V WHAT DO YOU WANT ? If it is anything jn reason you can obtain it cheaply and quiAly by advertising in THE Dispatch columns. ANY 0NE&AN HAKE MONEY $(p Wtt$m& v Who has a le to sell, and who adver- ns$ tises Tigoroi VbfraUy. Advertising is truly the We of S KSf -U enterprising and 'A -"WA. . judicious advertiser. mmm FORTY-FOURTH YEAR. M'KINLEY THE MAN And the Only One, Who Can Knock Out Foraker in His Race for THE FOURTH NOMINATION Tor an Office to TYhicb. He Has Been Twice Elected. THE OPPOSITION CANNOT CONSOLIDATE. Unlet! the Governor Should Decline at the Last Moment, He is Called Surely the Komlcee General Dawes Gaining Ground McKinley Receives nn Ora tion In the Convention The Knmo of Foraker Also Evoh.es Applause Fora ker Kays Ills Party Owes 11 1 in the ISoinl tlon Without a Contest No Combination of tho Opposing Forces Now Considered Possible. The first day's session of the Ohio State Republican Convention developed the fact that Governor Foraker is yet the strongest candidate for the nomination as head of the State ticket, but that if Congressman McKinley chooses to allow his name to go before the convention he could secure the nomination even from Foraker. The other candidates could form no combination in opposition to the Governor. IcrrClAL TELEQBAM to TOE DISPATCH.1 Columbus, O., June 25. The prelimin ary work of the Republican State Conven tion was disposed of this evening and the machinery is ready for operation to-morrow morning when the convention meets for the nomination of a State ticket The commit tees have all been appointed and are at work this evening agreeing upon a perma nent organization, and it is probable that Congressman McKinley will be selected as Chairman. The Committee on Resolutions will likely be in session to a late hour, pre paring a platform which will meet with the indorsement of the convention. Forakcr's Strenetb Very Evident. The first session of the convention this evening was strongly indicative of the strength which Governor Foraker hasamong the delegates, and is the best indication that he will be nominated to-morrow. In the speech of the Temporary Chairman, Mr. Cooper, the name of Foraker, when men tioned, brought the delegates to a wonder ful state of enthusiasm, as did also the men tion.othe.nanie. of McKinley. It -Is. Re lieved th'at McKinley is the only man on the ground who would stand any chance of compassing the deieat of Foraker for the nomination, but HcKinley says he is honest in bis statements, and that he cannot ac cept the nomination under any circum stance. No Opposing: Combination Possible There have been several efforts to-day to form a combination against Foraker which Bight seenre his defeat, but the regular candidates have found, when they got to gether, that each thinks he has so much strength that no one of them will get out of the way. The result of this will undoubted ly be that Foraker will carry off the prize. Keifer, Buttcrworth, McKinley, Grosvenor and Thompson are opposed to Foraker, and will do what they can te prevent his nom ination, but on account of the apparent cer tainty of his selection, they do not care to place themselves in the position of making an open fight against him. Foraker Tet the Master of All. There is no important change from the situation of last night, -which was and still remains that Foraker is master of the situ ation and will not likely be defeated, but Trill head the ticket, unless he chooses at the last moment to get out of the way him self. He is reported as having said to-day that he thought the convention owed him the nomination, and that he should not be compelled to make a contest for it The other candidates are holding up well, and will make the best showing possible in the convention. They are now each proceed ing upon the theory that Foraker may fin ally conclude not to accept, and they will then be In lor the Fight. It is conceded in such an event the Dawes delegates have the best showing in the con vention, with Kennedy and Jones coming next The speeches of A. T. Brinsmade, of Cleveland, and Congressman Cooper were J both of the radical order, and consisted of reviews of the work of the party in the State and nation, and what it was proposed to do in the coming contest Mr. Cooper revived the Payne Senatorial election, and insisted that the Republicans would make it un necessary for another such performance in the future. The resolution on the death of Mrs. Haye was received with much feeling in the convention. Kontlne of the First Session. The following is the routine report of the day's proceedings: The convention assem bled at the Metropolitan Opera House at 4 p. M. The stage was elaborately decorated. In addition to the 828 delegates there were over 1,000 spectators. Congressman Mc Kinley's appearance as a delegate from the Eighteenth district was greeted with en thusiastic applause. Rev. Francis E. Harsten, of Columbus, opened the the con vention with prayer. Hon. Allen T, Brins made, of Cleveland, read a communication from Hon. "William Monaghan, of Colum biana county, announcing his inability to be prescntand act as Chairman of the con vention, on account of a previously ar ranged business trip to Mexico. Mr. Brinsmade, in a happy manner, in troduced the temporary chairman, Hon. "W. C. Cooper, or Mt Vernon. Mr. Cooper xnadejin address touching upon the tariff, pensions, -and civil service reform, as well as matters of State interest His remarks favoring civil service were not enthusiasti cally received. The mention of Governor Foraker's name called for an expression from the convention that indicated the sentiment on the probable nominee for Gov ernor. A Great Demand for McKinley. At the close of Mr. Cooper's address there was a universal call for McKinley, but that gentleman did not respond, and the conven tion resumed business. The secretary, Henry Rehse, of Cincinnati, announced the following committees: Resolutions Dr. T. V. Greydon, L. L. Sadler, Hamilton; A. W. Cryster, Preble; Ix. K. Stroupe, Auglaise; Joseph Claney, Hancock; H. A. Reeves, Van "Wert; James Liveng, Clermont; Hannibal G. Hamlin, Clark; E. L. Miller, Hardin; E. B. King, Erie; A. C. Thompson. Scioto; Madison Betts, Clinton; Judge John S. Brasee, Fair field; "W. S. Kerr, Richland; C. H. Grosve nor, Athens; Robert Price, Muskingum; J. D. Tyler, Guernsey; William McKinley, Stark; J. G. Converse, Geauga; Captain A. S. McClure, W3yne; 2f. A. Gilbert, Cuya hoga. State Central Committee Howard Ferris, George MoerJein. Hamilton; A. "W. Kum ler, Montgomery; J. W. Halfill, Allen; John