision. The miners of the Monongahela Valley held a delegate convention yesterday at Byers Hall, Monongahela City, to consider the price for tninlntTand the store order question. There were 42 delegates present, representing 38 mines ont of 65 located along tbe river. Master Workman Jenkins presided, and after the delegates bad been seated the price for mining was discussed. It was -unanimously decided to insist on the 3-cent rate in the first three pools and 2 cents in the Fourth pool, to take cifect and continue after JulyL It was also decided that work bo suspended for a period of ten days, to give tbe operators an op portunity to consider tbe matter. If the price is not granted a strike will be ordered. The company or "pluck-me" store question was next discussed. National" Secretary Watchorn. of N. T. A. 135, K. ot 1 and Gen eral Executive Boarder John Costello spoke on the subject at length. After a discussion on the question the follow ing resolutions wero adopted: Itesolved, That wc are unalterably opposed to the store-order system, and that we unite heart andhandvtiththorallroad miners in the crusade against this evil. Resolved, That all delegates present be re quested to Impress upon their constituents the necessity of more thorough organization. THOSE FOREIGN GLASS BLOWERS. Secretary Windom: Orders a Thorough Investigation. W. J. Brennan. Esq., has gone to Washing ton and laid the case of the violation of tbe contract labor law before Secretary of the Treasury Windom by the importation of foreign window glass blowers. It is alleged that the foreign blowers, who are now at work at Jeannette, didcome over at the request of President James Campbell, of the Window Glass Workers' Association, and at the request of James Chambers, of Chambers & McKee. Secretary Windom ordered that the papers in the case be rent to Boston where tho men landed and a full investigation will be made. When the result of this investigation is re ceived Secretary Windom will make his de cision. President Campbell is not worried at all over the investigation and says he is ready for any decision that may be made. A Bundle of Nerves. This term is often applied to .people whose nerves are abnormally sensitive. They should strengthen them with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. After a course of that beniim tonic, they will cease to be conscious that they have nervous systems, except through agreeable sensations. It will enable them to eat, sleep and digest well, the three media for increasing tone and vigor in the nerves, in common with tbe rest of tbe system. The mental worry be gotten by nervous dyspepsia will also dis appear. Flue Whiskies. X. X. X. 1855, Pure Eye "Whisky, full quarts $2 00 18b0, McKim's Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 3 00 Monogram, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts.... 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Eye Whisky, lull quarts -. 1 50 Gibson's, 1879, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 2 00 Gibson's Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 50 Guckenheimer Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 Guckenheimer Export,Pure Eye Whis ky, full quarts 1 50 Moss Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1879 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1880 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. What n Comfort To feel you have got the worth of your money, even in the smallest purchase. If you're going to buy the boys some fireworks for the Fourth why not go where you will get the best goods for the least money? Our all-colored fireworks are never excelled and seldom equaled: besides, the prices are no higher than the common goods are usu ally sold for. .Look the stock over at James W. Grove's before purchasing. twts California Wine. Old Sherry, full quarts 50c Extra Old Sherry, full quarts 75c Old Port, full quarts 50c Extra Old Port, lull quarts 75c Eiesling, full quarts 40c Angelica, full quarts 50c Muscatel, full quarts. 50c Tokay, full quarts 50c For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Filth are. Fireworks for the Fourth. Largest assortment in the city; finest dis play of pieces; prices lower than tbe lowest; everything warranted first quality, whole sale and retail, at J. H. Johnston's, 706 Smithfield street. Don't Bur Fireworks TJntil you have examined the stock we ex hibit. It is the largest in the city, compris ing all the novelties in the line. The goods are from the best fireworks manufacturers in the country. See them at James W. Grove's, Filth avenue. twts Imported Port. 1828 Imperial Oporto Port, full quarts.53 00 1869 Mackenzie Port, full quarts 2 50 Fine Old White Port, full quarts 2 00 London Dock Port, full quarts 2 00 Burgundy Port, full quarts 150 Fine-Old Spanish Port, full quarts.... 1 00 For sale by G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Everybody Wonts Fun, On Fourth July, and they can have it if they invest a small amount in some of those elegant all colored fireworks to be had at James W. Grove's, Fifth ave. twts Imported Sherry. 1828, Imperial Amontillado Sherry, full quarts $3 00 1828, Imported Brown Sherry, full quarts 3 00 Pemartin Sherry, full quarts.... 2 00 Choice Old Brown Sherry, full quarts. 2 00 Harmony Sherry, full quarts 1 50 Fine Old Topaz Sherry, lull quarts.... 1 00 iUi OiUC VJT VT. VT. OCUUllUb, iJO ana vi Fifth ave. Bicycles, Bicycles, Tricycles, velocipedes, boys' wagons, lawn swings, croquet, hammocks, footballs, base balls, bats, dolls, toys, etc, in abundance at James W. Grove's,Fifth ave. twts Guns never so cheap as now. Send or call for illustrated catalogue of guns, revol vers, sportinc goods, etc. J. H. Johnstojt, 706 Smithfield st. Gbeat bargains in fine watches, jewelry, sterling and quadruple plated tableware at J. P. Steinmann's, 107 Federal st, Alle gheny. TTSSU "Golden Wedding" flour without a rival. its Field nnd Tonrlata Glasses. The largest and best assortment "of field and tourists glasses, from $5 up. Binocular telescopes and Bardoux rifle ranges from $25 andnpward. Our 510 field .and marine glass cannot be had elsewhere for double the price. Kornblttm, Optician, No. 50 Fifth ave., near Wood st. La I'crla del Fnmar. These celebrated clear Havana Key West Cigars are for sale at: Hotel Duquesne, Hotel Anderson. St Charles Hotel, Albemarle Hotel, Union Depot Restaurant. John Lanier, 3799 Fifth ave. Peter A. Ganster, 35 and 37 Frankatown ave. John F. Ganster, 27 Frankatown ave. Peter Weber, 76 Wvlie ave. John C. StrouD, 25 Union st E. W. Hagan." 009 Smithfield st Neville Bayley, 405 Smithfield st. J. K. Derr, 400 Market st P. C. Dully. .540 Grant st E. F. Eusch, 3716 Forbes st Linhart, Bald & Co., 411 Smithfield st Charles Eble, 6009 Penn ave. G. