ffBfBi :7 y tr ' V TaHE -PITTSBimG DISPATCH, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, ' 1889. 1 : fc HP Wi A UNIFORM CHECK, Bankers to Throw Safeguards Around Their Honey AND PEEYENT STEALING. flow the Employes of One First-Class Bank Handle Funds. CLERKS MOST TAKE A VACATION. Their Accounts Are Then Examined Daring Their Absence. ME. GEANGEB.OF GUAEAKTEE CO., TALKS A schema is on foot among bank officials of this city to try and adopt a more uniform sys tem of checking their clerks, with a view of throwing greater safeguards around them In the matter of handling money intrusted to their care. Tho idea has only been talked of among a few of the higher officials, whoso names cannot be given at present. It is very likely that something will be done abont the matter within a few days. To ascertain what precautions some of the loading banks of the city haTC taken to prevent their employes from stealing money, a reporter of The Dispatch called upon Mr. Charles F. Scan, cashier of the Union National Bank, one of the soundest institutions in the country, and interrogated him in regard to the matter. Ac cording to Mr. Dean's system, it is almost im possible for an employe to steal money, as the handling of the bank's funds is confined to the fewest possible number of employes. In answer to an Inquiry Mr. Bean said: "Every bank in the city hasits own way of con ducting business, but in banks where the same number of men are employed, the methods are essentially the same. Here, we have the work so divided and systematized that each division is in charge of two men. The books and ac counts are so arranged that one CANNOT FALSIFY FIGURES, without tho other detecting the false entry. In order to do wrong there would necessarily have to be collusion between the two employes. "We have three tellers, and it is almost im possible for one of them to make a mistake without it being discovered at the end of the day's business. They are the only people al lowed access to the cash; the work of the oth ers being 'so arranged that they do not have to handle it. When money is received from de positors, it goes into tho individual ledger. The accounts are kept by two different bookkeep ers, who do not even see the money. The en tries in the individual ledger, are pat in the general ledger, and the TTTO BOOKS MUST BAXANCE. "The tellers handle the cash and balance it by figures furnished by the general bookkeeper. The individual accounts must agree with tho general bookkeeper's balance. There is noth ing done hero but what is ultimately proven by the two men who verify the work of each transaction. "It is a mistake to say that tho employes of nearly every bank deal in lottery tickets. I have seen that published as coming from a bank employe, but, as far as this institution is concerned, I can say that it is not true. If we knew that any of our employes dealt in lottery tickets or invested in stocks, w e should as them to resign their positions. Wo believe in removing temptation from them and they can not then go wrong. 'The first safeguard we throw about the bank is to investigate tbo character of our em ployes. That is the foundation of honesty. Once a year, each employe in the bank is com- ?elled to take a vacation of at least ten days, his is not done exactly for the purpose of in vestigating bis accounts. I assign some one to take charge of the books of the absent one and if there is anything crooked it can readily be discovered. The employe, who is going away, never Knows who will be assigned to look over his books until alter he is gone. DEFALCATIONS ARE BABE. "A defalcation in this city is something rare. There are over 60 banks here now and in nearly every case where thero was a defalcation, it was in a bank where all the employes had access to the cash. Considering the amount of money handled it is a wonder that the number of delaulters are so few." "Mr. W.".M. Granger, the agent of the North American Guarantee Company, said yester day: "I would like to see the banks throw greater safeguards around their employes and make it impossible for them to do any stealing. When you consider the large number of bank em ployes there are who handle money, and the large sums that pass throngh their hands, it is a wonder to me that there is not more pilfering done. Our company has over 25,000 men bond ed. These men handled over a billion of dol lars last year, and out .f this large amount of money we had to make good only about flOQ. 000. This is a very small loss compared with the large amount handled. "I have also noticed that, like other things, defalcations are contagious. When one turns up in a certain locality they become epidemic, and it would be well for Pittsburg bank direc tors to look out at the present time." THE WESTERN UNIVERSITI. The Preparatory Coarse Will be Dropped Styles for a Building. A committee of nine people, acting for the Trustees of the Western University, met yes terday afternoon to report upon the matter of a new building, which has been contemplated lor some time, on Observatory Hill. Tbe im portant thing brought up by the committee was their visit to similar Institutions in other cities, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and other places, and the improved plans of all were submitted; also the style of the archi tecture intended. One of the principal questions which has been agitated in the institution for some time is the reorganization, that is, the separation of the preparatory department trom the col legiate, and establishing a distinctive and sin gle course, the same as at large colleges. The matters were submitted and favorably consid ered by the Trustees, which now assures Alle gheny county a new and representative educa tional institution second to none in the State. . RECEIVED THEIR FEES. County Controller r-pecr Tarns Over Some Money He Has Been Holding. The County Treasurer yesterday paid war rants for the fees accruing to the Recorder and Prothonotary out of the operations of the rev enue act. Recorder Graham received $550 and Prothonotary Bradley $500. This money is an extra that is added to the salaries of these offi cials by reason of a decision of the Supreme Court, County Controller Speer had declined to pay tbe money, as he thought the fee bill did not permit tbe payment of tbe money. Recently the Supreme Court decided that the money was properly payable to tbe officers, and tbe Controller concluded to pay it. This decision affects the Recorder, Prothon otary and Treasurer, each of whom receive fees from the State. The Ironworker' Attorney. The selection of an attorney for tbe Amalga mated Association has been left to the Advisory Board which Will meet in a few days. This board is composed of the three trustees and the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the or ganization. There may be some difficulty in selecting a man as the members of tbe board have named men for the position. If one of the men mentioned have applied for the effice and in fact it is not generally known that an election is to be held. Among those mentioned are George Elphinstono. Esq., tbe city solicitor of Allegheny. W. L. Bird, and W. J. Brcnnan. A Pleasant Birthday Banquet. After the. adjournment of tbe Allegheny Select Council last night, Mr. W. W. Speer, tbe representative "from the Fifth ward, who has beenln Councils formanyyears,announced that It was his fifty-fifth birthday, and invited the members of tbe branch to a banquet at the Hotel Federal. All the members accepted tbe Invitation, and they passed a very pleasant evening. Before separating the guests wished Mr. Speer many happy returns of tbe day, and hoped that be would represent tbe Forty second district in the State Senate next session. Stole From Three Persons. Chief of Police Kirscbler, of Allegheny, yes terday received a telegram that a horse had been stolen from William S. Chubbick, of 'Washington, Pav, a buckwagon from his father and some wool from James McClelland. The horse had been attached to the wagon and the stolen wool loaded Into it. Tbe Chief found tbe wagon on Rebecca street, but the wool was gone, also tho thief. '- THE PLUMBERS ARE ACTIVE. Prorcedlncs of Yesterday' Rational Con Tontlon Competent Men on Board of Health Various Committees Appointed. The delegates to the National Association of Master Plumbers reassembled in Lafayette Hall yesterday morning. The reading of the reports of the Vice Presidents was resumed. Wisconsin, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Colorado reported satisfactory progress. Vice President AV. H. Wright, of Philadelphia, in his report for Pennsylvania, said that strikes had caused no interference with their business. He further said tho rules of the Board of Health of PhiladelDhia are csDecially effective and the board is under a bead of six inspectors who are practical plumbers. There are now 0 apprentices in the Plumbers' Training School. N ext year the school will be opened as a branch of the trades schools of the Philadelphia liuilding Trades Association. Enoch Rcmick, of Philadelphia, Financial Secretary, reported that J3.W3 had been re ceived during the year from the per capita tax of J2. The Executive Committee reported that dur ing the year, five executive sessions had been held In Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Pittsburg. The committee directed the Secretary to secure the names of all mem bers, the names to be printed in book form for use by manufacturers and members. President Trainor, of Baltimore, reported six new State organizations, namely: South Carolina, Vermont, Florida, West Virginia, Delaware and Maine. At the afternoon session, Mr. James Pelrson, of New York, read an essay on "Pure Water and How to Obtain it." Mr. James Becsley, of Kansas City, talking on "Sewer Pipe." The following committee for the consider ation of the President's report was appointed: Messrs. Griffith, Campbell, Humm, Shulbaffer asdKniif. A committee consisting of Messrs. Foster, McDonnell, McMeaL Goodman, Hyan, were appointed for a similar purpose on the report of the Executive Committee. Messrs. Harkness, York, Graham, Hosford and Coach were appointed a like body on the Vice Presi dent's reports. A resolution was offered by Mr. James Dev lin, of Boston, thancing the Mayors of Chicago and St, Louis for the appointment of practical plumbers as Health Inspectors in those cities. The resolution was passed. Resolutions were offered by C. H. Humbert, of Pittsburg, ad vising that the association as a body condemn the practice of wholesalers and manufacturers ofcas fixtures selling to consumers directly. The resolutions were applauded but will not be acted upon until the executive session. The convention adjourned until this morning at 850 o'clock. THE OFFICIALS BETOEN. They Are Flensed With the Immense Work Done. Tbe officials of the Western lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad system, who left here on Monday morning to visit tho different flooded districts, returned yesterday. The party went to Harrisburg, thence ti Wllliamspott, and from there to this city. The Western lines had volunteered the Pennsylvania Railroad their aid in the reconstruction of the roadbed. The officials representing tho Western system expressed their pleasure at the work their men had done. A recapitulation of the work done by the volunteers between Sang Hollow and the viaduct, the portion of the line which the regular Pennsylvania Railroad forces were unable to reach, shows that; noarly 82.000 feet of the trestle work (43,000 feet single) and about S8.000 feet of track, requiring some heavy (Tradings, were constructed In 11 days. More than 200 carloads of cinders were put under the tracks, which were built to admit of a 30 mile an honr speed. The employes of the Pennsylvania Com pany's lines wost of this city, who were work ing on the road at Johnstown, have been noti fied that they will receivo double pay for their hard work. THE LADIES ARE IET ACTIVE. Tho Work nt tho Ilendqnartcra In tho Ex position Building la Not Flncclng. Yesterday was a busy day for the Ladies' Re lief Committee at their new headquarters in the Exposition building. The SO ladies in at tendance relieved the wants of 75 families from Johnstown and vicinity. Over 1,600 outfits of clothing were given to tho distressed. Also 20 sacks of flour, 5 dozen cases canned fruit, 60 bushels potatoes, 20 mattresses, CO comforts and 10 pairs of blankets were distributed to the applicants. Each mail brings in a large nnmbcr of letters for the Information Bureau inquiring for miss ing friends and relatives. Mrs. J. B. Scott, Miss Harding and Miss Mc Knight left for Johnstown on Tuesday evening to look np the needy, who will be brought to this city and cared for. A letter was received at the Department of Public Chanties yesterday from Miss Alice B. Linaer, of Concord, Mass., asking if moro clothing was needed. She stated that a society there had plenty to send if it was needed. An answer was sent saying they could use all that is sent. TEEIE THIED LAWN FETE. Alumni of tbo Holy Ghost CoIIcso at Sliver Lake Grove. Four hundred young folks made themselves happy at the third annual lawn fete of the Holy Ghost College at Silver Lake last evening. It was by far the largest of those heretofore successful affairs. Gernert and Guenther fur nished the music, and at 11 o'clock, on the oc tagonal pavilion in tho middle of the grove, a delicious lunch was served, after which dancing was resumed and continued until 12 o'clock, when aU left the grove Tho following gentlemen had charge: Com mittee on Floor E. L. O'Connor. Joseph Wentzel and J. A. Malarky. Arrangements C. A HeyLW. Kelly. B. F.Toole and Charles O'Brien. Reception-J. M. Hukil. T. A Joyce and J. It. Wall. Among the ladles in the grand march were noticed the Misses O'Connor, Bailey, Casey, McKee, Sands, McNulty, McCullougb, Suter, Fennessy, Cunningham, Hanlon, Friday, Shan non, Peterson, Clarke and O'Brien. CHARGED WITH ARSON. Joseph Bane Accused of Burning Down His House for the Insurance. Joseph Bane, charged with arson before Al derman McMasters, had a hearing yesterday. and was held for court on the charge In default of $1,000 bail. The prosecutor was County De tective Langhurst Bane owned a little store and dwelling at Mansfield, and on the night of February 10 it was discovered to be on fire. Theneigbbors turned out and quenched it, and about two hours afterward it again caught and was burned to the ground. Baue had 51,500 worth of insurance on the property, and when he made a demand for it tbe company investigated the causo of the