M. Sheets, Putnam; M. P. Brewer, Wood; C. M. Harding, "Warren; C. E. Gross, Pickaway; B. F. Freshwater, Dela ware; J. ixent Hamilton, ljucas; J. fa. Blackaller, Gallia; W. D. James, Pike; Fred W. Herbst, Franklin; "W. S. Cap pellar, Richland; G. R. "W. Jennings, Athens; William Miller, Muskingum; W. A. Hunt, Belmont; J. F. Hiting, Jr., Stark; J. A. Allen, Lake; Charles K. Neil, Medina; A. D. Brinsmade, Cuya hoga. Resolutions on Mrs. Hayes' Death. The following resolutions, offered by O. S. Brumback, of Toledo, were adopted by a rising vote: Whereas, The sorrowful news has been this day telegraphed over the country that Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes departed this life at her home at Fremont, O., this 23th day of June, A. D. 18S9, Resolved, By this assembly of Ohio citizens in convention assembled, that while we mourn the loss of this admirable woman, a typical American wife and mother, and while we con dole with her family and her husband. Ruther ford B. Hayes, in this their great affliction, we yet recall her many virtues and lovable quali ties, and commend her life and daily example to tho American people as one to be imitated and emulated by them in attaining the highest of womanly Christian character; Resolved. That an engrossed copy of tbeso resolutions be transmitted by the Secretary df this convention to the family of tho deceased, at Fremont. O. The convention adjourned to 10 A. M. to morrow, the several committees holding their meetings this evening. THE PLATFOBM. Declaration of Principles of the Bnckeye Republicans President Harrison, Cor poral Tanner and Governor Fora ker Heartily Indorsed Pro tection Demanded. Columbus, O., June 25. The Committee on Resolutions of the Republican State Con vention to-night agreed upon the following report, to be made to the convention to morrow: The Republican party of Ohio, in convention assembled, hereby announces tho following platform of principles: First We renew our adherence to all the principles so clearly and strongly enunciated by the Republican convention of 1SS9, and es pecially to the principles of protection in its two-fold meaning and operation: pro tection to every American citizen, at home In all parts ot our country; protection to every American abroad, jn every land, on every sea; projection to every American citizen in the exercise of his polit ical rights and privileges: protection to Amer ican industry and labor against the industry and labor ot the world. Second We heartily approve and indorse the administration of Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States, and pledge him oar cordial support in tho dis charge of the dntles devolving upon him as the Chief Magistrate of the nation, and especially do we commend the just and liberal policy of the Pension Bureau, in carryine out the pledges of the loyal people to the soldiers of the Union. Third We favor the passage by Congress, at its next session, of a proper and equitable serv ice pension bill for all honorably discharged Union soldiers and seamen of the late war. Fourth We demand adequate and full pro tection for the wool-growing industry, which will in due time give to the American wool growers the American market for all the wool required by American wants. We indorse the provisions of the bill on the subject passed by the Senate at the last session of Congress Fifth We heartily indorse the decision of the Secretary of the Treasun. wherebv the duty on worked is made dutiable at the same rate as upon woolen goods, thereby benefitng our manufacturing and woolen industry. Sixth We congratulate the people of Ire land on the progress of their struggle for honje rule, and In this convention we indorse the course of President Harrison in selecting for honorable positions in the diplomatic service worthy and representative Irish-American citizens. Seventh Resolved. That we heartily indorse the administration of our gallant Governor, J. B. Foraker, as wise, pure and patri otic His promptness In responding to the call of suffering humanity has endeared him to the hearts of all generons people. His splendid administration of the finances of the State, so mismanaged by the last Demo cratic administration, bringing order out of chaos, replenishing a depleted treasury, re-establishing the credit of the State, while at the same time reducing the rate of taxation to a figure lower than it has been tor half a century, entitle him to the grat itndo of the people, and mark him as one of the most brilliant of onr Governors. Eighth Resolved. That we indorse the wise laws passed by the Republican Legislature in regard to the liquor traffic, and pledge the party to keep abreast of public opinion upon that subject Ntnh Resolved, That we send greeting to our honored Senator, John Sherman, visiting in foreign lands, and assure him of the great confidence we have in his wise and patriotic statesman ship, his lovalty and devotion to the high principles of Republicanism, the grand doctrine of protection of American Indu6trv, an honest ballot and a sound and equal currency and as sure him a hearty w elcome to Ohio upon his re turn to the United States. THEX CLING TO GROYER. Democratic Editors bee In Cleveland De mocracy's Gnidlnc Star for 1S92. rSrECIAL TELEGttAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Indianapolis, June 25. The Cleve land boom is on in Indiana. On the 14th the Democratic editors and publishers of the State held a meeting at Terre Haute. Last evening they held an adjourned meet ing in this city. They will hold another on July 1. There were 15 editors present yes terday from different parts of the State. They were a unit in believing that Grover Cleveland is the coming man for '92. Mr. Short, of the Franklin Democrat, said he talked with every marf present with refer ence to the matter, and he found no one favoring anyone eise. "We think that Cleveland is the greatest leader the Democ racy ever had. If the nominating conven tion should occur to-day he would be nomi nated by acclamation." Mr. Arnold, of the Greencastle Star-Press, heartily in dorsed every expression put forth by Mr. Short Mr. J. B. Schwin, of the People's Friend, said: "Cleveland is our natural leader. All our people think so. I am thoroughly for Cleveland, but of course shall support the nominee if that be other than the ex President As between Cleveland and Hill, there can be no choice. Everybody ii for Cleveland." Mr. J. Ii. Smith, of the Dana Jfeict: "That's just the way X look at the matter." Mr. John Johnson, Jr., of the Bedford Democrat, said : "I am from the deepest Republican hole in the Slate Lawrence county. The Republicans threatened