Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, June 27, 1889, Image 1

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    ;-rr?F? Tetrgjtrvjy f?J
-i " 9-
Who has a good article to sell, and who adver
tises" vigorously andllberany. Advertising is
truly the life of trade. All enterprising and1
judicious advertisers succeed.
me 3fflt$mxa
' Y" li it Is anything in reason yon can obtain it
-&- cheaply and quiclly by advertising in The
Dispatch columns.
Freight Trains Collide on a
je and Are Dashed to
the Creek Below.
jTany Eeturning Johnstown
"Workmen Are Entombed
'in the Enin.
A Heavy Fog Prevented the Signal
From Being Seen Until it
Was Forever Too Late.
The Flagman Was not the Eegnlar Specified
Distance Prom the Train Which
He Was Guarding.
Another horror has been added to the
Bummer's long list. During a fog one
freight train dashed into another on the
bridge at Latrobe. Thirty-eight cars were
precipitated to the creek below and imme
diately took fire. A number ot workmen
returning from Johnstown were on board.
Ten bodies have already been recovered
and a number of injured rescued. A care
ful estimate places the total number of the
killed at about 25. "With a few exceptions
the train crews escaped with slight hurts.
"The flagman who should have warned the
jt. -
approaching train was not at the proper
Latbobe, June 26. The scene at the
railroad bridge across Iioyalhanna creek at
the west end of Latrobe reminds one of a
section of Johnstown just after the flood.
Thirty-eight cars are strewn along the right
bank in one confused mass. In the creek
the top of a locomotive is just visible, cov
ered with ashes and intermixed with car
trucks, tops of cars and wreckage of all
The cause of all this destruction can best
be told by a dispatch sent by Chief Train
ilaster E. Pitcairn to Superintendent Bob
ert Pitcairn, as follows:
The accident was caused by engine 1,313 run
Sing Into two cars on the main track, which
were left standing there by shifter SOS while
It was at work at the Latrobe Coal Company.
Tbe Fireman Was Flacelnff.
and went back about 400 or 500 yards, which
was not the distance required by rule, but
extra 1,313 was running at a very high rate of
speed, and could not hare easily hare stopped.
Approaching the block the engineer and 34 of
the 38 cars of the west-bound freight went orer
the bank with the two rear cars and the
caboose of the train hauled by engine 1,318.
The latter engine hauled 36 cars.
The westbound freight was in charge ot
Conductor Alfred Barnhart, Engineer Elmer
mghtt at the Morgue.
Caldwell and Fireman G. F. Frock. The
bodies of the engineer and fireman have not
yet been found, but the condnctor escaped
uninjared j The rear brakeman of tbe east
bound freight had his wrist broken. None
others of the crew were injured. "When the
accident happened there was a thick fog,
sad it is not knownwhether the engineer of
" . J" ( I ,
the westbound freight saw the signal at the
tower or not. The operator in the tower said
that the engineer whistled for the track and
a clear track was given him to go ahead,
and then the flagman of the Berry shifter
flagged them. He was then only 300 yards
from the cars on the main track.
A notation of the Hole.
According to rule the flagman should be
900 yards from the train he is guarding.
The west-bound train rushed on with terrific
speed, heeding nothing, and crashed into
the cars left by the shifter. The east-bound
freight thundered by, and the last two cars
and the caboose were caught by the jam and
whirled into the river. A car ,of lime was
the last to go over, but it immediately took
fire and the flames were added to the horror
of the scene.
The alarm was rung, and the local fire
department was speedily rendering all the
aid in its power. "With this force the flames
were soon extinguished, but not before, as it
afterward proved, many human beings had
succumbed to their force. During the time
the fire was raging most fiercely arms and
legs could be seen protruding from the
wreck, and this impelled the eager workers
to fresh efforts. There are some who assert
that cries for help were heard from the con
fused mass, but the majority say that noth
ing of the kind could possibly have been
distinguished above the general din.
The Grcnt Loss of Iilfo.
Until Conductor Barnhart told his story,
it was supposed by those on the ground that
comparatively few lives had been lost in the
disaster, it being thought that none but the
ordinary train crews were on board. But
this proved to be a sad mistake. The con
ductor stated that about 45 men, who had
been employed in Johnstown, had got on
the train to go to Pittsburg.
"When the train stopped at Deny, the
condnctor ordered all of these men to get
off, -and saw that they did so. But his back
was no sooner turned than they again
boarded the cars and concealed themselves.
Mr. Barnhart said to The Dispatch cor
respondent that he thought that it was en
tirely probable that three-fourths of the
whole number were on the train when the
fatal collision and leap over the bridge
As fast as the bodies were taken from the
wreck they were taken to the undertaking
establishment of -F. J. Stader and put in
neat black coffins. The coffins were placed
in a slanting position, and throngs passed
in and out trying to identify the burned
and charred remains.
The Work In the Ruins.
The debris of the wreck is being rapidly
cleared away, although the bodies ot Engi
neer Caldwell and George Fralick, the fire
man, have not yet been reached. Eight or
ten men have been out on the boiler of the
engine trying to extract the body of a man
whose heels stick npont of the water. The
body is pinioned by the locomotive resting
on it Another body has just been pulled
out of the wreck, all burned beyond recogni
tion. The following is ,the description and
identification, where that has been possible,
of the bodies recovered up to the present
GEORGE COBGAL, aged 25, of Jersey City;
on his person was found receipt tor dues to L
O. G. T., signed by Allen Snyder.
HUGH KELLY, Philadelphia; his father is a
puddler at Lochiel Iron Works, Harrisburg.