fire, and subsequently bad Bane arrested. There were many witnesses at tbe bearing, and their evidence was all of a circumstantial nature, but it was considered enough to hold Bane for court. THE MAYOR NON-COMBATIVE. He Hni Called No Meeting of tbe Board of Awards to Cat Gordlnn Knots. Mayor McCallin, Chairman of the Board of Awards, said to a Dispatch, reporter last evening that he had not called any meeting of the board. "I have received no notice to call a meeting," he continued, "and wonld not do so without such notice. The three Chiefs of tbe Depart ments are the only ones who can call a meeting by written request to me. My duties, as I con sider tbem, are only ministerial." From another source it was learned that no meeting ot the board would bo held for a day or two, but that one was likely to tako place before the end of the week, and that ai. tho differences ol Chiefs Brown and BIgelow wonld be compromised. CASTING UP THE ACCOUNTS. The Antl-Trohlbitlon Cnmpalcn Committee Knows But Will Not TelL The Executive Committee of the anti-Prohibition organization met at their headquaters, No. 60 Fourth avenue yesterday morning to settle up tbe work of tbe late campaign. Re ports were made by several committees as to the expenses or toe campaign m the two cities. Members of the organization refused to make public the figures, but it is said It will run np into tbe thousands. It is further said that $18,000 were the expenses at the polls alone. The anti-Prohibition Society is composed of tbe wholesale liqnor dealers alone, but it is thought the bottlers and retailers will help pay the bills. That Allegheny Zoo. Tbe sab-park committee of Allegheny Conn cils, appointed to consider th"e establishment of a zoo on Monument Hill, will meet on Friday evening. Tbe remonstrance that has been pre pared will be presented, but no definite action will likely be taken until tbe regular meeting of the committee. An Entertainment This Evening. The Young People's Society of Christian En deavor will have an evening of music In tbe chapel of the First Presbyterian Church, on Wood street to-night It will be under tbe leadership of Prof, Whiting, assisted by Mrs. Lizzie Pershing-Anderson. MADE THINGS LTCELY. An Extraordinary Scene in the' Cen tral Hotel Yesterday Afternoon. A PROFESSIONAL MAN'S REVENGE. He Attacks a Business Man and Chases Him Oat to the Street. A WOMAN IS MIXED UP.1N THE AFFAIR A sensation was created in the lobby of the Central Hotel yesterday afternoon by the ap pearance of a hatless Individual who did not take time to come from the second floor in tbe elevator, but rushed down the stairs as if be had been shot from a catapult In his eager ness to get to the first floor be came down part of the way on his back. Upon alighting at the bottom, he hurriedly picked himself up and rushed into the writing room, apparently with the Intention of jumping through one of tho windows leading to Smlthfield street. The windows being closed, he rushed back to the entrance and started out the corridor to the door. Proprietors Anderson and Rowan and sov eralot the clerks tried to grab him as he passed out. but tbe man was not to be stopped, and tore himself away. Ho explained that a man tried to mnrder him, and rushed out Into the street. Ho was bleeding from a largo gash in tbe back of his hoad. Closely following him was a well-dressed but flushed individual, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, who also came down the stairs four at a time. HE HAD A WEAPON. Ho carried in his hand the fragment of a broken stone enspidor, and excitedly yelled, "Where Is the villain ?" "The dirty scoun drel T "I will kill him f Ho immediately be gan searching through the lower part of the house for the first man, but tho latter was do ing business elsewhere at that time. The pro prietors of the hotel, who had by this timo bo como alarmed, and thinking that a crime was to be committed, tried to stop this man also. The latter shook them off as if they wer chil dren, and began to retrace his steps back to the second floor. It was then found that the first person was a well-known business man and Tesldcntof Mc Keesport, and the other was a well-known pro fessional man residing in the upper part of Allegheny. A WARNING LETTER Early in the day the latter gentleman re ceived word that bis wife was to meet the other man by appointment at the Central Hotel be tween 2 and 3 o'clock. Ho put a detective on her track, and the wife was followed to tho hotel. The detective notified the husband, who appeared at the hotel and asked for the couple. Learning that they were in the ladles' parlor, he took the elevator and went up. Upon being sbown into the parlor tbe man saw his wife in earnest conversation with the man she was to meet, ine pair were enjoying themselves when the husband rushed into the room. Tho balance of thel8tory was told by one of the interested spectators, who said: When the husband noticed the man with his wife, he rushed upon the latter, and seizing an umbrella, smashed it over the man's bead. He then picked up a heavy ice water glass, stand ing on the table and threw it at tho man's head. Ho followed this up with a heavy cuspi dor, which struck the mau on the back of tho bead, CUTTING AX TJGLT OASH. "Had the cuspidor hit him fairly the man would certainly have been killed, as he de served. After hitting him with tho cuspidor the enraged husband, who was by this time almost crazy, jumped upon the man and threw him down. They rolled over and over-upon the floor, upsetting everything In the room and creating a tremendous racket. All the time tho husband was pummcling the other man in the face and head, and gave him a severo beat ing. - "While the husband had the man down, the wife, who had been standing by watching tho struggle and as cool as an icicle, jumped upon her husband's back and tried to tear him away from the other man. To prevent harming tbo woman, her husband released bis grip upon tho man and turned bis attention to her. Thn other man hastily scrambled to his feet and made a BEE LUTE FOB THE DOOB, which he gained before the husband could tear himself away from bis wife. The latter held on to her husband, and could not be shaken off until the other man had disappeared and made his way down stairs. The wife then sank to the floor exhausted, while the husband pursued his adversary. "The latter having escaped the husband, fol lowed by the proprietor and clerks of the hotel, went up to tho parlor where his wife was. Everything was in confusion and the room looked as if a desperate struggle had taken place. The piano stool- was knocked away under the instrument and the table had Been overturned. Fragments of glass and broken cuspidors were scattered about in great profusion. The hat of the man who had ran away was found lying on the floor, and in side, printed upon a piece of paper, was his name. The husband took the hat, but after ward turned It over to the hotel neople. About an bonr after the row the man called for it. "The woman in the case is only aboutZJ years of age while her husband is over SO. They have been married but a year. and a half. The wife belongs in Allegheny while her husband came from a point within 100 miles of Pitts burg." MERELY A BUSINESS KATTEB. When the McKcesport man returned for his hat, be