to kill off my paper, but it has run for 16 years and is on its feet yet Our Democrats are of the Cleveland type. In him we rec ognize our natural leader," The other editors expressed themselves, but none of them would suggest a possible substitute for Cleveland's name on the next national ticket . THE END NOT FAB OFF. General Cameron Passes Hli Most Trying Day His Vitality at Last Shows Signs of Succumbing Not Expected to Survive Another Day. rSFXCIAX. TELXGBAX TO TBS DISPATCH.1 Mt. Joy, Jane 25. This was the most trying of all the days at Donegal Springs since General Cameron was stricken down with paralysis. His vitality began early in the day to show signs of succumbing at last He still took no nourishment, and the end was looked forward to from -moment to moment. Dr. Bachman drove over from his house in May town last night, arriving at Donegal at 1120 o'clock. His horse and wagon were put up and he began his watch at the General's bedside as usual. Ex-United States At torney General MacVeagh joined him. The General was very low and the physi cians had only small hopes of his pulling through the night He slept with seeming comfort, however,and when daylight dawned and he awoke, he appeared to be in a degree refreshed. There was no sign of any return of strength, however. On the contrary, he was weaker. Dr. Bachman left at 8:30, and the vigil of the sick room was continued by Mrs. MacVeagh and Mrs.Haldeman, his daughter and his granddaughter. The General's mind is still clear, as man ifested by his observation of the people about him and things that went on, but it was manifest that his strength had sunk lower than it had been, and that his end would be a matter of a very brief time. The day, which broke in clouds, turned raw, and later a dismal rain set in and continued throughout the day. The patient was made as comfort able as possible, though there was no evi dence that he had felt any discomfort His eyes were less expressive than at any time during his illness, and his whole appearance was that of extreme weariness. .Many inquiries came to the house during the day, and the reply was that the General was not expected to survive the night ALL CAUSED BY A COW. A Fatal Wreck on a Bridge of the St. Lonls, Arknnsas and Texas Railway. Pine Bluff, Abk., June 25. The north-bound passenger train on the St Louis, Arkansas and Texas Railway struck a cow just at the trestle bridge across Crooked bayou. The engine was thrown from the track, and went thundering across the ties and shattered the bridge to pieces, the express car, baggage car and mail car and two passenger coaches going into the bayou 28 feet below, the sleeping car "Oneida" and engine only remaining on the track. S. C. Stafford, route agent of the Southern Express Company was killed instantly, being fearfully mangled. Postal Clerks Jackson and Sanginan were terribly bruised up. and will probably die. A lady, name unknown, suffered from several contusions abont the head, while a large number of peo ple received less serious bruises. BOLD BANE EOBBEES Hold Up the Cashier nnd Help Themselves Freely to the Boodle. rSFECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Denver, June 25. A daring bank rob bery was committed at noon to-day in Tellu ride. While the cashier of the San Miguel Valley Bank, C. F. Painter, was alone in his private office counting up the day's business, three masked men entered -with revolvers in their hands. The leader at once demanded that all cah be turned over to them. Being alone and unarmed, the frightened cashier allowed one of the gang to enter behind the counter and with the aid of a toy shovel fill his bag with all in sight. Having secured the money the party made their way to the street, where they mounted their horses and departed for the mountains. An alarm was at once given. It was found that the robbers had taken $20,750. A tele gram received heie late this afternoon says the robbers are between the Trout lakes and the big bend of the Dolores river. A posse is in hot pursuit A BIB THE017GII HIS LUNG. Bernard Stalter Receives aFatal Hart In the Midnight Explosion. tSTECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Youngstown, June 25. Bernard Stal ter, one of the victims of the boiler explo sion al Remer's brewery last night, is sink ing, and will probably die before morning. One of his broken ribs was driven through his right lung. The other men are resting as comfortable as possible, and will recover. Richter, the dead engineer, had his head blown clear off. The residences near the brewery look as though they had been bom barded'by shot and shell from the pieces of boiler and bricks being hurled through them. In the house of Peter Kelly, a bed on which two children were sleeping was splintered by a large section of the boiler, but the occupants escaped. The loss will not fall short of 580,000, on which there is an insurance of $45,950. The brewery will be rebuilt as soon as the insur ance is adjusted. A BOLD CATTLE THIEF Secures 20 Fine Animals and Succeeds la Selling Them. Kansas Citt, June 25. A bold cattle theft last Thursday night, on the ranch of Edward Dicus, near Lamar, Mo., has just been reported. On the night in question Dicus' ranch was entered by a cattle thief and 20 of the best cattle driven from the pen to Lamar, where the thief took out a bill of lading and consigned the stock to Kansas City. Arriving here he sold the cattle to James H. Campbell & Co. for $805, and escaped with the proceeds of the sale. Dicus traced the cattle to this city and has brought suit for the recovery of the stock, which will be pressed unless Mr. Dicus succeeds in recovering the cattle from their latest purchaser, a stock man in Leavenworth, whither Dicus' lawyer has gone to commence a replevin suit A Politician Disappears. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Charleston. W. Va., June 25. There are grave fears here among the friends of Hon. J. W. Parrish for his safety. Mr. Parrish, who was a member of the House of Delegates from this county, and a very prominent Republican, mysteriously dis appeared about two weeks ago, after going to Washington. His family and friends have been unable to ascertain any trace of his whereabouts. The Ohio Leagne Elects Officers. Columbus, O., June 25. The Ohio Leagne of Republican Clubs continued in session till late to-night,vand adopted reso laions indorsing the State and national ad ministration. Officers elected: President, Clarence E. Brown, Toledo; Secretary, John J. Chester, Columbus; Treasurer, B. L. Mc Elroy, Mt Vernon. PITTSBURG-, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1889. KETEALED TO LIGHT.. The Secret Workings of the Clan-Na-Gael How Made .Public OATHS OP THE DBEAD SOCIETY. Assassination by Dynamite One of the Pre cepts Advanced. THE SEARCH FOE CR0N12TS SLATERS. Every Effort is Being Made to Find Cooney, the Com panion of Bnrke. An ex-member of the Clan-na-Gael has made a revelation of tho secrets of the order. He does this because he thinks it his duty. He denounces the organization as murder ous in its teachings. The oath demands im plicit obedience to superiors, no matter what is commanded. The pursuit of the alleged slayers of Cronin continues. rSFECIAI. TELEQBAJt TO TTTE DISPATCH.1 Philadelphia, June 25. The Dis patch correspondent was to-day furnished by an ex-member of the Clan-na-Gael with an important statement, which includes its initiation ceremonies. This statement was furnished to Archbishop Ryan, and it is now published for the first time. Here is the method used to secure new members. Said he: "You are indirectly approached by amem bcr of the order, who intimates to you that he knows of an organization working in favor of Irish liberty, and informs you he can secure your admission therein; but no further information can he impart until you become a member of the order. After hav ing signified yonr willingness to join you are brought to an ante-room. You are there asked a series of questions, of which the following are the salient ones: Name, age, place of birth and occupation. "You are then sworn to the effect that shonld you now or at any other part of the proceedings become a member yon will never reveal any part of the workings made known to you. The conductor, sword in hand, enters from an inner room. INITIATION CEREMONIES. "You are then blind-folded by the person who secured your election therein, and acts as your escort during the initiation. The conductor, with sword in hand, knocks on the inner door three times in succession, and the sentinel inside hails: 'Who comes there?" The conductor replies, 'Friends of Ireland who wish to join us in the cause.' "The sentinel hails presiding officer, who is known as Senior Guardian, with the ex pression: 'Friends'who wish to join with us in the Irish cause of Irish freedom; shall we admit them?' The Senior Guardian an swers: 'Admit them.' You are then ad mitted and marched three times around the room, when you are brought before a man, who occupies a seat in the middle of the room. He is known as the Past Guardian, and asks such questions as pertain to se crecy. These questions have escaped my memory. You then proceed to the Junior Guardian, who sits at the entrance and who addresses you as follows: . My friends, you arenow within these secret walls. The men who surround you have all taken the solemn obligation of our order upon them and are endeavoring to fulfill its pledges; are you trilling to take the obligation? THE SOLEMN OATH. "Should you answer in the affirmative you are conducted to the altar, where all the members stand up and you hold a prayer book in your hand while the Senior guard ian administers the oath. The following is the oath, as near as I can remember it: I, of my own free will and acord, and In the presence of Almighty God and of this camp of the United Brotherhood, do solemnly and sin cerely swear and will labor while life is left to establish and defend a republican form of gov ernment in Ireland, and that I never will reveal the secrets of this organization to any person or persons in the world, nor write or cause to ho written anything pertaining there to by which Its affairs may be made known to any persons not lawfully entitled to know them; that I will observe and obey the constitution and laws of this organization and preserve its funds for revolutionary purposes only, and if an officer thereof I will faithfully guard all books, papers, etc, intrusted to my care and to deliver the same to my successor In office when duly appointed, or to my supe rior officer when ordered to do so; that I will obey all orders coming to me from theExecutive to the best of my ability, whether known or unknown to me, and finally I swear I take this obligation on me without hesitation, mental reservation or any undue Influence brought to bear on me, and that I will not hereafter be come a member of any other secret Irish revo lutionary society so long as I remain a member of the United Brotherhood, so help me God. NOT A GOOD SCHOOL. "The bandage is then removed from your eyes and you are told you are admitted to light and fellowship in the order, nnd. to keep your obligations nnder penalty "of death. You are afterward instructed in your duties as a member of the brother hood. I have sketched the form of initia tion to the best of my recollection, as it is years since I was initiated. It is not en tirely complete. Some things have escaped my memory, but any inaccuracies will be omissions, as nothing has been added. "Two years' membershipinthis order con vinced me it was not the proper school for Catholics. The training which men receive within its walls is calculated to exercise an evil influence on their minds and to imbue them with a thirst for blood which cannot but end fatally to those interested and cast disgrace on the Irish character before the civilized world. I am -convinced the Cronin murder was brought about by the machinations of selfish Irishmen who pre dominate in this organization, ancLwho use unthinking, but honest, patriotic Irishmen as stepping stones to advance themselves' "I could not enjdy any peace of con science until I made known to you the eause that has led to so much disgrace upon our people. The executive officers are not known to the members in the flesh, nor by name, they are merely des ignated by symbols. Neither have the members any information as to the disposi tion of the funds. The executive commit tee, which is composed of from three to five members, have entire control of the funds. The use of dynamite and the assassination of individuals are openly advocated at their meetings. chasingTcooney. The Follce Using Every Endeavor to Secure the Suspected Companion of Bnrke Another Officer Dismissed for Fooling With n Letter Ad dressed to Conghlln, Chicago, June 25. The police are work ing industriously in running down clews to the whereabouts of Cooney, the Cronin suspect They have issued a circular pho tograph of htm, accompanied by the follow ing description: , Patrick Cooney, Irish, about 85 years old. 5 feet 6K inches tall, 165 pounds, full-chested (40 inch girth), round face, sallow complexion, slieiitiy pock-marked and freckled, light-blue .or gray eyes, brown hair, and reddish horse shoe mustache; is an Intelligent talker, and has a slight English accent; is quick and pre cise in movement, and acts as though he had a military training. Hols wanted for the mur der of P. H. Cronin. All information shonld be addressed to George W. Hubbard, General Superintendent ot Police, Chicago. Twenty thousand or 30,000 of these circu lars will be printed and scattered broadcast over this country and the Canadas, and some will be sent to the English authorities at Scotland Yard. This morning State's Attorney Longenecker sent for John F. Beggs, the lawyer. Alexander Sullivan's young friend responded to the call, and for two hours the two had an earnest confer ence in regard to Mr. Beggs' knowledge of the inner workings of Camp 20. Officer Riley, of the Chicago avenue station, who was one of ex-Captain Schoack's warmest favorites, has been per ewptorily dismissed from the force for pur loining a letter from the station that was addressed to Dan Coughlin. It bore a Lon don date, and it had lain around the station because the authorities wanted to make use of it before it reached Coughlin. Riley took the letter from the' stationlast Friday and gave it to Pat Gannon, a Clark street bartender, who testified before the Coroner's jury. He says he wantedto frighten Gannon by telling him his name was on the pages inside, but Gannon, instead of getting frightened, turned the letter over to the State Attorney, who at one reported the matter to Captain Schuetler. The latter lost no time in depriving Riley of his star. A POLITICAL ito. The Governor of Texas Appealed to for Aid to Disarm a County A Mob Wants to Lynch a Blanlerer, bat He Also Has Many Friends. Austin, Tex., June 25. The killing ot Red Gibson at Wharton last Saturday by Kyle Terry has stirred up bad blood in Whar ton and the adjoining county (Fort Bend) and there are grave fears that the opposing factions will clash and much blood be shed. The Governor has received the following telegrams in reference to the trouble, which has been brewing for over a yean Richmond, June 21 County Attorney J. H. Meek is authorized to report that as Sheriff of Fort Bend county, I am unable to enforce tho law without a con flict of arms, and to ask assistance from tho State to disarm the community and enforce obedience to the law. T. Gabvey, Sheriff. County Judge C. M. Weston also wrote as follows: i Richmond, Jnne 21. Under the present state of affairs in this county, it becomes my duty to officially notify Your Excellency that officers of the county are powerless to enforce the law. It is impos sible to disarm the community, and the public peace and safety of the county demand that It be done by some other power. The Governor last night received the fol lowing telegram: Kylo Terry killed Red Gibson here last Sat urday. Examining trial will be on the 26th. A mob is seriously threatened, and the prison er's life is in danger. Please order Victoria Rifles here to-morrow to assist mo in maintain ing peace during the trial. J. W. Jones, Sheriff of Wharton County. In compliance with the above, the Gov ernor last night ordered the Victoria Rifles to Wharton, and this morning ordered Captain Jones' Rangers to Richmond. The feud is a political one, but is not confined to Republicans on one side and Democrats on the other; but is a mixture, of Democrats and Republicans, being on each side. Terry, who killed Mr. Gibson, is a son of Colonel Terry, of the famous Terry Rangers, and has a strong following. Gibson, who he killed, was a prominent man, and had scores of friends. A lldfcT BRUTAL MCKDEE. - - The Wild Deed' Committed by a Fiend In Ilumnn Form. Medina, U". Y., June 25. One of the most horrible murders that ever occurred in Orleans county, took place near Oak Orchard, a small village seven miles north of Medina, last evening ' about 5 o'clock. The facts are as follows: Eugene Emery, a farmer employed near Oak Orchard and aged about 40 years, has been paying atten tion to Cora, the 13-year-old daughter of James Grimes, a well-to-do-farmer of that place. The young girls parents forbade Emery going with her and last evening when her father and mother were away and only Cora and her little brother were home', Emery entered the house and with a large club of wood, commenced an attack on the defenseless female and beat her until life was extinct. The little brother immediately summoned hisparents, who telegraphed to the Medina police and Coroner Mnnson, who arrived shortly after midnight Emery had escaped, however, and was not arrested until .about 9 o'clock this morning by Sheriff Searle at Albion. Great excitement prevails. BOTH ARE BIG ENOUGH., The Vote Was Large and the Net Majority Still Holds Up. ISPECIAI. TELEQBA1I TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Hasbisbubo, June 25 The official vote on the prohibitory and suffrage amendments for the counties in the State except Cam bria, Delaware, Greene, Lackawanna and Westmoreland has been received at the State Department. The vote for the pro hibitory amendment in the counties from which official returns have been filed is 269,995 and against 453,918. The vote on the amendment to abolish tho poll tax is: For 177,591; against 386.549, The, total vote in the counties indicated on the prohibitory amendment is 723,913, and on the suffrage amendment 564,140, showing a difference of 159,803. , The poll last Tuesday in the counties whose official vote has been received is within 201,873 of that cast at the Presiden tal election last year in the same counties or 22 per cent less. It is only 37,679 less than that cast for Governor in the same counties in 1886 or 95 per cent of that vote and exceeds that polled in them in 1887 lor State Treasurer 25,726 votes. THE CLARION FIELD. Record of Developments In a Good Terri tory Frodacers and Drillers. tSPECIAX TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Clarion, June 25, The oil field is hold ing up production remarkably well consid ering the close proximity of the wells to each other, showing the oil rock to be un usually prolific in this field and of lasting qualities. The Lncinda field is again at tracting attention. Cadwallader and Leeper.Piper & Co., and the Local Oil Com pany, are very sanguine, as are also Ritts, Shoup & Co., ot finding caying wells on Lucinda's skirts. The Local Company will drill on the A. Newland tract northeast of Ritts well on the Kribbs farm; Piper & Co. southwest on the Pfendler purchase; Ritts & Co. east of their well, while Green lee and Bolord will drill southwest of the old spouter. The daily production