UNKNOWN MAN. about 35 years old, 5 feet
11 inches in height; weighs about 170 pounds;
short black mustache and black hair.
JOHN CRITCHLOW, of Homestead, agea
about 35 years;a leg and arm were burned off.
UNKNOWN MAN. dark hair, heavy mus
tache, aged aBout 40 years, 5 feet i inches
UNKNOWN MAN, dark brown hair, smooth
face, about 26 years old.
UNKNOWN MAN, head almost burned off.
CHARLES H, FURGESON. on inside of
memorandum found in the pocket was tbe
name of "Charles E. Harden Miller," North
umberland county, Pennsylvania.
MYERS MERHOOD, aged about 35 years.
BENJAMIN EMERICH, supposed to be the
f root brakeman, aged about 25 years; had a
silver watch and revolver.
They Escaped With Their Lives.
The following persons were more or less
injured in the wreck, and some of them
seriously so:
F. A. YEIS, laborer from Johnstown, of Brad
dock, left arm broken near shoulder.
JOHN CLEARY, laborer, of Pittsburg, crushed
across the hips; he will recover.
FATFIiANNIGAN, cut and bruised, but not
P. FITZGIBBONS, of McKeesport, has a bad
scalp wound, bnt not serious.
PETER MANDRY, scalp wound and hurt In-
ternally. He lived in Johnstown. The whole
side of his skull was crushed in.
JOHN MULLEN, of Philadelphia, scalp wound
ana braised.
LEWIS W1BEL, of Indiana, Pa., flesh wound
above the left eye.
JAMES M'CURDRY, Canadian, about 48 years
old and married, hurt on hand and back.
JOHN 11. MILLER, front brakeman of Con
dnctor Barnhart's train, hurt on back and
sprained wrist.
PETER CAVANAUGH, a Homestead steel
worker, was on freight going west; cut and
bruised all over, but not serious.
JOHN HOWARD, of Pittsburg, was bruised,
but is not in danger.
Everything indicates that about 25 peo
ple in all have been killed.' At 10 o'clock
to-night the work in the debris was practi
cally suspended, but will be resumed in the
morning. The water in the creek at the
point where the accident occurred is about
12 feet deep and it is expected that 10 or 12
bodies are in the bottom of the creek held
there by the wreckage.
FlnEman Miller Gives HI Story.
John H. Miller, a flagman on the freight,
states that the proper signals were given
when the position ot the shifter was discov
ered, and Engineer Caldwellansweredbut
the speed was too.higli. Four of the in
jured ones, who were taken from one car,
stated that 11 others were in the car, and in
another box car, it is stated by one of the
rescued, that there were 15 or 20 men.
Shortly after work was suspended for the
night The Dispatch correspondent again
visited the scene of the nun and found a
dozen street gamins searching the ruins for
cigars and other -plunder, and as he ap
proached the end of the bridge two men
The Wrecking Train on the Way.
sneaked away in the dark. A gang of rob
bers was on hand before the fallen engine
had hardly given its last puff. .
Three of them were arrested by the
authorities and the others told that life
would be short for them if they did not
skip. Allen.
The Veteran Statesman Passes Array as
Daylight Fades Oat of the Sky
A Peaceful Death Ainid
Mount Jor, Pa., June 26. General
Simon Cameron died at his country place at
Donegal Springs to-night about 8 o'clock.
His end, as presaged in these dispatches,
was quiet and peaceful. He passed away
as one going into a deep sleep and quite
without any struggle. His son-in-law, ex
Attornev General "Wayne MacVeagh, his
daughters, Mrs. MacVeagh and Mrs. Ham
ilton, his grandsons, James Cameron and
Simon B. Cameron, his granddaughter,
Mrs. Wallas, and other members of his im,
mediate household were with him. He
was very low during the morning, bnt had
a long and peaceful sleep later and woke
apparently refreshed and bright. His
breathing was regular and deeper than it
had been, and ex-Congressman J. B. Packer,
of Sunbury, who is married to one of his
nieces, left for home this evening after hav
ing spent some hours at Donegal in and
about the sick room.
He thought the veteran, though low in
the morning, was much better late in the
afternoon and he felt a strong hope that he
wonld live for a dav or two more and that
his life might eyen be prolonged until the
arrival of Senator J. Donald Cameron, who
sailed from Liverpool for home to-day. But
the apparent revival was only the retnrn of
false ostrength that so often precedes
death. Jnst about 7 o'clock as the sun was
going down over the fields, wet from a light
rain, he suddenly began to sink. His phy
sicians, who were with him all day, realized
that the end was near at last. All the
members of his household were summoned
and gathered about his bedside. He did
not again revive, and they saw him sink by
degrees until about 8 o clock, as darkness
closed, his breathing growing fainter and
fainter, ceased, as Mr. MacVeagh expressed
it, just as if the old statesman were a little
child dying of some long and painless ill
ness. Telegrams were sent to relatives and
friends in various parts of the country and
some messages of inquiry received the news
as answers. The funeral will take place at
Harrisburg, ou Saturday, at 1 o'clock. The
burial will be in the cemetery there where
Mrs. Cameron and the children who preceded
their parents to the grave lie at rest.