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth are. THE PEOPOSED DITCH. Some People Think a Canal to Lake Erie Worth More Tlian the IMPROVEMENT OP THE OHIO. Coal Shippers See Ko Hope in the Sky, hut Senator Quay Promises Help. J G0YEEX0E BEATEE AND THAT CANAL It has leaked out that there was more in that conference between coal operators of this city and Senator Quay than at first reported. According to Captain 1 N. Bunton, of Joseph Walton & Co., the feature of a canal to Lake Erie was a matter of sec ondary importance, the real object of the confer ence being to devise ways and means to get rid of tolls on the Monongahela river and consult as to further improvement of the Ohio. As tho proposition to make a canal to Lake Erie is a pet measure in Beaver county, some people guessed that this was tbe prime object of the conference, but Mr. Bunton says it wasn't. The river coal trade of Pittsburg is in a bad way, not for want of money to operate, nor for a market, but for want of a paying market one which will stand the cost of tolls on the Monongahela river, cost of long and difficult navigation, the extra price paid for mining, ex tra compared with other places, and finally ex tra cost of plant or rather of product and in consequence the heavy eights in the trade are casting about for relief. What tbe men who sat up with the junior Senator of Pennsylvania do not tell might fill a volume, perhaps, but they admit that they talked about Monongahela river tolls. Mr. L N. Bunton states that Mr. Quay promised to do what he lould for them, lie also stated that tbe canal to the lake was talked of, but says there was no definite logomachy respecting it, as it is beinc pushed by other Influences, and anyhow will not assume definite shape until after the commission appointed makes report THE GOTEKNOB SAID TO BE IN IT. It is quietly whispered in some localities that the canal project is a favorite wrinkle of Gov ernor Beaver, and that he proposes to have his name linked with it as Its praises "go echoing down the corridors of time." Well, whatever His Excellency's motive miy be, efforts in that behalf will be appreciated in this neighbor hood. The commission's work will tie to make a preliminary survey and report feasibility, if any, and cost Mr. Benton states that he knows of no discussion relative to tho motive power that will be used should a canal be built and seemed to think that not only will there be no trouble on this score, but also that there will be plenty of time to discuss the best method of cooking the hare when it has been found. But although there is considerable unanimity of opinion as to the bad condition of the river coal trade of Pittsbure there are slightly di vergent views respecting it Mr. T. P. Morgan finds tbe greatest drawback to consist in tbe Irregularity of prices in down-river ports, and says that were a moderate price established) and maintained a fair amount of money might be made in the trade. He also stales that the local coal trade, that of Pittsburg and Alle gheny, It gradually coming back as tbe price of natural gas grows. Anyone fairly fixed in life will consent to Increased cost and use of meter in his family consumption, but much increase in price becomes a serious matter in a large factory, and Mr. Morgan ex pects to see the Pittsburg coal trade arise again from its ashes before many years. As the Cambria Iron Company alone used about 4,030.000 bushels of coal a year before it began using gas an idea of what Pittsburg con sumption would be may be had, as many of ber heaviest factories can take coal directly from the rivers. Mr. George P. Thurston states that the Pitts burg river coal trade amounts to 110.000,000 bushels a year, and tbe handling of it gives occupation to an army four or five times as large as that with which General Taylor won the battle of Buena Vista. THE TROUBLE IS NOT wantof a market but of a. paying one; hence tho desire to get to tbe lake regions, where there will bo less competition. The expression "carrying coals to New castle" was once supposed to express tbe most complete idea of busi ness stupidity, but according to Mr. Joseph Walton, carrying coals to the South is now but little better and in a short time will be even more unprofitable. There is sale for all the coal that our fleets can carry, but tbe product must compete with one which, though inferior, can be put .oh tbe Southern market at a cost that consumers consider moro than compensating. An idea of the develop ment in Alabama may bo bad by comparison of a few figures and dates. According to censns reports tbe coal output in Alabama was 11,000 tons, and in 18S6 it was estimated all the way from 1,800,000 to 2,500,000, while the whole amount shipped through the Monongahela locks that year was but 1123,915 ton, and when Alabama produced but 11.000 tons the shipments through these same locks was 2 303,- oao tons, or over zuu,iam tons more roan nan in 1S70 of what it was in 1SSC. Mr. Walton states that the great leverage the Alabamians have is that under the operation of their laws they keep their penal institutions full of convict labor and that labor to mine coal costs nothing except board and clothing, and much of it is utilized in mining. THE GBEAT KANATVHA BEAB. But perhaps, the greatest competitor Pitts burg has at present and will have for some time to come, is the region up the Kanawha river, in West Virginia, at least one might sup pose its opposition the most powerful. Many of the owners of coal lands in that section may be said to have gottontbem for consider ably less than nothing, and 6 to 10-foot veins of coal thrown in on top of that or rather under, as the timber above will be worth several times the cost of the land. Those who know what Allegheny and Westmoreland coal land has cost, or for that matter, any of the coal land worked in Western Pennsylvania can appreciate the disad vantageVith which Western Pennsyl vania operators labor in this respect Mr. C. Eimberland tells of land in West Virginia owned by the Marmet Company which cost 3 an acre and which has 30,000 feet of lumber on it to the acre, exclnsive of tie timber. And be- low tms unioer out a small way are coal veins 4 to 14 feet thick scattered over a large portion of country. In tho Kanawha sections a half cent is saved on mining; and three-eighths of a cent on shipment compared with Pittsburg coal, seven-eighths cents altogether, with shipping water a much greater part of the year than here, and a safer channel. These two items of cost alone make a difference in favor of West Virginia of $110,000 a year as against Pittsbnrg operators, and then added to this are the tolls on the Monongahela river, which cost such firms as the Browns and Walton & Co. each 16,000 to 20,000 a year. IT IS OP GENERAL INTEREST. Mr. Kimberland points out tbe fact that the iron men are even more interested In a canal to Lake Erie than are the coal operators, for they must have cheap ore carriage if they are to maintain their supremacy, and it will suit the coal men to sell their product here as well as anywhere else, if they can get a market alio total nroduction of the West Virginia mines was 4,005,790 tons in 18SS, which is within 200,000 tons, or 6,000,000 bushels of that which came through the locks of the Monongahela that year. This is one interest that it would seem no one power can corner in its entirety. England may dki;ui.w a. mj ,uc uuju iiucu me coal ox tne world will give out but in this country its vast ness gives us the feeling of the 12-year-old boy who is more afraid of a whipping than he is of Tophet's terrors,lfor they seem to him a long way off. Before our coal is exhausted we will bave time to grow a dozen forests as large as any the pioneers ever saw. FiEEworks, crackers, torpedoes; finest assortment; low -prices. J. H. Johnston, 700 Smithfield st Fine cabinet photographs, only $1 adozen, at Hendricks & Co.'s, C3 Federal st, Alle gheny. Proof shown. MEETINGS. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE COR POBATIONof Allegheny Cemetery will bo held at tbe new Penn avenue entrance on SATURDAY, the 29ih inst, at 4.30 o'clock P.M. e27-68 JAMES R. BPEER, Secretary. Headquartebs Allegheny County ) Republican Executive Committee, f Ptttsbubq, Pa June 26, 18Sa THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE Committee will be held in Common Coun cil chamber, Pittsburg (Municipal Hall), on SATURDAY, JUNE 29, at 2 o'clock P. i to take action upon the report of the committee appointed to revise and prepare rules govern ing your committee. By order W. D. PORTER, Chairman. ROBERT BERRY, Secretary. je27-13-Ths -f-OTICE THE 810UKH0LDERS OF i the Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway Company are hereby noti fied to meet at tbe office of the company in Schmidt & Fridaylmilding, Pittshurg, Pa., on JULY 12, 1S89, at 2 o'clock P.M., trt vote upon an agreement to merge and consolidate said company with the Observatory Hill Passenger Railwav Company and the People's Paric Pass enger Railway Company. WM. H. GRAHAM, Secretary. Je27 94-Th X3 Display advertisements cms dollar ptr square for ont tnsertUm. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, eic, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or less than fifty cent. THE PITTSBUR6 DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of -the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The Dis patch, PITTSBUHO. THOMAS MCCAFFKEY, S5iS Bntler street EMIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Penn ave, E. G. STUCKEY 4C0., Wylle ave. and Fultonst M. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. - EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Fenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTKB & SHEICLER, Sth av. & AtWOOd St EOUTHSIDK. JACOB 8POHN, llo. 2 Carson street CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 69 Federal street H. J. McliRIDE, Federal and Ohio streets. , FKEU H. EGGEBS. 172 Ohio street. F. II. EGGElte ibON. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKY, Western and Irwin aves. (i.yv. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'EKBYM.OLEIM. Bebccca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Mojo Ilels. -rrrAivTED-A fiest-classmano playek VV for saloon. Apply to JOHN MAUL, Bel lalre, O. Je2t-M WANTED-COMPETENT SINGLE MAN TO garden and attend to horses, cow, etc. Apply at 907 LIBERTY ST. JeZ7-75 WANTED-TEN GOOD BR1CKLAYEBS AT University Building:, Perrysvllle avenne, Allegheny. McCARALESd&KINbEB. Je27-95 -YTTANTED-UPHOLbTEREKS-AT A. EDLI8 t V &, CO. 'S, leading manufacturers of barbers' supplies and furniture, 502 Liberty street. Pitts- uur. jcji WANTED SALESMAN ON CANDY wagon: must bo a No. loan; reference re quired. AMERICAN CANDY WOltKS, 332 and 334 Madison ave., Allegheny. Jc27-85 WANTEO-SOME LIVE AOKJTS TO SELL our new Installment goods: good pay weekly: only those with good reference need ap ply. UNION CREDIT CO., 103 Fourth ave. JeSl-46 WANTED-TWO YOUNG MEN, AGE JS TO 20, with !10 cash security to act as news agents on R. B. trains. Apply at UNION NEWS CO. OFFIUE. West Penn depot, Allegheny. Je27-9l WANTED FIRST-CLASS BBEAD AND cake baker and assistant: good wages to the right man. ROBEltr MORROW & CO, 'Woodland ave., Eleventh ward, Allegheny. Je27-63 -V1J"ANTED-AN ENERGETIC. ENTERPB1S V ING man, situated outside Pittsburg, to represent our house In his Mate; salary 170: refer ences given and exacted, MANUFACTURER, Lock Box 1610, N . If. oc7-43-Th -rrrANTED-AGENTS TO SELL TEA. M AKING VV powder and pure spices: gifts wftli goods: coke workers, miners or mlllmcn can makemoney In their spare time. YAMASH1RO TEA CO., 83 Jackson St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja26-8G-TTS WANTED-TWO YOUNG MEN ON SALARY to sell teas, coffees and spices to families in towns where we are not represented: anyone can make money by soliciting orders In their spare time. ASSAM TEA CO., 4505 Liberty ave: Je26-17 -YTTANTED-BAD WB1TEBS AT SMARfS VV COLLEGE. 4 Sixth street. Pittsburg. Pen manship, bookkeeping, eclectic shorthand, type writing, arithmetic, etc., thoroughly taught for SO per month: instruction private for both sexes; open through summer, day and evening. jel2-97-TTSSU ANTED-MEN TO ATTEND NEW YORK Cutting School: Urltng's actual measure ment taught in all Its branches; the only true system "fitting any and all shapes: no trying on: instructions, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.; evening, 7 to 9 r. M.; call or write for circular. M4 WOOD ST., Pittsburg, Pa. Jc23 WANTED-SALESMEN-WE WISH A FEW men to sell our goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade: largest manufacturers in our line: Inclose 2-eent stamp; wages (3 per day: permanent position: no postals answered money ad anced lor wages, -advertising, etc. CENTEN MALMAN'F'UCO., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jel8-53-TTS YTTANTED MAN-TO TAKE AGENCY OF V our safes; size 28x18x13 Inches; weight 600 lbs.: retail price S35;otherslzes In proportion: rare chance to create permanent buslaess at tionic: these safes meet demand never berore supplied by other safe companies, as we are not governed by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO. .Cincinnati, 0. Je20-4-D WANTED AGENTS THE LARGEST, handsomest, best book "Johnstown Hor ror, or the Valley of Death" Is now ready; agents desiring to bave a share In the enormous sales should send 40c for ontnts at once; octavo volume. 500 pages; cloth binding, 2 00; sheep, (150; copiously illustrated and beats all else for sale. Apply P. J. FLEMING & CO., 77 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. Je27-72 Fcmnlo Help. WANTED -GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 443 FORBES AVE., city. Je27-70 XtTA.KTED-A.ii EXPERIENCED LADY FOB VV drygoods store. CallatGUSKX .fc LEVY'S, 32 Diamond St., city. Je27-62 WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK in small family. Apply at 57 HEM LOCK ST., Allegheny, after 9 A. M. Thursday. Je27-76 ' ' Male nnd female flelo. WANTED -GABDENERS FARM HANDS, white waiters, dressmaker, cook, chamber maid, nurse, M per week; 200 house girls, 30 for hotels, summer resorts and dining room girls. MEEHAN 'B AG EN C Y. 545 Grant st. )e24-D -YTrANTE-J--! DRESSMAKERS, 1 SEAM VV bTBESS, 1 laundress, chambermaids, dln ingroom girls, nurses, 5 young girls. 