of the Clarion field proper at Clarion, Pa., is 512 barrels, that of Lucinda 52 barrels from four wells. Cad wallader & Leeper are drilling near Helen Furnace in Highland township. A Disbanded Camp. Chicago, June 25. Camp 20, the State's Attorney learned to-day, has within the last week been disbanded. Edward Spell man, President of the Whisky Trust, who was the principal officer of the Clan-na-Gael for Illinois and Michigan, was summoned to give a teason for the disbandment The break-tip at this time is not pleasing to the estate a Attorney. TEN DOLLAKS APIECE Is All the Johnstown Survivors Can Get Oat of Their Present Fund. A PLAN TO CIECCLATE M0KEY. Property losses Reported to Date Amount to Nearly Five Millions. NOT PLEASED WITH PORTABLE H0U8ES. An Installment of Heady-Hade Dwellings Arrives aad falls to Catch On. At a meeting of the citizens of Johnstown yesterday it was decided that as a means of alleviating immediate distress and putting some money into circulation, the sum of $10 be given to each survivor, out of the fund now on hand. The plan is not liked by many. The losses reported to date amount to nearly $5,000,000. imOJI A STATF COBBESPONDENT.3 Johnstown, June 25. The citizens met this afternoon to decide on what plan the money in the hands ot the Finance Commit tee should be distributed. Mr. A. J. Mox ham acted as Chairman. He stated the committeee had originally $200,000, but $25,000 had been expended for necessary work and a similar amount would be held, leaving $150,000 for distribution among the people. Mr. Moxham moved that" the money be divided on .a pro-rata basis and give each person $10 apiece, assuming there are 15,000 sufferers. The motion was passed with some dissent ing votes, but many of the people did not understand the matter, and since thinking over the plan they DO NOT APPEOVE OF IT. Rev. Dr. Bealeisone of these men. He was in the rear of the room when the motion was made, and was on the point of making the suggestion that three or more good men in each ward who know the people should be appointed to distribute the money among the sufferers according to their losses and present needs. As it is, the rich and poor alikewill get $10 apiece. It is expected that the wealthy willbe generous enough to hand over their portion to their needy neighbors, but Dr. Beale is not sure that they will do it He hopes that some better plan can be adopted to distribute the great body of the funds collected lor the people. The idea in giving each person $10 at present was that it would put that much money in the market, and give impetus to trade. Pollinz places will he opened in each dis trict, where all the sufferers will be record ed. A motion was carried to appoint a committee from each borough and township, for the purpose of forming some SCHEME OF CONSOLIDATION. The citizens of each place will meet at 3 o'clock Saturday to elect the committee men. The committeemen chosen will meet on Monday afternoon at Waters & Brother's store, with Cyrus Elder as Chairman. The Board of Inquiry has formulated the following plans: The territory has been divided into 20 districts, and the citizens will be asked on Saturday to elect six men of their number, and these men will select three to act as a Board of Arbitrators and assist the clerks o,the Inquiry Board in collecting the data. The board will hold meetings in two or three districts in a day, if necessary, to push the work as rapidly as possible. Rev. Dr. Beale is such a busy man, and receives so many letters and telegrams that he isunable to answer them. He states that he will reply to each one as soon as he has the time. A Presbyterian Church in Tren ton sent him 19 boxes of excellent clothing, which he is distributing among all classes. BEADY MONET A NECESSITY. As to the distribution of the remainder of the general relief fnnd General Hastings stated to-day that he did not know what the commission intended to do, but he was sure they would do what was best for the region, and that they would do it promptly. He suggested that a correct inventory and as sessment of all damages sustained by the in habitants of the valley be made, and that the remainder of the fund in the hands of the Relief Committee be distributed pro rata according to the losses of the indi viduals thus ascertained; that this assess ment of individual damage could be barely approximated by the citizens of the valley P after they had divided the territory into dis- tiiuio, auu uy uuuiuiikbeea receiving applica tions from those claiming relief carefully scrutinizing their claims, and therebv fixing a reasonable basis for such distribution. NO TIME TO BE LOST. He urged that no further time should be lost; that now was the hour of their necessi ty, and that the relief shonld romp in thotnr that it was impossible to think of using this money in building houses and buying food and clothing to any adequate extent, and that the best and fairest wav probablv was to find out the relative damage sustained by the individual person in the reeioa ana then make a fair pro rata distribution of the money among them and let tbem expend the money to their own best advantage, as their judgment might indicate. " After an interview with the committee a citizens' meeting was held later in the after noon, at which the following resolution was adopted: A PERTINENT BESOLUTION. Resolved, That the time has arrived in the judgment of the committee to reduce the present distribution of supplies, and that Gen eral Hastings be requested to tako such meas ures to effect this as mav seem best, and that we, the committee, approve the consolidation of the existing commissaries, and placing these in charge of Captain Kuhn, with such assist ants as may be necessary. The Citizens' Committee also sent a tele gram to Governor Beaver, signed by Joseph McMillin, Chairman, and Cyrus Elder, Secretary, stating that they were receiving houses ordered by them, and that they would De sole to aavise mm to-morrow in regard to the suitability of the different sizes, which might guide him in making further orders, or in otherwise making im mediate provision for the shelter of the peo ple. The above statement of condition of affairs here was made by General Hastings, to night. It was telegraphed to General Beaver, and it is expected the Adjutant General's official report will follow to-morrow. Israel. BUILT THEMSELVES A BRIDGE. The Military OQlcers About Ready to Aban don Their Ferry. rFECK A STAFF CORBISFOXBXXT.T Johnstown, June 25. Lieutenants Pat rick and Evans, of the United States army, have completed their bridge across the