stated that he bad known the woman for a number of years and had met her on a train coming to Pittsburg. She had some business for him to transact 'and .proposed going to the Central Hotel to do it They were discussing the business whenthohusband burst into tbe room. The man's statements are denied by tbe party quoted above, who states that the pair met for the first time on a Baltimore and Ohio excur sion train to Johnstown last Tuesday week. They.spent the day together in Johnstown ana corresponded since. The man proposed the appointment and the woman kept it After the row tbe husband visited the office of Mayor McCallin, and asked him what he could do about the matter. Tho Mayor replied that he did not have any proof 'of any crimin ality, and therefore nothing, could be done. As he cannot obtain a divorce from his wife, tbe husband will propose a separation. The wife left the Central Hotel after her husband's disappearance and went ttfher homo in Allegheny. She is a "very small woman, petite in form and rather good looking. .She is a brunette and has always borne a good repu tation until this time. Sne did not express any repentance of her action to her husband. SAYED THEMSELVES TROUBLE. Philadelphia Gas Company -Employes Charsed With Some Sharp Practice. Amos E. Townsend, the contractor who is constructing the new tracks of Jhe Second Ave nue Passenger Railway, yesterday appealed to Chief Bigelow for'rellef from the action of the Philadelphia Gas Company. Mr. Townsend has been to great expense in digging throngh the, asphalt pavement out Second avenue to get a roadbed, and just as he had begun to lay bis tracks the Philadelphia people came along and took advantage of the opportunity to re pair their pipe lines, and Mr. Townsend had to quit work. Chief Bigelow sent for Superin tendent King, of the Philadelphia Company, and gave him to understand that as Townsend had tbe right of way and had torn up tbe hard est part of the street he bad a right to prevent others from reaping the benefit without con sulting him. It is probable that the matter will Da amicably settled between tho parties to-day. . A I0DNG TfllEF. ' One Who Is Alleged to Belong to an Or ganized Band Arrested. Abont twelve o'clock yesterday Daniel Kins low, aged 16 years, tapped tbe till of Philip H, Todd, a notion dealer at 905 Carson street Southslde. About S25 was secured, but Kins low was capturtd and the money recovered. It is alleged that he, with several other boys, havo tapped several tills in Southslde stores lately. He was locked Up in the Twenty-Eighth Ward police-station. Tbe police say he belongs to an organized band of boy thieves that has been in existence on the Southsldo for some time back. A Domestic In Difficulty. Mary Staley, employed by Ji,F. Nlehaus, of Bellerue, as a domestic was arrested in Alle gheny by Detective Elchenlsub yesterday on a charge of larceny preferred by her employer. After being put in the lockup she became hysterical, and Mr. Nichaus subsequently with drew the Information and she was released. Firemen for Johnstown. Chief Crow, of the Allegheny Fire Depart ment sent the Grant engino and a crew of fire men to Johnstown yesterday: The crew was selected from tbe best men on the department and it is unnecessary to say they will do good work. " FOUR ARTESIAN WELLS. They Will b,e Bored In tbe Allegheny Parka Cool Water for Visitors Result 'of Captain Grey's Gift to tbo Public. Water is in greater demand over in Allegheny since the defeat of the amendment Whether this is caused by the stigma which tho Johns town flood stories put upon the-purity of the river water, or whether an era of reformation has struck tho sister city Is not known. How ever, a movement is now pending for tho drill ing of four wells in the parks for the accommo dation of a thirsty public. Since the late Cap tain Grey gratuitously drilled ono with such success near' his own residence for the people who continually annoyed him by their running in and out of his yard, tbe Park Committee bavo decided to drill four more wells In tho hope of securing a greater supply of "Adam's ale." Tho people in the neighborhood are loth to drink the river water under present circum stances, and for this reason the Idea was pro moted into practicaDllity by tbo Park Commit tee, which will take do&nito action on the mat ter, such 'as letting tho contracts, eta, next Monday evening. The present one in use is 155 feet deep, and contains water of most palatable taste and great parity. . Tbe idea now is to have the pumps located in tbe four most convenient spots, namely, one in tho First ward, another in the Second, one in the Fourth and the other near the "Lake." This will give every person who passes throngh the park ample opportunity to quench his thirst if so minded, without any inconvenience. If success follows tbe efforts of the philan thropists pumps of very ornamental design will be placod at each well, probably tho donation of some citizen, but nothing is yet definite, further than tbe holes -will be drilled. As to tbe cost no estimate can even bo given, but tho same process will be used in drilling as in oil and gas wells. In theso some times as much as 3,000 to 1.000 is expended, thongh it varies entirely upon what resisting forces the drill comes in contact with, it is confidently thought that water will bo Struck at a reasonably small depth. MAT BE A CLEW. miller Told Dr. Elterich Ho Was Pushed Off a Train. Tho Coroner resumed the inquest upon tho body of Dr. C.H. Miller, of Hutchinson, Kan., who was found in a boxcar on tho Allegheny Valley Railroad on the morning of June 1L John Fallen, the night dispatcher at Forty third street threw no light on the deatb. Dr. It M. Sands testified to having dressed the wonnds, which he thonght were inflicted by some blunt instrument Ho said that he did not think that the deceased could have climbed in the boxcar if the injuries were made before. Dr. T. J. Elterich, resident physician at the West Penn Hospital, was the most Important witness. He said: "I had a conversation with him just after ho was brought in and he answered mo in a verv rational manner. He only answered me affirmatively or negatively, and then would not answer some of the qucs- uuub, uiougii x tuinK ne coma nave aone so. Ho said he was on a train on his way to Phila delphia and was pushed off by tho conductor. I think some of the nurses were present Ho told me nothing else." William Fuller, a brakeman on tho Alle gheny Valley Railroad, gave his testimony as to the finding of the wounded man. He stated that there were two carpins in the car, but neither" had blood on them. The inquest was then adjourned until to-morrow morning. A SPECIAL SESSION Of Allegheny Select Council Held to Con nidcr Street Improvements. A special session of Allegheny Select Council was held. last evening to consider the report of the Street Committee. When tho meeting was called tA order George Schad, of the Eighth ward, announced that he bad not yet been swern in and tbe oath was administered by Chairman Lindsay. Mr. Schad was a saloon keeper, and although he was elected almost unanimously, ho declined to take his seat when Judge White announced that no saloon keeper Councilman would be granted a license, lie was among tbo unfortunate majority and last night decided