Always slender, he is sadly worn after al
most seven davs passed very nearly without
food or drink, but his features were so
strong and striking that he looks mnch like
his old self even in death. It would have
been a great boon to the dead statesman if
he could have looked upon his absent son,
Senator Cameron once, but almost at
the end the expression of his eyes and coun
tenance gave token of his gratification that
he lay down to his last sleep in the midst of
his own kindred. He appeared to be faintly
conscious quite up to the last. The story of
his illness and its incidents were told com
pletely and accurately in the telegrams
printed in The Dispatch. Any extended
story now would of necessity.be in a large
degree a resume of those dispatches. The
General died, in his favorite sleeping cham
ber large, old-fashioned room on the south
side of his country house, which is three
miles distant from this town.
A dispatch from Harrisburg says the
fnueral will not take place until Senator
Cameron arrives.
London Police Will Not Permit Them to Ob
struct the Streeti.
London, June 26. A band of members
of the Salvation Army was attacked and
dispersed by the police this evening, while
marching along tbe strand nn its way to
Exeter Hall. The music il instruments car
ried by the paradcrs were smashed and sev
eral of the "soldiers" were injured A num
ber of paradcrs were arrested. The police
had previously warned tbe officers of the
Salvation Army that they, woqld not be
permitted to obstruct the streets. - ' ,
Eminent Engineers Tell What They
Know of Its Construction.
Attributes the Disaster to the Unprec
edented Pall of Kain.
And Describes it to the Jury, and Mr.
Called the Dam Unsafe.
Four important witnesses appeared yes
terday at the inquest held by Coroner
Evans, of Cambria, over the body of Mrs.
Hite. Colonel T. P, Eoberts and John.G
Parks, of Pittsburg, John Fulton, of Johns
town, andJ. L. Coffin, of Moxham, give
their views as to the condition of the dam.
The unprecedented rainfall is one point
strongly developed, causing an unprec
edented rise of water. Mr. Coffin considers
the dam was always a menace.
Johnstown, -June 26. At 7 o'clock this
evening, in the old shed at the corner of
Napoleon and South streets, which had been
used as the postoffice and Kernville head
quarters, Coroner Evans, of Cambria
county, resumed the inquest over the body
of Mrs. Lawrence Hite. This unfortunate
lady was selected as a good subject to repre
sent the victims of the flood. A lantern was
placed on a center table, and the reporters
gathered around the flickering light. One
of the boys acted as clerk, for which he will
receive $1 50 from the connty. ,
A store box was used as a witness stand,
and from this perch, with their leet dang
ling in the air, such dignified men as
John Fulton, general manager of the Cam
bria Iron "Works, and Colonel T. P. Eoberts,
of Pittsburg, delivered their testimony.
A small crowd of people made up the audi
ence. Probably never before was a Coroner's
inquest held in such a place or under euch
circumstances. While the work of taking
testimony was in progress, Generals Hast
ings and "Wiley rode up on horseback, and
paid their respects to the aged Coroner.
Four witnesses were called, and the com
plete testimony will be found below:
The inquest was adjourned until Monday
to give the jury an opportunity to seethe
dam and take further evidence. Their
leading questions were concerning the secur
ity of the reservoir and whether hay had
been used to close up leaks.
John Fulton was emphatic in his state
ment that it had been, and he said he saw it
put in in 1880. Colonel Roberts stated that
hay was one of the best materials that could
be used to stop leaks, and it usually lasted
for some time. He found hay had been
placed between the interstices. By reading
the expert testimony offered one can easily
see what caused the dam to break. Mr.
Fulton produced a copy of 'Xhe Dispatch
of June 17, 1889, aud read as his testimony
.his report to the Cambria Irou Company
about the condition of the dam in 1880,wha
he made a thorough examination. HtT-c:
marked that it was one of the things that
had escaped the flood.
John G. Parker, Jr., of Pittsburg, who
saw the dam break, testified:
I was at Conemaugh Lake when it broke.
I found tbe lake oC surprising height on the
morning of the flood, the waters being up over
tbe roadway at the club house. 1 heard a roar
ing at the head where the streams were com
ing in. Found both streams boiling fall of
water. Both streams are usually 30 feet wide
and 18 inches deep. That morning the woods
for 250 feet were covered with water from 50 to
60 feet deep. I walked up tbe streams for half
a mile and found the branches of trees
stripped off.
I went down to the dam and f onnd Colonel
Unger with 20 Italians digging a now waste
weir through the original ground at the south
end. The water was rising from eight to ten
inches per hour. The water rose so rapidly
that the new waste weir could not relieve it
fast enough, although it cut its way down to
solid rock. The water soon commenced to
come over the dam, and at 1130 there was six
to eight inches of water running over for a
width of 75 feet.
I was afraid the dam would go and rode down
to South Fork and warned the people there
and at Johnstown by telegraph of the danger.
It was 12 o'clock when I got to South Fork. I
then returned and the water had risen consid
erably, running orer in some places eight to
ten inches deep. It was cutting the outer face
of tbe dam vertically and horizontally. Tbe
riprap on the outer face 'retarded this washout
nuite considerably, but as the volume Increased
it was washed away.