Conemaugh, near the company store. The military ofljeers have been crossing to the other side on Colonel Spangler's ferry in a boat that has been called after Mrs. D. H. Hastings. This lady spent several days in camp last week", and did most effective work in re lieving the wants of the poor. ' A Lot at Rapid Workers. ' trSOlI A STAFF COBBXKFOXDSXT.l Johnstown, June 25. The carpenters putting up tbe storerooms on the park are rapid workers. Th'la plot of open ground is already covered with temporary storerooms, almost completed, facing on the business streets. THE LOSS EEC0ED. A Board ol Inquiry Appointed to Ascertain as Nearly as Possible the Nntaber of People and Amount of Property Lost. , (TOOK A STAFF COBRXSFOTOXXT. Johnstown, June 25. Colonel J. P. Linton, Chairman of the Citizens' Commit tee, has appointed Captain Kahn, J. L. Johnson, Father Troutwine, J. H. Brown, Sam Masters and John Hainan to act as a board of inquiry for the purpose of ascer taining the number of persons and property lost and saved. The committee has prepared a blank which the survivors are asked to fill out, giving the requisite information. Captain Kuhn stated the territory was divided into 18 districts and the board would hold meetings and appoint sub committees in each district to collect the statistics. The have established -headquarters in Alma Hall. Mr. T. L. John son, on the board, is a well-known business man and Democratic politician of Cleve land. The office will be in charge of B.J. Davis, of the same city. Losses amounting to $4,996,960 have been reported. The fol lowing is the list for to-day: N. B. Hartzell tfl.OOO Dr. S V. Poland 3,000 John Fritz, Jr , 1,700 John Fritz 3,000 J. It. Wangb 2,500 W. A. Adams - 2,000 Mrs. Ann Parker 9,000 Mrs. McFeaters 2,000 A.DongesJt Co COCO Mrs. A. Donges 4,000 John Stenger 50,000 Chief orFolIce Harris 15,000 O. W. Moses 15,000 Joshna Griffith 3,000 Robert Nlz U50O J. S. Ashbrldge 12,1X0 B. F. Watklns B.,000 NONE TOO .WELL PLEASED. An Installment of Portable Houses Not Be. . ceived With Enthusiasm. IFBOM A STAFF COHUESPONDEHT.l Johnstown, June 25. Ten of the porta blehousesarrivedthis morning, and themen are trying to distribute them. One of them, a very small concern, was put together at the Baltimore and Ohio depot, and more than one citizen turned np his nose at it "I wouldn't live in such a dog kennel," said one dapper female, with a face red from anger and disappointment. "Good gra cious," she continued, "I thought they were all to have four rooms, but this house hasn't even one that is decent Most of the ap plications call for four rooms. But that is the way of the world. They promise yon one thing, and you get another. Did you' ever see such big liars?" and she stamped her pretty foot into the sand with the spirit of an Amazon. But the lady's wrath was unnecessary. She didn't understand the situation. The other houses were two stories high, and con tained the cherished tour rooms. There were four of them 16x24 feet, and the re maining six were 10x20 leet The carpenters had some trouble at first putting the parts together, but they soon learned how it was done. The houses are bolted together, and iron bars keep the sides in place at the top. The smoke stack is of galvanized sheet iron, and when the honses are located the homeless people will find them well adapted for temporary shelter during the summer. About650 applications for portable houses have been made np to date. Two of the portable houses were perma nently located in Woodvale. The house hold goods have not arrived. They are ex pected soon. LABORERS UNDER THE WEATHER. Even the Strangest 3Icn Snccamb Under the Work on the 'Wreck. rrpOM A STAFF CORBESPONDEirm ' Johnstown, June 25. One hundred and ten of McKnight's men working on the drift quit work to-aay and were paid off. Major Phillips expects to have the river open by Thursday evening. According to Dr. Fos ter, Assistant Regimental Surgeon, there is considerable sickness among the workmen. Within the last two days the doctor ha3 sent 25 men to eastern and western hospi tals. Some of them, poor fellows, "are threatened with typhoid fever, and others are suffering from other diseases. The laborers are fretty strong and tough, as a general rule, but they have endured such privations here that the great wonder is they are not all sick. Their condition is much better since Surgeon General Reid's visit The camn are kept cleaner, and all the old straw has been burned. THE TEACHERS WHO PERISHED. Snrvlvlns; School Teachers to Recelvo Tbslr Kegnlar Certificates. rFKOU 1 STAFF COBBESFOXDZirT.l Johnstown, June 25. State Superin tendent E. E. Higbee has given the County Superintendents permission to grant certifi cates to the school teachers of the same grade as last year. The teachers who perished in the flood are: Misses Mattie McDivitt, Emma K. Fisher, Laura Hamilton, Mary P. White, Jennie M. Wells, Minnie Linton, Macgie Jones, Itose uarrou, of conemaugh; J. F. Gallagher and Mary Dowling, of Morrell ville; Miss Richards and Miss Diehl, of Shippensburg, who were visiting Miss Wells. SETEN MORE BODIES FOUND. The Rains Continue Every Day to Yield Up Their Dead. trnOJI A STAFF COEBESPONDEST.J Johnstown, June 25. Major Silliman reported to-night that seven more dead bodies were recovered. One was recognized as that of Harry Kedy. The remainder are unknown. In the list were a boy about 12 years old, weight 60 pounds, wear ing knee breeches with yellow stripe; a man with gold hunting case watch and snake chain. A mill man was found in the Ohio at Long Bottom, supposed to be a Johnstpwn victim. AFRAID OF BEING ROBBED. Johnstown Snrvlvors Fear Their Little He malnlne Will be Taken Away. IFBOM A STAFF COBBESFOXSXXT. Johnstown, June 25. This morning Colonel Perchment visited a number of points where guards were located, and he came to the conclusion that they were not needed. The troocs at Cambria City were recalled, but the Colonel will return them if they are needed. The people are afraid of being robbed, and the Colonel finds they ask for the soldiers through fright, when one good man with a horse pistol could protect them. TOE INQUESTS THIS EYENIKG. - Coroner Evans Obllsed to Sit After the Workday Is Fast. IFBOH A STAFF COBBISrOXOEXT.I Johnstown, June 25. The day of lurid descriptions has passed, and 'even glittering generalities are scarce, so that the life of a newspaper man in Johnstown is becoming humdrnm' and monotonous. One or two things remain of an interesting character to be looked after, the chief of which is the Coroner's inquest Dr. Evans will begin at 1 o'clock to-morrow evening. , The