100 house girls, German and colored girls: drivers, gar deners, farm hands. MBS, E. THOMPSON, 608 Grant st. , Jel3-MIh WANTED -25 WEEKLT-BEPRESENTA-TIVE, male or female. In every community; goods staple: household necessity: sell at sight; no peddling; salary paid promptly, and expenses ad vanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case free: we mean Jutt what we say. Address at once STANDARD 81LVEBWABE CO., Boston, Mass. Jel4-70-D Situations. YTTANTED-AN EXPERT ACCOUNTANT TV with wide experience will investigate tho books or firms or- corporations with secrecy and dispatch, or Institute new and direct methods de fying Irregularity. FBENCH, Dispatch office. Je25-50-TT WANTED -POSITION BY A DRUGGIST, ten rears' experience, to take charge or dispense: registered In Pennsylvania; strictly temperate and ran furnish unquestioned refer ences. Address OP11, Box657, Greensburg, Pa. JC27-5 WANTED-S1TUA1ION-AYOUNGTVOMAN with a daughter a year old wishes a position as companion to some childless couple or lady, where she can have the comrorts or a home lor bcrseli and child: Is refined, well educated and able to add to the comforts of any home. Ad dress, stating particulars and salary.MBS. ANNA MADDOX, Mansfield. O. Je27-6S-ThSu Partner. WANTED-PABTNEB WITH ROCO-TO IN VEST In brass and Iron foundry with an established trade; one to take charge of office pre fecred. Address BBASS, Dispatch office. Je27-88 Honrdinc. VYJ ANTED-BOOM ANDBOABDIN PRIVATE famllTI 5 Or 10 mlnntPH tWAllr frewn ITiict- Lberty or bhadyside station, where a young man can feel at home; reference required. Address K. K. 1., Dispatch office. Jc27-10O-Tbs Boarders nnd Iodgers. WANTED-AN OCCUPANT FOR A SEC OND-story front room. Apply 23 MONT GOMEBY AVE., on parks; boarders and lodgers. Je27-10 XTJANTED-BOABDEBS-COUNTBY BOABD V T ING for 4 to 6 persons on tho A. V. B. R., 10 miles from the center or city, 5 minutes' walk to station; rooms large and airy; house snr rounded with handsome shade trees; vegetables of all kinds raised on the premises: good cream. mUk and butter. Apply tow., No. 92 Fourth ave. . Je27-71 Financial. WANTED-MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY, over HO00: 4f per cent: no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., $2 Fourth avenne. mh2-a22-D -YTJANTED'-BENTS COLLECTED PBOMIT .X,J';.ffi,PSr$r!5aD.?Ked with satisfaction. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Tel. 167. Ial9-31 w A N T E D MOHTGAGES IN 1ST amounts: 414 to 6 Der cent dtv-nnd f.onntrv no delay. SAMUEL W. BLACK CO.. fe Fourth avenne. ia20-55-MThS ANTED-MOBTGAGS-1.000,000TOLOAN In large and small amounts at 4K, 5and6 P,!rJven,tt.eof.Pyitetax: no Uelr- BJSED B. CO YLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. my21-60 WANTJDrTOJ.WAii K00.000. IN AMOUNTS of 3, 000 and npward.'on city and suburban property, on 4 percent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK. & BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. scH-dM-D T7"ANTED-MOKTGAGES-L0CO. 000TO LOAN 1 V on city and suburban properties at H. Sand cent counties at 6 per cent. 1 - , v-..i. wuu .. a.,uo JU JUICKUCUT BHU nujs- iii-.knjMui;ii con, iuj rourtn avenue. ap7-f4i WA5T?fc-j:'0AM xo'xo ON M0Kr .. J JP'' t100 and npward at per cent; WANTED. Flnnncinl. WANTED-MORTGAGES, LARGE AND small. DWl'mSH,4J0GraJtt.. Pitts burg. Jel8-32 WANTED-M.OHTGAGES-MON EY TO LOAN In sums to suit at K, 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167.-apl9-14 "VTTANTED-650 TO ESTABLISH A M'F'G T V business of great future -promise: 25 per cent profit per annum guaranteed on tho investment; principals only corresponded with. Address, for full particulars, to BfBENGTH, Dispatch office, Pittsburg. Je27-66 arjicerianeoui. ' WANTED-YOU TO GETJ A BAKEB'S dozen (13) of Stewart A Co. 'a fine cabinet photos for fl, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny. my28-W-xTSu WAN TED-FARMERS WILL FIND A MAR KET for their cherries and red laspberrles at Ilclnz's Preserving Works, 168 and 170 Second ave., city. H. J. HEIiyZCO. Je26-32-D YTTANTED-XiADIES TO KNOW HAUGH TV Keenan repair, reflnlsh or upholster old furniture promptly and In the best possible man- ner. 33 AND 34 WATEB ST. 'Phone 1626. my9-82 TTTANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO VV TOGBAPHEB. 96 i Itth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that be Is making line cabinets at f 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised; instan taneous process. mh!3-63 TTJANTED-ANY ONE WANTING A HAND VV SOMELY engraved 14-karat. gold-filled, hunting-case watch, stem wind and set, guaran teed Tor 20 years: Joints, bow, crown, lips, alt solid gold; 15 extra jewels, 4 pairs In cup settings; spring compensation balance, quick train, safety pinion; all latest improvements: at a low price on easy payments. Address LOCK BOX 501. Pitts burg P. o., and I will call and show same; corre spondence strictly confidential. Je27-C5 FOB. SALE I3IPEOYED REAL ESTATE. CItv Residences. FOR SALE-NO. 43 LINDEN ST.. SIXTn ward, near Chestnut. 7 rooms only 3,000. W. AEBBON & SONS, SO Fourth ave. ' Jel6-73-17, 19, 21. 24, 27, 29 TTlOR SALE-NO. 30 BLUFF ST.. SIXTH A ward A good houseof 8 rooms; price low. Vr . A. HEBRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. JOI6-73-17.19, 21,24, 27.29 FOR SALE-ON VINE. NEAR FIFTH AVE NUE, lot 60x60ft , wlthadwclllngof5rooma. W. A. HEBRON A SONS, SO Fourth avenue. Je27-79-27,29,Jy2,6 FOR SALE-NO. 804 WYLIE AVE.-BR1CK dwelling, 6 rooms, furnished attic, ball, gns, etc. : lot. possession at once. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167 JC26-18 FOB SALE-SEVEKAL BABGA1NS IN CITY dwellings, viz.: 5 on Colwell st , 4 on Clark St., Ion Scott St., 4 on Chatham St., 2 on Wash ington st., 3 on Congress St., 2 on Townscnd st. and a number of others; call for particulars. C. BEKINGEB & SON. 103 Fourth ave. Jc27-7-ThS F OR SALE-WYLIE AVE.. NEAR FRANCIS St.. 2 new two-stnrv nnd mansard hrlnk dwellings of 8 rooms each, city water, natural gas. Dim, nan, vesiiouie, siate manieis, eto.: nice lot extending back to an alley: will bo sold cheap. Call at office BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Je25-60 FOR SALE-6 CHOICE HOUSES ON SIDNEY street, above Twenty-third, the best and pleasantest location on the bouthslde: Sidney street being wide, newly paved and well Im proved; houses, to be finished by August 1st, have pressed brick and stone, ornamental front', and contain eight rooms, with bath, laundry and every other convenience; city water, gas and natural gas on each floor, and good plnmblng leading to city sewers makes dwellings first class in every respect; Smithfield and Carson street cars pas within one squire; terms, 81,000 cash, with balance navable as arranged to suit nurchascr. Apply to BAKEWELL PHILLIPS. Dispatch oince, . Bee. Fifth ave., city. Je27-85 East End Residences. FORSALE-AT (2. 700-GOOD HOUSE 5 ROOMS on" Atwood near Forbes st. W. A. HEREON i. laONS, 8ff Fourth ave. JC16-73-17, 19,21,24, 7,29 FOB SALE-SOUTH IIILAND AVE., E. E., a rare opportunity: an elegant new brick house of 8 rooms; all conveniences; well worth 18.500: will sell for 7,500 on terms to suit. D. P. lHOMAS & CO., 408 Grant St. U13-83 FOB SALE-AT A BARGAIN IF SOLD IN THE next two weeks, 6 new s-room brick houses in East Liberty, convenient to station and cable cars; all rented to good tenants: will pay 10 per cent net on the money Invested; reason for sell ing, owner lives away from the city. BEED B. COYLE 4 CO.. 131 Fourth ave. !e27-89 FOR SALE-ONLY Si 250 -BATES STBEET, Oakland, a new 2-storr and mansard rramo dwelling of rooms; hall, vestibule. Inside shut ters, slate mantels, tile hearths, both gases,range, h. and c. water, laundry in basement with station ary tubs, bath, Inside w. c. and stationary w. s.: thlsls a complete house In every respect. BEEDB. COYLE & CO., No. 131 Fourth avenue. Je27-33 FOB SALE-OAKLAND AVE.. ONLY ONE square from cable road, anew 8-room brick residence, stationary wasbstands. bath, h. andc water, nat. nnd art. gas, slate mantels, tile hearths fine large pantry and closets throughout, laundry In cellar, front porch full width of the house, electric bells, etc.; lot 25x100: terms rea sonable; possession at once. SAMUEL W. BLACK a CO.. 99 Fourth ave. le27-83 FOR. SALE-ONLY A FEW NOW 'REMAIN unsold of the TerydeslrableIght-room dwell ings on Oakland square. The