This wearing process continued from 1230
until 3 o'clock, cutting down the front of the
dam. It continued until it had cut a hole ten
feet wide and about three feet of the inner face
of the dam, when it caved in, when the water
rushed through this gap and cut both sides and
bottom of the embankment, and kept on for 45
minutes until tho dam was drained. It broke
between 2:15 and 3 o'clock. There were no trees
or logs in the river to retard tho water. The
waste weir was 100 feet wide and from 11 to 12
feet deep. Tbe waste weir was cut through
solid rock around one side of the dam. I never
expressed my opinion about safety of tbe dam.
The dam was perfectly able to withstand tho
pressure of the water, but it ran orer and
washed it out. It was an extraordinary flood.
Colonel T. P. Roberts, of Alleghany, was
called, and testified as follows:
I visited the dam fortne first time on tho 14th
of this month. I didn't take any instruments
with me except the band level and tape line.
The dam from the foundations up Is nearly 75
feet high. It has recently been holding a
depth of 62 feet of vator at the lower end and
then there appeared to be about 5 feet of de
posit below this level. The top width of tbe
dam is from 19 to 20 feet: the base was nearly
300 feet at the base. The material in the dam
looking toward the northeast end appears to
be of decomposed clay in layers, and that seems
to be carried up to the upper edge of the road
and then carried down to tbe lower edge. This
part seemed to be of good work. The lower
half had a larger proportion of earth, and a
very heavy riprap of stone on the lower slope,
designed moro for weight and support for the
upper half. Tbe appearance of the opposite
side ot tbe dam is quite different. This seems
to be earth, fallen down since the washout, so
you can't see so well tbe arrangement of the
upper slope. I didn't test with rods, but in
trying to push a stick in I found the material
very compact.
"The top of the dam was nearly level. I could
see evidences of an overflow on the south end.
These marks indicated a rise of seven feef and
about one inch above the ordinary summer
lake. I think this was the level of the water
when the dam broke. No earthen dam will
stand an overflow of any quantity ot water.
There were evidences that tbe water had run
over tbe top. A great many earthen reservoirs
have been built and are in use, but they are
always designed with an outlet at the end of
sufficient capacity to discharge flood waters.
The overflow was the cause of tbe breaking of
the dam, but even if tbe old pipes had been in
I think they would have added very little to the
security ot the dam In this case. '
'1 think this: If that dam had been built as
well as the portion remaining it would hare
gone out anyhow. A rock dam would be only
advisable where it had solid rock in tbe foun
dation and on the sides, bnt if any portion of
the masonry rested against earth the tendency
to leak would he along the line, and unless a
dam is made of solid rock in tront and ou the
skies, I nould adrise an earthen dam, hut pro
vided with waste wlers. 1 think the cause of
the trouble was water leaking along tbe old
culvert, developing a leak, and the dam fell in.
I think the breaking Of the dam added tremen
dously to tbe extent of tho flood, or, rather,
contributed to It. I thlLk had it broken in the
Summer tune it would have done very little
damage. The Conemaugh was in
at South Fork that morning, overflowing its
banks and filling the streets of Johnstown sev
eral leet; The water was moving at the rate of
six miles an hour. The two bonds in the river
had tbe tendency ot checking the water, and
the water would pile up. It would give a great
er volume in Kernville. The viaduct acted as a
dam, and tbe water rose about 120 feet, and
when it broke it made aware nearer Johns
town and much higher than tbe original ware.
The greater portion of the water went around
the bend at Mineral Point The time of the
flood ware from the reservoir to Johnstown ap-
Eears to have been one hour, and the distance
y the meanderings of tbe stream probably 12
"I spoke about estimating tbeprecedingflood
at six miles an hour, and then the flood wave
came twice as fast. This would act like a
broom pushing everything before it, whereas if
the river had Deen low the ware would have
diminished in heichtat anr noint. It is the
only flood I ever saw that maintained ad aver
age height coming from head waters. The area
of the lake I was unable to ascertain. I be
lieve it was about 500 acres. I think the depth
wonld average about 30 feet; 406,000,000 cubic
feet was the capacity of the old dam. The
water weighs the same no matter how far it
runs back. The pressure is according to the
' The loose stone on the upper slope is designed
so'iely to prevent a washing by tho wind and
don't add any strength. I don't know the area
of the valley above tbe dam. I believe it is 420
square miles. I understand that there is evi
dence showing that the water at the dam rose
at the rate often inches an hour. Engineers
designing waste wiers, generally prorfde for
fire inches of rain in 24 hours. That is an ex
cessive water fall. I don't think that we ever
bad it at Pittsburg. I think that is about the
amount the engineers calculated for at this
John Coffin, a mechanical engineer of 12
years standing, from Moxham, affirmed that
he was a member of the American"- Society
of Mechanical Engineers. His testimony
He examined the Bouth Fork dam since May
31, and found the part left to be of fair, good
construction. He did not measure the slopes,
but he thought they were about 2 to Ion the
inner slope ana ift to i on we outer. iue top
was about 20 feet wide, and these dimensions
approached too near the danger hue. With
these dimensions there would be danger it tho
dam was of good construction. The danger
arises from water working through. He re
ferred to the Mississippi levees as sometimes
breaking. The waste weir in the South Fork
dam was obstructed by timbers placed across
it, set corner-wise and having spikes on their
upper corners. There was also eridence of
stone placed under the timber, and it may be
that thi3 stone work was intended to slightly
raise the level of tbe water in tho reservoir.