to be a Councilman. Chairman McAfee, of tbe Street Committee, recommended that Federal street from South Diamond to Ohio street be paved with asphalt block as an experiment. An ordinance con containing this recommendation was printed loriuo use oi councils, oeverai street im provement ordinances wero passed finally, in cluding the one requested by the Ohio Connect ing Railroad. Mr. Speer moved for an adjournment but the motion was voted down in order to give Mr-Muhlbronner an opportunity to offer a res olution for the removal of all water pipes whore they intersect with sewer pipes. It-was referred to the committee. WILL SAIL FOR EUROPE. Mr. C.L. fllngco nnd Wife, Senator It n tan and Others Start Next Month. Mr. C. L. Magee and wife left for tho East last night where they will probably pass the timo until July 10, when they, in company with Mr. Magee's sister, George M. von Bonnhorst and Senator Butan will sail on the City of Paris for Europe. Bound for Europe. A number of well-known Pittsburgors left this city last night for Europe on tho New York express. Among others wero noticed Mr. William Itueckelsen, who formerly kept a sa loon on Smlthfield street and Mr. John Henkel and daughter, of Liberty street; Signor Josef Paoletti, his wife and daughter, were bound for Lucia, Italy, and they will stay away for a year. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed for Heady Rcadlnir. The arc electric lights were bung along Car son street yesterday. They will bo lighted on Saturday night JOHN Bokeb, of No. 7 Turner street, Alle gheny, was injured Internally yesterday by the caving in of an embankment Lewis Bbowk, 10 years old, fell from a tree yesterday and broke his leg. Ho was attending tho picnic of the Beltzhoover school. Liberty Hall will be remodeled shortly at a cost of $5,000. The East End branch ot tho Y. M. C. A. will then have its rooms in the building: Mrs. Tobbiani (May Douglas), tho opera singer, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hyde, of Tustln street, Pittsburg. She will sing at Cape May this summer. J. M. Walters, the Johnstown editor, joined his family in Pittsburg yesterday. His family will locate at Summer Hill for the pres ent bnt he will go back to Johnstown. E. L. Gillespie was sent to jail yesterday by Magistrate Gripp,.in default of 51,000 to cover a charge of desertion preferred by bis wife. She followed him from Vermilion, Neb The important liquor license appeals from Allegheny county come up in the Supreme Court at Philadelphia to-day for a decision. John Robb is the attorney managing the cases. Basket Hughes, of No. 18 Kirkpatrick street reported to the police that his son bad stolen SIS out of a trunk. He wants him ar rested and says he will make an information against him. ' Detective John R. Murphy, of Allegheny, was yesterday presented with an alligator which was captured in tho Ohio river by some of his frionds. He will build a tank at his home and raise it A "lemon squeeze" for the benefit of the M. E. Church of Sewickley was held last night at tho residence of Captain William Dravo. The lemon squeeze is a new gamelately started in the East About $50 was realized. A meeting of tbe citizens of Lawrcnceviile who are interested in tho erection of a public drinking fountain, will be held In tbe Lawrence School on Saturday. The disappearance of Mr. Patton, who was acting as treasurer for the citizens, has caused a halt In tbe project The ladies of the G. A. R, gave a dinner and supper yesterday at the University building. They were well attended and the net proceeds, amounting to $200, will be sent to tbo Johns town sufferers. The ladles have quite an amount of provision left which will also be sent to Johnstown. The work will be carried on at the University tor some time. Inspector WnrTEHouSE made an informa tion before Judge Hyndman, yesterday, charg ing Griff Anthony, Joseph Haguo James Llnney and Thomas Tenna, with disorderly conduct and being connected with a prize fight that took placonear Oakland last Sunday. They were arrested by Captain. Mercer and Lieutenant Fittgerald, given a bearing and fined 510 and costs. A tery .choice programme will be rendered this evening at the-Butler Street M. E. Church, corner Fortieth street, on their new pipe organ, under tbe direction of Mr. 'Charles Davis Carter, assisted by Miss Sadie E. Ritts, Miss Olive R. McKinley, Mr. B. Brockett and Mr. C. M. Rorab. It is given In the Interest of the church and to afford an opportunity to bear tbe Instrument to those who were unabie to attend the last occasion. THE FBOHSIffl CLUB. Tho Members Opened Their New Quarters on Penn Avenne, WITH CONCBRT.BALL AND BANQUET A Place Where the Jolly Germans Will Find Fun and Recreation. THE LADIES ARE NOT T0.BE FORGOTTEN Tbo Frohslnn Singing Society opened their new club house at 303 Penn avenne last night with a grand concert banquet and ball. The affair was entirely exclusive, none but tbe members, their families and friends being admitted. "Let it bo a family house warming." was the decree of the Executive Committee, and a family bousewarming it was, such as can only be gotten up by a society of people who know how to appreciate good .fellowship, so. ckbllity and general enjoyment all around Nothing was lacking, and in every particular tbe men who had charge of the arrangements for the evening's entertainment deserved all tho credit which they so richly obtained. It was not until 9 o'clock that the guests Degan to arrive, but then they all came in a rush, and soon tho rooms were filled with an admiring assembly of ladies and gentlemen, who went around the rooms passing com ments and expressing general satisfaction with everything they saw. Through the kindness of Mr. G. W. Back ofen, the Chairman of the Committee on Ar rangements, a Dispatch representative ob tained access and Mr. Backof on showed him personally over the building. From a casual observation of the entire arrangements of the new club honse it was easy to determine that the house affords all accommodations, com modities and advantages of any first-class re sort where people migbt wish to come to to find recreation, recuperation and perfect for getfulncss from a day of hard work and busi ness troubles. A DETAILED DESCRIPTION. In the basement is avrcli-furnishcd kitchen, a very largo dining hall and a bowling alley. On the first floor are the ladies' quarters, which part is a thorough departure and a novelty from ordinary American club life, but withal it is essentially German. The ladies' quarters aro' the most sumptuous and ele gantly furni3hed in the entire building, and tbe ladles' auxiliary of the Frohslnn Society paid all the expenses incurred for the beautifl- catlon of those rooms. All the furniture is of antique oak and tbe other adornments aro in accordance with tho general style. A beauti ful piano from Scheet's factory of Cassel, Ger many, and obtained through Mr. F, Bechtel, of this city, attracted great attention last night. In the rear of the ladies' quarters is tbe club ball, where concerts, dances and theatricals will be held to delight the-members. Ou tbe second floor are the reading room, offlco and general reception panor lor tue gentlemen. Above these apartments is a large billiard hall with four tables, and behind that a card room. Tbe janitor's