rapidity with which sales have been made show tne estimation In Milch they are held: durably built and handsome ly finished, supplied with every modern con venience; standing on large lots and facing a handsome park planted with beautiful shado trees, these dwellings bave the notable advantage of be ing but 15 to 20 minutes from fhepostofflcebythe Pittsburg Traction road: a cable loop, for which an ordinance Is now In Councils,, will pass within 100 feet or the square; prices $6,500 and5,750; terms moderate cashpayrnent and long time on balance. Apply to S.W. BLACK & CO.,99 Fourth avenue. Je23-67 Allecheny Residences. FOB SALE-3M REBECCA ST.. ALLEGHENY, a good house 6 rooms: lot 20x100 ft. W. A. HERBON &SONS.80Fourthavenue. Je27-79-27,29.y2,6 F OK SALE-HANDSOME MODERN HOUSE all conveniences and larre lot. ehnlee liva tton. Bldwell street. Alleghenv: low nrirn easy terms. JNO. H. M'CREEKY, 95 Fifth ave. ap9-46-TTS FORSALK-AT AUCTION, MONDAY', JULY 1, at 3 o'clock, on premises. No. 11 HcClln tock ave.. Second ward, Allegheny, electric car station, lot 40x135, handsome residence six rooms, hall, attic bath, laundry, pantry.porcb, furnace, cedar and china closets; lovely situation : excellent neighborhood: a choice home: visit It: limited price. 7,500. Full particulars by A. LEGGATE A SON, Auctioneers, 31 Federal st Allegheny, Je27-8 Snbnrbnn Residences. FOB SALE-CHEAP-ATWILKINSBUBG, P. It. It, new Queen Anne bouse, 10 rooms, well finished: lot Lloxm feet, beauttiully located on Rebecca st. : a quick sale Is desired. W. A. HEB RON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. Je25-41-TT8 FOBSALE-CBAFTON BTATION, P., C.&ST. L. By., on Craft ave., above Noblestown road, a good frame dwelling of 6 rooms, marble man tels, natural gas, good spring water, young or chard; lot 150x200 feet; Immediate possession: call at office for particulars. BLACK & BAIBD. 95 Fourth aye. Je25-60 T7IOB SALE CHEAPEST PIECE O F PBOPERTY J? on line, of the P., Ft. W. & C. B. B.: only 2 minutes from HaysvlUe station: about 4 acres of ground, fronting on Beaver road, covered with all kinds of fruit trees, both large and small; ele gant weU of water, good frame house ere rooms, porches, etc.; only 5,000; terms one-half cash, balance to suit. BEED B. COYLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. Je27-S9 FOR SALE-LOTS. East End Lots. FOR SALE.-BUILDING LOTS 25X150 FT. ON lloquet, near Forbes st , Oakland. W. A. -...V.-. U. MW..1 , UU.VUIUi.ltUUCJ.IOl-lIB T70R SALE-I2.000-CRAIG STREET, A CHOICE V building site: size, 60x140, to a 20-ft. alley. REED B. COYLE & CO., Ho. 131 Fourth avenue. JC27-89 FOR SALE-tt,400 WILL BUY TWO VERY line lots on Carver street. 20 and 22x100 feet to 20-ft. alley: sewer paid. Apply to F. O. VAN GOBDEB, 6014 Penn avenne. East End. Je27-67-TTS FOE SALE-OAKLAND, ON LINE OF NEW cable loop, a choice piece of ground, suitable for dividing into lots. For particulars see BEED B. COYLE ACQ.. No. 131 Fourth avenue. Je27-89 FOR SALE-ONLY 2,500 FOR A BEAUTIFUL bhadyslde building site 100x250, covered with large forest trees and commanding a splendid view; only 3 minutes from station; other city con veniences. BLACK & BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. J C15-4-15. 18, 20. 22, 24, 23, 27, 29 FOR SALE-FINE BUILDII.G BITES AT Homewood, among which are some very de sirable ones for business; this location Is improv ing and values are good; prices range from 8150 to fJMperlot. MELLON BBOIHEES. 6349 Station St., E. E. , Jc27-17-Thssu TTOB SALE THE LABGESTLOTS, THE BEST H improvements, most convenient locations, lower prices, easiest terms; can all be secured In SThe Banm Grove Plan, " Negley ave. MELLON BOS., East End, or JOHN F. BAXTEK. Agent, 812 Smithfield at. Je24-77-Mlh TTIOE SALE NOW IS THE TIME TO SECUBE JL? a choice building lot lor a home; 60-foot streets; no city taxes: Bank of Commerce addi tion and Villa place plan. Rrushton station. Se cure colored plan from JOHN F, BAXTER, Agt 612SmlthfleIdst. Je23-74-TTSSn FOB SALE-8800 A CHOICE EAST END LOT 40x120, near the beautiful Sliver Lake, and convenient to P. B. B. or cable line: Hyou desire a cheap lot fora home don't miss getting all tho Eartlculars of this handsome bunding site. LACK & BAIBD, 95 Fourth ave. Je25-60 Allegbcnv L,ota. EOKSALE-ONESPLANADEST., NEAR THE parks, Allegheny, a desirable dwelling in first-class order, 8 rooms; lot 20x120 ft. to James st. W. A. HEREON &SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. JC25-40-TTS FOB SALE-LOTS ON MAPLE AND LINDEN avenues and Lombard street. Allegheny, In the Tenth and Twelfth wards: on easy terms. Ap ply to JOSEPH MCN AUGHER, 43 N. Diamond St. mh7-9S-D , TOR BALE-HAZELWOOD BUILDING LOTS, Wi lowers ave. Alt in Speck's Plan, atvauctlon vii miq iireuiiacB next oamraay, june 2U, at z:au o'clock p. it. Call or send for plausT W. A. HEBBON & SUMS, 80 Fourth ave. - JeSO FOR SAT.E LOTS. Cltr Lots. FOB SALE-CITY LQTS-10LOTS ON LIBERTY ave., between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth sts., Pittsburg, Pa.: low and on long time. H. FOBBES, Wheeling, W. Va. Je22-35 FOB SALE-(99)-ON YOUB OWN TERMS, lot 25x120 In the S-E. Bogrs nlan. Allen town statlonjonly Smlrt.Xrom Castle Shannon Incline price (200 and upward; terms. ? 10 down and J5 per raonbu niiiiuufa -interest: salesmen on grouuus Saturday afternoon, 'For-furtberlnformatlon and plans see SAMUEL W. BLACK CO.. S9 Fourth ave. Je27-84-Ths Hazelvrood Lots. T7H)R SALE-LOTS IN THE LINDEN STEEL I1 Co. plan or lots at Linden station, B. A O. B. 1C: we still have a few of these choice lotsleftand will sell them ata bargain Iftakenatoncc. BEED B. COYLB& CO., Mo. 131 Fourth ave. Je27-89 FOESALE-ON SATURDAY. JUNK29, AT2:X o'clock r. M., op the premises, Iiazelwood, building lots on Jobnstan ave.. In Blair's grove. Plans and full information can be had from W. A. HERBON 4 SONS, Ho. .80 Fourth are. je20-93-TTS FOBSALE-ON SATUBDAY, JUNE29, AT 2:30 o'clock P.M., on the premises, Hazelwood, building lots on Johnston ave., In Blair's grove. Plans and full Information can be had from w. A. HEBRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. Je20-03-TTS TTIOR SALE IN J. J. SPECK'S PLAN, JD Hazelwood, at auction, large building lots on Jornstonand Flowers ave., on tbe promises next Saturday, at 2:30 o'clock p. u. For plans see W. A. HEBRON A SONS. SO Fourth ave. Je23-29 Farma. FOR SALE-A FARM OF 30 ACRES IN O'Hara township. 3 miles from bharpsbnrg; good garden ground; has bouse and barn on it, and plenty of fruit and water. SEBASTIAN BITTER, Snarpsburg-, Pa. Je26-5 F IOK SALE-FARM OF 75 ACBES-HIGHLY UnDrovenSaeres orchard, varletv of fruit: 2- story brick dwelling 12 rooms, brick stable and carriage house: frame tenement house 6 rooms: 8 miles from city, close to two B.B. lines. ED. 1T TISH, 410 Grant st , Pittsburg, Pa. Je22-D FOR SALE-VEKY CHEAP-A FARM OF 108 acres on the line of tho P. It. B. In Westmore land co., one-half mile from the B. R. station; about GO acres cleared: frame house of 4 rooms, good barn, etc ;land la)swell and about 40 acres underlaid with coal: price on lr t2,5no. orwiii ex change lor city property. C. BEKINGEB & SON, 103 Fourth ave. Je27-7-TbS BHscellaneoniu FOBS ALE ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. HOTELS, boarding houses, cottages, lots and bath houses to let or forsale by 1. G. ADAMS & CO., real estate agents, B. Est. & Law Bdg., Atlantic CItv. N. J. te20-3-D -TOR SALE-A VERY FINE SMALL PLACE Jj of -1 acres adjoining tbe city line, about 3 miles lrom the Court House; a good orchard and rich land; no buildings on the place. U. BtK INGEB & BON.'KO Fourth ave. Je27-7-Tbs FOR SALE BUSINESS. Bnalnca Chances. T7OR SALE-3ANDBUS1NESS AND CON J: TENTS. 