There were no means of drawing off tho water
in case of weakness. This Is not safe engineer
ing. 1 consider this the most hazardous leature
of the construction. Gravelly clay is the best
material to use in earthen dams.
Gravel may be used with safety if there is
enongh clay mixed with it. The standing
work of the dam seems to be constructed of
clay, intermixed with gravel. There was no
central puddle wall. The central part which
was washed away seems, from the character
of the drift below, to haro contained a large
amount of stones and shale, which 'is consid
ered Terr poor material for earthen dams. The
Bpring Valley "Water Company dam, in Cali
fornia, is 90 feet high, with central puddle
wall. The South Fork dam, constructed
throughout like the standing portion, with
waste wier kept perfectly clear, with ample
discharge gates, and under the constant super
vision of a competent engineer, I would con
sider safe as long as it was used to furnish
water o a great public highway, but, as re
constructed, I certainly would not consider it
a sife structure. In 1S82 1 visited the South
Fork dam and noticed considerable leaking at
its central portion. A leaking earthen dam is
never safe. But eren if tbe dam was thorough
ly constructed without, I would not consider
it safe when thousands of lires depended on its
security and when the only reason for its ex
istence was for the pleasure of a few men.
Anything added to it adds strength somewhat,
but without a careful examination ot the
bottom and sides, it would be impossible to
say that a etone wall could be properly constructed-
to-add 'nanch'to. Its security "unless
made massive beyond all precedent.
Assessor Rose Gives an Estimate 50 Now
Business Places Next Week Bird
Houses From Chicago Ridi
culed Cambria In-
Johnstown, June 26. The assessed
value of property in Johnstown alone, ac
cording to the books, is $1,262,270, and Mr.
J. M. Bose, Esq., who was the Assessor of
the city for four years, says this amount
must be multiplied from 8 to 12 times to get
at the real value of the property. He esti
mates the actual valuation of Johnstown at
$12,000,000. He states further that it cost
53,000,000 to build the works atWoodvale
outside the houses there. He places the
loss of property by the flood in the region at
more than $30,000,000. though he admits it
is a most difficult matter to make a correct
Master Carpenter Hughes expects to hare
the 50 business houses ready for occupancy
next week. There have been 670 applica
tions for houses. Twenty-four ot the Chi
cago dog kennels have arrived. As many
fnn,il ct wn A tilllarl M ,! a 4ti.ni lint tnh.n
they saw the bird houses only eight accepted
them. The committee was misled and they
realize it.
They understood the houses would contain
four rooms, three of which would be furnished
and the blanks were so filled ont. Most of
the families number from eight to twelve,
and it is impossible to put half of them In
the shanties. The larger houses are minus
the roof and by the time they are shingled
and put together the cost is $220. The
smaller ones will average $150. Master
Carpenter Hughes told General Hastings
that for the money paid for the portable
frauds he could build respectable houses of
two stories containing four rooms, and thev
xcould be constructed before the Chicago
hovels arrive. General Hastings thinks the
houses are not what they should be and be
telegraphed Governor Beaver to that effect.
"When the parts of the houses are fastened
togethpr thejvindows have to be sawed out.
The carpenters are mad, and the egg shells
have become a laughing stock. Two hundred
of these houses were ordered by Governor
Beaver and 100 by the Pittsburg Chamber
of Commerce.
The finance committee met this afternoon
and recommended to the Governor that the
300 portable houses be hurried up and no
more be ordered. They suggest that the
fnnds for this purpose be used in building
The Chicago firm hasn't the houses on
hand, and they are making them as fast as
they ean. Meanwhile the people are suffer
ing and good houses could be built in a
short time. The people cannot use the
houses, and that settles it.
The directors of the Cambria Iron Com
pany inspected the works to-day. They
stopped at Cresson last night and held a
meeting there to-day. The two sites for the
location of the Gau tier works are held under
advisement. The ooS is on the Bishop tract,
near Sheridan station; the other is the old
site iu Conemaugh. The impression is
strong that the works will be rebuilt at
Conemaugh. The directors in the party
areE. Y. Townsend-President; C. S.Wertz,
B. F. Kennedy, B. F. "Wood, J, M. Bacon,
Young Drexell.PaulStackhouse and Joseph
"Wharton, a heavy stockholder.
The Shaking Up of Trust Stocks.
New York, June 26. "Wall street con
tinued to-day to talk about the( movement
in trust securities. It was evident to some
that somebody had been landed by the sugar
certificates. They still whizzed and shot
about in a violent way, one moment being
117 and the next 113. The closing figures
were 1l6y, Xead Trust was banged down
seven-eights per cent and had another lively
day. s ,
Joseph Benson Forater la Once Moro
Placed in the Field
JThe Nomination Made on the Second Ballot
After a Straggle.
tampson Gets the Place, and the Balance Was Filled
in Short Order.
For the fourth consecutive time the Re
publicans of Ohie have placed J. B. Foraker
in nomination for Governor. This result
was not attained without a struggle, but the
opposition proved to be no match for tbe
tactics of his friends. The nomination was
ratified by acclamation, although there were
a Dumber of dissenting voices. Foraker
made a speech of acceptance, Intimating
that he would not be a candidate for Sena
tor. Columbus, June 26. It was Foraker
against the field, and the field lost The
opponents of the Governor developed a
great deal of strength, but it was largely
unorganized, and failed to withstand the
pressure brought against it. The conven
tion was called to order at 10:10, with mnch
confusion prevailing over an effort to get
the delegates seated. The first demonstra
tion was when Major McKinley entered the
The temporary organization of the con-
vention was made permanent, and Chair
man Conger returned brief thanks for the
honor. General C. H. Grosvenor, Chair
man of the Committee on Besolutions, read
the report, as already sent to The Dis
patch. The report was signed by the
whole committee, and the reading was re
ceived with mnch applause. The platform
was unanimously adopted.