people are too busy working during the day, and this is why the Coroner will convene-ais jury In the evening, CENTS "T V v. TUMEKSHiiT GAMES. Sports and Feasting Make Gay the Bright Day at Inwood Park. BOTTERWORTH MAKES A SPEECH And Aronse3 the Brave Teutons to a Wild Pitch of Enthusiasm. HE TELLS 0FTHEIS PATRIOTIC DEEDS And Where They Excel Greek and Soman in Their Heads and Hoseles. v Ben Buttcrworth talked to the Turners at Cincinnati yesterday, and showed them wherein they excel the ancients, and are models for the moderns. In the various games the prizes were borne off by the Western people. rsFECIAL TZLEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Cincinnati, June 25. Military dis cipline over the 1,200 (some say 1,600) ac tive Turners, that is, the gymnastic per formers, relaxed about 1 o'clock to-day when the grand procession entered in Wood Park on Vine street line to have a general go-as-you-please time at the picnic. In Wood Park is a natural forest on the brow of the crescent of hills that clasp the main body of the city, and it bisects the crescent From it a view can be had of the city below and of Newport and Covington, Ky., of the yel low waters of the Ohio river, as well as of the far away hills of the Licking River Valley. It is a favorite place for German outdoor festivities. Here a summer night festival was given to Franz Abt, the kepelmeister and composer, when he visited America several years ago. The competi tive swimming in the Ohio river was aban doned to-day, because that stream was too full of West Virginia mnd and Conemaugh drift to be safe or comfortable. Early in the morning, before the parade began, the active Turners at the campus were addressed by Colonel Gustav Tafel, the Cincinnati commandant, and by Hon. Ben Butter worth, member ot Congress from the First Ohio district BOTTEBWOETH SHOWEBS COirPLIHENTS. Ben Butterworth made a happy speech. It was a pleasure and an honor to be a par ticipant in this festival. He knew the origin and the objects of the Turners Asso ciation. The purpose was the harmonious, physical, mental and moral development of men. A strong body to a cultivated mind was like a fitting setting to a brilliant gem. The Spartans prized physical culture ex clusively; the Athenians mental culture. The Romans combined the two. The modern Turners made a trinity of culture by adding high moral development to the dual culture of the Romans. "In approval of this idea of culture I am a Turner," said the speaker) He then referred to the rush of the Turners to the front when at the outbreak of tbe re bellion Abraham Lincoln called for volun teers, and mentioned the fact that in 23 hours after the call a large force of Cincin nati Turners were ready to march. He concluded by mention of celebrated German regiments, notably the Ninth, which Mr. Cook called his "bully Dutchmen." Major Butterworth made a great impression as the volume and frequency of the cheers tes tified. At Inwood Park there was plenty of beer, wine, music and women, members of Cin cinnati families and of the families of visit ing Turners. There were refreshment stands where waffles and Wienerwurst were served, steaming hot, and there was gymnastie apparatus for those who chose to use it H0N0E3 FOB THE WEST. The most exciting exercises there were wrestling matches that were improvised from time to time. At 8 o'clock to-night there was a distribution of prizes at the park. In the society contests they were awarded sep arately. There were three groups. The first was composed of societies that repre sented a membership of over 300. The sec ond of societies of over 200 and not over 300. The third of memberships less than 200. In the first group, in which were represented 24 societies, tbe South St. Louis Verein took the first prize. In the second group, with 26 entries, West Minneapolis stood first In the third group, with 18 entries, Dayton, O., ranked first Thii shows that 68 societies were active contestants. In the individual contests there were 58 entries. Emil Goetz, of Chicago, won the first place. In the foot racing, 656 feet, there were four entries. Fred Fashnacht and G. Falz, of St Louis, tied for first place in 30 seconds; Emil Goetz. of Chicago, was second in 30 3-5 seconds, and William Lang, of Chicago, third in 30 4-5 seconds. The procession through three miles of streets this forenoon was a splendid affair, but its great feature was the division of 1,600 active Turners in their gray uniforms. About 10:30 to-night a drizzling rain inter rupted the festivities to the park and many Turners beat a retreat to the "over the Rhine" beer gardens. An excursion by a steamer on a large scale to Coney Island is the programme for to-morrow. Among the awards made to-night was one to,. the Central Turnverein, of Pitts burg, who received a diploma and crown. Diplomas were also issued to the Southside and Birmingham organizations. MR. YARD WANTS A D1T0RCE. Bis Wife Goes Away With the Hatband of Another Woman. f 6PECIAL TELIORAM TO TBE DISPATCH.1 TJniontown, June 25. Considerable commotion was manifested here and in Con nellsville when it leaked out to-days that Monroe Hatfield, son of Cottnty Commis sioner Elias Hatfield, had eloped with the wife of Burgess William S. Yard, of Brqwns ville, he abandoning his wife and four chil dren and the woman deserting her husband and four children. Hatfield has been run ning a grocery store in Connellsville for some months, where he became acquainted with Sirs. Yard, whose hnsband called her to task some few weeks go for receiving visits from Hatfield and obtained from her a promise to do better in the future. Yard was away from home on Sunday and the pair took advantage of his absence to elope. Their course is fudged to be westward, from a letter Hatfield wrotehis father at the time. Yard will make no effort to get back his wife, but will apply for a divorce. ONE DOLLAR FOR THEIR OIL. The Frodacers' Assoclatloa Assured a Nice Profit on Their Biz Boodle. New York, June 25. It is reported in the Stock Exchange that an outside syndi cate has offered the Producers' Association per barrel for the 3,500,000 barrels of pe troleum held by them. The petroleum was taken by the producers two years ago and carried against an option to deliver it at 90 to the Standard Oil Company. This option " expires on Saturday. Probably an Ocean Disaster. Glotjcesteb, June 25. Captain Carlson. of the schooner Annie C. Hall, from the" TtAnk. renort that fnr tliA nut turn vut. Z&S9& t.- .- i-. ..i.. I .11. .rt-.A, t Vl of Sable Island and several in the visink-rt-S, oi iape caDie. ,, r.t, r t