5 horses and harness, 3 wagons. 1 cart. CHARLES KLEIN, orCUSUING & FOX, 4319 Butler st. Je25-42-rrs FOB SALE-BARBER SHOPDOIN G A THBIV 1NG (business In splendid location; reason for selling, going Into other business. LEWIS SUTTER, 606 Seventh ave., Beaver Falls, Pa., or BOSS W. BLACK, 8nDlamond st. Je25-68 FOR SALE-A PATENT IN WHICH THEBE Is large money: the Inventor cannot give It his attention, and will.-therefore. sellout to some one that will undertake tho bnsiness; terms reas onable. For particulars address M. C, Inven tor, 323 Penn ave. Je27-93 FOR SALE-BABE BUSINESS OPPOBTU NITY; a first-class custom tailoring busi ness, doing l,500ayear, with fine stock, large as sortment for sale; fl, 000 cash and tl.OOO In notes; owner going to Europe. Address W. W. WI1 IIELM. care Citizen, Titusville, Fa. Je26-3 FOB SALE-FINE, EXTENSIVE AND PBOF 1TABLE bakery, ice cream and confection ery business; nothing better and must be sold: also, grocery, drygoods. drug, cigar, china and notion stores; printing office, butcher shop, baker ies and other business chances. Free particulars. SHEPABD & CO.. 54 Fifth ave. Jel6 FOR SALE-BAILBOAD HOTEL FURM TURE and lease, 25 rooms, all modern im provements; doing business fl,80u per mo,; hotel to be enlarged to accommodate increasing trade; will bear personAl investigation; splendid oppor tunity for person understanding hotel business; near Pittsburg on P. & L. E, B. R. Further par ticulars of ALLES BAILEY, 161 Fourth ave. TeL 167. Jc26-19 FOB SALE A COMPLETE JOB PRINTING, and druggist's label outfit: 3 presses, label cutter, about zoo fonts metal and wood type. In cluding several hundred pounds of body type: send for catalogue showlug styles of work and labels executed; this plant must be disposed of within the next four weeks; appraised at It, 802 81, about two-thirds of value. Address A. W. TAY LOR, Salem. O., Assignee of Klrby'a Buckeye La bel Works. 1e26-4 Business stnnds. F( IOR SALE DRUG STAND, ON LINE OF railroad: nooulatlon 1.200: invoice about ?1,750; terms easy; reason good; no opposition. Address MOBPHIA. Dispatch office. Je25-43 FOB SALE A FIRST-CLASS STAND FOB. A blacksmith, consisting of a frame house of 4 rooms, stable, blacksmUh shop and 1M acres land on a publtc road near Freeport. West Penn B. B.; price only ?900. C. BEBINGEB & SON. 10.1 Fourth ave. je27-7-Ths FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. norsos. Vehicles, Live Stock, etc F OR SALE-FINE FRAZIEB ROAD CABTS. i. i,x, Gbjkjts., i-M jui(uwiu najr. jca ta FOB SALE LIVJ5BY STABLE, STOCK. AND fixtures. Inquire ot GEO. BEET, Bridge St., Etna. - Je27-74-D FOB SALE-DOCTOR'S BUGGY, HOBSE and harness: will sell separate. Apply to JAMES WABBUBTON, 3720 Butler St., city. jc25-33 FOB S AXE-FINE BOAD HOBSE, DABK bay, 5 years old, 16 bands high, has shown quarters In 37 and 38 seconds, and trots without boots: Is easily handled, gentle, sound, and has the gait of an Ideal road horse. For particulars address KOADSTEB, Dispatch office. Je26-47 I FOB SALE ONE CHESTNUT. SOKBEL horse, 15 hands high, sound, a years old; any lady can drive It: is a beautiful horse: one black Shetland ponyohlldren can drive him anywhere; also, one buggy and barouche, three sets of har ness; will be sold separately or all together. Any person wanting a bargain inquire of A. JACK MAN & SON, 530 and 536 Penn avenue. Je27-t2 Machinery and Mfetals. FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22. 1 Ball engine, rsniall dynamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE & MCDONALD, Fenn ave.. cor. Thirty-second stv j Jel9-91-TTS FOB SALE-FAMILY HOH3E-7.YEAR3 OLD, perfectly gentle, does not scare, well suited for barouche or coupe; also for sale haronche and harness good as newcaold for want of use. Apply at 80 t OUB1H AVEN UK. Jc22-lI-TTg PERS05AL. PEBSONAL-BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS I New and old. ancient and modern, standard and rare, legal, medical and selentlflc-30,'J00vol-umns to select from. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. SCO Liberty st. . my3-28 PEBSONAL WHY TBOUBLE YOUK WIFE, mother or daughters in repairing and clean ing your old clothes, when it can be done for a trifle by DICKSON, the Tailor, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st., second floor? Charges moderate: facilities unsurpassed: suits madeto order; spring styles now ready. Telephone 1558. mhs LOST. LOST-ON TUESDAYMOBNING ON SIXTH, "Webster or Wvlleavenues a white wig: suit able reward for Its return at No. 113 CBAWFOBD ST., Pittsburg. Je27-97 T OST-GOLD BBACELET, TUEQUOIS SET XJ TING, In or about tbe Fourth ward parks, Allegheny; finder will be sultibly rewarded by re turning same to 172 OHIO ST., Allegheny. Je27-ll T OhT-DOG-BBOWN WATER SPANIEL-ON JLi last Saturday afternoon: answers to thename of'Bloss" or "Blossom." A liberal reward will be paid for his return to J. N. BEBOUT, Marlon sta., B. AO. It. B., or to office SOHOIBON AND SI'EEl, WORKS. Second.avenue. city. Je2g-27 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR 12-INCH BREECH LOADING riflea mortars, Ordnanco Of fice, War Department, Washington, June 23 18s9. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be re, ceived at this office until 3 o'clock P. 31., on MONDAY. JULY 22, I8SD, at which time they will be publicly opened, for finishing and as sembling twenty-nine (29) 12-inch breech-load-ing rifled mortars, more or less, the principal parts being supplied by the United States. Blank forms on which proposals must be made and nil information -required by bi 'ders can be hid upon application. S. V. BENET, Brig. Gen., Chief or Ordnance. je25-il TTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by tbe un dersigned until Saturday, July B, A. D. 1880, for tne graainj; ana paving ot oeventn avenue, in Beaver Falls borough, from Eighth street, south, to tbe New Brighton bridge, said pro posals to be separate for fire brick and Ligonler block paving, and the bid for both to be by tbe square yard. Each proposal to be accompanied by a certi fied check for 31,000 payable to the order of Charles P. Wallace, Treasurer of the borough. All checks accompanying proposals which are not accepted wfll be returned immediately after the award shall have, been made. Tbe check received from the successful bidder will be re turned to him upon his entering into a formal contract for the due performance of tbe work, and giving bond with approved snretiesfor 60 per cent of the contract -price. But in case be shall fail to enter into such contract and giro such bond wltbln ten days after notice of the acceptance of his proposal, tho check accom panying Mich proposal shall become tbe prop erty of tho borough of .Beaver Falls. Each bidder must furnish a sample of brick or stone bloclcwblchbe proposes using. Specifications can be seen at the Burgess office of James Piper. The Borough .Council reserves the richt to rejeot any or aIids.', GEO. E. LIBCOMB, Secretary Borough, 805 Second avenue. BZAVEB AiLS,'Jnaa a, 1858. je27-S TO LET. City Residence. TO LET-NO. M71 SECOND AVE.. BB1CK dwelling: hall and 9 rooms: possession Im mediately. J. M. STONEB, 22 Bakewell Build ing. Je22-96 TO LET-NO. 204 BEDFORD AVE., BRICK house of 10 rooms, bsith, natural gas; house in good condition; rent S33 34 per month. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fonrth ave. Je25-70-TTS TO LET-99)-e3S FIFTH AVE., 10 MINUTES from postoffice. modern two-story mansard brick dwelling, 9 rooms, bath, hail, vestibule, both gases, newly painted and papered: first class repair: very moderate rent. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., W Fourth ave. Je27-82 Allecheny Residences. TO LET-ONLY $30 PER MONTH. AND PART of the furniture forsale at a big sacrifice, new brick house of8 rooms: all conveniences; lo cated on one or the best streets In tbe Second ward: possession at once: furniture all new. See EW1NU 4 BYERS, Jo, 107 Federal St. je28-14 Suburban Residences. TO LET-CHAFTON, PANHANDLE B. K. six-room house, hall and pantry, water in kitchen, nat. gas; large. Improved vard, with fruit; six minutes from station. Inquire B. BBANKSTONE, Division St. , Je27-56 Apnnmenis. TO LET UNFUKN1SHED BOOMS FOB housekeeping; 6 and 7 room houses: 4 store rooms with dwellings; rent low. Inquire at 44 FOURTH STBEET. Je27-S9-ThvStt TO LET-ONE FLOOB OF 4 NICE ROOMS, suitable for light housekeeping, with gas and water. Apply to J. G. MORriOW'S Shoe Store, 239 Ohio St., Allegheny. Je27-77 Ofllcea. Detk Room, etc mO LET-WELL LIGHTED OFFICE. NEWLY JL painted: elevator. Janitor service and al modern conveniences. Apply to GEBMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 423 Wood street. Je21-6S-D TO LET-OrTlCE BOOMS OK SUITES FOB general business purposes In the new DIS PATCH BUILDING. 71. 77 and 79 Diamond st.r situation most central In the city: electric light Included in rents, which are moderate. Apply between 11 A. it. and 5 p. m. Je27-ao Business Stands. TO LET-HOTEL-THE LAKE SHORE HOUSE, 37 and 39 Bank St.; 3 minutes' walk from Union depot: contains 30 rooms. Address J. DUNN. 51 Rockwell St.. Cleveland. O. Je20-5 TO LET-LABGE, WELL-LIGHTED BOOMS; the second and third floors of the new build ing. 529 Smithfield St.; rooms all In one. and specially suited for lodge or light manufacturing purposes;rent low. Inquire or HARDY A HAYES, Jewelers, silversmiths and art dealers, 529 Smlth fleld St. je22-10-TTS AUCTION SALES. TjUNE PARLOR OP.GAN, ELEGANT JJ furniture, carpets, etc., at auction, re moved from Ben Venue Place for convenience to the auction rooms. No. 311 Market st, for salo FRIDAY MORNING. June 23. at 10 o'clock. Handsome parlor suits, of 5 pieces, fur rugs, lacs curtains, looking glasses, cabi nets, lambrequins, vases, clocks, parlor organ, moq.net, velvet, body brussels and Ingrain car pets, walnut chamber suits, wardrobes, folding: bed. bookcase, desk, secretary, bed lounge, chiffonier, hair and husk mattresses, springs, bedding, toilet ware, tea and dinner set in French china, fine Wedgewood dinner set, laundry and kitchen utensil?, eta, etc., etc. Sale positive HENRY AUCTION CO.. LIST.. je27-92 Auctioneers. AT AUCTION-THE COMPLETE FUR NISHMENT of a ten-roomed bouse at No. 201 Wylie ave., THURSDAY MORNING, June 27. at 10 o'clock sharp. Fine parlor suit in mohair, pictnres, curtains, russ, easv chairs, bookcase, ornaments, walnut hatrack, body brussels and ingrain carpets in all tbe rooms, halls and stairs, matble top table, mahogany and walnut chamber suits, wardrobes, bureaus, bedsteads, washstands, bed lounge, bedding, springs, mattresses, decorated toiletware, side board, dining chairs, rockers, china, class and silverware, refrigerator, extension table, laun dry and kitchen goods, linoleum, large cooking range, etc, eta, etc. House open 8 o'clock morning of the sale. HENRY AUCTION CO.. LLM., je23 80-TWTSu Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE-ON THE PREMISES on THURSDAY, June 27, 1889, at 4 P. Jf New Queen Annb bouse and lot, and also 11 vacant lots on Euclid avenue. Bellevue. only a few minutes' walk from Neville station and only about two minutes from the proposed electric road. The house has 0 rooms and fin ished attic, all slate mantel tile vestibule, ttle beartbs and all the modern Improvements, elec tric bells, speaking tubes, etc.; the house is now, never been occupied and was built by a gentle man tor a borne and with a view of comfort, convenience, etc.; has natural gas, water, etc Will sell thobon.se andlot and tho vacant lots separate, and on easy payments. Say one-f ourtb cash and the balanco in one, two and three years with interest on deferred payments. Sale positively to the highest bidder. C. H. LOVE, je273 93 Fourth avenue. F OR SALE- AT AUCTION ! HszeIwddlI Building Lnts ON THE PREMISES, Saturday, June 29, At 2.30 P. M., on Johnston avenne, on Kilbnck street, in Blair's prove; lots 20x150 ft. Also on Flowers avenue, lots 24x124 ana 25x195 feet: near Second avenne and the Electric railwav, now being built, and Hazelwood station. RAO.R. R. These lots will be sold at a low price and easy payments. For plans and full informa Honaee W. A. HERRON fc SONS. SO Fourth ave. liliNKX AUUT1UJN w., jel9-23- Auctioneers. AMUSEMENTS. . HARRIS THEATER Every matinee and night, N. S. WOOD. ADRIFT IN NEW YORK. Next week Ticket of Leave Man. jeZ8-13 ECREATION PARK Boquet street and Allegheny avenue. BASEJALL. WASHINGTON VS ALLEGHENY- Monday June 21 Tuesday. June 23 Wednesday .'.June 28 Thursday June 27 Train at 3-40. Gameat4P.it. Je24-22 TjICNIC GROVE FREE! X WINDSOR PARK. Only six miles from the city, situated on the bluff overlooking Davis Island dam. Easily reached by rail or boat. Large grove of forest trees, cool, clear springs of water, flue dancing platform, etc The use of the grove will be given free to Sunday schools, societies, lodges, G.A.R. posts, private fetes, etc., the only charge being fare on the steam elevator to and from the grounds. For dates and further particulars apply to J. H. DAWSON. Lacock street, near Fed eral street, Allegheny, or to A. CLANEY on the grounds. mvIl-15-P LEGAL KOTICE5. FRANK W. SMITH. Att'y at Law. ESTATE OF SAMUEL HARPER. DE CEASED Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Harper, late of the city of Pittsburg, county of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Helen A. Har per, to whom all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. HELEN A. HARPER, administratrix, cor. Grandview ave. and Bertha St., Elttsburg. my23-6-Th ESTATE OF CHARLES L. CALDWELL, deceased. Notice is hereby given that let ters of administration on tbe estate of Charles L. Caldwell, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and tboso having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay. GEORGE P. HAMILTON, Administrator, 149 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Jell-45-Th OFFICE OF ALBERT i ORK SMITH; ESTATE OF GETER C. 8HIDLE DE CEASED Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Geter C. Shidle, deceased, late of Pittsburg; have been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all per sons indebted to said estate are requestea to make immediate' payment, and those having claims or demands against tbe same will make them Known without delay. ANNIE R. SHIDLE. je20-78-Tb 403 Smithfield St. -VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN iN application will be made to tbe Governor of Pennsylvania, on WEDNESDAY, July 17, 1889. by