Nominations being in order, Senator
Kerr, of Mansfield, "took the stage and of
fered the name'torU. E. Lampson, of Ash
tabula, in an eloquent speech. Colonel
Bob Neyin, of Dayton, captured the con
vention in a strong speech placing the name
of Congressman E. L. Morey. His speech
was a scathing arraignment of the Democ
racy of the Miami Valley and eulogistic of
his candidate.
The call of the roll of connties for the
fresentation of candidates proceeded slowly,
n addition to the nominating speeches,
each candidate was favored with three or
four seconds, all of whom took the full time
alloted them. The following names were
offered: Colonel J. B. Neil, of Franklin
county; Captain Wilson Vance, of Haqcock
county; General B. P. Kennedy, of Logan
county, and General Asa Jones, of Mahon
ing connty.
B. H. Cox, of Hamilton, created some
what of a sensation in the convention by
seconding the nomination of General Ken
nedy. He claimed that a good per cent of
the delegates from that county were for
Kennedy and that he was the strongest man
before the people. He was hooted and dis
couraged by the other members of that dele
gation, all of whom have quietly posed as
the special advocates of Governor Foraker.
Congressman McKinley received an ovation
as he came to the stage to present the name
of General Jones.
The names of Judge O'Neall. of Lebanon,
and General Dawes, ot Marietta, completed
the list of regnlar candidates for the nom
ination. General C. H. Grosvenor offered
the name of Dawes in a pointed speech. It
was 'learned that the friends of Governor
Foraker had determined to not formally
present the name of their candidate but will
begin at once to vote for him when the roll
is called.
A call of the roll on nomination for Gov-,
ernor was ordered and the convention fonnd
itself in great cojfnsion. The first four
counties showed a majority of the votes
cast in each to be for Foraker. The first
ballot resulted as follows: Foraker, 207;
Kennedy, 127; Dawes, 96; Morey, 47; Jones,
96; O'Neall, 59; Lampson, 89; Vance, 45;
Neil, 37; Gibson, 23; General Bushnell, 1.
There were 827 votes cast.
At the conclusion of the ballot an effort
was made to take a recess, bnt this was
howled down by the Foraker delegates and
a second baliot'was ordered. Kennedy had
quite a number of accessions and his friends
became enthusiastio before the call was half
through. Foraker lost in some counties
and gained slightly in others.
It was known before tbe call concluded
that Foraker had gained probably less than
30 over the first ballot. "When the additions
were being made Adams county asked to
change her vote and cast the whole number
(7) for Foraker. The Chair ruled that no
changes could.be made until the additions
had been made and then changes would be
This was the point at which the friends of
Foraker had set to do the work. The dele
gates were all on their feet and the opposi
tion to Foraker joined in the din and en
deavored to stem the tide. The changes
were finally begun, and Adams, Koss.Lucas
and others came to Foraker solid. The ma
chinery of the convention was so arranged
that the Secretary only recognized the coun
ties which wished to change to Foraker.
Everything was going in a swimming
manner for Foraker when Columbiana
county secured recognition and cast IS votes
for Kennedy. This brought a new element
of confusion into the convention, and it was
a contest as to which could make the more
noise. The Chair refused to proceed with
business until order had been restored. This
being partially secured, the changes con
tinued in the directiotrof Foraker.
Hamilton. Cuyahoga, Lucas, Montgom
ery, Ashtabula and other large counties
changed their voter to Foraker solid. The
delegations which desired to change rushed
in the directiqn of the stage, and, as nothing
could be heard, several delegations' votes
were handed up on paper. Alter it became
apparent that Foraker had a majority of the
votes at the convention the friends of several
of the other candidates, tried to make
w .. ,ior Joseph i.uiiin Foraker.
motions to make the nomina
mation and unanimous.
The Chairman, securing partial orwvv,
asked if it was the desire of all the othV'o.
partial oniSf'Sp
candidates mat J: oraser snoma De aeuareiri'&.-KsVii,,,, p.i -,, -a ,
a nominee by acclamation. This met with a Nlan-ifa-Gael, Arrested for
mixed chorus of "Yes" and "No," giving XAW
evidence of considerable feelin?. Finally I XfV! .
feeline. Finally
about all tbe candidates were withdrawn,
and on motions by Congressmen McKinley,
Grosvenor, Thompson and others,who were
mixed up in the rush of recognition, For
aker was declared the nominee of the con
vention amid the greatest confusion.
The Chair announced they were unable to
tell exactly how many votes the Governor
had received, but it was about 600. The
band struck up "Kally Bound the Flag,"
and the convention joined in a general
jollification, which lasted for some time.