rooms are on tbe top floor. The building has electric light fittings throughout, and carpets, as well as other appurtenances of a well furnished club house, were noticed everywhere. the fun last night. Thero were abut 200 ladles and gentlemen as sembled in the club hall last night Vhcn the Toerge orchestra, under the personal direction of Mr. Fred Toerge, played the festival over ture. Then the President of the club stepped forward and introduced Mr. Nickolas Rauber as the orator of tiro evening. The speaker made a very nico opening address, in which ho reviewed the history of the society since its organization 40 years ago until the present time. He spoke of the great creditthe ladles deserved for the in terest thev had taken in tbo welfare of the club and emphasized the fact that it was only their due, that they should have a place in tbe club for tbe future. The speaker was followed by the rendition of a chorus sang by the members of the club, under tho direction of Prof. Lohmann. About 10 o'clock all ad journed to tbe diuing hall where a beautiful banquet was spread for the guests. AU the rooms were exquisitely decorated last night with the rarest exotics and tropical filants. In the ladies' parlors handsome ferns, atanias, palms and lilies adorned the walls all around, and potted plants were placed in every corner. The hall was gorgeously garlanded with natural flowers, and over tho stage hung a heavy sign of "Welcome" In double red letter ing. he club house cost the members 130,000. MRS. CARSE DROPPED. Tbo Ninth Ward Directors Elected miss Walker la Her Stead. The school directors of the Ninth ward, Alle gheny, last night elected the following teachers for the year: J. B. Arbnckle, principal; G. F. Shales. Kato L. Cowers. Mary Madden, Mary Collins. Ada Noah, M. J. Douglas, Maggie Herdman, Nollie Day, Anita Cordier, Beatrice Harrington and Miss Walker. The latter was elected to fill tbo vacancy caused by the drop ping of Mrs. Alidla Carse. Mrs. Carse is the teacher abont whom there was so much con tention in tho Board of School Controllers. The school will hold a picnic at McKec's Rocks Grove on Friday, June 23. Tho Thirty sixth ward school, Pittsburg, will also hold a picnic on tbe same day at Sbingiss Park, ad joining McKec's Rocks Grove. A SEPARATE DISTRICT. Tho Hcptasophs in and About McKcesport IUnke n New Move. Tho Independent Order of Hcptasophs has grown so rapidly in Allegheny county that they havo formed a district with tho conclaves of McKcesport and those of Braddock, Homo stead and other places outside of Pittsburg. The headquarters are at McKeesport, wbero there are two large conclaves, and will meet at the latter place Tuesday, July 2, at 2 p. m., to elect a district deputy, who will represent the district at tbe biennial meeting at New York. Representatives from all conclaves in tho new district will be present to attend the conven tion of July 2, and will remain until evening to attend the banquet and installation of officers of tho big McKeesport conclave. WILL PUSH THE WORK. Tho McKeesport Light Company Lets a Con tract to the Edison. Tbe McKeesport Light Company, to whom the contract for lighting the city was awarded recently, yesterday awarded to the Edison Light Company tbe contract for furnishing the big dynamo, the arc lamps and extending the cii cults. Tho company- is to complete the contract in 30 days, should the weather not interfere. His Career Cat Short. Charles Vaulter, alias Charles Dawes, who is charged by Mrs. Mary Makwcek with forgery and f alsejiretcnse, had a hearing yesterday be fore Alderman Warner, of the Twelfth ward. It is alleged that he Collected $10 from Mrs. Mskweek and others by representing himself as an agent ot tbe Law and Order Society, and threatening prosecution on various charges, especially for running "speak-easies," unless tboy paid lor his silence. When money was given him it Is said be gave a receipt, signing tbe name of Chas. Dawes. He was held for court without balk Opposed to tbe Garbage Furnace. Tbe Allegheny Market Committee met last night. A complaint was entered against the garbage fnrnaco in tbo market bouse by Mr. John Wilson, who owns some property in tbe vicinity. Ho complains that the sparks from tho stack set fire to one of his houses, and is a constant menace. A sub-committee was ap pointed to investigate the matter. Three Italians and a Monkey. Three Italians and a monkoy were arrested and lodged in the Fourteenth ward station last night. The Italians were Bartola Franzia, Frank Panzena and Anthony Frenzea. They are charged with having violated a city ordinance. They were arrested by Lieutenant Fitzgerald. A hearing will be given them to day. Two School Picnics. Tbe Ralston school held Its annual picnic at Hnlton Grove yesterday. The crowd of over 1,000 which attended, were taken care of by tho principal, Arthur Bnrgoyne, and the teachers. An enjoyable day was spent by all present. To-day tbe O'Hara school will hold a picnic at the same grove. Platt's Chlorides' Instantly disinfects the house drains, water closets, sinks, cellars, etc Every thine-In Fireworks. Splendid assortment; very lowest prices. J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st. Get a sack of '.Ivory" flour of vour 'grocer, and see what' fine bread you will uave. v ,a.i AT MOUNT SAIST URSULA. The Commencement Exercises at tho Instl tntlon The Pupils Who Woo Prizes. The nineteenth annual commencement of the Mount St- Ursula Academy, at Oakland, was held yesterday afternoon. The various exhibi tion rooms of the institution were profusely decorated with evergreens and flowers. The art room contained a profuse display of paint ing and fancy needle work executed by the pu pils,and was the center of attraction to the hun dreds of people who had gathered to witness the performances of tho pupils. The exercises opened with a grand march on pianos by Misses E. Daily, of Petrolia. F. Locfflerand Alice Abel. Fifty-six girls, the pupils of the entire school, sang "The Vine Gatherers." One of the most finished performances was "The Victoria Quadrilles." rendered on six pianos by 14 young ladies. They wero the Misses Mary Dunlevy, Mary Hopper, M. and G. Buckler, Constance and Edith Keating. Bertha and Alice O'Neil, Gertrude McCaffrey, N. Meehan, Bertha Bertalott, Katie Harman, Clara Owens ana Mable Scott The French recitation by Miss Marie Brnh, of Troy Hill, was well received. "Across tho Dee" was sung by Miss D. Herzog, of Alle gheny. "Little Miss Snowflake" was recited by little Edna Benser. Twenty-five little girls drew forth loud applause by their performance of the gesture song, "Nursery Rhymes." "Hommage a Verdi" was SKlllf ully executed on six pianos by 12 pupils of tbe school. They were: The Misses A. Fetterman. G. Jolly. M. Bruhl, B. O'Neil. M. Meehan, A. Wasson, M. Hackctt, B. Ihmsen, G. Knake, E. Daily, A. Milbolland and M. Kenny. A quartet dressed as Italian dancing girls, with tambourines, sang "We aro Jolly Gay Students." Miss Constance Keating recited "Guilty or Not Guilty." Miss Molly Page rendered the solo "My Song." The "Rhapsodio Hongrolse" was performed on four pianos by tbe Misses F. Loeffler, A. Abel, M. Hackett G. Jolly, A. Ihmsen, D. Herzog, M. Sheeny and Midge Seaforth. "Charlotte Russe" was rc citeibyMissE. Keating, and tho vocal