Wm.J. Hammond, John V. Pattomwnu. J. McEIroy, Win. K Tustin and Wm. J. Ham mond, Jr., under tbe act of Assembly, entitled, "An act for the Incorporation and regulation of motor power companies," etc. approved March 22, 1SS7, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called tbe Duquesne Electric Railway Co., the character and object of which is to construct and operate motors and cables or other machinery for supplying motive power to passenger railways and the necessary appa ratus for applying the same, and for these pur poses to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act ot Assera olyvJOHN F.COX, Attorney for Applicants, EDUCATIONAL. NEW YORK MILITARY ACADEMY, Cornwall-on-Hudson. Courses of study la civil engineering, English and classics. Labor atory, drawing room and field work. Beautiful Dullulngs, grounds, location. COL, C J. WRIGHT, a S A. M., Supt; BELDJN 7. HYATT. Comd't of Cadets. jeli-P . NOTICES. THE PITTSBURG AND WESTERN RAIL WAY CO. Coupons from the first mort gage bonds of this company maturing July I, 1889, will be paid on and after that data upon pre sentation at the office of Messrs. Drexel, Mor gan & Co., New York. H. D. CAMPBELL, je25-io Treasurer. . OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. rjEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE Q CEIVED by the City Controller up until Monday, July 1, 1S89. at 2 o'clock P. St., for tho care, maintenance and management of the city scales for the ensuing year. Proposals must be accompanied by bonds in the sum of 2,000 probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. E. M. BIGELOW, "Chief of Department ot PubUo Worksv . Je2I-2 SEALED PROPOSAIJ3 WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of City Controller until SATURDAY. June 29, A. D. 1889, at 2 PX., for placing new dial In clock on tower of Municipal Hall, Specifications can be seen at tbis office. Each proposal must be accompa nied by a bond in double tbe amount, probated before tbe Mayor or City Clerk. The Depart ment of Awards reserves the risht to reject any or all bids. E.M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. je24-29 SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tbe office of the City Controller until JULY 6, 1889. at 2 o'clock P. St, for tbe erection ot a police station bouse in the) Thirty-sixth ward. Also tor altering andrepalr ing police station houses In the Eleventh and Twelfth wards. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Police. Bonds in double the amount of each bid will be required, said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerx. The Department of Awards reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief ot the Department of Public Safety. je2(W9 BUSINESS TAX AND WATER RENTS. 1889. Notica is hereby given that the du plicates for tbe business tax and water rents for the year 18S9 bave been placed in my hands for collection by tbe Board of Assessors author; ized to assess the same. The time for paying said taxes and water rents at the CItv Treasurer's offlco is the month. of June. No discounts allowed. Water rents and business tax remaining un paid after June SO. 18S9, will be placed in tha bands of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes for collection, with S per cent added. All applicants for statements of water rents must cive name of the owner of the prop erty they occupy or desire to pav water rent for. J. F. DENNISTON, je5-95-D City Treasurer. A No. 9.1 N ORDINANCE-ES'f ABLISHING THU grade of Desota street, from Fifth ave nue to ABequlppa street. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the grade ot the west curb of Desot street, from Fifth avenue to Allequlppa, street, be and the same shall be established as follows, to-tvit: Beginning on the north, curb of Fifth avenue at an elevation of 253.18 feet; thence rising at the rate of 5.60 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 394.84 feet to the north, curb of Victoria stret at an elevation of 257.2J feet; thence rising at the rate of 10.50 feet per 100 feet for a distance of 1,297.68 feet to tha south curb of AUequippa street at an elevation of 393.54 feet. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance, be and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 10th dav of June, A. D. 1889. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President ot Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's ofllce. Jnue 13, 1839. Approvertt WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER. Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 7, pace S3, 25th day of June. A. D. 1SS9. je27-ia No-IolI A N ORDINANCE-REPEALING AN OR A DINANCE entitled "An ordinance locat ing Emll street, from Penn avenue to Friend ship avenue." approved February 14. 1834. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the the city ot Pittsburg in Select and Common Councils assembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That an ordinance entitled "An ordinance locating Emll street, from Penn avenue to Friendship avenue," approved February 14, 1834, be and the same I hereby repealed. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and tbe same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils this 10th diy of June A. D. 18SD. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. June 13, 1889. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: ROBERT OSTERMAIER, Assistant Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol 7, page 87, 28th day of June. A. D. 18S9. je.'i-io WORKING MEN! A chance for employment at Glass or Iron Works, and Lots for Homes Cheap, on Easy Payments, on tho Patterson Plan, At Cochran station. Mononcahels Division, Pennsylvania Railroad. J. R. WYLIE, Agent, Duquesne, Pa. Or, No. 8 Wood street, room No. 5, Pittsburg. je27-57-27.23,29,jyl.2,3.8 RARE CHAHCE. FOR SALE WHOLESALE PRODUCE COMMISSION HOUSE Doing first-class business. 'Will sell at a bar gain, as owner's time is otherwise taken up. Address WHOLESALE PRODUCE. je23-17-TT3 Dispatch offlceL DRY CLEANING Of all kinds of wearing apparel, such as dresesa, tea gowns and wrappers. Also Turkish, Mad ras and portier curtains., lambrequins, table covers," mantel scarfs, tidies and all other tex tile fabrics dry cleaned at the SIXTH AVENUE DYE WORKS, M. MAY SONS & Co. 68 SIXTH AVE. Goods called for and delivered. jell-irs DIAMOND STREET ORDINANCE Having been passed and the widening of tho street assured, now is the time to boy before prices advance. We have some good property for sale on that thoroughfare at very reason able prices. SAMUHL W. BLAtiK &VO, 99 Fourth ave. je28-29-WTh3 R. BDRGOON, The Specialist, of 47 Ohio street, Allegheny, defies competition in the cure of all chronio trouble". He does not point to fictitious tes timonials. , COME AND BEE THE ORIGINALS, At his office, of your neighbors who have been cured in Pittsburg and Allegheny. Consola tion free. je21 G A.BALPH, BUHJJING CONTRACTOR, 41 aevenin avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone 1344. seS-ngQ-TTS PERSONAL WILSON. 61 FOURTH AVENUE, Sells fine watches, jewelry, clocks, silverware, spectacles, etc. Watch, clock and lewelry re pairing a specialty. je25-75rT3 plANOb, ORGAN& a HAMILTON. 81 AND 93 FIFTH AVENtTB, Pittsburg, Pa. - apW-74-S V y MBssiH9lik. J. JwhKfejy. . blafcAafcLifoA.B'j-A , AJJjt?aft mT&lf'z.x$r WJfrJljisAtiitf? -Sfl&V5a-i $? -MM