General Grosvenor. McKinley and Mayor
Gardner, of Cleveland, were appointed a
committee to bring Foraker before the con
vention. After a considerable wait by the conven
tion the committee presented Governor For
aker to the convention amid wild demon
strations. "When quiet was restored
Foraker proceeded to speak in a careful and
measured tone. He said that the Repub
licans of the State had again nominated
him for Governor, and he was there to ac
cept the trust. It was, he said, not ot his
own seeking, in fact his plans and aspira
tions were all in
anotheb direction.
A party which had heaped honors upon
him, he felt, regardless of his wishes, had
the right to call him to duty in any ca
pacity at any time. He believed he under
stood what this call to duty meant; it meant
that he was to be a candidate for Governor
and that alone. This last expression was
received with much favor. The Governor
said he thought he knew what the nomina
tion meant, as he had been there and nndet
stood something about the work. The
balance of the speech was devoted to State
and national questions, during which he
aroused much enthusiasm.
After Governor Foraker had completed
his speech there were loud calls for McKin
ley and General Grosvenor. The latter
came to the Iront first and pledged himself
to the support-of the ticket, ana said it was
the duty of all to take hold and win a vic
tory in November. Major McKinley was
still more brief iu his remarks, but urged
upon all their duty and the support of tbe
The name of F. L. Lampson, Speaker of
the House of Representatives, and who had
made the canvass for Governor, was placed
in nomination for Lieutenant Governor by
Senator Kerr, of Richland county. There
was an evident desire in the convention that
no other name be offered, as it was pretty
generally understood, and had been so rep
resented, that tbe Governor preferred Lamp
son for a running mate.
S. A. Conrad, of Stark, was also offered
as a candidate. Private J. M. Dalzell, ot
Noble county, was presented for the honor,
but before the call of the roll for the ballot
had progressed far the names of Dalzell and
Conrad were withdrawn and Lampson nom
inated by acclamation. The balance of the
ticket was filled by nomination of the pres
ent officers. A large number of delegates
had left the city as soon as the head ot the
ticket was disposed of and the balance of
the work claimed but little interest A
rote of thanks was tendered to the Chair
man and Secretary of the convention.
About all the defeated candidates and the
delegates left the city on the late trains. A
majority of the Bepublicans seem well sat
isfied with the day's work, and where form
erly some feeling existed, there were expres
sions that they would go in to win.
William Walter Phelps Appointed minister
to Germany His Commission Pre
sented to Ulin Personally
by tbe President.
Washington June 26. Mr. William
Walter Phelps, accompanied by Secretary
Blaine, visited the White House to-day.
After the usual greetings the President pre
sented a formal document to Mr. Phelps
with the remark, "This is your reward."
The reward proved to be an appointment as
u mted states Minister to uermany.
Mr. Phelps was highly gratified both
with the appointment and the manner of it3
presentation, and so expressed himself to
the President Going over to the Depart
ment of State, his commission was immedi-
ately made out, and he qualified as United
States Minister to Germany. Mr. Phelps
will not proceed to his new post for some
time, but feeling that he has earned a rest
and needing time for the adjustment ot his
private business, will co to his home in New
Jersey in a day or two.
Mr. Phelps was born in New Ybrk City
on August 24, 1839. He graduated from
Yale and afterward secured the valedictory
at the Columbia Law School, 1863. Enter
ing active practice he became counsel for a
number of railroad and other large corpora
tians before he was 30 years old. Governor
Bcuben E. Fentou offered him a Judgeship,
which he declined, and in 1869 the death of
his father compelled him to retire from
practice and give his time to the manage
ment of the large estates and the trusts con
nected with it. In 1872 he was elected to
Congress from the district in New Jersey
in which his country house is located. He
continued through the Forty-eighth, Fortjr
ninth and Fiftieth Congress. In 1881 Presi
dent Garfield sent him as United States
Minister to Austria. Mr. Phelps has just
returned from Germany, where he repre
sented the "United States on the. Samoan
The Enreka Improvement Company of St.
Paal Assigns.
St. Paul, June 26. One of the greatest
failures in the history of the Northwest oc
curred to-day, the Eureka Improvement
Company, of this city, making on as
signment, with liabilities between
$700,000 and $1,000,000. The assets
have not been estimated. Most of the outside-creditors
are. in Chicago, Los Angeles,
Philadelphia and New York. The com-
Sany was engaged in land deals and an elec
io motor enterprise.
Mrs. Harrison to Attend the Fnnernl.
Cape May, N. J., June 26. Mrs. Har
rison, expresses herself as pained at the
death of Mrs. Hayes. Inquiry at the
Wanamsker cottage this evening elicited
the reply that it was probable that she
would attend the funeral, although much
depended upon whether -the President
should himself decide tq go.
William Waller Phelp).
'ominent Member of Camp Hoi
His Place of Confinement Ea3 Been Kept a
Clo3e Secret.
The Colls Are Tightening Around Boike, the Prisoner
One more arrest has been made is con
nection with the Cronin tragedy. Lawyer
Beggs, a prominent member of Camp 20,
Clan-na-Gaei, is now in custody. He was
taken before the grand jury yesterday, but
his evidence was not satisfactory. Burke
has been remanded to await the arrival of
extradition papers.
CniCAOO, June 26. John F. Beggs,
Senior Guardian of Camp 20, Clan-na-Gael,
13 under arrest The police have kept the
arrest a secret, and to-night refused to tell
-where Beggs was immured. Beggs' arrival
at the grand jury room to-day in a police
patrol wagon was the first intimation that
he had been taken into custody.