solo, "Impatlenco." was sung by Miss Gertie Jolly. Tbe "Bridal Song" was performed on two pianos by tbo Misses M. Page and Alice Kim mel. Miss A. Masson then rendered the vocal solo, "Jndlth." The French recitation, "1abeIIIoet la Form!," was given by Miss G. McCaffrey. Miss Belle McGlnnis sang the solo, "The Dove." "The Grand Quatuor," was then performed on four pianos by the Misses A. Abel, F. Loeffler, E. Daily and tho Mother of tbe Annunciation. the names, of tho pupils and Bishop Phelan presented the premiums. Gold medals were awarded to Miss Daisy Herzog for French; for vocal music, Agatha Wasson; elocution, Marie Bruhl; honor, Annie Ihmsen, Mollie Page and Alice Kimmel; ex cellence. Midge Seaferth. Tbe sliver medals wero awarded to Christian Doctrim, Alice Fet terman; application, Gertrude McCaffrey, Lidia Buettler, Flora Loeffler, Augusta Abel and Bessie O'Neil; elocution, Mable Scott In tbe drawing for tho gold harp, Miss Maria Bruhl was the successful ono. THE! CONFIDE IN THE PRESIDENT. Colored Republicans Present nn Address on tho Southern Follllcnl Situation. Washington, June 26. Ex-Senator Bruce and Fourth Auditor Lynch headed a delegation of colored Republicans who waited on the President this morning and presented an ad dress adopted atthe Jackson (Miss.) conference on Jnne 13 in regard to the political situation in the Soutb, and expressing tbe ut most confidence in the President's policy to ward tbe colored neople In that region. The President thanked them for their confidence and said they could rest assured that he would do tho best he could toward all classes. He commended tbe conservative stand taken by them and said they wonld have his assistance In every endeavor to approve their political status. Among tho President's -other visitors this morning wero Senators Stockbridge and Mor gan, Representatives brown, Strublo and Cole man, John Wise, of Virginia; Charles F. John son, of Cincinnati, and a committee of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Secretary Blaine called In company with Mr. W. Walter Phelps, of the Samoan Commission, and tbe President informed the latter of his appointment as Minister to Germany. INDIANA OPERATORS STAND FIRM. They Refuse to Slake Any Concessions to the Miners. Indianapolis, Juno 26. The Board of State Charities, in session with the operators and miners at Brazil yesterday and to-day,adjourncd at noon without having accomplished any defi nite result It was thought last night by a member of the board that an amicable adjustment might be reached to-day .by the miners accepting the statements of the operators and going to work at the reduction. This did not take place. The operators have a standing committee to act for them with a committee of miners at- any time, but thev say no other rate can bo paid except 70 and 75 cents, and that there will be no use of a meeting to consider any other. Secretary Johnson, of the Board ot Charities, remained over to hold a consultation at the re quest of the miners. The situation remains just as it was in the start so far as concerns the operators. AN OLD SALT KNOWS HIS MIL Commodore Schlcy Resigns a Sinecure to Go on Active Service. Washington, Juno 26. Commodore Schley has at his own request been relieved from duty as Chief of the Bureau of Equipment and Re cruiting, Navy Department, and will be given command of tbo new cruiser Baltimore. It is understood that the reason assigned by Commodore Schley for his retirement from the bureau where he had yet nearly three years to serve under his present commission, is a sense of duty and a desiro to impress upon tbe younger men In the naval service the idea that staff appointments like his own, are pot to be held lrnger than the advantages to be derived in an educational way can be reaped. This action on the part of Commodore Schley was a genuine surprise in naval circles. By abandoning his office he drops from Commodore to tbe rank of Captain, but bis command the Baltimore tho largest of the new cruisers, is generally re garded as one of the best floating billets. 0RMSBI WANTS $100,000. A Dismissed Member of Uncle Sam's Navy After Secretary Tracy. Washington, June 26. George B. Ormsby, who was lately dismissed from the navy, has entered suit in tho Supreme Court of the Dis trict of Columbia against Secretary Tracy for $100,000 damages for trespass incident to his re cent imprisonment at Mare Island, CaL, and his trial dismissal. Ho alleges that there was not sufficient ground for his arrest; no author ity for his imprisonment, and that the case was not conducted in accordance with the statutes. Ho also charges a bad condition of affairs on the prison ship Independence. Formal service wis made upon the Secretary of tbe navy to day. The papers have been turned over to Judge Advocate General Remey. An Accra vntcd Assault Case. Thomas Powers, the man who was so badly beaten up Tnesday morning and came near being killed by a gang of men who attacked him at McKeesport, yesterday charged Richard Farmer before 'Squire Berry with aggravated assault and battery, and in default of SoOO bail the latter was sent to jail. Says They Aro Frauds. For several days past four well dressed young men, wearing silk bats and an appearance of prosperousness, havo been canvassing the city in the interest of a clnb house, which they claim Is to be erected hero for the benefit of commercial travelers. Assistant Superinten dent O'Mara says they are f rands. England Will Cling to Egypt. London, June 20. England has declined to guarantee tho evacnation of Egypt, which was demanded by Franco as a condition of her ac ceptance of thd Egyptian conversion scheme. Tbe scheme has therefore been abandoned. France also demanded tbo annnllment of the Anglo-Turkish convention of 1887. Jnines W. Grove, Fifth ave., is showing a larger line of fire works than ever before. We have a double supply. Our first shipment was detained by the great flood. Fearing we would not get them in time, we telegraphed for dupli cate shipments. Both have now arrived, and in consequence of this our stock is un usually large, and of the very best goods made. They must go if low prices will do it. TWTS Smoke the best, La Perla del Fumar clear Havana Key West Cigars. Sold 3 for 2?o by G. W. Schmidt, Nos. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. . Guns, revolvers; catalogues free. J H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st "Una." fancy snrine patent flour, best in the world., . xxs I " DEATH BI ELECTRICITY. A Test to be Made of the Constitutionality of New York's Law. Special Telegram to Tbe inspatco. Buffalo. June 26. Referee Tracy C. Becker said to-day that be would begin to tako testimony about July 8 In the Kemmter murder case to find out whether death by electricity is crnel and inhuman. Attorney General Tabor, District Attorney Qulnby and Charles 8. Hatch, counsel for Kemmler, are quoted as sayinc that if tbe electric law is declared un constitutional tha reneal of the hanging law will be void, thus restoring to the statute books the hanging penalty. All azreo that if Kemm ler escapes death by electricity be must hang. Other lawyers say that tho repeal of tbe sec tion would not be unconstitutional, and that New York would have no death penalty with out a now law. AN IMAGINARI ST0RT. Alonslgnor Perslco Is Not Afraid of Irish Nntlonnllits. Roue, June 28. The story that Monslgnor Persico, irrhis report to the Pope on the re sult of his investigation of Irish affairs, had as serted that the Irish Nationalists had formed a plot to kill him if be returned to Ireland, is pronounced pnrely Imaginary. It is stated that the Pope has appointed Monslgnor Persico Secretary of the Propa ganda of Oriental Rites, and that this is tbe real reason why he will not return to Ireland. PURE WATER. Chemically Pare and Perfectly Clear Water , Near nt Hnnd. Messrs. Bailer, Beck & Co. are now giv ing away large quantities of the pure water that condenses from the evaporated artesian water used at their saltworks on Rebecca street, Allegheny. A chemical analysis shows this condensed water to be perfectly pure. Messrs. Heenan nnd Brown, both residents of Allegheny, who have jnst re turned from Johnstown, report great quan tities of filth being dumped into the rirer there, and say that if the people could see these dumps they certainly would not drink any river water. Many families are secur ing the pure water from Messrs. Haller, Beck & Co. for drinking and cooking pur poses. The firm is preparing a reservoir for saving this condensed water, and would be glad to have all persons avail themselves of it. It will be free to all for the present No filtering needed. The water is clear as crystal. We Lend Them All In quality, quantity and low prices on fire works, baby carriages, bicycles, girl's tri cycles, boy's velocipedes, hammocks, cro quet,, lawn tennis, lawn swings, satchels, flags, firecrackers, cannon crackers, dolls, toys, etc., at James W. Grove's, Fifth ave. TWTS A Fine DIsplny of Fireworks Suitable forfamilles, parties, clubs, etc., can be had for a very moderate sum by buying them at reduced" club and family prices at J. H. Johnston's, 706-Smithtiel'd street. Open Saturday evening and till 4 o'clock on the Fourth. If you are seeking for a very fine im ported cigar, ask to see the La Matilde brand. From $10 to $40 per 100.. G'. W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. SI Only. Fine spectacles practically adjusted to sight at Steinmann's, Jeweler and'Optician, 107 Federal st., Allegheny. ttssu Over 200 varietiesof Imported Key "West and Domestic Cigars from $2 to $40 per 100. G. "W. Schmidt, Noj. 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Excursion to Johnstown. ' The Baltimore and Ohio Bnilroad will sell excursion tickets Sunday next to Johns town, rate $2 35 for the round trip. Special train will leave new depot at 7:30 a. m. Hekdeicks & Co. invite your attention to their low prices; best work in the two cities; cabinets only $1 a dozen. 68 Federal st, Allegheny. All persons afflicted with dyspepsia find immediate relief by using Angostura Bit ters. Californln Claret. Coleman's Flag Brand, G. "W. S. Flag Brand, Zinfandel Claret, By the case or bottle. G. "W. Schmidt, 95 and 97 Fifth avenue, city. Exeorslon to Johnstown. The Baltimore nnd Ohio Bnilroad will sell excursion tickets Sunday next to Johns town, rate $2 35 for the round trip. Special train will leave new depot at 7:30 A. M. Fireworks! Fireworks! Fireworks! Big reduction in prices; great variety of pieces; beantifnl displays. Come early and don't wait till the last moment. Qnality guaranteed. J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st. Pilsner Beer. Call for this celebrated make of Franen heim & Vilsack. To be had at all first class bars. ttssu Guns, revolvers; catalogues free. J. H. Johnston, 706 Smithfield st. "SH.VEE bread. Lake" flour makes delicious ITS PRICES MADE TO CLEAN UP SPRING STOCK DRESSGOODS. Desirable Grades and Styles at 25c, ' 37c and 50c. All-wool solid colored Cashmeres ana Henri ettas, choice shades prices pruned. Fancy Dress Goods for combinations and retrimmlng, at special prices. Plain and printed India Silks choice shadings 40c, 73c and JL Colored Satin-finished Silks, closing low. Summer Silks, all on counter, reduced. Black and white plaid and check Surahs, 60c. Black and colored Sarahs at low prices. Bargain num bers in a purchase of Black Silks, from 75c to Si 5a Gingham and Wash Goods stock, late addi tions, bought under value. First-class lines of plaid and fancy striped Ginghams, choice Satlnes, Batiste and other printed cottons. - UNDERWEAR. Ribbed Yests, 12K& Gauze Bodies, Egyptian Cotton, 25c, 75c; Lisle. 45c. Other Bargains. HOSIERY. Fine Gauze, 25c. Fast Blacks. 25c Fast Blacks, 30c. 40c, 50c, 60c. Extra Lisle, 40c and 50c All other stocks equally attractive. Best values shown in Beaded Wraps. Children's Garments cut deep in price. BIBER I EASTDN, 05 AND 007 MARKET ST. Jel7JTTSSu' ylCTORIA TO PREVENT SICKNESS IN your family keep the VICTORIA NAT URAL MINERAL WATER, imported direct to this city from near Ems, Germany, by Major Z".Z?Sr&?&S?T.0 8e"e- " v ","'-"'JaM -NEW ADTEHmSEatESTS. f.ijt , JDB. HDRNE 1 CD.'B PENN AVENUE STORES. f ' SUMMER GOODS NOW. In tha Suit room Special sale of Ladles' Summer Suits. Satlne and Gingham Suits at to and upward. White Lawn Suits, S3 50, to and up ward. Traveling Suits, 310 and upward. India Silk Suits, Black Surah Silk Suits, Black Net Suits; Cballl Suits and Tea Gowns. Tennis Jackets in cream, white and fancy Flannels. Ladies' Flannel Blouse Waists, $1 and upward. Plain and fancy stripe and check Silk Blouse Waists. Large and complete stock of Chll dren's and Misses' Suits, In Gingham, Lawn and Llght-weightWoolens. Boys Kilt Suits, 4 to 6 year sizes. Boys' Man-o'-war Suits. Fauntleroy Waists; White Guimpe Waists. Baby outfits complete. Black French Cashmere Fichus, em broidered and with silk fringe all around, go and up to $20. Traveling Dusters and Long Cloth Wraps at lowest prices. Our special Summer Dress Goods Sale in light weight woolen fabrics for summer wear; striped and plaid Mohairs at 25c; regular 50c qual'ty. Fine im ported Novelty Dress Goods, !1 and 1 23 quality, now selling for 50c a yard. One lot of side-border MousseUnes, cream white, with high colored borders, . only 75c, were SI and tl 35 a yard. Near.? ly 100 styles m 50-inch fine wool check and stripe English style Suiting3 at tl a yard, regular price 1 25. Printed India Silks Hundreds of pieces here, 50c, 65c and 75c; also, at SI and tl 25. Hundreds of yards selling dally, as our styles and qualities are the newest and best and the variety of designs unequaled. Special good values In Black Surah Silks, Black India Silks, Black Silk Grenadines and other Black Silks la light weights for summer wear. Our special sale of Satines anf Ging hams. Another 100 piece lot of fine, wide Scotch Zephyr Ginghams at 25c & yard. French Satlnes at 18c 71ns American Satlnes at 12c, 15c 'and 20c a yard. Fine French Satines at 25c and 30c Good Ginghams at 6c, 9c, 12& All are bargains. New fancy plaid Scotch Flannels only 25c a yard. New styles in Outing Cloths at 12c and IScayard. Fine French Flannels 75c, worth SL Special bargains In Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Latest styles in Millinery Department Trimmed Pattern Hats and Bonnets, at : rednced prices. Special sale of flna French Flowers. - Hot Weather Underwear, for Men Women and Children. JOB. HDRNE 2c ELI'S PENN AVENUE STORES. w ' V" .Jar Hat " ' hwnKU4EMVkiutsislHHHktfkttflBSiUi, HHL'iHMHHHHH) HSssSBSBHHHiitiBHi