The prisoner is a well-to-do lawyer and
has had some prominence as a politician.
He was certainly at liberty last evening.
The impression gained ground that he was
arrested late at night on orders from State's
Attorney Longenecker, whose theory that a
committee of Camp 20 tried and condemned
Dr. Cronin as a spy has become the princi
pal phase of the investigation.
It was thought that he was taken from
his home to the Warren avenue police sta-
tion, in the extreme western part of the city,
and Kept there until to-day, when he was
brought before the grand jury.
The indications were that Beggs' replies
to interrogatories in the grand jury room
did not throw any light on the theory that
Camp 20 "removed" Dr. Cronin as a spy.
When the Senior guardian came out of the
jury room he was quickly taken off again in
the patrol wagon under guard.
Chief Hubbard to-night, when importnned
by newspaper men who desired to inter
view the prisoner, said Beggs did not wish
to be seen. On this foundation, rumors
spread that Beggs was the Camp 20 in
former, whom the authorities have inti
mated they were in communication with.
The idea that Beggs had turned informer
was not, however, credited to any wide
Dr. J. P. Cass testified that he had a fast
horse which Dan Coughlin and Burke,
shortly before the murder, tried to hire for
all night service. He insisted that they
put up $400 guaranty, but this was refused,
and the men departed in anything bnt a
good humor. Dr. Cas3 identified a picture
of Burke as Coughlin's companion. Patrick
O'Brien, a saloon keeper; J. B. Bell, of the
Western Union, and representatives of the
Postal Telegraph Company were also called
a3 witnesses.
PLACED on the stand.
Dennis O'Connor, of Camp 20, was a wit
ness in whom great interest Vas taken. He
is a commission merchant and treasurer of
all funds raised in Chicago. Patrick
O'Brien,, a tall, .fine-looking man, reputed
to be Senior Guardian of the Twenty-second
street camp, was also a notable figure.
Thomas Murphr, Treasurer of Camp 20,
and father of the young lady who thought
she saw Dr. Cronin down town several
hours after his disappearance, was examined
during the afternoon.
Thepolice of this city have secured a clew
to the whereabouts ot the man to whom
Martin Burke sent a dispatch from Winni
peg. It was addressed to Bhyneton,
Hancock, Mich. The assertion is made that
the man is well known there, and that ha
has left the place, but that the police are on
his track and expect to arrest him soon, It
is further given as a rumor that a large
number ot letters written by Detective
Coughlin now nnder a secret to parties la
Hancock, have fallen into police hands.
It has been discovered that on May 14,
while Martin Burke was in Joliet, 111., a
man named PatricK Cooney sent him from
this city a money order for $10. It i3 sup
posed that this 13 the same Patrick Cooney
lor whom the police are looking.
At Winnipeg to-day Burke was again re
manded to await the arrival of the extradi
tion papers, which are now on the way.
A BELI0 OF 1873.
An Iron Firm That Became Involved In tho
Panic of That Year Compelled at
Last to Assign More Than
$100,000 of Debts.
Philadelphia, June 26. John T. Bob
bins and Henry F. Hall, trading as T. Bob
bins & Son, manufacturers of pig iron,
plates, skelp, bands and bar iron, at Beach
and Vienna streets, made an assignment to
day for the benefit of their creditors. Their
liabilities are estimated at $114,800, while
the assets are but 547,600. The firm's fail
ure is attributed by Its counsel, John Spar
hawk, Jr., to the great depression in the
iron trade at present. Edward H. Wilson,
of the iron commission firm of E. H. Wil
son & Co., Walnut street, below Fourth, to
whom Bobbins & Son are Indebted
to the extent of about $10,000, is
the assignee. A meeting ot all
creditors will be held Monday afternoon at3
o'clock in Lawyer Sparhawk's office. Fourth
and Chestnut streets, w natever tne credit
ors desire the firm to do will be done, bnt as
yet it is not known whether the business
will be continued as before the failure. The
business was first established by Steven
Bobbins in 1857, and several years afterward
his son John T. Bobbins was taken into the
firm. During the panio of 1873 the affairs
of the firm became badly involved and John.
Bobbins, a brother of Stephen, was called
upon to heal the breach. He advanced the
firm (170,000, and with this assistance it was
enabled to show a clean record. Eighteen
months ago Stephen Bobbins died
and Henry F. Hall was admitted
as a partner, but the business
was continued under tbe old name. Eight
years ago John Bobbins, who had loaned
the firm so much money, died, and the
estate made a claim for the indebtedness.
Bobbins & Son had been all along attempt
ing to get rid ot this loadstone, but trade
was not in the right condition to warrant it;
but recently they executed a mortgage on
their plant for 550,000 in favor ef the-estate,
which released them from the balance of
the debt. To-day the Kensington National
Bank, which has loaned the firm $14,800,
issued execution on a judgment note for
that amount, payable on demand. This is
the only judgment which has or will be con
fessed. Besides this amount the firm's lia
bilities are believed to be about $100,000.
No Cause for it Killing;.
Helena, Abe., June 26. Thomas
Crosby, who killed Constable J. W.
Gregory in Phillips county last week,
has been committed to jail without bail
by the examining Justice to await the ac
tion ot the errand iurv. which sits in No
vember. There was no cause for the kill-
ine. it appeared, other than the receipt. I
Crosby of a mysterious White Cap waralng.f
L. 'V'